3-8-2011 City Commission Meeting

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City of North Bay Village Administrative Offices 1700 Kennedy Causeway, Suite #132 North BayVillage, FL 33141 Tel: (805) 756-7171, Fax: (305)756-7722. Website: wwnbvilagecom OFFICIAL AGENDA REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING THE LEXI 1700 KENNEDY CAUSEWAY, SUITE 132 NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FL 33141 TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2011 7:30 P.M. NOTICE i HEREWrTH GIVEN TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES THAT IP ANY ¥23S0N SHOULD DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE AT ‘THE FORTIICOMING MEETING OF Ti CITY COMMISSION, SUCH FERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE OR SHE WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS Is MADE WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICR THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. TIS NOTICE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE CONSENT BY THE CITY FOR THE INTRODUCTION OR ADMISSION OF OTHERWISE INADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE, NOR DOES Ir AUTHORIZES CHALLENGES OR [APPBALS NOT OTHERWISE ALLOWED BY LAW. IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIIE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990, PERSONS NEEDING SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION OR A SIGN EANGUAGE INTERPRETER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING SHOULD CONTACT QS) 56-7171 NO LAYER THAN FOUR DAYS PRIOR ‘TOTHE PROCHEDING, TF HEARING IMPAIRED, TELEFON TIN: FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE NUMBERS AT (@0) 9559771 (DD) OR (600) 353° {700 (VOICE) FOR ASSISTANCE, 1 CALL TO ORDER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, ROLL CALL 2 A. PROCLAMATIONS AND AWARDS B. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 1. RANDY PERRY, E-CITY SERVICES LLC WEBSITE PROPOSAL C. ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS 3. BOARD REPORTS 4. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT 5. GOOD & WELFARE 6. COMMISSIONERS’ REPORTS Mayor View Mayor Page Gorgmissioner ‘Commissioner Commissioner Corina $, Esquijarosa Connie Leon-Kreps rank Rodriguez Eddie Lim Dr, Paul Vogel CONSENT AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING CONSENT AGENDA ORDINANCES FOR FIRST READING AND RESOLUTIONS AL AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE TO PROVIDE FOR PERMITTING AND TO AMEND THE REGULATIONS, AND PENALTIES AND ENFORCEMENT RELEVANT TO BOATS, DOCKS, PIERS AND WATERWAYS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, (INTRODUCED BY CITY MANAGER ROBERT PUSHKIN) The proposed Ordinance will amend the regulations to require boat Mooring Permits for vessels utilized for storage or construction, to create a Boat Mooring Permit Application, to address barges and vessels, and to establish penalties. 1) Commission Action A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF — $3,500 OF AVAILABLE NON- APPROPRIATED POLICE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS (FUND 07) AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF SUCH FUNDS TO UPGRADE THE TELEPHONE RECORDING DEVICE FOR THE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER. (INTRODUCED BY CITY MANAGER ROBERT PUSHKIN The proposed Resolution will establish funds in the police federal forfeiture account and will allow expenditure of such funds to upgrade the telephone recording device for the Communications Center. 1.) Commission Action Page 2 of S D1. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $4,000 OF AVAILABLE NON- APPROPRIATED POLICE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS (FUND 07) AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF SUCH FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF POLICE OVERTIME, SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (INTRODUCED BY CITY MANAGER ROBERT PUSHKIN) The proposed Resolution will establish funds in the police federal forfeiture account and will allow expenditure of such funds for police overtime. 1.) — Commission Action A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $4,000 OF AVAILABLE NON- APPROPRIATED POLICE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS (FUND 07) AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF SUCH FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF LAPTOP AIRCARDS, LANDLINES, AND CELLULAR PHONES FOR APRIL 2011; SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, (INTRODUCED BY CITY MANAGER ROBERT PUSHKIN) The proposed Resolution will establish funds in the police federal forfeiture account and will allow expenditure of the funds for the cost of laptop air cards and payment for landlines and cellular phones for the month of April 2011 1.) Commission Action A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $4,000 OF AVAILABLE NON- APPROPRIATED POLICE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS (FUND 07) AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF SUCH FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF POLICE INVESTIGATIONS, SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (INTRODUCED CITY MANAGER ROBERT PUSHKIN) Page 3 of 5 The proposed Resolution will establish funds in the police federal forfeiture account and will allow disbursement of the funds for police investigations. 1.) — Commission Action A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO, 2010-64A RELATING TO RFP NO. 2010-02 PERTAINING TO THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER, UPON CONCLUSION OF NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE FIRST RANKED PROPOSER, TO BRING BACK THE PROPOSED CONTRACT FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES TO THE COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL; AND TO PROVIDE A BUDGETARY AND STAFF IMPACT ANALYSIS COMPARING THE COST TO CONTINUE TO PROVIDE THE SERVICES UTILIZING CITY STAFF AGAINST THE COST TO OUTSOURCE THE SERVICES TO THE FIRST RANKED PROPOSER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (INTRODUCED BY MAYOR CORINA S. ESQUIJAROSA) The proposed Resolution authorizes the City Manager to submit the negotiated contract with Waste Management for solid waste collection and disposal services to the City Commission for its approval and to provide an analysis of the budgetary and staff impacts of the City providing the services versus the cost to outsource the services to Waste Management. 1) Commission Action A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO DEVELOP A CITY ORGANIZED SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM, ASSOCIATED TUITION FEES, AND THE COST TO THE CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (INTRODUCED BY MAYOR CORINA S. ESQUIJAROSA) The proposed Resolution will allow for the development of a City- organized Summer Camp Program in coordination with Treasure Island Elementary School to commence in the summer of 2012. 1.) Commission Action Page 4 of S 10, 11, 12. 14, 15, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXPLORE ALTERNATIVES AND PROGRAM COSTS FOR CREATION AND OPERATION OF A RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT PROGRAM; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (INTRODUCED BY MAYOR CORINA S. ESQUIJAROSA) The proposed Resolution calls for the City Manager to explore the feasibility of implementation of a parking permit program to address the increased demand in parking in residential areas. 1.) Commission Action PUBLIC HEARINGS INCLUDING ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS A. APPOINTMENT OF ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS 1. ARTS, CULTURAL & SPECIAL EVENTS BOARD 1) Commission Action 2. CITIZENS BUDGET & OVERSIGHT BOARD 1.) Commission Action APPROVAL OF MINUTES ADJOURNMENT Page 5 of $ To: From: Date: of North Bay Village Administrative Offices 1700 Kennedy Causeway Suite 132 Nowth Bay Village FL. 33141-4190 (05) 756-7171 Fax (305) 756.7722 Website - www.nbvillage.com MEMORANDUM Mayor Corina S, Esquijarosa Vice Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriguez Commissioner Paul Vogel (bert Pushkin City Manager March 1, 2011 Subject: Financial Status as of January 31, 2011 The City Staff has reviewed the expenditures and cash position for the period ending January 31, 2011 and has prepared the attached financial report. The highlights are as follows: The City has received approximately 95% of the pro-rata budgeted real and personal property tax revenue through January 31, 2011. There was no communication service tax revenues received in January; both the December and January checks were received in February. The fines & forfeitures revenue shows a deficit in January due to the payment of several outstanding ATS invoices, which were received late. ‘The legal expenses are below budget due to the timing of when the invoices are received. The majority of the invoices for November and December were paid in February. The majority of the revenues are below budget because the revenue is received one month in arrears, while the CITT funds are three months in arrears. crt ‘staat 0 Bistare Pemonel Pettsever ‘530725 arr zh on ae eT eens ie eee aes ee j ty enc ‘im tomo maw ae See gee Cite wene amelie j cone nora test ae dete eee ae eeeerets ere tastes | ower eee tee J Mic. Reveruo 24000 000 rt aler eee ae cere a2 "Me a ae : ae ee eee EEC ee ——— ———— Soy ae et oc eee ee elee ae Sees ere gest dae tee Serer ee eee oem eee amtamccom eee Rg Bee Ses someon ttt amet ne real ae seine as = curser, se i a : m pote ere tte Ea ‘emer a ee a TS eee Sar as ae a Es ST aaa (CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE BUDGETIN-DRIEF theu January 31,2011 L = ET ee ast a ar | iene raw EE ier Sa ane a “tf nant in anat : Tonlhwana ‘Sis a ae aoe Tom Evans Diente ice aoe ! ) i een rarr ere mre meee rere ————— Teseporon Fun Reverse ‘Trt kom Gaertn Bppreptosow & Carer ‘To Ravrons 8 Caer Tanto cept pevemerts Tot Brpnses “rrr tr Gwar Tart tr Tarot Find ‘Argroprton & Caryear ‘ols Rovances 8 Carpe Tela enses ara Ponaptanons& career Tot Reruns 8 Canon Trlr Wate pe ‘Tarfri Seer prime Toul eee Arpaio & canyorr ‘ett Roveaee 8 ojo Teal gone 200057 ar BS ea _ oom a0 no aikoar Beer a ae sated com Ma Saas, was wis 181 2h Bigs Favaa etapa Weare bee — VIO ee er 1695 ~ “tos 231886 nt Ta ar ae aommeso eras mares Ha FatanDagl are tas aaa eaigsi0 aba es 803,80 Tone vert rm 3Asoan aT TART a ‘25000 obo ‘ose - 00% amma tesa mms ‘ian SOLE ane "tm a | : iain "a eee eee area overs SRS aD za Sf opti bce pore gt saat ar or | Toueooc Sas ea | ioe nae | tenes a oa | rowan Ss : rotoowet Bom =e ee ee oad oo see a a Tt en Ut Fn aus on rnc Tas ant ‘sacs Souss swan “emt tow come rea | ‘Fon Goer Fund Tae sets ne 2omer ij Soro Stn 20 er i area Taare i i ik SUSE" GRRE EEE onvenay muon “sears = i) SRF sega i 88 aia S888 RESSRR Bees i Au i I i ‘| j City of North Bay Village ‘Administrative Offices 1700 Kennedy Couseway, Suite #132 North Bay Village, FL 33141 Tel: (305) 756-7171 Fax: (205) 756-7722 Website: wwwinbvillagecom CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE MEMORANDUM PUBLIC HEARING February 22, 2011 PLANNING & ZONING BOARD DATE: January 21, 2011 TO: City Commission City of North Bay Village FROM: Planning and Zoning Board City of North Bay Village SUBJECT: Petition to Amend Chapter 150, BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS, Sections .01, .11-.13, .15-.21 and .99; and Section 153.04 — Schedule of civil penalties. BACKGROUND The applicant, the City of North Bay Village, is requesting to amend the above referenced Chapter and Sections of the City's Code. At the direction of the City Commission, City staff performed a comprehensive review of code sections relating to boats and other vessels and docks. The following is a summary of the proposed changes: * Amending a definition, adding definition of City Manager and changing references throughout the above sections. * Requiring a Boat Mooring Permit for vessels utilized for storage or construction and, if required by the state, proof of insurance City Commission. Code Revi joats, Vessels, Docks January 25,2011 Mayor Vice Mayor Cagersissioner Commissioner Commissioner Corina 8, Esquijarosa Connie Leon-Kreps Frank Rodriguez Eddie Lim Dr. Paul Vogel * Creating a Boat Mooring Permit Application * Amending language as to staff responsibilities « Amending general wording and addressing barges and vessels «Establishing penalties. Chapter 150 was codified in 1964 and last amended in 2006. Section 153.04 was codified by Commission approval and was last amended in 2006. AUTHORITY Under the City Charter, Article Ill, Legis/ative, the City Commission shall be vested with the power to amend or repeal any ordinance previously adopted. