Irc 44 2008
Irc 44 2008
Irc 44 2008
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IRC:44-2008 ;1
First Published August, 1972
First-Revision December, 1976
Second Revision September, 2008 I'~'
Reprinted March,2010 .~
Printed at Abhinav Prints, K-37, Udyog Nagar Indl, Area, Delhi - 110041
(500 copies)
Page No.
Personnel ofthe Highways Specifications andStandardsCommittee
1. Introduction
2. Scope
3. Relevant Definitions
4. Materials
5. Data forMixProportioning
6. DesignStrength
7. SelectionofMix Proportions
8. Trial Mixes
9. Procedure forMix Proportioning
Annexure-A : DefinitionsofCommonlyusedTenns
Annexure-B : Typical Examples ofDesignStrengths ofConcrete
forDifferent Degreesof Quality Conrol
Annexure-C : illustrative ExampleoilConcrete
Annexure-D : Illustrative Example on Concrete
1. Sinha, VK. Addl. Director General, Ministry of Shipping Road Transport &
(Convenor) Highways/Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi
2. Singh, Ninnaljit Member (Tech.), National Highways Authority ofIndia, New Delhi
3. Sharma,ArunKumar Chief Engineer (R) S&R, Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport &
(Member-Secretary) Highways, New Delhi
-" -Ii 1;
22. Kumar, Kamlesh Chief Engineer, Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways,
24. Mina, H.L. Secretary to the Govt. of Raj asthan, PWD, Jaipur ""
25. Momin, S.S. Former Member, Maharashtra Public Service Commission, Mumbai f ~
26. Nanda, P.K. Director (Retd.), Central Road Research Institute New Delhi ·~t
29. Sachdev, VK. Chief Engineer (Retd.), Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & ~:
31. Sharma, S.C. DG(RD) &AS, MORT&H (Retd.), New Delhi
32. Sharma, VM. Dr. Director, AIMIL, New Delhi
33. Shukla,R.S. Ex-Scientist, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi
34. Sinha,A.V Member (Tech.), National Highways Authority ofIndia,
New Delhi
35. Srivastava, H.K. Director (Projects), National Rural Roads Development Agency,
1. President, IRC (Mina, H.L.), Secretary to the Govt. of Rajasthan, PWD, Jaipur
2. Director General (Sharan. G.), Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways,
Corresponding Members
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As a guarantor of quality of concrete in the construction, the constructor should carry out .:~
mix proportioning and the Engineer-in-Charge should approve the mix so proportioned. The "?: ~,
method given in these Guidelines is to be regarded as guidelines only, to arrive at an acceptable :.; (
~ ~
product which satisfies the requirements of placement required with development of strength with ·······1
age and ensures the requirements of durability. cw.·
IRC:44-1976 "Tentative Guidelines for Cement Concrete Mix Design for Pavement" was
prepared by Cement Road Surfacing Committee. This was then processed and approved by the I
Specifications and Standards Committee in their meeting held on the 18th and 19 th November,
1971. This document was finally approved by the Executive Committee in their meeting held on
26 th and 27 th April, 1972 and by the Council in their 78 th meeting held at Nainital on l O" July,
1972. The Guidelines were later amended by the Cement Concrete Road Surfacing Committee in
their meeting held at New Delhi on the 26 th November, 1974 and then processed by the
Specifications and Standards Committee. The work of present revision ofIRC:44 was taken up
by the Rigid Pavement Committee (B-3) and the revised draft as prepared by Dr. R.C. Wason,
S/Shri Sadashiv Gautam and Satander Kumar was approved by the Rigid Pavement Committee in
its meeting held on 24th March, 2008 for placing before the Highways Specifications and Standards
(HSS) Committee. The Highways Specifications and Standards Commitee approved the document
in its meeting held on 28 th March, 2008. The revised draft document incorporating the comments
ofthe HSS Committee was presented by Shri Y.K. Sinha alongwith S/Shri R.K. Jain and Satander
Kumar during the 185 th Council Meeting held on 11th April, 2008 at Aizawl (Mizoram) and it was
approved for printing. The names ofthe personnel of Rigid Pavement Committee (B-3) are given
below. %'
Sinha, Y.K.
