Manual On Transmission Line Towers

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MANUAL ON TRANSMISSION LINE TOWERS (Revised) CHAPTER-11 CONSTRUCTION OF TRANSMISSION LINES TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 9 Central Board of Irrigation and Power Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri New Delhi-110021 New Delhi November 1994 APPENDIX IV Process Flow Chart for Fabrication of Tower Detail arawing Floor layout and shop drawing Material procurement Proto manufacture ] Assembly of tower Se Proto test and approval Mass fabrication Marking 58 Scope Ld 11.2 11.3 1.4 115 11.6 117 11.8 11.9 11.10 iL. 11.12 11.13 CONTENTS Survey Manpower, Tools and Plants and ‘Transport Facilities Environmental Consideration Statutory Regulation for Crossing of Roads, Power Lines, Telecommuni- cation Lines, Railway Tracks, etc. Survey Foundations Erection of Super Structure and Fixing of Tower Accessories Earthing Stringing of Conductors Hot-Line Stringing of E.H.V. Lines Protection of Tower Footings Testing and Commissioning References Annexures 16 17 19 24 26 26 26 27-54 CHAPTER-XI CONSTRUCTION OF TRANSMISSION LINES A. SCOPE ‘This chapter will cover the environmental consideration, urvey, Excavation, Stub-seuting and Concreting, Erection of “ywers, Stringing of Conductor for the Construction of EHV Transmission Lines. 11 SURVEY (Reconnaissance Survey «i Alignment Survey wii) Detailed Survey It would also cover soil investigation of representative stes along the route of the line to establish the distribution of oundations in different types of soils. ‘1.1.1 Erection of Transmission Line Erection of transmition line covers Check Survey, Exca- tion, Setting of Subs, Casting of Foundations. Erection of Towers, Stringing of Conductors and Groundwire, Final necking and Commissioning 112 MANPOWER, TOOLS AND PLANTS AND ‘TRANSPORT FACILITIES 421 Survey Average output per month per gang consisting of about 10 orsons will be: (Alignment Survey 1Skm or (i) Detailed Survey 20km or wii) Check Survey 20 km Wherever topographical survey is to be carried out the ‘put will be less and will depend on the quantum of work. 2.1.1 Tools required for Survey Gang 1. Theodolite with stand 1No 2. Dumpy level with stand 1No 3. Ranging rod + SNos 4. Levelling staff 2Nos 5. Engineers chain 30m 1No 20m 1No 6 Steel Tape 30m 1No ism 1No Survey umbrella 1No Chain pins 30.Nos 9. Spades, Knives and axes for As per clearing the bushes and trees requirement 10, Tents, buckets, water drums, As per camping cots, tables, chairs, requirement and peomax etc 112.1.2 Transport required for Survey Gang Jeep with trailor 1No 11.2.2 Excavation Stub-setting and Conereting, ‘Average output per gang consisting of about 85 persons per month will be Excavation - 400-500 m* Normal soil — 60m? Soft rock + 180 m? Normal soil 150m? Soft rock Output of Hand rock will depend on situation ‘Stub-setting & Concreting = - 60-70 m* 1122.1 Tools and Plants required for Excavation, Stub- setting and Concreting Gang 1. Stub-setting Templates As per requirement 2. Stub-setting Jacks ~to- 3. Form boxes/Chimneys ~do- 4, Mixer machine - Diesel engine driven 1No ~ Hand driven 2.Nos 5. Needle vibrator 1No 6. Dewatering pump 2Nos 7. Air compressor for drilling holes in rock 1No 8. High carbon drilling rods for As per drilling holes in rock. requirement 9. Exploder 1No 10. Water tanker trailor 1No 11, Theodolite with stand 1No 12. Ranging rod 3.Nos 13. Dumpy level with stand. 1No 14, Levelling staff 1No 15, Survey umbrella No 16, Concrete cube mould 6.Nos 17, Wooden shutering & poles As per requirement 18, Mixing sheets 12Nos 19. Measuring box 6Nos 20, Meuil screen - 40 mm mesh 1 No = 20 mm mesh 1No = 12.5 mm mesh 1 No 21, Sand Screen —4.75 mm mesh 1 No 22. . Empty barrel (200 lites capacity) 6Nos 23, SteeW/Aluminium/Wooden ladder G5 m length) Sos 24, 30m metallic tape 1No 25. 30m steel wpe 1No 26, Engineers’ spirit level 2Nos 27, Steel piano wirethread 50m 28. Crow bar 20Nos 29, Pikaxe 12Nos 30. Spade 25 Nos 31. Shovel 8Nos 32. Gamelas 30Nos 33. Buckets 12Nos 34. Iron rammer (4.5 kg) 5Nos 35, Masonry towel 6Nos 36. Manila rope | ~ 38 mm dia) 150 m - (12 mm di) 30 m 37. Pocking rod (16mm dia) -3 mlength — 2Nos 15 mlength —2Nos 38. Blasting materials, binding wire Asper requirement 39, Hammer, Tommy bar, plumb bob, (0.45 ke) Hook, (12. mm dia) spanners (both ring and flat) etc. requirement 40. Tenis, buckets, water drums, camping Asper cots, tables and chairs, petromax etc, requirement 1122.2 Transport required for Stub-setting & Concreting Gang 1, Truck No (For transportation of metal and sand from source, cement, reinforcement steel and other Asper materials from site stores) 2, Tractor with tailor 1No 3. Motor Cycle 1No 11.23 Erection of Tower by Built up Method ‘Average output per gang consisting of about 50 persons per month will be - 80 mt 1123.1 Tools Required for Tower Erection Gang 1. Ginpole/Derric Pole - 75/100 mm dia andof length -8.5-9m 2Noe 2. Polypropylene rope - 25 mm dia 700m 19 mm dia 1000 m -3. Single sheave pulley —closed type 8Nos - Open type. 4Nos 4, Crow bars (25 mm dia and 1.8m length) 16Nos 5. Spanners (both ring and flat) hammers, As per slings (16 mm dia and 1m length) requirement hooks, (12 mm dia) *D’ shackle, tommy-bars 6. Tents, buckets, water drums, camping cots, tables! chairs and petromax etc. Asper requirement 1123.2. Transport required for Tower Erection Gang 1, Truck 12.No 2, Tractor with Tailor 1No 3. Motor Cycle 1No 11.2.4 Stringing of Conductor “Average output per gang consisting of about 200 persons per month will be Tension Stringing method - Machine stringing @ for 400KV Single Circuit -15km (@ for 400KV Double Circuit -8km (ii) for 500KV HVDC Multi-Cireuit -Skm Requirement of manpower and average output per gang for carrying out various types of transmission lines by manual method is furnished hereunder Si Description Manpower Average Output No _ofline (Nos) _per month (km) 1. .66KVSingle Circuit 75 30 2. .66KV Double Circuit 75 15 3. 132kV Single Circuit 100 30 4, 132kV Double Circuit 100 1s 5. 220KV Single Circuit 125 30 6. 220KV Double Circuit, 125 15 7, 400KV Single Circuit, 225 15 8. 400KV Double Circuit. 225 8 1124.1 Tools and Plants required for Stringing Gang for Tension/Manual Stringing 1, TSEssets (Tensionar & Puller of 8/10t capacity) 1 Set 2, Running block for conductor 100Nos 3. Running block for earthwire 60 Nos 4, Head board 2Nos “Construction of Transmission Lines ™ Construction of Trantmassion Lines 2 13. 4 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 26. 27, 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33, 34 35. =e Pilot ware each of 800 m length 10 Nos Pilot wit joint 12Nos Ground roller for Tension/Manual Stinging 30/100 Nos ‘Wire mesh pulling grip (one end open) of required dia for conductor 6 Nos Wire mesh pulling grip (one end open) of required dia for earthwire 2Nos. Wire mesh pulling grip (double end open) of required size for conductor 4 Nos Aniculated joint ~Heavy duty (201) —-10Nos =Medium duty (101) 10Nos =Lightduy 0) 5Nos Drumm mounting jack for conductor drurn of 10t capacity 4 Seis Tum table (5 t capacity) 2Nos Anchor plate (1.5 mx 1.0.x 8 mm) with 15 Nos. Anchor pins (45 mm dia and 850 mm long) 10 Sets Hydraulic compressor machine = 100 t capacity with die seis 8 Nos ‘Travelling ground 12Sets Dynamomeer 10 4Nos -21 2Nos Pilot wire reel stand 4 Nos Four sheave pulley with 12 mm aia 300 m length wire rope 6 Sets Four sheave pulley with 9 mm dia and 300 m length wire rope 2Ses |. Four sheave pulley with 12 mm dia and 150 m length wire rope 4Seis Equiliser pulley (10 capacity) 16Nos . Conductor lifting tackle 4 Seis Winch - motorised/manual 10 Capacity 4 Nos Comealong clamp for conductor (bolted type/automatic) 50/20 Nos Comealong clamp for earthwire (bolted type/automatic) 15/10 Nos Tirfor (5 t capacity) 6Nos ‘Aerial (chair for conductor) 6 Nos Aerial wolly 4Nos Tum buckle = -101 16 Nos ~3t 6Nos ‘Tension/Sag plate (for tensioning purpose) 6 Nos Sag board 8Nos Marking roller 4Nos Mismatch roller 2Nos Joint protector 6Nos Walkie talkie set 4Nos 7. Theodolite with stand 1 No . Thermometer 3.Nos . Survey umbrella 1 Nos ). Hydraulic wire cuter 2.Nos |. Binocular 3.Nos . Flag (red & green) 30 Nos Crow bar (1.8 m length) 10Nos - Nail pullar 6Nos 5. Wire rope ~(19 mm dia) 1000. m ~ (16 mm dia) 150 m (14 mm dia) 900 m 46. Polypropylene rope - (25mm dia) 500m - (19 mm dia) 500 m Shackle - 190 mm long 40.Nos +150 mm long 125 Nos = 100 mm long 125Nos 48, Bulldog clamp - 100: mm ong 35 Nos 49. Hammers, spanners, (both flat and ring) round files, flat files screw drivers, cuting pliers, steel and metallic tapes, hacksaw frame and blades, deadments, scafolding, slingsetc. As per requirement 50, Tenis, buckets, water drums, camping cots, As per table, chair, peromax eve. requirement 11242 Transport required for Stringing ‘Tension stringing Manual stinging 1. Truck "Ne Nos 2 Shp. Tractor 2Nos 1No 3. 35hp/4S hp Tracor 5 Nos 6 Nos and wailors 4. Jeep 2Nos 2Nos 5. Motor Cyete 1No 1No 113. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION ‘The route of transmission line should be aligned in such a way as fo minimise damages to crops and cutting of trees. Special care should be taken to avoid routing of transmission line through lands particularly in Reserved/Protected forests. Evenifline length increases, efforts should be made to keep the line of forests. If forest land cannot be avoided, standard extensions should be provided minimise cutting of trees by ensuring adequate ground clearances. ‘The line also should be kept away from villages, bulk storage oil tanks, oil or pipe Lines, airports, petrol pumps, cluster of hutments, buildings containing inflammable materi- als such as explosives, covton godowns, factories, aerodromes Helipads etc. Important requirement for Choice of Route 2 transmission line connects two points which may be ver stations, power station and another sub-station or -stations. The line route has to be shortest connecting points. However, itis important that due weightage be. hile selecting the route to the accessibility ofthe tine trvetion as well as for maintenance or its total life span. xtdeviation increasing the route length marginally, the vuld be sited in areas which are not inaccessible. It >e possible to transpom the materials and tools quickly of breakdowns. Wherever roads are existing the line >e approachable from such roads. Itshould avoidas far ble waterlogged areas or areas prone to flooding for ‘ods. The transmission ine route should avoid inhabited aving sufficient margin for growth of villages. tshould +faras possible the areas where intensive cultivation is 4S far as possible crossing of orchards and gardens >e avoided. The additional costs to be incurred in crop sation during construction and delay in attending to owns during operation and maintenance should be y weighed against increase in the route length as also in angle towers. It should be possible for the men 1g the line to be able to reach every location, careful ‘onof the towers, insulators and the accessories without -ruction from the land owners. With intensive irigation in areas it may be cheaper to have slight deviation, van having litigation delaying the projectapar from the bbe incurred in making payment for compensation. wooded areas should be avoided. Prior consultations 2e held with the concerned Departments. th these general remarks the various considerations for ice of route and the construction of the line are dis- 1 detail in the following paras. sTATUTORY REGULATION FOR CROSSING DF ROADS, POWER LINES, TELECOMM. JNICATION LINES, RAILWAY TRACKS ETC Road Crossing all major road crossings, including National High- ‘he towers shall be fitted with double suspension or insulator strings depending on the type of towers used. Power Line Crossing rere a line is to cross over another line of the same or lower voltage, suspension/ension towers with stan- tensions shall be used, Wherever the line to be con- 1 is crossing another important line for which shut- 3 difficult, suspension towers with required extensions ination with dead end towers shall be used. ‘Telecommunication Line Crossing angle of crossing shall be as near 90 degrees as 2. However, deviation to the extent of 30 degrees may sitted under exceptionally difficult situations. When the Construction of Transmission Lines angle of crossing is below 60 degrees, the matter shall be referred to the authority incharge of the tclecommunication system, Also in the crossing span, power line support shall be ‘as near the telecommunication line as possible 10 obtain increased vertical clearance between the wires, The crossing shall be in accordance with the code of practice for crossing ‘between power and telecommunication lines. 