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD ANALYSI: The Board finds that more stringent requirements are necessary due to the fact that the waters adjacent to, and within, the City are part of the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact to the City. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the requested changes to Chapter 150, BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS, Sections .01, .11-.13, .15-.21 and .99; and Section 153.04 — Schedule of civil penalties as outlined in the proposed attached Ordinance. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. The Board recommended unanimously, that the proposed regulations include boat mooring permit requirements applicable to ALL boats, barges and vessels, rather than just to those boats, barges and vessels which are being utilized for the purpose of temporary storage, construction or materials storage. (See Section 150.16). City Commission Code Revision - Boats, Vessels, Docks However, upon legal analysis of the recommendation, Florida Statutes reserves the right to require boat registration to the State and Counties. Application of the Boat Mooring Permit requirement to all vessels becomes a registration issue pre-empted by state law, therefore, the recommendation has not been implemented in the attached ordinance. 2. The Board unanimously recommends approval of the requested changes to Chapter 150, BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS, Sections .01, .11-.13, .15-.21 and .99 and Section 153.04 — Schedule of civil penalties as amended and outlined in the proposed attached Ordinance. MOTION Submit a recommendation to the City Commission to: Approve the request by the City of North Bay Village to amend Chapter 150, BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS, Sections .01, .11-.13, .15-.21 and .99 and Section 153.04 — Schedule of civil penalties. Attachments « Proposed Ordinance City Commission Code Revision - Boats, Vessels, Docks omer 3 Page 3 DRAFT ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE TO PROVIDE FOR PERMITTING AND TO AMEND THE REGULATIONS, AND PENALTIES AND ENFORCEMENT RELEVANT TO BOATS, DOCKS, PIERS AND WATERWAYS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (INTRODUCED BY CITY MANAGER ROBERT PUSHKIN) WHEREAS, Chapter 150 of the Code of The City of North Bay Village (the “Code”) provides for regulation of boats, vessels and other watercraft within the City limits; and WHEREAS, the City of North Bay Village (the “City”) has experienced unprecedented numbers of unsupervised/unoccupied vessels, boats or barges mooring or parking at vacant or unoccupied properties for extended time periods, creating deteriorated appearances and vessel unaccountability; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of North Bay Village, Florida deems it to be in the best interest and welfare of the residents of the City to amend the Code to revise boat, dock, and mooring regulations and provide additional boat and vessel permitting requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. Each of the above stated recitals is true and correct and is incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2, Amendments to Code, Chapter 150 of the Code of the City of North Bay Village is hereby amended to read as follows! : ' Additions to the text are shown in underline and deletions from the text are shown in strikethrough, Page | of 14 Additions o the text are shown in underline and deletions to the text are shown in strikethrough. Changes shown in double underline are additions to the text to reflect the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board GAC4) Chapter 150 BOATS, DOCKS, AND WATERWAYS GENERAL PROVISIONS § 150.01 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. These definitions shall be in addition to the definitions contained in § 327.02 Florida Statutes. Gity Manager. For purposes of this chapter, “City Manager” means the City Manager or authorized designee. Dock. Any fixed or floating structure for securing boats, loading or unloading persons or property, or providing access to the water, and includes the term *pier’, “wharf", "float" or any other landing facility. Docking site. Any *s! or houseboat. "berth", or space to accommodate a single boat, vessel, Dolphin or mooring. Any appliance used to secure a boat or other vessel, other than to a pler, which is not carried aboard the boat or vessel as regular equipment when underway. Houseboat or floating home. Any vessel in fact used or designed primarily to be ‘occupied as living quarters and for any business or occupation whatsoever, or for any private or social club of whatsoever nature, including the use thereof for the entertainment or recreation of guests or tenants while same is moored or docked within the corporate limits of the city, whether the vessel is self-propelled or not. Marina. Any area within the city where one or more sites or locations are rented oF offered for rent for the location or dockage of boats, vessels, or houseboats on land or in water, or to be used for living quarters either permanently or on a temporary basis. Riparian right-of-way. The water immediately adjacent to any real property located within the city limits as defined in § 197.228, Florida Statutes. Utility hook-up. Any connection between the waterfront properly or docks and piers appurtenant thereto located within the riparian right-of-way and any boat, vessel, or houseboat provided to conduct water, electricity, cable, telephone service, gas, or other utility or sewerage to or from the boat, vessel, or houseboat. Waters of the City. All waters within the corporate limits of the City of North Bay Village, whether immediately tangent to one of the islands or a part of Biscayne Bay. see Page 2 of 14 Additions to the text are shown in underline and deletions to the text are shown in strikethrough. Changes shown in double ungerling are additions to the text to reflect the recommendation of the Planning and ore OME, DOCKS, PIERS, AND OTHER STRUCTURES § 150.10 Private docks (including seawalls). (A) No person, firm, or corporation shall be permitted to lease or use any boat, vessel, or houseboat for living quarters, or to otherwise occupy same, on a permanent basis in any area of the City zoned RS-1, and RS-2. Owners of private docks in those zoned areas will be permitted “utility hook-ups" to one boat from any dock which may be erected upon the riparian right-of-way abutting their property. (8) The renting of such docks or dock bases, moorings, dolphins or seawalls, and the rental of boats or any portion thereof, for any purpose whatsoever, shall be specifically prohibited in areas of the City zoned RS-1 and RS-2 and, further, residing on boats within the City limits is prohibited, except where the docks constitute a part of a marina, a yacht club, hotel, or motel. (C) _No docks, dockheads, moorings, dolphins, seawalls or other docking facility shal be used for the docking or storage of any vessel, barge or similar boat used for transport or storage of goods, materials, or debris of any kind unless such vessel, barge or boat has a Boat Mooring Permit pursuant to Section 150,16(A) and such goods and materials: 1) are being utilized for construction on the adjacent upland property, or 2) are being loaded or unloaded to the adjacent upland property, § 150.11 Construction; structural alteration. (A) No person, firm, or corporation shall construct, reconstruct, or repair any docks, piers, dolphins, wharfs, pilings, similar structures of any kind more than 25 feat, Perpendicular from the seawall or shoreline into any waterway within the corporate limits of the city. Provided however, if construction of a docking facility is prevented by the requirement of federal, state or preemptive local environmental laws, rules and regulations (laws) whereby in order to obtain a permit for construction of a docking facility, it is necessary to exceed the same more than 25 feet perpendicular from the seawall or shoreline, the docking facility may be constructed such distance from the seawall or shoreline as may be required in order to comply with such laws, provided further, however the furthermost distance seaward from the seawall or shoreline shall not exceed 75 feet including all dolphins or pilings installed beyond the seaward most line of the dock or pier but not including required rip-rap. (B) Plans and specifications for construction, reconstruction, or repair of docks, piers, dolphins, whar's, pilings, or similar structures shall comply with all provisions of the City Code, shall be approved by the City Manager-and-the-city-building ‘official, and shall be kept permanently in the records of the city. Repair or reconstruction may be made in accordance with the original plans. Page 3 of 14 Additions to the text are shown in underline and deletions to the text are shown in strikethrough. Changes shown in double underline are additions to the text to reflect the recommendation of the Planning and ae gas) (C) No dock, pier, wharf, dolphin, piling, or similar structure shall be erected in the city unless the structure is set back at least seven and one-half feet from the lot line on each side; and the structure shail not exceed five feet above ground level, ‘except a joint or " party" dock may be permitted on the property line if approved by the City Commission. (D) No person, firm, or corporation shall build, maintain, extend, or make any structural alteration on any building, dock, pier, dolphin, wharf, piling, bulkhead, seawall, or similar structure in, upon, or over the waters adjacent to Harbor Island, Treasure Island, North Bay Island, and Cameo Island within the corporate limits of the city, or do any filing, excavating, or dredging in the waters without first obtaining a written permit to do so from the City Manager. (E) Application for any permit or the transfer of any permit required by this section shall be made to the City Manager in writing on forms provided therefore. The permit shall constitute an agreement by the applicant to comply with all conditions imposed upon granting of the permit. The application shall be accompanied