IES-CONV-Mechanical Engineering-2006

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Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt any FIVE questions.
Notations used are standard and will have their usual meanings. Assume suitable data, if found necessary,
and indicate them clearly.
For air R = 0.287 KJ/kg-K, Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg-K
 = 14, M = 28966 kg/ kg-mole

1. (a) If u = f (T,v) and h = f(T,p) prove that

 T 
du = Cv dT +   p  dv
 k 
dh = Cp dT + v(1–T) dp
(b) A house is to he maintained at 25° C in summer as well as in winter. For this purpose, it is
proposed to use a reversible device as a refrigerator in summer and as a heat pump in winter.
The ambient temperature is 40°C in summer and 3 °C in winter. The energy loss as heat from
the roof and the walls is estimated at 5 kW per degree Celsius temperature difference
between the room and the ambient conditions. Calculate the power required to operate the
device in summer and in winter.
(e) A cylindrical water tank of 50 cm diameter and 120 cm height is initially filled with water
The top of the tank is open to the atmosphere. A discharge plug is fitted at the bottom of the
tank. When the plug near the bottom of the tank is pulled out, water jet streams out of the
tank with a jet diameter of 1 cm. The mean velocity of the jet is given by v = 2gh where h
is the height of the water in the tank measured from the centre of the hole. Determine how
long it will take for the water level in the tank to drop to 60 cm level from the bottom.
Neglect the distance between the bottom of the tank and the centre of the hole compared to
the total water height.
2. (a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using hydrogen as an IC. Engine fuel ? Explain
one method by which hydrogen can be used in C.I. Engine.
(b) Mention three problems related to environment that are created by exhaust emissions from
the I.C. Engine. What are the major exhaust emissions ?
(c) What is delay period ? Mention the various factors affecting the delay period. Discuss any
four of them.

(d) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using LPG in S.I. Engine.
(e) Air at 25 kPa and 230 K enters a turbojet engine with a velocity of 250 m/sec. The pressure
ratio across the compressor is 12. The turbine inlet temperature is 1400 K and the pressure at
the nozzle exit is 25 kPa. The diffuser, compressor, turbine and nozzle processes are
isentropic and there is no pressure drop for flow through the combustor. Under steady state
operating conditions, determine (i) the velocity at the nozzle exit, and (ii) the pressures &
temperatures at each state. State the assumptions made. Draw the line diagram indicating all
the components & show the processes on a T–s diagram.
3. (a) Heat losses from the windows are to be reduced by covering them from inside with a
polystyrene insulation (kins = 0027 W/m-K). Consider application of 25 mm-thick windows
(kw = 14 W/m-K). The contact resistance between the glass and the insulation may be
approximated as (R”t, c = 0002 m2-K/W), while the convection coefficient at the outside
surface of the window is nominally losing heat (h0 = 20 W/m2-K).
With the insulation, the convection coefficient at the inner surface is hi = 2 W/m2-K; without
the insulation it is hi = 5 W/m2-K.
(i) What is the percentage reduction in heat loss associated with the use of insulation ?
(ii) If the total surface area of the windows is As = 12 m2, what are the heat losses
associated with insulated and uninsulated windows for interior and exterior
temperatures of T, i = 20°C and T, 0 = – 12°C ?
(iii) If the home is heated by a gas furnace operating at an efficiency of f = 080 and the
natural gas is priced at Cg = Re. 1 per MJ, what is the daily saving associated with
covering windows for 12 hours ?
(b) Water at 20° C flows normal to the axis of a circular tube with a velocity of 15 m/sec. The
diameter of the tube is 25 mm. Calculate the average heat transfer coefficient if the tube
surface is maintained at a uniform temperature of 80°C. Also estimate the heat transfer rate
20  80
per unit length of the tube. Properties of water at T f   50o C are
Specific heat, Cp = 41813 kJ/kg-K
Kinematic viscosity,  = 0568  10–6 m2/sec
Thermal conductivity, k = 06395 W/m-K
Prandtl number, Pr = 368
Density,  = 990 kg/mm3
Dynamic viscosity of water (w) at 80°C = 35456 x 10–4 kg/m-sec
 at 20°C = 1006 x kg/m-sec.
Use the relation
 
