Graph Theory by Narsing Deo

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with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science



Computer Science Department Washington State University


Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Graph theory with applications computer science. Includes bibliographies. 1. Graph theory. I. Title. TA338.G7D46 511'.5 ISBN 0-13-363473-6

Data and

to engineering


1974 by Prentice-Hall,

Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

10 9

Printed in the United States of America







To the memory of my father, who did not live to realize his greatest ambitionthat of witnessing his eldest son matriculate.





1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 What is a Graph? Application of Graphs 3 Finite and Infinite Graphs 6 Incidence and Degree 7 Isolated Vertex, Pendant Vertex, and Null Graph Brief History of Graph Theory 10 Summary 11 References 11 Problems 12


2-1 2-2 2-3 Isomorphism 14 Subgraphs 16 A Puzzle With Multicolored Cubes 17 Walks, Paths, and Circuits 19 Connected Graphs, Disconnected Graphs Euler Graphs 23 Operations On Graphs 26 More on Euler Graphs 28 Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits The Traveling Salesman Problem Summary 35 References 35 Problems 36 ix


2-5 2-6










3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9


Trees 39 Some Properties of Trees 41 Pendant Vertices in a Tree 43 Distance and Centers in a Tree 45 Rooted and Binary Trees 48 On Counting Trees 52 Spanning Trees 55 Fundamental Circuits 57 Finding All Spanning Trees of a Graph Spanning Trees in a Weighted Graph Summary 64 References 64 Problems 65

58 61





4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8

Cut-Sets 68 69 Some Properties of a Cut-Set All Cut-Sets in a Graph 71 Fundamental Circuits and Cut-Sets 75 Connectivity and Separability 79 Network Flows l-Isornorphism 80 2-Isomorphism 82 Summary 85 References 86 Problems 86






88 88

5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9

Combinatorial Vs. Geometric Graphs Planar Graphs 90 Kuratowski's Two Graphs 90 Different Representations of a Planar G Detection of Planarity 99 Geometric Dual 102 Combinatorial Dual J 04 More on Criteria of Planarity Thickness and Crossings 108 Summary 109 References 110 Problems 110








6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9

Sets with One Operation 112 Sets with Two Operations 116 Modular Arithmetic and Galois Fields 118 Vectors and Vector Spaces 120 Vector Space Associated with a Graph 121 Basis Vectors of a Graph 123 ] 25 Circuit and Cut-Set Subspaces Orthogonal Vectors and Spaces 129 13] Intersection and Join of Wand Ws Summary 134 References 135 Problems 135





7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9

Incidence Matrix 137 Submatrices of A(G) 141 Circuit Matrix 142 Fundamental Circuit Matrix and Rank of B 144 An Application to a Switching Network 146 Cut-Set Matrix ] 51 Relationships among Af, Bf, and Cf 153 Path Matrix 156 Adjacency Matrix 157 Summary 162 References 162 Problems 162





8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6

Chromatic Number 165 Chromatic Partitioning 169 Chromatic Polynomial 174 Matchings 177 Coverings 182 The Four Color Problem 186 Summary 190 References 190 Problems 192



DIRECTED 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 9-9 9-to 9-11



What Is a Directed Graph? 194 Some Types of Digraphs 197 Digraphs and Binary Relations 198 Directed Paths and Connectedness 201 Euler Digraphs 203 Trees with Directed Edges 206 Fundamental Circuits in Digraphs 212 Matrices A, B, and C of Digraphs 213 Adjacency Matrix of a Digraph 220 Paired Comparisons and Tournaments 227 Acyclic Digraphs and Decyclization 230 Summary 233 References 234 Problems 234


ENUMERATION to-I 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5



Types of Enumeration 238 Counting Labeled Trees 240 Counting Unlabeled Trees 241 Polya's Counting Theorem 250 Graph Enumeration With Polya's Theorem Summary 264 References 264 Problems 265 ALGORITHMS AND






11-1 Algorithms 269 11-2 Input: Computer Representation of a Graph 11-3 The Output 273 ] 1-4 Some Basic Algorithms 274 Algorithm 1: Connectedness and Component Algorithm 2: A Spanning Tree 277 Algorithm 3: A Set of Fundamental Ci Algorithm 4: Algorithm 5: Directed Circuits 11-5 Shortest-Path Algorithms 290 Algorithm 6: Shortest Path from a Another Specified Vertex 292 Algorithm 7: Shortest Path between 11-6 Depth-First Search on a Graph 301 Algorithm 8: Planarity Testing 11-7 Algorithm 9: Isomorphism



11-8 Other Graph-Theoretic Algorithms 312 11-9 Performance of Graph-Theoretic Algorithms 11-10 Graph-Theoretic Computer Languages 316 Summary 317 References 318 Problems 321 Appendix of Programs 323









12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6

Contact Networks 329 Analysis of Contact Networks 330 Synthesis of Contact Networks 334 Sequential Switching Networks 342 Unit Cube and Its Graph 348 Graphs in Coding Theory 351 Summary 354 References 354




13-1 ] 3-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6

What Is an Electrical Network? 357 Kirchhoff's Current and Voltage Laws 358 Loop Currents and Node Voltages 359 RLC Networks with Independent Sources: Nodal Analysis RLC Networks with Independent Sources: Loop Analysis General Lumped, Linear, Fixed Networks 373 Summary 379 References 381 Problems 381

362 371







14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6 14-7 14-8 14-9 14-10

Transport Networks 384 Extensions of Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem Minimal Cost Flows 393 395 The Multicommodity Flow Further Applications 396 More on Flow Problems 397 Activity Networks in Project Planni Analysis of an Activity Network Further Comments on Activity "-Ipl·"/11II Graphs in Game Theory 409 Summary 414 References 414




SURVEY OF OTHER APPLICATIONS 15-1 Signal-Flow Graphs 416 15-2 Graphs in Markov Processes 424 15-3 Graphs in Computer Programming 15-4 Graphs in Chemistry 449 15-5 Miscellaneous Applications 454



Appendix A




Appendix B


460 463




The last two decades have witnessed an upsurge of interest and activity in graph theory, particularly among applied mathematicians and engineers. Clear evidence of this is to be found in an unprecedented growth in the number of papers and books being published in the field. In 1957 there was exactly one book on the subject (namely, Konig's Theorie der Endlichen und Unendlichen Graphen). Now, sixteen years later, there are over two dozen textbooks on graph theory, and almost an equal number of proceedings of various seminars and conferences. Each book has its own strength and points of emphasis, depending on the axe (or the pen) the author has to grind. I have emphasized the computational and algorithmic aspects of graphs. This emphasis arises from the experience and conviction that whenever graph theory is applied to solving any practical problem (be it in electrical network analysis, in circuit layout, in data structures, in operations research, or in social sciences), it almost always leads to large graphs-graphs that are virtually impossible to analyze without the aid of the computer. An engineer often finds that those real-life problems that can be modeled into graphs small enough to be worked on by hand are also small enough to be solved by means other On this respect graph theory is different from col calculus, or complex variables.) In fact, the hi one of the reasons for the recent growth of inte Convinced that a student of applied grap the help of a digital computer for handling la algorithms and their efficiencies. In proving have been given preference over nonconstruc II, the largest in the book, is devoted enti graph theory, including graph-theoretic algor tested computer programs for solving problems xv



approach has not been used in any of the earlier books on graph theory. The material covered in Chapter II and in many sections from other chapters is appearing for the first time in any textbook. Yet the applied and algorithmic aspect of this book has not been allowed to spoil the rigor and mathematical elegance of graph theory. Indeed, the book contains enough material for a course in "pure" graph theory. The book has been made as much self-contained as was possible. The level of presentation is appropriate for advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students in all disciplines requiring graph theory. The book is organized so that the first half (Chapters I through 9) serves as essential and introductory material on graph theory. This portion requires no special background, except some elementary concepts from set theory and matrix algebra and, of course, a certain amount of mathematical maturity. Although the illustrations of applications are interwoven with the theory even in this portion, the examples selected are short and mostly of the nature of puzzles and games. This is done so that a student in almost any field can read and grasp the first half. The second half of the book is more advanced, and different chapters require different backgrounds as they deal with applications to nontrivial, real-world, complex problems in different fields. Keeping this in mind, Chapters 10 through 15 have been made independent of each other. One could study a later chapter without going through the earlier ones, provided the first nine chapters have been covered. Since there is more material here than what can be covered in a onesemester course, it is suggested that the contents be tailored to suit the requirements of the students in different disciplines, for example: 1. Electrical Engineering: Chapters 1-9, and I], ]2, and 13. 2. Computer Science: Chapters ]-9, 1], 12, and parts of 10 and 15. 3. Operations Research: Chapters 1-9, and I], 14, and parts of ]5. 4. Applied Mathematics: Chapters 1-11 and parts of 15. 5. Introductory "pure" graph theory: Chapters 1-10. In fact, the book grew out of a number of such cou given by the author at the Jet Propulsion Labo University at Los Angeles, the Indian Institute and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Cha

ve recei~P~ M~rent

the hel individuals and institutions. I am particula Rubin, a dear friend and former colleague at t Mr. Mateti Prabhaker, a former graduate stu

It is a pleasure to acknowledge

tW ~71!'R1VPARK ~
opulsion Laboratoryc,0 ine at the In




Institute of Technology, Kanpur; and Professor Jurg Nievergelt of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for having read the entire manuscript and made numerous suggestions for improvements throughout the book. Other friends, colleagues, and students who read parts of the manuscript and made helpful suggestions are: Professor Harry Lass and Mr. Marvin Perlman of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Professor Nandlal Jhunjhunwala of California State University at Los Angeles, Dr. George Shuraym of Texas Instruments, Mr. Jean A. DeBeule of Xerox Data Systems, Mr. Nicholas Karpov of Bell & Howell, Professor C. L. Liu of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Messrs. M. S. Krishnamoorthy, K. G. Ramakrishnan, and Professors C. R. M uthukrishnan and S. K. Basu of the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur. [ am also grateful to the late Professor George E. Forsythe of Stanford University for his encouragement at the very outset of this project. Support in writing this book was received from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, and the Computer Science Department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Just as one does not thank himself, expressing gratitude to one's wife in public is not a Hindu custom. For the wife is considered a part of the husband, and her coauthorship is tacitly assumed in any book her husband writes. There is little doubt that without Kiran's help this book would not have been possible.






A lineart graph (or simply a graph) G = (V, E) consists of a set of objects V = {VI' V2' •.. } called vertices, and another set E = {el, e2, •.• }, whose elements are called edges, such that each edge e k is identified with an unordered pair (Vi' V) of vertices. The vertices Vi' Vj associated with edge ek are called the end vertices of e k : The most common representation of a graph is by means of a diagram, in which the vertices are represented as points and each edge as a line segment joining its end vertices. Often this diagram itself is referred to as the graph. The object shown in Fig. 1-1, for instance, is a graph. Observe that this definition permits an edge to be associated with a vertex pair (Vi' vJ. Such an edge having the same vertex as both its end vertices is called a self-loop (or simply a loop. The word loop, however, has a different meaning in electrical network theory; we shall therefore use the term self-loop to avoid confusion). Edge e1 in Fig. 1-1 is a self-loop. Also note that


tThe adjective "linear" is dropped as redundant in our we always mean a linear graph. There is no such thing as



the definition allows more than one edge associated with a given pair of vertices, for example, edges e4 and es in Fig. I-I. Such edges are referred to as parallel edges. A graph that has neither self-loops nor parallel edges is called a simple graph. In some graph-theory literature, a graph is defined to be only a simple graph, but in most engineering applications it is necessary that parallel edges and self-loops be allowed; this is why our definition includes graphs with selfloops and/or parallel edges. Some authors use the term general graph to emphasize that parallel edges and self-loops are allowed. It should also be noted that, in drawing a graph, it is immaterial whether the lines are drawn straight or curved, long or short: what is important is the incidence between the edges and vertices. For example, the two graphs drawn in Figs. 1-2(a) and (b) are the same, because incidence between edges and vertices is the same in both cases.



Fig. 1-2

Same graph drawn differently.

In a diagram of a graph, sometimes two edges may seem to intersect at a point that does not represent a vertex, for example, edges e and f in Fig. I-3. Such edges should be thought of as being in diffe having no common point. (Some authors break one a crossing to emphasize this fact.)







SEC. 1-2


A graph is also called a linear complex, a I-complex, or a one-dimensional complex. A vertex is also referred to as a node, ajunction, a point, O-cell, or an O-simplex. Other terms used for an edge are a branch, a line, an element, a I-cell, an arc, and a I-simplex. In this book we shall generally use the terms graph, vertex, and edge.



Because of its inherent simplicity, graph theory has a very wide range of applications in engineering, in physical, social, and biological sciences, in linguistics, and in numerous other areas. A graph can be used to represent almost any physical situation involving discrete objects and a relationship among them. The following are four examples from among hundreds of such applications. Konigsberg Bridge Problem: The Konigsberg bridge problem is perhaps the best-known example in graph theory. It was a long-standing problem until solved by Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) in 1736, by means of a graph. Euler wrote the first paper ever in graph theory and thus became the originator of the theory of graphs as well as of the rest of topology. The problem is depicted in Fig. 1-4. Two islands, C and D, formed by the Pregel River in Konigsberg (then the capital of East Prussia but now renamed Kaliningrad and in West Soviet Russia) were connected to each other and to the banks A and B with seven bridges, as shown in Fig. 1-4. The problem was to start at any of the four land areas of the city, A, B, C, or D, walk over each of the seven bridges exactly once, and return to the starting point (without swimming across the river, of course). Euler represented this situation by means of a graph, as shown in Fig. 1-5. The vertices represent the land areas and the edges represent the bridges. As we shall see in Chapter 2, Euler proved that a solution for this problem does not exist.

B Fig. 1-4 Konigsberg bridge



Fig. 1-5 problem.

Graph of Konigsberg bridge

The Konigsberg bridge problem is the same as the problem of drawing figures without lifting the pen from the paper and without retracing a line (Problems 2-1 and 2-2). We all have been confronted with such problems at one time or another. Utilities Problem: There are three houses (Fig. 1-6) HI, H2, and H3, each to be connected to each of the three utilities-water (W), gas (G), and elec-

Fig. 1-6



tricity (E)-by means of conduits. Is it possible to make such connections without any crossovers of the conduits? Figure 1-7 shows how this problem can be represen conduits are shown as edges while the houses and nnot be vertices. As we shall see in Chapter 5, the graph i r to the problem in the plane without edges crossing over. Thus no. REGISTERED Electrical Network Problems: Properties trant~ j9~H'\IJ..imd ions of otrry'1~&Ya~rors: input impedance) of an electrical network are 1. The nature and value of the elements resistors, inductors, transistors, and so 2. The way these elements are connected to of the network.

the networKMSuch as ~ t is, the topolo~P






Fig. 1-7

Graph of three-utilities


Since there are only a few different types of electrical elements, the variations in networks are chiefly due to the variations in topology. Thus electrical network analysis and synthesis are mainly the study of network topology. In the topological study of electrical networks, factor 2 is separated from 1 and is studied independently. The advantage of this approach will be clearer in Chapter 13, a chapter devoted solely to applying graph theory to electrical networks. The topology of a network is studied by means of its graph. In drawing a graph of an electrical network the junctions are represented by vertices, and branches (which consist of electrical elements) are represented by edges, regardless of the nature and size of the electrical elements. An electrical network and its graph are shown in Fig. 1-8.

e Fig. 1-8 Electrical network and its



of a new club meet each day for lunch at a round table. They decide to sit such that every member has different neighbors at each lunch. How many days can this arrangement last? This situation can be represented by a graph with nine vertices such that each vertex represents a member, and an edge joining two vertices represents the relationship of sitting next to each other. Figure I-9 shows two possible

Seating Problem: Nine members

-----r/ -\----\
I I \ \


J---r--" I I I


" I




.J-\ /
/ / /'1 \ \

I II.....

I 1' <, I I 7-...... II ............


\ \ \




..... -.(

/ /,...""

..... ,.../\

\". /




Fig. 1-9 table.


at a dinner

seating arrangements-these are I 234567 89 I (solid lines), and 1 3 527 4 968 1 (dashed lines). It can be shown by graph-theoretic considerations that there are only two more arrangements possible. They are 1 5 7 3 9 2 846 I and 1 79 5 8 3 624 1. In general it can be shown that for n people the number of such possible arrangements is n-l 2 and if n is odd,


if n is even.

The reader has probably noticed that three of plications above are puzzles and not engineeri to avoid introducing at this stage background theory. More substantive applications will four chapters.




