Japanese Particles Cheatsheet1
Japanese Particles Cheatsheet1
Japanese Particles Cheatsheet1
は/が の も
Indicate subjects by The Possessive Also / Too
coming after them Meanings: “Apostrophe S” & “of” Meanings: “also” and “too” - it can also
emphasize “any”
Meanings: “is, am, are” *Makes something possessive, like saying “my
monkey,” “Jenny’s friend,” or “Bobby of Sony (i.e. Examples:
*One thing to know about は is that it’s not Sony’s Bobby).”
pronounced “ha” but pronounced “wa” わたしも
は emphasizes what comes after it Examples: Me too / Me also
が emphasizes what comes before it
わたし の なまえ は こういち です ボッビーさん も アイキア に 行きます
わたし は こういち です: I am Koichi
My name is is Koichi Bobby also will go to Ikea
わたし が こういち です: I am Koichi
* The first example would be used when you’re ボッビーさん の いぬ です なに も たべなかった
introducing yourself to someone, the second one It’s Bobby’s dog I didn’t eat anything
would be more like one of those movies where one
person has the gun pointed at two identical
を に
targets, where they are saying “I am Koichi” and
“No, I’m Koichi!” The important (emphasized)
part is the I portion, so you’d use が.
へ で か、と、や、よ、ね
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