CH 12

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12.7 12.1. Water flows through a rotating sprinkler arm as shown in Fig, P12.1 and Video V12.2. Estimate the minimum water pressure necessary for an angular velocity of 150 rpm. Is this ‘turbine or a pump? To estimate the minimum water pressure we Consider the Flow through the sprinkler and into the atmosphere to be without any loss of available energy. Fe, using Bernoulli's epuation we get 2 Purrred yf where B= Py radial diechons To dekrmme \, we vecenize that A fhe minimum pressure. Condition, the Frgue resisting sprinkler rotation is Zero. Jo To ta(aMfa= FM) = 0 Since U2? ther 2 Ge oa Fram the exit (2) velocity triangke, Va = Wycos 70° and W, Sin = UL= Bw Ce yw 270” = (Pin) (150 rev je - Sin D0" (12. jn 5) =e, Then (athe oe ¢ = 62.% (ery (B34 Pons Ge . 2 =) 32.2 Ibm fF ) So p= 10.8 le above P te 5 At rescore’ needed. ar 3th Kon it langer because of The achral pressure needed tor Sprinkle rotation is lanser because Fluid Flaw ldsses And Finite torgve resisting vofehin . This is a turbine, the sprinker moves: tin the same direction as the Hid tone on it, R-t 12.2 12.2. Water flows sprinkler arms as sketched in Fig. P12.1 and as shown in Video 12.2, With the help of the momentof-momentum equation ex- plain why only ata threshold amount of water flow, the sprinkler arms begin to rotate. What happens when the flowrate increases above this threshold amount? if the exit nozzle could be varied, ‘hat would happen fora set flowrate above the threshold amount, when the angle is increased to 90°? Decreased to 0°? ally up the shaft and out through the two @ FIGURE P12.1 a This sprinkler is similay to the one of Example 5.18. Fron the velocity triangle shown in the shetdr abe, We comclude that Vg = (Wy sin 70° — UP) where UL = hw Comb ining we get . in 70° n M to -*, (Wisin 70 hwo) m Se, when Wand in combined 's lange, itl = 0 te overcome Drete the Sprinkler rotor begins t vofate. When Hlowrale sncreases tarfer, is no longer sero but set at a value that athishes &.1 (con't) (2-2 12.2 | (con't) When the nozzle angle is increased Frern 70°40 90° oe : a. CW, 31 90'- hw) thee 90° U 2. || W, For Wy te Be G2 e ‘shaft shaft ‘, 90° 70° td WwW, Ww, A, = Mie ms, = Mo 90° 7 We get W, -fH = in 10 — Je 7 90? 20 aes Far this to be true Hoye > My? ov the sprinkler Speeds up when the 03g angle is incetased fron 0°40 90" When the nozzle angle is dectased tp OF the exit velocit triangle now looks like W240 v, ‘2 v, °° Gnd the shaft forgue asstcjaleol with this flow opposes and eventaelly stops sprinkler rotation. 12-3 12.3 The rotor shown in Fig, P12.3 rotates clockwise. Assume that the fluid enters in the radial direction and the relative ve- locity is tangent to the blades and remains constant across the entire rotor. Is the device a pump or a turbine? Explain, BS FIGURE P12.3 W, = W, according to the problem statement and U>U, since. Gon. Thus a veasovable set of velocity angles for this situation looks like Ww Uu Wo radial v dlivection Va Ww By comparing the veloci hy triangles at the why twlet(1) and exit (2) we see thet the absolute velocity vect, V, has been turned in the dwreetion of blade motion and Work. has been done on the fliia. This isa pomp . (2-4 124 12.4 Ata given radial location, a 15 mphwind against a a windmill (see Video V12.1) results in the upstream (1) and . " ownstcam (2) velocity triangles shown in Fig. P124, Sketch an appropriate blade section at that radial location and deter- "i Z luj=2omph mine the energy transferred per unit mass of fluid. 2 aisaph FIGURE P12.4 We can determne whether the axial How furkerrachps involved is @ turbine or a fan by comparin puter of the sift force on the voter blade os sae direction of the blade velocity Ur. Ik the itt toree and the blade velocity are in the same direction a turbine 4 inoled | Lf the lift farce and blade velocity are ie . opposite duections, @ fan is tnvolved. The divechon of th litt force can be wterred from the shape of the i blade section sketched to be tangents the relative Fows n and leaving the velor raw. nny The entering relative flow angle, f , ts Bom tn We ta (20) ga 4 (15eph) Thus, the olor blade sections sketched belr. are appropriake (2:4 | Gon't) Since the lift force acting on each boty blade section is in the same divecton as the blade velocity we conclude that this furbomachine ss a turbine, The energy tranphyred por unit mass ts the shaft Work por unjp mass , oe fe / Which we Can dekrmmne wita Eq. 1.5. Thus “Shaft = ~ U, Vor “ From the velocity triangles we. obtan = W %n bo -U, and = = 2 2 w, w, Wav Thas Opi Y / urn ut sin 60" ~ x) 2 “Shaft =~ (: 20m) / (15m (20m iu son ia) 5) nd, w 7 ale Shat} == shag taal Wage? 77 fA. lk ! --22 Hh Shaft Slug (32 2 Ieee ) lom Slag 12-6 25 12.5 Sketch how you would arrange four 3-in-wide by 12- in-long thin but rigid stips of sheet metal on a hub to create a windmill like the one shown in Video V12.1. Discuss, with the help of velocity triangles, how you would arrange each blade Co the hub and how you would orient your windmill in the wind. wd along volation axis — /2-% 72& 12.6 Sketched in Fig. P12.6 are the upstream [section (1)] and downstream {section (2)] velocity triangles at the arithmetic ‘mean radius for flow through an axial-flow turbomachine rotor. ‘The axial component of velocity is $0 ft/s at sections (1) and 2). (a) Label each velocity vector appropriately. Use V for ab- solute velocity, W for relative velocity, and U for blade veloc- ity. (b) Are you dealing with a turbine or a fan? (¢) Calculate the work per unit mass involved. (@) Sketch a reasonable blade section. Do you think the actual blade exit angle will need to be less or greater than 15°? Why? ial ‘rectisa aa) FIGURE P.12.6 (a) See figure above. (b) T= (1 Vor - 7; Vor) = 11 lmean (Vos. Vor) where Ve2>0 and Vei0. The machine is a fan, () Mi papy = Ua Vox ~ Ui Vo = U(Vor- Vo) where U=U=Uh Since Vyy = Vy. = 50 , # follows from the figure that : We uy Vi cosis* = 50 # Yi = ft Z| or Y= S18 oe and * Nao) U-U-U Va corso" = 50H op y= 57-7 7 Von so that Voie, sinis°=5/.8 sinis*=13.4 and Veo= Ve sin 30"= 29.9 Also, U=|VoiftVea|= 42-2 . Hence, iyay = 42-2E( 20.08 —C13-4 #)) = 17804 he. ()From the figure tand= ages or O= 48 ° we (oet22 This, the blade shape is as shown: & @ Tis? Aorte” Yess wt fo Ceon't ) Wrs0e” a8 (2-6 (con't) The actual bade angle will need » be kss than 15” % achieve a 15° flow angle at the blade exit. Because of beundary layer development on beth surfaces of the blade, the Fluid angle will be different from the blade angle. Less termig than expected will be achully achieved. 