Warhammer 40k Spearhead

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Prepare yourself, for no other style of warfare in the 41st
Millennium can compare to the brutal devastation of a full-
E X PA N S I O N scale armoured assault. Jervis Johnson presents a new
Expansion for Warhammer 40,000.

elcome to Spearhead – an exclusive new To an infantryman this is not a battlefield; it is a

W Expansion for Warhammer 40,000. Spearhead

allows you to fight huge tank battles of the 41st
Millennium, bringing the devastation wrought when two
slaughtering ground, little more than a killing field. They
soon learn to fear the grinding clank of metal tracks, the
deep thrumming of massed grav-tanks, or the high-pitched
armoured companies clash to your tabletop. Spearhead has whine of straining jetbike engines.
it all, from daring flank attacks to brave armoured assaults
into the heart of the enemy battleline. Spearhead Formations
In a Spearhead battle both players are allowed to include
Armoured Onslaught special spearhead formations in their army. These represent
When opposing armoured columns clash, the battles are additional assets that are made available to lead the attack.
devastating and bloody. Such encounters are marked by Sometimes they will be specially trained units drawn from
squadrons of tanks, thunderous artillery support and sleek the armoury, or the most elite units handpicked to form a
schools of skimmers. Elite tank formations are deployed to formidable new regiment.
spearhead the attack. Waves of armoured vehicles unleash On occasion, even a battle-dominating super-heavy
hell upon one another. In the midst of this mechanised tank is released from reserve to front the offensive. These
madness, troops dash for cover, although it offers scant spearheads must lead your army’s armoured assault
protection against such an array of prodigious firepower. through the seething cauldron of blazing wrecks.
There are a wide range of spearheads to choose from your army. All you need to do to get started is study the
and every army can take advantage of such formations in a rules, read the battle report and you’re ready to play. So
different way. An altered Force Organisation Chart allows fire up your engines, unleash your armoured spearheads,
players to concentrate on units that suit their objectives – and prepare yourself for the sheer carnage and ruin that
tank armies, wedges of monstrous creatures or a force built you will see unfold!
around a Baneblade or Stompa. There are endless
combinations that you can include. Spearheads
Spearhead battles can include all manner of additional
New Battles to Fight spearhead formations; from veteran tank crews who have
Spearhead also uses a new set of missions. What will strike honed their skills hunting enemy armour in countless
most players straight off is that Spearhead battles are fought battles to daring pilots using dangerously experimental
down the length of the table, with opposing sides starting weaponry to devastating effect.
some distance apart. This is very different to the When you fight a Spearhead battle, each player is
purposefully claustrophobic standard missions in the allowed to include one spearhead of each type in his army.
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, where the two sides start There are at least 18 different spearhead types, although
fairly close together. The set-up used in Spearhead ensures each of these can be composed in many different ways,
a different confrontation, one that favours long-ranged leaving countless tactical possibilities. Picking the right
firepower and heavily armoured troops and vehicles. spearhead formations to use, and deciding which models
to build them with, is important and worth careful thought.
How this Expansion Works If you favour aggressive units, then you may want to
Spearhead is a completely new Expansion for Warhammer consider formations like an Armoured Spearhead or a
40,000. You’ll find all the rules and scenarios for Super-heavy Spearhead. If, on the other hand, you prefer to
Spearhead on the following pages, along with the out-manoeuvre an enemy, then the Mechanised Assault
spearhead formations. You can also find a Spearhead battle Spearhead may be more your cup of tea. No matter your
report in the White Dwarf archive elsewhere on this tactical preferences, there will be a spearhead to suit.
website to show you what a Spearhead battle looks like on The Spearhead Formation rules describe how to pick
the tabletop. All of the other material that you will need to and use the units in a spearhead, as well as rules (as
play is included in this PDF. explained later) for using them in the game, but an
You can fight a Spearhead battle using your existing example spearhead is shown below to give you a taste of
Warhammer 40,000 army, although spearhead formations what to expect. You’ll find all 18 Spearhead Formations in
provide a great excuse to add new units and vehicles to the latter half of this document.


Tank Hunter Spearheads are made up

of tanks crewed by proven veterans
who know how to destroy the
armoured fighting vehicles of their
enemy. They can be relied upon to
carry out their mission with cold
efficiency and deadly skill. Before the
battle begins the tank crews will
memorise the details of every terrain
feature and ambush site on the
battlefield, as well as the weak points
on the enemy vehicles they are likely
to meet. Honed to perfection, ready
to meet any threat and ideally suited
to the task in hand, Tank Hunter
Spearheads often display their
prowess through kill-rings, enemy-
slain tallies, or even the crude displays
of past victims.


