Brakes - Dealing With A Low Brake Pedal
Brakes - Dealing With A Low Brake Pedal
Brakes - Dealing With A Low Brake Pedal
1 of 4 24/09/2006 9:32 AM
Popular Mechanics
2 of 4 24/09/2006 9:32 AM
Popular Mechanics
Bubble Trouble
For all practical purposes, brake fluid is incompressible. Air, on the other hand, can be squeezed down into a smaller-than-natural volume, and its
presence will disrupt the operation of any hydraulic system. It promotes internal corrosion, too. Ergo, it must be expelled.
The most common cause of pedal problems is failure to bench bleed a new master cylinder. Screw the supplied fittings into the outlets and place
the tips of the tubes in the fluid in the reservoir. Clamp one of the master's mounting ears in a vise--don't grip around the cylinder--so the unit is as
level as possible. Use a rod or drift to stroke the piston slowly. Wait at least 15 seconds between strokes to allow the low-pressure chamber to
release all its bubbles and fill completely. Keep stroking until there's no more evidence of air at the ports and tube tips.
If the car has a replacement cylinder that somebody didn't bench bleed, you might be able to do it with the master in place, provided you can jack
the rear of the vehicle high enough to get the cylinder to be level. Again, pump slowly and allow time between strokes.
An important precaution to observe during any bleeding procedure that involves pumping the pedal is to limit pedal travel. You don't want the
delicate lips of the master cylinder's piston seals to ride so deep in the bore that they encounter rough corrosion or deposits, which can scratch
them. Just throw a chunk of 2 x 4 on the floor under the pedal.
When it comes to the bleeders at the wheels, most people just open them and let the fluid squirt. Not only will this result in slippery puddles on the
floor, the fluid can shoot farther than you might expect--think about the 2500-plus psi of line pressure on some ABS-equipped cars. Brake fluid is a
pretty effective paint remover, and it really burns when you get it in your eye. Wear eye protection.
One convenient setup is a tube and transparent bottle kept half full of fresh fluid. There are also inexpensive 1-man bleeder hoses that contain a
1-way valve to eliminate the possibility of air being drawn back in when you release the pedal.
The bleeder cups and hoses that are often included in manual vacuum pump kits, such as those from Mighty Vac, work well. Once again, you can
see what you're getting, and you don't have to keep climbing into the seat to pump the pedal.
You should also be aware of special procedures. For example, on Teves Mark II ABS systems, you can't get fluid to the rear brakes unless you turn
the key on and then apply the pedal slightly. Be sure to check the shop manual if your vehicle has an antilock braking system.
Finally, there's the bleeding sequence. Since you're supposed to do the longest line in the circuit first, the traditional order is right rear, left rear,
right front and left front. But with the diagonally split systems you'll find mostly on fwd cars, the order is right rear, left front, left rear then right
front. ABS-equipped cars may have special procedures to follow.
3 of 4 24/09/2006 9:32 AM
Popular Mechanics
Whether you call it the dual, split or tandem master cylinder, it has been used on every
car sold in this country since 1967, although Cadillac had it in '62. Even so, most people
don't understand its construction and operation. A typical modern specimen is of the
composite variety--aluminum with a plastic reservoir--but iron 1-piece units are still
around on older vehicles. Two pistons ride in the bore, and here's where we encounter
some potentially confusing terminology. The rear piston is the primary, the one in the
front is the secondary. This apparent misnaming resulted because the rear piston is the
first to receive the signal from the brake pedal, so it does make a certain amount of sense.
Kind of. Each piston has a primary cup seal at its front and a secondary at its rear. In
normal braking, the pushrod from the booster forces the primary piston forward. No
pressure is created until the primary seal covers the compensating or vent port from the
reservoir, but once it does fluid is trapped in the chamber between the pistons and it
becomes a solid column. Pressure is routed from this chamber to two wheels. A
combination of the trapped fluid and the primary piston coil spring bears on the
secondary piston, to which the line to the other two wheels is attached. The replenishing
ports allow fluid to move freely between the chambers behind both pistons' primary cups
and the reservoir, determined by demand and expansion and contraction from temperature
changes. If a hose lets go or a saboteur has sawed through one of the brake lines, the other
half will still provide a means of decelerating the vehicle, albeit with a lower pedal and
reduced stopping power. This protective function is, of course, the dual master's reason
for being.
4 of 4 24/09/2006 9:32 AM