11.4.4 Railway Crossing For Railway Crossing, towers shall be Angle/dead end type and railway crossing construction shall conform to the regulations for Electrical Line Crossings with Railway Tracks issued by the Ministry of Railways from time to time. 114.5 River Crossing In case of major river crossing, towers shall be of suspen- sion type using double suspension surings and the anchor towers on either side of the main river crossing shall be dead ‘end type. Clearance required by the navigation Authority shail be provided in case of navigable rivers. For non-navigable rivers, clearance shall be reckoned with respect to highest flood level (HEL). 11.4.6 Other Provisions Thetransmission linein the vicinity of Aerodrome shall meet the requirement laid down by the Director General, Civil Aviation, Government of India. 1146.2 Requisite vertical and horizontal clearance to ad- jJacent structures shall be maintained as per LE. Rules. 11.463 Theelectricalclearancerequired for differentkinds of crossing are given in Annexure~"A’ 115 SURVEY ‘The survey of high voltage transmission lines must be carried out accurately and expeditiously. A mistake inthe field lr subsequent office work may cause unnecessary expenditure and inconvenience. tis, therefore, essential that every care should be taken in seting out, levelling and ploting the profile ofthe route. The ccare and fore-thought given at the first stage of surveying goes a long way in achieving economy and successful successive ‘operational stages. ‘The survey of the transmission line till now is being carried out in India by conventional methods using only the Topo sheets and instruments like vernier theodolite, dumpy level, engineers’ chains or measuring tapes, for selecting the route and further field works. iy However, in advanced countries to avoid time over run and cost over run, modem survey instruments and techniques, like Satellite Doppler Techniques, are used for the consiruction of transmission lines as discussed later in this Chapter. 11.5.1 The work of surveying as applied to transmission lines can be divided into the following: = E L. Reconnaisance and route alignment survey 2. Detailed survey Tower spouting Cheek survey 115.11 Reconnaissance and Route Alignment Survey A provisional route of transmission lin is initially ploted on survey maps and a reconnaissance walkover survey is carried out. This is essential to fix up angle tower positions tentatively since many ofthe physical features onthe ground vray not be clearly availabe in the survey map due to devel- ‘opments that might have taken place subsequent to the preparation ofthe maps. “The reconnaissance survey is essential to camry out 10 *ollect the first hand account of various important field data required for transmission line works. ‘The gencral consideration to be kept in view while -stablishing the preliminary route atthe time of reconnaisance Survey are as under: 1. Theroute should be as short and as straight as possible, 2. Wis advantageous to lay the line near 10 or along roadway. The line should be approachable as far as possible. 3. The number of angle towers should be minimum and within these, the number of heavier angle towers shal be as small as possible. 4, Cust of securing and clearing right of way (ROW), ‘making access roads and time required for these works should be minimum. 5. Corridor through which line is taken should have suff- cient space to take care of future load developments. 6. Crossing with permanent objects, such as alway lines and roads should be minimum and preferably atcight angles (reference shall be made 10 the appropriate Railway regulations and Railway elecuification rules as well as Civil Authorities for protection 1 be pro- vided for railway and road crossings respectively. Guarding may not be necessary if fast acting protective devices are provided). 7. Incase of hilly erin having sharp rises and falls in the ‘ground profiles, it is necessary to conduct detailed survey and locae the tower positions. The proposition should be most economical and safe. The following areas should be avoided as far as possible while selecting route: 1. Marshy areas, low lying lands, river beds, earth slip zones etc involving risk wo stability of foundation. 2 Areas subject to floods, gushing nalas during rainy seasons, tanks, ponds, lakes, snow blizzards, hurricanes orsimilar extreme climatic conditions and natural haz- ads, Areas which involve risk 19 human life, damage to public and private properties, religious places, civiland defence installations, industries, aerodromes and their approach and take off funnels habitation of important ‘crops, good farming areas, uneven terrain, quarry sites or underground mines, gardens and plantations. 4. Inaceessible areas where approach roads are not pos- sible. 5. Areas which will create problems of right of way and way leaves, 6. Route involving abrupt changes in levels, too many long spans. river or power line crossings or near paral- lelism to telecommunication lines. 7. Thick forest or areas involving heavy compensatory payments for acquisition of land etc. 8. Buildings containing explosives, bulk storage oil tanks, oil or gas pipe lines, etc. ds, etc, ‘The reconnaissance survey is also essential for collecting the first hand account of various important field data required for transmission line works, which are as under: 1. Major power line crossing details (66 KV and above) 2. Railway crossing details 3. Major river crossing details. 4, Source of construction materials, viz., metal, sand, water etc., along the line. 5. Important rail heads for the purpose of receipt of mate rials, 6. Important villages or stations coming enroute for the purpose of selection of labour carps. 7, Nature of soil strata along the route and the terri 8. Availability of labour, their present rate on daily basis cor on contract bass. 9. Names of the major towns for the purpose of selection, Of site offices. For fixing the final alignment and angle points on the ground as per the reconnaissance sutvey, route alignment survey shall be carried out with a theodolite, survey chains/ ‘measuring tapes/electronic distance measuring instruments 115.12 Detailed Survey The object of carrying out detailed survey is to prepare longitudinal and cross section profiles on the approved align ‘mentand to prepare the route plan showing details of deviation angles, important objects coming within the right of way. General Considerations Work of detailed survey is distinctly done in two stages: 1, Actual field observations taking level readings and calculating distances, level differences, deflection angles, offset distances etc. 2. Plotting of profiles on graphed tracing papers. 5.12.1 Field Observation Recording and Calculations ‘The method of taking level readings for preparation of gitwdinal and cross section profile can be 1. By chain and dumpy level 2. By tacheometric survey with theodolite First method is very useful in plain areas where chaining, fers no problems. This also requires comparatively less illed surveyors. Tacheometric method offers a great advantage in hilly ‘tions and such other inaccessible places where chaining is ‘possible. This method needs skilled surveyors having good derstanding of the use of theodolite. In this method, both traversing and levelling is done by vans of a lacheomeuric thcodolite (theodolite having stadia 2ss hairs fitted in the eye piece). The horizontal and vertical stances are computed by the help of readings of the stadia res taken on the staff held at the reading station. For the 2ory of this method reference may be made to any standard rveying text-books. ‘The above two methods are best explained by means of a orked example of filling field books and calculations thereof ‘Annexure-'B’ of this chapter. 5122 Plotting of Profiles From the field book entries route plan and longitudinal ofile, commonly referred to as ‘Survey chart’ is prepared in 2 drawing office. These charts are prepared and plotted on 1 m/S mm/1 cm square paper of formed drawing sheets of aphed tracing paper, which are available for this purpose to scale of 1:200-vertical; 1:2000-horizontal. These shall show: 1. The longitudinal profiles along the centre-line of the transmission line route. 2. The cross-section profile wherever appreciable differ- ence in level exists withreference tocenue-line level. In such cases the cross-section levels shall be taken at each ‘50/100 m intervals. 3. Route plan giving details of all objects lying within the right of way. 4, Angleofline deviation duly marked left(L) or right (R) as the case may be. Following general considerations apply inthe preparation the survey chants: 1, Objects and their distances along the route within the rightof way from centre line, nearby villages, important roads or rivers should be marked on the route profile. 2. Crossing details with any other power or telecommuni- cation lines,roads.railway lines, canals rivers should bbe marked as clearly as possible. Consiraction of Transmission Lines 3. Readings should be taken and chans should show, levels of roads, canal embankments, maximum water/ flood levels, railway top levels, heights of suppors/ lines being crossed, all tees coming within the clear- ance zone. One typical example of Survey CharvProfile duly plotted with tower locations is shown in Annexure-*C 115.13 Tower Spotting ‘The work of tower spotting is clearly di following five operations: 1. Sag tension calculations. 2. Preparation of Sag Template. 3. Application of Sag Template to decide optimum tower position on Survey Chart. 4. Preparation of Structure Limitation Charts. 5. Deciding tower type and preparation of Tower ‘Schedule, 115.13.) Sag Tension Calculations ‘The span length ie. distance between two adjucent tower locations is fixed at an optimum level by consideration of ‘various factors like line voltage, ground clearance, topography of the area, conductor used, wind, ice and temperature condi- tions, availability and cost of line materials and over all project economy. A detailed discussion on this aspect is beyond the scope of present study and it will suffice to assume that the ‘optimum span length forthe line is fixed by the purchaser. This ‘optimum span iscalled the “Basic Design Span” and forms the basis of all calculations to develop a suitable tower design for the tine ‘Acconductor suspended freely between two suppor takes the shape known geometrically as “catenary”. The dip from the ‘centre point joining the two supportscalled “Sag” being inversely ‘Proportional to the tension in the conductor at null point. For all practical purposes the ‘catenary' can well be simplified as a “Parabola’ without much error. In case higher accuracy is desired in finding the sags (particularly incase of longer spans) acatenary correction can be applied. For detailed discussion on the shape of catenary and parabola, and catenary correction reference may be made to any standard text book on this subject. Since weight of tower supporting the conductor and consequently its cost depends upon its height, the tower is designed for aminimum height which isequal tothe maximum ‘sag at design span (at the maximum anticipated temperature) plus the minimum ground difference required between the ‘charged conductor and ground as pet Indian Electricity Rules. ‘Maximum sag at design span is governed by maximum tension that can be given to the conductor which in tum ‘depends upon the external loading of wind, ice and vempera- ture expected as well as the ultimate tensile strength and other ae yn (Castruction of Tranimassion Lines [aysieal properties of the conductor used. Moreover, from une > siderations of salety of electric installations, Indian Elec rieity Rules demand a minimum factor of safety to be main- + sned in tensioning the conductor. All these factorsarechecked © ing “Sag Tension Calculations’ which fixed the maximum ‘onsion and maximum sag to be taken for design of tower and suinging of conductor. For detailed calculations reference may © made to Chapter VI"Loading” of this manual, | $13.2. Preparation of Sage Template Sag Template isa very important tool for the surveyor by © help of which the position of tower can be decided on the uurvey Chart so a5 19 conform to the limitations of specified 1imum ground clearance required to be maintained as per Rules, between the line conductor to ground telephone lines, buildings, streets, navigable canals, power lines, or any «er object coming under or near the line and the limitation of ‘V-nical load coming on any particular tower. Sag Template consists of a set of parabolic curves drawn ona wansparen paper. celluloid or acrylicclear sheet duly cut tween the curves wallow surveyor to see through them on vhs Survey Charts placed underneath it. The set of curves wonsist of 4. ‘Cold or Uplift Curve’-Showing sag of conductor at minimum temperature and still wind. >. ‘Hot’ or."Maximum Sag Curve™-Showing maximum sag of conductor under sul airand maximum tempera {ure and still wind including sag tolerances allowed if any or under maximum ice condition. Ground clearance Curve-Drawn parallel to curve (2) ‘and ata distance equal to specified minimum ground clearance. Tower footing Curve-For normal tower drawn parallel t0 curve under (3) above and