American Kenpo Compenduim
American Kenpo Compenduim
American Kenpo Compenduim
Eric Lamkin
This publication is for informational purposes only. Please note that the author and Elite- are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner whatsoever for any injury or death that
may result from the use or misuse from practicing the techniques and/or following the
instructions given within. Since the physical activities described herein may be too
strenuous in nature for some readers to engage in safely, it is essential that a physician be
consulted prior to training.
Eric Lamkin
The second version of the manual for 24 Technique System corrected the order of some of
the Orange Belt techniques and removed the following techniques from the system:
technique called THE PINCHER was changed to THE GRASP OF DEATH. The 24 Technique
System became the official curriculum for all schools teaching American Kenpo with the
publication of Infinite Insights Into Kenpo in the early 1980’s.
The idea for a 16 Technique System was popularized by Brian Duffy. He wanted to reduce
the number of techniques at the beginning and spread the curriculum over an additional
2 belt levels. Many commercial schools adopted this new arrangement because it
significantly increased student retention at the early belt levels.
Throughout its development, Ed Parker held true to one idea—standardization. Although
the curriculum evolved over time, he knew that for the art to continue to develop
consistently and to ensure quality, the Kenpo System must be standardized. If every school
and every instructor taught their own version of Kenpo, then rank loses its meaning and the
art itself would begin to fragment. This was clearly evident after his death in 1990.
Shortly after his death, “rank-seekers” began to flourish. New versions of Kenpo began to
emerge to justify their “new” rank and to enable these individuals to obtain exclusive
“knowledge” of the system. This lust for rank and power quickly eroded the status that
Kenpo once held in the martial art community the Ed Parker worked hard to build. Today,
there are more versions of Kenpo and more “10th Degree Black Belts” than there has ever
been throughout its entire history.
Though “rank-seekers” have certainly contributed to the lack of consistency in skill levels,
the systems themselves have done so as well. In the 32 Technique System the curriculum is
spread to 1st Degree Black Belt; in the 24 Technique System the same amount of material is
spread to 3rd Degree Black Belt; and in the 16 Technique System the material is spread to
5th Degree Black Belt. This has lead some individuals to “compare ranks” and adjust their
accordingly. For example, a practitioner who holds a 3rd Degree Black Belt in the 24
Technique System sees a student in the 16 Technique System earn a 5th Degree Black Belt
for learning the same amount of material. So, he “promotes himself” up to 5th Degree
Black Belt to make it “equal”. This has further decreased the quality of practitioners in
American Kenpo.
Using actual historical materials such as film, notes and manuals, I have researched each
self-defense technique to describe its development throughout the history of the Kenpo
System. At a single glance, you can read the orthodox version of the defense as well as
see how it was performed in its early stages. Though I have use the 24 Technique System as
a foundation, this book has been organized to enable a practitioner from any of the three
major systems (16, 24 or 32) to quickly reference the technique.
I hope that you will use this information to achieve a greater appreciation for the art of
American Kenpo and to continue its development as “we all strive for unity and
proficiency in the Art.”
19. Parting of the Snakes 1. Twirling Wings 1. Obscure Claws
20. Glancing Lance 2. Snapping Twig 2. Encounter With Danger
3. Leaping Crane 3. Circling Destruction
1ST DEGREE BLACK BELT 4. Swinging Pendulum 4. Detour From Doom
1. Destructive Kneel 5. Crushing Hammer 5. Squatting Sacrifice
2. Entwined Maces 6. Captured Leaves 6. Escape from Death
3. Marriage of the Rams 7. Evading the Storm 7. Brushing the Storm
4. The Ram and the Eagle 8. Charging Ram 8. Menacing Twirl
5. Escape from the Storm 9. Parting Wings 9. Leap from Danger
6. Thrusting Lance 10. Thundering Hammers 10. Circles of Protection
7. Capturing the Rod 11. Squeezing the Peach 11. Circle of Doom
8. Prance of the Tiger 12. Circling Wing 12. Broken Gift
9. Fatal Deviation 13. Calming the Storm 13. Heavenly Ascent
10. Snakes of Wisdom 14. Darting Mace 14. Capturing the Storm
11. Reprimanding the Bears 15. Hooking Wings 15. Conquering Shield
12. Circling the Storm 16. Shield and Sword 16. Taming the Mace
13. Entwined Lance 17. Gift in Return 17. Twirling Sacrifice
14. Broken Rod 18. Bow of Compulsion 18. Cross of Death
15. Twirling Hammers 19. Obstructing the Storm 19. Securing the Storm
16. Piercing Lance 20. Twin Kimono 20. Intercepting the Ram
17. Unfolding the Dark 21. Sleeper 21. Kneel of Compulsion
18. Defying the Rod 22. Spiraling Twig 22. Clipping the Storm
19. Escape From Darkness 23. Cross of Destruction 23. Glancing Wing
20. Twisted Rod 24. Flight to Freedom 24. The Back Breaker
1. Clutching Feathers 1. Begging Hands Time in Grade and
2. Triggered Salute 2. Thrusting Wedge Contribution to the Art
3. Dance of Death 3. Flashing Wings
4. Thrusting Salute 4. Hugging Pendulum 7TH DEGREE BLACK BELT
5. Gift of Destruction 5. Repeated Devastation Time in Grade and
6. Locking Horns 6. Entangled Wing Contribution to the Art
7. Lone Kimono 7. Defying the Storm 8TH DEGREE BLACK BELT
8. Glancing Salute 8. Raking Mace Time in Grade and
9. Five Swords 9. Snaking Talon Contribution to the Art
10. Buckling Branch 10. Shield and Mace
11. Scraping Hoof 11. Retreating Pendulum 9TH DEGREE BLACK BELT
12. Grip of Death 12. Tripping Arrow Time in Grade and
13. Crossing Talon 13. Fallen Cross Contribution to the Art
14. Repeating Mace 14. Returning Storm
15. Shielding Hammer 15. Crossed Twigs 10TH DEGREE BLACK BELT
16. Striking Serpent’s Head 16. Twist of Fate Reserved for
17. Locked Wing 17. Flashing Mace Senior Grandmaster
18. Obscure Wing 18. Gift of Destiny Edmund Kealoha Parker
19. Reversing Mace 19. Wings of Silk
20. Thrusting Prongs 20. Gripping Talon
21. Twisted Twig 21. Gathering Clouds
22. Obscure Sword 22. Destructive Twins
23. Raining Claw 23. Broken Ram
24. Crashing Wings 24. Circling the Horizon
Standard Description
Supplemental Notes The standard method of
Alternate Versions performing the defense
of the technique or appears in BLACK.
supplementary notes
appear in BLUE.
Performance Notes
Details on the
performance of each
move appears in RED.
In addition, if there are
variations in the original
manuals it will appear
•This technique was originally 1. With your left foot, step toward 6:00 and form a right
called Retreating Sword. In this neutral bow stance as you deliver a right hammering
version, the handsword inward block to the inside of the opponent’s right arm.
immediatley followed the block
and a right front snapping ball
Your left hand is positioned at solar plexus level to act as
kick to the opponent’s groin a positional check.
concluded the technqiue. After
the kick was delivered, the right •By stepping away from your opponent, you increase the distance
foot planted back toward 6:00. and give yourself more time to defend.
Unfortunately, many students
were retreating too early and, in •A general rule is to get your distance first AND THEN the rotation.
effect, moving away from the
handsword strike. To correct this •The right inward block should not knock the opponent’s arm away
error, the technique was as it would create a rotation and may invite the opponent’s left
changed by “delaying” the hand into action. Instead, your right arm makes contact just below
handsword with the kick. the opponent’s elbow and frictionally pulls toward the opponent’s
right wrist. This will create an Angle of Disturbance and momentarily
•This technique was originally control his Dimensional Zones.
taught as a defense against a
punch. In later versions of Kenpo,
2. Immediately deliver a right front snapping ball kick to the
it was placed at the #1 position in
Yellow Belt was made into a opponent’s groin.
defense against a lapel grab. It
should be noted that in its present •This kick will control the opponent’s Height Zone by forcing him to
form, this technique is better bend forward at the waist. It will also provide you with Borrowed
suited as a defense against a Reach for the next target.
punch or an attempted lapel
grab. Once the grab is made, •The kick may travel through a transitional cat stance prior to kicking.
however, the concept of “Get
the Upper Hand” must follow. In 3. Plant toward 12:00 and form a right neutral bow stance
such circumstances, utilize the
following variation:
to check the opponent’s right knee. Simultaneously
deliver a right outward downward diagonal handsword
Step 1 strike to the right side of the opponent’s neck.
With your left hand pin the Immediately slide your right hand (after the strike) to his
opponent’s right hand to your left
right wrist to act as a precautionary check (rebounding
shoulder as you step back with
your left foot and form a right check).
neutral bow stance. This action
should pull the opponent’s right •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicates planting toward 11:00. This will
arm controlling his Dimensional ensure that the buckle to the right leg is properly executed.
Zones. Deliver a right hammering
inward block to either the nerves •Some practitioners plant in a right wide kneel stance to utilize
inside his right arm or, if range Gravitational Marriage.
allows, to the bridge of his nose.
Steps 2-3
NOTE: The 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio
Manuals do not indicate an Angle of Departure.
•The defense is sometimes called 1. With your left foot, step toward 6:00 and form a right
ALTERNATING MACE. neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right
inward block to the outside of the opponent’s left arm.
•In the Ideal Phase, the
opponent steps forward with his
Your left hand checks at solar plexus level.
right foot as he pushes with both
hands. •This action controls the opponent’s Width Zone and redirects his
forward body momentum.
•In the orthodox method, your left arm punches over your right arm.
Some practitioners punch under the right arm. This will depend upon
the circumstances. Care should be take, however, not to clear the
opponent’s arms down into your left punch.
•Your right arm travels inside and over your left arm.
NOTE: The 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio
Manuals do not indicate an Angle of Departure.
• 1. With your left foot, step toward 6:00 and form a right
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right
extended outward block to the inside of the opponent’s
left forearm. Your left hand should cover in front of your
solar plexus.
•By pivoting into a cat stance, you will rotate your upper body to
face the opponent. This will enable you to add rotational force with
the next strike (handsword strike). Your shoulders are essentially
“cocking” for the strike.
3. Plant your right foot forward and form a right neutral bow
stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right inward
downward diagonal handsword strike to the left side of
the opponent’s neck. Immediately snap your right hand
back to act as a check.
•Your right arm contours the inside of the opponent’s left arm to find
its target.
•After snapping your right hand back, keep your right elbow
anchored to act as a positional check to your right rib cage.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual indicated snapping your right hand
back to check the opponent’s left shoulder. The 1975 IKKA Red
Manual indicated snapping your right hand back to check the left
inner wrist of the opponent.
•Your right leg acts as a Positional Check to the opponent’s left leg.
NOTE: The 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio
Manuals do not indicate an Angle of Departure.
•Some instructors teach this as a 1. With your left foot, step toward 7:30 to form a right
defense against a right side kick neutral bow stance as you simultaneously execute a right
beginning in a right neutral bow outward downward diagonal block to the outside of the
stance. If you begin this defense
in a right neutral bow stance,
opponent’s right leg. Your left hand checks high.
execute a reverse push-drag
maneuver simultaneously with •Stepping toward 7:30 moves you off the Line of Attack and your
your right outward downward right hand travels from 11:00 to 5:00. If you step back to 6:00, your
diagonal block. right hand travels from 10:30 to 4:30. In other words, if you step on the
“+” sign, you block on the “X”; if you step on the “X”, you block on
the “+” sign. Experience will show that it is more advantageous to
step on the “X”. In this instance, your block essentially becomes a
•When the block is properly executed, the opponent’s body will turn
slightly to his left. The block should additionally control his Width by
turning him as well as cause injury to his leg.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described the block as a “right deflecting
downward block” that travels from 11:00 to 5:00.
•Your left check will slightly precede your right inward elbow strike.
•If you check the opponent’s down, deliver the elbow to his face; if
you check his arm across, deliver the elbow to his ribs.
NOTE: The 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio
Manuals do not indicate an Angle of Departure.
Base Holds and Hugs
Horse Stance
Back Hammerfist Strike DEFENSIVE LOCATION
90-Degree Cat Stance Inside
Upward Snapping Vertical Obscure Elbow Strike
Downward Stomp Kick Right to Right
Gravitational Marriage 6:00
16 System
Crushing Hammer Orthodox 24 System
Squeezing the Peach Yellow #5
Spiraling Twig 32 System
Squatting Sacrifice
Not Found
•This defense illustrates stepping 1. With your left foot step to 9:00 and form a horse stance
to the side to expose the facing 12:00 as your left hand pins the opponent’s hands
opponent’s vulnerable targets to your body. Simultaneously deliver a right back
that lie along the centerline. It
also introduces the concept of
hammerfist strike to his groin.
the Obscure Zone.
•The hammerfist strike should cause the opponent to bend forward at
the waist and possibly release his grip.
•When you form your horse stance, brace your buttocks on his left
thigh to control his Dimensional Zones. By dropping your weight, you
control his Height Zone.
•By pinning his hands, you will prevent any unanticipated reactions.
•A right rear heel palm strike to the groin and grab to the testicles
may be delivered to increase the possiblity of an early release.
•If you pivot quickly enough, you will cause the grip to be broken by
suddenly increasing the relative positioning of your Depth Zone. An
outward shoulder strike (minor strike) to his chest may also be
inserted during this phase.
•Immediately snap your right arm back to its covering position in front
of your groin and your left hand returns to cover your face. This is also
known as the “Changing of the Guard”.
•Contour the opponent’s chest and track along his centerline to find
the target for the obscure elbow strike.
•Your right palm will face the opponent’s body during the elbow
strike. This will assist with the proper Angle of Delivery.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual inserted a right downward foot stomp
to the opponent’s right instep and then sliding off to form a horse
stance prior to delivering the right obscure elbow strike for the
purpose of bending him forward.
•Some practitioners end this defense with the obscure elbow strike.
NOTE: The 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio
Manuals do not indicate an Angle of Departure.
Neutral Bow Stance Outside
Arm Bar Lock
Transitory Forward Bow Stance POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Downward Snapping Inverted Vertical Punch Right to Right
Grip of Death Yellow #6
Escape from Death Orthodox 24 System
Crossing Talon Yellow #6
32 System
• 1. Turn your head to the left and tuck your chin into your
chest as you step forward with your right foot toward
12:00 and form a right close kneel stance as you use your
left knee to check and control the opponent’s right
knee. Simultaneously countergrab the opponent’s right
wrist with your right hand. Use your left hand to grab the
flesh of his right inner thigh.
•A left reverse handsword strike may preceed the crab hand pinch.
3. With your left foot, step toward 10:30 and form a left
neutral bow stance as you use your left forearm to apply
a right arm bar lock and force the opponent to bend
forward at his waist.
•The 1987 IKKA Red Manual did not mention that the fist should be
inverted but it did appear in the 1975 IKKA Red Manual. Many
practitioners simply deliver a downard vertical punch to the mastoid;
however, the purpose of inverting the fist is to place the two large
knuckles of your hand on the target.
NOTE: The 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio
Manuals do not indicate an Angle of Departure.
• 1. With your right foot, step toward 3:00 as you defend with
a right inward parry. Immediately slide your left foot
toward your right foot and form a left 45-degree cat
stance facing 10:30 as you defend with a left extended
outward handsword block to the right inner wrist of the
opponent. Your right hand (hand open) acts as a check
in front of your solar plexus.
•The defense motions are designed to check the attack and not
block them. Your defense footwork should move you off the Line of
Attack and away from danger. They should be executed in one
smooth continuous motion.
•Your left foot will point toward the opponent’s groin (centerline).
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual described using a right inward block.
This has caused some confusion with practitioners thinking that they
needed to block the weapon. Your footwork evasion should do all
the work for you; your hands are used as an added defense.
•This kick will cause the opponent to bend forward at his waist
thereby controlling his Height and Width Zones.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described using a “left/right chicken kick”
using the left foot to strike the opponent’s groin and the right foot to
strike his solar plexus. It further describes planting your right foot back
to 4:30 to form a left neutral bow stance and placing your hands in a
defensive position. A later revision eliminated the right kick and
added the following strikes:
•Plant your left foot in a modified left front twist stance to properly
align your body for the kick.
•This kick should cause the opponent’s right knee to bend out and
away from you and bring his head closer.
•As you turn your body to kick, you will simultaneoulsy cock your right
arm for the following strike.
4. Plant your right foot toward 10:00 and form a right neutral
bow stance as you deliver a right outward back knuckle
strike to the opponent’s left temple. Your left hand
remains checking at your solar plexus.
•This strike should drive the opponent’s head away from you and
possibley cause his body to drop to the ground.
NOTE: The 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio
Manuals do not indicate an Angle of Departure.
•This defense is sometimes used 1. Pin the opponent’s hands with your left hand as you
against a two hand lapel grab simultaneously deliver a right forward stomp kick to his
pulling into a head butt strike. right foot (landing in a right neutral bow stance) with a
right inward downward diagonal raking back knuckle
strike to the bridge of his nose.
•As you pin the opponent’s hand to your chest, anchor your left
elbow to prevent the opponent from gaining enough leverage to
•A left inward heel palm strike and claw to the right side of the
opponent’s face may be inserted prior to pinning.
•Begin your right forward stomp kick as a knife edge kick to his right
knee.scrape down his shin and end with a stomp to his instep. The
knife edge kick will widen his stance and control his Dimensional
•Your right arm acts as a horizontal sliding check across his arms. This
serves several purposes: first, it acts as a method of controlling his
Dimensional Zones; second, it prepares your right arm (cocking) for
the next strike; and third, it brings him into range for your close range
weapons (elbows).
•You may shuffle forward with this final elbow strike if circumstances
dictate. Time the completion of your shuffle (forward push-drag
maneuver) to occur simultaneously with the elbow strike to take
advantage of body momentum.
NOTE: The 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio
Manuals do not indicate an Angle of Departure.
1. With your right foot, step toward 6:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a left
inward block to the outside of the opponent’s right arm.
Your right hand cocks near your solar plexus slightly
forward with the palm up and the fist clenched.
•The action will turn the Width of the opponent and close his
centerline; thereby, controlling his Width Zone and his left punch.
•This action will cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist
and move him slightly backward exposing his centerline.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated using a right front snapping ball
kick to the opponent’s right rib cage or solar plexus. The technique
ended at this point by planting your right foot back toward 7:30
(“between 7 and 8 o’clock”) with your hands up in a fighting
•Your right foot will contour the opponent’s right leg and plant next to
the inside of the opponent’s right foot.
•Some practitioners utilize a left uppercut punch to the right rib cage
or the right kidney. Others utilize a diagonal punch to contour the
opponent’s rib cage. In the case of the latter, your left fist will be
angled along the 10:40-4:30 line.
NOTE: The 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio
Manuals do not indicate an Angle of Departure.
•This technique is often taught as 1. Pin the opponent’s left hand to your shoulder with your
an example how the Kenpo Self- left hand. Simultaneously step toward 3:00 and form a
Defense Techniques contain built- right fighting horse stance as you deliver a right outward
in answers to many What If
scenarios. For example, if the
horizontal handsword strike to the opponent’s throat.
opponent is attacking with a left
hand grab followed by a right •The opponent is standing between 3 and 4 o’clock.
hand punch, the right outward
handsword may be used strike his •Your initial action should be to pin the opponent’s hand to your
right shoulder and prevent his shoulder (get the upper hand). This will eliminate the possibility of him
ability to punch (controlling the striking you (intentionally or unintentionally) with his left hand.
Width Zone). If the opponent
attempts to punch AFTER your •When you step to 3:00, check the opponent’s left leg with your right
handsword strike, you can take leg. You should step deep enough to buckle or control his left leg.
advantage of your right arm’s
path of travel and defend with a •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that you should step toward
right inward block. 2:00 and form your horse stance (in this case, the opponent is
standing at 3:00).
•When you strike his groin, take advantage of the borrowed reach
that exists due to his reaction to the handsword strike.
NOTE: The 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio
Manuals do not indicate an Angle of Departure.
Lone Kimono
Snapping Twig
Bow of Compulsion
Hooking Wings
Glancing Spear
Sword of Destruction
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual 1. With your left hand, pin the opponent’s left hand to your
described the technique in the head. Simultaneously step to 6:00 and form a right
following manner: neutral bow stance as you deliver a right vertical middle
Step 1
knuckle fist strike to the nerves in the opponent’s left arm
Pin the opponent’s hand to your pit.
head as you step back with your
left foot and form a right neutral •The mechanics of this first motion mirrors the motions found in LONE
bow stance as you deliver a right KIMONO.
vertical thrusting middle knuckle
fist strike. •By applying the pinning check with your left hand, you will neutralize
the opponent’s ability to create pain. This pin should be made
Step 2 downward toward your head as your head presses unnoticably
While in your neutral bow stance, upward. This will create a vice-like effect and cause pain to the
strike to the inside of the opponent’s left hand.
opponent’s left forearm with a
right vertical outward block as •As it is pinning, your left arm should be in an upward block position
your left hand cocks palm up at (positional block) shielding your head and face from strikes that
your left hip. could be delivered from his right hand.
Step 3 •When you step back, your head should move with your body. In
Pivot clockwise and form a right addition, the step back will control his Dimensional Zones and create
forward bow stance as you an Angle of Disturbance.
deliver a left thrusting heel palm
strike to his jaw while switching
2. Pivot clockwise and form a right forward bow stance as
your vertical outward block into
an extended outward block. you deliver a left thrusting heel palm strike to the
opponent’s jaw simultaneously with a right extended
Note the elimination of Step 2 in outward block to the inside of your opponent’s left arm.
the modern description.
•Before you pivot into your right forward bow stance, strike to the
inside of your opponent’s left forearm with a right vertical outward
block. As you pivot into the right forward bow stance, your right arm
will form an extended outward block.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual ended the self-defense technique with
the thrusting heel palm strike.
•Unlike the method described in the 1975 IKKA Red Manual, the
modern method of executing the thrusting heel palm strike is to allow
your left hand to slide down to the side of your head prior to
delivering the strike. This allows you to align your heel palm properly
along the path of travel.
•Strike the opponent’s jaw with your thrusting heel palm strike as his
head snaps forward in reaction to the thrusting heel palm strike
(whiplash effect). This will enable you to take advantage of
Borrowed Reach.
•The updated 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that the raking back
knuckle strike should be delivered in a horizontally inward direction.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual 4. Without disrupting the flow of motion of your right hand,
described the base technique pivot counterclockwise and form a right reverse bow
and extension as follows: stance facing 12:00 and convert your right hand into a
Step 1
right downward (rear) hammerfist strike to the
Pin the opponent’s hand to your opponent’s groin. Your left hand should be positionally
head as you step back with your checking by the right side of your face.
left foot and form a right neutral
bow stance as you deliver a right
5. Immediately pivot clockwise and form a right neutral
vertical thrusting middle knuckle
fist strike. bow stance as you deliver a right outward back knuckle
strike to the right side of the opponent’s face. Your left
Step 2 hand will be positionally checking at rib cage level.
While in your neutral bow stance,
strike to the inside of the
opponent’s left forearm with a
6. Slide your left foot forward and in front of your right foot
right vertical outward block as forming a left front twist stance facing 12:00. Prior to your
your left hand cocks palm up at left foot planting, deliver a left vertical punch to the
your left hip. opponent’s sternum simultaneously with your right
forearm horizontally checking below your left punch. As
Step 3
Pivot clockwise and form a right your left foot plants into the twist stance, execute a right
forward bow stance as you inward horizontal elbow strike to the left side of the
deliver a left thrusting heel palm opponent’s jaw simultaneously with a left inward
strike to his jaw while switching horizontal heel palm strike to create a sandwiching
your vertical outward block into
an extended outward block.
Neutral Bow Stance
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike Inside
Outward Horizontal Elbow Strike
Outward Horizontal Back Knuckle Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Thrusting Vertical Back Knuckle Strike Right to Right
Thrusting Handsword Strike
Inward Overhead Heel Palm Strike and Claw
Thrusting Uppercut Punch
Inward Claw 16 System
Back Elbow Strike Orange #2
Reverse Bow Stance Orthodox 24 System
Downward Hammerfist Strike Orange #2
Thrusting Knee Kick 32 System
Orange #2
Back Up Mass
Gravitational Marriage FORM LOCATION
Torque None
Frictional Pull
Mace of Aggression
Glancing Salute
Gripping Talon
1. With your left hand, pin the opponent’s right hand
against your chest as you step forward (toward 11:00)
with your right foot and form a right neutral bow stance
to buckle the inside of the opponent’s right knee.
Simultaneously deliver a right thrusting heel palm strike to
his chin.
•Deliver the heel palm strike from Point of Origin. Do not cock for the
2. Form the shape of the crane with your right hand and
frictionally slide down the opponent’s right arm to hook
his right arm toward 5:30. Round the Corner and deliver a
right inward horizontal elbow strike to his solar plexus.
•The frictional pull will bring the opponent’s upper body forward and
diagonally to his right.
•This action can create a wrench against his right arm. During this
action, the opponent’s right arm may be straight or bent.
•Enroute to the crane to this right arm, execute a right inward rotating
five-finger claw across his face and eyes.
5. Deliver a right thrusting handsword strike to the
opponent’s right shoulder. Immediately check his right
arm downward with your right hand and deliver a left
inward overhead heel palm strike and claw to his face.
•The thrusting handsword strike to his right shoulder controls his Width
Zone; however, striking his right shoulder may send his left arm into
orbit toward you. Therefore, many modern practioners deliver the
thrusting handsword strike to his left shoulder. If you strike to his left
shoulder, you may also insert a right inward claw across his face
enroute to checking his right arm down.
•If you pivoted clockwise into a right forward bow stance in Step 5,
then you should pivot counterclockwise and form a right neutral
bow stance as you deliver the right thrusting uppercut punch.
7. Slide your left foot toward 1:30 and form a left rear twist
stance as you deliver a left inward claw to the
opponent’s face simultaneous with a right back elbow
strike (palm up) to his solar plexus.
•Your left hand passes through the opponent’s face to guard your
•You may substitute the hammerfist strike for a downward heel palm
Thrusting Inward Block Outside
Forward Bow Stance
Underhand Reverse Handsword Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Forward Step Through Maneuver Left to Right
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike
Outward Downward Diagonal Back Knuckle Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Inward Downward Diagonal Handsword Strike
Wide Kneel Stance
Thundering Hammers Form 5
Flashing Mace
•The Ideal Phase of this defense 1. With your left foot, step toward 10:30 and form a left
has the opponent’s right leg neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you defend with a left
back; thereby enabling you to thrusting inward block. Your right arm hangs naturally
step toward 12:00 without any
obstruction. If his right foot is
along the right side of your body.
forward, it may accidentally track
•The step toward 10:30 with your left foot moves you off the Line of
upward and strike your groin.
Attack. The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 11:00;
Therefore, when his right leg is
a later update and the 1987 IKKA Studio Manual indicated stepping
forward, you must step toward
toward 10:30.
10:30 to close off this line of entry.
Stepping toward 10:30 will enable
you to buckle the inside of his •Your right arm is in a low preparatory cock position.
right leg. There are three methods
that are used to step forward: •Your inward block controls the opponent’s Width Zone.
•Keep the opponent’s right hip off the ground by pulling upward. This
will control his ability to escape.
•Your Body Momentum helps you to drop your opponent onto his
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual concluded the Base Technique at this
point with the takedown. The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual, and most
modern verisions, concludes the base technique with the following
strikes described below:
•As you coverout, circle your right arm under his right leg and force
his leg outward and away from you. This will give you a clear path for
your Angle of Departure and will act as a final check against any
further retaliatory efforts.
6. With your right hand, grab the outside of his right ankle
and slide your left hand to the top of his toes.
•As your right arm moves toward his right ankle, contour along his leg.
This will enable you to monitor the opponent and control his leg.
9. Release the grab to his ankle and execute a left heel
stomp to the opponent’s lower spine.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stomping “toward one and
two o’clock”.
10. Shift your entire body weight onto your left leg (having
your right leg close to your left leg) as you stand on the
opponent’s lower spine. Plant your right foot to the back
right side of the opponent’s body (toward 4:30).
11. Lift your left leg off the opponent’s spine and balance on
your right leg (right one-legged stance). Plant your left
foot toward 10:30 to deliver a left stomp to pinch his right
kidney before landing it to the side of his right ribcage.
14. Shift your entire body weight onto your right leg (right
one-legged stance) as you stand on top of the
opponent’s upper spine. Step through with your left foot
and plant toward 10:30 so that you end to the front left
of his head.
•Your left foot leaps toward a Zone of Sanctuary. You should plant
your left foot so that you are out of range of his left arm but still within
range to kick with your right foot.
•As you kick, “throw” both of your arms along your right side in the
direction of your kick. This will balance your action and utilize the
principle of Directional Harmony.
•This technique may be used as 1. With your right foot, step toward 4:30 to form a left
a defense against a right snap neutral bow stance facing 10:30. Simultaneously deliver a
kick or a righ thrust kick. left outward downward block to the inside of the
opponent’s right leg. Immediately snap your left hand
counterclockwise to a vertical position to act as a
positional block with your left hand open. During the
action, your right hand cocks near your right hip (palm
•By moving Up the Circle toward 4:30, you move off the Line of
Attack and align yourself to attack his centerline. In addition, you
move out of range of his hand weapons but remain in range to
deliver your own kicking counter attack. This is particularly useful if
the opponent attempts to follow his kicking attack with a punching
•Your right hand may deliver a minor inward downward block (palm-
up) prior to delivering your left outward downward block (major).
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual directed the practitioner to step toward
6:00 with the right foot. A later revision changed this angle to 4:30.
•Time this kick to occur before the opponent plants his right foot to
the ground.
•This kick will cause the opponent to violently bend forward at the
•Pivot your left foot counterclockwise as you deliver your right kick.
3. Plant your right foot toward 10:30 and form a right neutral
bow stance as you deliver a right torquing
(counterclockwise) heel palm strike to the opponent’s
jaw. Your left hand acts a positional check near your
right ribcage.
•When you deliver the thrusting heel palm strike, force the
opponent’s head backward and downward to minimize his
leverage and to prevent him from delivering a right knee kick to your
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual directed the practioner to plant toward
11:00. A later revision changed this to 10:30. This change coincided
with the angle change on the initial step.
4. Slide your left foot forward to form a left front twist stance
as you deliver a left vertical thrust punch to the
opponent’s solar plexus simultaneously with a right
outward horizontal heel palm strike across his mid-
•An early (pre-1975) version of this defense used the right hand as a
backstop to the left inward elbow strike to create a sandwiching
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual concluded the defense at this point. A
later revision added the following strikes:
Deflecting Hammer
Thrusting Prongs
Gift in Return
Gift of Destiny
Leaping Crane
Shielding Hammer
1. Pull the opponent’s right arm diagonally downward past
your right hip as you hop forward onto your left foot
toward 11:00 and deliver a right thrusting knee kick to
the opponent’s groin. Simultaneously deliver a left inward
horizontal heel palm strike to the opponent’s right elbow.
•As you pull the opponent’s right arm, rotate your right arm clockwise
palm upward. This will properly expose his right elbow for your heel
palm strike.
•The buckle to the opponent’s right knee turns his head aligns the
target for your right elbow strike.
•Another version of the extension 3. Immediately slide your left foot counterclockwise (up the
follows: circle) toward 4:30 and form a right neutral bow stance
as you grab your opponent’s right shoulder with your
Step 3
Adjust Up the Circle with our left
right hand and pull him downward and toward you.
foot and gauge for distance. Simultaneously and as part of the continuous flow of your
Immediately deliver a right left hand, execute a left inward heel palm strike and
outward horizontal back knuckle claw to the right side of the opponent’s face. As part of
strike to the opponent’s solar
the continuous flow of action, have your right hand
plexus to bend him forward at the
waist. Your left hand checks high. release its grab and positionally check low near your
Step 4
Pivot clockwise and form a right •Because of the differnece in distance of travel, your right hand
forward bow stance facing 10:30 shoulder grab should slightly precede the left heel palm strike and
as you deliver a left outward two- claw.
finger eye hook simultaneously
with a right outward reverse •When properly executed, the body momentum of your left foot
hammerfist strike to the sliding up the circle should add to the force of your left heel palm
opponent’s right jaw hinge. strike and claw.
Follow through with the reverse
hammerfist strike and convert it •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated adjusting your angle to 4:00.
into a right outward ranking back
knuckle strike to the opponent’s
4. Immediately pivot into a right forward bow stance as you
execute a right outward raking back knuckle strike to
Step 5 the right side of the bridge of the opponent’s nose.
Pivot counterclockwise and form Continue the flow of motion of your left hand and deliver
a right neutral bow stance and
a left thrusting heel palm strike downward to the top of
you deliver a right inward
downward diagonal raking his left hip.
hammerfist strike to the bridge of
the opponent’s nose •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that the left hand drops into a
simultaneously with a left inward low horizontal covering check. It did not indicate a strike.
two-finger eye hook.
5. Reverse the motion of your right hand and execute a
Step 6
Pivot counterclockwise and form
right inward downward diagonal hammerfist strike to the
a right fighting horse stance and left side of the opponent’s jaw.
deliver a right outward horizontal
hammerfist strike to the 6. Have your left foot shift slightly to form a right fighting
opponent’s solar plexus.
horse stance and, as you settle your weight, continue the
Step 7 flow of motion of your right hand and deliver a right
Execute a right front crossover outward downward diagonal hammerfist strike to the
and double cover out toward opponent’s upper abdominal region. Your left hand
4:30. switches and positionally checks in front of your right
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual ended the extension at this point and
proceeded with a right front crossover and double coverout. No
Angle of Departure was indicated. The Updated 1975 IKKA Red
Manual insert continues the defense in steps 7-10.
Underhand Reverse Handsword Strike Inside
Neutral Bow Stance
Vertical Obscure Elbow Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Downward Heel Palm Strike Right to Right
Push-Drag Foot Maneuver
Inward Downward Diagonal Elbow Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Inward Hooking Heel Palm Strike
Outward Horizontal Back Knuckle Strike 16 System
Heel Palm Push-Down Strike Orange #6
Thrusting Knee Kick Orthodox 24 System
Downward Stomp Kick Orange #6
Rear Crossover Stomp Kick 32 System
Reverse Step Through Orange #5
Zone of Obscurity FORM LOCATION
Contouring None
Mace of Aggression
Circling Wing
Gripping Talon
Bow of Compulsion
Dance of Death
1. With your right foot, step toward 11:00 and form a right
wide kneel stance as you check the opponent’s right
knee with your left hand and deliver a right underhand
reverse handsword strike to his groin.
•Turn your head and tuck your chin into your chest to protect your
•Your left hand checks directly above the opponent’s right knee cap
(patella) and pushes down with a left push down block (fingers
turned toward right). This action controls his Dimensional Zones by
locking his right knee.
•Some practitioners step forward and form a right close kneel stance.
This has the advantage of generating torque as you pivot
counterclockclockwise and form a right neutral bow stance in the
next move. The earliest version of this defense (pre-1975) utilized a
close kneel.
•Your right arm follows through until it begins to drop downward. This
places your right arm in the highest cocked position for the next
•The left hand clears and palm strikes in the same continuous motion.
•The palm strike to the solar plexus will bring the opponent forward to
deliver the next strike.
•An upward head butt strike to his jaw may preceed the vertical
obscure elbow strike.
•A forward head butt strike may follow the sandwiching elbow strike
with 1/4 beat timing.
4. Slide your left foot forward to form a left front twist stance
facing 12:00 as you deliver a right outward horizontal
back knuckle strike to the opponent’s right rib cage
simultaneously with a left heel palm push-down strike
(fingers are horizontal and pointed inward) to his solar
•Some practitioners deliver the right thrusting knee kick to the inside
of the opponent’s right thigh.
•You may also simultaneously deliver a front head butt strike to the
bridge of the opponent’s nose.
•Keep your right foot on top of his right instep as you deliver a the left
rear crossover stomp kick.
•You may also simultaneously deliver a rear looping head butt strike
to his face.
8. With your left foot, step toward 6:00 (left reverse step
through) and execute a right front crossover and double
cover out toward 7:30.
Clutching Feathers
Snapping Twig
Hooking Wings
Twin Kimono
Delayed Sword
Obscure Sword
•In the 1975 IKKA Red Manual, 1. With your left foot, step back and form a right neutral
this technique was placed at #6 bow stance facing 12:00. Simultaneously, pin his left hand
due to the placement of with your left hand and deliver a right upward block
Thrusting Salute at #13.
against his left elbow as you settle into your stance.
•The first three actions should be PIN with the STEP and ROTATE with
the BREAK.
3. After cocking your right hand slightly toward your left hip
(palm up) deliver a right outward upward diagonal
handsword strike to his throat. Your left hand checks at
solar plexus level.
•The extension described in the 2. Immediately slide your left foot toward 4:30 and deliver a
1975 IKKA Red Manual caused right outward horizontal back knuckle strike to the
some practioners confusion due opponent’s solar plexus. Your left hand continues to
to the poor written description of
the 1st Degree Brown Belt
check your opponent’s left arm.
material. A corrected insert was
later introduced to properly •Shortening the circle.
describe this and other
techniques. 3. Pivot clockwise and form a right forward bow stance as
you deliver a right extended outward block to the inside
•Some practitioners do not slide
the left foot toward 4:30; instead, of the opponent’s left arm. Simultaneously execute a left
they simply pivot in-place to thrusting handsword strike to the opponent’s throat.
execute the right extended
outward block and left thrusting •Because your right arm is travelling in a Geometric Path of Action, it
handsword strike. In such is possible that you can also rake across the opponent’s face with an
circumstances, the right outward back knuckle strike.
extended outward block is
delivered from Point of Origin
after the upward forearm strike.
4. Slide your left foot toward your right foot (gauging leg)
and pivot counterclockwise as you deliver a right
thrusting knife-edge kick to the inside of the opponent’s
right knee simultaneous with a right inward handsword
strike to the left side of the opponent’s neck. Your left
hand positionally checks near your solar plexus.
•Your kick will make contact 1/4 beat before your handsword makes
Triggered Salute
Gift of Destruction
Menacing Twirl
1. With your left foot, step toward 11:00 (left neutral bow
stance) and pivot clockwise to form a right forward bow
stance facing 3:00 as you pin the opponent’s right hand
against your chest with your right hand. Simultaneously
deliver a left vertical forearm strike against his right
•The action of forcefully pinning the opponent’s right arm against his
body brings his head downward and forward into your right heel
palm strike. The heel palm strike forces his head upward and
•This extension also demonstrates 5. Slide your left foot toward 1:30 to form a left rear twist
how to counter an opponent’s stance as you deliver a right outward downward
attempt to grab your wrists in diagonal heel palm strike to the opponent’s solar plexus
reaction to your strikes. If the
opponent grabs your right and
simultaneous with a left inward horizontal heel palm claw
left wrists (right hand to your left to his face.
wrist and left hand to your right
wrist) after you execute the right •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot (gauging
reverse bow buckle to the inside leg) to your right foot and stepping toward 2:00 with your right foot.
of his left knee (Step 6), rotate in-
place and execute a right front •The right inward horizontal elbow strike will turn the opponent’s head
crossover sweep kick to the back into your left inward claw. Some practitioners use a left inward two-
of the opponent’s right ankle as finger hook to the opponent’s eyes.
you use your right arm to track
along your left forearm and 6. Immediately slide your right foot back toward 1:30 and
break the opponent’s grip. As
form a right reverse bow stance to buckle the inside of
you plant and settle into a left
rear twist stance, deliver a right the opponent’s left knee. Simultaneously deliver a right
two-finger poke to the downward heel palm strike to his groin as your left hand
opponent’s eyes. As you clear positionally checks beside the right side of your face.
the opponent’s arms, it will
simultaneously cross check his •Some practitioners deliver a right downward hammerfist strike.
arm in a manner similar to
this is simply an application of the 7. Your left hand wraps around the left side of the
Orthodox Version. opponent’s neck and anchors down to pull him into a
right over-the-shoulder back knuckle strike to his face.
•An early version (pre-1975)
ended by executing a right front
8. Immediately deliver a right upward knee kick to the
crossover sweep kick and
planting with a left two-finger eye inside of the opponent’s right knee as your hands
hook after the right reverse bow continue to check high.
buckle (Step 6).
•The buckle will begin to turn him outward (clockwise).
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual ended the extension here and executed
a right front crossover and double coverout toward 7:30.
10. With your left foot, step toward 6:00 (left reverse step
through) and face 12:00 in a right neutral bow stance as
you deliver a right outward back knuckle strike to the
opponent’s face.
Neutral Bow Stance
Forward Bow Stance Right to Right
Outward Downward Diagonal Handsword Strike
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Five-Finger Thrust 12:00
Uppercut Punch
Outward Downward Diagonal Handsword Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Inward Overhead Handsword Strike 16 System
Orange #10
Inward Upward Diagonal Heel Palm Strike
Orthodox 24 System
Inward Five-Finger Circular Claw Orange #9
Reverse Bow Stance 32 System
Outward Upward Diagonal Handsword Strike Orange #8
Back Stiff-Leg Lifting Kick
Angle of Incidence
Raining Claw
Twirling Hammers
Bowing to Buddha
Dance of Darkness
•Another version of this defense, 1. With your right foot step forward and from a right neutral
called the “High Five”, delivers all bow stance facing 12:00 to check the inside of the
the strikes to the neck and head. opponent’s right knee. Simultaneously defend with a
right inward block to the inside of his right forearm. Your
left hand checks high.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 11:00. The
1987 IKKA Studio Manual omitted this angle.
•The poke to the opponent’s eyes will move his head back and
expose his mid-section for the next strike.
•This action will cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
4. Slide your left foot toward 4:30 and form a right forward
bow stance facing 10:30 as you deliver a left outward
downward diagonal handsword strike to the left side of
the opponent’s neck.
•During this action, your right hand acts as a positional check against
the opponent’s left arm.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding the left foot toward 4:00.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated striking the left side of the
opponent’s jaw with a left outward heel palm strike instead of the
handsword strike.
•Your right handsword will strike the top of the opponent’s cervial
spine located at the base of his skull.
•As your right hand strikes, your left hand slides off the opponent’s
neck and checks low. Many practitioners add a left outward
downward diagonal claw to the opponent’s face during this action.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual did not indicate an Angle of Departure.
6. Deliver a left inward upward diagonal heel palm strike
under the opponent’s chin. Immediately convert this into
a left inward five-finger circular claw across his face as
your right hand cocks (palm up) to the left side of your
•Your left hand may also utilize an inward two-finger hook to his eye.
•As your left arm is delivering the inward upward diagonal heel palm
strike your right arm drops to cover low. During this action, it may
claw across the opponent’s face. This will create a scissoring action
with your claws.
