Functional Classification Listing of The Master Plan of Highways

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Functional Classification Listing of the Master Plan of Highways

Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan

Lanes Lanes

A‐304 (Proposed) New Cut Rd Extended (A‐302) Site 30 0 4D 120 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

A‐307 (Proposed) New Cut Rd Extended (A‐302) West Old Baltimore Road 0 2 80 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

Adelphi Rd New Hampshire Ave Prince George's County Line 4 4 120 Major Highway East Silver Spring

Aircraft Dr Crystal Rock Dr Century Boulevard 4 4 100 Business Germantown

Aircraft Dr Century Blv Darnestown‐Germantown Road 4 100 Business Germantown

Airpark Rd Montgomery County Airpark Woodfield Road 4 80 Industrial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Airpark Rd Woodfield Rd Muncaster Mill Road 50' 4 80 Arterial Upper Rock Creek

Alderton Rd Bonifant Rd Rockville Facility ROW 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Alley A (Proposed) Bonifant St Thayer Street 0 20 Business (Planned) Silver Spring CBD

Amherst Ave Arcola Ave Blueridge Avenue 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Amherst Ave Blueridge Ave Windham Lane 36' 80 Business Kensington‐Wheaton

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Amity Dr Extended Bounding Bend Ct Crabbs Branch Way 0 2 70 Residential Primary (Pl Shady Grove

Amity Dr Extended Bounding Bend Ct Crabbs Branch Way 2 2 70 Residential Primary (Pl Shady Grove

Annapolis Rock Rd Damascus Rd Howard County Line 2 2 70 Country Road Damascus

Apple Ave CSX Railroad Second Avenue 60 Business Silver Spring CBD

Apple Ridge Rd Watkins Mill Rd Montgomery Village Avenue 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity

Appledowre Way Frederick Rd Brandermill Rd 2 70 Primary Residential Germantown

Appomattox Ave Spartan Rd end‐of‐road 2 2 70 Business Olney

Appomattox Ave Extended Existing Appomattox Ave Hillcrest La 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Olney

April La Stewart La 0.3 miles east 2 2 70 Residential Primary White Oak

Arcola Ave University Blv Georgia Avenue 4 48' 80 Arterial Kensington‐Wheaton / Kemp Mill / 1

Arcola Ave Georgia Ave Parker Avenue 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Arctic Ave Bel Pre Rd Aspen Hill Road 36' 36' 80 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Arlington Rd Old Georgetown Rd Kenwood Forest Lane 80 Arterial Bethesda CBD

Arliss St Piney Branch Rd Flower Avenue 2 2 70 Business East Silver Spring

Arrowhead Rd Montgomery Village Ave Hickory View Place 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity

Ashton Rd New Hampshire Ave Howard County Line 2 2 80 Arterial Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Aspen Hill Rd Georgia Ave Connecticut Avenue 4 4 80 Arterial Aspen Hill

Aspen Hill Rd Connecticut Ave Veirs Mill Road 2 4 80 Arterial Aspen Hill

Aston Manor Dr Briggs Chaney Rd Colgate Way 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Auburn Ave Old Georgetown Rd Rugby Avenue 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Auburn Village Dr Olney‐Sandy Spring Rd Cul‐de‐sac 2 2 70 Residential Primary Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Automobile Blv Briggs Chaney Rd Montgomery Auto Park 4 4 80 Industrial Fairland

Avery Rd Aspen Hill MP Boundary City of Rockville 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Avery Rd Muncaster Mill Rd Rockville City Limits 2 2 80 Arterial Upper Rock Creek

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Avoca La Oak Hill Rd end‐of‐road 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Cloverly

Avondale St CBD‐2 zoning end‐of‐road 50 Residential Primary Bethesda CBD

Baltimore Rd Norbeck Rd Rockville City Limits 2 2 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Barbara Rd Bushey Dr Colie Dr 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Barnesville Rd Mount Ephraim Rd Bucklodge Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Barnesville Rd Bucklodge Rd Clarksburg Road 2 80 Arterial Agricultural and Open Space

Batchellors Forest Rd Georgia Ave Doctor Bird Rd 2 2 70 Rustic Road Olney

Batson Rd Spencerville Rd end of road 2 2 <Null Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Cloverly

Battery La Old Georgetown Rd Keystone Avenue 2 80 Residential Primary Bethesda CBD

Battery La Keystone Ave Woodmont Avenue 2 70 Residential Primary Bethesda CBD

Battery La Woodmont Ave Wisconsin Avenue 2 70 Business Bethesda CBD

Bauer Dr Emory La Norbeck Rd 2 24' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Bauer Dr Norbeck Rd Heathfield Rd 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Beach Dr Garrett Park Rd Stoneybrook Drive 2 2 70 Park Road Kensington‐Wheaton / North and W

Beallsville Rd Barnesville Rd Darnestown Road 2 2 80 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Beallsville Rd Darnestown Rd Town of Poolesville boundary 2 2 80 Country Arterial Rustic Roads

Beauvoir Blv Mill Run Dr 300' south of Blanchard Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity 1990

Beaverwood La Bel Pre Rd 150' west of Birch Tree Lane 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Beechcraft Ave 400' west of Bonanza Way 200' east of Mooney Drive 4 80 Industrial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Beethoven Blv Fairland Rd Schubert Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Bel Pre Rd Norbeck Rd Georgia Avenue 40' 40' 80 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Bel Pre Rd Georgia Ave Layhill Road 5 5 80 Arterial Aspen Hill

Belle Chase Dr Fieldcrest Rd Sweet Meadow Lane 2 2 70 Residential Primary Upper Rock Creek

Belle Cote Dr Kruhm Rd end‐of‐road 1 70 Rustic Road Fairland

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Belle Crest La Rippling Brook Dr Hathaway Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Bells Mill Rd Falls Rd Seven Locks Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Bentley Rd Olney‐Sandy Spring Rd end‐of‐road 2 2 70 Country Road Rustic Roads / Sandy Spring Ashton

Berryville Rd Darnestown Rd Seneca Road 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads / Potomac

Bethesda Ave Clarendon Rd Wisconsin Avenue 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Bethesda Church Rd Kings Valley Rd Woodfield Rd 2 2 80 Arterial Damascus

Bethesda Church Rd Clarksburg Rd Kings Valley Road 2 2 80 Country Arterial Rustic Roads / Damascus

Bethesda Church Rd Clarksburg Rd Frederick County Line 2 2 70 Country Road Damascus

Big Woods Rd CSX Railroad ROW Beallsville Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Black Rock Rd Darnestown Rd Germantown Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Blackburn Rd Columbia Pik end‐of‐road 2 2 60‐70 Residential Primary Fairland

Blackwell Rd Great Seneca Hwy Darnestown Rd 0 4 100 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Blackwell Rd Great Seneca Hwy Broschart Road 2 2 100 Business Shady Grove Amendment 1996

Blackwell Rd Extended Broschart Rd Shady Grove Road 0 4 70 Business (Planned) Shady Grove Amendment 1996

Blair Mill Rd District of Columbia Line East‐West Highway 70 Business Silver Spring CBD

Blair Mill Rd East‐West Hwy Georgia Avenue 60 Business Silver Spring CBD

Blair Rd Georgia Ave CSX Railroad 60 Business Silver Spring CBD

Bloomfield Rd Olney Mill Dr Briars Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Blueridge Ave Wheaton Hill Rd Georgia Avenue 2 70 Business Wheaton CBD

Blueridge Ave Georgia Ave Elkin Street 2 50‐60 Business Wheaton CBD

Blueridge Ave Elkin St Amherst Ave 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Wheaton CBD / Kensington/Wheato

Blueridge Ave Bucknell Dr CBD boundary east of Nairn Road 2 60 Residential Primary Wheaton CBD

Blueridge Ave Extended Amherst Ave Bucknell Drive 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary (Pl Wheaton CBD / Kensington‐Wheato

Bluhill Rd Dalewood Rd Randolph Road 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Blunt Rd Frederick Rd end‐of‐road 2 2 60 Business Germantown

Boiling Brook Pkw Schuylkill Rd Nicholson Road 4 4 80 Business North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Boland Farm Rd Frederick Rd Sunnyview Drive 2 4 80 Arterial Germantown

Bonanza Way Snouffer School Rd Beechcraft Avenue 4 80 Industrial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Bonifant Rd Layhill Rd New Hampshire Avenue 2 2 80 Arterial Aspen Hill / Cloverly

Bonifant St CSX Railroad Fenton Street 2 70 Business Silver Spring CBD

Bonifant St Fenton St CBD Boundary 2 80 Business Silver Spring CBD

Bordly Dr Georgia Ave Brighton Dam Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Boswell La Piney Meetinghouse Rd Maplecrest Lane 2 2 70 Rustic Road Potomac

Boswell La Maplecrest Dr Glen Mill Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Potomac

Bowie Mill Rd Muncaster Mill Rd Cashell Rd 2 2 80 Arterial Upper Rock Creek / Olney

Bowie Mill Rd Cashell Rd Olney‐Laytonsville Rd 2 2 80 Residential Primary Olney

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Bowman Mill Rd Wisteria Dr Germantown Rd 2 2‐4 60 Business Germantown

Boylston St Marinelli Old Georgetown 0 2 70 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

Bradley Blv Wisconsin Ave Goldsboro Road 6 6 120 Major Highway Bethesda CBD / Bethesda‐Chevy Cha

Bradley Blv Goldsboro Rd Capital Beltway 2‐4 2‐4 100 Arterial Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Bradley Blv Capital Beltway (I‐495) Persimmon Tree Road 2 2 100 Arterial Potomac

Bradley La Wisconsin Ave Connecticut Avenue 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Brahms Ave Fairland Rd Schubert Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Brandermill Dr Scenery Dr Germantown Road Relocated 2 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Briardale Rd 1600' n of Shady Grove Rd Shady Grove Rd 36' 2 70 Residential Primary Shady Grove

Briars Rd Bowie Mill Rd Heritage Hills Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Brickyard Rd Falls Rd MacArthur Blvd 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Briggs Chaney Rd New Hampshire Ave Paint Branch 2 2 80 Arterial Cloverly

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Briggs Chaney Rd Paint Branch Old Columbia Pike 2 2 80 Arterial Fairland

Briggs Chaney Rd Old Columbia Pik Columbia Pike 2 4 80 Arterial Fairland

Briggs Chaney Rd Columbia Pik Dogwood Drive 2 4D 120 Arterial Fairland

Briggs Chaney Rd Dogwood Dr Prince George's County Line 2 4 80 Arterial Fairland

Briggs Rd Lutes Dr Layhill Road 2 2 80 Residential Primary Glenmont Sector Plan / Kensington‐

Briggs Rd Layhill Rd Middlevale Lane 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton / Glenmont

Brighton Dam Rd Town of Brookeville Bordly Dr 2 2 70 Rustic Road Olney

Brighton Dam Rd Bordly Dr New Hampshire Avenue 2 2 70 Country Road Olney

Brighton Dam Rd New Hampshire Ave Howard County Line 2 24' 80 Arterial Olney

Brimstone Academy Dr Prince Philip Dr Old Baltimore Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Brink Rd Goshen Rd Town of Laytonsville 2 2 80 Arterial Agriculture and Open Space

Brink Rd Frederick Rd Midcounty Highway 2 4D 100 Arterial Clarksburg

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Brink Rd Midcounty Hwy Wightman Road 2 2 80 Arterial Agriculture and Open Space / Gaithe

Broad Green Dr Eldwick Way Glen Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Broadbirch Dr Cherry Hill Rd Tech Road 4 4 80 Industrial Fairland

Brook La North of Keystone Ave end‐of‐road 2 70 Residential Primary Bethesda CBD

Brooke Rd New Hampshire Ave Olney‐Sandy Spring Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Brookeville Byp (Proposed) Georgia Ave S of Brookeville Georgia Ave N of Brookeville 0 2 80 Major Highway (Plann Olney

Brookeville Rd Olney‐Laytonsville Rd Georgia Avenue 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Olney

Brookville Rd Western Ave East‐West Highway 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Brookville Rd Lyttonsville Place Warren Street 2 48' 80 Arterial North and West Silver Spring

Brookville Rd Warren St Linden Lane 2 2 80 Arterial North and West Silver Spring

Broschart Rd Key West Ave Medical Center Drive 4 4 100 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Brunett Ave Sligo Creek Parkway Forest Glen Road 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Four Corners

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Brunswick Ave Plyers Mill Rd Dennis Ave 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Bryants Nursery Rd New Hampshire Ave Norwood Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Cloverly

Bucklodge Rd Darnestown Rd Barnesville Road 2 70 Country Road Rustic Roads

Bucknell Dr Evans Pkwy Park Reedie Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Bucknell Dr Evans Pkwy Park Windham La 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Budd Rd Hughes Rd Poolesville Town Line 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Buehler Rd Spartan Rd Prince Phillip Drive 48' 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Burdette La Schaeffer Rd Black Rock Road 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Burdette Rd Greentree Rd Bradley Boulevard 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Burdette Rd Bradley Blv River Road 26' 26' 70 Principal Secondary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Burlington Ave Georgia Ave Fenton Street 80 Major Highway Silver Spring CBD

Burnt Hill Rd Snowden Farm Pkwy Prices Distillery Road 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Damascus

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Burtonsville Access Rd (Proposed) Rear Access Rd for Burtonsville Commercial Area 2 60 Business (Planned) Fairland

Burtonsville Blv South of Spencerville Rd Dustin Road 4D 6D 100‐2 Major Highway Fairland

Bushey Dr Weller Rd Veirs Mill Road 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Butler Rd River Rd end‐of‐road 60 Unclassified Westbard

Cabin John Pkw Capital Beltway (I‐495) Clara Barton Parkway 4D Varies Freeway Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Caddington Ave University Blv Loxford Terrace 36' 2 70 Residential Primary Kemp Mill

Calverton Blv Cherry Hill Rd Prince George's County Line 2‐4 2‐4 80 Residential Primary Fairland

Cameron St Second Ave Georgia Avenue 75‐80 Arterial Silver Spring CBD

Cameron St Georgia Ave Spring Street 2 2 75 Arterial Silver Spring CBD

Cannon Rd New Hampshire Ave Broadmore Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary White Oak

Capital Beltway Potomac River I‐270 west spur 8D 8D+HO 300 Freeway Bethesda‐Chevy Chase / Potomac

Capital Beltway I‐270 west spur Rockville Pike 6D 6D 300 Freeway Bethesda‐Chevy Chase / North Bethe

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Capital Beltway Rockville Pik Northwest Branch 8D 8D 300 Freeway Kensington‐Wheaton / Four Corners 