separated by a distance equal to maximum sag at desigii span. Atypical ‘Sag Template’ drawing is shown in Annexure- In erecting an overhead line all the spans cannot be kept ‘wal because ofthe profile of the ground and proper clearance ousiderations. A constant tension is calculated which will be ‘orm throughout the Section. For calculating this uniform orsion an equivalent span or ruling span for the whole section. “the line is chosen, The ruling span is then calculated by the .9..owing formula, Lue fee +L+L, Where LU = ruling span LLL. etc are different spans in a section, ‘The *Cold and Hot’ Template Curves are plowed as parabola, tothe same scale asthe survey chant for the minimum, and maximum sags for the ruling span (normal design span being considered as theoretical ruling span. 115.133 Application of Sag Template for Tower Spotting ‘The Sag Template is applied to the profile by moving the. same horizontally while always ensuring thatthe vertical axis is held vertical. The structure positions are marked where the tower footing curve cuts the profile, while the ground clear- ‘ance curve is just clear and above the profile. The ground clearance curve shall not only clear the route centre line profile but also the profile to the left or right of the centre line upto a distance equal to maximum cross area spread on either side. Besidesnormal groundclearance, the clearance between power conductor and objects ike, other power or telecomunication lines. houses, trolly wires, roads, railway wacks. canal em- bankments etc. shall be checked. Extra clearance can be got either by reducing the span or providing extension to tower body depending on which alternative is most economical, The ‘weight span on either side of a tower can be easily obtained by marking the low points of sags in two adjacent spans and then reading the distance between the two. On inclined spans, null point may be outside the span. This indicates that the total ‘weight of conductor is taken up by the higher tower and the lower tower is being pulled up by a force equal to the weight. of conductor between lower support and the null point. Should the upward pull of the uphill span becomes greater than downward load of the next adjacent span, actual uplift will be caused and the conductor would tend to swing clear of the lower upwards. For an easy check of whether a tower is under uplift or not, the following method may be adopted. The ‘Template is applied horizontally until the 1ops of alternate supponss coincide with the Cold Curve. Ifthe support is under uplift and has to be extended so as to be above it and in case requisite standard body extensions do not suffice for doing this, a tower which is designed to take uplift will have to be used. However, for the stability ofthe line itis not desirable 10 place a tower in such a position where it is always under Permanent uplift condition, ‘The intermediate spans shall be as near as possible to the ‘normal design span. In case an individual span becomes too short on account of undulations in ground profiles one or more line supports of the Section may be extended by insering standard body extensions, In other countries longer stretches of transmission lines in straight run are constructed without Section towers. In India Sections towers may be provided after every 15 tangent ow- ers. To be in line with the construction practices in other countries this aspect needs review in future. I1S.1.34 Structure Limitation ChartsiTowers Spouing Data Since each tower is designed to withstand a definite load only in each of transverse, vertical and longitudinal directions, the surveyor must know these limitations for the various types Of towers available for use on line, These limits are given in a cchart form called ‘Structure Limitation Chan’ or ‘Tower ‘Spotting Data’ which is prepared by the design department. ‘These chants define the limits for permissible ruling span, ‘weight span, wind span, individual span and the degree of line deviation allowed on each tower. These charts are made for normal towers only. Forall special crossings individual tower checking is essential by the design department. Specimen ‘Tower Spotting Data is shown in Annexure-"E" 115.135 Deciding Tower Type and Preparation of Tower Schedule In order to decide the tower type for a panicular location following information is required: — Angle of line deviation on tower. — Whether it is tobe used as section tower or dead end tower — Sum of adjacent spans — Weight span on tower For proforma Tower schedule, Annexure~' be referred to. MS135.1 Weight Span ‘Theanalytical method for calculating weightspanis given below. Distance of “Null point” or “Low point” of conductor from cenure of span is given by formula (see Figs. 1 and 2) ono wood * may please Where X= distance of low point from centre of span in m conductor tension in kg. h= difference between conductor support levels in m ‘Ww = unit weight of conductor in kg/m, and 1 = span length in m Weigh Span For tower A, right hand side only +x For tower B, left hand side only a vet 4x 2 ‘Similarly, weight span for the other side of the towers can bbe calculated and total weight span obtained, Construction of Transmission Lines If the sum A and B calculated for a particular tower is inegauive, the tower is under “uplift. Maximum weight span is obtained under the conditions of ‘minimum temperature and no wind. 115.14 Check Survey Object—Check survey is carried out for the following () To reconfirm the work carried out during detailed survey, Gi) To locate and peg mark the tower position on ground controlling to the route profiles. (iii) To give direction pegs. ‘A. Checking and Line Aligment In this operation traversing is done from the known fixed angle point (the staring point or any other obligatory point fixed by the purchaser) in the direction of given line deviation and upto a distance equal 10 the Section length between the staring pointand the next angle point. Ifthis next angie point is firmly marked in field by means of a permanent peg mark (or concrete burje) then the closing error is noted both in longi- tudinal and transverse directions. Ifthe erroris within 1% ofthe toil Section length it can be ignored and the permanent mark ‘made during detailed survey is taken as correct and necessary correction in the line deviation angle at the starting point is made and noted in the survey chart. Ifthe second angle point reached is not marked in field by the detailed survey gang (or the mark is missing) the angle. point is tentatively fixed at the place reached as per deviation angleat starting point and first Section length and line aligment proceeded to the next deviation angle and next Section length as per Survey Chart. This process is continued till an angle point is reached which is fixed in field either by permanent burjee or by means of identification marks given in Survey Chants. Intermediate checks can also be made by measuring offsets from the line to well defined objects shown in Survey Chants very accurately (but much reliance cannot be given for correctalignment based on offset distance). These objects only guide the surveyor in moving as closely on the correct align- ‘ment as possible. (Once the known angle point is reached then the closing error is judiciously distributed in all the previous temporary Sections and all angle points are finally marked on ground by means of concrete pillar. Once the angle points are marked, correct angle of deviation and Section length are measured and noted on Survey Charts. Any adjustment in Section length is normally done in the last span of that section or in that span where very marginal clearance was kept at the time of tower spoting (if reduction is required) or where enough clearance is available (if increase is required). 8 Spouiing and Peg Marking of Tower Locations ‘Once each angle is fixed in field by the help of permanent Cansiraciion oF Transmuision Lines nis Known, the sur= concrete buriees and exact Section h vevor prox ceds to mark all intemnediate lower positions on the stranght line joining the 2 angle pomes spaced at a distance equal to individual span leash us given on Survey Chart and iter uhe Sante is duly adiusted for the closing error. ctowers In order to help incorrcetaligming all intermedia between 2 any . 3 number ob aligment pegs are given iat the ume oF exact distance measurement of the Section. The 1e Number of alignment pexs die better a will be for the Ie pounts readings as instrument measured in one readin, These peysarealso very usetul when min tower masking burjees are found missing at a later date (due to mischief of local people or negligence of excavauion marking gang). C. Directional Peg Marking for Excavation Pit Marking Directional pegs are essential for correct alignment of tower centre fine along longitudinal and transverse directions On suspension tower, pegs are set along the centre line of route alignment and perpendicular to it, On angle towers these are rotated by an angle equal to half the angie of tine deviauon, 11.5.2. Various survey techniques, depending upon the Field conditions. type of towers and available ime frame are uscd in different countries. Modern methods like Satellite Doppler Technique, Orthophoto Mapping used in many othercountriesarediscussed in Appendix-"A’ 1153 Clearing of Right of Way Having decided on the choice of the route, it is necessary to sce right of way before commencing construction work Information of forest land, cultivated fields, orchards etc., Low or nual point Distance of Null Point or Low Point from Centre Point Figure 1 9 should be obtained alongwith a true assessment of problems facing procurements of right of way and way leaves for access and compensation required to be paid after evaluation of the value of the damaged crops and vegetation with the help of the Revenue Authoritis. ‘The following rightof way widths fordilferent voltages of power lines are recommended st Transmission No Voltage Recommended width of Right of way in meues 66 KV 18 HOKV 132KV 20KV 400 KV £S00KV HVDC 1 S00KV, 85 1s ‘The ccuracy of survey work depends upon, the accuracy of surveying instruments, the prevailing temperatures, the accuracy of placing instruments and their readings. It shall be censured, however, that no measurement should be missed, during surveys and the survey shall be checked where any doubt arises. Tolerant In transmission line surveys where the linear measure- mentsare carried out using an Engineers’ chain over rough and uneven ground the expected accuracy is between 1 in 20010 1 in 250, Low or rl point R224 Figure 2: Distance of Null Point or Low Point from Centre Point TO 116 — FOUNDATIONS 11.6.1 Type of Foundations “The different types of foundations adopted in practice depending on the soil or combination of various types of soils encountered at various locations, their advantages, usefulness and method of construction are described in details in chapter X. However, the same are brought out for ready reference in a ‘nutshell hereunder. Chimney and Pyramid Type ‘Thisis shown in Annexure-'G’ (Figure 1). These are used in normal type dry and cohesive soils having clay percentage of 15 10 30. Form boxes are required to cast this type of foundations. These are generally P.C.C. type foundations. Block Type ‘This is shown is Annexure-"G" (Figure 2). These are used in soft rock and hard rock foundations. Proper care has to be taken to see thatthe concrete is poured in direct contact with the inner walls of the excavated rock. 116.1.3 Under Cut Type ‘Thisis shown in Annexure-"G" (Figure3). Foundations of this type are very useful in non-cohesive typeof soils like hard murrum, Soft murrum, fissured rock, clincker mixed soil However, the latest end is tocast these foundations in normal dry soil too because of certain advantages. Spread Footing Type This is shown in Annexure-'G* (Figures 4 & 5). These foundations can be either step type or chamfered type. These are generally used in wet submerged normal and submerged black cotton soils. 16.15 Anchor Rod Type ‘This is shown in Annexure-"G" (Figure 6). These founda- tions are suitable for hard rock strata. The advantage of this type is the reduced depth of foundation, Auger TypelUnder Reamed Type This is shown in Annexure-G’ (Figure 7). These founda- tions will be useful in case of clayee and firm soils. However, these types of foundations are not popular in transmission lines. 