Convenor :;\
Jain, R.K.
Co-Convenor :d
Kumar, Satander
-- 1
. Ex-officio Members
President, IRC (Mina, H.L.)
Director General (RD), MOSRT&H (Sharan, G.)
Secretary General, IRC (Sinha, V.K.)
In this second revision, the following major modifications have been made:
(a) The Guidelines recommend minimum M40 grade ofconcrete (flexural strength 4.5 MPa)
for construction of normal concrete pavements. For rural roads minimum M30 grade of
concrete (flexural strength 3.8 MPa) is recommended to be used. For whitetopping,
high performance concrete of grade M50 is recommended.
(b) All requirements ofIRC: 15 and IRC:58 so far as they apply, shall be deemed to form
part ofthese Guidelines. IRC:59-1976 "Guidelines for the Design ofGap Graded Cement
Concrete Mixes for Road Pavements" is withdrawn as gap graded concrete is not used
in cement concrete pavements these days. IRC:68-1976 "Tentative Guidelines on Cement
Fly Ash Concrete for Rigid Pavement Construction" also stands withdrawn. Relevant
details of this document have already been incorporated in' the present revised
(c) The requirements for selection of water-cement ratio, water content and estimation of
coarse aggregate content and fine aggregate content have been reviewed and accordingly
modified. Similarly, the other requirements such as trial mixes, illustrative examples etc.,
have also been reviewed and modified.
(d) Illustrative examples ofconcrete mix proportioning using fly ash and silica fume as one
of the ingredients have been included.
In this revision, assistance has also been derived from ACI:211.1 (Re-approved 1997)
'Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete' ,
American Concrete Institute and also from IS: 10262 First Revision (Draft).
2.1. This standard lays down the guidelines for proportioning concrete mixes as per the
requirements, using the concrete making materials including other supplementary materials identified
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for this purpose. The proportioning is carried out to achieve specified characteristics at specified
age, workability of fresh concrete and durability requirements.
For the purpose of these guidelines, the definitions given in IS:456, IS:4845 and
IS:6461 (Part-I to IV) shall generally apply. The commonly used terms are defined in
4. MATERIALS '5.:,.'
Any ofthe following types ofcements capable of achieving the design strength and durability .~
may be used with prior approval ofthe Engineer. ~1
4.2. Admixtures
In freezing weather, use of air entraining admixture is recommended to counter the freezing
and thawing effect. If air-entraining admixture is used for such conditions, the total quantity of air
in air-entrained concrete as a percentage of the volume ofthe mix shall be 5 ± 1.5 per cent for
20 mm nominal size aggregate. However, upto two per cent air by volume of concrete is used for
control ofbleeding and segregation in concrete.
4.3. Fibres
As stipulated in IS:456, fibres may be added to concrete for special applications to enhance
properties for which specialist literature may be consulted. Fibres shall be of steel/polymeric such
Aggregate for pavement concrete shall be from natural sources complying with IS:383 with
Los Angeles Abrasion value not more than 35 per cent. The limits of deleterious materials shall not
exceed the requirements set out in Table 1 ofIS:383.
63mm 40mm 20mm 16mm 12.5 mm 1.0mm 40mm 20mm 16mm 12.5 mm
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 )
The aggregates shall be free from chert, flint, chalcedony or silica in a form that can react
with the alkalies in the cement. If aggregates are doubtful for alkali aggregate reactivity, IS:456
may be referred for preventive measures. The flakiness index of aggregates shall be less than 40
per cent. No aggregate which has water absorption more than 2 per cent shall be used in the
concrete mix. In situation where water absorption of aggregates is more than 2 per cent, the same
may be allowed subject to conformance to soundness test. However, maximum water absorption
shall not exceed 5 per cent. The aggregates shall be tested for soundness in accordance with
IS:2386 (Part V). After 5 cycles oftesting, the loss shall not be more than 12 per cent if sodium
sulphate solution is used and 18 per cent if magnesium sulphate solution is used.
-------< ."-_._~
Rounded and semi crushed aggregates may be used with caution after studying the relevant
properties of strength, durability and abrasion resistance. Graded coarse aggregates for specified
nominal sizes as per IS :383 shall meet the requirements of Table 1.
