Double Covering Receiver
Double Covering Receiver
Double Covering Receiver
Stance: square stance, shoulders over Stance: Shoulder over toes, inside foot
toes, weight on balls of feet, weight back equal to middle of instep of outside
evenly distributed for balance, slight foot, weight on balls of feet, weight evenly
bend forward in ankles, knees, and distributed for balance, slightly bend
waist, arms hanging loosely at sides. forward in ankles, knees, and waist, arms
hanging loosely at sides.
Alignment: Head up, or slightly
outside shade, on line of scrimmage Alignment: At snap, head up, or slightly
outside shade, 9 to 12 yards off receiver.
Assignment: On pass, deny receiver
the ball by getting into the passing Assignment: On pass, anticipate and
lane on all short routes. Force overplay deep routes—always be “over the
quarterback to overthrow pass. top” on deeper routes, anticipating a tipped
pass by the underneath defender or an
Technique: trail technique 1-1 ½ overthrow by the quarterback. Break to the
yards directly behind the receiver. ball.
Mirror any break, whipping head
around to QB, play the ball. Technique: Off man to man technique
using backpedal.
Key: receiver’s hips, right above belt
line. Key: On snap, unit end (tackle or tight end)
if pass, bottom of receiver’s numbers, right
Read: break of receiver, mirror his above belt line.
Read: readLEGEND
break of receiver
Defender’s Path
D Quarterback throw
UD Up, or Underneath
D Back, or Over the Top