116.17 Steel Plated Type ‘This is shown in Annexure-'G" (Figure 8). These will be useful only in case of good cohesive and firm soils where head loading and mixing is a problem (but not hilly terrain). These type of foundations are not very popular for the normal run of the line. 116.18 Grillage Type ‘This is shown in Annexure-‘G" (Figure 9). These will be used only in firm soils where approaches are a problem. These Consiruction of Transmission Lines ‘are also not very popular in this county. i Well Type Thisis shown in Annexure-"G* (Figure 10). These will be useful in case of submerged locations, river beds and fully sandy strata, 116.1.10 Special Pile Type This is shown in Annexure-'G" (Figure 11). These foun- dations will be very useful in river bed and creek bed having constant flow of water and sea mud toa large depth, In shallow depth, precast driven piles can also be useful Inmarshy sol, the foundation can also berestedoon the wooden, piles driven in the soi. If there is solid rock below the river/ creek bed the pile can rest on it 11.6.2 Levelling of Tower Site, Benching, Revetments and Hill Side Extensions 11,6.2.1 Levelling of Tower Site, Benching and Revetments ‘The location site is normally divided into a number of Bids of 3m x 3 mand the reduced levels atthe all intersection points are taken with respect to centre peg of the locations to ascertain the volume of benchingy/filling that will be required tolevel the tower site. The tower site isto be levelled by cutting the excess earth and filling the down area and is to be brought to the centre peg level of the location. A retaining wall/ revetment is to be constructed to avoid the washing out of retainer earth, Normally a reverument is constructed upto a height of 15 cm higher than the centre peg level of the location. 1162.2 Hill Side Extension In hilly areas where for spouting the locations heavy benching or revetment or both are involved, for normal tower ‘as well as tower with extensions suitable hill side extensions ranging from 2m wo 6m can be used. A sketch of a typical hill side extension is shown in Annexure-'H’ 11.63 Excavation 1.63.1 Pit Marking Pit marking shall be carried out according to pit marking Char. The pit size in the case of open cut foundation shall be determined after allowing a margin of 150mm all round, No ‘margin is necessary in the case of under cut foundations. The depth ofthe excavation atthe pit entre shall be measured with reference to the tower centre level. ‘The design office will furnish the survey gang with an “Excavation pit Marking Chart’ or ‘Excavation Plan’ (Annexure-T") which gives distance of pit centres, sides and Comers with reference to centre point of the tower. These distances are measured and each pit boundary is marked in the field by means of spade or pick axe along the side of the pits. While excavating care should be taken that earth is cut verti- ccally/tapperedsin steps as per the site requirement to avoid any ‘mishap during the course of excavation and foundation work. nee Sonsiruciion of Transmission Lines " Shoring and Shustering In pits excavated in sandy soil or water bearing strata and nicularly black cotton soil where there is every likelihood of ‘1s collapsing, sharing and shuttering, made out of timber, slanks 30-35mm thickness or steel frames of adequate strength sw suit the requirement, will be provided. ‘Sand bedding/stone bedding will be provided in founda- ans of marshy and Wet Black Cotton foundations. 163.3 Dewatering Dewatering shall be carried out manually or by mechani ‘cal means or power driven pumps to facilitate excavation and “sting of foundation. The pumps shall be suitable for handling ud water. Dewatering is not necessary in case of bored foundations extending below water table. In areas where sub-soil water recoupment is heavy and here water cannot be controlled even by use of power driven, ‘mumps weil point system is used for controlling water. In this system a grid of pipes are laid around the area where the pits are cavated and the system is very effective in pumping water snicularly in sandy soils. After commencing pumping op- ‘eration the pit can be excavated avoiding risk of collapse of, -arth, This will ensure proper quality of concreting. ‘Another method is by drilling bore holes of a deeper pit ‘much below foundation level for pumping out water by ordi- nary pumps. Number of bore holes depend on the volume of ab-soil water. Inareas where sub-soil waterrecoupmeatis very apidand water can not be controlled ‘shallow foundations’ will be sseful. 1163.4 Excavation in Rock For excavation in hard rock, blasting can be resorted to. sence shall be made to statutory rules for blasting and use “f explosives for this purpose. No blasting is permitted near permanent work or dwellings. Blasting shall be so made that LAS are excavated as near to the designed dimensions as vacticable. ‘The workof blasting in rock is carried outin three separate vperations (a) Drilling of holes to hold explosive charge (©) Charging of the drilled holes (c) Fixing the charge Drilling of Holes to Hold Explosive Charge Drilling of holes to hold the explosive charge may be done ‘ther manually or with an aur compressor as per the require- snent at the site “The equipment for hand drilling is simple but requires tore man hours and generally consists of ase of ‘Jumpers’ or “Drills which re usually made from 22mm diameter hexago- nal steel bars, mn The jumpers are Im, 1.2Smand 1.Smlongandare suitably shaped. They must be tempered when sharpened. A 2 kg hammer is used for striking the jumper, which is given slight rotation afier each blow. The rate of progress by this in hard rock is 25 to 40cm per hour. When large quantity of rock srequired tobe excavated, an air compressor is used for drilling the holes. Charging of the Drilled Holes ‘The charge consists of gelatine and detonator. Either half or a full gelatine is used as per the requirement. Detonator is normally pressed into the gelatine after making a hole in the gelatine withastick, Detonator isto be pressed into the gelatine Ul it is completely embedded in the gelatine. Then this assembly is placed into holes drilled. 11.63.43 Fixing the Charge “The detonator leads are fist interconnected to form a circuit and later the ends ofthis circuit are connected to the exploder with separate wires. The exploder is kept in a shel- tered spot. To fire the shot the exploder handle is rotated at a high speed. 11.63.44. Procedure in Case of Misfired Shots (a) The misfired shot should not be touched. (B) One should not approach a misfired shot until atleast 15 minutes have elapsed and all connections and handle removed from the exploder. (©) A second hole is to be drilled at a safe distance from the firstandin such a direction as will keep the boring tool clear ofthe first hoe. (@ This second hole is to be charged and fired. (©) Thedebrisistobe searched thoroughly forunexploded detonator and gelatine, 11.63.45 Additional Precautions To protect the persons and animals from injuries from flying debris depending on situation the number of holes to be drilled should be less deep and the pit should be covered with a steel plate. Such controlled blasting is an exception if the transmission line is kept away from villages and inhabited areas. Usual precautions for safety of working personnel are taken in all cases. 11.6.4 Soil Investigation and Classification of Foundation ‘The transmission tower foundation shall be classified bbased on the soil conditions. Optimisation of foundation design and their safety mainly depend on correctness of soil and their analysis. 11.64. Soil Investigation ‘The scope of work includes detailed soil investigation at various tower locations such as railway crossings, major road crossings, power line crossings, river crossings and wherever soil strata differs. However, the soil investigation activites shall be com- pleted alongwith preliminary survey much before the com- ‘mencement of main erection activities. Soil investigation need not be carried out in all the locations of the line. 1164.1. Soil Investigation at Normal Locations ‘One bore hole of 150mm dia shall be drilled a the centre point of the tower. Standard penetration west (S.P.T.) shall be carriedoutat 1 Sm intervalorchange of stataupio therequired depth of 2 times below the depth of foundation below existing surface elevation or refusal whichever occurs earlier. (By refusal it shall mean tata standard penetration blow count 'N’ of 100 is recorded for 30em penetration). Bore details and water table uptorequired depth below existing surface elevation or refusal whichever occurs earlier shall be furnished i the report. 11.64.12 Soil Investigation at Special Locations ‘At certain locations such as rivers banks, river beds or ‘midstream of river and at other places, special soil investiga tion shall be carried out by drilling wo holes each of 150mm diameter at each tower location on the diagonally opposite legs, of the tower, considering the base width of tower as 20m. Standard penetration tess shall be carried out at every 1.5m interval or change of strata till refusal is met subject to ‘maximum of 40m below the existing surface elevation. ‘Undisturbed samples of soils shall be collected at every 2.5m interval or change of strata whichever occurs earlier. Inthe hard rock the bore drilling shall be continued atleast ‘Sm to ascertain its sufficient thickness. 11.64.13 Preparation of Test Reports ‘The investigation report shall contain the following test results: Grain size analysis Nomenclature of soil 3. Auterbergs limit (Liquid and plastic limit only) 4, Triaxial shear Test results containing information about angle of intemal friction and cohesion. ‘5. S.P.T, results containing information about natural moisture content, Specific gravity and Bulk unit weight. 6 Consolidation test, 7. Unconfined compression test 8. Unconsolidated undrained vest 9. Presence of carbonates, sulphates, nitrates and organic ‘matters and any other chemicals harmful to the concrete foundation-obtained from chemical test on soil sample. 10, Forrocky, soil core recovery and crushing strength ofthe rock shall be furnished. Cansiruction of Transmission Lines 11. "The bearing capacities of soil at 3,4 & Sm below the existing surface elevation for normal investigation and at 3,6 & 9m below the existing surface elevation for special soil investigation shall be furnished considering approximate base width of foundation, In addition tothe above the following data also shall be furnished in the report of Special Soil Investigation. 1. Scouring depth incase the locations are atthe bank of river or at midstream, Silting factor in case of midstream and river bank loca- tions where submergence is envisaged, Depth of fill, ifany. Details of water table, water struck etc, Compressibilty of sub-sil stratification. Settlement characteristics ofthe shallow foundations The above test results shall be summarised strata-wise as ‘well asin @ combined tabular form with all relevent graphs, hans, ubles, diagrams and phowgraphs, if any, shall be furnished in the test repons. ‘The test report shall include bore logs. Bore logs of each bore hole clearly identifying the stratification ané type of soil stratum with depth upto the refusal. The locations of water table shall be identified in the bore log. The value of SPT at ‘depth where conducted and various laboratory tests conducted from samples collected at various depths shall be clearly shown against the particular stratum, The report should contain specific recommendation for the type of foundation. In case the soil parameters obuained from the soil investigation report for a particular tower loca tion, differ from the ones considered during design, a fresh design has to be developed for such locations. 11.642 Classification of Foundations Classification of soil shall be made according to IS : 200 (Pant 1) 1974 for footing cast in open pits. The foundation designs shall depend upon the type of soil, sub-soil water level ‘and the presence of surface water which have been classified as follow. 11642.1 Normal Dry To be used for locations where normal dry cohesive or ‘on-cohesive soils are met. } 422 We To be used for locations © (@) Where sub-soil water is met at 1.5 metres or more + below the ground level, (©) Which are in surface water for long periods with ‘water penetration not exceeding one metre below the ground level e.g. the paddy fields or sugarcane fields, Construction of Transmission Lines 116.423 Partially Submerged To be used at locations where sub-soil water table is met between 0.75 metre to 1.50 metre below the ground level. 11.64.24 Fully Submerged ‘Tobe usedat locations where sub-soil water table is within 0.75 metre below the ground level 11.6425 Black Coton To be used at locations when soil is clayey type, not necessarily black in colour, which shrinks when dry, swells ‘when wet, resulting in differential movement extending 0 a ‘maximum depth of about 3.5 metres below ground level 116.42. Fissured Rock To be used at locations where decomposed or fissured rock, hard gravel, kankar, limestone, laterite or any other soil of similar nature is met. Under cut rype foundation is tobe used for fissured rock locations. Rock anchor type foundation can also be used for fissured rock location where the under cutis not feasible. Incase of fissured rock locations where water table is met at LS metre or more below ground level submerged fissured rock foundations shall be adopted. When the water table in such location is met within 1.5 metre from ground level, fully ‘Submerged Fissured Rock type foundations shall be adopted. Hard Rock ‘The locations where chiselling, drilling and blasting is required for excavation, hard rock type foundations are 10 be used. For these locations rock anchoring is to be provided to resist uplift forces. 