Gas Insulated Substation

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Seminar Report on


Submitted in the partial Fulfillment of requirement

For the award of the
Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
(UP Technical University)

Under the supervision of Submitted by

Name of Guide Name of Student

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad
This is to certify that Mr/Ms ………………………………………………… a student of B.
Tech (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) …… Semester has submitted His/her seminar
report (EEE-651) entitled
“………………………………………………………………………………” Under my

Name of the Guide

Designation of the Guide

I am thankful to my supervisor, H.O.D, faculty members of the department, whose
encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level enabled me to develop
an understanding of the seminar topic.

I offer my regards and blessings to all of my colleges, who supported me in any respect
during the completion of the seminar. Lastly, I am thankful to the college for providing
excellent infrastructure & lab facilities.

Name of student
GAS INSULATED SUBSTATION:- Gas Insulated Substation uses sulfur
hexafluoride (SF6) gas which has a superior dielectric properties used at moderate
pressure for phase to phase and phase to ground insulation. In Gas Insulated Substation the
high-voltage conductors, circuit breaker interrupters, switches, current transformers,
voltage transformers and lightning arresters are encapsulated in SF6 gas inside grounded
metal enclosures.

Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) is a compact, multicomponent assembly enclosed in

a ground metallic housing which the primary insulating medium is compressed sulphur
hexafluoride (SF6) gas. GIS generally consists components Of

1. Circuit Breakers
2. Operating mechanism of circuit breaker
3. Current transformers
4. Disconnector
5. Maintenance Earthing switches
6. Fast acting Earthing switches
7. Voltage transformers
8. SF6 Bushing
9. Gas supply and gas monitoring equipment
10. Bus Bar
11. Voltage Transformer
12. Gas supply and Monitoring eqipment
Why we need GIS:- Gas Insulated Substations are used where there is space for providing
the substation is expensive in large cities and towns. In normal substation the clearances
between the phase to phase and phase to ground is very large. Due to this, large space is
required for the normal or Air Insulated Substation (AIS). But the dielectric strength of
SF6 gas is higher compared to the air, the clearances required for phase to phase and phase
to ground for all equipments are quite lower. Hence, the overall size of each equipment
and the complete substation is reduced to about 10% of the conventional air insulated

Extremely high dielectric properties of SF6 have long been recognized. Compressed
SF6 has been used as an insulating medium as well as arc quenching medium in
electrical apparatus in a wide range of voltages.
Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) can be used for longer times without any periodical
inspections. Conducting contamination (i.e. aluminum, copper and silver particles) could,
however, seriously reduce the dielectric strength of gas-insulated system.

A metallic particle stuck on an insulator surface in a GIS will also cause a

significant reduction of the breakdown voltage.

Gas insulated Substations have found a broad range applications in power systems
over the last three decades because of their high reliability Easy maintenance, small
ground space requirements etc...

Because of the entire equipment being enclosed in enclosures, filled with pressurized
SF6 gas, installation is not subject to environmental pollutions, as experienced along
coastal areas or certain types of industries.

a) Such installations are preferred in cosmopolitan cities, industrial townships, etc., where
cost of land is very high and higher cost of SF6 insulated switchgear is justified by saving
due to reduction in floor area requirement. It is not necessary that high voltage or extra
high voltage switchgear to be installed out doors.
b) Since most of the construction is modular and the assembly is done in the works, one site
erection time both for supporting structures and switchgear is greatly reduced.

Locations where Gas Insulated Substation is preferred:-

i. Large cities and towns

ii. Under ground stations
iii. Highly polluted and saline environment Indoor GIS occupies very little
iv. Substations and power stations located Off shore
v. Mountains and valley regions

Explaination:- The SF6 Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) contains the same
compartments as in the conventional outdoor substations. All the live parts are enclosed
in metal housings filled with SF6 gas. The live parts are supported on cast resin
insulators. Some of the insulators are designed as barriers between neighboring modules
such that the gas does not pass through them. The entire installation is sub divided into
compartments which are gas tight with respect to each other. Thereby the gas monitoring
system of each compartment can be independent and simpler.

The enclosures are of non magnetic materials such as aluminum or stainless steel and
are earthed. The gas tightness is provided with static ‘O’ seals placed between the
machined flanges. The ‘O’- rings are placed in the grooves such that after assembly, the
‘O’-rings are get squeezed by about 20%. Quality of the materials, dimension of grooves
and ‘O’-seals are important to ensure gas tight performance of Gas Insulated Substation.

Gas Insulated Substation has gas monitoring system. Gas inside each compartment should
have a pressure of about 3kg/cm2.The gas density in each compartment is monitored. If
the pressure drops slightly, the gas is automatically trapped up. With further gas leakage,
the low pressure alarm is sounded or automatic tripping or lock-out occurs.

