EC Lab Manual (08.407)
EC Lab Manual (08.407)
EC Lab Manual (08.407)
Expt. No. 1
Circuit Diagram:
Given that
Vo = 15V, ILmin = 1mA, ILmax = 100mA, Vin min = 16V, Vin max = 30V, IZ max = 100mA and β = 100
4. Vary the input voltage from 0 to 30V and note down the corresponding output voltage
using voltmeter for line regulation
8. Vary the pot from higher position to lower position, note down the output voltage using
voltmeter and load current using ammeter for load regulation
Pre-Lab Assignments:
1. If 15Vpp sinusoidal input voltage is applied to the circuit shown above, sketch the
output waveform.
2. If the input Vin = 10V and R1 = 10kΩ , calculate I1 and IZ, where VZ = 5.2V and β =
Model Characteristics:
Design parameters and components used:
Vo = 15V, ILmin = 1mA, ILmax = 100mA, Vin min = 16V , Vin max = 30V, IZ max = 100mA and β = 100
Tabular Column
Line regulation
RLmax=15kΩ, R1max=1.5kΩ
Vin(V) Vo(V)
0 0
1 1.3
2 1.2
3 2.2
4 3.2
5 4.1
6 5.1
7 5.9
8 6.9
9 7.9
10 8.8
11 9.8
12 10.5
14 12.2
15 13.2
16 14
17 14.4
18 14.6
20 14.6
30 14.6
Load regulation
IL(mA) Vo(V)
0 15
1 14.8
2 14.7
4 14.7
7 14.7
8 14.7
9 14.7
10 14.7
50 14.7
Viva Questions::
1. Define regulation. List out different types of regulators.
2. Define line and load regulation.
3. What is percentage of voltage regulation?
4. Compare different types of regulators.
5. Draw the basic block diagram of series voltage regulator.
Expt. No. 2
Objective: The aim of the experiment is to study the operation and efficiency of Class B and
Class AB power amplifiers
Components and equipments required:
1. Oscilloscope (Scope/CRO).
2. Function Generators (FG).
3. DC power supply.
4. Project Breadboard.
5. Resistors.
6. Capacitors.
7. SL100, SK100 BJTs
8. 1N4007 Diodes
9. Connection Wires.
10. Oscilloscope Probes.
Circuit diagram:
Fig. 1
Department of ECE, VKCET Page 5
Electronic Circuit Lab Manual
Class B circuit provides an output signal varying over one-half the input signal cycle, or
for 180° of signal. The dc bias point for class B is therefore at 0 V, with the output then varying
from this bias point for a half cycle. Obviously, the output is not a faithful reproduction of the
input if only one half-cycle is present. Two class B operations—one to provide output on the
positive output half-cycle and another to provide operation on the negative-output half-cycle are
necessary. The combined half-cycles then provide an output for a full 360° of operation. This
type of connection is referred to as push-pull operation.
An amplifier may be biased at a dc level above the zero base current level of class B and
above one-half the supply voltage level of class A; this bias condition is class AB. Class AB
operation still requires a push-pull connection to achieve a full output cycle, but the dc bias level
is usually closer to the zero base current level for better power efficiency. For class AB
operation, the output signal swing occurs between 180° and 360° and is neither class A nor class
B operation.
Following figure shows a diagram for push-pull operation.
An ac input signal is applied to the push-pull circuit, with each half operating on alternate
half-cycles, the load then receiving a signal for the full ac cycle. The power transistors used in
the push-pull circuit are capable of delivering the desired power to the load, and the class B
operation of these transistors provides greater efficiency than was possible using a single
transistor in class A operation.
DC Analysis: The dc power supplied to the load by an amplifier is given by
Given that
Output power,
Input power,
For R1:
Under dc conditions,
And .
For R2:
Choose and
3. Turn on the power supply and apply input signal vin (1Vpp) from function generator
5. Observe the input and output wave forms and measure I dc by setting vin =0V and Io
vin=1Vpp, also measure corresponding Vo
9. Observe the input and output wave forms and measure I dc by setting vin =0V and Io
vin=1Vpp, also measure corresponding Vo
Pre-lab Assignments:
1. What is the ideal DC value of the output signal of Class B and Class AB
amplifier if there is no input? Compare this with Class A amplifier.