Although in our definition of a graph neither t set E need be finite, in most of the theory and

SEC. 1-4



sets are finite. A graph with a finite number of vertices as well as a finite number of edges is called a finite graph; otherwise, it is an infinite graph. The graphs in Figs. I-I, 1-2, 1-5, 1-7, and 1-8 are all examples of finite graphs. Portions of two infinite graphs are shown in Fig. 1-10.

Fig. 1-10

Portions of two infinite graphs.

In this book we shall confine ourselves to the study of finite graphs, and unless otherwise stated the term "graph" will always mean a finite graph.





When a vertex Vi is an end vertex of some edge ej, Vi and ej are said to be incident with (on or to) each other. In Fig. 1-1, for example, edges ez, e., and e, are incident with vertex V4• Two nonparallel edges are said to be adjacent if they are incident on a common vertex. For example, ez and e, in Fig. 1-1 are adjacent. Similarly, two vertices are said to be adjacent if they are the end vertices of the same edge. In Fig. I-I, V 4 and V 5 are adjacent, not. The number of edges incident on a vertex Vj' with is called the degree, d(v) , of vertex Vi' In Fig.





3, d(v2) = 4, and d(vs) = 1. The degree of a vertex is sometimes also referred to as its valency. Let us now consider a graph G with e edges and n vertices VI' v2, ••• , vn• Since each edge contributes two degrees, the sum of the degrees of all vertices in G is twice the number of edges in G. That is, (1-1) Taking Fig. 1-1 as an example, once more,

= d(v4) =


+ d(v + d(V3) + d(v + d(v~,) = 3 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 14 = twice the



of edges. result.

From Eq. (1-1) we shall derive the following




The number of vertices of odd degree in a graph is always even. Proof: If we consider the vertices with odd and even degrees separately, the quantity in the left side of Eq. (1-1) can be expressed as the sum of two sums, each taken over vertices of even and odd degrees, respectively, as follows:

Since the left-hand side in Eq, (1-2) is even, and the first expression on the right-hand side is even (being a sum of even numbers), the second expression must also be even:

~ d(Vk)

an even number.


Because in Eq. (1-3) each d(Vk) is odd, the total number of terms in the sum must be even to make the sum an even number. Hence the theorem. A graph in which all vertices are of equal degree (or simply a regular). The graph of three utilities s of degree three.





A vertex having no incident edge is cal words, isolated vertices are vertices with zero Fig. I - I I, for example, are isolated vertices. A


ertices v 4 and

e 0




Fig. 1-11 Graph containing isolated vertices, series edges, and a pendant vertex.

a pendant vertex or an end vertex. Vertex v) in Fig. 1-] I is a pendant vertex. Two adjacent edges are said to be in series if their common vertex is of degree two. In Fig. I-I], the two edges incident on VI are in series. In the definition of a graph G = (V, E), it is possible for the edge set E to be empty. Such a graph, without any edges, is called a null graph. In other words, every vertex in a null graph is an isolated vertex. A null graph of six vertices is shown in Fig. 1-12. Although the edge set E may be empty, the


Fig. 1-12

vertex set V must not be empty; otherwise, the by definition, a graph must have at least one
+Some authors (see, for example, [2-9], p. 1, or [ which the vertex set V is also empty. This they call t with E = 0 and V::;t=. a vertex graph. For our pu 0 sequence. For a lively discussion on paradoxes arising null graph, see pp. 40-41 in Theory of Graphs: a Basis Maxwell and M. B. Reed (Pergamon Press, N. Y. 1971).









As mentioned before, graph theory was born in 1736 with Euler's paper in which he solved the Konigsberg bridge problem [1-4].t For the next 100 years nothing more was done in the field. In 1847, G. R. Kirchhoff (1824-1887) developed the theory of trees for their applications in electrical networks [I -6]. Ten years later, A. Cayley (1821-1895) discovered trees while he was trying to enumerate the isomers of saturated hydrocarbons CnH2n+2 [1-3]. About the time of Kirchhoff and Cayley, two other milestones in graph theory were laid. One was the four-color conjecture, which states that four colors are sufficient for coloring any atlas (a map on a plane) such that the countries with common boundaries have different colors. It is believed that A. F. Mobius (1790-1868) first presented the four-color problem in one of his lectures in 1840. About 10 years later, A. De Morgan (1806- 1871) discussed this problem with his fellow mathematicians in London. De Morgan's letter is the first authenticated reference to the four-color problem. The problem became well known after Cayley published it in 1879 in the first volume of the Proceedings of the Royal Geographic Society. To this day, the four-color conjecture is by far the most famous unsolved problem in graph theory; it has stimulated an enormous amount of research in the field [1-11]. The other milestone is due to Sir W. R. Hamilton (1805-1865). In the year 1859 he invented a puzzle and sold it for 25 guineas to a game manufacturer in Dublin. The puzzle consisted of a wooden, regular dodecahedron (a polyhedron with 12 faces and 20 corners, each face being a regular pentagon and three edges meeting at each corner; see Fig. 2-21). The corners were marked with the names of 20 important cities: London, New York, Delhi, Paris, and so on. The object in the puzzle was to find a route along the edges of the dodecahedron, passing through each of the 20 cities exactly once [1-12]. Although the solution of this specific problem is easy to . (as we shall see in Chapter 2), to date no one has found a n condition for the existence of such a route (called H arbitrary graph. This fertile period was followed by half a ce Then a resurgence of interest in graphs s pioneers in this period was D. Konig. He maticians and his own and wrote the first published in 1936 [1-7]. The past 30 years has been a period of inte both pure and applied. A great deal of resea
tBracketed numbers refer to references at the end




done in this area. Thousands of papers have been published and more than a dozen books written during the past decade. Among the current leaders in the field are Claude Berge, Oystein Ore (recently deceased), Paul Erdos, William Tutte, and Frank Harary.


In this chapter some basic concepts of graph theory have been introduced, and some elementary results have been obtained. An attempt has also been made to show that graphs can be used to represent almost any problem involving discrete arrangements of objects, where concern is not with the internal properties of these objects but with the relationships among them.

As an elementary text on graph theory, Ore's book [1-10] is recommended. Busacker and Saaty [1-2] is a good intermediate-level book. Seshu and Reed [1-13] is specially suited for electrical engineers. Berge [I-I] and Ore [1-9] are good general texts, but are somewhat advanced. Harary's book [1-5] contains an excellent treatment of the subject. It is compact and clear, but it contains no applications and is written for an advanced student of graph theory. For relating graph theory to the rest of topology one should read [1-8], a wellwritten elementary book on important aspects of topology. The entertaining book of Rouse Ball [1-12] contains a variety of puzzles and games to which graphs have been applied. 1-1. BERGE,c., The Theory 0/ Graphs and Its Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1962. English translation of the original book in French: Theorie des graphes et ses applications, Dunod Editeur, Paris, 1958. 1-2. BUSACKER, . G., and T. L. SAATY,Finite Graphs and Networks: An Introduction R with Applications, McGraw-Hili Book Company, New York, 1965. 1-3. CAYLEY, ., "On the Theory of Analytical Forms Called Trees," Phil. Mag., Vol. A 13,1857,172-176. 1-4. EULER, L., "Solutio Problematis ad Geometriam Situs Pertinantis," Academimae Petropolitanae (St. Petersburg Academy), Vol. 8, 1736, 128-140. English translation in Sci. Am., July 1953, 66-70. 1-5. HARARY,F., Graph Theory, Addison-Wesley Publishing C Mass., 1969. 1-6. KIRCHHOFF,G., "Uber die Auflosung der Glei Untersuchungen der Linearen Verteilung Gal me gefuhrt WI Poggendorf Ann. Physik, Vol. 72, 1847,497translation, IRE Trans~ Circuit Theory, Vol. CT-5, March 1958,4-7. REGISTERED 0 1-7. KONIG, D., Theorie der endlichen und unendli , Le\Zip.~~'U610·Clt~lsea, ~ New York, 1950. en:) IV 1-8. LlETZMANN, ., Visual Topology, American W New York, 1965. English translation of the R. Oldenbourg K. G., Munich, 1955. 1-9. ORE, 0., Theory of Graphs, American Mathemat 1-10. ORE, 0., Graphs and Their Uses, Random House, 1-11. ORE, 0., The Four Color Problem, Academic

12 1-12. 1-13.



ROUSEBALL, W., Mathematical Recreations and Essays, London and New York, 1892; and The Macmillan Company, New York, 1962. SESHU,S., and M. B. REED, Linear Graphs and Electrical Networks, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Mass., 1961.


1-1. 1-2. 1-3. 1-4. 1-5.

Draw all simple graphs of one, two, three, and four vertices. Draw graphs representing problems of (a) two houses and three utilities; (b) four houses and four utilities, say, water, gas, electricity, and telephone. Name 10 situations (games, activities, real-life problems, etc.) that can be represented by means of graphs. Explain what the vertices and the edges denote. Draw the graph of the Wheatstone bridge circuit. Draw graphs of the following chemical compounds: (a) CH4, (b) C2H6, (c) C6H6, (d) NZ03. (Hint: Represent atoms by vertices and chemical bonds between them by edges.) Draw a graph with 64 vertices representing the squares of a chessboard. Join these vertices appropriately by edges, each representing a move of the knight. You will see that in this graph every vertex is of degree two, three, four, six, or eight. How many vertices are of each type? Given a maze as shown in Fig. 1-13, represent this maze by means of a graph such that a vertex denotes either a corridor or a dead end (as numbered). An edge represents a possible path between two vertices. (This is one of numerous mazes that were drawn or built by the Hindus, Greeks, Romans, Vikings, Arabs, etc.) 3 4




12 I I

21 22


10 9

Fig. 1-13

A maze.







Decanting problem. You are given three vessels A, B, and C of capacities 8, 5, and 3 gallons, respectively. A is filled, while Band C are empty. Divide the liquid in A into two equal quantities. [Hint: Let a, b, and c be the amounts of liquid in A, B, and C, respectively. We have a + b + c = 8 at all times. Since at least one of the vessels is always empty or full, at least one of the following equations must always be satisfied: a = 0, a = 8; b = 0, b = 5; c = 0, c = 3. You will find that with these constraints there are 16 possible states (situations) in this process. Represent this problem by means of a 16-vertex graph. Each vertex stands for a state and each edge for a permissible change of states between its two end vertices. Now when you look at this graph it will be clear to you how to go from state (8,0,0) to state (4, 4, 0).] This is the classical decanting problem. Convince yourself that an infinite graph with a finite number of edges (i.e., a graph with a finite number of edges and an infinite number of vertices) must have an infinite number of isolated vertices. Show that an infinite graph with a finite number of vertices (i.e., a graph with a finite number of vertices and an infinite number of edges) will have at least one pair of vertices (or one vertex in case of parallel self-loops) joined by an infinite number of parallel edges. Convince yourself that the maximum degree of any vertex in a simple graph with n vertices is n - 1. Show that the maximum number of edges in a simple graph with n vertices is n(n - 1)/2.

1-11. 1-12.



This chapter serves two purposes. The first is to introduce additional concepts and terms in graph theory. These concepts, such as paths, circuits, and Euler graphs, deal mainly with the nature of connectivity in graphs. The degree of vertices, which is a local property of each vertex, will be shown to be related to the more global properties of the graph. The second purpose is to illustrate with examples how to solve actual problems using graph theory. The celebrated Konigsberg bridge problem, which was introduced in Chapter I, will be solved. The solution of the seating arrangement problem, also introduced in Chapter I, will be obtained by means of Hamiltonian circuits. A third problem, which involves stacking four multicolored cubes, will also be solved. These three unrelated problems will demonstrate the problem-solving power of graph theory. The reader may attempt to solve these problems without using graphs; the difficulty of such an approach will quickly convince him of the value of graph theory.

In geometry two figures are thought of as gruent) if they have identical behavior in Likewise, two graphs are thought of as equiva they have identical behavior in terms of precisely: Two graphs G and G' are said to there is a one-to-one correspondence their edges such that the incidence relationship suppose that edge e is incident on vertices VI a ing edge e' in G' must be incident on the vertices






v4 e e2

v3 e6 v2

b d


Fig. 2-1

Isomorphic graphs.

and V2, respectively. For example, one can verify that the two graphs in Fig. 2-1 are isomorphic. The correspondence between the two graphs is as follows: The vertices a, b, c, d, and e correspond to v" v2, v3, V4, and vS' respectively. The edges I, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 correspond to el, e2, e3, e4, es, and e6, respectively. Except for the labels (i.e., names) of their vertices and edges, isomorphic graphs are the same graph, perhaps drawn differently. As indicated in Chapter I, a given graph can be drawn in many different ways. For example, Fig. 2-2 shows two different ways of drawing the same graph.

Fig. 2-2

Isomorphic graphs.

It is not always an easy task to determine whether or n

are isomorphic. For instance, the three graphs s isomorphic, but just by looking at them you exercise for the reader to show, by redrawing edges, that the three graphs in Fig. 2-3 are iso It is immediately apparent by the defini isomorphic graphs must have I. The same number of vertices. 2. The same number of edges. 3. An equal number of vertices with a given


ing the vertices


CJO ~. t_dr\~e







Fig. 2-3

Isomorphic graphs.




Fig. 2-4

Two graphs that are not isomorphic.

However, these conditions are by no means sufficient. For instance, the two graphs shown in Fig. 2-4 satisfy all three conditions, yet they are not isomorphic. That the graphs in Figs. 2-4(a) and (b) are not isomorphic can be shown as follows: If the graph in Fig. 2-4(a) were to be isomorphic to the one in (b), vertex x must correspond to y, because there are no other vertices of degree three. Now in (b) there is only one pendant vertex, w, adjacent to y, while in (a) there are two pendant vertices, u and v, adjacent to x. Finding a simple and efficient criterion for detection of i mo still actively pursued and is an important unsolved probl In Chapter II we shall discuss various proposed al grams for automatic detection of isomorphism For now, we move to a different topic. ~


A graph g is said to be a subgraph of a the edges of g are in G, and each edge of g ha in G. For instance, the graph in Fig. 2-5(b) is a 2-5(a). (Obviously, when considering a subgra





(a) (b)

Fig. 2-5

Graph (a) and one of its subgraphs (b).

not be altered by identifying two distinct vertices, or by adding new edges or vertices.) The concept of subgraph is akin to the concept of subset in set theory. A subgraph can be thought of as being contained in (or a part of) another graph. The symbol from set theory, g c: G, is used in stating "g is a subgraph of G." The following observations can be made immediately: I. Every graph is its own subgraph. 2. A subgraph of a subgraph of G is a subgraph of G.

3. A single vertex in a graph G is a subgraph 4. A single edge in G, together

of G. of

with its end vertices, is also a subgraph

Edge-Disjoint Subgraphs: Two (or more) subgraphs g, and g2 ofa graph G are said to be edge disjoint if gl and g2 do not have any edges in common. For example, the two graphs in Figs. 2-7(a) and (b) are ed int subgraphs of the graph in Fig. 2-6. Note that although not have any edge in common, they may have ve "'""~"o be ver graphs that do not even have vertices in co cannot possi joint. (Obviously, graphs that have no vertices i have edges in common.) REGISTERED

Now we shall take a brief pause to ill problem can be solved by using graphs. Two ste the physical problem is converted into a pro


involved here: Firsf(,O




the graph-theory problem is then solved. Let us consider the following problem, a well-known puzzle available in toy stores (under the name Instant Insanity). Problem: We are given four cubes. The six faces of every cube are variously colored blue, green, red, or white. Is it possible to stack the cubes one on top of another to form a column such that no color appears twice on any of the four sides of this column? (Clearly, a trial-and-error method is unsatisfactory, because we may have to try all 41,472 (= 3 x 24 x 24 x 24) possibilities.) Solution: Step I: Draw a graph with four vertices B, G, R, and W-one for each color (Fig. 2-6). Pick a cube and call it cube 1; then represent its


.___ ,....--

Cube I


Cube 2 G R


Cube 3

4 G B

Cube 4 R

Fig. 2-6 colors.

Four cubes unfolded and the

n betweerMliR6tJQHvith three pairs of opposite faces by three edges, appropriate colors. In other words, if a blue in cube ~~_~IX)oace opposite to it, draw an edge between vertices W in die graPh.' fjo the same for the remaining two pairs of faces in uWaterE6NVlIAJiK edges resulting from cube 1. A self-loop with t beled I at vertex RCJO for instance, would result if cube 1 had a pair of both "'U'..,~







red. Repeat the procedure for the other three cubes one by one on the same graph until we have a graph with four vertices and 12 edges. A particular set of four colored cubes and their graph are shown in Fig. 2-6. Step 2: Consider the graph resulting from this representation. The degree of each vertex is the total number of faces with the corresponding color. For the cubes of Fig. 2-6, we have five blue faces, six green, seven red, and six white. Consider two opposite vertical sides of the desired column of four cubes, say facing north and south. A subgraph (with four edges) will represent these eight faces-four facing south and four north. Each of the four edges in this subgraph will have a different label-I, 2, 3, and 4. Moreover, no color occurs twice on either the north side or south side of the column if and only if every vertex in this subgraph is of degree two. Exactly the same argument applies to the other two sides, east and west, of the column. Thus the four cubes can be arranged (to form a column such that no color appears more than once on any side) if and only if there exist two edge-disjoint subgraphs, each with four edges, each of the edges labeled differently, and such that each vertex is of degree two. For the set of cubes shown in Fig. 2-6, this condition is satisfied, and the two subgraphs are shown in Fig. 2-7.