Up to three Tank or Walker units. Tank Hunter Crews: The tank crews that make up
this spearhead are hardened veterans. Each vehicle
counts as having the following universal special rule:
Tank Hunters.
The following rules will take you through the steps you detail in the Spearhead Formation rules that can be
need to follow in order to set up a Spearhead game. In downloaded from the website.
addition it describes the special rules that apply in Each spearhead provides the extra rules, background
Spearhead battles, and notes on how to set up the terrain and additional points value for the formation. Spearheads
and scenery for the game. can be used by any army, but not every force will be able
to field every type of spearhead. Most units in a spearhead
are chosen from a Codex, but sometimes they are super-
SPEARHEAD SET-UP heavy units, and in such cases the information needed to
field the super-heavy unit can be found in Apocalypse.
1. Agree points limit & choose forces
Suffice it to say that the addition of a spearhead unit or two
2. Prepare the battlefield
allows you to create an army that you couldn’t field in a
3. Select a mission
standard game or a normal tournament battle, and the
4. Deploy forces
extra rules of these formations will add to your enjoyment
5. Fight the battle!
of the challenging new scenarios.

1. Agree Points Limit and Choose Forces

In a Spearhead battle you agree points limits and choose
forces in a slightly different way than you would when
fighting one of the missions described in the Warhammer
40,000 rulebook. We recommend that you set the points
value for your games rather higher than normal, at least
500-1000 points more, simply because all those extra
vehicles can soak up a lot of points very quickly.
The Force Organisation Chart used for Spearhead is
slightly different to a standard mission from the
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. As you’ll see in the chart
below, there are no minimum requirements, and you are
allowed to include a spearhead formation of each type in
your army. This opens up many new possibilities to create
formidable combinations.
“To feel the thunder of munitions like the
Any number of spearhead formations may be included in
fury of the gods as the ground tears apart
each player’s army. A spearhead can be a single unit, or around you, that is to know true glory.
several units grouped together to form a devastating attack
group. A spearhead represents powerful, specially trained, Mark it well.”
or veteran units that have been made available for the – Logan Grimnar, the Great Wolf
battle. How these units are selected is explained in more


Up to one
formation of
each type.

This means that your army could include:

• Your usual Warhammer 40,000 army.
• Your usual Warhammer 40,000 army,
0-2 HQ 0-3 Fast Attack plus one or more spearheads!
0-3 Elite 0-3 Heavy Support
0-6 Troops Any number of spearheads • Nothing but spearheads!
2. Prepare the Battlefield
Once your armies have been selected, the battlefield INFANTRY? IN A TANK BATTLE?
should be set up using the guidelines found in the Astute army builders will notice two things about the
‘Organising a Battle’ section of the Warhammer 40,000 Spearhead Force Organisation Chart. First off, some
rulebook. The rules that follow assume that the battle will will have recognised you can use your standard army
be fought on a 6' by 4' gaming table, although larger or if you wish. This means it is possible to fight Spearhead
smaller surfaces can be used too if very large or very small battles straight away with your standard Warhammer
armies are being used. The only thing to watch out for is 40,000 army. Secondly, players will notice that
that the gaming area is at least 5' long, as otherwise there infantry are still allowed in games of Spearhead. Tanks,
may not be enough room to deploy the two armies. armoured vehicles, and mechanised infantry are at an
Also, note that the table is divided in half along its advantage, however you can take as much infantry as
width, rather than its length, and that therefore the player’s you like. You may well find that some units of infantry
table edges – that is the edge that new units enter from and are helpful in supporting an armoured column,
units retreat towards – are the narrow table edges in a countercharging enemy units or bringing their own
Spearhead battle. Outflanking units will arrive on the long anti-tank weapons to bear. Effective support units can
table edges rather than the narrow ones. mean the difference between victory and defeat.

How much Terrain?

Some of the most famous tank battles of the 41st
Millennium have been fought across barren deathzones THE BATTLEFIELD
where there is little natural cover. Conversely, many
Long table edge
armoured assaults have been tasked with battling through
ruined cities, heavily cratered no-man’s-land, and every
type of terrain known. Armour battles can occur anywhere
and there are no additional rules about how much terrain
you should use.

Player B’s table edge

Player A’s table edge

This said, we've found that Spearhead battles benefit

from using slightly less terrain than usual. After all, you
want to leave enough room for your tanks to manoeuvre
through! Try ‘grouping’ or clustering terrain so there is a
gap of at least 12" and up to 24" between terrain features,
as this allows both cover and killing zones for games
featuring large numbers of vehicles. As the game
progresses, the chassis of wrecked tanks will provide
additional cover. After you’ve fought a few battles, try a
relatively barren battlefield or a very densely packed one
Long table edge
for a new challenge.

A Blood Angels armoured

assault encounters heavy
resistance from the Tyranids.
3. Select a Mission Scoring Units
When you are fighting a Spearhead battle you use the Unlike a standard Warhammer 40,000 mission, where only
following missions rather than those found in the Troops count as scoring units, in a Spearhead battle the
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. There are three Spearhead following units are scoring units:
missions, and you and your opponent can either agree on
the mission you will play, or roll a D6 and consult the • Any units from an army’s Troops allowance. A unit of
chart below. Troops embarked in a transport can control objectives
(measure the distance to their vehicle’s hull).

• Any Tank or Walker units, no matter which section they

D6 Roll Mission:
were selected from. Even damaged or immobilised
1-2 Breakthrough
Tanks or Walkers count as scoring units (although
3-4 Lightning War
obviously destroyed ones do not!).
5-6 Vital Ground
• All spearhead units.

