The Geology of The Lega Dembi Gold Deposit, Southern Ethiopia
The Geology of The Lega Dembi Gold Deposit, Southern Ethiopia
The Geology of The Lega Dembi Gold Deposit, Southern Ethiopia
Abstract The Lega Dembi deposit is the largest gold ore deposition occurred at or close to peak metamorphic
producer in Ethiopia. It is situated in late-Precambrian conditions at upper-greenschist to lower-amphibolite
metamorphosed sediments of the N-S trending, volcano- metamorphic grades. Rb-Sr dating of sericite indicates
sedimentary Megado belt, which forms part of the late- an age of about 545 Ma. for hydrothermal alteration
Proterozoic Adola granite-greenstone terrane in south- and, thus, for gold mineralization. The style of gold
ern Ethiopia. The lode-gold mineralization occurs in a mineralization, structural pattern and lithological as-
N-S trending, steep westerly dipping quartz-vein system semblages at Lega Dembi are very similar to lode-gold
that follows the structural contact between underlying deposits most commonly reported from Archaean
feldspathic gneisses and the volcanosedimentary se- granite-greenstone terranes. These similarities may open
quence of the Megado belt. This contact also marks the new perspectives for the exploration of lode-gold
northernmost extension of the regional-scale, sinistral deposits, which has previously primarily focused on
strike-slip Lega Dembi-A¯ata shear zone. Mineraliza- Archaean greenstone belts rather than Proterozoic or
tion and intense quartz-veining is best developed in even Phanerozoic meta-volcanosedimentary belts.
graphite-rich sediments within an area not more than
80 m away from this tectonic contact. Hydrothermal
wall-rock alteration includes actinolite/tremolite-biotite-
calcite-sericite and chlorite-calcite-epidote assemblages. Introduction
Gold occurs preferentially in the sericite alteration zone,
where it is closely associated and intergrown with gale- Shear-zone hosted, mesothermal lode-gold deposits are
na. The variable deformation of the gold-quartz veins a major source of world gold production (Woodall
suggests a syn-kinematic timing for the gold mineral- 1988). The vast majority of these gold-bearing vein
ization during transcurrent shearing in a dilational seg- systems is spatially closely associated with the tectono-
ment of the shear zone. In addition to the structural metamorphic evolution of predominantly late-Archaean
control, lithological control on gold deposition is indi- greenstone belts, that are an intricate feature of many
cated by the almost exclusive occurrence of the gold Archaean cratons (e.g. Anhaeusser 1976; Colvine et al.
mineralization in graphite-rich metasediments. This 1984, 1988; Robert and Brown 1986; Kerrich 1986;
close relationship suggests that gold precipitation was Foster 1989; Groves et al. 1989; de Ronde et al. 1992). In
the result of chemical reduction of regional ore-bearing addition to their commonly late-Archaean age, these
¯uids. Temperature conditions of mineralization are deposits bear numerous similarities worldwide, which
constrained by the actinolite-biotite alteration assem- led to the term `Archaean lode-gold deposits', that was
blage and by arsenopyrite chemistry, which indicate that coined to describe the styles of gold mineralization, as-
sociated alteration patterns and structural controls of
gold deposits in late-Archaean granite-greenstone ter-
Editorial handling: P.G. Eriksson
ranes (comprehensive reviews are given by, inter alia,
A.Y. Billay (&) á A.F.M. Kisters á F.M. Meyer Groves and Foster 1991, Colvine 1989, Groves 1993,
Institut fuÈr Mineralogie und LagerstaÈttenlehre, and Kerrich and Cassidy 1994)
RWTH Aachen, WuÈllnerstr. 2, 52056 Aachen, Germany
(e-mail: In recent years, however, an increasing number of
workers have questioned the restrictive use of the term
J. Schneider
Institut fuÈr Geowissenschaften und LithosphaÈrenforschung, `greenstone belt' for linear to irregularly shaped meta-
Justus-Liebig UniversitaÈt Giessen, Senckenbergstr. volcanosedimentary rocks of predominantly Archaean
3, 35390 Giessen, Germany age, since similar lithological associations and tectonic
styles are also observed in Proterozoic and Phanerozoic Various models pertaining to the lithostratigraphic
supracrustal belts (De Wit and Ashwal 1995, and ref- and structural evolution of the region have been pro-
erences therein). The recognition of greenstone-belt type posed. However, because of the relatively recent dis-
sequences and similar tectonic styles in Proterozoic and covery of the Lega Dembi gold deposit, little work on
Phanerozoic orogens implies that younger Archaean- the geological setting, on the style, timing, and controls