12-9 e Yes) oe 12:7 Shown in Fig. P12.7 is a toy “helicopter”” powered by air escaping from a balloon, The air from the balloon flows radially through each of the three propeller blades and out small J > LN nozzles atthe tps of the blades. The nozzles (alongwith the rotating propeller blades) are tilted at a small angle as indicated. ' SF ; Sketch the velocity triangle (ie., blade, absolute, and relative ! {ey ' velocities) for the flow from the nozzles, Explain wity this toy \ i tends to move upward, Is this a turbine? Pump? . - © M FIGURE P12.7 Tf we assume the helicopter i's stationary, then the blade speed ts @R in the horizontal plane as shown in the side view bebw. The relative velocity, W, is directed along the nozale, and the absolvie velocity, V=W+D, is as indicated. The toy terds + move vpward because. the flow over the blades push vp on them. The dir from the balloon forces the blades to rotak Jike 4 turbine. However, the blades act on the ambient Gir as a pamp. 12-]0 42.3 128 Acentrfugal water pump having an impeller diameter ‘of 0.5 m operates at 900 pm. The water enters the pump parallel to the pump shalt. Ifthe exit blade angle, ,, (See Fig. 12.8) is 257, determine the shaft power required to wm the impeller when the flow through the pump is 0.16 m3/s. The uniform ‘lide height is 50 mm. Theks hh a Worety 7 Uhett '« Gee 72 (Yor “h ty) (45, 2.0) WTA Vp, =0 a : Tshatt = O's Vor ow From Fig. 12.8 TO - Vo ote = 2% Ce ais so That Vag = Vi, cob (2) i sS=sS@ése a= (900 min Jere Me Men bo = 2 ae ania [ Uehe = (0.25 m (42 Ya)= 234 m Since the flowrabe 1s given i't follows That : 2) he, — Oe 12° 20 (2qV/0.v6m) (0.05 m) > Thus, trom &%. (2) Von = (23.6~ 2.64 cob 25) 2 = 19.2 % 2 and trom Ey) Tent, = OF 26 Mo.) (0.260) (19.2 2)= 168 Neon i 7 288 Mim) (40 rad feo Bez ye" nh, 1000 Nm show. _ 12-1 12.9 12.9 Discuss the differences between a centrifugal pump and a positive displacement pump (see Videw V12.3 for an ex- ample of a positive displacement pump impeller that looks like a centrifugal pump impeller). A centrifugal pump sapeller pushes agatish the forces developed by @ Haid Flowing over its welled! Surfaces and in 50 doing moves fluid through, A positive displacement pump "fraps ” or coyrhures* a volume of Fluid and moves the entire volume from one locaton te another. (2-12 30 12.10 A centrifugal pump impeller is rotating at 1200 rpm in LP Ve t the direction shown in Fig, P12.10. The flow enters parallel 0 the axis of rotation and leaves at an angle of 30° to the radial direction. The absolute exit velocity, Va, is 90 f1/s. (a) Draw the velocity triangle for the impeller exit flow. (b) Estimate the torque necessary to turn the impeller ifthe fluid is water. What will the impeller rotation speed become if the shaft breaks? > at ae (@) The ext How velocity triangle can be constructed Gtaphicallg #8 Wdicated below, M FIGURE P12.10 rad 200 2 zw Be 28a) 62g & (eo > wih U,2 Be (sf) From the velocity trangle - Up Ver tant a Swice Voy = Vz Sth 30° and hy = 550° A follows That = fag (Ua sin 30" a= Tan Vz €530° = : a 62.9 F - Go F) sii 30 Se (4% ©) cos 30° (cont) 12-13 12.10 (tent Thus, trom the velocity triangle Wes ye Vz ts 30°_ (% #) Cos 30” 2 08 12.7" Ges 12.9° Cos 12.7" = 90.0 & With 2 and W known, the velocity trial & Completel, — speertieid. () From Fg. 12.9 with Vp, =0 TShebee © ate Vos ay Syace . ‘ ste m= 627 b ie and @-he wale om Tbe Sia 194 Fs =(19# DE Ver Nost\(t 4) (90%) ws 30° = 396 slues = so tat trom By 01) Tshate = (326 2495) (0.52) % ©) sin 30” = 89 ft-lb A positie forgue 1s 1 the same direction as the Maton, When the shaft breaks, the torgue becomes sero and the wapeller eventually stops because there js no longer a driving torgue to force i# f yotate, Ina pomp, the shaft torgue drives the impeller and the impeller moves fluid. On the otter band, th a turby ; ‘ drives the impeller. ] nt, the moving Flaial [2-0 2.11 12,11 Discuss the main simplifying assumptions associated with Raq, 12.13 and explain why actual head rise is always less, than ideal head rise, Discuss how ideal head rise is head “added” * to the fluid and actual head rise is head “gained” by the fluid. Can Eq, 12.13 be used for a turbine? Explain in terms of ac- tual and ideal changes in head. £G. 1213 is tbbevved assuming that no loss of available encrgy occum in the tlw threngh the pump impeller. The achaa/ head rise across the pump is thus Gua! 7 the ideal bead rise across the pump minus the tess of available energy sufterect by the flowing Slard because of trichen. The blades add the fdeal hegd rise amount to the owing Haid, however, the Fly Flow loss results py The achral ead rise realy red by toe towing Fluid temrg hss than the Ideal Amount by te loss. 9. 12-13 may also be used for flow aeress a turbine roby, however the change in head will now be negative or tn other Words the towing Fluid head will drop across the roder. Farther, this head drop across the turbine rete is fhe ideal amount , or the amount in the absence of any hss of available energy suffered by the tlwing Suid because of Viscosity. The achral head drop is larger than the ideal head drep th® difference, due. to losses. 12-15, F272. 12.12 central ada water pam has the dimensions > shown in Fig. P12.12.The volume rate of flow is 0.25 ft*/s, Aa the absolte ine velocity is Grected radially outward The angular velocity of the impellers 960 pm. The exit velocity as seen irom a coocdnaespstem atached tothe pele cok = be assumed (0 be tangent to the vane at is vallng edge 7 Calculate the power required to drive the pump, ¢ yy, f ‘ 2-025 8% ‘pm 0.78 in|" : Mm FIGURE P12.12, From &9. BW with Ve, =0, Wopete = eel Von a % determie V2 we use U,= bw en ) (toot, en Noe )2 018 Te obtain Voz we use the exit Velocity triaigle shown below. Ver gu /-———**—_~ We Yen Ve oe Since Vo,> U - Vi, tan 35° and no ol (ors Veen) 139% te" Ag eres, Gnlash Varin) ae it fellows Thet Vor® (#1 ~139 tan) = 451% Thus, trom jo a) Wgpapy = 0" GE Nass EN Hs Mes 1) = 1010 feb or 123 12.13 Water is pumped with a centrifugal pump, and meas- ‘urements made on the pump indicate that for a flowrate of 240 ‘gpm the required input power is 6 hp. For a pump efficiency of (62%, what is the actual head rise of the water being pumped? From Eg. (2.23 The pump efficiency 13 given by To i _ @ ta/ 550 1 : bhp pay Xe50) he = ¥0 = (bz lb hp S00 ) = C134 so That yeni) 2.14 The performance characteristics of a certain cenuif ‘gal pump are determined from an experimental setup si to that shown in Fig. 12.10. When the flowrate of aliquid ( = 0.9) through the pump is 120 gpm, the pressure gage at (1) indicates a vacuum of 95 mm of mercury and the pressure gage at Q) indicates a pressure of 80 kPa. The diameter of the pipe at the inlet is 110 mm and at the exit it is $5 mm. If Z — 2) = 0.5 m, what i the actual head rise across the pump? Explain how you would estimate the pump motor power re- quirement, From E23. (2.19 dus Fh ana a e wile Since @ . Crogpm VE. 309 x10 ee ) . eye Es or an) ¥ (o.110m)* Us - Aya hehe Keak awn aes = (a 7978 a) = Thus, Fron 9.) on Toy) Gy, ) = “senNacds) ank pF ae "mn, f Box Na + (acps\isexn?) 2, (age) (om sy St im ¢ “ (2.9)(F.80.« 107) ¥, : 2 (4.814) Ay = MS To estimak, the pump mebr power reguivertat use G/2-23 = 0 ahe bhp (550) bh get bhp = TAhe 4550) For differing values ay, a concipending bhp can be caleulakd 12-18 1215 12.15 ‘The performance characteristics of a certain centrif- ‘ugal pump having a 9-in.