•Your right arm track below your left arm toward its target (the
•The left inward upward digonal heel palm claw and your right
outward upward diagonal handsword strike utilize 1/4 beat timing.
•You may drag your left foot toward your right foot to gauge for
distance if necessary.
•An early version of this defense (pre-1975) added a right rear heel
palm claw to the opponent’s face to occur simultaneously with the
right back stiff leg lifting kick. This is still utilized by some practitioners
Base Kicks
Neutral Bow Stance
Outward Downward Block DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Front Snapping Ball Kick Outside
Front Twist Stance
Left to Right
Transitory Reverse Bow Stance
Front Rotating Twist Stance
Inward Overhead Vertical Hammerfist Strike 12:00
Knee Kick
Vertical Upward Heel Palm Claw 16 System
Inward Heel Palm Claw Purple #4
Close Kneel Stance Orthodox 24 System
Underhand Back Knuckle Strike Orange #10
Downward Looping Roundhouse Kick 32 System
Orange #18
Gravitational Marriage None
Open Ended Triangle
Gift in Return
Brushing the Storm
Menacing Twirl
• 1. With your right foot step toward 4:30 and form a left
neutral bow stance facing 10:30. Simultaneously deliver a
left outward downward block to the outside of the
opponent’s left leg as your right hand cocks to your right
hip (fist clenched; palm up). Immediately recoil your left
hand counterclockwise into a vertical position to act as
a positional check.
•Your right hand may deliver a minor inward downward block (palm-
up) prior to delivering your left outward downward block (major).
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 5:00 with your
right foot.
•Time your kick to occur before his right foot plants down. Doing so
will enable you to take advantage of Borrowed Force as well as
prevent his ability to counter.
•You may also deliver a right front scoop kick to his groin. This will work
well in the natural sequencial flow of the next series of moves.
•This kick should make the opponent bend over at the waist with his
head facing 10:30.
•Prior to kicking you will pivot counterclockwise with your left foot. This
will generate Rotational Force for the kick.
3. Plant your right foot (gauging leg) toward 10:30 and form
a right front twist stance. Immediately deliver a left knife-
edge kick to the inside of his right knee from the rear.
•When you plant your right foot in twist stance, you are essentially
forming a right front rotating twist stance.
•If necessary, your right foot may modify the twist stance to properly
gauge for distance and angle.
4. From Point of Contact, plant your left foot toward 9:30
and form a transitory left reverse bow stance.
Immediately pivot counterclockwise (and in place) to
form a left front rotating twist stance. Simultaneously
check the opponent’s left shoulder with your left hand
and execute a right inward overhead vertical hammerfist
strike to his solar plexus. Immediately follow with a right
knee kick to the middle of his spine.
•Your right hand will travel over the opponent’s left shoulder and to
the front of his solar plexus.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual stated that you should deliver the right
knee kick “if it is feasible to do so”.
•Execute your left inward heel palm claw in a stiff-arm manner, using
body fusion.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described using a right back knuckle
strike to the opponent’s jaw instead of the vertical upward heel
palm claw. A later revision to the manual changed this to a heel
palm claw.
•From its previous position, your right hand will drop (fist clenched)
and loop to strike in an underhand back knuckle fashion.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
•Your left foot may drag to your right foot in order gauge for distance
and angle prior to leaping for the kick.
Holds and Hugs
Rear Bow Stance Inside
Back Side Scooping Heel Kick
Downward Stomp Kick Right to Either
Repeated Devastation Short Form 3
Twirling Sacrifice Long Form 3
Entwined Lance
Captured Twig
•The standard curriculum states 1. While in a full nelson hold with your arms raised, thrust
that this defense and REPEATED both of the your fists toward the ground to free you from
DEVASTATION repeat the his grasp and pin his arms against your body.
technique on the opposite side.
This is required for the purpose of
Simultaneously, slide your left foot slightly toward your
learning Short Form 3 and Long right foot as you straighten your knees and back to
Form 3. A practical street deliver a rear head butt strike to the opponent’s face.
application is described below:
•This defense is designed to prevent the opponent from appying a full
Step 1 nelson hold early in its attempt.
While in a full nelson hold with
your arms raised, thrust both of
2. Bend your left knee and pivot clockwise to form a right
the your fists toward the ground
to free you from his grasp and pin rear bow stance facing 3:00. Drop your weight and
his arms against your body. deliver a right back side scooping heel kick to the inside
Simultaneously, slide your left foot of the opponent’s left knee.
slightly toward your right foot as
you straighten your knees and •This action utilizes the principles of Reverse Marriage of Gravity and
back to deliver a rear head butt Contouring. Reverse Marriage of Gravity is obtained by dropping
strike to the opponent’s face. your weight as your right foot kicks upward. Contouring is utilized
because you are attempting to strike a vertical target with a vertical
Step 2 weapon. So, you contour your own leg to properly strike the
Bend your left knee and pivot opponent’s leg.
clockwise to form a right rear
bow stance facing 3:00. Drop •Dropping your weight while keeping the opponent’s arms pinned
your weight and deliver a right will also create an Angle of Disturbance thereby further controlling
back side scooping heel kick to the opponent.
the inside of the opponent’s left
3. Immediately deliver a right thrusting knife edge kick to
Step 3 the inside of the opponent’s right knee. Scrape down the
Immediately deliver a right opponent’s right shin with the knife edge of your foot.
thrusting knife edge kick to the End with a right downward stomp kick to his right instep.
inside of the opponent’s right
knee. Scrape down the
•In Short Form 3 and Long Form 3, you plant into a horse stance as
opponent’s right shin with the
you deliver the downward stomp kick; however, this is not practical
knife edge of your foot. End with
in actual application. You must stomp the opponent’s foot at a 90-
a right downward stomp kick to
degree angle to create the proper Angle of Incidence.
his right instep.
•This is technically where the defense ends; however, the opposite
Step 4
side is repeated in Short Form 3 and Long Form 3 and is described
Slide your right foot toward 12:00
and pivot clockwise to face the
opponent in a left rear twist
stance. This rotation coupled with 4. Pivot counterclockwise to form a left rear bow stance
keeping the opponent’s right arm facing 9:00. Drop your weight and deliver a left back
pinned beneath your right arm side scooping heel kick to the inside of the opponent’s
will create torque on the
opponent’s right arm and turn his
right knee.
left shoulder away.
5. Immediately deliver a left thrusting knife edge kick to the
Step 5 inside of the opponent’s left knee. Scrape down the
Step out with your left foot and
opponent’s left shin with the knife edge of your foot. End
complete your cover out by
executing a reverse step through with a left downward stomp kick to his left instep.
with your right foot toward 12:00.
6. Step toward 11:00 with your right foot and execute a left
front crossover and double cover out toward 10:30.
•Another method of performing 4. Slide your right foot toward 7:30 and form a right reverse
the takedown in this extension is bow stance to buckle the inside of the opponent’s left
to immediately step toward 1:30 leg. Your arms cover during this process.
after your right reverse bow
stance buckle toward 7:30. Hook
•You may deliver a right rear hammerfist strike to the opponent’s
your right foot around the
groin and a left inward heel palm claw to his face simultaneous with
opponent’s right foot (keeping
the right reverse bow buckle if you wish and circumstances allow.
your foot flat on the ground) and
press your right knee forward to
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot toward
upset the opponent’s balance
and cause him to fall. Range and
the positional relationship
between you and your opponent 5. Immediately execute a left front crossover toward 4:30
will determine if this is feasible. and immediately step toward 1:30 with your right foot
and form a right neutral bow stance. During this process,
use your right foot to sweep the inside of your
opponent’s right leg and force him to the ground.
•Your foot work employs the concept of Angle Switching to upset the
opponent’s balance and facilitate the takedown.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated executing a left front crossover
totward 5:00.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual did not indicate an Angle of Departure.
Inward Hammerfist Strike Outside Right
Forward Bow Stance
Right to Right
Front Crossover Sweep Kick ATTACK DIRECTION
Front Twist Stance
Reverse Bow Stance
Snapping Knife-Edge Kick
Spinning Back Heel Thrust Kick 16 System
Orange #12
CONCEPTS & PRINCIPLES Orthodox 24 System
Leveraging Orange #12
Contouring 32 System
Sandwiching Orange #10
The Grasp of Death
Escape from Death Short Form 3
Crashing Wings
1. Turn your head to the left and tuck your chin into your
chest as you step forward with your right foot toward
10:30 and form a right close kneel stance as you use your
left knee to check and control the opponent’s right
knee. Simultaneously deliver a right inward hammerfist
strike to his groin with a left inward hammerfist strike to
this kidney.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 10:00. The
revision indicated 10:30.
2. Contour your left arm over his right shoulder and use the
first two fingers of your hand to press under the
opponent’s nose (philtrum) as you anchor your elbow to
fulcrum his head backward and downward.
•Depending upon circumstances, you may also grab his hair near his
forehead, the nerves under this chin, or you may simultaneously use
your thumb under his chin, your first and second fingers under his
nose and your third and fourth fingers into his right eye.
•Your right arm contours the opponents’ chest to strike the chin.
4. Execute a left front crossover sweep kick to the
opponent’s right foot and plant to form a left front twist
stance facing 10:30. Your left hand maintains its check to
his right arm and your right hand positionally checks.
•Attempt to execute the left reverse bow stance buckle to his left
knee while his right leg is still off the ground after your left front
crossover sweep kick. This may be accomplished by (1) timing the
left buckle to occur while his right leg is still in the air, or (2) holding his
right leg off the ground with your arms as you execute the buckle.
•An early version of this extension (pre-1975) ended with the left
reverse bow buckle. Some practitioners still practice this method
today. The following two moves were added if you were unable to
time the buckle properly.
7. Plant your left foot toward 4:30 and form a right rear twist
stance. Immediately pivot clockwise and deliver a right
spinning back heel thrust kick to the opponent’s upper
Darting Mace
Gripping Talon
Desperate Falcons
Mace of Aggression
•Another version of Crossing 1. Counter-grab your opponent’s right wrist with your right
Talon is found in Short Form 3. This hand in a clockwise motion as your left foot steps toward
version, also known as the 1:00 and forms a left neutral bow stance. Simultaneously
fulcrum version, has your left
hand pin on top of your
with the step, deliver a left thrusting forearm strike to his
opponent’s right hand as you elbow.
counter grab in the same
manner. The left elbow then •As you strike with your left arm, with your right hand pull the
presses down on the opponent’s opponent’s arm toward your right hip to control his Dimensional
right elbow as both arms act as Zones.
levers to force the opponent to
bend forward. •Plant your left foot in front of the opponent’s right foot.
•Anchor your right elbow to twist. By anchoring, you will pull him
slightly forward and momentarily control his width.
•This push-pull motion will cause the opponent to bend forward at the
waist. This will control his height zone and possibliy cause his head to
strke your left knee.
•If you are unable to force the opponent down, you may
immediately slide your right foot clockwise toward 10:30 and utilize
this action to force your opponent downward.
•Your left arm must have travel in order to deliver an effective strike.
To accomplish this, after your have forced the opponent downward
with your arm bar, slide your left arm along his arm/elbow toward
your right hip. This will act as a sliding check and give you the proper
Angle of Alignment for the strike (Contouring Principle).
•Use your right hand to pull the opponent into your left elbow strike.
•Anchor your left elbow onto his right shoulder to create a fulcrum as
you claw his face. This will enable you to continue controlling his
height zone.
•Slide your left hand along the opponent’s spine (from neck to waist)
to act as a sliding check to control his height zone in preparation
for your inward overhead elbow strike.
•As you raise up for the knee kick, you are employing the principle of
Reverse Marriage of Gravity (Reverse Gravitational Marriage).
•Use both arms to pull the opponent into your right knee kick.
7. Immediately plant your right foot to point of origin and
slide your left hand down the opponent’s right arm and
prepare for a wrist lock. Have your right hand position in
the same manner.
•Your left hand grabs (pam down) the back of the opponent’s right
wrist with your left thumb on the back of the opponent’s hand. Your
right hand mirriors this position on the opposite side.
•Travel in a tight clockwise circle as your left foot steps back and your
body pivots.
•Keep the opponent’s hand pinned to your right hip when applying
the lock/break. This will keep the circle small and ensure the desired
11. Cock your left leg in the air and deliver a left thrusting
knife-edge kick to the opponent’s neck as you
simultaneously pull the opponent’s arm upward to
possibly cause a shoulder dislocation.
•As you cock your left leg, there is the possibility of striking the
opponent’s elbow with your left knee (Sophisticated Basics).
•Your left leg contours up the opponent’s arm as you cock your leg
for the kick.
•This defense is a response to a 1. With your left foot, step toward 4:30 and pivot to form a
step through push to the center right neutral bow stance (facing 12:00) as you defend
of your chest. It may also be used with a left outward hooking parry (palm up) simultaneous
as a defense against a cross
hand push.
with a right inward horizontal raking hammerfist strike to
his left kidney. Immediately loop back with a right
outward back knuckle strike to his left ribcage as you
settle into your stance.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
•There are three distinct phases of your stance during this initial
action. First, you will be in a modified right neutral bow stance as you
execute the left outward hooking parry. Second, you will rotate into
your stance with the right inward horizontal hammerfist strike. Third,
you will settle into your stance with the right outward back knuckle
2. Shift your weight onto your left leg and deliver a right
inward downward diagonal looping roundhouse kick to
the back of his left knee.
•This kick compliments the angle of the opponent’s left thigh and
strikes the top of his calf behind his knee. This action will cause his left
knee to buckle and force him onto his knees.
•There are two positions from 3. Front Point of Contact, plant your right foot to Point of
which to force the opponent to Origin and immediately slide your left foot toward 10:30
the ground—from front and from and form a left front twist stance as you execute a right
the rear of the opponent. The
method you choose will depend
outward downward diagonal hammerfist strike to his
upon the circumstances. Most sternum or face. Your left hand will check on top of his
modern practitioners practice left arm.
moving toward the front of the
opponent. •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your right foot toward
12:00 and forming the left front twist stance toward 11:00.
From the Front
After your right inward downward
4. Pivot clockwise and form a left neutral bow stance as
diagonal roundhouse kick, deliver
a right downward stomp to the you deliver a left thrusting heel palm strike upward and
opponent’s left ankle and plant under the opponent’s chin. Simultaneous with this action
to the outside of his left leg. Slide your right hand will slide and check his left arm.
your left foot forward and form a
left front twist stance as you •The fingers of your right hand will point to the left and your palm will
deliver a right outard downward be out.
diagonal hammerfist strike to his
jaw. Pivot clockwise and form a •This sequence will cause the opponent to turn and begin to fall
left neutral bow stance and toward 1:30.
deliver a left thrusting heel palm
strike. Continue pivoting
clockwise and deliver a right 5. Without hesitation, continue to pivot clockwise and
spinning back heel kick to the deliver a right spinning back heel kick (toward 1:30) to
opponent’s head or solar plexus. the opponent’s solar plexus.
The opponent is now on his back.
The remainder of the extension is •This action will force him to the ground, onto his back, with his head
performed in the same manner. pointing toward 1:30.
From the Rear •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated forcing the opponent down
After your right inward downward toward 11:00.
diagonal roundhouse kick, plant
your right foot to point of origin
6. Plant your right foot into a transitory right reverse cat
and slide your left foot forward to
form a left front twist stance as stance to gauge the distance and Angle of Entry for the
you deliver a right outward next move. Immediately have your left foot hop
downward diagonal hammerfist between the opponent’s legs and deliver a right back
strike to the opponent’s sternum. scoop kick to the inside of his left knee.
Pivot clockwise and form a left
neutral bow stance as you deliver
a left thrusting heel palm strike
7. Reverse the direction of your right foot and deliver a right
upward and under his chin. Your stiff-leg kick to the inside of his right leg.
right hand checks the
opponent’s left arm and hooks •The previous two moves are designed to force his legs apart.
the inside of his left arm to assist in
turning him. Continue pivoting 8. Plant your right foot to the inside of the opponent’s right
clockwise and deliver a right
leg and immediately execute a left rear crossover heel
spinning back heel kick to his
solar plexus. As you spin, use your stomp to his groin.
right hand to turn the opponent.
The remainder of the extension is 9. As the opponent reacts to the stomp, execute a right
performed in the same manner. thrusting knife-edge kick to his throat, chin, or face.
In both versions, you may have to
hop over his left leg to begin the
kicking sequence.
Copyright 2006 by Eric Lamkin
•You may also finish with a right stomp to his right ankle as you begin
your coverout.
11. Plant your right foot and execute a right front crossover
and double cover out toward 7:30.
1. With your left foot step back and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right extended
outward block to the inside of the opponent’s left
forearm. Your left hand acts as a positional check near
your right rib cage.
•Many practitioners add a left minor block prior to delivering the right
extended outward block.
•Your extended outward block should also act as a strike injuring the
arm as you block.
•This action will turn the opponents head to his right and his body on
a 45-degree angle.
•The action of striking with a raking back knuckle will also act as a
block if his right arm does come into play.
•Your left hand is positioned for a possible heel palm claw or five-
finger thrust to the opponent’s face or eyes.
•Deliver your right elbow strike without disrupting its flow of motion.
4. Slide your left foot forward and form a left front twist
stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a left vertical punch to
the opponent’s sternum simultaneous with a right
downward hammerfist strike to his groin.
•As your right arm continues upward, follow the obscure elbow strike
with a right vertical upward heel palm strike to his jaw succeeded by
a right vertical upward five finger ripping claw to his face.
•Some practitioners omit the upward elbow strike and deliver a right
outward upward diagonal heel palm claw to the opponent’s chin
followed by a left outward horizontal handsword strike to his throat/
Grip of Death
Tripping Arrow
Thrusting Prongs
Escape from Death
1. With your right foot, step to 6:00 and form a left neutral
bow stance as you contour the opponent’s back and
deliver a left inward inverted back knuckle strike to his
left temple or mastoid. Simultaneously cock your right
hand in a half fist position palm upward below your right
pectoral muscle.
•As you cock your right arm you may insert a right inward hooking
heel palm strike to the left side of his face.
•When you cock your right arm, use this action check above the
opponent’s left arm, or, if possible, drive your right elbow to the rear
and clear his left arm from around your body. The position of your
right half fist then becomes a positional check to his left arm.
2. Grab the opponent’s hair near his forehead and pull his
head backward and downward. Simultaneously pivot
counterclockwise and form a left forward bow stance as
you deliver a right snapping half fist strike (palm down) to
his throat. After the strike, immediately pivot back into
your left neutral bow stance and re-cock your right hand
in a palm up position below your right pectoral.
•Anchor your left elbow on his back, between his shoulder blades,
when fulcruming his head backward.
•Your half fist strike should aim at your left wrist. This will create a
backstop for the strike. This increases the effectiveness of your strike
and contributes to the principle of Sandwiching.
•When you pivot counterclockwise into your left forward bow stance,
your left knee buckles the inside of the opponent’s right knee. This
further controls the opponent’s Dimensional Zones and creates an
Angle of Disturbance.
•Another version of the extension 3. Slide your left foot back and form a left 45-degree cat
is described below: stance as you deliver a left downward vertical claw to
the opponent’s face. Your right hand covers.
Step 3
Slide your left foot back and form
•The body momentum obtained by sliding backward into a left 45-
a left 45-degree cat stance as
degree cat stance (Gravitational Marriage) adds to the effectivenss
you deliver a left downward
of the left claw.
vertical claw to the opponent’s
face. Your right hand covers.
•The claw to the face causes the opponent to reach up and grab his
Step 4 face. This gives you the opportunity to grab his right wrst.
Slide your left foot toward 9:00 so
that it is alongside and parallel 4. Slide your left foot toward 9:00 so that it is alongside and
with your right foot. parallel with your right foot. Simultaneously track down
Simultaneously track down the
the opponent’s right arm and grab his right wrist with our
opponent’s right arm and grab
his right wrist with your left hand. left hand. Immediately step toward 11:00 with your right
Immediately crescent step foot and form a right neutral bow stance to buckle the
a r o u n d a n d b e h i nd t h e inside of his right knee as you simultaneously deliver a
opponent’s right leg to buckle right inward horizontal elbow strike to his left ribcage.
the back of his right knee as you
deliver a right inward horizontal
elbow strike to his left ribcage. •The elbow strike should turn the opponent’s lett shoulder away and
present you a Line of Entry for the takedown.
Step 5
Your right hand reaches up and 5. With your left hand still grabbing, circle your right foot
grabs the back of this opponent’s around and behind the opponent’s right foot to buckle
collar or the hair (back of his
the back of his right knee as your right hand contours
head) and pulls him downward
as you drop into a right wide clockwise, around, and behind up the opponent’s back
kneel stance. and end by holding the left side of his neck using his left
shoulder as a fulcrum.
Step 6
Deliver a left inward overhead
hammerfist strike to the
6. Slide your left foot toward 4:30 and drop to form a left
opponent’s heart. wide kneel stance as you pull the opponent down and
force his back onto your right knee.
Step 7
Deliver a right inward raking
7. Release your left hand and check the opponent’s action
hammerfist strike to the
opponent’s bridge of nose as you at his chest. Simultaneously have your right hand slide
quickly and suddenly slide your counterclockwise under his back and circle it overhead
right foot back and forma right to deliver a right inward overhead hammerfist strike to his
45-degree cat stance and allow heart.
the opponent to fall to the
•Your right knee acts as a backstop for your hammerfist strike.
Step 8
•At this point, the opponent’s head should be pointing toward 9:30.
Deliver a right inward downward
looping roundhouse kick to the
opponent’s face.
Step 9
Execute a right front crossover
and double cover out toward
Step 5
With your left hand still grabbing,
circle your right foot around and
behind the opponent’s right foot
to buckle the back of his right
knee as your right arm orbits
counterclockwise to deliver a
right heel palm strike to the
opponent’s left shoulder. Note:
this sequence is similar to
Step 6
Slide your left foot toward 4:30
and drop to form a left wide
kneel stance as you pull the
opponent down and force his
back onto your right knee.
Step 7
Release your left hand and
check the opponent’s action at
his chest. Simultaneously have
your right hand slide
counterclockwise under his back
and circle it overhead to deliver
a right inward overhead
hammerfist strike to his heart.
Step 8
Execute a left downward
thrusting heel palm strike to his rib
cage as you slide your right foot
backward to form a right 45-
degree cat stance.
Step 9
Finish with a right inward
downward looping roundhouse
kick to the opponent’s face.
Step 10
Execute a right front crossover
and double cover out toward
Base Locks
Neutral Bow Stance
Outward Horizontal Elbow Strike DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Uppercut Forearm Strike Outside
Forward Bow Stance
Inward Overhead Heel Palm Strike Left to Either
Wide Kneel Stance
Inward Overhead Elbow Strike 6:00
Downward Hammerfist Strike
Outward Downward Diagonal Elbow Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Outward Downward Diagonal Hammerfist Strike 16 System
Close Kneel Stance Purple #11
Downward Knee Kick Orthodox 24 System
Back Heel Stomp Orange #17
32 System
Orange #15
Short Form 3
Spiraling Twig
Defying the Storm
Flight to Freedom
1. With your left foot, step toward 4:30 and form a right
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you countergrab the
opponent's right wrist with your right hand.
•You must begin your defense as soon as the opponent begins his
•Try to place your left leg against the inside of his right leg.
•Some practioners step back and form a left reverse bow stance
toward 5:00 to buckle the inside of the oponnent’s left leg.
•Pulling on the opponent’s right arm controls his Width Zone and
aligns the elbow for the break.
•You may follow the elbow strike with a left outward horizontal heel
palm strike and claw through his face.
•An early version of this technique followed with a left rear heel palm
strike and grab to the groin. This action was intended to assist in
causing the opponent to bend further forward at the waist.
•The knee kick may also be directed toward the opponent’s head.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual indicated sliding your right foot back
toward 6:00.
5. Plant your right foot forward and form a right neutral bow
stance facing 10:30 as you push the opponent off your
knee and onto the ground.
•The 1987 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your right foot toward
5. Plant forward with your right foot and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 10:30 as your left hand reaches
across the opponent’s back and grabs his chin from the
left side. Your right hand checks the opponent’s right
•Use your left hand under the opponent’s chin to control the
opponent’s Height Zone and hold him in position for the strikes.
•An early version of the exentension continued the motion of the right
arm to deliver a right rear elbow strike to his chin followed by a right
returned five finger claw across the opponent’s face prior to
delivering the inward overhead elbow strike and hammerfist. This
action flowed from the natural flow of motion from pushing the
opponent’s shoulder to delivering the hammerfist strike.
•An early version of this extension forced the opponent to the ground
with a right outward claw followed by a left inward claw.
•The opponent should fall beside your right leg to properly align for
the left downward knee kick.
10. Spring upward and deliver a left back heel stomp kick to
the opponent’s face.
•You may execute a left front crossover sweep kick across his face
prior to delivering the back heel stomp.
Grabs and Tackles
Fighting Horse Stance DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Back Hammerfist Strike Inside Left
Snapping Obscure Elbow Strike
Extension Right to Left
Reverse Bow Stance
Over-the-Shoulder Back Knuckle Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Downward Heel Palm Strike
Side Scissor Headlock
Upward Knee Kick
Front Crossover Sweep Kick CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Downward Looping Roundhouse Kick 16 System
Modified Close Kneel Stance Purple #12
Rear Twist Stance Orthodox 24 System
Orange #18
Gravitational Marriage Orange #16
Back-up Mass
Get the Upper Hand
Settling None
Obscure Zone
Borrowed Force
Obscure Claws
Marriage of the Rams
Obscure Sword
Captured Twigs
1. With your left hand, pin the opponent’s left hand to your
right shoulder. Simultaneously step to 3:00 and form a
right fighting horse stance as you deliver a right rear
elbow strike to the opponent’s solar plexus.
•You may also deliver a right back heel palm strke to the groin
followed by a grab to the testicles.
•Your right arm contours up the opponent’s chest and tracks toward
its target.
•As you deliver the right obscure elbow strike, your left hand checks
low. When your right arm returns to position, your left hand checks
high. This is also known as “Changing of the Guard”.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual did not indicate an Angle of Departure.
4. Immediately slide your right foot toward 7:30 and form a
right reverse bow stance to buckle the opponent’s left
leg. Simultaneously deliver a right over-the-shoulder
back knuckle strike to the opponent’s face with a left
downward heel palm strike to the back of his head to
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that the right leg slides toward
•Your right foot will plant in line with your left foot.
•When you plant down with your right foot and slide backward with
your left foot, you are performing a front-to-back switch maneuver.
•When the opponent lands, his feet will be pointing toward 12:00 with
his head toward 6:00.
•Before its revision, the 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that the right
foot plants “slightly forward toward 12 o’clock into a shallow right
neutral bow”.
•Before the right front crossover sweep, some practitioners insert a left
front stomp to the opponent’s right shoulder as he reacts upward in
response to the kick to the groin.
•The right kick may also be executed in a vertical manner rather than
an inward sweeping motion if circumstances dictate.
10. Step out with your left foot and execute a double cover
out toward 6:00.
Inward Parry Outside
Outward Parry
Outward Horizontal Back Knuckle Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Inward Downward Looping Roundhouse Kick Right to Left
Knife Edge Kick
Rear Crossover
Rear Twist Stance
Outward Overhead Hammerfist Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Forward Push-Drag Maneuver 16 System
Forward Bow Stance Purple #9
Thrusting Vertical Punch Orthodox 24 System
Knee Kick Orange #19
Stomp 32 System
Orange #17
Moving Up the Circle FORM LOCATION
Angle of Cancellation None
Reverse Motion
Complementary Angles
Repeating Mace
Glancing Wing
Entwined Lance
Destructive Fans
1. From a right neutral bow stance, slide your left foot
toward 4:30 and defend with a right inward parry
followed by a left outward parry. As you settle into your
stance, deliver a right outward horizontal back knuckle
strike to the opponent’s left lower ribcage. Your left hand
will end palm up on top of the opponent’s left arm like a
waiter carrying a tray.
•The back knuckle strike will cause the opponent to bend forward at
the waist.
•By moving Up the Circle, you are at an angle which will enable you
to sophisticate the action of blocking by immediately following the
block with a right vertical thrust punch or a right two-finger poke to
his eye.
•Your right leg should check the back of the opponent’s right knee.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicate moving your left foot toward
•Your right kick will compliment the angle of the opponent’s left thigh
to strike with your instep to the top of his calf. This action will cause his
left knee to buckle toward the ground.
•A noth er v ersi on of thi s 3. From Point of Contact, plant your right foot toward 12:00
description is as follows: so that you end behind your opponent and immediately
drag your left foot (gauging leg) toward your right foot
Step 3
From Point of Contact, plant your
and deliver a right knife edge kick (toward 10:30) to the
right foot toward 12:00 so that inside of the opponent’s right knee.
you end behind your opponent
and immediately drag your left •Use the momentum of your left drag step to assist in the delivery of
foot (gauging leg) toward your the right knife edge kick.
right foot and deliver a right knife
edge kick to the inside of the •This action take place from the back of the opponent and should
opponent’s right knee. buckle his right knee from inside out and force him onto his right
knee (or onto both knees). It will turn him toward his left and present
Step 4 his sterhum as the next target.
From Point of Contact, plant your
right foot toward 10:30 and •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated kicking toward 11:00.
immediately execute a left rear
crossover to form a left rear twist 4. From Point of Contact, plant your right foot toward 10:30
stance as you simultaneoulsy
and immediately execute a left rear crossover to form a
deliver a right outward overhead
hammerfist strike to the left rear twist stance as you simultaneously deliver a right
opponent’s sternum. Your left outward overhead hammerfist strike to the opponent’s
hand checks his left arm and sternum. Your left hand checks his left arm and shoulder.
•Your right arm will travel over your opponent’s left shoulder to his
Step 5 sternum assuming that his is still on his knee or knees.
In reaction to your strike, the
opponent’s left arm will come •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your right foot toward
upward. Take advantage of this 11:00.
action by pinning his left arm
against your right hip in a manner
similar to LOCKED WING as you 5. Pivot counterclockwise 360-degrees and form a left
pivot counterclockwise. This neutral bow stance to deliver a left outward back
action will create a fulcrum on his knuckle strike to the opponent’s right mastoid as you
left elbow joint. Continue to pivot
settle into your stance.
counterclockwise and form a left
neutral bow stance and deliver a
•Your may need to adjust your right foot (gauging leg) toward 11:00
left rear elbow strike to the back
and 12:00 at the conclusion of your turn to gauge for distance,
of his head.
angle, and direction prior to striking with your left back knuckle strike
Step 6
Your left hand reaches across the 6. Execute a forward push-drag maneuver toward 6:00 and
right side of his face and grabs his pivot counterclockwise to form a left forward bow stance
chin (fingers to right; thumb as you deliver a right thrusting vertical punch to the
down). Adjust your right foot opponent’s upper spine as your left hand checks his
t o wa r d 1 1 : 0 0 a n d pi v o t
counterclockwise to form a left
shoulder blades.
forward bow stance as you pull
the opponent’s head back and •When executing this thrusting punch, emphasize the penetrating
claw his face while force of your first two knuckles.
simultaneoulsy delivering a right
horizontal thrust punch to the •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described this punch as a “corkscrew
back of his head. punch”.
[continued on next page] 7. Immediately follow with a right knee kick to the
opponent’s lower spine.
Base Holds and Hugs
Modified Left Forward Bow Stance
Upward Knee Kick Inside
Rear Elbow Strike
Downward Stomp Kick Left to Either
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike
Inward Overhead Handsword Strike
Neutral Bow Stance
Reverse Close Kneel Stance CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Back Scooping Heel Kick 16 System
Purple #10
CONCEPTS & PRINCIPLES Orthodox 24 System
Back Up Mass Orange #20
Gravitational Marriage 32 System
Orange #19
Glancing Salute FORM LOCATION
Tripping Arrow None
Spiraling Twig
1. Slide your right foot toward 6:00 and form a modified left
forward bow stance as you deliver twin thumb thrusts to
the opponent’s groin.
•Have only your right foot move back and not your upper body as
you form the left forward bow stance. This utilizes Mid-Point Balance.
•The thumb strikes to the groin are designed to move the opponent’s
hip backward to create room for the following strikes. Keep your
thumbs together during the strike.
•Prior to cocking your rihgt arm to your right hip, deliver a right inward
hooking heel palm strike to the left side of his chest. This minor strike
assists in controlling his Width Zone.
•The actions of your left hand controls the opponent’s Width and
Height Zones. The upward knee kick further controls this Height Zone
by causing him to react by bending forward or bending his knees.
•Your left arm utilizes the principle of anchoring while controlling his
right arm. The crane hand can pull downward on the opponent’s
bent arm in a manner similar to TRIGGERED SALUTE or it may pull
inward and lock his arm in an arm bar in a manner similar to DEFYING
•This kick should force the opponent’s left leg outward controlling his
Dimensional Zones.
•By scraping down the opponent’s shin, you may rotate his leg
outward which exposes his ankle for attack. The stomp will possibly
break his ankle when it is placed in this position.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual stated delivering the right inward
horizontal elbow strike to the right side of the opponent’s face
instead of his left side. This was corrected in a later revision but
reappeared in the 1987 IKKA Studio Manual.
•Another version of the extension 5. Slide your right foot toward 7:30 and form a left neutral
is described below: bow stance facing 1:30 as your right hand hooks (in the
shape of the crane) the right side of his neck and head
Step 5
Slide your right foot toward 9:00
and forces his head downward. As you settle into your
and form a left front twist stance stance, deliver a left inward overhead handsword strike
facing 3:00 as your right hand to the back of his neck. At this point your right hand is
hooks (in the shape of the crane) covering near your stomach.
the right side of his neck and
head and forces his head
•Anchor your right elbow to ensure its effectiveness.
Step 6 6. Using 1/4 beat timing, deliver a right upward knee kick to
Deliver a right upward knee kick the opponent’s face immediately following your left
to the opponent’s face. handsword strike. During this action, cock your right hand
Step 7
above your right ear (palm facing outward).
Momentarily plant your right foot
into a right neutral bow stance 7. Plant directly forward under your opponent’s head and
and immediately bounce the form a right neutral bow stance facing 1:30 as you
right foot to deliver a right back
simultaneously deliver a right inward overhead
scooping heel kick to the
opponent’s face. handsword strike to the back of his neck. Your left hand
checks the opponent’s right shoulder.
Step 8
Finish with a right thrusting knife •You may have to modify the depth of your right neutral bow stance
edge kick to the inside of the depending upon the circumstances.
opponent’s left knee.
Step 9
8. Pivot counterclockwise and form a right reverse close
Execute a right front crossover kneel stance and execute a right back scooping heel
and double cover out toward kick to the opponent’s left jaw hinge. During this action,
7:30. use your right hand to brace the opponent’s head to
increase the effectiveness of your kick.
1. With your right foot, step toward 11:00 and form a right
neutral bow stance to buckle the inside of the
opponent’s right knee. Your left hand checks on top of
his right wrist to prevent him from applying leverage.
Simultaneously deliver a right upward elbow strike to his
solar plexus and/or jaw.
•Your right hand will be palm upward as you execute the rear elbow
•You may insert a left inward eye hook as you hammerfist strike.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual 3. Execute a left rear crossover and form a right reverse
incorrectly reversed the starting bow stance to buckle the inside of his left knee.
12:00 position during the Simultaneously deliver a right rear hammerfist strike to his
description of the extension. It has
been corrected in this manual.
groin as your left hand hooks the left side of his neck in
the shape of the crane and deliver a right vertical back
knuckle strike to his face.
•At the conclusion of the flip, the opponent’s head will be pointing
toward 12:00 and his feet toward 6:00.
•Allow the motion of this strike to carry you into the clockwise leap for
the next strike.
•The left knee may also strike the sternum or left side of his rib cage
depending upon circumstances.
BASICS Right to Left
Forward Bow Stance 4:30
Outward Horizontal Handsword Strike
Front Snapping Ball Kick
Extended Outward Block
16 System
Extension Purple #16
Inward Downward Diagonal Raking Hammerfist Strike Orthodox 24 System
Outward Downward Diagonal Hammerfist Strike Orange #23
Rear Twist Stance 32 System
Outward Back Knuckle Strike Orange #21
Upward Elbow Strike
Reverse Bow Stance
Back Elbow Strike
Rear Hammerfist Strike
Front-to-Back Switch
Knee Kick
Twin Heel Palm Strikes
Rear Crossover
Back Heel Stomp
Front Crossover Sweep Kick and Stomp
Sword and Hammer
Obscure Wing
Obscure Claws
Menacing Twirl
Sword of Destruction
Thrusting Salute
1. With your left hand, pin the opponent’s left hand to your
right shoulder. Simultaneously step toward 12:00 with your
left foot and form a left neutral bow stance. Your right
hand cocks under your heart in a palm up position.
•By pulling on the opponent’s left hand as you step forward you
control his Dimensional Zones and disrupt his balance (Angle of
•By placing your right hand under your heart it prevents it from being
grabbed by the opponent, enables it to be launched from an
obscure area, and cocks it (preparatory cock) for the next action.
•The opponent’s reaction from the previous move is to pull his left
hand back and turn you to face him. You will go with this action but
utilize it for your own purpose. This is called Purposeful Compliance.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that the right forward bow
stance should be directed toward 5:00.
•This kick may be delivered to the inside of the opponent’s right knee
if circumstances dictate.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual did not indicate an Angle of Departure.
4. Plant your left foot forward (gauging leg) and execute a
right front snapping ball kick to the inside of the
opponent’s right knee. During this action your left hand
positionally checks and your right hand is in a
preparatory cock position by your right ear.
5. Plant forward with your right foot and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 10:30. Simultaneously execute a right
inward downward diagonal raking hammerfist strike to
the left side of the bridge of the opponent’s nose.
Continue the action of your right hand and end in a
possible right outward downward diagonal hammerfist
strike to the opponent’s right collar bone or chest.
6. Slide your left foot behind your right leg and form a left
rear twist stance toward 12:00. Simultaneously deliver a
right outward back knuckle strike to the right bridge of
the opponent’s nose immediately followed by a right
upward elbow strike to his chin.
7. Slide your right foot back and form a right reverse bow
stance to buckle the inside of the opponent’s left knee.
Simultaneously deliver a right back elbow strike to the
opponent’s sternum followed by a right rear hammerfist
strike to the opponent’s groin.
11. Plant your right foot toward 4:30 and form a right neutral
bow stance as you deliver twin heel palm strikes to the
back of his shoulder blades forcing him face downward.
Circling Wing
Heavenly Ascent
Prance of the Tiger
Dance of Darkness
1. With your left foot step to 6:00 and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 12:00 to deliver a right inward
downward block to the opponent’s right forearm. Your
left hand is guarding high to protect your head.
•By stepping back you increase the distance between the opponent
and you; thereby, nullifying the effect of his uppercut by taking you
out of range.
•The block creates frictional pull which forces him downward and
pulls him forward to control his Dimensional Zones. In doing so, his
head will be brought forward.
•During this action, your right elbow remains close to your body.
•This strike may bring your opponent’s head forward and downward.
•The left inward overhead heel palm claw is an example of fitting the
weapon to the target (bridge of the nose).
•Your right hand threads its way to the target by tracking along your
left wrist.
•Apply Object Obscurity by releasing your left claw to his face just
prior to delivering the right punch.
•An alternate version of the 4. Pivot clockwise and form a right forward bow stance
extension is as follows: toward 12:00 as your left hand (which is positionally
checking at your sternum) execute a left thrusting heel
Step 4
Pivot clockwise and form a right
palm strike to the opponent’s chin and convert it into a
forward bow stance as you left ricocheting five-finger thrust to his eyes. Your right
execute a left thrusting heel palm hand positionally checks at your sternum.
strike to his chin and covert it into
a left ricocheting five-finger •Some practitioners do not pivot into the right forward bow stance
thrust. during this sequence.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
“one and two o’clock”.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual revision stated to face toward 6:00.
8. With your left foot, step toward 6:00 as your left hand
slides along the opponent’s left forearm to end with a
Step 9 grab to his left wrist.
Manipulate his left arm into a
hammerlock position. Grab his
•At this point, begin placing great stress on his left arm.
left wrist with your left hand and
contour up his back with your
right hand ending at the back of 9. Slide your right foot 180-degrees clockwise (right reverse
his head. Your right hand applies step through) toward 6:00 to form a left neutral bow
pressure to the back of his head
stance facing 12:00 as your right hand assists your left
to act as a check.
hand in grabbing the opponent’s left wrist. Yank his arm
Step 10 toward you to dislocate his left shoulder and force him to
Slide your right foot 180-degrees the ground.
clockwise toward 6:00 to form a
left neutral bow stance facing •Some practitioners execute a reverse push-drag maneuver to assist
12:00 as you pull back and with the dislocation.
upward with your left hand as
your right hand pushes his head •The opponent’s arm must be lifted upward and off his back moving
downward. toward you to cause the dislocation.
Step 11 •Your opponent will end face downward with head head pointing
Leap counterclockwise and form toward you.
a left close kneel stance facing
9:00 to deliver a right knee drop
to the back of his neck. 10. Leap counterclockwise and form a left close kneel
stance facing 9:00 to deliver a right knee drop to the
Step 12 back of the opponent’s neck.
Using the opponent’s neck as a
springboard, leap clockwise,
•Take full advantage of Gravitational Marriage in this strike.
facing 3:00, and deliver a left
back heel stomp to his head.
11. Using the opponent’s neck as a springboard, leap
Step 13 clockwise, facing 3:00, and deliver a left back heel
From Point of Contact, execute a stomp to his head.
left front crossover and double
cover out toward 4:30.
•Take full advantage of Gravitational Marriage in this strike.
1. With your right foot step to 3:00 and form a horse stance
facing 12:00 as you simultaneously deliver twin inward
downward diagonal elbow strikes to the opponent's
•You must raise (cock) both arms prior to delivering the elbow strikes.
•Anchor your buttocks against his right upper thigh to control his
Dimensional Zones.
2. Slide your left foot toward your right foot and form a
transitional close cat stance as your arms cock at your
right hip. Your right palm will be facing upward and your
left palm facing inward.
•As you slide to the cat stance, control the opponent’s right arm with
both hands. Your movement to the right should upset the
opponent’s balance by placing weight onto his right leg.
•Keep your left hip against the opponent’s right hip to check is action
by creating a Bracing Angle. If you leave a gap, the opponent can
sweep his right leg backward and remove your base.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
•Just prior to delivering your left outward elbow strike, pull forward on
the opponent’s right arm to control his Width Zone.
•The left arm can contour up the opponent’s chest and deliver a left
outward upward diagonal elbow strike to his jaw.
•By locking out your right arm, it acts as a check against his legs as he
falls to the ground.