type mesothermal lode-gold deposits could be far more of the mineralization and on wall-rock alteration is
common than has previously been documented (Nesbitt currently available in the literature. The petrochemistry
1991). This, in turn, opens new perspectives for gold of the igneous rocks of the Adola region has been de-
exploration, that has traditionally focused on Archaean scribed by Bisrat (1993), Gichile and Fyson (1993), Be-
granite-greenstone terranes, and which has possibly raki (1995), and Worku and Schandelmeier (1996). Ore
underestimated the potential for large-scale gold paragenetic, wall-rock alteration and trace-element
deposits in younger supracrustal belts. geochemical studies are found in Fiori et al. (1987),
The Lega Dembi gold mine in the Sidamo region of Tadesse (1990), and Getaneh (1994), and in reports
southern Ethiopia is the largest gold producer in the which accompanied the exploration campaign by the
country (Sutton-Pratt 1996). The deposit is situated AGEP (Morin and Oliver 1986; V/O Tecnoexport 1986;
some 500 km south of Addis Ababa, within the late- Emelyanov et al. 1987; Moudrov et al. 1991). Fluid in-
Proterozoic meta-volcanosedimentary Megado belt of clusion studies related to the gold mineralization at Lega
the Adola granite-greenstone terrane, which forms the Dembi were carried out by Tadesse (1990). Genetic
southernmost extension of the Neoproterozoic Arabian- models for the gold mineralization at Lega Dembi in-
Nubian Shield (Kazmin et al. 1978; Worku and Schan- clude syngenetic gold mineralization in the metasedi-
delmeier 1996) (Fig. 1). ments and metavolcanics of the Megado belt, followed
Placer gold in the Megado belt was ®rst discovered in by a redistribution and concentration of the gold min-
1936 and, since then, more than 55 tons of placer gold eralization during subsequent metamorphic events (Fiori
has been produced. Primary gold occurrences, including et al. 1987), and a model of a structurally controlled,
the Lega Dembi deposit, were identi®ed during an ex- epigenetic mineralization in a strike-slip shear zone
ploration campaign in the late 1970s by the Adola Gold system (Emelyanov et al. 1987; Ghebreab et al. 1992;
Exploration Project (AGEP) of the Ethiopian Mineral Worku 1993).
Resources Development Corporation (EMRDC). The This study presents a brief description of the regional
Lega Dembi deposit is currently being mined by the geology of the Adola granite-greenstone terrane and the
EMRDC in an open cast operation. The gold produc- geological setting of the Lega Dembi deposit in partic-
tion averages 3 t/a (Sutton-Pratt 1996) and reserves of ular. The main aim is to focus on the multi-stage quartz-
some 60 tons of gold at an average grade of 6 g/t have veining and associated gold mineralization and wall-
been identi®ed up to 200 m below surface (Moudrov rock alteration at Lega Dembi. Finally, the formation of
et al. 1991). the gold-quartz mineralization is assessed in relation to
regional deformational and metamorphic events.
Regional geology
The Adola granite-greenstone terrane covers an area of approxi-
mately 5000 km2 in southern Ethiopia. It is characterized by two
linear, closely spaced, N-S trending belts of metamorphosed su-
pracrustal rocks, namely the Megado volcanosedimentary belt in
the west and the Kenticha ultrama®c belt in the east (Fig. 1). The
former consists of ultrama®c and tholeiitic basic volcanics and
intrusives which are intercalated with sediments made up pre-
dominantly of arkoses, feldspathic quartzites, quartzites, and pe-
lites, together with subordinate polymictic conglomerates and
graywackes (Gilboy 1970; Chater 1971; Bisrat 1993; Ghenzebu
et al. 1994; Worku and Schandelmeier 1996) (Fig. 2). Small pod- or
lens-like bodies of mainly tonalitic composition are intrusive into
the basic rocks of the Megado belt. In contrast, the Kenticha belt is
dominated by ultrama®c rocks, with subordinate amphibolites and
sedimentary rocks, the latter comprising biotite schists and minor
graphitic schists and marbles (Gilboy 1970; Chater 1971).
The two volcanosedimentary belts are surrounded and sepa-
rated by a gneissic terrane which comprises para- and or-
thogneisses, including monotonous quartzo-feldspathic biotite
gneisses with subordinate muscovite-quartz schists, staurolite-gar-
net-biotite schists, impure marbles, and amphibolites (Gilboy 1970;
Fig. 1 Location map and regional geological setting of the Adola Chater 1971; Kozyrev et al. 1985; Ghebreab 1989; Worku and Yifa
granite-greenstone terrane in southern Ethiopia (modi®ed after Beraki 1989). Large tonalite bodies also intrude the gneissic terrane.