SF6 Circuit Breaker:- A circuit breaker is an automatically-operated electrical

switch designed to protect an electrical from damage caused by overload or short circuit.
Its basic function is to detect a fault condition and, by interrupting continuity, to
immediately discontinue electrical flow. Unlike a fuse, which operates once and then has
to be replaced, a circuit breaker can be reset (either manually or automatically) to resume
normal operation.

Current interruption in a high-voltage circuit-breaker is obtained by separating two

contacts in a medium, such as SF6, having excellent dielectric and arc quenching
properties. After contact separation, current is carried through an arc and the arc is
interrupted & cooled by a gas blast of sufficient intensity.


Current transformer (CT) is used for measurement of electric currents. Current

transformers are also known as instrument transformers. Current transformers are
commonly used in metering and protective relays in the electrical power industry.

When current in a circuit is too high to directly apply to measuring instruments, a current
transformer produces a reduced current accurately proportional to the current in the
circuit, which can be conveniently connected to measuring and recording instruments.

Voltage transformers (VTs), also referred to as “Potential transformers" (PTs), areused
in high-voltage circuits. They are designed to present a negligible load to the supply being
measured, to allow protective relay equipment to be operated at lower voltages, and to
have a precise winding ratio for accurate metering
• The single pole inductive voltage transformer is connected to switch gear with
the connecting flanges with a barrier insulator.

• The primary winding is insulated with SF6 gas & connected to high voltage

• The primary winding is wounded on the top of the core & secondary windings.

• The secondary winding is connected to the terminals in the external terminal box
through a gas tight multiple bushing.

• An autotransformer is an electrical transformer with only one winding.

• The winding has at least three electrical connection points called taps. The
voltage source and the load are each connected to two taps.
• One tap at the end of the winding is a common connection to both circuits
(source and load). Each tap corresponds to a different source or load voltage.
• An autotransformer for power applications is typically lighter and less costly
than a two-winding transformer, up to a voltage ratio of about 3:1 beyond that
range a two-winding transformer is usually more economical.
• In an autotransformer a portion of the same winding acts as part of both the
primary and secondary winding
Disconnector and Earthing switches are safety devices used to open or to close a circuit when
there is no current through them.

They are used to isolate a part of a circuit, a machine, a part of an overhead line or an
underground line so that maintenance can be safely conducted.

The opening of the line isolator or busbar section isolator is necessary for safety, but
not sufficient. Grounding must be conducted at both the upstream and downstream
sections of the device under maintenance. This is accomplished by earthing switches.

Disconnect switches are designed to continuously carry load currents and

momentarily carry short circuit currents for a specified duration.

They are designed for no-load switching , opening , or closing circuits where negligible
currents are made or interrupted (including capacitive current and resistive or inductive
current , or when there is no significant voltage across the open terminals of the switch.


• Fast earth switch and maintenance earth switch are the two types of earth
switches used for gas insulated sub-station systems.

• Fast earth switch is used to protect the circuit-connected instrument voltage

transformer from core saturation caused by direct current flowing through its
primary as a consequence of charge stored online during isolation / switching off
the line.
• Use of fast earth switch provides a parallel (low resistance) path to drain the
residual static charge quickly, thereby protecting the instrument voltage
transformer from the damages that may otherwise be caused. The basic
construction of these earth switches is identical.

Advantages of GIS:- A GIS has many advantages over a conventional substation,

including a space saving and flexible design, less field construction work resulting in
quicker installation time, reduced maintenance, higher reliability and safety, and excellent
seismic withstand characteristics. Aesthetics of GIS are far superior to that of a
conventional substation, due to its substantially smaller size.

A GIS can even be installed in a building, if desired. When all of these advantages are
taken into consideration, a GIS is a cost effective alternative to a conventional substation
that offers many benefits to the end user.

i. Special Features:- Enhanced insulating properties and reduced long-term operational

