2 Marks Questions Mobile Communications
2 Marks Questions Mobile Communications
2 Marks Questions Mobile Communications
Unit I
Unit II
1. Define Brewster angle.
2. Define Doppler effect.
3. Define fading.
4. What are the effects of multipath?
5. What are the advantages of two ray model?
6. Explain the types of fading.
7. Explain the Clarke’s model for flat fading.
8. What are the types of indoor propagation models?
9. What are the types of propagation mechanism?
10. Explain the various propagation models used in mobile communication.
Unit III
1. Define modulation.
2. What are the types of digital modulation?
3. What are the properties of MSK?
4. Write the BER expression for MSK and GMSK.
5. What are the types of equalization technique?
6. Explain the types of diversity reception techniques.
7. Derive an equation for M-ary QAM signal.
8. Explain RAKE receiver with neat diagram.
9. Explain the MSK transmitter and receiver with neat diagram.
10. Define OFDM.
11. Define shift keying.
Unit IV
1. Define Codec.
2. What is multiple access?
3. What is Vocoder?
4. What is LPC?
5. Define CDPD.
6. What is Gepstrom Vocoder?
7. Explain about LPC Vocoder with various types.
8. Explain about CDPD network reference model.
9. What is FDMA TDMA write their features
10. Explain about SDMA.
11. What is CELP?
Unit V
1. What is GSM?
2. Write the uses of OSS.
3. What is BSC?
4. What is GMSC?
5. Write the features of GSM.
6. Write the third generation standards.
7. Explain WLL with neat block diagram.
8. Explain AMPS system with specifications.
9. Explain IS-95 and IS-36 standards.
10. Explain AMPS system with specifications
11. What is CSFP?