Ending the Game There are a few exceptions, where units that would
A Spearhead battle lasts a random number of turns, using otherwise qualify do not count as scoring units:
the same method as for a standard mission. At the end of
game turn five, one of the players rolls a dice. On a 1-2 the • If they have the Swarm special rule.
game ends immediately, but on a roll of 3 or more another
turn is played. If the game carries on, roll the dice again at • If they have a special rule specifying that they never
the end of game turn six. This time the game will continue count as scoring units.
on a roll of 4 or more, and will end on a roll of 1-3. The
game ends automatically at the end of game turn seven. Wipeout!
As normal, as soon as the game ends and before Regardless of the victory conditions, if you destroy every
working out victory conditions, all units that are falling single unit in the enemy army before the end of the game,
back are removed and count as destroyed. then you win the game!

The full armoured might

of the Tau Empire is
unleashed upon the foe.
After months of bloody fighting, the build up of reserves Controlling the battlefield is important, but a
is finally in place. Tanks and support vehicles have particularly vital area, such as a supply dump or a fuel
been rushed to the front; commanders and officers have depot, is the primary objective. Whoever gains control
made their plans and delivered stirring speeches to their of this vital target will almost certainly win the battle.
troops. The time has finally come to smash the enemy You must claim the vital objective and deny the enemy
aside and drive into the open ground beyond! You must all other tactical points on the battlefield to secure
create a hole through the enemy’s lines to open a victory. Only once the area is fully in your control can
corridor that the rest of the army will pour through. But the next stage of the campaign begin.
beware, for the enemy is not ignorant of your gathering
forces and stands ready to repulse you. Victory Conditions
Before setting up their forces, the players must set up
Victory Conditions the objectives. These are split into two types: a single
At the end of the game, each player scores 1 victory vital objective and 3 minor objectives. The winner of a
point for each scoring unit that is at least partially roll-off picks the vital objective, choosing a position in
within the enemy’s half of the table. one half of the table, marking it with a counter,
The player that has the highest total of victory nominating a terrain feature detail, or any other method
points at the end of the game wins. If the players have that is equally clear. The other player then picks 3
the same total, the game is a tactical draw. minor objectives in the other half of the table. All
objectives must be at ground level and none of the
objectives may be in impassable terrain, within 12" of
another objective, or within 6" of any table edge. After
positioning the objectives, deployment of the forces
begins, as described next.
Your super-heavy vehicles that are wrecked during
the game become an objective for your opponent.
At the end of the game you control an objective if
there is at least one of your scoring units, and no
enemy unit (of any type, scoring or not), within 3" of it.
As objectives may vary in size and shape it is important
to agree at the beginning of the battle exactly where
this distance will be measured from. A vital objective is
LIGHTNING WAR worth 3 points, and the minor objectives and wrecked
Nothing short of an all-out attack will break the super-heavy vehicles 1 point each. The player
enemy’s lines! Now is the time to strike hard and strike controlling the most points’ worth of objectives wins. If
fast. Whoever makes the opening move and executes the players have the same total, then game is a tactical
this action with a decisive and paralysing blow will draw – with no force gaining the upper hand.
gain the advantage. To enact this you must contain the
foe’s forces, while your own troops surge forwards and
overrun the enemy positions. Steal a march on the
enemy for victory!

Victory Conditions
Before setting up their forces, the players must set up
three objectives. The winner of a roll-off places the first
objective, marking it with a counter, nominating a
terrain feature detail, or any other method that is
equally clear. Players take it in turn placing the next
two objectives. Objectives must be placed at ground
level and not in impassable terrain, or within 24" of
another objective. In addition, one objective must be
placed within 18" of each table edge, and one objective
must be placed within 18" of the table’s centre. After
placing the objectives, deployment of the forces begins,
as described in the next section.
Your super-heavy vehicles that are wrecked during
the game become an objective for your opponent.
At the end of the game you control an objective if
there is at least one of your scoring units, and no
enemy unit (of any type, scoring or not), within 3" of it.
As objectives may vary in size and shape it is important
to agree at the beginning of the battle exactly where
this distance will be measured from.
The player controlling the most objectives at the
end of the game wins. If the players control the same
number of objectives, the game is a tactical draw.
4. Deploy Forces Infiltrators and Scouts
With your armies selected, terrain set-up and the mission In all three types of deployment, the sequence is the same.
decided, it is time to deploy the armies taking part in the First the players deploy their forces, apart from units left in
battle. Spearhead battles are always fought down the reserve or that choose to use their Infiltrate special rule.
length of the table, although exactly how you deploy will Then they deploy their infiltrators, as described in the
depend on the type of battle being fought. You can either Warhammer 40,000 special rules. Finally they move units
agree with your opponent what type of deployment to use, with the ‘Scouts’ special rule. Units that enter play by
or roll a D6 and consult the following chart. outflank do so by one of the long table edges.

Multiple Unit Choices

D6 Roll Deplyment type Note that occasionally a Codex will allow a player to
1-2 Counter-attack include several units in his army at the cost of a single
3-4 Cauldron force organisation slot (such as dedicated transports). Apart
5-6 Escalation from counting as a single choice when selected, these units
operate and count as separate units in all other respects.