2. Plot one of the collector current (I ) vs. time, is it full-wave of half-wave?
Model Waveforms:
Class B power amplifier:
Simulated Results:
Class B Power Amplifier:
R1=24kΩ (If it is very high, η can be increased to ideal value), R2=100Ω
Design parameters and components used:
Class AB
Class B
(?) Not satisfied. This is due to the lack of true rms meter
Viva Questions:
1. Differentiate Voltage Amplifiers and Power Amplifiers.
2. Classify Power amplifiers.
Expt. No. 3
1. Oscilloscope (Scope/CRO).
2. Function Generators (FG).
3. DC power supply.
4. Project Breadboard.
5. Resistors.
6. Capacitors
7. Diodes 1N4007
8. BC 107 or SL100 BJTs
9. Connection Wires.
10. Oscilloscope Probes.
Circuit diagram:
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Different Modes:
The input is same as above, but output is taking across any of the transistor’s collector
and ground.
One of the inputs set to ground and output is same as first mode.
One of the inputs set to ground and output is same as second mode.
Fig. 3
Differential gain:
, where Vid is differential input voltage, and Vod is differential
output. For a perfectly matched pair transistor differential gain should be infinite.
and it is , where Vcm is common mode input voltage, and Voc is common
mode output. For perfectly matched pair transistor common mode gain should be zero, and then
CMRR should be infinite.
Differential input resistance: The resistance between the differential input and ideally it
should be infinite.
DC Analysis:
AC Analysis:
Balanced output Mode:
Differential gain
Common mode gain
Differential mode input resistance
Output resistance
Unbalanced output Mode:
Differential gain
Common mode gain
Differential mode input resistance
Output resistance
Given that
1. Check the components
3. Turn on the power supply and apply differential input signals v 1 and v2 using
function generator
9. Repeat step 6 and observe input and output for common mode gain
Pre-lab Assignments:
1. Define CMRR.
2. Draw the basic circuit of differential amplifier using BJT. Give the significance of
RC and REE
3. Design differential amplifier with current source circuit using BJT using the
following specifications
7. Design differential amplifier with current source circuit using MOSFET using the
following specifications
8. Draw the differential amplifier circuit using BJT with active load.
Model Waveforms:
Simulated Results:
Differential Gain:
For balanced output:
Design parameters and components used:
Differential Mode:
Input and output wave forms:
i) Balanced output:
Common Mode:
Input and output wave forms:
i) Balanced output:
Viva Questions:
1) Define differential amplifier and give its application
2) Draw a current mirror circuit. Differentiate it with constant current source.
3) In a differential amplifier |VCC| ≠ |VEE|, list out the problems
Expt. No. 4
Objective: The aim of the experiment is to study the operation of cascade amplifier and obtain
the frequency response and bandwidth
Components and equipments required:
1. Oscilloscope (Scope/CRO).
2. Function Generators (FG).
3. DC power supply.
4. Project Breadboard.
5. Resistors.
6. Capacitors.
7. SL100 BJTs
8. Connection Wires.
9. Oscilloscope Probes.
Circuit diagram:
Fig. 1
A single stage of amplification is not enough for a particular application. The overall gain
can be increased by using more than one stage, so when two amplifiers are connected in such a
way that the output signal of the first serves as the input signal to the second, the amplifiers are
said to be connected in cascade. The most common cascade arrangement is the common-emitter
RC coupled cascade amplifier. Common-emitter amplifier exhibit high voltage, high current, and
high power gains, so they are very familiar than other configurations.
Multistage amplifiers can be used either to increase the overall small signal voltage gain,
or to provide an overall voltage gain greater than 1, with a very low output resistance. Figure 1
shows an RC-coupled cascaded amplifier. Capacitors C1 and C2 couple the signal into Q1 and Q2,
respectively. C3 is used for coupling the signal from Q 2 to its load. If the operation of coupled
amplifiers is considered, a complicating factor appears. The addition of a second stage may alter
the characteristics of the first stage and thus affect the level of signal fed to the second stage.