Capital Beltway Northwest Branch Prince George's County Line 8‐10D 10D 300 Freeway White Oak

Capitol View Ave Forest Glen Rd Approximately 100' north of Forest  26' 70 Residential Primary Capital View

Capitol View Ave Approximately 300' south of Beechb Stoneybrook Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington/Wheaton / Capital View

Capitol View Ave Relocated Approximately 100 north of Forest Gl Approximately 300' south of Beechb 0 26' 70 Residential Primary (Pl Kensington‐Wheaton

Capitol View Ave Relocated Stoneybrook Dr Approximately 250' south of Edgewo 0 2 70 Residential Primary (Pl Kensington/Wheaton / Capital View

Carroll Ave D.C. Line Tulip Ave 2 2 70 Arterial Takoma Park

Carroll Ave Tulip Ave Ethan Allan Ave 2 2 55 Arterial Takoma Park

Carroll Ave Ethan Allan Ave Glenside Dr 2 2 50 Arterial Takoma Park / East Silver Spring

Carroll Ave Glenside Dr University Blvd 2 2 90 Arterial East Silver Spring / Takoma Park

Carroll Ave University Blv Piney Branch Rd 2 70 Residential Primary East Silver Spring

Cashell Rd Hines Rd Emory Lane 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Castle Blv Ventura Townhouses Briggs Chaney Road 4 4 80 Industrial Fairland

Cattail Rd Darnestown Rd Town of Poolesville boundary 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Cavanaugh Dr Piney Meetinghouse Rd Glen Mill Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Cedar La Beach Dr Rockville Pike 48' 48' 80 Arterial Bethesda‐Chevy Chase / Kensington‐

Cedar La Beach Dr Summit Ave 48' 48' 80 Arterial Bethesda‐Chevy Chase / Kensington‐

Cedar St Ellsworth Dr Wayne Avenue 4 48' 80 Arterial Silver Spring CBD

Cedar Tree Dr Sandy Spring Rd Islewood Terrace 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Cedar Tree La Extended Islewood Terrace Prince George's County Line / Minick 0 2 70 Residential Primary (Pl Fairland

Cedarbluff Dr Scenary Dr Yellow Leaf Way 2 2 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Centerway Rd Montgomery Village Ave Goshen Rd 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Centerway Rd Goshen Rd Snouffer School Rd 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Century Blv Curve of Century Blvd Crystal Rock Dr 4 4 130 Business Germantown

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Century Blv Extended Dorsey Mill Dr Kinster Drive 0 4 130 Business (Planned) Germantown

Century Blv Extended 0 4 130 Business (Planned) Germantown

Century Blvd Waters Rd Middlebrook Rd 2 2 70 Business (Planned) Germantown

Cessna Ave Airpark Rd 1100' west 4 80 Industrial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Chandlee Mill Rd Gold Mine Rd Brooke Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Chapman Ave Nebel St Marinelli Road 0 2 70 Business (Planned) North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Chase Ave Wisconsin Ave Tilbury Street 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Cheltenham Dr Woodmont Ave Tilbury Drive 2 80 Business Bethesda CBD

Chelton Rd Sleaford Rd East West Highway 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Cherry Hill Rd Columbia Pik Prince George's County Line 4 4‐5 80 Arterial Fairland

Cherry Valley Dr Wellfleet Dr Georgia Avenue 24' 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Cherry Valley Dr 4000' w. of Cashell Rd Wellfleet Dr 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Cheshire Dr Old Georgetown Rd Grosvenor Lane 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Chestnut St Wisconsin Ave Tilbury Street 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Chevy Chase Dr Hillandale Rd Bradley Boulevard 50 Residential Primary Bethesda CBD

Christopher Ave Gaithersburg City Limits Montgomery Village Avenue 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Cider Barrel Rd Germantown Rd end of road 0 2 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Cider Press Pl CIDER BARREL RD OBSERVATION DRIVE EXTENDED 0 2 70 Minor Arterial Germantown

Cider Press Place MD 355 Cider Barrel Rd 2 2 70 Minor Arterial Germantown

Citadel Ave Marinelli Rd Nicholson Lane 2 70 Business (Planned) North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Clara Barton Pkw MacArthur Blv District of Columbia Line 4 Varies Parkway Potomac / Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Claridge Rd Veirs Mill Rd Henderson Avenue 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Clarks Crossing Rd Clarksburg Square Rd Stringtown Rd 0 2 70 Residential Primary Clarksburg

Clarksburg Rd Clopper Rd (in Boyds) Approx. 300' south of Ascot Square  2 2 80 Arterial Clarksburg

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Clarksburg Rd Approx. 200' north of Chrisman Hill  Approx. 750' south of W Old Baltimo 2 2 80 Arterial  Clarksburg

Clarksburg Rd West Old Baltimore Rd Approx. 2000' southwest of Whelan  2 2 80 Arterial Clarksburg

Clarksburg Rd Stringtown Rd / Gateway Center Dr Piedmont Road 2 2 80 Arterial Clarksburg

Clarksburg Rd Piedmont Rd Frederick County Line 2 2 80 Country Arterial Rustic Roads / Damascus

Clarksburg Rd Extended 400' south of Clopper Rd Clopper Road 0 2 80 Major Highway (Plann Boyds

Clarksburg Rd Relocated Approx. 300' south of Ascot Square C Approx. 200' north of Chrisman Hill  0 2 80 Arterial (Planned) Boyds

Clarksburg Rd Relocated Approx. 750' south of W Old Baltimo West Old Baltimore Road 0 2 80 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

Clarksburg Rd Relocated Approx. 2000' southwest of Whelan  I‐270 0 6D 150 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

Clarksburg Square Rd Frederick Rd Little Seneca Creek 2 2 70 Business Clarksburg

Clarksburg Square Rd Little Seneca Creek Clarks Crossing Rd 2 2 70 Residential Primary Clarksburg

Clopper Rd Great Seneca Creek Quince Orchard Rd 4 4‐6 150 Major Highway Gaithersburg West

Clopper Rd Approx. 1700' southeast of Clarksbur Great Seneca Highway 2 6 150 Major Highway Boyds / Germantown

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Clopper Rd Great Seneca Hwy Great Seneca Creek 2 6 120 Major Highway Germantown

Clopper Rd Great Seneca Creek Quince Orchard Road 2 4‐6 120 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity

Clopper Rd Relocated Approx. 1700' southeast of Clarksbur Clarksburg Road (extended) 0 6 150 Major Highway (Plann Boyds

Clover Patch Dr Cherry Hill Rd Prince George's County Line 4 80 Arterial Fairland

Cloverleaf Center Dr Crystal Rock Dr Century Boulevard 4 4 112 Business Germantown

Cloverly St New Hampshire Ave Gallaudet Avenue 2+Parki 2 70 Business Cloverly

Club Hollow Rd Elmer School Rd Edwards Ferry Road 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Club House Rd Watkins Mill Rd Montgomery Village Avenue 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity

Colesville Rd Eastern Ave (D.C. Line) East‐West Highway 125 Major Highway Silver Spring CBD

Colesville Rd East‐West Hwy Georgia Avenue 124 Major Highway Silver Spring CBD

Colesville Rd Georgia Ave Fenton Street 5‐6 100 Major Highway Silver Spring CBD

Colesville Rd Fenton St Spring Street 5‐6 120 Major Highway Silver Spring CBD

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Colesville Rd Spring St Franklin Avenue 6 6D 120 Major Highway North and West Silver Spring / Four C

Colesville Rd Franklin Ave Northwest Branch 6D 6D 120 Major Highway North and West Silver Spring / Four C

Colie Dr Havard St Randolph Road 2 2 80 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Colonial La Ripley St Georgia Avenue 80 Business Silver Spring CBD

Columbia Pik Northwest Branch New Hampshire Avenue 6D 6D 120 Major Highway White Oak

Columbia Pik New Hampshire Ave Paint Branch 6D 6D 200 Controlled Major High White Oak

Columbia Pik Paint Branch Sandy Spring Road (includes relocati 6D 6D 100‐2 Controlled Major High Fairland

Columbia Pik Sandy Spring Rd Dustin Road (includes relocation at n 5D 5D 100‐2 Controlled Major High Fairland

Columbia Pik Dustin Rd Howard County Line 4D 4D 100‐2 Controlled Major High Fairland

Commerce La Old Georgetown Rd Wisconsin Avenue 2 2 50 Business Bethesda CBD

Comus Rd Frederick County Line Peach Tree Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Comus Rd Peach Tree Rd Frederick Road 2 2 80 Arterial Clarksburg

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Concord St Plyers Mill Rd University Boulevard 2 2 70 Business Kensington‐Wheaton

Connecticut Ave Western Ave Turkey Branch (Matthew Henson Sta 6D 6D 120 Major Highway Bethesda‐Chevy Chase / Kensington‐

Connecticut Ave Turkey Branch (Matthew Henson Sta Georgia Avenue 6D 6D 150 Major Highway Aspen Hill

Connecticut Ave Georgia Ave Bel Pre Road 4 4 80 Arterial Aspen Hill

Cordell Ave Wilson La Wisconsin Avenue 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Corridor Cities Transitway (Proposed Shady Grove Metro Station Broschart Rd 0 T 50‐70 Transitway (Planned) Shady Grove, Gaithersburg West

Corridor Cities Transitway (Proposed 1500' south of proposed Cloverleaf s Observation Dr 750' NE of proposed  Transitway (Planned) Germantown

Corridor Cities Transitway (Proposed Shady Grove Metro Station Clarksburg Town Center 0 T 50‐70 Transitway (Planned) Gaithersburg / Germantown / Clarks

Corridor Cities Transitway (Proposed Clarksburg Town Center Frederick Co Line 0 T 50‐70 Transitway (Planned) Gaithersburg / Germantown / Clarks

Corridor Cities Transitway (Under Stu W of Great Seneca Hwy Broschart Rd 0 T 50‐70 Transitway (Planned) Gaithersburg / Germantown / Clarks

Crabbs Branch Way Shady Grove Rd Redland Rd 4D 4D 100 Business Shady Grove

Crabbs Branch Way Gude Dr Redland Rd 4D 4D 80 Arterial Shady Grove

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Crabbs Branch Way Extended 2300' north of Shady Grove Rd 1000' North of I‐370 0 4 80 Business (Planned) Shady Grove

Cresthaven Dr Devere Dr New Hampshire Avenue 2 2 70 Residential Primary White Oak

Crown St Westbard Ave end‐of‐road Unclassified Westbard

Crystal Rock Dr Middlebrook Rd Crystal Rock Dr 2 2 80 Minor Arterial Germantown

Crystal Rock Dr Kinster Drive Father Hurley Boulevard 4 4 120 Arterial Germantown

Crystal Rock Dr Father Hurley Blv Water's Landing Dr 4 4 120 Arterial Germantown

Crystal Rock Dr Germantown Rd Middlebrook Rd 2 2 80 Minor Arterial Germantown

Crystal Rock Dr Extended Dorsey Mill Dr Black Hill Park Access Road 0 4 100 Business (Planned) Germantown

Crystal Rock Drive Black Hill Park Access Rd Kinster Dr 4 4 100 Business Germantown Sector Plan

Cypress Hill Dr Woodfield Rd end of road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Upper Rock Creek

Dairymaid Dr Great Seneca Hwy Mateny Road 4 80 Arterial Germantown

Dale Dr Georgia Ave Wayne Avenue 2 2 80 Arterial North and West Silver Spring

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Dale Dr Wayne Ave Piney Branch Road 2 2 70 Arterial East Silver Spring

Dalewood Dr Randolph Rd Hathaway Drive 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Dalewood Dr Veirs Mill Rd Bluhill Rd 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington/Wheaton

Damascus Blv (Proposed) Ridge Rd Woodfield Road 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Damascus

Damascus Rd Howard Chapel Rd 2800' w. of Woodfield Rd 2 2 80 Arterial Damascus

Damascus Rd 2800' e. of Woodfield Rd Laytonsville Road 2 2 120 Major Highway Damascus

Damascus Rd Laytonsville Rd Georgia Avenue 2 2 80 Country Arterial Rustic Roads / Damascus / Olney

Danville Dr Tilden La Ibsen Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Darnestown Rd Martinsburg Rd / Dickerson Rd Whites Ferry Road 2 2 80 Country Arterial Rustic Roads

Darnestown Rd Whites Ferry Rd Riffle Ford Road 2 2 120 Major Highway Ag and Open Space / Potomac

Darnestown Rd Riffle Ford Rd Muddy Branch Road 2 4D 120 Major Highway Potomac

Darnestown Rd Muddy Branch Rd Key West Avenue (western intersecti 2 6D 150 Major Highway Shady Grove 1990 / Potomac

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Darnestown Rd Key West Ave (western intersection) Great Seneca Highway 4 4 100 Arterial Shady Grove 1990 / Potomac

Darnestown Rd Great Seneca Hwy Shady Grove Rd 6 6D 150 Controlled Major High Potomac

Darnestown Rd Shady Grove Rd Key West Avenue (eastern intersecti 4 4 100 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity‐Shady Grove A

Darnestown Rd Relocated 400' west of Great Seneca Hwy 210' north of Darnestown Rd 4 4 100 Arterial Shady Grove 1990 / Potomac

Davis Mill Rd Ridge Rd Brink Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Dawson Farm Rd Father Hurley Blv Germantown Road 4 4 80 Arterial Germantown

Dawson Farm Rd Germantown Rd Great Seneca Highway 4 100 Arterial Germantown

Dayton St Pritchard La Dodson Rd 2 2 60 Unclassified Wheaton CBD Vicinity 1990

Decoverly Dr Extended Muddy Branch Rd Fields Road 4 100‐1 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity‐Shady Grove A

Del Ray Ave Old Georgetown Rd Rugby Avenue 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Democracy Blv Falls Rd Seven Locks Road 2 80 Arterial Potomac

Democracy Blv Seven Locks Rd Bells Mill Road 6D 150 Major Highway North Bethesda‐Garrett Park / Poto

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Democracy Blv Bells Mill Rd Old Georgetown Road 6D 120‐1 Major Highway North Bethesda‐Garrett Park / Poto

Denfeld Ave Wexford Dr Newport Mill Road 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Denley Rd Georgia Ave Randolph Road 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton (Kensington CB

Dennis Ave Brunswick Ave Georgia Avenue 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Dennis Ave Georgia Ave Sligo Creek Parkway 48' 48' 80 Arterial Kensington‐Wheaton