• S o m e p r a c t i ti o n e r s t a k e 6. Have your right hammerfist strike slide up the centerline
advantage of a hidden motion of the opponent’s body and end with a right torquing
by planting into a right front twist heel palm strike to the opponent’s jaw as your left foot
stance (facing 7:30) after the
right upward knee kick. As the left
steps slightly to the left and forms a left wide neutral bow
foot steps forward and the right stance.
foot slides back to 6:00 to face
12:00 in a left neutral bow stance, •At the point of your right hammerfist stike to his groin, your left elbow
you can cause a neck wrench will still be on contact with your opponent’s head. This position is
simply by holding the opponent’s similar to CRUSHING HAMMER. This allows your left arm to
head and chin with your hands immediately grab his forehead.
and utilizing your body’s
rotational action. This neck •Your right fingers will be parallel to the ground and pointing away
wrench is enhanced as the from you at point of contact of the heel palm strike.
opponent falls to the ground.
7. Your left hand grabs the opponent’s forehead and your
•Another version of the extension
some practitioners follow is right hand grabs the bridge of his nose and yanks the
described below: opponent’s head downward into your right upward knee
kick to the back of his head and neck.
Step 5
Adjust your left foot toward 6:00
and pin the opponent’s right arm
8. Drop your opponent to the ground (he will end face up
under your left elbow as your left with his head pointing toward 4:30). During this action
hand controls his right elbow. have your right foot plant toward 7:30 and form a right
Simultaneously deliver a right front twist stance. Immediately follow with a left forward
thrusting heel palm strike to the
step through foot maneuver into a left neutral bow
right side of his jaw. At this point,
your right fingers will be pointing stance. Conclude this maneuver by sliding your right foot
to the right and the opponent’s clockwise toward 6:00 to form a left neutral bow stance
head will turn away. facing 12:00.
Step 6 •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual incorrectly stated planting your right foot
Allow the opponent to fall and into a neutral bow stance.
deliver a right upward knee kick
to his right rib cage.
9. Deliver a right inward slicing knife edge kick through the
Step 7 opponent’s head and plant toward 7:30. Continue this
With your right foot still in the air, flow of motion and deliver a left sliding back heel kick to
execute a right front crossover
the right side of the opponent’s head.
stomp to his right arm. After the
stomp, step off and plant your
right foot above his right arm. •The left sliding back heel kick is a 180-degre turn. Some practitioners
Your left leg (gauges for angle turn 360 degrees and deliver a left spinning outward hooking heel
and distance) steps forward kick. In such cases, you will conclude with a right front crossover and
above his right beside your right double coverout toward 7:30
foot. Immediately slide your right
foot backward and form a right 10. Execute a left front crossover and double cover out
reverse bow stance to sweep his toward 7:30.
right arm away. This turns and
exposes the opponent’s head.
Step 8
Execute a right slicing knife edge
kick to his head. Plant your right
foot (gauging leg) beside your
left and immediately spin
counterclockwise and execute a
left rear spinning back kick (on
the ground) to the opponent’s
Step 9
Execute a left front crossover and
double cover out toward 4:30.
Grabs and Tackles
Forward Bow Stance Outside Left
Vertical Outward Block
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Fighting Horse Stance Left to Either
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike
Reverse Bow Stance
Thrusting Knee Kick
Rear Spinning Stiff Leg Raise 16 System
Rear Twist Stance Purple #1
Outward Back Knuckle Strike Orthodox 24 System
Purple #1
Torque Orange #27
Angle of Disturbance
Zone of Obscurity
Compact Unit
Angle of Incidence Short Form 3
Crossed Twigs
Entangled Wing
Circling Wing
Circling the Storm
Captured Leaves
Crossing Talon
•Some practitioners utilize a right 1. Slide your left foot toward 5:00 and form a left rear twist
hand pin prior to delivering the stance as you cock both hands in fists at your right hip.
left vertical outward block. This is Your right fist should be palm up and your left fist palm
in keeping with the rule that you
always pin when stepping toward
facing you (cup and saucer).
the opponent and it is optional
when stepping away. If you wish •Tuck your chin into your chest to help nullify the effects of a choke. If
to insert the pin in this technique, applied.
keep in mind that your right arm
will have to travel twice as fast in •Some practioners use a reverse bow stance on the initial move.
order to pin and then cock for
the right inward elbow strike. The 2. Pivot counterclockwise and form a left forward bow
pin can also be used to create a
stance facing 6:00 as you deliver a left vertical outward
fulcrum as the left arm delivers its
motion. block to the outside of his left arm (at or above his
elbow) simultaneously with a right inward horizontal
elbow strike to the back of his left lower ribcage.
•If the opponent’s right leg is forward, the action of pivoting into a left
forward bow stance will create a buckle on his right leg.
•If the opponent’s left leg is forward, the action of pivoting into a left
fighting horse stnace will create a buckle on his left leg.
•Keep your right hand a safe distance from your face to cushion any
blow that might be directed toward your head or face.
4. Have your right leg cross behind your left leg (left rear
crossover) and immediately slide your left leg back to
buckle the inside of his right leg. At this point you will be
in a left reverse bow stance.
•Keep the opponent’s arms in check as you cross behind and use
your body to upset his balance and stability.
•An optional left rear hammerfist strike to the opponent’s groin may
be inserted with the buckle.
•As your right leg crosses behind your left, you may insert a right two-
finger eye poke. This will assist in upsetting the opponent’s balance.
•If the range is too far for the knee kick, a left snapping knife-edge
kick may be utilized instead of the knee kick.
7. Plant your right foot toward 12:00 and form a left rear
twist stance and deliver a right outward back knuckle
strike to the opponent’s head.
8. From your twist stance, step out with your left leg to
complete the right front crossover and double cover out
toward 5:00.
•This defense is sometimes 1. With your left foot, step toward 6:00 and form a right
related to the arm wrench found neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a left
in LONE KIMONO. In SNAPPING inward horizontal heel palm strike to the inside of the
TWIG, the wrenching motion is
along a horizontal path; in LONE
opponent’s left wrist simultaneously with a right inward
KIMONO it is along a vertical horizontal heel palm strike to his left elbow.
•These two simultaneous strikes utilize the principles of Fulcruming and
•This is a defense against a Wrenching to control his Width Zone.
center chest push with forces you
to step directly back to ride the •The left hand can also act as a pinning check.
motion along the angle of least
resistance. 2. Form the shape of the crane with your right hand and
hook over the top of the opponent’s left arm. Utilize
frictional pull to yank his left arm downward and past
your right hip as you simultaneously pivot clockwise and
form a right forward bow stance facing 12:00 to deliver a
left outward thrusting handsword strike to his throat.
•Your right arm adjusts its orbit (Orbital Adjustment) to continue the
Flow of Action.
•Some practitioners eliminate Step 4 and deliver the heel palm strike
simultaneously with the inward elbow strike.
6. Slide your left foot forward to form a left front twist stance
facing 12:00 as you deliver a right downward hammerfist
strike to the opponent’s groin. Your left hand cocks in
front of your sternum.
•At the conclusion of this strike, your right arm will be cocked below
your left arm.
Inward Parry Outside
Inward Horizontal Middle Knuckle Fist Rake
Neutral Bow Stance Right to right
Outward Back Knuckle Strike
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Inward Horizontal Heel Palm Strike
Five-Finger Ripping Claw 16 System
Thrusting Handsword Strike Purple #3
Inward Downward Diagonal Handsword Strike Orthodox 24 System
Two-Finger Hook Purple #3
Front Scoop Kick 32 System
Left Front Snapping Ball Kick Orange #29
Front Crossover Stomp
Rear Stiff Leg Lifting Kick
Side Kick
Long Form 5
Gathering Clouds
Shield and Mace
Destructive Fans
Prance of the Tiger
1. With your left foot, leap between 9:00 and 10:00 and
form a left one-legged stance as you defend with a left
inward parry while simultaneously executing a right
inward horizontal middle knuckle fist rake to the
opponent’s right rib cage.
•As the opponent turns his body as he punches, we borrow the force
of this action to give greater power for the middle knuckle fist strike.
The torquing motion of our own body as we leap and cock our leg
also adds power to the strike.
•Your right leg will be cocked to the inside portion of your left knee.
•It may not always be possible to strike the opponent’s rib cage. At
times his right elbow may be a better target.
•Your right hand will end cocked palm up near your left hip.
•An effective middle knuckle fist slice should cause the opponent to
bend forward at the waist.
•This kick will buckle the opponent’s knee in and toward himself. He
should land on his knee bend over with his back facing you.
•The strike should cause the opponent’s head to snap upward and
toward you.
•When you deliver the back knuckle strike, make sure that you are
close enough to the opponent to use your right knee as a check to
his lower spine. This will keep him in control if he attempts to move or
5. Reach across to the left side of the opponent’ face and
pivot clockwise to form a right forward bow stance as
you execute a right five-finger ripping claw (pulling back
and toward you). Simultaneously deliver a left thrusting
handsword strike to the back of the opponent’s neck.
•Your right hand contours his head to grab his chin from the left side
(fingers out; thumb down).
•Your left hand tracks along your right and may deliver either a left
thrusting handsword strike to the back of his neck or a left outward
heel palm strike to the back of his head.
•As you pivot into a right forward bow stance, use your right knee to
brace against his lower back.
•Your left heel palm acts as a fulcrum against the eye hook and
•Your right scoop kick and your right two-finger hook mirror the others
circular actions.
9. With your right foot, step toward 5:00 and execute a left
rear stiff leg lifting kick to the opponent’s chin.
•Use your left heel to strike the opponent. This will lift the opponent’s
head and expose his ribs for the next strike.
10. Plant your left foot (gauging leg) toward 8:00 and cock
your right leg. Immediately deliver a right side kick to the
top of the opponent’s right hip bone.
Delayed Sword
Obscure Wing
Calming the Storm
Detour from Doom
Locking Horns
•This defense utilizes a Rolling 1. From a right neutral bow stance, slide your left foot Up
Body Check as you move Up the the Circle toward 4:30 as you deliver a universal block
Circle. It teaches how to move against the inside of the opponent’s right leg.
from Long, Middle, and Close
Range fighting while moving off, •The Universal Block is formed by the combined action of a right
inside and up the Line of Fire. It inward block with a left outward downward block.
addition, it follows the adage,
“where a circle ends a line •Try to block at the opponent’s right knee.
begins; where a line ends a circle
begins” by cutting a circular •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot Up the
attack with a linear defense. Circle toward 4:00.
•This strike will force the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated shuffling toward 11:00 as you
deliver the right hammerfist strike.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot Up the
Circle toward 2:00.
•As you deliver the right obscure elbow strike, your left hand will drop
to check near your right ribcage.
4. Slide your right foot back to form a right reverse bow
stance to buckle the inside of the opponent’s left leg as
you deliver a right upward snapping forearm strike to the
opponent’s jaw. Your left hand is checking near your
•Your left foot may drag toward your right foot to gauge for distance
and angle if necessary.
•The scoop kick and left reverse bow stance maneuver is essentially a
reverse back-to-front switch (in relation to the opponent).
•Your right heel palm strike slips past the right side of the opponent’s
head in a manner similar to GLANCING SALUTE.
•The inward heel palm claw and inward two-finger hook occur in the
same motion. Some practioners choose one over the other and do
not combine them.
Base Holds and Hugs
Horse Stance
Close Cat Stance Inside
Reverse Bow Stance
Upward Vertical Obscure Elbow Strike Right to Left
Forward Bow Stance
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Extension 6:00
Neutral Bow Stance
Front Crossover Stomp Kick CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Thrusting Knife Edge Kick 16 System
Close Kneel Stance Purple #5
Downward Knee Kick Orthodox 24 System
Back Kick Purple #5
32 System
Orange #30
Zone of Obscurity
Obscure Wing
Squeezing the Peach
Spreading the Branches
Reprimanding the Bears
1. With your left foot step to 9:00 and form a horse stance
facing 12:00 as your left hand pins the opponent’s hand
to your body. Simultaneously deliver a right hammerfist
strike to his groin.
•By dropping your weight, you will control his Height Zone.
2. Slide your right foot toward 9:00 and form a right close
cat stance. Immediately slide around and behind the
opponent’s left leg to 4:30 and form a right reverse bow
stance as you simultaneously deliver a right rear heel
palm strike to the opponent’s groin and grab his
•In this defense you are unable to pivot as in CAPTURED TWIGS so you
“cat around” the opponent’s leg. As you execute the “cat around”
with your right foot, cock your right arm upward in preparation for
the heel palm strike. During the cocking phase it will be in front of his
arm, (further controlling his action) palm forward, with your fingers
pointing upward.
•As you “cat around”, maintain contact with the opponent’s left leg
with your right leg.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot between
4 and 5 o’clock.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated pivoting clockwise to face 4:00
in a right neutral bow stance as you deliver a right obscure elbow
•Some practitioners continue the motion of the right elbow strike and
end in a cocked position at your right hip to act as a Clearing Check
as you flow into the next strike. Other practitioners utilize it as a
Detaining Check by anchoring the elbow on the opponent’s left
clavicle to expose his left rib cage.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated pivoting clocking to face 5:00
in a right forward bow stance as you deliver a left thrusting heel
palm strike to his floating ribs.
•The extension is designed to 4. Continue to pivot clockwise and form a right forward
respond when the opponent bow stance facing 4:30 as you deliver a left thrusting heel
does not fall after the palm strike. palm strike to the opponent’s floating ribs.
•Another version of the extension
•Keep your right elbow against his chin to act as a detaining check
followed by some practitioners is
as your left hand delivers a thrusting heel palm strike to his floating rib
described below. This version can
cage. The fingers of your left palm strike will point outward.
be applied if the opponent DOES
fall to the ground after the palm
strike: 5. Immediately grab the back of both of the opponent’s
knees and lift him off the ground forcing him to fall to the
Step 5
ground on his back.
One the opponent falls and his
legs come upward, grab both of
his legs and cross his right leg over •Your right hand will grab the back of his right knee with your right
his left leg. Switch the positions of hand and the back of his left knee with your left hand.
your hands and have your right
hand grab the opponent’s left 6. Shift your right hand and have it assist your left hand in
heel (palm upward) and your left twisting the opponent’s right foot. Immediately pivot
hand grabs his right toes/ankle
(palm downward). Use your right
clockwise slide your right foot back toward 12:00 to form
thigh as a brace during this a left neutral bow stance as you twist his ankle
procedure. counterclockwise. This action will force the opponent to
turn face downward.
Step 6
Slide your right foot back toward
•When grabbing the opponent’s foot in preparation for the twist,
6:00 and pivot clockwise to face
have your right hand palm upward supporting the heel of his foot
12:00 in a left forward bow
from the inside and your left hand palm down on top of his toes.
stance. During this action twist
the opponent’s to flip him onto
his stomach with his head 7. Release your grab on the opponent and execute a right
pointing toward 6:00. This action is front crossover stomp to the back of his right knee. After
facilitated by using both of his the stomp, slide your foot off to the right side of his body
legs as a fulcrum.
and plant it on the ground.
Step 7
Execute a right front crossover 8. Deliver a left thrusting knife edge kick to the back of the
stomp to the back of his left knee. opponent’s head or neck.
Plant your right foot to the outside
of his left leg.
9. Plant your left foot under the opponent’s left armpit and
Step 8 drop into a left close kneel stance to deliver a right
Deliver a left thrusting knife edge downward knee kick to his left ribs or kidney.
kick to the back of the
opponent’s head or neck.
10. Bounce upward and shift your right foot so that it plants
Step 9 forward and beside the right side of the opponent’s
Plant your left foot to the left side head as you pivot clockwise to form a right close kneel
of his body. Your left foot should stance to deliver a left downward knee kick to the back
be under his left arm pit to act as
of his neck.
a control. Immediately drop your
weight and form a left close
kneel stance to deliver a right
downward knee kick to his left
ribs or kidney.
11. Drag your left foot across the back of the opponent’s
head as you cock your left foot high. Deliver a left back
Step 10
With your right foot, step over
kick (or left downward stomp kick depending upon the
head body and plant to the right distance) to the back of his head.
side of his head. Drop your
weight and form a right close •If you deliver a left downward stomp kick, you may simultaneously lift
kneel stance to deliver a left your right leg and form a left one legged stance to increase the
downward knee kick to the back gravitational marriage.
of his neck. Use his left shoulder as
a fulcrum for your left leg.
12. Execute a left front crossover and double cover out
Step 11 toward 7:30.
Bounce upward and leap onto
your right foot toward 7:30. Finish
with a left back kick to his
opponent’s head.
Step 12
Execute a left front crossover and
double cover out toward 7:30.
Outward Upward Diagonal Handsword Strike DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Fighting Horse Stance Outside
Rear Elbow Strike
Right to Left
Front Crossover Maneuver
Front Crossover Stomp
Side Kick
Thrusting Knife Edge Kick CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
16 System
Angle of Cancellation Orthodox 24 System
Axis of Rotation Purple #6
Pivot Point 32 System
Path of Execution Orange #25
Angle of Incidence
Third Hand
Open Ended Triangle FORM LOCATION
Twirling Wings
Circling Wing
Gripping Talon
Crashing Wings
Entangled Wing
•Some practitioners counter-grab 1. Go with the opponent’s motion and raise your right hand
the opponent’s left wrist with the high toward 11:00 to relieve the pressure and move your
left hand. As the left arm delivers right foot toward 11:00. Your left hand tracks between
the rear elbow strike, the grab is
taken over by the right hand.
your and your opponent’s arms to deliver a left outward
During this action, the opponent’s upward diagonal handsword strike to break the
left arm is rotated palm upward opponent’s grip.
and placed on your right
shoulder. Your shoulder is used as •Your left hand simultaneously cocks for the elbow strike as it delivers
a fulcrum to create an Angle of the outward handsword strike.
Disturbance. If the opponent’s
arm is bent, the arm is place on •The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual indicated stepping toward 1:30.
the outside of your right shoulder.
Note: This method is more •Some practitioners place the opponent at 12:00.
commonly utilized when
CAPTURED LEAVES is used as a
2. Pivot counterclockwise and form a fighting horse stance
counter defense to BROKEN GIFT.
and deliver a left rear elbow strike to the opponent’s left
4. Immediately slide your right foot back into a right reverse
bow stance to buckle the inside of the opponent’s left
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting to the inside of the
opponent’s right leg. The danger lies in the opponent’s reaction to
your right side kick to his groin. He may draw his legs together and
trap your left foot.
•The plant-gauge-and kick of your feet are performed with 1/4 beat
Base Weapons (stick)
Forward Bow Stance
Extended Outward Block DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Roundhouse Kick Outside
Neutral Bow Stance
Forward Knee Strike Left to Right
Roundhouse Knee Strike
Side Kick 12:00
Vertical Forearm Strike
Modified (short) Neutral Bow Stance CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Roundhouse Kick 16 System
Orange #7
CONCEPTS & PRINCIPLES Orthodox 24 System
Purple #7
32 System
Attacking Mace
Orange #26
Obstructing the Storm
Capturing the Storm
Menacing Twirl FORM LOCATION
1. With your left foot, step toward 9:00 into a left forward
bow stance as you execute a right extended outward
handsword block to the outside of the opponent’s right
arm. Your left hand acts as a positional check near your
•You may also step toward 10:00 to properly gauge the distance
needed for the kick.
•This maneuver moves you off the Line of Attack while redirecting the
path of the opponent’s club.
•A left minor inward parry may precede the right extended outward
•The opponent will react by bending forward at the waist. This will
expose his right kidney.
•Plant yourr right foot on the inside of the opponent’s right foot to act
as a check.
•You are pulling the opponent’s right arm down on the Angle of
•The opponent will react by snapping his head back and his knees
beginning to buckle.
•The force of your knee strike should buckle the opponent’s right
knee further, possibly to the ground. It may also drive him back.
•If the opponent’s right leg buckles to the ground, plant your left foot
(gauging leg) toward 10:30 and drop to form a left close kneel
stance to deliver a right knee drop onto his right knee or ankle.
5. Plant your left foot (gauging leg) forward and deliver a
right roundhouse knee strike to the inside of the
opponent’s right thigh.
•This knee strike is designed to open his stance and provide you with
a Line of Entry.
•The right foot may also plant and gauge forward by forming a right
front rotating twist stance.
•The left foot may plant forward toward 1:30 to form a left neutral
bow stance following the side kick. This kick will buckle the
opponent’s left leg.
8. With your right foot (gauging leg), step toward 6:00 and
form a modified (short) right neutral bow stance as your
left hand grabs the opponent’s right wrist (palm down)
and your right hand grabs his wrist (palm up).
•This outward wrist lock throw will break his right wrist as well as force
him onto his back.
•Keep your elbows anchored as you execute the outward wrist lock.
Grabs and Tackles
Outward Downward Parry Outside Left
Neutral Bow Stance
Inward Overhead Handsword Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Front Snapping Ball Kick Right to Either
Five Swords
Bow of Compulsion
•Some instructors teach a 1. Slide your left foot toward 3:00 to form a right front twist
variation of this technique inside stance as you deflect the opponent’s arm with a left
of the left arm; however, unless outward downward parry (Your right arm is in a
the opponent has stopped his
attack, it may be difficult to
preparatory cock by your right ear). Pivot
check the opponent’s forward counterclockwise and form a right neutral bow stance as
body momentum simply with the you deliver a right inward overhead handsword strike to
kicks. Remember, if you find the back of his neck.
yourself on the inside of the
opponent’s arm simply flow into •Your hands should move from point of origin and should not make
BROKEN RAM. any unnecessary cocking or winding motions. Do not telegraph your
evasive foot maneuver as he may adjust and re-angle his attack.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual
taught this technique beginning
•Your left arm should clear the opponent’s left arm and redirect his
from a right neutral bow stance
momentum toward 8:00.
rather than a natural,
unprepared position. It indicated
•The standard angle in which to move off the line of attack is 3:00,
that you simply slide your left foot
but you will find that you will need to gauge this according to your
toward 3:00 to adjust the angle.
opponent’s angle and speed in order to create the proper Angle of
Though this method is quicker to
Deflection and Angle of Incidence for the handsword.
move off the line of attack, you
will lose torque for the
•By utilizing a right front twist stance, you will be positioning yourself
off the line of attack, and you will be utilizing preparatory toque for
the right inward overhead handsword strike.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual
indicated that this was a defense
•Positioning your right hand by your right ear utilizes a Preparatory
for a tackle with the opponent’s
Cock and gives you a longer path of travel.
arms wide and placed the
defender on the inside of the left
arm. The defender is instructed 2. Deliver a right front snapping ball kick to his rib cage or
to: defend with a right outward an instep kick to his solar plexus (depending upon target
downward parry to the inside of availability) immediately follow with a left front snapping
the opponent’s left arm ball kick to the left side of his jaw. These kicks are
simultaneous with a left outward
horizontal heel palm strike to the
executed in a chicken kick fashion.
left side of the opponent’s head.
The right inward overhead •Depending upon the position of your opponent, you may substitute
handsword strike to the neck the left front snapping ball kick for a left roundhouse kick.
followed and the rest remained
the same ending with a right front •The first kick may be directed toward the solar plexus or ribs
snapping ball kick followed by a depending upon the available target.
left roundhouse kick and cover
toward 1:30. •The first kick to the solar plexus will move his hands and give you the
target for the second strike.
3. With your left leg in the air, execute a left front crossover
and double cover out toward 1:30.
Copyright 2006 by Eric Lamkin
•Another version of this extension 3. With your left leg in the air, execute a left front crossover
reverses the defender’s position and single cover out toward 1:30. Immediately pivot
as well. This version is as follows: counterclockwise and form a left front rotating twist
Step 3 stance to generate torque for a right inward downward
With your left leg in the air, diagonal roundhouse kick to the back of the opponent’s
execute a left front crossover and left knee.
single cover out toward 1:30.
Step 4
4. Hop onto your right leg (gauging leg) and deliver a left
I m m e d i a t e l y p i v o t knife edge kick to the back of the opponent’s right
counterclockwise and form a left knee.
front rotating twist stance to
generate torque for a right 5. Hop onto your left leg (gauging leg) and deliver a right
inward downward diagonal
roundhouse kick to the back of front scoop kick to the opponent’s groin.
the opponent’s left knee.
6. Plant your right foot back toward 12:00 and execute a
Step 5 left front crossover and double cover out toward 12:00.
Plant your right leg (gauging leg)
and execute a left spinning knife •The purpose of this extension is to:
edge kick to the back of the (1) Demonstrate to the student the reverse application of a self
opponent’s right knee. defense technique designed for the hands now applied to
the legs.
Step 6 (2) Demonstrate a method of preventing the opponent from
Plant your left leg (gauging leg) turning toward you by controlling his width and height zones
and deliver a right rear scoop through the use of leg strikes.
kick to the opponent’s groin.
•The extension of this technique is the reverse sequence of BOW OF
Step 7 COMPULSION applied to the legs. In BOW OF COMPULSION, after
Plant your right foot back toward you release your right hand, you execute a reverse handsword strike
12:00 and execute a left front to the opponent’s groin followed by a right back knuckle strike to his
crossover an double coverout. left knee and finish with a right inward hooking punch to his right
knee. The extension reverses the order of these strikes. Rather than
Note: This version is acceptable, ending with an inward strike to his knee, we now begin with a strike
but you do place yourself in a to the same quadrant followed by an outward kick to the opposite
tactical disadvantage by turning knee and finish with a strike to the groin. In addition, the opponent is
your back to the opponent. now turned away from you (so the right and left of his legs are now
reversed) and your strikes are now alternating rather than
Twin Extended outward Handsword Blocks Inside
Forward Bow Stance
Thrusting Inward Handsword Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Outward Horizontal Handsword Strike Left to Left
Thrusting Middle Knuckle Fist Strike
Circling Inward Two-Finger Hook
Inward Handsword Strike
Inward Downward Diagonal Hammerfist Strike 16 System
Outward Downward Diagonal Back Knuckle Strike Blue #2
Outward Upward Diagonal Back Knuckle Strike Orthodox 24 System
Front Snapping Instep Kick Purple #9
Uppercut Punch 32 System
Purple #2
Borrowed Force FORM LOCATION
Bracing Angle Long Form 3
Scraping Hoof
Shield and Sword
Flashing Wings
Twist of Fate
1. With your right foot, step toward 6:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver right and
left extended outward handsword blocks to the inside of
the opponent’s arms near his wrists.
•This will separate the opponent’s arms and expose his Width Zones.
•Stay within the perimeter of your Outer Rim as you deliver this block.
•Make sure that both hands are parallel in height as well as in depth.
•Your right hand should round the corner from the previous defensive
action in order to maintain continuity of motion.
•As the opponent turns toward you to continue his assault, deliver the
left outward horizontal handsword strike.
•Some practitioners cock the right hand under the right pectoral
•Your right hand Pin Points its target through the action of your left
•Your left hand tracks down his chest and acts as a Gravitational
Check. In addition, it acts as a guide for your right hand in tracking
to the target and deliver a Pin Point effect.
•The extension is often used as a 5. Execute a right circling inward two-finger hook to the
series of strikes to keep the opponent’s eyes as you pivot clockwise and form a left
opponent against a wall. neutral bow stance facing 12:00 and deliver a left inward
•Some practitioners change the
handsword strike to the right side of his neck.
timing of the extension to deliver
the right circling inward two- •Your right hand drops down to check after the inward two-finger
finger hook simultaneously with hook.
the left front snapping ball kick.
Next, a left outward horizontal 6. Immediately deliver a left front snapping ball kick to the
handsword strike is delivered
opponent’s groin followed by a right front snapping ball
simultaneously with the right front
snapping ball kick. The remainder kick to his solar plexus in a chicken kick fashion.
of the extension is performed in
the orthodox manner. 7. Plant forward with your right foot and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 12:00 and deliver a right inward
downward diagonal raking back knuckle strike to the
left side of the opponent’s face.
8. Slide your right foot toward 6:00 and form a left rear twist
stance facing 12:00 as you continue the flow of motion
of your right hand and deliver a right outward downward
diagonal back knuckle strike to the right side of the
opponent’s face.
•In this instance, you are attempting to coverout but the opponent
continues forward, so you deliver a right outward downward
diagonal back knuckle strike and complete the extension.
•Your right hand follows the same angle as that of the back knuckle
Base Punches
Neutral Bow Stance
Forward Push-Drag Maneuver Outside
Wide Kneel Stance
Inward Horizontal Forearm Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Close Kneel Stance Left to right
Downward Hammerfist Strike
Outward Back Knuckle Strike 12:00
Thumb Rake
Inward Downward Hammerfist Strike 16 System
Knee Kick Blue #3
Inward Downward Diagonal Roundhouse Kick Orthodox 24 System
Downward Knee Drop Purple #10
Vertical Punch 32 System
Purple #3
Angle of Disturbance
Dance of Death
Twirling Hammers
Dance of Darkness
Bowing to Buddha
1. With your left foot, step toward 11:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you defend with a left
inward block. Your right arm hangs naturally along your
right side.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual indicated stepping “to your left on a 45
degree angle (toward 11o’clock)”.
•Your right knee will buckle the outside of the opponent’s right knee.
•When you deliver the right inward horizontal forearm strike, cock
your left fist near your left ear (palm faicng away from you).
•Your left knee will buckle the back of the opponent’s right knee.
•Your hammerfist strike combined with your buckle should drive your
opponent’s body down as it snaps his head up.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated forming a right wide kneel
stance facing 4:00.
•Your right knee will buckle the opponent’s right knee. If the
opponent’s knee is already buckled to the ground, use your right
knee to drop onto and break his right ankle.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual indicated pivoting toward 12:00 and
forming a left wide kneel stance as you deliver the right hammerfist
strike to the opponent’s neck with a left horizontal check to this right
•An alternate version of this 5. Slide your left foot back toward 7:30 and form a right
extension is described as follows: neutral bow stance facing 1:30 as you deliver a right
outward back knuckle strike to the opponent’s right
Step 5
Slide your left foot back toward
temple followed with a right thumb rake downward
7:30 and form a right neutral bow across his right eye. Immediately shuffle forward and
stance as you deliver a right execute a right upward heel palm claw to his face.
o u t wa r d d o wn wa r d b a c k
knuckle strike to the opponent’s •As your left foot slides toward 7:30, cock your right arm horizontally
right temple. Rotate your right across your waist under your left checking arm in preparation for the
hand counterclockwise (palm back knuckle strike.
out) and deliver a right thumb
gouge to his right eye. This will
6. Slide your left foot back toward 6:00 as your right hand
cause his head to lift.
Immediately pivot clockwise and switches counterclockwise to the left side of the
form a right forward bow stance opponent’s face and grab his chin. Use your right
as you deliver a left thrusting heel forearm on his head to act as a fulcrum as you push his
palm strike to his jaw (your fingers right shoulder with your left hand. This combined action
will be pointing toward the right).
(opposing forces) will twist and turn the opponent
Step 6 counterclockwise onto his back on your right knee.
Pivot counterclockwise and form
a right neutral bow stance as you 7. Deliver a right inward downward hammerfist strike to the
orbit your right arm clockwise to
opponent’s heart or sternum.
deliver a right upward heel palm
strike to his chin and grab.
•Your right arm will strike down and across the opponent’s right
Step 7
Pivot clockwise and form a right
forward bow stance as you push 8. Execute a left knee kick to the back of the opponent’s
forward on the opponent’s right head at the base of his skull as your right forearm
shoulder with your left hand and simultaneously rakes inward across his face.
turn his head counterclockwise.
9. Plant your left foot back and allow the opponent to fall
Step 8
As the opponent begins to turn,
to the ground. He will land on his back with his head
slide your left foot back toward pointing toward 7:30 and his feet pointing toward 1:30.
12:00 (left rear crossover/right Immediately deliver a right inward downward diagonal
front twist stance) and pivot roundhouse kick to his groin.
counterclockwise to form a right
forward bow stance facing 6:00
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described this kick as a “right torquing
as you force the opponent onto
downward roundhouse kick”.
your right knee.
Step 9 10. Drop into a left close kneel stance to deliver a right
Deliver a right inward downward downward knee drop to the opponent’s solar plexus as
hammerfist strike to the you simultaneously execute a right vertical punch to his
opponent’s heart or sternum.
face while your left hand checks his right arm.
Step 10
Rotate your right arm 11. Execute a right front crossover and double cover out
counterclockwise (thumb toward 6:00.
downward) and deliver a right
inward forearm rake across his
•Scrape across the opponent’s face as you execute the front
face as you deliver a left knee
kick to his upper back or the
back of his head.
Step 11
Allow the opponent to fall and
immediately deliver a right
inward downward diagonal
roundhouse kick to his groin.
Step 12
Drop into a left close kneel
stance to deliver a right
downward knee drop to his solar
plexus as you simultaneously
deliver a right vertical punch to
his face.
Step 13
Scrape across the opponent’s
face as you execute a right front
crossover and double cover out
toward 6:00.
Holds and Hugs
Rear Scooping Heel Kick Inside
Reverse Bow Stance
Left to Either
Back Hammerfist Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Upward Knee Kick
Thrusting Knife Edge Kick
Back Kick
16 System
Contouring Orthodox 24 System
Zone of Obscurity Purple #11
Borrowed Force 32 System
Purple #4
Spreading Branches*
Captured Twigs
Crushing Hammer None
Reprimanding the Bears
•This defense also demonstrates 1. With your left foot, step back toward 4:30 and form a
how an opponent may be used right neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you pin the
as an obstruction against a opponent’s hands to your body with your right hand
second opponent. To
demonstrate this application,
while simultaneously squeezing the opponent’s testicles
some instructors teach stepping with your left hand.
toward 1:30 or 3:00 with your left
foot and pulling the opponent •As a point of reference, the opponent’s testicles will be located
clockwise around you. This will behind your left thigh.
create an obstruction toward
12:00. If performed in this manner, •Your eyes are focused toward 12:00 during this action.
the right reverse bow buckle will
be directed toward •Your left leg may be used to buckle the inside of the opponent’s
approximately 10:30. right leg. In some cases it may be beneficial to step back and form a
left reverse bow stance for this step.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 5:00 with your
left foot.
•The opponent’s hands may drop to grab or cover his injured groin. If
this occurs, the rear scooping heel kick will be able to strike two
targets simultaneously.
3. With your right leg still in the air, stomp into a right reverse
bow stance facing 7:30 to buckle the inside of his left
knee. Simultaneously deliver a right obscure back elbow
strike (palm down) to his chin as your left hand covers
•As the opponent’s head drops from the leg buckle, utilize Borrowed
Force as you deliver your elbow strike.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stomping into a right reverse
bow stance facing 7:00.
•An early version of this defense 4. Deliver a right back hammerfist strike to the opponent’s
(pre-1975) delivered a right knife groin. As the opponent reacts, immediately hook your
edge kick to the inside of the right hand around the right side of the opponent’s neck
opponent’s right knee. This action
brings the opponent’s head
as your left hand grabs to the left side of his head.
down for the jump inward 5. Pull the opponent’s head downward as you deliver a
crescent kick. The jump inward right upward knee kick to his face.
crescent kick could also be
execute as a jump inward •Some practitioners turn the opponent’s head sideways facing your
downward heel kick (also known right rib cage to delvier the upward knee kick to the right side of his
as an axe kick) to the opponent’s face.
right clavicle.
7. Plant your right foot toward 1:30 and form a right front
twist stance as you deliver a right upward snapping
forearm lifting strike to the opponent’s chin.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your right foot into a
front twist stance toward 2:00.
9. With your right leg still in the air, jump and twist clockwise
to deliver a left inward crescent kick to the right side of
the opponent’s face.
Outward Overhead Elbow Strike Outside
Forward Bow Stance
Upward Elbow Strike Right to Left
Reverse Bow Stance
Back Hammerfist Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Front Twist Stance
Outward Back Knuckle Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Knee Kick 16 System
Reverse Step Through Blue #6
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike Orthodox 24 System
Reverse Step Through Purple #12
Stomp Kick 32 System
Spinning Back Heel Stomp Kick Orange #31
Purposeful Defiance FORM LOCATION
Contouring Short Form 3
Twirling Wings
Captured Leaves
Thrusting Wedge
Bowing to Buddha
Obscure Sword
Crossing Talon
1. Turn and tuck your chin into the right side of your chest as
you step toward 1:30 with your left foot and form a left
neutral bow stance. Simultaneously both of your hands at
your left hip (left hand palm up; right hand palm in on
top of your left hand).
•The right outward overhead elbow strike may strike the opponent’s
head if he is close enough.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated pivoting clockwise toward 7:00.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicatd facing 8:00 in a right forward
bow stance.
•After the left four-finger thrust to his eyes, the opponent’s head
reacts by snapping forward. This gives you the target for the right
upward elbow strike.
•As you deliver the right back hammerfist strike, your right elbow
checks his right arm.
•As your left hand orbits clockwise to check high over your right
shoulder, you may deliver a left inward heel palm strike and claw to
his face.
•Some practitioners perform the 5. Pivot clockwise and slide your right foot toward the
following variation of the opponent to form a left front twist stance toward 7:30 as
extension: you deliver a right outward back knuckle strike to the
Step 5
opponent’s face.
Pivot clockwise and step forward
with your left foot to form a left 6. Pivot clockwise and grab the opponent’s right arm with
neutral bow stance facing 7:30 as both of your hands as your right foot steps back toward
your right arm executes a rolling
12:00 and forms a left neutral bow stance. Pull the
check against the opponent’s
right arm. As you settle into your opponent’s arm diagonally downward to create an
stance, slide your right hand Angle of Disturbance.
down and grab the opponent’s
right wrist as you execute a left •When grabbing the opponent’s right arm, your left hand grabs his
thrusting forarm strike against his elbow and your right hand brags his wrist.
right elbow. Create a push-pull
action and execute an arm bar.
7. Immediately deliver a right knee kick to the opponent’s
Step 6 right rib cage. Continue holding the opponent’s right
Pull the opponent’s right arm past arm.
your right hip as you deliver a
right upward knee kick to his face
8. Plant your right foot to Point of Origin and execute a left
or sternum.
reverse step through toward 12:00 and form a right
Step 7 neutral bow stance as you pull the opponent’s right arm
Plant your right foot back to form (at the wrist) past your left hip.
a left neutral bow stance facing
7:30 as you pull the opponent’s •Pull and twist the opponent’s arm in a downward counterclockwise
arm past your right hip and half circle from your right hip to your left hip.
deliver a left outward back
knuckle strike to his head.
9. Release your right hand and deliver a right outward back
Step 8 knuckle strike to the opponent’s right temple.
Slide your left foot back and form Immediately follow with a right inward horizontal elbow
a right front twist stance as your
strike to his left jaw hinge.
left hand prepare for a single
hand outward wrist lock. Pivot
counterclockwise and form a •Some deliver a right outward heel palm strike and claw through the
right neutral bow stance as your opponent’s face.
left hand applies the single hand
outward wrist lock simultaneously 10. Re-grab the opponent’s right wrist with your right hand
with a right outward back and execute a right reverse step through toward 12:00 as
knuckle strike to his right temple.
you whip the opponent’s right arm past your right hip
Step 9 and force him face downward to the ground.
Contour down the opponent’s
right arm with your right arm as •Your right arm circles below his right arm and counter grabs from
you rotate his wrist clockwise with below.
your left hand and re-grab his
wrist with your right hand. Use •This sequence is similar to LEAP OF DEATH.
your right elbow to lock and
control his elbow (controlling his
Width Zone) during this process. 11. Deliver a left stomp kick to the opponent's left elbow.
12. Plant your left foot (gauging leg) to the right side of the
opponent’s body and pivot clockwise to finish with a
Step 10
Execute a right reverse step
right spinning back heel stomp kick to his head.
through and pivot clockwise to
face 10:30 in a right forward bow 13. Execute a right front crossover and double cover out
stance as you execute a two toward 3:00.
hand inward wrist lock takedown.
The opponent will fall face
downward with his head pointing
toward 10:30.
Step 11
Execute a left front crossover
stomp to his right elbow. Plant
your left foot (gauging leg)
above his right arm.
Step 12
Execute a right spinning back
kick to his head or shoulder.
Step 13
Execute a right front crossover
and double cover out toward
Neutral Bow Stance
Extended Outward Block
Vertical Punch Right to Right
Forward Bow Stance
Vertical Thrust Punch ATTACK DIRECTION
Outward Horizontal Back Knuckle Strike 12:00
Upward Hooking Parry
Extension 16 System
Vertical Forearm Strike Purple #7
Inward Overhead Hammerfist Strike
Orthodox 24 System
Rear Crossover
Front Twist Stance Purple #13
Outward Downward Diagonal Back Knuckle Strike 32 System
Close Kneel Stance Orange #32
Downward Knee Drop
Front Rotating Twist Stance FORM LOCATION
Downward Heel Stomp None
One-Legged Stance
Defying the Storm
Returning the Storm
Detour from Doom
Securing the Storm
1. With your right foot, step forward and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 12:00 as you execute a left extended
outward block to the inside of the opponent’s right arm
simultaneously with a right vertical punch to the
opponent’s jaw.
•Make sure that you check the opponent’s right knee with your right
•This action will drive the opponent’s head back and expose his
stomach for the next strike.
•The opponent will typically drop his club; however, in recent years,
many Kenpo practitioners have added tactics derived from the
Filipino Martial Art Systems. In this technique, a left counterclockwise
snake disarm may be inserted.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 11:00. This is to
ensure that the opponent’s right leg is buckled.
•If necessary, as you right arm moves from its punching position to a
check, use your right forearm to turn the opponent’s shoulders
clockwise. This will create a better Angle of Incidence.
•This action will force the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•Another version of this extension 3. Grab the opponent’s right wrist with your left hand and
is described below: deliver a right vertical forearm strike to the opponent’s
elbow to hyper-extend or break it.
Step 3
Grab the opponent’s right wrist •Your right arm is below and to the outside of the opponent’s right
with your left hand and deliver a arm. It’s position resembles a vertical outward block.
right upward forearm strike or a
right upward palm strike to his
right elbow to hyper-extend or
4. Slide your right foot back to 6:00 to form a left neutral
break it. Immediately follow with bow stance.
a right outward downward
diagonal hammerfist strike to his •Keep your hands in position to control the opponent’s Width Zone.
right kidney.
