Last Planner System
Last Planner System
Last Planner System
May 2000
q Todd Zabelle and the Pacific Contracting team for their willingness to try new
q Leo Linbeck III, Ed Beck and Kathy Jones of Linbeck Construction for sharing
opportunity and data (3 of the 5 cases were Linbeck projects)
q Norm Barnes and the Barnes Construction team for access to projects
q Jeanne Ballard, my wife, for putting up with me, especially my absences from
In this thesis, the term “design” is used to designate both design and engineering
activities, not shaping space to aesthetic criteria.
Issues for future research are proposed, including root cause analysis of plan failures
and quantification of the benefits of increased plan reliability for both design and
construction processes.
Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
3.0 Description and History of the Last Planner System of Production Control 3-1
3.1 Hierarchical Structure 3-1
3.2 Should-Can-Will-Did 3-1
3.3 Production Unit Control 3-3
3.4 Work Flow Control 3-5
3.4.1 Constraints Analysis 3-9
3.4.2 Pulling 3-11
3.4.3 Matching Load and Capacity 3-14
3.4.4 The Last Planner System As a Whole 3-15
3.5 A Brief History of the Last Planner System of Production Control 3-16
3.6 Previous Applications of the Last Planner System to Design 3-21
3.7 Evaluation of Last Planner against Criteria for Production Control Systems 3-24
3.8 Research Questions: 1) What can be done by way of tools provided and 3-25
improved implementation of the Last Planner system of production
control to increase plan reliability as measured by Percent Plan Complete?
2) How/Can Last Planner be successfully applied to increase plan reliability
during design processes?
Bibliography Biblio-1
3.1 The formation of assignments in the Last Planner System 3-2
3.2 Lookahead Process 3-6
3.3 Make Ready by Screening and Pulling 3-11
3.4 A Traditional (Push) Planning System 3-13
3.5 Last Planner-A Pull System 3-14
3.6 The Last Planner System 3-16
3.7 PPC (Nokia Project) 3-23
3.8 Participant Survey (Nokia Project) 3-23
5.1 CCSR-Weekly PPC 5-5
5.2 CCSR-Reasons for Noncompletion 5-6
5.3 CCSR-PPC without rain 5-6
6.1 Next Stage-PPC 6-4
7.1 Pacific Contracting-PPC 7-2
7.2 Pacific Contracting-Reasons 7-7
8.1 Old Chemistry Building-PPC 8-3
8.2 Old Chemistry Building-Reasons for Noncompletions 8-4
9.1 Zeneca-PPC 9-2
9.2 Zeneca-Reasons 9-2
10.1 Activity Definition Model 10-4
10.2 Reasons Analysis Hierarchy-Directives 10-6
10.3 Reasons Analysis Hierarchy-Prerequisites 10-7
10.4 Reasons Analysis Hierarchy-Resources 10-8
10.5 Reasons Analysis Hierarchy-Process 10-9
1.1 Conversion/Flow/Value 1-1
3.1 Functions of the Lookahead Process 3-7
3.2 Construction Lookahead Schedule 3-9
3.3 Engineering Lookahead Schedule 3-10
3.4 Constraints Analysis 3-12
5.1 CCSR-Weekly Planning Cycle 5-3
5.2 CCSR-Constraints Analysis Form 5-4
5.3 CCSR-PPC and Reasons Data 5-5
5.4 CCSR-Reasons for Noncompletion (detailed and categorized) 5-7
6.1 Next Stage-Reasons for Noncompletion 6-2
6.2 Next Stage-PPC Data 6-3
6.3 Next Stage-Reasons 6-5
7.1 Pacific Contracting-PPC Data and Reasons 7-3
8.1 Old Chemistry Building-PPC Data 8-3
9.1 Zeneca-Constraint Analysis Form 9-5
converting inputs to outputs, 2) as a flow of materials and information through time and
space, and 3) as a process for generating value for customers. All three conceptions are
appropriate and necessary. However, the conversion model has been dominant in the
Huovila, 1997).
Table 1.1
Hierarchical Decomposition at
decomposition of joints. Elimination of Elimination of value
Principles activities; control and waste (unnecessary loss - the gap
optimization by activities), time between achieved
and possible value.
activity. reduction.
Work breakdown
Team approach, rapid
structure, critical path Development and testing
reduction of
method. Planning of ends against means to
Methods uncertainty, shielding,
concerned with timing determine requirements.
& balancing, decoupling.
start and responsibility Planning concerned with
Practices Planning concerned
for activities through work structure, process
with timing, quality and
contracting or and participation.
release of work.
terminals, highways, etc.) poses difficult management problems to which the models and
techniques based on the conversion view have proven inadequate. Tradeoffs between
competing design criteria must be made throughout the design process, often with
incomplete information and under intense budget and schedule pressure. Increasingly,
projects are subject to uncertainty because of the pace of technological change and the
Production management concepts and techniques based on the conversion model have
not proven capable of solving these difficult problems. The heart of the conversion model
is the assumption that the work to be done can be divided into parts and managed as if
those parts were independent one from another. Management techniques such as work
breakdown structures and earned value analysis belong to this conversion model. Work
breakdown structures are driven by scoping and budget concerns and have the objectives
of insuring that all the work scope is included in one of the parts, insuring that no work
scopes overlap, and allocating costs to each part such that the rollup yields the total for
the project. This division into parts is necessary in order to allocate responsibility to
internal or external work centers, which can subsequently be controlled against scope,
management is the ‘local’ responsibility of those to whom the various parts are assigned
goes wrong, as it very often does, the entire structure is prone to collapse.
flow, and value models, we might consider the product development processes employed
toasters, etc.). Such processes have developed potentially useful concepts especially in
the area of value; identification of customer needs and translation into engineering
specifications (Ulrich and Eppinger 1993). Product development processes also are
struggling with other issues relevant to the design of AEC facilities, including design
decomposition, organizational means for integration, etc. (Hayes, et al, 1988; Eppinger,
As a contribution to the integration of all three models, this thesis applies the flow
model to managing the design and construction of AEC facilities. Conceptualizing the
design and construction process as a flow of information and materials lends itself to
spent reworking information or materials to achieve conformance, and time spent moving
information or materials from one specialist to the next. Further, conceptualizing the
coordination of interdependent flows and the integration of design with supply and site
1.2 Assumptions
q To be consistent with all three models, conversion, flow, and value, production
while minimizing waste in time and cost. “Customer value” is understood to include
not only the fitness for use of the facility considered with regard to functionality, but
also with regard to all other criteria to which the customer attaches value, e.g.,
project delivery within a time and for a cost that meets the customer’s market and
financial needs.
structuring in the ‘planning’ phase, and to consist of work flow control and
This thesis treats only control functions, not planning functions. It does not treat the very
customer needs and their translation into design criteria. Criteria determination belongs
to the value generation view. This thesis treats only the flow view. Similarly, work
structuring activities such as identification, sequencing, and scheduling tasks are also not
There may be differences between the U.S. and U.K. in the use of these terms. Hence
the effort to be precise. For the most part, the theory of producing artifacts has emerged
from efforts to better manage factories. More recently, in some instances, the term
"manufacturing" has acquired greater scope than merely factory production.
q Adapted from manufacturing4, a system for production control, the Last Planner
flow reliability, which promises substantial benefits in project cost and duration
q Improvements to the Last Planner system of production control are developed and
Project controls in the AEC industry have focused on detecting variances from project
objectives for cost and schedule, and have not directly dealt with the management of
production. The Last Planner system of production control has proven an effective tool
for improving the productivity of the production units that implement its procedures and
techniques (Ballard and Howell, 1997). This dissertation shifts the focus from the
productivity of the immediate production unit to the reliability of work flow between
I.e., from the models and theories developed in industrial engineering
papers have previously been published by this author on the subject, the first of them in
1993 (Ballard, 1993) at the founding conference of the International Group for Lean
Construction. Last Planner research began with a focus on improving the quality of
assignments in weekly work plans (Koch Refinery Mid-Plants Project, 1993-45), added a
lookahead process to shape and control work flow (PARC, 19956; DMOS-6, 19967),
and eventually was extended from construction to design (Nokia8 and Hewlett-Packard9,
1996). During that development, the objective shifted from improving productivity to
improving the reliability of work flow. This resulted from a change in conceptual
framework. The initial framework came from the quality management and productivity
efforts in the 1980s. The shift to work flow reliability reflected the author's increasing
and eventually labeled "lean production", and also contact with the thinking of Lauri
Koskela regarding production theory and its application to the construction industry.
A key metric of the Last Planner system is the percentage of assignments completed
(PPC), which is clearly a defect rate and a product of the quality management mentality.
relationship between the defect rate of a crew, its PPC, and the productivity of that crew.
Ballard and Howell, 1997
Ballard, Howell, and Casten (1996)
Ballard and Howell, 1997
Koskela, Ballard, and Tanhuanpaa (1997)
Miles (1998)
For examples, see the references footnoted previously.
importance of that crew's PPC for the productivity of the crews that followed it and built
upon its work product. Even the introduction of a lookahead process was motivated
initially by the observation that simply shielding a crew from poor assignments was
both of which required managing load or work flow. The more powerful and
fundamental opportunity to coordinate action among multiple crews was hidden by the
dominance of what Koskela has called the "conversion model" and its exclusive focus on
Prior to the founding of the Lean Construction Institute (LCI) in August of 199711,
the Last Planner system had evolved to roughly its current form, with a clear conceptual
managing work flow. What remained to be done was to learn how to improve work flow
reliability above the 35%-65% range commonly discovered up to that time. One purpose
of this dissertation is to describe what was done to improve work flow reliability,
measured by PPC, and the results achieved. That improving work flow reliability is
beneficial hardly requires argument. However, identifying and quantifying the specific
benefits will be a matter for future research. The second purpose of this research is to
The Lean Construction Institute was founded in August of 1997 as a partnership
between Gregory A. Howell and Glenn Ballard, dedicated to research, training and
consulting in construction industry production management. Subsequently, Iris
Tommelein and Todd Zabelle have become partners in the enterprise, along with Mark
Reynolds, Managing Director of Lean Construction International, based in London. All
the case studies reported in this thesis were undertaken as research projects for LCI, of
which this author is Research Director. All case studies were carried out under the
Traditional project control theory and practice is described and critiqued in Chapter
Two. The Last Planner System of Production Control is presented in Chapter Three as
satisfying the requirements revealed by the critique. Chapter Four describes the research
devoted to a case study. Conclusions from the case studies are reported in Chapter 10,
direction of this author, who also was the primary participant in project events and the
primary collector of case study data.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a critique of production control theory and
Production has been an explicit topic of study primarily in industrial engineering, which
has dealt almost entirely with one type of production; namely, manufacturing (in the
sense of 'making'), with only occasional forays into construction, plant maintenance,
building maintenance, agriculture, forestry, mining, fishing, etc. Design and engineering
have infrequently been conceived as production processes; the focus almost entirely
Although the meaning of the term at its most universal is synonymous with “making”,
“manufacturing” is most commonly12 used to denote the making of many copies from a
single design, and consequently is primarily focused on products for a mass market, most
of those products being moveable from the place manufactured to the place of use. There
are exceptions to the products being moveable, although still copies from a single design;
e.g., ships and airplanes. Within the world of construction, manufacturing in this sense is
Exceptions occur with thinkers and writings regarding product development, which by
its nature must integrate designing and making, at least in the sense of making
parts into a whole, as distinct from ‘fabricating’, the shaping of materials. For example,
1993), along with shipbuilding and airplane assembly. In all these instances of assembly,
the assembled product eventually becomes too large to be moved through assembly
stations, so the stations (work crews) must be moved through them, adding additional
components and subassemblies until the artifact (building, bridge, tunnel, plant, house,
the larger part of which adopt the perspective of the industrial or production engineer
(Bertrand et al, 1990; Hopp and Spearman, 1996; Murrill, 1991; Vollman et al, 1992). A
production over the last 40 years has been revolutionary. Early and influential production
management theorists include Jack Burbidge (1983; 1988) and W. Edwards Deming
(1986), to mention but a few from the West. Taiichi Ohno (1988) and Shigeo Shingo
(1988) were the primary architects of the Toyota Production System, the archetype for
groundbreaking thought began to emerge in the 1960s. Deming was instrumental in the
techniques in Japan after the 2nd World War. The work of Ohno and Shingo was
concentrated in the period of the late 50's into the 70's. The Machine That Changed the
World (Womack et al., 1990) reported the findings of an international study of the
automotive industry and was followed by Lean Thinking (Womack and Jones, 1996)
manufacturing and proposed to extend them to the entire enterprise. Womack and Jones
have popularized and made more easily accessible the concepts and techniques of lean
how construction is a type of production and also that design is an essential component
1999; Koskela and Huovila 1997; Koskela et al. 1996, 1997) is the foremost production
concepts and techniques to the construction industry has driven him back to the
The term “control” has a wide range of meanings. According to the Concise Oxford
has long been associated with accounting. The Old French contreroller: to keep a roll of
Accounting is the essence of project control theory, more fully described in section
2.2.2 below (Diekmann and Thrush, 1986; Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK), 1996; Riggs, 1986). The essential activity is monitoring actual costs or
action is obviously necessary in order to correct such negative variances, but the
taking turns 'writing on a blackboard'; i.e., for contributing to their collaborative work
design, and despite their technological orientation, have found social and organizational
issues to be of great importance. Finger et al (1995) conclude: “The social process plays
a major role in the articulation and realization of the product design, particularly in large
projects.” (p.89). Bucciarelli (1984) reports that designers spend 85-90% of their time
of regulating work flow in manufacturing systems: push and pull. Push systems release
materials or information into a system based on preassigned due dates (from a master
production schedule, for example) for the products of which they are parts. Pull systems
release materials or information into a system based on the state of the system (the
amount of work in process, the quality of available assignments, etc) in addition to due
dates (Hopp and Spearman, 1996). In factory systems, pull may be derivative ultimately
completion dates, but specifically applies to the internal customer of each process.
