Yogananda - EastWes Tapr1932

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:a . anti oguntlnda

cult Truths of 1"1 dia and ifl'i'1"itual Diji". sf

'od1 rande P em _ :.By ).IE. f. '\1\, _m :rACK

De rroying the Root of Depres ion .. __ . __ :" By, \ '£un Y G.\N~\.:'ro \

HOl\' to Know and C nract G d in Reality ..

BJ' BtlH It:\CHA.I:tO mODE

~ Iahatma Gandhi ~~~-~-------.---.-~----------~-.BJ . W".i\l\fl G.\l .:L'\TD.



., AN

Sel f -Itealii'.aLi 011 F ellows hi P ._, f Re1iginl1~

April, 1932

V L 1 -Xo_



A tactical, cientific Technique of onccnrrari nand Med it ti 11

Leading to onscicu Contact with Inner Divine Forces

A (. thod' of RE· your Body. "Iia and Qui Batteries from

Lnner ),:11 ... E .... ER Y

'Tho! 0;1 i 1::;.:'U!rC'i!.e~ of aoy~ h ~e. tin iuie, in puhllc r prn"; t~" 1ng', wallrll1iif or :naorliug. un I ~ .. oed b)~

lit apparatns r ext) -, Y kin •

['arts! unalIcclt,e4_ b_y .my other sysLem oi dol'doj>lIlcu. arc reached anti breu In to Uileir lD]Ixirrrum pLJW~rs IIITtI I.he rai lh fwl pmt't:ke of \' ug.lJrlill flccltargin .


Te.a:cheo; M!m." to J{ ECld.ARGE body-ba tm Ii willi [rc·il life-curren t by lnerea ifuC' d} mtlui "0" f , .. HI. 11\:1\\" o o, Fa igue, :.nsurc Iastin YDuth. and iruprnve

(Il Bc~un.)· of Form; til ltmt'c of e.~tll"e ion: (c) Ct:I~tr" of C t1,~Cl \I .. mental zeeepti ... 'dy; (e) C~)ll1act witlb ~hc [l1finH.!' Reo 'J:J::t'oir (Ii Power,

YO G)D t .'!Jcll·s l'UU li' w LO ;]Ictually • ~~ he liRht (I f she \. J T L F i how to hear t.n,1! COSMlC \"ID1Ll\TIQN, al~d thru ;l d~i(iait· si P c teehll"q ta t Ute Onlllip, en . arce 01 ]nfi1111 ni\'il~t Pov,·er. >

YOG 'D \. aci1e-]'.,v L prevent hanJiMling' o£ the arteries and I1w t il sure i4;:.(ing youth lJy stillluJallllg eveu cirelli. nUll aud h lpln HI ej e~ fortign IllOiUcr from e .~ ~m. The _rlgl1t l)('<I!ctic.:e of YoC'QdlJ drh'l.'~ away i1lSbHllly, ha.Fllllll1lzru all. 1I1U-1:! ' a LW.llS, make> colds imllo :.ible. and prevent cOTlsHpal:ioD1 IlInd all stomach tl"oll'ble •

YOGODA teaches t ow to exercise hose parts which. you fJ'1iltk yoU! C3.n1l0 exerclse, l:l ". 0 !lUl rill 01' I.. ke off far. as. desired.

Teache you how to . 011li*D~ ~'our J'Il~1 rial and. pirhllal d tiny.

The Lise of this"" 0 .It - DA ':;Y'stcm:l ha :l roml Ii hed wondcriul J'c tI~ts in several resideutlal ~~dlooll; flOr tm)'s ill India, e;:.~ablisu.ed b;) 5~rnwi If"ogam:mda. ami bas helm used by 2.1),000 YoloIolln trtLldl'nts in Amcr11.Oa to O\--ercllm€ phy:sics.l; mental aniil ~pi-r!,tllal i-rrlmTmonie·,


Anldit. G. 1Ji- urd~L\I" r 1~urI)Hnk-l Qigi "1'1111 1{;unit.." ndfl er f th Nc"'I' Sytn'l)ho"ty

rchestca gf Tor~nto. Canada-Hanan Bay. h1rillian l~iatli",,~Coutlte=>s llJ'a 'j Istoy-HomCT .'lln1ueh. di;;tin~lIii)hc piam t-Y1.adimir Ro ing. rnincnt " cnor and rure:ctoI' of [he "AnI l"iCBn p~ra Co.-Clara Ct~rncll1s Gabrilmd 5C!h-.~lada C:nsams, iru:ncus Liebling. pilmi!::t-roln\i s r-"R, 1. Crcmie. 0Wl'"pll1l1is:hcr l'Vancouver Stln"-l.iJt,i VI.'lI'J Nerraan, Com· tn 'r~l~1 Jli ache '. o..i • Dept, 01 Commcrce-c-Dou Ias Grall! Du Ainslie, En Ii I!I I_)l'H!t and auth-

1"- ·.fired, HUIlI-n. edin r .. inl!ring"-Re'l', Dr. Arthnr _I'orler, pa ter, Salem ol1gr~ga -jj nal

burch, Y rk, Englalid

A descrill ive pamphiet. "YQg~da," imp]l. ilJiuwllatin" aDd mtCJlseb :in e:recSting. will he lnallcd YOll forr 1St" l'L" ill I~P~l'~ )'01.1 for pr iceless belle Fit& ill health, 51.! ceess and I"I1dj2llIJ. hap{iiness. Send 1Sc in stamps 0(' coin flilr this 70~pa~ des Cf1 J,nivc' beilklc-t,. I'D


Swami Y cganaada

in h bod)'. how to c:om-

3880 San Ra£ael Avenlle

Dept. E-W

Los AIiIIS!!les. CaW.


Ye3rly ubcsciipUon", 3.5 ; Can lao $1:7"; Foreigp. $.3. ·' 'cupie • 25e. ~fuus~rip'~s shouJd, ~dr]j:'e'Cl' L "Th: :Edjfor:," no '~uH]i''itilua.lis. lease , nelose atrunpcd retUl'rt envelop '.

E, ST,-~ E Tithe ·oftie~al OJgaa Q,' the Y § da ,of

J\Jneriea. f~UIE1d,~ hl l~ , ~}' S~vanli Yogananda. A. n. u'b~i'h d l~llntl~y by the' YOSJoda " at·Sanga SQc1ltt)·, 38(} 3D Rafael Ave., .~ des, CaJif.

ctiillngC 0 f addt- shoald sal 'tQ, B • ""'_;.V\r.E ,T two ..... mel!.: omo:re: the da;1e

it iI t· go '·.1'1t elfJec:t. Both the old an ~ n*t'!J\! addresses sl'l,9UW b.!. n~. W cannot be re ponsible 't r-c 'Pi lost dne to' Ul'e "1;10. crioot". ia.Uul'e notify us En time of b:i new addre '.


Fore1i'i!'o d " - .•.. ' " . - .•••

w:ami . riyukb"'e&.var Gir'iji (Biltt1lll.'c.

, ed' G:ra:.ncllest Poem ... ~ ...... , .••....•. ' •.. , , .. "b,Wh:.s .11. l,f/m:,uQck

D stroyillg the R. e'l't. of Depression , •..... '. , ' .. S"'_"'JlIi J tJgtIJLJJ'da; •.••

Rare Perium~ (P' tml •. - _ ..• , .. ~ " ~ .•.•..••..• "S'rad~~a Devi .

Mahatma I ~andbj .. , .•... _ .. 0 • " •••••••• , • _ ••••••• S .. ''flmi ago fUIUa(l Spj~rit!Ua.l fn,erprelatilQ115 of 'he cnpUl\re . and the

~~on:d lorn~ i Christ . _ ... " ...............•..• Swami Y'oga"a/ttlo

aily lllritUaJ A.ffinli1:tti ns ..•......•••........ , ••• S'I. ami l"l2gammdQ 14-

~ ow ttl -Ktlo'w and ['OI1I.:a t Gr;J i in Rcalin" r •••• '. , • BroIHWlr:[-laJ' e 1\ ,f'rt/d 1'"

The Divine pir] af Ch,' t : r- ••.•• 'FaT .sbelkPtwr1il}i 6

The .ky Pouted It lue LiJ . to Dtink b 10 til W 11

of: 1\Ify ._ il n:l::e " •••• , ' S"t a!lui I' o9,U~(Jn{ici

. nqueril1g 'the Fear of Deatb _ .. ~ _. S"l..'aml Y tJgtUUl'IJi/4

1 Hm' Compa: si 11 0111 Tjl, om .. , ...••. , •• ' •.....•. ' . " •• .l f;t:JfunoeolUli'cc J at'u

H«aLilty (Poem) ., .. " " ' , Ajc'Wli~ Pru .. tc»

The. ummer "n-aininc . h ¥og da Sa -Sa.nga.

He~dqllartef ., ' ~ _ . . . _ . . . . . . . .. .., ,.. 25

YfJgo ,8. .' :a~-Sanga'ode'1r A.nt'li)Uf cel\lI'e=m and No, ices

lD' ~'(I'lJdm, A ':;'0C' 'lU€~n~ uts . ' ' - " .. - • . .. . .. •. . . .. ~

_, t" • r~ t'w, .c;... _ (11 ~ ters .....•.. ..........................., .. - " . , • • . . .. . . ..

p..F~IS of 1\ ,!d.' Ce'fllers " - • - ,.. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .....•.

,"I !J." r'sstJg'c ~o A Tl ji' oiJ.(Jc/a .S-Imicnts ..•...• ' •..... " " "

Sn'/1 r-E.tfun·£c H,f!R/i~lg ~a,... in' . lO


/!oo'rJ' tI'lJfti H nlU., and pil'in of R ""iru" " • . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .

;liT:\! CIHI'rdl;. lJ.:v Bill), c ~11 rfHl •.•.. , _ • .. . . . . . . . . • . •. 31

.. "Tob • to, ltbs rjl ers , __ " ".. 32


¥ogodn Sa ~ . anga Emblem PiA, g 1d.~ll'iltccJ. In 0:m.:i:~nge 8\\(1 blue erHI'I:nei Imlke <I[ itfin. , tift from Y'ogoda sh.'td~llts to ODe a,fiotb:er.. $1. j

"'1\, HI 'I lrn:S ROI\rl ETE ' ITY," waml ~ggamuda' Nenr·'t Bo k

111 pi~itl ill'ci ·n'tifl Prayeli's. For' wc'l"d hy ru'pleli.L;a GaUi-CW"'ci.. 2.50.

E."lST -WES'1' lI.l'\G \zTh~. '" ~T~'S subscription to one .of yQ, If frieJ;l,Us woul make a deH,ghtlu' git. $_ . .50 yea,] '. 2 e . iugl e.opie.

y D~ \ . .1 an R fad A "l!llUe" La AI11 I s, CaJi f.

19 _0



Thee' wami i )l\ib~i l1ing E 9T':;\i~!~,Tri1~ym0 un· ~ Di~ .iNidange. )J~. r~'u~ed to burcden ~b.e: . alt!ion~q ,go a 'cP~l.zatlon WI 11 deb~ by. 1'1. blislll'~ th.e .ma:ga;unJe durhilg depreS'siorr-t rmrecli .times sohe waited untii. the~a.t F:€ dB$;t'hJ:J€.d diffib~e:s w.h:idl rood jn he w~ 0-[ pllh'!s'b~~l ~ Itlagaziue ·~lh~dy. All g. o. ,jnlentio:ps Illite iIDrced to o cO~;ll'bat evil, bu.f 110W Lhe giea,t Goa ~o mootllg:"i't WGsslbj~ for EA 'r -'X.VE5T ,11;I'1£ ,t,o . p,tt' ush d menthlr in tea:d .ef b0in~1 published e):;ery tcw 1n,rn.,l,tbS~

It l\riU again-be 'Pbliblisbed tbT9LiP t'h~ gre~. p'i-:r.iruai CQpperat;i'I;)n Qf a \mry door ¥og;od!a ~ tLiden~~ ~~1l9 l'l1lSlio,dcrt~):ceJj, to ha,Vie it printed e\reJY tnli)ml~ May 'God bl_ s~ him ineve:.ry :way We rejoice hat od and tEle gtieat ;n.lla"ikr of India l\lave ~ho eI1 tbi ver;r lWhle ,pi')""i, ltru jnstf.1ill:U ';I'] to spread H~~ mes ag~ 0 f J" ogJ"da. .

. /'t'lll M31 ¥ogo,da stufl:el1 ~'" ' lease make,a de5nim effi€lrt f~ rne:reEl,se. yonr s"iri.t1,la~ a~X1\l-' dance l:'y ,savins at .least tc::ril c:enl.' '1a~r untit l' 1.11 "a,~e saved ~ . J' .nan ($~"OO ,. 'lvti:i h wiU pay r.Of- e11e JleM'S S'ufu;~pti ll/,'·ier EA 'T-'\ 'EST :n:Ia:g:aziue ]0.[' tWQ {nella. ltl'i;!€St your ~Qirituality in th spirittud .. ~dhu-e f. tl1er', and greart will b-e ,Y'0u!~' x _war:l1l. Your d!o:rtsl to malt,!'! ,tHe ri'~Ila1Jill,e self~S't1It.lpQ>rt1~U'g :wriH cl j~~mel1$e sen..-i&e 10r humanity. ,r:See:k and ·preat;l the 1~:itlt4Cl<tl1. of Gotl fi:n-t.and hen health, atnmd lee and bappwt:ss "'il) be

dded ulit I 'Oll. I Nmr be ye, of dmlllbtfu! 'PIlWi"1.

rig _ les, CaJi~<l

EI"IiCl¢), cd plea e Ii luI $ .. , .' .. _ . . .. tQl' '. _ , •••• , • ••'. suhscriptieus to EA 'T'-"fEST lUap:z~ne. $2.50 yearly in U.S.A.;" 2.7S il:'.! Ca'aada~"J:.OO fooeign. (l'\;)t fficerifer-. ExprltS rder, €h~. ,

.'a.rrt@ •••• " ••••••.••••••••••• i, ••••.••••.••••• , •••••••••••••••• , •.••••••.••


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.. ; " ,OJ • , .. ~ II- , • "'," III .• "' II· ,. ,0. :;. iii '" • f II .. II' '" ' ' Ii :' '.' 'II iii II' -

~tart with' ,,"'"!'}of ...•.•.•..•... ~ ••.•••. , ' _ ..•••• , ••.••.•. , •.• , •••.••• " • , .

............ , .,. ~ .. I"'~ fl~~ .. ~ , •••••• , •• ~ .. ,.,It.~.t' .. "'-"'''' ,. .. , •• ''' .. ''''.,..-

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tart with iSIHAe Q~ .: •. ; ••••.•••.•.•••• ., ••• .,. ~ ••••••• , .•• " " ' ••• , " ••• ""' ., ••••


, UR,

By 8wt:H,r-zi. Yo ga'landa (F"om f;P'llispers F''I'Ol'f.I Elef-;nii:i)

Thou Light of my Liie~"I hon amest to pread ,·~V i dom' giow 0\ er ,the p'nti uf my sOIiL Centuric . f darkness shifted before tbe march 01 Thybe1l,lgn 11 Fp. As a n~;ughty baby, I cr~ed. iGf' UfY' 1<Io:tber Dj'\·ine and - he cam ill' as. my

G-U'f'U-Swami l;y-a].ct,(jswa,r 1\.t tl~a;t

m' eting. I nay Guru :l. spark flew from Thee, 311d th'f! iagg!;)t9 of my 1ld-C'r,3'(-in -. gaiheJ! d thrGQ'~h inea,.l"JIlation:..., smoul ered and ~ l:l.ll!e: - inta blL~s,. All my queariens are an.., yeredl thrQugh Thy

i'Latll:ing, g .Iden t, uch, ternal, ever ..

J;lr eDt s01Itis:i'at:tion hal CJIUIllC" to me

t:bro~lg:h l' b:y' g:loI".;~.

My Gt~l"lil, Theu the oite 'Iilf God I f~;Hlnd Th re i Ire pen e to tn sou1~arias. Sf Hmor . 0-( errow aregQl e, and lacm @"wake in bli$,

H alii the go a. di: pl ~ ed and 'lr, t Tholl a'rt plea:ed ]I am: safe in, the mrt~ of 1 h~' plea ure, And if all tb god prO' ect !ne:·~ Hme' p"rapcts of t~1e:ir blesil'lg.-, al1d -et J r: eei ve not 'I hy benedie-


liGi'ns, I am a;n erqlllloa,p;" ~,e;Et t:Q' pine spir:i,t- 11211.1 in the I"uins 0,( Thy dis~leas'1.n"c. ,0 G·un.k--Thou diiilst bring me Ol:ttoi the bou;o'm'h.~'s:5 pjt of d~rmess h1:to 'tl!e Pa:ra~ dise of Peace.