1995) Gneissose granites are con®ned to the gneissic terrain and post-
Two main metamorphic events (M1-M2) have been recognized for
the Adola granite- greenstone terrane (Gilboy 1970; Chater 1971).
Evidence of an early M1 event is only represented by relict mineral
parageneses containing cordierite, that have been largely over-
printed by the subsequent M2 event which has pervasively aected
the rocks of the region (Gilboy 1970; Chater 1971). In the sedi-
mentary rocks of the Megado belt, mineral assemblages typically
comprise quartz, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite, and accessory ru-
tile, chlorite and epidote. In the basic rocks, actinolite/hornblende,
plagioclase (albite-oligoclase), epidote and chlorite are common
(Gilboy 1970, Chater 1971). In places, however, kyanite-bearing
rocks that occur within the greenschist-facies sequence point to
locally higher-grade metamorphic conditions. This juxtaposition of
units of dierent metamorphic grades has been interpreted by
Worku (1993) to be the result of an imbrication of thrust slices.
The rocks of the gneissic terrane and the Kenticha belt have
been aected by amphibolite±facies metamorphism of the stauro-
lite-almandine and kyanite-almandine-muscovite subfacies during
the M2 metamorphism (Gilboy 1970, Chater 1971). The meta-
morphic grade increases from lower- and mid-amphibolite facies in
the NW to upper-amphibolite and lower-granulite facies in the SE
of the gneissic terrane (Gilboy 1970). However, no determinations
of P-T conditions of the metamorphism exist for the region.
Structural geology
Five main phases of deformation have been distinguished for the
Megado belt and its surrounding gneissic terrane. These include: (1)
an early gneissosity-forming D1 event in the gneissic terrane, which
is expressed by early folds in the Megado belt (Gilboy 1970); the D1
event was related by Beraki et al. (1989) and Worku and Schan-
delmeier (1996) to an early subduction-related thrust event. (2) N-S
trending regional-scale, upright D2 folds that dominate the struc-
tural pattern of the region (Gilboy 1970; Chater 1971; Gebreab
1989; Worku and Yifa 1989; Beraki 1995) were associated with an
E-W directed collisional event (Worku and Schandelmeier 1996).
(3) Strike-slip shearing (D3) along the contacts between the
greenstones and the gneissic terrane, due to a NW-SE directed
transpressional event (e.g. Beraki 1995; Worku and Schandelmeier
1996). (4) E-W trending, upright, moderate-to-steep easterly and/or
westerly plunging folds, referred to by Gilboy (1970), Chater (1971)
and Ghebreab (1989) as D3 folds; Worku and Schandelmeier
(1996) interpret this folding to be the result of D3 transpressional
shearing, but Beraki (1995) refers to these folds as D4 folds. (5)
Late, brittle NW-SE and NE-SW to E-W trending faults which
disrupt the N-S trending granite-greenstone terrane.
The tectonic evolution of the Adola granite-greenstone terrane
and the origin of the supracrustal sequences has been a matter of
controversy among dierent workers. Three dierent models are
proposed for the disposition of the N-S trending linear greenstone
belts which overlie the gneissic terrane. The ®rst model proposes an
origin of the greenstone sequences as ophiolites, that were thrust
onto the gneissic terrane. The ophiolites were later refolded by
Fig. 2 Simpli®ed geological map of the Lega Dembi area illustrating major N-S trending folds and subsequently modi®ed by strike-slip
the location of the gold deposit along the contact between the shearing (Kazmin 1976; De Wit and Chewata 1981; Beraki et al.
greenstone sequence of the Megado belt (in the west) and the gneissic 1989; Beraki 1995; Worku and Schandelmeier 1996). The second
basement (in the east) (modi®ed after Ayalew 1990) model suggests intra-continental rifting, followed by thick-skinned
tectonics, whereby both the greenstones and the gneisses were
thrusted in an eastward direction (Worku and Yifa 1989; Ghebreab
1989). The third genetic model proposes intra-continental rifting
tectonic granites occur marginally to the greenstone belts and in the and multiphase strike-slip shearing (Amenti et al. 1992).
gneissic terrane (Fig. 1).
