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INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK BASED ON MEMORY HELD ON 01/02/09 anf | aaa, CANDIDATE'S ROLL NO. TEST BOOKLET SERIAL NO. 4. TST spre / TEST FORM NUMBER 2, 3. BeTarereT Ate / TEST BATTERY NO. 1. Be reagan Foe a ht a werarferah 1. This booklet contains four tests as follows : wemach | - aatafea =m. 1950 TestI- Reasoning Ability Q.Nos. 1 to 50 wearat il - arifire ata wm, 51% 100 Test ll- Numerical Ability Nos. 51 to 100 werractt Ill -ferftata aftetrn . wae, 1018 180 Testlll- Clerical Aptitude @.Nos. 101 to 15 wearad IV ~ sti are _m. 1519 200 Test IV- English Language Q.Nos. 151 to 2 (era wh 200 mech fd 95 Fixe) (Composite time of 95 minutes for 200 questions) 2. um OM Bam ee meTGRTeT ve a frm OTT ey 7 Pe ; itself and not on any other paper. Use the emp fort riot wel gd fart weayftcer # Gh oft ere ore space in the booklet for rough work. eh eh errr wearer | 3. Use of electronic calculator of any other suc! 3. getagaire tegeex at ora at axe at afhut ar waht device is not permitted. attic &1 4. Indicate your answers on the separat 4. ar Sex sat sees ve vad, Ya at weet @} answersheet using HB Pencil, Follow inc Rracred | aw sax sat & fey waeaa w Ra 7a fréat | instructions given on the answersheet fo ra aie indicating your answers. re 5. There will be penalty for wrong answers marke Bi a as pee esi ae x oe by you. For each question for which a wroni answer has been given by you, one-fourth or 0.2: Yared werd Prats iar Bt yates a7. 0.25 eh) of the marks assigned to that question will b 6. ee aight ot alent ff ga te cifie fe 1 a 200] - deducted as penalty. oo ail Te ae arp wt ear ae othe wet TS WAGE 16. Immediately after you open this booklet, quick) wm é cen wy ys dew a mae ae Bone amet check that it contains 200: questions, that th ahror 4 aig dy faa 2 ot va ww ax vet mwa] pages are in serial order and that there men Baty art Gar yferer & ard |g yftrar at eheqpt-a | duplicate pages. Ifyou find ito be detective, get Shae de ota) it replaced by another booklet bearing the same Form No. Also check that the new booklet is n 7. Wa cm oer 4 ord a weaghaer st aa Ste defective. 8. wergftte & fot gs we vareer wer fed de oe |7, Do nor OPEN THis BookLeT UNTIL YoU ARE TOLD To Do so, wom cited | : .. Study the sample questions on the back cover,Q.1. Q2. Q.10. 0.13, _.EST.- TEST OF REASONING = Ina certain code BEAT is'writen as UBFC. How is SORE written in that code? (1) ESPT (2)DQNR (3) FQPR (4)DSNT (5) None of these How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters BGRA using each letter only ‘once in each word ? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ? (1)24 (2)32 (3)27 (4) 36 (5) 15 Inacertain code DOWN is written as ‘5916’ and NEAR is written as ‘6342. How is ROAD written in that code ? (1) 2915 (2) 2645, (3) 2495, (4) 2945, (5) None of these Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does. not belong to that group ? (1) Jackal (2) Cat (3) Dog (4) Tiger (5) Horse How many such pairs of letters are there in the word MEDIOCRE each of which has as many letters between them in the word as there are between them in the English alphabet ? (1) None (2)One (3) Two (4)Three “ (5) More than three The positions of how many digits in the number will remain same after the digits within the number 8261479 are arranged in ascending order ? (1) None. % (2) One (3) Two. (4) Three (5) More than three Among P; Q, R, S and T, each having different height, Q is shorter than only T and P is taller than only S. Who will be third when they are arranged in descending order of their height ? ()R 2s (3)T (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these In aclass of thirty students, Mahesh is fourteenth from the left end and Ramesh is twentieth from the right end. How many students are there between Ramesh and Mahesh ? (1)3 (22 (3)4 (4) Data inadequate (6) None of these Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ? (1) Sitar (2) Guitar (3) Sarod (4) Violin (6) Flute es In acertain code language, ‘go home''is written as ‘ta na’; ‘sweet home’ is written as ‘na ja’ and ‘sweet and sour’ is written as ‘pa sa ja’. How is ‘sour’ written in that code language ? (1)pa (2)sa (3)paorsa (4) Data inadequate (6) None of these Neela correctly remembers that her brother's birthday is after twelfth but before sixteenth of February whereas her sister correctly remembers that their brother's birthday is after fourteenth but before twentieth February. On which day was definitely her brother's birthday ? (1) 16th February (2) 15th February (3) 17th February (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these Ina certain code SERIAL is written as QDRMBJ. How is ENTICE written in that code ? (1) SMDFDJ (2) UOFFDJ - (@)UOFDBH (4) SMDDBH (5) None of theseQ.14-15.Read the information carefully and give the answer of following questions is based on the given Q.14. Q.15. instructions. (i) ‘P x Q’ means’P is brother of Q’. (ii) ‘P-+ Q’ means 'P is sister of Q’. (lil) ‘P + Q’ means ‘P is father of Q’. (iv) ‘P - Q’ means ‘P is mother of Q’. Which of the following means’S is nephew of R’? (1) SxTsJ+R (2) ReM-S+T (3) R-MsSxT (4) R=MxS-T (5) Nona of these Which of the following means ‘M is grandfather of W ? (1) Med + W. (2) M +JxW (3) MxT + W (4)M+u-W (5) None of these Q.16-19.Following questions are based on the five three-digit numbers given below : Q.16.. Q.17. Q.18. Q.19. 