D:m- .;(;)uls mel ait,!'!r years QJ waHlif'tg.

TIl,ey nel1'lbted with ottln,ipiI"'esel'l' thrill. Weime1 her-e, because. lj;'i'ef bad mlet be:fol'e.

Tog tt,etwe 't'lTiU Jay to' His Shores. and then we ",vim I smssb our planes of

tinibuQe fQ:I;"'!l!v,er and ~a:l1ish im. ,(l,Ur' 11l:finite: Liie.

I bow to Thee as the ,Spakien Voice of S'ilell,'tGod. I bow to 'Th~e' ,ast'be Divine Door te' the T'emple of Sahrat'tiQn. i to 'l'hee to Tb,y ~,faSf.!Br, Lahi ri,aya,harbinge;r of Yoga in BengaJ.,a,n,d I lay the' flowers a;f my de ... l"oUon at H'n feet of Bahaji, (J,U,,' snpreme Master!

, OD S . ,RAND'ES'T POEM B'y James ,Wan,Iack

. \\l,a,mi Y tlganw1cda.. retu r lli'l1g'f tn-En a '''j itim '¥ osemil~ ~ ;Ltional Fad~, 'a j:d to :a fri, "For many IilOHt'S I stood til re ,cum that mflo],tnt'ain. mvfee.t in the snow and my head on .fhe bOSOI,'I!l o[ 1l1oY Fa;ther."·

Thait ·HILi:: gf'eat man, s:u.rr·o1uld,ed by such gratldeu:ri. S:ho,I!]Jd tern QoraTily; ~Q¥oget his .1l11\dt·G:lDl;llcmt 31:Jia hCCOfl1(! 10.St 111, the gloOry of the Abso<lute .. , wh,elll,ee an thh'l;g'f: (:'OO1C. is nc wonder to me. l., tee, ha:\,,« ~@_en Yo,semit:tl'---G0 liVs grn.t'ldest pOLm1~ prin ed, in rai!?<ecl J~t'ters" that I!YCtt flu (Den,tan,,'; bUTld nn"igh't read.

Peak fiI,i1cd on peak. tief" a:lter tier.

Mretehhl'g out all€!· ~'\'ta.y fo:re\"e'i:'. a easmic theater lit whieh th~ gods may sit tp watch the 11llU1:m drama: baby fooUdlls smiling ill the;i1" .le:ep; tiny star'·· fltullg; by the ,.,..'Iacier gods froUl a towcdug precipree; JnftyredwnQd~ e\~erla5tiJl1gly y' J.,!n~ .. ant] barreu ttCCl<i all brown hili!'; d't'alnif1..g of the days when they We're g-r~tfIJ: footpril'llt;- p,f gi31ltS in the·' bcm:lder; sweet azalea. whi.spering tl".a:grall'. secret; to the :streaJ~ : mari:po,sa 1i~ije:', embraced by: 81::f[.en t> I;,~-,' Vl es , peepi n.g from ere \'ice~ irn the rocks .. amd b~e:ft,tl1rl1ig. slillging, hits of hlu . e $ky flit:tiMg' 81111QMg the trees at da"\~l!l-tluu Is YQf;:emit.

Yo ~'n:);ioe: VaHe.y! '~"bQ would dare attemp W de!'icribthat :::.t;aggei·i'l';I~, stupC.IImuu:s. sublime spe-erade that makes the h lU·t ache w,it~ a asmelcss jey and fir~.::

he rl1in~l \,ttth a: mrulness blexpress Ute i:tl(!X'ilre s:~ibl e?

Sine seei ng 7,{ OSe!illl ite, I ,nn ]'O'ng~r believe in I'laws of "YatLlt"~" 1 heHeve onlv in- ui,1l.' Di,·'inela,\:-,· ,f the etern3ilJYln~'ran~lous.

• \ child nnce said t me : n wG'n(~er hnw it would feet m fe,d like "tIiOlh.~ng:' Now I 'kllow. One ieeds:likc noUti.tlg '\hrbe.l:l he fir t sees Ynsc:nn1"iI:'e Yaney., Yet the par~ lox is that ~Qon after the ii-1St rlimp~ .. nne feels like "ev rythin~·'.. At f.i r"t~ tlu 1 e.l:u~lder i~ a,",~e...d.. aleaost

frig:htltl.1ed by ,thl! h~'ight. del;)tih, and vast~e3~df the ~ene. but gttldua:ll, its gTaJ1ldenr -tcalinto bi" soul and he become . as t' were, atoltu:: w·iillil. the wonder he behelds.

Yosemite vu;ncv is :felt.. even more t'lcl-an it . ,:;.eep. it may~e <vfYiclly' ]" .. - :1'L1EI11IJeted 1 'liJ:t not ,pre-i"1r11agined. On,c':> Qnly regret" white- in the val Illfl:Y , 1S t1Hllt be i not· _\,f,.g14s-eye,(l!. ,(1 every dir 'cU6m~ one ~s grreted by the majestic 011 every han.d be is :faced by th.e sllbli.m.<e"

To r,a-ad a.hcun y.o,se'fl)ite means little. 0nemust see the na'tiona) g,ark, ande~'i-' pec.ial1 y the .. ·:a,.Iley I~'ll! order to he abll! to sav : "l\Hn.e eyes. have beheld the moat glod~us mil!Diresi:ati'On 0£ the pCH,·,e:r·01 Htc Uo,Fd" I do Dot heed to nave beeneverv\!vhere to 'krmw Utm.l therec.ottld be tlolhing mer.e '\.","ofic1!;rrJtll $.:r!.ywb,ef'e. EverT" tiling 1Ilsp:i.t'e"S.en.tnlll'ces. _hyp~.otj:z: F-trol1l. the mUe green biYd. with a. flute ;io h.b thiOat •. \\mQ teal misitts rrot:n :the errokjes ou \,0\11· bn'~akr:a::>t table" t.o Ei

:ap.itan .. misiu,-g' in m.ajesty lroD;l the vallev Uo·or."

To a.p,prec'i:ate Yosemite. 011.11': tmfs,lt ads~ witb til h,irds and tilllc!!l!sta.rt o!.Ll to "i~i t the manywornd{'"T"f uJ ~vater-f3nS.. Happy Isles, ~I.ltrOI1 1.ake, the I:r).dran Ca ves, ,2.111 d • cores m,f i:.'I'IJ1,ci" iascinOll,til.1g spots. Hit', III lUst e'limb 11lIist Tr3!il' and be b,a:ptized by Tht.: ,pnl.)- oil "-ernaI Fatls with its diulClUll 1 a in b 0"""-:"$. He n1U~t W'Si de through fe-1![l3 ann Ilowers, rock' .. , [ . S, and li.p,tderb,ru::;h .lifU.I Urink i'tOm the =weet, cool \'\",ater;: of tim agcs,. H~ must IO!!lk: fr'l!lIU1 Glacier Pili n't ~11 r] Tn S1l1 ralinn PQin t at tbe SCCj res of peaks nI the sllrl~o.l:lJ1cling terraln. He must .go t . the )"f::uiposo'l Fa,rest aad see the great tt"'c:e:~!th{,)u~M,ds Gf years €1M ami hundreds ,[If f~et hig·h, amui sit beneath rh~ir c\"el"lasting" sna,de and dream of the pa::: r and the futu:rl? He. musr f'eeo tht'" deer and bears. throw lireacl to' the squfrrels lh:1t leal) reck to 'roc:!)', and

"w~'ch the hlu'ejays HHrting in and eut a m9n:g the trees,

Then, biLCk at camp in the tni,e-ni'!lg" how -g16riQu's the- n,i.gbt lOne sitli n bis and wutcll:es th, fire fa11 hundr d of ~~~t from Glader Point; and tnc11, turning hi , ,ga+e hetaven \\'ant, es the Big Dillper l'eacrung 00\'11']) a if to IiJll ibelf umn 'Y oSemlte .Fa.U-, ees fail" orena ('rm"ll1i~g Glaci 1:: Paine O'Il1dl the variou-

'C..fflt'lSte.tIlation- of the ,eH.a~ UJ'lh~e.r: ~ k,eep,in ' ,,,·a.tdb. OYer' 'the;;,;: respective peak .• a.nd dowa n rth-e Qr~h tn,c,f'C' is a glarl rt ri"e.r, sttr--p_ri..ahled lake. ,\!hite tel'lt~ and ru i dbinlS. gl.eami,t1g' lights. ami melIQ~- ni1.ts1c.., and pr-aie 'and peace.

'¥' amite 'alley! Edell of , e wh tl~,,· se 11 you, -han remember yo ~ iorc¥i!r 'r,


B'" 8W,(l7ll i Yo !Fall an fl«,

The cry ,of" I epre si nl'i re'lldiugillre air m'IiI dtil> Lan 0 ,lliUlbfialr_ ,. Beneath

h. pro pereu tight ~'f main atree la') I ever the- country,. and the gaudy t~.iP_iug hep-windew , :ancl 1'11 silen t l'iIi. h f espcn -ive <IU On1o'biles, there -i.~ a i1en_. ~eel!:h;ng CJ1' 0f p!O~·e~tl. In th dent Y J b ~tr,e· t \~ n trewn witb eggar- in. tatfered :robe ., but 1~ler'f in t}li Paradi f Business. this Land of Merg 1::- _ (Diu ee W Il-drsssed met:! and wom '11 without. mon y it'll t:),,·:jr l)()C'k Cit {.g'od in bU;Ji S ,omtLth. The ~",en.Jress, d rich an the r hablry pOST'. bolhtle;e:iare thoenls<>Lvle in their, OViI'lII way l)y tb~iF dn~ s ant- their '\VaJk, illt th . lQ.cddental Pllii:d,le clas s, who need to dres Iike the ri't:b and are y€.t PQor~for tlu;L!n 1 feel.

'\:Vithout (;ouc::ienc and lv1'tbo, If heart

he Ron -Royses and Pa.ckard . cerrtainbilg' their bejewelled, seHi' hLle~F-petr.ifij,cn human, b(fing " , pa by me outwaJ·<fly diffidcll , but inward'ly r ver Y'~ inged unfortunates, 'lVLle'lie is [he voice of the Chris ian DiMe \v hid1

ays ; ·tyan i I,l.lade ln '11 1 mag f , od," where L it drowned in til'" umuIlt

of i:nequaliU and inju ,tic ?

Thc.lnfIlu:" rialit" cry, 'Euymo1f'tl: and keep rnon ), in d;c.ulatiQt1, u, wUl not s h

h ' If'(lilc 1. The very roots 0f de res<i n lw:ve to be :soumbt 'UI Wd~ltt 'fiz d. To e:dn~r the l')I~:OI)'h! t buy more rut' more. of what they do not need, y the in taflmen pla'l1l.i.' f) Fn ke them slaves un.til deat.h gi,'~ t hern freedom,

The history of the eartb i fil] d with, !' torie~ of n¥htif'~; brNhe.r killing Ifn_h r ~ clan da:shin" wit.h cl n ; F:JIC :s; ;'UlIJ 11. I:itlln!'< de. tr0~ ing 'J1e.'lntber; big ill dus trial king h'en a lUlIg sm-all husin ~ s ·jll~ wi h rhe _ won! of the Illl.!'rg r y em and The thain -,Fares.

'or 1.. :l111mtlllition.m,s. ~mrl a-,.. ill <: ran 0 wot' ~ he lul.\'T)C f t1 ~ ru,e-

io,n unles the lack f llQder tanding about the Iii 11 i3~. nationa], and 'in~ _ernati'll'Inal 1 aw of life makes Tlili'tnk:j'o.d. use thes€ srel£-purpe e (idea' ulilg a,genci s

o a tf3\'~ e their mu ':t:Ia1 fill cry. 1'!{isuncle ,tanning ~f th.e 'U'niye~at l,aw- of p _ ac tllt pro' 'pe:roo Ih·ijng is FC'SPOU ible fT;ll"' depr£ss,10n famines, plaglu~$ in-

u trial. ~nd:al, and .national 'I,n,an-mao C~ a vsrns ami, \,lar.~. Intercational mi - uliLde.r- tamlings breed in tlreir wOlnbs thifir Satanic off 'rings of ', ",luck .is the trea,l au e of -aU c€Jonomic

Ulph av~l '. '

Indf::ddmu, seeial. national. interuatiQllt'al, and ilJ'ldllsdal tOl':'nlst .Ul. t,ue s are the childrea _ unrver aleUishn,es"

dli_Ime". is tho ,,,·r ng mod' of inaugur~t db, human hei~g . in th~ n()pe orelS;-n:l'l:.~r~t an4 .hamJJ.11Cs .. ,. In t'he I1n:a I analy i ! • lIfi-hn s has b n f tt~d -ooner or iat, rno desbo)' t4.e raal_ elilntere ~nd h3LPI)j~1e.. of 'I1HLIT'L In a community of one thou.san~d_ people 1£ each 11'1'" i-the 1 emy of the eth r, ca~h ,on hats nine hundred and nillew-11ine eaemia to ID -ercamle he:fj).re he 'is fre·e to do. all -,thin . ncces fully. 1n: a. t1ati~n of rl' ,e l:i-unth' d l'11illion imlustTj;;d pepple, when eaC'h one de ires to be a 11lIiHf(rnair • hl: bia .. tn battJe wit.h 9'.,999,999 Indn r: trial n ernies, Ll1dusl'iriaJ war at ,dou - P0t; jOl.ll" pm~irJpt only a few to get more when 1h'!1' aa1:"@ plenty. The. ethers all wi sh tEl po .m re than the reall ueed .. and tb y go all throu;b ~He wnrkin to dealt~ 0 pay r QU- ,m r~ and 'llIOl"~. Dr reg:.. rI 10 t health, all the tim ',iller a-in"" hi.- h_1Xl1irTOU b;l.blit Qf H¥i(l~. The desire to .live at' 'h'e 05Ft

f ~he ~ a h of alb r. s, ~!tl I l11u' desir

1 tuxurio IS" by dir cthr - r inm:rct:tI:1 making he..r-s • PDfJt.. ~; .. ,ins a aill.-.t ~r fILl hh • :wb:ich g "<' om aU proper In ntria.1 ram:O!l" HOIl.. \\ hellier ill the


fa mil y . the €:I'lUirclt. or t he a be p. the.s e.

am la:w: g,f ri-ht a rnus t b obar di:p, (ltd r ,I;, save hu,,jan ·c:i\~iliz,a,-, tion from elf-concrad! lion and fr, 1:\ illharm ny.

The deair ' to h a milliona:ir ; a false

'tanda d af eU-happhlless. and he WllO wishes be a :mHlioJiaire ns,t only harm: him ~]t. 'but also injt~r 1'1-, b1 r adLng t11eIll.. inf, thepatlils which lead to

reab ~ t inhappir; 5, Th ]) Oli clerk in tli,eh Otcl ees a well-d res el milliO'ni'l ire' proudly fr' 11il his 'h~uffeurd.riven, expeniye ar, and en le_ hi·utwar app arance of happiness, He- tries to "kep up 'IIIdl:lll (tiE: Jon~~-"~" by borvowing" by -bluff, by showing off, and by 1 U}~il1g ~e'Col1,d~h,and. high~j)ric,ctl cars that have a ~ ~tly upkeep.