11.64.28 In addition to the above, depending on the site conditions other types of foundations may also be developed for: 1, Intermediate conditions under the above classifica- tions to effect more economy or 2. Forlocations where special foundations (well ypeor piles) are necessitated. While classifying foundations of Wet, Partially Sub- ‘merged, Fully Submerged foundations mentioned above, the ‘worst conditions should be considered and not necessarily the Conditions prevailing at the time of inspection, For instance, thereare areas where sub-soil water rises when canal waterlet- Outi the fieidsraising sub-soil water to aconsiderable degree. ‘Similarly the effect of monsoon or when the nearby reservoirs are full should also be considered and not the conditions prevailing in open season or summer when work is carried out normally. 11.6.5 Stub-setting ‘The stubs are set in such a manner that the distance between the stubs and their alignment and slope are as per 73 design soso permit assembling of the superstructure without undue strain or distortion in any partof the structure, There are three methods by which this is generally accomplished, (Use of acombined Stub-setting Template for all the four stubs ofthe tower. Gi) Use of Individual Leg Template for each stub. (ii) Use as a Template the lower tower section or exten- sion, where Stub-setting Template is not available. The first method is the most commonly used. The Stub- setting Template is composed of alightrigid framework which holds the stubs at the correct alignment and slope. The Swub- setting Template is generally of adjustable type which can suit, the standard tower as well as towers with standard extensions. The Template is centred and levelled by sighting through transit. The anchors or stubs are bolted to this Template, one at ‘each comer of the Template, and are held in their proper Position until the concrete is poured and has hardened. The Procedure for setting stubs at site is given in Annexure~'J’. ‘The second method is adopted for casting the foundation locations having individual leg extensions or locations having ‘broad base for which use ofa single Template for setting all the fourstubsis unwieldy. The Individual Leg Templatecomprises steel channel or joist having a length more than the size of the Pit, by about 210 3 metres. A chamfered cleat is welded in the centre of the channel/joist to provide the slope to the stub. The stub is bolted to the cleat of the Template for which holes as required for the slope of the stub are provided. The Individual ‘Leg Templates ae initially set on each pitapproximately tothe required position w.rt. the centre point of the tower and after that stubs are bolted to the cleat. The stubs are then brought to proper position w.r. the centre of the tower with the help a ‘Theodolite, Dempty level and a measuring tape, before fixing form boxes and pouring concrete, This type of Templates are very useful for casting the foundations of individual leg extensionsin which the foundation pits are staggered and use of either a normal Stub-setting ‘Template or the fist section ofthe tower isnot feasible. The foundation lay out of unequal leg extensions is shown in 4 wure-"K? .n the third method, lower section of the tower or exten- «lis used for seuing stub. In this method two opposite sides the lower section ofthe tower are assembled horizontally on {{7¥ ground, and the stubs are bolted to the same with correct, (ype and alignment. Each assembled side is then lifted clear of ihe ground with a gin pole and is lowered into the four pits ‘excavated at four comers ofthe tower to their proper size and depth, Theassembly is lifted in suchamanner that stubs are not ‘damaged. One side is held in place with props while the other side is being erected. The two opposite sides are then laced together with crossmembers and diagonals. Then the assembled section is lined up, made square with line and levelled. The properelevation and levelling are done with transit. When the 5 lining and levelling has been done, the bolts are tightened up tomake the frame as rigid as isreasonably possible, Thereafter the form boxes for foundations are built and the concrete is, poured. For heavy towers use of Stub-seuting Template is recommended. 11.6.6 Conereting Type For reasons of economy and progress itis normal practice touse coarse and fine aggregates available along the line route and/of nearest locations to the route. Ordinary plain or rein- forced cement concrete given in IS : 456-1978 shall be used in ‘overhead line foundations. Mixes For main foundation, M 15 or 1:2:4 mix cement concrete shall be used, For lean concrete sub-bases or pads, M 10 or 1:3:6 mix cement concrete may be used. The properties of cconcreteand mix proportions shall beas givenin IS :456-1978. It shall be permissible to proportionate the concrete as follows. 11, Prepare a wooden measuring box of 35 lives ca- pacity (that is equal to I bag of 50 kg. of cement) with inside dimensions of 30cm x 30cm x 39cm alternatively acylinder of ‘34cm diameter and 39m height. ‘The mix quantities according to the measuring box shall eas follo “MIS M10 Cement 1 bag. 1 bag Sand boxes 3 boxes Metal 4 boxes 6 doxes Water boxes less 3 litres ‘box less litre 11, Measurementof water may be made with separate ‘water tight drums of the above size or with 1 or 2 line mugs. 1166.3 One bag of cementis taken to contain 50 kg or 35 litres of ordinary portland cement. 31.6.7 Form Work General ‘The form work shall conform to the shape, lines and dimensions as shown on the foundation design drawings, and be so,constructed as to be rigid during the placing and com- ‘pacting of concrete, and shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of liquid from concrete. It shall be of light design, easily, removable without distortions and shall be of steel or suitable ‘materials, The inner surface coming in contact with concrete shall be smooth and free from projections. Window on one face shall be provided for pyramid forms to facilitate concreting in the lower parts which shall be fixedafter concrete in the bottom partis placed. In bored footings form work may beneeded only towards the top for the portion above ground level. Construciion oT sion Lines ‘The form work for slabs and pyramids shall be made symmetrical about the bases of the chimney to ensure inter- changeable faces. Clearing and Treatment of Forms All rubbish, particularly chippings, shaving and sawdust and waces of concrete, if any, shall be removed from the interior of the forms before the concrete is placed. The surface in contact with the concrete shall be wetted and sprayed with fine sand or treated with an approved composition such as black or waste oil etc, before use, every time. 11.6.3 Stripping Time Under fair weather conditions (generally where average daily temperature is 20 degree or above) and where ordinary cement is used, forms may be stripped after 24 hours of the placing of concrete. In dull weather such as rainy periods and very cold temperature, the forms shall be removed after 48 hours of the placing of concrete. 116.74 Procedure when Removing Form Work All form work shall be removed without much shock or vibration as otherwise it would damage the concrete or the forms. 1168 Mixing 1168.1 Concrete shall preferably bemixedinamechanical mixer, but hand mixing shal be permissible. 1168.2 When hand mixing is adopted, it shall be carried ‘out on impervious platforms suchas iron plain sheets properly overlapped and placed upon level ground. The coarse aggre {gate shall first be evenly spread out in required quantity over the sheets. The fine aggregate shall be evenly spread out over coarse aggregate next. The aggregates shall then be thoroughly mixed together and levelled. The required amount of cement shall now be spread evenly over the mixed aggregates and wet mixing shal stant from one end with required amount of water using shovels. The whole lot shall not be wetted; instead mixing shall proceed progressively. Ifthe aggregates are wet ‘or washed, cement shall not be spread out, but shall be putin progressively. 11.683 Formixinginmechanical mixers, the same order of placing ingredients in the loader drum shall be adopted, that is coarse aggregate shall be putin fist followed by sand, cement and water. 11.68.4 Mixing shall be continued until there is a uniform distribution of materials andthe mass is uniform in colour and consistency but in no case shall mixing be done for less than 2 minutes. Ifthe aggregates are wet, the amount of water shall be reduced suitably 116.9 Transportation 1169.1. Normally mixing shall be done right at the foun- asiraion Of TraRaMaESIOR Lines “ation. In places where i 1S not possible, concrete may be .ixed atthe nearest convenient place. The concrete shall be ~"cndled from the place of mixing tothe place of final deposit as rapidly as practicable by methods which shall prevent tne -gregation oF loss of any of the ingredients. If segregation ves occur during wansport, the concrete shall be remixed sfore being placed. During hot or cold weatherm concrete shall be anspored in deep containers. The deep containers, on count oftheir lower ratio of suriace area to mas, reduce the teof lossof water by evaporation during hot weather and loss ‘heat during cold weather 146.10 Placing and Compacting {.6.10.1 The concrete shall be placed and compacted before ~tting commences and should not be subsequently disturbed, “The placing should be such that no segregation takes place. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted during the acing operation, and thoroughly worked around the rein- “-roement,if any, around embedded fixtures and into comers “form work by means of 16mm diameter poking bars pointed sastheends. Asa guide for compacting, the poking barsmay be ‘rked 100 times in an area of 200mm square for 300mm depth. Over compacting causes the liquid to flow out upward using segregation and should be avoided. ~/6.103 If, after the form work has been removed, the rncrete surface is found to have defects, all the damaged surfaces shall be repaired with mortar application composed of ‘ment and sand inthe same proportion as thecementand sand ‘the concrete mix. Such repairs shall be carried out well fore the foundation pits are back filled. 11.6.104 For precautions to be taken on concrete work in «treme weather and under water, the provisions of IS : 456: “778 shall apply. 6.11 Reinforcement All reinforcement shall be properly placed according 10 “oundation design drawing with a minimum concrete cover of| ‘tam, The bars shall, however, be placed clear of stubs and is where fouling. For binding, iron wire of not less than 9mm shall be employed, and the bars may be bound at ‘auemate crossing points. The work shall conform w I$ :2502- “83 wherever applicable. In case of the foundation having steel reinforcement in ‘ramid or base sia, atleast SOmm thick pad of lean concrete .1:3:6 nominal mix shall be provided to avoid the possibility Teinforcement rod being exposed due to unevenness of the owom of the excavated pt. “6.12 Sizes of Aggregates ‘The coarse aggregate (stone/metal) to be used shall be umm nominal size for slab/pyramid concrete and 20mm ‘minal size for chimney concrete conforming to IS : 383- "979. These sizes are applicable to ordinary plain cement 3 concrete. For R.C.C. works the aggregate shall preferably be of, 20mm nominal size. The fine aggregate (sand) shall be of, preterably Zone I Grade to IS : 383-1979 which is the coarse variety with maximum particle size of 4.75mm, 116.13 Levelling Sub-base To take care of the unevenness at the bottom of the excavated pititis necessary to provide a levelling sub-base not less than 1:3:6 proportion and 50mm thickness. 116.14 Back Filling Following opening of form work and removal of shoring and shuwerings back filling shall be stared after 24 hours of casting or repair, if any, o the foundation concrete. Back filling shall normally be done withthe excavated soil, unless it consists of large boulders/stones, in which case the boulders shall be broken to a maximum size of 80mm. The back filing materials should be clean and free from organic or other foreign materials ‘The earth shall be deposited in maximum 300mm layers, levelled and wetted and tamped properly before another layer is deposited. Care shall be taken that the back filling is started from the foundation ends of the pits towards the outer ends. After pits have been backfilled to full depth, the stub-seting template may be removed. The back filling and grading shall be carried out 0 an elevation of about 75mm above the finished ground level 10 drain out water. After back filling SOmm high earthen em- bankment (bund) willbe made along the sidesof excavated pits and sufficient water will be poured in the back filled earth for alleast 24 hours. 