581 396 427 619 734 If the positions of the first and. the third digits in each number. are interchanged, which of the following will be the middle digit of the highest number ? (1)8 (2)9 (3)2 (4)1 (5)3 Which of the following will be the third digit of the second highest number ? : (18 (29 (3)2 (4)1 (6)3 If the positions of the first and the last digits within each number are reversed, which of the following will be the first digit of the second smallest number ? a (1)4 (2)7 (3)3 (4)8 6)9 Which of the following will be the sum total of the three digits of the third highest number among them ? (1) 14 (2)18 (3)13 (4) 16 (6)17 Q.20-26.Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below : Q.20. Q21. Q.22. Q.23. Q.24, Q.25. Q.26. M, N, O, P, Q, R, T and W are sitting around a circle facing the center. Q is third to the right of W and second to the left of M. P is third to the left of O who is third to the left of T and to the immediate left of W. N is not an immediate neighbour of M. Who is to the immediate right of R ? ()P (QT (3)M (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these Who is to the immediate left of T ? (1)w (2)N )Q (4) Data inadequate (6) None of these Who is sitting in between R and W ? (1)N (2)OandN 3)O (4) Datainadequate (5) None of these Who is to the immediate left of Q ? (1)N QT (3)P (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these Who is fourth to the right of P ? » (YN (2)W ()R (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these Who is second to the right of M ? ()R QW a (40 () None of these In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate left of the second person ? (1)PQ (2) MP (3)RM (4) TN (5) None of these Q.27-33. Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below : Q.27. Q.28. M3R%DAQ#F*H2ZEJS4BI1@NTISO©UKW7PQ8Y6 How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a number but not immediately followed by a consonant ? (1) None (2)One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a consonant and immediately followed by a number ? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than threeQ.29._ How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded Q.30. Q.31. Q.32. Q.33. by a symbol and immediately followed by a consonant ? (1) None (2) One (3) Two. (4) Three (5) More than three Which of the following is the seventh to the right of the eighteenth from the right end of the above arrangement ? (1)5 (QH (Q)F (4)! (5) None of these Which of the following is the fourth to the left of the sixteenth from the left end of the above arrangement? (1)H (2) (3)5 (4)2 (5) None of these Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ? (1) 9FH (2)5T@ (3) UWP (4)N414 (5)%AF. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the arrangement? RDA FH2 $B1 2 (1) TIO (2) TSU (3) NIS (4)TSO (5) None of these Q.34.40.In the following questions, the symbols @,©,#, % and $ are used with the following meaning as Q.34, Q.35. Q.36. Q.37. Q.38, Q.39. Q.40. illustrated below: ‘P ©Q' means 'P is greater than Q'. ‘P % Q’ means 'P is smaller than Q. ‘P @ Q' means 'P is either greater than or equal to Q’. ‘P $ Q' means 'P is either smaller than or equal to Q’. ‘P #Q’ means 'P is equal to Q’. Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions | and II given below them is/are definitely true ? Give answer (1) if only Conclusion | is true. Give answer (2) »_ if only Conclusion II is true. Give answer (3) _ if either Conclusion | or Il is true. Give answer (4) __ if neither Conclusion | nor Il is true. Give answer (5) __if both Conclusions.| and Il are true. Statements : M$T, T@J Conclusions : 1.J%M WLM % J Statements : RON, N%B Conclusions : LBOR ILBSR Statements : BST, T@J Conclusions : LJ#B LJ %B Statements : F@M, M©D Conclusions: 1. D %F I. D#F Statements : H%B, BST Conclusions: |. HST Hl. H%T Statements : DOM, MON Conclusions: 1.N%D i. N$D ‘Statements : F@R, R#K Conclusions : LK#F ILK $F Q.41-50.In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figure on the right should come after the problem figures on the left, If the sequence were continued. PROBLEM FIGURES ANSWER FIGURESQ.42. Q.43. Q.44, Q.45. Q.46. Q.48. Q.49. Q.50. HARAE [RAR poo0o/no000 eoon °Q.87. Q.88. Q.89. Q.90. If an amount of Rs.96,216/- is distributed equally amongst 38 persons. How much amount would each person get ? (1) Rs.2,253/- (2) Rs.2,523/- (3) Rs.2,352/- (4) Rs.2,532/- ~ (5) None of these In an examination it is required to get 447 of the aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 394 marks and is declared failed by 5% marks. What are the maximum aggregate marks a student can get ? (4) 1140 (2) 1060 (3) 1280 (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these Ms. Sanjna deposits an amount of Rs.41,700/- to obtain a simple interest at the rate of 12 p.c.p.a. for 6 years. What total amount will Ms. Sanjna get at the end of 6 years ? (1) Rs.71,724/- (2) Rs.30,024/- (3) Rs.56,894/- (4) Rs.43,472/- (6) None of these What is 411 times 108 ? (1) 43488, (2)44838 (3) 44883, (4) 43848 (5) None of these Q.92. Q.93. Q.94, Q.100. What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question? 5811 = 309 x (19)?