Nu   0.4 Re  0.06 Re  Pr   
0.5 2/3 0.4

 w 

(c) An electrically heated sphere of 15 cm diameter is cooled in a quiescent medium of air at
315 K. In order to maintain the surface temperature of the sphere at 385 K, estimate the
amount of heat to be supplied by the electrical heater.
D = 15 x 10–2 m T = 273 + 20 = 293 K
315  385
The properties of air at  350k are
Kinematic viscosity, v = 2076 x 10–5 m2/sec
Prandtl number, Pr = 0697
Thermal conductivity, k = 003 W/m-K
Coefficient of thermal expansion,  = l/Tf = 286 x 10–3 K–1
Use the relationship Nu  2  0.43 Ra1/4

(d) The configuration of a furnace can be approximated as an equilateral triangular duct which is
sufficiently long that the end effects are negligible. The hot wall is maintained at T1 = 1000 K
and has an emissivity 1 = 08. The cold wall is at T2 = 500 K and has an emissivity 2 = 08.
The third wall is reradiating zone for which Q3 = 0. Calculate the net radiation flux leaving
the hot wall.
4. (a) How can the solar energy be used to obtain refrigeration effect ? Explain with a neat and
clean sketch.
A geothermal well at 130° C supplies heat at a rate of 100,500 kJ/h to an absorption
refrigeration system. The environment is at 30o C and the refrigerated space is maintained at
–22° C. Determine the maximum possible heat removal from the refrigerated space.
(c) Obtain an expression for the capacity of a refrigeration system (tonnage) in terms of the rate
of upper and lower pressure limits, expansion index (n), vc/vs, (vc = clearance volume and vs
= swept volume), N (rpm), vc, v1 (specific volume at the inlet to compressor) and the
refrigeration effect (h1 – h4).
If the pressure ratio is 65, n = 11, vc/vs = 0025, N = 900, vs = 600 cc, v1 = 0078 m3/kg and
refrigeration effect = 150 kJ/kg, calculate the capacity of the system.
(c) (i) List the various refrigeration arid air-conditioning controls and their functions.
(ii) Explain adiabatic saturation and thermodynamic wet- bulb temperature. When are the
adiabatic saturation and wet-bulb temperatures equivalent for atmospheric air?
(iii) What is metabolism ? What is the range of metabolic rate for an average man ? Why
are we interested in the metabolic rate of the occupants of a building when we deal
with heating and air-conditioning ? (3)
5. (a) Show that for a flow governed only by gravity, inertia and pressure forces, the ratio of rates
of flow in two dynamically similar systems equals to the 5/2 power of the length ratio.