The eastern contact between the Megado belt and the gneissic
terrane is tectonic and is regionally referred to as the Lega Dembi-
A¯ata shear zone (Worku and Yifa 1989; Worku and Schandel- Geochronology
meier 1996). The western margin of the Megado belt is, however,
marked by the development of gneissose tonalite which shows Age determinations on the rocks in the Adola region are scarce.
primary intrusive contacts with the supracrustal assemblages. The Megado belt supracrustal series has been correlated with
similar assemblages of the Upper Proterozoic Arabian-Nubian deposit. The ma®c units form a N-S trending ridge,
Shield (Beraki 1995; Teklay et al. 1996; Worku and Schandelmeier parallel to the structural grain of the Megado belt. The
1996). A tonalite body west of the Megado belt yielded an U-Pb
age of 765 Ma (EIGS, quoted by Gichile and Fyson 1993), pro- ma®c units are locally intruded by stringer- and pod-like
viding a minimum age constraint for the volcano-sedimentary se- tonalite bodies which display penetrative planar and
quence. Upper Proterzoic ages are also inferred for the gneissic linear fabrics, and which are folded together with the
basement which is correlated with gneisses of the Mozambique belt amphibolites on a metre scale.
(Kazmin et al. 1978; Gass 1977, and references therein; Vail 1976,
1983). Rb-Sr whole rock ages of 630±680 Ma for the gneisses and
syntectonic granites are interpreted to represent the age of the M2
metamorphism (Gilboy 1970; Chater 1971). Post-tectonic granites Structural geology of the Lega Dembi mine
yielded whole-rock Rb-Sr ages of 500±550 Ma (Gilboy 1970;
Chater 1971). The polyphase tectonism of the Adola granite-green-
stone terrain is, on the scale of the Lega Dembi deposit,
expressed by several generations of folds and faults,
The geology of the Lega Dembi gold deposit together with the development of composite planar and
linear fabrics. Tight to isoclinal, cm-to-dm scale intra-
The Lega Dembi deposit has been divided into four in- folial folds of the bedding (S0) provide evidence of an
terconnected open pit operations that are locally re- early deformation event (D1). The present attitude of
ferred to (from south to north) as Southern, Central, the folds, which show moderate-to-steep westerly
Northern and Upper Lega Dembi (SLD, CLD, NLD plunges, is the result of the subsequent D2 and D3 de-
and ULD, respectively) (Fig. 2). Outcrop is largely re- formations.
stricted to the mine area and some resistant lithologies The Lega Dembi mine is situated in a large, N-S
that form N-S trending ridges which dominate the geo- trending fold structure which is part of the regional
morphology of the deeply weathered and densely for- pattern of large-scale F2 folds in the Megado belt. The
ested area. fold closure is located south of the Lega Dembi deposit
The steep westerly-dipping lithostratigraphic se- where the ultrama®c talc schists attain their maximum
quence at Lega Dembi can be subdivided into (1) a series thickness (Fig. 2). The lack of unambiguous indicators
of quartzo-feldspathic and biotite gneisses and am- of the younging direction and parasitic folds hampers
phibolites belonging to the gneissic terrane in the east, the determination of the synformal or antiformal nature
and (2) the volcanosedimentary sequence of the Megado of the fold structure. Although F2 folds show, on a re-
belt in the west. In detail, the lithological succession at gional scale, predominantly shallow northerly and
Lega Dembi comprises ultrama®c schists and various southerly plunges, a steep westerly plunge of the main
meta-sedimentary lithologies (Fig 2). F2 fold at Lega Dembi is suggested by the westerly
The ultrama®c talc schists are commonly developed plunge of mineral and mineral stretching lineations (see
along the contact between the gneissic terrain and the below), together with mesoscale fold axes. A regionally
supracrustal sequence. The moderate-to-steep (40±70°) developed, upright, N-S trending S2 fabric is axial pla-
westerly dipping contact is marked by the development nar to the F2 folds (Fig. 3a).
of mylonitic fabrics (see below) and, as such, is clearly The S2 fabric is intensi®ed to pervasively developed
tectonic and generally sharp, although intercalations of mylonitic foliations towards the eastern margin of the
bands of talc schists within the gneisses are observed Megado belt, where the greenstone succession is juxta-
locally. The width of the talc schists at NLD is less than posed against the gneissic terrane. The development of
5 m, locally pinching out, but it progressively increases mylonitic fabrics underscores the tectonic nature of this
towards the south and attains a maximum thickness of contact. Field and microstructural evidence (e.g. intra-
about 180 m south of Reji (Fig. 2). folial folds of S2 in microlithons) suggest, that this fabric
The succession of meta-sedimentary rocks can be is composite and the result of a transposition of the
subdivided into a lower leucocratic muscovite-quartz- coplanar S2 foliation into the mylonitic shear foliation
plagioclase schist, which is overlain by laminated, dark- (S3), so that this fabric is henceforth referred to as
greyish, graphite-rich, locally graded feldspathic arenites S2/S3. Macroscopically, the S2/S3 fabric is further ac-
and quartz wackes. The mineral assemblage of the sed- centuated by foliation-parallel quartz veins (see below).