=? (1) 9990 (2) 8650 (3) 5430 (4) 7560 (5)6790 If (49)? is added to the square of a number, the answer so obtained is 9125. What is the number ? (1)6724 (2)95 (3) 4624 (4)82 (5) None of these What would be the simple interest obtained on an amount of Rs.9,850/- at the rate of 7 p.c.p.a. after 6 years ? (1) Rs.3,546/- (2) Rs.4,538/- (3) Rs.4,137/- (4) Rs.3,447/- (5) None of these There are 2240 employees in an organization. Out of which 35% got transferred to different places. How many such employees are there who got transferred ? (1) 784 (2) 1008 (3) 896 (4)672 (5) None of these Find the average of the following set of scores : 232, 149, 208, 301, 399, 415 (1) 296 (2)284 (3)272 (4) 260 (5) None of these Hriday invests Rs. 5,724/-, which is 18% of his monthly income, in mutual funds. What is his monthly income ? (1) Rs.26,700/- (2) Rs.33,450/- (8) Rs.28,560/- (4) Rs.31,800/- (5) None of these In an examination Preeti scores a total of 595 marks out of 730. What is her approximate percentage in the examination ? (4) 90 (2)75 (3)56 (4)64 (6)82 51 % of a number is 714. What is 28% of that number ? (1)351 (2) 378 (3) 392 (4) 364 (5) None of these The total number of students in a school is 6020. If the number of giris in the school is 2800, then what is the respective ratio of the total number of boys to the total number of girls in the school ? (1) 23:20 (2)8:7 (3)81:70 (4) 14:13 (6) None of these 23-45 Ifthe fractions B47 8 and 2 are arranged in ascending order of their values, which one will be the second ? 2 4 5 Me ar 8g 9 Oy (8) None of theseTEST - Ill CLERICAL APTITUDE Q.101-135.In case of the following questions a combination of name and address or numbers is given in the first column at the left, followed by four such combinations, one each under the columns (1), (2), (3) and f (4).You have to find out the combination which is your answer. If there is no column or alternative with correct combination, your answer will be '5' i.e. ‘None’. 1 2 3 4 5 Q.101. Mauve Orchids © Mauve Orchids = Mauve Orchids Mauve Orchids Mauve Orchids None Agartala Road Agartala Road Agartala Road Agartala Road Agartala Raod Nainital-4000526 Nainital-4000526 _Naiintal-4000526 —_Nainital-0400526 _Nainital-4000526. Q.102. Hazrat AliKhan Hazrat AliKhan Hazrat AliKhan Hazrat AliKhan Hazrat AliKhan — None Mahfus Manzil Mahfus Mauzil Mahfus Manzil Mahfvs Manzil Mhafus Manzil Kneera-342579 Kneera-342579 Kneera-345279 +—_-Kneera-342579 Kneera-342579 @.103. Massoi Soaps Msasoi Soaps Massoi Soaps. Massoi Soaps Massoi Soaps None Dilkhush Park Dilkhush Park Dilkhush Park Dilhkush Park Dilkhush Park Tel. 56972579 Tel. 56972579 Tel. 56975279 Tel. 56972579 Tel. 56972579 @.104. Ramana P. Kutty Ramana P Kutty Ramana P.Kutty Ramana P. Kutty Ramana P. Kutty None (Sr) Telecom Eng. (Sr.) Telecom Eng. (Sr.) Teleocm Eng. (Sr.) Telecom Eng. (Sr.) Telecom Eng. Mob. 9935370530 Mob. 9935370530 Mob. 9935370530 Mob. 9935370530 Mob. 9953370530 Q.105. MachindraShahu MachindraShahu MachindraShahu MachindraShahu Machindra Shahu None 619-D Palash Apt. 619 D Palash Apt. 619-D Palash Apt. 619-D Palahs Apt. 619-D Palash Apt. Kalinga(E)-95 Kalinga(E)-95 Kalinga (E)-95. Kalinga (E)-95. Kalinga (E) 95 Q.106. K. Kuttikuppala_K. Kuttikuppala_K. Kuttikuppala__‘K. Kuttikuppala. . K. Kuttikuppala_— None Tel-044-6904575 Tel-044-6904575 Tel-044-6094575 Tel-044-6904575 —Tel-044-6905475 Fax-790487245 Fax-790487245 Fax-790487245 + Fax790487245 ~—- Fax-790487245 Q.107. Hotel Shahnai Hotel Shahnai Hotel Shahnai Hotel Shahnai Hotel Shahnai None Nagardas Road-2 Nagradas Road-2 NagardasRaod-2 NagardasRoad-2 Nagardas Road-2 Ph. 792531429 Ph. 792531429 Ph. 792531429 Ph. 792531429 Ph. 795231429 Q.108. Girija Prabhu Girija Prabhu Girija Prabhu Girija Prabhu Girija Prabhu None Shrinarayan Apt. Shrinarayan Apt Shrinarayan Apt. Shrinaravan Apt. Shri narayan Apt. Ph. 63975425 Ph. 63975425, Ph. 63975245, Ph. 63975425, Ph. 63975425, Q.109. Bhimsen Doshi BhimsenDoshi Bhimsen Doshi Bhimsen Doshi Bhimsen Doshi None. Sangeet Society Sangcet Society Sangeet Society Sangeet Soicety Sangeet Society Ph- 3487542 Ph- 3487542 Ph- 3485742 Ph- 3487542 Ph- 3487452 Q.110. Swati Karmarkar SwatiKarmarkar SwatiKarmarkar SwatiKarmarkar Swati Karmarkar None Nav Seva Mandal NavSeua Mandal NavSevaMandal NavSevaMandal Nav Seva Mandia Mob-98310245798 Mob-98310245798 Mob-98310247598 Mob-98310245798 Mob-98310245798 Q.111. Royale Tiles Royale Tiles Royale Tiles Royale Tiles Royale Tiles None Opp. Circle Road Opp Circle Road Opp. Circle Road Opp. Circle Raod Opp. Circle Road Mandalem- 65 Mandalem- 65 Mandalem- 56 Mandalem- 65 Mandalem- 65 Q.112. Matiz Screwala Matiz Screwala Matiz Screwala Matiz Screwala Matiz Screwala None B-11 Anand Bhav B-11AnandBhav B11AnandBhav B-11AnandBhav B-11 Anand Bhau Meerut-39405 Meerut-39405 Meerut-39405 Meerut-34905, Meerut-39405,Q.113. DayanandRao —DayanandRao —-DayanandRao = DayanandRao —-DayanandRloa_—None Beh Netaji Marg Beh NetajiMarg Beh Netaji Marg Beh Nitaji Marg Beh Netaji Marg Hubli-408312 Hubli-403812 Hubli-408312 Hubli-408312 Hubli-408312 Q.114, PriyaChoudhary PriyaChoudhary PriyaChoudhary PriyaChoudhary Priya Choudhary None Jaiswal Park Jaisval Park Jaiswal Park Jaiswal Park Jaiswal Paek Ph. 42933960 Ph. 42933960 Ph. 42933960 —- Ph. 42393960 Ph. 4293960 Q.115. Platinum Rush Platinum Rush Platinum Rush Platinum Rush Platinum Rush _ None GhodbunderRd. GhodbunderRd GhodbunderRd. GhodbunderRd. — Ghodbvnder Rd. Thane (W)-88 Thane(W)-88 Thaue(W)-88 Thane(W)-88 Thane (W)-88 Q.116. Vada Pav Samrat VadaPav Samrat VadaPav Samrat VadaPau Samrat Vada Pav Samrat None Hilton Street Hilton Stroet Hilton Street Hilton Street Hilton Street Ph-54932567 - Ph-54932567 Ph-54932657 -Ph- 54932567 Ph- 54992576 Q.117. Rosemary Villa. Rosemary Villa. Rosemary Villa’ Rosemary Villa. Rosemary Villa None St. Lawrence Rd. StLawrenceRd. St. Lawrenee Rd. St. Lawrence Rd. St. Lawrence Rad. Palli Hill-'58 Palli Hill- 58 Palli Hill- 58 Pall Hill 58 Palli Hill- 58 Q.118. KarimbhaiShah —KarimbhaiShah —KarimbhaiShah _KarimbhaiShah _-KarimbhaiShah None RajputChawi-3 RajputChawi-3 —RajputChavi-3-RajputChawl-3-Rajbut Chawl-3 Bherampur-63 Bherampur-63 Bherampur-63. Bherampur63.