To compute the overall gain of the amplifier, it is easier to calculate unloaded voltage
gain for each stage, then including the loading effect by computing voltage dividers for the
output resistance and input resistance of the following stage. This idea is illustrated in figure 2.
Each transistor is drawn as an amplifier consisting of an input resistance R in , an output
resistance, Rout along with its unloaded gain, AV(NL).
Fig. 2
Then, the overall loaded gain A V , of this amplifier can be found by:
Note that if a load resistor was added across the output, an additional voltage divider consisting
of the output resistance of the second stage and the added load resistor is used to compute the
new gain.
If and
DC Analysis:
For 1st stage amplifier:
Where, and
Stability factor
For 2nd stage amplifier the analysis is same.
AC Analysis:
For 1st stage amplifier:
Voltage gain,
Input resistance,
Output resistance,
For 2 stage amplifier:
Voltage gain,
Input resistance,
Output resistance,
Given that
For capacitors:
3. Turn on the power supply, apply input signal of voltage 10mVpp (low voltage) to
the input using function generator
6. Observe the input and output signal and measure the mid band gain
7. Vary input signal frequency from 10Hz to 3MHz (in decade roll-off rate), note
down the corresponding output voltage for plotting frequency response
8. Turn off the power supply and construct first stage of amplifier and coupled its
output to second stage.
9. Turn on the power supply, apply input signal of voltage 1mVpp (low voltage) to
the input using function generator
Pre-lab Assignments:
1. Find the Q-point of each stage of the circuit shown in fig.1, where R 1 = R3 =
20kΩ, R2 = R4 = 10kΩ, RE1=RE2= 1kΩ, RC1=4kΩ, RC2=1kΩ VCC = 15V, VCE1=
VCE2=0.2V, VBE1= VBE2=0.6V
3. Define Power gain, Voltage gain and Current gain. How it represent in dB?
4. What is transition frequency of transistor? Give the typical value for the given
5. Simulate the circuit given in experiment using SPICE. Compare designed and
simulated dc biasing conditions, show input and its corresponding output wave forms,
plot frequency response and compare it with designed values.
Model Waveforms:
Input Wave form:
Tabular Column:
For Single Stage Amplifier:
Simulated Results:
First Stage
Mid band gain = 21.9dB
Lower cutoff frequency fL = 192Hz
Upper cutoff frequency fH = 4.3MHz
Bandwidth = 4.3MHz
Multi stage
Mid band gain = 46.3dB
Lower cutoff frequency fL = 257Hz
Upper cutoff frequency fH = 4.15MHz
Bandwidth = 4.15MHz
Design parameters and components used:
Single stage:
Two stage:
Tabular column:
Viva Questions:
7. What are the requirements of biasing and coupling circuits in BJT amplifiers?
8. What is the use of CE in RC coupled amplifier and give its influence in frequency
9. Give the advantages and disadvantages of cascade amplifier.
10. What is half-power frequency?
11. In amplifiers, why mid frequency gain is independent to frequency?
12. What is bode-plot?
13. What is the method to increase the output voltage swing of an amplifier?
14. How load resistances influence the gain of BJT amplifiers?
15. What is SPICE?
Expt. No. 5
Objectives: a) To study the operation of cascode amplifier using BJT and obtain the frequency
response and bandwidth.
b) To simulate cascode amplifier circuit using SPICE.
Components and equipments required:
1. Oscilloscope (Scope/CRO).
2. Function Generators (FG).
3. DC power supply.
4. Project Breadboard.
5. Resistors.
6. Capacitors.
7. BEL100N BJTs
8. Connection Wires.
9. Oscilloscope Probes.
Circuit diagram:
Fig. 1
The bandwidth of CE amplifier is limited due to the Miller capacitance effect at high
frequency operation. This can be overcome by using adding a second stage CB amplifier (direct
coupling with CE stage). This arrangement is called cascode amplifier. This amplifier has high
bandwidth due to the reduction in Miller capacitance effect. The gain of the amplifier is high due
the overall gain of CE and CB stage. The circuit has an input characteristics of CE amplifier and
output characteristics of CB amplifier.