Few p ople' realize that a man \\·ho snat1:ers- hLheal' h an happin - with fears, over-wnrk, nervous hr' akdown • an· h ar roub] in rd r to b -COIne a millionaire, j n1i5Jead~n.g ul!ltQ.iniin

f .,~ t fgllo\V a. path w hieh mea to, a: phI:!:: wh~1:e]j f(l i l'l,el:1t :pus;'n:g aud pre .. tending- to be h .. t 'y, Thi fals _' ~t~ n - ard Of civjJi~atioil, f!:a111 ly, I to be a millionair-e a he' high -t g a] of Hf ," keep peep le f ali b 1,. taking mo , e an d more, I y

rg',an,ized graf" 1t tIt the mouth:~ f the ne dY.JesirJie this, fa' e ' o. 1" hal it , la,ry: ] uxuriou modes of th-i·ng. and f1ick-

r'ins r:;.i U 1'1' 1 jng 0'11 th Jil)S of

lhoughtJe s people. due to 'the how~ngI,Ar f wealth. ,,11l'p a man he mnn insan 1~' '!IT cd '" to pG ress, bv indu l-riaI Cl!0 ~ dill and shady deal or bv holdup m'~th~d" nl 0 II"C , &fld more i malteri I thing. Luxury" the desise t p se .. e monel' bS an,'" uu~tho 1, the fear o~' the poorhou e 10 of lllatria~re'Stige in the , Y''S o,f the imllilv: 01"" soclety, ,an selfishness. are tbe t\t3~1 i:'ngers ,of crime., v-

'rty. and lack or sympathy. H ~ ~tyb(u:ly W' uJd U""e ~l1d dr simply, hen miser, -' r:eedll:!g, L'I;l~uriol!:lrS livmng \~'i!luld be ouf I-a. hi n, and p ople 'i\~ uld ~td" e

, -spc:n~ mor time in plritual developmaar.

lIoO-W: C,;;t'l1 we ever pr'I":-Wet11r mall from ,chO!.Sing to l:he portals or _h : 0111'1, the aJ.mi -;h Iy doUar in the 110pe of ecomltl,g rkh or happy?

Th lI'iHt1 e.ny is to 1"1.: l"I"Y lHsh ness:

make plain living aQ 1 higa'"'-thinkino< the . t' mitd-a-,'d or "odd hrHization ~ pena1iz

h::l"'-lill" r: dise;, the wnership of

tax-h ea v:r. UIIl W i.el dy ta tes, '. houses ser'\i',a,'fUS; uia:id'. 'C tiy. car'" ,and loth in,g. Boycott c,omp1 nly thQ, w"ho, OWn we ,

,0£ mone.y and who, coldly pass by their br th r e ~ wh 1 th,e)' 'c bat he i scorched with p0'l.Tedyand dying of hunger, ~ faki co, t:ly cl tb:i1llgan. obje t of ridicule and then.h:e equalh:y and brothe:rb d of man wiJJ be establi hed.

TI1 average se-eallerl ,fn~c~ ern Am~dcan citiaen, "'-cner-alh- an habima] indu - ,tria] I crmo,mi hw'e, who earns about two rh 11 and dallan-" a VaT; after 2· rear f work fr m :00 a.lLn. to 6:00 p.m., hard Jab r in ia'ttory p.rj:. 11$, earns fortr thousand dellars, Ask rum IJ' I'I,V much 11e ita. saved. He will reply: '''Oh, ell. T wi}] make some moore, pay Q'II my d _ brs, an then ave." ne-feur th cd his arnmgs lre . pend ~ . 0]1' ma1~nutritim!a$. and on - , cided foods, Half f: it i ~ sperU 'in I tI }'ik'1g :furnitIJJT,e- and tars rr the .ev er .. en angling Ins allmt.::fitS)·!tt Hi. T'he d~e to own

very year a new model r a be t: r a.n«J bette]" car breeds peC:l2e't~I~l lavery, '\ hid re: ul t: only in hi h·yin.g,'" am UOT and IIrjO'r-e: in order ,to pay nmre aud lllm~e in zurr d II zs. This keep II ,ag -weak-eninl'T man In constant fear" "1V01T}'" and

Gill! LU ic la" rv. If bv char he 81.'1'('

the res ef the ( r v h:Ousa.l1:d. he il1l'e t i in ttl sto, k l!11.itrket. which uggestill" ,].: ~mpt'S him ulem.,l!:! hi' mo'!'!! y witheut effort or '~,aet rich: quick:' and t-mTm"hilnal 1,. II tHo" , him penniless. If the tig~li of th ~ iQ(!:k Iia.r1;et doe 'fl( t devour hI monev, t 11 em th e wolf of a: barl b~nk farl ure mak'e.; hhn IDo c\,ttytl1ing, llHcr his bodly bas _grown '1.feAJ~ in ~ in." peap''! • and "wnen 11" an ne Ionsser I. n= 1" hi ... end1: ~ and n..... therebv, A.u amJ,maJ tlltb zO:, has a ~)Iltt~r s.eclll·itv tha1~ rh

o--caJlea free- Olip i1'ld~vjd' of rich ceunteles,

Rich COJ:l(;M"l1- . a up lit le indastries dtUltr0'lrcin tb inw\,jdu,aJ's d.esirc fen: elf- ·l'lrcs:'icm aud fhe fre deen of. tlnrtan ,_ 01.1 , healthy labor. Thu.s. we ee bealtllc-

·~t1ioyitl: ,forced factory la, ,or.. Th big 'tigeV3; _, f ~om'mef£l!- bleoin o eat uLJ the 1 ,ig ig r r indus ry an~ then t .or "" wni£b is tbe vidor. thee:" paw at ach

lllcr' tI roat b:1· 'lashing I'f'i es. r by aHm;vl0g grain te e fe to f'ood-gorg'(ld hog ,r 311$il1fr f.ruits to he th 1i'O'\\" 0 into £1'1 HucL 11 Ri e'!'. nth ,I' tbBil gi\·e_ tb 111 ~- ratn,j tau ty to the milJi n WIlD are j bIe ' ,ann tall'ving.

Qile con'cetlll mil r hi Omec M"lch bv ]a~h-

ing the prosperit}r DC ulan}, h~1" c_on-

ceXllS unth the S\! I'li f seffishno ,bu tbat '!i!ery ,v:c.ap a. ~y I ,e ,,,.·n ted. from him ,and lIsed again.thim 'by ani th i m r p ""'lll1ul ","a1'-1 I'd Q,f industry ..

\:\[0 f grea1ii iud'Ll tl~l~ in pot t years broke ,.tu~ Dj .. rine law ot "Th _ g:r a est (10d lot the greatest 11 iii mber.' 'That is- why tIle)' are M-ilJ.itg. \"\f_h,e:Ji the -y~t_ p'oople who ha. ve bull t a nati Oil are l;oft to die tikIolld lI10nes wa;el\, th(1;Y no ,lPtlger can

ff ,heir' $~ . ices and they 3.1' marie

t f,ee! more Rseles tI1aD aMrna1 , t.1;h!n d spa r r 0 od's a'l~pnt,i', God s 1M'1/' ,\."'bit:h l)rlrt ctalike both Hfs 'Weak aud H3- 'U ~ il!lhildr"tIUL Th~:),' at' _ pr mpt a lIZ! \VQF'K- i], ntly to tlisl'upl: fines man-made selnsh laws 0f in(lu try, 1'0.du trial gli' e _ for trade -upr mAc)" eau cd a, de\~.astating war. Industrial greed .in peaceful times hIll' au damp t d,e ·trucri~'e (lej)res,sio:lil. H.cnc d~e ldea1 of bl.J[s~ne to make moue at aU. CQS' s, mu l'be chang,ed" The ffid~al of 11u ine

5 bofild be 'to g~ re the 'est ,5ervk~, to "n;ppl)' ·t h real ne d· of t ian, an L 1"1.' t

·nc(j~!l·' 11. h:al" it of Iuxury, whicll

d t:ro}r hi bady, mimdami . QUI.

Plain Jivil1:gis not !O;elf-:(ie'J1Ial. but sdf~ iulflUmcu1.t. the. reaJl: lu::"'''u-; us 'way of ,ur'ngllhr-ing. Rei: i 11"'0 h,crhnd, and

h _ s1:ra.ring 0 profits hetwsen r • capi al and la] or. would mal" QO 1 lh ap~ 'alir' and the werk,er.:; equally riC!la.nd' !1appy. - eeurity of'{ond a all thn ; mdiea] hel Ll wl~e:ti dJsabi "d; f·f·e·e transpertarico ; an:d- ~_ducatiol1 v,.muld make peo,lJe £ el that th yare 3,11 l1'lli!j:fI' ers of h,e arne Iamlly, af once nation. Let the gevecn-

HI rrt levy. good: L1:L' an '~i It .b,

taXes giveeenrityp ca'eh iI'l),ember sf a na i nat lamHy. B,y making the stan dar

f r "'ing plain 8: rd eq.ual and by 1J1'.i~ingIna CE1al ecuritj· to man, crhne au \ aes will he forever outlawed, for 'R 1'.t nQ one will llave gr02l'::d r rueney to f_~e,d the: "'atfan or tia.nibd hnmry. Th ~'atan

of luxury .. po oerty, s·~bnes~~aJrd tlt:tt£- 1iltinnal mlsaud rstaluli HI-" w uld th

'I e bal.?Jsbed. EClualHy, peaoe an(l b.:o berhood in til '\ orld are '(111'0' ible a~ • 1:'1 <l elfi nnilTlid humry remain .. lncli'liridual and somal s-e.Ui hues ~ tnUl5t be lIhall'fl0.n () [ '1 th C,(I)'l1ll1'f1Qll go Gil f nadonS, and. u.ational'S"'·lfislmll' ~ mus be

1);lI11d ned I £01" rneml 1- f jiUt i 11~

can }i\'e happily \Y'ithollt tw.·.3::rs~in the famif'l of 'the _ Tl1ted 'la(;es of tho '\, orld. Let tl~e: fll)ot Q\l' ~ ,f dcpre:;5io as'. denided aklo 'e 1 ~ remO\·~d ;Indw8..r's \\'it1 a.ntomaticaJh; vani ·b. JR,evo,lntion win be :nnk:ne\v~. L~\ n- r'ft!lle!'ilbei' m2U it

\,' ~ tT'an ill'lrUfial 1fislm·. coooeb\'aen UI,Xl1r: anc;l po'verty .. trea.l,ing . 'thtT .... lave, ty'ranL'ly TO her m r .motl'1.,er. 'I ro hey 'IllUl'r-'-

de.drtg;; brother, one brother ljving rich by making tho -r br thers poor, an tnl . it was -whie~h ]oG,se'l'1.Cld the imdsi'ble dvn a:.-. uute of eli content that },Ile\y Ltp the g.ugl1~:rQed EUlpi,t"e of 'Hl'e Czars .. Totl~:I w·e h~ar tb:at Russia is the _ only country in th.ewodd! "!: h re .h;I~e i '1lII1t) lIl1;1efnp[oym~'tt pfO.bJe~} whe]"e no' one walk. the

beets ,~ritl1cowa[dice,. where million-a.i.]fte are not Pa:5si'Iilg by in PierceAxr \'V • , ith g~]."a'niz d, huarrle s. ialtg1'iter, Howe:\'ter. no matt~1" JI1~"'\~ pvc p:erb~ . ..;_ ~U' . ~a 1'tIa.y '~W tQday, L, pe["!'~ naU).. ell) not apFl1'ove of the way she foreed ber ne,,, d.emoc.raey. ;Is tltat de- 1110cr~Cy g'oing t 10. II: ~ hat d mocracy built on ma:rbal law It f1emai!l bo be

een, Tb pre enr democracy was g,ail1cd b the tll'l-GluisHao. un-spir'itua] law o"f whole'de .m.u.rdel' ~d ' laug'htcr.

[belie i:n th $piritua!'ertlocracy

w]lich -' Iahatma Ga:ndhi i trying tel) es-, t 1 Ii It by he P ac itt! ways of loy,· and. by-h;1,! reaun iatioIl! of Inxury. '''!hen. peopl r neuuce ]1:1: ury m n will nat have to .!l.iavlt {r!llm ,8:00 a.rn, until 6:00 p.m. Te wiH Dot ha e t<a for. e ilb'fl:"1 e

E h~ d~''''l''l and (11 ~ un creerring ils1f1ct1y over the. bills .a11d dales, Be \vill net ha - - to bolt hi bu~ak$ak Ii wn hi thr,oat or fl1Th to b,.e train. in onI ['" to be a part ill the mad w1_irl of his wot1tl' mac:11'ini!1"Y.fIl11y to' ccrme btli k ho11t~ tir~d ai)d 3Jlgn I ready to cel'lide "lith a n

le t d, nil in :\;vi£e. l;ldu trial 1if is. O,0strOying r<!!a1 human, lik that introspe tiv meditative :f: s Iul, peac -ful, l.i:ahh life, phu:tmg 1)~()plJl! in_" the mad wali t elfishne ~ 3!~ld in ... 'illtmal)~;greci!L

T'he Chl"ls'c-wa:y and the Gant1~\\'ay give all~ "ea.dil for a)l~n 1 a,B fo'n .itll :'" ~l'I,d ao a~so" dJi!)~ the "'qgodlil Wi'llY of seek- ... in el r-lltlppin . by makirt al'l 0 her' happy.. Tbe~e three. are tbe em 1~ r wayso,~

ami 19 the r ot ol'E depr s J J1 and tabilizing tl1eei:~~,ortriccondi't-ion of he world; ,acL= they n ,h sllrest Ulet1r'lo.rt ,of de. troying -crime, p01. erty. il'1d , a!7 ..

r~tet:~! uti finpclal. , qua;Ji Y DLM an q 131' a.nrillrrl OT plaia thing by h. J1i hin""" ltilXUrie~ will gh·e_ man !.l:':IIl)'re ,; I'1."lG :tQ

ajo' hi faynity to bear npliHing. r11.1- ca,tiou:al d-iscmlrs~ • Q';Ild also mo.r·e time fol'" m dita. j ~ I P'e.a~ ; al'ltl [he Bli --C01~tad of God. "glnllUmity '\\·nership IQif pl'operty I~r DllitWLl piri u~'l ~gre ,ncn~ will maJ\:e imp ible -for ennore he

'~1i<l1'htmalk'es 0 taxes a,nd I.1dd, n lor·e-

1 tlr n It n1' mor gag _ aft r .. lil-e-

ilitymen! .

How can we by piritnal m,ctht,d. begin a material Un,it d, - tate, f the Vi,rodd.i" • fter 111o~ h'lg that -cmrisbr 1::5 be )OTsaken . Jt fl"ltHvidual. alil· ~ati,ot'l~. a LuI al! :aul in the earth, I U'lU st 1 OW ibow n ,~ a pra tical -topia can he ere-

ated in tbi t:ax-tiddc:n.~o~plic~u:ed rs-em of tnodlern. gov,enU11ent. l~ Iitical ,e-v:oll.1 riolll ~ lfT11U t be s10 'fly-rapid,. aLn<l. ml.JL=ltbc' a:l:'rl d on by , I irhual ine~h d .

r matter wbat I sa -, bistOlF.J how that I:rig _go'll rnm. 'I1t~. drunk with pIO~i\"er, neVer li ten to he ""aming~ O'f fleal", or! ' p~ _ri· s a'nd avants UJJt~J the ine'\dl,ta'b'e cri is CGU"W • doc to flte <:tllnil'llU011 br akillg Qf G d - puitu:al Ia ws, This was

very eli, 3li"ly iii., h. fan of :12· Caar "

So liittle.-group nlOd(t1s 0,'1 id,eal civl']b::ati n ITIU t b are in ev rycomrnunity for hapl'yan:t;l peacefu] ii:;ving. w~tb T1'Hl'cli !1" ditation and much chi alry 'be. "\nt. These group hOl,!M be well balanced. fi:nan.,daHy s:eClllTt}, ,and th )~ sh uld e:ri:st ""h 'ays in h.iigh th:iaking n pluin li'\ring.

Thi:s i .1l'QW i It hould be worked Out.

G 0UpS f twenr ·~11 e young married oup]e ~1'Id,ingje p ople houIa . trjve- hard and concentrate. their euls' force by ~i!\ring very ecenomicall . for five year .- urrti] each (:01.1 ple, has t n tJ1,(]1lTSa.nd dolli:ll"s cash. This, multiplied by h,-.,cnty-nvQ_" \';'" uld make a trust-fund. of $250.000.

me of this should be jj 'd 0 1 uy an· LdIld! n"'eUty-1i'H~ small cottages, h}':: their m, u mao r, 011 twen 'y acre 011 CJ m I]]LUnjty-g'\¥I1ed Earm 1'8·1'I-~:. All butter and milk' b Idp, he . b1;afQed Ie m hmlll. -hred cows, and ,·cgeta. ,] . h uld be grown by the memliers of til Is piritua.1 farm om th it 0'U.ln land, Lanb .11 uld be zrewn Ier wool for dresses, cks, and otll,ell" (tr~ t\~le. Ha ~h()tJldll t he worn, _ 1 j the peopl. shcmld ';';--ea.r sandal if gQ ban:tfoote,d.