by plans and specifications setting forth in detail the work to be done. (F) All applications for construction or structural alterations of any building, dock, pier, dolphin, wharf, piling, bulkhead, seawall, or similar structure in, upon, or over the waters within the corporate limits of the city shall require the approval of the City Commission, and in granting any such application, the City Commission may impose conditions in the permit which it deems necessary to protect the waterways of the city in accordance with the public safely and the general welfare. The requirement of approval by the City Commission shall not include applications for repair of existing structures. (G) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed or apply to prohibiting repair or reconstruction or otherwise limiting those structures which exist at the time of adoption of this section, however, the provisions of subsections (D) and (E) above shall be complied with. § 150.12 Marinas. (A) No person, firm, or corporation shall lease, rent, or permit the use of docks, piers, wharfs, or similar structures within the limits of the city by another for consideration, unless they possess a valid license to operate a marina pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The use of dock space by the tenants or guests of any apartment or hotel as a part of the “unit rent” shall be considered consideration within the meaning of this chapter. (8) There shall be two classifications of marinas. Page 4 of 14 Additions to the text are shown in underline and deletions to the text are shown in strikethrough. Changes shown in double underline are additions to the text to reflect the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Bord. oA) (C) (D) (E) (1) Ancillary, meaning a secondary operation to the primary function of a hotel, apartment, or elub condominium which permits the use of dock facilities exclusively to the tenants of the apartment, or the guests of a room or hotel unit, where the boats or vessels, as may be owned by the guests or tenants are not used for either permanent or temporary sleeping or living quarters, but, exclusively for the storage of the boats or vessels while they are not in use, (2) Business marinas, which shall mean the operation of any marina not included in the foregoing definition of "ancillary operation ‘Any “business marinas," which shall mean those licensed by the city will be required to meet the following minimum specifications. (1) Apermanent float, dock, or slip for the mooring or docking of each boat, vessel, or houseboat from which the vessel may be directly boarded. (2) Each space intended for live-a-board boat, vessel, or houseboat must be provided with the following: a permanent water supply with an individual anti-backflow valve; a sewer connection leading into a permanent sewer with fiow control valve; and provide proper pumping and equipment to reach the city sewer line, and a permanent supply of electricity. (3) Each marina shall be required to provide sufficient visitor parking spaces for marina use. (4) Any other additional conditions which the City Commission might deem necessary to protect the public health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of the city and to promote the general welfare. No marina within the limits of the city shall be permitted to obtain a license, or renewal of a license, unless the areas where boats, vessels, and houseboats are fueled, and, otherwise re-provisioned, are completely separate and apart from the sites for mooring the boats, vessels, or houseboats. Any line, pipe, or other conduit carrying inflammable fuel or other fluid shall be prohibited from running adjacent to any area used as a site for mooring a boat, vessel, or houseboat in the marina, and the City Managerappropriate-city official shall be required to examine the faclities and fo approve same as being safe before any license shall be issued or renewed. The plans of any marina shall be approved by the Corps of Engineers of the United States Army, the State Internal Improvement Board, the County Pollution Control Officer, the City Engineer, the City Building Official, the City Manager, and the Planning and Zoning Board before the plans are submitted to the City ‘Commission for their approval. Page 5 of 14 ‘Additions to the text ate shown in underline and deletions to the text are shown in srikethyough, Changes shown in double underline are additions to the text to reflect the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board. qA(8) (F) The following fees are required for the issuance of a marina license by the city. The license shall be required on the first day of October of each year and shall be effective through September 30 of the following year. (1) A fee of $20.00 per year shall be required for each separate utlity hook- up. (2) Ancillary marinas as defined in § 150.01 shall be charged an annual license fee of $60.00 for each docking site. (3) Business marinas shall be charged an annual license fee of $150.00 for each docking site. Houseboats shall be charged a docking fee of $450 per year. (4) Any marina which fails to obtain all necessary licenses on or before December 31 of any year shall pay a penally of an additional ten percent on all icenses issued after January 1 of the following year. (5) Docking sites of any condominium or cooperative apartment used exclusively by the owners of the cooperative or condominium apartment shall be exempt from the license fee provision of subsections (2), (3), and (4) above. § 150.13 Seawall maintenance and enforcement. (A) It shall be unlawful for any person or entity owning real property abutting the waterways to allow the seawall to be or remain in a state of disrepair. (8) Upon learning that any seawall is in a defective or dangerous condition or is in a state of disrepair, the City Manager eF-his-designee shall so notify the property owner or other person(s) having charge of the seawall to immediately repair the seawalls in whatever manner necessary {o ensure it meets all applicable regulations governing the same. If such person(s) or entity fail(s) or neglect(s) to make such repairs, the City Manager oF-his-designee shall take whatever action is necessary for the protection of the public, including the hiring of contractors to repair the seawall; charging the cost of such repairs to the property owner or other person(s) having charge of the property; and it shall be a violation of this chapter for any person to interfere with such actions. (C) _ Ifany seawall, or any portion thereof, or any material from such seawall, shall fall into the waters of the City of North Bay Village, it shall be the duty of the owner or other person(s) or entity having charge of the property, to forthwith remove the same from the waters of the City. If they shall fail to do so, the City Manager or his-designee may do so or hire the appropriate individual or entity to do so; and the cost thereof shall be recovered from the property owner or other person(s) or entity having charge of the seawall as provided in this chapter. Page 6 of 14 Additions to the text are shown in underline and deletions fo the text are shown in steikethrough, Changes shown in double underling are additions to the text to reflect the recommendation ofthe Planting and Zoning Board. (® (D) All costs for services, charges, work or fines incurred by the City of North Bay Village in connection with its action to ensure the protection of the public through repair of any seawall or as a result of violations of this chapter shall constitute and are hereby imposed as liens against the real property aforesaid and, until fully paid and discharged, shall be imposed as special assessment liens against the subject real property. Such liens shall remain equal in rank and dignity with the lien of ad valorem taxes and shall be superior in rank and dignity to all other liens, encumbrances, tiles and claims in, to or against the real property involved. The maximum rate of interest allowable by law shall accrue to such costs for services, charges, work or fines incurred by the City of North Bay Village. Unpaid costs for services, charges, work or fines incurred by the City of North Bay Village, together with all penalties imposed thereon, shall remain and shall constitute liens against the real property involved. Such liens for costs for services, charges, work or fines incurred by the City of North Bay Village shall be enforced by any of the methods provided in the City of North Bay Village Code of Ordinances; or in the alternative foreclosure proceedings may be instituted and prosecuted under the provisions applicable to practice, pleading and procedure for the foreciosure of mortgages on real estate set forth in state law, or may be foreclosed per Florida Statutes ch. 173, or the collection and enforcement of payment thereof may be accomplished by any other method authorized by law. ‘The property owner and/or operator shall pay all costs of collection of fees, including attorney fees and court costs, service charges, penalties and liens imposed by virtue of this chapter. (E) Whoever violates any provision of this chapter, shall be fined not more than $500.00 per day or imprisoned for not more than 60 days, or both fined and imprisoned. eee BOATS, VESSELS, AND HOUSEBOATS § 150.15 Adoption of state law. The provisions of the Florida Boat Registration and Safety Law, Chapter 327 of the Florida Statutes, including the definitions contained in § 327.02, Florida Statutes, are hereby adopted by reference and incorporated into this chapter. Page 7 of 14 Additions tothe text are shown in underline and deletions to the text are shovin in slrikethrough. Changes shown in double underline are additions to the text to reflect the recommendation of the Planning and. Zoning Boatd. GAtc) § 150.16 Anchoring4imits and-bBoat registration and permitting. {A) All boats, barges, or vessels of any kind attempting to moor or dock within the 1@_purposes of temporary storage, construction or materi must first obtain a Boat Mooring permit. A ication shall be submitted to the City, on forms rf it ‘together with a Boat Mooring Permit application fee as established by the City Commission by cover the application review and permit. Th ication shall include, at a minimum, the following information: (1) The name, address_and contact phone _number for the real_property ‘owner where the vessel is docked, moored or parked: ame, address and contact phone number for th ‘owner lessee where the is or_parked, if applicable: (3)__If the property is under tease, a copy of the lease showing authority over the docking or mooring facilities. Page 8 of 14 Additions to the text are shown in underline and deletions to the text are shown in strikethrough. Changes shown in double underline are additions tothe text to reflect the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board. q AM) (4) Signed authorization from the real property owner or lessee wher vessel is docked; ‘The name, address and 2 ntact phone number for the vessel; (6)___The name, address and 24 hour contact phone number for the person sible for the navi el and any emergency removal; Statement of lime period (length of time) for whic rmit is sought; (8)___Identification of activity pursuant to Section 150.10(c). (9) _A description of the vessel, including the hull identification number: (10)__ Copies of any required state or federal registrations and licenses: (141) _ Proof of insurance for the vessel to be moored for any commercial vessel and for any private. if i (B) Upon receipt of a permit application the City shall review the application. If the lication is complete, the application fee pai authorization requires (A)(4) above is consistent wit Pr Appraiser’s ownershi for the property and any lease provided as provided under (A)(5) above, a Boal Mooring Permit will be issued. Under no circumstances will a Boat Mooring permit be issued for a residential property without signed authorization from the property owner or lessee as applicable. § 150.17 Business operations prohibited; exception. No firm, person, or corporation shall operate any business or profession on any boat, vessel, or houseboat within the corporate limits of the city where an Occupational License is required from the City, except in the riparian right-of-way abutting the areas zoned C-G and C-L, and then only with the approval of a majority of the members of the City Commission. The commission members shall be guided in their determination by whether the business is consistent with the health, safety, and welfare of the city Business operations as referred to in this section shall include the practice of a profession or similar venture. Page 9 of 14 Additions to the text are shown in underline and deletions to the text are shown in strikethrough. Changes ‘shown in double underling are additions to the text to reflect the recommendation of the Planning and a Gall2, § 150.18 Houseboats and floating homes. (A) No houseboat or floating home shall be moored, kept, maintained, or used in the city or the waters of the city, except at a licensed business marina, designed and equipped for the mooring and servicing of such houseboats or floating home. (B) Any houseboat or floating home moored, kept, or maintained in the city or the waters of the city in, abutting, or adjacent to any residential zone of the city, where such houseboats or floating homes are permitted shall comply with all code provisions, ordinances, and zoning regulations of the city, county, and state, and shall provide to the city, or have provided on their behalf by a licensed business marina, sufficient financial security bond or insurance to pay the cost of clean up and removal of the vessel or any damage or debris which may be caused by the vessel in the event of its damage or destruction. (C) No houseboat or floating home being amortized under provision of division (B) above shall be subject to any permission or other actions such as nonconforming uses or special exceptions in contravention of these sections’ provisions. (D) No person, firm, or corporation shall use or occupy or permit the use of or ‘occupancy of a houseboat or floating home for living quarters, either permanently or on a temporary basis, on the waters of the city, except in a business marina operated pursuant to a permit issued by the City Commission, and unless the houseboat or floating home meets the following requirements. (1) The houseboat or floating home shall be designed and maintained so there is a single opening above the waterline for waste and sewerage removal, and the opening shall be tightly connected to a permanent sewer in a manner approved by the County Pollution Control Officer. (2) The houseboat or floating home shall be designed and constructed so that it meets with the requirements of the building code, plumbing code, and electrical code to the extent the provisions thereof are applicable, and shall not exceed 30 feet above the water level. § 150.19 Pollution control; sanitation. No person, firm, or corporation shall do any of the following: (A) Discharge, permit, or allow any other person on a boat, vessel, floating home, or houseboat under his control or command to discharge any human, or animal excreta or any grey or black water from any head, toilet, or similar facility on a boat, vessel, fioating home, or houseboat in the waters of the city. Page 10 of 14 Additions to the text are shown in underline and deletions to the text are shown in strikethrough. Changes shown in dableundainear itor othe tet to rele! he ecommanaton fhe lang snd Zaring Bow 13 (B) Throw, discharge, deposit, or leave or cause or permit to be thrown, discharged, or deposited or left, either from the shore or from any dock, pier, wharf, or similar structure or any vessel, or elsewhere any refuse matter of any description into the waters of the city or on the shores of the city or in the riparian right-of-way, or in such a manner into Biscayne Bay that same may be washed into the city limits, elther by tides or by floods or otherwise. (C) Place or allow on boats, vessels, floating homes, or houseboats, materials, gerbage, refuse, timber, or waste material of any’ description nor permit the material to remain on or upon the shorelines within the city. In the event of the Violation of this section, the City Manager may order the material removed with notice unless there appears an imminent danger and the cost, thereof, may be recovered from any person, firm, or corporation, owning the boat or causing it to be placed on the shoreline in a civil action. (D) Pump or discharge from any vessel or tank into the waters of the city oil, spirits, ‘or any flammable liquid or bilge water which ma it of the same or deposit any roughage, refuse, matter, or articles of any offensive character, therein or upon any pier, wharf, or dock. (E) Throw, place, or leave any dead animals, or putrid matter, into or in the waters of the city or along the shoreline within the city. § 150.20 Hurricane and storm regulations. The City Manager ot-officials-designated-by-him-are is authorized, in the event of a hurricane warning or alert, or other danger to the public safety of the city, in his discretion, to order vessels removed from any dock, pier, wharf, or other mooring within the corporate limits of the city, if, in his opinion, the vessel would constitute a danger to the public safety. Page 11 of 14 Additions to the text are shown in underline and deletions to the text are shown in strikethrough. Changes shown in double underline are additions to the text to reflect the recommendation of the Planning and 9A) Zoning Board, § 150.21 Removal of wrecks and debris. The City Manager oF officiale-as-may-be-designated-by hinvher-are is authorized in the event any boat, vessel, houseboat, or floating home is sunk or seriously damaged within the city limits or the debris from it is located within the city limits to order the owner of the marina to remove the vessel or debris within a 30 days of receipt of such order. In the event that the vessel or debris is not removed within the time specified by the order of removal following service of the order of removal upon the property, person, firm, or corporation owning the dock, the person, firm, or corporation shalll be in violation of this section and a fine of up to $10,000 per day, as ordered by the City’s Special Master, shall be imposed for each day the violation is committed or permitted to continue. The City Manager may effect the removal of the vessel or debris and pay for the same out of public funds, and proceed to claim a lien against the property to which the dock is ancillary. The amount shall include the actual cost plus ten percent for administration and accounting. Such claim of lien shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County, and the same shall be satisfied in the Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County in accordance with the law § 150.99 Penalty, (A) A violation of this Chapter may be enforced against the property owner pursuant to Chapter 162 of the Florida Statutes and Chapter 153 of the City Code and by issuance of a uniform civil violation notice, cilation, summons, notice to appear in county court, or by filing an action in civil court for injunctive relief. Penalties for violation of this chapter are further outlined in Section 153.04 of this Code. (B) A violation of this Chapter may be enforced against the vessel owner and the vessel operator. Any vessel owner or vessel operator.convicted of a violation of this_section shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed sixty (60) days, or by both ‘such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Section 3. Amendments to Code, Chapter 153 of the Code of the City of North Bay Village is hereby amended to read as follows: § 153.04 Schedule of civil penalties. TABLE INSET: Section | Description of Violation Penalty Fee 10.16 | Altering Code $250.00 Page 12 of 14 Additions tothe text are shown in underline and deletions tothe text are shown in stvikethrough. Changes shown in double underline are additions tothe text to reflect the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board. g At 15) ee wae ee 150.12 _| Violation of marina section of code 200.00 150.16 | Decking. mooring, or other parking of a vessel without a permit. | 54 99 eee ee ee Section 4. Repeal of Conflicting Provisions. All provisions of the Code of North Bay Village that are in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby Section 5, Severability. The provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable and if any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance, but they shall remain in effect, since the legislative intent is that this Ordinance shall stand notwithstanding the invalidity of any part. Section 6, Inclusion _in_the Code. It is the intention of the City Commission and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of North Bay Village, that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intentions, and that the word Ordinance shall be changed to Section or other appropriate word. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon adoption on second reading. The motion to approve the foregoing Ordinance on first reading was made by, seconded by THE VOTES WERE AS FOLLOW: Mayor Corina S, Esquijarosa Vice Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriguez Commissioner Paul Vogel Page 13 of 14 ‘Additions to the text are shown in underline and deletions to the text are shown in strikethrough. Changes shown in double underline are additions othe text o reflect the revommencation ofthe Planning and Zoning Board GA APPROVED ON FIRST READING during a regular session of the City Commission of North Bay Village this__ day of 2011 The motion to adopt the foregoing Ordinance on final reading was offered by , seconded by FINAL VOTE ON ADOPTION: Mayor Corina $. Esquijarosa Vice Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriguez Commissioner Paul Vogel PASSED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, THIS DAY OF 2011, Corina S, Esquijarosa, Mayor ATTEST: Yvonne Hamilton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske, P.L. City of North Bay Village Ordinance: Boats, Docks, Piers, and Waterways — January 2011 Page 14 of 14 Additions to the text are shown in underline and deletions to the text are shown in strikethrough. Changes shown in. double undertine are 1dditions to the text to reflect the recommendation of the Planning and rei GMI) City of North Bay Village City Administrative Offices : 1700 Kennedy Causeway, #132 : N. Bay Village, FL 33141 (305) 756-7171 Fax (305) 756-7722 Website - nbvillage.com MEMORANDUM City of North Bay Village DATE: — February 16, 2011 TO: Yvonne P. Hamilton, CMC City Cl FROM: Robert Pushkin City Manager SUBJECT: Introduction of Resolution Pursuant to Section 3.08 of