-diameter impeller and operating at 1750 1pm are determined using an experimental setup similar to that shown in Fig. 12.10. The following data were obtained during a series of tests in which &» — c = 0, Vz = Vj, and the fluid was water. Q¢gpm 20 [40 [60 |xo |100 |120 140 ps —prtpsi) [402 |40.1 |38.1 362 | 335 | 301 | 258 Power input (hp)| 1.581 2271 2.671 2981 3.19! 3.491 400 Based on these data, show or plot how the actual head rise, fi. and the pump efficiency, 7, vary with the flowrate. What is the design flowrate for this pump? From 3.12.19 with B>2 ana Yeh te= teh ~F Thus, for the Hirst set of data th The table hee (40.2 #. ge BE oe 624 2. ft3 Fy 12. Yom Fy. 23 ro. ose 1: ae and for the First set of data m te table 7 C245 [leo gpm) /f.40 BIN 60%, )] 2. B4D (1.58 hp )( 550 e) = 0,297 N= 29.7% Remarinng values tor by andy tan be Caltulated th & simler manner and all values ave tabulated wi Tee table below. or @ Cgpm) | 20 4o | bo | 80 | wo | r20 | Ho ty (ft) 92.8 | 72.5 | 877 | 835 | 773) bis | StS 4 (%) 24.7 | 42| 429) StS | 643 | Cow | oze (cont) W219 12.15 | (con't ) A plot ef the data is shown below. The desigh Flowrate eccurs at peak efficiency and bs 107 gem. PIT dhs ip Plural = 107 Spm, Flearese, @, 9pm 120 (216 12.16 Iv is sometimes useful to have h, — Q pump per- formance curves expressed in the form of an equation. Fit the ‘hg ~ Q data given in Problem 12.4610 an equation ofthe form +h, = h, ~ kQ? and compare the values of hi, determined from the equation with the experimentally determined values. (Hint: Plot h, versus Q* and use the method of least squares to fit the data t6 the equation.) Basea en the date trom Problem 12.15, tne Followmg buble can be Creeked and Firm 4 Slandard, linear regression curve frttirg Pregranm The fellewsig Vesults are obluned. @ Cppm) to to Po lta ir | pe | (Co Gpmy’ 4x10" | x10] axio*| b¢x 10°| /00x10* | foe x10") /96X10" 4, ft) | 92.8| w.5| #79 | 635 | 7723 | bes | oa bt, ~l.oo | 0.81| 0.27] 0.26 | 237 | 0.33 |-asz "be = 4, experimental) - Ay. (predicted) The eguation obbaned trom the cate “Sing linear regression _ 745 — 0.00176 @ a) where 4, 5 i PE with O th gpm. A plot showing the Comparison between the experimertel data aud the prediited results (from 4.1) + Shown below, HA Head, hy fe Hh & e ve Tar =e 12.17 In Example 12.3, how will the maximum height, z, that the pump can be located above the water surface change if the water temperature is decreased to 40 °F? From Table 8.| tr WF waber, vapor pressure (i O.l2I7psié and F = 6243 Lt? Thus with This Change Wi EB.02) in Example 12.3 7 (a) * Steere)” gts (otzr7 jh.) 20 til oe CB mae = L8H Thus, There 12 an ncvease ty height fiom 7.61 ft to 9-43 Fé with decrease in waler temperature tom 90°F fo ¥0°F. 12-22 72.18 | 12/8 A centrifugal pump with a 7-indiameter impeller has the performance characteristics shown in Fig. 12.12. The ump is used to pump water at 100 °F, and the pump inlet is located 12 ft above the open water surface. When the flowrate js 200 gpm the head loss between the water surface and the ‘Pump inlet is 6 ft of water. Would you expect cavitation in the ump to be a problem? Assume standard atmospheric pressure. Explain how you arrived at your answer. From Eg, 12.28 2. NPshy2 - B, - Th a a From Table 8.1 me wader vapor pressure +t [00°F 13 0.9698 psia and £= 62.00 #,. Thus, wit ae WT psa, 2, 1248, and Zh = 6A, Bg. Gqelds Gnae, Je ee oa S — 644 a 200k, ae ui) (o ru93 8 es) (ivy ae = 139 ft From Fig, 12.12 at 200 gpm =~ /2 ft NPSH, For proper pump operation WPsh, 2 NPSHR Since this 1s true ih This case, We expect Mat cavitahin ih the pump Would not be a problem. No. (2-23 219 a) 12,14) Water at 40° is pumped from an open tank though be 200 m of S0-mm-diameter smooth horizontal pipe as shownan sl, Fig P12. and dscrges nto teamospere wih a veocty—* Dune 20 cay of 3 m/s. Minor losses are negligible, (a) Ifthe efficiency of ho Se the pump is 70%, how much power is being supplied to the Lene = 2007 pup? (b) What ithe NPSH athe pump ile? Neglctlossesw g1GURE-p12.19 in the short section of pipe connecting the pump to the tank. i Assume standard atmospheric pressure (@ Ce v* 2M Ftart? teat Bt fos a where p=p=o, Vv, Fon and 2.= 0. Thus, Eg.(1) becomes 2 = ik 4 7 z+ t, PA Crt @) tz) 0 vo. ao 2 a B« BEM o.05m) _ 22pane (6.590 x7 a*) and from Fig. 8.23 for smooth pipe F= 0.0152. Thus, trom G02) . GF? 200m 45 aes [1 o.o1sz ($22 ) - 3m = £5.30 Hence, Power garied by fluid = YOK, 3 a. = (9.13110 VE) (0.05) (3% Jles3nu) S145 x12 Nm = Les kw ana : Power gamed by Pad Efficiency = L¢s kW . Power supphéd 0 pump = Z.07TRW OTR Q) Frm & 4. 2.24 NSA = fo we fe a where # ana Vs refer + the pressure and Vvelcity at the Pump salet , respectively. Also, Ae Ft +z, Frs +a+d, Se thet with B= Bty , Vi=2, B20, ann 4, Cont? a> a ° 219. (Cont) -4,%8 4 and Therelore from Eg! The available NPSH 1 Petre - tr PSH, = Toe ob, ~ w Note that this result torresponds to EZ.12.25 with 2 pasihire (since pomp is below reservoir) and Ef =o. From Table 8.2 the water vaper pressure at Yo°C Us 737L X10" Ny? labs) and f= 2.73) x19? Nan Thus, From 3M CGantxw,) 29.4) Wi Pete = 10/&Pa — (F731 x10? #,) aa UPSH, = Get xp a) 09.73) xW? 2, ) = 26m 12-25 e 12.20 12.20 The centrifugal pump shown in Fig. P12.20 is not selfspriming, That is, ifthe water is drained from the pump and pipe as shown in Fig. P12.20(a), the pump will not draw the ‘water into the pump and start pumping when the pump is tumed ‘on. However, if the pump it primed (i.e filled with water asin Fig. P12.20(b)), the pump does start pumping water when tumed on. Explain this behavior. @ o m FIGURE P12.20 The head-tlowrate charactenshiis for « typical centrifuga! pump are shown ih Fig. t2.1l. The maximum head fiat the pump Can add occurs When when QHO (cit, a€ stark up for example). Thi head 13 1h terms of the Hurd in the pump. Neglecting losses and the velecrty head (gna cavitation elects) the pump can lifk the Hud a heght H egual to the heed added by the pump However, 1f The Fluid vi The pump is acy Ce.e, not primed) he head added % th terms of ££ or m ef air. For example, it hyz ofl The pump Could raise water thet hgh sf st 1 primed (filled tit water) ZF fhe pump & not primed (filled with air) then the pump can enly raise water up to « diskace ‘ = 5ofk Yar = a0ff Soreses) Nader (624 8) Hence the water will not get sto the pump. = 0.058 FL (2-26 e 2.27 r ‘Owing to fouling of the pipe wall, the friction factor for the pipe of Example 12.4 increases from 0.02 to 0.03, De- termine the new flowrate, assuming all other conditions remain the same, What is the pump efficiency at this new flowrate? Explain how a line valve could be used to vary the flowrate through the pipe of Example 12.4, Would it be better to place the valve upstream or downstream of the pump? Why? li #= 0.03, 29.2) 4 Example 12.4 beames o ie Geet te wft +] 0.03 ey + fas 415-410) avi) a” Since , ys @ - OC) A" &\C£a) £3.) Can be written as tye Bt 2.04 9? or with Q rh gel/mia 2 tops 10+ 500x100" (0 (4ethui)] The stersection of 5. 2) (the system eguetion) WI the performance curve the pump, @S shown Lelow, Indicates That the new Hlowrate ss Q= Hoo 2 and the eFficieney at “Ta frowrele '% approsmlel, 79.0%. 