(b) The rate of flow Q of a liquid having mass density  and viscosity  is to be measured by
means of an orificemeter. The diameter of the orificemeter is d which is installed in a pipeline
of diameter D. The pressure drop across the orifice plate is p. Obtain the expression for Q
by using the method of dimensional analysis.
(c) Derive Prandtl boundary layer equations for steady two- dimensional laminar incompressible
flow. Explain the significance of Prandtl boundary layer equations in comparison with Navier
Stokes equations.
(d) The 1/7th power law for turbulent boundary layer is not applicable very near to the solid
boundary. Do you agree? If yes, why ? Justify your answer.
6. (a) What do you mean by Fanno flow ? Show that the upper and lower branches of a Fanno
curve represent subsonic and supersonic flows respectively. Prove that at the maximum
entropy point Mach number is unity and all processes approach this point.
(b) Derive the Rankine-Hugoniot equations for flow through a normal shock. How does a normal
shock differ from an oblique shock ? Mention two useful applications of a normal shock.
(c) Mention two most important characteristics of turbulent flow. Explain the concept of
Prandtl’s mixing length hypothesis.
7. (a) The clearance volume of a single cylinder air compressor is 10% of the swept volume. The
compressor has a bore of 120mm and a stroke of 152 mm and runs at 400mm. Suction
conditions are 1 bar and 24°C and the delivery pressure is 10 bar. Compression and re-
expansion curves follow the law pV13 = constant. Calculate the diagram vulumetric
efficiency, the rate of air delivery, and the power input required to drive the compressor
assuming a mechanical efficiency of 74%. Take R = 0287 kJ/kg-K.
(b) Air enters the compressor of a gas turbine at 100 kPa, 300 K with a volumetric flow rate of
5m3/sec. The air is compressed in two stages to 1200 kPa with intercooling to 300 K between
stages at a pressure of 350 kPa. The turbine inlet temperature is 1400 K and the expansion
occurs in two stages with reheat to 1340 K between the stages at a pressure of 350 kPa. The
compressor and turbine stage efficiencies are 87% and 85% respectively. Determine (i) the
thermal efficiency of the cycle, (ii) the back work ratio, (iii) the net power developed in kW.
Draw the schematic diagram of the cycle and indicate the process on T-s diagram. Assume
effectiveness of the regenerator as 80%. Assume Cp = 10045 kJ/kg-K for air and gas.
(c) The turbine rotor has a mean blade ring diameter of 500mm and the blade angles are equal.
The nozzle angle is 20° and the steam leaves the nozzles with a velocity of 900m/sec.
Assuming a blade friction factor of 085, determine the (i) best blade angles, (ii) turbine speed
in rpm, (iii) steam consumption rate in kg/hr if the turbine generates 10kw, and (iv)
maximum blade efficiency.
8. (a) Discuss with the help of neat sketches the main difference in principle of operation between a
hydraulic coupling and a hydraulic converter.

(b) Mention three possible causes of trouble in case of a centrifugal pump if
(i) No water is delivered, and
(ii) Pump absorbs higher power.
(c) A centrifugal pump is required to discharge 600 liters of water per second and develop a head
of 15 m when the impeller rotates at 750 rpm. The manometric efficiency is 80%. The loss of
head in the pump due to fluid resistance being assumed to be 0027 V2 m of water, where V is
the velocity with which water leaves the impeller. Water enters the impeller without shock or
whirl and the velocity of flow is 32 m/sec, Determine (i) the impellar diameter and outlet
area, (ii) the blade angle at the outlet edge.
(d) Laboratory tests are required to be performed on a 1/10 scale model to find the best design
for a hydraulic turbine. The turbine is required to develop 30,000 kW under a net head of
50m running at 300 rpm. The head available at the laboratory is 12 m. Determine
(i) the corresponding speed,
(ii) power, and
(iii) discharge.
The overall efficiency is 88%.


Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Question 1 in Section ‘A’ which is compulsory, TWO questions from Section ‘B’
and TWO questions from Section ‘C’. Question 1 is of short answer type, limiting answer of each part to 30
The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of each question.
Assume suitable data, if found necessary, and indicate them clearly.