Applicability of these concepts to production control has been explored by this author
(Ballard, 1999).
not by anything resembling a central mind, but through the independent action of
distributed decision makers. The following excerpt from Eric Scherer’s introduction to
Shop Floor Control-A Systems Perspective indicates the emergence of a new conceptual
The construction industry is organized in projects and current production theory and
practice are heavily influenced by the concepts and techniques of project management.
making (i.e., manufacturing) of multiple copies of a product does not occur through
projects so understood. This focus on product uniqueness and the project form of
organization has dominated thinking about production of the built environment so far as
(Koskela, 1992).
integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk, and
procurement. Any or all of these could conceivably concern the actual production
duration estimating, schedule development, and schedule control. The focus is entirely on
processes (activities) and not on flow or value generation processes. Activities are to be
defining activities so that they facilitate the actual performance of the work. Activity
sequencing assumes that handoffs from one set of specialists to the next occur only once;
are mentioned-see page 63-but not developed). Schedule control is concerned with
managing changes to the schedule rather than with execution of scheduled work; with
the exception of expediting as a type of time management corrective action (see page
72). Cost management is treated very much in the same way as time management. The
question for project management thus remains: ‘Who manages production and how?’
27), the former being characteristic of all types of projects and the latter specific to the
various types of production with which projects may be involved. What is missing in this
distinction is the concept of the project itself as a temporary production system linked to
other temporary and permanent production systems for materials, equipment, labor, etc.
Projects as such have no necessary connection with production. For example, a project
may be to solve a problem of getting voters to register. In this broad sense of the term,
‘project’ becomes virtually synonymous with a single instantiation of the problem solving
process, and project management consists of the tools and techniques for managing
progress toward project objectives and taking corrective action when the ship appears to
be off course.
This concept of project control is very different from production control, which is
dedicated to causing events to conform to plan and to replanning when events cannot be
Project control has been hitherto conceived and carried out consistently with the
received wisdom regarding AEC project control systems is founded on a widely shared
conception of their purpose. “This (project control) system must provide the information
needed for the project team and project participants to identify and correct problem areas
and, ultimately, to keep project costs and schedule ‘under control’.” (Diekmann and
Thrush, 1986). The objective is to detect negative variances from target, so corrective
action can be taken. This is quite different from the active concept of control dominant in
which the purpose of control is to cause events to conform to plan. In the following, we
further examine traditional project controls and their difference from the concept of
In traditional project control, the objects of control are time and resources.
Resources (labor hours, material, equipment, indirects) are planned and controlled
resources. A budget is prepared for each resource, the use of resources is monitored
against their budgets, and periodic forecasts are made of resource requirements based on
and timing. Monitoring checks progress of tasks against the schedule and forecasts when
work will be completed. The objective of time control is production or progress, not
Decisions made regarding budget and schedule, productivity and production must
earned value systems, which propose a solution to the problem that progress and
established for the various kinds of work to be performed on a project; e.g., 9.32
engineering labour-hours per piping isometric drawing or 12.4 labour-hours per purchase
regardless of the actual number of hours consumed in its production. Progress toward
project completion is tracked by accumulating the earned hours and comparing that to
the total hours to be earned for the entire project. For example, suppose the project
schedule calls for production of 10 piping isometric drawings at time t, but only 9
drawings have been produced. Only 83.88 (9 x 9.32) hours have been earned of the 93.2
scheduled, so that portion of the project is 10% behind schedule (83.88/93.2=.90). That
produce the 9 piping isometric drawings. Since 83.88 hours were earned, the
performance factor is .95 and the piping group is operating at 95% of its budget for
isometric drawings. In this case, the project is behind schedule, but under budget.
Earned value analysis is a means for controlling projects through productivity and
progress. By itself, it would have the design manager believe that a project is performing
well if it is earning labor hours at the budget unit rate and also earning sufficient hours to
hours to be earned. The obvious weakness in this control mechanism is that projects may
exhibit budget productivity and be on the earnings plan, but not be doing the right work
in the right way at the right time. Although things appear to be on track, the train is
destined to eventually run off the rails because work is being produced that does not
although rarely if ever controlling against the objective of expressing customer needs in
calculational and dimensional errors. As for the issue of the timing of work, it has proven
These rear guard actions are frequently ineffective against the dominant progress and
productivity controls, which consequently cause managers to throw the lever in the
wrong direction because they misevaluate actual project performance (Howell and
Ballard, 1996).
“A WBS provides a framework for integrated schedule and cost planning and allows for
monitoring and control by management by establishing the manner in which estimates are
assigned and costs are accumulated and summarized.” (p. 21, Diekmann and Thrush,
1986). The objective is to divide the work to be done in the project into parts so they can
[NB: Inclusion of the flow view adds new criteria to the decomposition process. Roughly
speaking, we want to break the whole into parts so we can more easily put the parts back
together again. Structure work for flow and assembly, not only for budgeting and
the smallest unit. Work packages often correspond to contract packages or to pay items
within a single contract. The dominance of the conversion view is perhaps best revealed
in the following quotes: “A work package is a cost center.” (p. 73, Neil, James M.
Construction Cost Estimating for Project Control, 1982). “The WBS provides the
framework for defining the project from the top all the way down to its smallest
components and for accumulating the costs associated with each piece. In so doing, the
WBS provides a data base from which problem areas can be identified, forecasts made,
and corrective action can be taken.” (p. 21, Diekmann and Thrush, 1986). It appears to
be assumed that costs arise within that part of the project in which they are detected.
Further, control is essentially control of behaviour, given the default assumption that
tasks/work packages/contracts can be carried out. The flow view, with its
interdependence of parts (both as regards the 'product' and the process of making that
push system.
Despite the focus on cost and schedule ‘accounting’, theorists recognize the primacy
of the control act itself. “Without corrective actions a project control system becomes
merely a cost/schedule reporting system.” (p. 29, Diekmann and Thrush, 1986).
However, the traditional view is that control consists of correcting deviations from plan.
Deviations are expected, but that expectation is not rooted in the idea that variation is
natural, but rather that sin is inevitable. Diekmann and Thrush devote less than two pages
of a 108 page paper to corrective action and provide no more advice than to inform
managers and supervisors at every level in the project about deviations so they can
“…correct those trouble spots.” (p. 28). They appear to assume that causes of deviation
will be apparent and the appropriate corrective action obvious. “These problems can be
easily traced to their source allowing early detection of unfavorable trends.” (p. 33,
Diekmann and Thrush, 1986). If the standard corrective actions are indeed ‘Try harder!’
and ‘Add more men!’, that would be consistent with the traditional view.
analyses and models, adding to the “…growing evidence that network analysis on its
own is not sufficient to model and manage the behaviour of projects.” (Williams et al.,
they avoid misevaluating the state of the project and consequently making decisions that
cause things to get worse rather than better (See p. 125 of Rodrigues, 1994). Ballard and
Howell (1996) suggest that it is impossible to make good decisions about causes or
understanding work flow. One can hardly avoid concluding that the traditional control
production system.
A survey of the literature reveals several primary contributors to the theory and practice
of production (as opposed to project) control in the construction industry. Ballard and
Howell’s contributions are described in Chapter Three. Melles and Wamelink (1993)
developed a very similar line of thinking independently, culminating in their joint PhD
management in construction. The University of Reading has been active in the field of
Management from 1985 is an excellent example of their work. Addis’ 1990 book,
Structural engineering: the nature and theory of design, is also a highly relevant work
for this research. Alexander Laufer’s work on project planning takes a production
control orientation by virtue of its focus on uncertainty and variability and their
management. Given the relative obscurity of Melles and Wamelink’s, only their work is
presented in detail. The work of Koskela is described only to the extent needed to remind
the reader of his vital contributions. That should in no way be taken as an indication of
Introducing their discussion of the theory of production control, Melles and Wamelink
(1993) explain, “Contrary to what is customary in the construction industry we shall not
projects.” For Melles and Wamelink, production control consists of “…the activities
relating to the adjustment of all aspects of the production process, so that the
levels of decision; i.e., control at company level, factory level, and production unit level,
and 2) Thinking in terms of decision functions within the hierarchical levels; i.e.,
shop floor control. The manufacturing model on which they rely is that of Bertrand et al.,
planning (by means of “six weeks scheme”), and allocation planning (by means of “task
and practice, Melles and Wamelink’s work identifies functionalities AEC industry
production control systems should possess. Their specific objective was to assist in the
design of information systems. Consequently, they did not explicitly apply their model to
negative results of so doing are implicit in their critique of project management software.
For example, speaking of project coordination, they comment, “…it can immediately be
certain aspect (within the framework, the decision function project coordination). The
other decision functions (resource planning, mobilization planning, etc.) are, generally
speaking, not recognizable.” (p. 35). This critique is made more explicitly in Wamelink et
al., 1993.
Lauri Koskela (1999) proposes the following design criteria or principles for a
production control system. In fact, he claims they are true for the Last Planner system,
"The first principle is that the assignments should be sound regarding their
prerequisites. This principle has also been called the Complete Kit by Ronen
(Ronen 1992). The Complete Kit suggests that work should not start until all the
items required for completion of a job are available. Thus, this principle strives to
monitored. The related metrics, Percent Plan Complete (PPC), is the number of
planned activities completed, divided by the total number of planned activities, and
"Thirdly, causes for non-realization are investigated and those causes are removed.
"The fourth principle suggests maintaining a buffer of tasks which are sound for each
crew. Thus, if the assigned task turns out to be impossible to carry out, the crew
"The fifth priciple suggests that in lookahead planning (with time horizon of 3-4
weeks), the prerequisites of upcoming assignments are actively made ready. This,
in fact, is a pull system that is instrumental in ensuring that all the prerequisites are
available for the assignments. On the other hand, it ensures that too great material
The preceding review and critique of the literature suggests the following guidelines and
disregarded in current control systems. But the construction industry certainly has its share of
Neglect of variability causes greater variability, and there is always an associated penalty.
According to Hopp and Spearman (1996), variability results in some or all of the following:
§ lost throughput
q Causes for failing to complete planned work are investigated and those causes are removed.
q The traditional schedule-push system is supplemented with pull techniques. Not only do pull
systems usually perform better than push systems (Hopp and Spearman, 1996), but pull systems are
q Production control facilitates work flow and value generation. Production thinking and practice in
all areas has focused primarily on the task goals of production and neglected flow and value
(Huovila and Koskela, 1997). The object of traditional project control has been behavior. What
q The project is conceived as a temporary production system. The model for corrective action in
traditional project control is course correction, drawn by analogy from the path of a vehicle bound
for a specific destination with a target arrival time and a specified spending budget or otherwise
limited resources. If the project is to be conceived rather as a temporary production system, the
course correction model is radically oversimplified and inappropriate. The flow of materials and
information is what is to be controlled. They flow through very complex networks of temporary and
permanent production systems. Corrective action must be taken within an understanding of these
networks and of the impact of changes in sequence, processing methodologies, buffer location and
q Decision making is distributed in production control systems. Traditional project control assumes
the necessity and possibility of central control. The underlying image is that of a single mind and
many hands. Arguably, dynamic production systems cannot be controlled centrally, but rather are
q Production control resists the tendency [of designers and engineers] toward local suboptimization
(Green, 1992). Green's comment was specifically directed to the tendency of designers and
engineers toward local suboptimization, but that is a general tendency of any system in which there
is a division of labor.
In Chapter Three, the Last Planner system of production control is described and
control done by different people, at different places within the organization, and at
different times during the life of a project. Planning high in the organization tends to
focus on global objectives and constraints, governing the entire project. These objectives
drive lower level planning processes that specify means for achieving those ends.
Ultimately, someone (individual or group) decides what physical, specific work will be
done tomorrow. That type of plans has been called "assignments". They are unique
because they drive direct work rather than the production of other plans. The person or
group that produces assignments is called the "Last Planner" (Ballard and Howell 1994).
3.2 Should-Can-Will-Did
The term "assignments" stresses the communication of requirements from Last Planner
to design squad or construction crew. But these products of planning at the production
unit level are also commitments to the rest of the organization. They say what WILL be
done, and (hopefully) are the result of a planning process that best matches WILL with
possible difference between SHOULD and CAN. "What will we do next week?”
Granted that it is necessary to overcome obstacles, that does not excuse creating them or
leaving them in place. Erratic delivery of resources such as input information and
WILL with SHOULD, and quickly results in the abandonment of planning that directs
actual production.
Failure to proactively control at the production unit level increases uncertainty and
deprives workers of planning as a tool for shaping the future. What is needed is to shift
the focus of control from the workers to the flow of work that links them together. The
Last Planner production control system is a philosophy, rules and procedures, and a set
procedures, the system has two components: production unit control and work flow
through continuous learning and corrective action. The function of work flow control is
perhaps evident in its name—to proactively cause work to flow across production units
output quality; i.e. the quality of plans produced by the Last Planner. The following are
be unambiguously determined. The "right sequence" is that sequence consistent with the
internal logic of the work itself, project commitments and goals, and execution strategies.
The "right amount" is that amount the planners judge their production units capable of
completing after review of budget unit rates and after examining the specific work to be
done. "Practical" means that all prerequisite work is in place and all resources are
prior to issue, but such in-process inspection does not routinely produce measurement
data, even when corrections are necessary. Planning system performance is more easily
Percent Plan Complete (PPC) is the number of planned activities completed divided
standard against which control is exercised at the production unit level, being derivative
budget unit rates, etc. Given quality plans, higher PPC corresponds to doing more of the
right work with given resources, i.e. to higher productivity and progress.
Percent Plan Complete measures the extent to which the front line supervisor's
commitment (WILL) was realized. Analysis of nonconformances can then lead back to
performance at the Last Planner level does not mean you only make changes at that
level. Root causes of poor plan quality or failure to execute planned work may be found
at any organizational level, process or function. PPC analysis can become a powerful
The first thing needed is identification of reasons why planned work was not done,
preferably by front line supervisors or the engineers or craftsmen directly responsible for
q Faulty directives or information provided to the Last Planner; e.g. the information
system incorrectly indicated that information was available or that prerequisite
work was complete.
q Failure to apply quality criteria to assignments; e.g. too much work was planned.
q Failure in coordination of shared resources; e.g. lack of a computer or plotter.
q Change in priority; e.g. workers reassigned temporarily to a "hot" task.
q Design error or vendor error discovered in the attempt to carry out a planned
This provides the initial data needed for analysis and improvement of PPC, and
consequently for improving project performance.
execution of work within production units such as construction crews and design squads.