2 less fshon (opening he) Sf eabve (Een) | | iene 800 i200” —“T600—3065" 3400 Gant) Frat, emin 12-2 [/2-2¢ | (Con’é ) A Ine valve act as a variable tichonal resistance to the tow. Closing the valve is Guivalent to dling trletion and moving The system: curve to the left thterseching toe head curve at an aperatonal point wnvelving Less Howrate than with a mere open valve setting, This syshm, curve is sketched tn the tigure on the previous Page and labeled “mor bichon (closrig valve).” Opening the Valve is similar te removing tichon anol moving the System curve fo The right isterseching the head curve at an operating poinr mveling more tlowmle Wan with a less open valve sethng. Thie System curve Js shethed on the previous page ane labeled “less Kichin ” Coreniig va he). Zt would be generally beter tre place the valve downsfream of the pump to avero the low suction pressure, and cavitation possible wil upshtam placement of the valve. 12-28 [zzz] : 12.22 A centrifugal pump having a head-capacity relation- ship given by the equation h, = 180 ~ 6.10 x 10-02, with ‘in feet when Q is in gpm, is to be used with a system similar to that shown in Fig. 12.14. For zy ~ 2; = 50 ft, what is the expected flowrate if the total length of constant-diameter pipe ft and the fluid is water? Assume the pipe diameter to be 4 in, and the friction factor to be equal to 0.02. Neglect all minor Ss yur hy he 4¥* Eth re th = F+ Prateek - Gad with pogo, Yah =o, 22- Soft, £20.02, D= Ha Ht, and AL b80tt 29.41) becomes Coco ft) _ V* Ap= Sort 0.02 ~—— (2) a : Cf) 2322 #) + = Since OO. oft’) 4 Gta Bg. (2) Can be writen as 2 Ay= SO+ 73.4% O or with @ th gal/min 2 dp= 50+ by 4” [6 c#%;)] 3) The pump head~ capacity relationship 1% : hee 180 ~ b.toxi* [0 Cui] o) Thus, The sperating point wll occur at the flowrate Where Ae = 4p, or 180 - blot Q* = S04 Sb KIE So That toe D= 3b apm 12-29 72,23 1223 A centrifugal pump having a 6-in- (2) ee (3p, Ht) (2)G2.2£2) Since y22 = GAG) a Age (an) Eg.) can be writen «s . tap = 03 xf [O%)] The rictiey tactor depends on Ke= Vb/y = Gnd with V= 49x10 tls fer gasoline - $0 COX) 6 : =/ SEY De POUT KE) hae x0 @ CHL) (3) 40 frou For commercia/ steel 3-in diameter pipe (from Fig, 8.22) _ : ae a SPX Thus, br a Givin @, F can be obtained trom the Hoody Chart , or The Colebrook eguation (Eg £35), ana tp determined trom & 4.3). Tabulated Values are 9iléu in The following table (cont) /2- 30 12.23 (Cont) OE)| (| ke | # | 4) Yo 0.089 2.27x10°| 0.0208| 7.0 80 0.178 1.85x5| 00/95 | 630 120 0.267 2.78x18| 6.0187 | 137 leo 0357 371 X0S| 6.0184 | 242 200 6.446 4oux>| 40182 | 373 2% | 6535 | Ssbx| sore | £34 These date (hy vs.Q) are ploed on Fig, 2.12 (reproduced felow), and the flowrate 2£ the latersectiin of The system Curve and the pump curve Js Q= 58 Bel Suice at tus Fflownte the pump operates near peak eLbiciency This type ef pump Would apperr fo be & good Chone if tre 158 Ima Howrate 13 at or near The desired flurate, Capacity, gatimin 42-31 12.24 12.24 Determine the new flowrate for the system deseribed in Problem 12.23 if the pipe diameter is increased fom 3 in. ‘in. Is this pump sill a good choice? Explain Refer €0 solution to Problem 12.23. With b= Watt been becomes 4: ¢ Gt Gooet) v2 Af) @G22#) (2) ana cf (eee CG ) y(t ay a) fo thet 4 2ysx0t f [oUe,)] 03) The Reynolds number becomes : ) 3 bee $Y = Dee) = 730% 10° O HY) for comnercia) steel 4-1 crameber pipe (trom Fig. 822), £ = 4340” Thus, for « given Q, £ Can be obtained fiom The Meody chard, or the Cle brook 2 epuatiin (Ee. 235), aud eet tom &y.Q). Tal bulate d Velues are given wn Fe hltowing ; oG)| (| Fe £ |4u%) Yo 0.034) | Lasxi | oo2n 4l 30 0178 | 439x0% | ao | MKF le 0.267 Zoexw® | 00/83 82.0 Jbo 0.357 | 278x107 | 0.0179 | 55:9 200 ogee | 348xIP | 6.017% 85.9 240 6.535 | 417% | oom 22 280 abr" | 487405 | acre Ay 320 0.78 | s5t10* | d.0r70 22 These data. (hy vs.@) are pled on Fyy, 12.12 (reproduced on the followng page), aud the Plowrate at the Sabersecton of The system Curve ank The pump Curve ts Qs 255 2 rin (con't? I2-3Z 2A Capacity, gain Since at ts flowrate the pump efficiency fairly low (« 49%), This pump is no longer _« good chore 12-33 72.25 12.25 A centrifugal pump having the characteristics shown in Example 12.4 is used to pump water between two large open tanks through 100 fit of 8-in.-diameter pipe. The pipeline con- tains 4 regular flanged 90° elbows, a check value, and a fully ‘open globe value. Assume the friction factor f = 0.02 for the 100-1 section of pipe. Other minor losses are negligible. If the static head (difference in height of fluid surfaces in the two tanks) is 30 ft, what isthe expected flowrate? Do you think this pump is a good choice? Explain. Applicata of The energy eguation between the two free surfaces, points (1) and), gives ; dye Bote ae Th, ” Y=4=0, and 2-2, = 30Ft, & 5.0) becomes dps Boft +z 4, wD The head Joss term can be expressed as Coo #) )_V* a rt—r—C—CiCKzsC¥zaC.s @ we) [262 £) With The minor Joss Coefficients obtamed from Table 83, Also, @. GFL) “** Baw 2. Ap= 304 2.06 alt) or the s4sttn 25uetion Can be writen As Ap= For Lox” [oa] (a) The satersechon of the system curve (&%.3) with the pump Curve ,as shown on the figure , ih dicates that O= 170 #) and £3. %) becomes 100; — Swice the eFbiciency af tis 2% © flowrate ti near peak BO CAC iency, ¢ Shown on We *E og, Aijure, Tis_pump would be | | sebistachry. nl! i 5 1200 Flowrate,eaimin 72-34 2.26 12.26 _ Ina chemical processing plant a liquid is pumped from an open tank through O,I-m-diameter vertical pape mo ‘another open tank as shown in Fig, P12.26(a).A valves located pore in the pipe, and the minor loss coefficient forthe valve as ¢ function of the valve setting is shown in Fig, PI2.26(0), The @ pump head.capacity relationship is given by the equation fi, frwstarersdee] 520 ~ 1.01 X 10" Q* with hy in meters when @ sn m/s. ‘Assume the friction factor f = 0.02 for the pipe, and all minor lasses, except forthe valve, are negligible. ‘The fd levels in the two tanks canbe assumed to remain constant. (a) Determine the flowrate with the valve wide open. (b) Determine the te. quired valve setting (percent open) 10 reduce the flowrate by 50%. 