In fig.1 R1, R2, and R3 form biasing network for Q1 and Q2; C1 and C3 for coupling ac
signals; C2 and CE for bypassing resistors R2 and RE, respectively at ac signals. Transistors Q1 and
Q2 should be identical
DC Analysis:
AC Analysis:
Voltage gain,
Input resistance,
Output resistance,
Given that
(To get maximum output swing keeps Q2 collector voltage 50% of VCC)
3. Turn on the power supply, apply input signal of voltage 10mVpp (low voltage) to
the input using function generator
6. Observe the input and output signal and measure the mid band gain
7. Vary input signal frequency from 10Hz to 3MHz (in decade roll-off rate), note
down the corresponding output voltage for plotting frequency response
Pre-lab Assignments:
Find Voltage gain, Current gain Input impedance and Output impedance of the circuit
Model Waveforms:
Input Wave form:
Output Waveform:
Tabular Column:
Simulated Results:
Given that
Tabular Column:
Viva Questions:
9. Define miller effect.
10. Say the advantages and disadvantages of CE, CC and CB configuration of BJT.
11. How the bandwidth improved in cascode amplifier?
12. Which multistage amplifier has maximum bandwidth?
13. Give the expression for current gain of cascode amplifier using BJT.
14. What are the applications of cascode amplifier?
15. In an amplifier which factors limits gain at low and high frequencies?
Expt. No. 6
1. Oscilloscope (Scope/CRO).
2. Function Generators (FG).
3. DC power supply.
4. Project Breadboard.
5. Resistors.
6. Capacitors.
7. SL100 BJTs / BEL100N/BC107
8. Connection Wires.
9. Oscilloscope Probes.
Circuit diagram:
Fig. 2
i) Without feedback
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
A feedback amplifier is one in which the output signal is sampled and fed back to the
input to form an error signal that drives the amplifier. The basic block diagram of feedback
amplifier is shown below.
The input signal, Vs, is applied to a mixer network, where it is combined with a feedback
signal, Vf. The difference of these signals, Vi, is then the input voltage to the amplifier. A portion
of the amplifier output, Vo, is connected to the feedback network of gain k, which provides a
reduced portion of the output as feedback signal to the input mixer network. If the feedback
signal is of opposite polarity to the input signal, negative feedback results otherwise positive
The advantages of negative feedback are:
1. Higher input impedance.
2. Better stabilized voltage gain.
3. Improved frequency response.
4. Lower output impedance.
5. Reduced noise.
6. More linear operation.
Four basic types of feedback connections along with the properties are given below:
Series-Shunt (Voltage-Series)
Shunt-Shunt (Voltage-Shunt)
Series-Series (Current-Series)
Shunt-Series (Current-Shunt)
In the list above, voltage refers to connecting the output voltage as input to the feedback
network; current refers to tapping off some output current through the feedback network. Series
refers to connecting the feedback signal in series with the input signal voltage; shunt refers to
connecting the feedback signal in shunt (parallel) with an input current source. Series feedback
connections tend to increase the input resistance, while shunt feedback connections tend to
decrease the input resistance. Voltage feedback tends to decrease the output impedance, while
current feedback tends to increase the output impedance.