116.15 Curing ‘The concrete after seting for 24 hours shall be cured by keeping the concrete wet continuously for a period of 10 days after laying. The pit may be back filled with selected earth sprinkled with necessary amount of water and well consolidated in layers not exceeding 300mm. after a minimum period of 24 hhours and thereafter both the back filled earth and exposed chimney top shallbe kept wet forthe remainder ofthe prescribed time of 10 days. The uncovered concrete chimney above the ‘back filled earth shall be kept wet by providing empty cement. bags dipped in water fully wrapped around the concrete chim- ney for curing and ensuring that the bags be kept wet by the frequent pouring of water on them. 116.16 Tolerance ‘The tolerances for various items connected.o the founda- tion works of transmission line are as under. 116.161 Stub-seting (Tower Footing) All the stub angles for tower legs shall be set accurately o the grade and alignment shown on the drawings. ‘The difference in elevation between identical pars of any two stub angles sall not exceed 1/1000 of the horizontal distance between the stubs, allowance being made for difference, ifany, in the lengths of legs and extensions. The actual elevation of any stub angle shall not differ from the computed elevation by ‘more than 1/100 of foundation depth. Stub angles shall be located horizontally so that each is within 6mm of its correct position, and the batter ofthe stub angles shall not differ from the correct better by more than either 1/100 of exposed stub length, or by the amount of play as offered by the clearance ‘between boltsand holes ofthe stub-setting template. Toensure ‘greater accuracy, the hole clearance shall not be greater than 1.5mm on the punched side of the Template members. Ifthe actual elevation of stubs is beyond 6cm as found after casting the foundation and on the plus side (thats, if the foundation is raised) equivalent depth of earthwork will, be provided over the top of the foundation as per design requirements with particular reference to such location. By ‘design requiremenis is meant the earth required to resist uplift forces. The following tolerances shall be applicable in ‘case of position of foundations erected with reference to the tower positions spouted on Survey Chants ‘Type of Tower Outof From Centre FromTransverse Alignment Line of Route Centre line Suspension OS degree 25mm 250mm Tension OS degree 25mm 225mm (Sec at bisection ‘of deviation angle) Concrete and Form Dimensions ‘The maximum tolerance on the dimensions shall be +10 ‘mm. All tolerances shall not be on the negative side. 11.7 ERECTION OF SUPER STRUCTURE AND FIXING OF TOWER ACCESSORIES ‘The towers shall be erected on the foundations not less than 10 days after concreting or till such time that the concrete hhas acquired sufficient strength. The towers are erected as per the erection drawings furnished by the manufacturers to facili- tate erection. For the convenience of assembling the wower parts during erection operations, each member is marked in the factory to correspond with a number shown in the erection drawing. Any damage to the steel and injuring of galvanising shall be avoided. No member shall be subjected to any undue over stress, during erection, 117.1 Method of Erection ‘There are four main methods of erection of steel ransmis- sion towers which are described as below: (@) Built-up method or Piecemeal method. (ii) Section method Gi) Ground assembly method. (iv) Helicopter method. Consiruction of Transmission Lines 17.1.1 Built Up Method ‘This methodismostcommonly usedinthis country forthe ‘erection of 66 kV, 132 kV, 220 kV and 400 kV transmission line towers due to the following advantages: (@ Tower materials can be supplied to site in knocked down condition which facilitates easier and cheaper uwansponition. (Gi) It does not require any heavy machinery such as (Gi) Tower erection activity can be done in any kind of terrain and mostly throughout the year. (iv) Availability of workmen at cheap ras. ‘This method consists of erecting the towers, member by member. The tower members are Kept on ground serially according to erection sequence to avoid search oF time loss. The erection progresses from the bouiom upwards. The four sain comer leg members ofthe fist section of the tower are firsterecied and puyed off. Sometimes more than one contigu- cus leg sections of each comer leg are bolted together atthe ‘round and erected. The cross braces of the fist section which are already assembled on the ground are raised one by one as a unit and bolted tothe already erected comer leg angles. First section of| the tower thus built and horizontal struts (belt members) if any, are bolted in postion, For assembling the second section ofthe tower, two gin poles are placed one each on the top of diagonally opposite comer legs. These two poles are used, for raising pars of second section. The leg members and braces of this section are then hoisted and assembled. The gin poles are then shifted to the comer leg members on the top of second section to raise the pats of third section ofthe towerin positon for assembly. Gin poles are thus moved up asthe ower grows. This process is continued till the complete tower is erected. Cross-arm membersare assembledon the groundandraisedup and fixed to the main body of the tower. For heavier towers, a small boom is rigged on one of the tower legs for hoistir purposes. The memberv/sections are hoisted either manually cor by winch machines operated from the ground, For smaller base towers/vertical configuration towers one gin pole is used instead of two gin poles. In order to maintain speed and elficiency,-a small assembly party goes ahead of the main erection gang and its purposes to sort out the wer members, keeping the members in correct position on the ground and assembling the panels on the ground which can be erected as, ‘a complete unit. ‘Sketches indicating different steps.or erection by built up method are shown in Annexure-"L’ Section Method In the section method, major sections of the tower are assembled on the ground and the same are erected as units. Either a mobile crane or a gin pole is used. The gin pole used mee! Construction of Transmssion Lives is approximately 10 m long and is held in place by means of guys by the side of the tower to be erected. The two opposite sides of the tower section of the tower are assembled on the ground. Each assembled sid is thn lifted clear ofthe ground withthe gin or derrick and is lowered into positon on bolts to stubs oranchor bolts. One side is heldin place with props while the other side is being erected. The two opposite sides are then laced together with cross members and diagonals; and the assembled section is lined up, made square to the line. After completing the first section, gin poles set on the top ofthe first section. The gin estsonastrutof the tower immediately below the leg joint. The gin pole then has to be properly guyed into position. ‘The first face of the second section is raised. To raise the second face ofthis section itis necessary o side the footof the gin on the strut of the opposite of the tower. After the two opposite faces are raised, the lacing on the other two sides is bolted up. The lat lift raises the top of the towers. After the tower top is placed and all side lacings have been bolted up all, the guyes are thrown off exceptone which is used to lower the gin pole, Sometimes whole one face of the tower is assembled 6 the ground, hoistéd and supported in position. The opposite face is similarly assembled and hoisted and then the bracing angles connecting these two faces are Fitted Ground Assembly Method ‘This method consists of assembling the tower on ground, and erecting it as a complete unit. The complete tower is assembled in a horizontal position on even ground. The tower is assembled along the direction of the line to allow the cross- arms to be fitted. On slopping ground, however, elaborate packing of the low side is essential before assembly com- ences. After the assembly is complete the tower is picked up from the ground with the help of a crane and carried to its location. and setonits foundation. For this method of erection, level pieceof ground.close o footing ischosen from the tower assembly. This method isnot useful when the towers are large ‘and heavy and the foundations are located in arable land where building and erecting complete towers would cause damage to large areas or in hilly terrain where the assembly of complete tower on sloping ground may not be possible and it may be difficult to get crane into position to raise the complete tower. In India, this method is not generally adopted because of prohibitive cost of mobile crane, and non-availability of good approach roads to tower location. 11,7.1.4-Helicopter Method Inthe helicopter method, the transmission tower iserected in sections. For example botiom section is first lifted on tothe stubs and then the upper section is lifted and bolted to the first section and the process is repeated tll the complete tower is erected. Sometimes a completely assembled tower is raised ‘with the help of helicopter. Helicopters are also used for lifting completely assembled towers with guys from the marshalling 7 yards where these are fabricated and then transported one by one to line locations. Helicopter hovers over the line location while the ower is securely guyed. The ground crew men connect and tghten the tower guys. As Soon asthe euy wires are adequately tensioned the helicopter disengages and listo the marshaling yard. Tis method is adopted where approach is very difficult or tospeed up the construction of the ransmis- sion line 11.7.2. Tightening of Nuts and Punching of Threads and Tack Welding of Nuts Al nuts shall be tightened properly using correct size spanners. Before tightening itis ensured that filler washers and plates are placed in relevent gaps between members, bolis of proper size and length are inserted and one spring washer is inserted under each nut. In case of step bolis, spring washer shall be placed under the outer nut. The tightening shall be carried on progressively from the top downwards, care being, taken that all bltsat every level are ughtened simultaneously. Itmay be better to employ four persons, each covering one leg and the face to his right. ‘The threads of bolts shall be projected outside the nuts by ‘one to two threads and shall be punched at three positions on the top inner periphery of the nutand boltto ensure that the nuts are not lossened in course of time. If during tightening a nut is found to be slipping or running over the bolt threads, the bolt together with the nut shall be changed outright. 11.73 Painting of Joints For galvanized towers in coastal or highly polluted areas, the joims shall be painted with zinc paintonall contact surfaces during the course of erection, 11.7.4 Checking the Verticality of Erected Towers ‘The finally erected tower shall be wuly vertical after erection and no straining is permitted to bring it in alignment. Tolerance limit for vertical shall be one in 360 of the tower height. 118 EARTHING 11.8.1 Each tower shall be earthed after the foundation has ‘been cast, For this purpose, earth strip shall be fixed to the stub during concreting of the chimney and taken out horizontally below the ground level. In normal circumstances, the earth strip shall be provided on No. 1 stub leg as given in Figure 3, i.e, the leg with step bolts. 1182 Tower Footing Resistance ‘The tower footing resistance of all towers shail be mea- sured in dry weather after their erection and before the stringing of earthwire. In no case the tower footing resistance shall exceed 10 ohms. In case the resistance exceeds the specified values, multiple pipe earthing orcounterpoise earthing shall be adopted in accordance with the following procedure, ‘but without interferring with the foundation concrete even Receiving end ot Longitudinal face ‘Transverse face Sending (Feeding end) Figure 3: Designation of Tower Legs, Footing and Face represents leg or pit No. 1 represents leg or pit No.2 represents leg or pit No.3 represents leg or pit No. 4 Tepresents near side (NS) transverse face represents near side (NS) longitudinal face C. represents far side (FS) transverse face D. represents far side (FS) longitudinal face NOTE 1 : Danger and number plates are located on face ‘A NOTE 2: Leg 1 represents the leg with step bolts and anti-climbing device gate, if any. Iftwo legs with step bolts are required, the next is No. 3 leg. PPARDE ion OF I FaREMISSIOR Lines + ugh the earth strip/counterpoise lead remains exposed atthe ond ‘The connections in such case shall be made with the ting lattice member holes on the eg justabove the chimney ». 