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Water Quality Management Review
Yew-Hu Chien
Department of Aquaculture
National Taiwan Ocean University
Keehung, Taiwan
AA sufficient supply of good quality water is essential wo any
aquaculture operation. Water quality affects reproduction, growth,
and survival of aquatic organisms. The criteria for good quality
‘water vary with the kindof organisms andre established by safe
levels, i... physical and chemical properties of water which have
insignificantedverseeffectson shrimp growth and survival, This
paper first aims to review the water quality requirements for
penaeid shrimp.
‘A Chinese proverb in aquaculture states, "Cultivating water
is a must for aquaculture,” and emphasizes the importance of
water quality management in aquaculture. The factors control-
ling the composition of pond water are extremely varied and
include physical, chemical and biological processes. To keep
‘water properties within safe levels, one must understand those,
processes $0 that the elements inhibiting prawn growth and
survival can be deiccted and their impact minimized. The
Dractice of semi-intensive and intensive culture systems usually
results in pollution of the culture water from uneaten food and
waste products of cultured organisms, Avnimelech and Lacher
(1979) found that 35% of the organic carbon, 89% of the nitrogen,
‘and 68% of the phosphorus from the feed are accumulated in the
fish pond bottom. In catfish ponds, Boyd (1985) indicated that
only 26% of nitrogen and 30% of phosphorus from the feed are
utilized by the fish. In an intensive culture system of Penseus
‘monodon, 80% of the nitrogen from feed remained in the ponds
{Chen and Liu 1988), As organic materials and their derivatives
accumulate and exceed safe levels, they become a liability 10
water quality maintenance, Therefore, water quality manage-
rent s one of the most important culture practices, especially in
semi-intensive and intensive culture systems. Production inten-
sification is the tend in shrimp culture in Taiwan (Chien et al.
1989) as well aselsewhere in southeast Asia, Thus water quality
‘management has been gaining increasing attention. It is the
second aim of this paper to descrite recent water
quality management in shrimp ponds and make recommenda-
tons about methods to improve water quality.
Water quality requirements are based on the results of
aquatic toxicity tests. These tests measure the responses of
Aquatic organisms to defined quantities of specific compounds
(APHA 1989). Three parameters are usually used: (1) LC50,
which isthe median (50%) lethal concentration, or concentration
killing 30% of exposed organisms ata specific time of observa-
tion; (2) TLM, medial tolerance limit which isthe test material
concentration at which 50% of test organisms survive for a
specified exposure time; TLm has been superseded by LC50; 2nd
G)ECSO, which is the toxicant concentration affecting a specific
response, such as growih rate in a given time. A safe level is
calculated based on the incipient C50 value and an application
factor of 0.1 (Sprague 1971), For example, ifthe incipient LCS0
of a certain substance to a juvenile is 30.5 mgl/L, then the safe
level is 3.05 mg/L.
‘Most cultured marine shrimp are euryhaline and adapteasily
to salinity fluctuations due to climatological and hydrological
factors in acoastal environment. P.monodon may be one of the
‘most efficient osmotic and ionic regulators among Penaeid
species (Cheng and Liao 1986). P.monodon pastlarvae can
withstand salinity ranges of 0-60 ppt (Motoh 1981), The juve-
niles are more euryhaline and stronger osmoregulators than the
adults. Osmoregulation was performed efficiently at3-50 ppt for
Juvenite and 15-50 ppt for the adult (Cheng and Liao 1986),
Ferraris etal. (1985) reported that young P. monodon showed
efficient osmoregulation over salinity ranges of 5-55 ppl.
Although P. monodon can tolerate a wide range of salinity
the minimal salinity requirement and optimal salinity for its
‘culture aresstill inconclusive, Itcan tolerate freshwater for about
‘one month (Boyd 1989). However, in other studies, the lowest
salinity that the postlarvae could tolerate was about 2 ppt
(Cawihomeetal, 1983; Chakrabortet al. 1986). No P.monodon
postlarvae (PL30-50) survived in freshwater within Shours Law
1988) and all P.monodon died in freshwater within 4 hours
(Cawthorne et al. 1983). No P, monadon posilarvae died at
salinities between 5 ppt and 30 ppt up to 22 hours (Law 1988).
‘High mortality and poor growth rates of P. monodon juveniles,
were observed at salinities lower than 10 ppt (Cawthorne et al.
1983). Others report that P, monodon larvae survived and grew
well at lower salinities (Musig and Ruttanagosrigit 1982). The
range of salinity with whichthe normal growthofP monodoncan
‘Wyhan, J, editor, 1992 Proceedings of the Special Session on Shrimp Farming. World Aquaculture Society, Haton Rouge, LA USA.Chien
Page 145
bbe maintained is between 15-30 ppt (Chea 1976; Chen 1985), In
P.monodon, the optimum salinity range for growth may change
during theirlife history, with 10 pptfor early postlarvae (Valencia
1976), 15-20 ppt for late postlarvae (Chen 1976), and 15-25 ppt
forjuvenile (Chen 1984). Satinities of 15t025 pptareconsidered
ideal for P. monodon growout (Boyd 1989).
Moltinginextremely high or low salinitiesmay require more
time and energy in normalizing hemolymph osmolality. This
increased time interval increases the shrimp vulnerability 1
predation and cannibalism, and prolongs cheir inability o forage
forfood. Iti therefore advantageousto allow P. monadoninmalt
near isosmotic and isoionic conditions (Ferraris et al. 1986).