-——- Bherampur- 63 Q.119. KusafirGallery ' KusafirGallery —_KusafirGallery —_KusafirGallery —KusafirGallery None Janant-e-Manzil Janante-Manzil — Janant-e-Manzil ~ Janant-e-Manzil — Janant-e-Manzil_ - Malachawk-24 Malachawk-24 Malachawk-24 Malachauk-24 Malachawk-42 Q.120. Dinkar Swaraj Dinkar Swaraj Dinkar Swaraj Dinkar Swaraj Dinkar Swaraj None Cheif Officer (Mkt) Cheif Officer (Mkt) Cheif Officer (Mkt) Cheif Officer (Mkt) Cheif Offieer (Mkt) Mob- 9940812543 Mob-9940812543 Mob- 9940182543 Mob-9940812543 Mob- 9940812543 Q.121. Qasim Ali Khan Qasim AliKhan Qasim AliKhan Qasim AliKhan Qasim AliKhan None Barkat Sweet Mart Barkat Sveet Mart Barkat Sweet Mart Barkat Sweet Mart Barkat Sweet Mart Paharganj- 38 Paharganj- 38 Pahargani- 38 Paharganj- 83 Paharganj- 38 Q.122, Fiona Fabrics Fiona Fabrics Fiona Fabrics Fiona Fabrics Fiona Fabrics None 11-DKalanagar 11D Kalanagar 11-DKalanagar_ 11-DKalanajar —_‘11-D Kalauagar Tel-- 219352467 Tel-- 219352467 Tel-- 219354267 — Tel-219352467 Tel-- 219352467 Q.123. Sonam Khurana Sonam Khurana Sonam Khurana SonamKhurana = SonamKhurana None D- 103, Amar Tower D- 103, Amar Tower D- 103 Amar Tower D- 103, Amar Tower D- 103, Avvar Tower Gokuldham-46 Gokuldham-46 Gokuldham-46 Gokvidham-46 Gokuldham-46 Q.124. Viraj Opticians Viraj Opticians Viraj Opticians Viraj Opticians Viraj Opticiaus — None Tel- 6973854 Tel 6973854 Tel- 6973854 Tel- 6973854 Tel- 6973854 Fax-238564578 Fax-238564578 Fax-238564578 Fax-238654578 Fax- 238564578Q.125. Anmol Caters Anmol Caters Anmol Caters Anmol Caters Anmol Caters None Gayatri Mandir Gavatri Mandir Gayatri Mandir Gayatri Mandir Gayatri Mandir Rd.Panjim-49 Rd. Panjim-49 Rd. Panjjm-49 Rd. Panjim-49 Rd. Panjim-94 Q.126. King Kong King Kong King Kong King Kong King Kong None Games Games Games Gannes Games Goodfish Street Goodjish Street Goodfish Street Goodfish Street Goodfish Street Australia- 08 Australia- 08 Australia- 08 Australia- 08 Australia- 08 None Q.127. Nigar Moosa Nigar Moosa Nigar Moosa Nigar Moosa Nigar Moosa Kolivari Town, KolivariTown __Kolivari Town Koliuari Town Kolivari Town Ph. 69897432 Ph, 69897432 Ph. 69879432 Ph. 69897432 Ph 69897432 Q.128. GilberArtShop GilberArtShop GilberArtShop —Gilber ArtShop. _ Gilber ArtShop None Palchin lane Palehin lane Palchin lane Palchin lave Palchin lane Naigali- 39 Naigali- 39 Nvigali- 39 Naigali- 39 Naijali- 39 Q.129. Kritika Desai Kritika Desai Kritika Desai Kritika Desai Kritika Desai None Laulihar Baug Laulihar Baug Laulihar Baug Laulihar Baug Laulinar Baug Nadiar-57 Nadiar 57 Nadiar - 57 Nadiar - 75 Nadiar - 57 Q.130. Gurmeet Singh Gurmeet Singh Gurmeet Singh Gurmeet Singh Gurmeet Singh — None Gulshan market Gulshanmarket Gulshanmarket Gulshanmarket — Gulshan market Tel- 3972457882 Tel-3972547882 Tel-3972457882 Tel3972457882 _—‘Tel- 3972457882 @.131. Meghna Kurkare Meghna Kurkare MeghnaKurkare MeghnaKurkare Meghna Kurkare None Vishwa Vidyalay Vishwa Vidyalay Vishva Vidyalay Vishwa Vidyalay _ Vishwa Vibyalay Hindmata- 34 Hindmata- 34 Hindmata-34 ° Hindnata-34 Hindmata- 34 Q.132. Azhgar Milk Azhgar Milk Azhgar Milk Azhgar Milk Azhgar Milk None GanpatUdyan GanpatUdyan GanpatUbyan © GanpatUdyan — Ganpat Udyan Tel - 63872458 Tel- 63874258 — Tel- 63872458 Tel - 63872458 Tel - 63874258 Q.133, VenessaCakes VenessaCakes VenessaCakes VenessaCakes VencssaCakes None GalibaarNaka-2 GalibaarNaka 2 GalibaarNaka-2 GalibaarNaka-2 Galibaar Naka-2 Mob- 99824535752 Mob- 99824535752Mob- 99824535752 Mob- 99824553752 Mob- 99824535752 Q.134. Gresh Fishereis GreshFishereis GreshFishereis GreshFishereis GreshFishereis None KawliBhajiLane KawliBhajiLane KawliBhajjLane KawliBhajiLane Kavli BhajiLane Chintanager-88 Chintanager-88 Chintanager-88 Chintanagcr-88 Chintanager- 88 Q.135. Sunnel Chichreja_ SunnclChichreja SunnelChichreja SunnelChichreja SunnelChichreja None Pandurangwadi Pandurangwadi + Pandurangvadi Pandurangwadi Pandurangvadi Nahan- 346524 Nahan- 346524 Nahan-346524 Nahan- 345624 Nahan- 346524Q.136-140. The news item in each question below is to be classified into one of the following five areas : Q.136, Q.137. Q.138. Q.139. Q.140. (1) Politics (2) Social Issues (3) Science and Health (4) Sports (6) Miscellaneous. f The number of the area (1) or (2) or (3) or (4) or (5) as the case may be is the answer. T. V. celebrities to participate in the new Reality Show. (A) Politics (2) Social Issues (3) Science and Health (4) Sports (5) Miscellaneous. Ministers resign out of embarrassment: (1) Politics (2) Social Issues (3) Science and Health (4) Sports (5) Miscellaneous Indian woman wins the wrestling championship. (1) Politics (2) Social Issues (8) Science and Health (4) Sports (6) Miscellaneous A family treated as untouchable since past 50 years. (1) Politics (2) Social Issues (3) Science and Health (4) Sports (5) Miscellaneous More