The fine aggregate shall consist ofclean natural sand or crushed stone sand or a combination
of the two and shall conform to IS:383. Fine aggregates shall be free from soft particles, clay,
shale, loam, cemented particles, mica and organic and other foreign matter. The limits ofdeleterious
materials shall not exceed the requirements set out in Table 1 ofIS:383.
Although IS:383 permits the fines passing 75 microns upto 15 per cent in case of stone :4r'
crusher dust, this provision should be used with caution only when crushed stone dust is used as a ,~.
fine aggregate and the mix produced in the laboratory and the field should be satisfactory in all
respects and shall comply with the specifications. The grading offine aggregates as per IS:383
shall be within the limits given in Table 2.
I. Where the grading falls outside the limits of any particular grading zone of sieves other than 600-micron
IS: Sieve by a total amount not exceeding 5 per cent, it shall be regarded as falling within that grading
zone. This tolerance shall not be applied to percentage passing the 600-micron IS: Sieve or to percentage
passing any other sieve size on the coarse limit of grading Zone lor the finer limit of grading Zone IV.
2. For crushed stone sands, the permissible limit on ISO-micron IS: Sieve is increased to 20 per cent.
3. Zones here do not depict the location/region. They depict the gradation offine aggregates in a descending
4.6. MineralAdmixtures
(i) Fly ash (as per 1S:3812 (Part-I)-2003: Maximum dosage: 20 per cent by mass of
cementitious materials
(ii) Granulated blast furnace slag (as per 1S:12089)
(iii) Silica fume (as per IS: 15388 and IS:456, lRC:SP:70): The silica fume (very fine non
crystalline silicon dioxide) is a by-product ofthe manufacture of silicon, ferrosilicon or
the like, from quartz and carbon in electric arc furnace. It is usually used in proportion
of 5 to ]0 per cent ofthe cementitious material content ofthe mix. Use of silica fume is
generally advantageous for higher grades of concrete i.e. M50 and above and for high
performance concrete with special requirements e.g. higher abrasion resistance of
(iv) Metakaoline
4.7. Water
Water used for mixing and curing ofconcrete shall be clean and free from injurious amounts
of oil, salt, acid, vegetable matter or other substances harmful to the concrete. It shall meet the
requirements stipulated in IS:456. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing
and curing.
The following data are required for mix proportioning of a particular grade of concrete:
6.1. The cement concrete pavements are designed on flexural strength of concrete. However,
general practice is to design the mix on cube compressive strength and relationship between
characteristic compressive strength and flexural strength as per IS:456 is as follows:
f cr == 0.7 x {J::
ler flexural strength (modulus ofrupture), N'mm?
lek characteristic compressive cube strength of concrete, Nzmm?
6.2. In order that not more than the specified proportions oftest results are likely to fall
below the characteristic strength, the concrete mix has to be proportioned for somewhat higher
target mean compressive strength,f'ck. The margin over characteristic strength is given by the
following relation:
f'ck == lek + t x s '.J
Where, ;!
The standard deviation for each grade ofconcrete shall be determined separately.
(a) Number oftest results.of samples - The total number oftest strength of samples required
to constitute an acceptable record for calculation of standard deviation shall be not less
than 30. Attempts should be made to obtain the 30 samples (taken from site), as early as
possible, when a mix is used for the first time, to validate and improve the job mix
formula (ifrequired).
(b) In case of significant changes in concrete - When significant changes are made in the
production of concrete batches (for example, changes in the materials used, mix
proportioning, equipment or technical control), the standard deviation value shall be
separately calculated for such batches of concrete.
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(c) Standard deviation to be brought up to date - The calculation of the standard deviation
shall be brought up to date after every change ofmix proportioning.
Where sufficient test results for a particular grade of concrete are not available, the value of
standard deviation given in Table 3 may be assumed for proportioning ofmix in the first instance.
These values correspond to the site control having proper storage of cement; weigh batching ofall
materials; controlled addition of water; regular checking of all materials, aggregate grading and
moisture content and periodical checking ofworkability and strength. Where there is deviation in
the site conditions, the values given in the above Table shall be increased by 1 Nzmm', As soon as
the results of samples are available, actual calculated standard deviation shall be used and the mix
re-proportioned accordingly. (However, when adequate past records for a similar grade exist and
are justified to the designer, a value of standard deviation different from that shown in Table 3 is
permitted to be used). Typical examples of design strengths of concrete for M60, M40 and M30
grades for different degrees of quality control are given in Annexure B.