A Note on Secrecy Seize the Initiative!

To keep things fair you should always make clear to your The defender (i.e. the player moving second) may try to
opponent which squads are embarked in which transport seize the initiative in a Spearhead battle in the same
vehicle. In addition, before starting to deploy their armies, manner as in a standard mission. In order to do so, just
it is a good idea for the players to agree whether or not before the attacker (i.e. the player moving first) begins his
they can read each other’s force rosters before or during first turn, the defender may roll a dice. On a roll of a 6, the
the game, or only after the battle is finished. Some players defender will go first instead, immediately beginning his
prefer full disclosure (which is the norm in tournaments, for first turn (and no, the attacker cannot then try to seize the
example), as they want to concentrate on outplaying their initiative back again!).
opponent rather than winning by springing a secret trump In this case the enemy has obviously stolen a march on
card on them. Others prefer to keep things secret, as the attacker; after all, vehicles in the 41st Millennium can
bluffing can add an enjoyable element to the game. Just be unreliable and cantankerous if you don’t apply the
make sure you agree before the game. correct rites of ignition!

One army has committed its forces to an all-out attack.
As they advance, they are spotted by the enemy, who
immediately launches a counter-attack.

The table is divided into two halves, by drawing an Attacker's deployment zone
imaginary line through the middle of the long table
edges. The players roll-off to decide who will be the
attacker and who will be the defender.

Both players may choose to place units that can Deep

Strike and any units transported in them in reserve. Up
to half of any remaining units (rounding up) may also be
placed in reserve if desired. All other units must be
deployed on the battlefield.
The attacker then chooses one of the short table edges
to be his own table edge. He deploys his army in a
wedge-shaped area, as shown on the map to the right –
the tip of the wedge should be 9" away from the centre 9"
point of the table (this is his deployment zone). The
defender then deploys in the opposite half of the table,
as shown.

If players have the Infiltrate or Scout special rule, they

may deploy and/or move after other units have
deployed. Once deployment is finished, the attacker
starts game turn 1 with his first player turn.

Defender's deployment zone

Both sides have committed their forces to battle at the
Attacker's deployment zone
same time. The two armies crash into each other,
turning the battlefield into a swirling and extremely
deadly cauldron of destruction.

The table is divided into two halves, by drawing an

imaginary line through the middle of the long table
edges. For example, a 6' by 4' table would have two 4'
by 3' halves.

Both players may choose to place units that can Deep 18"
Strike and any units transported in them in reserve. Up
to half of any remaining units (rounding up) may be
placed in reserve if desired. All other units must be
deployed on the battlefield.

The players roll-off to decide who will be the attacker 18"

and who will be the defender. The attacker then
chooses one of the short table edges to be his own table
edge. He deploys his army in his half of the table, more
than 18" away from the table’s middle line (this is his
deployment zone). The defender then deploys in the
opposite half of the table.

If players have the Infiltrate or Scout special rule, they

may deploy and/or move after other units have Defender's deployment zone
deployed. Once deployment is finished, the attacker
starts game turn 1 with his first player turn.

What starts out as a small local fight between frontline
Attacker's deployment zone
troops quickly escalates into a full-scale onslaught as
both sides feed more and more reserves into the battle.

The table is divided into two halves, by drawing a line

through the middle of the long table edges.

The players roll-off to decide who will be the attacker

and who will be the defender. The attacker then
chooses one of the short table edges to be his own table
edge. He deploys his army in his half of the table, more
than 9" away from the table’s middle line (this is his 9"
deployment zone). The defender then deploys in the
opposite half of the table in a similar manner.

Both players must deploy either one spearhead or three 9"

non-spearhead units on the battlefield. All remaining
units must be placed in reserve. If for any reason a
player does not have enough units, then he must deploy
as many units as he has available. Units that can
infiltrate, can do so, as long as at the end of deployment
the player still has a maximum of one spearhead or
three non-spearhead units.

Once deployment is finished, the attacker starts game

turn 1 with his first player turn. Defender's deployment zone
When you fight a Spearhead battle, each player is Each spearhead includes one or more special rules that
allowed to include one spearhead of each type in his are listed on the spearhead datasheets. In addition, the
army. Simply look through the spearheads on the following special rules also apply. Unless noted
following pages and pick which ones you will use. otherwise, these rules apply only to the units that make
up the spearhead.
There are 18 different spearhead types, although each
of these can be composed in many different ways THE SPEARHEAD RULE
leaving countless tactical possibilities. Picking the right Spearheads are either specially trained units or elite
spearheads to use, and deciding which models to build veterans that know how to act in unison and provide
them with is important and worth careful thought. If each other with covering fire. To represent this, units in
you are an aggressive player, then you may want to a spearhead benefit from the following special
consider formations like a Super-heavy Spearhead. If, 'Spearhead rule' when they are within 4" of another
on the other hand, you prefer to out-manoeuvre an unit from the same spearhead at the start of the
enemy, then the Mechanised Assault Spearhead may be Shooting phase:
more your cup of tea, and so on.
• Vehicles other than Walkers, that are moving at up to
CHOOSING UNITS cruising speed, can fire one more weapon than would
Once you’ve selected the spearheads you will use, you normally be permitted. In addition, this weapon can be
can then pick the specific units that make them up. fired at a different target unit to any other weapons,
Each spearhead lists what type of units you can pick – subject to the normal rules for Shooting. Note that
in general you will select the units from a Codex, but vehicles which are moving flat out may not take
some will allow you to pick from other sources. advantage of this rule.