the City Charter, I hereby introduce the following Resolution: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE TO PROVIDE FOR PERMITTING AND TO AMEND THE REGULATIONS, AND PENALTIES AND ENFORCEMENT RELEVANT TO BOATS, DOCKS, PIERS AND WATERWAYS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Accordingly, please place the item on the next available agenda. RP:yph Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Corina S.Bsquijrasa Connie Leon Krepe Fronk Rodrigue Baie Lim Galt) Commissioner Dr. Paul Vogel CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE RE DATE: February 22, 2011 TO: Mayor Corina 8. Esquijarosa Vice Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriquez Commissioner Paul Vogel ‘¥vonne Hamilton, City Clerk FROM: Robert J. Daniels, Chief of Police’ VIA: Robert Pushkin, City Manager SUBJECT: MARCH 2011 — REQUEST TO APPROPRIATE AND DISBURSE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS RECOMMENDATION: To appropriate and disburse funds from Federal Forfeiture Fund 07 in the amount of $3,500.00. BACKGROUND: As 'No impact to the Gencral Fund, Purchase will leave the Police Federal Forfeiture Fund 07 with approximately $10,500.00 in unencumbered funds, PERSONNEL IMPACT: Ensures Officer Safety issues, as well as, responsibility to community involving identification of calls for service and response times. CONTACT: Chief Robert J. Daniels or Mary Jo Mastrodonato 9BU) Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske, P.L. Memo To: — Mayor and City Commission From: Nina Boniske, City Attorney Kathryn Mehaffey Date: March 2, 2011 Re: Use of federal forfeiture funds for the upgrading of the telephone recording devices for the communications center ‘You have asked us to review an item for the March 8, 2011 Commission agenda regarding a request from the Chief of Police for appropriation and disbursement of federal forfeiture funds for telephone recording devices for the communications center. Approved federal purposes for the use of these funds are quite broad, and include, amongst other things, law enforcement investigations, facilities, and equipment used in law enforcement. ‘The proposed designation of funds for telephone recording device upgrades for the communications center is appropriate within the federal guidelines for the expenditure of federal forfeiture funds under provision VIII.A.1.d. of the Federal guidelines. 96(2) City of North Bay Village ‘Administrative Offices 1700 Kennedy Causeway, Suite #132 North Bay Village, FL33141 Tel: (305) 756-7171 Fax: (205) 756-7722. Website: www.nbvillage.com MEMORANDUM City of North Bay Village DATE: March 1, 2011 TO: ‘Yvonne P. Hamilton, CMC City es FROM: G eee City Manager SUBJECT: Introduction of Resolution Pursuant to Section 3.08 of the City Charter, | hereby introduce the following Resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $3,500 OF AVAILABLE NON-APPROPRIATED POLICE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS (FUND 07) = AND = THE DISBURSEMENT OF SUCH FUNDS TO UPGRADE THE TELEPHONE RECORDING DEVICE FOR’ THE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER. Accordingly, please place the item on the next available agenda, RP:yph 9B(3) Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Corina 8, Esquijarosa Connie Leon-Kreps Frank Rodriguez Eddie Lim Dr. Paul Vogel RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH’ BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $3,500 OF AVAILABLE NON-APPROPRIATED POLICE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS (FUND 07) AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF SUCH FUNDS TO UPGRADE THE TELEPHONE RECORDING DEVICE FOR THE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER. (INTRODUCED BY CITY MANAGER ROBERT PUSHKIN) WHEREAS, the United States Code addresses the purposes and procedures to be utilized for the appropriation of Police Federal Forfeiture Funds; and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police of the City of North Bay Village has requested appropriation of $3,500 of Police Federal Forfeiture Funds, in accordance with federal regulations; and WHEREAS, in accordance with federal forfeiture regulations set forth in the United States Code, the Chief of Police requests disbursement of the funds to cover the cost of upgrading the telephone recording device for the Communications Center. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The foregoing whereas clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true; and the same are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. Section 2: That $3,500 is hereby appropriated in the Police Federal Forfeiture Account (Fund 07). Section 3: That approval to disburse $3,500 from the Police Federal Forfeiture Account (Fund 07) for the purpose of upgrading the telephone recording device for the Communications Center is hereby granted. 964) Page | of 3 Section 4: Severability. That the provision of the resolution are declared to be severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of the resolution shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, clauses, sentences and phrases of this Resolution but they shall remain in effect, notwithstanding the invalidity of any part. Section 5: Conflict. That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. Effective Date, That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval. The motion to adopt the foregoing Resolution was offered by : seconded by FINAL VOTE AT ADOPTION: Mayor Corina S, Esquijarosa Vice Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriguez Commissioner Paul Vogel PASSED and ADOPTED this 8" day of March 2011. Mayor Corina S, Esquijarosa ATTEST: Yvonne P. Hamilton City Clerk 4B(5) Page 2 of 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske, P.L. City Attorney (City of Nonh Ray Village Resolution: Appropriation and Disbursement of Fedral Forfeiture Funds cover the cot of upgrading ‘he telephone recording device the Communications Cater) 986) Page 3 of 3 DIGCTEL. jiét Ine P.O. Box 100875 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310 tort3/2010 Name / Address [Gity Of North Bay Village 1666 Kennedy Causeway Suite 700 North Bay Village, FL 33141 Project Description ty Cost Total Recording Device for Inbound and Outbound Calls. 7 1,660.00 1,660.00 Recording Device for Radio. Upto 8 Lines. 1 1,056.00] 1,056.00 Installation, Labor and Training 8 98.00 784,00 (Customer needs to Provide a Pentium 4, One /Terabytes P.C. hesabatads $3,500.00 Sales Tax (0.0%) Total Fax# ava CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE RECOMM! DATE: February 22, 2011 TO: Mayor Corina S. Esquijarosa Vice Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriquez, Commissioner Paul Vogel Yvonne Hamilton, City Clerk FROM: Rohert J. Daniels, Chief of Police VIA: Robert Pushkin, City Manager SUBJECT: MARCH 2011— REQUEST TO APPROPRIATE AND DISBURSE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS RECOMMENDATION: To appropriate and disburse funds from Federal Forfeiture Fund 07 in the amount of $4,000.00. BACKGROUND: FUND Police Overtime $4,000 BUDGETARY IMPACT: ‘No impact to the General Fund. Purchase will leave the Police Federal Forfeiture Fund 07 with approximately $14,000.00 in unencumbered funds. PERSONNEL IMPACT: None. Must replenish funding source. CONTACT: Chief Robert J. Daniels or Mary Jo Mastrodonato 9eu) Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske, P.L. Memo To: — Mayor and City Commission From: Nina Boniske, City Attorney Kathryn Mehaffey Date: March 2, 2011 Re: Use of federal forfeiture funds for police overtime ‘You have asked us to review an item for the March 8, 2011 Commission agenda regarding a request from the Chief of Police for appropriation and disbursement of federal forfeiture funds for the costs of police overtime, Approved federal purposes for the use of these funds are quite broad, and include, amongst other things, law enforcement and detention facilities, overtime for law enforcement officers involved in law enforcement operations, The federal guidelines prohibits the use of forfeiture funds for most salaries however, the proposed designation of funds for police overtime for law enforcement operations is a permitted exception within the federal guidelines under provision VIII.A.2.a.(2) and thus the proposed expenditure is permissible, 4cl?) City of North Bay Village ‘Administrative Offices 1700 Kennedy Causeway, Suite #132. North Bay Village, FL 33141 Tek: (805) 756-7171 Fax: 805)756-7722 Website:wwwnbvillagecom MEMORANDUM City of North Bay Village DATE: March 1, 2011 TO: Yvonne P, Hamilton, CMC City Clerk, FROM: Robert Pushkin City Manager SUBJECT: Introduction of Resolution Pursuant to Section 3.08 of the City Charter, I hereby introduce the following Resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $4,000 OF AVAILABLE NON-APPROPRIATED POLICE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS (FUND 07) AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF SUCH FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF POLICE OVERTIME, SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Accordingly, please place the item on the next available agenda. RP:yph 4c3) Mayor Vice Mayor ‘Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Corina 8, Esquijarosa Connie Leon-Kreps Frank Rodriguez Eddie Lim Dr. Paul Vogel RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $4,000 OF AVAILABLE NON-APPROPRIATED POLICE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS (FUND 07) AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF SUCH FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF POLICE OVERTIME, SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, (INTRODUCED BY CITY MANAGER ROBERT PUSHKIN) WHEREAS, the United States Code addresses the purposes and procedures to be utilized for the appropriation of Police Federal Forfeiture Funds; and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police of the City of North Bay Village has requested appropriation of $4,000 of Police Federal Forfeiture Funds, in accordance with federal regulations; and WHEREAS, in accordance with federal forfeiture regulations set forth in the United States Code, the Chief of Police requests disbursement of the funds to cover the cost of police overtime. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The foregoing whereas clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as. being true; and the same are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. Section 2: That $4,000 is hereby appropriated in the Police Federal Forfeiture Account (Fund 07), tion 3: That approval to disburse $4,000 from the Police Federal Forfeiture Account (Fund 07) to cover the cost of police overtime is hereby granted. Qcty) Page 1 of 3 Section 4: Severability. That the provision of the resolution are declared to be severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of the resolution shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, clauses, sentences and phrases of this Resolution but they shall remain in effect, notwithstanding the invalidity of any part. Section 5: Conflict. That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval. The motion to adopt the foregoing Resolution was offered by seconded by FINAL VOTE AT ADOPTION: Mayor Corina S. Esquijarosa Vice Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriguez Commissioner Paul Vogel HIT PASSED and ADOPTED this 8" day of March 2011. Mayor Corina S, Esquijarosa ATTEST: Yvonne P. Hamilton City Clerk Page 2 of 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Weiss Serota Helfiman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske, P.L. City Attorney (Ciy of Nomh Bay Village Resolution: Appropsiation and Disbursement of Federal Forfeiture Funds to cover the cost of police overtime) Gece) Page 3 of 3 CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE OMI ATION MEM DUM DATE: February 22, 2011 TO: Mayor Corina S. Esquijarosa Vice Connie Leon-Kreps ‘Commissioner Eddie Lim ‘Commissioner Frank Rodriquez Commissioner Paul Vogel ‘Yvonne Hamilton, City Clerk FROM: Robert J. Daniels, Chief of Police 4/ VIA: Robert Pushkin, City Manager SUBJECT: MARCH 2011 - REQUEST TO APPROPRIATE AND DISBURSE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS RECOMMENDATION: ‘To appropriate and disburse funds from Federal Forfeiture Fund 07 in the amount of $4,000.00. BACKGROUND: UNDO: Laptop Aircards, Landlines and Cell phones April 2011 - $4,000 BUDGETARY IMPACT: ‘No impact to the General Fund. Purchase will leave the Police Federal Forfeiture Fund 07 with approximately $6,500.00 in unencumbered funds. PERSO! 