Dennis Ave Sligo Creek Parkway Proctor Street 2 2 80 Arterial Kemp Mill

Dennis Ave Proctor St University Boulevard 2 2 80 Arterial Four Corners

Dennis Ave University Blv Edgewood Avenue 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Four Corners

Dewey Rd Randolph Rd Denfeld Road 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Diamondback Dr Sam Eig Hwy Key West Avenue 4 100‐2 Arterial Shady Grove 1990 / Gaithersburg Vic

Dickerson Rd Darnestown Rd CSX Railroad ROW 2 2 80 Country Arterial Rustic Roads

Dickerson Rd CSX Railroad ROW Frederick County Line 2 2 80 Country Arterial Agricultural and Open Space / Rustic 

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Dino Dr Sandy Spring Rd Industrial Park 2 2 70 Industrial Fairland

Dixon Ave Wayne Ave Bonifant Street 80 Unclassified Silver Spring CBD

Dixon Ave Extended Bonifant St Ripley Street 0 4 80 Unclassified Silver Spring CBD

Dixon Ave Extended Ripley St Silver Spring Ave 0 4 80 Business (Planned) Silver Spring CBD

Doctor Bird Rd Olney‐Sandy Spring Rd Norwood Road 2 2 120 Major Highway Olney / Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Dogwood La Briggs Chaney Rd Sheffield Manor Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Dorsey La River Rd Little Falls Parkway Unclassified Westbard

Dorsey Mill Rd Observation Dr Milestone Center Dr 2 4 150 Business Germantown

Dorsey Mill Rd (Proposed) Observation Dr Century Blvd 0 4 150 Business (Planned) Germantown

Dorsey Rd Warfield Rd Olney‐Laytonsville Road 24' 2 70 Residential Primary Upper Rock Creek

Douglas Ave McComas Ave Kimberly St 2 2 Residential Primary Wheaton CBD Vicinity 1990

Dover Rd East Gude Dr Horners La 2 2 70 Industrial Upper Rock Creek

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Draper La (Proposed) Colesville Rd Blair Mill Road 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Silver Spring CBD

Dufief Dr Darnestown Rd Dufief Mill Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Dufief Mill Rd Muddy Branch Rd Darnestown Rd 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Dufief Mill Rd Travilah Rd Muddy Branch Road 2 2 80 Arterial Potomac

Dupont Ave Connecticut Ave Nash Place 70 Business Kensington‐Wheaton

Dustin Rd Columbia Pik west end of road 2 2 80 Rustic Road Fairland

E Gude Dr Gude Dr Rec Park [Northern Planning Southlawn La 4D 4D 150 Major Highway Upper Rock Creek

East Ave University Blv Kensington Boulevard 36' 70 Residential Primary Wheaton CBD

East Jefferson St Executive Blv Rockville City Limits 4 4 80 Arterial North Bethesda/Garrett Park

East La Woodmont Ave Montgomery Lane 2 50 Business Bethesda CBD

East La Montgomery La Hampden Lane 2 80 Business Bethesda CBD

East Randolph Rd Fairland Rd Columbia Pike 5 4‐5 80 Arterial White Oak / Fairland

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

East Village Ave Goshen Rd Woodfield Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary  Gaithersburg Vicinity (Changed by D

East‐West Hwy Wisconsin Ave Waverly Street 110 Major Highway Bethesda CBD

East‐West Hwy Waverly St Pearl Street 4 80 Major Highway Bethesda CBD

East‐West Hwy Pearl St Georgetown Branch ROW 4 120 Major Highway Bethesda CBD

East‐West Hwy Georgetown Branch ROW Rock Creek 4 4 120 Major Highway Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

East‐West Hwy Rock Creek Sixteenth Street 4D 4D 120 Major Highway North and West Silver Spring

East‐West Hwy Sixteenth St 300' east of Sixteenth Street 4 118 Major Highway Silver Spring CBD

East‐West Hwy 300' east of Sixteenth St Blair Mill Road 4 110 Major Highway Silver Spring CBD

East‐West Hwy Blair Mill Rd Georgia Avenue 2‐4 90 Major Highway Silver Spring CBD

East‐West Hwy New Hampshire Ave Prince George's County Line 4 4 90 Arterial Takoma Park

Edgemoor La Beverly Rd Old Georgetown Road 2 80 Business Bethesda CBD

Edgewood Ave Hannes St Lorain Avenue 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Four Corners / Kemp Mill

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Ednor Rd Norwood Rd New Hampshire Avenue 2 2 80 Arterial Cloverly / Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Ednor Rd New Hampshire Ave Howard County Line 2 2 80 Country Arterial Sandy Spring‐Ashton / Cloverly

Edson La Old Georgetown Rd Rockville Pike 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Edwards Ferry Rd Whites Ferry Rd West Offutt Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Edwards Ferry Rd West Offutt Rd C&O Canal 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads

Eldwick Way Broadgreen Dr Falls Road 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Elkin St University Blv Blueridge Avenue 2 2 80 Business Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Elkin St Blueridge Ave Amherst Avenue 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Ellsworth Dr Cedar St 450' west of Fenton Street 70 Business Silver Spring CBD

Elm St Clarendon St Wisconsin Ave 2 2 60 Residential Primary Bethesda CBD

Elm St Wisconsin Ave 47th St 2 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Elmer School Rd Whites Ferry Rd River Road 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Elton Farm Rd Howard Chapel Rd end‐of‐road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Olney

Elton Rd New Hampshire Ave Prince George's County Line 4 4 80 Business White Oak

Emory Grove Rd Whetstone Rd 2000' east of Woodfield Rd 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity

Emory La Muncaster Mill Rd Georgia Avenue 2 2 80 Arterial Olney

Emory La Norbeck Rd Bauer Drive 24' 24' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Ennalls Ave Veirs Mill Rd Grandview Avenue 2 60 Business Wheaton CBD

Epsilon Dr Shady Grove Rd Amnity Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Shady Grove

Esworthy Rd River Rd Seneca Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Ethan Allen Ave Carroll Ave New Hampshire Avenue 2 2 50 Arterial Takoma Park

Executive Blv East Jefferson St Old Georgetown Road 4D 4D 120 Business North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Executive Blv Old Georgetown Rd Huff Ct 4 80 Business North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Executive Blv Extended Woodglen Ave Huff Court 0 4 80 Business (Planned) North Bethesda/Garrett Park

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Executive Blvd Extended Huff Ct Nebel St Extended 0 2 80 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

Fairdale Rd Briggs Chaney Rd Friendlywood Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Fairland Rd East Randolph Rd Columbia Pik 2 4 80 Arterial White Oak / Fairland

Fairland Rd Columbia Pik Prince George's County Line 2 2‐4 80 Arterial Fairland

Fairmont Ave Woodmont Ave Wisconsin Ave 2 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Fairmont Ave Old Georgetown Rd Woodmont Avenue 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Falls Bridge La Falls Rd end‐of‐road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Falls Chapel Way Falls Rd Falls Road 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Falls Rd MacArthur Blv River Road 2 2 120 Arterial Potomac

Falls Rd River Rd Rockville City Limits 2 2 120 Major Highway Potomac

Falls Rd Relocated Coldspring Rd Falls Farm Dr 0 2 120 Major Highway (Plann Potomac

Falls Rd Relocated Falls Farm Dr Tuckerman La 0 2 120 Major Highway (Plann Potomac

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Falls Rd Relocated Tuckerman La Marseille Dr 0 2 120 Major Highway (Plann Potomac

Falls Rd Relocated Marseille Dr Eldwick Way 0 2 120 Major Highway (Plann Potomac

Falls Rd Relocated Bullis School Bullis School 0 2 120 Major Highway (Plann Potomac

Farmland Dr Old Stage Rd Old Club Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Father Hurley Blv CSX Tracks Hopkins Road 2 4D 120 Major Highway Germantown

Father Hurley Blv Wisteria Dr Waterford Hills 4D 4D 120 Controlled Major High Germantown

Father Hurley Blv I‐270 Crystal Rock Drive 6D 6D 120 Major Highway Germantown

Father Hurley Blv Extended Hopkins Rd Germantown Road 0 4D 120 Major Highway (Plann Germantown

Father Hurley Blvd Crystal Rock Dr Wisteria Drive 4D 4D 120 Controlled Major High Germantown

Father Hurley Blvd I‐270 Crystal Rock Drive 6D 6D 120 Controlled Major High Germantown

Father Hurley Blvd Extended Waterford Hills Blvd CSX 4D 4D 120 Controlled Major High Germantown Sector Plan

Faulkner Pl Drumm Ave Coronada Place 55‐60 Residential Primary Wheaton CBD

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

FDA Access Rd (Proposed) Cherry Hill Rd FDA site 0 2 80 Industrial (Planned) Fairland

Featherwood St Old Columbia Pik Loft La 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Fenton St Cameron St Albany Avenue/Takoma Avenue 2+Parki 80 Arterial Silver Spring CBD / East Silver Spring 

Fenwick La Georgia Ave Second Avenue 2 80 Business Silver Spring CBD

Fern St Reedie Dr University Boulevard 2 60 Business Wheaton CBD

Fernwood Rd Bradley Blv Democracy Boulevard 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase / North Bethe

Fernwood Rd Democracy Blv I‐270 Spur 4 80 Arterial North Bethesda‐Garrett Park/Potom

Ferrara Ave Ferrara Dr Veirs Mill Road 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Ferrara Dr Mahan Rd Ferrara Avenue 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Fidler La Second Ave Georgia Avenue <Null> Business Silver Spring CBD

Fieldcrest Rd Woodfield Rd Olney‐Laytonsville Road 24' 2 80 Arterial Upper Rock Creek

Fields Rd 150' West of Omega Dr 675' west of Washingtonian Blvd 4 4 150 (T Arterial Gaithersburg West

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Fields Rd Sam Eig Hwy Omega Drive 6 120 Arterial Shady Grove 1990

Findley Rd Extended end of existing Rd cul‐de‐sac 0 26' 50 Residential Primary (Pl Wheaton CBD

First Ave Spring St Fenwick Lane 70 Business Silver Spring CBD

Fisher's La Twinbrook Metrorail Station Parklawn Cemetery 2 2 80 Business North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Flack St Connector south of Denley Rd north of Urbana Drive 0 2 60 Residential Primary (Pl Glenmont Sector Plan

Flanders Ave Rockville Pik Strathmore Avenue 2 2 60 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Flower Ave Marshall Ave Franklin Avenue 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Four Corners / East Silver Spring

Flower Ave Franklin Ave Arliss Street 2 2 70 Residential Primary East Silver Spring

Flower Ave Arliss St Piney Branch Road 2 2 70 Business East Silver Spring

Flower Ave Piney Branch Rd Carroll Avenue 2 2 55 Arterial East Silver Spring / Takoma Park

Foreman Blv Frederick Rd Timber Creek La 2 2 80 Arterial Clarksburg

Foreman Blv (Proposed) Timber Creek La Midcounty Hwy 0 2 80 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Forest Glen Rd Seminary Rd Belvedere Place 2 2 80 Arterial Forest Glen

Forest Glen Rd Belvedere Place Woodland Drive 4 4 80 Arterial Forest Glen

Forest Glen Rd Woodland Dr Sligo Creek Parkway 2 2 80 Arterial Forest Glen

Forest Glen Rd Sligo Creek Parkway Brunett Avenue 2 80 Arterial Four Corners

Forest Glen Rd Brunett Ave Sutherland Road 2 80 Residential Primary Four Corners

Forest Grove Dr Imperial Dr Forest Glen Road 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton / Forest Glen

Forty Seventh St Elm St Willow Lane 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Franklin Ave Colesville Rd University Blvd 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Four Corners / East Silver Spring / Ke

Franklin Ave University Blv Lawnsberry Terrace 2 100 Residential Primary East Silver Spring

Fraser Ave Linden La Montgomery Street 2 40' 70 Industrial North and West Silver Spring

Frederick Ave Gaithersburg City Limit Gaithersburg City Limit 4 6 120 Major Highway Gaithersburg West

Frederick Rd Indianola Dr Gude Dr 6D 6D 150 Major Highway Shady Grove

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Frederick Rd Ridgemont Ave Indianola Dr 6D 6D 120 Major Highway Shady Grove

Frederick Rd Ridgemont Ave 500' north of I‐370 6D 150 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity / Shady Grove

Frederick Rd Middlebrook Rd Great Seneca Creek 6D 6D 250 Controlled Major High Germantown

Frederick Rd Ridge Rd Middlebrook Rd 4 6D 250 Controlled Major High Germantown

Frederick Rd Ridge Rd Brink Road 2D 6D 250 Controlled Major High Germantown

Frederick Rd Brink Rd New Cut Road Extended 2D 4D 120 Major Highway Clarksburg

Frederick Rd New Cut Rd Extended Observation Drive Extended (A‐19) 2D 4D 120 Arterial Clarksburg

Frederick Rd Snowden Farm Pkwy (A‐305) Comus Road 2 2+T 130 Arterial Clarksburg

Frederick Rd Comus Rd southern terminus of Hyattstown By 2 2 80 Arterial Clarksburg

Frederick Rd southern terminus of Hyattstown By Frederick County Line 2 2 80 Rustic Road Clarksburg

Frederick Rd Relocated Observation Drive Extended (A‐19) Snowden Farm Pkwy (A‐305) 0 4D+T 150 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

Freyman Dr Meadowbrook La Terrace Drive 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary North and West Silver Spring

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Friendlywood Rd Fairdale Rd Perrywood Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Friendship Blv Western Ave Willard Avenue 4 80 Business Friendship Heights

Friendship Blv Willard Ave Somerset Terrace 2 80 Business Friendship Heights

Gainsborough Rd Democracy Blv Seven Locks Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Gaither Rd Rockville City Limits at Shady Grove  northern end‐of‐road 4 80 Industrial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Galway Rd Calverton Blv Fairland Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Game Preserve Rd Frederick Rd (MD 355) Clopper Rd (MD 117) 2 2 70 Rustic Road Great Seneca Science Corridor

Gardiner Ave Dennis Ave Hildarose Drive 2 36' 70 Residential Primary  Forest Glen

Garland Ave Piney Branch Rd Carroll Avenue 2 2 60 Residential Primary East Silver Spring / Takoma Park

Gateshead Manor Way Briggs Chaney Rd Dogwood Lane 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Gateway Center Dr Shawnee La Stringtown Road (A‐260) 4D 4D 80 Arterial Clarksburg

Georgia Ave CSX Railroad Eastern Ave (DC Line) 6‐6D 6‐6D 125 Major Highway Silver Spring CBD