1. (a) Two hollow shafts of same diameter are used to transmit same power.
One shaft is rotating at 1000 rpm while the other at 1200 rpm.
What will be the nature and magnitude of the stress on the surfaces of these shafts ? Will it be
the same in two cases or different ? Justify your answer.
(b) What is autofrettage ?
How does it help in increasing the pressure carrying a capacity of a thick cylinder ?
(c) What are statically determinate and indeterminate beams ? Illustrate each case through
(d) Define : (i) Kinematic chain (ii) Mechanism.
(e) Distinguish between the functions of Flywheel and Governor.
(f) For a free viscous damped vibration, stale the condition for critical damping. The system has
mass ‘m’, spring stiffness ‘k’ and damping coefficient ‘c’.
(g) Sketch a castle nut used for locking device. State two specific advantages of this locking
device ?
(h) Between a flat belt drive and V-belt drive for the same coefficient of friction, arc of contact
and allowable tension in the belts, which one will have more power transmission capability?
Give reason to your answer.
(i) In Journal bearings distinguish between “Bearing characteristic number” and “Bearing
(j) Why is annealing done ?
What does the following represent in case of tool steels :
(i) T 103 (ii) T 35Mn2 M045.
(k) Name any four materials used for making wire drawing dies and explain the application of
each of them.
(l) Classify the advantages of powder metallurgy process in terms of economics and capabilities
of the process, and properties of the parts made.
(m) What is gating system ? Name and show the various elements of a gating system by means of
a diagram.

(n) What is standard marking of grinding wheel ? What each parameter indicates ?
(o) Name any four flushing methods used in EDM process. What type of flushing method is
recommendable in cases of very small size hole drilling ?
(p) What is the principle of angle dekkor auto collimator ? What is its application ?
(q) What arc the six categories of queueing models as per Kendall notation ?
(r) With the help of quantity-cost cone, explain the significance of Economic Order Quantity
(EOQ). What are the limitations of using EOQ formula ?
(s) What is a critical path ? Why is the critical path of such importance in large project
scheduling and control ? Can a critical during the course of project ? To print the values of
array a in the order given below, write the source code in FORTRAN and in ‘C’ :
a11 a21 a31 a41 a51
a12 a22 a32 a42 a52
a13 a23 a33 a43 a53
a14 a24 a34 a44 a54
(20  2 = 40)


2. (a) A mild steel shaft of 50 mm diameter is subjected to a bending moment of 15 kN-m and
torque T. If the yield point of steel in tension is 210 MPa. Find the maximum value of torque
without causing yielding of the shaft material according to
(i) Maximum Principal stress theory and
(ii) Maximum Shear stress theory
(b) A timber beam 15 cm wide and 20 cm deep carries a uniformly distributed load over a span
of 4 m and is simply supported.
If the permissible stresses are 30 N/mm2 longitudinally and 3 N/mm2 transverse shear,
calculate the maximum load which can he carried by the timber beam.
3. (a) The dimensions of different links of the crank and slotted lever quick-return mechanism
shown in Figure are given below :
O1 O2 = 700 mm, O1B = 250mm
O2D = 1250 mm, DR = 350mm.
The crank O1B rotates at 40 r.p.m. in the counter clockwise direction and at the present
instant of consideration makes an angle of 45° with the vertical.
Determine :
(i) Velocity of the ram R which moves in a horizontal direction.
(ii) Angular velocity of link O2D.

(b) An intermediate parallel shaft ‘Z’ is used for gearing together two shafts ‘X’ and ‘Y’ which
are co-axial to each other. The gear wheel connecting ‘X’ and ‘Z’ have a module of 2 and
those connecting ‘Z’ and ‘Y’ a module of 3. The speed of ‘Y’ is to be about, but less than,
1/12 that of ‘X’. If the two pinions have 24 teeth each, find suitable numbers of teeth for the
gears and pinions, the actual velocity ratio and the corresponding distance of shaft ‘Z’ from
shaft ‘X’.
4. (a) (i) Design and draw a cast iron flange coupling for a mild steel shaft transmitting 80 kW
at 220 r.p.m. with the following specifications:
Allowable shear stress in the shaft = 40 MPa
Permissible angle of twist < 1o in a length of 20 diameters.
Allowable shear stress in the coupling bolts = 30 MPa.
Rigidity modulus of shaft material = 85 GPa
Allowable shear stress for hub material 15 MPa
You may adopt, Width of key = 25 mm
Thickness of key = 14 mm
You may also consider that he shaft and key are made of the same material.
Four numbers of bolts are to be used in the coupling. Find out the diameter of the
shaft required and the main dimensions of the Flanges and the Key. Adopt suitable
(ii) Draw a neat sketch for the Flange coupling with the designed dimensions.
(b) A centrifugal clutch with four shoes is used to transmit 15 kW to 720 r.p.m. The speed at
which engagement begins is 80% of fall speed. The inside diameter of the drum is 325 mm
and outside diameter of the drum is 350 mm. The radial distance of C.G. of each shoe from
the axis of shaft is 120 mm. The radial clearance between the shoe and the rim is 10 mm. The
pressure exerted on the shoe during engagement is 1.0 MPa. The coefficient of friction
between shoe lining and the drum is taken as 025.
(i) Mass of each shoe.
(ii) Size of the shoe if the angle subtended by shoe at centre is 60°.

