Warhammer 40k Spearhead
Warhammer 40k Spearhead
Warhammer 40k Spearhead
Prepare yourself, for no other style of warfare in the 41st
Millennium can compare to the brutal devastation of a full-
E X PA N S I O N scale armoured assault. Jervis Johnson presents a new
Expansion for Warhammer 40,000.
Up to one
formation of
each type.
Ending the Game There are a few exceptions, where units that would
A Spearhead battle lasts a random number of turns, using otherwise qualify do not count as scoring units:
the same method as for a standard mission. At the end of
game turn five, one of the players rolls a dice. On a 1-2 the • If they have the Swarm special rule.
game ends immediately, but on a roll of 3 or more another
turn is played. If the game carries on, roll the dice again at • If they have a special rule specifying that they never
the end of game turn six. This time the game will continue count as scoring units.
on a roll of 4 or more, and will end on a roll of 1-3. The
game ends automatically at the end of game turn seven. Wipeout!
As normal, as soon as the game ends and before Regardless of the victory conditions, if you destroy every
working out victory conditions, all units that are falling single unit in the enemy army before the end of the game,
back are removed and count as destroyed. then you win the game!
Victory Conditions
Before setting up their forces, the players must set up
three objectives. The winner of a roll-off places the first
objective, marking it with a counter, nominating a
terrain feature detail, or any other method that is
equally clear. Players take it in turn placing the next
two objectives. Objectives must be placed at ground
level and not in impassable terrain, or within 24" of
another objective. In addition, one objective must be
placed within 18" of each table edge, and one objective
must be placed within 18" of the table’s centre. After
placing the objectives, deployment of the forces begins,
as described in the next section.
Your super-heavy vehicles that are wrecked during
the game become an objective for your opponent.
At the end of the game you control an objective if
there is at least one of your scoring units, and no
enemy unit (of any type, scoring or not), within 3" of it.
As objectives may vary in size and shape it is important
to agree at the beginning of the battle exactly where
this distance will be measured from.
The player controlling the most objectives at the
end of the game wins. If the players control the same
number of objectives, the game is a tactical draw.
4. Deploy Forces Infiltrators and Scouts
With your armies selected, terrain set-up and the mission In all three types of deployment, the sequence is the same.
decided, it is time to deploy the armies taking part in the First the players deploy their forces, apart from units left in
battle. Spearhead battles are always fought down the reserve or that choose to use their Infiltrate special rule.
length of the table, although exactly how you deploy will Then they deploy their infiltrators, as described in the
depend on the type of battle being fought. You can either Warhammer 40,000 special rules. Finally they move units
agree with your opponent what type of deployment to use, with the ‘Scouts’ special rule. Units that enter play by
or roll a D6 and consult the following chart. outflank do so by one of the long table edges.
One army has committed its forces to an all-out attack.
As they advance, they are spotted by the enemy, who
immediately launches a counter-attack.
The table is divided into two halves, by drawing an Attacker's deployment zone
imaginary line through the middle of the long table
edges. The players roll-off to decide who will be the
attacker and who will be the defender.
Both players may choose to place units that can Deep 18"
Strike and any units transported in them in reserve. Up
to half of any remaining units (rounding up) may be
placed in reserve if desired. All other units must be
deployed on the battlefield.
What starts out as a small local fight between frontline
Attacker's deployment zone
troops quickly escalates into a full-scale onslaught as
both sides feed more and more reserves into the battle.
Unless stated otherwise, all of the units in a spearhead • Walkers and Monstrous Creatures may fire one
must be chosen from the same entry in the army list, weapon after they run. Note that they may not shoot
though they may take different options and upgrades. and then run, they must always run first.
Remember that even though normally an entry allows
you to buy a single vehicle, in some army lists an entry DEPLOYING SPEARHEADS
will allow you to buy an entire squadron of vehicles! Each spearhead counts as a single unit for the purposes
of deployment and arriving from reserve, unless noted
When selected as part of a spearhead, dedicated otherwise in its entry. This means that all units in the
transports count as Heavy Support units instead, and spearhead must either be deployed on the battlefield,
therefore are selected without a transported unit. or held in reserve, and that when rolling for the arrival
of reserves a single dice roll is made for the whole
The units in a spearhead do not come for free – you spearhead. In effect, all of the models in the spearhead
must still pay the points for the units in the spearhead (apart from casualties) must either be on the table or
from the point’s allocation you have agreed with you off it.
opponent. So, if you were playing a 2000-point
Spearhead battle, then the points for the spearhead
units you use in your army would count towards the
total points value of your army.
Type: Remember, you can only have Picture: A illustration of what a spearhead
one spearhead per type in your army. of this type might look like in battle.