iments consists of quartz, biotite, muscovite and pla- Shear sense indicators in the meta-sediments at Lega
gioclase, together with accessory rutile, epidote, Dembi yield ambiguous results (i.e. both a normal and a
graphite, tourmaline and chlorite. The latter overgrows reverse dip-slip component), but with a consistent si-
the main foliation. Kyanite is present locally in prox- nistral strike-slip component. The orientation of an
imity to quartz veins. The sedimentary succession attains oblique shear foliation de®ned by biotite, together with
a maximum thickness of about 280 m at CLD, pro- the ubiquitous occurrence of asymmetric, S-shaped,
gressively decreasing to less than 20 m at ULD, where it steep westerly plunging folds along the contact between
is buttressed between a massive meta-gabbro in the west the gneissic basement and the volcano-sedimentary se-
and quartzo-feldspathic gneisses in the east (Figs. 2, 3). quence, also suggest a prominent sinistral strike-slip
The massive meta-gabbro, together with minor am- component. The cm- to dm-scale folds refold the S2/S3
phibolites, forms the western margin of the Lega Dembi fabric, together with the foliation-parallel quartz veins,
but can locally be seen to be transected by the N-S Fig. 3 Simpli®ed geological map of the North Lega Dembi (NLD)
trending S2/S3 fabric, indicating the progressive nature open pit. Fabric diagrams of a poles to the S2 and S2/S3 foliation
from the meta-sediments and meta-volcanics of the Megado belt at
of the fabric-forming event. The component of sinistral Lega Dembi; the great circle distribution of the poles is a result of the
strike-slip shearing could possibly also explain the un- D4 open folding about moderate-to-steep easterly plunging axes; b
usually steep westerly plunge of the large-scale F2 fold at orientation of prominent quartz-sul®de veins at Lega Dembi,
Lega Dembi, as a result of the re-orientation and drag of subparallel to the S2/S3 foliation; c summary plot of mineral
stretching, intersection and mineral lineations (undierentiated) at
the fold along the shear zone. The development of the Lega Dembi (all plots are lower-hemisphere, equal-area projections)
ductile shear fabrics along the contact between the
gneissic basement and the greenstone succession, show-
ing evidence of predominantly sinistral strike-slip kine- by a continuous development of mineralized quartz
matics, indicates that the shear zone forms the northern veins, the various parts of the deposit are separated from
extension of the Lega Dembi-A¯ata shear zone (e.g. each other by barren ground as a result of osets along
Worku and Yifa 1989). E-W trending D5 faults.
All rock units have been aected by open, upright, The main mineralization is con®ned to within 80 m of
E-W trending folds which show moderate westerly the contact between the basement gneisses and the vol-
plunges (Fig. 3a). Wavelengths range from <10 m to cano-sedimentary succession. The mineralized zone is
>100 m. These F4 folds refold the composite S2/S3 characterized by three main, up to 10 m wide, composite
fabric and the large N-S trending folds, as well as the quartz vein systems, which are referred to as the eastern,
asymmetric S-shaped folds, resulting in an open type central and western veins. Thin foliation-parallel quartz
three interference pattern. Steep-to-moderate westerly veinlets, however, can be observed throughout the meta-
plunging, E-W trending folds are also observed on a sedimentary succession. The main vein system at NLD
mm- to cm-scale, crenulating the composite S2/S3 shows a strike extent of about 250 m and exploration
transposition fabric. An axial-planar foliation (S4) is drilling has delineated a semicontinuous down-dip ex-
expressed by the growth of biotite, which is at a high tent of >350 m (Zemene 1995, personal communica-
angle to the N-S trending S2/S3 transposition fabric. tion). The eastern vein is hosted in a muscovite-quartz-
A set of NW-SE and E-W trending brittle and brittle- plagioclase schist and the central and the western veins
ductile faults (D5) aects the Lega Dembi deposit in its are situated in laminated, graphite-bearing arkoses and
northern and southern parts, disrupting the continuous quartz wackes (Fig. 3). The graphite content of the
extent of the mineralization (Fig. 2). Both the footwall meta-sediments increases from £ 0.1±0.4 wt.% in prox-
gneisses and the volcano-sedimentary assemblages of the imity to the main vein system, up to 1.5 wt.% in some of
greenstone belt contain a variety of linear fabrics that the less altered wall rocks outside the mineralized zone.