3 be 49, 20 = 20) 10 TES) 20458 BT (oe ose oven ae sere ° FIGURE P12.26 Bit ee iad and with 42 p=0, Vi=,20, and B,-2,= 33m, By.0) becomes t, ip = F3m + Zh, a = epee th, as ith, ed ae - The head loss Hrm can be expressed 4s ye Zh (ky + tly (4) Wrtn the valve opts K,2h0 (hom Fis. P 12.296) go thet wity f 2002, 4 = 30m, and D= Olam, Ey.62) can be written as (30m) y2 > 33m + [ho + 00 Gis Irae, 7” and wite =-2- OF) Van CE) (atm)* £4.13) becomes [ Ape 33m [hor coleee) Loemyy] 2 2 - hp= 83+ s18x0"[ o0)] 4 (cont) 12-35 | /2.26 | (tont) Siace The pump epuation 1s tps 520-101 x0°[ Oc)” a 2g(9) anh E50) can & epuated 20 determme the Powrate. Thus, oe Aon B24 F78KI QO = 52.0-1.0/ x10 @ 2 - = 0.0529 @ ) Sf the flowrate 1s to be cut wm half 30 Trat Qe 008242 = 6.0265 mh, Me heed added by the pump 13 4 : b= 52.0 ~ 101 x10) (0.026527) = From 9.0) wit k, unknown = B8m4 Ch, +b.0\ 826) (0,0r45-%°)* So That From Fig. 12.2908) the valle Would be 13% open te obtain This ky, (2-36 12,27 12.27 A centrifugal pump having an impeller diameter of I'm is to be constructed so that it will supply a head rise of 200 m ata flowrate of 4.1 m'/s of water when operating at a speed of 1200 rpm. To study’ the characteristics of this pump, 21/5 scale, geometrically similar model operated atthe same speed is to be tested in the laboratory. Determine the required ‘model discharge and head rise. Assume both model and pro- totype operate with the same efficiency (and therefore the same flow coefficient) For similarity The mode! punp must operate at the same Flow Coefficient, Ef. 12-32, 50 That (Bo) (BS Where the subserpt Cm) refers to The model and lp) t he prototype. Thus, > (Pe)! and Wit Lm = tp, Dm [dy = V5, ant Qp= tlawle, Then Q, = ONES (4) 7) = 0.030828? Fom EG. 12.33 (#&) - (4), nae And WIM AL Jom, May = py Dy /Dp = Ys, and Bay Then x eens so That 12-34 12.38 (2.22 Explain how Fig. 12.18 was constructed from test data. Why is this use of specific speed important? Illustrate with a specific example. A variety of pump configurations like the ones shown in Fig. 12.18 were tested over a range of flow rates. Performance data like those shown in Fig. 12.17 were acquired. For each pump configuration, the operation at maximum efficiency was noted and the specific speed, N, , (Eq. 12. 43) was calculated for that condition of flow. These specific speed values calculated at maximum efficiency operation were then used to distribute the different pump configurations as shown in Fig. 12.18. Specific speed is important because from desired design operational data (@, Q, and h, ) a specific speed value can be determined. With that value of specific speed and Fig. 12.18 the designer can decide what kind of pump configuration to use for maximum efficiency operation. For example, at lower values of specific speed, a centrifugal pump is generally best. At higher values of specific speed, an axial-flow pump may be best. In between values of specific speed may suggest that a mixed-flow pump would serve most efficiently. 12,29. 1229 Use the data given in Problem 12.15 and plot the dimensionless coefficients C,, Cy, 1) versus Co for this pump. Calculate a meaningful value of specific speed, discuss its use~ fulness, and compare the result with data of Fig. 12.18. Frem Problem 1215 the following date were obbened : © (pm) Ze Yo bo 0 hoo 120 Io 4, GD) 2.8 RS 87.9 53.5 773 648 SdS ae q (h) 24.7 $h2 449 SVS 642 boy SUL Power 158 2.27 | 2.67 29s 319 | 349 Hoo put (bp) For w= Uos0 iNew BAY 7h, ) = W833 Md and D> A tt Files thet on C2. Caer Vout ok.) BR Cae) EAP 2e8x 10° O Cppm) a 2) ALG Ce ihe (32.2 Be) 4) wo” (193.3% GLA) 170 x? LK) Gp = Webel Weta (hp) 550 " CUP De (gy Seg) (03 3 BY ae = 194 X10” Weiseg Che) Based on the data above: Olgpm)| 20 4 0 §0 loo Ro Wo Co S600") L1gx1b"| 173.41055| 2300n| 2980057) 2444009] Yoox? Ca dise| assn | alee | alye2 | 4/317 | oat | o10¢ @ 3.07 110") #Yoxi0 "| Sub Wt| Sau )0 "| bugaid™| 6774107] 7-76r10 r 24-7 pie] O94 | S27 | ena | 60% | $28 © con't) 12-39 72.29 | (con't) The plot of Cy, G,% versus Co 1s shown below. 14" Ce N= tem) JQ Cpm) sd y Th, ] So for Q= Joo gpm at 7 61.3% Ng ® (1250 1pm) v2 s9n) a Which is witha the range of N, velues or vadin) Por Pumps in Fig. 12.18 = 67 12-40 12.30 12.30 _A centrifugal pump provides 2 flowrate of 500 gpm When operating at 1750 rpm against a 200-ft head. Determine the pump's flowrate and developed head if the pump speed is, increased to 3500 rpm, effect of a change nj speed on @ gwen pump the EGs. 12.36 ann 12.37, Thus, For 4 oo and tg 3 gwen g (44.12.36) ank wilt 2 = Svogem, l,= /750tpm, And bh, = 3500 rpm, Then = bap - (3500 rpm) coo Ba Gi P= RI (G00 5pm) = lee0 gpm Similarly, ay 4* ee = a (Eg. 12.37) so That with te, = 200 ft ( 3528100") a pw (4 te, = 1750 bpm J2- HL 12,31 123/ A centrifugal pump with a 12-in.diameter impeller requires a power input of 60 hp when the flowrate is 3200 gpm ‘against a 60-ft head. The impeller is changed to one with a 10- in diameter. Determine the expected flowrate, head, and input Power if the pump speed remains the same For geometrical, similar pumps opereting at the same Speed the ettect of 4 Change i impeller diameter i Givin by Eps. 12.39, 12.40, 12.¢/. Thas, Gs 22 (eg. 12.39) 2 a 4nd witn G = B200gpm, OF lth, Ann Q= loin. a Fi 3 3 RUF) Or [t2ei- ) (2.00 gpm) = (250 9pm 22 In From 2g. 12-40 2 oo oo (£9. 12.42) ae So that with 4,,= 60 Fé — 4D. e = for. Aa, = (F) ta, [ Wern 2 (bott) = 447 tg Snilarle From &y. 241 Warete, DE W shefes BF (&. J2.1) ank with Ways = b0hp y * x, Wop, > ( B ) Wsuge, * VF or oy) = dhthp 1-42 [72.32 12.32 — Dothehead-flowrate data shown in Fig. 12.12 appear to follow the similarity laws as expressed by Eqs. 12.39 and 12.40? Explain. The data im Fig. (2/2 shew te effect of charying impeller diameter en head- Hourate Characteristics, According to the similarity lows expressed by &%./2.39 ane g. I2. bo De z& = 2B? (Eg, 12.39) z oe = -. (Ep, 12.40) 2. »! Thus, as the diameter & Increased ftom bth. to Thi te din. the tlowrate Increases according to Ef. (239 45 . : 3 b.\2 (From bin. to Tin.) B(BPQ, = (229, = 1596 ank io : D Grom bin. ty 8.) Ba(Fe Snilarly, tron &g. (2.40 : . a Km tin 0) fol Bt, BB) 1h and (tram buh to in) eee = L78he, yo, = 2.376, Thus, fr any gwen pont, sucn ao (A) here = l20gpm and tha = 250 Fe (see fig. 12.12 on fellows page) for tae btn. diameter Impeller, the Correspondiig predeted Point would be & (B) Where OP) there 54) Craogpm) ~ M41 pom Ay, = (1.36) (250) * 340 Ft le | ( con't) [2-43 1/222 | (con't) ‘Capacity, gaimin Similarly, for the Bin duimeter mpe lier The predicted pont, port (C), weuth be at @=(2.37) (120 gpm) = 284 gpm aan ta, (78) (zs0ft) = 4S Fé Pomts @) ana (6) Lal! near The Corresponding curves 1A Lig, 12.12 thereby demonstratirig tuat They do appear to fellow The similarity faws, Yes. Wote that according to The Smilanty laws The bt. diameter curve 1s simplg translated to tne right and upward te obtein the corresponding hetd-Fflowrate Curves for The T-tn. and bin. dumieler pumps. LE ts clear from Fig. 12.12 That this 1s generally how The Three Curves ave related 12-44 12,33 A centrifugal pump has the performance character- ‘of the pump with the 6-in.-diameter impeller described in ig. 12.12. What is the expected head gained if the speed of this pump is reduced to 2800 rpm while maintaining a flowrate equal 10 200 gpm? From Fig. 12.12 for the b-m diameter speller operating at I500rpm, Qs 20 gpm ank he=230ft when operatiig at peak ef ficventy Csee igure below). Thus, sf The pump is still operated at peak efficiency with The Speed reduced +o 2800 rpm Then trom a, 12.36 (a a 2 C&%. 12. 