1 M25 4.0
2 M30
4 M40
5 M45 5.0
6 M50
7 M55
8 M60
Note: The above values shall also be applicable where Ready Mixed Concrete (RMC) is used.
IRC:44-2008 "t
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Table 4. Preliminary Selection of Water Cement Ratio for the Given Grade
6 M60 0.28
(1) The Supplementary cementitious materials that is, mineral admixtures shall also be considered in water-cement ratio
calculations and be referred as water-cementitious materials ratio ..
(2) The maximum water cement/cementitious material ratio shall be restricted to 0.50 for the respective grade as per
IRe: 15-2002.
7.2. Selection of Water Content -s~
The water content of concrete is influenced by a number of factors such as aggregate size,
aggregate shape, aggregate texture, workability, water-cement ratio, cement and other supplementary
cementitious materials type and content, chemical admixture and environmental conditions. An ~
increase in aggregates size, a reduction in water-cement ratio and slump and use of rounded \
aggregates and water reducing admixtures will reduce the water demand. On the other hand
increased temperature, cement content, slump, water-cement ratio, aggregate angularity and a
decrease in the proportion ofthe coarse aggregate to fine aggregate will increase the water demand.
The quantity of approximate mixing water per unit volume of concrete may be determined
from Table 5. The water content in Table 5 is for angular coarse aggregate and for 20 mm ±
5 mm slump, at water: cement or cementitious material ratio = 0.50 and may be adjusted after
trials. The water content suggested in Table 5 may be reduced by approximately 10 kg for sub
angular aggregates, 20 kg for gravel with some crushed particles and 25 kg for rounded gravel to
produce same workability. The water content requirement can be suitably decreased by use of
plasticizer and super plasticizer. The extent of reduction in water content will depend upon the 1
quality of plasticier/super plasticizer for normally available plasticizers/super plasticizers. The range
of decrease in water content is between 5 per cent to 10 per cent for plasticizer and between
20 per cent to 30 per cent for super plasticizer. The actual reduction will depend upon the doses of
these plasticiers/super-plasticizers, By suitably adjusting the doses, the desired reduction in water
content within the limits prescribed above can be achieved.
7.3. Calculation ofCementitious Material Content
The cement and supplementary cementitious material content per unit volume ofconcrete may be
calculated from the free water-cement or cementitious material ratio (See para 7.1) and the quantity of
water per unit volume ofconcrete.
The cementitious material content, socalculated, shall be checkedagainstthe minimumandmaximum
cement contentrequirements. Incase cementitiousmaterialcontentworked out is lowerthan the minimum
cement content, then the minimum cement content value shall be adopted.
Table S. Approximate Water Content per Cubic Metre of Concrete for Nominal
Maximum Size of Aggregate (with out Plasticiser/Superplasticiser)
Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregate (mm) Suggestive Water Content 1 (kg)
10 208
20 186 *
40 165
* The water content is 186 kg/rn" for 20 mm aggregate without plasticizing or superplasticising admixture, for 20 mm
± 5 mm slump at the time of placing. The water content may reduce to 167 kg/rn? assuming 10 per cent reduction in
water content by use of plasticizing admixture or reduces to 149 kg/m" assuming 20 per cent reduction in water
J content by use of superplasticising admixture.
(I) These quantities of mixing water shall be used in computing cementitious material contents for trial batches.
(2) For the high workability required at batching plant/RMC plant, the use of plasticizing or superplasticizing admixture
may be adopted preferably without the need of increasing water content for additional slump requirement. On
account oflong distances over which concrete needs to be carried in road projects e.g from RMC plant, the concrete
mix is generally designed for a higher slump using plasticizers. The quantity of admixtures shall be determined by
trials and the initial slump value shall depend on the distance of transport and loss of slump with time.
(3) As mentioned, water content can be reduced by 20 per cent depending upon texture, shape and grading of aggregates
in the mix. Efforts shall be made that the water content should be as minimum as possible as derived by trial mixes
and shall be as per para 7.2.