1.3. Pipe Earth he installation of the pipe earth shall be in accordance 418 : 5613-1976 (Part ll/Bection 2), A ypical example of| type of earthing is given in Annexure-"M" ‘4 Counterpoise Earth Counterpoise earth consists of four lengths of galvanized + tranded wires, each fited with alug forconnestion othe + verleg atone nd. The wiresare connectedto cachof the legs taken radially away from the tower and embedded horizon- suwy 450mm below ground level. The length of each wire is “rally limited w 15m but may be increased if he resistance cuqulrements are not met. Galvanized steel stranded wire svtuably of the same size of the overhead ground wire may “ «x for this purpose. A wypical example of counterpoise yr earthing of tower is given in Annexure- 19 STRINGING OF CONDUCTORS 1y 1 Mounting of Insulator Strings, and Running Blocks yal Suspension insulator strings shall be used on sus- ‘or~'on towers and tension insulator strings on angle and dead, na towers. The strings shall be fixed generally on the wer -sior to the stringing of conductors. Damaged insulators ra “tings, shall not be used in the assemblies. Before hoist- ap’ ol insulators shall be cleaned in a manner that will not | th injure or scratch the surface of the insulator, but in no ‘ae aall any oii be used for the purpose. Security clips shall ar “osition for the insulators before hoisting. Arcing horns or guard rings, if required, shall be placed ‘ig the line on suspension, and facing upwards on tension w "or string assemblies, 1.9...2 Traveller/Running Block Installation stallation of wavellers, including finger lines where 4 requires consideration of wraveller attachment methods vis me need for and location of traveller grounds and uplift For single conductor vertical insulator assemblies, the ossible for the conductor or pulling line on which they are used. Overall diameter of the grip over the conductor or rope should be small enough t0 pass over the sheaves without “amage to the sheave or its ining and the grip must also be capable of mating with a proper size swivel link. Metal bands should be installed over the grip to prevent it «fom accidentally coming off and dropping the conductor. The pen end of the grip should be secured with two bands. This should then be wrapped with tape to prevent accidentally Stripping the ip off the conductor ifthe end were to snag or catch. This is particularly important when these grips are used con pulling lines or between lengths of conductor when more than one rect is strung. The grips will then puss through the travellers backwards and ifthe ends are not banded and .aped, they may slip off, Experience has shown that pulling speed is an important factor in achieving a smooth stringing operauon. Speeds of 3. 44 kmn/hour usually provide a smooth passage of the running board or connecting hardware, or both, over the travellers. ‘whereas slower speeds may cause significant swinging of une traveller and insulator hardware assemblies. Higher speeds create a potential hazard of greater damage in case of a malfunction. ‘The maximum tension imposed on a conductor during stringing operations should not exceed than necessary to clear obstructionson the ground. Thisclearance should be confirmed by observation. In general, stringing tension of about one-half of the sagging tension isa good criterion. If greater tensions are required, consideration must be given to any possible pre- stressing of conductors that may result, based on the tension and time involved. Consideration mustalsobe given tothe fact, that when long lengths of conductor are strung, the tension at the pulling end may exceed the tension at the tensioner by a significant amount. Difference in tension is caused by the length of conductor strung, number and performance of trav- ellers, differences in elevation of supporting structures, etc. Light and steady back tension should be maintainedon the conductor reels at all times sufficient to prevent over run in case of a sudden stop. It must also be sufficient to cause the ‘conductor to lie snugly inthe first groove of the bullwheel and to prevent slack in the conductor between bullwheels. It may be necessary periodically to loosen the brake on the reel stand as the conductor is payed off. As the reel empties, the moment arm available to overcome the brake drag is reduced, and the tension therefore rises. This may cause the conductor to wedge into the underiying layers on the reel ‘The reel should be positioned so that it will rotate in the same direction as the bullwheels. Loosening of the stranding that often occurs between the reel and the bullwheels of the tensioner is caused to a great extent by coil memory in the conductor. AS the conductor is unwound from the reel and sraightensout, the outer strandsbecome loose, a condition that isparticularly noticeable ina large diameter conductorandcan berbest observed atthe point at which it leaves the reel. As the conductor enters the bullwheel groove, the pressure of contact tends to push the loose outer strands back towards the reel where the looseness accurpulates, leading to the condition commonly known as birdeaging. If this condition is not con: trolled, the stands can become damaged to the extent that the damaged area of conductor must be removed. This problem can be remedied by allowing enough distance between the reel and tensioner to permit the strand looseness to distribute along boy the intervening length of conductor and simultaneously main- taining enough back tension on the recl stretch the core and inner strands to sufficiently tighten the outer strands ‘The maximum time conductors may safely remain in the travellers depends on wind induced vibration or other motion Of the conductors. Wind blown sand can severely damage conductors in @ few hours if clearance is less than about 3m ‘ver loose sand with little vegetation. Damage from vibration al sagging tensions is quite possible and, when required, dampers should be installed promptly. However, at lower tensions generally used for initial stringing, damage to con- ductors or sheave bearings, or both, is not likely to occur from vibration, Even for travellers having lined sheaves with root diameters 20 times the conductor diameter, itis important to complete conductor stinging, sagging, plumb marking, clip- ping, spacing and damping operations as soon as possible to prevent conductor damage from weather, particularly wind. ‘Conductor should not be strung ifadverse weather is predicted before the entire sequence can be completed, ‘Sub-conductor oscillation may occurin bundled conductor lines and tie-down methods. Temporary spacers, oF other ‘means may be required to prevent conductor surface damage ‘rior to installation of spacers. Temporarily positioning of one ‘sub-conductor above another to prevent conductor clashing is. undesirable since different tension history will produce sub- Conductor mismatch unless the tensions are low and duration short enough so that creep is not a factor. Conductor clashing, ‘can mar the strands and produce slivers which can result in radio noise generation, Ifa bull whee! type puller is utilized, tne pulling line must ‘be recovered during the pulling operation on a separate piece of equipment. This function is usually performed by a reel ‘winder which is placed behind the puller in an arrangement ‘Similar to the ree! stand at the tension site. These coils shall be removed carefully and if another length is required to be ran ‘out, joint shall be made according to the recommendation of the manufacturers, Drum battens shall be removed just prior to moving drums on drum stands. Drums will be transported and positioned on station with the least possible amount of rolling. ‘The conductors, joints and clamps shall be erected in such ‘a manner that no birdcaging, over-tensioning of individual wires or layers or other deformation or damage to the conduc- tors shall occur. Clamps or hauling devices shall, under erec- tion conditions, allow no relative movement of strands or layers of the conductors. Scaffolding shall be used where roads, rivers, channels, tclecommunication or overhead power lines, railway lines, fences or walls have to be crossed during stringing operations. It shall be seen that normal services are not interrupted or ‘damage caused wo property. Shut-down shall be obtained when, ‘working at crossing of overhead power lines. __ Consiruction of Lransmission Lines ‘The sequence of running out shall be from top to down- wards i.e, the earthwire shall be run out first, followed by the conductors in succession. In case of horizontal configuration tower, middle conductor shall be strung before stringing of ‘outer conductors is taken-up. A sketch of Tension stringing operation is shown in ‘AnnexureP 11.9.3 Repairing of Conductor Repairs to conductors, in the event of damage caused 10 isolated strands ofa conductor during the course of erection, if necessary, shall becarredout during the running ot operations, with repair sleeves, Repairing of conductor surface shall be done oniy in case of minor damage, scuff marks etc. keeping in view both eleciical and mechanical safe requirements Repair sleeves may be used when the damage is fimited 10 the outer layer of the conductor and is equivalent 10 the severances of notmore than one thirdof the strands ofthe outer most layer. No repair sieeve shall be fitted within 30m of tension or suspension hardware fitings, nor shall more than one repai sleeve per conductor normally be permitted in any one span 119.4 Jointing ‘The fullest possible use shall be made of the maximum conductor lengths, in order toreduce toa minimum number of Joints. All the joints on the conductor shall be of compression type. inaccordance with the recommendations of the manufac- turers for which all necessary tools and equipments like com- pressors, die seis etc, shall be arranged. The final conductor surface shall be clean smooth and shall be without any pro- jections, sharp points, cuts, abrasions etc., Conductor ends to be joined shall be coated with an approved grease immediately before final assembly. Surplus grease shall be removed after assembly. All joints or splices shall be made atleast 30 metres away from the structures. No joints or splices shall be made in tension spans. No tension joint shall be used in any span crossing other major power lines. ‘Thecompression type fining used shall bof self-centering, type or care shall be taken to mark the conductors to indicate ‘when the fitting is centred properly. During compression or splicing operation the conductor shall be handled in such a ‘manner as o prevent lateral or vertical bearing against the dies. ‘After pressing the joint the aluminium sleeve shall have all corners rounded, burrs and sharp edges removed and ‘smoothened. 11.9.5 Final Sagging of Conductor and Earthwire ‘The final sagging of the conductor shall be done by sagging winches. ‘After being rough sagged the conductor/earthwire shall ‘not be allowed to hang in the stringing blocks for more than 96 Tangiruchon oF Transmssion Lines ‘ours before being pulled 10 the specified sag The tensioning and sagging shall be done in accordance with whe approved stringing chans before une conductors and arth ire are finally attached othe towersthrough theearthwire “amps forthe earthwire and insulator stings fr the conductor. ‘The sag will be checked in the first and last span of the Section in case of Sections upto eight spans and in one sntermediate span ais for sections with more than eight spans, “he sag shall also be checked when the conductors have been drawn up and transported from running blocks othe insulator amps, The running blocks, which are suspended from the *-ansmission structure for Sagging shall be so adjusted thatthe 4aHS FeAEhL OaMAXINNY Construction of Transmassion Lines 3 ANNEXURE D Typical Sag Template Drawing Cold curve 1 Het curve 2) Ground clearance curve (3) Tower festing curve (4) Noemal span 4600 m PARTICULAR, CONDUCTOR MOOSE ACSA. ULTIMATE STRENGTH 16434 Kg TEMPERATURE RANGE oa775° NORMAL SPAN 400 m ‘SAG OF CONDUCTOR AT MINIMUM TEMPERATURE ‘AT NORMAL TEMPERATURE NO WIND 6. MAXIMUM SAG CONDUCTOR —12.865m EAATHWIRE 10.198 m TENSION AT MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE STILL WIND 8. TENSION AT MINIMUM TEMPERATURE STILL WIND GROUNDCLEARANCE —8.840.m GROUND UNDULATIONS —0.150.m € Se , comma Tamm gE ANNEXURE-E f STRUCTURE LIMITATION CHART/TOWER SPOTTING DATA : (FOR 400 KV TRANSMISSION LINES) Tower Type ‘A'MKD.‘A' ‘BY MKD.“B* °C’ MKD. "Cc" “D' MKD. ‘Max. Angle of Deviation 2 15° 151030" CODE. Vertical Load Limitations ‘on Weight Span. Max. (Min,) Max. (Min) Max. (Min.) Max (Min) Groundwire effect (@) Both Spans 1600 (200) 600 (0) 600 (0) 6000) (©) One Span 360 (100) 360 (-200) 300 (~200) 360 (-300) Conductor effect ; (@) Both Spans 600 (200) 600 (0) 60040) 600 (0) (©) One Span 360 (100) 360 (-200) 360 (-200) 360 (-300) Weights Groundwire effect (@) Both Spans 350(117) 350(0) 350(0) 350(0) (©) One Span 210 (58) 210(-117) 210-117) 210(-175) Conductor effect (@) Both Spans 2405 (802) 2405 (0) 2405 (0) 2405 (0) (©) One Span 1883 @G 1443 (802) 143 (-802) 1483 (802) Permissible sum of es 8tP 15°80 30-800 60-800 adjacent span for 1-838 14-876 29.874 59-868 ‘various deviation 0-878 13-956 28-952 58-936 ‘ angles. 