5. Maintain the grab on your opponent’s right wrist and
Step 4
deliver a right outward back knuckle strike to his right
With your right hand, grab behind
his right elbow our shoulder as ribs. Continue the counterclockwise motion of your right
you twist his arm arm and deliver a right inward overhead hammerfist
counterclockwise. Immediately strike to the back of the opponent’s right ribs.
slide your right foot to 6:00 and
form a left neutral bow stance as •The opponent will be bent forward at the waist as you deliver the
you manipulate his right arm hammerfist to the back of his right ribcage.
behind his back in a hammerlock
position (control with your left 6. Slide your left foot toward 4:30 to form a right neutral
hand). Immediately deliver a right
outward downward diagonal
bow stance facing 10:30 as you push down on the
back knuckle strike to his right opponent’s right armpit with your right hammerfist as you
temple. In the same continuous simultaneously pull his right (stiff arm) diagonally toward
motion, pivot counterclockwise you to dislocate his right shoulder.
to form a left forward bow stance
(or left close kneel stance) as you •You will be pulling his arm from 11:00 to 5:00.
deliver a right inward overhead
hammerfist strike (or right inward •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding the left foot toward 4:00.
overhead heel palm strike) to the
back of his neck.
7. Force the opponent face-downward to the ground and
Step 5 execute a left rear crossover to form a right front twist
Pull the opponent toward 7:30 stance as you deliver a right outward downward back
execute a left rear crossover to knuckle strike to the back of the opponent’s left
form a right front twist stance as ribcage.
you deliver a right outward
downward back knuckle strike to •At this point you and your opponent are facing 6:00. You are
the opponent’s left kidney. positioned on the opponent’s left side and he is face down.
Step 6
As the opponent attempts to get 8. Step toward 6:00 with your left foot and drop to form a
up, step toward 6:00 with your left left close kneel stance to deliver a right knee drop to the
foot and form a left close kneel back of the opponent’s left elbow to cause a break.
stance to deliver a right knee
drop to the back of his left elbow.
•The opponent attempts to get up by placing his hands down and
pushing upward, your right knee drop prevents this action.
[continued on next page]
9. Lift your right foot and form a right front rotating twist
stance to deliver a right downward heel stomp to the
Step 7
Lift your right foot and form a right
right side of the opponent’s face. Immediately follow
front rotating twist stance to with a left knee drop to the back of his neck.
deliver a right downward heel
stomp to the right side of the •If the opponent’s left arm is in the way, step over his arm with your
opponent’s face. Immediately left foot and plant near the left side of his head.
follow with a left knee drop to the
back of his neck.
10. Spring upward toward 7:30 to form a left one-legged
Step 8 stance facing 1:30. Execute a right front crossover and
Leap toward 4:30 to form a righ double cover out toward 7:30.
tone-legged stance. Execute a
left front crossover and double
cover out toward 4:30.
Grabs and Tackles
Ricocheting Vertical Punch Outside Right
Forward Bow Stance To Center
Vertical Thrust Punch
Transitional Close Cat Stance POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Outward Horizontal Handsword Strike Left to Either
Thrusting Knee Kick
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Front Twist Stance
Outward Horizontal Hammerfist Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Inward Horizontal Hooking Heel Palm Strike 16 System
Front Rotating Twist Stance Blue #8
Inward Downward Diagonal Hook Punch Orthodox 24 System
Inward Downward Diagonal Elbow Strike Purple #14
Uppercut Punch 32 System
Front Scoop Kick
Purple #7
Front Snapping Ball Kick
Gripping Talon
Desperate Falcons
Menacing Twirl
Clipping the Storm
Attacking Mace
Circling Fans
1. Counter-grab your opponent’s right wrist with your right
hand and pull the opponent’s arm toward your right hip.
Simultaneously step toward 12:00 with your left foot and
form a left neutral bow stance. As you settle into your
stance, deliver a left ricocheting vertical punch to the
opponent’s face.
•Twist the opponent’s wrist clockwise with your right hand to expose
his elbow.
•The punch to the opponent’s solar plexus or rib cage will cause him
to bend forward and his head to drop.
•The left forearm should track down the oppoent’s chest to act as a
check and as a guide for your right vertical thrust punch.
•Some practitioners utilize a right middle knuckle fist strike to the solar
•If the previous actions did not break the opponent’s grip, the actions
of the handsword and your right hand withdrawing act as a back-up
method. These are Outward Opposing Forces.
•The left outward handsword strike occurs on the Half-Beat. The right
thrusting knee kick occurs on the Quarter-Beat.
•As you deliver the left outward horizontal handsword strike to the
throat, cock your right hand beneath your right pectoral muscle as a
preparatory cock for the next strike.
•A right inward eye hook may be inserted after the right vertical thrust
punch to the solar plexus just prior to the left outward horizontal
handsword strike to the throat.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual only mentioned the knee strike to the
groin in the 2nd Degree Black Belt extension.
4. Immediately slide your left foot forward and form a left
front twist stance as you deliver a right outward horizontal
hammerfist to his solar plexus. Immediately pivot
clockwise and form a left neutral bow stance as you
deliver a left inward horizontal hooking heel palm strike
to the right side of his face.
•Your left hand stays on contact with the opponent’s face until the
right inward downward diagonal elbow strike to act as a backstop.
8. With your right leg still in the air, execute a right front
crossover and double cover out toward 6:00.
1. With your left foot, step toward 6:00 and form a right
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as both hands hook (in
the shape of cranes) to the inside of your opponent’s
wrists, jerking his arm down, outside and past your hips.
•Some practitioners step back and form the transitional right 45-
degree cat stance on this initial defensive action. Though the timing
has changed, the principle remains the same.
2. Slide your right foot back and form a transitional right 45-
degree cat stance and immediately deliver a right front
snapping ball kick to the opponent’s groin.
•Utilize Borrowed Force from his push as well as from your pulling
•Some practitioners add a left thrusting heel palm strike to the right
side of his jaw after the outward back knuckle strike as you pivot into
a right forward bow stance. Performed in this manner, you will pivot
back into the right neutral bow stance on the next move.
•You may drop and form a right wide kneel stance for added power.
6. Shift your left foot (gauging leg) toward 3:00 and deliver
a right back outward horizontal heel scoop kick to the
inside of the opponent’s left knee. Immediately follow
with a right roundhouse ball kick to his right knee.
•Adjust your left foot as you simultaneously deliver the right downard
vertical heel palm claw. This will clear the opponent’s centerline in
preparation for the low-line kicks.
•Your hands positionally check high during the execution of the kicks.
7. Plant your right foot near his right foot and pivot your
body slightly counterclockwise toward 5:00 and gauge
with your left foot to deliver a right outward horizontal
hooking heel kick to the opponent’s right kidney.
Base Punches
Forward Bow Stance
Extended Outward Block DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Fighting Horse Stance Outside
Inward Handsword Strike
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Front Twist Stance Right to Left
Neutral Bow Stance
Inward Horizontal Raking Hammerfist Strike
Roundhouse Kick
Front Scoop Kick 16 System
Spinning Back Kick Blue #10
Orthodox 24 System
32 System
Purple #8
Glancing Salute
Reversing Mace FORM LOCATION
Clipping the Storm None
Twirling Hammers
1. With your right foot, step toward 1:30 and form a right
forward bow stance as you deliver a left extended
outward block using the knife edge of your hand.
•Your right hand cocks to your right ear (palm facing out) in a
handsword position.
•Your right foot should be close to and behind the opponent’s left leg
for Directional Harmony.
•An early version of this defense (pre-1975) utilized a left close kneel
stance as the right handsword is delivered. This enabled the right
knee to check and control the opponent’s left leg.
•Your right hand acts as a Bracing Angle Check to his left arm.
•An early version of this defense (pre-1975) utilized a right close kneel
stance as the left inward horizontal elbow strike is delivered. This
enabled the left knee to control the opponent’s left leg.
4. Slide your left foot toward 4:30 and form a right front twist
stance facing 10:30 as your left hand hooks out and
down (palm-up like a waiter carrying a tray) on top of his
left forearm. Pivot counterclockwise and form a right
neutral bow stance facing 10:30 and execute a right
inward horizontal raking hammerfist strike to the
opponent’s left kidney. In the same continuous motion,
deliver a right roundhouse kick to his right kidney .
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual did not indicate the use of a right front
twist stance. This stance is important as it enables you to generate
rotational force (torque) for the hammerfist strike and the
roundhouse kick.
5. Momentarily plant your right foot to the ground and slide
your left foot (gauging leg) toward your right foot to
adjust for range and angle. Immediately deliver a right
knife edge kick to the back of the opponent’s right
•Your right foot gauges the distance and angle to form the proper
Angle of Delivery.
•The opponent falls forward onto his stomach. This will give you the
target for his groin.
•The back kick may also be directed to his lower back or the coccyx.
1. Step forward and to the outside of your opponent’s right
leg toward 11:00 and form a left neutral bow stance.
Simultaneously have your left hand assist your right hand
in forcing your opponent’s right arm to his groin.
•Hug and check your opponent’s right leg with your left leg.
•As your right knee comes upward in preparation for the knife edge
kick, it may strike his right forearm thereby compounding the effects
on his groin. The knee may also injure the opponent’s right wrist.
•The kick to the back of the knee controls his Width Zone and
prevents him from kicking rearward.
•As you plant to deliver the left knee kick, pivot clockwise to create
the proper alignment (Angle Alignment).
5. With your left foot in the air, execute a left front crossover
and double cover out toward 10:30.
5. After your left knee kick and with your left leg still in the
air, deliver a left thrusting knife edge kick to the back of
his right knee.
6. Plant your left foot toward 11:00 (gauging leg) and form
a right rear twist stance. Immediately pivot clockwise
and deliver a right rear spinning stiff leg raise to the
opponent’s groin.
Clutching Feathers
Scraping Hoof
Hooking Wings
Thrusting Lance
•The opponent pins your hand 1. With your right foot, step toward 12:00 and form a right
against his chest in reaction to neutral bow stance as you diagonally check across the
your push. opponent’s hands with your left hand. Simultaneously
deliver a right downward elbow strike to the opponent’s
solar plexus or groin.
•As the opponent bends forward to apply the lock, he presents his
solar plexus as a target.
2. With your left hand still guarding, reach up and grab the
opponent’s face with your right hand and drop into a
right wide kneel stance as you deliver a right downward
vertical heel palm claw raking the opponent’s face and
vertically downward to his testicles.
•The back knuckle strike is also called a “hanging back fist strike”.
•As you execute each step of the maneuver, rise upward to your
proper height.
•Some practitioners perform the 4. Pivot clockwise and form a right forward bow stance as
following version: you execute a right outward vertical raking back
knuckle strike to the right side of the opponent’s nose
Step 4
Pivot clockwise and form a right
and a left thrusting heel palm strike to his solar plexus as
forward bow stance as you you settle into your stance.
execute a right outward vertical
raking back knuckle strike to the •Your right hand resembles a vertical outward block.
right side of the opponent’s nose
followed by a left inward •The fingers of your left hand will face inward.
horizontal heel palm strike to his
right jaw hinge.
5. Pivot counterclockwise and form a right neutral bow
Step 5 stance and deliver a right inward raking back knuckle
Pivot counterclockwise and form strike to the left side of the opponent’s face.
a right neutral bow stance and
deliver a right inward horizontal
elbow strike to the left side of his
6. Deliver a left outward two-finger hook to the opponent’s
jaw (shuffle forward if necessary) eyes and immediately follow with a right inward
with a left thumb hook into the horizontal elbow strike to the left side of the opponent’s
opponent’s right eye. jaw as your left hand acts as a backstop to create a
sandwiching effect.
Step 6
Follow through with the inward
elbow strike and immediately •You may shuffle forward if circumstances dictate.
return with a right outward
horizontal elbow strike to the right 7. Slip your right elbow through the opponent’s jaw as you
side of his jaw. cover high with your left hand. Immediately return with a
Step 7
right outward horizontal elbow strike as your left hand
Continue the flow of motion and covers low.
deliver a right outward horizontal
heel palm strike and claw across 8. Continue the flow of motion and deliver a right outward
the opponent’s face followed by
horizontal heel palm strike and claw across the
a left inward horizontal heel palm
strike and claw. opponent’s face followed by a left inward horizontal
heel palm strike and claw.
Step 8
Deliver a right inward downward 9. Deliver a right inward downward diagonal heel palm
diagonal heel palm strike and
claw across the opponent’s face.
strike and claw across the opponent’s face.
Step 9 •Your right hand follows the path of a downward arc (clockwise half-
Execute a right front scoop kick circle).
to the opponent’s groin.
Immediately re-plant your right •At the conclusion of the strike, your right hand will be at your right
foot forward and form a right thigh.
neutral bow stance as you deliver
a right inward downward heel
palm strike to his solar plexus.
Step 10
Execute a right front crossover
and double cover out toward
•Your right fingers are pointed inward and your palm faces
•An early version (pre-1975) of this defense allowed the right arm to
continue orbiting after the inward downward diagonal heel palm
strike and claw to conclude with a right back hammering heel palm
strike to the opponent’s groin instead of the inward downward heel
palm strike to his solar plexus.
Weapons (stick)
Upward Cross-Hand Block Below
Neutral Bow Stance
Thrusting Vertical Forearm Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Snapping Knee Strike Left to Right
1. With your left foot, step toward 10:30 and form a horse
stance facing 1:30 as you deliver an upward cross-hand
block (right over left) to the opponent’s right wrist.
•This block should make contact with the opponent’s right wrist at a
level above your head and off your right shoulder. This utilizes and
open-ended triangle which is designed to catch his right arm while
getting off the Line of Attack.
•By placing your right hand over your left hand, it allows you to use
your left hand if needed. If you place your left hand on top, you will
“check” yourself off.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 11:00 and
facing 1:00 in a horse stance.
•As your left foot steps toward 1:30, it may be necessary to “cat in
and around” to avoid his right leg.
•The push/pull action of your hands will force the opponent’s head
down and possibly strike your left knee. This action is also known as a
downward arm bar.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 2:00 with your
left foot.
•Deliver this knee strike without raising your body; This strike should
drive the opponent away.
•For practitioners familiar with 3. Immediately deliver a right snapping knee strike to the
stick fighting methods, these opponent’s head or chest as you remove the weapon
strikes may be delivered from a from his hand with your right hand (grabbing it at the
longer range (shoulder as the
pivot point) or a close to medium
free end). Plant your right foot to Point of Origin and
range (wrist and elbow as pivot deliver a right upward club strike to the opponent’s face.
points). Distance and
circumstances will dictate your 4. Step back with your left foot toward 7:30 and deliver a
actions. right downward club strike to the back of the opponent’s
right elbow.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicatd stepping toward 7:00 with your
left foot.
6. With your left foot, step toward 10:30 and form a left
neutral bow stance and immediately pivot clockwise to
form a right neutral bow stance facing 7:30 as you deliver
a right outward horizontal club strike to the back of the
opponent’s right knee.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manaul indicated stepping toward 11:00 to form
a left neutral bow stance.
•Snap your wrist upward to enhance the effect of the club strike.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated a right front crossover toward
9. Step out with your left foot and complete your cover out
toward 10:30.
Grabs and Tackles
Upward Forearm Strike Outside Left
Outward Horizontal Back Knuckle Strike
Inward Downward Diagonal Forearm Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Outward Upward Diagonal Handsword Strike Right to Left
Front Twist Stance
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Thrusting Knee Kick
Inward Heel Palm Strike and Claw 16 System
Spinning Back Kick Blue #1
Rear Upward Outward Claw Orthodox 24 System
Purple #20
Squeegee Purple #12
Pivoting/Pivot Point
Frictional Pull FORM LOCATION
Mace of Aggression
Raking Mace
Heavenly Ascent
Destructive Twins
Cross of Death
Lone Kimono
Thrusting Salute
1. With your left hand, pin the opponent’s arms at the wrists
to your chest as you step back with your left foot and
form a right neutral bow stance. Simultaneously deliver a
right upward forearm strike to his elbows.
•A left 4-finger eye slice may be inserted prior to the pin. This has the
added advantage of causing the opponent to move back and will
thereby straighten his arms. This is especially important in the Ideal
Phase as we assume that the opponent’s arms are bent.
•Slide your left foot toward 4:30 and face 10:30 in a right forward
bow. This will create preparatory torque for the following action.
•By moving up the circle, you align yourslef for better protection
(Angle of Alignment). In Lone Kimono your pin and upward forearm
strike created torque which turned the opponent’s right shoulder
away. In Twin Kimono, we move ourselves to create the same Angle
of Alignment.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
•As you clear the opponent’s arm, you can utilize the upper and
lower case portions of your right arm to simultaneously strike the
opponent’s left temple with your right hammerfist as you clear his
arm with the lower portion of your right forarm.
5. Slide your left foot toward 10:30 and form a left front twist
stance as you deliver a left thrusting heel palm strike to
the opponent’s jaw. Your right hand will check his right
Base Punches
Neutral Bow Stance
Forward Bow Stance Outside
Inward Upward Diagonal Inner Wrist Strike
Close Kneel Stance Left to right
Knee Drop
Vertical Punch
Extension 12:00
Downward Looping Roundhouse Kick
Stiff Leg Sweeping Kick 16 System
Blue #14
CONCEPTS & PRINCIPLES Orthodox 24 System
Angle of Disturbance Purple #21
32 System
Purple #3
Dance of Death
Twirling Hammers FORM LOCATION
Dance of Darkness Form 5
Bowing to Buddha
1. With your left foot, step forward on a 45-degree angle
(toward 11:00) and form a left neutral bow stance facing
12:00. Simultaneously defend with a left inward block as
you right arm hangs naturally along the right side of your
•Care should be taken not to block the opponent’s arm into the path
needed for the next strike. Often a parry is more advantageous as
this keeps the Line of Entry open.
3. With your right foot step behind the opponent’s right leg
(cat around) and form a modified horse stance to
buckle his right leg. Simultaneously grab your right wrist
with your left hand from the back of the opponent’s
neck and apply pressure in an inward downward
diagonal direction as you pivot counterclockwise and
form a left forward bow stance facing 10:30.
•Place your head close to his head to increase the pressure of the
choke and to limit his ability to escape.
4. Shift your left foot toward 4:30 and force the opponent
to the ground and drop to form a left close kneel stance
to deliver a right knee drop to his right ribcage
simultaneously with a right vertical punch to his face.
Your left hand is checking the opponent’s right arm by
pushing it down and across his body to act.
•Pivot toward 4:30 and hold the opponent in the sleeper choke to
allow the weight of the opponent’s own body to assist with the
•The opponent will fall with his head facing between 5:00 and 6:00.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping back toward 5:00.
5. Shift your right foot toward 12:00 and execute a left front
crossover and double cover out toward 10:30 as you
gradually rise upward.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that you should enter your
Angle of Departure by sliding your left foot back to 2:00 (left reverse
step through). Then, execute a right front crossover and double
coverout toward 2:00.
5. Check the opponent’s right arm by pinning it across his
body as you grab his right shoulder with your right hand.
Use both hands to turn him onto his stomach.
•Your right hand will be grabbing his right arm near his elbow and
your left hand grabs his right shoulder. Cross the opponent’s right
arm across his body with your right hand and push his right shoulder
with your left hand to roll the opponent to his left onto his stomach.
This will cross both of his arms and use his own body to pin them
against the ground.
•As you place the opponent in this position, you can also apply a
choke called a “Cobra Choke”. This is accomplished by placing his
right arm across his throat and grabbing his right wrist with your right
hand. Pull on the opponent’s arm with your right hand as you push
the back of his head (or left shoulder) with your left hand to apply
leverage for the choke.
Holds and Hugs
Right and Left Inward Middle-Knuckle Fist Strikes Inside
Neutral Bow Stance
Inward Wrist Lock Left to Either
Front Snapping Ball Kick
Stiff Arm Lifting Back Knuckle Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Front Twist Stance
Outward Raking Hammerfist Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Vertical Outward Raking Back Knuckle Strike 16 System
Upward Vertical Heel Kick Purple #14
Thrusting Back Kick Orthodox 24 System
Rear Spinning Back Kick Purple #22
32 System
Crashing Wings
Defying the Storm
Squatting Sacrifice
1. With your right foot step to 3:00 and form a horse stance
facing 12:00 as you deliver right and left inward middle-
knuckle fist strikes to the back of the opponent’s top
hand (or hands). Immediately drop both elbows to pin
his arms. Without hesitation, grab the opponent’s right
hand with both of your hands. Your thumbs will be on the
back of his hand and your fingers inside his palm.
•In this defense, the bear hug grab is high on your chest making it
difficult to use your elbow to break free. The minor move of the
middle knuckle fist strikes will loosen his grip.
•Your elbows should clear and pin the opponent’s arm against your
•By lowering your center of mass, you will make it more difficult for the
opponent to lift you off the ground. You will also shift his weight onto
his right leg creating an Angle of Disturbance.
2. With your left foot, step toward 1:30 and form a left
neutral bow stance as you pull the opponent forward
and begin to twist his wrist clockwise. Immediately pivot
clockwise and execute a right reverse step through and
end in a left neutral bow stance facing 7:30. During this
action, both of your hands continue to twist the
opponent’s wrist clockwise in a tight circle close to your
body applying an inward wrist lock.
•When you step forward with your left foot, keep the opponent’s right
arm pinned against your body with your right elbow. As you step and
turn, you will create torque against is right elbow and shouder joints
that will cause him to turn to face 9:00; this controls his Width Zone.
Allow your right arm to slide over his arm as you execute your right
reverse step through; this will continue to control and check his Width
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 2:00 and
pivoting clockwise to face 8:00 in a left neutral bow stance.
•If the opponent bends his elbow as you apply the inward wrist lock,
immediately proceed into the lock flows.
4. Plant your right foot forward and form a right neutral bow
stance facing 7:30. Simultaneously check your
opponent’s right arm downward with your left hand as
you deliver a right stiff arm back lifting knuckle strike to
your opponent’s face or temple.
•Plant your right foot alongside of your opponent’s right knee to act
as a check.
•Follow through with the stiff arm lifting back kuckle and end with
your right arm cocked beside your left ear.
•Another version of the extension 5. Slide your left foot behind your right leg toward 9:00 and
followed by some practitioners is form a right front twist stance as you deliver a right
described below: outward raking hammerfist strike to the opponent’s face.
Step 5
Slide your left foot behind your 6. Pivot counterclockwise and form a right neutral bow
right leg toward 9:00 and form a stance as you deliver a right vertical outward raking
right front twist stance as you back knuckle strike to the opponent’s face.
deliver a right outwrad
downward diagonal back
•This strike follows a path similar to a vertical outward block.
knuckle strike to the right side of
his face. Follow through with this
motion. 7. Immediately deliver a right upward vertical heel kick to
the opponent’s face to stand him up and follow with a
Step 6 right thrusting back kick to his solar plexus.
Pivot counterclockwise and form
a right neutral bow stance as you
dleiver a right inward horizontal 8. Plant your right foot down (gauging leg) and spin
elbow strike to the left side of his counterclockwise to deliver a left rear spinning back kick
jaw immediately followed by a to any available opening.
right upward vertical heel kick to
his groin. These strikes occur with
1/4 beat timing. 9. Execute a left front crossover and double cover out
toward 12:00.
Step 7
Your right foot contours his body
and deliver a right thrusting back
kick to his lower abdomen.
Step 8
Plant your right foot (gauging leg)
and spin counterclockwise to
deliver a left rear spinning back
kick to any available opening.
Step 9
Execute a left front crossover and
double cover out towward 12:00.
1. Grab both of the opponent’s wrists with both of your
hands (right to right; left to left) and tuck your chin into
your chest as you step with your left foot toward 9:00 and
form a horse stance.
•If the opponent’s left leg is forward, it is possible to buckle the inside
of his left leg as you execute the reverse step through.
•A right outward elbow strike to his solar plexus or rib cage may be
inserted as you execute your right reverse step through.
•If you are unable to pull the opponent’s arm free on the initial move,
as you execute the right reverse step through, spin your head
clockwise under the opponent’s arms to free you from the choke.
Use your neck as a fulcrum to hyper-extend or break his thumbs.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated executing the right reverse step
through toward 8:00.
•This action will buckle the opponent’s right leg and control his Height
4. Plant your right foot toward 1:30 and form a right neutral
bow stance as you pull backward with your left hand
and push forward with your right hand (the position of
your right hand resembles a vertical outward back
knuckle strike).
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your right foot toward
•Another version of the extension 5. Adjust your left foot (gauging leg) slightly toward 6:00
is described below: and immediately slide your right foot backward and form
a right reverse bow stance to buckle the inside of his left
Step 5
Have your left hand release its
knee. Simultaneously execute a right outward back
grip on the opponent’s left hand knuckle strike through the opponent's left rib cage. As
and grab his right wrist. This will you settle into your stance, deliver a right inward looping
keep his right arm in check and back knuckle strike to his right mastoid.
trap his left arm as you execute
the following moves. Slide your
•Your right arm contours the opponent’s back to strike to his mastoid.
left left behind your right leg (left
rear twist stance) as you deliver a
right outward horizontal back 6. Deliver a right knee kick to the inside of his right knee.
knuckle strike through his left rib
cage. Immediately slide your right 7. Plant your right foot toward 11:00 and form a left rear
foot backward and form a right
reverse bow stance to buckle the
twist stance as you deliver a right outward downward
i nsi de o f hi s l ef t k n ee . hammerfist strike to the left side of the opponent’s jaw.
Simultaneously as you settle into
your stance, contour the 8. Pivot counterclockwise and deliver a right upward
opponent’s back and deliver a
outward hooking heel kick to the opponent’s groin.
right inward looping back
knuckle strike to his right mastoid.
•Some practitioners deliver a right upward vertical hooking heel kick
to the back of the opponent’s head if he is bent forward enough.
Step 6
Deliver a right knee kick to the
inside of his right knee. 9. Plant your right foot toward 10:30 and pivot
counterclockwise to face 4:30 in a left neutral bow
Step 7 stance. Execute a left front crossover and double cover
Plant your right foot toward 12:00
and form a left rear twist stance
out toward 10:30.
as you deliver a right outward
downward hammerfist strike to his
Step 8
Deliver a right outward upward
hooking heel kick first to the inside
of his right knee then to his groin
and finishing with a strike to the
inside of his left knee. All three
targets are struck during the
same clockwise circle.
Step 9
Execute a right front crossover
and double coverout toward
Transitory Neutral Bow Stance DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Neutral Bow Stance Outside
Outward Horizontal Elbow Strike
Thrusting Back Kick Left to Either
Front Thrusting Ball Kick
Hammering Heel Palm Strike
Outward Downward Diagonal Back Knuckle Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Upward Knee Kick 16 System
Thrusting Side Kick Blue #16
Orthodox 24 System
Change Up Point 32 System
Leveraging Purple #17
Intellectual Departure None
Locked Wing
Crossed Twigs
Gripping Talon
Thrust Into Darkness
1. With your left foot, step toward 5:00 and form a transitory
right neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you countergrab
the opponent's right wrist with your right hand.
•You may modifiy the width and depth of your stance depending
upon circumstances.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping back into a modified
right neutral bow stance. It was modified because your left foot
rested on the ball of the foot.
•You may also pivot counterclockwise into a left fighting horse stance
if circumstances dictate.
•Do not look over your shoulder before or during this kick. Looking
may telegraph your intentions. By pulling the opponent’s right arm
alongside your right hip, you will be able to easily determine the
location of his rib cage by using proper Body Alignment.
•By whipping the opponent’s arm clockwise in a tight circle, this will
force him to bend forward and down to his left.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your right foot toward
7:00 in a right reverse cat stance.
7. Plant your right foot toward 10:30 and form a right rear
twist stance facing 4:30 as you deliver a left hammering
heel palm strike to the opponent’s right elbow. Your right
hand continues to maintain its grab on his right wrist.
•Your left fingers point up the opponent’s right arm as it delivers the
heel palm strike.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your left foot toward
8. From your right rear twist stance, pivot clockwise and
form a right neutral bow stance facing 6:00 as you
execute a right outward downward diagonal back
knuckle strike to his right kidney.
•The strike may be delived to his left kidney depending upon his
10. Plant your left leg (gauging leg) and deliver a right
upward knee kick to the opponent’s stomach. From
Point of Origin, immediately deliver a right thrusting side
kick to the inside of the opponent’s left knee.
Grabs and Tackles
Double Outward Hooking Parries Inside Both
Front Snapping Ball Kick
Double Torquing Heel Palm Strikes POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Right to Either
Double Crab Hand Pinches ATTACK DIRECTION
Rear Crossover Maneuver
Reverse Bow Stance
Front Crossover Sweep
Inward Horizontal Heel Palm Strike and Claw CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Spinning Back Thrust Kick 16 System
Green #1
Back-Up Mass Blue #1
Torque 32 System
Purple #16
Get the upper hand
Tracking NONE
Borrowed Force
Aggressive Twins
Crossed Twigs
Desperate Falcons
Unfolding the Dark
Thrusting Salute
1. With your left foot, step back and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 12:00. Simultaneously, rotate both
hands outward to form double outward hooking parries
to break the opponent’s grip.
•Keep your elbows anchored and break the grip in a downward 45-
degree angle. This will control the opponent’s Dimensional Zone.
•Your hands should travel inward, upward and outward and then rip
downward to break from the grip.
•Both the 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio Manual
indicate a cate stance after the “begging” position. Please note
that this is meant as a transitional position from your right neutral bow
stance to the right front snapping ball kick—it is not be be held in
•Your right foot adjusts its depth according to the circumstances and
distance to the target.
•Some instructors teach stepping back into a cat stance. This may
place you at a tactical disadvantage if the opponent’s momentum
continues to move forward. If this occurs, the following kicks may be
deleted and you simply move forward into a right neutral bow
stance and execute your double torquing heel palm strikes.
4. Plant forward with your left foot and form a left neutral
bow stance (or forward bow stance) as you
simultaneously deliver double torquing heel palm strikes
(fingers out) under the opponent’s chest.
•The heel palms strike just below the pectoral muscles and employ
the Fitting Principle.
5. After your double torquing heel palm strikes to the
opponent’s pectoral muscles, execute double crab
hand pinches to the nerves in this region as you step
forward with your right foot and form a right neutral bow
stance to buckle the inside of the opponent’s right leg.
9. With your left leg still in the air, execute a left front
crossover and double cover out toward 4:30.
Twin Extended Outward Handsword Blocks Inside
Twin Rolling Upward Outward Claws
Upward Elbow Strike Right to Right
Neutral Bow Stance
Downward Heel Palm Strike and Claw ATTACK DIRECTION
Reverse Handsword Strike
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Close Kneel Stance 16 System
Downward Knee Kick Green #2
Heel Stomp Orthodox 24 System
Front Crossover Stomp Blue #2
32 System
Purple #23
Meet Action/Beat It
Frictional Pull FORM LOCATION
Long Form 3
Locking Horns
Heavenly Ascent
Destructive Twins
Blinding Sacrifice
Bowing to Buddha
1. With your right foot, step toward 12:00 and form a right
forward bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver right and
left extended outward handsword blocks to the inside of
the opponent’s arms. Continue the flow of motion and
deliver right and let rolling upward outward claws to his
•The outer portion of your forearms act as a wedge against his arms
and borrows the opponent’s force.
•The claws to his face stops his forward momentum and blurs his
•Your right leg will check the opponent’s right leg when you step
•As the opponent’s hands come up to protect his eyes, grab and pull
on the opponent’s right arm along the Angle of Cancellation.
•Your right arm orbits clockwise to deliver the upward elbow strike.
During this orbit clear the opponent’s left arm away from your body.
•The right elbow may first strike his sternum before striking under his
chin. This will enable you to control his Width Zone as well as enable
you to track up to the target.
•Some practitioners pivot and drop to form a right wide kneel stance
while executing the claw.
4. Continue the motion of your right hand and claw
vertically downward and immediately return with a right
reverse handsword strike to the opponent’s groin.
•The motion of the motion of the downward vertical heel palm strike
(following through to his groin) will arch his back and present the
next target (groin).
•If the opponent is knocked back too far, execute a right rear
crossover and step out into a left neutral bow stance to buckle the
inside of his right kne.
Base Punches
Neutral Bow Stance
Forward Bow Stance Outside
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike
Outward Horizontal Elbow Strike Left to right
Outward Horizontal Claw
Close Kneel Stance
Outward Downward Diagonal Hooking Handsword Strike
Inward Handsword Strike 12:00
Wide Kneel Stance
Inward Upward Diagonal Thrusting Handsword Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
16 System
Extension Green #3
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike Orthodox 24 System
Knee Kick Blue #3
Thrusting Knife Edge Kick 32 System
Purple #18
Zone of Obscurity FORM LOCATION
Long Form 4
Attacking Mace
Thundering Hammers
Flashing Mace
Circling the Storm
1. With your left foot, step toward 11:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance as you defend with a left inward
block as your right hand cocks to your right hip (fist
clenched and palm up).
•As you claw, make sure that your left forearm acts as a sliding check
along his right arm.
•Your right elbow acts as a fulcrum as your left hand claws the face
(and hooks his eye) and anchors downward. This action will control
this opponent’s Height Zone. The left claw to the face also pulls the
head backward thus setting his head for the next strike (right
handsword strike).
•Use your left knee to check and buckle the outside of his right knee.
•Your left knee should continue to buckle and check the opponent’s
right knee.
6. Circle your left foot clockwise to sweep this right leg.
Immediately circle your right foot clockwise to buckle his
right leg as you form a left forward bow stance.
Simultaneously deliver a right thrusting heel palm strike to
his face. Grab the opponent’s face with your right hand
and begin to turn the opponent counterclockwise by
pushing forward with your right hand on his head and
pushing on this right shoulder with your left hand.
•As you execute the right front crossover, deliver a right finger finger
ripping claw across his face.
Reverse Push-Drag Maneuver Outside
Outward Downward Diagonal Hammering Block
Knife-Edge Kick Right to Right
Outward Horizontal Back Knuckle Strike
Inward Horizontal Hooking Heel Palm Claw ATTACK DIRECTION
Outward Horizontal Heel Palm Claw
Inward Horizontal Roundhouse Punch CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Roundhousing Ball of Foot Kick 16 System
Low Spinning Side Thrust Kick Green #4
Orthodox 24 System
Orbital Switch 32 System
Purple #30
Deflecting Hammer
Retreating Pendulum
Rotating Destruction None
Glancing Lance
Unwinding Pendulum
Leaping Crane
1. While in a right neutral bow stance, execute a reverse
push-drag maneuver toward 7:30 as you deliver a right
outward downward diagonal hammering block to the
outside of the opponent’s right leg.
•This action will disturb the opponent’s balance, injure his leg, inflict
pain, and turn control his Width by turning his body to the left.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that your right hand blocks
from 11:00 to 5:00.
•As your right arm cocks across your waist, deliver a right inward
horizontal heel palm claw to his face or a right inward horizontal
raking middle knuckle fist to his right ribcage. The location of the
target will be determined by the position of his right (lead) arm.
•This kick should buckle the opponent’s left knee to the ground.
3. Plant your right foot forward and form a right neutral bow
stance and deliver a right outward horizontal back
knuckle strike to the opponent’s right mastoid or right
temple. Arc your strike wide to the right and return with a
right inward horizontal hooking heel palm claw to the left
side of the opponent’s face.
4. As your right hand passes through its target, step with
your right foot toward 9:00 and pivot counterclockwise
to form a left neutral bow stance facing 3:00 as you
deliver a left outward horizontal heel palm claw to the
opponent’s face. Continue the counterclockwise spin to
form a left forward bow stance to deliver a right inward
horizontal roundhouse punch to his face.
6. Plant your right foot (gauging leg) toward 11:00 and spin
counterclockwise to deliver a low left spinning side thrust
kick to the opponent’s neck.
•The standard curriculum states 1. Step toward 3:00 and form a modified horse stance as
that this defense and SCRAPING you strike over your shoulders and behind your head with
HOOF repeat the technique on both fists to your opponent’s face.
the opposite side. This is required
for the purpose of learning Long
•This defense is designed to prevent the opponent from appying a full
Form 3. A practical street
nelson hold early in its attempt.
application is described below:
Step 1 •By bringing your arms upward and behind your head, you block the
opponent’s arms and prevent him from applying the full nelson.
Step toward 3:00 and form a
modified horse stance as you
strike over your shoulders and •Some practitioners deliver these two punches in a sandwiching
behind your head with both fists manner to the opponent’s head. Other hand weapons may be
to your opponent’s face. employed such as double middle knuckle fist strikes or twin four-
finger thrusts (palms inward).
Step 2
Drop your weight and lower your 2. Drop your weight and lower your horse stance as you
horse stance as you drive both drive both elbows down to the opponent’s biceps (your
elbows down to the opponent’s palms will be facing you). Immediately thrust both fists
biceps (your palms will be facing
toward the ground (palms facing you) as you straighten
you). Immediately thrust both fists
toward the ground (palms facing your knees and back and deliver a rear head butt strike
you) as you straighten your knees to the opponent’s face.
and back and deliver a rear
head butt strike to the 3. Step forward with your left foot into a transitional left
opponent’s face. neutral bow stance as you pin the opponent’s left arm
Step 3
beneath your left arm and grab his right wrist from above
Step forward with your left foot with your left hand. Pivot clockwise and face 6:00 in a
into a transitional left neutral bow right forward bow stance as your deliver a right outward
stance as you pin the opponent’s horizontal elbow strike to the right side of the
left arm beneath your left arm
opponent’s jaw.
and grab his right wrist from
above with your left hand. Pivot
clockwise and face 6:00 in a right •Step step forward and form a right reverse bow stance as the pin
forward bow stance as your and grab are made prior to pivoting counterclockwise. This is similar
deliver a right outward horizontal in appearance to OBSCURE SWORD and CIRCLING WING.
elbow strike to the right side of
the opponent’s jaw. •This is technically where the defense ends; however, the opposite
Simultaneously with the strike, pull side is repeated in Long Form 3 and is described below:
the opponent’s right arm on a
downward 45-degree past your 4. Slide your left foot back to its Point of Origin, and
left hip to create an Angle of immediately step forward with your right foot into a
transitional right neutral bow stance as you pin the
Step 4 opponent’s right arm beneath your right arm and grab
Pivot counterclockwise and form his left wrist from above with your right hand. Pivot
a right reverse bow stance as counterclockwise and face 6:00 in a left forward bow
your right hand pushes the
stance as your deliver a left outward horizontal elbow
opponent’s head down. Execute
a right rear scooping heel kick to strike to the left side of the opponent’s jaw.
the opponent’s face. Finish by
executing a right front crossover
and double cover out toward
•Some practitioners eliminate the 5. Slide your left foot back toward 12:00 and form a right
left outward horizotal elbow strike neutral bow stance facing 6:00 as your left hand hooks
and flow immediately into the around the left side of the opponent’s neck. Pull his head
extension after the right outward
horizontal elbow strike. The
downward and toward you as you deliver a right inward
description for this method downward diagonal punch to the left hinge of the
follows: opponent’s jaw.
Step 4
6. While keeping your opponent’s head down, deliver a
Slide your right foot back toward
12:00 and form a left neutral bow left-right upward knee kick (butterfly knee kick) to the
stance facing 6:00 as your right opponent’s head.
hand hooks around the right side
of the opponent’s neck. Pull his •Your right inward downward diagonal punch feeds the opponent’s
head downward and toward you head into your left knee. These are performed with 1/4 beat timing.
as you deliver a left inward
downward diagonal punch to
the right hinge of the opponent’s
7. With your right leg still in the air, deliver a right thrusting
jaw. knife edge kick to the inside of the opponent’s right
knee as you simultaneously execute a right torquing heel
Step 5 palm strike to the opponent’s jaw (your palm will be
While keeping your opponent’s
down and your fingers will be out).
head downward, deliver a right-
left upward knee kick (butterfly
knee kick) to the opponent’s 8. Execute a right front crossover and double cover out
head. toward 12:00.
Step 6
With your left leg still in the air,
deliver a left thrusting knife edge
kick to the inside of the
opponent’s left knee as you
simultaneously execute a left
torquing heel palm strike to the
opponent’s jaw (your palm will
be down and your fingers will be
Step 7
Execute a left front crossover and
double cover out toward 12:00.
Upward Elbow Strike Outside
Rear Elbow Strike
Right to Either
Vertical Back Knuckle Strike
Upward Knee Kick
Thrusting Knee Kick
Angle of Cancellation Green #15
Third Hand Orthodox 24 System
Blue #6
Mace of Aggression Purple #20
Twirling Wings
Flashing Wings
Piercing Lance
1. With your right foot, step toward 10:30 and form a right
neutral bow stance as your left hand executes a pinning
check to the opponent’s left hand. Simultaneously raise
your right arm upward and overhead (right upward
elbow strike) to relieve the pressure.
•The right upward elbow strike may also possibly strike the opponent’s
•Check the opponent’s right knee with your right knee as you step
forward. This will assist in controlling his Depth Zone.
•Your left hand checks and controls the opponent’s right elbow to
nullify his leverage.
•Your left hand releases his grip on the opponent’s left arm to deliver
the elbow strike; however, your right hand maintains the grip.
•Some practitioners pull the opponent’s left arm forward as the right
elbow strike is delivered.
4. Slide your right foot back toward 1:00 and form a right
reverse bow stance to buckle the inside of the
opponent’s left leg as you deliver a right vertical back
knuckle strike to the opponent’s face.
6. Plant your left foot down (gauging leg) and slide your
right foot back to form a right reverse bow stance facing
1:30 to buckle his left leg further and force his head to
the ground.
•Rotate his left arm to position his elbow in a vulnerable position for
the thrusting knee kick.
Base Weapons (stick)
Neutral Bow Stance
Extended Outward Handsword Block DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Inward Handsword Block Inside
Forward Bow Stance
Knee Strike Right to Right
Inward Overhead Elbow Strike
Front Rotating Twist Stance 12:00
Inward Downward Diagonal Elbow Strike
Outward Upward Diagonal Elbow Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Inward Heel Palm Claw 16 System
Back Scoop Kick Green #7
Spinning Back Kick Orthodox 24 System
Inward Crescent Kick Blue #7
32 System
Purple #21
Calming the Storm FORM LOCATION
Returning Storm None
Defying the Rod
Locked Wing
1. With your right foot, step toward 11:00 and form a right
neutral bow stance to buckle the inside of the
opponent’s right knee as you simultaneously deliver a left
extended outward handsword block to the inside of the
opponent’s right wrist with a right inward handsword
strike to his right biceps.
2. Grab the opponent’s right wrist with your left hand and
twist counterclockwise as you grab the back of his right
elbow with your right hand (from above) and pull to
create a fulcrum on his right elbow. Slide your right hand
up his arm and grab behind his shoulder. Immediately
slide your right foot back to 4:30 to form a left forward
bow stance facing 10:30 as you push forward with your
left hand and pull backward with your right hand
(anchor your right elbow to your right hip) to set a
vertical shoulder lock.
•By creating a fulcrum on the opponent’s right elbow, you will control
his Width Zone and begin to bring his body forward.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot back to
3. Deliver a right knee strike to the opponent’s sternum.
4. Plant your right foot forward and form a right neutral bow
stance facing 11:00 as you deliver a right inward
overhead elbow strike to the opponent’s upper spine.
Your left hand maintains control of his right wrist, keeping
it to your left side.
