Guide Certificate, Student Declaration and Acknowledgement
Guide Certificate, Student Declaration and Acknowledgement
Guide Certificate, Student Declaration and Acknowledgement
requirement for
Periyar University
Reg. No.:
Has work under my supervision and guidance and that no part of this report has been
submitted for the reward of any other Degree, Diploma, Fellowship or any other similar
titles or prizes and that the work has not been published in any journal or magazine.
DATE: Signature
I,hereby declare that this project entitled “Marketing and Communicationof Airtel H.P.
Is an original bonafide work carried out in fulfilment of the requirement for the award of
BBA(CA) affiliated to Periyar University.
I also declare that no part of this representation has been previously published or
submitted as a project report for any degree or diploma of any University or Institution.
DATE: Signature
PLACE: Reg.No.
This first project is my life is dedicated to my father Mr. L.IBOHAL SHARMA who
encouraged me a moral support. I express my sincere gratitude to Mr.
(Sales Development manager) for giving me support and opportunity to carry out the
project work. My regard goes to Mrs. RAMINDER, BM(Branch Manager) for giving me the
permission for doing my project in her esteem organisation.
My deepest gratitude and thanks goes to Mrs .Shudhamati, lecture in BBA Department for
her support.
I would like to thanks to all officials and the company members who were kind enough to
provide me the valuable information and spending their precious time and helping me on
completion of my project work. It is my great pleasure to express my sincere thanks to all
my friend who help me in concluding this project report.