Unless stated otherwise, all of the units in a spearhead • Walkers and Monstrous Creatures may fire one
must be chosen from the same entry in the army list, weapon after they run. Note that they may not shoot
though they may take different options and upgrades. and then run, they must always run first.
Remember that even though normally an entry allows
you to buy a single vehicle, in some army lists an entry DEPLOYING SPEARHEADS
will allow you to buy an entire squadron of vehicles! Each spearhead counts as a single unit for the purposes
of deployment and arriving from reserve, unless noted
When selected as part of a spearhead, dedicated otherwise in its entry. This means that all units in the
transports count as Heavy Support units instead, and spearhead must either be deployed on the battlefield,
therefore are selected without a transported unit. or held in reserve, and that when rolling for the arrival
of reserves a single dice roll is made for the whole
The units in a spearhead do not come for free – you spearhead. In effect, all of the models in the spearhead
must still pay the points for the units in the spearhead (apart from casualties) must either be on the table or
from the point’s allocation you have agreed with you off it.
opponent. So, if you were playing a 2000-point
Spearhead battle, then the points for the spearhead
units you use in your army would count towards the
total points value of your army.

In addition, most spearhead formations have an

additional cost, that covers the special rules associated
with the spearhead.

Note that you don’t have to take any spearhead units

at all if you don’t want to. However, as spearhead units
can eat up your points allocation quite quickly, if you
are going to take any, it is a good idea to select these
important formations first.

We have found playing our regular sized armies and

‘topping them up’ with a spearhead or two is a good
way to get started. We usually allow an extra 500 to a
1000 points for spearhead units, and use these to top
up a standard army to a total of 2000 points or so.
However, it is also great fun to play a larger game with
several spearheads on both sides.
Description: An explanation of what is in the Points Cost: In addition to the points cost of the
spearhead and how it is used. models in the spearhead, there is often an extra
cost you must pay to use the formation.

Type: Remember, you can only have Picture: A illustration of what a spearhead
one spearhead per type in your army. of this type might look like in battle.


An Armoured Spearhead is made up of

armoured vehicles that have been fitted
with extra protection. These metal
behemoths are almost invulnerable to
small arms fire, and even heavy weapons
can have a difficult time affecting them.
Armoured Spearheads are trained to
work as a team, mutually supporting
each other in case any member is hit. As
they lumber towards the enemy their
powerful weapons will lay down a
withering hail of fire on any enemy
troops that they see. Armoured
Spearheads are often used to lead the
attack, soaking up firepower so the rest
of the assaulting force can advance
behind their defensive shield.


Armoured Behemoths: The armoured vehicles used to
Up to three Tank units. spearhead an assault will be fitted with extra protection and
reinforced internal armour. This provides all of the vehicles in the
Armoured Spearhead with a 5+ invulnerable save.

Spearhead Units: This states the number and type Special Rules: There may be special rules that
of units that make up the spearhead, and where apply to all of the units in the spearhead. These are
they are chosen from. All units must be chosen in addition to the ‘usual’ special rules that may
from the same Codex as the rest of the army, apply to any of its units.
unless stated specifically otherwise. Any options
normally allowed may be chosen at the usual
points cost.

“Fire at the lead tank of an enemy

column if you want to blockade their
movement. Fire at the rearmost vehicles to
deny the enemy cover from the wreckage
of the vehicles you destroy.”
– Tactica Imperium

An Armoured Spearhead is made up of

armoured vehicles that have been
fitted with extra protection. These
metal behemoths are almost
invulnerable to small-arms fire, and
even heavy weapons can have a
difficult time damaging them.
Armoured Spearheads are trained to
work as a team, mutually supporting
each other in case any member is hit.
As they lumber towards the enemy
their powerful weapons will lay down a
withering hail of fire on any enemy
troops that they see. Armoured
Spearheads are often used to lead the
attack, soaking up firepower so the rest
of the assaulting force can advance
behind their defensive shield.


Up to three Tank units. Armoured Behemoths: The armoured vehicles used to
spearhead an assault will be fitted with extra protection and
reinforced internal armour. This provides all of the vehicles in the
Armoured Spearhead with a 5+ invulnerable save.


An Ambush Spearhead is set up in a

hidden position where it cannot be seen
by the enemy. The vehicles that make up
the spearhead will be moved into
position under cover of night, or while
the enemy is occupied by a raid or
spoiling attack designed to distract their
attention. Once in position the vehicles
and their crews will remain hidden, not
making a sound or doing anything that
will attract the enemy's attention. Then,
when the appropriate time finally
arrives, the hidden units will reveal
themselves, pouring devastating volleys
of fire into the unsuspecting foe.