The gain and feedback factor of four feedback configurations are given below:
current is fed back to the input ( ) is fed back to the input and it
a) Voltage series feedback amplifier:
Given that
For capacitors:
From datasheet
Given that
4. Turn on the power supply, apply input signal of voltage 2mVpp (low voltage) to the
input using function generator
7. Observe the input and output signal and measure the mid band gain
8. Vary input signal frequency from 10Hz to 3MHz (in decade roll-off rate), note down
the corresponding output voltage for plotting frequency response
11. Turn on the power supply, apply input signal of voltage 10mVpp to the input using
function generator
14. Observe the input and output signal and measure the mid band gain
15. Vary input signal frequency from 10Hz to 3MHz (in decade roll-off rate), note down
the corresponding output voltage for plotting frequency response
3. Turn on the power supply, apply input signal of voltage 2mVpp (low voltage) to the
input using function generator
6. Observe the input and output signal and measure the mid band gain
7. Vary input signal frequency from 10Hz to 3MHz (in decade roll-off rate), note down
the corresponding output voltage for plotting frequency response
10. Turn on the power supply, apply input signal of voltage 10mVpp to the input using
function generator
13. Observe the input and output signal and measure the mid band gain
14. Vary input signal frequency from 10Hz to 3MHz (in decade roll-off rate), note down
the corresponding output voltage for plotting frequency response
Pre-lab Assignments:
Find a) Feedback factor b) Voltage gain without and with feedback c) Input impedance
without and with feedback d) Output impedance without and with feedback
2. Simulate the circuits shown in fig.1 to fig.2. Submit the following: a) Input and
output waveforms b) Frequency response.
vin=2mVpp vo = 356mVpp
Frequency response:
vin=20mVpp, vo = 28.8mVpp
Frequency response:
vin=20mVpp vo = 5Vpp
Frequency response:
vin=10mVpp, vo 25mVpp
Frequency response:
Tabular Column:
Simulated Results:
a) Voltage Series feedback without feedback:
i) Without feedback
Tabular Column:
i) Without feedback
Tabular Column:
i) Without feedback
Viva Questions:
1. What are the types of mixing and sampling used in voltage series and current
series feedback?
2. What is the effect of feedback on the input and output resistances in various
Expt. No. 7
Objectives: a) To study the operation of astable, monostable and bistable multivibrators
b) To simulate multivibrator circuits using PSPICE
Components and equipments required:
1. Oscilloscope (Scope/CRO).
2. Function Generators (FG).
3. DC power supply.
4. Project Breadboard.
5. Resistors.
6. Capacitors.
7. SL100 BJTs / BEL100N/BC107
8. Connection Wires.
9. Oscilloscope Probes.
Circuit diagram:
a) Astable multivibrator:
b) Monostable multivibrator:
Fig. 2
c) Bistable multivibrator
Fig. 3
Multivibrators are switching circuits and switches between a "HIGH" state and a "LOW"
state producing a continuous output. They can be used as oscillators, timers and flip-flops. The
circuit can be characterized by two amplifying devices (transistors) cross-coupled by resistors or
capacitors. There are basically three types of multivibrator circuits:
Astable - A free-running multivibrator that has NO stable states but switches continuously
between two states this action produces a train of square wave pulses at a fixed frequency.
Monostable - A one-shot multivibrator that has only ONE stable state and is triggered externally
with it returning back to its first stable state.
Bistable - A flip-flop that has TWO stable states that produces a single pulse either positive or
negative in value.
Fig. 1 shows the circuit diagram of astable multivibrator. The circuit has two stable states
that change alternatively with maximum transition rate because of the "accelerating" positive
feedback. It is implemented by the coupling capacitors C1 and C2 that instantly transfer voltage
changes because the voltage across a capacitor cannot suddenly change. In each state, one
transistor is switched on and the other is switched off. Accordingly, one fully charged capacitor
discharges (reverse charges) slowly thus converting the time into an exponentially changing
voltage. At the same time, the other empty capacitor quickly charges thus restoring its charge
(the first capacitor acts as a time-setting capacitor and the second prepares to play this role in the
next state). The circuit operation is based on the fact that the forward-biased base-emitter
junction of the switched-on bipolar transistor can provide a path for the capacitor restoration.