7 ‘None, Funding source must be replenished. CT: Chief Robert J. Daniels or Mary Jo Mastrodonato ADU) Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske, P.L. Memo To: — Mayor and City Commission From: Nina Boniske, City Attorney Kathryn Mehaffey Date: March 2, 2011 Re: Use of federal forfeiture funds for laptop aircards, landlines and cell phones ‘You have asked us to review an item for the March 8, 2011 Commission agenda regarding a request from the Chief of Police for appropriation and disbursement of federal forfeiture funds for laptop aircards, landlines and cell phones. Approved federal purposes for the use of these funds are quite broad, and include, amongst other things, law enforcement and detention facilities, overtime for law enforcement operations, training to perform official law enforcement duties, improvements to law enforcement facilities, law enforcement awards and memorials, and equipment used in law enforcement. ‘The proposed designation of funds for laptop aircards, landlines and cell phones falls within the federal guidelines for the expenditure of federal forfeiture funds under provision VIILA.1.d. of the Federal guidelines. 40(2) City of North Bay Village Administrative Offices 1700 Kennedy Causeway, Suite #132 North Bay Tel: (305)756-7171 Fax: (305)756-7722 Websit lage, FLL33141 :wawnbvillagecom MEMORANDUM City of North Bay Village DATE: March 1, 2011 TO: Yvonne P. Hamilton, CMC City Clerk FROM: E- shkin City Manager SUBJECT: Introduction of Resolution Pursuant to Section 3.08 of the City Charter, I hereby introduce the following Resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $4,000 OF AVAILABLE NON-APPROPRIATED POLICE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS (FUND 07) AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF SUCH FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF LAPTOP AIRCARDS, LANDLINES, AND CELLULAR PHONES FOR APRIL 2011; SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Accordingly, please place the item on the next available agenda. RP:yph 9D(® Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Corina 8, Esquijarosa Connie Leon-Kreps Frank Rodriguez Eddie Lim Dr. Paul Vogel RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $4,000 OF AVAILABLE NON-APPROPRIATED POLICE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS (FUND 07) AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF SUCH FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF LAPTOP AIRCARDS, LANDLINES, AND CELLULAR PHONES FOR APRIL 2011; SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (INTRODUCED BY CITY MANAGER ROBERT PUSHKIN) WHEREAS, the United States Code addresses the purposes and procedures to be utilized for the appropriation of Police Federal Forfeiture Funds; and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police of the City of North Bay Village has requested appropriation of $4,000 of Police Federal Forfeiture Funds, in accordance with federal regulations; and ‘WHEREAS, in accordance with federal forfeiture regulations set forth in the United States Code, the Chief of Police requests disbursement of the funds to cover the cost of laptop aircards, landlines and cellular phones for April 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The foregoing whereas clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true; and the same are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. Section 2: That $3,500 is hereby appropriated in the Police Federal Forfeiture Account (Fund 07). Section 3: That approval to disburse $4,000 from the Police Federal Forfeiture Account (Fund 07) for the cost of laptop aircards, landlines and cellular telephones for April 2011 is hereby granted. Page | of 3 Section 4: Severability. That the provision of the resolution are declared to be severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of the resolution shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, clauses, sentences and phrases of this Resolution but they shall remain in effect, notwithstanding the invalidity of any part. Section 5: Conflict. That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval. The motion to adopt the foregoing Resolution was offered by seconded by : FINAL VOTE AT ADOPTION: Mayor Corina §. Esquijarosa Vice Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriguez Commissioner Paul Vogel HITT] PASSED and ADOPTED this 8" day of March 2011. Mayor ATTEST: Yvonne P. Hamilton City Clerk 4p(5) Page 2 of 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske, P.L. City Attorney (City of Nomh Bay Village Resolution: Approp rca landlines, and cll phones for Apil 2011 and Disbursement of Federal Forfeiture Funds to cover the cost of fptop 40/6) Page 3 of 3 CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE RECOMMEND, (01 iD’ DATE: February 22, 2011 TO: Mayor Corina 8. Esquijarosa Vice Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriquez ‘Commissioner Paul Vogel Yvonne Hamilton, City Clerk FROM: Robert J. Daniels, Chief of Police Te VIA: Robert Pushkin, City Manager SUBJECT: MARCH 2011— REQUEST TO APPROPRIATE AND DISBURSE. FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS: RECOMMENDATION: ‘To appropriate and disburse funds from Federal Forfeiture Fund 07 in the amount of $4,000.00. BACKGROUND: Enea Police Investigations $4,000 BUDGETARY IMPACT: No impact to the General Fund. Purchase will leave the Police Federal Forfeiture Fund 07 with approximately $18,000.00 in unencumbered funds. PERSONNEL IMPACT: None, CONTACT: Chief Robert J. Daniels or Mary Jo Mastrodonato 9D41(") Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske, P.L. Memo To: — Mayor and City Commission From: Nina Boniske, City Attorney Kathryn Mehaffey Date: March 2, 2011 Re: Use of federal forfeiture funds for Police Investigations ‘You have asked us to review an item for the March 8, 2011 Commission agenda regarding a request from the Chief of Police for appropriation and disbursement of federal forfeiture funds for police investigations. Approved federal purposes for the use of these fiunds are quite broad, and include, amongst other things, law enforcement investigations, facilities, overtime for law enforcement operations, training to perform official law enforcement duties, improvements to law enforcement facilities, Jaw enforcement awards and memorials, and equipment used in law enforcement. ‘The proposed designation of funds for police investigations is appropriate within the federal guidelines for the expenditure of federal forfeiture funds under provision VIILA,1.a, of the Federal guidelines. 9D-1(2) RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $4,000 OF AVAILABLE NON-APPROPRIATED POLICE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS (FUND 07) AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF SUCH FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF POLICE INVESTIGATIONS, SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (INTRODUCED CITY MANAGER ROBERT PUSHKIN) WHEREAS, the United States Code addresses the purposes and procedures to be utilized for the appropriation of Police Federal Forfeiture Funds; and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police of the City of North Bay Village has requested appropriation of $4,000 of Police Federal Forfeiture Funds, in accordance with federal regulations; and WHEREAS, in accordance with federal forfeiture regulations set forth in the United States Code, the Chief of Police requests disbursement of the funds to cover the cost of police investigations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The foregoing whereas clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true; and the same are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. Section 2: That $4,000 is hereby appropriated in the Police Federal Forfeiture Account (Fund 07). Section 3: — That approval to disburse $4,000 from the Police Federal Forfeiture Account (Fund 07) to cover the cost of police investigations is hereby granted. wo FDC) Section 4: Severability. That the provision of the resolution are declared to be severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of the resolution shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, clauses, sentences and phrases of this Resolution but they shall remain in effect, notwithstanding the invalidity of any part. Section 5: Conflict. That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval. The motion to adopt the erect Resolution was offered by , seconded by FINAL VOTE AT ADOPTION: Mayor Corina S, Esquijarosa Vice Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriguez Commissioner Paul Vogel HITT PASSED and ADOPTED this 8" day of March 2011. Mayor Corina S. Esquijarosa ATTEST: Yvonne P. Hamilton City Clerk ve 4D.1l4) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske, P.L. City Attorney (City of North Bay Village Resolution: Appropriation and Disbursement of Fader Forfeiture Fuad to cover the eost of police investigations) a 9d.1(5) City of North Bay Village Administrative Offices 1700 Kennedy Causeway, Suite #132 North Bay Village, FL.33141 Tel: (305)756-7171 Faxc (305)756-7722 Website: wwwnbvillage.com MEMORANDUM City of North Bay Village DATE: March 1, 2011 TO: Yvonne P, Hamilton, CMC. City Clerk FROM: Obert Pushkin City Manager SUBJECT: Introduction of Resolution Pursuant to Section 3.08 of the City Charter, I hereby introduce the following Resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $4,000 OF AVAILABLE NON-APPROPRIATED POLICE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUNDS (FUND 07) AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF SUCH FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF POLICE INVESTIGATIONS, SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Accordingly, please place the item on the next available agenda. 