Up to three Tank or Walker units. Units with a SPECIAL RULES
Ambush: The vehicles that make up this spearhead have been
transport capacity may not be selected. deployed in carefully hidden positions and expertly camouflaged.
Each vehicle has the Stealth* and Infiltrate universal special rules,
but may not be placed in reserve.
* The vehicles are not actually stealthy, of course. Rather this rule
represents their ability to make the maximum use of cover.

A Mechanised Assault Spearhead is

made up of lightly equipped, fast-
moving troops. They will make
maximum use of their speed to close
quickly with the enemy, trusting to the
suddenness of their attack and their
manoeuvrability to avoid damage. Once
amongst the foe they will cause as much
damage and confusion as possible, tying
up the enemy with hit and run attacks,
and buying the rest of the assaulting
force valuable time. As the enemy
struggles to deal with their elusive
assailants, they will suddenly find
themselves beset by the rest of the
attacking army.

Up to three vehicle units with a transport capacity. SPECIAL RULES
Flank Attack: All of the units in the Mechanised Assault
For each vehicle taken, you must take one unit of Spearhead must be mounted in their transports and placed in
any type, from one or more entries in the army reserve. However, they will always arrive in their side’s first turn (no
list, that can transported in the vehicle. roll is necessary), in the same manner as an outflanking unit. Roll
only once to see which table edge the spearhead arrives on; all
units in the spearhead will arrive on this edge.


Tank Hunter Spearheads are made up of

tanks crewed by proven veterans who
know how to destroy the armoured
fighting vehicles of their enemy. They
can be relied upon to carry out their
mission with cold efficiency and deadly
skill. Before the battle begins the tank
crews will memorise the details of every
terrain feature and ambush site on the
battlefield, as well as every weakpoint
on the enemy vehicles they are likely to
meet. Honed to perfection, ready to
meet any threat, and ideally suited to
the task in hand, Tank Hunter
Spearheads often display their prowess
through kill-rings, enemy-slain tallies, or
even the crude displays of past victims.


Up to three Tank or Walker units. Tank-Hunter Crews: The tank crews that make up this spearhead
are hardened veterans. Each vehicle counts as having the following
universal special rules: Tank Hunters.

The troops gathered together for an

assault will sometimes include new or
extremely rare types of armoured
vehicles. These vehicles will have been
fitted with ancient technology from
forbidden worlds, and will carry
improved guns or perhaps stores of rare
but powerful ammunition. Vehicles
associated with the Chaos powers might
not have technical upgrades, but instead
sorcerous ones. Regardless of the source
of this extra firepower, the Archeotech
Spearhead can lay down hellish swathes
of lethal gunfire.


Up to three Tank or Walker units. Experimental Upgrades: All the weapons fitted to the vehicles
in the spearhead receive a +1 Strength modifier (up to a
maximum of 10). A single D6 must be rolled after the vehicle fires
its weapons in the Shooting phase. On a roll of 1 the vehicle
suffers a penetrating hit, on a 2 the vehicle suffers a glancing hit,
and on a 3-6 nothing happens. Do not make this roll if the vehicle
does not shoot.


An Outrider Spearhead is formed when

the survival of a tank necessitates that
escort vehicles guard its flanks. These
‘outriders’ are usually less heavily
armoured but more manoeuvrable than
their Spearhead Leader. Outriders are
tasked with the protection of their
charge no matter the cost, and there
inevitably comes a time when there isn’t
time for escort vehicles to bring their
firepower to bear. In these occasions the
only course left to the outriders is to
interpose themselves between an
enemy’s guns and their target, trusting
that their sacrifice is not in vain.

Two or three Tank, Skimmer or Walker units. One SPECIAL RULES
Protection Duty: Each time the Spearhead Leader suffers a
unit (the Spearhead Leader) must be chosen from a penetrating or glancing hit caused by an enemy shooting attack,
different army list entry to the others. and after any cover saves have been taken, you can choose to
intercept the attack with any of the spearhead’s other vehicles that
are within 4". If you choose to do so, the damage is resolved
against the nominated vehicle instead of the original target
regardless of any different armour values, facings, cover etc.

True master pilots of skimmer craft know

how to push, twist, and get maximum
thrust and lift out of their anti-gravitic
engines. Through expert timing and deft
manoeuvre, such a pilot can ‘bounce’ his
craft high in the air on a powerful
airburst – often straight into cloud cover,
allowing him to then come screaming
downwards and arrive at his objective
straight from the heavens! When such a
devastating force lands unexpected
amidst the foe’s positions, it can
devastate vulnerable side or rear armour,
disrupt enemy battle plans, drop off
close-ranged assault troops and
generally wreak havoc.

Up to three Skimmer units. SPECIAL RULES
Rapid Descent: All units in a Skyfall Spearhead must be held in
reserve. All gain Deep Strike if they do not already have it. On the
turn they arrive only roll for scatter for the first vehicle to be
deployed; any other vehicles in the spearhead are placed within
4" of a vehicle that has already been deployed and will not
scatter. In addition, shooting attacks made by the vehicles on the
turn they Deep Strike have the pinning characteristic and are
always resolved against a vehicle’s side armour.