5. Release your grasp to the opponent’s right wrist and
pivot clockwise and form a right front rotating twist
stance to deliver a left inward downward diagonal elbow
strike to the right side of his jaw.
•All of these actions are timed togetehr to add power to the scoop
•If circumstances dictate, you may need to hop to adjust for the right
inward crescent kick.
Base Grabs and Tackles
Neutral Bow Stance
Inward Downward Diagonal Raking Back Knuckle Strike Above Both
Outward Handsword Strike
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Inward Horizontal Heel Palm Strike Right to Either
Two-Finger Eye Hook
Inward Hooking Heel Palm Strike and Claw 12:00
45-Degree Cat Stance
Upward Stiff Arm Lifting Back Knuckle Strike 16 System
Thrusting Handsword Strike Green #16
Roundhouse Kick Orthodox 24 System
Blue #8
32 System
Purposeful Compliance
Purple #22
Object Obscurity
Mace of Aggression
Lone Kimono
Snapping Twig
Cross of Death
Twin Kimono
Hooking Wings
1. With your left hand, pin the opponent’s hands to your
chest as you step forward with your right foot and form a
right neutral bow stance. Simultaneously deliver a right
uppercut punch to the opponent’s solar plexus.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 11:00 with
your right foot.
•Use the upper and lower case portions of your right arm to
simultaneously deliver a right hammerfist strike to his left temple as
the lower portion of your right forearm clears the opponent’s arm.
5. After your sandwiching elbow strike, execute a left two-
finger eye hook (in a small clockwise circle) immediately
followed by a right inward (counterclockwise looping)
hooking heel palm strike and claw to the opponent’s
face as you side your right foot back to form a right 45-
degree cat stance.
•In this defense, we ride the 1. With your left foot, step toward 6:00 and form a right
opponent’s attack. neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as your right hand loops
a figure eight with a right inward handsword to the
outside and on top of the opponent’s left arm followed
by a right extended outward handsword to the outside of
his right arm. Your left hand positionally checks at solar
plexus level.
•Your right hand follows a path and not a line. During this action,
keep your elbow anchored.
•Your left hand may assist by delivering a left inward parry (minor
move) to the outside of his right arm.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your right foot toward
7:00 and forming a right front twist stance facing 7:00. Some modern
practitioners plant the right foot toward 9:00. Where you plant will
depend upon the circumstances.
•This is actually a back chicken kick. The 1975 IKKA Red Manual
referred to this as a “reverse chicken kick”.
•In this extension, we assume that 6. Plant your right foot into a right rear crossover and form a
the opponent is hitting a wall and right rear twist stance and pivot clockwise as you drop
bouncing back toward us. onto your right side to deliver a left roundhouse kick to
the opponent’s groin.
we execute a series of kicks
designed to get us OFF the •Plant your right foot toward 4:30 and as you pivot, drop onto your
ground. In this extension, we right knee.
perform a series of kicks to get us
ON the ground. •You will be on your right knee as you kick. This will give you a height
differential as you are low on this kick so that you can lift and push
up into the next kick.
7. Spin clockwise and plant your left knee. Using your arms
to assist you, push up into a right rear spinning thrust kick
to any available opening.
•Your head will be pointing toward 4:30. Notice how this sequence
moves you off the line of attack and under his momentum.
•A leap was described in the 1975 IKKA Red Manual; however, many
modern practitioners omit the leap and conclude with the standard
cover out.
1. With your left foot, step toward 11:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance. Immediately pivot clockwise and
form a horse stance as you deliver a right vertical
outward block simultaneously with a left straight punch to
the opponent’s right lower ribcage.
•Your left hand acts as a Bracing Angle Check to his right elbow.
•Some practioners drop into a left close kneel stance during this
•Your arms use an open-ended triangle to check his right arm down
and control his Width and Height Zones.
•This action should snap your opponent’s neck and turn his head to
his right.
•Your right arm contours downward along the opponent’s body and
back of his right leg.
•Your left hand must circle to enable your right arm to pass by
unobstructed. This is called an Overlapping Check.
•This action should buckle the opponent’s right knee and give you a
path for the following strike.
6. Without rising upward, deliver a right knife edge kick to
the back of the opponent’s left knee.
•Keep your right hand against the back of his right knee as you kick.
7. Plant your right foot toward 2:00 and form a right neutral
bow stance as you right hand follows through to deliver a
right heel palm strike to the opponent’s jaw and face.
9. Plant your left foot (gauging leg) straight down and slide
your right foot back toward 9:00 to form a left neutral
bow stance facing 3:00. Simultaneously push the back of
his head with your left hand as you grab his chin with
your right hand and jerk. This combined action will
create a neck wrench.
•This action will cause the opponent to spin and face you.
10. With your left foot (gauging leg) step back and deliver a
low right front snapping ball kick to the opponent’s
•During this action, check the opponent’s right arm with our right
hand or cover your groin.
Deflecting Hammer
Flashing Mace
Unwinding Pendulum
1. While in a right neutral bow stance, slide your right foot
toward 6:00 to form a left front twist stance facing 12:00
as you simultaneously deliver a right outward downward
diagonal block to the outside of the opponent’s right
leg. Your left hand checks next to your right shoulder.
•This action will disturb the opponent’s balance, injure his leg, inflict
pain, and control his Width Zone by turning his body to the left.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described the block as a “right outside
downward block”.
•As the opponent delivers a left rear cross-right thrusting side kick, we
match his rear cross with our right rear cross (left front twist stance).
This is an example of Distance Matching.
3. Plant your right foot toward 12:00 and form a right neutral
bow stance as you deliver a right inward overhead
hammerfist strike across the right side of the opponent’s
neck. Your left hand checks high near your right arm pit.
•Your right arm will follow a counterclockwise circle without any loss
of motion from the block.
•If necessary, you may drag your left foot (gauging leg) toward your
right to assume the proper distance.
5. Plant your right foot back and form a right reverse bow
stance buckle between the opponent’s legs. Use the
right reverse bow stance to buckle the inside of the
opponent’s right leg from behind.
•This action will drive the opponent face downward toward the
•Both your right arm and your right leg are orbiting in a
counterclockwise circle but at different points in time.
6. Pivot clockwise and form a right close kneel stance as
you execute a left heel palm claw and grab to the
opponent’s testicles from behind. Your right hand is
checking across his body to this left hip or left shoulder
depending upon his position.
Holds and Hugs
Inward Hooking Heel Palm Strike Inside
Forward Bow Stance
Downward Heel Stomp Either to Either
Front Crossover Sweep and Stomp Kick
Close Kneel Stance
Two-Finger Poke
16 System
Burdening Orthodox 24 System
Top & Bottom Takedown Blue #12
Diversified Angle of Retraction with foot 32 System
Purple #25
Dance of Death
Gripping Talon
Dominating Circles None
Falling Falcon
Unfolding the Dark
1. With your left foot, step toward 9:00 and form a horse
stance as your left hand grabs the opponent’s right
shoulder and pulls downward to control his Height Zones.
Simultaneously deliver a right inward hooking heel palm
strike to the opponent’s left jaw hinge.
•By pulling downward on his shoulder you nullify his leverage and
prevent him from delivering a knee or kick. This is also called a
Burdening Check.
•Drive your left elbow downward into his right forearm to further
create an Angle of Disturbance.
•Your right hand contours the opponent’s left arm to deliver the
inward hooking heel palm strike.
•Some practitioners deliver the right thrusting heel palm strike to the
opponent’s chest to facilitate the takedown.
•Pull upward on the opponent’s right arm to prevent him from rolling
away and to control his Width Zone.
•If the opponent turns and begins to roll to his left after falling, direct
your heel stomp to his right kidney or ribs.
5. Plant your right foot toward 10:30 (to the left side of his
head) and pivot counterclockwise to drop into a left
close knee stance and drive your right knee downward
into his solar plexus as you simultaneously deliver a right
two-finger poke to his eyes.
•Depending upon circumstances, the right foot may plant below the
opponent’s right arm.
•When you jump switch, plant your right foot to the right side of his
body below his right arm and plant your left foot on the left side of
his body.
Transitional Neutral Bow Stance Outside
Neutral Bow Stance
Front Snapping Ball Kick Right to Either
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike
Inward Downward Diagonal Elbow Strike
Outward Horizontal Heel Palm Strike and Claw
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Front Thrusting Ball Kick 16 System
Roundhouse Kick 3rd Brown #13
Orthodox 24 System
Change-up Point 32 System
Angle of Cancellation Purple #26
Opposing Forces
1. Grab both of the opponent’s wrists with both of your
hands (right to right; left to left) and tuck your chin into
your chest as you step with your left foot toward 9:00 and
form a horse stance.
•Some practitioners pivot into a left forward bow stance facing 4:30.
•If you are unable to pull the opponent’s arms free on the intial
move, as you step forward with your right foot, spin your head
counterclockwise under the opponent’s arms to free you from the
choke. Use your neck as a fulcrum to hyper-extend or break his
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 10:00 with
your right foot.
4. Plant your right foot toward 4:30 and form a right neutral
bow stance as you deliver a right inward horizontal
elbow strike to the opponent’s left jaw hinge.
Simultaneously check the opponent’s arms down at his
elbows with your left hand.
4. Plant your right foot toward 4:30 and form a right neutral
bow stance as you deliver a right inward downward
diagonal elbow strike to the opponent’s left jaw hinge.
Simultaneously check the opponent’s arms down at his
elbows with your left hand.
6. Plant your left foot forward and form a left neutral bow
stance facing 4:30 and deliver a left thrusting heel palm
strike to his jaw.
•Your left heel palm strike provides cover as you deliver a right front
thrusting ball kick.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your left foot toward
Multiple Attacks
Reverse Push-Drag Maneuver (One Man)
Neutral Bow Stance
Extended Outward Block Outside
Front Snapping Ball Kick
Upward Lifting Stiff Arm Back Knuckle Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Left to Right
Heel Stomp
Grasp of Death 3rd Brown #7
Crossing Talon Orthodox 24 System
Obstructing the Storm Blue #14
Defying the Storm
32 System
Leap of Death
Purple #27
1. As the opponent delivers a wild inward horizontal
roundhouse club strike, execute a reverse push-drag
maneuver toward 7:30 to form a right neutral bow stance
facing 1:30. Place both of your arms close to your chest;
positioning them vertically with your fists on top.
•When you shuffle toward 7:30, you are moving toward the Zone of
Sanctuary which causes the club to miss you.
•Have both of your arms strike vertically so that your left forearm
strikes the opponetn’s right elbow joint and your right forearm strikes
his right wrist.
•This action will disturb the opponent’s balance and possibly hyper-
extend or break his elbow.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 2:00 with your
left foot.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot toward
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that this kick should be
directed toward 4:00.
6. Step back with your right foot toward 11:30 and form a
left neutral bow stance as your right hand re-grabs the
opponent’s right wrist and your left hand grabs his right
elbow. Immediately shift your left foot toward 7:30 to
form a left neutral bow stance and force the opponent
face downward onto the ground.
•Your left foot may have to hop over the opponent’s body.
Grabs and Tackles
Transitional Reverse Bow Stance DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Neutral Bow Stance Outside Right
Outward Upward Diagonal Elbow Strike
Inward Overhead Elbow Strike Right to Either
Wide Kneel Stance
Double Downward Hammering Heel Palm Strikes ATTACK DIRECTION
Upward Knee Kick
Thrusting Knife Edge Kick CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Transitional Neutral Bow Stance 16 System
Rear Scooping Heel Kick Green #8
Reverse Bow Stance Orthodox 24 System
Rear Heel Palm Strike and Claw Blue #15
Outward Hooking Check 32 System
Inward Overhead Hammering Heel Palm Strike Purple #28
Front Crossover Maneuver
Outward Downward Diagonal Heel Palm Strike and Claw
Angle of Disturbance
Opposing Forces
Angle of Cancellation
Continuity of Motion
Matching Counter
Purposeful Defiance
Purposeful Compliance
Borrowed Force
Gravitational Marriage
Spiraling Twig
Wings of Silk
Menacing Twirl
Desperate Falcons
Fatal Cross
Locked Wing
Thundering Hammers
1. With your left foot, step toward 1:30 and form a
transitional right reverse bow stance as you counter grab
both of the opponent’s wrists (right to right and left to
left). As you settle into your stance, pull the opponent
along a downward 45-degree angle toward 1:30.
•By pulling the opponent along this angle, you create an Angle of
Disturbance and an Angle of Cancellation to his Dimensional Zones.
•Some practitioners utilize a left front crossover as the initial step. This
type of stance, however, places you in an unstable position.
•Do not pull the opponent’s right arm horizontally across as this may
invite an accidental strike (his elbow to your face). You must pull him
along the Angle of Cancellation.
•Immediately after your heel palm strikes, grab and pinch the
opponent’s left kidney and ribs with both hands.
6. After your left knee kick to the opponent’s right rib cage,
immediately deliver a right upward knee kick to his rib
cage. Without loss of motion, and with your right leg still
in the air, deliver a right thrusting knife edge kick to the
opponent’s left knee.
•Your right foot scrapes down the opponent’s shin and ends in a right
netural bow stance (transitional). This kick is meant to control the
opponent’s height zone.
8. From your right rear scoop kick, plant your right leg
toward 3:00 (gauging leg) and immediately pivot
counterclockwise and slide your left foot toward 6:30 to
form a left reverse bow stance to buckle the inside of
your opponent’s right knee. Simultaneously execute a
left rear heel palm strike and claw to the opponent’s
groin. Your right hand is checking high.
•Your right hand may also act as a claw to the opponent’s face if
circumstances allow.
Twin Extended Outward Blocks Inside
Front Rotating Twist Stance
Slicing Heel Kick (step through) POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Reverse Push Drag Maneuver Left to Right
Knee Kick
Forward Bow Stance
Twin Inward Heel Palm Strikes
Twin Inverted Hooks 16 System
Twin Inward Downward Diagonal Handsword Strikes 3rd Brown #2
Twin Inward Two-finger Hooks Orthodox 24 System
Twin Downward Thrusting Handsword Strikes Blue #16
Thrusting Knife Edge Kick 32 System
Front Crossover Stomp Blue #8
Angle of Cancellation FORM LOCATION
Angle of Disturbance None
Cross of Destruction
Thrusting Wedge
Encounter with Danger
Leap from Danger
Courting the Tiger
Circling Destruction
Fallen Cross
1. With your right foot, step toward 6:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver right and
left extended outward handsword blocks to the inside of
the opponent’s wrists. Immediately have both hands
grab his wrists.
•Keep the opponent’s left arm vertical to act as a fulcrum against his
right elbow.
•Pull the opponent upward to align the target for your knee kick.
6. Plant forward and form a right forward bow stance and
deliver right and left inward heel palm strikes to his ears.
8. Cross your left wrist over your right wrist and rotate your
hands downward (thumbs down). Pivot clockwise to
form a right forward bow stance and set third and fourth
fingers in to his eyes (right hand to left eye; left hand to
right eye).
Base Punches
Neutral Bow Stance
Forward Step Through Maneuver Outside
Transitional Neutral Bow Stance
Inward Downward Diagonal Back Knuckle Rake POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Outward Horizontal Back Knuckle Strike Left to right
Inward Palm Bracing Angle Check
Upward Hooking Check
Wide Kneel Stance
Inward Overhead Looping Back Knuckle Strike 12:00
Glancing Salute
Broken Gift
The Ram and the Eagle
Circling the Storm
1. With your left foot, step toward 11:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance as you deliver a left inward block.
Simultaneously cock your right arm above your right
shoulder (palm out).
•This action will cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•Your left knee acts as a check against his right knee and may also
be used as a buckle.
•Your left hand contours down the opponent’s body. This action will
bring the opponent’s ehad down into your right inward overhead
looping back knuckle strike.
6. As you are completing your right inward overhead
looping back knuckle strike, spin or pivot clockwise and
form a right reverse bow stance toward 4:30 to buckle
the back of the opponent’s right knee. As you are
completing this motion, loop your right arm
counterclockwise and deliver a right outward downward
diagonal hammerfist strike to the opponent’s jaw.
•The opponent will land on his back with his head pointing toward
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot back to
•The ball of your right foot will strike his nose and the heel of your foot
will strike his jaw.
•Angle and distance will dictate whether you deliver a back heel kick
or a back heel stomp.
Twisted Twig
Spiraling Twig
Thrusting Lance
Capturing the Rod
Spiraling Twig
•Some practioners perform the 1. Counter grab the opponent’s right hand with your left
opening two sequences in the hand and step toward 12:00 with your right foot to form a
following manner: right neutral bow stance and buckle the inside of his right
Step 1
knee. Simultaneous with this action, pull the opponent’s
With your left hand, strike down right arm toward your left hip to control his Dimensional
on top of the opponent’s right Zones. As you settle into your stance, deliver a right
wrist to create an Angle of inward horizontal elbow strike to his solar plexus.
Disturbance to control his
Dimensional Zones (your left hand
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 11:00 to
will be in a push-down position).
ensure the leg buckle.
Immediately step forward with
your right foot and form a right
•Some practitioners prefix the left countergrab with a left inward
netural bow stance and buckle
roundhousing middle knuckle fist strike. This is designed to create a
the inside of the opponent’s right
mental distraction thereby enabling the counter manipulation and
knee as you deliver a right inward
control of the opponent.
horizontal elbow strike to this solar
plexus. The action of pushing
down on the opponent’s arm 2. Circle your right hand counterclockwise while contouring
also gives you the target for your the opponent’s right fingers with the palm of your right
elbow strike. hand. Your fingers will be pointing upward with your
thumb pointing downward. Your left hand maintains its
Step 2
Contour the opponent’s body
grip on the opponent’s right wrist.
and deliver a right upward
flapping elbow strike. •As you circle your right hand counterclockwise, you may take
advantage of this motion and insert a right upward flapping elbow
strike to the opponent’s chin/face. The flapping elbow strike is used
to further distract the opponent as you establish the hold for the wrist
3. With your right foot, step toward 6:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance. With your right hand, twist the
opponent’s wrist clockwise (the opponent’s wrist will end
palm upward). Simultaneous with this action, your left
hand turns counterclockwise and ends palm upward
(your left palm is used as a pivot point for the opponent’s
right wrist. Your left hand re-grips and applies an inward
wrist lock against the opponent’s right hand.
•As you settle into your left neutral bow stance, you right hand
chambers in preparation for the next strike.
•By re-gripping with your left hand, you are able to increase the
torque on the opponent’s wrist.
•Deliver the thrusting heel palm strike along a line directed toward
1:30. Your right heel palm should make contact on the back of the
opponent’s right hand near the knuckle of his index finger.
•After the heel palm strike, your right hand checks and controls the
opponent’s right elbow.
6. Plant forward with your right foot and form a right neutral
bow stance as you deliver a right outward horizontal
back knuckle strike to the opponent’s right jaw hinge.
Follow through with your right back knuckle strike and
pivot clockwise to form a right forward bow stance as
you deliver a left vertical punch to the opponent’s right
jaw hinge.
8. Slide your left foot toward 1:30 behind your right leg to
form a left rear twist stance as you deliver a right outward
horizontal elbow strike to the opponent’s jaw. Follow
through with this action.
10. Slide your left foot toward 9:00 and form a left reverse
bow stance to buckle the inside of the opponent’s right
knee as you simultaneously deliver a left back
hammerfist strike to the opponent’s groin.
•You may deliver a right thrusting ball kick to the opponent’s groin or
bladder if circumstances dictate.
Back Obscure Elbow Strike Outside
Back Scooping Heel Kick
360-Degree Counterclockwise Twirl Foot Maneuver POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Fighting Horse Stance Right to Either
Uppercut Forearm Strike
Neutral Bow Stance
Outward Horizontal Back Knuckle Strike
Inward Heel Palm Strike 16 System
Forward Bow Stance Green #13
Two-Hand Left Outward Bent Arm Wrist Lock Orthodox 24 System
Thrusting Knee Kick Blue #19
Fighting Horse Stance 32 System
Upward (palm up) Heel Palm Strike Purple #31
Outward Hooking Parry
Outward Horizontal Finger Slice
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Front Snapping Ball Kick Short Form 3
Long Form 3
Locked Wing
Conquering Shield
Dominating Circles
Thrusting Lance
Broken Rod
1. Deliver a left stomp kick to the opponent’s left instep as
you simultaneously use your left hand to pinch the nerve
located on the crest of his left hip.
•The left downward stomp kick and the nerve pinch are used as
distraction techniques. They are pre-fixes to the defensive sequence.
•Scrape down the opponent’s left shin as you deliver the downward
stomp kick to his instep.
•The opponent will react to the stomp by lifting his left leg. To control
this action and prevent an unintentional knee kick, your left hand
also checks his left leg.
•The left stomp also drops your height which assists in controlling his
Height Zone.
2. Slip your right arm out of the opponent’s right arm as you
deliver a right back obscure elbow strike to the
opponent’s chin. Simultaneously execute a right back
scooping heel kick to his groin.
•Use your right hand to grab and deliver a right rear upward vertical
claw to his groin as you simultaneously deliver the obscure elbow
5. Pivot clockwise and form a right neutral bow stance
facing 3:00 as you deliver a right outward horizontal back
knuckle strike through his left ribcage.
•Allow your right hand to follow through with its action over the top of
his left arm.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that the right inward heel palm
strike the back of his left elbow.
7. Grab his left hand with both of your hands and prepare
for an outward wrist lock as your right foot plants down in
front of his left foot.
•Your right foot may scrape and stomp the opponent’s left ankle as
you plant.
9. Plant your left foot toward 11:00 and form a right fighting
horse stance facing 4:30 as you deliver a right upward
(palm up) heel palm strike to his right elbow as your left
hand pushes down on his arm.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated a right clockwise wrap around
the opponent’s left arm in a motion similar to CONTROLLED WING to
execute a right direct snaking bent arm lever against his left arm.
This method is effective but it is difficult to flow to the next strike.
Grabs and Tackles
Outward Downward Hammerfist Strike Outside Left
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike
Outward Horizontal Elbow Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Outward Horizontal Back Knuckle Strike Right to Left
Rear Crossover Maneuver
Inward Downward Diagonal Looping Inner Wrist Strike
Upward Knee Kick
Mace of Aggression
Flashing Wings
Glancing Spear
Reversing Mace
Circling Destruction
Thundering Hammers
1. Begin to orbit your right arm in a counterclockwise circle.
At the apex of the circle, counter-grab the opponent’s
left wrist with your left hand. Step forward with your right
foot toward 12:00 and form a right neutral bow stance.
Pull your right arm free and deliver a right outward
downward hammerfist strike to the opponent’s groin.
•The counter-grab with your left hand first acts as a pinning check
before grabbing downward.
•Your right hand acts as a fulcrum against the opponent’s left wrist.
•When you step forward with your right foot, step inside of his left foot
to prepare for a leg buckle.
•Use your left hand to pull and anchor the opponent’s left arm
outward and downward on a 45-degree angle to control his
dimensional zones. Utilize your chest as a fulcrum point to apply
pressure to his left elbow.
•Your left hand continues to pull the opponent’s left arm downward
and to your left to control the opponent’s Dimensional Zones as well
as to allow you a clear shot for the next move.
•Coordinate your left hand to yank and pull your opponent’s left arm
with the right reverse bow sweep and right looping inner wrist strike.
•As you cross behind with your left foot, use your body to bump the
opponent and shift his weight to his right side. This will facilitate the
action of the leg buckle.
•Your right hand contours the opponent’s back toward its intended
•Use your right hand to force the opponent’s head down into the
strike and to act as a backstop for the upward force of the knee
•Your knee contours the inside of his body toward its intended target.
•Use your left hand to keep the opponent’s arm up and to increase
the effectiveness of your strike to his elbow.
•Forcefully throw the opponent’s arm down and toward him as you
5. After your right knee kick and with your right leg still in the
air, cross your right leg behind your left and plant toward
4:30 to form a left front twist stance. Simultaneously,
reach across with your right hand and grab his face
(right side of his jaw). Immediately pivot clockwise and
form a left neutral bow stance as you anchor your right
•These combined actions will spin the opponent around and over
with his back resting on your left knee.
•Your right hand maintains a grip under his jaw (palm upward) and
forces the oppoent onto your right knee.
•Prior to releasing your right hand for the strike your left hand slides up
and continues to control his height zone by pulling upward on the
opponent’s chin.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio Manual
indicates delivering a knife-edge stomp (side stomp) or a scoop
Base Punches
Modified Neutral Bow Stance
Inward Horizontal Vertical Middle-Knuckle Fist Rake Outside
Outward Horizontal Handsword Strike
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike Right to right
Front Scoop Kick
Inward Two-Finger Hook
Extension 12:00
Front Snapping Ball Kick
Thrusting Knife Edge Kick 16 System
Reverse Bow Stance 3rd Brown #10
Front Rotating Twist Stance Orthodox 24 System
Outward Back Knuckle Strike Blue #21
Inward Heel Palm Claw 32 System
Purple #32
Angle of Deflection
Elastic Recoil FORM LOCATION
Ratcheting Form 4
Angle of Disturbance
Zone of Obscurity
Hugging Pendulum
Bow of Compulsion
Circles of Protection
Taming the Mace
1. With your left foot, step toward 10:30 and form a
modified left neutral bow stance as you deliver a left
inward parry simultaneous with a right inward horizontal
vertical middle-knuckle fist rake through the opponent’s
right ribcage. Immediately reverse the motion of your
right arm and deliver a right outward horizontal
handsword strike to his right lower ribcage or kidney.
Your left hand checks his right arm.
•Keep your right hand at his ribcage to act as a lock out check.
•This action will cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 10:00 with the
left foot.
2. With your right foot, step forward and form a right neutral
bow stance toward 1:30 to buckle the inside of his right
knee. Simultaneously deliver a right inward horizontal
elbow strike to the front of his right lower ribcage as you
settle into your stance. Your left hand acts as a bracing
angle check against his right elbow.
•When you step forward you will be on and over the Line of Entry.
•This action will disturb the opponent’s balance and cause him to
bend further at the waist.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping between 11:00 and
12:00 to buckle the inside of his right knee.
3. Pin the opponent’s right arm against his body with your
left hand and deliver a right front scoop kick to his groin.
Simultaneously deliver a right inward two-finger hook to
his left eye.
•By buckling his right leg outward, you will have a Line of Entry for you
to contour toward the target.
•This action will cause him to further bend forward at the waist.
4. Plant your right foot toward 7:30 and form a left neutral
bow stance facing 1:30. Execute a left front crossover
and double cover out toward 7:30.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your right foot back
toward 7:00. This was also the Angle of Departure.
1. With your left foot, step toward 10:30 and form a
modified left neutral bow stance as you deliver a left
inward parry simultaneous with a right inward horizontal
vertical middle-knuckle fist rake through the opponent’s
right ribcage. Immediately reverse the motion of your
right arm and deliver a right outward horizontal
handsword strike to his right lower ribcage or kidney.
Your left hand checks his right arm.
•Keep your right hand at his ribcage to act as a lock out check.
•This action will cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 10:00 with the
left foot.
2. With your right foot, step forward and form a right neutral
bow stance toward 1:30 to buckle the inside of his right
knee. Simultaneously deliver a right inward horizontal
elbow strike to the front of his right lower ribcage as you
settle into your stance. Your left hand acts as a bracing
angle check against his right elbow.
•When you step forward you will be on and over the Line of Entry.
•This action will disturb the opponent’s balance and cause him to
bend further at the waist.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping between 11:00 and
12:00 to buckle the inside of his right knee.
3. Pin the opponent’s right arm against his body with your
left hand and deliver a right front scoop kick to his groin.
Simultaneously deliver a right inward two-finger hook to
his left eye.
•By buckling his right leg outward, you will have a Line of Entry for you
to contour toward the target.
•This action will cause him to further bend forward at the waist.
4. Plant your right foot toward 7:30 and form a left neutral
bow stance facing 1:30. Execute a left front crossover
and double cover out toward 7:30.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your right foot back
toward 7:00. This was also the Angle of Departure.
4. Plant your right foot toward 7:30 and form a left neutral
bow stance facing 1:30. While checking with your left
hand, execute a right front snapping ball kick to the
opponent’s groin. Plant your right foot (gauging leg)
down and follow with a left front snapping ball kick to his
6. Plant your right foot (gauging leg) beside your left foot
and turn counterclockwise to deliver a left thrusting knife
edge kick to the inside of the opponent’s left knee.
7. Plant your left foot toward the opponent and form a left
reverse bow stance. Immediately pivot counterclockwise
and form a left front rotating twist stance as you deliver a
left outward back knuckle strike followed by a right
inward heel palm claw to the opponent's head and
From this position, you would survey and assess any further threats
before exiting on the Angle of Departure. This ending is generally not
practiced by most modern practitioners.
Begging Hands
Snaking Talon
Blinding Sacrifice
Circling Fans
Fatal Cross
Protecting Fans
•This defense can be used 1. As the opponent pulls you forward, step toward 12:00
against a choke or a two-hand with your right foot and form a right neutral bow stance
lapel grab pulling in. simultaneously deliver a left overhead punch (palm
down) to the opponent’s face with a right uppercut
punch (palm up) to his groin or stomach.
•Both punches form the shape of a “U” that looks as if it is on its side.
They act as checks by controlling his Depth Zone.
•Keep your back and head erect during the execution of these
2. Slide your right foot to the right toward 1:30 and form a
modified right neutral bow stance as you deliver a right
inward block to the outside of the opponent’s left arm
and a left inward downward block (palm down) to the
top of his right arm.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot toward
•If you grab the opponet’s left wrist with your right hand and deliver
the left vertical outward block against the opponent’s left arm, an
arm wrench may be applied against his left elbow.
•The opponent will react to the pain in his eyes by lifting his hand to
hold the injured area. We take advantage of this natural reaction
and grab the wrist. The grab to his left wrist is tracked along his arm
to give a greater margin for error.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
5:00 and then executing an Angle of Departure toward 5:00. The
1987 IKKA Studio Manual did not mention this angle adjustment.
6. Drag your left foot (gauging leg) toward your right foot
and deliver a right upward vertical hooking heel kick to
the opponent’s groin.
7. Plant your right foot toward 1:30 and form a right reverse
bow stance to buckle the inside of the opponent’s left
leg. Simultaneously deliver a right uppercut forearm strike
to the opponent’s left elbow.
•You may execute a right vertical heel kick to the opponent’s groin
as your left leg drags toward your right leg. This will cause the
opponent to react by bending forward and assist with the
10. Stand up and step over his head with your left foot and
plant it on the right side of his body forming a left front
rotating twist stance. Immediately continue pivoting
counterclockwise and deliver a right ball of foot kick to
the opponent’s groin.
•Your left foot may stomp on his right rib cage as you cross.
11. Drop your weight and form a left close kneel stance
facing 1:30 as you deliver a right downward knee kick to
the opponent’s solar plexus as you simultaneously deliver
a right half fist strike to his throat. Your left hand is
13. Plant your right foot above his head and hop forward
onto your right foot to gauge for distance. Deliver a left
back kick to the opponent’s head.
Locked Wing
Charging Ram
Wings of Silk
Obscure Claws
Intercepting the Ram
•Some instructors teach this 1. Slide your left foot toward 3:00 to form a right neutral
technique by sliding to 4:30 rather bow stance. Use your left hand to guide and control the
than 3:00. Keep in mind that the opponent’s left shoulder. Deliver a right inward overhead
purpose of adjusting your angle is
to take your off the line of attack
hammerfist strike as you settle into your stance.
and properly position yourself for
your counter offensive. With this •A handsword strike may be used in place of the hammerfist. The
consideration in mind, these principle is the same regardless of the weapon used, but one
angles are merely guidelines as weapon may fit better than another under certain circumstances.
you will have to adjust your angle
according to the speed, 2. Pivot counterclockwise and form a right reverse bow
distance, and position of your
stance as you deliver a right uppercut break against his
left elbow.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual
had the defender begin in a right •This action will redirect his momentum from a forward motion to
neutral bow stance. After moving diagonally downward motion.
off the line of attack, the
defender delivered a right •You must be firmly rooted in your reverse bow stance to prevent him
outward downward parry to the from disrupting your balance.
inside of the opponent’s left arm.
The rest remained the same with •You should time your uppercut break to occur as you solidify your
the right arm orbiting AFTER the base.
scoop is made.
•A left inward heel palm claw to the opponent’s face may be inserted
to occur simultaneously with the uppercut break.
•Some practitioners vary the timing between these two final strikes.
Some will keep the opponent’s arm wrapped as they gauge and
execute the scoop kick. Only AFTER the scoop is executed will they
release and orbit the right arm for the hammerfist strike. Other
practitioners begin the right arm’s orbit AS the left leg is gauging for
the scoop. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages. The
first creates an “and then” thus increasing the time of the technique
but maintains a greater degree of control over the opponent. The
second sacrifices some control but decreases the time of the
technique while relying solely upon the left hand for control.
•This extension demonstrates a 5. Pivot clockwise and form a right neutral bow stance
method of controlling the facing 12:00 as you deliver a right upward outward
opponent by following his diagonal claw to the opponent’s face immediately
upward motion with claws which
are designed to blind and
followed by a left inward upward diagonal claw. Your
distract him; thus, giving the right hand checks the opponent’s shoulder to control his
defender the time needed to width immediately following its clawing action.
initiate his retaliatory strikes
designed to regain control of the
6. Execute a left upward knee kick to the opponent’s groin
opponent’s height and width
zones. followed by a right upward knee kick to his solar plexus
or ribs. Immediately deliver a right knife-edge kick to the
inside of the opponent’s right knee.
•There should be no time delay between your right knee and the
knife edge kick. The motion of bringing your right knee up is integral
to the proper execution of the knife-edge kick. We are simply taking
advantage of this “cocking” motion (Sophisticated Basics). This
concept appears again in the final kick.
1. With your left foot, step toward 9:00 as you defend with a
left inward parry. Immediately slide your right foot toward
your left foot and form a right 45-degree cat stance.
Your right hand circles from Point of Origin to first cover
past your groin and then tracks over your left wrist to
deliver a right thrusting vertical back knuckle strike to
the opponent’s right cheek bone.
•Your right fist will be slightly inverted and angled along the 1:30-7:30
line to fit the target. This action will cause the opponent’s head to
snap back.
•If you time the right thrusting vertical back knuckle strike to occur
with stepping forward into your right neutral bow stance, then you
must settle into your stance as you deliver the right inward horizontal
elbow strike. This may also be delivered as a collapsing elbow strike.
•The action of your right foot sliding to a 45-degree cat stance and
then forward to a right neutral bow stance is also called a “C-Step”
maneuver or a “crescent step”.
•This action will cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•Alternate versions of the final 5. Drop onto your left knee and immediately thrust your
kicking sequence are as follows: right leg back toward 5:00 (a left forward bow stance on
the ground) to sweep the opponent’s legs as you
Step 7
simultaneously deliver a right thrusting heel palm strike to
Pull your right foot off his body his solar plexus toward 11:00.
and plant it to the outside of his
right hip. Stand up and slide your •Your right hand and right leg move in opposite directions to cause
left foot (gauging leg) toward the takedown. The opponent will fall perpendicular to your body.
your right foot. Immediately
deliver a right downward heel 6. Execute a right front snapping ball kick to the
stomp to the opponent’s groin.
opponent’s right ribcage. As you snap your kick back,
Step 8 deliver a right downward heel stomp to his ribs.
From Point of Contact, pivot
counterclockwise and slide your •The right downward heel stomp is also known as an “Axe Kick”.
right foot up his body ending with
a right thrusting knife edge kick to 7. Pull your right foot off his body and plant it down beside
his chin.
his right hip as you stand up. Immediately execute a left
Step 9 front downward heel stomp to his groin and begin to
Execute a right front crossover pivot clockwise.
and double cover out.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated using a right front downward
heel stomp.
Step 7 8. Continue to pivot and plant your left foot down next to
Pull your right foot off his body
the opponent’s right hip. Immediately execute a right
and plant it to the outside of his
right hip. Stand up and slide your spinning back heel stomp to his ribs.
left foot (gauging leg) toward
your right foot. Immediately •Depending upon circumstances, you can deliver a right spinning
deliver a right downward heel back kick to his face.
stomp to the opponent’s groin.
Step 9
Execute a left front crossover and
double cover out.
Grabs and Tackles
Outward Upward Diagonal claw Inside Left
Inward Claw
Transitional Left Neutral Bow Stance Right to Either
Forward Bow Stance
Inward Looping Back Knuckle Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Outward Inverted Middle-Knuckle Fist Strike
Striking Serpent’s Head
Snakes of Wisdom
Twirling Hammers
Marriage of the Rams
Five Swords
•Another timing that may be 1. With your right foot, step toward 6:00 and form a left
utilized is as follows: neutral bow stance facing 12:00. Deliver a right outward
upward diagonal claw to your opponent’s face
Step 1
Execute a right outward claw to
immediately followed by a left inward claw to his face.
the opponent’s face and begin Continue the motion of your left hand and pin the
to wrap around his arm. opponent’s left hand to your right shoulder.
Step 2 •Your right foot steps to the outside of your opponent’s left leg.
Slide your right foot forward and
form a right front twist stance as •We borrow the motion of the opponent’s pull to enhance the
your right arm executes an effectiveness of your right outward claw. The outside of your right
uppercut break simultaneously arm then acts as a check against his left arm.
with a left inward heel palm and
claw to the opponent’s face.
2. With your right foot, step forward and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 12:00 and deliver a right uppercut
forearm strike against the opponent’s left elbow joint.
Your left hand continues to act as a check.
3. Step forward with your left foot toward 12:00 and form a
transitional left neutral bow stance and immediately
pivot clockwise to face 4:30 in a right forward bow
stance as your right hand reverses its motion and circles
counterclockwise to deliver a right inward looping back
knuckle strike to the opponent’s right mastoid.
Simultaneously deliver a left thrusting heel palm strike to
the opponent’s solar plexus.
5. Pivot clockwise and form a right front rotating twist
stance and deliver as you deliver a right outward heel
palm strike & claw followed by a left inward heel palm
strike & claw to his face.
•In this defense, we perform a 1. React to the opponent’s push by executing a rear break
rear break fall because under the fall toward 6:00.
circumstances, that is the angle
of least resistance. 2. As the opponent proceeds to attack you while you are
•The Ideal Technique assumes
on your back, deliver a left vertical knife edge kick to his
that the opponent steps forward groin.
with his right foot as he continues
to attack. •Tuck your right leg toward your groin to protect this line of entry.
•The knife edge kick may be delivered to the opponent’s jaw, solar
plexus or knee depending upon circumstances.
•As you roll to your left side, your left foot may pin the opponent’s
right foot to the ground and hook around his ankle. Your right knife
edge kick may then be delivered to his right knee to cause a lock.
This will control his Dimensional Zones.
•You may remain on your right knee or you may use both hands to
push your body into the kick and drive toward your opponent.
•As you roll to your left, your right foot can check his right foot.
5. Plant your left foot toward 12:00 and pivot
counterclockwise as you stand up and form a left neutral
bow stance facing 12:00.
7. Plant your right foot forward and form a right neutral bow
stance as you simultaneously deliver a right vertical
punch to the opponent’s sternum.
8. Slide your left foot forward and form a left front twist
stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right outward back
knuckle strike to the opponent’s right temple.
•This strike loops in toward you then outward. Your right elbow will be
anchored as your fist makes contact.
10. Slide your right foot forward and form a right front twist
stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a left outward back
knuckle strike to the opponent’s left temple.
•This strike loops in toward you then outward. Your left elbow will be
anchored as your fist makes contact.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated pivoting clockwise and forming
a left close kneel stance.
Inward Parry Outside
Outward Parry
Forward Bow Stance Right to left
Inward Horizontal Heel Palm Strike
Inward Handsword Strike
Front Scoop Kick
Outward Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Extension 16 System
Step Through Knife Edge Kick 3rd Brown #19
Front Twist Stance Orthodox 24 System
Twin Heel Palm Thrusts Green #3
Heel Stomp 32 System
Front Crossover Stomp Blue #9
Close Kneel Stance
Knee Drop
Inward Downward Looping Roundhouse Kick
Open Ended Triangle
Squeezing the Peach
Retreating Pendulum
Protecting Fans
Gathering of the Snakes
Broken Rod
1. With your right foot, step toward 1:00 and form a right
neutral bow stance. As you step, defend with a right
inward parry followed by a left outward parry on the
outside of the opponent's left arm. Continue the
clockwise motion of your right arm and deliver a right
outward back knuckle strike to his left lower ribcage as
you settle into your stance.
•Your left hand finishes palm up hooking on top of the opponent’s left
arm at his elbow like a waiter carrying a tray.
•This action should cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual stated that you may begin this defense
either in a right neutral bow stance or standing naturally.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 1:00 with your
right foot.
•If you begin in a right neutral bow stance, your right foot will adjust
slightly toward 3:00.
2. Slide your left foot toward 4:30 and form a right forward
bow stance facing 10:30 as you execute a left inward
horizontal heel palm strike to the opponent’s face.
•We are assuming that the opponent’s forward momentum has not
stopped; so, we borrow his force and deliver a left inward horizontal
heel palm strike. The heel palm contours along his arm and acts as a
simultaneous check.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
•The use of the claw should obscure the opponent’s vision as well as
turn his head toward you. Your right handsword should stun the
•The heel palm strike should make contact 1/4 beat after the kick
makes contact.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated delivering the heel palm strike
to the opponent’s back. Some practitioners deliver this strike
between the opponent’s shoulder blades. The purpose of the heel
palm strike is to turn the opponent clockwise to give you control of
his centerline and a Line of Entry to his groin and enable you to
reach his right eye with your right hand. This dual action should
momentarily immobilize the opponent.
5. Plant your right foot back to 4:30 and form a left neutral
bow stance facing 10:30. Immediately execute a left
front crossover and double cover out toward 4:30.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting back toward 4:00 and
an Angle of Departure in the same direction.
5. Plant your right foot back to 4:30 and form a left neutral
bow stance facing 10:30. Immediately deliver a right step
through knife edge kick to the back of the opponent’s
left knee. Plant forward and form a right neutral bow
stance and deliver a right inward horizontal elbow strike
to the right side of his neck.
6. Slide your left foot forward and form a left front twist
stance as you deliver twin heel palm thrusts (right hand
above left hand) to the opponent’s back to force him to
fall onto his stomach with his head pointing toward 10:30.
•As you deliver the dual heel palm thrusts, your right hand is above
with your fingers pointing in and your left hand is below with your
fingers pointing in.
•Some practitioners do not advance into a left front twist stance but
remain in the right neutral bow stance. These same practitioners
often push with their left hand above the right.
•If you do not advance into a left front twist stance, you will need to
drag your left foot (gauging leg) next to your right foot before you
are able to deliver the right heel stomp.