(a) North-South Subgraph Fig. 2-7 Two edge-disjoint subgraphs

w------------G 2

of th


i?0' ~






A walk is defined as a finite alternating s beginning and ending with vertices, such that vertices preceding and following it. No edge ap more than once in a walk. A vertex, however, In Fig. 2-8(a), for instance, VI a V2 b V3 C V3 d V4 e




(a) An Open Walk Fig.2-8

(b) A Path of Length Three A walk and a path.

heavy lines. A walk is also referred to as an edge train or a chain. The set of vertices and edges constituting a given walk in a graph G is clearly a subgraph ofG. Vertices with which a walk begins and ends are called its terminal vertices. Vertices VI and Vs are the terminal vertices of the walk shown in Fig. 2-8(a). It is possible for a walk to begin and end at the same vertex. Such a walk is called a closed walk. A walk that is not closed (i.e., the terminal vertices are distinct) is called an open walk [Fig. 2-8(a)]. An open walk in which no vertex appears more than once is called a path (or a simple path or an elementary path). In Fig. 2-8, VI a V2 b V3dV4 is a path, whereas VI a V2 b V3 C V3 d V4 e V2 f Vs is not a path. In other words, a path does not intersect itself. The number of edges in a path is called the length of a path. It immediately follows, then, that an edge which is not a selfloop is a path of length one. It should also be noted that a self-loop can be included in a walk but not in a path (Fig. 2-8). The terminal vertices of a path are of degree one, and the rest of the vertices (called intermediate vertices) are of degree two. This degree, of course, is counted only with respect to the edges included in the path and not the entire graph in which the path may be contained. A closed walk in which no vertex (except the initial appears more than once is called a circuit. That is, a

Fig. 2-9

Three different eire





intersecting walk. In Fig. 2-8(a), V2 b V3 d V4 e V2 is, for example, a circuit. Three different circuits are shown in Fig. 2-9. Clearly, every vertex in a circuit is of degree two; again, if the circuit is a subgraph of another graph, one must count degrees contributed by the edges in the circuit only. A circuit is also called a cycle, elementary cycle, circular path, and polygon. In electrical engineering a circuit is sometimes referred to as a loop-not to be confused with self-loop. (Every self-loop is a circuit, but not every circuit is a self-loop.) The definitions in this section are summarized in Fig. 2-10. The arrows are in the direction of increasing restriction. You may have observed that although the concepts of a path and a circuit are very simple, the formal definition becomes involved.
Subgraph of G ~ Walk in G A non-edg e-retracing of edges 0 fG sequence Any collec tion of edges in G

A non-mtersecting open walk 111 G Fig. 2-10 Path in G

~ Circuit in G
A non-intersecting dosed walk in G

Walks, paths, and circuits

as subgraphs.



Intuitively, the concept of connect. -dness is obvious. A graph is connected if we can reach any vertex from any other vertex by traveling along the edges. More formally: A graph G is said to be connected if there is at least pair of vertices in G. Otherwise, G is disconnected ected. A n Fig. 2-8(a) is connected, but the one in Fig. 2graph of more than one vertex is disconnected It is easy to see that a disconnected graph is called VS~JQNrhe nected graphs. Each of these connected sub graph in Fig. 2-11 consists of two componen er w~tfCfsktD"t a connected graph- {f. By component is as follows: Consider a vertex Vi definition, not all vertices of G are joined by 'MAJ~8MAmc e edges incident orrJO vertices of G that have paths to Vi' together wit them, form a component. Obviously, a compon aph. -_.0<'·

lIfwCiI§ r,~!!~1l





Fig. 2-11 A disconnected graph with two components.



A graph G is disconnected if and only if its vertex set V can be partitioned into two nonempty, disjoint subsets V, and V2 such that there exists no edge in G whose one end vertex is in subset VI and the other in subset V2• Proof: Suppose that such a partitioning exists. Consider two arbitrary vertices a and b of G, such that a E VI and b E V2• No path can exist between vertices a and b; otherwise, there would be at least one edge whose one end vertex would be in V, and the other in V2• Hence, if a partition exists, G is not connected. Conversely, let G be a disconnected graph. Consider a vertex a in G. Let V, be the set of all vertices that are joined by paths to a. Since G is disconnected, V, does not include all vertices of G. The remaining vertices will form a (nonempty) set V2• No vertex in V, is joined to any in V2 by an edge. Hence the partition. • Two interesting

and useful results involving




If a graph (connected or disconnected) has exactry two vertices of odd degree, there must be a path joining these two vertices. Proof: Let G be a graph with all even vertices+ except vertices 1..', and V2, which are odd. From Theorem I-I, which holds for every graph and therefore for every component of a disconnected graph, no graph can have an odd number of odd vertices. Therefore, in graph G, v, and V2 must belong to the same component, and hence must have a path between them. •

can have at most (n - k)(n - k

A simple graph (i.e., a graph without parallel

and k components Proof: be n i,

Let the number of vertices in each of nz, ... , n i; Thus we have n, -+- n2 -+- '" n,

-+- n


> 1.

tFor brevity, a vertex with odd degree is called an degree an even vertex.





The proof of the theorem depends on an algebraic inequalityt

~ n]

< n2

(k -

1)(2n - k).


Now the maximum number of edges in the ith component of G (which is a simple connected graph) .is }nj(nj - 1). (See Problem 1-12.) Therefore, the maximum number of edges in G is
1 - ~ in, 2 ;_ 1

I)n; = 2


t: 1



n 2 1)(2n - k)] -


1 < 2[n2

(k -


from (2-1)


- k)(n - k


It may be noted that Theorem 2-3 is a generalization of the result in Problem 1-12. The solution to Problem 1-12 is given by (2-3), where k = 1.

Now we are equipped to handle the Konigsberg duced in Chapter 1.

bridge problem intro-




As mentioned in Chapter 1, graph theory was born in 1736 with Euler's famous paper in which he solved the Konigsberg bridge problem. In the same paper, Euler posed (and then solved) a more general problem: In what type of graph G is it possible to find a closed walk running through every edge of G exactly once? Such a walk is now called an Euler line, and a graph that consists of an Euler line is called an Euler graph. More formally: If some closed walk in a graph contains all the edges of the graph, then the walk is called an Euler line and the graph an Euler graph. By its very definition a walk is always connected. Since the Euler line (which is a walk) contains all the edges of the graph, an Euler is always connected, except for any isolated vertices the graph may vertices do not contribute anything to the understa it is hereafter assumed that Euler graphs do n and are therefore connected. Now we shall state and prove an important to tell immediately whether or not a given t Proof'


(n; - 1)


n - k. Squaring both si (n; -


= n2



or ~7= 1 (n~ - 2n;) + k + nonnegative cross terms = n2 for all i. Therefore, ~7~1 n] < n2 + k2 - 2nk - k +






A given connected graph G is an Euler graph if and only if all vertices of G are of even degree. Suppose that G is an Euler graph. It therefore contains an Euler line (which is a closed walk). In tracing this walk we observe that every time the walk meets a vertex v it goes through two "new" edges incident on v-with one we "entered" v and with the other "exited." This is true not only of all intermediate vertices of the walk but also of the terminal vertex, because we "exited" and "entered" the same vertex at the beginning and end of the walk, respectively. Thus if G is an Euler graph, the degree of every vertex is even. To prove the sufficiency of the condition, assume that all vertices of G are of even degree. Now we construct a walk starting at an arbitrary vertex v and going through the edges of G such that no edge is traced more than once. We continue tracing as far as possible. Since every vertex is of even degree, we can exit from every vertex we enter; the tracing cannot stop at any vertex but u. And since v is also of even degree, we shall eventually reach v when the tracing comes to an end. If this closed walk h we just traced includes all the edges of G, G is an Euler graph. If not, we remove from G all the edges in h and obtain a subgraph h' of G formed by the remaining edges. Since both G and h have all their vertices of even degree, the degrees of the vertices of h' are also even. Moreover, h' must touch h at least at one vertex a, because G is connected. Starting from a, we can again construct a new walk in graph h', Since all the vertices of h' are of even degree, this walk in h' must terminate at vertex a; but this walk in h' can be combined with h to form a new walk, which starts and ends at vertex v and has more edges than h. This process can be repeated until we obtain a closed walk that traverses all the edges of G. Thus G is an Euler graph. •


Konigsberg Bridge Problem: Now looking at the graph of the Konigsberg

bridges (Fig. 1-5), we find that not all its vertices are of even degree. Hence, it is not an Euler graph. Thus it is not possible to walk over each of the seven bridges exactly once and return to the starting point. One often encounters Euler lines in various puzzles. The problem common to these puzzles is to find how a given picture can be dra line without retracing and without lifting the pencil f pictures are shown in Fig. 2-12. The drawing in F med's scimitars and is believed to have come fr 2-12(b) is, of course, the star of David. (Equal In defining an Euler line some authors drop be closed. For example, the walk a I c 2 d 3 a includes all the edges of the graph and does n The initial vertex is a and the final vertex is walk that includes (or traces or covers) all ed any edge a unicursal line or an open Euler line. a unicursal line will be called a unicursal graph.

SEC. 2-6






Two Euler graphs.


Unicursal graph.

It is clear that by adding an edge between the initial and final vertices of a unicursalline we shall get an Euler line. Thus a connected graph is unicursal if and only if it has exactly two vertices of odd degree. This observation can be generalized as follows:


In a connected graph G with exactly 2k odd vertices, subgraphs such that they together contain all edges of G a graph. Proof: Let the odd vertices of the given gra , Wk in any arbitrary order. Add k (VI. WI), (1'2, W2), ..• , (rko Wk) to form a new Since every vertex of G' is of even degree, G' if we remove from p the k edges we just added ( on the same vertex), p will be split into k walks, The first removal will leave a single unicursal Ii that into two unicursal lines; and each successive line into two unicursal lines, until there are k of
WI, W2, •••




We shall interrupt our study of Euler graphs to define some commonly used graph-theoretic operations. One of these operations is required immediately in the next section; others will be needed later.

As is the case with most mathematical entities, it is convenient to consider a large graph as a combination of small ones and to derive its properties from those of the small ones. Since graphs are defined in terms of the sets of vertices and edges, it is natural to employ the set-theoretical terminology to define operations between graphs. In particular: The union of two graphs GI = (VI' £1) and G2 = (V2' £2) is another graph G3 (written as G3 = GI U G2) whose vertex set V3 = VI U V2 and the edge set E3 = E, U £2' Likewise, the intersection Gin G2 of graphs Gland G2 is a graph G 4 consisting only of those vertices and edges that are in both G I and G2• The ring sum of two graphs Gland G2 (written as G I EB G2) is a graph consisting ofthe vertex set VI U V2 and of edges that are either in G1 or G2, but not in both. Two graphs and their union, intersection, and ring sum are shown in Fig. 2-14. t It is obvious from their definitions that the three operations just mentioned are commutative. That is, GI G1


= =

G2 G2




If G1 and G2 are edge disjoint, then GI n G2 is a null graph, and G1 G1 U G2• If GI and G2 are vertex disjoint, then G1 n G2 is empty. For any graph G, G and


G = G n G = G,


a null graph.

If g is a subgraph of G, then G EB g is, by definition, that s remains after all the edges in g have been removed is written as G - g, whenever g c G. Because of G EB g = G - g is often called the complement

A graph G is said to have gl


graphs gland and

g2 if s,


gl n g2 = a null

+If an edge e, is in two graphs G1 and G2• its end as in G2•










e I G1



G I U G2









Union, intersection, and ring sum of two graphs.

In other words, every edge of G occurs either in gl or in g2' but not in both. Some of the vertices, however, may occur in both gl and g2' In decomposition, isolated vertices are disregarded. A graph containing m edges {ep e2, ... , em} can be decomposed in 2m-I - I different ways into pairs of subgraphs s.. g2 (why?). Although union, intersection, and ring sum have of graphs, these definitions can be extended in an obv into ,.,._. ......... finite number of graphs. Similarly, a graph G ca than two subgraphs-subgraphs that are (pai ge disjoint and co ~ lectively include every edge in G. REGISTERED Deletion: If Vj is a vertex in graph G, then G obtained by deleting (i.e., removing) Vi f implies the deletion of all edges incident on is an edge in G, then G - e j is a subgraph of G. Deletion of an edge does not imply deletion G - ej = Gffiej•






G Fig. 2-15 Vertex deletion and edge deletion.

Fusion: A pair of vertices a, b in a graph are said to be fused (merged or identified) if the two vertices are replaced by a single new vertex such that every edge that was incident on either a or b or on both is incident on the new vertex. Thus fusion of two vertices does not alter the number of edges, but it reduces the number of vertices by one. See Fig. 2-16 for an example.

Fig. 2-16

Fusion of vertices a and b.

These are some of the elementary operations on graphs. More complex operations have been defined and are used in graph-theory literature. For a survey of such operations see the paper by Harary and Wil [22-8. MORE ON EULER GRAPHS

The following are some more graphs.



A connected graph G is an Euler graph if

into circuits. Suppose graph G can be decomposed . of edge-disjoint circuits. Since the degree of every degree of every vertex in G is even. Hence G is an





Conversely, let G be an Euler graph. Consider a vertex VI. There are at least two edges incident at '1.,'1. Let one of these edges be between VI and V2. Since vertex V2 is also of even degree, it must have at least another edge, say between V2 and V3. Proceeding in this fashion, we eventually arrive at a vertex that has previously been traversed, thus forming a circuit r. Let us remove r from G. All vertices in the remaining graph (not necessarily connected) must also be of even degree. From the remaining graph remove another circuit in exactly the same way as we removed r from G. Continue this process until no edges are left. Hence the theorem. • the graph in Fig. 2-17, which is an Euler graph. Suppose that we start from vertex a and trace the path abc.

Arbitrarily Traceable Graphs: Consider

d ..... ----e

Fig. 2-17 from c.

Arbitrarily traceable graph

Now at c we have the choice of going to a, d, or e. If we took the first choice, we would only trace the circuit abc a, which is not an Euler line. Thus, starting from a, we cannot trace the entire Euler' line simply by moving along any edge that has not already been traversed. This raises the following interesting question: What property must a vertex v in an Euler graph have such that an Euler line is always obtained when one follows any walk from vertex v according to the single rule that whenever one arrives at a vertex one shall select any edge (which has not been previously traversed)? Such a graph is called an arbitrarily traceable graph from vertex v. For instance, the Euler graph in Fig. 2-17 is an arbitrarily traceable graph from vertex c, but not from any other vertex. The Euler graph in Fig. 2-18 is not arbitrarily traceable from any vertex; the graph in Fig. 2-1 itrarily






traceable from all its vertices. The following interesting theorem, due to Ore [2-5], answers the question just raised.


An Euler graph G is arbitrarily traceable from vertex v in G if and only if every circuit in G contains v. For a proof of the theorem the reader is referred to [2-5].