12-1034" 27-1028 57-1004 : 2 26-1104 56-1074 10-1190 25-1182 55-1148 Design (@ Groundwire (@ 32°Full wind 1574 1S61/1574 1s2is7s 1363/1574 Gi) 0° x 2 Full wind 1525 1s2i/ises 14731525 1321525 (©) Conductor (@ 32°Full wind 4470 8864/8940 863578940 7742/8940 Gii) Ox 28 Full wind 4582 9086/9164 8852/9164 7936/9164 ‘ ‘TOWER TYPE 4 18m and 25m Extension (@) Maximum Wind span: 300m for Tower type ‘A’ marked A’ __(b) Deviation Angle O degree (©) Vertical load Limitation on Weight span of Conductor/Groundwire: Maximum Minimum (Both spans 600 200 Gi). One span 360 100 Construction of Transmission Lines 35 ANNEXURE E (Contd) 6A. 18m and 25m Extension (@) Maximum wind span: 400m for Tower type ‘D* marked ‘D’ _() Deviation Angle 40 degree (©) Venical load limitation on weight span of Conductor/Groundwire: Maximum Minimum (Both spans (-) 600 0 (ii) One span (360 (300 7. Way leave clearance 26 metres either side from centre of line of tower. 8. Electrical clearance for Railway crossing Inside station Outside station \ limits (m) limits (m) (2) For Category ‘A’ (Section elecurified on 1500 Volis D.C.) T1665 14.63 (©) For Category “B" (Section already electrified or likely to be converted to or electified on 25 kV A.C. System within foreseeable future 18.63 16.63 (©) For Category ‘C’ (Section not likely to be electrified in the foreseeable future) @ for Broad guage tacks + 1341 1097 (ti) for Metre & Narrow guage tracks 1219 978 9. Minimum clearance between power line to powerline crossing : 6100 mm NOTES: 1. Vertical loads on individual spans are acting downwards for suspension towers. 2. Broken wire condition : As per specification requirement. 3. Maximum sum of adjacent spans for various angles of deviations are subjected to the condition that maximum live ‘metal clearance and minimum ground clearance are available. 4, Limit of Highway crossing span ; 250 metres ‘5. Maximum deviation angle for dead end tower: (a) Line side and Slack span side : 15 degree on either side. ‘ (©) For River crossing Anchoring with longer wind span with 0 degree deviation on crossing span and 30 degree deviation on either side, 6. Angle tower types “B",‘C’ & “D’ are designed for following unbalanced tension resulting from unequal Ruling spans (f 200 m and 400 m on each side of the towers for normal condition only. Temperatures Unbalanced Tension Groundwire Conductor At 32 degree Celsius (Without wind) 80 983 AtZero degree Celsius (Without wind) 85 376 ‘Tower type ‘C’ to be used as Transposition tower with 0 degree deviation. 8. Tower type ‘B’ to be used as Section towers, The number of consecutive spans between two section points shall not exceed 15. 3| fe 3 z g E 8 El Ig - - ee 06€ £ s ‘OWN 26E 961 61 ALYOE0101 or ofa 0f0z 06 t s oid MG t6e Pol sol Vv eat Sl z € ter 902 HV 80 ual soe c v odie Pa 6LE 8 or ov wo 9/al Sussou9 eyeyy ge | z t OeM OBE 061 oer ov 90, sia | DAIL OSy z s adlta Sd LOE ve LOL 6+G = L7.00.2f081 $0. vial (dyad) a (w) na somo wong (w) sueun mop yg 8 woneaD » weds uy suo, st ai (wyueds yy KL se arfuy un “oN aMOL XX XX OX OXX XXX XK —OXK“SNITEHLGO NWN arinaaH9s waMOL : d THAXANNV I Construction of Transmission Lines ANNEXURE G River bea a quiruciion op Transmssion Lines EXCAVATION MARKING CHART ANNEXURE 1 ELEVATION ot T , 7 ' y : E ¢ + aan , ? ; 4 \ 8 aN Z \ i | N , | a 7 Z NI 7 aN oe \ > __» —_| PLAN Dineosions ia wn Dinensons for eit marking «| F » [| ae | aac | asco | aecoe | ancoea UNormail vet tection | 3000 | 2295 | y6ee | asse | sont | ose | oer | saa | 2eusd | | i | Wet location | 3000 | 2295 est | 15077 sere) 10661 12956 16202 | Wet location 3000 | 2295, 1637, 16657 | 6966 1637 13932 7077 am | 3 Construction of Transmission Lines ANNEXURE : J PROCEDURE FOR SETTING STUBS AT SITE BY COMBINED TEMPLATE ‘The Swabs are set with the help of the Stub-setsing Tem- plates, which are supplied loose, ready to be assembled at site. All four excavated pits are to be lean concreted to correct level sighted through level and the stubs are to be placed on the lean ‘concrete pad. Correct alignment is carried out by 0.9 kg Plumb bob 4 in numbers hung from cent of horizontal bracings. Following is the procedure for Stub-setting at si 1 Assemble the Template a per the drawing alongwith the supply. Set the Template as per the drawing a site Place the Stub-seting Jacks below the Template. Align Template, alongwith the line and cenure it over the centre peg of the location. 5. Fix up the stub to the Template and with the help of a astruction of Transmission Lines oe a7 Different Steps of Tower Erection Step No. IX ® Consiruction of Transmission Lines Typical Sketch of pipe Type Earthing - md ols fr counter psn ANNEXURE M Go 0g 25 on nae amc aes ‘eaething strip &D~A * Detail t= 5 and sie s [streaa, — Pipe tattend & died for 12 mm dia bolls t r tha z a : T 2 Detail 3-4 : Det at-B % ¥ Material Regd. Per Earthing Set [E] See ne + Oye Lt a 1m a bm oee tan aac gia i 1 tae mn or Gt ars ay eos 4 aE 2 Gidea das 2 Gira s me da 6 mt et Seas SSSA a ete A ese Be at righ ange fo stub wil Become erizontal ater tt w ANNEXURE N Typical Skech of Counter Poise Type Earthing CL. of Tower trig ‘A Pipe type earthing connection Read length of counter poise wire te sinus of 15.0 m length per leg Sleeve to be compressed after fixing wire | a L 1097 am Ga vire “8 as Construction of Transmission Lines ‘Sketch of Travellers/Running Blocks ANNEXURE O (All dimensions are in ma “a 4 c1s08 [_—.— 39 ———-| re Traveller for Single Conductor ‘Traveller for Bundle Moose Conductor “onstruction of Tranwmassion Lines ANNEXURE P Construction of Transmission Lines 52 wugs} 04 wusy ajoy daan je Bupped auojs jo axis 4se4sow yuauad s1 UL jno paused ¥q pjnoys 410M Ksuosew ay] ‘mojaq UE OSLX OSL XOQE ION KsUoseU Jo} aU0]s Jo 9ZIS ” ugo’s Suipaaxe jou H 10} Ajuo pflen ae g 30 Suo!suauig wupo9 aq TIN "79 Mojaq T1eA waWiand, Jo Yidep UNUIU ayy % doj mojaq WUggE VEY; SS9] Jou aq 04 sajoy da¥A ysow doy Jo 914U9) JeyUori0y $91jua> UST Je aq pynoys sajoy dan juaujanas azjs aB1e] Jo ase uj wupsy x wigs] Jo wiuggl x uO, azI5 Jo 2q Pinoys sajoy daaq paypads asimsayjo Ssajun ww ul ave suOIsUaMIP ty “!s9y0N Uuolj;puo2 ayis ayy uo Bupuadap 054-2068 sejsow yuaues G1 Asuosew su04s 0St=P 000L>H 403 octane 0€2 =P 0001 2H 104 4 (009 ‘Ui! HE: 054*009| 34045 | baped mH ‘wugsy 0} wu Si 204s, 01001 saj0y daayy xu ewIOU FZ) OT Uo}jepunoy aul] uoissusues] Jog UOWYaAIY Jo UO}J2—ag ssOs) ayy BUIMOYS y>D}aNS JeNdAL ¥ © FanXaNnnv Construction of Transmassion Lines MODERN METHODS OF SURVEYI APPENDIX : A (Reference to the clause : 11.5.2) Ll Satellite Doppler Technique ‘Accurateand lexible survey data arenecessary achieve the minimum cost transmission fine routing with the minimum, environmental impact. Precise and reliable topographic data are obtained including detailed and accurate horizontal and vertical terrain information by compiling large scale ‘Orthophoto’. maps of the proposed transmission corridors. ‘These give a ‘Picture’ of the roule which is geometrically correct and overlayed on thisare contour lines which depict the ‘changes in elevation of the land, By studying these maps, transmission corridorsare selected which are most attractive for tower installation purposes. Within these corridors, specific line routes can be defined on the map and profiles of these lines are automatically generated for detailed analy Before mapping is produced points with known coordi- nates are established throughout the area to control the photo- ‘graphs both horizontally and vertically Each of the various components of route survey under this technique are discussed in following paras. LLL. Initial Survey Under initial survey, one or more preliminary transmis- sion corridors are established. These are established with the help of Topo sheets of the region and after having a walkover, survey along the tentative route alignment, 112 Control points are fixed along the route for which the latitude, longitude and elevations are accurately known, An initial reconnaissance will establish the most suitable sites for the control points based on terrain conditions. Control points ‘need not be proposed along the transmission line corridors, they can be at the sides of roads or elsewhere they cause the ‘minimum impact on the land owners. Each of these pointsis 10 havea permanent marker placed on the ground. Thisisbecause the field staff is required to return to the same points again and again during the execution period of the project. Two types of Permanent markers are used. For the preliminary control, a ‘concrete cylinder is placed approximately 6 ft in the ground ‘with the top of the cylinder Mush with the surface. This i used for the 8t0 10points which are surveyed using doppler satelite techniques. Concrete markers are installed along the proposed route 10 provide the overall basis for the control net work. A receiver is placed on each control point 10 monitor the position of satellite. From this information, position coordinates are calculated for the receiver locations on the ground. Controls ‘The remaining points are surveyed using the Inenial Survey system which coordinate the control points (inx,y and, 2) between any two of the previously established doppler points. For these points, a4 ft long steel bar is driven in the. {ground so thatthe top is flush with the surface. inertial Survey System is operated from a helicopter in order to produce large ‘number of coordinated points in a minimum amount of time. 1.13 Orthophoto Mapping Arial survey mapping (Photogrammetry) has a definite application to the planning and design of transmission lines. ‘and is used in the advanced countries both in the preliminary ‘stages of line routing and in the preparation of pian and profile maps for structure plotting. Aerial photography is taken immediately after fixing the ‘control points along the tentative route alignment in order to minimise the loss of targets due to weather or any other problems. Here itis necessary thatthese control points show up very clearly when the aerial photography is taken, Orthophoto is a photograph of the area which is tue to scale in all respects. it gives the transmission line engineer a complete picture ofall ground features with the added bonus of the required vertical data. It is produced from aerial photography using computer technique. ‘A band, approximately 2 kms wide is generally mapped along the preliminary corridors. The horizontal scale for the ‘mapping is 1:10,000 with 1 m contour intervals in the plain section and 5 m contour inthe mountaneous terrain. This gives a good basis for selection of tower site with spot height, accuracy to within 1 to 2 meures. ‘Some of the specific advantages of using photogrammetry techniques for wansmission line survey are as under. 114 Advantages Determines the best route: The broad coverage provided by aerial photographs facititate selection of best line route. Potential routing difficulties can be recognised and avoided before any field activity begins. Also angles can be selected ceasily for efficient and economical use of structures. 11S Economical Aerial surveying has definite economic advantages-both in respect of time and cost. Where mountaineous/rugged terrain, inaccessible swamp land or heavily populated areas are encountered. even greater economies can be realised. 116 Data that could take months 10 obtain by ground survey ccan be obtained by aerial survey in a much shorter period of time. Saves Times 117 Greater Visual Details ‘The use of photogrammetry techniques provides visual eiails as well as permanent visual record of existing features which can not be obtained by any other means. 1.18. More Accurate Engineering. Design & Construction Bids Accurate plan and profile maps can be prepared from photographic enlargement, which help the designers to spot the towers and design the footing with greater accuracy and economy. 119 Flexibility ‘Allnecessar line dat, including tower spoting profiting t1c.can be deteined from the onhophots fr any numberof toute varauion without rtuming to the actuals. In fac Changes inthe ou alignmentean be made with he minimum ditheaty Consiruction of Transmission Lines 11.10 Confidentiat Acrial surveys are confidential and wherefore help in minimising the way leave problems. 11.11 Equipment required and their cost Equipment required for Satellite Doppler Technique are: Equipment for control surveys i.e., Satellite doppler global position system, Inertial survey system and Electronic distance. ‘measurement system. Equipment for aerial photography i. ‘Aeroplane, Camera & Photomechanical laboratory. Mapping equipment-Analytical stereo compilers. Cost of these equipments is definitely substantially high and as such initial investment for acquiring the same is much more. In regard to the operational cost, it may vary due to geographic location, distance from aerial survey station to job site, type of aircraft employed, quality of photography and degree of accuracy required,

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