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Lanes Lanes

Georgia Ave Colesville Rd CSX Railroad 6‐6D 6‐6D 120‐1 Major Highway Silver Spring CBD

Georgia Ave Spring St Colesville Road 6 126 Major Highway Silver Spring CBD

Georgia Ave Sixteenth St Spring Street 6D 6D 120 Major Highway North and West Silver Spring

Georgia Ave Capital Beltway Sixteenth Street 7 120 Major Highway North and West Silver Spring

Georgia Ave Dexter Ave Capital Beltway 6D 6D 110 Major Highway Forest Glen

Georgia Ave 500 feet south of Randolph Rd Dexter Avenue 6D 6D 120 Major Highway Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Georgia Ave Layhill Rd 500' south of Randolph Road 6D 6D 170 Major Highway Glenmont

Georgia Ave Denley Rd Layhill Road 6D 6D 145 Major Highway Glenmont

Georgia Ave Weller Rd Denley Road 6D 6D 135 Major Highway Glenmont

Georgia Ave Turkey Branch (Matthew Henson Sta Weller Road 6D 6D 120 Major Highway Kensington‐Wheaton

Georgia Ave Norbeck Rd Turkey Branch (Matthew Henson Sta 6D 6D+T 150 Major Highway Aspen Hill

Georgia Ave Emory La Norbeck Rd 2D 6D+T 150 Major Highway Aspen Hill

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Lanes Lanes

Georgia Ave Olney‐Laytonsville Rd/Olney‐Sandy S Emory La 6D 6D+T 150 Major Highway Aspen Hill

Georgia Ave Olney‐Laytonsville / Olney‐Sandy Spr Prince Philip Rd (North) 2‐4 6D 120 Major Highway Olney

Georgia Ave Prince Philip Rd (North) Howard County Line 2 2 80 Major Highway Olney

Georgia Avenue Busway (Proposed) Norbeck Rd Olney‐Laytonsville Rd / Olney‐Sandy  0 T T Transitway (Planned) Aspen Hill / Olney

Germantown Rd Darnestown Rd Great Seneca Creek (Southern Branc 2 2‐4D 120 Major Highway Potomac

Germantown Rd Great Seneca Creek (Southern Branc Great Seneca Creek (Northern Branc 2 2‐4 120 Major Highway Agriculture and Open Space

Germantown Rd Great Seneca Creek (Northern Branc Clopper Road 2D 6D 120 Major Highway Germantown

Germantown Rd Clopper Rd Midcounty Highway 6D 6D 150 Major Highway Germantown

Gist Ave Philadelphia Ave Fenton Street 70 Business Silver Spring CBD

Glen Mill Rd Glen Rd Red Barn Lane 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads / Potomac

Glen Mill Rd Red Barn La Circle Drive 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Potomac

Glen Mill Rd Circle Dr Wootton Parkway 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

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Lanes Lanes

Glen Mill Rd Wootton Parkway Darnestown Road 2 2 80 Arterial Potomac

Glen Rd Query Mill Rd Piney Meetinghouse Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Potomac

Glen Rd Piney Meetinghouse Rd Beekman Place 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads / Potomac

Glen Rd Beekman Place Falls Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Glenallan Ave Georgia Ave Layhill Road 48' 48' 90 Arterial Glenmont / Kensington‐Wheaton

Glenallan Ave Layhill Rd 450 feet north of Randolph Road 48' 48' 80 Arterial Glenmont / Kensington‐Wheaton

Glenallan Ave 450 feet north of Randolph Rd Randolph Road 48' 48' 95 Arterial Glenmont

Glenallan Ave Randolph Rd Glenfield Road 36' 26' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Glenallan Ave Glenfield Rd Kemp Mill Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kemp Mill

Glenallan Ave Extended Flack St Georgia Avenue 0 36' 70 Residential Primary (Pl Glenmont

Glenbrook Rd Old Georgetown Rd end‐of‐road 2 80 Business Bethesda CBD

Gold Mine Rd Heritage Hill Dr New Hampshire Avenue 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

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Lanes Lanes

Goldenrod La Germantown Rd 1000' south of Germantown Road 2 4 80 Business Germantown

Goldsboro Rd MacArthur Blv Massachusetts Avenue 2 80 Arterial Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Goldsboro Rd Massachusetts Ave River Road 4 120 Major Highway Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Goldsboro Rd River Rd Bradley Boulevard 48' 80 Arterial Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Good Hope Rd New Hampshire Ave Spencerville Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Cloverly

Goodhill Rd Bluhill Rd Valleywood Drive 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Goshen Rd Oden'Hal Ave Warfield Road 4‐6 120 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity

Goshen Rd Warfield Rd Goshen Road Extended 2 2 80 Arterial Agriculture and Open Space

Goshen Rd Extended Goshen Mill Court Brink Road 0 2 80 Arterial (Planned) Agriculture and Open Space

Gracefield Rd O'Fallon St Cherry Hill Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Grand Pre Rd Bel Pre Rd Connecticut Avenue 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Grandview Ave Elmont St Blueridge Avenue 70 Residential Primary Wheaton CBD

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Lanes Lanes

Grandview Ave Blueridge Ave University Boulevard 2 70 Business Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Grandview Ave University Blv Reedie Drive 2 80 Business Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Grays La Monticello Ave Kemp Mill Road 2 70 Residential Primary Kemp Mill

Great Seneca Hwy CSX Dawson Farm Rd 4D 4D 120 Major Highway Germantown

Great Seneca Hwy Middlebrook Rd Great Seneca Creek 4D 6D 120 Major Highway Germantown

Great Seneca Hwy Great Seneca Creek Quince Orchard Road 4D 150 Controlled Major High Gaithersburg Vicinity / Shady Grove

Great Seneca Hwy Quince Orchard Rd Blackwell Road 4 6 150(2 Controlled Major High Gaithersburg Vicinity‐Shady Grove A

Great Seneca Hwy Blackwell Rd Darnestown Road 4‐6 150 Controlled Major High Gaithersburg Vicinity‐Shady Grove A

Great Seneca Hwy Relocated 550' north of Darnestown Rd 300' east of Great Seneca Hwy 4‐6 150 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity‐Shady Grove A

Greencastle Rd Old Columbia Pik Columbia Pike 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Greencastle Rd Columbia Pik Prince George's County Line 2 4 80 Arterial Fairland

Greentree Rd Old Georgetown Rd Burdette Rd 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

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Lanes Lanes

Greentree Rd Capital Beltway (I‐495) Grubby Thicket Way 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Greentree Rd Extended Grubby Thicket Way Greyswood Road extended 2 2 70 Residential Primary (Pl North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Gregg Rd Riggs Rd Georgia Avenue 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Olney

Greyswood Rd Extended Derbyshire Ln Greentree Road extended 0 2 70 Residential Primary (Pl North Bethesda

Gridley Rd Selfridge Rd Veirs Mill Road 2 2 80 Business Kensington‐Wheaton

Griffith Rd Laytonsville Rd Damascus Road 2 2 70 Country Road Olney / Rustic Roads

Grosvenor La Cheshire Dr Rockville Pike 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Grubb Rd Terrace Dr Lyttonsville Road 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary North and West Silver Spring

Grubb Rd Lyttonsville Rd East‐West Highway 48' 48' 80 Arterial North and West Silver Spring

Grubb Rd East‐West Hwy District of Columbia Line 36' 36' 80 Arterial North and West Silver Spring

Gue Rd 5000' e. of Ridge Rd Howard Chapel Dr 2 2 70 Residential Primary Damascus

Gue Rd Howard Chapel Dr Long Corner Rd 2 2 70 Country Road Damascus

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Lanes Lanes

Gunners  Dr Frederick Rd Cider Barrel Rd 2 2 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Gunners Branch Rd Frederick Rd at Scenery Dr Frederick Road 2 2 80 Residential Primary Germantown

Hadley Farms Dr Woodfield Rd Woodfield Road 2 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity

Haines Rd Lewisdale Rd Frederick County Line 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Hampden La Arlington Rd Wisconsin Avenue 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Hathaway Dr Dalewood Dr Layhill Road 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Havard St Veirs Mill Rd Barbara Road 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Haviland Mill Rd Brinkwood Road Howard County Line 2 2 60 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Hawkes Rd Ridge Rd Stringtown Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Clarksburg

Hawkesbury La Randolph Rd Locksley Lane 2 2 70 Residential Primary White Oak

Hawkins Creamery Rd Woodfield Rd Laytonsville Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Damascus

Headwaters Dr Morningwood Dr Olney‐Laytonsville Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Heathfield Rd Bauer Dr Georgia Avenue 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Henderson Corner Rd Frederick Rd Ridge Road Relocated 4 100 Arterial Germantown

Henderson Rd Valleywood Rd Judson Road 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Heritage Hills Dr Olney‐Laytonsville Rd Georgia Avenue 2 2 80 Arterial Olney

Heurich Rd Randolph Rd Glenallan Avenue 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Hewitt Ave Rippling Brook Dr Georgia Avenue 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Highland Ave Wisconsin Ave Tilbury Street 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Hildarose Dr Gardiner Ave Georgia Avenue 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Forest Glen Sector Plan

Hillandale Rd Little Falls Parkway Bradley Boulevard 2 36' 80 Residential Primary Bethesda CBD

Hillcrest Ave Georgia Ave Olney‐Sandy Spring Road 2 2 70 Business Olney

Hillwood Dr Columbia Pik 500 feet east 2 4 80 Business White Oak

Hines Rd Georgia Ave Cashell Road 2 2 80 Arterial Olney

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Lanes Lanes

Hipsley Mill Rd Damascus Rd Howard County Line 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Damascus / Olney

Homecrest Rd Longmeade Crossing Dr Bel Pre Road 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Hopkins Rd Clopper Rd Father Hurley Boulevard 4 80 Arterial Germantown

Horde St Windham La Prichard Rd 2 2 60 Residential Primary Wheaton CBD

Howard Ave Kensington Pkwy Connecticut Ave 2 2 60 Business Kensington Sector Plan

Howard Ave Connecticut Ave Knowles Avenue 2 2 60 Business Kensington‐Wheaton

Howard Chapel Dr Gue Rd Damascus Road 2 2 70 Country Road Damascus

Howard Chapel Rd Damascus Rd Howard County Line 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Olney

Hoya St Montrose Rd Executive Blvd 2 4 120 Major Highway (Plann White Flint Sector Plan

Hoyles Mill Rd White Ground Rd Little Seneca Creek 2 70 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads

Huff Ct Executive Blvd Nicholson La 4 4 70 Business White Flint Sector Plan

Huff Ct Extended Executive Blvd Extended Nebel St Extended 0 2 70 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

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Lanes Lanes

Hughes Rd River Rd Willis Lane 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Hunting Quarter Rd Hughes Rd River Road 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads

Huntington Pkw Old Georgetown Rd Bradley Boulevard 2D 2D 100 Residential Primary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Hyattstown Bypass (Proposed) Frederick Rd Frederick County Line 0 2 80 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

Hyattstown Mill Rd Frederick Rd Prescott Road 60 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Clarksburg

I‐270 Frederick County Line Rockville City Limits 6D‐8D 8D‐12 Varies Freeway Agriculture and Open Space / Clarksb

I‐270 Rockville City Limits Capital Beltway (I‐495) 12D 12D Varies Freeway North Bethesda‐Garrett Park/Potom

I‐270 Spur I‐270 Capital Beltway (I‐495) 6D 6D 300 Freeway North Bethesda‐Garrett Park / Poto

I‐370 I‐270 Intercounty Connector 6D 6D 300 Freeway Shady Grove

Imperial Dr Inwood Rd Forest Grove Drive 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Independence St Parkland Dr Connecticut Avenue 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Indian Spring Access Rd Layhill Rd Indian Spring Country Club 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Indian Spring Access Rd (Proposed) Indian Spring Country Club Tivoli Lake Blvd 0 36' 70 Residential Primary (Pl Kensington‐Wheaton

Indianola Dr Crabbs Branch Way Crabbs Branch Park 2 2 70 Residential Primary Shady Grove

Indianola Dr Crabbs Branch Way Crabbs Branch Park 2 2 70 Residential Primary Shady Grove

Indianola Rd Frederick Rd Crabbs Branch Way 2 70 Business Shady Grove

Industrial Pkw Columbia Pik Industrial Park 4 4 80 Industrial Fairland

Intercounty Connector I‐370 Prince George's County Line 0 6D+T 300 Freeway (Planned) Gaithersburg Vicinity/Upper Rock Cr

Intercounty Connector (Proposed) Layhill Rd Notley Rd 0 6D +T 300 Freeway (Planned) Gaithersburg Vicinity/Upper Rock Cr

Intercounty Connector (Proposed) I‐370 Prince George's County Line 0 6D+T 300 Freeway (Planned) Gaithersburg Vicinity/Upper Rock Cr

Inwood Ave University Blv Imperial Drive 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Jackson Rd New Hampshire Ave Paint Branch Park 2 2 70 Residential Primary White Oak

Jerusalem Rd Beallsville Rd Darnestown Road 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Johnson Dr Bethesda Church Rd Mountain View Road 2 2 70 Country Road Rustic Roads

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Johnson Rd Northeast High School entrance end‐of‐road 60 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Cloverly

Jones Bridge Rd Wisconsin Ave Connecticut Avenue 48' 80 Arterial Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Jones Bridge Rd Connecticut Ave Jones Mill Road 36' 70 Residential Primary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Jones La Darnestown Rd Turkey Foot Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Jones Mill Rd Capital Beltway East‐West Highway 36' 70 Residential Primary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Jonesville Rd Jerusalem Rd Jonesville Terrace 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Judson Rd Parker Ave Randolph Road 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton / Glenmont

Kemp Mill Rd Randolph Rd Arcola Avenue 2 2 80 Arterial Kemp Mill

Kemptown Rd Ridge Rd Frederick County Line 2 2 80 Country Arterial Rustic Roads / Damascus

Kenbrook Dr Arcola Ave Healy Street 2 70 Residential Primary Kemp Mill

Kendale Rd Kentsdale Rd Bradley Boulevard 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Kennett St Newell St 13th Street 60 Business Silver Spring CBD

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Lanes Lanes

Kensington Blv Grandview Ave Veirs Mill Road 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Kensington Blv Extended Veirs Mill Rd East Avenue 0 2 70 Residential Primary (Pl Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Kensington Pkw Jones Bridge Rd Kent Street 36' 70 Residential Primary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase / Kensington‐