An Euler line of a connected graph was characterized by the property of being a closed walk that traverses every edge of the graph (exactly once). A Hamiltonian circuit in a connected graph is defined as a closed walk that traverses every vertex of G exactly once, except of course the starting vertex, at which the walk also terminates. For example, in the graph of Fig. 2-20(a)

v (a) (b)

Fig. 2-20



starting at vertex v, if one traverses along the edges passing through each vertex exactly once-one o shown by hea A Hamiltonian circuit for the graph in Fig. 2lines. More formally: EGISTFR~n oman If lC'inciu'aes A circuit in a connected graph G is said to every vertex of G. Hence a Hamiltonian circui graph ofVE:R&lGNsists of exactly n edges. Obviously, not every connected graph example, neither of the graphs shown in Fig tonian circuit. This raises the question: What I condition for a connected graph G to have a H

SEC. 2-9







Fig. 2-21 circuit.


and its graph shown with a Hamiltonian

This problem, first posed by the famous Irish mathematician Sir William Rowan Hamilton in 1859, is still unsolved. As was mentioned in Chapter I, Hamilton made a regular dodecahedron of wood [see Fig. 2-21 (a)], each of whose 20 corners was marked with the name of a city. The puzzle was to start from any city and find a route along the edge of the dodecahedron that passes through every city exactly once and returns to the city of origin. The graph of the dodecahedron is given in Fig. 2-21 (b), and one of many such routes (a Hamiltonian circuit) is shown by heavy lines. The resemblance between the problem of an Euler line and that of a Hamiltonian circuit is deceptive. The latter is infinitely more complex. Although one can find Hamiltonian circuits in many specific graphs, such as those shown in Figs. 2-20 and 2-21, there is no known criterion we can apply to determine the existence of a Hamiltonian circuit in general. There are, however, certain types of graphs that always contain Hamiltonian circuits,as will be presently shown. Hamiltonian Path: If we remove anyone edge from a Hamiltonian circuit, we are left with a path. This path is called a Hamiltonian path. Clearly, a Hamiltonian path in a graph G traverses every vertex tonian path is a subgraph of a Hamiltonian circuit graph of another graph), every graph that has a a Hamiltonian path. There are, however, many with Harniltoni paths that have no Hamiltonian circuits ( Hamiltonian path (if it exists) in a connected In considering the existence of a Hamilt circuit (MSRrSJQMeed only consider simple graphs. This is because miltonia21'l1r;~(N €fth) traverses every vertex exactly once. Hence i t inclUde a se'1f-loop or a set of parallel edges. Thus a general graph rna iliB8~~ parallel edges and self-loops before looking for a an circuit in it. CJO It is left as an exercise for the reader to show t the two








Fig. 2-22

Graphs without Hamiltonian


shown in Fig. 2-22 has a Hamiltonian circuit (or Hamiltonian path). See Problem 2-24. What general class of graphs is guaranteed to have a Hamiltonian circuit? Complete graphs of three or more vertices constitute one such class. Complete Graph: A simple graph in which there exists an edge between every pair of vertices is called a complete graph. Complete graphs of two, three, four, and five vertices are shown in Fig. 2-23. A complete graph is

Fig. 2-23 Complete graphs of two, three, four, and five vertices.

sometimes also referred to as a universal graph or a clique. Since every vertex is joined with every other vertex through one edge, the is n - 1 in a complete graph G of n vertices. Also in G is n(n - I)/2. See Problem 1-12. It is easy to construct a Hamiltonian circui vertices. Let the vertices be numbered V" V2, between any two vertices, we can start from V I so on to vn' and finally from Vn to VI. This is Number of Hamiltonian Circuits in a G more than one Hamiltonian circuit. Of i Hamiltonian circuits in a graph. The determi edge-disjoint Hamiltonian circuits (or paths) in a unsolved problem. However, the number of ed





cuits in a complete 2-8.


graph with odd number

of vertices is given by Theorem


In a complete graph with n vertices there are (n - 1)/2 edge-disjoint Hamiltonian circuits, if n is an odd number > 3. A complete graph G of n vertices has n(n - 1)/2 edges, and a Hamiltonian circuit in G consists of n edges. Therefore, the number of edge-disjoint Hamiltonian circuits in G cannot exceed (n - 1)/2. That there are (n - 1)/2 edgedisjoint Hamiltonian circuits, when n is odd, can be shown as follows: The subgraph (of a complete graph of n vertices) in Fig. 2-24 is a Hamiltonian circuit. Keeping the vertices fixed on a circle, rotate the polygonal pattern clockwise
Proof: 5 n -2

n -- 3

Fig. 2-24 odd.




by 360/(n - 1), 2· 360/(n - 1), 3· 360/(n - 1), ... , (n - 3)/2· 360/(n - 1) degrees. Observe that each rotation produces a Hamiltonian circuit that has no edge in common with any of the previous ones. Thus we have (n - 3)/2 new Hamiltonian circuits, all edge disjoint from the one in Fig. 2-24 and also edge disjoint among themselves. Hence the theorem. • This theorem enables us to solve the problem of the at a round table, introduced in Chapter 1, as follow Representing a member x by a vertex and the ,.,..",,"vustructa graph to another member y by an edge between x and Since every member is allowed to sit next to a plete graph of nine vertices-nine being the n nd the \l6iRtSlQItI.y a around the table. Every seating arrangemen Hamiltonian circuit. The first day of their meeting they can si Hamiltonian circuit z/.. The second day, if they ber must have different neighbors, we have to fi cuit H2 in G, with an entirely different set of ed





Hamiltonian circuits. From Theorem 2-8 the number of edge-disjoint Hamiltonian circuits in G is four; therefore, only four such arrangements exist among nine people. Another interesting result on the question of existence of Hamiltonian circuits in a graph, obtained by G. A. Dirac, is:

HI and H2 are edge-disjoint


A sufficient (but by no means necessary) condition for a simple graph G to have a Hamiltonian circuit is that the degree of every vertex in G be at least n/2, where n is the number of vertices in G. Proof: For proof the reader is referred to the original paper by Dirac [2-3].




A problem closely related to the question of Hamiltonian circuits is the traveling-salesman problem, stated as follows: A salesman is required to visit a number of cities during a trip. Given the distances between the cities, in what order should he travel so as to visit every city precisely once and return home, with the minimum mileage traveled? Representing the cities by vertices and the roads between them by edges, we get a graph. In this graph, with every edge e, there is associated a real number (the distance in miles, say), w(eJ_ Such a graph is called a weighted graph; w(eJ being the weight of edge e.. In our problem, if each of the cities has a road to every other city, we have a complete weighted graph. This graph has numerous Hamiltonian circuits, and we are to pick the one that has the smallest sum of distances (or weights). The total number of different (not edge disjoint, of course) Hamiltonian circuits in a complete graph of n vertices can be shown to be (n - 1) !f2. This follows from the fact that starting from any vertex we have n - I edges to choose from the first vertex, n - 2 from the second, n - 3 from the third, and so on. These being independent choices, we get (n of choices. This number is, however, divided by tonian circuit has been counted twice. Theoretically, the problem of the traveling sal by enumerating all (n - 1)!/2 Hamiltonian ci traveled in each, and then picking the sho value of n, the labor involved is too great solving it for the 50 state capitals in the U ni The problem is to prescribe a manageable est route. No efficient algorithm for problems found, although many attempts have been m applications in operations research, some speci been worked out (see [2-1]). There are also available




of solution that give a route very close to the shortest one, but do not guarantee the shortest (see [2-4] for such a method).


In this chapter we discussed the subgraph-a graph that is part of another graph. Walks, paths, circuits, Euler lines, Hamiltonian paths, and Hamiltonian circuits in a graph G are its subgraphs with special properties. A given graph G can be characterized and studied in terms of the presence or absence of these subgraphs. Many physical problems can be represented by graphs and solved by observing the relevant properties of the corresponding graphs. Various types of walks discussed in this chapter are summarized in Fig. 2-25. The arrows point in the direction of increasing restriction.

Hamiltonian path Fig. 2-25 Different types of


Textbooks listed in Chapter mended are
1. Berge [1-1], Chapters

1 are to be read f

1, 7, 11, and 17.

2. Busacker and Saaty [1-2], Chapters 1,3, and 6. 3. Harary [1-5], Chapter 7. 4. Ore [1-9], Chapters 2 and 3. 5. Ore [1-10], Chapters 1 and 2.




6. Seshu and Reed [1-13], Chapter 2. For arbitrarily traceable graphs, one should read Ore's paper [2-5]. Additional information on properties of Hamiltonian graphs can be found in papers by Tutte [2-8], Ore [2-6], Smith and Tutte [2-7], and Dirac [2-3]. Chapters 4 and 5 of Tutte's book [2-9] are also devoted to paths and Euler paths. On the traveling-salesman problem there are many papers. In an excellent survey Bellmore and Nemhauser [2-1] summarize and list most of these papers. Deo and Hakimi [2-2] generalized the Hamiltonian-path problem and applied it to a wiring problem in computers. 2-1. 2-2. 2-3. 2-4. 2-5. 2-6. 2-7. 2-8. 2-9. 2-10. BELLMORE,M., and G. L. NEMHAUSER, The Traveling Salesman Problem: A " Survey," Operations Res., Vol. 16, 1968, 538-558. DEO, N., and S. L. HAKIMI, "The Shortest Generalized Hamiltonian Tree," Proc. Third Annual Allerton Coni, University of Illinois, 1965, 879-888. DIRAC, G. A., "Connectivity Theorems for Graphs," Quart J. Math. Oxford, Ser. (2), Vol. 3, 1952, 171-174. LIN, S., "Computer Solution of the Traveling Salesman Problem," BSTJ, Vol. 44, 1965,2245-2269. ORE, 0., "A Problem Regarding the Tracing of Graphs," Rev. Elementary Math., Vol. 6,1961,49-53. ORE, 0., "Note on Hamilton Circuits," Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 67, 1960, 55. SMITH, C. A. B., and W. T. TUITE, "On Unicursal Paths in a Network of Degree Four," Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 48, 1941,233-237. TUITE, W. T., "On Hamiltonian Circuits," J. London Math. Soc., Vol. 21, 1946, 98-101. TUITE, W. T., Connectivity in Graphs, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1966. HARARY,F., and G. 'Iv. WILCOX,"Boolean Operations on Graphs," Math. Scand., Vol. 20, 1967,41-51.


2-1. 2-2. 2-3.

Verify that the two graphs in Fig. 2-2 are isomorphic. Label the corresponding vertices and edges. Show by redrawing, step by step, that graphs (b) and (c) in Fig. 2-3 are isomorphic to (a). Show that the two graphs in Figs. 2-26(a) and (b) are isomorphic.


Fig. 2-26


Construct three more examples to show that conditions are not sufficient for isomorphism between graphs.



2-4. 2-5. 2-6.

1, 2, and 3 in Section 2-1

Prove that any two simple connected graphs with n vertices, all of degree two, are isomorphic. Are the two graphs in Fig. 2-27 isomorphic? Why?

Fig. 2-27 2-7. 2-8. 2-9. 2-10. 2-11. 2-12. 2-13. 2-14. 2-15. Given the set of cubes represented by the graph in Fig. 2-6, is it possible to stack all four cubes into a column such that each side shows only one color? Explain. Prove that a simple graph with n vertices must be connected if it has more than [en - 1)(n - 2)]/2 edges. (Hint: Use Theorem 2-3.) Prove that if a connected graph G is decomposed into two subgraphs gl and s», there must be at least one vertex common between gl and s». Prove that a connected graph G remains connected after removing an edge ei from G, if and only if e, is in some circuit in G. Draw a connected graph that becomes disconnected when any edge is removed from it. Prove that a graph with n vertices satisfying the condition of Problem 2-11 is (a) simple, and (b) has exactly n - 1 edges. What is the length of the path from the entrance Problem 1-7? to the center of the maze in

List all the different paths between vertices 5 and 6 in Fig. 2-5(a). Give the length of each of these paths. Group the paths listed in Problem 2-14 into sets of edge-disjoin strate that the union of two edge-disjoint paths between a circuit. In a graph G let P I and P2 be two different paths that PI EB P2 is a circuit or a set of circuits in G. Let a, b, and c be three distinct vertices in a b and also there is a path between band c. Prove If the intersection of two paths is a disconnec two paths has at least one circuit.

2-16. 2-17. 2-18. 2-19.

iR~~et~~~. , show



~U ;z,


have the f!AflQ~eNQots: You are given a to-piece domino set whose (1,2); (1,3); (1,4); (1,5); (2,3); (2,4); (2,5) nM.ll(t~riMJfR'p{ :1{ ~Ifat one 'nl{~~er on a 0 possibility of arranging the tiles in a connect title always touches the same number on its ne : Use a five-ver~~ complete graph and see if it is an Euler graph.) Is it possible to move a knight on a chessboard such






2-22. 2-23. 2-24.

missible move exactly once? A move between two squares is counted as one regardless of the direction in which it is made. (Hint: Is the graph of Problem 1-6 un icursal ?) A round-robin tournament (when every player plays against every other) among n players (n being an even number) can be represented by a complete graph of n vertices. Discuss how you would schedule the tournaments to finish in the shortest possible time. Observe that there can be no path longer than a Hamiltonian path (if it exists) in a graph. Draw a graph that has a Hamiltonian path but does not have a Hamiltonian circuit. Show that neither of the graphs in Fig. 2-22 has a Hamiltonian path (and therefore no Hamiltonian circuit). [Hint: For Fig. 2-22(a), of all the edges incident at a vertex only two can be included in a Hamiltonian circuit. Count the number of edges that have to be excluded. You will find that 13 edges must be excluded from Fig. 2-22(a). The number of remaining edges is insufficient to form a Hamiltonian circuit. For Fig. 2-22(b), first consider all vertices of degree two.] Show that the graph of a rhombic dodecahedron (with eight vertices of degree three and six vertices of degree four) has no Hamiltonian path (and therefore no Hamiltonian circuit). Draw a graph in which an Euler line is also a Hamiltonian say about such graphs in general? circuit. What can you


2-26. 2-27.

Is it possible, starting from any of the 64 squares of the chessboard, to move a knight such that it occupies every square exactly once and returns to the initial position? If so, give one such tour. (Hint: Look for a Hamiltonian circuit in the graph of Problem 1-6.) Prove that a graph G with n vertices always has a Hamiltonian path if the sum of the degrees' of every pair of vertices Vi, Vj in G satisfies the condition


+ d(vj)



(Hint: First show that G is connected. Then use induction on path length in G.) 2-29. Using the result of Problem 2-28, show that in a dancing ring of n children it is always possible to arrange the children so that everyone has a friend at each side if every child enjoys friendship with at least half the children.




The concept of a tree is probably the most important in graph theory, especially for those interested in applications of graphs. In the first half of this chapter we shall define a tree and study its properties. As usual, we shall point out some of its applications to simple situations and puzzles and games, deferring the applications to more complex scientific problems till Chapter 12. Other graph-theoretic terms related to trees will also be introduced and discussed. The second part of the chapter introduces the spanning tree-another important notion in the theory of graphs. The relationships among circuits, trees, and so on, in a graph are explored. Unavoidably, as with Chapters 1 and 2, this chapter also has a large number of definitions. In studying any new branch of mathematics, there is no way to avoid new terms and definitions.



A tree is a connected graph without any circuits. for instance, is a tree. Trees with one, two, three, in Fig. 3-2. As pointed out in Chapter 1, a graph m and therefore so must a tree. Some authors a any vertices. We have excluded such an enti as we are considering only finite graphs, our t It follows immediately from the defini . graph, that is, having neither a self-loop nor form circuits). Trees appear in numerous instances. The




Fig. 3-1


Fig. 3-2 Trees with one, two, three, and four vertices.

Fig. 3-3

Decision tree.





represented by means of a tree (in fact the term tree comes from/amity tree). A river with its tributaries and subtributaries can be represented by a tree. The sorting of mail according to zip code and the sorting of punched cards are done according to a tree (called decision tree or sorting tree). Figure 3-3 might represent the flow of mail. All the mail arrives at some local office, vertex N. The most significant digit in the zip code is read at N, and the mail is divided into 10 piles Nh N2, ••• , N9, and No, depending on the most significant digit. Each pile is further divided into 10 piles according to the second most significant digit, and so on, till the mail is subdivided into lOs possible piles, each representing a unique five-digit zip code. Tn many sorting problems we have only two alternatives (instead of 10 as in the preceding example) at each intermediate vertex, representing a dichotomy, such as large or small, good or bad, 0 or I. Such a decision tree with two choices at each vertex occurs frequently in computer programming and switching theory. We shall deal with such trees and their applications in Section 3-5. Let us first obtain a few simple but important theorems on the general properties of trees.


There is one and only one path between every pair of vertices in a tree, T. Proof: Since T is a connected graph, there must exist at least one path between every pair of vertices in T. Now suppose that between two vertices a and b of T there are two distinct paths. The union of these two paths will contain a circuit and T cannot be a tree. •



If in a graph G there is one and only one path between every G is a tree. Proof: Existence of a path between every pair of connected. A circuit in a graph (with two or more at least one pair of vertices a, b such that there and b. Since G has one and only one path bet wee have no circuit. Therefore, G is a tree. •



A tree with n vertices has n - 1 edges. Proof: The theorem will be proved by inducti




Fig. 3-4

Tree T with n vertices.