Work Flow Control coordinates the flow of design, supply, and installation through
production units.
In the hierarchy of plans and schedules, the lookahead process has the job of work
flow control. Lookahead schedules are common in current industry practice, but typically
perform only the function of highlighting what SHOULD be done in the near term. In
contrast, the lookahead process within the Last Planner system serves multiple functions,
as listed in Table 3.1. These functions are accomplished through various specific
processes, including activity definition, constraints analysis, pulling work from upstream
production units, and matching load and capacity, each of which will be discussed in the
following pages.
Action to
Selecting, repetitive
Current status sequencing, & errors
sizing work we Lookahead
& forecasts
think can be done
Make work Workable sequencing,
ready by Weekly Chart PPC
Information Backlog & sizing work &
screening Work Plans
we know Reasons
& pulling can be done
Resources Production Work
The vehicle for the lookahead process is a schedule of potential assignments for the next
3 to 12 weeks. The number of weeks over which a lookahead process extends is decided
based on project characteristics, the reliability of the planning system, and the lead times
for acquiring information, materials, labor, and equipment. Tables 3.2 and 3.3 are
examples of construction and engineering lookahead schedules, respectively. The
lookahead schedule is not a simple drop out from the master schedule. Indeed, it is often
beneficial to have the team that is to do the work in the next phase of a project
collectively produce a phase schedule that serves to coordinate actions that extend
beyond the lookahead window (the period of time we choose to look ahead).
are exploded into a level of detail appropriate for assignment on weekly work plans,
which typically yields multiple assignments for each activity. Then each assignment is
ready to be executed. The general rule is to allow into the lookahead window, or allow
to advance from one week to the next within the lookahead window, only activities that
can be made ready for completion on schedule. If the planner is not confident that the
constraints can be removed, the potential assignments are retarded to a later date.
Figure 3.3 is a schematic of the lookahead process, showing work flowing through
time from right to left. Potential assignments enter the lookahead window 6 weeks ahead
of scheduled execution, then move forward a week each week until they are allowed to
enter into workable backlog, indicating that all constraints have been removed and that
they are in the proper sequence for execution. If the planner were to discover a
removed in time, the assignment would not be allowed to move forward. The objective is
everything in workable backlog is indeed workable.13 Weekly work plans are then
formed from workable backlog, thus improving the productivity of those who receive the
assignments and increasing the reliability of work flow to the next production unit.
Table 3.2
ACTIVITY 1 / 133/
/ 997 1/ 20
# / 97 1 /#2 7/ 97 2 / 3#/ 9 7 NEEDS
Sc ot t 's cre w
"CUP" AHUs-1 0 CHW, 2 HW X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CHW d elive rs 1 -8 -9 7 t hru
1- 13 .HW de live rs 1 -2 0.
Punch, lab e l, & t ag AHUs x x x Mat er ials on sit e
Ro n's cre w
DI St e a m to Humid ifier x x x Mat er ials on sit e
Deliberately building inventories, inventories of ready work in this case, may seem
contradictory to the goals of just-in-time. To clarify, inventories of all sort are to be
minimized, but as long as there is variability in the flow of materials and information,
buffers will be needed to absorb that variability. Reducing variability allows reduction
of buffer inventories.
The "5 Week Lookahead Schedule" excludes the week covered by the Weekly Work
Plan, so shows only 4 weeks.
types of assignments have different constraints. The construction example in Table 3.4
lists contract, design, submittals, materials, prerequisite work, space, equipment, and
labor; plus an open-ended category for all other constraints. Other constraints might
include permits, inspections, approvals, and so on. Design constraints can virtually be
read from the Activity Definition Model: clarity of directives (level of accuracy required,
intended use of the output, applicable section of code), prerequisite work (data,
evaluations, models), labor and technical resources. We previously met these constraints
in the discussion of Production Unit Control; then as reasons for failing to complete
Table 3.3
production and delivery, and provides the coordinator with early warning of problems,
hopefully with sufficient lead time to plan around them. In the absence of constraints
Figure 3.3
1 2 3 4 5 6
Explode scheduled
Assign- activities into work
ments packages on entry to
the lookahead
Screen assignments & make
ready each week enough
Workable work to maintain 2 week
Backlog workable backlog
Reasons why coordinator
planned work of
not completed constraints
Pulling is a method of introducing materials or information into a production process.
The alternative method is to push inputs into a process based on target delivery or
Table 3.4
S m a llIn t e r i o r W a llF o r m
2 6 0 s L in e s 4 - M . 8 , 3 - M , 3 - 2/9/98
K,4-K.8,3-H O K R F I 6 8 O K O K re b a r O K O K O K N o n e
L a r g e In t e r io r W a l l
3 1 0 2/9/98
Line L Form
In t e r io r S m a l l W a l l s 3 F a
7 0 0 2/9/98
n d 3 D F o r m s
S m a llIn t e r i o r W a llF o r m
1 1 4 2 2/9/98
s L in e s 5 - M . 8 , a n d 5 - K . 8
E a s t W a llB e t w e e n L in e
1 7 0 2/13/98
s 2 a n d 6 L in e D o u b le U p
In t e r io r S m a l l W a l l s 3 F a
7 2 0 2/13/98
n d 3 D D o u b le - u p
S m a llIn t e r i o r W a lls L i n
1 1 4 6 e s 5 -M . 8 , a n d 5 - 2/13/98
K . 8 D o u b le -u p
L a r g e In t e r io r W a l l
3 2 2 2/16/98
Line L Doubleup
S m a llIn t e r i o r W a lls L i n
2 9 0 e s 4 -M . 8 , 3 - M , 3 - K , 4 - 2/17/98
In t e r io r S m a l l W a l l s 3 F a
7 3 5 2/18/98
n d 3 D S t rip
Constraints Analysis
By contrast, pulling allows materials or information into a production process only if the
process is capable of doing that work. In our Last Planner system, conformance of
A Traditional (Push)
Planning System
shelf life, concrete cannot be ordered too far in advance of need. Fortunately, the lead
time15 for concrete is short, so it is usually possible to wait until you know when it will
Generally, a window of reliability greater than supplier lead time is needed in order
for pulling to be most effective. Otherwise, the pulled items may not match up with the
work to which they are to be applied. In the industry now, supplier lead times are for the
most part much greater than our accurate foresight regarding work completion, hence
Lead time is the time in advance of delivery one must place an order. It is often
referred to as “supplier lead time”.
production units through which work flows in the system, and is also critical for system
cycle time, the time required for something to go from one end to the other.
Along with its other functions, the lookahead process is supposed to maintain a backlog
of workable assignments for each production unit (PU). To do so requires estimating the
load various chunks of work will place on PUs and the capacities of PUs to process
those chunks of work. Current estimating unit rates, such as the labor hours required to
erect a ton of steel, are at best averages based on historical data, which are themselves
laden with the tremendous amounts of waste imbedded in conventional practice. When
What assumptions are being made about variation around averages? Can we expect
actual unit rates to fall short of the average half the time? Clearly we need much more
Whatever the accuracy of load and capacity estimates, the planner must still make
some adjustments. Either load can be changed to match capacity, capacity can be
changed to match load, or, more commonly, a combination of the two. Given the
advantages of maintaining a stable work force and avoiding frequent changes, the
preference is often for adjusting load. However, that will not be the case when there are
Capacity can be changed to match load by reducing or increasing resources. Pulling helps
balance load to capacity because the PU can request what it needs and in the needed
system. As shown in Figure 3.6, Last Planner can be understood as a mechanism for
transforming what SHOULD be done into what CAN be done, thus forming an inventory
of ready work, from which Weekly Work Plans can be formed. Including assignments on
Weekly Work Plans is a commitment by the Last Planners (foremen, squad bosses) to
Planning the
Information SHOULD
Last Planner
The functions of production management systems are planning and control. Planning
establishes goals and a desired sequence of events for achieving goals. Control causes
events to approximate the desired sequence, initiates replanning when the established
sequence is either no longer feasible or no longer desirable, and initiates learning when
events fail to conform to plan (Ballard, 1998). When environments are dynamic and the
detail much before the events being planned. Consequently, deciding what and how much
simply following a master schedule established at the beginning of the project. How are
such decisions made and can they be made better? These questions were the drivers of
initial research in the area of production unit level planning and control under the title of
the “Last Planner System”, a summary report of which is included in Ballard and Howell
A key early finding was that only about half of the assignments made to construction
crews at the beginning of a week were completed when planned. Experiments were
performed to test the hypothesis that failures were in large part a result of lack of
adequate work selection rules (these might also be called work release rules). Quality
criteria were proposed for assignments regarding definition, sequence, soundness, and
size. In addition, the percentage of assignments completed was tracked (PPC: percent
plan complete) and reasons for noncompletion were identified, which amounted to a
Definition: Are assignments specific enough that the right type and amount of
materials can be collected, work can be coordinated with other trades, and
it is possible to tell at the end of the week if the assignment was completed?
Soundness: Are all assignments sound, that is: Are all materials on hand? Is
design complete? Is prerequisite work complete? Note: During the plan
week, the foreman will have additional tasks to perform in order to make
assignments ready to be executed, e.g., coordination with trades working in
the same area, movement of materials to the point of installation, etc.
However, the intent is to do whatever can be done to get the work ready
before the week in which it is to be done.
Sequence: Are assignments selected from those that are sound in the
constructability order needed by the production unit itself and in the order
needed by customer processes? Are additional, lower priority assignments
identified as workable backlog, i.e., additional quality tasks available in case
assignments fail or productivity exceeds expectations?
Size: Are assignments sized to the productive capability of each crew or
subcrew, while still being achievable within the plan period? Does the
completed) increased, and with it, crew productivity also increased (Ballard and Howell,
The use of explicit work selection rules and quality criteria for assignments was
termed “shielding production from upstream uncertainty and variation.” (Ballard and
Howell 1994) Such shielding assures to a large degree that productive capacity is not
wasted waiting for or looking for materials and such. However, because of its short term
nature, shielding cannot avoid underloading resources when work flow is out of
a second element of the Last Planner System was created upstream of weekly work
planning to control work flow and to make assignments ready by proactively acquiring
the materials and design information needed, and by expediting and monitoring the
The tool for work flow control was lookahead schedules. The construction industry
supposed to be done in the near future. Experiments in work flow control were
performed using lookahead schedules in a very different way than had been traditional. A
On the whole, improvements tended to be from PPC levels around 50% to the 65-70% level, with a
corresponding increase of 30% in productivity. Productivity improvement has ranged from 10% to
40%+. It is hypothesized that these differences result from different initial resource utilization
levels. For example, if initial utilization is 50%, corresponding to a PPC of 50%, then increasing
PPC to 70% is matched with an increase in utilization to 65%, which amounts to a 30%
improvement in productivity.
q Rule 1: Allow scheduled activities to remain in the master schedule unless positive knowledge
exists that the activity should not or cannot be executed when scheduled.
q Rule 2: Allow scheduled activities to remain in the lookahead window only if the planner is
confident that the activity can be made ready for execution when scheduled.
q Rule 3: Allow scheduled activities to be released for selection into weekly work plans only if all
constraints have been removed; i.e., only if the activity has in fact been made ready.
In addition, a set of objectives was proposed for the lookahead process:
weekly work plan is being produced. Week 2 is two weeks in the future. Week 3 is three
weeks in the future, and so on. Early data indicated that plans as close to scheduled
execution as Week 2 only contained about half the assignments that later appeared on the
weekly work plans for that week. Week 3’s percentage was only 40% (Ballard, 1997).
Failures to anticipate assignments appear to result in large part from lack of detailed
operations design into the lookahead process (see First Run Studies in the Glossary of
While some operations design can be performed once the type of operation and its
regarding material staging areas, adjacent trades, competing claims on shared resources,
which individuals will be assigned to the work, etc. Consequently, detailed operations
start of the operation. It is provisionally assumed that this timing requirement applies also
Previous to the research reported in this dissertation, the Last Planner System had not
been applied in full to design production control. However, elements of the Last Planner
System have previously been applied to the management of production during the design
phase of projects. Koskela et al (1997) report that the traditional method of design
management on their test project was incapable of producing quality assignments, and
“A drawing due date schedule, and a summary drawing circulation list form the
basis of design management. There are design meetings every two weeks or so,
where a contractor representative (site manager) acts as the chairman. The
contractor may also organize meetings to address specific problems between design
Thus, the primary control set is to reach the drawing due dates. Instead the order or
timing of individual design tasks is not scheduled, but are left for self-management
by the design team. In practice, the design tasks to be executed or input information
needed are discussed in the weekly design meetings. However, this procedure is not
perfect. There is no effective follow-up of decided action, and only a part of output
due is often available. It seems that often parties come unprepared to the meeting.
Design decisions are often made in improvized style, and decisions taken are not
always remembered in next meetings.” (p. 9)
Among the improvement actions taken was progressive detailing of the schedule (in one
month chunks), documentation of input information needs reported in design meetings,
explicit commitment of design supervisors to tasks in the next few weeks, monitoring of
Planner System, which included the lookahead process. Overall PPC averaged around
75%, design was completed approximately 10% earlier than anticipated, and design costs
were reduced by 7%. The research also replicated in design earlier findings in
construction (Howell, 1996) regarding the prevalence of plan quality failures. They
internal impacts they potentially could control and external impacts over which they had
little or no control.