Rapid changes of salinity normally cause high mortality of P.
monadon (Tseng 1987). However itisacommonpracticeamong
shrimp farmers in Taiwan to routinely vary the salinity between
15 and 20 ppt in prawn ponds to stimulate prawn molting and
consequently increase growth (Chien etal, 1989).
In contrast, P. chinensis can tolerate a wide range of saini-
tes, Igrows wel in salinities from? pptio 40ppt, acclimated,
ican grow in water with even lower salinities (Yang 1990), Yu
and (1985) reported that P. chinensis adapted better to
lower than higher salinities during sudden salinity changes, They
reported thatafter24 hoursadaptation to sudden salinity changes,
the growth rate of 0.7 cm juveniles was better in salinities
‘between L1-31 ppt than in 37 ppt.
Extremely low pHcan stress shrimp and cause soft shelland
poor survival, Moderate low pH has noeffectonsurvival butmay
have adverseeffecton growth. After 26 days exposure to pH6.45
in the presence of inorganic carbon of more than 26 mg/L, P.
monodon postlarvae survival was 100%, but their growih was
reduced by about 40%, probably as a result of carbon dioxide
poisoning (Wickins 1976). Law (1988) reported that P.monodon
postlarvae could tolerate pH down to 6.0 to 6.5. High mortality
was observed at pHi below 6.0. At pH 3.5, 100% mortality was
recorded within 20 hours of exposure. At pH between 7.Gand8.2,
no mortality was observed after more than one week exposure.
Hethosrecommended pH7.508.5 fortheculture of P.monodon.
‘The pH of brackishwater is usually nota direct threat to the
health ofthe shrimp, since brackishwateris well buffered against
pH changes, and pH will mosily remain within the range of 6.5
109.0, Under normal culture practice even in highly intensive
prawn ponds, the pH decreases only by 0.7-1.3 unit to about 7.3
atthe end of crop (Chen et al. 1988; Chen et al. 1989; Chen and
‘Wang 1990). Therefore, adverse effects of pH on prawn culture
are uncommon, exceptin instances where prawns are cultared in
acidic soil of very low pH. However certain levels of pH favor
the formation of toxic substances or enhance the toxic effects.
Although pH higher than 7 is not lethal to P. monodon (Wickins
1976), it increases the percentage of unionized ammonia (NH3)
jn a given ammonia concentration which is considered the more
toxic form of ammonia (Colt and Armstrong 1981), Low pH
increases nite toxicity to fish (Wedemeyer and Yasutake 1978)
‘and may have similar effects on shrimp. Low pil also increases,
the fraction of unionized hydrogen sulfide (H2S), the toxic form
of sulfide.
Dissolved Oxygen
Liao and Murai (1986) reported that the oxygen respiration
sate of P. monodon remained constant at dissolved oxygen (DO)
concentrations above 3.0 40 4.0 mg/L at salinities 4-45 ppt and
temperatures of 20-30°C. Surfacing response was first observed.
‘when DO reached 1.5-2.1 mg/L. Below this level, the frequency
Of intermittent surfacing increased as the oxygen concentration
decreased. Respiration rate gradually decreased until shrimp
‘became moribund at DO level of 04-0.7 mg/L. The incipient
limiting DO level was between 4.0-4,3 mg/L at 25 ppt salinity.
Similar values have been found for the postlarvae (Liao and
Huang 1975). Its therefore recommended that the DO concen-
tration for the culture ofthis shrimp should be more than 4.0 me/
LP. monodon can stand DO as low as 0.35 mg/L, with no
mortality at 1.2 mg/L (Ting 1971). However, Law (1988)
reporied that all postlarvae perished at DO levels below 0.5 mgy
L. About 35% morality was found when the DO level dropped
to 1 mg/L and raised back 06.3 mg/L. He suggested thatthe DO
level should be kept above 2 mg/L. at all times.
P japonicus may toterate lower DO than P. monodon. From
‘combination of the resting and active rates of oxygen uptake, it
‘seems that the incipient lethal level for kuruma prawn. japonicus
lies between 0.5 and 1.0 mg/l. (Egusa 1961). During the day, P,
Japonicus bury themselves in the sediment where DO is lower
than in the water. P. japonicus are also the easiest shrimp 10 be
transported alive without water which may be due to their lower
DO tolerance.
‘The lower DO limit forthe survival of P. chinensis was 1.0-
14 mg/L. (Yang 1990). When DO was at 1.0 mg/L, shrimp
stopped feeding. There was no difference in food consurmption,
‘once the DO was greater than 1.5 mgjL.. Shrimp did not grow at
DO 1.0-1.4 mg/L. At DO over 5 mg/L, growth was still limited,
‘but increased when DO increased from 1 10 5 mg/L. When DO
was greater than 6 mg/L. shrimp growth was no longer limited.
“Therefore, Yang (1990) concluded that P, chinensis cultivated at
low DO would have poorer food conversion than at higher DO.
appears that the suitable DO concentration for the culture of P.
chinensis would be greater than S mg/L.
Ammonia is the main end-product of protein catabolism in
crustaceans and can account for 40% to 90% of nitrogen excre-
tion (Parry, 1960), Asarumoniaconcentrations in waterinerease,Page 146
Water Quality Management Review
ammonia excretion by aquatic organisms diminishes, and levels
of ammonia in blood and other tissue increases, The result isan