36) so That 7 gn: 80, ~ (FER \irespm) = Iabgom From BG. 12.37 tar bey” (€p, 12.37) ar a so That 2800 rem \ | (ee V laze He) « l47 ft o 4 80 'NPSHp. ft 120 160 200 240 280 320 A Capacity, eatin 12.34 In.acertain application a pump is required to deliver ‘5000 gpm against a 300-ft head when operating at 1200 rpm. ‘What type of pump would you recommend? For Q= Foe0 gpm, Ae = 300 tt, and w= lo0rpm, the Specific speed ss Ny = 27m) \0 Ge) hg] = (200 rpm) | Sbe0 gpm (30 4)" = M80 Fron Fig. 12.18, Ms specific speed a radial How pump Ceentrifuge! pump) weuld be recommended [2-4 12,3 5° 12.35 _ A cenain axial-flow pump has a specific speed of [z= 50. Ifthe pup is expected to deiner 5000 gpm when operating against a 15-ft head, at what speed (rpm) should the pump bevun? Since 3 4 Cred) [Q@CAZ) Ve ears 3h, [gAe) £.Ge)] tor N= £0, f 72h; Aft, pele Sooo $4/ : i = £49 8 eBoy bE it tollows Tua fe a 70) [(s22 isn iy (haley = (50) Weer Nieney | bls? = 194 "4 Hence 4 (rpm) = (19% md) (g08,,) ae = 1900 rpm 12-44 (2.36 1236 certain pump is known to have a capacity of 3 m°/s When operating at a speed of 60 rad/s against a head of 20 m. Based on the information in Fig 12.18, would you recommend a radial-flow, mixed-flow, or axial-flow pump? owe ye CN BO) . [gO5+) Ae Gm) for = borad/s, Q= Bom7ls, g= GZalals® and 4.2 20m | (60 rea ) V3 mls” [easvmecom)]™ = 1 From Fig, 12.18 torte Ny= 98 The pump ts 2 mited-Flow pump. 12-48 B37 12.37 Fuel oil (sp. wt = 48.0 lb/ft", viscosity = 2.0 x 10”$ tbs/f?) is pumped through the piping system of Fig. P12.37 with a velocity of 4.6 fi/s. The pressure 200 ft upstream from the pump is 5 psi. Pipe losses downstream from the pump are negligible, but minor losses are not (minor loss coefficients are given on the figure). (a) For a pipe diameter of 2 in. with relative roughness ¢/D = 0,001, determine the head that must bbe added by the pump. (b) For a pump operating speed of 1750 rpm, what type of pump (radial-flow, mixed-flow, or axial-flow) would you recommend for this application? Wrin b= #8.0l/ft?, paspsi, B= Z,-2,= 20 ft, &g.(/) becomes (5 Be (me 22) (40 #)* aoe z ” 0 Fes 2 (32.26) The head loss term can be expressed as FAs [we tisese + f BE Valve elbow exct The Reynolds number 1% Maio. (MB V4 BNE Ho : Fer ke = S/x)0 ee ee Zoxw® be and with Y= 0001 f= 202% Cham Fig. 823). Thus , 4, BbPL and fm £7, (2) tps 6.3 Fb _ ae a A= OB YEE B)’= 6,100 8 ] = (0.1002?) (n49 #4 Nlbos, ) = 0 gpm the specific oom ad /7S0 4pm is = © Sm) (OGm~ = (1750 1pm) VHS. Oppm ‘sal = 1/330 [A.A] e3#]7> For This speciti speed a radii/-flow ump would be recommended for tis Application Csee Fig. (2.18). L 12-49 12-34 1239 The axial-low pump shown in Fig. 12.19 is designed to move 000 gal/min of water over a head rise of 5 fof wa- ter. Estimate the motor power requirement and the U;Vs, needed tw achieve this flowrate on a continuous basis. Comment on any cautions associated with where the pump is placed vertically in the pipe. Fran Eg. 12.21 we get the power equivalent to the head vise. and flowrate tWelved. This is the minimum power vepuived fo achieve the performance specified. P= 7&h, ; 1 Gf) — = fe, 000 ae! Ge ft? i an y (79 ) (2) (= P= &1 hp To estimate the shaft or motor ponty rezuirement, we need to assume the efficiency of the conversion of shaft or motor power into the pump perlrmance specified. lay © Ee he wh atin PB, = SP eb hp shaft OF - U;Vz, and 4, ag velaked th &. 12.4 through att Ey = PAVE? POLY, Sats = So bons? 94! Veo £ 4.8) Li, + Sth @ Cote) (30a es? Yo BY, fon) Pa 62.4 tom we) (50 32 ) rye f® “4,7 wf Po = oe Leon't ) 12-50 J23T Ccon't ) The math caution 1 placing the pump verhically tn the satoke pipe is + do so th a way te aveid Cavitation tin The pump. The Collapse of cavitabon bubbles tr the pump can erede pump blade and otber Wetted Surfaces. Applying the energy equation, Fy. 5.84, between the Kee surtace (1) amc the pump entance (2) we get 2 2 B+ Brae fr pe-h v 2g So . £ 2 £ 42,72 - wh, and +e Maximtze. We minimize Z,-2,. To achieve ln this we place the pump igh vertically nz the mkke Pipe. This will Hend to keeyo phigh enmgh +o avid cavitation which occurs when p and/or Yelalecl pressures th the pump become less than the Vepor pressuve of the Fluid. iz- St AT A Pelton whee! turbine is illustrated in Fig. P12.41 The radius to the line of action of the tangential reaction force fon each vane is 1 ft. Each vane deflects fluid by an angle of 135° as indicated, Assume all of the flow occurs in a horizontal plane. Each of the four jets shown strikes a vane with a velocity of 100 ft/s and a stream diameter of 1 in, The magnitude of velocity of the jet remains constant along the vane surface. (a) How much torque is required to hold the wheel stationary” (b) How fast will the wheel rotate if shaft torque is negligible ‘and what practical situation is simulated by this condition? ™ FIGURE P12.4) T= tlm (U-V)(I-cos@) where n= % a) (a) With the wheel stationary V=0 so that T=-419 Im Yj (-cos@) where mi = pAV= (194 SE) E (aH) (100 Ht) 2 057 its Thus, T= ~# (1.057 SE) (1 4) (jo0)(I-cos 135°) = - 722 ft-lb (8) From £9.(N), when T=0, then Ush, Thos, ‘ 100 0. I Y= ety =Y op w= pee MOH «jon td dos seer = 955 rym The zer0 torgue. case represents a broken shaft situatin. la- 52 72.42 1242 Consider the Pelton wheel turbine illustrated in Figs. 12.24, 12.25, 12.26, and 12.27. This kind of turbine is used to ing sprinkler shown in Video V12.4. Explain ind of sprinkler is started, and subsequently operated. at constant oscillating speed. What is the physical significance Of the zero torque condition with the Pelion wheel rotating? As shown on page 775 below Eg. 12.50 a = mr W-Yt- cosas ) 4e fw no rotation of the whee] or U= 0, the variahin Of Cheep With changing wm it dinear, When Ty y is Just larger than the resisting orgne. provided by the sptinkler , the Felton whee/ yotates and dyives the oscillation of the sprinkler, After wheel polation and srinkler oscillation begins, any Comstank value of m and lhe fy sults ma Constant? value of OU and thus rotation speed and alo oscillation pevied. Lf the shat} cmneching the ascillatng sprinkler to the Peltm whee/ breaks daring operation , the sprinkler wil) cease osci la tins and the Rett wheel will run at constant rotator Fpeed correspondiny fo U=\. 12-43 12.43 A small Pelton wheel is used to power an oscillating lawn sprinkler as shown in Video V12.4 and Fig. P12.43. The arithmetic mean radius of the turbine is 1 in. and the exit an- gle of the blade is 135 degrees relative tothe blade motion. Wa- ter is supplied through a single 0.20-in. diameter nozzle at a speed of 50 fi/s. Determine the flowrate, the maximum torque developed, and the maximum power developed by this turbine. @ FIGURE P12.43 For the Pelton wheel shown q- =AM, = £0 = ECE (220 HV (soft) From a M22 D,=0.208 Trath = Fin Vi (I~ cor8) a, and 0 The device is an 816 kW pump I2- $5 12.45 12445 Desribes what wil happen wien te flow though the turbomachine of Fig: P1244 en te oposite Seon int to lft) and the shat is freed up torte esponse to Nese versed flow. . mere when flow is reversed as shown in the sketch above, Vv, the velocity of the flow ont of the statonary blade rav(now a nozzle) will leave at approximately the blade exit angle. The magnitude of Vy will depend on the magnitude af the flowrate @ . From the velocity triangles sketehed above we conclude that the refer will now move in a direction opposite to the ome of problem (2-44. The rotor speed will depend on values of Q and the restraining shaft