Figure 3.7
100 % 80
90 % 70
80 %
70 %
Number of tasks
60 % 50
50 % PPC 40
40 % Number of tasks 30
30 %
20 %
10 % 10
0% 0
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
VTT Building Technology 1997, VPT
Figure 3.8
of variability. One of the quality criteria for assignments is soundness. PPC measurement
is central. Reasons for plan failure are tracked and analyzed. The lookahead process has
the explicit purpose of maintaining a buffer of sound tasks and also actively makes
both in the assignment quality criteria and in the make ready function within the
lookahead process. The framework for Last Planner is the conception of projects as
that only quality assignments be accepted and also in the work flow control decisions to
be made within the lookahead process. And, finally, Last Planner resists the tendency
toward local suboptimization in its application of the criterion 'sequencing', applied both
1992 (Ballard & Howell 1997). It has been successfully used in a series of projects
ranging from oil refineries to commercial building construction. Hitherto it has been
used primarily in site construction, rather than in design and engineering and its
measured by percent plan complete, to 65-70% PPC. The questions driving this research
are: 1) What can be done by way of tools provided and improved implementation of the
Last Planner system of production control to increase plan reliability above the 70%
It is intuitively obvious that making work flow more reliable (predictable) can reduce
the cost or duration of the total project. When the numerous specialists can rely on
own work, and better planning yields better performance. All else being equal, with
greater flow reliability should come more efficient production, less wasted effort and
rework, and better matching of resources to tasks. Even partial and limited
It is also apparent that construction benefits from greater reliability in the flow to the
construction site of information and materials. The impact of more reliable flow of design
information on project cost and duration is much greater in the construction phase of
projects than in design. When constructors can take action in advance of receiving design
information that coordinates the flow of labor and equipment, material deliveries, and
completion of prerequisite work, the project runs more smoothly and efficiently. We
have numerous instances from construction processes showing the benefits of increasing
material and information flow reliability even within the job site itself (Ballard, et al,
Subsequent research may seek to refine and quantify these causal relationships, but the
current research needed is to establish more effective methods for production control in
4.1 Introduction
This thesis is about engineering management, not about epistemology. However, some
field. Making those assumptions explicit allows the reader to better understand and
competing paradigms in the field. 3) The research strategy and methods used in this
The topic of this thesis is engineering management, which is assumed to belong to the
general field of technology rather than science. Roozenburg and Eeckels propose that
methodologies (Roozenburg and Eeckels, 1995, pp. 32-35). Science pursues knowledge
systematized form of action.” Both can be pursued methodically. For both, certain rules
conditions should these two different reasoning processes meet, so they can claim
reliability, meaning that the conclusions to which they lead are correct or true? The
criterion for reliability of scientific reasoning is the truth of the resulting statements. The
technological claim: ‘Is it indeed true that the proposed action will be effective?’ That is
precisely the type of question posed in this thesis. ‘Is it true that implementing a specific
set of policies and techniques collectively called “the Last Planner system of production
rules are appropriate? What kind of data is needed to answer the question and what kind
of inferences can we expect to make from such data? Many engineering management
theses pose claims about some aspect of engineering management action, use surveys to
collect data regarding same, then apply statistical analyses to test the adequacy of their
claim. This methodology works from a sample of a population to claims about the
population itself by statistical generalization. ‘If 79% of a 151 member sample report that
can I make regarding all members of the population that prequalifies contractors?’ Rules
claims about current behavior. If the objective is to introduce new policies and behaviors
methodology is needed. The world of engineering management practice may well be void
sample to take. The question is not ‘How many people employ the Last Planner system
relevant question has the form ‘Will the desired consequences result from taking the
proposed action?’
What type of ‘experiment’ is needed to pursue the research questions: 1) What can
be done by way of tools provided and improved implementation of the Last Planner
(Campbell and Stanley, 1966). Some propose that case studies be conceived as a type of
experiment, having similar methodological rules (Yin, 1994). No position is taken here
regarding these matters except that some type of experiment is the appropriate
methodology for the type of research question posed as distinct from a survey of current
practice. ‘Experiment’ is conceived in practical terms to mean acting in the world with an
intended effect. As with all experiments, the researcher must be open to learning more or
different things than expected. As with all experiments, generalization from findings is
Experiments don’t prove conclusions in the sense of logical deduction even in the
generalization. Everything depends on the specifics of given situations. What are the
Surveys may be used in conjunction with an experiment or a case study devoted to
implementation of a policy. For example, one could survey participants for opinions
regarding the effectiveness of the policy. The point here is that survey cannot be the
principal or primary research strategy for conducting policy evaluation.
natural science can approximately isolate one (set of) variable(s) from others and so
argue more persuasively that ‘things don’t burn in the absence of oxygen.’ However,
even that extreme type of argument depends essentially on the cohesion and consistency
of theories. As long as the phlogiston theory held sway, oxygen was invisible to the
theories emerge from paradigms, which are fundamental propositions and assumptions
about the subject matter that tend to remain implicit except in periods when paradigms
change. It could be argued that engineering management is currently in just such a period
of paradigm shift. In such periods, communication becomes even more perilous than
common language and presuppositions. The research question posed in this thesis
paradigm. Consequently, care must be taken lest the change in language and
presuppositions hinder the reader. That can best be done by making changes in language
and presuppositions explicit. Recognizing that paradigm shifts are periods of intellectual
conflict, it is not expected that all readers will accept the proposed changes.
delineate the boundaries of the opposed camps. The conflict is itself producing that
delineation, at the conclusion of which the vanguished disappears into the sands of time
defeat. Nonetheless, an effort is required to clarify ‘where all this is coming from.’
opposition between those who adopt the view of production (the design and making of
physical artifacts) as transforming or converting inputs into outputs and those who add
the flow and value views. At first glance, this hardly appears to belong in the same league
example of a paradigm shift. Nonetheless, the shift from the conversion to the flow and
virtually invisible from the conversion-only view. Manufacturing has taken the lead in the
p. 311) One can only assume that variability is even less well understood in the AEC
industry, where it would seem to be even more an issue. From a pure conversion view,
variability is managed primarily through the provision of schedule and cost contingencies
at the global level of projects, but is neglected in the structuring of work flows and
operations. Once contracts are let, variability ‘officially’ appears only in the form of
the determination of project objectives and the means for achieving them (planning), then
specific nature of the projects and production to be managed. This is the more
unfortunate as many projects involve production; i.e., designing and making things.
and techniques, which in turn are derivative from the conversion/flow/value views.
engineering or construction crafts rather than a matter for management. For such
readers, the research questions posed in this thesis may well appear either trivial or
question, and purpose. The topic of this research is engineering management; more
1) 1) What can be done by way of tools provided and improved implementation of the
Last Planner system of production control to increase plan reliability above the 70%
technology in the broad sense; i.e., goal-oriented action. Evaluations typically pursue
objectives. Simple rating is often made more difficult because of changes made mid-
stream in the policy or practice being evaluated. Opportunity for improvement seldom
evaluation and improvement often blur together, especially when the researcher is
involved in the creation and implementation of the policies and practices being
implemented and evaluated, as is the case with this researcher and research. Some might
worry about an involved researcher’s objectivity. On the other hand, it may simply be
that technological research demands another concept and procedure than that of
Evaluation does not fit neatly within the classification of traditional purposes of
technological research appears to have been drawn from the natural sciences, for which
the (immediate) goal is rather to understand than to change the world. Policy evaluation
understanding what works and does not work, and to as great an extent as possible,
understanding why what works and what does not. Consequently, the purpose of this
In this thesis, the term “design” is used to designate both design and engineering
activities; not shaping space to aesthetic criteria.
The three traditional research strategies are experiment, survey, and case study (Robson,
1993, p.40). It has previously been argued in this chapter that a survey strategy is
inappropriate for the question posed by this research. The research strategies that could
True experiments require establishing a control group that differs in no relevant way
from the experimental group. A true experiment was not appropriate because of the
difficulty of establishing a control group and lack of control over extraneous variables.
At first glance, it would seem to be possible to use a pre-test, post-test, single group
design, measuring flow reliability of the same group before and after implementation of
the Last Planner system. This approach has several difficulties: 1) Work flow reliability is
quantitative data is not available, and 2) our ability to generalize from the experimental
results is limited by the possibility that those who choose to try the Last Planner method
are somehow different from those who do not so choose. The second difficulty could be
managed by conditioning and qualifying the inferences drawn from the experiment. The
first difficulty, the lack of quantitative data on flow reliability for the pre-test, could be
handled by substituting subjective data, in the form of interview results. However, this is
clearly an inferior solution, and so pushes the researcher to find a more effective research
comparison groups.” (Campbell and Stanley, 1966, cited in Robson, 1993, p. 98) They
admittedly sacrifice some of the rigor of true experiments, but are nonetheless
appropriate for a large range of inquiry, where true experiments are impossible or
drawn. It is proposed that inferences be justified in terms of study design, the context in
which the study occurs, and the pattern of results obtained (Cook and Campbell, 1979).
While this strategy responds to the difficulty of generalizability posed above, it still
Case study is “…a strategy for doing research through empirical investigation of a
contemporary phenomenon within its real life context using multiple sources of
evidence” (Robson, p. 52). Case studies are an appropriate research strategy when there
is little known about the topic of interest, in this case, for example, how production is
(Robson, p.169). Multiple case studies allow the researcher to pursue a progressive
strategy, from exploration of a question to more focused examination of trials. Given the
policy nature of the research question being posed, a multiple case study strategy seems
Executing a research strategy requires methods for data collection and analysis. What
research methods are available, especially for case studies, the research strategy to be
Methods for data collection include direct observation, interviews and questionnaires,
All these methods of data collection are used in this research. In all cases, the
researcher served as a consultant to the project team, and consequently was in the role of
participant observer rather than a neutral observer. Specific observational data was
collected from participation in project coordination meetings and other events devoted to
were used in all cases to collect team member assessments, both during the course of
each project and at the conclusion of each. Interviews were also used to collect other
participants’ observations of meetings and events relevant to project control at which the
researcher was not present. Records collected included meeting minutes and memos,
various forms of schedules, and action item logs. In all cases, measurements were made
and recorded of short-term assignments, their due dates, actual completion dates, and
McNeill (1989) suggests three key concepts: reliability, validity, and representativeness.
Reliability concerns the extent to which research can be repeated by others with the same
results. “Validity refers to the problem of whether the data collected is a true picture of
what is being studied.” Representativeness concerns whether the objects of study are
played by the researcher in generating the phenomena being studied. Validity of findings
is especially difficult in survey research because of the potential difference between what
people say and what they do. It is less a problem for action research because of its public
nature and the availability of measurement data such as PPC (Percent Plan Complete).
more than it can for a limited number of laboratory experiments. However, unlike
organizations and social relations. Few if any variables can be completely controlled. In
the case of this research, attempts are made to control key variables of implementation
and execution of the system. However, it is recognized that control is partial and
may be devoted to better understanding the conditions necessary for such success.
Another difficulty is that plan reliability is measured by PPC ('percent plan complete';
i.e., percentage of assignments completed), but PPC does not directly measure plan
either of the quality of the assignment or of its execution. Since the Last Planner system
primarily attempts to improve plan quality, execution failures and therefore PPC may not
vary with its effectiveness. In addition, apart from unsound assignments, it is often
difficult to differentiate between an execution and a quality failure. Was the assignment
poorly defined or was the problem with the lack of effort or skill on the part of the
designers or builders?
have not been well defined. An assignment to “Produce as many piping drawings as you
can by the end of the week” might be marked as completed. The researcher can partially
guard against this problem by reviewing assignments for adequate definition. However, it
completed in order to ‘make the worse appear better’. The best defense might be to
convince those doing the marking that PPC is not a measure of individual but of system
performance. Unfortunately, that is not quite true. Individuals can be better or worse at
defining, sizing, sequencing, and assessing the soundness of assignments. PPC records of
For these various reasons, evaluating the impact of the Last Planner system on plan
which occurs through understanding and preventing plan quality failures. It is often
properly; e.g., a soils report, a stress calculation, a decision between alternative designs,
etc. Failures from sizing or sequencing are more difficult to identify. The later case
studies incorporate efforts to improve plan failure analysis based on experiences in the
previous cases.
The research was done through a series of case studies. The first case, the CCSR project,
was an exploratory extension of the Last Planner system to the coordination of multiple
trades on a construction project. The primary improvement from that case was the
addition of the constraints analysis process. The second case, the Next Stage project, is
production control. Case Three shows the efforts of a speciality contractor, Pacific
Contracting, to improve its work flow reliability. It may well reveal the limits on a
speciality contractor implementing the Last Planner system unilaterally. Case Four, the
Old Chemistry Building Renovation project, shows the potential for improvement in
work flow reliability from a more thorough and deliberate education and training of the
project team. Case Five is the Zeneca Project, one of several implementations of the Last
coaching provided to the participants, and application of the latest thinking and
The CCSR Project was a laboratory building for Stanford University for which the
general contractor was Linbeck Construction. CCSR stood for Center for Clinical
Services Research. Prior to CCSR, the Last Planner system of production control had
been implemented primarily by contractors doing direct production work. There was
some question about how to apply Last Planner to subcontracted projects and how
effective that application might be. CCSR was selected as a pilot project to explore
feasibility and develop techniques. The specific research question was: How/Can plan
The research plan was to introduce the techniques listed below during weekly
subcontractor coordination meetings, then measure PPC and track reasons for
4. Trying to select only tasks each week that are free of constraints.
The author introduced the system to the project and visited periodically during the
course of the subsequent three month pilot. Under the author's direction, Abraham
Katz, a Stanford graduate student, assisted the project superintendent with
scheduling and documentation as part of an independent study performed for
Professor Martin Fischer. The author is a consulting professor at Stanford and also at
the University of California at Berkeley.
A weekly planning cycle (Table 5.1) was established that specified who was to do what
during each week as regards planning and control. For example, subcontractors were to
status their tasks scheduled for the next 3 weeks by noon Monday, so the general
contractor (GC) could revise the short interval schedule, which in their case covered a 6
5.2, which shows selected scheduled tasks for three of the subcontractors on the project.