Some armies include terrifying monsters

that are twice or more the height of a
normal warrior, and which can cleave
through the armour of the most heavily
protected tank with ease. They are
usually only encountered in small
numbers, but when an army makes an
all-out assault these monstrous creatures
can gather in great swarms. Surging
ahead, they will lead the lesser creatures
in the army towards the enemy,
shrugging off damage that would
destroy a battle tank, slaughtering or
smashing aside anyone or anything that
gets in their way.

Up to six units with the monstrous creature unit SPECIAL RULES
On the Rampage: The monstrous creatures that make up the
type. HQ units may not be selected. spearhead have the following universal special rules (assuming they
don’t have them already, of course): Counter-attack, Fleet (cannot
be combined with flying creatures), Furious Charge, Rage.

Some armies have little choice but to pit

a horde of lightly armed troops against
the armoured onslaught of their foes.
Although there is little chance for
survival in such a contest, if gathered in
enough numbers they can get close
enough to overwhelm the enemy. When
the time for the assault arrives, the
massed formations rise up and advance.
Enemy fire will tear them apart, leaving
gaping holes. They may falter, but the
enemy will have to kill every last one of
them before they give up. If the infantry
finally get to charge they will release
their pent-up fury at the foe!


Up to six non-vehicle units chosen from the Troops Thermite Bombs: All of the models in the units that make up the
spearhead are armed with special assault weapons for use against
section of the army list. vehicles. These counts as krak grenades with a Strength of 7. In
addition the units have the ‘Preferred Enemy: Monstrous Creatures’
special rule.
The Final Push: Hate-filled propoganda, stimulants, alien fervour,
or sheer hatred means that all units in the spearhead can test to
regroup regardless of any normal restrictions.


The vehicles that make up a Crusher

Spearhead are heavily modified so that
they can literally crush the enemy.
Strong internal supports are added to
the vehicle in order to make it more
robust, and additional armour plating
and crash bars are added to the front to
absorb the impact as it smashes into
enemy vehicles and troops. Finally the
engine is upgraded and fuel injection
systems added so the much heavier
vehicle can be driven pell-mell towards
the foe. At the start of the battle the
vehicles in the Crusher Spearhead start
their engines and surge towards the
enemy lines with only one aim in mind:
to smash the foe to pieces and grind
them to dust under their tracks.

Up to three Tank units. Skimmers may not be SPECIAL RULES
Ramming Speed!: The Tanks that make up this spearhead count
selected. as having a frontal armour value of 15 when they ram another
vehicle. Enemy units that are tank shocked by vehicles from this
spearhead suffer a -1 Leadership modifier.

Sometimes it is reasoned that if you can

strike hard and fast enough and land a
single determined blow, the enemy, no
matter how powerful, will be sent
reeling into defeat. That is the battle
theory exploited at rapid breakneck
speed by the Seek & Destroy Spearhead.
Such spearheads are made up of very
fast-moving vehicles such as skimmers,
bikes or jetbikes. Enemy commanders
will struggle to maintain their
composure as waves of fast moving
attackers rocket across the battlefield,
all the while laying down a withering
hail of fire.

Up to three units of Fast Skimmers, Jetbikes
Lightning Strike: Once per game, all models in the Seek & Destroy
or Bikes. Spearhead can move flat out or use Turbo-boosters and can shoot
as if they had moved at combat speed or not Turbo-boosted.


A Linebreaker Spearhead specializes in

destroying enemy fortifications,
especially in built up areas. It is capable
of smashing through defence lines,
blasting apart bastions, levelling city
blocks, and reducing defenders to
liquefied remains with casual ease. The
role of a Linebreaker Spearhead is to
engage the enemy where it is strongest,
clearing paths for other formations to
penetrate the enemy lines. All of the
vehicles concentrate their fire on a
single point, destroying it utterly.

Three Tank units chosen from any section of the SPECIAL RULES
Combined Fire: As long as there are three vehicles remaining in the
army list. All of the vehicles must either have an spearhead, they may combine their fire. Resolve the shots as a
ordnance weapon, or a weapon with Blast and a single strength 10, AP2, Ordnance shot, using the 10" Apocalyptic
Strength of 7+ Blast marker, if the hole in the centre of the blast marker lands over
a terrain feature it is destroyed on a roll of 4+ (replace it with
suitable debris). Models in the destroyed feature suffer 1 wound on
a roll of 4+ (saving throws allowed) and each unit must take a
pinning test. Vehicles suffer a glancing hit.

A Rapid Assault Spearhead is made up

entirely of fast-moving infantry. They
rely on a swift approach to surprise the
enemy, moving quickly and quietly into
their attack positions before surging
forward to assault the foe. More often
than not the first thing their victims will
know of the attack will be when the
Rapid Assault Spearhead unleashes its
primary volley of shots. The spearhead
will then fall upon the enemy, and
supporting formations will advance from
hidden reserve positions to complete
the rout.