EdU'c<ti n f 'f the dnldr n or th mar~w.d c.-~u__pJe- .:hnutd be given in the commlumity ehoel by th-e highly educated puerlit$ ia a communlty ball with -wo den partfbo:!l'" or Icm-der ' be h<e,"s 'i'D. Ulmrmcr. Meditation the scientific an of knowin

od, shouM b€ the ide-al aim of all the chii1drcn. Parents hould Pl~ aH nell with ene child amd exercise medeeaticn :md .eH"'CO.1 f J hl, :uHlrila,1 life" . U ta;x. '. the e-;xpel'l eo: @f 'educating thle diildren an mi cellane us xpen es, b uld he taken frOfit;'! tne in crest ""tl,e $Z50.<@O). Then. when the ,'entv~lhfC children O"l:OW up, each GHe.' hlJ1.l1(J (e el~ , Urn·ted limmciam belp. 'Ot into th \'\! dd _0 ea.Tn

'cach 1 y l1mjf con ceneration, supe-r-. harged 1.Vll:h Dh6!1' tr~.irung, and 'hie:" 'lJperi...Jll€tbod of the D1. -Ine, learn in thl Id al I olony. Then . the e ,chil'dre[]~ rown Irrto ft1!Urllle'felope~ men and w@meDl. heu lei mB![_ry id.aJ Inat '. educate ,~n Divine ,ptrituaJ coramunities.. 'The~e h..-r.nty-fi'\~e eouples .n uld h n build ad!, r onFlIuuni ies ::U" <li:S their parents built ..

The qlH~ Uon now com : "'Vb_at ,,,,'(JIuJd ha 1 ern t the· -2.50 000, after a 11 \f li'le' . Tigln~l ",,'5 famili,e.s w~? .. Tbe answer L;; th_a it sheu] be u ed b}1 til' r : rou] _ ef ]5 eouples ., build ther ueh olo¢~ ..

Each pirHual cclony hould take t'11 'Vow of plain Jivtng am:lL hJgh thinking L tie I re t h e.1F hood or 11,11:n I Ee II owsh i p of: a 11 1"elJgiop, nfl1!!lucia1i0'1:JL f luxury, and he joirrt 0 ,1m· T:. hi If'lf land • rran -p ttatilln edneatien, if orl. and Iuoney. amd he~~

bould a and drese in the COmmtlll1 ,

way, hu ;'-p,ir.Huall - each s 1.1] ill"l 11,-'

COJq;:1r 1 uflit:y m1J! t u.nencumbe:r-ed

hat l't -. may l~' -I and :ad\'anc' a

,(J'f'f'pl,Y! ,<1 he, c,an.

Ifleople \vonJd (,ol']ow the abcn-e rutes,

ben G d' wO.l"1 V01.d il, I e harmoni U~.

c'mmates would b~ bette-t', an4 -' ~'m everywhere p 'til' IlC. farniae, and fir - aHI! 'Of'ould jl~, 101'" then all the 11.<1. i us WQulr;J1 1, as one. co-operating in intemn 1 nal Tv.v of tran rtation, too-d., educariou,

and 'fe~i!giom. c,:rsake luxury .. elln5hJll'~s ..

. nd greed f [' mon y., and I ad live o· 'EH:.unt:r free h 11;' '\i'u".Irrie ...

Tm \VJLl. R. T! BLr~H .\13 LUTE 'CNT\Ji.kSAJ p~ \ E .1\.[ H.- RrwI' NY.


By Sradha, Devi

';["rOLu bad':. ~aFden gather Love petals, Tak eare ,0 fiJI )' 'IU ba "'·t ful].

W"hile drops of ~ tal dew still din .... ,. Uati! a.t UOQll ,,"hen h at is bnruln

Ge" take your \v,eH-fi-lled basket !\Iong'the du ~y -.,;,'f,al'_

~ carter the e fresh 10 .. ' eta}

V\" hen'! w ea'!")' dllldr :.I. paa ~ ea eh day _ Thin.k n(!lt :Y0lirbal et empty

~S YQur Ia t petal :£.aU-s,

For the 'fJl:rups ,of ,£lfys,ta1. dew Have 1ci'. , d Iov '5 r ses, DistiHed the moisture fh reo T'ran sformed the: pend ba k t

11 a hart i Lov filled 'vVith rate. l flJ'3:gra:n e-The Per.:fume . four ; 1.


LA ,iAT-1A


A' ld ernan I uut f [but JI~I'i. hal J ..

CQnnalt!D,ent of tire ~ody f resu ! they 1 l 1· 0 e His spiri I: so lha, . uld be. free:. 'to roam in the heR;rt of l1l3Dy. pe:dPJ:e. an. .kindle heir jg:nQfanC~~ di'spdl1ug the Ii I1t as they awakened,

h, CiandJ)j. 12~e: (Jr' , D wal lUl. .. ~e tl tome a tempt by Til)" Presd"l 'e.. And Thou art tn(Jre ang 'l~OlU;1y doq_uellJ,'!r b_ Thy i.c nc L Ta}' po·.i al voi e iii I11l.IiIl1ed 'neath the prison ~-alll ts, but T'hy il~t ,. i<;c of L irL is 100 .~ d. and i beating th drum' ~f univer al ;"J"lHI.lItI-

hy and attention" rGU-~ .b.e Faa:s lu mlrlering 'II'L hatr ~, in p ,Ii ical :,elfi hut:: - ~I in greed fOT p05'e& • in mutua! dece:p~i ns, aJ d in br her maJ.dttg "\ 'ar P'i'" p'&i'"ati,G'O again. t; birO her.

Gandbi! P'olltieajly cn!H~iiij d, Th ~ art m., lU11y tile a v-iou:r of ~I raee, (f,f 1'n<1i8.. nr alsO olI all the s.clfis.b. hatre _- ri ke.t1 . of the '\\' rot 1. \.nu l'l w h r C 111" Tliy 'priem. lik-e a Juda. ,t take. Thee away Tom u " but Th. prl' n .113n I~' Thy be 'f raessage r'ear:el1', the glreQ: c. t e~'e.acher of Thy truth. f II." .fill iru " ~nd

rllY supreme slave t ht~'ll~1 a maiL to'l1

CIO\'c fu,rTlly I:rO -11 and Thee ill the heart 0'£ each race,

andhi I Tby Bible, an the waniots 01 htturity '<vill n:acl ana '1ollow aud tlH!Fcin I'ea.rn t .:' fit at .. not tbeiIr brother. but the a:'hll'1 Qf l ,;);p.riJJ:C'e: :mnrl all hi un~y"

Gandh.i l Thy salo.tline • a,Od the Ira'grane'li! o~ the unh.ditlg' jIo,1:' (If Thy de'f 't"minnt1,QU. will dunn the mcttacin'g fire of cannon. _ unti! tb~y i,ng indea. hli Flle.ec1om C11'f (Ildjn througb Pea· e.

~I!ld&i ! 1; IJly flute 00 pe£k:e w·m 11l11l:e , Xl • "ild bea, ts OL pol itical fJ isunderstan din gs 1.11' he ra eJ J 111 ~ a - 'GQa: q.ta ru t ell g, e lo 1!1, Hi miracnlou pow'. rs to eli 'cipllue man" but chose ~o e 1.11 t'ea .• so 1"11 n b~t: chosee ~he rp,i,Ht of I • not f r • 'dlat mighties.t love to frlc:e fndia. Yo.: Thv love win a.w:akell love" will me] tl

gll(iP \' I.'(H"" s Hi ,hn .' pOlitical trit;

hatT~ect o;"'~rs. fi~hring atitpl;a:n:e: . b01l1bs. maehiue min al'l armi huo in c 'It J\ U- 'Pre mg 'LoVI€.

h, G'arndhii. ThY Leve win llHd the L'nite \, tat s of thi '" :rl:ri. and Th • seal \V111 be in enrry liI'ea.l"tI



,T RP . T~ Tl'

BY'L {;fm; Y,rJ9(.nuu~d'a

Tlu'c ·-f hi 1\l auin i h Hi utln and

€hri$lti;a:n Bihles

~U Oriental criptw~" uci . ,- 1 Bllngava Gita, or til ~. incln Bible .• uu} the: €tui, :a·Jl Nihl " Jut ve a th r e-fold nlCanimlg'. ltll ot:}T( r ); 'or-d'," he c-riphll'es dea] ".'!;Iith the three factor: 0" b.U_f'l1t11l hIA • na,l11el.y. he mn tal. 1.11 rn 'llta1 3.tlld the sph1tua l. :'Hence, all

are 11a ve heen. ..

'en" > to be b n,efi,eial the' h d· ", mind,

2.tld soul of man, True Ii tJl well of Divin '\ at r .• w~:lkh can quench the' tlrree-fold, mew talvand piri pal thi,r t I f man. In additien, the - cnpture-s. i rder tP. b

\ 'orth while, h uh1 reaBy help tho hu·.iII .~ man, the meli1b;l1 man, and ·tb ·p,iritnal man. Alt:hau,gh both _ ie mai rj~l ;Jnd th ~ych I gi nl int fJ1'" :ati(ln." f tbe c.riptures, arc neeeS$a.:ry· jot hould ,. e uember II that Lhe scriptur , au.. ~i_ urrdert ok 'with !?Teat pains to !,oi,ftt 1)'I1:1n lathe piritual int r re a-

te ']npnrt:'llm:: hh ~.

TIt It ri~ By Elr in "lle,enmlty . Uitce - f¥1 may n.~ b@ the truly deotm.-

cany 1.11 C . hd ma.l whe ~i1a:ke a per-

t,eet stlc.e " of 1 i -li!' i'l;",'her.ea ~ a .spiritual 1.113.J1 is th ha'pP} "all-round man .,.- ho is ~lea lth~·. ;.rd:dl cttl:al, C,cultenrted, and t.lilll~' prJ)." e:r us, wi h all~satis:~yi11g '\ Idow" Since Y in u.ii:i III the .spmr.tdal author 6rst0'110'ht t" make man primarily spiJritunl. 1 gh' th piritt.ul.l inter-prcta£ioni wittl t~ e p .. yehQt!?g1ca~ altd: rnaterja l in 'rpre.ra tiQru. in~ rwoven, These il1terprdatiom will 'help alike the

.piri tua1 li ~be:, 'iiutellcctu.a.1 man, anti th business man.

Spiritual Interpretation. 01' Bhaga:vad aita

TI'1 111 aga \ a I ita .ays. ! 'Fi ht the

bat 1 of lire, 0. _"'fJuwiil a eq t:li re sin: I ;')1 b:t" 2·: 3 "

Til P ',"r.llol gi nJ ittterpretati'on ~f th ah '\:oepa -age; tha man ::;.Muhl t:rug-

gl 113f 1 and 1,o11r 1_" unW viet ry i

W 'M" ~''i C{tmI '@' ition ((l:r reve' es shoUld

~isc~:nlTa~e him, l_;re sheald keep OD .ngby:wg 1I't ,plte of Iailur because :togttve m means deaxh, but to die stin battli:ng for success L\1eS him satisfactiou even in lea b, If we do not die t-rugglill1lg before we reach the end oi the: trail we a.d:l i QUl'llrl t '!JT 1-, \vitJ uccess, bu H we flo ruJttrug-gle~ we have failed eo use eur Go - iven po:\>v~r . and we are hound to, aequilr 511'1 r. rr'ow_ We. ate ~ill[t,_] ac1 sol;H~c!lms~ we fan dod monstrat'e 1:bat w are made in tbe hmig of God. and because ""r dld not eserci e aU ou;v

'hdne h itage. our powerful will. to succeed,

,The .P )lchologi~3l :interpre1:ati 0 o£ the aho''''"e pa sage i that tbe- me:llta1 pOi'" ra of- man become ~trC1r1,g;e1" when th-e}. I.1Ceessively and ontirlilo'l1sly I attl ~"itb tTira~ , witb temptarieus fo 111:ak m ney by Hshol1cst methods 9:111d,dth temp,.a.tion '. \'\"'liic;b beset all IH. The law of life offer man the Vli.l\Vf'r or re-

i tanQ~ Q that be mav ht'wt hi on-hip of God y brlUgitlg til hi. t,dden imHl.Ortl:J.i power'. 'Theeefore, p~yc:hnlog:ica11)r ~t is a in aga.inst Ute 1 aw of oul-pr res to acknowleth cd' Bat bynGt trug;gli[lg" :s:tfi0-11gly agamst all kinds of trials. To ive j;IP tb c II) .inua]

t:ruggle apitL s~se appetites is to he-

C01:n· a slav th~n'll and b come

the victim ot uffering, :for' (I'll] V he ",.h ~s a IDa t;er of the seas ,cao- be trllI~~ happy. whereas I man \v110 i ruled bv

his - enses is "lr ry unhappy, -

TbelPhitllla:1 it1tlQrprlehl.~i n of he above passage is tbat, tulle~. the oul bat Me! ccntinuouslv to overcome 'tbe C(!JIlscieusne 'S 0'£ he ":fie h by e""pel'tcn soul- allSC;OtlSI1eS in meditati n, that S'0'1:11 aeqll1i1'les in. II the Sou lOf 6orl. r tl c image of G d d'vdtmg in ftc 'h. dnes not fi bt, against the limitat101ll9 of _he Be hi but ide:trtilits l'tim eU with .itt. then h, iJll'l ·1tes sorrow. T be in iou1- 011- ~d!i!u.1' ness is tIIJI remember Il:re Spi"rjt; hnt

o be in flesh-con.;dO'I:J n ' is to i'Orgd the: power oi tht! sou] to fee'lOrnnipr 5"~1lli1C. Till 5 ul hat i~ id 11.t::iJi:ed with b lld:!,f exp rienees and the limi: ali I]~, iQf fh ' 'e l.'1Be,1011S11le 5 withhr he bOl111 daries

f _11 physica! 1 -d)!, i ogpjz'a11lt i 01- ,Wty, the fr.agility' of bone. the r ar f ac 'ide;11 , the h:,~r (I f I if ' ;t;'1d Ieath, a depeneleuce Utc! n experice ees 1 :r ~nCE'eas . in kDJ wl d e, and the (ears ef s.idrucs5" plZ!\r rt). and :j'gAo,t'8!lI1ce.. Every (,)11~ 'ha. 00 battle eontinuou ly witll lilDitati t1 i b. • -eom~ciDll ness I,uch a U". e.

Throu,a;lll meditati R. th.c - ul' l'e:m m-

ben; 'rts l1rOffie il1 mnipreserrt Absolute, Eli :sful ~i:ri' but a ter a hart rrreditalioR the out g es back a.gain re the remembrane of the t'to:ublesome Iimita-

ions Q~ 'be ~-odi. 1. heref®~~, th~ soul. thl1Qugh tb liquid fire oi medltatimn epeatedl,. has t battle i h igr:U!lll'3.Ji'lIO al1ld body-con -fI)lOuSl1- hi ordei to wip,e out tl e hu ncatin~ u1flu nee of co liJ1Iic ddu. ion and in,

rhis sinful eosmic dieJL.lsil!uJ', which prodlJlC t - e body-conseicu nest , is th eoot-eause J.lrndedying 'the t11Tee-fold pb) .. _ leal, m ntal and s;plritnai sorrows of mall.

Like 'lue abo e, the Christian Bible has tli.]"IC· intell]lreta~jo:ns of \\ hieh 11, I iritu,a,] inter'pr~l'ation of the. words of }esl1 "hri.: is gi ani'll h" Colt wing arli I .

The Sei(~o.Rd of Christ J,ntl!litionaDy Perceived Spiriroal Inttr,pr-e:tation [lif WI),r,C$ SpokeD by Jesus Cbrist

(Te; be tmli.e~ e'lr~r-r d~y con ien i mly alld In wlalc.dl I.IPOll1 uy ,ue Itristi. flI " tru d 'V ~~ -a,f God, and Y ogodatts. THese ruth are fPUlIlA ill m dilaion and tho wh want 1, rll:rcci11'~ the S._cond. IGomin~ of mu:F .\lllll't medj'tau::

u L)Olll t;'enl. .

In Jerusalem. - "D.

To T{j pacents : (. t, Luke, Chapter _.

How i ~t that Y sou,t>h,t fJl,e~ 'IVi t )if! nat that r nrust be about my Fa hcr'.l .., ~l1e ?'