Kensington Pkwy Howard Ave Frederick Ave 2 2 60 Business Kensington Sector Plan

Kentsdale Dr Newbridge Dr Bradley Boulevard 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Key West Ave Darnestown Rd Shady Grove Rd (Rockville City Line) 6 8 200 Controlled Major High Gaithersburg West

Keystone Ave Battery La West Brook Lane 2 80 Residential Primary Bethesda CBD

King St District of Columbia Line 50' east of Georgia Avenue and Fro 60 Business Silver Spring CBD

Kinghouse Rd Peach Orchard Rd Thompson Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Cloverly

Kings Valley Rd Ridge Rd Mountain View Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Damascus

Kings Valley Rd Mountain View Rd Bethesda Church Road 2 2 70 Country Road Rustic Roads / Damascus

Kingshouse Rd Extended Kingshouse Ct Craddock St 0 2 70 Residential Primary (Pl Cloverly

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Lanes Lanes

Kingsley Rd Burnt Hill Rd Stringtown Road 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads

Kingstead Rd Burnt Hill Rd Kings Valley Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Damascus / Rustic Roads

Kingstead Rd Kings Valley Rd Oak Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Damascus

Kingsview Village Ave Clopper Rd Leaman Farm Rd 4 4 100 Arterial Germantown

Kinster Dr Crystal Rock Dr Century Boulevard 2D 2D 100 Minor Arterial Germantown

Knowles Ave Armory Ave Beach Drive 2 48' 80 Arterial Kensington‐Wheaton

Kraft Dr Extended CSX Rail Parklawn Dr 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Twinbrook Sector Plan

Lake Winds Way Dufief Mill Rd Travilah Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Lamberton Dr Arcola Ave Claybrook Dr 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kemp Mill

Lanark Way Renfrew Rd Sutherland Road 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Four Corners

Lanark Way Sutherland Rd Colesville Road 2 80 Residential Primary Four Corners

Landy La River Rd end‐of‐road 60‐70 Unclassified Westbard

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Layhill Rd Georgia Ave ICC right‐of‐way 4D 4D 120 Major Highway Kensington‐Wheaton / Glenmont

Layhill Rd Norwood Road/Ednor Road intersect ICC right‐of‐way 4D 150 Major Highway Aspen Hill / Cloverly / Olney

Laytonsville Rd Damascus Rd Rocky Rd 2 2 120 Major Highway Damascus

Leaman Farm Rd Richter Farm Rd Schaeffer Rd 2D 4D 100 Arterial Germantown

Leaman Farm Rd Kingsview Village Ave Germantown Rd 4D 100 Arterial Germantown

Leaman Farm Rd Extended Schaeffer Rd Kingsview Village Ave 4D 100 Arterial (Planned) Germantown

Leland St Bradley Blv Woodmont Avenue 2 2 80 Arterial Bethesda CBD

Leland St Wisconsin Ave Forty Sixth Street 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Lewis Dr Ridge Rd 900' w. of High Corner St 2 2 80 Business Damascus

Lexington Ave Extension Plyers Mill Rd Metropolitan Ave 0 1 60 Business (Planned) B‐5

Lindell St Randolph Rd Georgia Avenue 36' 70 Residential Primary Glenmont

Linden La Second Ave Brookville Road 4 4 80 Arterial North and West Silver Spring

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Linden La Brookville Rd Fraser Avenue 2 2 50 Residential Primary North and West Silver Spring

Linden La Fraser Ave Stephen Sitter Avenue 2 40' 70 Industrial North and West Silver Spring

Link Rd Ednor Rd end‐of‐road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Cloverly

Locbury Dr Waters Landing Dr Middlebrook Road 2 4 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Locbury Drive Middlebrook Rd 1000' south of Wisteria Drive 2 2 80 Business Germantown

Locksley La Randolph Rd Beaumont Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary White Oak

Lockwood Dr Columbia Pik 400' west of New Hampshire Avenue 2 80 Arterial White Oak

Lockwood Dr 400' west of New Hampshire Avenue east side of White Oak Shp Ctr 2 80 Arterial White Oak

Lockwood Dr east side of White Oak Shp Ctr Lockwood Dr 2 80 Arterial White Oak

Lockwood Dr Lockwood Dr Stewart Lane 2 2 70 Arterial White Oak

Lone Oak Dr Old Georgetown Rd Fernwood Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Long Corner Rd Damascus Rd Howard County Line 2 2 70 Country Road Rustic Roads / Damascus

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Longdraft Rd Goldenpost Rd Clopper Rd 4 4 80 Gaithersburg West

Longdraft Rd Quince Orchard Rd CSX Railroad ROW 2 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Longmeade Crossing Dr Layhill Rd Wintergate Drive 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Lost Knife Rd Montgomery Village Ave Oden'Hal Avenue 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Lyttonsville Pl Brookville Rd Lyttonsville Road 48' 48' 80 Arterial North and West Silver Spring

Lyttonsville Rd Lyttonsville Place Grubb Road 48' 48' 80 Arterial North and West Silver Spring

Macarthur Blv Western Ave Capital Beltway (I‐495) 2 2 Varies Arterial Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Macarthur Blv Capital Beltway Falls Road 2 2 80 Arterial Potomac

Mahan Rd Ferrara Dr Dewey Road 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Main St Woodfield Rd Ridge Road at Lewis Drive 2 2 80 Business Damascus

Manchester Rd Piney Branch Rd Three Oaks Drive 2 70 Residential Primary East Silver Spring

Manor Rd Connecticut Ave Jones Bridge Road 36' 70 Residential Primary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Maple Ave Philadelphia Ave Maplewood Avenue 2 60 Residential Primary Takoma Park

Maple Ave Wisconsin Ave Tilbury Street 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Maplewood Ave Maple Ave Flower Avenue 2 60 Residential Primary Takoma Park

Marcliff Rd Tuckerman La Tilden Lane 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Marinelli Rd Executive Blv Nebel Street 4 4 90 Business North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Martinsburg Rd Darnestown Rd North PEPCO Entrance 2 80 Country Arterial Rustic Roads

Martinsburg Rd North Pepco Entrance Whites Ferry Road 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads

Massachusetts Ave Western Ave Sangamore Lane 4 4 120 Major Highway Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Massachusetts Ave Sangamore Lane Goldsboro Road 2 4 120 Major Highway Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Mateny Rd Great Seneca Hwy northeast Dairymaid Drive 2D 4D 100 Arterial Germantown

Mateny Rd Dairymaid Dr north Great Seneca Highway 2 80 Arterial Germantown

Mccomas Ave St. Margaret Way Douglas Avenue 36' 50‐60 Residential Primary Wheaton CBD

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

McGrath Blvd Station Wentworth Pl 0 2 70 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

Mcknew Rd Sandy Spring Rd Sparrow House Lane 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Meadowbrook La East‐West Hwy Freyman Drive 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary North and West Silver Spring

Medical Center Dr Great Seneca Hwy Key West Avenue 4 100‐1 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity / Shady Grove 

Medical Center Way Medical Center Dr Shady Grove Road 4 100 Arterial Shady Grove 1990

Meeting House Rd Olney Sandy Spring Rd about 0.4 mi. south 2 2 60 Rustic Road Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Metro Access Road Intercounty Connector Proposed Street "G" 4D 4D 150 Major Highway Shady Grove

Metropolitan Ave Plyers Mill Rd Capitol View Avenue 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton (Forest Glen)

Mid County Hwy Grassy Knoll Terr Middle Brook Rd 6 6 150 Major Highway Germantown East

Mid Pike Spine St Marinelli Old Georgetown 0 4 80 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

Midcounty Hwy (Proposed) Redland Rd ICC Ramp 0 4‐6D 150 Major Highway (Plann Clarksburg / Germantown

Midcounty Hwy (Proposed) Great Seneca Creek Redland Road 0 6D 150 Major Highway (Plann Germantown/Clarksburg

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Midcounty Hwy‐Alt A (Proposed) Muncaster Mill Rd/ICC Redland Road 0 4D‐6D 150 Major Highway (Plann Upper Rock Creek

Midcounty Hwy‐alt B (Proposed) ICC Redland Road 0 4D‐6D 150 Major Highway (Plann Upper Rock Creek

Middlebrook Rd Father Hurley Blv Germantown Road 4D 4D 112 Business Germantown

Middlebrook Rd Germantown Rd Frederick Rd 6D 6D 150 Major Highway Germantown

Middlebrook Rd Frederick Rd Midcounty Hwy 2 6D 150 Major Highway Germantown

Middleton La Wisconsin Ave Pearl Street 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Middlevale La Randolph Rd Briggs Road 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Glenmont

Mid‐Pike Spine St New St Old Georgetown Rd 0 2 70 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

Mill Run Dr Redland Rd Park Mill Dr 24' 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity

Millenium Ct Germantown Rd end of road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Miller Ave Woodmont Ave Wisconsin Avenue 50 Business Bethesda CBD

Miller Fall Rd Muncaster Mill Rd Midcounty Hwy 24' 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Miller Fall Rd Midcounty Hwy Shady Grove MS 2 2 70 Residential Primary Shady Grove

Mineral Springs La Washington Grove La Woodfield Road 24' 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity

Mink Hollow Rd Ashton Rd Howard County Line 2 2 70 Residential Primary Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Monona Dr Crabbs Branch Way Indianola Dr 2 2 70 Residential Primary Shady Grove

Montevideo Rd River Rd Sugarland Road 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads

Montgomery Ave Wisconsin Ave East‐West Highway 2 80 Business Bethesda CBD

Montgomery La Arlington Rd Woodmont Avenue 2 52 Business Bethesda CBD

Montgomery La Woodmont Ave East Lane 2 80 Business Bethesda CBD

Montgomery La East La Wisconsin Avenue 2 70 Business Bethesda CBD

Montgomery St Frazer Ave Warren Street 40' 70 Industrial North and West Silver Spring

Montgomery St Wisconsin Ave terminus 2 2 60 Business Friendship Heights

Montgomery Village Ave City of Gaithersburg Limits 500' north of Club House Rd 4 120‐1 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Montgomery Village Ave 500' north of Club House Rd Wightman Road 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Monticello Ave Kemp Mill Rd Approximately 150' north of Brentw 36' 2 70 Residential Primary Kemp Mill

Monticello Ave Extended Approximately 150' north of Brentw Grays Lane 0 2 70 Residential Primary (Pl Kemp Mill

Montrose Ave Tuckerman La Weymouth Street 2 60 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Montrose Pkw (Proposed) Montrose Rd Parklawn Drive 0 4D 300 Arterial (Planned) North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Montrose Pkw (Proposed) Parklawn Dr Rock Creek Park 0 4D 300 Arterial (Planned) North Bethesda‐Garrett Park / Aspen

Montrose Pkw (Proposed) Rock Creek Park Veirs Mill Road 0 3‐4D 80 Arterial (Planned) North Bethesda‐Garrett Park / Aspen

Montrose Pkwy Montrose Rd East Jefferson St 4 4 300 Arterial North Bethesda

Montrose Rd Falls Rd Seven Locks Rd 2‐4 2 300 Arterial Potomac

Montrose Rd Seven Locks Rd I‐270 2‐4 6D 300 Arterial Potomac

Montrose Rd I‐270 Old Bridge Rd 4 4 300 Arterial North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Montrose Rd Old Bridge Rd Rockville Pike 4 4 80 Arterial North Bethesda/Garrett Park

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Montrose Rd Extended Existing Falls Rd Relocated Falls Rd (approximately 40 0 2 100 Arterial (Planned) Potomac

Mooney Dr Snouffer School Rd Beechcraft Avenue 4 80 Industrial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Moore Rd Peach Tree Rd Bucklodge Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Moorland La Clarendon Rd Old Georgetown Road 2 70 Business Bethesda CBD

Morningwood Dr Cashell Rd Georgia Avenue 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Mount Ephraim Rd Dickerson Rd West Harris Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Mount Nebo Rd West Offutt Rd River Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Mountain View Rd Kings Valley Rd Purdum Road / Prices Distillery Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Damascus

Mouth Of Monocacy Rd Frederick County Line Dickerson Road 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads

Mouth Of Monocacy Rd Dickerson Rd Mount Ephraim Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Mouth Of Monocacy Rd Mount Ephraim Rd Litle Monocacy River 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads

Moxley Rd Clarksburg Rd Kemptown Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Damascus

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Moyer Rd Woodfield Rd Moyer Road Park 2 2 70 Residential Primary Damascus

Muddy Branch Rd Dufief Mill Rd Darnestown Road 2 2 80 Arterial Potomac

Muddy Branch Rd Darnestown Rd West Diamond Avenue 4 6 120 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity / Shady Grove

Muncaster Mill Rd Woodfield Rd Redland Road 40' 4D 100 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity / Upper Rock Cr

Muncaster Mill Rd Redland Rd Norbeck Road 2 2 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity / Upper Rock Cr

Muncaster Rd Muncaster Mill Rd Olney‐Laytonsville Road 2 2 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity / Upper Rock Cr

Musgrove Rd Old Columbia Pik Fairland Road 2 2 80 Arterial Fairland

N High St Georgia Ave Morningwood Drive 2 2 70 Business Olney

N Horners La Dover Rd Westmore Ave 2 2 70 Industrial Upper Rock Creek

N Park Ave Friendship Blv Willard Avenue 2 80 Arterial Friendship Heights

Nadine Dr Norbeck Rd Bauer Drive 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Nebel St Nicholson La Randolph Rd 2 3‐4 80 Business North Bethesda/Garrett Park

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Nebel St Extended Nicholson Rockville Pike 0 2‐3 80 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

Nebel St Extended Randolph Rd Bou Ave 0 4 80 Business (Planned) North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Needwood Rd Redland Rd Muncaster Mill Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Upper Rock Creek

Needwood Rd Redland Rd Blueberry Hill Local Park 2 2 70 Residential Primary Shady Grove

New Cut Rd Extended Clarksburg Rd Frederick Rd 0 4D 120 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

New Cut Rd Extended Frederick Rd Midcounty Hwy 0 4D 120 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

New Cut Rd Extended Midcounty Hwy Ridge Road 0 2 80 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

New Hampshire Ave Georgia Ave Olney‐Sandy Spring Road/Ashton Ro 2 2 80 Arterial Olney / Sandy Spring‐Ashton / Agricu

New Hampshire Ave Olney‐Sandy Spring Rd/Ashton Rd Spencerville Road 2 2 120 Major Highway Sandy Spring‐Ashton / Cloverly

New Hampshire Ave Spencerville Rd Bryant's Nursery Road 4 4 125 Major Highway Cloverly

New Hampshire Ave Bryant's Nursery Rd 250' north of Cloverly Street 4 4 100 Major Highway Cloverly