It is easy to see that the theorem is true for n = 1, 2, and 3 (see Fig. 3-2). Assume that the theorem holds for all trees with fewer than n vertices. Let us now consider a tree T with n vertices. In T let ek be an edge with end vertices Vi and V t- According to Theorem 3-1, there is no other path between Vi and Vj except ek. Therefore, deletion of ek from T will disconnect the graph, as shown in Fig. 3-4. Furthermore, T - e k consists of exactly two components, and since there were no circuits in T to begin with, each of these components is a tree. Both these trees, t i and t z, have fewer than n vertices each, and therefore, by the induction hypothesis, each contains one less edge than the number of vertices in it. Thus T - ek consists of n - 2 edges (and n vertices). Hence T has exactly n - 1 edges. •


Any connected graph with n vertices and n - 1 edges is a tree.

Proof' 3-5).

The proof of the theorem is left to the reader as an exercise (Problem

You may have noticed another important feature of a tree: its vertices are connected together with the minimum number of edges. A connected graph is said to be minimally connected if removal of anyone edge from it disconnects the graph. A minimally connected graph cannot have a circuit; otherwise, we could remove one of the edges in the circui graph connected. Thus a minimally connected graph . a connected graph G is not minimally connected ei in G such that G - ei is connected. Therefore, implies that G is not a tree. Hence the followi


A graph is a tree if and only if it is minimal The significance of Theorem 3-5 is obvi to interconnect n distinct points, the minimum needed is n - 1. It requires no background in el








Edge e added to G = s, U g2.

that to short (electrically) n pins together, one needs at least n - 1 pieces of wire. The resulting structure, according to Theorem 3-5, is a tree. We showed that a connected graph with n vertices and without any circuits has n - 1 edges. We can also show that a graph with n vertices which has no circuit and has n - 1 edges is always connected (i.e., it is a tree), in the following theorem.


A graph G with n vertices, n - 1 edges, and no circuits is connected. Proof' Suppose there exists a circuitless graph G with n vertices and n - 1 edges which is disconnected. In that case G will consist of two or more circuitless components. Without loss of generality, let G consist of two components, gl and g2. Add an edge e between a vertex VI in gl and V2 in g2 (Fig. 3-5). Since there was no path between VI and V2 in G, adding e did not create a circuit. Thus G u e is a circuitless, connected graph (i.e., a tree) of n vertices and n edges, which is not possible, because of Theorem 3-3. • The results of the preceding six theorems can be summarized by saying that the following are five different but equivalent definitions of a tree. That is, a graph G with n vertices is called a tree if

I. G is connected and is circuitless, or

2. G is connected and has n 3. G is circuitless and has n -

1 edges, or
1 edges, or

4. There is exactly one path between every 5. G is a minimally connected graph.



n in the figures haCl of

You must have observed that each of the t several pendant vertices (a pendant vertex was










Fig. 3-6 Tree of the monotonically 13,7,0,2,8, 11,3.

increasing sequences in 4, I,

one). The reason is that in a tree of n vertices we have n - 1 edges, and hence 2(n - 1) degrees to be divided among n vertices. Since no vertex can be of zero degree, we must have at least two vertices of degree one in a tree. This of course makes sense only if n > 2. More formally:


In any tree (with two or more vertices), there are at The following problem is programming. Given a sequence of integers, find the largest monotonically increasing subs sequence given to us is 4, 1, 13, 7, 0, 2, 8, 11, in which the vertices (except the start in the sequence, and the path from the start describes the monotonically increasing su shown in Fig. 3-6, this sequence contains four 1 ing subsequences, that is, (4,7,8,11), (1,7,8,1 11). Each is of length four. Such a tree used in to as a data tree by computer programmers.
An Application:










The tree in Fig. 3-7 has four vertices. Intuitively, it seems that vertex b is located more "centrally" than any of the other three vertices. We shall exa



plore this idea further and see If In a tree there exists a "center" (or centers). Inherent in the concept of a center is the idea of "distance," so we must define distance before we can talk of a center. In a connected graph G, the distance d(vj, Vj) between two of its vertices Vi and Vj is the length of the shortest path (i.e., the number of edges in the shortest path) between them. The definition of distance between any two vertices is valid for any connected graph (not necessarily a tree). In a graph that is not a tree, there are generally several paths between a pair of vertices. We have to enumerate all these paths and find the length of the shortest one. (There may be several shortest paths.) For instance, some of the paths between vertices VI and V2 in Fig. 3-8 are (a, e), (a, c,/), (b, c, e), (b,/), (b, g, h), and (b, g, i, k). There are two shortest paths, (a, e) and (b,/), each of length two. Hence d(vH v2) = 2. In a tree, since there is exactly one path between any two vertices (Theorem 3-1), the determination of distance is much easier. For instance, in the tree of Fig. 3-7, dia, b) = I, dia, c) = 2, d(c, b) = I, and so on. Before we can legitimately call a function lex, y) of two variables a "distance" between them, this function must satisfy certain requirements. These are
A Metric:


Distance between




is two.




I. Nonnegativity: 2. Symmetry: 3. Triangle

[(x, y)

> 0, and[(x,

y) =


if and only if x = y.

[(x, y)

= fey,


[(x, y) <[(x, z)

+ fez,

y) for any


that satisfies these three conditions is called a metric. That the distance d(vj' Vj) between two vertices of a connected graph satisfies conditions I and 2 is immediately evident. Since d(vj, Vj) is the length of the shortest path between vertices Vj and "» this path cannot be longer than another path between v, and Vi' which goes through a specified vertex vk. Hence d(vj' v) < d(vj' vk) d(Vk' v). Therefore,

A function



The distance between vertices of a connected graph is a metric. Coming back to our original topic of relative location of different vertices in a tree, let us define another term called eccentricity (also referred to as associated number or separation) of a vertex in a graph. Theeccentricity E(v) of a vertex v in a graph G is the distance from v to the vertex farthest from v in G; that is,

max d(v, vJ.


A vertex with minimum eccentricity in graph G is called a center of G. The eccentricities of the four vertices in Fig. 3-7 are E(a) = 2, E(b) = 1, E(c) = 2, and E(d) = 2. Hence vertex b is the center of that tree. On the other hand, consider the tree in Fig. 3-9. The eccentricity of each of its six vertices is shown next to the vertex. This tree has two vertices having the same minimum eccentricity. Hence this tree has two centers. Some authors refer to such centers as bicenters; we shall call them just centers, because there will be no occasion for confusion. The reader can easily verify that a graph, in general, has For example, in a graph that consists of just a circuit (a is a center. I n the case of a tree, however, Konig [1theorem:




Every tree has either one or two centers.


3 3

Fig 3-9

a tree.


c 6 5 4 5 3


• 4


• 2

• 3

• 4


• 2


• 2


c •



Fig. 3-10

Finding a center of a tree.

Proof: The maximum distance, max d(v, Vi), from other vertex Vi occurs only when Vi is a pendant ver us start with a tree T having more than two verti more pendant vertices (Theorem 3-7). Delete all t resulting graph T' is still a tree. What about the A little deliberation will reveal that removal of all reduced the eccentricities of the remaining vert Therefore, all vertices that T had as centers wi T' we can again remove all pendant vertices and this process (which is illustrated in Fig. 3-10) u (which is the center of T) or an edge (whose end vert Thus the theorem. • 47





From the argument used in proving Theorem 3-9, we see that if a tree T has two centers, the two centers must be adjacent. A Sociological Application: Suppose that the communication among a group of ]4 persons in a society is represented by the graph in Fig. 3-10(a), where the vertices represent the persons and an edge represents the communication link between its two end vertices. Since the graph is connected, we know that all the members can be reached by any member, either directly or through some other members. But it is also important to note that the graph is a tree-minimally connected. The group cannot afford to lose any of the communication links. The eccentricity of each vertex, E(v), represents how close v is to the farthest member of the group. In Fig. 3-10(a), vertex c should be the leader of the group, if closeness of communication were the criterion for leadership. Radius and Diameter: If a tree has a center (or two centers), does it have a radius also? Yes. The eccentricity of a center (which is the distance from the center of the tree to the farthest vertex) in a tree is defined as the radius of the tree. For instance, the radius of the tree in Fig. 3-10(a) is three. The diameter of a tree T, on the other hand, is defined as the length of the longest path in T. It is left as an exercise for the reader (Problem 3-6) to show that a radius in a tree is not necessarily half its diameter.

A tree in which one vertex (called the root) is distinguished from all the others is called a rooted tree. For instance, in Fig. 3-3 vertex N, from where all the mail goes out, is distinguished from the rest of the vertices. Hence N can be considered the root of the tree, and so the tree is rooted. Similarly, in Fig. 3-6 the start vertex may be considered as the root of the tree shown. In a diagram of a rooted tree, the root is generally marked distinctly. We will show the root enclosed in a small triangle. All rooted t are shown in Fig. 3-1 I. Generally, the term tree mea However, for emphasis they are sometimes call trees) to differentiate them from the rooted kind. ~


Fig. 3-11

Rooted trees with four vertices.





Binary Trees: A special class of rooted trees, called binary rooted trees, is of particular interest, since they are extensively used in the study of computer search methods, binary identification problems, and variable-length binary codes. A binary tree is defined as a tree in which there is exactly one vertex of degree two, and each of the remaining vertices is of degree one or three (Fig. 3-12). (Obviously, we are talking about trees with three or more vertices.) Since the vertex of degree two is distinct from all other vertices, this vertex serves as a root. Thus every binary tree is a rooted tree. Two properties of binary trees follow directly from the definition: 1. The number of vertices n in a binary tree is always odd. This is because there is exactly one vertex of even degree, and the remaining n - 1 vertices are of odd degrees. Since from Theorem 1-1 the number of vertices of odd degrees is even, n - I is even. Hence n is odd. 2. Let p be the number of pendant vertices in a binary tree T. Then n - p - 1 is the number of vertices of degree three. Therefore, the number of edges in T equals

+ 3(n

- p-


+ 2] =




n+l 2


A nonpendant vertex in a tree is called an internal vertex. It follows from Eq. (3-1) that the number of internal vertices in a binary tree is one less than the number of pendant vertices. In a binary tree a vertex Vi is said to be at level I, if Vi is at a distance of I, from the root. Thus the root is at level O. A I3-vertex, four-level binary tree is shown in Fig. 3-12. The number of vertices at levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 2, 2, 4, and 4, respectively. One of the most straightforward applications of binary trees is in search procedures. Each vertex of a binary tree represents a test with two possible

Level 0

Fig. 3-12

A 13-vertex, 4-level binary tree.




outcomes. We start at the root, and the outcome of the test at the root sends us to one of the two vertices at the next level, where further tests are made, and so on. Reaching a specified pendant vertex (the goal of the search) terminates the search. For such a search procedure it is often important to construct a binary tree in which, for a given number of vertices n, the vertex farthest from the root is as close to the root as possible. Clearly, there can be only one vertex (the root) at level 0, at most two vertices at levell, at most four vertices at level 2, and so on. Therefore, the maximum number of vertices possible in a k-Ievel binary tree is

The maximum level, [max, of any vertex in a binary tree is called the height of the tree. It is easy to see that the minimum possible height of an n-vertex binary tree is min lmax

= [log,


+ 1)



where fnl denotes the smallest integer greater than or equal to n. On the other hand, to construct a binary tree for a given n such that the farthest vertex is as far as possible from the root, we must have exactly two vertices at each level, except at the 0 level. Therefore, max lmax

n-l 2


For n = 11, binary trees realizing both these extremes are shown in Fig.

Level Level


= [t log,

12) - 11



Two ll-vertex binary





In analysis of algorithms we are generally interested in computing the sum of the levels of all pendant vertices. This quantity, known as the path length (or external path length) of a tree, can be defined as the sum of the path lengths from the root to all pendant vertices. The path length of the binary tree in Fig. 3-12, for example, is 1+ 3

+ 3+ 4+4+4+

4 = 23.

The path lengths of trees in Figs. 3-13(a) and (b) are 16 and 20, respectively. The importance of the path length of a tree lies in the fact that this quantity is often directly related to the execution time of an algorithm. It can be shown that the type of binary tree in Fig. 3-13(a) (i.e., a tree with 2/ 1 vertices at levellmax - I) yields the minimum path length for a given

Weighted Path Length: In some applications, every pendant vertex vJ of a binary tree has associated with it a positive real number wj• Given WI' WZ, .•. , Wm the problem is to construct a binary tree (with m pendant vertices) that minimizes

where I, is the level of pendant vertex "» and the sum is taken over all pendant vertices. Let us illustrate the significance of this problem with a simple example. A Coke machine is to identify, by a sequence of tests, the coin that is put into the machine. Only pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters can go through the slot. Let us assume that the probabilities of a coin being a penny, a nickel, a dime, and a quarter are .05, .15, .5, and .30, respectively. Each test has the effect of partitioning the four types of coins into two complementary sets and asserting the unknown coin to be in one of the two sets. Thus for four coins we have 23 - 1 such tests. If the time taken for each test is the same, what sequence of tests will minimize the expected time taken by the Coke machine to identify the coin? The solution requires the construction of a binary vertices (and therefore three internal vertices) v - .3, such that sponding weights WI = .05, Wz = .15, W3 = .5, quantity L: liWi is minimized. The solution is the expected time is I.7t, where t is the time with Fig. 3-14(b), for which the expected ti structing a binary tree with minimum weighte [3-6]. In this problem of a Coke machine, many . 'nWAlftaRNrARK sible. For example, not all possible tests may be a or they may not albO consume the same time. Binary trees with minimum weighted path length






Dime or




0.5 0.15



w; •



2: w, • I;




Two binary trees with weighted pendant vertices.

constructing variable-length binary codes, where the letters of the alphabet (A, B, C, ... , Z) are represented by binary digits. Since different letters have different frequencies of occurrence (frequencies are interpreted as weights WI' W2, ••• , W26), a binary tree with minimum weighted path length corresponds to a binary code of minimum cost; see [3-6]. For more on minimumpath binary trees and their applications the reader is referred to [3-5] and





In 1857, Arthur Cayley discovered trees while he was trying to count the number of structural isomers of the saturated hydrocarbons (or paraffin series) CkH2k+2• He used a connected graph to represent the CkH2k+2 molecule. Corresponding to their chemical valencies, a carbon atom was represented by a vertex of degree four and a hydrogen atom by a degree one (pendant vertices). The total number of vertices in su

and the total number of edges is


+ 2,


~S\E.RED ~0



1 e = l(sum of degrees) =


+ 1.

Since the graph is connected and the number number of vertices, it is a tree. Thus the prob





isomers of a given hydrocarbon becomes the problem of counting trees (with certain qualifying properties, to be sure). The first question Cayley asked was: what is the number of different trees that one can construct with n distinct (or labeled) vertices? If n = 4, for instance, we have 16 trees, as shown in Fig. 3-15. The reader can satisfy himself that there are no more trees of four vertices. (Of course, some of these trees are isomorphic-to be discussed later.) A graph in which each vertex is assigned a unique name or label (i.e., no two vertices have the same label), as in Fig. 3-15, is called a labeled graph. The distinction between a labeled and an unlabeled graph is very important when we are counting the number of different graphs. For instance, the four graphs in the first row in Fig. 3-15 are counted as four different trees (even though they are isomorphic) only because the vertices are labeled. If there














were no distinction made between A, B, C, or D, these four trees would be counted as one. A careful inspection of the graphs in Fig. 3-15 will reveal that the number of unlabeled trees with four vertices (no distinction made between A, B, C, and D) is only two. But first we shall continue with counting labeled trees. The following well-known theorem for counting trees was first stated and proved by Cayley, and is therefore called Cayley's theorem. THEOREM 3-10 The number of labeled trees with n vertices (n > 2) is nn-2.
Proof; The result was first stated and proved by Cayley. Many different proofs

with various approaches (all somewhat involved) have been published since. An excellent summary of 10 such proofs is given by Moon [3-9]. We will give one proof in Chapter 10. Unlabeled Trees: In the actual counting of isomers of CkH2k+2, Theorem 3-10 is not enough. In addition to the constraints on the degree of the vertices, two observations should be made: 1. Since the vertices representing hydrogen are pendant, they go with carbon atoms only one way, and hence make no contribution to isomerism. Therefore, we need not show any hydrogen vertices. 2. Thus the tree representing CkH2k+2 reduces to one with k vertices, each representing a carbon atom. In this tree no distinction can be made between vertices, and therefore it is unlabeled. Thus for butane, C4H10' there are only two distinct trees (Fig. 3-16). As every organic chemist knows, there are indeed exactly two different types of butanes: n-butane and isobutane. It may be noted in passing that the four trees in the first row of Fig. 3-15 are isomorphic to the one in Fig. 3-16(a); and the other 12 are isomorphic to Fig. 3-16(b).


Fig. 3-16 All trees of four






The problem of counting trees of different types will be taken up again and discussed more thoroughly in Chapter 10.