Common constraints on the readiness of scheduled tasks for assignment and execution
were included on the form; i.e., contract, design, submittals, materials, prerequisite work,
space, equipment, and labor. An open-ended, "other" category was also provided to
capture less common constraints. The intention was to focus attention and action on
Several kinds of data were collected: PPC and reasons, auxiliary documents such as
researcher. PPC and reasons data was collected each week from
A phase was conceived in terms of a relatively independent facility system. For
example, the first phase-during which this research was conducted-was from
Table 5.1
Friday A.M. Friday Noon Mon A.M. Mon P.M. Tu A.M. Tu P.M. Wed-Tu
GC collects GC GC revises
A/E and GC and subs meet GC produces All perform work
information produces a short
subs status to: 1) status this and on the current
needed to preliminary interval
tasks in next week's plan, distributes weekly work plan
produce the short short interval schedule
3 weeks and identify reasons for plan reliability and expedite
interval schedule; schedule &
give back to failing to complete charts and removal of
I. e.g. progress on gives to subs
GC final short
current week's and A/E planned tasks, and constraints on
agree on actions to interval future weeks' work
plan, updated
prevent repetition, schedule plans
delivery schedules
* Subs status tasks for and 2) finalize the
(rebar, responses
these constraints: lookahead
to RFIs, etc), * The plan
contract, design, schedule * GC reviews the
changes in reliability charts
submittals, matls, phase schedule
objectives or measure how
prerequisite work, and master
design well the team is
tools & eqpt, space, Guidelines: 1) schedule for
achieving its
* The short interval schedule labor, other. A/E Schedule for next needed
goal of
covers the construction tasks statuses tasks by week (Wed thru adjustment.
required to achieve a schedule specifying the Tu) only tasks that
three weeks
milestone (e.g. slab-on-grade information or decision have no
ahead only
by 2/28/97) and the design needed. constraints or have
tasks that can
and supplier tasks providing *Both subs and A/E only constraints
be completed,
needed information and are answering the you know can be
and completing
materials. The team develops questions: 1) If removed in time. 2)
all tasks
a detailed schedule for each constraints are in your Schedule in the
scheduled up
phase of the job at least 4 control, are you 2nd and 3rd weeks
to three weeks
weeks before starting that confident they will be only tasks you are
ahead. The
phase. The phase schedule removed in time? 2) If confident can be
idea is that
then becomes the control constraints are not in made ready in
productivity will
schedule for short interval your control, what help time. The goal is
be higher when
scheduling each week. do you need from 100% plan
schedules are
others? reliability for the
next three weeks.
CCSR-Weekly Planning Cycle
Table 5.2
excavation to slab-on-grade.
II. I Activity Start Contract Design Sub Mate Pre- Space Equip Labor Other
mitta rial Requi ment
D ls site
950 Tunnel Lobby - 3/4/98
Walls Rebar
1040 Footings 6 & 7 3/4/98
1220 Footings 6 & 7 3/4/98
Between A and
H Dowels, and
Footings E & G
Between 4.5
and 8
630 Line 4 Wall 3/6/98
and Line C
Wall Rebar
344 Large Interior 3/9/98
Wall Line J
and H.8 Rebar
1154 Small Interior 3/9/98
Wall Rebar
Lines 6-K, and
6-M, 6-P
ID Activity Start Contract Design Sub Mate Pre- Space Equip Labor Other
mitta rial Requi ment
ls site
402 Inspection 3/4/98
Underground 3/5/98
Electrical N-W
S-W Quadrant
CCSR-Constraints Analysis Form
PPC was measured as shown in Figure 5.1, ranging from an initial measurement of 56%
was cited as the reason for 18 plan failures (see Figure 5.2) and
Removing rain as a reason, weekly PPC would have been as shown in Figure 5.3, with a
Figure 5.1
% Completed
12/24/97 12/31/97 1/6/98 1/14/98 1/18/98 1/25/98 2/3/98 2/10/98 2/17/98 2/24/98 3/3/98
Ballard et al., 1996; Ballard and Howell, 1997
Week 12/24/97 12/31/97 1/6/98 1/14/98 1/18/98 1/25/98 2/3/98 2/10/98 2/17/98 2/24/98 3/3/98
PPC 56% 86% 57% 67% 73% 75% 50% 53% 74% 44% 70%
Tasks 5 6 8 10 11 18 7 10 23 19 14
Tasks 9 7 14 15 15 24 14 19 31 43 20
Rain 1 1 3 6 2 2 1 2 18
Pre-Requisite 2 2 1 7 2 14
Design 1 1 4 2 8
Submittal 2 2 2 6
Other 1 1 1 1 4
Space 1 2 3
Equipment 2 2
Labor 1 1 2
Materials 1 1
Contract 0
Figure 5.2
Number Of Ocurrences
Rain Pre-Requisite Design Submittal Other Space Equipment Labor Materials Contract
Weekly PPC
Mean PPC
As shown in Table 5.4, reasons for plan failure were categorized as either an Execution
Failure or a Plan Failure22. Of the 57 total failures23, 28 were determined to have resulted
from some defect in planning, while 29 were attributed to some defect in execution. The
18 failures caused by rain were categorized as execution failures. Disregarding rain, Plan
Failures would have amounted to 28 of 38, or 74%, further evidence that to a substantial
degree, our fate is in our own hands as regards planning and work flow. In even extreme
This distinction was introduced into the Last Planner system in Ballard (1994).
Note the absence of detailed information for failures in the week of 12/24/97. Their
inclusion would add 4 noncompletions to the total.
Week 12/31
Activity Reason Type Of Failure
item 6 - Sump Pit Lid Other: Low Priority Plan
Week 1/6
Activity Reason Type Of Failure
item 3 - Underground Rain Execution
Item 13 - East Wall Design: RFI Execution
Item 32 - Elevator Wall Pre-Requisite: Not Plan
Forms Identified
Item 43 - 2&3 Line Equipment: Backhoe Execution
Item 44 - A,C & 4 Line Equipment: Backhoe Execution
Item 45 - 2&3 Line Rebar No Excavation Plan
Week 1/14
Activity Reason Type Of Failure
item 26 - Elevator 1&2 Floor Drain Submittals Plan
SOG Pour
Item 44 - Elevator Pour Shop Drawings Plan
Up to Tunnel Level
Item 43 - Form South Waiting Rebar Plan
East Quadrant Fabrication
Item 29 - Rebar J Line Waiting On Excavation Plan
Item 7 - Access Panel Submittal Plan
Week 1/18
Activity Reason Type Of Failure
210 - Design Change Not Back Plan
Rebar Submittals
270 - Interior Wall Rebar Not Back Plan
A,C, & 4 Line Excavation Productivity/Rain Execution
A,C, & 4 Line Rebar No Excavation Plan
Week 1/25
Activity Reason Type Of Failure
Week 2/3
Week 2/10
Week 2/24
Week 3/3
Activity Reason Type Of Failure
Footings E&G Excavation Space For Crane Plan
Line J Concrete Rain Execution
Footings 6&7 Concrete Rain Execution
Court Yard Planter Crane Reach Plan
Small Interior Walls Man Power Plan
Pipe Ties In @ Tunne Waiting On Stanford Info Plan
CCSR-Reasons for Noncompletion (detailed and categorized)
5.3 Observations
participate in the Last Planner production control system. They were selected based on
traditional criteria such as financial soundness and bid price. Subcontractor personnel
first learned about the system and the expectations regarding their roles and
capable and enthusiastic about participating than others. Even so, the project
superintendent continued to use the Last Planner system and reported that eventually all
foremen were participating and that they began to hold each other accountable for
keeping their weekly work plan commitments. Nonetheless, it would have been
selection criteria and subcontracts, and also to have devoted more time and effort to
Shortly after introducing the system, it became apparent that more active
involvement of others besides the site foremen was needed. Subcontractor project
managers were invited to attend the weekly meetings and were better able to understand
what was going on, and specifically better able to provide status information regarding
constraints such as submittals, design issues, fabrication, and deliveries. There was also
efforts made to involve the architect and design engineers on the project. Unfortunately,
those efforts failed, in part because of the stage of design completion and the fact that the
production architect/engineer was on a lump sum contract and concerned lest they run
Analysis of constraints was a key element introduced into the Last Planner system on
coordination meeting were mostly unsuccessful, perhaps in large part because there is no
tradition in our industry for such activities. Consequently, much of meeting time was
q Select subcontractors for their ability and willingness to participate in the production
control system.
q Involve owner, architect, and engineers in the production control process; preferably
q Send to subcontractor project managers by email or fax each week constraint reports
with the next 5-6 weeks scheduled activities listed and ask them to status their
activities and report back. Make sure this happens so meeting time can be used for
q Use team planning techniques to produce schedules for each phase of work, with
accepted as unavoidable.
Next Stage Development was created to design, build, and operate a series of 7,000 seat
musical entertainment with amplified sound. Its first project was the Texas Showplace,
participate in the project. The intent was to create an All-Star team by selecting the very
The general contractor and equity participant in Next Stage Development is Linbeck
cofounded by the author and Greg Howell in August, 1997. Next Stage’s management
chose to implement elements of “lean thinking” in the design and construction of its
facilities, specifically including the Last Planner method of production control. A Kickoff
Meeting was held for the production team May 19-21, 1998 in Houston, Texas and co-
facilitated by the author. Key outcomes of the meeting were 1) forming the fifty plus
individuals and multiple companies into a team, and 2) collectively producing a “value
stream” (Womack and Jones’ [1996] term for the flow diagram of a production process
that produces value for the stakeholders in the process). This author's report on the
In the Kickoff Meeting, the participants were divided into a number of different
of the design.
After the Kickoff Meeting, the design process continued, initially with a target
completion date of 11/15/99. However, after roughly the middle of August, 1998, delays
start and end date to slip ever further out, until the project was finally suspended..
(Appendix B). Tasks needing completion within the next two week period were logged
as Action Items (Appendix C) , with responsibility and due date assigned. Tasks needing
completion beyond the next two week period were logged as Issues (Appendix D).
Design decisions were recorded in a Design Decisions Log (Appendix E). When action
items were not completed as scheduled, reasons were assigned from a standard list
Table 6.1
1. Lack of decision
2. Lack of prerequisites
3. Lack of resources
4. Priority change
5. Insufficient time
6. Late start
7. Conflicting demands
8. Acts of God or the Devil
9. Project changes
10. Other
Next Stage-Reasons for Noncompletion
6.2 Data
The percentage of action items completed was tracked and published biweekly.
Week 7/1/98 7/15/98 7/29/98 8/12/98 8/26/98 9/9/98 9/23/98 10/7/98 10/21/98 11/4/98
PPC 46% 50% 63% 71% 57% 61% 68% 47% 54% 54%
Tasks 28 33 48 37 29 36 26 20 26 20
Tasks 61 66 76 52 51 59 38 43 48 37
The number of tasks or action items completed was divided by the number planned each
two week period and a percentage calculated. For example, In the two week period
beginning 11/4/98, 37 action items were assigned, of which 20 were completed, which
amounts to 54%. In addition, a four week moving average was calculated in order to
smooth the data and hopefully reveal trends. Through 11/4/98, the four week moving
average was 55%, calculated by averaging the previous four weeks data.
The columns in Figure 6.1 represent the aggregate average completion percentage
for all teams for each two week planning periods. PPC rose from an initial measurement
of 46% to above 70% in the 4th two week planning period. Subsequently, perhaps
connected with the end date slipping out, PPC rose and fell in a generally downward
% Completed
7/1/98 7/15/98 7/29/98 8/12/98 8/26/98 9/9/98 9/23/98 10/7/98 10/21/98 11/4/98
There was considerable variation between teams. Through 9/9/98, PPC of the various
Site/Civil 78%
Structural 35%
Enclosure/Architectural 62%
Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing/Fire Protection 55%
Theatrical/Interiors 52%
Project Support 85%
Table 6.3 exhibits the reasons categories used on the project and the frequency of reason
by category each week of the data collection period. It is apparent that three categories
dominate; i.e., lack of prerequisite work, insufficient time, and conflicting demands, in
that order. Unfortunately, such categories reveal little about root causes, so do not
Reasons/ 7/1/ 7/15/ 7/29/98 8/12/98 8/26/98 9/9/98 9/23/98 10/7/ 10/21/9 11/4/9 12/2/9 All
Date 98 98 98 8 8 8 Wee
Decision 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 17
Prerequisit 7 16 8 2 7 10 3 5 6 4 68
Resources 1 2 0 3
Priority 3 4 6 1 1 15
Insufficient 5 6 1 6 6 10 8 10 6 4 62
Late start 4 1 1 1 1 8
Conflicting 7 7 3 1 7 2 4 6 5 42
Acts of God 3 0 3
Project 0 1 1
Other 2 1 3
Next Stage-Reasons
6.2.2 OBSERVATIONS (See Appendices A and B for a report on the Kickoff meeting and
the author’s notes on project teleconferences.)
In October, 1998, the Site/Civil team agreed to select five plan failures and analyze them
assignments was the most common cause. Generally, failures were caused by not
applicable codes for drainage, actual soil conditions, who had responsibility for what.
Presenting reasons were often quite distant from root causes and frequently the failing
party did not control the root cause. This sample also raised significant questions about
adherence to quality requirements for assignments. For example, why did Site/Civil
accept #1 (were they sure they had the capacity to take on this additional task?) or #2
data on pipe sizes, inverts, etc., then discovered that City codes
work. The root cause was the same as for #1; i.e., failure to
accept our pavement design. Why did they refuse to accept our
for dirt. Why was time insufficient? We neglected to plan for the
Civil could have refused to accept its action item until receipt of
Low PPC was attributed by some members of the management team to the lack of a
construction start date, and the consequent use by suppliers of resources on more urgent
projects. The high percentage of plan failures due to conflicting demands appears to be
supportive of this claim. However, this reasons analysis exercise and observation of
teleconferences suggests that contributing causes were failure to apply quality criteria to
6.3 The Nature of the Design Process and Implications for Process
construction (Reinertsen, 1997). This raises the question of the type of control
Let us first consider more closely the nature of the design process. Consider the task
of producing a piping isometric drawing versus the task of doing a piping layout for a
given area. In order to do the layout, the designer must know where other objects are
located in the space. She must know locations, dimensions, material compositions, and
problem will not change. Some may well change in response to her difficulty achieving a
satisfactory solution. Consequently, the final piping layout will emerge from a process of
An example from the Next Stage case illustrates the point. The design team was
faced with selecting the theater seats, which might appear at first glance to be a fairly
simple problem of applying criteria derivative from the general level of 'quality' desired in
the facility balanced against the purchase price of the seats. In fact, the criteria are far
from straightforward or simple. Seats can either be mounted on the floor or riser-
seats, which in turn constrains choices regarding the return air plenum, which can either
go through the floor or risers. That choice in turn impacts cleaning time and cost: how
quickly can they set up for the next show? As it happens, chairs come with different
types of upholstery, which can change the amount and type of smoke to be removed.