New Hampshire Ave 250' north of Cloverly St Briggs Chaney Road 4 4 120 Major Highway Cloverly

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

New Hampshire Ave Briggs Chaney Rd Norwood Road 4 4 125 Major Highway Cloverly

New Hampshire Ave Norwood Rd Intercounty Connector 4 4 125 Major Highway Cloverly

New Hampshire Ave Intercounty Connector Capital Beltway (I‐495) 6D 6D 120 Major Highway White Oak

New Hampshire Ave Capital Beltway (I‐495) Prince George's County Line 6D‐8D 6D‐8D 150 Major Highway East Silver Spring

New Hampshire Ave University Blv DC Line (excluding section in Prince  6D‐8D 6D 100 Major Highway Takoma Park

New Rd Crystal Rock Dr Century Blvd 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Germantown

New St Nicholson St Executive Blvd Extended 0 2 70 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

New St (Mid‐Pike rung) Hoya St Rockville Pike 0 2 80 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

Newbridge Dr Democracy Blv River Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Newell St District of Columbia Line East‐West Highway 70 Business Silver Spring CBD

Newport Mill University Blvd Parker Ave 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington Sector Plan

Nicholson Ct Nebel St Extended Nicholson Ct 0 2 70 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Nicholson La Old Georgetown Rd Nebel Street 4 4 90 Arterial North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Norbeck Rd Rockville City Limits Layhill Road 4D 4D 150 Major Highway Aspen Hill / Olney

Norbeck Rd Georgia Ave Layhill Road 2D 150 Major Highway Aspen Hill

Norbeck Rd Layhill Rd New Hampshire Avenue 2D 4D 150 Major Highway Aspen Hill / Cloverly

Norfolk Ave Rugby Rd Wisconsin Avenue 2 80 Business Bethesda CBD

North Bethesda Transitway (Propsed Grosvenor Metro Station Montgomery Mall 0 T Varies Transitway (Planned) North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Norwood Rd New Hampshire Ave Ednor Road/Layhill Rd 2 4 80 Arterial Cloverly

Norwood Rd Ednor Road/Layhill Rd Doctor Bird Road 2 2 120 Major Highway Sandy Spring‐Ashton / Olney

Norwood Rd Doctor Bird Rd Olney‐Sandy Spring Road 2 2 80 Arterial Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Notley Rd New Hampshire Ave ICC right‐of‐way 2 2 70 Residential Primary White Oak / Cloverly

Notley Rd ICC right‐of‐way end‐of‐road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Cloverly

Oak Dr Ridge Rd Ridge Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Damascus

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Oak Hill Rd Sycamore La end‐of‐road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Cloverly

Oaklyn Dr Persimmon Tree Rd Falls Road 2 2 80 Arterial Potomac

Oakmont Ave Shady Grove Rd Oakmont St 2 2 80 Arterial Shady Grove

Oakmont Ave Extended Oakmont St Washington Grove Ave 0 2 80 Arterial (Planned) Shady Grove

Oakview Dr New Hampshire Ave Northwest Branch Park 2 2 60 Residential Primary East Silver Spring

Observation Dr Germantown Rd Little Seneca Creek 4 4D 100 Arterial Germantown

Observation Dr Extended Germantown Rd Goldenrod Ln 0 4 80 Arterial (Planned) Germantown

Observation Dr Extended Little Seneca Creek Frederick Road 0 4D+T 150 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

Observation Drive Extended Observation Drive Observation Drive 0 4 80 Arterial (Planned) Germantown

Oden'hal Ave Girard St (relocated) Lost Knife Road 4‐6 120 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity

O'fallon St Shannandale Dr Cherry Hill Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Offutt La Bradley Blv Chevy Chase Road 80 Residential Primary Bethesda CBD

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Old Baltimore Rd Gold Mine Rd Olney‐Laytonsville Rd 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Old Baltimore Rd Georgia Ave Olney‐Laytonsville Rd 2 2 70 Arterial Olney

Old Bucklodge La Bucklodge Rd White Ground Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Old Club Rd Farmland Dr Tilden Woods Park 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Old Columbia Pik White Oak Shopping Center Paint Branch 2 2 80 Business White Oak

Old Columbia Pik Paint Branch Industrial Parkway 2 2 80 Residential Primary Fairland

Old Columbia Pik Industrial Parkway Tech Road 4 4 80 Residential Primary Fairland

Old Columbia Pik Tech Rd East Randolph Road 4 4 80 Arterial Fairland

Old Columbia Pik East Randolph Rd Briggs Chaney Road 2 2 80 Residential Primary Fairland

Old Columbia Pik Briggs Chaney Rd Spencerville Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Old Frederick Rd Frederick Rd Frederick Road 2 2 50 Business Clarksburg

Old Georgetown Rd Wisconsin Ave Moorland Lane 80 Major Highway Bethesda CBD

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Old Georgetown Rd Moorland La Wilson Lane 82 Major Highway Bethesda CBD

Old Georgetown Rd Wilson La Cordell Avenue 86 Major Highway Bethesda CBD

Old Georgetown Rd Cordell Ave 140' west of Battery Lane 100 Major Highway Bethesda CBD

Old Georgetown Rd 140' west of Battery La Rockville Pike 6D 6D 120 Major Highway Bethesda‐Chevy Chase / North Bethe

Old Georgetown Rd Rockville Pik Nebel Street 2 4 90 Business North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Old Hundred Rd Barnesville Rd Frederick Road 2 2 80 Rustic Road Clarksburg / Rustic Roads

Old Orchard Rd Ednor Rd south end‐of‐road 2 2 Rustic Road Cloverly

Old River Rd Montevideo Rd River Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Old Stage Rd Dinwiddie Dr Tilden Lane 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Old Vic Blv Extendedv Olney‐Sandy Spring Road Batchellors Forest Rd 0 2 70 Residential Primary (Pl Olney

Olney Mill Rd Olney‐Laytonsville Rd Gold Mine Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Olney‐laytonsville Rd Damascus Rd Olney Mill Rd 2 4D 120‐1 Major Highway

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Olney‐laytonsville Rd Olney Mill Rd Georgia Avenue 4 4D 120‐1 Major Highway Olney / Upper Rock Creek

Olney‐sandy Spring Rd Georgia Ave Doctor Bird Road 4 4D 150 Major Highway Olney

Olney‐sandy Spring Rd Doctor Bird Rd Howard County Line 2 2 80 Arterial Olney / Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Omega Dr Fields Rd Key West Avenue 2 2 100 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity / Shady Grove 

Orebaugh Ave Arcola Ave Wheaton RP 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Owens Rd Georgia Ave Old Baltimore Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Oxbridge Dr Frederick Rd Cider Barrel Rd 0 2 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Park Mill Dr Miller Fall Dr Mill Run Drive 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity

Parker Ave Veirs Mill Rd Arcola Avenue 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Parkland Dr Heathfield Rd Veirs Mill Road 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Parklawn Dr Nebel St Randolph Road to cul‐de‐sac 600' we 4 4 80 Arterial North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Parkwood Dr Saul Rd Knowles Avenue 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Partnership Rd River Rd Whites Ferry Road 2 2 80 Country Arterial Rustic Roads

Peach Orchard Rd Briggs Chaney Rd Spencerville Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Cloverly

Peach Tree Rd Darnestown Rd Old Hundred Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Peachwood Dr Windmill La Piping Rock Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Cloverly

Pearl St Sleaford Rd Railroad Street 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Pennyfield Lock Rd C&O Canal River Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Potomac

Perrywood Dr Old Columbia Rd Cabin Creek Drive 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Persimmon Tree Rd River Rd Capital Beltway (I‐495) 2 2 80 Arterial Potomac

Persimmon Tree Rd Capital Beltway (I‐495) MacArthur Boulevard 2 48' 80 Arterial Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Philadelphia Ave Selim Rd Fenton Street 2 2 70 Business Silver Spring CBD

Philadelphia Ave Fenton St Carroll Avenue 2 2 50 Arterial East Silver Spring / Takoma Park

Piedmont Rd Stringtown Rd Piedmont Rd 2 70 Rustic  Road Clarksburg

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Piedmont Rd Grand Elm St Skylark Rd 2 2 70 Rustic Clarksburg / Damascus

Piedmont Rd Skylark Rd Hawkes Rd 2 2 70 Rustic Road Clarksburg / Damascus

Piney Branch Rd Eastern Ave (D.C. Line) Philadelphia Avenue 2 2 70 Arterial Takoma Park

Piney Branch Rd Philadelphia Ave Sligo Creek Parkway 2‐3 2 80 Arterial Takoma Park / East Silver Spring

Piney Branch Rd Sligo Creek Parkway University Boulevard 4 4 80 Arterial Takoma Park / East Silver Spring

Piney Branch Rd University Blv Prince George's County Line 4D 4D 120 Major Highway East Silver Spring

Piney Meetinghouse Rd River Rd Cavanaugh Drive/Shady Grove Road  2 80 Arterial Potomac

Piney Meetinghouse Rd Cavanaugh Dr/Shady Grove Rd Exten Travilah Road 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Planning Pl Georgia Ave Silver Spring Parking Lot # 2 2 60 Business Silver Spring CBD

Pleasant Rd Shady Grove Rd Fedor Ave 2 2 70 Arterial Shady Grove

Plum Orchard Dr Cherry Hill Rd Broadbirch Road 2 4 80 Industrial Fairland

Plyers Mill Rd Summit Ave Connecticut Ave 2 2 70 Business Kensington Sector Plan

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Plyers Mill Rd Georgia Ave Connecticut Avenue 48' 80 Arterial Kensington‐Wheaton

Poplar Hill Rd Berryville Rd Parev Terrace 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Potomac

Post Oak Rd Tuckerman La Seven Locks Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Powder Mill Rd New Hampshire Ave Prince George's County Line 4 80 Arterial White Oak

Prescott Rd Frederick Rd Hyattstown Mill Road 2 2 <Null Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Prices Distillery Rd Mountain View Rd‐Purdum Rd Frederick County Line 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Damascus

Prichard Rd Veirs Mill Rd Amherst Avenue 2 2 80 Business Kensington/Wheaton (Wheaton CBD

Prichard Rd Amherst Ave Dayton Street 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Prince Phillip Dr Georgia Ave Olney‐Sandy Spring Road 2 2 80 Arterial Olney

Prince Phillip Dr Olney‐Sandy Spring Road Georgia Ave 2 4 80 Arterial Olney

Prosperity Dr Industrial Parkway Cherry Hill Road 2 4 80 Business Fairland

Purdum Rd Bethesda Church Rd Prices Distillery Road / Mountain Vie 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads / Damascus

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Purple Line Transitway Bethesda Metro Station Silver Spring Metro Station 0 T Varies Transitway (Planned) Beth CBD / Bethesda‐Chevy Chase / 

Purple Line Transitway (Proposed) Silver Spring Metro Station Prince Georges County, MD 0 T Varies Transitway (Planned) Silver Spring CBD/Fairland/White Oa

Purple Line Transitway (Proposed) Bethesda Metro Station Silver Spring Metro Station 0 T Varies Transitway (Planned) Beth CBD / Bethesda‐Chevy Chase / 

Queen Elizabeth Dr Morningwood Dr Georgia Avenue 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Query Mill Rd Esworthy Rd Turkey Foot Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Potomac

Quince Orchard Rd Longdraft Rd Frederick Rd 4 6 120 (1 Major Highway Gaithersburg West

Quince Orchard Rd Dufief Mill Rd Darnestown Road 2 2 80 Arterial Potomac

Quince Orchard Rd Darnestown Rd Rockville City Limits 4 6 150 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity / Shady Grove 

Rainbow Dr Snider La Briggs Chaney Middle School 2 2 70 Residential Primary Cloverly

Ramsey Ave Cameron St Colesville Road 54 Business Silver Spring CBD

Ramsey Ave Wayne Ave Bonifant Street 70 Business Silver Spring CBD

Randolph Rd Rockville Pik Rock Creek 4 100 Arterial North Bethesda/Garrett Park

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Randolph Rd Rock Creek Judson Road 6D 6D 120 Major Highway Kensington‐Wheaton / Glenmont

Randolph Rd Judson Rd 400 feet west of Glenallan Avenue 6D 6D 140 Major Highway Glenmont

Randolph Rd 400 feet west of Glenallan Ave Fairland Road 6D 6D 120 Major Highway Kensington‐Wheaton / White Oak / 

Redgrave Pl Frederick Rd Little Seneca Creek 2 2 70 Business Clarksburg

Redland Rd Crabbs Branch Way Frederick Road 4D 4D 100 Business Shady Grove

Redland Rd Needwood Rd Crabbs Branch Way 2 4 70 Residential Primary  Shady Grove

Redland Rd Muncaster Mill Rd Needwood Rd 2 2 70 Residential Primary Upper Rock Creek / Shady Grove

Reedie Dr Veirs Mill Rd Dodson Lane 5 84 Business Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Research Blv Omega Dr Rockville City Limits 4 4 80 Industrial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Rexmore Dr Locbury Dr Crystal Rock Drive 2 80 Residential Primary Germantown

Richter Farm Rd Clopper Rd Great Seneca Highway 4D 4D 100 Arterial Germantown

Ridge Rd I‐270 Brink Rd 6D 6D 150 Controlled Major High Germantown

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Lanes Lanes

Ridge Rd Brink Rd Skylark Road 2D 4D 120 Major Highway Clarksburg

Ridge Rd Skylark Rd 1000' south of Sweepstakes Road 2 2 80 Arterial Clarksburg

Ridge Rd 1000' south of Sweepstakes Rd Bethesda Church Rd 2 2 100 Arterial Damascus

Ridge Rd Bethesda Church Rd 450' n. of High Corner St 2 2 80 Business Damascus

Ridge Rd 450' n. of High Corner St Bellison Road 2 2 100 Arterial Damascus

Ridge Rd Bellison Rd Howard County Line 2 2 100 Country Arterial Damascus / Rustic Roads

Ridgefield Rd River Rd Westbard Avenue 70 Unclassified Westbard

Riding Stable Rd Sandy Spring Rd Prince George's County Line 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Riffle Ford Rd Germantown Rd Great Seneca Creek 2 2 80 Arterial Germantown

Riffle Ford Rd Great Seneca Creek Darnestown Road 4 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Riggs Rd Zion Rd Gregg Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Olney

Rileys Lock Rd C & O Canal River Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Potomac

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Rio Blvd Washingtonian Blvd Fields Rd 4 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg West

Ripley St Georgia Ave CSX Railroad <Null> 70 Business Silver Spring CBD

Ripley St (Proposed) end of existing St Bonifant Street 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Silver Spring CBD