invariably show moderate to steep westerly plunges, so Based on the orientation and morphology of the
that their timing with respect to the deformation events quartz veins, together with their relation to the
described already remains somewhat speculative dominant host-rock fabric, four sets of quartz veins
(Fig. 3c). The various types of lineation include (1) a are identi®ed, including S2/S3-parallel, intensely de-
mineral stretching lineation, formed by stretched quartz- formed, massive to laminated quartz veins which are
feldspar aggregates in the footwall gneisses, (2) a mineral the main hosts of the gold mineralization (type 1),
lineation de®ned by the preferred growth of, for exam- veins that are discordant to S2/S3 and which are
ple, amphiboles and tourmaline in the supracrustals, variably folded (type 2), breccia quartz veins (type 3),
together with kyanite in proximity to quartz veins, and and largely undeformed veins which cut the S2/S3
(3) an intersection lineation between the bedding (S0), fabric (type 4).
and the S2 and S3 foliations in the greenstones, respec- Type 1 veins are the most abundant. They occur
tively. In addition, the mylonitic foliations close to the parallel to the S2/S3 foliation, or form tight-to-isoclinal
contact between the basement gneisses and the green- folds with the S2/S3 foliation being axial planar
stones are characterized by a steep westerly plunging (Figs. 3b and 4). Boudinage and pinch-and-swell of the
mineral stretching lineation and by quartz-rodding.
Worku and Yifa (1989) and Ghebreab et al. (1992) have
described a set of subhorizontal lineations which they
related to the D3 strike-slip shearing along the contact
between the Megado belt and the gneissic terrain. The
presence of this lineation could not be con®rmed in this
quartz veins, both down-dip and along strike is com- Wall-rock alteration
mon. The quartz veins may occur as isolated veins, but
they are typically closely spaced, showing gradual tran- Wall-rock alteration at Lega Dembi displays a broad
sitions from laminated or ribbon-textured veins to zonation pattern on the deposit scale (Fig. 6). The extent
massive quartz veins of up to 5 m width. The three main of the various alteration zones is not clearly de®ned due
vein systems show gradual transitions to a more string- to the intense and multiple quartz- veining and associated
er-type mineralization along their lateral terminations, alteration overprint, as well as due to variations in host-
but massive quartzveining may re-occur along strike. rock lithologies. The following mineral assemblages are
Type 2 veins are subordinate. The thin, commonly recognized, with increasing proximity to the main quartz
<1 cm thick veinlets cross-cut the S2/S3 foliation, and veining: (1) chlorite-carbonate-epidote, (2) actinolite/
are folded at variable degrees and/or sheared parallel to tremolite-biotitecalcite, and (3) sericite (Fig. 6a, b).
the S2/S3 foliation. Sericite represents the innermost alteration mineral in
Type 3 quartz veins show an extensive brecciation of close proximity to the massive quartz veins. Within the
wall rocks and are only locally developed. Wall-rock quartz veins, the locally fuchsitic sericite occurs as thin,
fragments are angular and consist of intensely foliated commonly less than 3 mm wide, foliation-parallel bands
wall rocks that contain sul®de mineralization (Fig. 5). and laminae. Complete or partial replacement of feld-
The size of the fragments may range from minute in- spars by sericite is common. Minor calcite may be
clusions to rafts of 0.5 m diameter. The internal foliation present locally in the quartz veins. In places, quartz veins
of the wall-rock fragments has been intensely folded are bordered by a sericite-biotite assemblage.