Figure 2 shows the circuit diagram of monostable multivibrator with trigger circuit. In
this one resistive-capacitive network is replaced by a resistive network (just a resistor). The
circuit can be thought as a half astable multivibrator. When triggered by an input pulse, a
monostable multivibrator will switch to its unstable position for a period of time, and then return
to its stable state. The time period monostable multivibrator remains in unstable state is given by
In the bistable multivibrator (shown in Figure 3), both the resistive-capacitive network
are replaced by resistive networks (just resistors or direct coupling).This latch circuit is similar to
an astable multivibrator, except that there is no charge or discharge time, due to the absence of
capacitors. Hence, when the circuit is switched on, if Q1 is on, its collector is at 0 V. As a result,
Q2 gets switched off. This results in more than half +V volts being applied to R4 causing current
into the base of Q1, thus keeping it on. Thus, the circuit remains stable in a single state
continuously. Similarly, Q2 remains on continuously, if it happens to get switched on first.
Switching of state can be done via Set (S) and Reset (R) terminals connected to the bases. For
example, if Q1 is on and Set is grounded momentarily, this switches Q 1 off, and makes Q2 on.
Thus, Set is used to "set" Q2 on, and Reset is used to "reset" it to off state.
1. Astable multivibrator:
i) Symmetry wave:
Given that
We have
Base current
Collector current
For that
Given that
We have
2. Monostable multivibrator:
3. Bistable Multivibrator
Given that
6. Connect the CRO channel 1probe to the Q1 base and channel 2 to Q2 base
5. Connect the CRO channel 1probe to the Q1 collector and channel 2 to trigger
7. Connect the CRO channel 1probe to the Q1 base and channel 2 to trigger signal
9. Connect the CRO channel 1probe to the Q2 collector and channel 2 to trigger
11. Connect the CRO channel 1probe to the Q2 base and channel 2 to trigger signal
4. Apply set (S) and reset (R) signal via switches, observe the states of outputs
Pre-lab Assignments:
2. Design a circuit to turn ON an LED for 2 seconds and OFF for 4 seconds continuously.
Design the components for VCC =5V, βmin = 25, TON = 4seconds
4. Draw a circuit to generate a square wave. Design it for VCC =5V, βmin = 25, f=4kHz
6. Consider the following truth table and construct a circuit using BJT to generate the logic.
Inputs Output
S R Qn+1
0 0 Qn
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1
7. Construct a circuit to generate the following wave.
Model Waveforms
Astable multivibrator
Symmetry waves
y waves
Monostable multivibrator:
Bistable multivibrator:
Astable Multivibrator
Design parameter and components used:
i) Symmetry wave:
Given that
ii)Asymmetry wave:
Given that
Monostable Multivibrator
Design parameter and components used:
Bistable Multivibrator
Given that
Wave forms:
Viva Questions:
1. Maximum frequency of oscillation of astable multivibrator is limited due to which
3. Give the expression for the delay in trailing edge of square wave generated by
astable multivibrator.
Expt. No. 8
Objectives: a) To study the operation of Phase shift, Wien bridge, Hartley and Colpitts
b) To simulate oscillator circuits using PSPICE
Components and equipments required:
1. Oscilloscope (Scope/CRO).
2. Function Generators (FG).
3. DC power supply.
4. Project Breadboard.
5. Resistors.
6. Capacitors.
7. Inductors.
8. Inductance decade box
9. Capacitance decade box
10. SL100 BJTs / BEL100N/BC107
11. Connection Wires.
12. Oscilloscope Probes.
Circuit diagram:
Fig. 2(a)
Fig. 2(b)
3. Hartley Oscillator:
Fig. 3
4. Colpitts Oscillator:
Fig. 4
Oscillators are circuits that produce a repetitive waveform with only a DC voltage
at the output. The output waveform can be sinusoidal, rectangular, triangular, etc. At the
base of almost any oscillator there is an amplification stage with a positive feedback
(regenerative feedback) circuit that will produce a phase shift and attenuation. Positive
feedback consists in the redirecting of the output signal to the input stage of the amplifier
without a phase shift. This feedback signal is then amplified again generating the output
signal, which produces the feedback signal. This phenomenon, in which the output signal
“takes care” of itself in order to generate continuum signal is called oscillation. Two
conditions then should be fulfilled to have a stable oscillator:
1. The phase shift of the feedback loop should be 0
2. The overall gain of the feedback loop should be 1
In order to arrive to the stable operation of the oscillator, during the starting period the
gain of the feedback loop should be greater than one, to allow the amplitude of the output
signal to achieve the desired level. These conditions are called Barkhausen criteria.