costs by means of sealed metal enclosure filled with SF6 gas.
ii. . Reliability:-Extensive experience in designing optimum phase and feeder spacing
dimensions according to site conditions enable compact dimensions that reduce space
requirements to less than 20% of conventional air insulated substations
iii. Compact Design:-Ensured personnel safety by earthed enclosure, numerous
interlocks and lockout devices. Increased stability during earthquakes with a low
center of gravity.
iv. Maintenance:-Virtual elimination of long-term maintenance costs and contamination
of critical components by means of SF6 gas-filled metal enclosures, automatic
monitoring of operating mechanisms and SF6 gas system.
v. Efficient Installation:-Assembly at factory and shipment in one complete bay
dramatically reduces installation time and customer's costs.
vi. Environmental:-Minimized operation noise levels allow installation in urban and
sub-urban indoor substations. Elimination of radio interference problems and
individual painting of enclosures with the color of customer choice..
vii. Space Saving:- SF6 switchgear installations take up only 10% of the space required
for the conventional installations.
viii. Economical: - Initial high investment is required for installation but the cost can be
comparable for the less maintenance, reliable, safe operation against conventional
substation. Ability to interrupt out-of-phase
ix. Compatibility:- It is incombustible, non toxic, colourless and chemically inert.
x. Low Weight:- due to aluminum enclosure, corresponds to low cost foundations and
xi. The dielectric strength of SF6 gas at atmospheric pressure is approximately
three times that of air.
xii. It has arc-quenching properties 3 to 4 times better than air at equal pressure.
xiii. Ability to interrupt short-line faults
xiv. Overvoltage is kept to a minimum.
xv. Minimum gas leakage (less than 0.1% per year).
xvi. The use of SF6 gas as an insulating medium in switchgear reduces the clearance
distance between active and non-active parts of a switchgear facilitating the following
advantages of gas insulated applications compared to air insulated applications:

• Less space requirements - especially in congested city areas

• Less sensitivity to pollution, as well as salt, sand or even large amounts of snow
• Less operation & maintenance costs

Disadvantages with Air Insulated Substations:-

a) It requires huge amount of area .

b) Cost is higher compared to Air Insulated Substation or conventional substation.
Maintenance cost is more.
c) Normally this type of substations are indoor type and requires separate building. Each
and every component of substation is exposed to air and pollution.
d) Maintaining Cleanliness is very important. Dust or moisture inside the compartment
causes the flash overs so frequent flashovers and breakdown occurs.
e) When fault occurs internally, the outage period will be very long. The damage effect
will also be severe.
f) Installation time is also more..


(For Further Space reduction)

• Gas Insulated Transformer (GIT) Instead of Oil Immersed Transformer (OIT).

• SMART GIS - Integration of Electronic CT’s & PT’s
• Combined Earthing Switch & Disconnector


• Nonflammability – Gas insulated transformers , using incombustible SF6 gas as
insulation and cooling medium, enable to remove a fire fighting equipment from
transformer room.
• Non Tank – explosion - Pressure tank enables to withstand the pressure rise in case
of internal fault.
• Compactness – Since conservator or pressure relief equipment is not necessary,
height of transformer room can be reduced approximately 2 – 2.5 meters.
• Easy installation – oil or liquid purifying process is not necessary in case of gas-
insulated 60 transformer.
• Easy inspection and maintenance work -Only SF6 gas pressure shall be basically
monitored during periodically inspection.

SMART GIS - Integration of Electronic CT’s & PT’s

• The Combined sensors are the Rogowski coil for current measurement and the
capacitive divider for voltage measurement
• A combined current and voltage sensor has been developed to replace the
conventional current and voltage transformers in GIS.
1. Serial Optic Link 2. Voltage sensor 3. Rogowski Coil

Why Combined Voltage & current Sensor ?

Advanced CT’s without a magnetic core (Rowgowski coil) & Capacitive sensor have
been developed to save space and reduce the cost of GIS.
The output signal is at a low level, so it is immediately converted by an enclosure
mounted device to a digital signal

• Small size - Helps to optimize the use of space in the switchgear

• Lighter weight means less material usage and lower life cycle costs (LCC)
• Large dynamic range - permits minimization of number of sensor types needed and
• improvement of some protection functions.
• Protection and measurement functions combined.
• Lower losses mean lower LCC (Life Cycle Cost)


• Current Measurement – Current Sensor instead of Current Transformer

• The current sensor is based on a Rogowski coil (a coreless inductive current
• Voltage Measurement – Voltage Sensor instead of Voltage Transformer
• The voltage sensor is based on a capacitive electrical field sensor (Capacitive ring
• The capacitive ring, which acts as a voltage sensor, also has a linear characteristic and
is very simple in terms of the insulation.


The DSES incorporates the two functions of a disconnector and a maintenance
earthing switch as a result saving the space in GIS.

This is achieved by a sliding contact characterized by three defined positions:

• disconnector open / earthing switch closed
• disconnector closed / earthing switch open
• disconnector open / earthing switch open
The use of one moving contact for the disconnector and the earthing switch inhibits
simultaneous closed position of both switches.
Combined disconnector and earthing switch is mounted at the front, and acts via bevel
gears and an insulating shaft on the three parallel contact pins.

Depending on the direction of movement the contacts act as disconnector or earthing switch
(maintenance earthing switch).
By means of a crank handle, manual operation of the combined disconnector and earthing
switch is also possible.

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