Precommissioning & Commissioning Safety
Precommissioning & Commissioning Safety
Precommissioning & Commissioning Safety
Precomm. & comm. tool box meeting. Similarly to the construction safety, the precomm & comm
safety need to be cascaded and briefed to all involved and affected by the activities.
Precommissioning and Commissioning is the preparation of equipment for operation after it has
been constructed. Activities involved in precommissioning are include:
1. Inerting & purging (nitrogen)
2. Electrical power energisation.
3. Electric motor operation
4. Power generator operation
5. Compressor operation
6. Filling the process (hydrocarbon gas, lubricating oils)
Commissioning can be divided into 2 parts i.e. Cold Commissioning and Hot Commissioning.
Cold commissioning activities involve cleaning and function testing without gas or liquid
hydrocarbons e.g. air blowing piping. Hot commissioning activities involve the use of gas or liquid
hydrocarbons e.g. fired testing of a power generator.
Precommissioning is an essential task of any project and can ensure a smooth transition of
Construction to Commissioning and Start-Up. Precommissioning activities are activities carried
out on the plant equipment and systems following completion work to bring them to a state of
condition where they will function as designed, given the appropriate process conditions.
The execution of all aspects of precommissioning work must be done with great care to ensure
no damage to equipment occurs.
Precommissioning activities will run in conjunction with construction activities (SIMOPS) e.g.
involve vessel entry, pipe entry, pressurising of systems and other hazardous tasks, it is
paramount that each task is analysed from safety perspective. A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) shall
be conducted to all tasks are especially those deemed sufficiently non-routine, to warrant
additional review before commencement.
It is imperative that craft and operations work very closely, as part of the plant may be “On
Stream” and under pressure. All systems or part systems released shall be isolated, blinded and
tagged by the Operations group prior to the permit being released. Where part of a system or
equipment remains under pressure “Live line/Equipment” tags shall be installed. No work shall
be carried out without a valid work permit.
All of the above is in addition to the existing hazards, e.g. fall from heights etc. recommissioning
and commissioning is safe provided everyone follows some simple rules. Do not enter
precommissioning and commissioning areas unless authorised by work permit and trained for
the task.
Water Flushing
Air Blowing
Steam Blowing