Ii'! Dh"iftliQ ttt1i:ih:uil'e of eSus to Hi parent. In tbe above 'hd 111 at. lit, .p .1";f c 1i£ of Je IUS brinzs Forth a perf", utterance a. to hew a Ivine chil t COf1 ecrated to

CF\"G Itt! manit:!", hoq td bena"i1e. jesus hints that it is the nlghe-t dut 0' pu-

nt n t to \\ orr}' i1,h ut a Divine chil lil:re r~u who' wa. pT(1)tec.ted by the King f King. He impli~ al' 0 that t'be bi.gbiest duty Qf the I)IJ wa to look after the' c(;!r~stiaJ busin p.rl 'ading the Kingdom f tl'u: Heavenly Fa ther, Hie i1l1pIiedi tlUlt d'Ut:y to OlU lE-I 3!l{lel11} Father crnes first and forem st, and that duty to par. M . althQud"h important. is secondal-Y,

Je u knew th~Jt' 1 arental ,lo\'c and affe.cti@'j], b1eillg blind. 11t1i:ght demand lrfHlil Him grea r at enti,on to Hii earthly father's business than to rus Heav nh' F:atth rls 'I usine. , for which R carne o~ earth, IT ea'hi here sign.6 to Hi parent!': that they '11,l)uM l!c:mO'l.", and ,:at the am time V\~jlili fot Him he hou ~.


with His Heav.enlY Fatl'ler' b-1.1S1l:lJ'ess.

,ince parental ,a:n,d filial rclati nshipe ar brongillt about by God" p'iU·'ents -htl\!t'[d l"r~t ,'each tp_e1r chHd:rW1 that i i good _11 be ~roilcit:l1t 50 I rtJ!'i's , usiness,

The ahoy ayin:!T ~ a - ,the.fir t hint by Jesll to His paren,t' a$ to what they w(1uhl hl,\ve to 'xpet::t:" and about what IDs Ii~ was: oing" to Q~, As itkl noble

ar rrts . re l'oli' 'f of G,.,d and of Tfis blJshll'{'lSl? SQ ~y hould \\\rtsh :the -first int resf af their ohildr 11 to b [n Gad's ;1;31 "l,'es.. All p'aterut ' sne,mId start their hildren on th right road in. lif byrnaki.lg tbem fir t prai1cict:),t in ItOllrtzii;ting;

I J d. ~D~ in doing' at] things wit 1 God

cuscietssnese. A life guided l1y God inner, int.uili e direr'tiOll can h ' §t1cce.ssiul. l1e-aUhy,' and cmnple only: v,'ben activity 115 balaneed \: 'itb wi €10m and happines .

TI1,e ordinary man thinks tbat this ,varla, hi - fatl'lily ~ a-nd hi work ;u: hi busi'nes I' bu- tne pir-it't,1al i'1ta111 kno,,1I' ' that parents children, fal'llily tie~. tl1e business world., and aU lse :$r:e G dl r bl1l~~nes. He kn w . hat el'~ry orre

houl d help to uraln tar ill a WOT'l j I y love and rvice cOl11pel1ec1 3J'Jd aetua ed b ' in li(JC1:ive bl(:lod-ties. Hence, ~Jl buslnes-s sh uld be 'pi,..:h!laHz-ecl; t(ja~ i. e,\re~1thing • liouId be do!'Ilce "..,:ith th~ 'c'OI!l:-

i \1 ne of 'God w ithin. <llId mail

should u-, to ple~ se C;od by lia.rm6(1jzing all l,ing witl Hi id al s,

The Hi~Hh1r scriptnres a.y tl1a:t when one dilly !Conflicts 'lMllt an~ the'&", the.1'I it . not cuty, l:Jllt .something toll avoided, . 'eligiollS duties shQuld 11 t c:ol"ldiict , i h he duties of bU5ine ' ; neither slnould tllltr to .usiness couflict. wi.flj &pi1;~tu,al

d llbe:s. " _ Jle.+Ji such C()IJ (b~t 0 iCun, the 'p'rLnal duo y i inoomple eo au('l 'boulil be moc;tlfted. ]3,usine5s dntie a1 Q shoutr:t h fl vi ed wh n they I'll Hi ate a .aln "t ~piTitual datie::s. SpiritlAtml liLod !l'-ateciat ,(Olt1 h011 d work together hke twe

t,a,msns, pullin'll the car of life harmoninsly and nnifarmly t R h~l1llY goal.

. '\ sueees 'll t Ii" . tbel" fore, musf be 1 gtm with spjr·itual culture ill:' . fur all lIIlate'dal l;J:[ld InQra) actiorie ar to,' rned )" -pi,rittllaJ Iaws, /\J.1 business must fiist

oufnrrn 'with 0 ro;, u iness Dr ivin

Ia vs i 1 cmler to tJ ' ITf luti,1C b~n,cl1t flO Ul:3l"l kind. _:i\n,y mou~}'. nUl cil'lg btl iDe • .. ·hi -h Cll n, only 0 iU1man I .-l1ry and "aJ"f! NIlrr edl ynopensities, is honnd 'to be ~ ~lro. 'ed by the '\'orkil1gs of the Dlvi11l:~ \. )' he- ~ u'vival f hf! -,; l':6rthi<esf. The

busi~esg' which does harm to the real ~ilirituaJ COt'l.'lfort of peepIe is not -doing red e rvi ee" and i bound to meet with destnn:tio.n becau e 0'[ the v'ell narure

t it., aet h'd tie.,

. Uhf Dr.ta!'. Irf',ci,oJIs",:ess afrfJetlFe4' m the '!1H:{trdc Qf Jcsus, ,arui. U01.U th.rou{J/~' y bg,Q ,0; s: IfJ?elln"nfif»t Inril the:c 'fin i,_ ti;'M~QU').' i't1uif!cd h~tcrl)l'Clt1~i~'MM Df Ihe .'£cnpt.nrtJ.S; Ihe. Clwil-C01MCiortsn~-G i5 com» h,l!}' 11'.1 .. s'u:(}iI'ul tillt'C '~Q 1JIQ'M.ifl!3rl t'lwougl~ lite CorUC'IiO' of WiJl")} !""U;f1 }f.ogod:arn.. "Atl t'wsc wlie reccJ'''U (J Him~ to. l:!1~'1'" ,gaue He 'th pq;I.I:~r eo b ~m ~II SDrts of Cod.'"

a sma.U cup C~llnot llold an, 'Qcea:n ,vithin it, no .ll:Ulttcr hev "mitlg:it may be to ,Q 0', like\dse til cup f material h u ~iIila!1il cOIl~~Qus.n,ess IC:mn..' gt.a,s:p the uar v raflnist-Consci.ousn 58, no mat ... ter how d~rlnl15 it U;" but whea the stu:,. den! b)'- the: ~ o-goda -nflefh d [)<,f :Ieditation and c,oIl:cen' ration enla.rges th ' cali-, 1 er of: his, co·~'1 eiousn t nudscleue'l! 'be can hold he Hlliversm.l cOl1sdo-u'Snes~ In. _ ~II .atom (I._):ir.i~t -_ GlI;ScJ IDill1,M.) ~·]thll'l ill own. Ttl! ~ I ""hn·~:1 meant by , Rcceive;d Him." Thus. according to J,eslt', all s.ol'j}\''I'h.g. 'C'afl a,ctudl},· find. their ouls one with Cbrist-Cone iiou - I'l C.::1S, by itl tuitilV'ee Lf .... ReaHza tion. can b eatled hie r!: en , €II God:"

Tlte Baptism tllf Jes,l!l§; Chth;,t

Mattheu'- ,3.:13. "Then ,cOmeth J esus ir nl Galilee t He Jord:tln unto Jo,l1n to be bapU~d of him, but Toh!lil. would have run :r d him. -mJlil,g~ 'I have' need' o be b'aptized ri Thee. a;nd con:fest Th'Ott to uie ?JI 'But Jesus answerrn said. unto Hitn : SlIffe.r 1 rien; , for hu it ~iec' me1h Ii ~ hiffi J I al! ri_gl1:,tenn. ness." 1"nen ..I{e suffereth Him, and J u .~, en Fle ,,,·il lJ.apti2CCt., '!, .. rent u.p t:r~ght'!lvay uQnl1;h,e. : ater ; and Lo Ul ~ heav ns, ~:v?~e op ned unto- 111m. and h Srl'llr the 'Plp,t 10:£ Gild d e nclin:g as a dmr~ and 'coming upen Him, and 10. ;)! v,oiCe out of the· liea-, ens :ayiqa: 'TiM, j::; In}' b·lo\'.d QP. ii" whom r am weB pleas do"'

Intuitional Inte:rpretation or Yo~ada • B:iEt~tu, and Chrjstian B1apti$m

The ori ina] ceremony of baptism by: water ca111e from Tndia, .. Bapti 'm means i fl1l11 r ion in 'f .ater in order l'l dea.nsc lOr IJuri'fy. Purificatiom of the bl1'lly

hOl1Jd f C Ie to' \'):riJication . f ill Iil"lincil. Henee. all 601111> who desired til begin liyitl'7 \.he pU'Rl:laI lire had to PUJ!"~if • t'h ir uIJi·. '(Cleal11Intl s ism~!Xt to

··odline~. hut bap·.::m (if the l tlv~


I:l1i'lle ~ followled hv 1)'3 ti'm ot the nl.i~ d. ~ eccmes P1'3ctica]ly mcaningte s, If we bathe and thu~ purify 1..1[" bedie " we win !lind that 0\,11' mind will 'terllp'Qrarily be'c,ame purified, but unless we chang O~I:r 'S ld' 'Ii ~itkedt1 ess by calmnes a lid m dini011 and eon rant sph;~u31 vi ilance . we ""HI remain the a;me old dell·it

j 'h bad h.abH ,in pit of Lh 'tempo:t3l)r pnrifyiug IC±! et or 'he water on our howle-. TB ~llu -trat this metaph r,ically, a Rindu· aid Q 111' W· 1ild.-b dis .. ciple': Son. it .is neces ary ta bathe ,m the Ganges ,t LJ~lriryhe milll(1 frill Rill. The ins \villlea:v'!!oyoll temporarily while YOll . athe ita, 'lJ1e holy waten :, b\,'lt they wW ·ter . QILl i:11 the . Tees,' skirting, the

anges and as S nu as you eome ant ,f th c acr d influenc of the bol· , ater, !th'eJ' will again jump on vou,"

It l1'11l:1st be remernl ered, bOW'6yer, h;.t 11 dill baptis~ bv wate1'ha it go old II int. The cu tom in India 1S to rake 1,ess n- fy~m a h 1y man olJ[Wy i.nli1lt1~di;at 1y ,af 'I~r bathin.g~ To alee Sl?i'ritllnl lesson wit:bn as\\·e,aty. unclean bod.y i .nut eii,eethl€. ThE!! ~pti5t:s do - ell .Tmmer e their illitjat 51 in wa cr, but the: ceremony oi Unn1f!t jon '\ it:b~ut f l10willg it Ui .~_ ith continued spir! nat les 011 in meditation arum God-c-Otdact ~ 0'£ Ii ttle \' al ue,

Sprinkling' ,of Water ODi Head,

The ari stocrati • modern 'Way of bapti m cf)nsist~ in prinkling water en th head, 'This is al! that is lett of the: 01"18'iD~1 ,custom of purifying the body b

\ ·atell". Bap,ti In 'y h prh klin

wn:ter ma r be a11 d,gh for most civlliZ.ed pe pl • ro;r th: y ~1 uaJly ba .1'ie themsel daily" l'b.brJ" 1:,00, inuner ion of initi3.'t s in water' may be unnece ary if tbe), ar 1ll'1cntaUy eve! red".bUt sprinkling .~f \\'I'iteli' 011. the bead QiI: evolved peopfe rs nun C ary, unles hj~ is dQtI en.: au f te~plect to the atlciet'llt. ba.ptis:mal cerem n ies,

Baptism of Jesus

1 t i evident that J esu • he was 0 evolved, did uet fail 't go into th ''Yat,er. He did not fuUyimmerse. for the River JC::lIrdii!lll was pract.ircaJIly dry at that time, Thus it i an tigi1t [OF

pir.itual1)T-m..inded poop! :0 bathe 1;,' fore heln baptiz, d, 1 I 11 i al I true. tha In modern Anicric,irL many" aristoeratie pe J?le wnuJ,d lNJlUS'~ to be 1:mptiz.ell j~ tl:leyh31cl. tile prQ pee of a econd h3ltn ,in d'\ clalteh. The W 1I1t1. ralh T" { r~ , enter-in 1II!a'l.~,elll han b 1 nl,'iciy im-

r:r.l'I::.t ed i.n water. F"r such people, SP111- hurl instructi« n, without this second at~I.; all ngbt ..

An'othe,r im_pona.11t tt! in. eonneeHan with the bapti rn of j III I 'C11tdst ,~ libra'!: ae insisted On being bapl;h:.ed b, Jol111. who in elf-ree lizarion was f.aT UrterioI' to Him, lenn' aid he. W~ n, t \\>'01" hy to unlaose the laehet of . be sbo of Jesus, <md that rre bi'ptize:d only W1 h water" while Je I!.I bflUjitiz;cCl with Spil'it. Alas. modern baptism has become hapti m b.1 ',at€T enly, Y;og da metha',a:te 0, ~tin:g- the real wav 0 bap .izin sel] with Spirit andultima.te ~\r1sdoui. F ·ding his p~h-iu:"uIJ in:f dorit1. Jol~n ,:olld.eli~d why }esu -.. 'Y<llllte<_i to be -hap-

lIZ • \ I hi , 3. ter, ] his ~c:b n 01 J u

'rii tinct!y demon rated the ancient. reChr] ti~n. r inclu custom and the real s[ \1I',ay, wbi h CV' 'ryod-aspiranl sho:ah:l.. follow.

Tl m':thod f' fil~dl I)i,g L i di'ff Ji >flll

-from the met:hod;; demanded by me - eolle cos fm any kind of specific trai'lIlln, .

E .... ~:iIl ill! m~cli'cal t'Olriing" fie aden

_u~""ctr learns il he troa.m.s {ronL college Ito con ge [oinin diffl rent m dical in' '.0- Jion ~d H teming' to a few Ieetuees

ut without oing thF'O'l'lh irrtartsjve

training in m.ateri~l U1!(uijc.:a. phyioilog:.". d.~.L e-tLiQj'J" 31"1d odlcr studie in one college, AI 0" jt Is true that a studetf C.U11-

WJt join all the uni\'ersitie a b _am


A· tudent s,~ uld foll \V _ De COUI'.Pf in one eoll ge lU1tii b recei,,' :J. certil1cAte ~ha,t he has completed certain studi. ~

I ut ala " in spirh urol de1'lon~;nation' ev n the 1elyaJ • the u na! intellectual eolleg. expects is not given to th den minatiOlrt by tf,le a .p:irt'lflt. nOT i. 1:h rime I"ICCes31.,'" fOT Self-Realizatien give,on to the prRE:ti e

of h ir-i ual 1 ns, by h u nd ' .

~tuden in the ,. e :ern. world... 11 b ;people continue, ta:kh~g!, ssons f:ro·m any :ne.w. g()l)d" bad, or IftchiIert'uIt teachers, wh hal''lle'n te come to town: and advertize. ] . ay rha t p opl l~llJuld di crimi,!late 1 et .veRn til . o-called teacher. who uses l"t'Ugio.11 only to rnak . mon y or [u

a living, aud the '[~atl te:aci'ler wno mao Il e bu j ness me th Ids j 11 his reli ginn 'in

rdler to serve hi hrefhren wi: J] real SIJjr:j u3llity.

It is extre'metv nee -StU" 0 rememh r

-that in the 'begin:nlfi, it 1S is,e to compar many spirituuJ paUl andtea-cber, lUll: 1\~bel the real . URU (11rete.ptot and th~real teaching i' faull th·n h

1 ;:. . earchin mu g ~ea Ie. The tbiv'""'t "'

one sl1 nld not keep seel ... -i:ng wel]st btl t should go to the best \ eLl and daily dr-ink it neetar, That ,is why in .Irtdia, in, the b~gjmlil1g ",,'e seek mar-ny umtH we lit'J:d tb right path. and the ri~tk't ma 'tier, and then remain Joyal '11:0 him thliQugh. death and eterni] r tmfil final emancipa-


Guru and Te,ache.rr

,Ve call have 'maf:ll~' w3cJhcr first hilt only one GURU, and n,1) mOfetcaehCl!' .a,ften\'ard '. Teacher call those vho C0Ple to learn irom them students, bu

_,a, GtJRU calls Ul'I:lpirilual - pfrant who if;61'mes- to him, ~ d:is,t:i:pl:e. Je;us, ll:hnseU said: • N Cine cemeth unto dl~ PattlcJ!' l'J:t b me,' Tbis, -ign:,iFie . bat l:lU.Lil,3.n soul ali'( mo Hy truant childeen of God roamhlg a\\""3y fi:On1 Him in the wilderne t sl,dIering. !a_ueh ouls -are ..imp,elle:d by thl.; SCIJLtrge of ~. rr '1:" tu ha~' faint gl im-p e ol thedir 10 t bom:e f sjJiritu::n

btessedness, The I egin to tong for d

and inwardly pray fer a .. ay aut .,'£ tile

uU'lldI'~m. fie-life., Hum ,- ~en tb~ prayers of sucburrarit children bec(u'llc deep and stellJ'fig" ~~oug!l" GQd j t· uchcJL alld

end It J'p- It j I then that the On Father f AU eDd a snperraan ca earth t9 giv help t the 1·9 ,cekir:lg ouls, Slu!:h a man, ordained b.y 'God! to bel). ltb:~ .i'ldi' icual in Ii" spnnse te deep t ra ,-

:·r, ii fl. t an ordinary teacher, but a

SUR or a ,ebkle 'hose b ~j $p_e~ h, mind and sp],itlialily God Uimse1 u • to bring the. lost souls b:a,c:k to the H!.')me 'f l~~lmortalAty.