Components such as chairs may not be offered in all varieties; e.g., although we
might prefer a riser-mounted chair, such chairs only come with a certain type of
upholstery that would overload current plans for smoke removal. Everything's connected
to everything. We are designing one whole, so parts have the logic of part to whole,
potentially conflicting properties, etc. Product design decisions can impact the entire
range of 'ilties': buildability, operability, maintainability, etc., etc. In this case, delay in
selecting chairs delayed final determination of structural geometry, which in turn delayed
Overly 'rationalistic' models of problem solving processes are inappropriate for the
design process, which rather oscillates between criteria and alternatives, as in a good
conversation from which everyone learns (See Conklin and Weil's "Wicked Problems"
for another presentation of this idea.). In their Soft Systems Methodology, Checkland and
Scholes offer the same critique of 'hard' systems thinking as applied to action research;
i.e., such thinking failed because it assumed that objectives were defined and the task was
simply to determine how to achieve those objectives. Rather than conceiving the project
process to consist of determining design criteria then applying those criteria in the
the different types of criteria, constraints, and alternatives that might be considered.
However, specialists tend toward suboptimization because they become advocates for
else is important24. Specialists are often advocates for the priority of specific criteria!
Given this value generating nature of design, controls based on the model of after-
the-fact detection of negative variances inevitably focus entirely on controlling time and
cost, leaving design quality as the dependent variable (p.199, Reinertsen, 1997). What is
needed is a production control system that explodes tasks near in time to their
common attention on design criteria, one that facilitates value generation and information
Four Next Stage project managers evaluated implementation and effectiveness of the
Last Planner system in response to a short survey produced by the author. The four rated
a scale of 1 to 7, which is equivalent to saying that Last Planner was 44% more effective
than traditional practice. However, examination of actual practice on the project suggests
See Lloyd, et al., 1997 for the tendency to see one's task in terms of one's 'product'
rather than in terms of participating in an iterative, interactive, evolving process.
Each action item was determined completed or incomplete, and reasons were selected
from the list of categories. However, no analysis of reasons was done, either during or
between teleconferences. There was also no apparent attempt to act on the reasons that
were identified. Work selection was tested against the ‘pull’ requirement by asking why
it was needed to be done now, but rarely were assignments rejected for unsoundness or
size. Frequently, it appeared that assignments were accepted with the implicit
not systematically exploded into an operations level of detail and, consequently, the
In summary, Next Stage did not fully change its production control system from the
traditional, and either did not implement or did not implement completely the elements of
the Last Planner system; i.e., work flow control, production unit control, and a learning
process. Nonetheless, the Next Stage experience was valuable for its contributions to
learning and further development of the Last Planner System. Much has been learned
and developed since the Next Stage case. Opportunities and needs for the future are well
author's survey question: What improvements in LPS (Last Planner System) objectives,
6.5 Learnings
The Next Stage case study reinforced the need to improve plan reliability in design
processes and also suggested improvements to the production control system required to
-make sure project management understands the production control system and
its objectives
-explode scheduled activities using the Activity Definition Model; i.e., specify the
-track the status of assignments as they move through the lookahead window
-adopt a sizing criterion for assignments that consistently demands less output
capacity. (This seems especially important for design. Other studies suggest that
each week.)
of building envelopes; i.e., cladding and roofing systems. The author began working with
member of the Lean Construction Institute and its President, Todd Zabelle, became an
LCI partner.
several reasons. First of all, specialists work for many general contractors, not all of
whom may endorse the Last Planner principles and objectives. Secondly, the specialist
has a different role in the production system than does a general contractor or
construction manager. The latter's role is primarily to coordinate production, but the
production itself is done by specialists, even if they are directly employed by the general
shop, while the coordinator is like an assembler. Many of the functions of the Last
Planner system, such as matching load to capacity, fall more particularly on the specialist,
Pacific Contracting, using the latest tools and techniques developed by the author,
participated in the effort to discover how to improve PPC to and above the 90% level, an
LCI research project. The data collection period extended for 41 weeks, ending in mid-
October, 199925. As can be seen from Figure 7.1, there appears to have been a period of
improvement through Week 19, then a decline followed by another upward trend
through Week 28, followed by a brief period of decline, with finally another upward
Figure 7.1
ee 0
W 12
W 14
W 16
W 18
W 20
W 22
W 24
W 26
W 28
W 30
W 32
W 34
W 36
W 38
PercentPlanComplete90%43%67% 4WeekMovingAverage
Pacific Contracting-PPC
The LCI research on improving PPC continued beyond the data collection period
reported in this dissertation.
actually made ready in time to be placed on weekly work plans, so that a single
7.1, from Week 17 through Week 23, no more than 4 tasks were assigned on weekly
work plans. From Week 19 through 23, at least one weekly assignment was not
completed, limiting PPC to a maximum of 75%. This likely impact of lookahead planning
on PPC adds impetus to the need for future development of metrics specifically for the
Table 7.1
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Percent Plan Complete 90% 43% 67% 50% 67% 100% 69% 100%
4 Week Moving Average 0% 0% 0% 65% 58% 70% 71% 79%
Activities Scheduled 10 7 9 8 12 8 13 5
Activities Complete 9 3 6 4 8 8 9 5
Total Incompletions 1 4 3 4 4 0 4 0
Activities Scheduled 10 7 9 8 12 8 13 5
Client 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Engineering 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Materials 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Craft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pre-Requisite 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Subcontractor 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 0
Plan 1 1 1 3 3 0 1 0
Weather 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Week 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Percent Plan Complete 100% 100% 25% 50% 50% 67% 75% 70%
4 Week Moving Average 90% 94% 69% 55% 50% 47% 60% 67%
Activities Scheduled 1 2 4 4 4 3 4 10
Activities Complete 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 7
Total Incompletions 0 0 3 2 2 1 1 3
Activities Scheduled 1 2 4 4 4 3 4 10
Client 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Engineering 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Materials 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Craft 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
Pre-Requisite 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Subcontractor 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
Plan 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Weather 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Week 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Percent Plan Complete 40% 67% 89% 100% 33% 57% 75% 50%
4 Week Moving Average 64% 64% 70% 77% 80% 75% 68% 56%
Activities Scheduled 5 3 9 5 3 7 4 4
Activities Complete 2 2 8 5 1 4 3 2
Total Incompletions 3 1 1 0 2 3 1 2
Activities Scheduled 5 3 9 5 3 7 4 4
Client 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
Engineering 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Materials 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Craft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pre-Requisite 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Subcontractor 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Plan 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
Weather 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
clarity. Engineering cannot be a reason. You either have the engineering for a
task complete or you don't. If you don't have the engineering complete, the task
should not be scheduled on a work plan. The only instances I can think of for
"Craft:When all the resources are available to perform a task on the WWP
(weekly work plan) and the craft workers do something different. Also refers to
craft absenteeism.
a subcontractor who did not complete prerequisite work in front of us, we should
not put our activity on the WWP until it is available. Also refers to fabricators.
activities if the engineering is not complete, materials, tools and workers are not
prerequisite activities. Sometimes we schedule tasks that are more complex than
we thought."
Considering reasons for failures to complete weekly assignments, as shown in Table 7.1
and also graphically in Figure 7.2, much the most common reason was "Plan", Pacific
the planned work was to be done, and to anticipate all the steps and resources necessary.
The next most frequent reason was errors of some sort in execution of assignments by
Altogether, the vast majority of weekly work plan failures were well within the
just the opposite as regards the lookahead process which makes ready assignments for
selection in weekly work plans. Again, we are reminded of the importance of measuring
Weather Client
Plan Equipment
Pacific Contracting-Reasons
7.3 Observations
During the period of data collection, Pacific Contracting did not work with a single
general contractor that embraced the Last Planner system. Specialists appear to have
tremendous difficulty achieving high levels of PPC when not working on 'last planner'
projects. The consequent lack of resource utilization is a waste the recovery of which
could contribute to faster or more projects. On the other side of the matter, speciality
contractor efforts to avoid that waste seem inevitably to decrease both plan reliability and
instance-to be able to achieve a relatively high level of plan reliability, limited mostly by
For speciality contractors to increase plan reliability to the 90% level and above requires
that the coordinators of the projects on which they work embrace the Last Planner
system's objectives and especially the lookahead process, which is dedicated to making
tasks ready for assignment and to balancing load and capacity. For their part, speciality
contractors must adhere to the discipline of Last Planner rules and perhaps also use the
First run studies are extensive planning of upcoming operations by a cross functional
team including representatives of those who are to do the first operation, followed
by methodical study, redesign of the operation, and retrial until a standard is
established to meet or beat for execution of that operation. First run studies follow
the Shewhart Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, made popular by W. Edwards Deming.
Linbeck Construction, a founding member of the Lean Construction Institute, was the
general contractor for Rice University's Old Chemistry Building Renovation Project in
Houston, Texas. Linbeck brought John Pasch, Rice's facilities manager, to the Neenan
Company's annual winter conference in 1998. At that conference, James Womack spoke
on the need and opportunity to extend lean production (manufacturing) concepts and
techniques to the construction industry and Greg Howell27 shared the Lean Construction
Institute's vision of that application. John was sufficiently impressed that he allowed
Linbeck to negotiate with its primary subcontractors rather than competitively bid them
as had been the University's practice. At this point, a substantial building program stood
in the offing and Linbeck was one of three contractors competing for the lion's share.
Kathy Jones, Linbeck's project manager, had the author conduct several educational
and training sessions with project personnel, including the architect. Unfortunately, the
architect refused to participate in the Last Planner system. However, the subcontractors
became totally committed and enthusiastic about the planning process during the course
of the job, as did Rice University's personnel. The project was completed to a very
aggressive schedule to the satisfaction of users and within the budget. Rice University
was so well pleased with the performance that Linbeck won its Fondren Library Project,
and is well situated to do roughly half a billion dollars worth of work in the Rice
The author facilitated team scheduling exercises that produced an overall project
schedule, then a more detailed schedule for the initial phase of work and the design
development needed to support it. That phase schedule became the driver for weekly
Over a period of approximately eleven weeks, PPC rose to a level of 85% or so, then
stabilized at that level for the duration of the project. This was an unprecedented
accomplishment at the time, and resulted from the dedication of the owner, general
contractor, and subcontractor personnel to the Last Planner System and its goal of plan
reliability. Kathy Jones reinforced the Last Planner principles by fining those who used
the expression 'I hope' or 'hopefully' in connection with a commitment to do work. (The
fine was a six pack of beer to be collected at the project-ending celebration.) The project
manager for one subcontractor volunteered at an LCI research workshop that "It's fun to
go to work now!"
Co-founder with the author of the Lean Construction Institute in August, 1997.
4 Wk Mvg Ave.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Table 8.1
Date 1/25/99 2/1/99 2/8/99 2/15/99 2/22/99 2/29/99 3/8/99 3/15/99 3/22/99 3/29/99 4/5/99 4/12/99 4/19/99 4/26/99
Tasks 20 38 40 48 49 44 46 46 56 57 71 66 66 66
Tasks 39 55 49 57 61 60 57 57 66 66 77 76 75 82
Date 5/3/99 5/10/99 5/17/99 5/24/99 6/1/99 6/7/99 6/14/99 6/21/99 6/28/99 7/6/99 7/12/99 7/19/99 7/26/99
Tasks 60 53 65 64 50 55 65 69 62 62 66 63 73
Tasks 64 62 72 69 56 64 72 80 67 83 76 71 80
during a building boom in the Houston area, the low frequency of manpower problems is
The remaining reasons categories were Schedule Accuracy (the assignment shouldn't
have been made), Material Deliveries, Design Coordination, Equipment (part of the
Figure 8.2
'l D
8.3 Observations
Lack of participation by the architect was a serious deficiency on the project, perhaps
concealed by the high PPC and low incidence of design coordination as a reason for
failing to complete weekly work plan assignments. Design problems did impact the job,
but that impact would only be evident in schedule changes and in the lookahead process.
project, in part because it was still being defined and its techniques created at the time
Linbeck intends to extend the Last Planner System to the design phase of the
Fondren Library Project, and has Rice University's agreement to keep the same
subcontractors in place for that project. This commercial alliance among Linbeck and its
8.4 Learnings
On the positive side, the Old Chemistry Building Renovation Project demonstrated that
nurturing of teamwork and the subsequent team enforcement of norms and rules. The
commercial success of the general contractor and its subcontractors indicates the power
and impact of increasing plan reliability. Specific techniques that were trialed successfully
on this project included team scheduling, specifically team production of detailed phase
As for things that might be done better on future projects, implementation of Last
Planner in design and involvement of design professionals is certainly number one. Lesser
issues, but still important, include the need for a more transparent lookahead process and
the need for more explicit learning from analysis and action on reasons for failures.
Implementation of the Last Planner system began with classroom training, followed by
Francisco. The Zeneca Project reported here is one of a series of seismic retrofits of
laboratory and office buildings being performed by Barnes. Of all the cases included in
this dissertation, the Barnes case incorporates most of all previous learnings and the
to be seen is in the methodical analysis and removal of constraints from scheduled tasks.
As shown in Figure 9.1, the period of data collection extended from the week of 6/26/99
through the week of 10/11/99. It appears that PPC gradually improved throughout that
period until culminating in four consecutive weeks in which PPC measured 100%.
6/28/99 7/6/99 7/12/99 7/19/99 7/26/99 8/2/99 8/9/99 8/16/99 8/23/99 8/30/99 9/7/99 9/13/99 9/20/99 9/27/99 10/4/99 10/11/99 10/18/99 10/25/99 11/1/99
With such a high percentage of weekly assignments completed, there were relatively few
Figure 9.2
Space conflict
Not Defined
Prerequisite Work
The technique of constraints analysis, pioneered on the CCSR Project, became a key tool
was collected each week on all tasks scheduled to start within the next 6 weeks. Notes
and action items were added to the constraint analysis form to serve as a reminder to
various parties regarding the actions they needed to take to make tasks ready in time to
be performed. The primary rule applied to this lookahead process was to only allow tasks
to retain their scheduled starts if the planners were confident they could be made ready in
time. Otherwise, they were to appeal for help to higher levels of their organizations, then,
if make ready actions indeed could not be taken in time, defer the task until it could be
made ready.