8. Slip your left foot off to the left side of his head as you
drop your right foot back off to the right side of his right
hip. Drop into a left close kneel stance to deliver a right
downward knee drop to his spine simultaneously with a
right thrusting heel palm strike (fingers in) to the back of
his head.
•Your right foot will plant to the left side of his body.
Swinging Pendulum
Deceptive Panther
Reversing Circles
Fatal Deviation
Alternating Maces
Five Swords
1. While in a right neutral bow stance, slide your left foot
counterclockwise (Up the Circle) toward 4:30 and form a
right 45-degree cat stance facing 10:30. Simultaneously
deliver a left downward block to the inside of the
opponent’s right leg as you deliver a right vertical punch
to his face.
•Your left foot slides toward 4:30 to set the angle and slides toward
10:30 to set the distance.
•This action should injure the opponent’s right leg as well as drive his
face backward.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
3. Plant your right foot toward 10:30 and form a right neutral
bow stance. Immediately pivot clockwise and form a
right forward bow stance as you deliver a left vertical
punch to the opponent’s solar plexus as your right arm
checks horizontally on top of the opponent’s arms.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your right foot toward
6. Pivot clockwise and form a right forward bow stance as
your right hammerfist hooks and pulls the opponent into
a left thrusting heel palm strike (palm up) to the left side
of the opponent’s jaw.
7. With your left foot, step toward 7:30 and form a left
neutral bow stance as you deliver a right inward
downward diagonal elbow strike to the left side of the
opponent’s face or left temple. Simultaneously claw
inward with your left hand and use your left hand as a
backstop to create a sandwiching effect.
•This elbow is like a punch that slips past the opponent’s face.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 8:00 with your
left foot.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot toward
•Your right arm orbits clockwise from its previous strike to end hanging
downard past your right leg in preparation for the upward lifting stiff-
arm back knuckle strike.
1. With your right foot step to 3:00 and form a horse stance
facing 12:00 as your right and left inward downward
elbow strikes to the opponent’s forearms.
•After the opponent falls, squat onto his right knee to cause a
dislocation or break.
•When you twist the opponent’s ankle, push down on his toes with
your left hand and pull up on his ankle with your right hand.
•Attempt to rake across the opponent’s face as your right foot circles
toward 7:30.
•Plant your right foot on the left side of the opponent near his hip.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your right foot toward
•Plant your left foot on the left side of his body under his left arm pit.
Slide your left foot forward to force his left arm upward.
•Drop your right knee onto his back to control the opponent while
you grab his left wrist. Pull upward on the opponent’s left arm and
right leg to create pain before rising upward for the next move. This
will control the opponent through pain as well as structurally
defeating his defensive actions.
•Some practitioners insert the 5. After your right downward stomp to his lower spine,
following actions: execute a right front crossover sweep and stomp kick to
his left arm and step toward 3:00 with your left foot to
After the right front crossover
stomp to the opponent’s left arm
face 9:00 in a right neutral bow stance.
and the left step to 3:00…
•After the stomp, slide your right foot off and plant it above his left
Step 5a arm.
Slide your right foot back to
deliver a right reverse bow sweep 7. Immediately deliver a left shovel kick to the opponent’s
to clear his left arm.
jaw or lower portion of his head.
Step 5b
Slide your right foot (gauging 8. Plant your left foot down (gauging leg) and execute a
leg) beside your left foot and right slicing knife edge kick to the opponent’s left jaw
deliver a left shovel kick to the hinge.
opponent’s head.
•It is assumed that at this point the opponent as turned and rolled
onto his back in reaction to our strikes.
•Depending upon the 1. Turn your head to the left and tuck your chin into your
circumstances, the left hand can chest as you grab and pull the opponent’s right wrist
deliver a left outward upward downward with your right hand. Simultaneously step to
diagonal elbow strike to the
opponent’s face after the left
3:00 with your right foot and form a horse stance and
back elbow strike to his solar deliver a left back elbow strike to his solar plexus.
plexus. Continue to circle your left
arm counterclockwise and end •Anchor your right arm to generate more power for the downward
with a left inward hammerfist pull.
strike to his right kidney as you
simultaneously pin his right arm to 2. Circle your left leg around and behind the opponent’s
your body. From this point,
right leg (“cat around”) and form a left reverse close
continue in the same manner
described in the text. kneel stance facing 7:30. As you settle into your stance,
deliver a left inward hammerfist strike to the opponent’s
left kidney simultaneously with a right inward hammerfist
strike to his groin.
•Use your left reverse close kneel stance to check the opponent’s
right knee with your left knee to control his Width Zone.
•A left outward back knuckle strike may be delivered to his right rib
cage as your left hand passes behind the opponent in preparation
for the hammerfist strike. Time this to occur with your left reverse
close kneel stance.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated forming a left reverse close
kneel stance facing 7:00.
•Use the opponent’s right shoulder as a pivot point for your fulcrum.
6. Plant your right foot (gauging leg) slightly backward and
deliver a left snapping knife edge kick to the inside of
the opponent’s left knee.
•This action buckles the opponents’ leg and drops his head toward
7. Plant your left foot back to 3:00 and form a right front
twist stance as you execute a left outward heel palm
strike and claw to the opponent’s face to bring him
toward you.
•After the knee kick, the opponent falls forward onto both of his
knees. This gives you the target for the final strike.
Weapons (stick)
Inverted Neutral Bow Stance DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Inward Parry Outside
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Vertical Elbow Strike Right to Right
Neutral Bow Stance
Underhand Heel Palm Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Front Snapping Ball Kick
Knife-Edge Kick
1. With your right foot, step toward 1:30 and form an
inverted right neutral bow stance as you deliver a left
inward parry to the outside of the opponent’s right arm
simultaneously with a right thrusting heel palm strike to
the opponent’s jaw.
•Your right arm will end under and inside the opponent’s right arm
from Point of Origin.
•This strike will stop the opponent’s forward body momentum and
snap his head back. This will force the opponent upward on his toe;
thus, controlling his Height Zone. It will also arch his back exposing his
sternum and solar plexus for attack.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 2:00 with your
right foot.
2. With your left foot, step toward 1:30 and form a left close
kneel stance as you deliver a right vertical elbow strike
to the opponent’s solar plexus. Continue to check the
opponent’s right arm with your left hand.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 2:00 to form a
left close kneel stance.
•The right heel palm strike to the groin will cause the opponent to
bend forward at the waist. The left heel palm strike to his shoulder
blade will assist in forcing him to bend forward.
•The 1987 IKKA Red Manual indicated remaining in the left close
kneel stance while delivering the right underhand heel palm strike.
This was a late change to the technique.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated pivoting clockwise to face 8:00
in a right neutral bow stance.
•This pull/push action will force the opponent to bend forward with his
right leg in the air. The opponent’s head should be below the level of
his leg to control his Height Zone. Keep his leg up to control his Height
and pull on his leg to control his Depth.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot back
toward 2:00 to form a left neutral bow stance facing 8:00.
•Plant your left foot into a modified left front rotating twist stance to
gauge for distance and angle.
7. Plant your right foot toward 7:30 and form a right neutral
bow stance as you deliver a right inward horizontal
elbow strike to the opponent’s right kidney. Immediately
drop into a right close kneel stance as you bend forward
and grab his left ankle with your left hand.
•The elbow strike should force the opponent forward onto his
•Your right knee will check against the opponent’s right leg or hip.
8. With your left hand around the left side of his ankle,
place your right hand in the bend of his left knee and
pull upward to stretch him out. Without hesitation, slide
your right hand down to the top of his left foot and grab
near his toes. Immediately pivot clockwise to form a right
forward bow stance and pull up with your right hand (on
his ankle) and push down with your left (on his toes) to
roll him onto his back.
•If the opponent’s legs are spread very wide, plant your left foot to
the inside of his right knee. If his legs are not spread wide, then plant
to the outside.
•If you plant your left foot on the outside of his right leg, then deliver
your right sliding knife edge kick up his leg to act as a check.
10. Plant your right foot (gauging leg) to the right side of his
body and immediately pivot counterclockwise to deliver
a left rear stomp to his stomach.
11. Plant your left foot (gauging leg) behind your right leg
(toward 6:00) to form a right front twist stance. Pivot
counterclockwise to deliver a right downward looping
roundhouse kick to the opponent’s face.
•Some practitioners plant their left foot near the opponent’s body
and pivot counterclockwise to form a left front rotating twist stance
in prepartation for the roundhouse kick. This method has the
advantage assisting with Continuity of Motion.
Grabs and Tackles
Forward Bow Stance Inside Left
Outward Downward Block
Thrusting Knee Kick Right to Either
Inward Upward Diagonal Knee Kick
Thrusting Knife Edge Kick
Upward Snapping Forearm Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Downward Hammerfist Strike 16 System
Inward Hooking Punch 2nd Brown #1
Reverse Bow Stance Orthodox 24 System
Green #8
Limited Retaliation Blue #16
Angle of Cancellation
Angle of Disturbance
Twirling Wings
Detour from Doom
Glancing Wing
Circling Windmills
•Another version is described 1. Slide your right foot back toward 7:30 and form a right
below: rear twist stance. Immediately pivot clockwise and form
a right forward bow stance facing 6:00 as you deliver a
Step 1
Slide your right foot toward 6:30
right outward downward block to the inside of the
and form a right reverse bow opponent’s left arm while simultaneously executing a left
stance as you deliver a right rear thrusting heel palm strike to his jaw.
hammerfist strike to the
opponent’s groin. Your left hand •The left thrusting heel palm strike employs the principle of Limited
is positioned near your right Retaliation which prevents the opponent from delivering an
pectoral muscle in preparation effective right hand attack.
for the next move.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping back toward 5:00.
Step 2 Simultaneously with the right rear twist stance, it indicated delivering
Pivot clockwise and form a right a right outward downward block as your left hand positionally
forward bow stance facing 6:00 checks near your solar plexus.
as you deliver a right outward
downward block to clear the
opponent’s left arm. 2. Immediately follow with a left thrusting knee kick to the
Simultaneously deliver a left opponent’s groin. Your right hand checks high across
thrusting heel palm strike to the your opponent’s chest as your left hand checks low on
opponent’s chin. your opponent’s right arm.
Step 3
Deliver a left knee kick to the •The action of checking across your opponent’s body counter
balances your knee kick.
opponent’s groin as your right
hand cross checks across your
opponent’s chest. 3. Plant your left leg (gauging leg) and deliver a right
inward upward diagonal knee kick to the inner thigh of
Step 4
your opponent’s right leg (toward 10:30). During this
Deliver a right knee kick to the
inside of the opponent’s right action your right arm slide down (sliding check) across
thigh. Using the knife edge of your opponent’s solar plexus and your left hand cross
your right foot, scrape down the checks to the midpoint of your opponent’s chest.
opponent’s leg and end with a
right downward stomp to the
opponent’s right foot as you
4. From Point of Contact, deliver a right stomp kick to the
simultaneously deliver a right opponent’s right instep.
inward downward diagonal
elbow strike ot the left side of the •Many practitioners add a right upward snapping forearm strike to
opponent’s face. Time the elbow the opponent’s chin or a right thrusting heel palm strike to his jaw
to occur simultaneously with the simultaneoulsy with the foot stomp.
right stomp.
5. Execute a right front crossover and double cover out
toward 1:30.
5. After your right stomp, keep your right foot in position as
your left foot adjusts slightly toward 1:00 (gauging leg).
Immediately deliver a right thrusting knife edge kick to
the opponent’s left knee. Without planting down, follow
with a right roundhouse kick to the inside of his right
6. Plant your right foot down near his right foot forming a
right neutral bow stance as you execute a right upward
snapping forearm strike under his chin and without a loss
of motion convert this motion into a right downward
hammerfist strike to his right collar bone.
1. React to the opponent’s push by executing a forward
roll on your right shoulder toward 12:00. Finish the roll by
leaping upward and turning to face your opponent in a
left neutral bow stance facing 6:00.
•While leaping, your left hand guards low as your right arm positions
itself high like an extended outward block.
3. Plant your right foot (gauging leg) toward 7:30 and pivot
counterclockwise to deliver a left spinning back heel
kick to the opponent’s right rib cage (toward 7:30).
•During the execution of this kick, check over your left shoulder with
your right hand as your left hand checks low.
4. Plant your left foot (gauging leg) down toward your
opponent and deliver a right inward crescent kick to his
5. Plant your right foot down and drag your left foot
(gauging leg) and deliver a right reverse hook kick to
the back of his right knee to buckle his leg.
• A forward shoulder roll is used to employ Purposeful Compliance and take the angle of
least resistance.
• Side-stepping for the roundhouse kick takes you off the Line of Attack.
• The main power source in this defense is Torque.
Upward Parry Beneath
Neutral Bow Stance
Underhand Heel Palm Claw Left to right
Wide Kneel Stance
Forward Push-Drag Maneuver ATTACK DIRECTION
Outward Back Knuckle Strike
Inward Downward Diagonal Raking Hammerfist Strike 16 System
Neutral Bow Stance 2nd Brown #3
Upward Heel Palm Strike Orthodox 24 System
Modified Extended Outward Block Green #10
Front Crossover Thrusting Sweep Kick 32 System
Thrusting Knife Edge Kick Blue #13
Stiff Arm Lifting Punch
Spinning Stiff Leg Back Kick
Spinning Vertical Heel Hook
Form 4
Angle of Cancellation
Opposing Forces
Raining Claw
Calming the Storm
Raining Lance
Prance of the Tiger
1. With your left foot, step toward 11:00 and form a left
forward bow stance as you simultaneously defend with a
right upward parry under and outside the opponent’s
right arm. Your left hand is cocked across your waist.
•In this defensive action, you meet the opponent’s force and then
ride it.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described the parry as a “right upward
bocking parry”.
•Though your hands may move simultaneously, your left claw occurs
1/4 beat behind your right upward parry. Your right and left hands
move near simultaneously in a manner similar to a cross hand
upward block.
•Your left hand forces the opponent’s right arm down and slightly
behind his right leg. This action should cause your opponent to bend
forward at the waist controlling his height.
•At the moment your right hand executes the underhand heel palm
claw, your left hand should be on top of your right forearm, coiling to
explode into the next move.
•You may drop into a left wide kneel stance or a left forward bow
stance depending upon circumstances.
5. Slide your left foot toward 10:00 and form a left close
kneel stance as your left hand slides down his right arm
to grab his wrist. Simultaneously deliver a right inward
downward diagonal raking hammerfist strike to his right
floating ribs.
6. While still maintaining the grab to his wrist, step back with
your left foot toward 6:00 and form a right neutral bow
stance facing 12:00 as your right hand delivers a right
upward heel palm strike to his elbow.
7. Switch your right hand under his arm and up into a right
modified extended outward block to force his arm over
to the right as you simultaneously execute a left front
crossover thrusting sweep kick to the side of his right
•Some practitioners add a left thrusting heel palm strike (fingers to the
left) as the left foot plants forward forming a left front twist stance.
The left hand then checks the opponent’s right arm down as the
right knife edge kick is executed.
9. Plant your right foot down and execute a right stiff arm
lifting punch to the opponent’s face or jaw. Allow the
torque of this action to turn you counterclockwise to
deliver one of two kicks—a left spinning stiff leg back
kick or a left spinning vertical heel hook.
•The right arm is palm down and extends past his left shoulder.
Deflecting Hammer
Intellectual Departure
Buckling Branch
Rotating Destruction
Unwinding Pendulum
•This defense begins on the 1. From in a right neutral bow stance, pivot clockwise and
inside of the opponent’s right leg form a right reverse bow stance toward 12:00 as you
and passes it to the outside. deliver a right inward downward (palm down) block
inward and upward against the opponent’s right leg just
below the back of his right calf muscle. Your left hand
remains in as a positional check across your right
forearm. Without hesitation, circle your right arm
clockwise and execute a right extended outward block
to force his right leg in a looping clockwise arc.
•Begin this defense in a right neutral bow stance with your right arm
hanging naturally to your side and your left hand checking at solar
plexus level.
2. With the opponent’s right leg still in the air and his back
facing you, deliver a right rear stiff-leg kick up and under
the opponent’s groin.
•Use the back of your right heel to kick. Make sure that you make
contact with your target before he plants his right foot.
•If necessary, drag your left foot toward your right foot to gauge for
•This kick will cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
4. Plant your left foot toward 6:00 and form a right reverse
bow stance facing 12:00. Immediately pivot clockwise
and form a right neutral bow stance as you execute a
right inward heel palm strike and grab. Turn the
opponent toward you as you pivot clockwise to form a
right front rotating twist stance (in-place) and deliver a
left inward upward diagonal two-knuckle punch to the
opponent’s ribs.
•Your right inward heel palm and grab turns the opponent toward
you (clockwise) and exposes his centerline.
•This punch comes in and stops near your chest in preparation for the
next move.
Spiraling Twig
Gift of Destiny
Thrusting Lance
Defensive Cross
Reversing Circles
Gift of Destiny
Spiraling Twig
•This defense can be used as a 1. Counter grab the opponent’s right hand with your left
Back Up Technique for GIFT OF hand and step toward 12:00 with your left foot to form a
DESTRUCTION of the opponent’s left neutral bow stance. Simultaneously, twist the
checks your Width Zone.
opponent’s right hand counterclockwise to place his
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual elbow in a downward position. Deliver a left upward
indicated stepping along a 45 flapping elbow strike to his right elbow joint.
degree angle on the two initial
moves. The first step is toward 1:00 •Simultaneously with the left upward flapping elbow strike, pull
with your left foot as you deliver downward with your right hand. This action will control the
the upward flapping elbow strike. opponent’s Dimensional Zones.
The second step is toward 7:00 as
you deliver the right outward
2. With your left foot, step toward 6:00 and form a right
back knuckle strike. By stepping
on the 45 degree angles, this neutral bow stance and twist the opponent’s wrist
places the entire sequence of clockwise and past your left hip. Immediately deliver a
the technique on the 45 degree right outward back knuckle strike to the opponent’s right
angle lines or the “X”. temple. Your left hand continues controlling the
opponent’s right arm.
•Your right hand contours along the opponent’s right arm to deliver
its outward back knuckle strike.
3. Slide your left foot toward 4:30 and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 10:30 as you deliver a right inward
elbow strike to the left side of the opponent’s jaw.
•Your right arm contours the opponent’s head to deliver the inward
elbow strike. This is a collapsing elbow strike that utilizes the principle
of Contouring.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated moving up the circle toward
4:00 as you deliver a right inward elbow strike.
3. Slide your left foot toward 4:30 and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 10:30 as you deliver a right inward
downward diagonal elbow strike to the left side of the
opponent’s jaw. Follow with a right outward downward
diagonal elbow strike to the right jaw of the opponent.
Immediately follow without any loss of motion with a right
upward vertical elbow strike to his chin.
6. Plant your right foot down and form a right neutral bow
stance as you deliver a right upward lifting back knuckle
strike to the opponent’s face.
8. Plant your right foot toward 6:00 to form a left rear twist
stance. Immediately pivot counterclockwise and deliver
a left rear scooping heel kick to the opponent’s chin.
Twin Upward Forearm Strikes Inside
Fighting Horse Stance
Neutral Bow Stance Right to Right
Downward Vertical Back Knuckle Strike
Inward Overhead Heel Palm Strike and Claw
Half Fist Strike
Destructive Twins
Blinding Sacrifice
Falling Falcon
Defensive Cross
Thrusting Wedge
Thrusting Lance
1. With your right foot, step forward and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 12:00. Simultaneously deliver twin
upward forearm strikes to the inside of the opponent’s
forearms to break the choke.
•Step to the inside of the opponent’s right knee to buckle and create
an Angle of Disturbance.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping forward toward 11:00.
•At this point your “wedge” is positioned over your left shoulder.
•The left hand may slide down the opponent’s right arm and end
with a grab to his wrist. The opponent’s arm is pull diagonally down
past your right hip to work in opposition with your right half fist strike
to increase its effectiveness.
6. With your right foot, step toward 6:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as both hands contour
the opponent’s arms and end with grabs to each of his
wrists. Pull the opponent diagonally downward to create
an Angle of Disturbance.
8. Plant your right foot toward 12:00 and form a right neutral
bow stance as you deliver a right stiff arm lifting back
knuckle strike to this opponent’s chin. Immediately
follow with a downward vertical back knuckle along the
same path to the bridge of his nose.
•The heel palm strike and claw follows the contour of the opponent’s
Weapons (stick)
Upward Cross-Hand Block Below
Forward Bow Stance
Downward Club Strike Left to Right
Swinging Pendulum
Obstructing the Storm
Raining Lance
Defensive Cross
Reversing Circles
1. With your left foot, step toward 11:00 to form a horse
stance facing 1:30. Simultaneously deliver an upward
cross-hand block (right over left) against the opponent’s
right wrist.
•This block should make contact with the opponent’s right wrist at a
level above your head and off your right shoulder. This is designed to
catch his right arm while gettign off the Line of Attack.
•Your intention is not to stop the force of his attack, but to “mold”
yourself to it and redirect it so you can take advantage of Borrowed
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described angling the cross-hand block
toward 1:00.
•Your right turns away from you to grab the opponent’s right hand
and club. Your left hand turns toward you to grab his right wrist.
•As you step toward 10:30 with your right foot, guide the opponent’s
right arm and club up and over your head to your left shoulder
(above the level of your head).
•As you strike his knee with the club, your arms will resemble holding a
golf club and swinging downward. Both thumbs will be on top.
•Allow the motion of striking through his right knee to carry you
forward into a step through.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 11:00 with
your right foot.
•At the conclusion of your forward step, strip the weapon out of his
grip along a forward direction. Some practioners keep the
opponent’s arm over the right shoulder during this action.
•Use this action to force the weapon from his grasp by fulcruming
against the opponent’s thumb. This is accomplished by twisting your
end of the club (in your right hand and above the end held by the
opponent) and using the end that the opponent is holding as a
fulcrum against his thumb.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot back
toward 10:00.
6. Contour up the opponent’s right arm to deliver a forward
right club strike to the back of the opponent’s head.
Continue this clockwise circle to deliver a low right
inward club strike to his right kneecap.
•When you strike the back of the opponent’s right knee with the club,
he will react in pain by lifting his leg. This will assist in sweeping his leg
with your left foot.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicate pivoting clocking to face 11:00
in a right neutral bow stance.
•Your club will follow the direction of your right stiff-leg sweep kick.
•This adjustment step with your left foot is a small step to align you for
proper Angle of Delivery.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated executing the front crossover
toward 10:00.
11. Step out with your left foot and cover toward 7:30.
Grabs and Tackles
Inward Vertical Forearm Strike DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Thrusting Ball Kick Outside Left
Neutral Bow Stance
Downward Elbow Strike Right to Either
Downward Heel Palm Claw
Vertical Punch
Stiff Arm Lifting Punch
Outward Horizontal Heel Palm Claw CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Knee Kick 16 System
Rear Twist Stance Green #14
Heel Palm Strike Orthodox 24 System
Reverse Bow Stance Green #15
Front Rotating Twist Stance 32 System
Vertical Outward Knuckle Rake Blue #21
Inward Downward Diagonal Knuckle Rake
Front Step Through Shovel Kick
Diversified Angle of Attack
Delayed Sword
Lone Kimono
Repeated Devastation
Wings of Silk
Protecting Fans
•In Lone Kimono, we are able to 1. Pin the opponent’s left hand to your chest with your left
step back to protect against his hand as you execute a right inward vertical forearm
right arm. In this defense, we are strike to the outside of his left elbow. Simultaneously
unable to step back so we force
the opponent to step back by
deliver a right thrusting ball kick to his right inner knee.
kicking to his right inner knee.
•This kick should buckle the opponent’s right knee thereby controlling
this Dimensional Zones.
•Have your right arm travel upward from the vertical elbow strike over
his left arm in preparatio for the next move.
2. Plant your right foot toward 12:00 and form a right neutral
bow stance as you deliver a right downward elbow strike
to the opponent’s left forearm.
•This action will force the opponent’s head down, forward, and
toward you.
•Follow through with the heel palm claw to clear his left arm.
5. Drop your right hand to check the opponent’s left arm as
you deliver a left vertical punch to his sternum.
Immediately follow with a right stiff arm lifting punch
under his jaw toward 11:00.
7. Plant to your left foot toward 1:30 and form a left neutral
bow stance to buckle the inside of the opponent’s left
knee as you deliver a left stiff arm lifting punch under his
8. Slide your right foot toward 10:30 to form a right rear twist
stance as you deliver a right heel palm strike to his face.
•The left hand may be used to check or it may also be used to deliver
a left outward horizontal heel palm strike to his solar pelxus.
•Your left foot may sweep the inside of his left left as you form your
left front rotating twist stance if circumstances allow.
10. Step toward 6:00 with your left foot and form a right
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right
inward downward diagonal knuckle rake across the
bridge of the opponent’s nose or cheek bone.
11. Deliver a left front step through shovel kick striking the
opponent’s knee, ribs, or face.
Inward Parry Outside
Inward Handsword Strike
Neutral Bow Stance Knee Kick Left to right
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Five-Finger Ripping Claw
Downward Hammerfist Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Inward Heel Palm Claw 16 System
Upward Knee Kick 2nd Brown #15
Orthodox 24 System
Elastic Recoil 32 System
Angular Defense Blue #17
Darting Mace None
Gathering Clouds
Brushing the Storm
Circle of Doom
•Some instructors teach this 1. With your left foot, step toward 11:00 and form a left
technique as a defense against a forward bow stance as you simultaneously defend with a
right step through overhead left inward parry on the outside of the opponent’s right
arm. As you parry, deliver a right inward handsword strike
to the inside of his right biceps.
•Some practitioners step forward with the left foot and form a left
close kneel stance to close off the low Line of Entry.
•Pull the opponent toward you for leverage. At the last moment,
move out of the way and force him into the wall.
•Your left hand can also apply a single direct outward wrist lock with
your right hand at his shoulder to force him into the wall.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
5:00 to form a right front twist stance facing 11:00.
•In this step, you are using the wall to create a sandwiching effect.
•Some practitioners deliver the right inward elbow strike then the right
knee kick as two separate actions.
6. Plant your right foot back toward 12:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance facing 6:00. Execute a left front
crossover and double cover out toward 10:30.
6. Plant your right foot back toward 1:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance as you execute a left thrusting heel
palm strike to his sternum. Slide your left hand up to his
throat to pin him against the wall.
•The grab to the throat should pin him against the wall (controlling his
Depth) and simultaneously apply pressure upward (controlling his
•Some practitioners deliver a left thrusting heel palm strike (fingers in)
to the opponent’s sternum or solar plexus to pin him against the wall
and omit the grab to his throat.
10. Bring your left hand over to the left side of the
opponent’s face as you shift your left foot toward 10:00
while simultaneously executing a right outward back
knuckle strike to his right temple.
11. Grab the back of his head with both hands as you drag
your left foot (gauging leg) to your right foot and
execute a right upward knee kick to the opponent’s
Horse Stance
Transitional Close Cat Stance POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Right to Either
Front Snapping Ball Kick 6:00
Thrusting Knife Edge Kick
Close Kneel Stance
16 System
Downward Knee Kick
2nd Brown #11
Reverse Push-Drag Foot Maneuver
Orthodox 24 System
Purposeful Compliance 32 System
Leveraging Blue #30
Angle of Disturbance
Angle of Cancellation FORM LOCATION
Scraping Hoof
Repeated Devastation
Crashing Wings
Crossed Twig
Leap of Death
•Some practitioners adhere to 1. With your opponent fully applying a full nelson and
the following version: bending you forward, stiffen your body and force your
neck against his hands. This is to cause the opponent to
Step 1
With your opponent fully applying
focus his attention in pressing you forward. Take
a full nelson and bending you advantage of this forward pressing action by stepping to
forward, stiffen your body and 3:00 and forming a horse stance.
force your neck against his
hands. This is to cause the •Use your buttocks to check and control the opponent’s right knee.
opponent to focus his attention in
pressing you forward. Take
2. Slide your left foot to your right foot in a transitional left
advantage of this forward
pressing action by stepping to 3:0 close cat stance. Immediately slide your left foot behind
and forming a horse stance. your opponent’s right leg toward 7:30 as you bend
forward and grab the back of his knees with both of your
Step 2 hands.
Slide your left foot to your right
foot in a transitional left close cat •When you grab the opponent’s knees, collaps his knees together
stance. Immediately step around when you grab. This will center his weight and make it easier to pick
and behind the opponent’s right him up. If his legs are apart, his weight will be distributed outward
leg and drive your left leg behind making it awkward to hold him.
his right leg to cause a buckle.
Simultaneously deliver a left •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 7:00 with your
outward horizontal elbow strike to left foot.
the opponent’s face.
Step 3
3. Lift your opponent’s legs off the ground.
Once the opponent has fallen to
the ground (his head will be •Often, the opponent will continue to hold onto you thus preventing
pointing toward 4:30) deliver a him from falling.
right spinning back heel stomp
kick to his right rib cage. •Make sure that when you lift him, you utilize the strength in your legs
to lift and not your back.
Step 4
Execute a right front crossover 4. Twirl counterclockwise 360-degrees by first having your
and double cover out toward
left foot step toward 4:30 followed by your right foot
toward 6:00 and then with your left foot again toward
7:30. Use this action to force the opponent’s head
against a wall, pole, etc.
•If the opponent is too large, just drop him onto the ground with the
possibility of having his head strike the ground, curb, etc.
5. After spinning the opponent and having his head strike a
object, allow him to fall onto his back while still
maintaining control of his legs. Have your right hand grab
his right ankle and your left hand grab his left ankle. Step
back toward 12:00 with your left foot to form a right
neutral bow stance facing 6:00 as you flip your opponent
onto his face.
•When you flip the opponent, use the obstacle as a brace to help
keep him supported on his face thereby allowing you to kick the
recommended targets.
7. Place his right leg over his left to cross his right ankle
behind his left knee as you fold his left leg to create a leg
figure four lock and allow him to fall onto his stomach.
•At this point he will be face down with his head pointing toward 4:30.
8. With your left foot, step toward 4:30 and form a left close
kneel stance to deliver a right downward knee kick to
the opponent’s left leg to cause a dislocation.
•As you form your left close kneel stance, use your left knee to strike
his right ankle while simultaneously striking his left leg with your right
9. Have both of your hands grab his right leg as you stand
up and execute a reverse push-drag foot maneuver.
Forcibly straighten his right leg and allow it to fall to the
•The angle in which you pull on the opponent’s right leg will create
torgue thereby further increasing the injury to his right knee.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated grabbing the opponent’s left
leg and forcibly straightening it as you execute the reverse push-
drag foot maneuver. This will clear the legs but not injure them.
Glancing Inward Forearm Strike Outside
Vertical Punch
Uppercut Punch Right to Either
Outward Hooking Parry
Vertical Back Knuckle Thrust
Outward Hooking Heel Kick 16 System
Front Snapping Ball Kick 2nd Brown #17
Rear Crossover Ball Kick Stomp Orthodox 24 System
Downward Heel Palm Strike Green #18
Rotating Five-Finger Claw 32 System
Blue #19
Diversified Angle of Attack
Diversified Angle of Retraction None
Raking Mace
Tripping Arrow
Conquering Shield
Glancing Wing
Darting Mace
•Some practitioners teach this 1. As the opponent chokes you with his left hand over his
defense against a right over left right, pin the opponent’s hands to your chest with your
cross choke. left hand as your right foot steps forward and forms a
right neutral bow stance facing 12:00 to buckle the inside
of his right knee. Simultaneously deliver a right glancing
inward vertical forearm strike against the opponent’s left
elbow and ending with a right vertical punch to his face.
•Make sure greater pressure is applied against his left hand with your
left pinning check.
3. Slide your left foot toward 4:30 and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 10:30 as you execute a left outward
hooking parry to the outside of the opponent’s left arm
followed by a right chopping punch to his left kidney.
•Some versions state that you slide your left foot back to 4:30 and
form a right front twist stance as you execute the outward hooking
parry prior to pivoting counterclockwise into a right neutral bow
stance and delivering the right chopping punch.
•As your right hand orbits for the chopping punch/hammerfist strike,
you may deliver a right outward heel palm strike and claw through
the opponent’s face. Some practitioners add a left inward heel
palm strike and claw and end with a left grab (check) to his left
shoulder. The left hand can assist in turning the opponent clockwise
to expose his left kidney.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
5. Deliver a right roundhouse kick to the back of the
opponent’s left knee. Without planting down,
immediately deliver a right outward hooking heel kick to
the inside of the same left knee.
•Your right hand grabs the opponent’s left shoulder and controls his
Width Zone.
•The roundhouse kick buckles his knee forward and the hook kick is
executed in the direction that his leg is bent. These actions will widen
the opponent’s stace thus controlling his Width Zone.
6. Plant your right foot down and drag your left foot
(gauging leg) to your right foot and execute a right front
snapping ball kick to the inside of the opponent’s right
7. With your left foot, step toward 7:30 and pivot clockwise
to face 1:30 in a right neutral bow stance as you deliver a
right rotating five-finger claw (clockwise) through the
opponent’s face.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicatd stepping toward 7:00 with your
left foot.
Weapons (stick)
Extended Outward Block Outside
Vertical Punch
Forward Bow Stance Left to Right
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Wide Kneel Stance
Downward Club Thrust
Forward Push-Drag Maneuver CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Front Crossover 16 System
Outward Downward Diagonal Club Strike 2nd Brown #13
Orthodox 24 System
32 System
Locked Wing
Calming the Storm
Tripping Arrow
Broken Ram None
1. With your left foot, step forward and form a left neutral
bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a left extended
outward block to the inside of the opponent’s right wrist
simultaneously with a right vertical punch to his face.
•The punch to his face should cause his head to snap backwards.
•This strike will also cause the opponent’s torso to move forward.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot clockwise
to 10:00.
3. Shift your left foot (gauging leg) back toward 11:00 while
still pinning the opponent’s right arm and quickly circle
your right foot clockwise to travel around and behind the
opponent’s right leg. Immediately thrust your right leg
toward 6:00 and form a left forward bow stance. Use your
right leg to buckle his right leg as you simultaneously
deliver a right thrusting heel palm strike to his jaw.
•The opposing forces of the buckle and heel palm strike work
together in opposition to force the opponent to the ground. During
this action, your left hand grabs and slides along the opponent’s
right arm, ending at the wrist, as the opponent lands on the ground.
4. Adjust your right foot toward 7:30 and execute a left front
crossover and double cover out toward 7:30.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated adjusting your right foot toward
7:00 and an Angle of Departure toward 7:00.
4. After having thrown the opponent onto his back and
while still maintaining a grab with your left hand to his
right wrist, reach over (clockwise) and around the club to
grab the far end and leverage it out of his grip.
7. Adjust your left foot (gauging leg) toward the top of his
head and slide your right foot clockwise toward 10:30.
Simultaneously switch your hand on the club (keeping it
across his throat) and jerk backwards on the club with
both hands to again attempt to break his jaw or neck.
8. Maintain your grip on the club with your left hand and
execute a left front crossover toward 7:30 as you loop
the club clockwise over and down to deliver a left
outward downward diagonal club strike to the
opponent’s right temple.
•Some practitioners convert the 1. Leap forward onto your left foot (toward 11:00) as you
upward knee kick to a thrusting deliver a right upward knee kick to the opponent’s solar
knee kick and prefix a vertical plexus as you simultaneously deliver a right inward
thrusting forearm strike to the
opponent’s face. A downward overhead hammerfist strike to his right kidney.
heel palm strike to a kidney
immediately follows the forearm •Your leap is toward 11:00 and your knee kick should be directed
strike in order to create a toward 1:30.
sandwiching effect. The intent is
the arrest his forward momentum •The simultaneous action of the knee and hammerfist strike creates a
with opposing lines of force. sandwiching effect.
2. Plant your right foot toward 6:00 and form a left neutral
bow stance facing 10:30 as you deliver a left inward
overhead elbow strike to his upper spine.
•During this action, your right hand acts as a Sliding Check along the
opponent’s back to keep his Height Zone in check.
•Your left arm acts as a Sliding Check en route to the left side of his
4. With your right leg still in the air after delivering the right
rear scoop kick, immediately deliver a right back thrust
kick to the opponent’s body.
•We are sophisticating the motion of the thrusting back kick by taking
advantage of its cocking motion. These two strikes should be
executed in the same continuous motion and should not be viewed
as two separate actions.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated kick to the opponent’s face with
the left spinning back thrust kick.
6. Plant your left foot toward 12:00 (gauging leg) and pivot
counterclockwise to form a left neutral bow stance.
Immediately deliver a right inward upward diagonal
slicing knife edge kick to the opponent’s face. In the
same continuous action, deliver a right thrusting knife
edge kick to the opponent’s right knee.
Base Punches
Inverted Neutral Bow Stance
Outward Parry Outside
Neutral Bow Stance
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike Right to right
Outward Horizontal Heel Palm Strike
Cross Snaking Hammerlock 3:00
Forward Step Through Maneuver
Forward Push-Drag Maneuver CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Close Kneel Stance 16 System
Outward Downward Looping Crescent Heel Kick 2nd Brown #18
Rear Crossover Orthodox 24 System
Downward Knee Drop Green #21
Scraping Heel Kick 32 System
Blue #23
Double Factor
Sandwiching None
Gift in Return
The Back Breaker
Destructive Fans
•This defense is sometimes 1. While standing naturally and facing 12:00, step toward
referred to as the “back-up 1:30 and form an inverted right neutral bow stance as
technique” for THE BACK you defend with your right foot as you defend with a left
BREAKER. If you are unable to pull
the opponent backward or if you
inward parry followed by a right outward parry to the
lose control of the opponent’s outside of the opponent’s right arm.
shoulders, you can immediately
flow into KNEEL OF COMPULSION. •These two defensive motions are sometimes referred to as a “double
parry” or “double-factor parry”.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual directs you to step toward 2:00 and form
a “right inverted neutral bow stance”.
2. With your left foot, step toward 1:30 as your right hand
grabs the opponent’s right shoulder. Pivot clockwise and
grab the back of his left shoulder with your left hand.
•Your right arm acts as a rolling check in the process of the grab.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 2:00 with your
left foot.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping back with the right
foot toward 10:00.
•Some practitioners slide the right foot back and form a left forward
bow stance.
•This action will cause the opponent to kneel on his left knee.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your right foot forward
toward 8:00.
•Some practitioners use the 6. With your right arm, apply a cross snaking hammerlock
following variation: to the opponent’s left arm as you adjust your right foot
around to the outside of his left leg.
Step 6
With your right arm, circle under
•Your left hand will assist and check during this action.
the opponent’s left arm and pull
it behind his back in a
hammerlock. Pull his arm 7. Follow with a left forward step through maneuver toward
backward as you simultaneously 7:00 to form a left neutral bow stance as you drive the
deliver a left thrusting heel palm
opponent’s head down into the floor.
strike to his shoulder blade to
cause a dislocation.
8. Release the opponent with your left hand and grab his
Step 7 wrist with your right hand as you execute a forward push
With your left foot (gauging leg), drag maneuver and form a left close kneel stance to
step over his left leg. Re-grip (from drop your right knee onto his left arm.
palm-down to palm-up) the
opponent’s left wrist with your
•This action will cause a dislocation on his left shoulder.
right hand.
Step 8 9. Adjust your left foot (gauging leg) back to the left side of
Immediately step forward and the opponent’s hip (near your right foot ) and execute a
form a left neutral bow stance (or
right outward downward looping crescent heel kick to
close kneel stance) as you force
the opponent to the ground by the left side of his head.
pulling up with your right hand
and delivering a left thrusting 10. Execute a left rear crossover over the opponent’s body
heel palm strike (fingers in) to the planting your left foot near his right hip and deliver a left
back of his head.
downward knee drop to his spine.
Step 9
Adjust your left foot (gauging leg) 11. Rise upward and adjust your left foot (gauging leg)
toward your right foot and deliver toward 8:00 (clockwise) and drop into a left close kneel
a right outward downward
stance to deliver a right downward knee drop onto his
looping crescent heel kick to the
left side of his head or clavicle. neck.
Step 9 12. Stand up and execute a right scraping heel kick as you
Execute a left rear crossover over execute a right front crossover and double cover out
the opponent’s body planting
your left foot near his right hip
toward 9:00.
and deliver a left downward
knee drop to his spine. •Your left foot may need to adjust and gauge for range and angle
before you execute the right scraping heel kick.
Step 10
Rise upward and adjust your left
foot (gauging leg) toward 8:00
(clockwise) and drop into a left
close kneel stance to deliver a
right downward knee drop onto
his neck.
Step 11
Stand up and adjust your left foot
(gauging leg) and execute a
right scraping heel kick as you
execute a right front crossover
and double cover out.
Copyright 2006 by Eric Lamkin
NAME—The term storm is used in self-defense techniques to ATTACK
symbolically represent a club (stick) attack. In this defense, FRONT
you will strike the opponent in a manner designed to Right Club Thrust
wrench, or clip, the weapon from his grip.
Weapons (stick)
Neutral Bow Stance Outside
Horse Stance
Outward Downward Diagonal Parry POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Inward Downward Handsword Strike Left to Right
Downward Handsword Strike
45-Degree Cat Stance ATTACK DIRECTION
Outward Horizontal Handsword Strike 12:00
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Close Kneel Stance 16 System
Outward Downward Diagonal Back Knuckle Strike 1st Brown #7
Downward Diagonal Back Knuckle Strike Orthodox 24 System
Front Snap Kick Green #22
Thrusting Heel Stomp 32 System
Reverse Bow Stance Blue #31
Outward Downward Looping Crescent Kick Stomp
Step Through Stomp
Darting Mace
Glancing Lance
Circling the Storm
Piercing Lance
1. While in a left neutral bow stance, step toward 11:00 and
form a horse stance (facing 1:30) as you deliver a right
outward downward diagonal parry to the outside of the
club immediately followed by a left inward downward
handsword strike to the outside of the opponent’s right
forearm as you simultaneously cock your right
handsword near your right ear.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual and the 1987 IKKA Studio Manual omitted
the right outward downward parry.
•This strike will help force the opponent to drop his weapon if he has
not already done so.
•If circumstances allow, hook and clear the opponent’s right arm
outward as you step forward. Depending upon circumstances and
your position, your right hand may check in a palm up position like a
waiter carrying a tray.
5. Drop onto your left knee and form a right close kneel
stance (on the ground) as you deliver a right outward
downward diagonal back knuckle strike to the back of
the opponent’s right knee. Utilize this strike (with your left
hand assisting) to force the opponent to fall backward
over your right knee.
8. Plant your left foot (gauging leg) near his right hip and
execute a right thrusting heel stomp to his solar plexus.