Up to six non-vehicle units chosen from the Troops Rapid Assault: The player that takes this spearhead must deploy all
of the units from the spearhead on the table. All other units must
section of the army list. All models must have the be placed in reserve, even if this means that more than half of the
Fleet special rule. units in the army are in reserve for certain missions.
Surprise Attack: Enemy units must first pass a Leadership test in
order to move, go to ground, shoot or assault in the first turn. Test
before carrying out each action. If the test is failed the action may
not be carried out.


Sometimes the best form of attack is a

solid defence. A Strongpoint Spearhead
consists of a series of bastions and
defence lines that have either been built
specifically for the purpose, or captured
from the enemy. These will be used as
an impregnable bulwark against which
attacking enemy formations can be
broken and scattered. Once the enemy
has wasted their strength in futile
attacks, fresh formations will be fed into
the battle, first stopping the enemy in
their tracks and then turning their
attack into a headlong retreat.


One Strongpoint. Strongpoint: The Strongpoint consists of two bastions, defence
lines, and five interceptor guns. See the rules for bastions, defence
Note that you need the Planetstrike Expansion to lines and interceptor guns in the Planetstrike Expansion. The player
that took this spearhead must set up the Strongpoint terrain pieces
use this Spearhead. wherever he likes on the table, before either army deploys. The
Strongpoint does not count as the single spearhead you may deploy
in the Escalation scenario (i.e. you can still deploy it along with one
other Spearhead).

Skimmer transport vehicles can use

their flight capabilities to launch a
lightning fast assault. Before the
battle begins they will fly high
above the combat zone. Once the
enemy are engaged they swoop
down from the skies, trading
altitude to build up speed until they
are hurtling along in a screaming
dive. Their velocity hurls them
swiftly across the battlefield and
deep into the enemy lines, from
where the troops carried in the
skimmers can swiftly disembark and
launch a murderous close-range
assault upon the foe.


Up to three skimmer units with a transport capacity.
Skystorm Assault: All of the units in the Skystorm Spearhead
For each vehicle taken, you must also take one unit must be mounted in their transports and placed in reserve. On
of any type, that is from the same army list and can the turn they enter play they must make a special Skystorm move
instead of moving normally. A Skystorm move can be up to 36"
be transported in the vehicle. and the transports may fire one weapon in the Shooting phase.
At the end of the move any transported units must disembark,
and can launch an assault in the turn they do so.


A Destroyer Spearhead is used to

crush the enemy through sheer
weight of fire. It will be made up of
the units in the army that have the
most devastating weaponry. As the
rest of the assault force advances to
engage the foe, these units will cover
the attack by laying down a storm of
heavy weapons fire. Enemy units that
are not destroyed outright will be
forced to take cover or fall back in
the face of this onslaught. Once any
objectives have been captured, the
units in the Destroyer Spearhead will
move forward to help protect them
from counter-attack.


Up to three units (of any type) chosen from the
Preparatory Barrage: The units in a Destroyer Spearhead are
Heavy Support section of the army list. allowed to fire all of their weapons before the battle starts. This
takes place after both sides have completely deployed and made
any pre-battle moves (for Scouts or Infiltrators, etc). If both sides
have Destroyer Spearheads, then the player moving first, goes
first. The shooting attacks are carried out in exactly the same
manner as a shooting attack in the Shooting phase.

Some armies are accompanied into

battle by gargantuan living creatures,
every bit as huge as the super-heavy
vehicles used by other armies. These
creatures are so large that they can level
entire buildings, crush armoured vehicles
underfoot, smash skimmers out of the
air, and annihilate entire companies of
smaller creatures. Although usually held
back so they are available for extremely
large battles, when in dire need a
commander can call on one of these
behemoths to spearhead a vital attack.

Up to one Gargantuan Creature chosen from any SPECIAL RULES
Gargantuan Creature: See the rules for Gargantuan Creatures in
Apocalypse datasheet. the Apocalypse Expansion.
Note that you need the Apocalypse Expansion to Large Target: Unless the Gargantuan Creature is placed in reserve
use this Spearhead. it will suffer D3 wounds before the battle starts, with no saves of
any kind allowed. This represents enemy weapon strikes on the
creature before the battle starts. The damage is applied at the start
of the first game turn.


Super-heavy vehicles such as the Imperial

Baneblade or Ork Stompa are amongst
the most deadly combatants on the
battlefields of the 41st Millennium. Just
one of them can dominate a battlefield.
Although incredibly rare, their presence
can single-handedly spell the difference
between victory or defeat. Because of
their might and nigh-on invulnerability,
super-heavies are often used to
spearhead an assault. Protected by
incredibly thick armour, they shrug off
even heavy weaponry, and they are
armed with batteries of guns that can
level a city block and destroy entire
swathes of enemy troops.


One super-heavy vehicle chosen from any Super-Heavy Vehicle: See the rules for super-heavy vehicles in the
Apocalypse datasheet aligned with your race. Apocalypse Expansion.

Note that you need the Apocalypse Expansion in Large Target: Unless the super-heavy vehicle is placed in reserve, it
will suffer one penetrating hit before the battle starts. This
order to use this spearhead. represents enemy weapon strikes on the vehicle before the main
battle begins. The damage is resolved at the start of the first
game turn.


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