prior to the brecciation and the subsequent gold-sul®de- The most characteristic alteration at Lega Dembi is a
quartz mineralization. Type 3 veins are best described as pervasive actinolite/tremolite-biotitecalcite paragene-
disaggregation breccias, showing a progressive textural sis that is developed within 15±20 m of the main quartz-
development from their margins, where the wall rocks veining (Fig. 6a, b). Based on textural evidence and on
are largely intact, to their centers, where wall-rock cross-cutting relationships, at least two main stages of
fragments occur as isolated and rotated rafts cemented this alteration can be distinguished. Stage 1 is commonly
by a massive, milky quartz matrix (Fig. 5). characterized by a S2/S3 foliation-parallel actinolite-
Type 4 veins are represented by distinct cross-cutting tremolite-biotitecalcite assemblage. It may also occur
veinlets. Although the veins appear to be undeformed, as strongly folded discrete veins and veinlets that are
on a microscopic scale, deformation is indicated by the marked by their light greenish color. This type of al-
undulose extinction of quartz and the formation of teration is locally developed as massive, up to 5 m wide
quartz subgrains. Type 4 veins are subordinate in im- zones around the main quartz vein systems. Locally,
portance and their width is commonly <5 cm (majority tourmaline de®nes a steep westerly-plunging mineral
<0.5 cm). Some of these veins strike parallel to the lineation. A stage 2 actinolite-tremolite overgrows the
S2/S3 foliation, but dip at shallower angles (35°±40°) to stage 1 alteration assemblage, as well as the S2/S3 foli-
the west than the main fabric and type 1 veins, whereas ation, in the form of rosettes or discordant pockets and
others dip at steep-to-moderate angles in an easterly veinlets. This type of alteration is also developed along
direction. the margins of type 4 veins.
Mesoscopic propylitic alteration, characterized by the
presence of chlorite, carbonate, and epidote, occurs be-
tween the western and the central veins (Fig. 6a,b), and
distal to the veins in the wall rocks, giving the rocks their
distinct greenish coloration. It may also occur in the
form of foliation-parallel anastomosing bands. How-
ever, minor chlorite is also developed after muscovite in
the quartz veins.
Sul®de mineralization
along the sericite alteration lamellae and wall-rock sce- Fig. 6 Schematic map and cross section (line A-B) of the distribution
ptas within the quartz veins (Fig. 7). Gold grains are of alteration zones at Lega Dembi North, consisting of (a) an
innermost silici®cation and sericite alteration, (b) predominant
commonly <0.25 mm (mainly <0.05 mm) and are actinolite/tremolite-biotite alteration, and (c) locally intercalated and
elongated parallel to the S2/S3 foliation (Fig. 7). Gold is distal chlorite alteration
typically intergrown or spatially associated with galena,
commonly associated with chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and
the tellurides hessite and stuetzite (Fig. 8). Inclusions of
are rare. Gold ®neness ranges from 783 to 904, averag-
gold in pyrrhotite, galena, tellurides, and chalcopyrite
ing 820.
The biotite-actinolite alteration bordering type 1
quartz veins is dominated by a pyrrhotite-gersdorte
assemblage, with minor pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopy-
rite, pentlandite, and niccolite. No microscopically visi-
ble gold was observed in the alteration assemblage
adjacent to the veins. Less-altered wall rocks between
the quartz-vein systems and outside the main mineral-
ization contain up to 5 vol.% sul®des, mainly pyrrhotite
and minor chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite. Rare sphale-
rite, gersdorte and molybdenite occur adjacent to fo-
liation-parallel quartz veinlets.
Type 2 and 3 veins are characterized by a pyrite-
pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite assemblage, with minor galena
and rare microscopic gold. Occasional globular textures
of pyrite possibly indicate open-space ®lling. Feathery
textures of pyrite result from the ®lling of foliation
planes in the intensely foliated wall rocks adjacent to the
quartz veins. Type 4 veins are commonly devoid of any
Fig. 7 Free gold (Au) closely associated with the innermost sericite
alteration (Ser) in a quartz vein (Qtz). Note the elongation of the gold
gold- and sul®de mineralization. However, pyrite,
grains parallel to the foliation (subhorizontal) de®ned by the sericite chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite occur in the biotite-actino-
(North Lega Dembi, central vein) lite alteration haloes enveloping type 4 veins.
Table 1 Rb-Sr data from six sericite concentrates from hydrothermally altered wall rocks adjacent to gold-quartz veins at Lega Dembi.
Sample Rb (ppm) Sr (ppm) Rb/86Sr 87
quartz veins (type 1) and S2/S3 foliation-parallel, de- imply that gold mineralization occurred synchronously
formed sul®des indicate a relatively early timing of the with M2 metamorphism (i.e. at upper-greenschist to
quartz-sul®de mineralization during the D3 transpress- lower-amphibolite facies), during D3 sinistral strike-slip
ional deformation. A syn-D3 timing of the gold miner- shearing (see also Worku 1993).
alization is also supported by the alteration mineral The geologic setting, structural controls and pro-
assemblage (i.e. biotite-muscovite-amphibole-actinolite, gressive development of the gold mineralization at Lega
locally tourmaline) which accompanies the gold-sul®de Dembi share numerous regional and deposit-scale char-
mineralization, also de®ning the S2/S3 foliation and acteristics of Archaean lode-gold deposits (e.g. Colvine
mineral lineation. The undeformed geometries of the 1989; Groves et al. 1989; Groves 1993; McCuaig et al.