torque, T. Fam the velocity triangles we also conclude that the Fluid forces on the moving blade geetions are in the same direction as blade motion 5° the fluid is doting work on the rotor. The device is haw acting as a turbine CAs (GV, = Ue.) may be used to determine shaft power. (2-56 1246 1246 An inward flow radial turbine (see Fig. P12.46) in- volves a nozzle angle, a, of 60° and an inlet rotor tip speed, Uj, of 9 m/s, The ratio of rotor inlet to outlet diameters is 2.0 ‘The radial component of velocity remains constant at 6 m/s through the rotor and the flow leaving the rotor at section (2) is, without angular momentum. (a) If the flowing fluid is water and the stagnation pressure drop across the rotor is 110 kPa, determine the loss of available energy across the rotor and the efficiency involved. (b) If the flowing fluid is air and the static pressure drop across the rotor is 0.07 kPa, determine the loss Of available energy across the rotor and the rotor efficiency. FIGURE P12. (@) loss = » Where ~pi-for =stagnation pressure drop across rotor =Af, and Mépaty = V2 Vor~ Ui Vor =-U; Voy since Vor =? 2 This, Meygy = (4%) (12% c0s30°) = - 93.5 2% Yer 1 Co st ae mt m + 693.5% 2) = /6.6-—% Also, i: n= Meat _ 93:5 7% oe” © Coxe 0.849 (99 By Gon't) (2-57 12:46 | (con't ) (b) loss = Lex fa +Mipatt , where fly; for.= stagnation ig precan a and acrese filers af “chaff = VaVex ~U;Vo) =~ UiVey since Vex =0 Thos, Mepagy = (4212. 2 cos30°) =- 93.5 Vi=12 ee fy Also, ji Df, = f:-fr t2e(Y=W) Ve) =V, cos 30° = 0.07 Ka + £(1.23 9, y(y2 my) -(62¥) ( i) = (0.07 +0.0664) kly = 0./364k Py Thus, : lass = 9t2ebH1E | 93.5 = 17.4% (1:23 48 s) and ne Mibatt _ 93.5LE e& * (% ) = 0.843 123 Ag. ms, Ja-58 IZ-47 12.47 For an air turbine of a dentist's drill like the one. shown in Fig. E128 and Videu V125, calculate the average blade speed asociated with a rotational speed of 350,000 rpm. Estimate the air pressure needed to run this turbine. We calculate the average blade speed, 2 U, rom U =n (hen Yes = (0.1834 48 )in (5900 te\ém ma) I ‘= wach 51605) Pin (2)(2 =) U = 454 Ft s To estimate the air pressure, p, needed t vun this turbine, we estimate that the nozzle exit velocity is abood Avice as large as the averase blade Ve2U: 98 fy So, the coespmdins Mach number, M, is ogponsontly me Vi = UBT itt © esthnated tbe cbed ttt Cc 0 ty s Me 0.83 Pi from Fig. D1 the Value df. - Comespmding to Mz 0.83 Lal tnd =£- fo a oy a So Rox 10 (04.7 fila) = 147 psig. (2-57 12.48 12.48 A high-speed turbine used to power a dentist's drill is shown in Video V12.5 and Fig. E12.8, With the conditions stated in Example 12.8, for every Ibm of air that passes through the turbine there is 9640 ft - Ib of energy available at the shaft to drive the drill. One of the assumptions made to obtain this numerical result is that the tangential component of the absolute velocity out of the rotor is zero. Suppose this assumption were not true (but all other parameter values remain the same). Dis- ‘cuss how and why the value of 9640 ft -Ib/lbm would change for these new conditions, From Example 12.8 we have Whey 7 UM t Chon Fo if VY, is actnally not zero, then aleyending om Whether or hot VZ wes tn the dwechivs of rotation, Whale World be Smaller ov langer. If blades do less Horning Pharr is the cate ty Example 12-2, Ye will be in the dinchm of rotation, the htt fae on each blade is hss, and less work is exhucted frm the Howing fluid. Tust the opposite is fue. When The blades do moe Herning of the Haid than is the case In Example vase, 12-69 12.50. 12.50 A Pelton wheel has a diameter of 2 m and develops 500 KW when rotating 180 rpm. What is the average force of the water against the blades? If the turbine is operating at max- imum efficiency, determine the speed of the water jet from the nozzle and the mass flowrate. Wana = Teo = 2 Feo or So0xid" HP = (2m) (tao Imi) (anced) Thus, F=26,600N = Also, Wenatt = P2U(U-Vi)(I-cos@) so that at maximum efiiciency with @=/80° and Ux ¥ this gives Wyatt = COL CH(2) = CLM = mY , But Vi=2U = 2a > = WD = (180%) Lin) 20008) ) = 37,4 2 Thus, from Eq ll): 2Werat _ _2.(Soon0? (37.6 2)* m= 12> 61 72.57 12.57 Water foraPelton wheel turbine Rows from the head water and through the penstock as shown in Fig, P12.s/. The effective friction factor for the penstock, control valves,and the like is 0.032 and the diameter of the jet is 0.20 m. Determine the maximum power.output. Elevation 2975 m coo 020m m Figure Wath = PQU(U-Vi)(I-cos@) or for maximym power @=/80°, v= % Thos, n Wenatt = - C9 -Z a imax 2 : Byt fer Wiz, < Balt watt he where Po= f= 0, 20< 975m, Z,=250m , and Yy=0 A . 2 -2+H he where AY=AV 2 °° Bday <£0°V . Thetis V=(4)'y, 0 thal Ep, (2) becomes: 2 975 m = 250m + Tras | | +0.032 (2228) 0.0499)"] where Y~ 2 or V, = 1/43 Hence, : Q= Al, = Elo.rm) (1432) = 3.562 Theretore, from Eq. Hence, 2 im) Vy =0,0494V, i my2 S mm) (11463 FY Nem Weta = (0998) 3,50) WAS EY 23.2,0h MM = 23.200 I> 62 e elie 12.53 A Pelton whec!is supplied with water from a lake at, an elevation H above the turbine. The penstock that supplies the water to the wheel is of length €, diameter D, and friction factor f. Minor losses are negligible. Show that the power de- Veloped by the turbine is maximum when the velocity head at the nozzle exit is 24/3. Note: The result of Problem 12.52 may be of use For the flow thraiph the pensteck: i 7 . v2 y Gt aze- Ak set BG “6 — where flo=fi=0 , Vo=0, and 2,-2,=H Thos, : . He # $e bot A= AV or Bo7y,=Epy so that x Vie (BY? From Problem 12.54, the maximim power occurs if 2 = anbe or Gf |. (2)"= ne © that V “Gap “ Thus, Eq. () becomes A= Lhe ham] -2 ¥ $ i Iz = fo) a) (2-64 72.54 12.54 If there is negligible friction along the blades of a Pelton wheel, the relative speed remains constant as the fluid flows across the blades, and the maximum power output occurs when the blade speed is one-half the jet speed (see Eq. 12.52), Consider the ease where friction is not negligible and the rela: tive speed leaving the blade is some fraction, cof the relative speed entering the blade. That is, W; = cW,. Show that Eq, 1282 is valid for this case also. Wega (Us. Vor - U; Vor) = 1 U( Von Vor) The inlet and ovtle} velocity vu triangles are as shown. inlet = Thus, Vo, =V; and U ovtlet MOTI 6 Veg = U + Wa cos @ ae but Wa=cW, =c(V,-0) so that Vo2= UV #C(V,-0) cos @ Therefore, Wenate = MUL V+ cll,-U) cose -Y]= mi [U(1~e casp)- Vj (1c cas p)] , =m (I~ ccosg)[U~ UV,] For maximum power, Meet [oar m(I-c cocp)[2¥-v.J-0 or U= + z (2-65 12.55 1255 A hydraulic turbine operating at 180 rpm with a head of 100 feet develops 20,000 horsepower. Estimate the power ifthe same turbine were to operate under & head of 50 ft Finca, hydraulic “hrbrne Row is incre, we we es dimensionless fees, velaped for hydraulic. purnps, namely, Flan, hea power coethicients. For ene speciby operation at the. same etbicfency anal thus Root woe ficient with one halt the head. Thus, head coef lent remains Cen feta and ahr). gh : w*D*, aw D*, so with D,=Ds and 9=92' i [ 100 5 aah ~ “ae or a= 127 opm Alse power cocthcient is the same go ait) = att ) a? D> so with D,=Dz and (,=f2* e . 