Tn t'h,e Bh:!id~ 'ct:iptw-e' and ~ Vrhi_p-]," From Eternity it is \ rittcn: uA a naughty baby ~ erie' :for my l\Io_her Di \. ice and! she came l-o me as my G1.JlRU. My GU1itl, lOtH dl Thee ,in re. posse to my- s.9u~"'cri s, HaU the aods ar di pleas d and yet, In ()'UfU if Thou art plea. e -, I :am sale in the; fortTeS'Or 'Thy pleasure. but if all tJlle gu('L ,r.'lltect meby th.e parapets tlf the·ir· blltSs; I1g I and yet I l" ce ,ive not Thy benedlelion .. I am an .orphan, leU 'to pine spiritually in the ruins of Th,v dlspleasur . Together, GrIm and Diseipla, we win f1Iy t1) E is Shores. and tbe:llii. we: will sVla.J,.

ur pla;ne of fi,lcJituae Iorever atld ani 1'1, in nnr Infinite Life'. I

·rJ,. above cenceptien of Gunl· and D1 c.:lpI~ dle'picts th Qnly reaJWiay to retrao tfie truant s ul"s. IO()tst ps back t G()~1. This G!Jrla artd Di dp1Ierl;.'ti ns.hip is n.ot the e'llS1a:ving rcla iOl ship helwe n fie ~Hnd church. r t ·ml,l Til 11'1- hr an(l an ignorant so-eaUed pries. 0f

a Nmpl~ ·01: church elected, not by _ cd, 1 lllt byth tempI 'or church organization, or by a hig:her church dign - a£y, }~on'Or . b}:. en !h dux t(lllol'\·ers. but unkno\ n to G,od.

Freen9:m 0f Win. and Obedience

ZI.-" urn said te m : j'; llow m Ii) disciPlin.e you. ior fre:e.Iio.m of wHl C011:.,. !s!s 5 in not doin things acc,ordhl~ to ~ dictates (It pTe-l1·,dal (II,i[' post natal habits or jnel,tal wbill]; .... h::uJ -acc0rditn· . to tho sugge bon of ~i clam and [It:" e choice:" Hie ontinned : "If U tuna In our will lI. ... itb ruin. , you ·\\t1t1 find i'reedo~m. For me-'I"IY'~ 1llIy ,.vift was guided by habits, but "i -ben I hmc , ·it in. wi 10 the G~d~ guided and Wi. dcnn-gt'11ded -m €If my ,Guru. r found ,freedom."

To tun in ,,,vilh a soul whose will i ,guided by wisdom iSiO lind freedom or ;will. Most teacher \""11 b,"'; hJy c('mtrel 'Ilek st;uden ;dt,e.rhe pattern. mf dogmatic teachin I (Lesb y he power of It:e'-e 'WiU in th rn, but obcdi nee a Guru does not prod\'lcespirltL1al brllu:l.~ ness in the dbei:~)}e. Q~l tl'C contrary. it deve]o,ps, bis ~ltkd ye of wi doroal'l illh1.H:iofi. Yo teach r:s want thein stu-

ents to see thr· [legn ~~ teac ser's eyes. but a urn dw-dpli1n s the di ci le only ,u.uti1 ne can g:t:1~de 'bims·eH 1.1m;mgh ·,vi '" ~om. Guru, (a Pr. c'~Pttll" . i~ 'e'lit b:y God.

If a Iffisdp.1 • after {&Howiug a G1.Hzb, ,for Ii 1 11,g time. • hould purn him. . h 11 he actually. $pttrn_ hbe lielp ent -Il)~ Go,d. A ~UTl', i not a help (or thi , Ilfe only. lie. al Q makes a spiritual oul-cnntact with t'b d:icip1. an l ays : • L .. f ur friend h~p 'be. eternal and let 11 ln~ip each other tluo1llgh mCaTlla.t,jcm W'ltil ,W('I are ·boith ,to'll'Ijple ely R'Hlmci a:t~d ill "pirit . ometimes, likewise. an advanced

lis -illl can help a t1"U. iu~d'z v rsa,

u,clr fd ·ndshlp is nc t ~e;d n any elf ... :. "II eonsidel!a.ti€l'n or Oil. any ,c nditicm, 'S.:u.cb Divine me~ I hipl and per,etua] gO()d-wilI expre' between tw t' more oul give· birth til ttr ever-pure, unseH1,s]1 aU-en.1anc.ipating Divine La ·e, My :Ias,ter saiel to me "1 will be your jI;~nd trom p,ow u.ntil Eternity, 0,0 ,mat~ tel" ,\-yheth·er YOU are on the IID\, e :tt 01 ntlll plane Of' on the h ighesl: plane of wi~·tiom .. r will b. 1" ur fri lid if e" er ou ShOll Id CIT, for tl,en you win need In, friend' ~hlp ',;ml(tre t.hlil,B at; .11).)' otl:l(!f ti111lC.

Wt, 'll 1 aclt~pte.l!l m~ "a ster's uaconditio'llal friendship. Ilie s.aid: j", ill y@~ 1m' friend un(iel" aU (,irClUllS aru:" ? \\ itt ~·ou protect m~ ilfl Iny tli c h~t or



in tny 1 iWest trata of mimI? I ''''3-

am~g:rl-· ~ W"\S stu petie' for bow cow d I dream ,of my MaSter being in the 10tvest strata, but until 1 yow,ed to 'be his fri,e·md always. uhder a1'1 elreumsrarrce , he did not rest. He wa .g.addened wl'l,en I aid~ '~I wHi b t'"hl' always."

11; '\"tHtS thl!n.a: ;OOf this 3.1118.:zll:1g . piritual,ct~ that 1 und,·ersli:ood th igI'llfic:anc'e of a: G,'U,tu. and reall,y, 'I never f~'I!l_nd compIet~ satiisfactiorn, comfurt, and G,o.a-cor:Jlsd0l1SmeSS un il I !;tined ni~" ]11 in -with the Di;",fine consciousness Or! my Master.

Jesus kl:'!:e'iv of 'the a beve la:\,~ llilt :ftU13ll:ltllpati'om..,e 'have: found In JIOh~l his reincarnated GUilt. (a Gll rill altho'llgJl infe:n;ar in f1!pidlual q tlality is a Guru just th'e- srunl!lll a, \I",et:lirde' of 'God 'ah.,riays), 'That is wh..y Jesus insist ~d Oi'l. bcl.n·g' bapriz_d by John the Baptist. Jesu aI, bad spoken Iilf J ml:ni the Rapti it as the reiD arnated prcphct, Elias (Elijah. Next in conRlecUon .with the baptism of Jesu.~ bri~. it.i v .ry linportaIi't to remember the b:a:pt:is.m ,a.nll rh spirituaL e:<J!..l',erilMl es of j esu j which fellow, d h.! plhy leal baptjsm with walev I) r J ohn .

Tnl's wlil b xplail1el furtb r in Ih

next i sue of East-- ,e t.

(To be 'I:.cntinue;)

1. besepir1tLllal int~rpreta'!tjoBs are the r sult (}f a lAg unful£iUed' promise to

, og da tudent and they are also the mctnods ... • v bich the M,aste-rs hac E t,ak.en to ' how to the \,'I)"lllrldl the com men, seientifi£: platform af intuiti,~-e . ercepti{lIJ: wh "e thle Cbri dan ible, _he F.lindu EIiaga,Yad Glta (Hindu Old ,and New Testamen ) I' and tae true s'criptmes 10,1 all true rel1gions,. Can fi,nd lI.U1Iit,. ManV ,P'e ple acc,la:im th:a..t th cpiritual .interp,:n:::tatioll ortl1c Gita '~u:HII the Christian Bible is what is predicted as .rhe "Secoad Coming f Chri ;-, because hI such i:nterpret:rtlOJJJL there is revealed and Uhl"at d the tf"llt'~ Iddllien in tl'te

lark cav of til ' retical and theoloaieal sl:U.d Ies,

Jes,~s Q:'lu'it, W3.Ej crucified onte,bl.:1t His eh.ristian teaching has been, and is n w bein C'FU Hl. ti by ignorant people. Th Y''Ogoda: .tiIlQ'\'el11'€:tIit is attempting to. s'ho\'l!' ~1 w the Cbri t-Ccnscionsaess o~ J rs, IT e from heological crucifixio!,,! can e brougllt hacle a ' econd time ~nta the souls. of JU8'n,

These pill'itu!ll in1_ef"j)l"etati0J1s are bO!'11 of intuition and will be found to be: umi,versally t;rlue i{ 'they an _medi,iGJ,ted 'Upon w:i;th l'ltuitive 1,Je1"cepti'Sln. 'They all'!!. rec i~ed and itl erprefed thr-0ugh ell . t-

on do\( ness.

HOW TO ,BE SPIRlTU AL Yogoda Daily .Affirmations lilQr April T,o 1 e aftl.tme da.Uy upon , ... 'a.king ~1l 111' momillD". at m n, and beIon! leep

at n;,!-I"ht.

l~t Day. The Ocean (}'( Spirit ha b ,come he' little bubble oi my little oul. Til I ubble r my tife CIDlt1Qt die. whethet" fioa.tintr jn birth. or ,disgP'peariA<T in death In the Qce~110[ Cosmic Con-

don ne s, Eor I am illd rstrtretible . '11'-

3ciousl:1es. l'll'€Ilt,ecte~ in the bQS;Qn1 £

pirit' I.wtlQ[ta I ity.

2nd. Day. Today I win de somethina [Of' somebody. 'today I ", ... rill give me- 1:hirng tQ a hungry matl.

3rd D'ay. I am proteded behind r bat'lements 0f 111Y lQOd. co cl nee 1 }l.aVC hurue my pastuarkl,l,es . I am jut res cd only jn toda'_" Today I kt'loW T am tIle igh f Gcod1'llcs. Tan a lighthouse for o~~l ship-wrecked 0 ~ fl11 sea o.f sorrow.

4th Day_ T()day 1 fed Him in the 'hrill of peace, whi'ch t uehe til rncditat1of:l-tun d radio of my beart:

,5th Day. n fhe t11T ne of silent

!.1hol.1gbts the i!ld or[ Peace i' direc'ting

It'ly act; n' toda)f.

tjtJlt Day. Today I ",ill sJ10W m.~ brother the 'TemJl,le of God, tl1rGU)1 the door of my peace.

7th Day. I will mal e the weeping '11 smite by miring myseli. when it m &ffictl h t'O smile.

8,th nay. r will .d31~b to the 11ome. of treed m by de iring- n tiling else:: but th ed-c ntact \ rhieh comes thl' ugh the lleace o~ m eru.tati all ,

9th Day. In the kingdom Qf roy love J 'ill I an all I'HII i 11 my en n eountrymt;n-AI11f!J".iC'.ans. Hindus, EnglisPunen, Germans. Fr .nehm 11, Nllbill.'I'!s. Heathen , Chjnese and Japanese. and al 0 animal and plants, and all living .crea ures- a 1'i11\'lllll in cl]uHlity and peace.

lDtb Day. am the- ervant 111 the

howe f ery ne's Divine 'owe.

] ] t'b Day. J n the ljght of r ajth In m:y Father, 1 behold the shadows of ~i~:lkiness obli rare non' and forever, a I fun., re:'\Ii2J:erhat :light c;xi. t always, urile s Jr

hll 1117 eye" Qt wi 'liQm and. become erwhelmed by my eH'-crea d clark'De_55,

12th .Day.. .L will so _ k 1\0 make othe~ truly naJPPY, ,:1 I .tri:ve to make myself dlvindy happY.

Uth nay. I win 1'00'1-1: upon disease as a surgecn lancmg the bO'il of my aeenm~I;:t1atf!d l/;)oclr-·poi9!!a)'l·.

14th Da.y. I .am daun is i£ I make I.lp m.i)r l'l-'lmd to' feel that l10thiilg can make me f~r.

:I 5th Day. Mymiie l bel,pid ClI1 the lips of ill saints. All ~ajnts ~nrile through me.

1 16th 'Day. I spread Yogoda ev ry day l::1uou~n my exa1np1e. actions, ~1lI1IL!l word.,

17th. Day. J w:HJ wake, ith he dal\vll, and rouse my :sleeping io,~ to waken in the dawn of true d 'VOtiCilll fer tbe Pea "C'od withifi.

18th Day. I will Si!iVC all, tbr.ough lY . piritual happ:ine -.

19th D.ay. I win re:ilf nt)thing ,ext~p'~ In)';5 H~ when 1 eceive m_ con ci me-e.

20th Day, T have mad~ up my mind tOt smile. and sone are. gQing t'o Inake me cry.

21s:t l).ay. 'llri ,t-COI1;!iiCi.OI;l,SD -, il1: me

is the s:ulephcl'd. to Iead, my re-$U~s~ thought- to-my fJ m of D~ ill Peace.

.lzna DiiIIY.. I wiU 11lv:~e Godi, as. Je-sas 10 ·ed Him. I 1.V.i11 Iet mv selfishness dlra"(vn in the well of lov<c: fo·r ether . 23rd Bay. I \-,~jn feel -lO,r others as I

f !!I, fOt" I'l1Y.sel [.

,24th Day. I will male - tke be t 0'£ my Hfe: i·n order to l1'1a~-e othel's better JF by the e -a.1upl ,f IrrIT. t makuJg: my. elf be ..

2-5,tb D'BY. I 'Ii j,n d,:rhte a-~ay all deS.PQZldcIiIGy, a~ul ruake a mighty {f,ort to feel IGod! b . mediitattmg until f. e appears.

26th nay. 'B~hll11.d II:'11e throb of lit1ty J'I:car-. I baU .[e.~1 the throb ,of G@d's' Peace.

2i":tb_ Day. I -will cansid.e1" fiatt. - as straJiget:s, ~~r tbeyarcall m}r brothers,

hildsen of my one Heavenly Fa tl.:w r. -

28th Day .. I w:l:ll lI1-:;;te:n to Tby sermcns

. hrcugh the, oice r my reason.

29tch Day., r w.iil behold 'God. thr;eilugh h windO at Bowers. sc ~ 'ii'_ , and the dl!lal'~ o-t pe3rc:~, 'W.b!ch are ~lln& open by tile hand of VI W I e m.c"Jltatibll.

30th D~-y. Min e th . Ii her of souls. 1 will cl'll1I:ehtb~ igrroraace mE otbe;J;'S in tl e n '". f my wi tlmn, anld 'offi'J' hem to tb.f G[)d: ot ali Gnd~.


