Question Bank MFS
Question Bank MFS
Question Bank MFS
Module I
1. Highlight the major financial reforms that have taken place since the post
nineties. Also explain the implication of those reforms on our financial system
as a whole or on particular industry.
2. What are capital Markets? Explain the relationship between primary market
and Secondary markets. Also discuss why stock market Benchmarks are
considered as a reflection of an economy.
3. SEBI plays an important role in the development of stock market. Comment.
4. Role of RBI in money market? What are the steps taken by the government to
develop the money market of India?
5. Explain various instrument of Money market.
6. Explain the book building process in brief.
7. Differentiate between book building and fixed price process.
8. Green shoe Option
9. Explain the resource mobilization from International Capital Market in brief.
10. Significance of FDI and FII in India.
11. Explain the various methodologies available for calculating the Index.
Module II
12. What is leasing? What roles are played by the lessor and lessee? How are
lease payment treated for tax purpose both for income tax and sales tax.
13. Differentiate Operating Lease and Financial Lease
14. What are the advantage of leasing contract to Lessor and Lessee?
15. What are the limitation of leasing activity
16. Differentiate Leasing and Hire purchase.
Module III