115 Outl 08
115 Outl 08
115 Outl 08
Tests 20%
Grading: Mid-term test 20%
Final exam 60%
There will be one mid-term test, held in class sometime in February. The Final exam will be
held during the regular examination period in April. Upon completion of each section of the book
some sort of test or assignment will be given. All tests including the final examination will be
“open-book” in that any material can be consulted during the test.
Lab sessions will be primarily devoted to aspects of the Maple software package used for matrix
and vector manipulations. Topics considered in lab will ordinarily be tied to those discussed in
class. Occasionally students will be required to complete a specific assignment in the lab itself.
Academic regulations concerning penalties for plagiarizing and cheating (pp. 226-227 of the uni-
versity calendar) will be rigidly enforced in this course. A supplemental exam for the course will
not be made available.
Major Topics:
• Geometric Vectors
• Vector Spaces