Rippling Brook Dr Matthew Henson Greenway Georgia Avenue 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Rippling Brook Dr Bel Pre Rd Hewitt Avenue 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

River Rd Whites Ferry Rd Edwards Ferry Road 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads

River Rd Mount Nebo Rd West Willard Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

River Rd West Willard Rd Seneca Creek 2 80 Country Arterial Rustic Roads

River Rd Seneca Creek Esworthy Road 2 2 80 Arterial Potomac

River Rd Esworthy Rd Riverwood Drive 2 2 150 Major Highway Potomac

River Rd River Oaks La Seven Locks Road 2 2 150 Major Highway Potomac

River Rd Seven Locks Rd Capital Beltway (I‐495) 2‐4 4D 150 Major Highway Potomac

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Lanes Lanes

River Rd Capital Beltway (I‐495) Ridgefield Road 4‐6 6‐8 150 Major Highway Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

River Rd Ridgefield Rd Little Falls Parkway 4 6D 128 Major Highway Westbard

River Rd Little Falls Parkway Western Avenue 4‐6 100 Major Highway Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

River Rd Relocated Riverwood Dr River Oaks Lane 0 2 150 Major Highway (Plann Potomac

Road A Omega Dr Decoverly Dr Extended 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road B Darnestown Rd Muddy Branch Rd 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road C Decoverly Dr Extended Key West Ave 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road D Blackwell Rd Decoverly Dr Extended 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road E Blackwell Rd Key West Ave 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road F Road M Road A 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road G Road A Road K 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road H Research Blvd Shady Grove Rd 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Road I Research Blvd Blackwell Rd Extended 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road J B‐8 B‐9 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road K Broschart Rd Medical Center Dr 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road L Road K Medical Center Dr 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road M Blackwell Rd B‐7 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road N Blackwell Rd Extended Medical Center Drive 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road Q Traville Gateway Drive Great Seneca/Darnestown 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Road R Medical Center Dr Shady Grove Rd 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Robey Rd Briggs Chaney Rd Greencastle Road 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Rock Spring Dr Fernwood Rd Old Georgetown Road 4 4 80 Arterial North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Rocking Horse Rd Randolph Rd Boiling Brook Parkway 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Rockville Pik Capital Beltway Grosvenor Lane 6D 200 Major Highway North Bethesda/Garrett Park

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Lanes Lanes

Rockville Pik Grosvenor La Nicholson Lane 6D 150 Major Highway North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Rockville Pik Nicholson La Rockville City Limits 6D 150 Major Highway North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Rocky Rd Woodfield Rd Laytonsville Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Damascus

Roeder Rd Fenton St Cedar Street 60 Business Silver Spring CBD

Rosedale Ave Wisconsin Ave 60' east of Tilbury St 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Roslyn Ave Redland Rd Beauvoir Boulevard 2 2 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity 1990

Rothbury Dr Arrowhead Rd Burnt Oak Rd 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity 1990

Rothbury Dr Burnt Oak Rd Goshen Road 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity 1990

Rugby Ave end‐of‐Rd Glenbrook Road 80 Business Bethesda CBD

Rugby Ave Glenbrook Rd Auburn Avenue 50 Business Bethesda CBD

Rugby Ave Auburn Ave Woodmont Avenue 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Russett Rd Bauer Dr Arctic Avenue 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Saddle Creek Dr McKnew Rd Approximately 200' SE of Bender Co 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Saddle Creek Dr Extended Approximately 200' SE of Bender Co Cedar Tree Lane 0 2 70 Residential Primary (Pl Fairland

Saint Elmo Ave Old Georgetown Rd Woodmont Ave 2 70 Business Bethesda CBD

Saint Paul St Metropolitan Ave Plyers Mill Road 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Sam Eig Hwy Fields Rd I 270 6 6 + BR 250 Controlled Major High Shady Grove / Gaithersburg Vicinity

Sam Eig Hwy Great Seneca Hwy I‐270 6 6 + BR 200 Controlled Major High Shady Grove / Gaithersburg Vicinity

Sandy Spring Rd Columbia Pik Prince George's County Line 4D 120 Major Highway Fairland

Sangamore Rd Massachusetts Ave MacArthur Boulevard 48' 80 Arterial Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Santini Rd Spencerville Rd north end‐of‐road 2 2 Rustic Road Fairland

Saul Rd Parkwood Dr Kensington Parkway 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Scenery Dr Middlebrook Rd Germantown Road 2 4 80 Arterial Germantown

Scenery Dr Frederick Rd Middlebrook Road 2 4 100 Arterial Germantown

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Schaeffer Rd White Ground Rd South Germantown Recreational Par 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Schaeffer Rd South Germantown Recreational Par Clopper Road 2 80 Residential Primary Germantown / Agriculture and Open 

Schindler Dr Crest Park Dr New Hampshire Avenue 2 2 70 Residential Primary White Oak

Schuykill Rd Boiling Brook Parkway CSX Railroad ROW 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Scott Dr Rockville City Line (eest of Wescott P Rockville City Line (east of Carriage C 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Scottsbury Dr Shakespeare Blv Seneca Crossing Drive 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Second Ave Spring St Cameron Street 80 Business Silver Spring CBD

Second Ave Cameron St Colesville Road 105 Business Silver Spring CBD

Security Ln Woodglen Dr Rockville Pike 2 2 70 Business White Flint Sector Plan

Security Ln Extended Rockville Pike Huff Ct 0 2 70 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

Selfridge Rd Gridley Rd Randolph Road 2 2 80 Business Kensington/Wheaton

Selim Rd Sligo Ave Philadelphia Avenue 2 2 70 Business Silver Spring CBD

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Seminary Pl Georgia Ave Second Ave / Seminary Rd 2 2 80 Arterial North and West Silver Spring

Seminary Rd Forest Glen Rd Capital Beltway (I‐495) 2 48' 80 Arterial Kensington‐Wheaton

Seminary Rd Capital Beltway (I‐495) Georgia Avenue 2 2 80 Arterial North and West Silver Spring

Seneca Crossing Dr Scottsbury Dr Hendersons Corner Road 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Seneca Meadows Pkwy Germantown Rd CCT East Leg 4 4 100 Business Germantown

Seneca Rd River Rd Darnestown Road 2 2 80 Arterial Potomac

Serpentine Way East Randolph Rd Fairland Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Seven Locks Rd MacArthur Blv I‐495 24' 26' 60 Principal Secondary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Seven Locks Rd I‐495 Bradley Boulevard 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Seven Locks Rd Bradley Blv Rockville City Limits 2 2 80 Arterial Potomac

Shady Grove Rd Muncaster Mill Rd Darnestown Road 4‐6D 6D 120‐1 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity / Shady Grove /

Shady Grove Rd Darnestown Rd Piney Meetinghouse Road / Cavanau 4 4 100 Arterial Shady Grove / Potomac

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Lanes Lanes

Shakespeare Blvd Observation Dr Frederick Road 4D 4D 100 Arterial Germantown

Shakespeare Dr Frederick Rd Germantown Rd 2 4 80 Arterial Germantown

Shannandale Dr Deer Park Dr Calverton Boulevard 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Shawnee La Gateway Center Dr Frederick Road 2D 4D 120 Arterial Clarksburg

Sheffield Manor Dr Dogwood La Aston Manor Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Shiloh Church Rd West Old Baltimore Rd Comus Road 2 2 70 Country Road Rustic Roads MP Amendment 2004

Shoemaker Farm La North Park Ave Willard Avenue 1 50 Business Friendship Heights

Shorefield Rd Georgia Ave Wheaton Regional Park 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Silver Spring Ave Georgia Ave east of Fenton Street 70 Business Silver Spring CBD

Sixteenth St Colesville Road Georgia Avenue 6D 6D 120 Major Highway North and West Silver Spring / Silver 

Skylark Rd Piedmont Rd Ridge Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Clarksburg

Sleaford Rd Tilbury St Chelton Road 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

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Lanes Lanes

Slidell Rd Comus Rd Barnesville Rd 2 2 80 Rustic Road Rustic Roads 2004 / Clarksburg / Boy

Sligo Ave Georgia Ave Fenton Street 2 2 70 Business Silver Spring CBD

Sligo Ave Fenton St Woodbury Drive 2 2 80 Business Silver Spring CBD

Sligo Ave Woodbury Dr Piney Branch Road 2 2 50 Arterial East Silver Spring

Snouffer School Rd Goshen Rd Flower Hill Way 2 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Snouffer School Rd Flower Hill Way Woodfield Rd 4 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Snowden Farm Pkwy (Proposed) Ridge Rd Stringtown Road 4 4D 120 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

Snowden Farm Pkwy (Proposed) Stringtown Rd Frederick Road 2 2 80 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

Sorrell Ave Democracy Blv Bentcross Dr 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

South Glen Rd Glen Rd Deep Glen Dr 2 2 70 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads / Potomac

South Glen Rd Deep Glen Dr Falls Road 2 2 70 Country Road Rustic Roads / Potomac

South Park Ave Wisconsin Ave Friendship Boulevard 2 80 Business Friendship Heights

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Lanes Lanes

Southlawn La E Gude Dr Incinerator La 2 2‐4 70 Industrial Upper Rock Creek

Southlawn La Incinerator La Avery Rd 2 2‐4 70 Industrial Upper Rock Creek

Spartan Rd Georgia Ave Appomattox Avenue 2 2 80 Business Olney

Spartan Rd Appomattox Ave Old Baltimore Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Spencerville Rd New Hampshire Ave Thompson Road 4 4 120 Major Highway Cloverly

Spencerville Rd Thompson Rd 360' east of Batson Road 4 4 70 Major Highway Cloverly

Spencerville Rd 360' east of Batson Rd Old Columbia Pike 4 4 120 Major Highway Cloverly / Fairland

Spencerville Rd Old Columbia Pike Columbia Pike 4 4 120 Major Highway Cloverly / Fairland

Spring Meadows Dr Darnestown Rd Seneca Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Spring St 16th St First Avenue 4D 100 Arterial Silver Spring CBD

Spring St First Ave Georgia Avenue 4D+Par 120 Arterial Silver Spring CBD

Spring St Georgia Ave Fairview Road 4D 100 Arterial Silver Spring CBD

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Spring St Fairview Rd Cameron Street 4 80 Arterial Silver Spring CBD

Spring St Cameron St Colesville Road 4 100 Arterial Silver Spring CBD

Spring St Colesville Rd Ellsworth Drive 4‐4D 80 Arterial Silver Spring CBD

Stanford St Wisconsin Ave West Avenue 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Station St Old Georgetown Rd Rockville Pike 0 2 70 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

Station St Marinelli Rd Old Georgetown Road 0 2 70 Business (Planned) North Bethesda‐Garrett Park & Ame

Stedwick Rd Watkins Mill Rd Montgomery Village Avenue 4 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Stedwick Rd Watkins Mill Rd Watkins Mill Road 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity

Steeple Rd Clopper Rd Hopkins Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Stewart La Lockwood Dr Extended Columbia Pike 2 2 80 Arterial White Oak

Stonebridge View Dr Muddy Branch Rd Travilah Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Stonegate Dr New Hampshire Ave Notley Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Cloverly

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Lanes Lanes

Stoney Creek Rd Travilah Rd River Road 2 2 80 Rustic Road Potomac

Stoneybrook Dr Beach Dr Capital View Avenue 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Stratford Garden Dr East Randolph Rd end‐of‐road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

Strathmore Ave Rockville Pik Beach Drive 2 2 80 Arterial North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Strathmore St Bradley Blv Leland Street 60 Residential Primary Bethesda CBD

Strawberry Knoll Rd Emory Grove Rd Centerway Road 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity

Street "A" (King Farm Blvd Ext) Rockville Pike 1100' south of Shady Grove Metro St 2 120 Business (Planned) Shady Grove

Street "B" (Proposed) Rockville Pike Proposed Street "D" 0 2 190 ( Business (Planned) Shady Grove

Street "C" (Somerville Dr Ext) Proposed Street "A" Proposed Street "E" 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Shady Grove

Street "D" (Proposed) Proposed Street "A" Proposed Street "E" 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Shady Grove

Street "E" [Paramount Dr] (Proposed Rockville Pike Proposed Street "C" 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Shady Grove

Street "F" (Proposed) Redland Rd Proposed Street "I" 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Shady Grove

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Lanes Lanes

Street "G" (Proposed) Redland Rd Metro Access Rd 0 2 80 Business (Planned) Shady Grove

Street "H" (Proposed) Proposed Street "F" Metro Access Rd 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Shady Grove

Street "I" (Proposed) 550' w of Crabbs Branch Way 900' e of Crabbs Branch Way 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Shady Grove

Street "J" (Proposed) Proposed Street "I" 700 LF north 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Shady Grove

Street "K" (Proposed) Proposed Street "F" Proposed Street "G" 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Shady Grove

Street "L" (Proposed) Proposed Street "F" Proposed Street "G" 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Shady Grove

Stringtown Rd I‐270 Frederick Road 4 4 120 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

Stringtown Rd Frederick Rd Overlook Park Dr 2 4D 120 Arterial Clarksburg

Stringtown Rd Overlook Park Dr Piedmont Rd (Future A‐305) 2 4D 120 Arterial Clarksburg

Stringtown Rd Piedmont Rd Kings Valley Road 2 2 80 Rustic Road Clarksburg / Rustic Roads

Sugarland La Sugarland Rd 2300' south of Sugarland Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Sugarland Rd Hughes Rd Sugarland Lane 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

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Lanes Lanes

Sugarland Rd Sugarland La Whites Ferry Road 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads

Sugarland Rd Whites Ferry Rd Darnestown Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Summit Ave Knowles Ave Plyers Mill Rd 2 2 70 Business Kensington Sector Plan

Summit Ave Cedar La Knowles Avenue 48' 80 Arterial Kensington‐Wheaton

Summit Ave Extension Plyers Mill RD Farragut Ave (MD187) 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Kensington Sector Plan

Sundale Ave East‐West Hwy Porter Road 2 36' 70 Residential Primary North and West Silver Spring

Sundown Rd Town of Laytonsville boundary Damascus Road 2 2 80 Country Arterial Rustic Roads / Olney

Sunflower Dr Emory La Hornbeam Drive 2 24' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Sutherland Rd Forest Glen Rd Lanark Way 2 2 80 Residential Primary Four Corners

Swains Lock Rd C&O Canal River Road 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads / Potomac

Sweepstakes Rd Ridge Rd Woodfield Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Damascus