(4) In case of nominal size of aggregate of 40 mm, precautions for minimizing segregation in concrete may be taken and
efforts shall be made to limit the maximum size particle to 31.5 mm as per IS:460 (Part 2).
Minimum cementitious material content shall be 325 kg/m', This is irrespective ofthe grade of
cement and is inclusive ofmineral admixture additions such as fly ash, or ground granulated blast furnace
slag. These mineral admixtures may be taken into account in the concrete composition with respect to
the minimum cement content ifthe suitability is established and as long as the maximum amounts taken
into account do not exceed the limit ofpozzolona and slag specified in IS: 1489(Part 1) and IS:455
respectively and stipulated in these guidelines. The maximum cement content shall be 425 kg/m' and is
1 exclusive ofmineral admixtures such as flyash, silica fume or ground granulated blast furnace slag.
Table 6: Volume of Coarse Aggregate per Unit Volume of Total Aggregate for
Different Zones of Fine Aggregate as per IS: 383 ,
Nominal Maximum Volume of Coarse Aggregate Per Unit Volume of Total Aggregate for v
Size of Aggregate (mm) Different Zones of Fine Aggregate I
I .~
Zone IV Zone II I
Zone I
Zone III
aggregates) will be increased approximately by I percent. The above table is applicable for crushed aggregates. For
rounded/semi crushed aggregates, the above values ofthe volumes may be slightly increased.
With the completion of procedure given in paras 7.2 and 7.3, all the ingredients have been
estimated except the coarse and fine aggregate content. These quantities are determined by finding
out the absolute volume of cementitious material, water and the chemical admixture; by dividing
their mass by their respective specific gravity, multiplying by 1/1000 and subtracting the result of
their summation from unit volume. The values so obtained are divided into coarse and fine aggregate
fractions by volume in accordance with coarse aggregate proportion already determined in para
704.1. The coarse and fine aggregate contents are then determined by multiplying absolute volume
in an overall grading conforming to Table 1 for particular nominal maximum size of aggregate.
Workabilityofthe Trial Mix No.1 shallbe measured. The mix shall be carefully observed for
freedom from segregation and bleeding and its finishing properties. Ifthe measured workability of
Trial Mix No.1 is different from the stipulated value, the water and/or admixture content shall be
adjusted suitably. With this adjustment, the mix proportion shall be recalculated keeping the free
water-cement ratio at the pre-selected value, which will comprise Trial Mix No.2. In addition,
two more Trial Mixes No.3 and 4 shall be made with the water content same as Trial Mix No.2
and varying the free water-cement ratio by± 10 per cent of the pre-selected value.
Mix No.2 to 4 normally provides sufficient information, including the relationship between
compressive strength and water-cement ratio, from which the mix proportions for field trails may
he arrived at. The concrete for field trials shall be produced by methods of actual concrete
For design ofmix it will be necessary to carry out the following tests:
The grading of coarse and fine shall be as per Table 1 and 2 respectively.
(i) Select water content per cubic metre of concrete from Table 5
(k) Find of coarse and fine aggregate contents from Table 6 and para 7.4.2
given in Table 6) by absolute volume, the sand and coarse aggregate content per unit volume
of concrete may be calculated separately from Eq. (2) and Eq. (3).
Note:- In case chemical admixtures (plasticizers/super plasticizers) and mineral admixtures (fly
ash, silica fume, slag etc.) are also used in the mix; their absolute volume (mass/specific
gravity) will also be considered in Eqs. (2) & (3).
10. An illustrative example ofconcrete mix proportioning for conventional concrete pavement
is given in Annexure-C for M40 grade of concrete with and without flyash. Another illustrative
example of M60 grade of concrete for special applications, using silica fume is given in
Annexure-D. These examples are merely illustrative to explain the procedure and the actual
mix proportioning shall be based on trial batches with the given materials.
The quantities of coarse and fine aggregates are based on aggregates in saturated surface
dry conditions. To determine the mix proportion based on aggregate in dry condition, the quantities
of both coarse and fine aggregates shall be multiplied with their respective water absorptions.