I - ~ - D TIT D IN R I

B·, 8 I"'fl1t m« char» ered e

The Hlbber] J ourna:l recerr I,~ pubtisbea articles by Dr, tedman 1;:ega:rcfing ]3osa.l1q_u t s accoullt f relig~ :11. PrO:F, J. H. 1\1 uirhead l'la nolo .. t any time itt making' a r:ounter-I."eply Ito ttlc idclictl" rnent ..The e artide:~ 1 e ray. aQI all 't!'it~ng , the til"l;les_ q1il~~,t oi t::b·e human 'Iuiud, to knm in mpi-r-iea1 t rm the r' al 'naiCtU-~ of Gizfd. It~ ,\-r-.illQe ni;)e."Glgg: r:a·~ ,ti n to ay tha all ar umeuts re arrling' Ee1igioll witl CDofmU;II<! -the tnlLtlll ~bOLlt God. an wiU ~tl d f r ver iu futil . urmises,

TlleJ{ath~ Upani bad, truly ay : I A.t~ man. ann t be ~ l~noV\m. by the study J)·f . €iiphiTes:,. by the int-cllltet. nor even b 1'1ll~ch I.earnirig (I,f rhe acred phJ1 O( hi· s, It is, attained by him who ch .l!I5-e"S.; 0 him thi tman reveals it . true- -fQ'nn ' 'th.e pure in h can em G0'CL Pbilosophers and theologians. bave to, a: - kllo~vldg'e that tl1e, Innln,it'e nti.tI,I'''e or God cannot be g imp~@g b:'y the I oar

isicn 0;'£ the finite m~md. SO-l!al,led ~tlea,~" g·a0~'. or abstract .. erm-inoIo-gie.'" are- mere

tl'ltell t1Lt:al concepts, having 10:0 real intimal~ '" ~'.h Reality, 1)0. knaw . (lid means Itp feel Ili1'lill. God re eal- Him a ]- to tlle firnite mind in .the form o-i Blis:~-I (l'~'!'H!iO~I' flit ·-th~ P)Jt ,t ios'm i f Hng . .6() ding: til boundaries of. hum,a11l Uwugtrts and jeelin,g5 antI bringing aloRg wi 11 it tIl a surance of TmruortaJi.ty. This i pltl"rtly a. matter 01 .p~r-

ption, _ 0 ::unOIJIlt a£ 1 g' c or phil 0-

p~-y er C·aJ1 JvC" thi dilemma ill tR

b.UIDIHl rntellect. 11 Y011 wi 1 Grml to nevcal Hi Eternal and .Ever-N,ew Joy to y u, you must mcdita t and n1 i't.ab~ en -Hin,': in 'th SB!cr d _ 'echl i n of y lllf


e The VI; ieker ham I omrni. ifnI! brpu ht totb s1.Jrlac~ the. ktlo\"t:r'lc 1ge- of many b r 'Ii ,for' hidd U! sin - ef t~l . social and p I)~ i lti al tife of efM:s CcC')n1,'l tr;y . I L'l pairtlictrlar , ide .altenti 11 has b en drax n to the enrruptions 'rifeilll the manllgement and. contEol oJ prisen lhT.ough ut the Iand, Th pllblicz bOllld not ~or_get the 'ltfldin,gs of the Corumi i€l<:n until tile ill;a are rem-


edied throqghou:t tlte . :r t,eul tight i.nto the prisonulls:: Every erring chUd f God e$pec;.iaUy ueeds .ympatby, Iove and justice from the more 'Of tu 11 ate. ene .. Led; la'tio'ncenaJinly can cure some f the social and admin] tr.ath'e e>ifil • but a long as man remains a he is now, in

pite ot aU cluath,'e leg.isJation, his v·ery nature, like the C lIly tail of a dog, will .ah~ .. aysgo· baek to' his erooked way. Con I qu ndr, in ora r to ereat a rial con cienee, ·a.nd.a mere SPI~ritUaJ attitude . f thill-king in ti1 cial mind our edueaters, minister!" and p€ltit~cia'tl.g. should make real God-Contact [ot th m ehres,! ,ami the teac]i~n,g Dr it to I) I~-cr ~ t.b~ g·o.a11 of their H"VIl\S, Only dUQuguuch. tran_ - formation in their i al can they hope to change i:he ,outleok of groS"$er 1ll1~d' in the populace as. a whole, The world does not need prison heu es and prisoners in. this da)" 01 .enl.iglJh~n~.d .. "''lul,t , e need i mere educational bdli:tie for reha'bilitati,lOg poOr, .ship=wliee!ked characters, and more te'aciling in 'How ele entact Cod tin Reality" spread withio the reach of aU rnankimd.

- ung peopje, lespecialny our c0Uege , ,tudctlt ~ in this cOLH'I'lry. art reported to be tired of church and lh'e ",,1101-

IDuu:ch SYS.telB. Tl:rey eldom aftend

church seek p:iri~ uru liood. 1 f Ud' is trtl~ tile Chur·ches llClldd take notice. T.h Pre te tact -hurclh h ' brougbt iT edam rOf thought during the pas rew hunrlr d years, but it has not shown to th

eek:iu!:l'" 5 u1 that Go 11' 11'1 the T, rnpl nf hi: we i(editati 11. This L the ~t

step 1: r the present-day IC"hur:eb, tOI take n th pa:thil:\,.,y of pregre -. Give tlu: youth, a taste' 0f GOdm his daily life, how him ut'l~ailjl1ig JI'l~ans by which he wilt. nreiy kn_w that God i not mrerely a _pbtnda '~g,eria of tbHOI(lgilal1'ls to be ADtlght i ()u1y o:~ uf)·day " 1 ut th~. He j ~ a Reality! more vital than Life i elf.

how hun how" until he r~·a]ly f 1 this foJ:' himself ani! eentacts ad in Reality-, and. the w Tid wil'i progress by leap and b ltnd along i l)at1l'vjta~· of prngres= toward God--Co.fiSciou ness. 'h, tb~t tb dme rflay soon come when every person, high aJl~ll \v riih and po;Qt, well-eduICbted (lit' ill itemJe:, in .~ cry i'~U-fl.lIJir1g eoruer of thj~ werld wilt be: tau.glh from

billhyh.ood thi Reali:zati.Qn or d!

In till, .(:onned;on if we tum our thoughts 0' lnd.i::a at h _ _PI" nt time;: i- it not straJI, .e that Mahatma: andbi~ vast aony gf .picltual s(9li.:li,ers are mostly collcg -bred men and! worn n, yet ,,!>ith-

u.t exception, all are 6®d-i:ntoxkat:edo Tn' ontrast frm'l1 tid point f 'iew between America: and. India, is very

:harp, al though the rea on is CITY sim~ ple The reas n is that the YOLli1:h .in Trsdia i taught to 0 above OT beyond: . 'Churchi m", and feel in d ' p meditation. each one -for Wmiself. the ap-pr ach f '0' on the thre Ibold of his innermost


'To erve this pUl"J!)o se in Am rica. tl ni'rersity of Sel f-Realjza1ion p. the Yogada. ·at-.:_anaa Headqu.a..rte:rs in Lo s .An~ Ies, California, is dedkated to the men and wom n of the world.

THE D1 r JE IR T eHR :·T

By 'lu(O sJw:k Prrr,J'i,tji

hri -rnaa Time. with its aered a - sociatica and dc.u Pl'crnorie, carries \1' back inro childho d, when v 1 e i1 '!if, ltl ' .... eet Ul! t, lb eems to appeal to ~.'IUr heart now in a liI'.a. that perhaj rU':Ithimg else doe; and the thought tha; comas with this api 'a] i -: ltv.. hat a pi' y that we are nAt mor intima elv as Qd'alc J.lM _ tI~L and in he ,COrn~OI'lI interle.ts and c;ener'al \ elfare f ur fel .. lowtn,;en I How I?athetk tha:t in pite Jli';'I! 11 ut assoemtions ~11 tnlf' r ~ation 'hip as a fUl!liom and a ra 'I:', w· s;t'" to" a verv hiu' e degr Ui. hly '. m arated-s-divid d by p er Glial irrteresr thai h, .he h'ue~ t ~ 'n~- arc irnl erman ent."

The wbole· 5.)' tcm cH tllought and ('f ..

furt today ends ke p th human £am-

ily . part, and m mom nl lile tilt

i <I., rare opportunity '{0J' each and all of U lor it will II-V:, r com again. let 1.1 think more do. ely of the pre-

i01lJ ness, f lute time, and t1 e it for tJiI fu:tuli'c.. mOT th nghtfully l'lnd llfl'selFi~hJ._; .

Those. f us )I'fho are Yogoda tuderrts realize that thefe is no ,",u~b hin a . han e In Hfe-that our Iives are 0"1- erncd by iltunolabh~ and Diyine laws. and tha tOI r j vcr surging in {l~U lu!:art the D'I \ ine piJ"~t:of Chri • whieh i ~ rn st trul v our own Di rlne na ur _ . E'Ten the poorest and humblest, and even (he UI'eate:;,t human, fWmoe. have in theiJ.· po session I his sp.irk

J am introducing Christ a- one' \ v hn


had iiircll _m~Jl)' lives and bad tpu gained . lIrffideflt expedence to bring Him. to a IfiC!a1izatl,vn .of the re~Hty 0_' the Spi,,".~tual lif~ and ql the,g:reat need 01 tuullanity. \1\ e "call hi1lill. hs!], th . Initlat.e, one (,)'f the Spi:ritu~ Teachersi Humanity.

My tn.onght -is n, t S~ much wieh th h'iturical Chri' f as I :is wi'wth,€: Divine, or Spiritual piri wbich I declare every man poa esses, Let 11- tlu-,ew o.!Seh-e into tll,e lliioug1it o,{ he gr ater po~ iiJaitie of hurnae lifo Let u . 1iloM to all that Is l'loble aad sweet and trea arable in the Ui,f the hiseerieal elm t~ and let n also realliz:e that Be' ha been mlsundr tood and 11tS~1'l. .. trpteted fe·m, the p _grinning even by those who cO.rlIDdered lh:emselyc. His '11 '". ~it1rJfl!,1 £oUO\ !ill' •

To kJ1Q1;\l this great Teacher better, OBe

nun' r aJjzl! tba, v lutig:r'l xt ne

through 5acc~s~ive tnca:matiOllS-. This: teaching of r rincarnation aff()'rd' a keJ

o tlie proper u the !.tie and mil ion of J'c. 'U_~ 'take hi's say·jugs 'rom b gilllu,i'llg- -to end, tttdy theR1 [ropn the, og'oda latldpOrlnl and y u will find y urn elf ;1'1 2 huge llI'fI.W" of thoubt. movimgout ini:Q bro.aij(:;1" cOllceptiorr '(l~ IHf!, S

UI'PO$. If Y 11 f:oH \v his 1 in • the fUture oi htlmanitr will to k righter Itp }"OI!I.' •

It wa Rob·rt Browning who, aid:

"There is an irun.o t ce"t~[' iL1, iii all, \,\"h r Tru _b a .ides in tulln'es ; anrl around,

'" ~ 11 U· 011 wall, he gro s De a 11 tl 1 m;

"Thi. ped€ct, Ideal' perc pti(nlj '\ hic]" i Truth:

:;H,any pc .ple will in rpr t, tki perl1a-ps as m anin th .. 1 th 8 T ru th. was witl in 'he phy IC~ll-it'l the fie hInt fr m oUr' tatnl,point (,ve can see that it j the tcnden jes ,of tl'l neh that 1l1lt out the Tnltb, and that hid th,e-(i'.luI in

u jecticm to neh a de Iilee' tbat it cann t expr ss i Hi ~ll1tI it is tl'~t "inme t £().l1£' ,r'! 'Il{ Truth. which accordiing to the l' ogoda ~'"~ ~ing i" the. ;picit ·orf~brl.t or tb,£ riclVl:I11ty of .chFiSt, and th:lo D!"ill P wer i in e ery man.

If we can nove in study. ill research. and in ana.lysi , aWaJy fiOttl' the lel'fh!.f oj tb 1a". a.l1d ta'ke almo~t tile ycry of the former interpeetazion of the Chri~ . we hall tb n fin -, ('}U[ elve very neat t he T ·utb, and t the '. n.l-meallill of the iTJilmcntn' Hfe of man'. n shall di~e ,'c-r tha' mal'f h 'ld a key. ill tT'ei'\<::-

ure of: treasures, the sacred .g'Olden key that ~ in '!m.ab~' him ~ unleek the pri em gat af fksb and to coree io:rtb intn the tight in an his spiritual dignity.

The "IvCJ:.rc;l "overcome" appUed rightly in hamronj- "lith this idea of the I:li'\rine Spirit. .. -olve a \"!.rona rful pOil\ver ,(),f opti~. at C1t iWI: wbe:m the wQrld is awry. when maD l1a'rdly kncwawha to ... mQrT'OW- win brht-g biin. wbe.1!11 nE! Ilnds hul:t'lanity' pitted agah'ls. its If, state eLlga11rt tate, c unky agau. t ountty"; and ,o;rtien .the Gwloi Sep'aJ'a1ti'Gll is \viden ing. In spite ·f· _he intell dual advancemerrt im: t! 'ms day. truly a apeaplg a.n,d as a race' \Iljfe are not .gQi-ng fo:nvnrd and upward,

The- J1i1 "sage af the p:i~dtuam Chri t-tile mile part of man natnre--ei 1~e keYllG e that will bring c~wIort and en£D~1Jrag~ment to humanity if it ean be met rntiOJ1aUy and unselfiShly. Some 01

ur grea mod rn thinkers ,3,,00 wo:rkers in this woik:.a,-day,\\·odd are sfiU weigbed dawn by the influe1lc ' o,f dog~ ma1;1c education ef li'm,ited 0pLeruons. and bJr the psycl'i.o~('!Jgy oftb _ pTe ent age. wbic;h evolve- (lbubt, Ui5hil1re~J fe,:;tr. and hatred ..

J.\ the human mind c-an ~a.rry on]y ju 'l sJ;?mucp- w~gb:t. oli\llr ju~·t e m:a~y burdUI!!JS it cannot 111 the shelves i the illtelleet winl the Qon-es-:;;crnjmls: ot beUd andol?inio~~ a.nd then expect to cvohl'c

hose intrinsic Iorces, these rare, everabH'ling: and et rnal factol' . of 1h~ 11"i Hal lite. ""di;ti eh ls the ~ift<l ,of 'G'h rj t.

Whe.n approaching life '\~.itb new as.pirat1on I' llope I and r lutiol!1s. w,e rnus put our mental house In' or Ih.

~ e l'lilU fm11'lt:dlate[y ch~l1g ur ut-

to Ji[ on. life, take ~ Q,ew wie""r,,:,int. and stUQ Tnttb and the Immorta rs Ll'e, ~ . { li f frOlirl 3 ne,," a-~n:l. 'Tbe iacen ive , is great. 11 '1viU ine."Ifitably force man to di d '~p r in '0 bis naltue, to the erv center or bi:s 'h.elllg. where Truth abides

ill fullness.' -

By foUowing tb:L p~th, ~he daily pro Jill lerns so dH'Jh"!L1lt. ,to cope with, "i'll'ill heJti;l Q; acfljl:1~ t~em el e to uch a degree that_ all along 1ife~s journey man will catch Jitt!·e glirn] e of the ;Ii iu - dom of Heaven 011. Eartll, whi~ J.e u taught Is nearer than rO~l dream, i indeed \'1 -l1in the lleartQf man.

Truly, ells i n i a reality in "'ery man" ina ure. even . II. ulYb he !'D:ly nc,r,CT' hax-e proKes~efl aJLly"ticula,- i~rm of r lift .I:,~b Ii i, nEW r tu.qied i~. n ,··er tatlgh it. ""I" itnr1"'cu ~n thnuglrt alouit


jj:, Ma.n is a religi~t!s being, and of ~ thle fc:,aHties, religion is the .greatest, 5~me peeple wHl nat :a:CIS€pt phl1- o.sQpby or 'this. opport\.tllity; but 110 ma.ttel" what tlliieY believe or how thev ~lve, Truth is riruiestrne-tibte. It is ~. "Jh .. h'lg power and w ill s:ta1'l.d for aU time, The ~u:,mtt-n .raee has arrived at a poin o11l11:'c.crt;;l.inties,J .of QQttbt$r and E feat's, and peop]e are (lrifting .::Iway from the Light. ,and i.f th0se wl1OhEj;ve jt rna· flo I~OrL arouse tlrJ!(~ms ·hresa.:nd a~r{l'ken in theCllUl;5·ious!l(i!sS of the Spirit .of Clilrnst. 'the._v· will drift and lea:iq their lies OIlSi through pan'l1 and despair.