cases of Asthama detected due to rise in the pollution level. (1) Politics (2) Social Issues (3) Science and Health (4) Sports (5) Miscellaneous Q.141-145. The letter group in each question below is to be codified in the following number codes : Q.141. Q.142, Q.143. Q.144, Q.145. Letters eee My veers K A One G NumberCodes : 6 8 5 1 9 0 3 2 7 4 You have to find out which of the answers (1), (2), (3) or (4) has the correct coded form of the given letters and indicate it on your answersheet. If none is correct coded form, give (5) i.e. ‘None of these’ as answer and indicate it on your answersheet. VSGJKBT : (1) 1948607 (2) 1948067 (3) 1849067 (4) 1984067 (5) None of these MOBGASK (1) 5624390 (2) 5264309 (3)5263490 (4) 5264390 (6) None of these SAJOVTM (19832175 (2) 9382715 (3) 9382157 (4) 9823175 (5) None of these BTMSGKV i (1) 6579401 (2).6754901 (3)6759401 (4)6597401 (6) None of these OKTJAMG (1) 2078354 (2)0278354 (3) 2073854 (4) 2078345 (6) None of these Q.146-150.Below in each question five words are given. Which of them will come at the Third place if all 146. Q.147. Q.148. Q.149. Q.150. of them are arranged alphabetically as in a dictionary ? (1) Demote (2)Dementia (3)Demolish (4) Demean (6) Demonstrate (1)Romance (2) Rough (3) Roast (4) Rooster (6) Rogue (1) Parade (2)Paragraph (8) Pardon (4) Parallel (6) Paradise (1) Frequent (2) Fraud (3) Freak (4) Fresh (6) Freeze (1) Bridge (2) Brink (3) Breathe (4) Bright (5) BristleTEST - IV ENGLISH LANGUAGE Q.151-165. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions. Every morning the men of the village would tuck into a hearty breakfast and then gather in groups. lfthe men had spent even alittle time on their land, they would have reaped wonderful crops but they spent the day telling each other tall tales. They returned home only at lunch and dinnertime. All responsibilities fell on the women. They cooked, cleaned, sent the children to school, worked in the fields, took the crops to the market - in short, they did everything. The women grew tired of this. Someone suggested writing to the King, who was known to be fair and kind. So a letter was written and sent. The women went back to their work, but were on the lookout to see if the King would solve their problem. Many days passed, and slowly the women began to lose hope. After all, why would the King of such a vast empire be concerned about the plight of a few women in a tiny village like theirs ? One night, when the men gathered to chat and boast after dinner, a tall and handsome stranger . joined them. Each man wanted to prove he was better than the others to impress him. One said, Q.151. Q.152. Q.153. “As soon as | was born, | ran to the capital and met the King.” Not to be outdone, a second man said, “When | was a day old, | rode a horse all the way to the King’s palace and we had the most delicious breakfast together.” At the thought of food everyone began to applaud. Now a third man said, “I sat on an elephant when | was a week old and had lunch with the King in his palace. Before the admiring murmurs could die down, a fourth one said, “When | was a month old | flew to the King’s garden. He let me sit with him on his throne.” The stranger then spoke up. “Do you four men know the King very well 2” “Of course we do!” they replied together. “In fact, he is proud to have supernatural beings like us in his kingdom.” The stranger looked thoughtful and said, “Some time ago, the king called four supermen to the city in order to repair the city walls. Since the largest, toughest stones were used, this could be done only by these supermen. The four asked to be paid in gold and the King gave them the money. But they disappeared and | have been wandering the kingdom looking for them. The King has ordered me to find them and bring them back to the capital to finish the work. They will also have to return the gold they ran away with. It looks like my search has finally ended. | will take you four to the King, along with the gold you stole from him. | shall be the rich one now.” By the time the stranger finished telling this amazing story, the men’s faces were ashen. What trouble had their lies landed them in ? They dived at the stranger's feet. “Forget what we said!” they wailed. “Those were all lies. We are just lazy men.” The stranger smiled. “I will tell the king there are no supermen in this village, only hard-working, ordinary men and women. But he will come to verify this himself!” The men promised to stop telling tales and do some honest work. That night the stranger left the village on a white horse, fit to belong to the King ! Which of the following can be said about the men of the village ? (A) They were lazy and spent the whole day doing nothing, (B) They were supportive if their wives or daughters wanted to work. (C) They were well acquainted with the King. (1) Only (A) (2) Both (B) & (C) (3) Only (B) (4) Both (A) &(C) (5) None of these Why did the women of the village write to the King ? (1) They wanted him to acknowledge their hard work and reward them (2) They wanted him to see their miserable condition for himself (3) They wanted him to send people to help them to do all their work (4) They wished to meet the king in person to discuss their problems (5) None of these What did the men discuss when they gathered in groups ? (1) The food they would eat at the next meal (2) They boasted about the wealth they had cheated the King out of (3) Their wife’s accomplishments. (4) Impossible tasks that they were able to accomplish (5) The problems facing the villageQ.154, Q.155. Q.156. Q.157. Q.158, Q.159. Q.160. Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage ? (1) The stranger spent a long time in the village studying the people's habits (2) The King was deceived by four men with super powers (3) The women of the village actively participated in the story telling sessions (4) The men of the village were very fond of food (5) The men of the village did not cultivate the land as they did not know how to What motivated the men to begin working ? (A) They felt bad that the women were overworked. (B) The stranger threatened them with imprisonment for their idleness, (C) They wanted to impress the stranger. (1) Both (A)&(B) (2) Only (A) (3) Only (C) (4) Only (B) (5) None of these How did the King deal with the letter from the women of the village ? (1) He did nothing about it because he thought their problem was silly (2) He was tied up with the business of the Kingdom and could not spare anyone to help them (3) He ignored the letter because he knew the men of the village and was fond of them (4) He plotted with one of his courtiers to remedy their problem (5) None of these Which of the following describes the King ? (1) He was sensitive and concerned about the needs of his subjects (2) He did not trust anyone and verified facts for himself (3) He was wealthy and fond of horse riding (4) The King was kind but foolish and people easily deceived him (5) He was merciless and severely punished those who did wrong Why did the men not farm the land in the village ? (1) The land was not fertile (2) They lacked adequate knowledge about farming (3) They were occupied with more urgent matters (4) The women insisted on being in charge of this activity (5) None of these What reason did the stranger give for visiting the village ? , (1) The King had asked him to verify if the women’s letter was accurate (2) He wanted to meet the people with superior abilities in the village (3) He was passing through looking for four men who had deceived the King (4) He wanted to steal the gold that the villagers had taken from the King (5) None of these Why did the men of the village fall at the stranger's feet ? (1) They realised he was the King and wanted to pay their respects (2) They wanted to express their sorrow for cheating the King of his gold (3) They wanted him to save them from the King's punishment (4) They were grateful to him for saving them from the King’s anger (6) They wanted to see the King Q.161-163.Choose the word which is most meaty the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as Q.161. Q.162. Q.163. Q.164, used in the passage. hearty (1) warm (2) enthusiastic (3) strong (4) substantial (5) energetic reaped (1) grown (2) harvested (3) sown (4) receipt (5) secured dived (1) jump (2) fell (3) descend (4) submerged (8) leap Q.164-165.Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage. finished (1) completed (2) interrupted (3) began (4) rough (5) darkQ.165. admiring (1) rejecting (2) disapproving (3) harmful (4) frightening (6) threatening Q.166-170. In each sentence below four words have been printed in bold which are numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). One of these words may be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the wrongly spelt or inappropriate word. The number of that word is the answer. Ifall the words are correctly spelt and are appropriate the answer is (6), i.e. ‘All correct’. Q.166. Every single decision will be reveiwed at the regular monthly meeting. All correct (1) (2) (3) (4) 6) Q.167. We often ask our customers to give us their opinions and suggestions for improvement.All correct (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) Q.168. | tried to convince him that the situation was not as worse as it appeared. All correct (1) 2) (3) (4) () @.169. Underneath the new law the managing director will no longer be appointed by the government. (1) 2) (3) (4) All correct (6) Q.170. After the meeting | discussed the issue with my colleagues who were very helpfull. All correct (1) (2) (3) (4) - ©) Q.171-175. Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them. (A) “Itis better to be worn out than rusted !” was his reply. (8) He could only study at home late at night. (C) | learnt very important lesson from a young fisher boy called Javed. (0) One day, | asked him how he managed to remain so optimistic. (E) Javed went to school everyday and when he came home he had to help his mother to sell crabs. (F) He always seemed happy and enthusiastic despite these long hours. Q.171. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ? (1)A2) B (3) C (4)D ()E Q.172. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ? (1A) B (3)c (4)D OE Q.173. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ? (1)A(2) B (3)D @E 6)F Q.174. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ? (1A) B @)C (4)D 6) E Q.175. Which of the following will b the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement ? (A (2)B @)C (4)D GE Q.176-180, Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required’, mark (5) as the answer. Q.176, Tx majority of our clients prefer our new office timings, which are convenience for them. (1) is convenient to (2) are convenience to (8) are convenient for (4) convenience (6) No correction required Q.177. The parents of greater than half these students have borrowed money to pay for their children’s education. (1) above half off (2) higher than half (8) atleasthalve (4) more than half of (5) No correction required Q.178. When you returned to the branch office, you must enter all the relevant details in the ledger stored in this cupboard (1) Returning (2) On returning (3) Your return (4) While returning (6) No correction required Q.179. Once you get your postgraduate degree in management get a job will be much easier. (1) getting a job will (2) to get a job (3) you will get a job _ (4) should get a job (5) No correction requiredQ.180. He listened to my objections patiently and then explained why he had taken such a decision in my absence. (1) that he had been (2) how he has (3) why he was (4) when having (6) No correction required Q.181-190. Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5) i.e. ‘No Error’. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.) Q.181. The Grameen Bank was / set up to lend / small amounts of money / for the poor. No error (1) (2) (3) (4) (8) Q.182. He is given me /a lot of documents / to read before / the presentation tomorrow. No error (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Q.183. Many of our staff / had the opportunity / to go to Pune / for training last year.No error ) (2) (3) (4) (5) Q.184, Even those which / have no previous / work experience have / applied for this job. No error (1) @) (3) (4) (6) Q.185. Most of the funds / we get from / America is Used to / build roads and bridges.No error (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Q.186. Since the trip home / was expensive | / did not went home / during the holidays. No error (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) @.187. While giving a loan / you must check / if the borrower has / sufficiently collateral to repay it. No error 4) (2) (3) (4) (5) Q.188. We tried to do much more than / the work as possible by ourselves / because we did not (1) (2) / want to rely on others.No error (4) (5) Q.189. Every year we advertise / in a few national / newspapers and receive / thousands of applications. (1) 2) (3) (4) No error (8) @.190. Everyday he used to travel /to the nearby village /to play cricket / with no telling anyone. No error (1) 2) (3) (4) 6) Q.191.200.In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. (191) a child, the first trip | ever made outside my village was to the library in the next village with my grandfather. A big banyan tree (192) near the building with a cement platform under it. My grandfather would go and sit on the platform after. (193) me at the first floor. Other village elders would also (194) him there. | would read the children’s books and be (195) in them, until my grandfather called me to go home. One day after we reached home my grandfather said, “l have noticed how much you love books. Have you heard of a man (196) Andrew Carnegie ? He was an American billionaire (197) willed Most of his wealth (198) to his children but to a foundation, which built libraries. (199) me, when you grow up, (200) you have more money than you need, you will buy books for at least one library.” Q.191. (1) When (2) Like (3) still (4) As (6) Being Q.192. (1) situated (2) stood (3) grown (4) seen (5) located Q.193. (1) seated (2) dropping (8) place (4) sending (©) abandoned. Q.194. (1) wave (2) greeting (8) join (4) assemble (6)talk Q.195. (1) busy (2)engrossed » (3) occupied (4) distracted (6) absors Q.196. (1) call (2) known (8) famous (4) entitled (6) named Q.197. (1) who (2) that (8) though (4) whom (6) himself Q.198. (1) all (2) not (8) instead (4) rather (5) entire Q.199. (1) Remind (2) Allow (3) Commit (4) Thank (6) Promise Q.200. (1) unless (2) that (3) if (4) will (5) yetANSWERS INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK HELD DOOO DOCe@®D DOC@O DOO@D DOOoe® 6 DOCSO 7 DO@CO 3 @DO0O 9 DEDOO 19DOOOE@ 11 DOSOOD 122.D@000 13 @D00O 14D@ODOO 1s DOO@O 16 DOOSOD 17 D@OOO 18 @DOOO 19@DOO0O 20 DOOC® 21 0D@O0O 200800 23D@OOO 24D@OOO 23DOOSOD 26 DDOO® 21 DDO@O 23 D@OOO 29 D@DOO 30 ®@DOOO 31 DOOD 32200008 3 DOOD 34 DOOD 35 DOSOO 36 DOOSO 37 @ 0000 38 D@DOO 39 @DOOO 49 D@OOO 411@0O0O 2DO0e@0O BDeDOO 44DD@0O 45DOO@O 46DD@OO 411®@DOOO 48DDOO@ 49DDOO@® s9DOOeO 51 DOOSO 52 DOOO® 53 DD@ODO 54 @DOOO 55 DEDOO 56 @DOOO 57 DOSOOD 58 DOO@O 59 DDOO@® 60 DOOD 61 DEDOO 62 DOOO® 63 DO®OO 64 DOOSO 65 @DOOO 66 DOO@O 67 DODO@ 63 @DOOO 69 DD@OD 10 D®DOD 1 @0OOO 12 DDO®O 13 D®DOO 14 DD@OO 15 DOOOC®@ 165 @DOO0O 717 DOOD 13 DOOOCE 19 DOC@D 80 D©DOO 31 DODO@ 82 @DOOO 83 DDOS®O 84 DOSOO 85 DEDOO 36 DOSOO 37 DOGO 33 DEDOO 39 @DOOO 99 DOOO@ 1 DDDO® 92 DOO@D 93 DD@OOD 94 @DOOO 95 DEDOO 9% DOC@O 91 DOOCSe 98 DO@OO 99 @DOOOD 1DOODOO 101 ®@DOOOD 12 DOOO@ 13 DOD@O 14 DD@OO 105 D@DOO 1966 @DDOO 107 DO@OO 103 DOOSD 19 DOOO@ 10 DO@OO 11 DOC@OD 12 @DDOO 13 D@DOO 14 D@DOO 15 DO@OO 16 DDOC@ 17 DDO@O 18 @DODOO 19D@DOO 1209 DOSOO 121 DDO@O 12 DOOC@ 123 @DOO0O 1 D@DOO 12s DO@OO 126 D®DOO 127 @DOOO 123g DOODOE 129 DOD@O 1390 DEDOO 131@DO20O 132 DO@OO 13 D@DOO B4 @DODOO Ls DOOOS 136 DOOC® 137 @ODOO 138 DOOSO 139 DEDOO 14) DO@OCO 141 DEDOO 12 DOODSO 18 DODOS 14 DO@OO 15 @DDOO 146 DO@OO 147 @DODOO 148 DEDOO 19 DDOO® 150 DOOSO 151 DOO 122 D®DOO 13 DODSO 154 DOD@O 155 DODO® 1565 DOOOS® 157 @DDOO 158 DOOO@® 1599 DO@OO 16:0 DOSOO 161 DOOOS 192 DEDOO 13 D@DOO 164 DD@OO 165 D@DOO 166 D@ DOOD 197 DOOOS 18 DOOO® 199 DOOO®@® 10 DOO@O In DO@OOD InDOOO® 13 D@ODOO 14 DOOSO 15 @DOOO 16 DEDOO 177DDOSO 173 DODO 19 @DOOO 1390 DODO 181 DOO@OD 1822 @DOOO 13 @DOOO 183 @DOOO 185 DOSOOD 1396 DOSOO 137 DOOSO 188 ©DODOO 139 DODO 1909 DOODSOD D1 DOOSO 12 DO@OO 13 D®DOO 194 DO@OO 195 @DDOO 1% DOOO® 197 @DOOO 198 D®DOO 19 DOOO® 2000 DO@OO M1 DODOOD 202 DOOOO 203 DDOOO 204 DODOO 205 DDDOO 205 DOOOO 27 DOOOO 20s DOODOO 209 DODOO 20 DDOOO 211 DOOOO 22 DDO2GO 23 DDOOGO 2400000 25 DODOO 216 DOOOOD 217 DOOOO 218 DDOOO 29 DDOOO 20 DD®OO 21 DD®OO 22 DOOOO 23 DOOOO 24 DOODOO 23 DODOO 2% DODOO 277 DOOOO 238 DOOOD 29 DOOOO 230 DODO 231 DOOOO 2322 DODOO 23 DDOOO 234 DOODOO 25 DOOOO. 