The values thus determined shall be adjusted to reduce the aggregate content and increase the
water content by the same amount for per cum. of concrete based on their respective water
absorption values.
gravel, crushed gravel, crushed stone, and air-cooled iron blast furnace slag which when bound
Coarse Aggregate: Aggregate most ofwhich is retained on 4.75 mrn IS Sieve and containing
only so much of finer material as is permitted by the specification OR portion of an aggregate
retained on the 4.75 mm IS Sieve.
Note I - The definitions are alternatives to be applied under differing circumstances.
Note 2 - Coarse aggregate may be described as:
(a) Crushed gravel- coarse aggregate produced by crushing gravel
(b) Crushed stone - coarse aggregate produced by crushing of hard stone
(c) Uncrushed gravel- coarse aggregate resulting from natural disintegration ofrock;
(d) Partially crushed gravel or stone when it is a product ofthe blending of (a) and (b);
(e) Manually broken stone that is produced by breaking hard stone manually with hammers.
Fine Aggregate : Aggregate most which passes 4.75 mm IS Sieve and containing only so
much coarser material as is permitted for various grading zones in the specification. Fine aggregate
may be described as follows:
Natural Sand - Fine aggregate resulting from the natural disintegration of rock and/or which
has been deposited by streams or glacial agencies.
Crushed Stone Sand - Fine aggregate produced by crushing hard stone.
Crushed Gravel Sand - Fine aggregate produced by crushing natural gravel.
Standard Design Camp. Design Standard Design Design Standard Design Design
Deviation Strength Flexural . Deviation Compo Flexural Deviation Compo Flexural
(Nzmm') (N/rrim2) Strength (N/mm2) Strength Strength (Nmm') Strength Strength
(Nrnm') (N/mm2) (Nrmm') (N/mm2) (Nrnm')
Proper Site Control 5.0 6825 5.78 5.0 4825 4.86 5.0 3825 4.33
Poor Site Control 6.0 69.90 5.85 6.0 49.90 4.94 6.0 39.90 4.42
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IRC:44 . .2 008
(Clause 10)
C-O An example illustrating the mix proportioning for a concrete ofM40 grade is given below.
-. 17
J'ck==fck + 1.65 x s
lck == target average compressive strength, Nzrnm? at 28 days.
1Ck == characteristic compressive strength, Nrrnm' at 28 days.
s = standard deviation, Nzmm'
As super plasticizer is proposed to be used, the water content can be reduced maximum upto
30% (vide para 7.2 for details). For the purpose ofpresent trial exercise, a reduction of water content
of 15% has been assumed by adjusting suitably the doses ofthe super plasticizer. The designer can use
this reduction as per his requirement ofthe availability ofthe grade of cement and quality of super
plasticizer. With 15% reduction in water content at water-cement ratio of 0.38, the reduced water
Minimum cement content as per IRC: 15, :25 kg/rrr' <416 kg/m' Hence, O.K
From Table 6, volume of coarse aggregate corresponding to 20 mm size aggregate and fine
aggregate grading Zone II == 0.62 per unit volume oftotal aggregate. This is valid for water-cement
ratio of0.50. As water-cement ratio is actually 0.38, the ratio is taken as 0.64 to reduce sand content
(as per Note 3 ofTable 6).
Volume of fine aggregate content = 1- 0.64 0.36 per unit volume oftotal aggregate
.~i_ 19
C-IO The slump shall be measured and the water content and dosage ofadmixture shall be adjusted
for achieving the required slump based on trial, if required. The mix proportions shall be
reworked for the actual water content and checked for durability requirements.
C-ll Two more trials having variation of ± 1O'per cent of water-cement ratio in C-IO shall be
carried out and a graph between three water-cement ratios and their corresponding strengths ,
shall be plotted to work out the mix proportions for the given target strength for field trials.
However, minimum arid maximum cement content requirements should be met.
C-12 Adjustment due to higher slump requirements for use ofRMC can be made as follows:
Based on initial trials, it has been established that for expected 1 hour transit time initial slump
requirement is 100 mm for 20 mm slump at the time of placement.
Based on trials dosage of admixture may be increased from 0.6 per cent to 1.0 per cent by
mass ofcement to achieve required workability (accordingly all other calculations can be modified).