Sweet Meadow La Belle Chase Dr Dorsey Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Upper Rock Creek

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Sycamore Landing Rd C&O Canal River Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Takoma Ave Philadelphia Ave Albany Avenue/Fenton Street 2 2 60 Residential Primary Takoma Park

Takoma Ave Fenton St DC Line 2 2 80 Arterial Takoma Park

Tamarack Rd East Randolph Rd Fairland Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary White Oak

Taunton Dr Amity Dr Shady Grove MS 2 2 70 Residential Primary Shady Grove

Tech Rd Old Columbia Pik Columbia Pike 4 4 80 Business Fairland

Tech Rd Columbia Pik 1600' SW of Industrial Parkway 4 80 Industrial Fairland

Tenbrook Dr Breewood Rd Dennis Ave 2 70 Residential Primary Kemp Mill

Terrace Dr Freyman Dr Grubb Road 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary North and West Silver Spring

Thayer Ave Georgia Ave Fenton Street 60 Business Silver Spring CBD

Thayer Ave Fenton St Silver Spring CBD Boundary (east of  70 Business Silver Spring CBD

The Hills Plaza Willard Ave Somerset Terrace 2 80 Business Friendship Heights

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Third Ave Georgia Ave 400' w. of Georgia Ave 2 2 70 Business Olney

Thirteenth St Georgia Ave Eastern Avenue (D.C. Line) 80 Business Silver Spring CBD

Thompson Rd Peach Orchard Rd Briggs Chaney Middle School 2 70 Residential Primary Cloverly

Thompson Rd Extended Briggs Chaney Middle School Rainbow Dr 0 2 70 Residential Primary (Pl Cloverly

Tilbury St Chestnut St Sleaford Road 60 Business Bethesda CBD

Tilden La Old Georgetown Rd 200' east of I‐270 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Tildenwood Dr Montrose Rd Old Stage Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Tivoli Lake Blv Randolph Rd Indian Spring Country Club 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Travilah Rd Dufief Mill Rd River Road 2 80 Arterial Potomac

Travilah Rd Darnestown Rd Dufief Mill Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Travilah Rd Extended Darnestown Rd Medical Center Drive Extended 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

Traville Gateway Drive Shady Grove Rd Medical Center Dr 0 2 70 Business (Planned) Gaithersburg West

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Triadelphia Lake Rd Georgia Ave Patuxent River 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Olney

Trundle Rd Whites Ferry Rd for 1.0 mile 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Tschiffely Mill Rd River Rd C&O Canal 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Tucker La New Hampshire Ave Ednor View Terrace 2 2 70 Residential Primary Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Tucker La Ednor View Terrace Ashton Road 2 2 60 Rustic Road Sandy Spring‐Ashton

Tuckerman La Falls Rd Old Georgetown Road 2 2 80 Arterial Potomac/North Bethesda‐Garrett Pa

Tuckerman La Old Georgetown Rd Rockville Pike 4D 4D 80 Arterial North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Turkey Foot Rd Darnestown Rd Travilah Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Potomac

Twig Rd Good Hope Rd Windmill Lane 2 2 70 Residential Primary Cloverly

Twinbrook Pkw Rockville City Limits Ardennes Avenue 6 104 Arterial North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Twinbrook Pkw Ardennes Ave Veirs Mill Road 4 80 Arterial North Bethesda/Garrett Park

University Blv East Colesville Rd Prince George's County Line 6D 6D 120 Major Highway Four Corners / East Silver Spring / Ta

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

University Blv West Connecticut Ave Colesville Road 6D 6D 120 Major Highway Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Upton Dr East Ave Einstein High School 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Valley Park Dr Ridge Rd Woodfield Road 2 2 80‐12 Arterial Damascus

Valleywood Dr Goodhill Rd Henderson Ave 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Veirs Mill Rd Rockville City Limits Turkey Branch 4D‐6D 6D 150 Major Highway Aspen Hill

Veirs Mill Rd Turkey Branch Randolph Rd 4D‐6D 6D 120 Major Highway Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Veirs Mill Rd Randolph Rd Georgia Ave 4D‐6D 6D 120 Major Highway Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

Victory La Falls Rd Gainsborough Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Violettes Lock Rd River Rd C&O Canal 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Potomac

Vital Way Randolph Rd New Hampshire Avenue 2 70 Business White Oak

Waldorf Dr Wynnfield Dr Wisteria Drive 2 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Walsh St Wisconsin Ave West Avenue 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

DRAFT Wednesday, March 02, 2011 Page 92 of 100

Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Walter Johnson Dr Bowman Mill Rd 450' SW of Wisteria Dr 2 2 80 Business Germantown

Wanegarden Dr Wynnfield Dr Wisteria Drive 2 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Warfield Rd Wightman Rd Goshen Road 70 Country Road Rustic Roads / Agriculture and Open 

Warfield Rd Goshen Rd Olney‐Laytonsville Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity / Upper Rock Cr

Waring Station Rd Clopper Rd Middlebrook Road 4 80 Arterial Germantown

Warren St Montgomery St Brookville Road 2 40' 70 Industrial North and West Silver Spring

Wasche Rd Whites Ferry Rd Martinsburg Road 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Washington Ave Kraft Dr Extended Fishers Ln 2 2 70 Business Twinbrook Sector Plan

Washington Ave East‐West Hwy Grubb Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary North and West Silver Spring

Washington Ave Extended Parklawn Dr Fishers Ln 0 2 70 Business Twinbrook Sector Plan

Washington Grove La Gaithersburg City Limits Mineral Spring Lane 70 Residential Primary Gaithersburg Vicinity

Waterford Hills Blvd Ridge Rd Century  Blvd 0 4D 112 Business (Planned) Germantown

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Waters Landing Dr Crystal Rock Drive Crystal Rock Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Waters Rd Middlebrook Rd 1000' south of Wisteria Drive 2 2 80 Business Germantown

Watkins Mill Rd Clopper Rd MD 355 0 4 Refer  Arterial Gaithersburg West

Watkins Mill Rd Gaithersburg City Limits Midcounty Hwy 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity / Germantown

Watkins Rd Davis Mill Rd Woodfield Road 2 2 70 Country Road Rustic Roads / Damascus

Waverly St East West Hwy Wisconsin Avenue 2 80 Business Bethesda CBD

Wayne Ave Colesville Rd Georgia Avenue 4D 120 Arterial Silver Spring CBD

Wayne Ave Georgia Ave Fenton Street 4‐4D 80‐11 Arterial Silver Spring CBD

Wayne Ave Fenton St Cedar Street 4 4 80 Arterial Silver Spring CBD / North and West Si

Wayne Ave Cedar St Sligo Creek Parkway 4 4 80 Arterial North and West Silver Spring / East Si

Wayne Ave Sligo Creek Parkway Flower Avenue 2 2 70 Residential Primary East Silver Spring

Weller Rd Barbara Rd Georgia Avenue 36' 36' 70 Residential Primary Glenmont

DRAFT Wednesday, March 02, 2011 Page 94 of 100

Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Wellfleet Dr Cherry Valley Dr Hines Road 2 70 Residential Primary Olney

Wellington Dr Bradley Blv Strathmore Street 60 Residential Primary Bethesda CBD

Wentworth Pl Nebel St Marinelli Rd 0 2 70 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

West Cedar La Rockville Pik Old Georgetown Road 48' 80 Arterial Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

West Diamond Ave Quince Orchard Rd Muddy Branch Road 4‐6 120 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity

West Harris Rd Barnesville Rd Frederick County Line 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads

West Hunter Rd Wasche Rd Darnestown Road 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

West La Montgomery La end‐of‐road 2 2 45 Business Bethesda CBD

West Offutt Rd Edwards Ferry Rd West Willard Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

West Old Baltimore Rd Frederick Rd Clarksburg Road 2 2 80 Arterial Clarksburg

West Old Baltimore Rd Clarksburg Rd Barnesville Road 2 2 80 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads / Clarksburg

West Virginia Ave Wisconsin Ave Tilbury Street 2 60 Business Bethesda CBD

DRAFT Wednesday, March 02, 2011 Page 95 of 100

Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

West Willard Rd River Rd Poolesville Town Limits 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Westbard Ave Ridgefield Rd Massachusetts Avenue 70 Unclassified Westbard

Westbury Rd Sunflower Rd Norbeck Road 24' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Westerly Rd Edwards Ferry Rd Poolesville Town Limits 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Western Ave Kirkside Dr Cortland Road 4 120 Major Highway Friendship Heights (street owned by 

Westlake Dr Democracy Blv Westlake Terrace 4 2 90 Arterial Potomac

Westlake Dr Westlake Terrace Tuckerman Lane 2 4 70 Residential Primary Potomac

Westlake Terrace Westlake Dr I‐270 4 4 90 Arterial Potomac

Westmore Ave Westmore Rd North Horners Lane 2 2 80 Industrial Upper Rock Creek

Westmore Rd Westmore Ave end of road 2 2 70 Industrial Upper Rock Creek

Wexford Dr Beach Dr Denfield Avenue 2 2 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton

Wexhall Rd Greencastle Rd Alpen Green Way 2 2 70 Residential Primary Fairland

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Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Weymouth St Montrose Ave Garrett Park Town Limits 2 2 60 Residential Primary North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Wheaton Hill Dr Kensington Blvd Blueridge Ave 2 2 60 Residential Primary Wheaton CBD Vicinity 1990

Whelan Dr New Cut Rd Extended Clarksburg Correctional Facility 4D 120 Arterial Clarksburg

Whelan Dr Extended Existing Whelan Dr Clarksburg Rd relocated 0 2 80 Arterial (Planned) Clarksburg

White Ground Rd Darnestown Rd Clopper Road 2 2 70 Exceptional Rustic Roa Rustic Roads / Boyds

Whites Ferry Rd River Rd Wasche Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Whites Ferry Rd Wasche Rd Poolesville western boundary 2 2 80 Country Arterial Rustic Roads

Whites Ferry Rd Poolesville eastern boundary Approx. 2000' east of Poolesville eas 2 2 120 Country Arterial Rustic Roads

Whites Ferry Rd Partnership Rd Darnestown Road 2 2 120 Country Arterial Rustic Roads

Whites Ferry Rd Relocated Approx 2000' E of Poolesville bounda Partnership Rd 0 2 120 Country Arterial (Plann Agriculture and Open Space

Whites Store Rd Peach Tree Rd Bucklodge Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Whittier Blv River Rd Wilson Lane 2 36' 70 Residential Primary Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

DRAFT Wednesday, March 02, 2011 Page 97 of 100

Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Wickham Rd Wickham Dr Olney‐Laytonsville Road 2 2 70 Residential Primary Upper Rock Creek / Olney

Wicomico Ave Parklawn Dr Wicomico Avenue 2 2 70 Business North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Wightman Rd Brink Rd Goshen Road 2 4 80 Arterial Gaithersburg Vicinity

Wildcat Rd Brink Rd Davis Mill Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Wildcat Rd Davis Mill Rd Watkins Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads

Wilkens Ave Parklawn Dr Parklawn Dr 2 2 70 Business Twinbrook Sector Plan

Wilkens Ave Extended Fishers Ln Twinbrook Pkwy 0 2 60 Business (Planned) Twinbrook Sector Plan

Willard Ave River Rd Friendship Boulevard 2 85 Arterial Friendship Heights

Willard Ave Friendship Blv Wisconsin Avenue 4 90 Arterial Friendship Heights

Willow La Wisconsin Ave 46th Street 2 70 Business Bethesda CBD

Wilson La MacArthur Blv Old Georgetown Road 2 80 Arterial Bethesda‐Chevy Chase / Bethesda C

Windham La Inwood Rd Douglas Avenue 36' 70 Residential Primary Kensington‐Wheaton / Wheaton CB

DRAFT Wednesday, March 02, 2011 Page 98 of 100

Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Windmill La Eastway Dr Twig Road 2 70 Residential Primary Cloverly

Wintergate Dr Longmeade Crossing Dr Norbeck Road 36' 70 Residential Primary Aspen Hill

Wisconsin Ave Western Ave Bradley Boulevard 6D 120 Major Highway Friendship Heights / Bethesda‐Chevy

Wisconsin Ave Bradley Blv Chestnut Street 6‐8 104‐1 Major Highway Bethesda CBD

Wisconsin Ave Chestnut St Capital Beltway (I‐495) 6‐8 120 Major Highway Bethesda‐Chevy Chase

Wisconsin Circle Wisconsin Ave Western Avenue 2 60 Business Friendship Heights

Wisteria Dr Wanegarden Dr Father Hurley Boulevard 2 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Wisteria Dr Father Hurley Blv Crystal Rock Drive 4 4 100 Business Germantown

Wisteria Dr Crystal Rock Dr Waring Station Road 4 80 Arterial Germantown

Woodfield Rd Emory Grove Rd Snouffer School Rd/Muncaster Mill R 2 6D 120‐1 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity / Upper Rock Cr

Woodfield Rd Snouffer School Rd/Muncaster Mill R Airpark Rd 2 6D 120‐1 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity / Upper Rock Cr

Woodfield Rd Airpark Road Warfield Road 2 6D 120‐1 Major Highway Gaithersburg Vicinity / Upper Rock Cr

DRAFT Wednesday, March 02, 2011 Page 99 of 100

Name From To Exist.  Prop.  ROW Type Master Plan
Lanes Lanes

Woodfield Rd Warfield Rd Watkins Road 2 80 Arterial Agriculture and Open Space

Woodfield Rd Watkins Rd Main Street Damascus 2 2 80 Arterial Damascus

Woodfield Rd Extended Main St Damascus Faith Lane / Ridge Road 0 2‐5 80 Arterial (Planned) Damascus

Woodfield School Rd Woodfield Rd Hawkins Creamery Rd 2 2 70 Residential Primary Damascus

Woodglen Dr Edson La Nicholson Lane 2 2 70 Business North Bethesda/Garrett Park

Woodglen Dr Extended Nicholson La Marinelli Lane 0 2 60 Business (Planned) North Bethesda‐Garrett Park & Ame

Woodglen Extended Marinelli New St (Mid‐Pike Rung) 0 2 70 Business (Planned) White Flint Sector Plan

Woodmont Ave Wisconsin Ave Leland Road 80 Arterial Bethesda CBD

Wynnfield Dr Father Hurley Blv Waters Landing Drive 2 2 70 Residential Primary Germantown

Zion Rd Sundown Rd Riggs Road 2 2 70 Rustic Road Rustic Roads / Olney

Zion Rd Riggs Rd Olney‐Laytonsville Road 2 2 70 Country Road Rustic Roads / Olney

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