9D.1 (6) Mayor Vice Mayor ‘Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Corina S, Esquijarosa Connie Leon-Kreps Frank Rodriguez Eddie Lim Dr, Paul Vogel RP:yph RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO, 2010-644 RELATING TO RFP NO, 2010-02 PERTAINING TO THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER, UPON CONCLUSION OF NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE FIRST RANKED PROPOSER, TO_BRING BACK THE PROPOSED CONTRACT FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION AND. APPROVAL; AND TO PROVIDE A BUDGETARY AND STAFF IMPACT ANALYSIS COMPARING THE COST TO CONTINUE TO PROVIDE THE SERVICES UTILIZING CITY STAFF AGAINST THE COST TO OUTSOURCE THE SERVICES TO THE FIRST RANKED PROPOSER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (INTRODUCED BY MAYOR CORINA S, ESQUIJAROSA) WHEREAS, the City previously issued RFP No. 2010-02 for Commercial, Single- Family and Multi-Family Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services; and WHEREAS, in September 2010, the City Commission previously adopted Resolution No, 2010-64A approving the ranking of Waste Management Inc. of Florida as the First Ranked Proposer, in accordance with the provisions of the RFP and further authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and enter into a contract with Waste Management; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of Resolution No, 2010-644 a bid protest was filed and consistent with the provisions of Section 36.25 of the City Code the procurement of these services was stayed pending the outcome of the Bid Protest; and WHEREAS, the City Commission held a public hearing on February 22, 2011 pertaining to the Bid Protest and disposed of the same at the conclusion of the public hearing; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Resolution No, 2010-64A and the specifications of the RFP, the City Manager is authorized to initiate the negotiation of a contract with the First Ranked Proposer, and WHEREAS, the final terms and conditions of any negotiations will have a major impact on the City's budget and staffing resources and, therefore, the final negotiated contract should be considered and approved by the Commission; and WHEREAS, solid waste collection and disposal services are currently provided by the City and the budgetary and staff impact to outsource the services is a key factor for the City Commission to consider prior to finalizing and executing a contract to outsource the services; GEA) WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to amend Resolution No. 2010-644 to provide direction to the City Manager to, upon conclusion of negotiations with the First Ranked Proposer, bring back the proposed Contract for consideration and approval by the City ‘Commission and to provide a budgetary and staff impact analysis comparing the cost to continue to provide the services utilizing City staff against the cost to outsource the services to the First Ranked Proposer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. ‘The foregoing “WHEREAS” clauses are ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are made a specifie part ofthis Resolution. tion 2. Section 2 of Resolution No. 2010-64 as it pertains to the City Manager's authority to execute a Contract, is amended to read as follows: That the City Commission hereby accepts the City Manager’s recommendation of Waste Management as the number one ranked proposer for providing solid waste collection and disposal services according to RFP #2010-02 and authorizes the City Manager to negotiate and—enter-into a contract for said services, Upon conclusion of negotiations with the number one proposer (First Proposer) the City Manager is directed to bring back the proposed Contract _for iderati approval by the City Commission for solid waste collection and disposal services and to provide a budgetary and staff impact analysis comparing the cost to continue to provide the services utilizing City staff against the cost to outsource the services to the First Ranked Proposer. Section 3, All other terms and conditions of Resolution No. 2010-64A not specifically amended in this resolution shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval. ‘The motion to adopt the foregoing Resolution was offered by , seconded by FINAL VOTE AT ADOPTION: Mayor Corina S. Esquijarosa Vice Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriguez Commissioner Paul Vogel . gel2) PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of, 5 2011. ATTEST: Yvonne P, Hamilton City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Weiss Serota Helfinan Pastoriza Cole & Boniske, P-L. City Atomey City of North Bay Village Resolution: Amending Resolution No. 2010-02 periaining to Waste Collection and Disposal Services, authorizing the City Manager to submit the contrat for approval by the City Commission, and to provide a budgetary and staff impact analysis comparing the cost to continue to provide the services uiilizing City Staff against the cost 40 qutsource the services to the First Ranked Proposer. 3 of 3 get?) City of North Bay Village Administrative Offices 1700 Kennedy Causeway, Suite #132 North Bay Village, FL 33141 Tel: (305) 756-7171 Fax: (305) 756-7722 Website: www.nbvillagecom MEMORANDUM City of North Bay Village DATE: March 2, 2011 TO: Robert Pushkin City Manager ‘ y iH FROM: Corina S, Esquijarosa__ Amor Mayor SUBJECT: Introduction of Resolution Pursuant to Section 3.08 of the City Charter, I hereby introduce the following Resolution A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO, 2010-644 RELATING TO RFP NO. 2010-02 PERTAINING TO THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER, UPON CONCLUSION OF NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE FIRST RANKED PROPOSER, TO BRING BACK THE PROPOSED CONTRACT FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES TO THE COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL; AND ‘TO PROVIDE A BUDGETARY AND STAFF IMPACT ANALYSIS COMPARING THE COST TO CONTINUE TO PROVIDE THE SERVICES UTILIZING CITY STAFF AGAINST THE COST TO OUTSOURCE THE SERVICES TO THE FIRST RANKED PROPOSER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Accordingly, please place the item on the next available agenda, CSE:yph GEC) Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Corina S. Esquijarosa Connie Leon-Kreps Frank Rodriguez Eddie Lim Dr. Paul Vogel a RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO DEVELOP A CITY ORGANIZED SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM, ASSOCIATED TUITION FEES, AND THE COST TO THE CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (INTRODUCED BY MAYOR CORINA S, ESQUIJAROSA) WHEREAS, the City desires to improve the availability of services to meet the needs of the City’s youths; and WHEREAS, the City is in the process of applying for a grant to assist in the provision of a summer camp for the City’s children which would begin in the summer of 2012; and WHEREAS, the City should reach out so as to coordinate with the appropriate officials at Treasure Island Elementary in coordination with the Youth Services Board to provide opportunities on a tuition or pay-for-service basis until grant funding can be obtained; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to develop a City-organized summer camp program where City residents will be given first preference to enroll, Based upon further availability of space, enrollment will be opened to students of Treasure Island Elementary School who reside outside of the City and then to any other children. WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to investigate the costs and opportunities in making a summer camp available within the City for the City’s youth over 5 years of age. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, That the City Commission directs the City Manager to coordinate with the officials of Treasure Island Elementary School and the City’s Youth Advisory Board to investigate alternatives and ‘opportunities for providing a summer camp for the upcoming summer of 2011 for children over 5 years of age, and to report to the City Commission for their consideration, the programming opportunities, participant tuition or fees, and City budget impacts of providing such opportunities, Page | of 2 oF) Ca 64 No Section 2, This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. The motion to adopt the foregoing Resolution was offered by , seconded by : FINAL VOTE AT ADOPTION: Mayor Corina 8. Esquijarosa ‘Vice Mayor Connie Leon-Krepps ae ‘Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriguez Commissioner Paul Vogel PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of, 2011. Corina 8, Esquijarosa, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attomey Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske P.L. Page 2 of 2 GF(2) 2 City of North Bay Village Administrative Offices 1700 Kenriedy Causeway, Suite #132. North Bay Vilage, FL 33141 ‘ek: (205) 756-7171, Fax: (305)756-7722 Websiterwwunbvllagecom MEMORANDUM City of North Bay Village DATE: — March 2, 2011 TO: Robert Pushkin. City Manager FROM: Corina S, Esquijaros: gO Mayor SUBJECT: Introduction of Resolution Pursuant fo Section 3.08 of the City Charter, I hereby introduce the following Resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO DEVELOP A CITY ORGANIZED SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM, ASSOCIATED TUITION FEES, AND THE COST TO THE CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Accordingly, please place the item on the next available agenda, CSE:yph Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Corina $.1squijerosn Conte Leon-Kcrops Frank Rodriguez ~“Badle Lim ‘Dr. Paul Vogel 9Et3) RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXPLORE ALTERNATIVES AND PROGRAM COSTS FOR CREATION AND OPERATION OF A RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT PROGRAM; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (INTRODUCED BY MAYOR CORINA S. ESQUIJAROSA) WHEREAS, the City has experienced the development of a number of condominium units with limited on-site parking which has created an increase in the number of vehicles parked in the City’s public parking and rights-of-way, and WHEREAS, the increased parking demand in all residential areas has made it difficult for City residents to find parking, including but not limited to evening and overnight hours; and WHEREAS, the institution of a residential parking zone or permit program may alleviate resident parking deficiencies; and WHEREAS, City Commission therefore desires to investigate the benefits and feasibility of various program alternatives and implementation costs for providing some type of City residential parking program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, ‘That the City Commission directs the City Manager to investigate various residential parking program alternatives and implementation costs and provide alternatives, including the benefits, costs and feasibility of the alternatives to the City Commission for their consideration, Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. The motion to adopt the foregoing Resolution was offered by seconded by Page | of 2 96h) FINAL VOTE AT ADOPTION: Mayor Corina 8, Esquijarosa Vice Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriguez Commissioner Paul Vogel PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of, ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attomey 52011. Corina $. Esquijarosa, Mayor Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske P.L. City of North Bay Village Resolution: Residential Parking Permit Program Page 2 of 2 - weal sie City of North Bay Village ‘Administrative Offices 1700 Kennedy Causeway, Suite #132 North Bay Vilage, FL 33141 Tel (805) 756-7171. Fax: (305) 756-7722 Website:wrw.nbvllagacom MEMORANDUM City of North Bay Village DATE; — Mareh 2, 2011 TO: Robert Pushkin City Manager FROM: Corina 8. Esquijarosa OWIR Mayor SUBJECT: Introduction of Resolution Pursuant to Section 3.08 of the City Charter, I hereby introduce the following Resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXPLORE ALTERNATIVES AND PROGRAM COSTS FOR CREATION AND OPERATION OF ‘A RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT PROGRAM; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, Accordingly, please place the item on the next available agenda. CSE:yph Mayor ‘Vice Mayor. Commissioner Commissioner. Commissioner Corina 8. Rsquijaross Connie Leon-Krops Frank Rodriguoz Eddie Lim ‘Dr. Paul Vogel Gets) oO QO City of North Bay Village City Administrative Offices 1700 Kennedy Causeway, #132 N. Bay Village, FL 33141 (305) 756-7171 Fax (308) 756-7722 Website - nbvillage.com CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE. MEMORANDUM DATE: February 22, 2011 TO: Mayor Corina 8. Esquijarosa Vice Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps Commissioner Eddie Lim Commissioner Frank Rodriguez Commissioner Paul Vogel FROM: Robert Pus City Manager SUBJECT: Appointment of Members to the City’s Advisory Boards J. Michael Resillez, who resides outside of the City, received a majority vote of the Commission to serve on the Arts, Cultural & Special Events Board on January 11, 2011. Mr. Resillez. is not qualified to serve on the Board, pursuant to Section 4.06 of the City’s Charter. Accordingly, the following applicant is being recommended for appointment: Nelida A. Vega 1900 South Treasure Drive Ms. Vega actively served on the Board during the last term. Jose Sanchez, of 7721 Coquina Drive, was appointed to the Citizens, Budget & Oversight Board. He has since declined to serve. Following are applicants who previously applied and were not selected: Mayor Vice Mayor Page Lei Commissioner Commissioner Corina S. Bequijarosa Connie Leon-Kreps Frank Rodi Bade Lim Dr. Pau! Vogel oO 3 MEMO TO CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 2 OF 2 Ann Bakst, 1865 Kennedy Causeway Jorge Gonzalez, 7900 Harbor Island Drive Reinaldo Trujillo, 7601 East Treasure Drive Maria Haviland, 7537 Mutiny Avenue Attachments: Boatd Applications a /24(2) S City of North Bay Village Administrative Offices 1666 Kennedy Causeway Suite 700 North Bay Vilage FL 33167-2190, (305) 756-7171 Fax (305) 756-7722 Website - www.nbvillage.com DEC 15 anit: ‘SIT.OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE ue Melida Vega. ramowr The 2349 £460 maunenponss 900 "S. Trea sure Nr2ik inv Fe 33H cmvnesoem: ves "no 2 mej lt nellylepezcs Paol. com BUSINESS OWNER: YES_ NO. ere NAME AND ADDRESS OF BUSINESS. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN OPERATING IN THE CITY? ‘CHECK THE BOARD(S)/COMMITTEE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE OW: ‘ARTS, CULTURAL & SPECIAL EVENTS BOARD 52 your services commurree FS<{ COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT BOARD Niwas conTaCLABMISORY —[~ commrrrer ‘CITIZEN BUDGET AND OVERSIGHT ‘COMMITTEE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD ANIMALCONTROLADVISORY. ‘i COMMITTEE {AREYOU AVAILABLE FOR EVENING MEETINGS? Yes vt wo HAVE YOU EVER SERVED ON A CITY BOARD/COMMITTEE? YES. NOL HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A CITY EMPLOYEE? YES. NO. ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER? YES. T PLERSE GIVE ASUMMARY OF YO ‘Commissioner ‘Commissioner* Commissiofier Connie Leon-Kreps Frank Rodriguez Eddie Lim, raul Vogel 72 ray 10 NOV oH 9716 wo *” CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE BOARD/COMMITTER APPLICATION wenepnonen 305-565-996 BUSINESS OWNER: YES___ NO NAME AND ADDRESS OF BUSINESS HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN OPERATING IN THE CITY?, _, CHRCK THE BOARD(S)COMMITTEE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ‘ANTS, CULTURAL & SPECIAL EVENTS BOARD 0 COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT BOARDG)—~ : PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD = —~ CITIZEN BUDGET AND OVERSIGHT =~ 5 COMMITTEE ANIMAL CONTROL, ADVISORY BOARD 0 a ARE YOU AVAILABLE FOR EVENING MEETINGS? YES _~ HAVE YOU EVER SERVED ON A CITY BOARD/COMMITTEE? YuS HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A CITY =a NO, ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER? YES, NO, Please cor MENT ‘ON now you ay YOUR BACKGROUND QUALIFIES YOU TO SERVE ON ‘ABLE TO;CONTRIBUTE: YARD. AN! gS City of North Bay Village Administrative Offices 1666 Kennedy Couseway Suite 700 North Bay Village FL33141-4190 (305) 756-7171 Fox (305)756-7722 Website - www.nbvilage.com CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE NAME. Jonge Gonzalez rerepnones Bos) 793-8529: MADANG ADDw88:__ ZEKE W. 2 Do Fe 33) z cHTy REsiDENT: YES_L“ No Pharbor a) Diile; [BFS BUSINESS OWNER: YES_L~ No___*/9¢;7) NAN AND ADDRESS OF BUSINESS Solex Inty ene! 446 Mw FZ 33/72, HOW LONG Ha:7E VOU BEEN OPERATING IN THE CITY? /_Y7 CHECK THE BOARD(S)/COMMITTEE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON: - ARTS, CULTURAL & SPECIAL EVENTS BOARD 0 ‘YOUTH SERVICES COMMITTEE OG COMMUNITY XI HANCEMENT BOARD Q L CONTROL ADVISORY 0 ‘COMMITTEE CILIZENS SUPET AND OVERSIGHT COMMIT ZEE, PLAN'TING AND ZONING BOARD ARE YOU AVAILABLE FOR EVENING MEETINGS? YES_7/ NO___ HAVE YOU BV:3¢ SERVED ON A CITY BOARD/COMMITTEE? YES NO_1— HAVE YOU VER BEEN A CITY EMPLOYEE? YES no ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER? YES Lk NOW PLEY.SY GIVE .\ SUMMARY OF YOUR WORK AND CIVIC SERVICE sri Kee slhee, Budinecs Onn er / ee, 8 2 oF PLEASE COMMENT ON HOW ou ar sok BACKGRO D QUALIFIES SYou TO SERVE ON Bxpringe a8 Kee ar. bsiblen General wrize, alent fig Se COT cabs, Bagi fifa) ee haw 2B Maye Vice Moyor Cornmissionsé Cominissioner Céiitniasiones tens Aiur Retralde Trojiile George A. Kone Prank Rodriguez Dr. Paul Vogel - /3A(5) December 21, 2010 Dear Yonne, SENT VIA FAX. ¥'m interested in joining the Citizens Budget Review & Oversight Board. I'm a resident of North Bay Village ‘siding at the 360 Condominium located at 7900 Harbor Island Dr. Below are some of my qualifications, {have been elected President to the Board of Directors of Condo A, the largest association at 360 two ‘years consecutively, 'm currently President of three of the four boards of the community, Including the Master board. among other responsibilities, | oversee a combined budget for all three association of $2.54M. Through ‘active participation in the budget process, Ihave contributed to lowering the expenses white Improving the services rendered to the community. This year will be reducing the monthly assessments to the owners of the largest associating in the community by over 2%. '"m the CEO/CFO of Solex International, LLC. of which | own 50%. I'm responsible for managing the overall budget and oversee all financial matters related to the operation of the business . Solex isa start up distribution bbusiness to Latin America in Its first year of operation. Our first year sales will be $3,000,000 and operating budget of $130,000. | was employed with Hewlett-Packard from 1996-2004 in the capacity of Business Development Manager for Latin America. My responsibilities included managing a $2,000,000 annual budget to fund Sales and Marketing, activities of consumer products on annual revenues of $450,000,000 for the product categories, From 2002 - 2008 | was active In Atlas Property Management Services, Inc, Atlas is a property management company specializing in Condominium Associations. My responsbalities inchided developing. vidual budgets tailored to each community association we manag ' have an Engineering degree from the University of Florida and an MBA from Nova Southeastern University with focus on Finance. ’m knowledgeable in GAAP and financial documents such as Budgets, Balance Sheet, Income Statements, Statement of Cash Flows, etc. I'm familiar with taxation rules and regulations both at the local and federal levels, Ir also a licensed Real Estate Broker and own a real estate brokerage firm. ‘My skils include excellent oral and written communication in both English and Spanish, conversstional in Portuguese. I'm fully computer literate and familiar with all the major accounting and! other business productivity software, including the MS suite, {man effective negotiator and have good people skilis: Good listener, Fair minded, Understanding and sympathetic to other points of views, | ook for win-win solution as the best approach to conflict resolution. ''m sure that ! can make a contribution to the Citizens Budge Review & Oversight Board and enjoy myself doing it, Please contact me at your convenience is you have any questions... 305-793-8828 / Jorge@solexint.com Jorge Gonzalez (39) HOW, vatighave Yoo BEEN Siena WIHECTVe shiek THE Bonn) /cormmnidevou WoUkoiiKe "TO SERVE OW: ‘ARTS; CULTURAL Bs SPECIAL EVENTS BOARD [=>] ‘YOUTH seRvices conimatrrer ‘ConMNUNITY ENANCeRENT BOARD: ANINIALEONEROL ADVISORY Cc ‘conwnirtee ériden abate an ovensicir YU AANLADLE FOR’evENIN mmeerives? Yes XC NO wave You VER SVE OA GY BOARD /conmaTEer ws XC wo Hive Vou Bien BEEN A ciriemiGvEeY Ves, 2&-No,_ Commissrone® ‘ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER?. VES XX NO seinen Wi - ‘Vice Mayor “Commissioner Covina 8 Bagulorosn Connie Leositieps wre ‘Rodrigo fo City of North Bay ‘Administrative Offices 1666 Kennedy Causeway Suite 700 North Bay Vilage FL 33141-4190 (805) 756-7171 Fax (905) 756-7722. Website - www.nbvillage.com ge Jak Gee CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE. BOARD/COMMITTEE APPLICATION wamE:Macia A Haviland ___TekupHone (Bo s)4ci|- Bete MAILING ADDRESS: _f $ 3 ny AEE Marr bars Uillage FL 33 14) cary resent: ves_X_ No___ ‘BUSINESS OWNER: YES____sNO_X__ NAME AND ADDRESS OF BUSINESS mss Ad —___________ HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN OPERATING IN THE cry? _IN//4 CHECK THE BOARD(S)COMMITTEE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON: ARTS, CULTURAL & SPECIAL EVENTS BOARD (1 YOUTH SERVICES COMMITTEE D COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT BOARD G ANIMAL CONTROL ADVISORY 0 COMMITTEE CITIZENS BUDGET AND OVERSIGHT x COMMITTEE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD o ARE YOU AVAILABLE FOR EVENING MEETINGS? YES _X NO _ HAVE YOU EVER SERVED ON A CITY BOARD/COMMITTEE? YES. No_X. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A CITY EMPLOYEE? YES no_X ARE YOU A REGISTERED VoreR? yEs_X NO PLEASE GIVE A SUMMARY OF YOUR WORK AND CIVIC SERVICE EXPERIENCE: OM ach ec) PLEASE COMMENT ON HOW YOU THINK YOUR BACKGROUND QUALIFIES YOU TO SERVE ON THIS BOARD AND WHAT YOU MAY BE ABLE TO CONTRIBUTE: fAlase S€e_ cv pice Mayor 2 =z Commissioner, .__ Commissioner: _~ Commissioner Rebialdo ‘Triyhio George A. Kane Frank Rodriguez Dr. Paul Vogel /3Ao Maria A. Haviland Application for a position on the Citizens Budget and Oversight Committee of North Bay Village Work experience: | am currently a licensed Florida CPA working as a senior staff accountant in an international private bank. | have also worked as a staff accountant in a non-profit organization. In addition, | do freelance tax preparation. Background qualificatior In my current position | work extensively with budgeting and forecasting for an ‘organization on a tight budget that is subject to strict internal, US and UK regulations. In addition, at the non-profit | helped control waste due to mismanagement of funds. Lastly, | am a local home owner with the best interest of North Bay Village at heart. 7 /34#D

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