Immediately pivot counterclockwise and slide your right
foot along his chest to form a right reverse bow stance
which ends in a right stomp to his throat or chin.
9. Drag your right foot (gauging leg) into a left close kneel
stance and then beside your left foot (which is near his
right hip) to gauge for distance. Immediately deliver a
left outward downward looping crescent kick stomp to
the opponent’s groin.
•You first form a close kneel stance to cover your low Line of Entry.
10. Execute a right step through stomp to his right ankle. Slip
your right foot off his ankle to the ground and
immediately execute a left front crossover and double
cover out toward 3:00.
Inside Downward Block Outside
Vertical Punch
Inward Downward Diagonal Punch Right to left
Forearm Elbow Strike
Outward Crescent Knee Kick
Downward Stomp
Reverse Scoop Kick 16 System
Inward Downward Diagonal Looping Roundhouse Kick 2nd Brown #20
Orthodox 24 System
Simultaneous Defense and Offense 32 System
Leveraging Blue #29
Calming the Storm None
Cross of Death
Prance of the Tiger
•The opponent is delivering a left 1. While standing in a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00,
uppercut to set up for a right deliver a right inward block to the outside of the
cross punch. opponent’s left arm while simultaneously delivering a left
•Some practioners utilize the
vertical punch to his face.
following variation:
•This block is delivered along a downward 45-degree angle and is
Step 1 sometimes referred to as an inside downward block. The block
controls his Height Zone.
While standing in a right neutral
bow stance deliver a right inside
•This action should drive the opponent’s head back and control his
downward block while
simultaneoulsy delivering a Depth Zone.
vertical punch to the opponent’s
face. 2. Hook your left hand down (clockwise) on the outside of
the opponent’s left arm as you deliver a right chopping
Step 2 uppercut punch to his left ribcage.
Deliver a right outward horizontal
heel palm claw to the •This action should bend the opponent forward at the waist.
opponent’s face as your left arm
hooks and clear his arm outward
3. Slide your left foot toward 4:30 and form a right neutral
(to your left) to enable your right
arm to deliver a right hammerfist bow stance facing 10:30 as your left hand hooks the
strike to his left kidney. This strike back of the opponent’s neck and causes him to bend
will arch his back. forward. Your right hand checks his left arm against his
Step 3
Move your left foot Up the Circle •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
as your right hand delivers an 4:00.
inward two-finger slice to his left
eye as his hooks his left arm down
(like a waiter carrying a tray).
4. Execute a right inward downward diagonal punch which
Your left hand simultaneously converts into a forearm elbow strike to the left side of this
delivers a left outward diagonal opponent’s jaw.
handsword strike to the back of
his neck and hooks to pull him •Your left hand is in a positional check near your right ribcage and
downward. Your right hand keeps your right knee checks the back of his left knee.
his right arm checked downward.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described this strike as a “right thrusting
Step 4 diagonal forearm elbow punch”.
Settle into your stance with a right
inward downward diagonal
elbow stirke to the left hinge of his 5. Execute a right front crossover and double cover out
jaw. toward 4:30.
5. After your right thrusting diagonal forearm elbow punch,
pull your right elbow back (like a right outward upward
diagonal elbow strike) so that your right wrist is bent up to
allow your right back knuckle to hook the right side of the
opponent’s face.
7. Drag your left foot (gauging leg) to your right foot and
execute a right outward crescent knee kick to the
opponent’s rib cage.
•This action will buckle him and cause his head to drop down and
bend forward.
•As you stomp, scrape down his left shin with the knife edge of your
right foot.
Brushing the Storm
Kneel of Compulsion
Leap of Death
Blinding Sacrifice
1. While standing naturally facing 12:00, step toward 1:30
with your right foot and form a right inverted neutral bow
stance as you defend with a left inward parry followed
by a right outward parry to the outside of the opponent’s
right arm.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual directed the practitioner to step toward
•When your right hand makes contact at his right elbow, your left
hand will be near his right wrist.
2. With your left foot, step toward 1:30 as your right hand
grabs the opponent’s right shoulder. Pivot clockwise and
grab the back of his left shoulder with your left hand.
•Your right arm may insert a two-finger thrust to his right eye as
enroute to grabbing.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual directed the practitioner to step toward
2:00 with the left foot.
3. Step back toward 1:30 with your right foot to form a left
neutral bow stance facing 7:30 as both of your arms pull
the opponent’s shoulders backward and toward you to
disturb his balance. Immediately deliver a right knee kick
to his lower spine (coccyx).
•Pull the opponent toward you as you deliver the right knee kick. Rest
your elbows against your ribcage as you kick to create a Bracing
•Some practitioners slide the right foot back and form a left forward
bow stance to properly align for the knee kick.
4. Plant your right foot back toward 1:30 and form a left
forward bow stance and pull the opponent onto your left
knee to cause an injury to his upper spine.
•Some practitioners plant back into a neutral bow stance, but this
does not give the proper Bracing Angle when you drive him into your
left knee.
•Some practioners pivot into a left neutral bow stance during this
action and pivot back into a left forward bow stance as the next
strike is delivered.
8. Step back with your left foot toward 1:30 and form a right
close kneel stance as you execute twin heel palm claws
to the opponent’s face.
•Use this action to force his head to hit the ground and cause an
10. Follow with a right back heel stomp to the nerve of the
opponent’s right shoulder or clavicle.
•This is accomlished without lifting your right foot from the ground.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual referred to this stomp as a “right reverse
heel stomp”.
11. From your right reverse bow stance, execute a right front
crossover and double cover out toward 1:30
11. After your right stomp, drag your right foot (gauging leg)
near and slightly to the right of your left foot and execute
a left reverse inward looping heel hook to the
opponent’s face. Plant your left foot back into a left
reverse heel stomp to his left collar bone.
14. Leap upward again and pivot clockwise and land with
your right foot where your left foot was as you deliver a
left looping downward roundhouse kick to the
opponent’s right knee cap or inner thigh.
•The following moves are 1. Slide your right foot toward 6:00 and form a left
sometimes pre-fixed before transitional neutral bow stance as your right hand
stepping back into a left reaches under your left and acts as a pinning check
transitional neutral bow stance in
Step 1:
against his right hand.
•During this action your right hand pulls the opponent’s right arm to
enhance the effect of the elbow and to continue to control the
•Your right hand will travel forward on top of the opponent’s right arm
as a Detaining Check in a downward dipping motion. During this
action, use the heel of your hand to strike the opponent’s forearm in
a glancing motion. This action utilizes the concept of Frictional Push
to control the opponent’s arm and force his head downward to
enable you to utilize Borrowed Reach/Force.
•Although the 1975 IKKA Red 5. Immediately execute a left front crossover sweep to the
Manual and the 1987 IKKA back of the opponent’s right foot toward 5:00.
Studeio Manual did not include
the following strikes with the two •At the conclusion of this sweep, you will end in a right rear twist
leg sweeps, many practitioners stance in relation to your opponent.
have adopted them to enhance
the technique: •As you sweep, use your left hand to pull the opponent’s right
shoulder backward and downward to faciliate the takedown.
Step 6a
As you pivot clockwise out of your •The strike to the opponent’s eyes changes his concentration and
left front twist stance, execute a balance to facilitate an easier takedown.
right stiff leg sweep to the back of
the opponent’s right leg
simultaneous with a right outward 6. Immediately pivot clockwise and execute a right stiff leg
horizontal back knuckle strike to sweep to the back of the opponent’s right leg.
his right kidney.
•At the conclusion on the sweep, you will be in a left wide front twist
Step 6b stance facing your downed opponent.
As the opponent falls, deliver a
right inward downward diagonal •Drop your height as you sweep to create more leverage. This is the
reverse handsword strike (ridge advantage of utilizing the wide kneel over other stances.
hand) to the opponent’s neck to
enhance and guide his fall. •The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual indicated that you will end in a left
forward bow stance after your right stiff leg sweep.
1. While standing naturally, quickly move off the Line of
Attack and create distance by stepping toward 1:30
with your right foot and sliding your left foot toward your
right foot to form a left reverse cat stance.
•When you form your left reverse cat stance, look at the opponent
over your left shoulder and check over your left shoulder with your
right hand as your left hand checks low outside your left thigh.
•Some practitioners do not step toward 1:30 and form a reverse cat
stance; instead, they kick from Point of Origin. Circumstances will
dictate your choice of actions.
•This kick stops the opponent’s forward momentum and forces him to
bend forward at the waist.
•Your left foot will plant and form a left reverse close kneel stance or
a left reverse cat stance depending upon circumstances.
•The kick generates power from your rotational force (torque) as you
turn toward the opponent. This kick should snap your opponent’s
body diagonally upward and back.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting your left foot toward
4:00 forming a wide left rear twist stance and immediately pivoting
counterclockwise ending in a left neutral bow stance facing the
opponent at 6:00. The right front snapping ball kick is directed
toward 7:00 to injure the opponent’s jaw or sternum and planting
toward 7:00 to form a right neutral bow stance.
•This kick should buckle the opponent onto his right knee, as well as
turn his body counterclockwise (to his left).
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated executing the left front
crossover toward 7:00.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated delivering the right side kick to
the inside of the opponent’s left knee.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting the right foot toward
7:00 in a right forward bow stance as you simultaneously deliver the
right outward back knuckle strike and a left vertical thrust punch. If
you plant while simultaneously striking, you may be able to use Body
Momentum to enhance the effectiveness of the strikes, but you will
lose the Rotational Force (torque).
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated a single cover out toward 2:00.
7. Survey.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicatd that this kick should be directed
toward 7:00.
Multiple Attacks
Neutral Bow Stance
Inward Downward Diagonal Parry
Front Snapping Ball Kick Inside
Uppercut Thrust Punch
Vertical Punch Right to Left
Sliding Horizontal Forearm Check
Knee Kick
Upward Lifting Forearm Strike
Rear Crossover
Back Thrusting Heel Kick
16 System
Snaking Talon Orthodox 24 System
Protecting Fans 3rd Brown #3
Entwined Maces 32 System
Green #1
Form 4
1. Step back with your left foot to form a right neutral bow
stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right inward
downward diagonal parry to the top and outside of the
opponent’s left arm.
•You slide your right foot back to further increase the distance
between you and your opponent.
•These parries should cancel the opponent’s Height and Width Zones.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated positioning your right hand at
the center of your chest while keeping your left hand in a high guard
•This kick will cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•This strike should snap the opponent’s head back and drive his entire
body backward.
•Historically this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
•As you kick, your right arm will still be checking and your left fist will
still be in a punching position.
7. Plant your right foot down and form a right neutral bow
stance toward 11:00 to buckle the inside of the
opponent’s right knee as you deliver a right upward
lifting forearm strike under the opponent’s chin.
Simultaneously your left arm executes a horizontal
forearm check at waist level.
•As you plant your right leg, Diversify the Angle of your Attack by
contouring your right knee down the inside fo the opponent’s right
thigh to buckle his right knee outward. This actio nwill control his
Width by turning his body clockwise and control his height by
bringing his head down.
•These actions will drive the opponent backward and cause him to
fall to the ground.
9. Survey.
Multiple Attacks
Neutral Bow Stance
Reverse Close Kneel Stance (One-Man)
Inside Downward Block (palm down)
Extended Outward Block DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Front Twist Stance Inside/Outside
Outward Downward Diagonal Block
Spinning Hooking Heel Kick Right to Right
Hopping Knife Edge Kick
Shield and Sword
Circle of Doom 16 System
2nd Brown #4
Orthodox 24 System
3rd Brown #4
32 System
Green #8
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual 1. While in a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00 (with
indicated that this technique is a your right hand hanging low near your right leg as your
defense against a right front snap left hand checks high), pivot counterclockwise to form a
kick and a left spinning back kick
combination. A subsequent
right reverse close kneel stance as you execute a right
revision changed this to a right inside downward block (palm down) to the inside and
front thrust kick. under the opponent’s right leg. Continue the clockwise
Flow of Action of your right arm and pivot clockwise to
form a right neutral bow stance as your right hand
converts into a right extended outward block.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manaul described this block as a “right chopping
downward diagonal block.
6. Survey.
1. Step toward Opponent #1 (located at 3:00) with your
right foot and form a right fighting horse stance facing
3:00. As you step, spin his left hand to your right shoulder
with your left hand and deliver a right outward horizontal
handsword strike to his throat.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 2:00 with your
right foot.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual did not indicate pinning Opponent #1’s
hand but placing your left hand “in guard position near your right
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot
counterclockwise toward 11:00.
•If Opponent #1 has not renewed his attack, the right inward block
may be used as a right raking inward strike with the intent to strike
the opponent.
•This kick should stun the opponent as well as drive him away. It is
generally angled toward 6:00.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated ending in a left neutral bow
stance facing 5:00.
7. Survey.
9. Survey.
1. Deliver a right inward block to the inside of Opponent
#1’s right arm simultaneously as you drop your weight
and deliver a right front thrusting ball kick to his groin.
•This kick will force Opponent #1 to bend forward at the waist and
drive him away; thereby, temporarily delaying him from taking
further action.
•Cock your arms high before dropping your weight into the horse
stance. This will allow you to have greater travel and more power for
the elbow strikes.
3. Slide your left foot toward your right foot to form a left
close cat stance as your left and right arms cock to the
right side of your waist.
•As you cock, your right hand will be palm up and your left palm will
face you.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicates forming a left reverse bow
stance facing 7:00.
•This strike will cause his head to move back and away from you.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual simply described the elbow strike as an
“outward elbow strike”.
•Your left arm continues through his head and pins his right arm
against your left side (between your left arm and your left hip).
•The hammerfist strike should force the opponent to fall toward the
•Make sure that you allow for the proper angle change necessary to
align your kick.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described executing a “rear left (twist
stance) crossover” toward 11:00.
•At this point, Opponent #2 is on the ground with his head pointing
toward 4:30.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that this kick should be toward
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated a single cover out toward 2:00.
Weapons (knife)
Neutral Bow Stance
Fighting Horse Stance Outside
Push-Drag Maneuver
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Palm Up Tiger’s Mouth Strike Left to Right
Inward Crab Hand Hook and Pinch
45-Degree Cat Stance ATTACK DIRECTION
Outward Upward Diagonal Inner Wrist Strike
Close Kneel Stance
Hooking Wrist
Inward Downward Diagonal Hammerfist Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike 16 System
1st Brown #14
Orthodox 24 System
Circles of Protection 32 System
The Back Breaker Green #5
Capturing the Storm
Deceptive Panther
Form 6
1. With your left foot, step toward 10:30 and form a left
neutral bow stance as you execute a right outward parry
to the outside of the opponent’s right arm (at the wrist).
•Your are stepping toward 10:30 to move you off the Line of Attack.
Make sure to move completely out of your Ghost Image.
•Be sure that your parry first meets your opponent’s right arm before
guiding it.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described using a left inward parry to the
outside of the opponent’s right wrist. The right hand then follows the
motion of the opponent’s right arm and assists your left hand in
redirecting the knife into the opponent’s right thigh.
•As you squeeze the opponent’s Adam’s Apple, he will begin to gasp
for breath.
•The opponent should feel nauseous from the effects of the squeeze
to his testicles and temporarily blinded by the crab hand pin to his
•You may need to adjust your left foot to allow your right foot
freedom to move to the front.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual adjusted the timing in Steps 6 & 7. In Step
6, the left foot steps (adjusted) toward 10:00 as the right hand
checks the opponent’s right arm and the left hand delivers the
outward upward diagonal inner wrist strike. In Step 7, the right foot
then steps forward toward 11:00 and forms a right close kneel stance
as the left hand converts into a crane hook to pull the opponent
onto your right knee.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated delivering the right inward
downward diagonal hammerfist strike to the opponent’s throat.
•The opponent will roll off your right knee and onto his stomach.
NAME—The term falcon is used in self-defense techniques to ATTACK
symbolically represent a grab with a pulling action. In this FRONT
technique, both of your wrists are grabbed from the front. Two Hand
Direct Wrist Grabs
Base Grabs and Tackles
Neutral Bow Stance
Outward Upward Diagonal Back Knuckle Strike DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Thrusting Vertical Punch Outside Right
1. Step forward and form a left neutral bow stance facing
12:00 as both of your arms circle clockwise and loop over
both of the opponent’s arms.
•A minor strike may be prefixed as you rotate his arms. Simply force
his left knuckles into the back of his right hand. This minor strike
creates a diversion for the greater effect your are attempting to
•Your right hand can be used to counter grab the opponent’s right
wrist from above. As you do so, you may deliver a left upward
flapping elbow strike to wrench his right elbow.
•A close kneel stance may be utilized to properly align your arms for
the strike.
3. Step forward with your right foot and form a right 45-
degree transitional cat stance as you deliver a right
vertical punch to the opponent’s right temple as your left
hand checks with a Pressing Check on the opponent’s
right arm.
•By stepping to the inside of the opponent’s right leg, you will buckle
the opponent’s right inner knee in the process.
•If the opponent is not turned properly, the hammerfist may strike the
groin instead.
•Some pracitioners insert a left heel palm check as you deliver the
right outward downward diagonal hammerfist strike.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual directed the student to utilize a right
reverse wide kneel stance.
•As you cross your left foot behind your right, use your body and
bump the opponent to upset his balance and to better facilitate
your reverse bow buckle.
•The hammerfist to the groin is not mentioned in the original IKKA Red
1. With your right foot, step back to 6:00 and form a
transitional left neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you
execute a right outward parry. Ride the force of the
opponent’s punch by pivoting clockwise and forming a
left reverse bow stance facing 12:00. Simultaneously grab
the opponent’s right wrist with your right hand and
execute a left inward horizontal heel palm strike under
and to the outside of the opponent’s right elbow as you
settle into your stance.
•The left heel palm strike controls the opponent’s Dimensional Zones.
•This action should cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that you can shift either into a
left forward bow stance or a left neutral bow stance depending
upon the range of your opponent.
•The opponent will land on his stomach with his head pointing toward
6:00. Make sure that you force the opponent downward and not
forward (where he could roll out of it). When the opponent lands, his
right hip should be near your right foot.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated striking the opponent’s right
elbow again but in a diagonally downward direction. The 1987 IKKA
Studio Manual indicated striking the back of the right shoulder.
4. Leap into the air with both feet cocked under you and
cock both of your hands to the side of your chest (palm
up in a begging fashion).
•This action should stun the opponent as well as drive his face into the
ground (concrete facial).
•The concave stance controls the opponent’s Width Zone and acts
as a fulcrum.
10. With your right hand now cocked by your right ear (palm
outward) and your left hand pushing the opponent’s
head down, immediately deliver a right inward
handsword strike to the bridge of his nose.
•Plant your left foot to the right side of the opponent’s body and
bend your left knee deeply when executing yoru right roundhouse
kick to utilize Gravitational Marriage.
Multiple Attacks
Neutral Bow Stance
Inward Horizontal Heel Palm Parry
Extended Outward Handsword Block Outside
Horizontal Finger Thrust
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike Left to Left
Front Scoop Kick
Two Finger Hook
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Destructive Twins 16 System
Circling Windmills 1st Brown #10
Fatal Deviation Orthodox 24 System
3rd Brown #10
32 System
Green #7
Form 4
•This defense may also be used 1. Step forward with your left foot toward 10:30 and form a
for a right/left punch left neutral bow stance as you deliver a left inward
combination. horizontal heel palm parry to the inside of the
opponent’s left punch.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 10:00 with
your left foot.
•Have your right hand track down his arm to grab his wrist.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated pivoting clockwise toward 2:00.
•Your scoop kick and two-finger hook utilize 1/4 beat timing. Your
hook travels from right to left.
6. Plant your right foot toward 7:30 and form a left neutral
bow stance facing 1:30. Execute a left front crossover
and double cover out toward 7:30.
Multiple Attacks
Neutral Bow Stance
45-Degree Cat Stance
Downward Block
Snapping Knife Edge Kick Inside
Transitional Neutral Bow Stance
Downward Back Knuckle Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Front Rotating Twist Stance Right to Right
Downward Hammerfist Strike
Stiff Arm Lifting Back Knuckle Strike
Reverse Cat Stance
Back Kick
Repeating Mace 2nd Brown #10
Swinging Pendulum Orthodox 24 System
Flashing Mace 3rd Brown #11
Circling Fans 32 System
Green #15
1. While in a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00, slide
your left foot Up the Circle toward 4:30 and forward to
form a right 45-degree cat stance facing 10:30.
Simultaneously deliver a left downward block to the
inside of the opponent’s right low kick and position a
right inward block for his right high kick.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
4:00 but did not indicate a right 45-degree cat stance.
•This kicks should buckle the opponent’s leg outward and cause him
to bend forward.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described this kick as a right hopping side
Multiple Attacks
Front Twist Stance
Knife Edge Kick
Rear Twist Stance Outside
Outward Back Knuckle Strike
Neutral Bow Stance Right to Left
Upward Lifting Stiff Arm Back Knuckle Strike Left to Right
Snapping Stiff Leg Kick
3:00 & 9:00
16 System
1st Brown #12
Orthodox 24 System
3rd Brown #12
32 System
Green #9
1. Have your right foot cross behind your left foot toward
7:30 to form a left front twist stance as you simultaneously
counter-grab Opponent #1 (attacking from 3:00) with
your right hand grabbing his left wrist and pull him off-
balance. Simultaneously anchor your left elbow down
and into the right ribs of Opponent #2 (attacking from
9:00) to push him away.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping back toward 8:00
with your right foot and simultaneously attempting to deliver a right
rear stomp to Opponent #2’s foot.
•Opponent #1 will now have weight on his left leg (to control his
Dimensional Zones) as a result of your pull.
•This kick will buckle his left leg and possibly drop him to the ground.
•This strike is done to lift his right leg off the ground and place all of his
weight onto his left leg.
•This kick will buckle his left leg and cause him to drop onto his knee.
•Historically this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
5. Have your left foot crossover and behind your right foot
to form a left rear twist stance as you deliver a right
outward back knuckle strike to Opponent #1’s head.
Your left hand should positionally check for retaliation by
Opponent #2.
•Position yourself so that you finish your cover out midway between
your opponents.
Circling Destruction 1st Brown #13
Orthodox 24 System
3rd Brown #13
32 System
Green #17
1. While in a right neutral bow stance, step toward 1:00 with
your right foot as you execute a right inward parry
followed by a left outward parry to the outside of
Opponent #1’s (attacking from 12:00) left arm. Continue
the counterclockwise motion of your right arm and
deliver a right outward back knuckle strike to his left
lower ribcage as you settle into your stance.
•As you complete the Major/Minor Parry Combination, your left hand
finishes palm up, like a waiter carrying a tray, hooking on tops of the
opponent’s left arm at his elbow.
•The strike to his ribcage will cause him to bend forward at the waist.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
•The interim use of the left inward claw should obscure the
opponent’s vision as well as turn his head toward you. Your right
handsword strike will stun the opponent.
•By pulling back you control the opponent’s Dimensional Zones and
counterbalance the force of the kick.
•This kick will buckle his left knee and destroy his foundation.
5. Plant your right foot toward 6:00 and form a right neutral
bow stance. As you plant, push Opponent #1 with both
hands to force him toward 6:00 and into Opponent #2.
7. Plant your left foot forward and form a left neutral bow
stance facing 6:00 as you deliver a left outward back
knuckle strike to Opponent #2’s right ribcage. Have your
right hand chambered at your right hip in preparation for
the next two strikes which stem out of the same action.
•This strike should force the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•This strike will snap Opponent #1’s head back. This strike should be
done using residual action.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated using a right looping stiff-arm
back knuckle strike.
•Position yourself so that you finish your cover out midway between
your opponents.
NAME—The term lance is used in self-defense techniques to ATTACK
symbolically represent an knife attack. In this technique, you FRONT
will utilize a parry to redirect, or glance, the weapon off the Right Knife Thrust
Line of Attack.
Weapons (knife)
Neutral Bow Stance
Outward Handsword Block Outside
Inward Horizontal Heel Palm Strike
Two-Finger Hook Left to Right
One-Legged Stance
Outward Downward Parry ATTACK DIRECTION
Inward Horizontal Heel Palm Strike 12:00
Knife Edge Kick
Inward Horizontal Heel Palm Claw
Inward Middle Knuckle Fist Strike
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike 16 System
1st Brown #20
Orthodox 24 System
Lone Kimono 32 System
Snapping Twig Green #12
Form 6
1. With your right foot, step toward 7:30 and form a left
neutral bow stance as you execute a right outward
handsword block to the outside of the opponent’s right
wrist and covert this into a grab. Simultaneously deliver a
left inward horizontal heel palm strike to the outside of
his right elbow as you settle into your stance.
•As you slide Up the Circle toward 7:30, make sure that your entire
body and limbs move from Point of Origin to get you off the Line of
Attack. Accentuate your upper body torque to ensure getting out of
the Line of Attack.
•Immediately after the strike to his right wrist, grab his right wrist with
your right hand to complete the capture of his right arm. This intent
of his action is to: divert, seize, control, and disarm the opponent’s
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described stepping toward 6:00 with your
right foot.
2. Immediately deliver a right front snapping ball kick to the
opponent’s groin.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described hopping toward 10:00 to form
a left one-legged stance. It further described circling the right arm in
an overhead counterclockwise fashion to strike the outside of the
opponent’s right wrist with a left inward heel palm strike to his right
•This kick should buckle the opponent onto his right knee as well as
further turn him to feed your next action.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that this kick should be
directed toward 2:00.
•A variation of the opening 1. Circle your right foot clockwise and plant into a horse
sequence derived from Circling stance. Simultaneously deliver a right outward overhead
the Horizon follows: elbow strike on top of your opponent’s right arm. Your
Step 1
left hand is controlling his right shoulder.
With your left foot, step toward
11:00 and form a left neutral bow •Your right foot plants behind the opponent’s right leg and buckles it.
stance as you defend with a left
inward parry. •Your right arm travels over, around, and down on top of his right
Step 2
Step behind the opponent’s right 2. Immediately slide your right foot back to form a left
leg with your right leg (Cat
forward bow stance facing 12:00 to further buckle the
Around) as you deliver a right
outward overthead elbow strike opponent’s right leg. Simultaneously deliver a right
on top of the opponent’s right thrusting heel palm strike to the right side of the
arm. As part of the same action, opponent’s jaw. Your left hand continues checking his
deliver a right outward overhead right arm.
heel palm strike to the bridge of
the opponent’s nose and claw
•This sophisticated leg buckle first travels downward before sliding
his face.
backward. It has roots in a traditional Chinese salutation.
Step 3
Slide your right foot back and •Your right heel palm strike should be directed toward 10:30.
form a left forward bow stance as
•Historically, this is where the base technique ends and the extension
you deliver a right thrusting heel
palm strike.
VARIATION CONTINUED 3. Slide your right foot toward 10:30 and form a right front
twist stance. Simultaneously have your left hand track
Step 4 along your right arm and deliver a left outward horizontal
With your right foot, step toward
1:30 and form a right forward
handsword strike to his throat. Your right hand slides
bow stance as your left hand down his right arm (Contouring) and ends with a grab to
tracks along your right arm and his wrist.
delivers a left outward horizontal
h a n d s wo r d s t r i ke to t h e •The wrist grab controls the opponent and prepares you for actions
opponent’s throat as your right performed later.
hand grabs and controls his wrist.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 12:00 and
Step 5 forming a right neutral bow stance as you deliver the left outward
The opponent’s right arm is handsword strike.
twisted behind his back and
head is turned.
4. With your left foot, step toward 10:30 and form a left
Step 6 neutral bow stance. Have your left hand form the shape
Execute a right reverse step of the crane and begin bending him downward and
through toward 4:30 and form a turning him counterclockwise with his face ending
left neutral bow stance as you
wrench the opponent’s right arm.
alongside your left thigh. Simultaneously, you right arm
assists with this maneuver and applies a hammerlock
Step 7 against his right arm.
Finish with a right downward knee
kick to the back of his head. •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 11:00 with
your left foot.
5. Slide your right foot toward 10:30 and form a left neutral
bow stance facing 4:30 as you execute a reverse push-
drag maneuver toward 9:00. Utilize the backward
momentum of your shuffle to assist your right arm as you
pull upward on his arm to dislocated his shoulder.
6. Drop your body and form a left close kneel stance and
use your right knee to strike the opponent’s head and
sandwich to the ground (downward knee strike).
•Your left leg may have to adjust and gauge for the downward knee
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated a right front crossover and
double cover out. An Angle of Departure was not specified.
Form 5
1. With your left foot, step toward 8:00 and form a left
modified fighting horse stance as you deliver a right
outward parry followed by a left inward parry to the
outside of the opponent’s right arm. As you settle into
your stance, continue the clockwise circle of your right
hand and deliver a right inward horizontal hammerfist
strike (palm up) to the opponent’s solar plexus. Your left
hand remains at his right elbow to act as a bracing
angle check.
•Your right hand will parry near his wrist; your left hand will parry near
his elbow.
•This action will cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•After the left front crossover sweep, you will end in a right rear twist
• The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot back to
•If the opponent begins to sit up, you drop into a left close kneel
stance as you advance to deliver a right punch to his face.
•This is where the Base Techniqe (and the Form 5 Version) ends.
•Because of the difference in angles for the right stiff-leg sweep, the
1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated and Angle of Departure toward
Form 4
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual 1. Step back with your left foot to form a right neutral bow
described this technique as a stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right vertical
defense against a “front left and outward block to the inside of the opponent’s left punch.
right punch combination with the
opponent’s right leg forward”.
Your left hand positionally checks low.
•This strike will cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•Historically this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
4. Slide your left foot (gauging leg) toward your right foot to
form a right 45-degree cat stance facing 12:00 as you
deliver a right downward hammerfist strike to the
opponent’s groin again.
•This strike should cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•The cat stance is optional as your left leg gauges for distance. In the
1975 IKKA Red Manual a cat stance was not indicated.
•The handsword strike should make contact 1/4 beat behind the
knife-edge kick.
Natural Position Right Arm Grab
Front Snapping Ball Kick
Inward Vertical Forearm Strike WEB OF KNOWLEDGE
Back Thrusting Hammerfist Strike Multiple Attacks
Neutral Bow Stance (Two-Men)
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Back Underhand Heel Palm Strike DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Front Thrusting Ball Kick Inside/Outside
Back Thrusting Heel Kick
Left to Right
Right to Right
12:00 & 6:00
16 System
1st Brown #18
Orthodox 24 System
3rd Brown #18
32 System
Green #16
1. From a natural position, deliver a right front snapping ball
kick to Opponent #1’s (attacking from 12:00) groin
simultaneous with a left inward vertical forearm strike to
the outside of his right elbow. Simultaneously deliver a
right back thrusting hammerfist strike to Opponent #2’s
(attacking from 6:00) groin.
•Both opponent’s will bend forward at the waist as well as snap their
heads back.
2. Plant your right foot forward and form a right neutral bow
stance as you deliver a right thrusting heel palm strike to
Opponent #1’s chin. Simultaneously deliver a left back
underhand heel palm strike to Opponent #2’s chin.
•If feasible, use your right knee to buckle the inside of Opponent #1’s
right knee.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting forward toward 11:00
to buckle the inside of Opponent #1’s right knee, if feasible.
•This kick should force the opponet to bend forward at the wiast as
well as drive him away.
4. Plant your left foot (gauging leg) back and deliver a right
back thrusting heel kick to Opponent #2’s stomach.
•This kick will stun the opponent as well as drive him away.
•Position yourself so that you finish your cover out midway between
your opponents.
Multiple Attacks
Neutral Bow Stance
Wide Kneel Stance
Upward Claw
Underhand Reverse Handsword Strike DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Knee Strike Below
Back Thrusting Heel Kick
Rear Twist Stance Left to Right
Outward Back Knuckle Strike Right to Right
Front Snapping Ball Kick
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Back Snapping Heel Kick
12:00 & 6:00
16 System
1st Brown #19
Orthodox 24 System
3rd Brown #19
32 System
Green #22
1. While in a left neutral bow stance, step slightly forward
with your left foot as you duck under the punch of
Opponent #1 (attacking from 12:00) as you drop into a
left wide kneel stance. Simultaneously execute a left
upward claw to his face simultaneously with a right
underhand reverse handsword strike to his groin.
•The combined effects of the chicken kick and the heel palm strike
will drive Opponent #1 away.
•Position yourself so that you finish your cover out midway between
your opponents.
Neutral Bow Stance Weapons (knife)
Inward Downward Handsword Strike
Forward Push-Drag Maneuver DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Underhand Heel Palm Strike and Grab Inside
Front Snapping Ball Kick
Underhand Stiff Arm Lifting Back Knuckle Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Downward Vertical Back Knuckle Strike Right to Right
Inward Downward Diagonal Back Knuckle Rake
Outward Downward Diagonal Back Knuckle Strike
Vertical Thrusting Elbow Strike
Rear Crossover Maneuver 12:00
Reverse Bow Buckle
Downward Hammerfist Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
16 System
1st Black #6
Orthodox 24 System
3rd Brown #20
32 System
Green #18
Form 6
1. From a right neutral bow stance, slide your left foot
toward 4:30 and deliver a right inward downward
handsword strike to the inside of the opponent’s right
arm. Immediately grab the opponent’s right wrist with
your right hand. Your left arm hangs naturally by your left
•Your left foot moves Up the Circle to get you off the Line of Attack.
As you Shorten the Circle your right hand strikes the opponent’s right
radial nerve to cause the opponent to drop the knife.
•Your right hand grabs the opponent’s right wrist to minimize the
Angle of Versatility of his knife. The grab acts as a back-up and
prepares for subsequent Counter Manipulation.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
•If the opponent did not drop the knife on the first move, this second
maneuver controls his weapon and adds to the surety of disarming
3. With your right foot, step toward 6:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you lock and twist his
arm clockwise.
•As you step back, Control Manipulate his right arm in a manner
similar to SPIRALING TWIG. Be sure to use small circles and to keep
the knife blade (if the opponent is still in possession of the knife)
pointing away from you and toward the opponent.
•The opponent should bend forward at the waist, and the inward
wrist lock should break his right wrist.
5. Plant your right foot forward and form a right neutral bow
stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right underhand stiff-
arm lifting back knuckle strike underneath the
opponent’s chin. Your right hand passes through and
above the opponent’s head. Your left hand checks the
opponent’s right shoulder.
•Historically, this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot back
toward 10:00.
NAME—The term sacrifice is used in self-defense techniques ATTACK
to symbolically represent a defensive action that can result FRONT
in some type of injury to yourself. In this technique, you are Two Hand Lapel Grab
forced to defend yourself while moving toward your
opponent’s attack without the aid of a pin.
Grabs and Tackles
BASICS Above Below
Neutral Bow Stance
Twin Wedge Block
Twin Rolling Upward Outward Claws
Twin Outward Handsword Strikes Right to Either
Forward Push-Drag Maneuver
Twin Front Underhand Heel Palm Strikes & Claws ATTACK DIRECTION
Reverse Push-Drag Maneuver 12:00
Twin Inward Hooking Back Knuckle Strikes
Twin Vertical Outward Blocks 16 System
Outward Horizontal Two-Finger Eye Slices
3rd Brown #6
Twin Thumb Thrusts
Twin Inverted Back Knuckle Strikes
Orthodox 24 System
Upward Knee Kick 3rd Brown #21
Downward Heel Stomp 32 System
Green #28
Mirrored Motion FORM LOCATION
Grappling Long Form 3
Reactionary Planning
Obscure Claws
Thrusting Wedge
Heavenly Ascent
•The method described herein is 1. Step toward 12:00 with your right foot and form a right
ofte n ter m ed the “Form neutral bow stance as you thrust both of your arms
V e r s i o n ” ;h o we v e r , a n o t h e r forward and deliver twin wedge blocks. Continue the
version exists and is described as
motion of your arms and convert them into twin rolling
upward outward claws to your opponent’s eyes
Steps 1-4
[SAME] 2. Continue the flow of your hands and convert them into
twin outward handsword strikes to the inside of the
Step 5
Execute a forward push-drag opponent’s forearms to clear them.
maneuver and end in a right
forward bow stance as you 3. Immediately execute a forward push-drag maneuver
deliver twin outward horizontal and deliver twin front underhand heel palm strikes and
two-finger eye slices followed by
twin thumb thrusts to his eyes.
claws to the opponent’s groin.
•Turn the opponent’s head sideways prior to delivering the knee kick
to give you a more vulnerable target.
10. After your right knee kick, from point of contact, deliver a
right downward heel stomp to the opponent’s right
instep. Both hands are used to keep the opponent bent
and control his height zone.
Multiple Attacks
Neutral Bow Stance
Uppercut Forearm Strike
Outward Back Knuckle Strike DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Knee Strike Inside Above
Twin Push-Down Blocks
Front Snapping Ball Kick Right to Left
Roundhouse Kick Left to Right
Obscure Claws 3:00 & 9:00
16 System
1st Black #10
Orthodox 24 System
3rd Brown #22
32 System
Green #31
1. With your right foot, step toward 6:00 to form a left
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you circle your right
arm clockwise to claw the face of the opponent on your
right (Opponent #1) and circle your left arm
counterclockwise to claw the face of the opponent on
your left (Opponent #2).
•Your right foot may also act as a gauging leg for distance and angle
if necessary.
•Position yourself so that you finish your cover out midway between
your opponents.
Weapons (knife)
Neutral Bow Stance
Front Rotating Twist Stance DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Fighting Horse Stance Inside
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Two-Finger Poke Right to Right
Knife Edge Kick
Outward Back Knuckle Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Upward Flapping Elbow Strike
Outward Downward Diagonal Back Knuckle Strike
Inward Downward Diagonal Hammerfist Strike
16 System
1st Black #13
Orthodox 24 System
3rd Brown #23
32 System
Green #29
Form 6
1. While in a left neutral bow stance shift your left foot
toward 3:00 as you pivot counterclockwise to form a left
front rotating twist stance facing 12:00. Simultaneously
hook the inside of the opponent’s right wrist with your left
hand (like a waiter carrying a tray). Your right hand
cocks at your right hip.
•Your left foot moves off the Line of Attack as it moves Up the Circle.
•Your right hand cocks at your right hip as a Point of Reference for
your next strike.
•Your heel palm strike should daze the opponent as the leg buckle
weakens his foundation.
•At the moment you make contact with your left two-finger poke,
you will be in a left one-legged stance.
•This strike should stun the opponent and force him to bend forward
at the waist.
•Historically this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
•These two strikes employ a timing that is not normally used. The
residual torque of your back knuckle strike accentuates the
hammerfist strike which occurs during the rotation of stepping back.
1. With your left hand, pin the opponent’s right hand to
your chest and step with your right foot toward 11:00 to
the outside of your opponent’s right leg and form a right
neutral bow stance. Simultaneously deliver a right
upward vertical forearm strike to the opponent’s right
•The combination of the left pin, the right push, and the
counterclockwise pivot will force the opponent to the ground.
•Your right elbow drives the opponent’s right shoulder upward and
•This will cause the opponent to fall to the ground with his head
pointing toward 6:00.
5. Plant your left foot toward 5:00 as your left hand circles
on the inside of the opponent’s right arm and re-grabs.
Immediately pivot counterclockwise and form a left
forward bow stance. Use this action to twist the
opponent’s arm counterclockwise to apply a fulcrum on
his right elbow and shoulder.
16 System
1st Brown #1
Orthodox 24 System
2nd Brown #1
32 System
Not Found
Short Form 3
1. With your right foot, step toward 12:00 and form a right
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as both hands hook (in
the shape of cranes) to the inside of your opponent’s
wrists, jerking his arm down, outside and past your hips.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual indicated stepping backward with your
left foot. Performed in this manner a you will be unable to delier the
head butt strike and breaks a category of motion.
•The opponent may react to the hooking motion by bringing his arms
inward and upward. You may use this motion and ride in to deliver
your twin snapping uppercut middle knuckle fist punches.
•The opponent will react to the strikes to his temples by bringing his
hands up. Use the recoiling motion to clear his arms down and give
you a path for the scissor pokes.
•Though the base technique and the extension are not separated in
the curriculum, historically this is the point where the base technique
•This Gravitational Check will control his Height and Width Zones. It
can also be used to clear his arms downward.
7. Plant your right foot forward and have your left hand turn
the opponent clockwise as you deliver a right inward
horizontal elbow strike to assist in turning the opponent.
•If you plant backward, straighten your right arm and use your right
forearm to begin the turn. Complete the spin by turning your right
hand outward (thumb pointing down) and grab his chin. Anchor
your right elbow and wrench his neck as you simultaneously push
with your left hand. Immediately grab the opponent’s shoulders with
both hands and pull him backward into the next strike.
•There are essentially two methods involving the right arm. First, you
can use the right arm to turn the opponent 180-degrees and then
wrench his neck as it returns to grab the shoulder. Second, you can
continue the clockwise motion of your right arm and grab his
10. Plant your right foot back to Point of Origin and deliver a
left knee kick to the opponent’s right kidney.
Front Rotating Twist Stance Outside
Extended Outward Block
Inward Overhead Looping Back Knuckle Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Pressing Check Left to Left
Forward Bow Stance
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Upward Hooking Wrist Check 12:00
Inward Downward Diagonal Hammerfist Strike
Thrusting Sweep Kick
Thrusting Vertical Punch CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Heel Palm Strike 16 System
Inward Five-Finger Circular Claw 1st Black #15
Two-Finger Poke Orthodox 24 System
2nd Brown #2
32 System
Not Found
Form 4
Two variations of this technique’s 1. While standing in a left neutral bow stance shift your left
“extension” are described as foot slightly toward 3:00 as you pivot counterclockwise
follows: and form a left front rotating twist stance facing 12:00 as
VARIATION 1—Pre-1975
you defend with a left extended outward block to the
outside of the opponent’s left arm. Your right arm is
Steps 1-4 positionally checking near your solar plexus.
•Your left foot moves Up the Circle as it adjusts toward 3:00.
Step 5
After your right hammerfist strike,
2. Without a loss of momentum, step forward with your right
the opponent reacts by reaching
across the front of his stomach foot and form a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as
with his right hand. Grab his right you execute a right inward overhead looping back
wrist with your right hand (from knuckle strike to the opponent’s right mastoid. Your left
the front) and step back toward hand remains in a locked-out block position as a further
4:30 to form a left neutral bow
stance facing 10:30. As you step,
defensive measure.
jerk the opponent’s right arm to
•Your right hand strikes from Point of Origin and is intended to stun
cause him to pivot
the opponent.
counterclockwise and face you
with his right side forward.
•Some practitioners check the opponent’s left arm with a left palm-
Step 6 up hooking parry (like a waiter carrying a tray).