Spearhead Units: This states the number and type Special Rules: There may be special rules that
of units that make up the spearhead, and where apply to all of the units in the spearhead. These are
they are chosen from. All units must be chosen in addition to the ‘usual’ special rules that may
from the same Codex as the rest of the army, apply to any of its units.
unless stated specifically otherwise. Any options
normally allowed may be chosen at the usual
points cost.
Up to three Tank or Walker units. Units with a SPECIAL RULES
Ambush: The vehicles that make up this spearhead have been
transport capacity may not be selected. deployed in carefully hidden positions and expertly camouflaged.
Each vehicle has the Stealth* and Infiltrate universal special rules,
but may not be placed in reserve.
* The vehicles are not actually stealthy, of course. Rather this rule
represents their ability to make the maximum use of cover.
Up to three vehicle units with a transport capacity. SPECIAL RULES
Flank Attack: All of the units in the Mechanised Assault
For each vehicle taken, you must take one unit of Spearhead must be mounted in their transports and placed in
any type, from one or more entries in the army reserve. However, they will always arrive in their side’s first turn (no
list, that can transported in the vehicle. roll is necessary), in the same manner as an outflanking unit. Roll
only once to see which table edge the spearhead arrives on; all
units in the spearhead will arrive on this edge.
Two or three Tank, Skimmer or Walker units. One SPECIAL RULES
Protection Duty: Each time the Spearhead Leader suffers a
unit (the Spearhead Leader) must be chosen from a penetrating or glancing hit caused by an enemy shooting attack,
different army list entry to the others. and after any cover saves have been taken, you can choose to
intercept the attack with any of the spearhead’s other vehicles that
are within 4". If you choose to do so, the damage is resolved
against the nominated vehicle instead of the original target
regardless of any different armour values, facings, cover etc.
Up to three Skimmer units. SPECIAL RULES
Rapid Descent: All units in a Skyfall Spearhead must be held in
reserve. All gain Deep Strike if they do not already have it. On the
turn they arrive only roll for scatter for the first vehicle to be
deployed; any other vehicles in the spearhead are placed within
4" of a vehicle that has already been deployed and will not
scatter. In addition, shooting attacks made by the vehicles on the
turn they Deep Strike have the pinning characteristic and are
always resolved against a vehicle’s side armour.
Up to six units with the monstrous creature unit SPECIAL RULES
On the Rampage: The monstrous creatures that make up the
type. HQ units may not be selected. spearhead have the following universal special rules (assuming they
don’t have them already, of course): Counter-attack, Fleet (cannot
be combined with flying creatures), Furious Charge, Rage.
Up to three Tank units. Skimmers may not be SPECIAL RULES
Ramming Speed!: The Tanks that make up this spearhead count
selected. as having a frontal armour value of 15 when they ram another
vehicle. Enemy units that are tank shocked by vehicles from this
spearhead suffer a -1 Leadership modifier.
Up to three units of Fast Skimmers, Jetbikes
Lightning Strike: Once per game, all models in the Seek & Destroy
or Bikes. Spearhead can move flat out or use Turbo-boosters and can shoot
as if they had moved at combat speed or not Turbo-boosted.
Three Tank units chosen from any section of the SPECIAL RULES
Combined Fire: As long as there are three vehicles remaining in the
army list. All of the vehicles must either have an spearhead, they may combine their fire. Resolve the shots as a
ordnance weapon, or a weapon with Blast and a single strength 10, AP2, Ordnance shot, using the 10" Apocalyptic
Strength of 7+ Blast marker, if the hole in the centre of the blast marker lands over
a terrain feature it is destroyed on a roll of 4+ (replace it with
suitable debris). Models in the destroyed feature suffer 1 wound on
a roll of 4+ (saving throws allowed) and each unit must take a
pinning test. Vehicles suffer a glancing hit.
Up to one Gargantuan Creature chosen from any SPECIAL RULES
Gargantuan Creature: See the rules for Gargantuan Creatures in
Apocalypse datasheet. the Apocalypse Expansion.
Note that you need the Apocalypse Expansion to Large Target: Unless the Gargantuan Creature is placed in reserve
use this Spearhead. it will suffer D3 wounds before the battle starts, with no saves of
any kind allowed. This represents enemy weapon strikes on the
creature before the battle starts. The damage is applied at the start
of the first game turn.
Note that you need the Apocalypse Expansion in Large Target: Unless the super-heavy vehicle is placed in reserve, it
will suffer one penetrating hit before the battle starts. This
order to use this spearhead. represents enemy weapon strikes on the vehicle before the main
battle begins. The damage is resolved at the start of the first
game turn.