So far we have discussed the tree and its properties when it occurs as a graph by itself. Now we shall study the tree as a subgraph of another graph. A given graph has numerous subgraphs-from e edges, 2e distinct combinations are possible. Obviously, some of these subgraphs will be trees. Out of these trees we are particularly interested in certain types of trees, called spanning trees-as defined next. A tree T is said to be a spanning tree of a connected graph G if T is a subgraph of G and T contains all vertices of G. For instance, the subgraph in heavy lines in Fig. 3-17 is a spanning tree of the graph shown. Since the vertices of G are barely hanging together in a spanning tree, it is a sort of skeleton of the original graph G. This is why a spanning tree is sometimes referred to as a skeleton or scaffolding of G. Since spanning trees are the largest (with maximum number of edges) trees among all trees in G, it is also quite appropriate to call a spanning tree a maximal tree subgraph or maximal tree of G. It is to be noted that a spanning tree is defined only for a connected graph, because a tree is always connected, and in a disconnected graph of n vertices we cannot find a connected subgraph with n vertices. Each component (which by definition is connected) of a disconnected graph, however, does have a spanning tree. Thus a disconnected graph with k components has a spanning forest consisting of k spanning trees. (A collection of trees is called a forest.) Finding a spanning tree of a connected graph G is simple. If G has no circuit, it is its own spanning tree. If G has a circuit, delete an edge from the circuit. This will still leave the graph connected (Problem 2-10). If there are more circuits, repeat the operation till an edge from the last circuit is deleted-leaving a connected, circuit-free graph that contains G. Thus we have






Every connected graph has at least one spanning tree. An edge in a spanning tree Tis called a branch of T. An edge of G that is not in a given spanning tree Tis called a chord. In electrical engineering a chord is sometimes referred to as a tie or a link. For instance, edges b., b2, b3, b4, bs, and b, are branches of the spanning tree shown in Fig. 3-17, while edges Cl, C2, C3, C4' CS' C6, C7, and Cs are chords. It must be kept in mind that branches and chords are defined only with respect to a given spanning tree. An edge that is a branch of one spanning tree TI (in a graph G) may be a chord with respect to another spanning tree T2• It is sometimes convenient to consider a connected graph G as a union of two subgraphs, T and T; that is,



where T is a spanning tree, and T is the complement of Tin G. Since the subgraph is the collection of chords, it is quite appropriately referred to as the chord set (or tie set or co tree) of T. From the definition, and from Theorem 3-3, the following theorem is evident.



With respect to any of its spanning trees, a connected graph of n vertices and e edges has n - I tree branches and e - n + I chords. For example, the graph in Fig. 3-17 (with n == 7, e = 14), has six tree branches and eight chords with respect to the spanning tree fbi' b2, b3, b4, bs, b6}. Any other spanning tree will yield the same numbers. If we have an electric network with e elements (edges) and n nodes (vertices), what is the minimum number of elements we must remove to eliminate all circuits in the network? The answer is e - n I. Similarly, if we have a farm consisting of six walled plots of land, as shown in Fig. 8, d these plots are full of water, how many walls will have to be b water can be drained out? Here n = 10 and e =:-c:c 15.






a set of six (15 - 10 + 1 = 6) walls such that the remaining nine constitute a spanning tree. Breaking these six walls will drain the water out. Rank and Nullity: When someone specifies a graph G, the first thing he is most likely to mention is n, the number of vertices in G. Immediately following comes e, the number of edges in G. Then k, the number of components G has. If k = 1, G is connected. How are these three numbers of a graph related? Since every component of a graph must have at least one vertex, n > k. Moreoever, the number of edges in a component can be no less than the number of vertices in that component minus one. Therefore, e > n - k. Apart from the constraints n - k > and e - n + k > 0, these three numbers n, e, and k are independent, and they are fundamental numbers in graphs. (Needless to mention, these numbers alone are not enough to specify a graph, except for trivial cases.) From these three numbers are derived two other important numbers called rank and nullity, defined as

rank nullity




+ k.

The rank of a connected graph is n - I, and the nullity, e - n + 1. Although the real significance of these numbers will be clear in Chapter 7, it may be observed here that rank of G

number of branches in any spanning tree (or forest) of G,

nullity of G = number of chords in G, rank

+ nullity

number of edges in G.

The nullity of a graph is also referred to as its cyc/omatic number, or first Betti number.

You may have noticed that if we add an edge a tree (say, in Fig. 3- I) a circuit is created. This i one path between any two vertices of a tree; creates an additional path, and hence a circui it is not difficult to prove



A connected graph G is a tree if and only if add)

vertices in G creates exactly one circuit.





Let us now consider a spanning tree T in a connected graph G. Adding anyone chord to T will create exactly one circuit. Such a circuit, formed by adding a chord to a spanning tree, is called afundamental circuit. How many fundamental circuits does a graph have? Exactly as many as the number of chords, Jl (= e - n k). How many circuits does a graph have in all? We know that one circuit is created by adding anyone chord to a tree. Suppose that we add one more chord. Will it create exactly one more circuit? What happens if we add all the chords simultaneously to the tree? Let us look at the tree [bl' b2, b4, b6l in Fig. 3-17. Adding CI to it, we get a subgraph [bl' b2, b3, b4, bs, b6, cll, which has one circuit (fundamental circuit), [bl' b2, b3, bs, C Il. Had we added the chord C2 (instead of C I) to the tree, we would have obtained a different fundamental circuit, fb2, b3, b., c2l. Now suppose that we add both chords C I and C2 to the tree. The subgraph [bl' b2, b3, b4, bs, b6, C1, c2l has not only the fundamental circuits we just mentioned, but it has also a third circuit, fbI' C I' c2l, which is not a fundamental circuit. Although there are 75 circuits in Fig. 3-17 (enumerated by computer), only eight are fundamental circuits, each formed by one chord (together with the tree branches). Two comments may be appropriate here. First, a circuit is a fundamental circuit only with respect to a given spanning tree. A given circuit may be fundamental with respect to one spanning tree, but not with respect to a different spanning tree of the same graph. Although the number of fundamental circuits (as well as the total number of circuits) in a graph is fixed, the circuits that become fundamental change with the spanning trees. Second, in most applications we are not interested in all the circuits of a graph, but only in a set of fundamental circuits, which fortuitously are a lot easier to track. The concept of a fundamental circuit, introduced by Kirchhoff, is of enormous significance in electrical network analysis. What Kirchhoff showed, which now every sophomore in electrical engineering knows, is that no matter how many circuits a network contains we need consider only fundamental circuits with respect to any spanning tree. The rest of the circuits (as we shall prove rigorously in Chapter 7) .. of some fundamental circuits.







Usually, in a given connected graph there trees. In many applications we require all way to generate spanning trees of a graph is tree, say tree TI (a b cd in Fig. 3-19). Add a forms a fundamental circuit (b c h d in Fig. 3-1 say c, from the fundamental circuit b c h d jus







Fig. 3-19

Graph and three of its spanning trees.

spanning tree Tz• This generation of one spanning tree from another, through addition of a chord and deletion of an appropriate branch, is called a cyclic interchange or elementary tree transformation. (Such a transformation is a standard operation in the iteration sequence for solving certain transportation problems.) In the above procedure, instead of deleting branch c, we could have deleted d or b and thus would have obtained two additional spanning trees abc h and a c h d. Moreover, after generating these three trees, each with chord h in it, we can restart with T, and add a different chord (e,f, or g) and repeat the process of obtaining a different spanning tree each time a branch is deleted from the fundamental circuit formed. Thus we have a procedure for generating spanning trees for any given graph. As we shall see in Chapter 13, the topological analysis of a linear electrical network essentially reduces to the generation of trees in the corresponding graph. Therefore, finding an efficient procedure for generating all trees of a graph is a very important practical problem. The procedure outlined above raises many questions. Can we start from any spanning tree and get a desired spanning tree by a number of cyclic exchanges? Can we get all spanning trees of a given graph in this fashion? How long will we have to continue exchanging edges? Out of all possible spanning trees that we can start with, is there a preferred arting? Let us try to answer some of these questions; others wil il Chapters 7, 10, and II.
The distance between two spanning trees T,

as the number of edges of G present in one tree distance may be written as d(Ti' Tj). For ins Let T, EB TJ be the ring sum of two defined in Chapter 2, T, EB T, is the subgr G that are either in T, or in T, but not in b of edges in a graph g. Then, from definition,





It is not difficult to see that the number d(T;, Tj) is the minimum number of cyclic interchanges involved in going from T; to T'; The reader is encouraged

to prove the following two theorems.



The distance between the spanning trees of a graph is a metric. That is, it satisfies

TJ > 0 and

d(1t, T)

0 if and only if T; == Tj,

air; T

air; T

act; T < act; T




«r; T).


Starting from any spanning tree of a graph G, we can obtain every spanning tree of G by successive cyclic exchanges. Since in a connected graph G of rank r (i.e., of r + I vertices) a spanning tree has r edges, we have the following results: The maximum distance between any two spanning trees in G is max d(T;, Tj)

2" max




< r,

the rank of G.

Also, if p, is the nullity of G, we know that no more than f-l edges of a spanning tree T; can be replaced to get another tree T'; Hence combining the two,

where min(p" r) is the smaller of the two numbers p, and

Central Tree: For a spanning

tree To of a gra

denote the maximal distance between To and Then To is called a central tree of G if max

«r; 1';) < max d(T,





The concept of a central tree is useful in graph. A central tree in a graph is, in general, tral trees the reader should see [3-1] and [3-4].
Tree Graph: The tree graph of a given graph










which each vertex corresponds to a spanning tree of G, and each edge corresponds to a cyclic interchange between the spanning trees of G represented by the two end vertices of the edge. From Theorem 3-15 we know that starting from any spanning tree we can obtain all other spanning trees through cyclic interchanges (or elementary tree transformations). Therefore, the tree graph of any given (finite, connected) graph is connected. For additional properties of tree graphs, the reader should see [3-3].






As discussed earlier in this chapter, a spanning tree in a graph G is a minimal subgraph connecting all the vertices of G. If graph G is a weighted graph (i.e., if there is a real number associated with each edge of G), then the weight of a spanning tree T of G is defined as the sum of the weights of all the branches in T. In general, different spanning trees of G will have different weights. Among all the spanning trees of G, one with the smallest weight is of practical significance. (There may be several spanning trees with the smallest weight; for instance, in a graph of n vertices in which every edge has unit weight, all spanning trees have a weight of n - 1 units.) A spanning tree with the smallest weight in a weighted graph is called a shortest spanning tree or shortest-distance spanning tree or minimal spanning tree. One possible application of the shortest spanning tree is as follows: Suppose that we are to connect n cities VI' V2, ••• , Vn through a network of roads. The cost cij of building a direct road between Vi and Vj is given for all pairs of cities where roads can be built. (There may be pairs of cities between which no direct road can be built.) The problem is then to find the least expensive network that connects all n cities together. It is immediately evident that this connected network must be a tree: otherwise, we can always remove some edges and get a connected graph with smaller weight. Thus the problem of connecting n cities with a least expensive network is the problem of finding a shortest spanning tree in a connected weighted graph of n sary and sufficient condition for a spanning tree to be

£"~ ..

A spanning tree T(of a given weighted con .....


tree (of G) if and only if there exists no other one from T whose weight is smaller than that of
Proof: The necessary or the "only if" conditi get another tree shorter than T by a cyclic inte is also sufficient is remarkable and is not obvious. Let T, be a spanning tree in G satisfying the hy there is no spanning tree at a distance of one from





The proof will be completed by showing that if T2 is a shortest spanning tree (different from Tl) in G, the weight of TI will also be equal to that of T2• Let T2 be a shortest spanning tree in G. Clearly, T2 must also satisfy the hypothesis of the theorem (otherwise there will be a spanning tree shorter than T2 at a distance of one from T2, violating the assumption that T2 is shortest). Consider an edge e in T2 which is not in Ti- Adding e to Ti forms a fundamental circuit with branches in Tl• Some, but not all, of the branches in Ts that form the fundamental circuit with e may also be in T2; each of these branches in TI has a weight smaller than or equal to that of e, because of the assumption on T1• Amongst all those edges in this circuit which are not in T 2 at least one, say bj, must form some fundamental circuit (with respect to T 2) containing e. Because of the minimality assumption on T 2 weight of bj cannot be less than that of e. Therefore bj must have the same weight as e. Hence the spanning tree T; = (T1 Ue - bj), obtained from T 1 through one cycle exchange, has the same weight as T i- But T 1 has one edge more in common with T 2, and it satisfies the condition of Theorem 3-16. This argument can be repeated, producing a series of trees of equal weight, T 1, Ti, T 1, ••• , each a unit distance closer to T 2, until we get T 2 itself. This proves that if none of the spanning trees at a unit distance from T is shorter than T, no spanning tree shorter than T exists in the graph. • Algorithm for Shortest Spanning Tree: There are several methods available for actually finding a shortest spanning tree in a given graph, both by hand and by computer. One algorithm due to Kruskal [3-8] is as follows: List all edges of the graph G in order of nondecreasing weight. Next, select a smallest edge of G. Then for each successive step select (from all remaining edges of G) another smallest edge that makes no circuit with the previously selected edges. Continue until n - 1 edges have been selected, and these edges will constitute the desired shortest spanning tree. The validity of the method follows from Theorem 3-16. Another algorithm, which does not require listing all edges in order of nondecreasing weight or checking at each step if a newly selected edge forms a circuit, is due to Prim [3-10]. For Prim's algorithm, draw n isolated vertices and label them VI' V2 •••• ,vn' Tabulate the given weights of the edges of G in an n by n table. (Note that the entries in the table are spect to the diagonal, and the diagonal is empty.) existent edges (corresponding to those pairs of cit' road can be built) as very large. Start from vertex VI and connect it to it vertex which has the smallest entry in row I ble), say vk.'f:fow consider VI and vk as one subgraph, and subgtViDRSKlftl,sest neighbor (i.e., to a vertex other than VI that has jfn'tJ:~IWrf1try among all entries in rows I and k). Let this be Vi' ~exrt-egah1 the tree with vertices VI> Vk, and Vi' as one subg dW.iTERWhA~ Let us now illustratt,0 until all n vertices have been connected by n this method of finding a shortest spanning tree.

iS~1S~R~tf1% 'z-

~. t_dr\~e













10 10 16

16 9.5


oo oo

17 19.5 12 7 9

v2 v3 v2 v4 Vs v6

oo oo

7 7

8 8

10 17




Fig. 3-20

Shortest spanning tree in a weighted graph.

A connected weighted graph with 6 vertices and 12 edges is shown in Fig. 3-20(a). The weight of its edges is tabulated in Fig. 3-20(b). We start with VI and pick the smallest entry in row I, which is either (VI' v2) or (vI' vs). Let us pick (vpvs)' [Had we picked (VI' v2) we would have obtained a different shortest tree with the same weight.] The closest neighbor of subgraph (VIl vs) is V 4' as can be seen by examining all the entries in rows 1 and 5. The three remaining edges selected following the above procedure turn out to be (V4' v6), (V4' v3), and (v3, v2) in that sequence. The resulting tree-a shortest spanning tree-is shown in Fig. 3-20(a) in heavy lines. The weight of this tree is 41.5 units. Degree-Constrained Shortest Spanning Tree: In a shortest spanning tree resulting from the preceding construction, a vertex u, can end up with any degree; that is, I < d(vJ < n - I. In some practical cases an upper limit on the degree of every vertex (of the resulting spanning tree) has to be imposed. For instance, in an electrical wiring problem, one may be required to wire together n pins (using as little wire as possible) with no more than three wires wrapped around any individual pin. Thus, in this particu


Such a spanning tree is called a degree-constra In general, the problem may be stated as neeted graph G, find a shortest spanning tree


for every

If k = 2, this problem, in fact, reduces to the pro Hamiltonian path, as well as the traveling-sal





salesman returning to his home base), discussed at the end of Chapter 2. So far, no efficient method of finding an arbitrarily degree-constrained shortest spanning tree has been found.


This chapter dealt with a particular type of connected graph called a tree. Because of their wide applications, trees form the most important topic in graph theory. Different types of trees, such as labeled and unlabeled, rooted and unrooted, were discussed, together with their properties and applications. Of special interest are those trees that are subgraphs of a given connected graph G containing all vertices of G. Such trees are called spanning trees of G. Finding all spanning trees of a given graph is of great practical importance, and so is the problem of finding a shortest spanning tree in a given weighted graph. Other related concepts, such as centers, radius, and diameter of a tree, rank and nullity of a graph, fundamental circuits, branches and chords, cyclic interchange, distance between spanning trees, and tree graphs, were also introduced and studied. Trees, spanning trees, and fundamental circuits will continue to appear from time to time in most of the succeeding chapters.