Also design the helical spring used in the shoes taking the safe shear stress of spring
material as 600 MPa and modulus of rigidity of the material as 80 kN/mm2. Use the
spring index of 6.


5. (a) How are powders produced in powder metallurgy process ?

Name and explain the various steps in making parts from metal powder.
(b) A certain disc of lead of radius 150 mm and thickness 50 mm is reduced to a thickness of 25
mm by open die forging. If the coefficient of friction between the job and die is 025,
determine the maximum forging force. The average shear yield stress of lead can take as 4
(c) What are the common defects found in welding ? Explain their causes and remedies.
A projection welding of 3 spots is obtained with a current of 35,000 A for a period of 001
sec. If the effective resistance of the joint be taken as 120 microohms, and if the joint can be
considered as a cylinder of 6mm diameter and 25 mm in height, calculate the heat distributed
to the surroundings.
Take heat required for melting steel as 10 J/mm3.
6. (a) Find the limit sizes, tolerances arid allowance for a 100 mm diameter shaft and hole pair
designated by F8h10 . Also specify the type of fit that the above pair belongs to.
Given : 100 mm diameter lies in the diameter step range of 80-120 mm. The fundamental
deviation for shaft designation ‘f’ is –55 D0.41.
The values of standard tolerances for grades of 1T8 and 1T10 are 25i and 64i respectively.
Also, indicate the limits and tolerance on a diagram.
(b) An HSS tool is used for turning operation. The tool life is 1 hr. when turning is carried at 30
m/min. The tool life will be reduced to 20 min if the cutting speed is doubled. Find the
suitable speed in RPM for turning 300 mm diameter so that life is 30 mm.
(c) Prepare part program to machine the contour shown in the figure using APT on CNC milling

Material : MS
Thickness : 80 mm
7. (a) Explain the need for sales forecasting. How are forecasting methods classified ?
The past data about the load on a machine centre is as given below:
Month Load, Machine-Hours
1 585
2 611
3 656
4 748
5 863
6 914
7 964
(i) If a five month moving average is used to forecast the next month’s demand, compute
the forecast of the load on the centre in the 8th month.
(ii) Compute a weighted three month moving average for the 8th month, where the
weights are 05 for the latest month, 03 and 02 for the other months, respectively.
(b) What is break-even analysis ? How is it useful to the manager ?
For a particular product, the following information is given :
Selling price per unit : Rs. 100
Variable cost per unit : Rs. 60
Fixed costs : Rs. 10,00,000
Due to inflation the variable costs have increased by 10% while fixed costs have increased by
5%. If the break-even quantity is to remain constant by what percentage should the Sales
price be raised ?
(c) Prepare a flow chart and write a program in FORTRAN to compute the stresses required in
the following problem:
For a two dimensional stress system, a point in a member is subjected to normal
stresses x and y on two mutually perpendicular planes accompanied with shear stress xy.
Compute the normal and shear stresses on all the planes making angles from 0 to 180° with
intervals of 010° with plane of x. Also find the principal stresses based on the maximum
and minimum of the normal stresses obtained on all the planes.

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