20.000 _ _Wshaite ray, = 41,000 hp “Goa? ~ anh Mute” RON 12.56 12.56 Draft tubes as shown in Fig. P1256 are often in- stalled at the exit of Kaplan and Francis turbines. Explain why such draft tubes are advantageous. m FIGURE P12.56 Without the draft tube there would be a relatively high speed exit jet (speed V,, pressure =0). With the dralf ube (which acts ar a diffuser) the exit speed is much smaller (0 , p,*0). From Bernovlly equation if Follows that o,<0 (with the draft tube). Hence there is a larger head ava/lable to the turbine. More eneryy can be removed trom the thid. (2-66 (2:97 12.57 _ Turbines are to be designed to develop 30,000 horse- power while operating under a head of 70 ft and an angular velocity of 60 rpm. What type of turbines is best suited for this Purpose? Estimate the flowrate needed. Wepatt = 30,000 hp ; hp = 70H; and w=40rpm so that . Ws x Nea = oi = ee = 543 For this valve a Francis turbine would be appropiate. Also, since Wepgy = ¥@h, it follows that “ 4 I _ Weatt (30,000 hp(550 S/hp) _ 48 a8 Oh (62.4 & )(70m) oleae 12- 6% 12.83 12.58 Show how you would estimate the relationship be- tween feature size and power production for a wind turbine like the one shown in Video V12.1. To estorate i relation ship behveen feakere 53e and Power Production a wind turblee we use the dimensionless pi terms of &s. 12:29 amd 12:30 which ave epplicable tor this incompressible Flow. For sivis|ar turbines and pevating conditions Wasi Wines 430% ape ‘ Aw we combine and get dv power Varies with feartue Size severed . 12-68 (2.5T 12,59 Water at 400 psi is available to operate a turbine at 1750 zpm. What type of turbine would you suggest to use if the turbine should have an output of approximately 200 np? With poy = #90 psi , the maximum turbine head wovld be bye f= LseeBe ) = 923 Hence, (hy) (923) turbine. My= ig = eee 486 which is in the range appropriate for an im, impulse 12-69 12-60 12.60 What do you think are the major unresolved fluid dy- hamics problems for gas turbine engine compressors? For gas turbine engine high-pressure and low-pressure turbines? Some major unresolved fluid mechanics prblems Sr gas tuybine engine compresses include: 1 Compressor stabi lity prediction Gud ae), 2, fan and compressw blade and disk Vibrahons 2 ese 4 Seal leakage Some major unresolved Pui me. gas turbine engine high pressure p. surface and inkenal cooling chanics problems for furbines prelude: (combsnecion of fluid mechanics and heat transter ) 2. noise : 2. hightr blade leads without Joa much Aiciency loss some. major unresolved fluid mechanics prblems fre ge turbine engine low pressure turbines Include + i - & higher blade leads without- too much effictengy boss 2. noise 3: gerome chanicx! Concerns /2- To 12.62 12.62 Test data for the small Francis turbine shown in Fig. 12,62 is given in the table below. The test was run at a constant 32.8 ft head just upstream of the turbine. The Prony brake on the turbine output shaft was adjusted to give various angular ‘velocities, and the force on the brake arm, F, was recorded. Use the given data to plot curves of torque as a function of angular velocity and turbine efficiency as a function of angular velocity unis) Since £M,=0 for the brake arm if follows that EL= Er -F,r L=63in 4 Also, the torque on the turbine Ei aH is T= Rr-&r E s A T= Ff =(SEH)E= 0.531 F Hib where Falb a Ae, 7 on 2 Fhe where hy = 32.8 ft F, Thus, : p= (Lteilw ey (BEN anzed) (62.4 K@ £P) (2.8 f1) or n= Series Y where T~ Hib, worpm, Q~cts @ Valves of T and 7 are given in the table below and ploiled in the graphs shown (con't) (2-4 12.82 | (con't) w@, rpm 42 10 410 = Pb as 408 0.6 40.6 OF ae Orr 40.2 ok oO 1000 W, rpm 2000 3000 rae 24 e S57 12.64 [Tae] 12.64 — The device shown in Fig. P12. @F is used to investi- gate the power produced by a Pelton wheel turbine. Water sup- plied at a constant flowrate issues from a nozzle and strikes the Bike shoe turbine buckets as indicated. The angular velocity, «, of the Prony broke turbine wheel is varied by adjusting the tension on the Prony brake spring, thereby varying the torque, Tyas applied to the ‘output shaft. This torque can be determined from the measured force, R, needed to keep the brake arm stationary 28 Tasy = pnd oe FE, where € is the moment arm of the brake force. wheel ; Experimentally determined values of w and R ate shown ‘Htib, wo~rpm @ Valves of w,T, and Wray are given in the fable and graph behw. (8) Theoretical: T= mr (U-V,)l-cosg) where assume 6 =/80°, i yz& . 25#28 ot ant Ge eae m = 00 = (19% tit) (o.s42 Hf) = ojos shes Hence, with V=w2 = (244)( 22H rad) o.o2ew # w-rpm T= (0.105 ss) a)fo. 02.62. -53.7] T = 141 [408x10%w =I] Hb, where w~ rpm a Cont) 2B or (TET (con Also, Wyay = Ta = T(3B 4) = 0.1087 To HB, where 7th, weet Values of T and Whyaps trom Eqs.(s)and (4) are plotted in the gragh below. pe th experiment * wyrpm| T, fb liga » #8 | -T, | sat, fi 0 LAL oO 360 43.8 450 51-8 ye 62.6 ot 68.0 240 75.1 20 78.0 1480 60.7 1b Lt . Flelb 12 1.0 08 0.6 OF 0.2 y 0 7000 a, rpm 72000 12- #4 12.66 1266 ¢ (See “Current from currents,” Section 12.2.) What isthe Betz limit associated with wind turbines and why does it exist? As explained in the 6 edition of Introduction h Fluid Mechanics by Rw. Fox, AT. MeoDenald and PI: Pritchard (200%, John Wiley % Sons, Inc.) application of the Continuity, linear momentum and energy Gguatons + Mow Tarnigh horizontal axis wind turbine welds an expression for jeleal efficiency (ratio of ideal power extracted trom wind % available Power tn the wind) as follows: 2 = Ha (r-a)* where 9 = ideal ethciency a = Interference free =(Vip - Varee Kg Burbine Wibine” — hirbine By setting ft 20, we diccottr tat a maximum valye of + PALF mu 9 & amociakd with « =g. Mat,valee of 4 1s 0.59. German physicist Albert Bots it credited with berg the : ang) First person to arrive at This canelasion zo 92592 is called the Betz Iuimit. This limit satishes the macs Conservation law, Newt's second law of moti, and the Hirst law of Yhermodynamics . (2-95 12-67 12,67 (See “High-tech ceiling fans,” Section 12.7.) Explain why reversing the direction of rotation of a ceiling fan results in airflow in the opposite direction, axie of rotator blade motion < Ben Sere aie pushed dawn y volztion in original divechon axis of refahen fair pushed vp Lu, > blade motion Lao rotahsn in reversed direchon 12-26 12.68 12.68. (See “Cavitation damage in hydraulic turbines,” Sec- tion 12.8.2.) How is cavitation and, more importantly, the dam- age it ean cause detected in hydraulic turbines? When Cavitation bubbles collapse on hydraulic turbine blade and other Surfaces, they do so with such large and concentralee) Force and intensity that Solid material is erocled au forming numercus pits. Dekction of this problem includes divect observation of material erosion and the measuremen}- of increased vibvaton and noise. A major challen associaled with measuremen} of increased vibration and noise is knewmg when Cavifetion bubble Collapse is resulting tn actual material damage. 12-47

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