Following is a statement, by this writer, of the directives governing the Last Planner
Project Checklist
Table 9.1
The extremely high level of plan reliability achieved on Zeneca may have resulted in part
from its being relatively simple, not technically but rather operationally. A relatively few
subcontractors were involved28, and few were required to work in close proximity, either
temporally or spatially. On the other hand, the production control processes and
techniques employed appear also to have made a contribution. Apart from the Old
intimately involved in the lookahead process or in weekly work planning. Further, the
assignment of action items to remove constraints, was much more rigorous than on
previous projects.
It is possible to achieve PPC levels above 90% over an extended period of time through
Once the rebar installation was well underway, rarely were more than 5 subcontractors
scheduled to work on the project in any week. Safway-shoring, McGrath-rebar
installation, ICI-rebar inspection, Peck & Hiller-formwork, Cal-Wrecking-
demolition, National-concrete coring. By contrast, on an interiors project underway
at the same time, an average of 10 subcontractors were given assignments each
Data collection for the five case studies was concluded in the following order and dates,
CCSR addressed the question how to apply the Last Planner system to subcontracted
projects as distinct from the direct hire production to which for the most part it had
previously been applied. The application was successful and piloted constraints analysis
as a tool for evaluating the readiness of potential assignments and for identifying the
Next Stage was an exploratory case study on the application of Last Planner to
participants considered the Last Planner system successful and superior to traditional
methods of project control. Numerous learnings were drawn from the case, perhaps the
most important being the need to explode design tasks into operational detail near in time
design process. The Activity Definition Model was created for that purpose and has
trying to unilaterally apply the Last Planner system. Diligent adherence to system rules
allowed the contractor to achieve an average 76% PPC level. However, several periods
of precipitously lower performance appear to have been correlated with failure of their
customer projects to make work ready when scheduled, reducing the amount of work
available to Pacific Contracting and consequently making them vulnerable to low PPC
should they experience any plan failures at all. Another interesting finding was that plan
failures within their control tended to be primarily from lack of detailed, advance
operations design. Pacific Contracting has rededicated themselves to the routine use of
The Old Chemistry Building Renovation case revealed a sustained PPC of 85%. With
the opportunity to benefit from previous cases, the project team also added a very
successful education and team building component to achieve this breakthrough result.
The fifth and last case study, Barnes Construction's Zeneca Project, sustained a PPC
near 100%, apparently settling the question whether or not that level of plan reliability
can be achieved. It is not suggested that every project will be able to achieve the same
results even should they imitate Zeneca's rigorous application of Last Planner rules and
techniques. The relatively few subcontractors involved during the measurement period
may have simplified the coordination problem beyond the norm. However, the extensive
imitated by all.
10.2 Research Question: What can be done by way of tools provided and
improved implementation of the Last Planner system of production
control to increase plan reliability above the 70% PPC level?
Last Planner system rules, with extensive education and involvement of participants, and
with use of techniques such as task explosion, constraints analysis, make ready actions,
identification and action on reasons for failing to complete assigned tasks. The PPC
measured PPC above 70% was very rare (Ballard and Howell, 1997). In the latter three
case studies, all achieved PPC levels of 76% or higher, with Zeneca consistently above
Evidence for settling this question is not so decisive. The exploratory case suggested but
did not confirm that Last Planner can effectively be applied to design production control.
However, the Last Planner system as now developed appears to be precisely matched to
the nature of the design process. Unlike making, which covers a wide range of tasks,
including making multiple copies of a single design, design itself is essentially generative.
As such, a process control system is required that does not assume a simple matching of
development of both.
Perhaps the most valuable contribution of the case was its clarification of the nature
of the design process and consequently of the obstacles to management control. The
primary response to those obstacles has been the development and implementation of the
Activity Definition Model as a technique for exploding design tasks as they enter the
described below.
The case studies suggest the need for further modifications to the Last Planner System,
some specifically intended to make it better fit design applications and others for general
improvement. The prevalence of confusion over directives as a reason for plan failure in
the Next Stage case study indicates a need for more explicit specification of the
directives governing design tasks. A tool for making that specification is the Activity
Figure 10.1
Meets Yes
Directives Release
Process Output
OUTPUT represents the result or deliverable produced by performing the scheduled
activity. In the case of complex deliverables, a process flow diagram is created and each
criteria must my output conform in order to serve the needs of our customer production
Before releasing the output to the PUs that need it, it is to be evaluated against the
criteria and , if nonconforming, either the criteria are revised based on new insights into
customer or stakeholder needs, or the output is revised to better meet the criteria30.
A critical element for success is explicit agreement between ‘customer’ and ‘supplier’
regarding those criteria. The PU producing the output should understand how it is to be
used by the customer PUs before production. Subsequently, inspection can be either by
Self-inspection and joint supplier/customer inspection are key concepts in the method
assurance prior to releasing work between PUs has been extended by some lean
contractors to the progressing of work. Only products and installations that have passed
quality control inspection can be counted as completed work, and then only if they are in
Although developed independently by this author in the mid-1980s, the Activity
Definition Model is similar to IDEF, although arguably the concept of "directives" is
different from the IDEF concept of "constraints".
Conformance of outputs to design criteria is not a matter of matching. It is rather the
exception than the rule that any design alternative maximally satisfies all the multiple
criteria. The question is rather at what level of value must tradeoffs be made among
agree on directives, and the objective of selecting and executing only those assignments
that release work to others, it is proposed to make the supplier and customer jointly
responsible for successful completion of assignments. The supplier should make sure
he/she understands what the customer needs. The customer equally should make sure the
supplier understands what he/she needs. Aside from assignments generated by push
scheduling, in the absence of an explicit pull signal from the customer, the supplier can
assume that the task does not need to be performed at this time.
The reasons categories used on the Next Stage Project did not promote identification of
root causes. Consequently, it is proposed to use the elements of the Activity Definition
Model as the primary categories and also to provide a guide for reasons analysis that will
those competing criteria. Exploration of such issues is part of the future research
agenda beyond the scope of this thesis.
Directives-related Plan
within one of these categories, a plan failure can be analyzed in accordance with the
B.1: Didn't request B.2: B.3: Promise not B.4: Can't make an
needed Incomplete kept by provider of agreement with
prerequisites. request. prerequisite. supplier
Plan Failures
Plan Failures
10.5 Conclusion
The Last Planner system of production control, improved through the case studies
included in this thesis, has been shown to be effective in achieving and maintaining plan
reliability above the 90% level in site installation. Applicability and effectiveness of the
generative nature of the design process suggests that a control system such as Last
Planner is needed, as opposed to approaches that rely on push scheduling and early
In addition, research is needed to quantify and understand the benefits of greater plan
Meets Yes
Criteria Release
capacity the amount of work a production unit, whether individual or group, can
accomplish in a given amount of time. Example: Jim the engineer can
perform 10 piping stress analyses per day on average, but the analyses to be
done this week are particularly difficult. He will only be able to do 7. Jim’s
average capacity is 10, but his capacity for the specific work to be done this
week is 7.
This glossary was produced specifically for this thesis. An expanded version, with
some modifications in definitions, is available at <>. It was
produced by this author and Iris Tommelein, LCI principal and Associate Professor
at the University of California at Berkeley.
constraints something that stands in the way of a task being executable or sound.
Typical constraints on design tasks are inputs from others, clarity of criteria
for what is to be produced or provided, approvals or releases, and labor or
equipment resources. Screening tasks for readiness is assessing the status of
their constraints. Removing constraints is making a task ready to be
customer the user of one’s output. Example: John needs the results of our acoustical
tests in order to select the best location for his mechanical equipment. John
is our customer because he will use what we produce.
design criteria the characteristics required for acceptance of product or process design.
Example: The structural engineer needs both geometric and load inputs from
the architect, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. Loads need only
be accurate within 20%. Example: The cladding design must be consistent
with the architectural standards of the local historical society. In addition, it
must be within the 2 million pound budget and installable within a 6 week
window concluding no later than 6th April, 2000.
first run studies extensive planning of upcoming operations by a cross functional team
including representatives of those who are to do the first operation, followed
last planner the person or group that makes assignments to direct workers. ‘Squad
boss’ and ‘discipline lead’ are common names for last planners in design
load the amount of output expected from a production unit or individual worker
within a given time. Within a weekly work plan, what is to be accomplished
by a design squad or individual designer, engineer, draftsperson, etc. A
quality assignment ‘loads’ a resource within its capacity.
lookahead planning The middle level in the planning system hierarchy, below front end
planning and above commitment-level planning, dedicated to controlling the
flow of work through the production system.
lookahead schedule the output of lookahead planning, resulting from exploding master
schedule activities by means of the activity definition model, screening the
resultant tasks before allowing entry into the lookahead window or
advancement within the window, and execution of actions needed to make
tasks ready for assignment when scheduled. Lookahead schedules may be
presented in list form or bar charts.
lookahead window how far ahead of scheduled start activities in the master schedule are
subjected to explosion, screening, or make ready. Typically design processes
have lookahead windows extending from 3 to 12 weeks into the future.
make ready take actions needed to remove constraints from assignments to make them
planning defining criteria for success and producing strategies for achieving
plan reliability the extent to which a plan is an accurate forecast of future events,
measured by PPC. For example, if your weekly work plans have a 60% PPC,
they accurately predict completion/release of 60% of the weekly assignments.
PPC percent plan complete; i.e., the number of planned completions divided into
the number of actual completions.
productivity the ratio of the amount of work produced to the resources used in its
production. Example: x drawings per labour hour.
pulling initiating the delivery of materials or information based on the readiness of the
process into which they will enter for conversion into outputs. Example:
Request delivery of prerequisite information at or before the time you will be
ready to process that information. Note: what’s different here is that the
readiness of the process is known rather than wished. Either the process is
ready prior to requesting delivery or plan reliability is sufficiently high that
work plans can be used to predict readiness.
screening determining the status of tasks in the lookahead window relative to their
constraints, and choosing to advance or retard tasks based on their constraint
status and the probability of removing constraints.
sound assignments that have had all constraints possible removed. Example: We
never make assignments that are not sound. We always check if we have or
can get necessary information from others, if the requirements are clear, etc.
supplier lead time the time from sending a request for delivery to the delivery.
weekly work plan a list of assignments to be completed within the specified week;
typically produced as near as possible to the beginning of the week.
window of reliability how far in advance future work completions can be accurately
forecast. Example: If you can accurately forecast only 1 day in advance when
work will be completed, then your window of reliability is 1 day.
workable backlog assignments that have met all quality criteria, except that some must
yet satisfy the sequence criterion by prior execution of prerequisite work
already scheduled. Other backlog assignments may be performed within a
range of time without interfering with other tasks. Example: Completing those
spare parts lists doesn’t have to be completed for 3 months, but it won’t harm
anything if they are produced earlier, so use them as fallback or fill-in work
when needed.
work flow the movement of information and materials through a network of production
units, each of which processes them before releasing to those downstream.
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♦ Selection by qualifications not price
♦ Shared business and design information
♦ Open book accounting
§ Design decision log: there was no record of the design brief or basis for making
design and planning decisions. (What’s the relationship between production planning
and design? They are essentially the same kind of processes, both are design
processes, but one is of the product and the other of process for designing or
building the product. Ed initially resisted mixing design decision making in with
scheduling, but they forced themselves together, which seems quite natural and
inevitable given that they are both design processes.)
§ Need to create new names for the phases of the design/construction process in order
to break the grip of the conventional schematic/design development/contract
documents/shop drawings model?
§ I strongly suspect that many design decisions are now made with a mind to
protecting what the decision maker knows is important, but without understanding
what else is important.
§ Everyone seemed released by the prospect of working for the good of the job as a
whole, but also many said that it was just a matter of having costs reimbursable. So
simple if true, but I believe that form needs to be filled with production management
content a la lean thinking.
§ How measure the impact of consolidating DDs, CDs, and SDs into a single set of
§ How measure the impact of integrated, team design of product and process?
§ How measure the impact of production control over the entire design-procure-install
§ Need a better process for identifying and developing client values.
§ Ditto for translating those values into design criteria.
§ Need a way to publicize decisions that change the product or process design criteria-
Coordination on the Next Stage project was done largely by means of biweekly
teleconferences, in which each design team 'met' in succession throughout one long day,
with the management team present throughout. The notes below are those of this author
Lookahead Adjusted
Planning Should
*Does this structure work for design? Are strong commitments possible?
*Design tasks are often closely coupled in time, so lots of ‘deliveries’ are
needed within the plan period.
-What statusing and categorizing can be done by individual players? Is a
teleconference the best way to do this?
-Why didn’t Jerry ask Gary for the piping inverts?
Milestone Schedule
Team A Team B
Sub-Milestone Schedule
*Each player is responsible for pulling what they need from others?
All players attend team meeting to
complete status and corrective action, Measure, Chart,
and to identify/communicate needs and & Publicize
commit to action items. And to look status vs
ahead 1-2 plan periods and refine Milestones
definition of future actions.
Team Meeting Publish Charts
& Corrective
Execution Actions
Revise Value
Players develop &
share work plans
-AA08.12.98.01 “Revise and submit site drainage…” is a follow-on from the
earlier added collection points issue. Civil engineer still waiting on roof drains
info from mechanical engineer. AA08.26.98.10 “Second set of overflow drains
connect to main system….” Discovered apparent code requirement for a
separate downspout for overflow drain until it turns underground; previously
misunderstood. Project mgmt believes the city will accept an alternative design if
well argued. Some concern expressed that the requirement may have good
reason; i.e., redundant protection of roof from overloading and collapse.
Learning: important (always?) to understand the basis for the directive. NB:
Decision point when ‘negotiating’ directives: ‘fight or flee’.
-Seems like good discipline in action item identification etc.
-When step back and look at the master schedule?
-Example of criteria clarification and importance: AA08.26.98.08 “Contact
TAS/Barrier Free Texas to initiate early review and resolve the filing and
approval process.” CE discovered that they wanted minimum travel from
handicap parking to front entrance, hence a new action item to conform design to
this criterion. Previously assumed less stringent requirement.