Deliver a left thrusting sweep kick
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 1:00 with the
to the back of his right leg. Plant
right foot.
forward and form a left front twist
stance as you deliver a left heel
palm strike to the back of his 3. Continue the circular looping action of your right hand
head simultaneously with a right and convert it into a right pressing check at the
punch to his face (this creates a opponent’s left elbow as you simultaneously pivot
sandwiching effect).
clockwise and form a right forward bow stance and
Step 7 deliver a left inward horizontal elbow strike to this left
Step back with your right foot lower ribcage.
and form a left neutral bow
stance as you deliver a left claw • This action should stun the opponent.
to the opponent’s face.
4. Without any loss of motion, convert your left inward
Step 8 elbow strike into a left upward hooking wrist check
Step back with your left foot and
form a right neutral bow stance
(hooking over his left arm at his elbow like a waiter
as your right hand tracks along carrying a tray). Simultaneously pivot counterclockwise
your left arm and ends with a and form a right neutral bow stance as you loop your
right two-finger thrust to the right arm clockwise to deliver a right inward downward
opponent’s eye.
diagonal hammerfist strike to his right kidney.
Step 9
Execute a right front crossover •The reaction to the kidney strike should cause the opponent’s upper
and double cover out toward torso to turn clockwise, thus exposing more of his back toward you.
6:00. Your opponent will still be standing, but dazed.
Steps 1-4 6. With your right foot, immediately step back to 4:30 and
SAME form a left neutral bow stance facing 10:30 as you yank
the opponent off balance.
Step 5
The opponent reacts by arching
•This action should further turn the opponent clockwise as well as
his back thus exposing his right
bring him toward you.
arm. Your right hand reaches
behind his back and contours
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping back with the right
down his arm to grab his right
foot and forming a left forward bow stance.
wrist (palm out). Twist and pull his
right arm backward and you
deliver a left palm strike to his 7. Execute a right thrusting sweep kick to the shin of the
right shoulder to cause a opponent’s right leg (which is now his lead leg)
dislocation as you step back with simultaneously with a right thrusting vertical punch to his
the right foot to form a left neutral
bow stance.
face with a left heel palm strike to the back of his head.
Step 6 •This action will create a sandwiching effect on the opponent’s head
The opponent does not turn or and face.
spin but remains in position.
Immediately deliver a right 8. Plant your right foot to Point of Origin and form a left
thrusting sweep kick to the back
neutral bow stance facing 10:30 as you deliver a left
of his right leg. Plant your right
foot forward to form a right front inward five-finger circular claw across the opponent’s
twist stance as you deliver a left face. Your right hand positionally checks near your solar
heel palm strike to his face plexus.
simultaneously with a right punch
to the back of his head (this •Your left heel palm claw uses the opponent’s head as a pivot point
creates a sandwiching effect). (Windshield Wiper Principle).
Step 7 •This action should temporarily blind the opponent.
Step back with your right foot
and form a left neutral bow
stance as you claw the 9. Slide your left foot back toward 6:00 and form a right
opponent’s face with your left neutral bow stance facing 12:00 and deliver a right two-
hand (palm out; thumb down) to finger poke to the opponent’s eye as you settle into your
turn the opponent toward you.
stance. Your left hand positionally checks near your solar
Your right hand checks his
shoulder and assists in turning the plexus.
•Poke to the eye which is available under the circumstances.
Step 8
Step back with your left foot and •The poke will cause intense pain and will compel the opponent to
form a right neutral bow stance drop to the ground.
as your right hand contours and
tracks below your left arm to end 10. Execute a right front crossover and double cover out
with a right two-finger thrust to his
toward 6:00.
Step 9
Execute a right front crossover
and double cover out toward
Downward Cross Hand Block Inside
Outward Downward Diagonal Back Knuckle Strike
Inward Downward Diagonal Heel Palm Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Front Snapping Ball Kick Left to Right
Upward Lifting Stiff-Arm Back Knuckle Strike
45-Degree Cat Stance ATTACK DIRECTION
Front Snapping Ball Kick
Outward Crescent Kick
Roundhouse Kick
Open Ended Triangle 2nd Brown #16
Orthodox 24 System
Circle of Doom 32 System
Not Found
Form 4
•Some practitioners begin this 1. While standing naturally with your hands up, step back
defense by stepping back with with your right foot to form a left forward bow stance
the left foot and immediately facing 12:00 as you execute a solidly braced right over
stepping back with the right foot.
This additional backward step
left downward cross block on top of the opponent’s right
allows you to further increase the ankle.
distance and utilize your hand in
a parrying motion. •While standing naturally, raise your hands about chest level as if to
say, “Hey, I don’t want any trouble.”
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual describes this block as a “cross wrist
block”. It further describes the action, “right hand over left, with
hands open and dropping them straight down”.
2. Have your left hand covert into the shape of the crane
(fingers and palm out) to hook the inside and under the
opponents’ right leg (your right hand remains on top of
the opponent’s right leg to act as a check). Without
hesitation, guide the opponent’s right leg diagonally
downward past your left hip.
•Pulling his leg past your left hip will create an Angle of Disturbance
and an Angle of Cancellation.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual described the right hand strike as a
“right outward overhead back knuckle strike” and the left hand
strike as a “left inward overhead heel palm strike”.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described the strikes as a “right outward
hanging back knuckle strike” and a “left inward heel palm strike”.
The back knuckle strike was directed to strike the opponent’s face or
right cheek bone.
•This kick should cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist
and cause intense pain.
•This action should stun the opponent and cause him to begin to fall
to the ground.
•Traditionally this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual stated that the left foot should plant to
Point of Origin in a left 45-degree cat stance.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described the crescent kick as a “reverse
crecent kick, from inside out”.
•The outward cresent kick sets the opponent’s head in position for the
roundhouse kick
•At the moment of contact with the kick your opponent should be on
the ground. When executing the roundhouse kick be sure to use
complete hip rotation for added reach and increased body
momentum to increase the power of your action. This should
neutralize the opponent from further action.
•The 1987 Studio Manual incorrectly described the target for the
roundhouse kick. It stated to kick to the “right side of the opponent’s
face”. The correct target is the left side of the opponent’s face.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described the roundhouse kick as “right
roundhouse kick to the left side of his face (on this kick be sure you
lay out straight with your right hip over)”.
•If the opponent falls to the ground, cover the roundhouse kick to a
downward looping roundhouse kick.
Form 4
1. While in a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00, slide
your right foot back to form a left front twist stance facing
12:00 as you deliver a right outward downward parry to
the outside of the opponent’s right leg. Your left hand
positionally checks at your solar plexus.
•Your right outward downward parry will follow a path from 11:00 to
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot back
toward 5:00.
•Your right foot will step to the outside of the opponent’s right leg.
Depending upon the angle of the opponent, you may have to form
an inverted right netural bow stance facign 12:00.
3. Step forward with your left foot toward 10:30 and form a
transitory left neutral bow stance as both hands cock at
your left hip in cup and saucer” position. Immediately
pivot clockwise to form a right close kneel stance facing
4:30 as you deliver a right outward back knuckle strike to
the opponent’s right kidney with a left vertical punch to
his right ribs.
•As your left foot step forward (as well as behind the opponent), you
may insert a right inward claw across the opponent’s face or a right
two-finger hook to his eyes.
•Your strikes may also be delivered to the opponent’s left kidney and
spine depending upon his position and angle. As you deliver these
simultaneous strikes, your right hand will be below your left hand to
action as a check if necessary.
•These strikes should stun the opponent and cause him to bend
•Time your left two-finger thrust to occur the moment your left foot
plants from executing the front crossover sweep.
•Your right leg will first strike his leg while bent and then straigten to
accentuate the force. This is an illustration of the “bow and arrow”
•This will cause the opponent to fall to the ground with his head
toward 10:30.
•Historically this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
•This kick will further daze the opponent as well as employ the
principle of Fitting.
NAME—The term ram is used in self-defense techniques to ATTACK
symbolically represent an attack that rushes forward, such FLANK
as a tackle or push. In this technique you will utilize a Left & Right Shoulder
marriage of forces to cause the opponent’s heads to crash Grabs
Multiple Attacks
Neutral Bow Stance
Twin Underhand Back Knuckle Strikes
Knee Kick Outside Below
Front Snapping Ball Kick
Roundhouse Kick Right to Left
Left to Right
3:00 & 9:00
16 System
1st Black #3
Orthodox 24 System
2nd Brown #5
32 System
Green #21
•In this defense, the opponents 1. With your right foot, step back and form a left neutral
are grabbing your shoulders and bow stance facing 12:00 as you execute twin underhand
are standing close to you. back knuckle strikes to the groins of each opponent.
Follow through with the back knuckle strikes after they
make contact.
•Your right hand will strike Opponent #1 who is standing at 3:00 and
your left hand will strike Opponent #2 who is standing at 9:00.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated having both hands open as
you strike.
•Time the course of your circular Paths of Travel (toward 12:00) so that
the arm pits are contacted at the same moment your right foot
plants forward into a right neutral bow stance.
•This will control the opponents’ Height Zones and daze them.
•This will disrupt the opponents’ balance and force their feet above
their heads, thus placing them on their hands.
•Position yourself so that you finish your cover out midway between
your opponents.
1. With your right foot, step toward 6:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a left
inward block to the outside of Opponent #1’s right arm.
Simultaneously, buckle the inside of Opponent #2’s left
leg with your right leg as you deliver a right over-the-
shoulder back knuckle strike to the bridge of his nose.
•This should drive Opponent #1’s head back as well as increase the
distance between you and Opponent #2.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 11:00 with
your right foot into a “right inverted neutral bow stance”.
•Have your left hand to hook over his right arm to act as a check in a
manner similar to that found in FLASHING MACE.
•The next series of moves stem from the Ideal Phase of FIVE SWORDS.
•The poke will snap his head back and away from you.
•By forcing his head back and away from you, you cause his mid-
section to jut forward. You take advantage of this anticipated
•This action will cause the opponent to bend forward at the waist.
•Prior to delivering your right handsword strike, your left hand acts as
an interim hook around the left side of the opponent’s neck to pull
him downward if necessary. At the time of the handsword strike, your
left hand should be checking low.
•This heel palm occurs as you step forward with your left foot.
•These actions should keep Opponent #2’s head below his waist to
act as a check by cancelling his Height Zones, as well as create an
Angle of Desired Positioning for Opponent #1.
•This kick should stun the opponent and cause him to fall to the
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described this kick as “left chicken hop
Weapons (stick)
Inverted Neutral Bow Stance DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Inward Parry Outside
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike
Vertical Elbow Strike Right to Right
Underhand Heel Palm Strike
Front Crossover
Low Front Twist Stance
Inward Heel Palm Strike
Underhand (palm up) Crane Hand Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Reverse Close Kneel Stance 16 System
Upward Snapping Heel Hook Kick 1st Black #5
Back (palm up) Crane Hand Strike Orthodox 24 System
Upward Lifting Heel Hook Kick 2nd Brown #7
32 System
Brushing the Storm
Form 6
1. With your right foot, step toward 1:30 and form a inverted
right neutral bow stance facing 3:00 as you deliver a left
inward parry to the outside of the opponent’s right arm
while simultaneously delivering a right thrusting heel palm
strike to his jaw.
•Deliver your right heel palm strike from Point of Origin under and
inside of the opponent’s right arm.
•This strike should control the opponent’s Depth Zone by stopping his
forward body momentum and control his Height Zone by snapping
his head backward and upward.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 2:00 with your
right foot.
2. With your left foot, step toward 1:30 and form a left close
kneel stance as you deliver a right vertical elbow strike
to the opponent’s solar plexus. Your left hand checks the
opponent’s right arm.
•This strike will cause the opponent to bend forward at his waist.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot back
toward 2:00 to form a left forward bow stance facing 8:00.
•It is important to create the correct angle with your right leg to
ensure an Angle of Incidence upon contact. This maneuver should
break the opponent’s right knee.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 8:00 with your
right foot to form a right front twist stance.
•An early (pre-1975) version of this defense placed the left knee on
the ground to create better support when breaking the opponent’s
•This strike is delivered like a slap to clear his leg off of your right knee.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described this strike as a “right forward
inverted crane strike”.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual omitted the right snapping upward
heel hook kick.
•As you execute the left front crossover, push the opponent forward
onto his hands and knees.
Multiple Attacks
Neutral Bow Stance
Upward/Extended Outward Block (One-Man)
Heel Palm Strike
Inward Hammerfist Strike DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Upward Parry Outside
Inward Downward Diagonal Hammerfist Strike
Outward Horizontal Finger Slice POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Inward Horizontal Finger Slice Left to Right
Front Rotating Twist Stance
Inward Raking Back Knuckle Strike
Front Crossover Sweep Kick
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike 12:00
Inward Five-Finger Circular Claw
Vertical Heel Hook Kick 16 System
Front Crossover 1st Brown #8
Underhand Stiff-Arm Back Knuckle Strike Orthodox 24 System
Spinning Back Heel Kick 2nd Brown #8
32 System
Not Found
1. While standing naturally and as the opponent pushes
you from the front, raise your hands to chest level as if to
say, “Hey, take it easy, I don’t want any trouble”. As the
opponent steps forward with his right foot and delivers a
right punch, step toward 11:00 with your left foot to form
a left neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a
combination right upward/right extended outward block
to the outside of the opponent’s right arm.
Simultaneously deliver a left heel palm strike (fingers
pointing inward) to the opponent’s solar plexus.
•When striking with your left heel palm, execute this maneuver as if
you would be dually employing a left forearm wedge under the
opponent’s right arm.
•This should stun the opponent as well as further control his Depth and
forward Body Momentum.
•Historically this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
4. Step forward with your right foot and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 12:00 to buckle the inside of the
opponent’s right knee with your right knee. During this
action have your left hand reverse its circle (clockwise)
and check the opponent’s right arm diagonally
downward to his body while simultaneously delivering a
right inward downward diagonal hammerfist strike across
the bridge of the opponent’s nose.
•When slicing with your right hand, continue to have your left hand
press and check the opponent’s right arm against his body.
•The sweep should spread the opponent’s legs, lower his Height Zone
and turn his body counterclockwise.
9. With your left foot, step toward 7:30 and form a right
neutral bow stance facing 12:00. Simultaneously grab the
opponent’s right wrist with your left hand as you deliver a
right thrusting heel palm strike to his chin.
•Your right arm acts as a brace to sandwich the kick during this
NAME—The term destruction is use in self-defense ATTACK
techniques to represent an action stemming from the left FRONT
side of the opponent or yourself. In this defense, you will Right Step Through
utilize your left knee from a kneeling stance to buckle the Punch
Transitional Neutral Bow Stance Outside
Outward Parry
Inward Downward Diagonal Heel Palm Strike Left to Right
Close Kneel Stance
Outward Back Knuckle Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Inward Heel Palm Strike 12:00
Vertical Punch
Knee Kick
Neutral Bow Stance
Inward Downward Diagonal Hammerfist Strike 16 System
Downward Looping Roundhouse Kick 1st Black #1
Orthodox 24 System
2nd Brown #9
32 System
Not Found
Form 4
•This technique is also taught as a 1. With your left foot, step toward 10:30 and form a
defense against a step through transitional left neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you
right overhead punch. execute a right outward parry to the outside of the
opponent’s right punch. Ride the force of the opponent’s
punch by pivoting clockwise and forming a left reverse
close kneel stance to buckle the back of his right knee
with your left knee. Simultaneously grab the opponent’s
right wrist with your right hand and twist his arm clockwise
to properly align his right elbow for a left inward
downward diagonal heel palm strike to the back of his
right elbow.
•Allow your left heel palm strike to pass under and through his right
•This action should cause the opponent to buckle down onto his right
knee, and sprain or break his right elbow. It will also form an open-
ended triangle.
•Your right knee should drop onto his right ankle to sprain or dislocate
•Anchor your right elbow on his right shoulder and use his shoulder as
a fulcrum to pull his head back. Your arm is fulcruming his head back
as it cocks to your left hip for the next series of strikes.
•If the opponent’s right leg has buckled to the ground, your left knee
may be used to break or dislocated the opponent’s right ankle.
•Traditionally this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
4. With your left hand, hook around to the right and in front
of his neck in the shape of the crane. Without hesitation,
anchor your left elbow (using his right shoulder and back
as a fulcrum) to force him back and toward you.
Simultaneously deliver a left knee kick to his spine. Your
right hand checks his right shoulder or arm.
•The opponent will fall onto his back with his head pointing between
9:00 and 10:30.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that the opponent will fall
between 11:00 and 12:00.
•Some practitioners plant the left foot toward 9:00 and form a right
front twist stance facing 3:00 and then pivot counterclockwise to
deliver the right hammerfist strike followed by the right roundhouse
kick in one continuous action.
Form 4
•Some practitioners begin this 1. As the opponent delivers a right roundhouse kick, step
defense on the left knee. forward with your right foot toward 12:00 and shift your
left foot from resting on your instep to resting on the ball
of your left foot. Simultaneously deliver a right inward
block with a left extended outward block to the inside of
the opponent’s right leg. Immediately deliver a right
inward forearm parry.
•Your left arm acts as a check while your right arm acts as the
primary defensive arm.
•The inward forearm parry should force the opponent’s right leg to
your left exposing his centerline.
3. With your left hand still clenching his testicles, pull your
left hand toward you as you deliver a right downward
back knuckle strike to sandwich his testicles.
•Traditionally, this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
4. Slide your left foot forward beside your right foot as your
left hand checks the opponent’s midsection while your
right hand is contouring down the outside of the
opponent’s left leg ending at his left ankle. Slide your
right foot back to form a left neutral bow stance facing
12:00 as your left hand converts into a left inward elbow
strike to his solar plexus as you simultaneously jerk and
pull his left leg with your right hand.
•During the switch, your left foot (back foot) moves to the front and
then your right foot (front foot) moves to the rear.
•As you deliver the left inward elbow strike, your right hand counter
manipulates the opponent’s left leg to cause a strikedown.
•This action will stun the opponent and force him onto his back with
his head positioned toward 12:00.
•Your left hand slides over and on top of the opponent’s left leg to
grab the outer portion of his left heel. Your right hand slides over the
tops of his left toes.
•When you step back with your left foot toward 6:00, take advantage
of your Body Momentum and explosively pivot counterclockwise.
Through the proper use of your Body Momentum coupled with the
fulcruming action on his left ankle, the opponent will flip onto his
stomach. It is also possible that his left ankle will be fractured during
this maneuver.
•Keep this opponent’s right ankle against your right hip. This will
secure the hold as well as assist in the ankel lock.
6. Slide your left foot (gauging leg) toward your right foot
and immediately drive your right leg back toward 10:30
to form a right reverse bow stance. As your right leg
straightens against the underside of the opponent’s left
leg, use both of your hands to push his left foot
downward to force, lock, overextend, and fracture his
left knee.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual stated that the left foot should move
toward 10:00 in a modified left front crossover. This action requires
bending your right knee resembling a twist stance combination with
a transitional close kneel stance. This should aid you in checking the
activity of his right leg. The left front crossover also acts as a gauge
to determine the proper distance for sliding your right foot back
toward 10:30 and forming a right reverse bow stance.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot back
toward 11:00 to form your right reverse bow stance.
•This action will force the opponent’s left leg away from you (out and
to the right).
•Your left hand checks low along side of, but slightly away from, your
left thigh when parrying your opponent’s left leg.
•To execute the switch, move your right foot toward 6:00 and your
left foot toward 12:00. When performing this switch, make sure that
the maneuver properly gauges for distance to deliver the back
thrusting heel kick.
•Your hands should shift and check to the left side of your body with
both hands checking in a Neutral Zone position.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual stated that a left back stomp kick may
be used instead of the back thrusting heel kick.
•The 1987 Studio Manual described the switch as moving the “left to
rear and the right to front”.
16 System
1st Brown #11
Orthodox 24 System
2nd Brown #11
32 System
Not Found
Form 4
1. While in a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00, execute
a left over right universal block to the inside of the
opponent’s left leg.
•Historically this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
4. Slide your right foot toward 7:30 to form a left rear twist
stance as you jerk the opponent’s arm diagonally
downward past your left hip. Simultaneously deliver a
right downward forearm strike as you settle into your
•The counter action of your hands should break the opponent’s left
elbow. This is similar to the arm bar used in CROSSING TALON.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot toward
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicate stepping toward 8:00 with your
left foot and sliding yorur ight foot back toward the same angle.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that the opponent will be on
his back with his head pointing between 5 and 6 o’clock.
9. Clear the opponent’s left arm with your left foot as you
execute a left front crossover and a double cover out
toward 7:30.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual 1. With your left foot, step toward 9:00 and form a wide
described the opponent appying horse stance facing 12:00 as your left hand pins the
a bear hug with the arms free. hands of Opponent #2 (who is holding you in a bear hug
from behind). Immediately deliver a right front thrusting
ball kick to Opponent #1’s groin as you simultaneously
deliver a right back hammerfist strike to Opponent #2’s
•By stepping toward 9:00, you move your body off the Line of Attack.
•The kick should bend Opponent #1 at the waist and drive him
•As you cock your right hand to deliver the downward heel palm
strike, you may use this motion to deliver a right back over the should
finger whip to Opponent #2’s eyes.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described planting your right foot toward
•This kick will bend Opponent #1 at the waist and drive him
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described sliding your right foot toward
11:00 to form the right rear twist stance.
1. With your left foot, step toward 10:30 and form a left
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a left
inward block to the outside of the opponent’s right arm.
Your right arm cocks (palm up in a fist) at your right hip.
•This action moves you off the Line of Attack and deflects the thrust.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 11:00 with
your left foot.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual did not describe the use of a right
outward chooping parry.
•The 1987 IKKA Studio Manual added a right outward chopping parry
to the outside of the club prior to delivering the left inward block to
the outside of the opponetn’s right arm.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described the right elbow strike as a
“right raking elbow strike”.
3. With your left foot, hop back toward 12:00 and form a
left one-legged stance as you simultaneously execute a
right inward heel palm claw to the opponent’s face.
Your left hand will check low.
•The claw will force the opponent’s head upward and backward.
Some practitioners use a right two-finger hook to the opponent’s
right eye.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated hopping back toward 11:00.
•This action will buckle the opponent’s left knee as well as act as a
•The claw and grab causes the opponent to bend forward at the
waist. This strike is also known as a “monkey hand claw and grab”.
•As you right arm claws across the face, it will act like a rolling
check and end as a horizontal positional check across his back to
check his Width Zone and control his arms.
•The knee kick is controlled so that you daze the opponent and not
break his back.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described the right hand strike as a “right
rising lift punch”.
•A later revision to the 1975 IKKA Red Manual did not include the right
inward downward diagonal roundhouse punch or knife-edge kick.
Instead, the technique concluded with a “right downward looping
ball of foot kick to any available opening the moment the opponent
hits the ground”. It further described “using Residual Torque from the
previous strike to enhance this kick. Use the ground to create a
sandwiching effect with your kick”.
•Use 1/4 beat timing when delivering the right inward downwar
diagonal inverted roundhouse punch and the knife-edge kick.
•In this technique, the opponent 1. Hop toward 10:30 and form a transitory left one-legged
is attacking from your Obscure stance facing 4:30. Immediately deliver a right snapping
Zone. You will unfold the back knife-edge kick to the opponent’s left knee while looking
half of the Universal Pattern.
at the opponent from over your right shoulder.
2. Plant your right foot (gauging leg) toward 4:30. Drag your
left foot (gauging leg) to your right foot and execute a
right back thrusting heel kick to the opponent’s left rib
cage. Your hands positionally check to your right.
•Notice that both feet act as gauges for distance and angle.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting toward 5:00 with your
right foot.
3. Plant your right foot toward 4:30 and form a right reverse
neutral bow stance. Immediately slide your left foot
counterclockwise 180-degrees to execute a left spinning
stiff-leg sweep to the outside of the opponent’s left leg.
Conclude the sweep by forming a transitional left
reverse bow stance.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described planting your right foot toward
5:00 in a right inverted neutral bow stance.
•This strike should stun the opponent as well as force him to the
ground (to your right side) on his back with his head between 7:30
and 10:30.
•Some practitioners do not spin for the stomp, but simply lift and cock
the right leg to stomp backwards. If the opponent’s left arm or leg is
up, you can deliver a right inward sweep kick to either limb as you
cock your right leg in preparation for the stomp.
Form 4
1. While in a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00, slide
your right foot back to form a left front twist stance facing
12:00 as you execute a right downward block to the
outside of the opponent’s right leg. Simultaneously cock
your left hand slightly beside your left ear.
•This action controls the opponent’s Width and will turn him slightly to
his left.
•This action, combined with the previous block, should result in turning
the opponent so that his back faces you.
•This kick should buckle as well as force the opponent’s left leg to
spread apart from his right leg.
•Historically this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
9. With your right foot, step toward 7:30 and complete your
double cover out in the same direction.
Weapons (knife)
Neutral Bow Stance
Outward Downward Hooking Parry
Back Elbow Strike Outside
Wide Kneel Stance
Front Thrusting Knife Edge Kick Right to Right
16 System
1st Black #16
Orthodox 24 System
2nd Brown #16
32 System
Green #24
1. From a left neutral bow stance and both hands raise
slightly above your shoulders, slide your right foot toward
7:30 as you execute a right outward downward hooking
parry to the outside of the opponent’s right wrist.
Simultaneously execute a left heel palm parry to the
outside of his right elbow. After your left hand makes
contact, slide to the top of his right wrist and set a grab.
•At this stage, your position is back to back with your opponent while
still maintaining your left hand grab on his right wrist.
•This action is intended to break his right elbow across your left knee.
His right arm should be crossing in front of your body, while you are
pulling his right arm toward 7:30.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 8:00 with your
right foot.
Step 9 7. Grab the knife with your right hand and pull it out of the
Complete your crossover and
double cover out toward 11:00.
opponent’s throat.
•Cut across the opponent’s throat as you pull the knife out.
Transitory One-Legged Stance DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Thrusting Knife-Edge Kick Outside
Spinning Stiff-Leg Sweep
Transitional Right Reverse Bow Stance POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Neutral Bow Stance Right to Right
Vertical Punch
Inward Downward Diagonal Hammerfist Strike
Heel Palm Strike
Rear Crossover
16 System
1st Black #19
Orthodox 24 System
2nd Brown #17
32 System
2nd Brown #13
•Some instructors teach this as an 1. Hop toward 1:30 and form a transitory right one-legged
attack from 6:00. stance facing 7:30. Immediately deliver a left thrusting
knife edge kick to the outside of the opponent’s right
knee. Your hands are positionally checking to your left in
the Neutral Zone.
•This action will cause his right knee to buckle to the ground.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated planting toward 7:00 into a
horse left fighting horse stance.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated pivoting and stepping toward
4. With your left knee checking his back, reverse the motion
of your left hand and execute a left outward claw across
the opponent’s face. During the same flow of motion,
deliver a right inward downward diagonal hammerfist
strike to the left side of his jaw.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated using a right inside downward
diagonal forearm strike along the opponet’s left lower jaw with the
point of your left elbow checking his right shoulder.
•This simultaneous pull and strike is for the purpose of snapping the
opponent’s neck as in LEAP OF DEATH. This action will spin the
opponent clockwise to face you on his hands and knees.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your right foot toward
4:00 and facing 10:00 in a left neutral bow stance.
7. Survey.
Weapons (gun)
Neutral Bow Stance
Two-Finger Poke Inside
Forward Bow Stance
Outward Upward Diagonal Stiff Arm Lifting Strike Right to Right
Inward Downward Diagonal Pistol Strike
Outward Downward Diagonal Pistol Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
16 System
1st Black #7
Orthodox 24 System
2nd Brown #18
32 System
Not Found
Form 6
1. With your right foot, step toward 12:00 and form a right
neutral bow stance. Simultaneously execute a left
outward parry while simultaneously grabbing the pistol
(at the cylinder or hammer) with your right hand.
•When you step forward with your right foot, pivot your upper body
counterclockwise (facing 9:00) to ensure that you get out of the Line
of Fire.
•Use your left outward parry to deflect the barrel of the weapon.
•The poke should cause pain and temporarily blind the opponent.
•Complete the twist with a lock as you force the grip of the pistol
toward you with the muzzel pointed toward your opponent’s head
or body.
•When you remove the gun from the opponent’s grip, force his
trigger finger against the trigger guard in order to break it. Have the
gun travel toward 6:00 past your right hip as you execute the right
front snapping ball kick.
•This action should disarm the opponent and force him to bend
forward at the waist.
•This strike should daze the opponent as well as lift his head.
•Historically this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
7. With your right foot, step toward 6:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right
outward downward diagonal pistol strike to the right side
of the opponent’s jaw.
•The position of your left hand will be below and to the right of your
right hand with your palm out and your fingers in a vertical position.
Rest your right wrist on top of your left wrist. Caution: never let your
left hand exceed the length of the barrel.
Technique Punches
45-Degree Cat Stance
Outward Downward Hooking Parry DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Thrusting Sweep Kick Inside
Knife-Edge Kick
Front Crossover Sweep Right to Right
Twist Stance
Outward Two-Finger Hook
Reverse Bow Stance
Spinning Stiff-Leg Sweep 3:00
Transitional Neutral Bow Stance
Inward Overhead Hammerfist Strike 16 System
Front Crossover 1st Black #8
Rear Twist Stance Orthodox 24 System
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike 2nd Brown #19
32 System
Not Found
Form 4
•This technique may be utilized 1. Slide your right foot back to 6:00 and form a left 45-
as a defense standing up or from degree cat stance facing 12:00 as you execute a left
the ground. outward downward hooking parry to the inside of the
opponent’s right elbow. Immediately follow this with a
•Another variations of this right inward downward block (palm up) to the inside of
defense is described as follows: the opponent’s right arm (near his hand).
Step 1 •Follow through with the action of your right hand and cock it near
Slide your right foot back to form your left hip palm up. Your left hand is positioned in front of, as well
a left 45-degree cat stance as to the right of, your solar plexus.
facing 12:00 as you deliver a right
outward downward diagonal •The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described the left hand’s action as a “left
back knuckle strike to the outside hand heel of palm downward parry”.
of his right arm. As your right arm
cocks high, your left hand acts as •An early version of this defense (pre-1975) inserted a right outward
check to his right arm. horizontal heel palm claw to the opponent’s face simultaneously
with the left outward downward hooking parry. Your right arm then
Step 2 continues its clockwise circle to deliver the right inward downward
Execute a left inward sweep kick block (palm up) simultaneously with the left thrusting sweep kick.
to the opponetn’s right shin/knee
as your right hand continues its 2. Immediately execute a left thrusting sweep kick to the
counterclockwise motion to
opponent’s right shin.
deliver a right inward horizontal
hammerfist strike to the inside of
•Your left hand continues to check in case the opponent wishes to
his right arm. At the conclusion of
attack with his right hand again.
this sequence, your right arm will
be cocked horizontally across
•The sweep kick should help stop the opponent’s forward
your waist and your left hand will
be guarding high.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that your left knee kick be
directed toward 4:00.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated that the left foot plants toward
7:00 and the left heel palm strike (jab) be directed toward 5:00 to
force him down.
Form 6
1. Pivot 180-degrees clockwise and form a transitory right
front rotating twist stance as you execute a right outward
hooking parry (like a waiter carrying a tray) to the
outside and on top of the opponent’s right wrist.
•To ensure that you move off the Line of Fire, pivot clockwise on the
ball of your left foot while slightly lifting yourr ight foot off of the
ground and planting it toward 4:30. Your head (and attention) will
be focused toward 7:30.
•When you step forward, make sure that your left leg checks the
inside of your opponent’s right knee.
•Both the uppercut and the right grab apply opposing forces to
successfully fracture the opponent’s right elbow. This action controls
the Line of Fire and forces a relase of the pistol.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping toward 5:00 with your
left foot to check the outside of the opponent’s right knee.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping directly forward with
your right foot to the inside of the opponent’s right knee to buckle.
•Make sure that the muzzle of the pistol points away from you at all
•Historically this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated deliver a right inward horizontal
pistol strike to the opponent’s throat or sternum.
5. Hop toward 4:30 with your left leg and form a left one-
legged stance to the outside of the opponent’s right leg
as you simultaneously loop the pistol counterclockwise to
deliver a right outward downward diagonal pistol strike
to the back of the opponent’s right elbow. Your left hand
checks on or near the opponent’s right shoulder.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated hopping toward 4:00 to form a
left one-legged stance.
•Follow through with the pistol stirke and use the same rotational
force to deliver the left heel palm strike.
•After the palm strike, your left hand will contour the opponent’s neck
and act as a check on top of his right shoulder.
•The position of your left hand will be below and to the right of your
right hand with your palm out and your fingers in a vertical position.
Rest your right wrist on top of your left wrist. Caution: never let your
left hand exceed the length of the barrel.
NAME—The term mace is used in self-defense techniques to ATTACK
symbolically represent a fist. In this defense, you will utilize FRONT
horizontal figure-eight blocking pattern to deflect and Left & Right Punch
capture (entwine) the opponent’s punches (maces). Combination
Multiple Attacks
Neutral Bow Stance
Inward Handsword Parry
Extended Outward Handsword DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Forward Push-Drag Maneuver Outside
Forward Bow Stance
Thrusting Inward Handsword Strike Right to Left
Rear Crossover
Reverse Bow Stance
Downward Hammerfist Strike
Front Rotating Twist Stance (in-place)
Raking Vertical Outward Back Knuckle Strike
Thrusting Heel Palm Strike CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Knee Kick 16 System
Inward Downward Hammerfist Strike 1st Black #2
Rear Crossover Orthodox 24 System
Back Thrusting Heel Kick 2nd Brown #21
32 System
Green #26
1. Step back with your left foot to form a right neutral bow
stance facing 12:00 as you execute a right inward
handsword parry to the outside and top of the
opponent’s left arm. Immediately flow into a right
extended outward handsword to the outside of the
opponent’s right arm. Your left hand checks at solar
plexus level.
2. Grab the opponent’s right wrist with your right hand and
pull his arm diagonally downward past your right hip as
you execute a forward push-drag maneuver ending in a
right forward bow stance as you deliver a left vertical
punch to the opponent’s face.
•Your grab is made just before your right hand completes the second
block (when it crisscrosses diagonally and down to your right. Start
the grab at the arm and track down to the wrist.
•Historically this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual described this strike as a “thrusting chop”.
•Your left hand momentarily cocks at your left hip as you begin your
rotation in preparation for the heel palm strike.
•At the conclusion of your heel palm strike and knee kick, cock your
right hand near your right ear (fist clenched; palm facing out).
6. Plant your left foot toward 6:00 and form a right neutral
bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right inward
downward hammerfist strike to the opponent’s left collar
bone. Your left hand positionally checks near your solar
•The force of this strike should drive the opponent downward as well
as backward.
•This should drive the opponent backward as well as drop him to the
Weapons (gun)
Front Rotating Twist Stance
Outward Hooking Parry DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Front Snapping Ball Kick Inside
Two-Finger Poke
Inward Downward Forearm Strike Right to Right
Upward Flapping Elbow Strike
Outward Downward Diagonal Pistol Strike ATTACK DIRECTION
Knee Kick
Inward Overhead Hammering Pistol Strike
Front Snapping Instep Kick
Side Snapping Knife-Edge Kick CURRICULUM PLACEMENT
Front Crossover 16 System
Outward Pistol Strike 1st Black #18
Rear Twist Stance Orthodox 24 System
Outward Downward Diagonal Pistol Strike 2nd Brown #22
Spinning Back Heel Kick 32 System
Not Found
Form 6
1. Pivot counterclockwise to form a left front rotating twist
stance (in-place) as you execute a left outward hooking
parry (like a waiter carrying a tray) to the inside and on
tope of the opponent’s right hand. Your right hand is
positioned in front of your solar plexus.
•As you rotate your left foot will slide toward 1:30.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated sliding your left foot toward
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated grabbing the opponent’s right
hand to assist your left hand in pulling the opponent diagonally
downard inward your right upward flapping elbow strike.
•This strike should stun the opponent and begin to force his head to
bend forward.
•Your left hand checks the opponent’s right arm outward to the left.
•Your right hand and the pistol form an open-ended triangle. Use this
open-ended triangle as you anchor your elbow to force the
opponent to bend forward.
•Utilize Borrowed Force as you pull the opponent downard into your
right knee kick.
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated striking the back of the
opponent’s head with the pistol.
•This should buckle the opponent’s left knee outward and cause him
to start to fall.
•The strike to the opponent’s right elbow should clear the opponent’s
right arm and pin it against his body. This strike to his head should
begin to force the opponent onto his back.
•The position of your left hand will be below and to the right of your
right hand with your palm out and your fingers in a vertical position.
Rest your right wrist on top of your left wrist. Caution: never let your
left hand exceed the length of the barrel.
NAME—The term fatal is used in self-defense techniques to ATTACK
represent actions that can result in death. In this defense, FRONT
lethal methods may be inserted. Left & Right Punch
Neutral Bow Stance Multiple Attacks
Inward Block (One-Man)
Forward Push-Drag Maneuver
Extended Outward Block Inside
Thrusting Vertical Punch
Thrusting Inward Handsword Strike POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP
Front Crossover Right to Left
Inward Horizontal Heel Palm Strike
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike
Back Hammerfist Strike 12:00
Rear Crossover
16 System
1st Black #9
Orthodox 24 System
2nd Brown #23
32 System
Green #30
1. Step back with your left foot to form a right neutral bow
stance facing 12:00 as you execute a right inward block
to the inside of the opponent’s right arm. Your left hand
positionally checks in front of your solar plexus.
2. Execute a forward push-drag maneuver ending in a right
forward bow stance as you deliver a right extended
outward block to the inside of the opponent’s left arm.
Simultaneously execute a left thrusting vertical punch to
the opponent’s face.
•This strike will snap his head backward and control his Depth Zone.
•Historically this is where the Base Technique ends and the Extension
•The fingers of your left hand will point out and your elbow will be
•Your right elbow should positionally check the opponetn’s left arm at
the same time as his checks his right arm.
5. Step forward (toward 11:00) with your right foot and form
a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00 to buckle the
inside of the opponent’s right knee. Simultaneously circle
your right arm counterclockwise to deliver a right inward
horizontal elbow strike to the left side of the opponents’
jaw. Your left hand will remain braced against his right
•The 1975 IKKA Red Manual indicated stepping forward with your
right foot toward 10:00.
8. Survey.
Weapons (gun)
Neutral Bow Stance
Outward Hooking Parry DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Inward Horizontal Elbow Strike Outside
Reverse Bow Stance
Thrusting Heel Kick Left to Right
Close Kneel Stance
Two-Finger Poke
Downward Pistol Strike
Upward Pistol Strike
16 System
1st Black #20
Orthodox 24 System
2nd Brown #24
32 System
Not Found
Form 6
1. With your left foot, step toward 11:00 and form a left
neutral bow stance as you execute a right outward
hooking parry (like a waiter carrying a tray) to the
outside and on top of the opponent’s right hand near
the weapon. Simultaneously your left hand grabs on top
of the opponent’s right hand near the pistol.
•This maneuver is done to get you out of the Line of Fire as well as to
positionally check the opponent’s right leg with your left knee. Be
conscious of the Line of Entry at all times.
2. Step forward with your right foot (between you left leg
and the opponent’s right leg) to position yourself behind
the opponent’s right leg and form a right neutral bow
stance. As you step forward deliver a right inward
horizontal elbow strike to the opponent’s face.
•As you step forward, have your right arm (which is now horizontal
and perpendicular to the opponent’s right arm) pin and press
against the back of the opponent’s right hand. During this this
action, pull inward with your left hand (which acts as a fulcrum) and
push forward with your right forearm (utilizing Opposing Forces) in
forcing the opponent’s right hand and muzzle of the pistol to point
toward the opponent’s face.
•The opponent will fall onto his back with his head toward 4:30 and
his feet toward 10:30. Your right leg is used as a trip in forcing the
opponent to the ground.
•The shovel kick first utiliizesthe ball of your right foot followed by the
heel in the same motion.
5. Plant your right foot slightly above and to the right of the
opponent’s left shoulder. Pivot counterclockwise and
form a left close kneel stance and, without disrupting the
momentum of your right leg, deliver a right downward
knee drop onto the opponent’s throat. Simultaneously
deliver a right two-finger poke to the opponent’s eyes.
Your left hand holds onto the opponent’s pistol and right
•Keep the muzzle of the weapon pointed away from you throughout.
•Historically this is where the Base Technique end and the Extension
6. Take the pistol with your right hand and deliver a right
downward pistol strike to the right side of the opponent’s
•Your right hand will travel downward and backward toward your
right leg.
•Follow through with this motion and strike the opponent’s right arm.
•The position of your left hand will be below and to the right of your
right hand with your palm out and your fingers in a vertical position.
Rest your right wrist on top of your left wrist. Caution: never let your
left hand exceed the length of the barrel.
Neutral Bow Stance
Reverse Close Kneel Stance DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Inside Downward Block Inside Right
Back Thrust Kick
Knife Edge Kick Right to Right
Back-Up Mass
Rotate to Block with cocked weapon
16 System
Delayed Sword Orthodox 24 System
Sword of Destruction Not Found
Deflecting Hammer 32 System
Buckling Branch Not Found
Triggered Salute
1. With your left foot, step between 5 and 6’clock to form a
right neutral bow stance. Without hesitation, pivot
counterclockwise to form a right reverse close kneel
stance as you simultaneously deliver a right inside
downward block to the inside of the opponent’s right leg
while your left hand positionally guards the right side of
your face.
•Your kick should occur before the opponent’s right foot plants down.
Horse Stance Hugs & Holds
Back Elbow Strike
Back Hammerfist Strike DEFENSIVE LOCATION
Reverse Bow Stance Inside
Upward Back Knuckle Strike
Wide Kneel Stance Right to Right
Inward Overhead Elbow Strike
•Some schools call this defense 1. With your left foot, step toward 9:00 with your left foot
SPREADING BRANCH. and form a horse stance facing 12:00 as you
simultaneously pin the opponent’s hands with your left
hand as you deliver a right back elbow strike to the
opponent’s solar plexus followed by a right back
hammerfist strike to the opponent’s groin.
3. Plant your right foot toward 1:30 and form a right wide
kneel stance as you deliver a right inward overhead
elbow strike to the opponent’s upper spine.
Neutral Bow Stance
Snapping Knife Edge Kick Outside
Front Thrusting Ball Kick (step through)
Borrowed Force
Open Line of Attack with Foot ATTACK DIRECTION
Attacking Mace
Clipping the Storm 16 System
Encounter with Danger Varies
Orthodox 24 System
Not Found
32 System
Not Found
•Some schools have added this 1. With your left foot, step toward 6:00 and form a right
to the 16 Technique System. neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right
inward block to the outside of his left arm.
•This will cause the opponent’s legs to spread and will move his left
foot back thus controlling his Dimensional Zones.