Missouri Incremental Cost
Missouri Incremental Cost
Missouri Incremental Cost
One of the major barriers to energy code adoption across the country is the concern that new Mortgage Monthly Cumulative
codes will add to the purchase price and potential buyers will not be able to afford the homes Month
Increase Energy Savings Cost/Benefit
they want. In Missouri, upgrading homes to the 2009 International Energy Conservation
Code will actually reduce out-of-pocket expenses for homeowners – paying off their initial 1 $175.06 $38.25 $136.81
investment in a matter of months. 2 $3.78 $38.25 $102.34
For the average new home, BCAP estimates the costs of the new code will add a total of 3 $3.78 $38.25 $67.87
$875in construction costs—an increase of only 0.3%. When this amount is rolled into the 4 $3.78 $38.25 $33.40
average mortgage, real costs to homebuyers will mean a down payment increase of $175.06 5 $3.78 $38.25 $1.07 Break Even
and $3.78 extra on monthly mortgage bills.
6 $3.78 $38.25 $35.54
These added mortgage costs will be offset, however, by monthly energy savings of $38.25, 7 $3.78 $38.25 $70.01
helping homebuyers pay off their initial investment in only five months. After breaking even
in month five, the home will return buyers a profit of $34 per month—for a total return of 8 $3.78 $38.25 $104.48
$408 every year. This return on investment is graphed below and presented as a balance 9 $3.78 $38.25 $138.95
Monthly Energy This model assumes an average sale price of $267,451 for a
Savings: $38
2,400 square foot home. The mortgage is conservatively set at
Monthly Mortgage 30 years, with 20% down and the current average nationwide
Increase: $4 interest rate of 5.05%. With a lower down payment—such as
10% down—consumers will break even on their investment
-$200 Down Payment even sooner.
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Increase: $175
Homes are the biggest investment we make—and everyone deserves a home that meets national minimum energy efficiency standards. While it’s true
that homeowners can always improve the efficiency of their homes, it is far more cost-effective to upgrade building components during construction,
putting in better windows or swapping out one grade of insulation for a better one. Here’s what buyers get with the 2009 IECC:
Lighting: $50
Payback Period
5 months
2-year Profit
2 $656.00
Duct Sealing and
Testing: $350
5-year Profit
5 $1,896.92
Climate Zone 4
r-value: 30 a 38 ceiling
Climate Zone 5
r-value: 13 a 19 frame wall
r-value: 30 a 38 ceiling
For the full Incremental Cost Analysis study, please visit bcap-ocean.org r-value: 19 a 30 floor