Sinusoidal oscillators are classified into two types:
i) RC oscillators
ii) LC oscillators
LC oscillator uses amplifier with 180o phase shift and LC tuned circuit as
feedback network. These oscillators are suitable for high frequency oscillation because of
it phase stability, frequency stability and less harmonics.
The two familiar LC oscillators are:
i) Hartley Oscillator
ii) Colpitts Oscillator
1. RC Phase Shift Oscillator:
Given that
For amplifier
We have
Given that
For amplifier
We have
Where is the gain of cascade amplifier with feedback. Then feedback factor
k ≤ 0.5
Design of amplifier:
3. Hartley Oscillator:
Given that
We have where
(Designing is similar to amplifier used for RC phase shift oscillator. Use low value
for IC, to avoid loading effect at the input and output of the amplifier with feedback
LC tuned circuit. Low IC value provide medium matched impedances with the
available L1 and L2)
Design of LC circuit:
Let L1= 10µF (Use Inductance Decade box) and L2 = 470µF (Available)
4. Colpitts Oscillator:
Given that
We have where
(Designing is similar to amplifier used for RC phase shift oscillator. Use low value
for IC, to avoid loading effect at the input and output of the amplifier with feedback
LC tuned circuit. Low IC value provide medium matched impedances with the
available C1 and C2)
Design of LC circuit:
8. Connect CRO probes to the nodes of RC network and observe the 60o phase
shift signals
Pre-lab Assignments:
Model Waveforms
Phase Shift Oscillators
Tuned Oscillators
Simulated Results:
(Only real time simulation using virtual oscilloscope is possible. SPICE simulation is not
possible !)
c) Hartley Oscillator
d) Colpitts oscillator
(To simulate inductors using SPICE, connect a low resistance of value 10mΩ in series with it.)
1. RC Phase Shift Oscillator:
Given that
For amplifier
Wave form:
Given that
For amplifier
Wave form:
3. Hartley Oscillator:
Given that
For amplifier
Wave form:
4. Colpitts Oscillator:
Given that
For amplifier
Wave form:
Expt. No. 9
Objective: To study the operation of Schmitt trigger circuit using BJT.
Components and equipments required:
1. Oscilloscope (Scope/CRO).
2. Function Generators (FG).
3. DC power supply.
4. Project Breadboard.
5. Resistors.
6. SL100 BJTs / BEL100N/BC107
7. Connection Wires.
8. Oscilloscope Probes.
Circuit diagram:
Fig. 1
Schmitt trigger is a threshold circuits with positive feedback having a loop gain > 1. The
circuit is named "trigger" because the output retains its value until the input changes sufficiently
to trigger a change: in the non-inverting configuration, when the input is higher than a certain
chosen threshold (UTP), the output is high; when the input is below a different (lower) chosen
threshold (LTP), the output is low; when the input is between the two, the output retains its
value. This dual threshold action is called hysteresis and implies that the Schmitt trigger
possesses memory and can act as a bistable circuit (latch). There is a close relation between the
two kinds of circuits that actually are the same: a Schmitt trigger can be converted into a latch
and v.v., a latch can be converted into a Schmitt trigger.
Given that
Choose (Determines voltage drop at output when Q2 is ON, so keep a low value)
4. Connect CRO channel 1 (Y) probe to output and channel 2 (X) probe to input
7. Observe output for different input signal by changing signal mode of function
11. Vary input dc voltage from 0V to 4V, note down the change in output for VUT
12. Vary input dc voltage from 4V to 0V, note down the change in output for VLT
Pre-lab Assignments:
• Consider the circuit shown in fig.1. Find the Hysteresis voltage of the circuit, if
• For the input wave shown below, plot the output wave for the circuit in fig.1.
Where Vm=10V
Model Waveforms
Hysteresis Curve
Tabular Column
a) For UTP
b) For LTP
Given that