Every textbook on graph theory has a chapter or two on trees. Especially recommended are 1. Berge [1-1], Chapters 12, 13, and 16. 2. Busacker and Saaty [1-2], Sections 1-8,2-6,3-6,3-7,6-19,6-22, 3. Harary [1-5], Chapters 4, 15, and Appendix 3. 4. Ore [1-9], Chapter 4, Sections 2.4 and 6.5. 5. Ore [1-10], Chapter 3. The importance of trees in information storage and processn book [3-7], pages 305-422, and in [3-2]. For counting trees of of Riordan's book [3-11], and also see references given' elegant algorithm for finding a binary tree with minim given by Huffman in [3-6]. On algorithms for genera in this book and the references cited there. Moon [3-9] g formula for counting trees. Appendix 3 in Harary's with n < 10. For treatment of distance between refer to Deo [3-4] and Amoia and Cottafava [3-1]. studied by Cummins [3-3]. Kruskal's [3-8] and Prim's study of shortest spanning trees.

and 6-31.

AMOIA, V., and G. COTTAFAVA, Invariance Pro " Trans. Circuit Theory, Vol. CT-18, No.4, July 197




3-2. 3-3. 3-4. 3-5.

3-6. 3-7. 3-8. 3-9.

3-10. 3-11.

COLLINS, . L., and D. MICHIE(eds.) Machine Intelligence, Vol. 1, American Elsevier N Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1967. CUMMINS,R. L., "Hamiltonian Circuits in Tree Graphs," IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, Vol. CT-13, No.1, March 1966,82-90. DEO, N., "A Central Tree," IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, Vol. CT-13, No.4, Dec. 1966, 439-440. Hu, T. C., and A. C. TUCKER,"Optimal Binary Search Tree," MRC Report No. 1049, University of Wisconsin, Madison, March 1970; also in SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 21, No.4, Dec. 1971,514-532. HUFFMAN,D. A., "A Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes," Proc. I.R.E., Vol. 40, Sept. 1952, 1098-1101. KNUTH, D. E., The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Mass., 1968. KRUSKAL, . B., Jr., "On the Shortest Spanning Subtree of Graph and the Traveling J Salesman Problem," Proc. Am. Math. Soc., Vol. 7, 1956,48-50. MOON,J. W., "Various Proofs of Cayley's Formula for Counting Trees," Chapter II in A Seminar on Graph Theory, (F. Harary, ed.), Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York, 1967, 70-78. PRIM, R. C, "Shortest Connection Networks and Some Generalizations," Bell System Tech. J., Vol. 36, Nov. 1957, 1389-1401. RIORDAN,J., An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1958.


3-1. 3-2. 3-3. 3-4. 3-5. 3-6. 3-7. 3-8. 3-9.

Draw all trees of n labeled vertices for n = 1,2, 3,4, and 5. Draw all trees of n unlabeled vertices for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Draw all unlabeled rooted trees of n vertices for n = 1,2, 3,4, and 5. It can be shown that there are only six different (nonisomorphic) Two such trees are given in Fig. 2-4. Draw the other four. trees of six vertices.

Prove Theorem 3-4. Show a tree in which its diameter is not equal to twice the radius. Under what condition does this inequality hold? Elaborate. Cite three different situations (games, activities, or problems) that can be represented by trees. Explain. How many isomers does pentane CSH12 have? Hexane, C6 Suppose you are given eight coins and are told that weight, and one coin is either heavier or lighter t with an equal-arm balance, which you may use coins. Sketch a strategy in the form of a .... ,," "..... ... forming coin, as well as for finding out whether Sketch all (unlabeled) binary trees with six of each. [Hint: Distribute the 11 vertices levels. Observe that level 0 has exactly one level 2 can have either two or four vertices; and two of them are shown in Fig. 3-13.] Sketch all spanning trees of the graph in Fig. 2-1. Show that a path is its own spanning tree.


3-11. 3-12.

3-13. 3-14. 3-15. 3-16. 3-17. 3-18. 3-19. 3-20. 3-21. 3-22.



Prove that a pendant edge (an edge whose one end vertex is of degree one) in a connected graph G is contained in every spanning tree of G. Prove that any subgraph g of a connected graph G is contained in some spanning tree of G if and only if g contains no circuit. What is the nullity of a complete graph of n vertices? Show that a Hamiltonian path is a spanning tree. Prove that any circuit in a graph G must have at least one edge in common with a chord set. Prove Theorem 3-13. Find a spanning tree at a distance of four from spanning tree {bI, b2, bs, b4, bs, b6} in Fig. 3-17. List all fundamental circuits with respect to this new spanning tree. Show that the distance between two spanning trees as defined in this chapter is a metric. Can you construct a graph if you are given all its spanning trees? How? Prove that the nullity of a graph does not change when you either insert a vertex in the middle of an edge, or remove a vertex of degree two by merging two edges incident on it. Prove thatany given edge of a connected graph G is a branch of some spanning tree of G. Is it also true that any arbitrary edge of G is a chord for some spanning tree of G? Suggest a method for determining the total number of spanning trees ofa connected graph without actually listing them. Prove that two colors are necessary and sufficient to paint all n vertices (n > 2) of a tree, such that no edge in the tree has both of its end vertices of the same color. (This fact is expressed by the statement that the chromatic number of a tree is two.) Suppose that you are given a set of n positive integers. State some necessary conditions of this set so that the set can be the degrees of all the n vertices of a tree. Are these conditions sufficient also? Let v be a vertex in a connected graph G. Prove that there exists a spanning tree T in G such that the distance of every vertex from v is the same both in G and in T. Let T, and T2 be two spanning trees of a connected graph G. If edge e is in T, but not in T2, prove that there exists another edge f in T2 but not in T, such that subgraphs (T, - e) U f and (T2 - f) U e are also spanning trees of G. Construct a tree graph (with 16 vertices, each corresponding of a labeled complete graph of four vertices. In the tree graph obtained in Problem 3-29, observe t covered by R. L. Cummins). A tree graph has at I and an arbitrary edge of a tree graph can be incl In a given connected weighted graph G, s weight is smaller than that of any other in G. tree in G must contain e.. Let G be a connected weighted graph in which If ei is the edge with weight greater than that shortest spanning tree in G will contain er. Show by constructing counterexamples that i cannot be said of the second smallest and the to a tree in Fig. 3-15)


3-24. 3-25.


3-27. 3-28.

3-29. 3-30.


t~'IS'ft.B"J:.Y:t u;, _ q

ian circu


edge belongs to some circuit. other ed~ilj){)50M(i)t no


edges, respectively. (J

~. t_dr\~e




3-34. 3-35.

Use the algorithm ofKruskal, as outlined in this chapter, to find a shortest spanning tree in the graph of Fig. 3-20(a). Pick 15 large cities in the United States and obtain the 105 intercity distances from an atlas. Find the shortest spanning tree connecting these cities by using (a) Kruskal's method, and (b) Prim's method. Compare their relative efficiencies.



In Chapter 3 we studied the spanning tree-a special type of subgraph of a connected graph G-which kept all the vertices of G together. In this chapter we shall study the cut-set-another type of subgraph of a connected graph G whose removal from G separates some vertices from others in G. Properties of cut-sets and their applications will be covered. Other related topics, such as connectivity, separability, and vulnerability of graphs, will also be discussed.

In a connected graph G, a cut-set is a set of edgest whose removal from G leaves G disconnected, provided removal of no proper subset of these edges disconnects G. For instance, in Fig. 4-1 the set of edges fa, c, d,/} is a cut-set. There are many other cut-sets, such as fa, b, g}, fa, b, e,/}, and fd, h,/}. Edge f k} alone is also a cut-set. The set of edges fa, c, h, d}, on . t a cut-set, because one of its proper subsets, fa, c, h}, . To emphasize the fact that no proper subset some authors refer to a cut-set as a minimal simple cut-set. Sometimes a cut-set is also call the term cut-set. A cut-set always "cuts" a graph into two. defined as a minimal set of edges in a conn the rank of the graph by one. The rank of t
+Since a set of edges (together with their end verti set in G is a subgraph of G.








I /



Fig.4-1 Removal of a cut-set fa, c, d, f} from a graph "cuts" it into two.

stance, is four, one less than that of the graph in Fig. 4.1(a). Another way of looking at a cut-set is this: if we partition all the vertices of a connected graph G into two mutually exclusive subsets, a cut-set is a minimal number of edges whose removal from G destroys all paths between these two sets of vertices. For example, in Fig. 4-1(a) cut-set {a, c, d,f} connects vertex set {v" v2' v6} with {V3' V4, vs}. (Note that one or both of these two subsets of vertices may consist of just one vertex.) Since removal of any edge from a tree breaks the tree into two parts, every edge of a tree is a cut-set. Cut-sets are of great importance in studying properties of communication and transportation networks. Suppose, for example, that the six vertices in Fig. 4- I(a) represent six cities connected by telephone lines (edges). We wish to find out if there are any weak spots in the network that need strengthening by means of additional telephone lines. We look at all cut-sets of the graph, and the one with the smallest number of edges is the m 'g. 4-1(a), the city represented by vertex V3 can be network by the destruction of just one edge. the properties of cut-sets, we shall return to their ~



Consider a spanning tree T in a co set S in G. Is it possible for S not to have any answer is no. Otherwise, removal of the cut-set nect the graph. Therefore,

REGISTERED VERSION J!DDS NO G and an arBitrary cut-


would not disconClO

~. t_dr\~e






Every cut-set in a connected graph G must contain at least one branch of every spanning tree of G. Will the converse also be true? In other words, will any minimal set of edges containing at least one branch of every spanning tree be a cut-set? The answer is yes, by the following reasoning: In a given connected graph G, let Q be a minimal set of edges containing at least one branch of every spanning tree of G. Consider G - Q, the subgraph that remains after removing the edges in Q from G. Since the subgraph G - Q contains no spanning tree of G, G - Q is disconnected (one component of which may just consist of an isolated vertex). Also, since Q is a minimal set of edges with this property, any edge e from Q returned to G - Q will create at least one spanning tree. Thus the subgraph G - Q e will be a connected graph. Therefore, Q is a minimal set of edges whose removal from G disconnects G. This, by definition, is a cut-set. Hence



In a connected graph G, any minimal set of edges containing at least one branch of every spanning tree of G is a cut-set.


Every circuit has an even number of edges in common with any cut-set. Proof: Consider a cut-set S in graph G (Fig. 4-2). Let the removal of S partition the vertices of G into two (mutually exclusive or disjoint) subsets VI and V2• Consider a circuit T in G. If all the vertices in r are entirely within vertex set VI (or V2), the number of edges common to Sand r is zero; that is, N(S Ii T) = 0, an even nurnber.] If, on the other hand, some vertices in r are in VI and some in V2, we traverse

,,/ /



I I \



V,l ".... ...._-_-

....- ..-

traversed along t Fig. 4-2 Circuit and a cut-set

t As in Chapter 3,

N(g) stands for the number of edges in





back and forth between the sets VI and V2 as we traverse the circuit (see Fig. 4-2). Because of the closed nature of a circuit, the number of edges we traverse between VI and V2 must be even. And since very edge in S has one end in VI and the other in V2, and no other edge in G has this property (of separating sets VI and V2), the number of edges common to Sand r is even. •

In Section 4-1 it was shown how cut-sets are used to identify weak spots in a communication net. For this purpose we list all cut-sets of the corresponding graph, and find which ones have the smallest number of edges. It must also have become apparent to you that even in a simple example, such as in Fig. 4-1, there is a large number of cut-sets, and we must have a systematic method of generating all relevant cut-sets. In the case of circuits, we solved a similar problem by the simple technique of finding a set of fundamental circuits and then realizing that other circuits in a graph are just combinations of two or more fundamental circuits. We shall follow a similar strategy here. Just as a spanning tree is essential for defining a set of fundamental circuits, so is a spanning tree essential for a set of fundamental cut-sets. It will be beneficial for the reader to look for the parallelism between circuits and cut-sets. Fundamental Cut-Sets: Consider a spanning tree T of a connected graph G. Take any branch b in T. Since fb} is a cut-set in T, fb} partitions all vertices of T into two disjoint sets-one at each end of b. Consider the same partition of vertices in G, and the cut set S in G that corresponds to this partition. Cutset S will contain only one branch b of T, and the rest (if any) of the edges in S are chords with respect to T. Such a cut-set S containing exactly one branch of a tree T is called a fundamental cut-set with respect to T. Sometimes a fundamental cut-set is also called a basic cut-set. In Fig. 4-3, a spanning tree

Fig. 4-3


cut-sets of a




T (in heavy lines) and all five of the fundamental cut-sets with respect to T are shown (broken lines "cutting" through each cut-set). Just as every chord of a spanning tree defines a unique fundamental circuit, every branch of a spanning tree defines a unique fundamental cut-set. It must also be kept in mind that the term fundamental cut-set (like the term fundamental circuit) has meaning only with respect to a given spanning tree. Now we shall show how other cut-sets of a: graph can be obtained from a given set of cut-sets.


The ring sum of any two cut-sets in a graph is either a third cut-set or an edgedisjoint union of cut-sets.
Outline of Proof: Let SI and S2 be two cut-sets in a given connected graph G. Let VI and V2 be the (unique and disjoint) partitioning of the vertex set

V of G corresponding to SI' Let V3 and V4 be the partitioning corresponding to S2' Clearly [see Figs. 4-4(a) and (b)],
= =

V and V and


V3 U V4


n n

V2 = 0, V4


Now let the subset (VI n V4) u (V2 n V3) be called Vs, and this by definition is the same as the ring sum Vi EB V3• Similarly, let the subset (VI n V3) u (V2 n V4) be called V6, which is the same as V2 EB V3• See Fig. 4-4(c). The ring sum of the two cut-sets S I EB S2 can be seen to consist only of edges that join vertices in Vs to those in V6• Also, there are no edges outside SI EB S2 that join vertices in Vs to those in V6• Thus the set of edges S, EB S2 produces a partitioning of V into Vs and V6 such that Hence S I EB S2 is a cut-set if the subgraphs containin connected after SI EB S2 is removed from G. Othe disjoint union of cut-sets. Example: In Fig. 4-3 let us consider ring su of cut-sets.
{d, e,f} {a, b}

EB {f,
EB {f,

g, h}

EB {b, c, e,f}

= =

{d, e, g, h}, {a, c, e,f},

{d, e, g, h}

g, k} = {d, e,f, h, k}

union of cut-sets.








~ ..... .....






\ \





Fig. 4-4

Two cut-sets and their partitionings.

So we have a method of generating additional cut-sets from a number of given cut-sets. Obviously, we cannot start with any two cut-sets in a given graph and hope to obtain all its cut-sets by this method. W minimal set of cut-sets from which we can obtain every c ring sums? The answer (to be proved in Chapter 6) is tal cut-sets with respect to a given spanning tree.

Consider a spanning tree T in a given con with respect to T, and let the fundamental circ sisting of k branches b.; h2, ••• , b, in addition

graph G. L~k.~~ a chord ade by ct4K1t{1't!lt/tI,Qon-


respect to T.

r = tc;, hI'




is a fundamental eire

Every branch of any spanning tree has a fundamental





it. Let S 1 be the fundamental cut-set associated with b I' consisting of q chords in addition to the branch b 1 ; that is,

S, = {bp

Cp C2,



is a fundamental cut-set with respect to T.

Because of Theorem 4-3, there must be an even number of edges common to rand Sl' Edge bl is in both rand St. and there is only one other edge in r (which is cJ that can possibly also be in SI' Therefore, we must have two edges b I and c, common to S I and r. Thus the chord c, is one of the chords
C I' C2,
••• ,


Exactly the same argument holds for fundamental cut-sets associated with b2, b3, ••• , and b., Therefore, the chord Ci is contained in every fundamental cut-set associated with branches in r. Is it possible for the chord c, to be in any other fundamental cut-set S' (with respect to T, of course) besides those associated with bp b2, ••• and b, ? The answer is no. Otherwise (since none of the branches in T are in S'), there would be only one edge c, common to S' and T, a contradiction to Theorem 4-3. Thus we have an important result.


With respect to a given spanning tree T, a chord c, that determines a fundamental circuit r occurs in every fundamental cut-set associated with the branches in r and in no other. As an example, consider the spanning tree {b, c, e, h, k}, shown in heavy lines, in Fig. 4-3. The fundamental circuit made by chord f is

[f, e, h, k}.
The three fundamental cut-sets determined by the three branches e, h, and k are determined by branch e: determined by branch h: determined by branch k: Chord f occurs in each of these three fundam other fundamental cut-set that contains f Th also true.

rd, e,f},
{f, g



With respect to a given spanning tree T, a mental cut-set S is contained in every fundamen chords in S, and in no others.






