Structanal Plates-Summary
Structanal Plates-Summary
Structanal Plates-Summary
Plates and shells: structures with two characteristic dimensions while the third one (the
width) is significantly smaller. The middle surface is composed of midpoints between upper
and lower surfaces.
Shell: the middle surface is curved.
Plate: the middle surface is planar.
Loading on plates: in-plane forces (typically walls), perpendicular forces (typically floors).
Based on the differential equations of the theory of elasticity: plate equation and boundary
conditions are formed.
Elementary cube: dx dy h
Stresses and internal forces acting in the plate on the elementary cube:
Internal forces of the plate are the resultants of the stresses with the notations usually applied
in plate theory:
h/2 h/2 h/2 h/2 h/2
h / 2
x z dz , M y
h / 2
y z dz , M xy
h / 2
xy z dz , Qx
h / 2
xz dz , Qy
h / 2
yz dz .
Deflection of the plate (w) and the derivation of rotations in the two directions:
Eh3 h/ 2 2 h3
Introducing plate stiffness: K z dz
12(1 2 ) h / 2 12
Combination of all equations leads to
4 w( x, y ) 4 w( x, y ) 4 w( x, y ) p p
Plate equation: 4
2 2 2
, in short form: w .
x x y y K K
Bending moments and torsional moment in terms of the deflection:
2w 2w 2w 2w 2 w
M x K 2 2 , M y K 2 2 , M xy M yx K 1 .
x y y x xy
Rigid support:
w 0 and t , 0.
Simple support (’hinged’):
2w 2w
w 0 and M n, 0 , i.e.: w 0 and 2 0 .
n 2 t
Free boundary:
M n, 0 , Qn, 0 and M nt , 0.
Since the shear forces and the change of the torsional moment have equilibrium on the
M nt 2w 2w 3w 2w
Qn, 0 , i.e.: 0 and ( 2 ) 0
t n 2 t 2 n 3 nt 2