oblique extensional (type 4) veins imply that this type of 1993; Kerrich and Cassidy 1994), most notably the
quartz-veining occurred during the waning stages of the structural control of the gold mineralization at Lega
D3 deformation or even thereafter. Some tremolite-ac- Dembi in a second-order structure of a regional-scale
tinolite (+biotite) alteration that overgrows the S2/S3 transcurrent shear zone (i.e. in a dilational jog of the
foliation supports a late-to-post D3 timing for the type 4 Lega Dembi-A¯ata shear zone), in an overall trans-
quartz vein mineralization. The absence of gold in type 4 pressional geodynamic environment. Aditionally, the
veins and the folding of sul®des in crenulations of S2/S3 location of the gold mineralization along a terrane
provide an upper time constraint for the gold mineral- boundary, i.e. along the contact between the supracrustal
ization at Lega Dembi. Rb-Sr data of 545 40 Ma, terrane of the Megado belt and the basement gneisses,
although poorly constrained, appear to con®rm the syn- and the siting of the gold mineralization in both rheo-
to-late Pan-African timing of the mineralization and logically and chemically favorable lithologies (i.e. ®nely
hence the timing for the waning stages of the regional laminated, well-foliated, graphite-rich meta-sediments)
tectonism in the Adola granite-greenstone terrain. are analogous to Archaean gold-lode deposits. Further-
The lithologic control of gold mineralization at Lega more, the siting of the gold mineralization in syn- to late
Dembi is manifested by the almost exclusive siting of the kinematic quartz veins in a brittle-ductile environment
mineralization in the graphitic meta-sediments. Al- during transiently supralithostatic ¯uid pressure cycling,
though the ultrama®c talc schists that envelope the and the syn- to late peak metamorphic timing of the gold
meta-sediments contain quartz veins, gold mineraliza- mineralization, as well as the predominant quartz-, car-
tion in these veins is rare or absent. The signi®cance of bonate-, mica-, actinolite/tremolite-, chlorite-, and tour-
the graphite-bearing meta-sediments for the localization maline alteration mineral assemblages (which indicate
of the gold mineralization is also expressed on a regional upper-greenschist to lower-amphibolite facies metamor-
scale, by the occurrence of other primary gold deposits phic conditions of the mineralization), are all comparable
in the area, such as the Sakaro prospect, some 4 km to to Archaean gold-lode deposits.
the southwest of Lega Dembi (Fig. 2). Here, gold min- Hence, the Lega Dembi deposit illustrates that the
eralization is hosted in an en-echelon quartz-vein system styles of mineralization and regional-scale tectonics that
that is developed in graphitic metapelites parallel to the are commonly discussed for Archaean-type lode gold
contact between massive amphibolites and the meta- mineralizations may well be found in younger orogenic
sediments, the latter being correlated stratigraphically belts. This suggestion is of major importance for gold
with the meta-sediments of the Lega Dembi area. exploration within the widespread Pan-African terranes.
Both experimental and ®eld studies have indicated that
the reduction of a ¯uid from an initial redox state down to Acknowledgements This work derives in part from a Ph.D project
the stability of graphite, decreases gold stabilities in terms by A.Y. Billay funded by the German Academic Exchange Service
of both gold-sul®de and gold-chloride complexes over a (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst). The authors thank the
wide range of temperatures (e.g. Naden and Shepherd Ethiopian Mineral Resources Development Corporation (EM-
1989; Ohmoto and Kerrick; 1977, Poulsen and Ohmoto RDC) for providing access to the mine and documents. Appreci-
ation is extended to the geologists in the Adola Mineral Evaluation
1989), which explains the close relationship between gold- and Development Project and Lega Dembi and Sakaro Primary
rich quartz veins and the graphitic rocks. Gold Study and Development, Lega Dembi Gold Mine and Sha-
The volcanosedimentary rocks of the Megado belt kisso Central Laboratory of the EMRDC, including Dr. Z. Desta,
are characterized by upper-greenschist to lower-am- T. Tadesse, Z. Asres, A. Getahun, M. Yimenu and A. Zewdu, for
interesting discussions and for access to their properties and vehicle
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1971; Beraki et al. 1989; Ghebreab 1989). The temper- support in the ®eld. Constructive reviews by L. Robb, W.U. Rei-
atures determined from arsenopyrite analyses indicate mold and an anonymous reviewer are greatly appreciated.
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