The proof consists of arguments similar to those that led to Theorem 4-5. Let the fundamental cut-set S determined by a branch hi be

and let r 1 be the fundamental circuit determined by chord


Since the number of edges common to Sand r 1 must be even, hi must be in r I. The same is true for the fundamental circuits made by chords C2, C3, ••• , CpOn the other hand, suppose that hi occurs in a fundamental circuit rp « 1 made by a chord other than c" C2, •.• , cpo Since none of the chords CI, C2, ••• , cp is in rs+ I, there is only one edge hi common to a circuit rp+ 1 and the cut-set S, which is not possible. Hence the theorem. • Turning again for illustration to the graph in Fig. 4-3, consider branch e of spanning tree fb, c, e, h, k}. The fundamental cut-set determined by e is

[e, d,j}.
The two fundamental circuits determined by chords d and j are determined by chord d: determined by chord j:
fd, c, e},


e, h, k}.

Branch e is contained in both these fundamental circuits, and none of the remaining three fundamental circuits contains branch e.

Edge Connectivity: Each cut-set of a connected graph G consists of a certain number of edges. The number of edges in the smallest c set with fewest number of edges) is defined as the Equivalently, the edge connectivity of a connected the minimum number of edges whose removal rank of the graph by one. The edge connectivity The edge connectivities of the graphs in Figs. and three, respectively. Vertex Connectivity: On examining the g although removal of no single edge (or even t Although we shall talk of edge connectivity and
nected graph, some authors define both the edge a disconnected graph as zero.




Fig. 4-5

Separable graph.

graph, the removal of the single vertex v does.t Therefore, we define another analogous term called vertex connectivity. The vertex connectivity (or simply connectivity) of a connected graph G is defined as the minimum number of vertices whose removal from G leaves the remaining graph disconnected.t Again, the vertex connectivity of a tree is one. The vertex connectivities of the graphs in Figs. 4-1(a), 4-3, and 4-5 are one, two, and one, respectively. Note that from the way we have defined it vertex connectivity is meaningful only for graphs that have three or more vertices and are not complete. Separable Graph: A connected graph is said to be separable if its vertex connectivity is one. All other connected graphs are called nonseparable. An equivalent definition is that a connected graph G is said to be separable if there exists a subgraph g in G such that g (the complement of g in G) and g have only one vertex in common. That these two definitions are equivalent can be easily seen (Problem 4-7). In a separable graph a vertex whose removal disconnects the graph is called a cut-vertex, a cut-node, or an articulation point. For example, in Fig. 4-5 the vertex v is a cut-vertex, and in Fig. 4-1(a) vertex V4 is a cut-vertex. It can be shown (Problem 4-18) that in a tree every vertex with degree greater than one is a cut-vertex. Moreover:


A vertex v in a connected graph G is a cut-vertex if vertices x and y in G such that every path between

The proof of the theorem is quite easy and 4-17). The implication of the theorem is very crucial vertex in the sense that any communi presented a communication network) must" t Recall that removal of a vertex implies the vertex, because without both the end vertices an edge when we delete or remove an edge from a graph, the en in the graph. tSee the footnote on p. 75.






Fig. 4-6 edges.

Graph with 8 vertices and 16

An Application: Suppose we are given n stations that are to be connected by means of e lines (telephone lines, bridges, railroads, tunnels, or highways) where e > n - I. What is the best way of connecting? By "best" we mean

that the network should be as invulnerable to destruction of individual stations and individual lines as possible. In other words, construct a graph with n vertices and e edges that has the maximum possible edge connectivity and vertex connectivity. For example, the graph in Fig. 4-5 has n = 8, e = 16, and has vertex connectivity of one and edge connectivity of three. Another graph with the same number of vertices and edges (8 and 16, respectively) can be drawn as shown in Fig. 4-6. It can easily be seen that the edge connectivity as well as the vertex connectivity of this graph is four. Consequently, even after any three stations are bombed, or any three lines destroyed, the remaining stations can still continue to "communicate" with each other. Thus the network of Fig. 4-6 is better connected than that of Fig. 4-5 (although both consist of the same number of Jines-16). The next question is what is the highest vertex and edge connectivity we can achieve for a given nand e? The following theorems constitute the answer.


The edge connectivity of a graph G cannot exceed the the smallest degree in G. Let vertex Vi be the vertex with the smal the degree of 1'j. Vertex Vi can be separated from incident on vertex 'I'i' Hence the theorem. •


The vertex connectivity of any graph G can ofG.




Let rx denote the edge connectivity of G. set Sin G with rx edges. Let S partition the vertices By removing at most rx vertices from VI (or V2) on which t

there exists a cutCJO




we can effect the removal of S (together with all other edges incident on these vertices) from G. Hence the theorem. •

Every cut-set in a nonseparable least two edges.


graph with more than two vertices contains at


The maximum vertex connectivity one can achieve with a graph G of n vertices and e edges (e > n - 1) is the integral part of the number 2e/n; that is, L2e/nJ. Proof: Every edge in G contributes two degrees. The total (2e degrees) is divided among n vertices. Therefore, there must be at least one vertex in G whose degree is equal to or less than the number 2e/n. The vertex connectivity of G cannot exceed this number, in light of Theorems 4-8 and 4-9. To show that this value can actually be achieved, one can first construct an n-vertex regular graph of degree L2e/nJ and then add the remaining e - (n/2)· L2e/nJ edges arbitrarily. The completion of the proof is left as an exercise. • The results of Theorems

4-8, 4-9, and 4-10 can be summarized


as follows:

ivitv c. e ,,<2e vertex connectivity _ ed ge connectivity _ -,

and . maximum .. vertex connectivity
POSSI ible =

l2eJ ' Ii

Thus, for a graph with 8 vertices and 16 edges (Figs. 4-5 and 4-6), for example, we can achieve a vertex connectivity (and therefore edge connectivity) as high as four (= 2· 16/8). A graph G is said to be k-connected if the vertex connectivity of G is k; therefore, a I-connected graph is the same as a separable graph,

4-1 1

A connected graph G is k-connected if and only if joined by k or more paths that do not intersect, t and at is joined by exactly k nonintersecting paths.



The edge connectivity of a graph G is k if G is joined by k or more edge-disjoint paths (i.e, p no edges in common), and at least one pair of disjoint paths.
+Paths with no common vertices, except the two t secting paths or vertex-disjoint paths.

ly if ever~ER>Stf!)Hs in that may intersect, but have is joineADQSINQge-





The reader is referred to Chapter 5 of [1-5] for the proofs of Theorems 4-] I and 4-]2. Note that our definition of k-connectedness is slightly different from the one given in [I-5]. A special result of Theorem 4-]] is that a graph G is nonseparable if and only if any pair of vertices in G can be placed in a circuit (Problem 4-] 3). The reader is encouraged to verify these theorems by enumerating all edge-disjoint and vertex-disjoint paths between each of the] 5 pairs of vertices in Fig. 4-3.




In a network of telephone lines, highways, railroads, pipelines of oil (or gas or water), and so on, it is important to know the maximum rate of flow that is possible from one station to another in the network. This type of network is represented by a weighted connected graph in which the vertices are the stations and the edges are lines through which the given commodity (oil, gas, water, number of messages, number of cars, etc.) flows. The weight, a real positive number, associated with each edge represents the capacity of the line, that is, the maximum amount of flow possible per unit of time. The graph in Fig. 4-7, for example, represents a flow network consisting of 12 stations and 31 lines. The capacity of each of these lines is also indicated in the figure. It is assumed that at each intermediate vertex the total rate of commodity entering is equal to the rate leaving. In other words, there is no accumulation or generation of the commodity at any vertex along the way. Furthermore, the flow through a vertex is limited only by the capacities of the edges incident on it. In other words, the vertex itself can handle as much flow as allowed through the edges. Finally, the lines are lossless.


6 Fig. 4-7




In such a flow problem the questions to be answered are I. What is the maximum flow possible through the network between a specified pair of vertices-say, from B to M in Fig. 4-7? 2. How do we achieve this flow (i.e., determine the actual flow through each edge when the maximum flow exists)? Theorem 4-13, perhaps the most important result in the theory of transport networks, answers the first question. The second question is answered implicitly by a constructive proof of the theorem. To facilitate the statement and proof of the theorem, let us define a few terms. A cut-set with respect to a pair of vertices a and b in a connected graph G puts a and b into two different components (i.e., separates vertices a and b). For instance, in Fig. 4-3 cut-set [d, e.f'] is a cut-set with respect to VI and V6• The set [J, g, hJ is also a cut-set with respect to V 1 and V6• But the cut-set [J, g, h} is not a cut-set with respect to V 1 and v6• The capacity of cut-set S in a weighted connected graph G (in which the weight of each edge represents its flow capacity) is defined as the sum of the weights of all the edges in S. THEOREM 4-13 The maximum flow possible between two vertices a and b in a network is equal to the minimum of the capacities of all cut-sets with respect to a and b.
Proof" Consider any cut-set S with respect to vertices a and b in G. In the subgraph G - S (the subgraph left after removing S from G) there is no path between

a and b. Therefore, every path in G between a and b must contain at least one edge of S. Thus every flow from a to b (or from b to a) must pass through one or more edges of S. Hence the total flow rate between these two vertices cannot exceed the capacity of S. Since this holds for all cut-sets with respect to a and b, the flow rate

cannot exceed the minimum of their capacities.

To show that this flow can actually be achieved is somewhat involved. It requires some concepts that are to be introduced later. The proof will therefore be deferred till Chapter 14, where flow pro d in much greater detail. S\E.RED V.

b, and c); each bloc1t,0



A separable graph consists of two or mo of the largest nonseparable subgraphs is called term component, but to avoid confusion with graph, we shall use the term block.) The graph graph in Fig. 4-8 has five blocks (and three cut-ve

eparabIMSSS/6/flach k. (Sol1}f~WJ~the ents ~~~onn~ted

~. t_dr\~e

SEC. 4-7



" -,

" ",

/ /-'

_-- -



.... I


\ \ \

\ \ \ I

I / / /






-, /





Fig. 4-8

Separable graph with three cut-vertices and five blocks .

Fig. 4-9


graph l-isomorphic

to Fig. 4-8.

is shown enclosed by a broken line. Note that a nonseparable connected graph consists of just one block. Visually compare the disconnected graph in Fig. 4-9 with the one in Fig. 4-8. These two graphs are certainly not isomorphic (they do not have the same number of vertices), but they are related by the fact that the blocks of the graph in Fig. 4-8 are isomorphic to the components of the graph in Fig. 4-9. Such graphs are said to be I-isomorphic. More formally: Two graphs Gland G2 are said to be I-isomorphic if they become isomorphic to each other under repeated application of the foil Operation I: "Split" a cut-vertex into two vertices subgraphs. From this definition it is apparent that tw isomorphic if and only if they are isomorphic.

4-14 k of


rable graphs are l-~

If Gland G2 are two I-isomorphic graphs, t G2 and the nullity of G I equals the nullity of G2•
Proof: Under operation 1, whenever a cut-vertex

c, ~QQ~eJ)LQ



h G is "split" int<tl°

~. t_dr\~e




two vertices, the number of components in G increases by one. Therefore, the rank of G which is number of vertices in G - number of components in G remains invariant under operation 1. Also, since no edges are destroyed or new edges created by operation 1, two I-isomorphic graphs have the same number of edges. Two graphs with equal rank and with equal numbers of edges must have the same nullity, because nullity

number of edges - rank.

What if we join two components of Fig. 4-9 by "gluing" together two vertices (say vertex x to y)? We obtain the graph shown in Fig. 4-10. Clearly, the graph in Fig. 4-10 is I-isomorphic to the graph in Fig. 4-9. Since the blocks of the graph in Fig. 4-10 are isomorphic to the blocks of the graph in Fig. 4-8, these two graphs are also I-isomorphic. Thus the three graphs in Figs. 4-8, 4-9, and 4-10 are I-isomorphic to one another .

Fig. 4-10 Graph 1-isomorphic to Figs. 4-8 and 4-9.



In Section 4-7 we generalized the concept I-isomorphism. A graph G 1 was I-isomorphic t were isomorphic to the blocks of G2• Since a block, I-isomorphism for nonseparable gra However, for separable graphs (i.e., graphs I-isomorphism is different from isomorphism are also I-isomorphic, but I-isomorphic graphs generalized isomorphism is very useful in the stu





We can generalize this concept further to broaden its scope for 2-connected graphs (i.e., graphs with vertex connectivity of two), as follows: In a 2-connected graph G let vertices x and y be a pair of vertices whose removal from G will leave the remaining graph disconnected. In other words, G consists of a subgraph gland its complement g t such that gland g 1 have exactly two vertices, x and y, in common. Suppose that we perform the following operation 2 on G (after which, of course, G no longer remains the original graph). Operation 2: "Split" the vertex x into x 1 and X2 and the vertex y into y 1 and Y2 such that G is split into gland g i - Let vertices Xl and Y 1 go with gland X2 and Y2 with g l' Now rejoin the graphs gland g 1 by merging XI with Y2 and X2 with Y I' (Clearly, edges whose end vertices were x and y in G could have gone with g 1 or g l' without affecting the final graph.) Two graphs are said to be 2-isomorphic if they become isomorphic after undergoing operation I (in Section 4-7) or operation 2, or both operations any number of times. For example, Fig. 4-11 shows how the two graphs in Figs. 4-1 I(a) and (d) are 2-isomorphic. Note that in (a) the degree of vertex x is four, but in (d) no vertex is of degree four. From the definition it follows immediately that isomorphic graphs are always I-isomorphic, and I-isomorphic graphs are always 2-isomorphic. But 2-isomorphic graphs are not necessarily I-isomorphic, and I-isomorphic




Fig. 4-11 2-isomorphic graphs (a)




graphs are not necessarily isomorphic. However, for graphs with connectivity three or more, isomorphism, l-isomorphism, and 2-isomorphism are synonymous. It is clear that no edges or vertices are created or destroyed under operation 2. Therefore, the rank and nullity of a graph remain unchanged under operation 2. And as shown in Section 4-7, the rank or nullity of a graph does not change under operation I. Therefore, 2-isomorphic graphs are equal in rank and equal in nullity. The fact that the rank r and nullity u are not enough to specify a graph within 2-isomorphism can easily be shown by constructing a counterexample (Problem 4-23). Circuit Correspondence: Two graphs Gland G2 are said to have a circuit correspondence if they meet the following condition: There is a one-to-one correspondence between the edges of Gland G2 and a one-to-one correspondence between the circuits of Gland G 2' such that a circuit in G 1 formed by certain edges of G, has a corresponding circuit in G2 formed by the corresponding edges of G2, and vice versa. Isomorphic graphs, obviously, have circuit correspondence. Since in a separable graph G every circuit is confined to a particular block (Problem 4-15), every circuit in G retains its -edges as G undergoes operation I (in Section 4-7). Hence I-isomorphic graphs have circuit correpondence. Similarly, let us consider what happens to a circuit in a graph G when it undergoes operation 2, as defined in this section. A circuit r in G will fall in one of three categories: I. 2. 3.

r is made r is made r is made

of edges all in gl' or of edges all in

g l'


of edges from both gland both vertices x and y.

g I' and

in that case

r must


is unaffected by operation 2. In case 3, original edges, except that the path between verti constituted a part of I", is "flipped around." Thus undergoing operation 2 retains its original graphs also have circuit correspondence. Theorem 4-15, which is considered the most phic graphs, is due to H. Whitney.

In cases I and 2,

4-15 if and only if


Two graphs are 2-isomorphic

Proof: The "only if" part has already been the theorem. The "if" part is more involved, and the original paper [4-7].




As we shall observe in subsequent chapters, the ideas of 2-isomo.rphism and circuit correspondence play important roles in the theory of contact networks, electrical networks, and in duality of graphs.


Our main concern in this chapter was with answering the following question about a connected graph: Which part of a connected graph, when removed, breaks the graph apart? Clearly, the answer to this question does specify a graph in many aspects and tells a great deal about it. Some of these properties are of considerable significance both in theory and applications of graphs. In pursuit of the answer to the above question, we came across the concepts of cut-sets, cut-vertices, connectivity, and so on. Many of the theorems showed relationships between these characteristics of a graph. In contrast to a spanning tree (which keeps the vertices together), a cutset separates the vertices. Consequently, there was bound to be a close relationship between a spanning tree and a cut-set. Some of the theorems (and the problems at the end of this chapter) describe this relationship between spanning trees and cut-sets. In terms of the minimum number of vertices whose removal disconnects a graph, all graphs can be classified according to Fig. 4-12.

All graphs



m =:2


is the vertex-connectivit

Fig. 4-12

Classification of graphs according to t

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