-Not identifying or analyzing reasons. How to best do so?
-AB08.26.98.04 Computer memory had to be added to run the model. (Str. Eng.
hasn’t done 3D model before, or smaller?) Str Eng is producing drawings as they
build the model. Need to complete model in order to determine member sizes.
-Need order mill steel 1 month before breaking ground—decision confirmed.
-Would be neat if could easily and quickly see the consequences of choosing
week n or week n+1 for completion of an action. If could, then could choose
sometimes to expedite, add resources, etc. in order to do earlier, if desirable.
-Example of interdependencies: AC07.15.98.02 “Resolving insulation
requirements for shell of the building.” Sound/power ratings of cooling towers
will drive amount of insulation or double sheet rock.
-Good example of detailed info needed by one specialist (cladding contractor)
from another (architect): AC08.26.8.02 “Clearly identify on the concept drawings
the location of each color, and determine quantity of the vertical, horizontal and
smooth panels so the cost for custom colors for each type can be assessed.”
-Ongoing saga of the fire protection curtain: AD08.26.98.03 “Follow up on
proscenium deluge system meeting….” NB: poor definition—“follow up”. Really
a life safety issue that belongs in Theatrical. Opaque curtain is allowed by code
but is not customary.
-How well do participants think this management process is working? Useful to
track PPC and reasons? Any actions taken on reasons? How much time is spent
and wasted (respent) re clarity of directives?
-Critical to find the ‘hard’ points of the design space. If cost limit is exceeded,
may have to sacrifice functionality, capacity, or ‘quality’.
-Must be discouraging that construction keeps slipping. How to use the added
time? When/how to stop?
-NB: Different issues and tools may be useful for different disciplines. E.g., civil
seems to depend heavily on permitting requirements. Try to list design outputs
and applicable requirements, and criteria (must have/nice to have) for each
discipline and system team.
-There was a mention that ELS would make their next milestone, indicating
some attention is being paid to the milestone schedule.
-A different kind of problem—agree on criteria, but disagree on what satisfies
them. Or, designed to one set of criteria, but a specialist designs to a new set
(e.g., acoustical insulation). Specialists are advocates for specific criteria!
-How often do we not fully understand the design decision to be made? E.g.,
select and locate mechanical equipment to suit requirements for loads at least
cost, then factor in acoustical criteria and discover a cost of $200K in insulation,
wall type, etc.
-Interim assessment of Last Planner?
-Reasons analysis and action-how to?
-Record criteria?…in decisions log?/or activity definition ‘explosion’
-redraw design value stream, incorporating learnings
-record pull in action items log so they can expedite and clarify?
-What can be done to improve sequencing, make ready (soundness), and sizing?
-Revisit the design value stream to make sure we understand the best
-Explode master schedule activities as they enter the lookahead window.
activity definition model to make sure we understand the scope of
-Identify who/what is pulling each assignment in the lookahead.
-Have pullers pull.
-Issue minutes by Friday after Wednesday meetings.
-Have assignees apply assignment quality criteria; empower them to say
-Learn how long tasks actually take and adjust future estimates. Also, be
con- servative.
-Understand the consequences of failing to complete assignments, so can
take better risks.
-Be more precise in the statement of assignments. Avoid “review”,
“follow up”, etc.
-Analyze reasons to actionable causes. Use 5 Whys.
-I’m uncomfortable with the idea that these meetings produce
assignments. Often need additional definition before can apply quality
criteria. Why not allow changes negotiated between ‘suppliers’ and
‘customers’, with notice to all? In other words, make planning continuous
rather than periodic?
-Clear need to issue ‘minutes’ immediately after each meeting. Players not using
action item log.
-Decided to ‘target’ completion of wall/acoustic design (AB09.09.98.0?)
although not sure will complete. Should understand implications of failure.
-Dangerous to complete design without knowing the users of the facility?
-It’s not bad to do more than what’s on the action item log. It is bad to not do
what’s on the log. E.g., the architect chose to spend available time to complete
glass and stair design package, and let slip detailing external wall mockup. Could
have tagged latter as a workable backlog item.
-Communication ‘preferences’: some people are not comfortable with multiple
channels: phone, email, fax, etc.
-Not being colocated is a problem. Personal connections, ease of communication,
getting the right people together, lack of unplanned meetings (water cooler,
-Is there a list of equipment with vendor, price, weight, energy requirements, heat
generated, etc?
-Is/Should there be a statement of design criteria for each system, subsystem,
component? Is the Decisions Log sufficient? Per architects, some theatrical
consultants produce room documents/books.
-Blueline/Online coming up. Will post minutes thereon this time.
-Added administrative assistant to speed production of minutes.
-Target start date now 12/1/98, but February is most likely.
-CE confused re pull for first item. Thought it wasn’t pulled, but is given target
date. In any case, still lacks storm drain info.
-Easement requested. Added to final plat. Includes electrical yard. CE will copy
Fisk Elec and Texas Utilities. Curt asks if it goes through landscaping-obviously
the architect has not been involved-requested copy. Still need Texas Utilities
acceptance of our elec yard layout. –Have agreement to tie overflow drains into
ceiling verticals. Making proposal to city.
-For action item 05 we need the mechanical engineer. Civil has to conform his
plans for additional drains. (This issue just refuses to die!)
-Grand Prairie school district has 30,000 CY of fill material about 4 miles from
our site. Sandy clay. Pi of 21 & 25. Suitable for cement stabilization. Asking for
proposals. Est. cost of handling $5/CY. Est. cost of material $1? Our budget is
$5 total for select material. This is not select material. Would be $1 over budget.
-NB: Joel asks each team/person if they need anything they don’t have.
-Metal samples and price are in hand. Price not an issue.
-Wall mockup pkg. from ELS: each c. 10’x20’ high; to show 3 conditions; e.g.,
vertical panels and soffits. Locate offsite on adjacent property-Kaminsky’s. Also
applies to construction trailers? Can defer grading until last minute? Cost: ELS to
provide simplified drawings. [Why not do a computer model?]
-Need some concrete under rooftop units on low roofs, but no masonry wall. Not
sure re no. of layers of gyp. board in stud wall. Only possible exception is unit
serving dressing room. [Why has this been so hard/taken so long to resolve?]
-ELS to give CC the change point from X to Y at back of house.
-Material for low canopy roof will be visible from lobby. Need different material?
-How many items of kitchen eqpt. do we now have? No. of supply and exhaust
fans have increased from 6 to 24. Why? Amy couldn’t say. To handle offline.
-Impact of smoking area on exhaust.
-8400 feet of 2 inch slots in seat framing.
-Biggest issue to resolve is concessions.
-Acoustic shielding of mechanical units: when deal with duct noise? When will
duct layout be done? 10/12: main duct runs laid out and sized.
[Collecting status info., clarifying current state of design: “Are there any
mechanical units on the other side of the building?”]
-NB: NC25 not maximum in lobbies and cheap seats.
-Fire pump: What available water pressure? Need a pump? Yes-125hp. Should be
served off emergency generator? Fisk to examine.
-Locations/sources of cable, telephone, etc? Need to meet with phone co.
-How many phone outlets will be required? No. of incoming lines? Need to show
on floor plan-phone, data, closed circuit TV. Bill Cambra.
-[Civil engineer seems to handle all ins and outs from property.]
-Requirements for cable TV? Comes into telephone data room. Satellite dish on
site? On roof backstage?
-Cost of project has clearly risen, but need definitive estimate. Becoming the hot
-Estimating is based on drawing takeoffs. Want reproducibles.
-Electronic transfer hasn’t worked. Don’t transmit error free.
-Current categorization of reasons does not reveal actionable causes.
-Has pricing diverted attention from scheduling?
-Why is the estimate so important? Amount of $ needed; financing. Fix GMPs for
each player.
-Don’t always understand the decision chain; e.g., color selections would seem to
be needed late, but may be needed earlier to match exterior and interior colors.
-ELS considering board vs stone wall to lower cost. But not much such matl.
Would violate City’s architectural review? Considering using inside to replace
something else. May be more labor than stone. NB: Functionalities are revealed
by technology and component selections. E.g. need 10 by 10 area for scissor lift
to be used to relamp lights in high lobby ceiling. Could have chosen lights that
could be lowered for relamping.
-The longer the plan period, the more difficult it is to defer commitments until
receipt of prerequisites, rather than betting on the come. The shorter the plan
period, the less lead time is available for planning future periods.
-Missing water and electricity in parking lot.
-Overflow drain issue: now 2 separate systems are required (issue that won’t
-NB: local differences—CHPA didn’t know gas meter size beforehand.
-scheduled new item: begin fire protection drawings by 1/15. 6-8 week design
period. Need for permit. Focus on distribution system rather than sprinklers.
The following log was the primary coordinating device used on the Next Stage project.
indicating the design team (AA indicated Site/Civil, BB indicated Structural, etc.) date of
the teleconference. Action items that were identified within each teleconference were
given a sequence number such as AA07.01.98.01. Assignment of action items was made
to the various companies participating on the project by use of their initials, e.g., ELS
stood for the architectural firm. The date required was specified. If an action item failed
to be completed by the required date, a reason number was (usually) indicated in the
column labeled RNC, and a new required date listed in the column Date Required. Once
completed, a date completed was provided and the rows devoted to the action item were
1. Lack of decision
2. Lack of prerequisites
3. Lack of resources
4. Priority change
5. Insufficient time
6. Late start
7. Conflicting demands
8. Acts of God or the Devil
9. Project changes
10. Other
Action items are grouped by design team, sequenced in the order Site/Civil (AA),
Texas Accessibility Standards:
AA07.01.98.01 • Provide TAS requirements to ELS HA 07.07.98 07.07.98
AA07.01.98.02 • Identify preliminary and final TAS review ELS 07.14.98 07.14.98
AB09.09.98.01 Complete 3-D model with member sizes and HW 5 09.23.98 09.23.98
down load to SPI (IB08.26.98.01). Compete 10.02.98
with column sizes; correct download errors..
AB07.01.98.01 • Provide/fax structural tables for beam HW 07.02.98 07.02.98
sizes/spacing to ELS.
AB07.01.98.02 Resolve balcony structural design and sight ELS/HW 1 07.28.98 08.12.98
lines; requires seating envelope/platform to 08.12.98
be resolved.
AB07.01.98.03 Revised low roof slopes required by HW for ELS 07.28.98 07.28.98
structural design.
AB07.01.98.04 Provide elevator shaft dimensions and ELS 07.07.98 07.13.98
AB10.21.98.07 Review four seating mounting details with ELS 11.04.98 11.04.98
Irwin Seating.
AB10.21.98.08 Resolve the structural support and acoustical ELS/HW/JH 11.04.98 11.04.98
requirements at "meet and greet" areas at west SA
side of building; HVAC Units moved.
AB10.21.98.09 Revisit/update steel detailing value stream HW/HS/SPI/ 11.04.98 11.04.98
sequences to decide how far to proceed. LCC
AB11.04.98.01 Revise 3-D Model to reflect curved seating HW 11.04.98 11.04.98
format (IB10.07.98.01).
AB12.02.98.01 Review prefab stair utilization ELS 12.02.98 12.02.98
(IC08.12.98.02, IB08.12.98.01).
Specifications allow the use of prefab stairs at
specific locations.
AB12.02.98.02 Resolve pricing set coordination issues, i.e. ELS/HW 12.16.98
column locations, to be able to complete 3D
AB12.02.98.03 HW/PB meeting on 12.03.98 to review HW/PB 12.16.98
erection sequence on which ABM's are based.
C. Enclosure/Architectural
D. Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing/Fire
AD07.01.98.01 Post Drawings on FTP site. CHPA 3 07.06.98 08.12.98
AD07.01.98.02 Provide/confirm audio system power JHSA 07.07.98 07.07.98
requirements to TEE.
AD07.01.98.03 Provide/confirm audio system cooling JHSA 07.07.98 07.07.98
requirements to CHPA.
AD07.01.98.04 Provide/confirm emergency power items to ELS 07.08.98 07.14.98
AD07.01.98.05 Provide/confirm normal and emergency loads CHPA 7 07.08.98 07.30.98
to TEE. 07.30.98
AD07.01.98.06 Provide/confirm architectural/theatrical AA 07.08.98 07.08.98
lighting and video power loads to TEE/CHPA.
AD07.01.98.07 Resolve location of main electrical room (162) ELS/TEE/ 5 07.08.98 08.12.98
and electronics storage and shop (158) to CHPA/LC 08.12.98
facilitate piping from cooling tower. LCC to C
provide pricing input. Not applicable due to
commissary design change.
AD07.01.98.08 Provide pipe/duct weights to HW CHPA 07.14.98 07.14.98
F. Project Support
AF07.01.98.01 Approval of audio and theatrical lighting NS 07.07.98 07.07.98
AF07.01.98.02 Issue project insurance memorandum for LCC 07.07.98 07.07.98
During Next Stage teleconferences, issues requiring action beyond the coming two week
period were placed in an issues log, from which they then moved onto the action items
log when the timing was appropriate. Issues were numbered in the same way as were
C. Enclosure/Architectural
IC07.29.98.01 Resolve material selection at the building base ELS/LCC
IC09.09.98.01 Determine if a mock-up(s) of exterior wall will be NS/ELS Action
required; to be price based (AC12.02.98.01). Log
D. Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing/Fire Protection
ID07.15.98.01 File application and pay fees for temporary power NS/LCC
and telephone four weeks before needed.
ID08.12.98.05 Add acoustics value stream into project value JHSA/LCC
ID08.26.98.01 Finalize concession design upon selection of NS/CI/ELS/ CHPA/TEE
concessionaire vendor.
ID10.21.98.01 Block diagram equipment layout by Levy NS/LR 12.08.98
ID12.02.98.01 Confirm assumptions regarding lighting controls. CHPA/TEE
Automated M/P systems can control other timed
systems, i.e. parking lighting, etc. Ongoing work
issue (AD11.04.98.07).
E. Theatrical/Interiors
F. Project Support
Next Stage maintained a log of design decisions, numbered similarly to action items and
Decision Log
A. Site/Civil
C. Enclosure/Architectural
D. Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing/Fire Protection
E. Theatrical/Interiors
F. Project Support
End of Decisions