2346 DOBOO 37 DOOOO 238 DOOOO 2399 DODOO 29 DODOO ul DOOOOD 22 DODOO 28 DOODOO 244 DOOOO 245 DODOO 246 DOOOO 147 DOODOO 2148 DOOOO 2109 DODO] 250 DODOOD 21 DODO 252 DOOO 2533 DOOO 234 DODO 235 DODO 256 DOOE 2357 DOOD 253 DOOD 2599 DO@O 26 DODO 261 DOOE 292 DOOE 263 DOOO 264 DODO 265 DODO 266 DOOE 267 DOOE 268 DOOE 269 DOOC 20 DOOE m DOE mODOOe 232 DOOE 2714 DOOS 25 DOOE 245 DOOE 277 DOOE 23 DOOE m9 DOOE 280 DOOE 281 DOOE 282 DOOE 23 DOOE 234 DO OE 285 DOOE 25 DOE 237 DOOE 293 DOOE 2399 DOOE 2m DOO4 21 DOO 292 DOO 23 DOO 24 DOO 23 DOO 2% DOO 27 DOO 22 DOOE 23 DOO 30 DOOEEXPLANATION INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK HELD ON (01/02/2009) Q.1.— Inacertain code : B Ao Ina same code m f +> F B In a certain code : @OQwn NE@@®@ In asame code ROAD=2945 Word : mepolocre a eel There are three letter pairs are made. ED, IE, OE Number =®©@©1 9 O@ Bef 2h Corton 4 7,19 tote Sa oe OS Le After arrangement in assending order there are two numbers are remain same position. Inacertain code language seis sweet] Chome) —) fA sweet] and sour—— pa salja] Qn. So, code for Sour is = pa or sa Q.13. In acertain code aoe hs In a same code : Eee) Ne aera) Q.20-26. Q.35-40. Q.35. Statement : Te@J s 2 T2M, TsJ WI%M (I)M%J < < MST, Conclusions : So, neither conclusion (i) nor (ii) is true. Statement: RON, N%B > < R>N, B>N BOR (BSR > < B>R,R>B So, either conclusion (i) or (ii) is true. Statement: BST, T@J < > T>B § ToJ Q.35. Conclusions : Q.36.Q.37. Q.38. Q.39, Q.76. Conclusions: (I)J#B (I)U%B Q.80. = < J=B,BoJ So, neither conclusion (i) nor (ii) is true. Statement: F@M, M©D > > F>M, M>D Conclusions: (I)D%F ()D=F F>D, D=F Q.81. So, conclusion (i) is true. Statement: H'%B, BST < < T>B>H Conclusions: (I) HST (I) H%T T2H,T>H So, only (ii) is true. Statement: DOM, MON one. > > D>M>N Conclusions: (I)N%D_ (II)/N$D < < D>N,D2N So, only (i) is true. Statement: F@R, R#K Q.83. > = FeRkK, Conclusions: (I)K#F (INK$F = < K=FF2K Q.84. So, only (ii) is true. 8200 +81 = (91) Rate =5 Time = 2 year P=5500 Ran i =A= P(1+ Compound interest = A= P(1+ 700) = 5500(1+—-2)? 100 Rs. 563.75 Time = 28 hour. Distance = 1204 Km Speed =? Distance Time Speed = 1204 Speed= “5 Speed = 43 kmv/hr. Let the cost of computer table = 100x 400x+100xx 22 = 7482 100 100x + 29x=7482 129x = 7482 7482 —x!1 135. to x= 5800 Average age of woman and his daughter = 24 Ratio=3:1 Average of ratio, x So, 2tt=2 ue 24 Daughter age = = 12 years. 1 week = 42 dozen apple 7 days = 42 dozen apple 42 1 day = = = 6 dozen apple 39 days = 39 x 6 = 234 dozen apple needs. Let the number = x Tix 58x_ —*-=* =299 100 100 18x _ 599 100 _ 299x100 = Sag x= 2300 . 67 So, 67% of x = 2800x755 => 1541Q.87. Q.89. Q.93. Q.94., Average of 5 consecutive and odd numberis 95 A B c D =; 91 98 95 97 99 So, product of C and E = 95 x 99 = 9405 Cost of 15 cell and 10 watchs are = 60675 60675 So, cost of 3 cell and 2 watchs are > ate Rs. 12135. Amount Rs. 96216 is Distributed equally among. 38 people. 96216 So= 38 Passing marks = 447 obtained marks = 394 difference = 447 - 394 =53 Than 5% = 53 =Rs. 2582 each. 53 100 = —x100 00 5 x = 1060 maximum marks needs Sanjana Invest Rs. 41700 Time =6 years Rate = 12% per annum PxRxT Sie 100 41700 x6 x12 pp ROK Os 100 => Rs. 30024 Amount = P + S.1. = 41700 + 30024 => Rs. 71724 Simple Interest = x PxRxT Sis aoe 7x6 x 9850 100 => Rs. 4137 In a organisation = 2240 employees. 35% got transfer 35 2240 x 22. ere 00 => 784 employees got transfered. @.96. Hariday Invest = Rs. 5724 is equal to 18% So, 18% = 5724 5724 100% = 5-100 = Rs. 31800 Q.99. In aschool total number of students = 6020 Girls is = 2800 Boys = 6020 - 2800 =3220 Ratio of boys and Girls = 3220 : 2800 = 23:20 Q.161-165. @.161. HEARTY = ENERGETIC Q.162. REAPED = HARVEST Q.163. DIVED = FELL Q.164. FINISHED = ToEND (Synonym); (Antonym- BEGAN) Q.165. ADMIRING = APPERECIATING(Synonym); APPROVING ANTONYM-DISAPPROVING (ASHEN - PALE) Q.166. REVEIWED = REVIEWED Q.170. HELPFULL =HELPFUL Q.171-175. CEBFDA Q.176. ARE For Their Convenience” ARE Convenient For Them office timings (P. Subject take Plural Verb) Q.178. When you returned = On Returning 2nd part of sentence in present so ‘st part should be in present. Q.179. Once you get your postgraduate degree in management to get a job will be easy Once you get your postgraduate degree in manage- ment getting a job will be much easier. Q.181. to the poor Q.182. He has given me Q.183, | Thetraining Q.184. _Eventhose who Q.186. didnot go. did + verb (1 form) _ Q.187. Sufficiently collateral to repay. Sufficient Q.188. Much = superfluous use. Q.190. Without telling anyone.
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