Now, to proportion a mix containing fly ash the following.steps are suggested:
(i) Decide percentage offly ash to be used based on project requirement and quality of
(ii) * Increase the cementitious material content by 10% oftotal cementitious material content
of control mix calculated as above, to account for fly ash reactivity.
Cementitious material content = 416 x 1.10 = 457.6 kg/ru', ~ay 458 kg/m"
* In certain situations increase in cementitious material content may be warranted. The decision
on increase in cementitious material and its percentage may be based on experience and trial. This
illustrative example is with increase of 10 per cent cementitious material content.
Fly ash @ 20 per cent oftotal cementitious content == 458 x 20% = 91.6 kg/m',
say 92 kg/m'
Cement (OPC) == 458 -92 = 366 kg/m'
From Table 6, volume of coarse aggregate corresponding to 20 mm size aggregate and fine
aggregate Zone II = 0.62 per unit volume of'total aggregate. This is valid for water-cement ratio of
0.50. As water-cement ratio is actually 0.345, the ratio is taken as 0.65 to reduce sand content.
Volume of fine aggregate content = 1- 0.65 == 0.35 per unit volume of total aggregate
= 0.681 m'
(g) Mass of coarse = (f) x volume ofcoarse aggregate x Specific gravity ofcoarse
aggregate aggregate x 1000
Fine Aggregate =
618.7 kg/m3(625-1 % of625)
Coarse Aggregate =
1206.9 kg/m3(1213-0.5% of1213)
.~ :
: '
" (Clause 10)
D-O An example illustrating the mix proportioning for a concrete ofM60 grade using silica
fume is given below. The silica fume (very fine non-crystalline silicon dioxide) is a by-product of
the manufacture of silicon, ferrosilicon or the .like, from quartz and carbon in electric arc furnace. It
is usually used in proportion of S'to 10 per cent ofthe cementitious material content ofthe mix.
'Use of silica fume is generally advantageous for higher gradesof concrete i.e. M5o.and above and
for high performance concrete with special requirements e.g, higher abrasion resistance ofconcrete.
m~;~=:lIt~. i:
'{'cl}1 XfFfu~(siliia~eYn1tiisrrJe";"':'" ,d (;;~ ,.c';; ;";. <»: '- ;.... . ' '. ' . '
F ck= target average compressive strength, Nrrnrn? at 28 days.
fck = characteristics compressive strength, Nzmm? at 28 days.
(for 20 ± 5 mm slump)
As superplasticizeris used, the water content can be reduced up to ~Oper cent maximum.
Hence, the reduced water content = 186 x 0.70·= 130.2 kg say 130kg/m3
Check for minimum cernentitious content, 325 kg/m' < 464 kg/m" (418 kg/m" OPC+ 46
kg/m' silica fume) Hence, OK
From Table 6, volume of coarse aggregate corresponding to 20 mm size aggregate and fine
aggregate grading Zone II = 0.62 per unit volume oftotal aggregate. This is valid for water
cement ratio of 0.50. As water-cement ratio is actually 0.28, the ratio is-taken as 0.66 to reduce
sand content.
Volumeoffine aggregate content = 1 - 0.66 = 0.34 per unit volume oftotal aggregate
(a) Voltrnneofconcrete 1 m!
-.", - .J .•
. ... • • ••
•• I ,
~. • f·' ... ~
, ofcementitious
- material]
.. ....
.' "
I'.. ' .
(g) Mass of coarse aggregate ' .= (f) x volume of-coarse aggregate x Specific gravity
, . . " ", - I, .). i . . "
,',. ,'--- of coarse aggi:egate x 1000 ' "
= 0.708 x 0.66 x 2.74 x 1000
, ' , r :' .. ,,'
, . -,
, -", ',:. ,........;.
, = 1280.3.Say
. '
1280 kg/m'
rr·',· .:~.' ';l i '" '.
,(h) Mass offine'aggregate " ' = (f) x volume offine aggregate x Specifi;cgravity.of
fine aggregate x 1000
, " '~0.708 x 0.34 x 2.62x 1000
" "':',"~Y"_~'.,'~ '1'; q-' ",;' '=630.7Say631kg/m3 i