Many of the external and b:Sclna1incg att-adimil!tl_tS €.II Ufe. whicll w.eloye and 'httg" 501 de.a;r'1y~ 't:liiOS.~ tl1iiu:gs \,'111(:1'1 we in our selfishness consider the most preeieus, will fadea\\oa:y in. flte eourse of time. but r.h,e gr~a.t ill1nel' kno.w]crigc. the inner li.]~-Trtlth-'\Vm never desert ns : for the-rlil is cGn'stantly a..hidin: in mar! thi~ inner. ]lO'f\;r,er,. tlhis- c01l1trrollirtg' 'pirit of Cl1ri~t. whicl1l\ will brinlt 110m' tuaU th.evel1' k:twJ1i\Tledge tn<l't ll'li<a.l1. !la.o;: irtdinc.:live Iy SQug.h,[ fGtag'es,

In spitf! of the gl.odo! and in.spiring in.c¢flo."e o~ t'h,e-ppE!sjhii'!r~i<!;l.' if:I'£ ma;n S attahnl1cnt in. the life of Christ, stiH there is unrest. in hum:imaffilcirs, still mnqul.ry, st.ill laci<:Q,f fait.h. in the self a.m.d :ill humanity. 'Th~ ;"'g;rns:sflesh" -stil1 hems 'in the Div.i:oe qllllaHty ojwlitich I s:pokc.

Let us considc.r, on the Q'ilrC 'hand. the ua h::aJi ties. the un' ,atisfying aspeets of me\·,rl1·ich I have m ntio,ner.l; and then on the otllcr hand the Yogoda view of life; - man Div in~' ill -essenee, :!o\Ollil PfO.gves~ing thrm.ll,gl1 tlUI.11Y lives, learning lessens f.fOIUl' each experience .. bro.atret1LTIg the' m;'n.d under theillell~RlC.e of that hig;h'c:r stale or 'C1!Jnsd@'U.snes&~t-h'e: Spirit in Chi'&sl-\:vhich pro.c'laims, nlan's diYin~ ttv. Wlti] .it beco~es .a" CQT\v-letion, Thell man Ieels his tar-g"er f'espoJ]siMlity and f!eachesl!!'ut in' the hlUll -§s, ow t~" fll.!\:\' s'tte:n cr th kna~Tleqge, 1i1tifh a. qg.a~ttJ

f COlUl)::tEs10n that he has I!Ic'tTr kfl>l'}\vn before. that heem'!)races lnrlil\''3.n~ ity in the s,pirH of charity an!"!' [ustice. This s~ate~lil,f mm,rl and, o'f ]jYinfr b:cICln'~ onl}r to the .life. of the Divine Cl,dsL

We ~ay read, niuk and' work away ITorn ,this ttlltlt in 3"i1 its ~Ilbnrne beauty; yet In the eoul':"sl2 0 r tirnll!, <!!lnng the great 1lI311'lWalY of hl!1lT1ao. ~:ff0tt 'l1d dlfiappointments.~ we must u.I'lhn.a.tely r:' m . to it. Hence, I sav to 'VClt1: f,'S('ck Uhe d(!"~per m,~n.iillgof "life fr· _ til the U1zTtl:)st

t;.dcesSffi ofyo:ur n~l\;, where Truth ahides in fullness,'

_I 6ijd ·Ut .Jl1jJ' tr'A-".,@I and ill my infer~, views with some of the most learned men .of the times, tha:t eyeu those. of g-relt scholastic a;ttainll1(mt are unpM~ pared to me, t I'Hc"s 1'esponsibilides. 1'! tl1em Ji'esting OJ] ~I: pdiefs a~]d doetrines, perch I'll on :Ii. clusty ~heU in their hvairns,. beHefs which are efill.phasized on aU ceeasjeus, in all a.rgu·h'Ull~t! and hill . .;;:ked up· b~· qu.o'tart:iCl'OS from other great int~J1eds Ilke thelr OWI1, wr'hC) ... (ike thc'lT1- selves, are last in h..!1!l1adt'l"l.v$ n.f u,n" rcllities. Rat'el y. in the present .age. is it to find evea an edutareli mnalil. e the highest .seh hrl'ship op~ning up

be inmo' t recesses 'of his inner I1StUf', lhn af the former type have no COIlecptlon that there j, Hn'ything beyond n hal] ... t;rY,t 'OT <! .llaH-fa1th 11)'1" a 'half-3.c:.!,,",e_p1- a~t~ oi tll~ o~d tneological doctriD'~s; or, Oil the other hand. they adopt th.eoppo~ site p'ositnQn f)f~d wateria~.iSm. _

As the miner digs,iJl the gl"lOtm'lul and works ~,r'ith th.e ,ir:ou"\']ctiqil, tll,,:t t,h~re i gol,el hidd _ n de· p il'il.'5ia,~; and ]1I..U1i!1es: on with .energetic persevera.nce in spittoT aU di.SCQ!.ll~agements, '\:'orldng omy foil" llulter.ial m.g:rrandizem11'ent. thus W~ <can cBllcej\ th~ same energy righ'Uy 3!1!lplirbd t ~rj'l"itlll;;irl·l.':e,arch, 3li.d en. leavor would hring: him to the reltlizoaHon n-f this inner mystical Spirit of I I1r;. t.

Tluollgb these simp le _ 'U~g;e;. tioas, if veu ~J'"" Jnt, re:~t~d in tlr~lu. rea,rl! the "',ord!': -of and see hew di:!t,e'r;erttly you will interpret theru. how much more intere .. rtj·l,g <lI1Jl lu:,lp,f~11 win be the 11i5- to:rieai J esus, l.\·l:ito e liie was co,niTu!led by the .spiri·t of Chri 't; OIl. nn, ('hmugh m ,I1Y inca,rnatIO!ls,. tHllti,1 He tei;l.c!:uld a stat.e o:f human }'1I(!rlcc.Lic:'1I1 and. oho:'i~ to rdurn to, tbe ~~o'rld, that tlle Light frpin rIis Father-D~i.l:y-migbtt be IUOf·C' ~l[n~· manifest in the' heart . .0.£ men.

If Uds were not SOl. 'I"l()\'i.' could He- have .l?ri"lkt~n ni Kin. <"1C11U or Heavl!1"1 flU Earth r Flow l1'l!any- peap·le are rheretodny who uc:!i .,.,ctha, it is possih'lc t ma,ke ~ KingGtom or E on Earth 2' D19 we not find t'l1e majority eVel!] of so.called $piritu.ilH)·-mhlcl.ed ,.tlOpl.c I'lf t('!l~ d]j;~t carryh~.g then1SChtesaw3Y from 111;i pl' an In the.ircQllcp.tion Q! the Ki I1gdohl of Heaven] Yog,oda teaehes U03 ;that it can be fOl:!ud ilJ.~he i ndividual Hfp .. ana that an \\Vie \1I:ax·e· In tin i .... tn ~e·e~ iot it. Onel ~ in fI' ~es;;:iol'.· of the !a.m\l~ledJrC Clfthe Di"'ine Christ in him. m:l.u win k:ROW I;_h,l'i~ he eeuld ha\'~ (0\111(1 this

'Kingdom of Heaven .on~ 'ago if he had thought rLloJ\,e deeply and ~h,'ed mo,re IUtelJli,shly"-u he had dared to tlu''ou' aside hi former I),e.liids. hi l1ard-sc;t 0piniolis.

It. ls [lot ipluJ'l,tasy ner fanatic'ism: tha: colors he apidt aimy tailk with y:ou.

j' the simple" plain WIlking of one '\ he bas an 'IIl-t:g,e in hi ,lik an urge for b t er thhtgs rr humanleie .' a (_Ill,aEt' of a" pi ration t~at mallH~eS't~ i elf in

rus t lutd continlloGs work

'''''hell'CC eem ur a. pirat~Qns? 'V(,.y

d ~ he)" give u _ h,eir I eautiful and sa~ cred touches at '~ur' be t m me-fits? Thli:Y ClJm~ in varyiTlle degree f:rOt1' :that ., j:lEmost entee in tl nU"-the Spirit of Clirist',

It is bltn;~de.rjllg '\ erk for In 0 attempt t make- dear to you .in a fe:,w Jtllnute.s all tbat I flcel Oil thJs u\lject. The e ideas tha I have given YOU are in Que sense imp'ly a cha.llenge, and in

~tnot~er sen call 1IJ.CloLILrageillel1t ~

how you that you do not need to \V,ait '~ pas~' o~t of thi~ lif,e in .ordell tQ 1&l,rl )'I'oa~t heaven, 01' to' find, the kno,,\'I'let'il'A'e i:ha "'iII brliJllg y. u liD you::r beaven, Y :tL d! no hi:r.,.e t.o ign13r any tru hs that have been proven according to yourcon-

c11"11 ;; but ycnt sur ly have 51_in som"e-

~g m,Qre' to I~ as I al 0 have.

The f8.Ct ls, we ar. so separate, '0 ' m~ vided in all (!)ur inte'fesit-. "~l e rneve a 1 f-Ilg

plel1dldly 1 admit in Q1U' material inter s , with. a: g1reat neal of pri .. 'ld f.'hes,e ~r~ :inlpenm:a~ent. 1 a:~' tFiLI.kir1~ of real! res tfant ,Yl11 s 'ay ~~nth nlTlal1 :ffOIt1- he be.ginuu'lO' of his e:ftp:rts until

h grea: ultimate=-ae 11 he reach 5 rh ena~e goal or perfection. 1 am In. .bl to hink out apy plan 'by ,,·hien J can hring- simple truth home to tho OLd aud tbe lUilllapR and the di-",01.H'.aged_ ott! r than b ~aing that to s[-udy th

. .rogoda System and trI, i:l:irake it a. U-..lingpO'\Ver in yCl10' Uf·e i to rind Tntt:h. ,Vi~~ o.o,m, and Reli<O'ion that is rar older than lhe oJ, est now ~nQ' "1. 'I'his " 1'11 b: d;

in i elf the e :)eiltia~ ma hings crl all religiol1s.

'I'he r.1Il W3(Y can 1 e found by il"leading the - -QO'lida books and fe~lill!g the touch of all that is best 1f) th rn, by ;lppeaHIIIg' ll1 01 Ie 5 own nature, b_, se ki-ag a bF.Oad1tr conception of 1H aml an (I portunity for 1'I1!)fe sel"'ric~ eTYice to on eself;

,(I"" ice to the family. ervlce to ,our ccunboy. a d fo humanity.

"Ve fi. nd SQ manv in t1l· wO'!i'ld rebelIinJt' aua] t conditions : so man,- que.lit')II·J1~ the!]" J3i It, It e lilll'ling' heir

od, and ahove all, questionil1g the atJF arent icjustk '3i'l'I th 'I or1d,. Rea~ ~hc nev ~ spapers if 'YOU have .IHD other senrce Gtf i'nfo,l-matio;ll; 3.1111: .IIDU, '\!\'ill s,ee C:'Q[)-

'1i8:I1't evide!!:ice~ (If man' inlcHumuth.y to Jn3l1. aod of the failures to' pra.dise B'foithIH'boqa in the wQfldJ but he moment we take OUT Yogoda lessons and

() 11 m nee to stu dy and pra~tis 'th J!lI daiJ • We be'gin~. find a ke to the seluHon af lfrci!\i problems a !"evcelati.I;l1'l of new PO" ibiiities i¢!r

N w it was this touch, this u.rge) th,i~ kn I, ledg'B. coupled with a great love f,ot hun,a~ty t,hat brpu,ght Swam Yog..ananda from the Ijtdc\iVor!.dJy me of hi

a~t16 od: QrQlme il1 far-off India, It wa ~ this CI)IDl'<lSS:i011, H'Ii ~ ivine urge from the m.tiJ.a pHil: of his nature "ti'Jat made hirn feel that til rc unt t be explanation and . remedies 11ll' tbe illlju&tices tl1at he wltne sed. in India, watchln lus fell , ,crm:rtry·men:'s I, and orrcw before hi e:fuanc~pa.tion ..

t is po~sibl;e' that 'the aames of the fOIJ:lldo(ll'8 of atl gI'~-a. rellgierrs , ... i:U be forgo Hell! n tin; , !:I.u t: th,!! Chri t-Spir it, 'i;Jj-ilkll i tl1ee!'! enee of religion "vill continue to be uUl.njf,estl,lH throl!1ghout eterm y. TI1c Ierm of religion may pter i. h, but the fuedamentala of reJigion are eternal. In the phenosneaal unh-c'r e name- 'and f"OntI are for . er changi"ng. but the glorious soul wh lell it i OUI[ ,qoal fa 1,ullder~tand is, hie bie cd, changele s, trnt,h of being. The o'utstaoding demand o~ til):e world' great' age and! hero. Jes.u ' Ch~i!' t. "Ira ~ drat man hould, know and a. re the soul ~1:JI:lve al) else, The '1,iTile'. heroic J esus htt .never yet been adequa ely ·1 ottra.ed in (!l tt'y i; 'pain h'Jg' • H:oi'iy-ev r Christendom i ,gr;o,wing ·weary of the a.nae.tnic, sickly. orrowillg Cliaris

o on, 'held as a pattern. J e:; u ' wa a man ,of- :phy ircqJ,. sttengfu, sqper~ Ii HI1iJ.n pO'INW. 3.11 <Jeep arid a'biding, In this ,of I 0'1,,'" I" a I1Iln Jo~r th cb urd\ tha ta.iI· 0 mterpFet Christ in terms of j€l)r and po ..... r ; ,do,amen I) los it, pre tige and i i fluenee,



By Sw.;uni Yogonmcla

Hi ~ laughter caught my be art. His jny hroke u])Qn n'u:.J'" ~()rr,lf))\v. ~V'i'th my ~it me I dllg' a d e \\1eU ill ~y heart.

lay beneaJh t,) pine 1JI'I1d~lr the

bu:. I ~1Ylll1Q' iJ~ lhehamm ~k l'1n

l hi, h n'lly d,y 18,,)' 3nd I fen tile sky a 'tir and His Presence moving l'lltough 1ne·. * ry body became 5 ill a:lldi my $:i. Ience l.."1!P dig il1g into my be 'omi until it pra!l;g a boltom~ess welt.

The bubblieg' water Df l'11Y well dam~ ared ami called all th.i:r ty thin,g~ arouqd me ' 'I;> come lind drink of its Inspiratioes. udden], the va t blae p,oured, and lunged it· blue lips into the wen oi my beart. The iaes theailiing d,OU05'., the

lll.ountains the earth" the plane· ,£Wef)'t[1lllg' j)lU its mouch Into rny \ 'ell !!Ii Eli $. All things dtaRlt Of me. Then sati fied, they _p-lung d in me, w.ithin th \l\ ell 'Gi my Ti1m:norta1i.ty. 'Their gros bodies touched the ttaWit'll!.tting t aters of my Soul, and they all beearn ~ puri£ed mto lum,in~fl~'.

Just as fhe snow-dusf f ug-or i:(J8

tb~ms h',es in a Pl1)t of sparkllitig water,

o tIle cloudl t , tall hili .' seenic . 3.Utles, tar. lake worlds, brooklet f laughing mll'1d , long' windillg eiver of ambiticns of al] creatures j - tra ellin_g tnrough j1lalllY trial of lnearnatlons, all meHed lin the Oceanic Vi. I Il or my Udlssal ,-ing lienee.



Tbee 'Dying; YOl1th~s Diville Re_ply By Swami Yog,~a:nda

In his i aughter be had. oE~ Qb.tan.J. th

ebe of cd's ferriment. This laughing _rOtlUli. of 'man ebarms lay dyJmg in a hamlet, yet the blast of lllnes 'a! unable to wJt"he.r hi miles. The don fuJ doctors came and said to, him: "But a da:r. but a day. "'e give y u to live." '1~h dar ones 01 t i b,ntiJ ~ crj(~d al Iud:

"Lea 11 s not pe r Y" uth - oI ur h arts, our· 01111. are bursting fur thee, iOIT thy plight."

The smiles i the youth o-rew lu:irrht r and he joy u .1y ahr1 pi'e~,·luga,. spok in a Vaice .of 501llJ',f: '}\h. ju t a (lar. -ea,

In a day between me 3J'd IDS'-lo t Beloved. a" th . honrs f .th cla.}" are .~I \\" t. die.. \\'he-:r1 they hay qJircdl m:v Beleved will O('L"11 the ri 011 gat~ - f my life and embrace me im Her blnnite • n 1 • th ball 1'1; or lif wiU I reak, and the nupFison.ed breath or life \'rill CiO tlJ,e JI:t'II)trt,~1 shere and reach In,y ltlHtHl:ch.late Kingdom of daioty dreams, wher 11 nigl'lltrnarcs i illness wm dare t ere.~ tl1e, thre hold of my peace.

Lam the hillo'¥"" ofth,e sea, I'll the sea I ,--ill be h.-e.. I am a du t of Lig:bt, I wm .".un in. the tar. I am a, drop o~ am'hro ,ia, I will b a ea of ne tar. I

am the river of t.~ , inO fl. I ,'ViLJ melt iu iride: 'em: . lIy nighttnar· of desires has ceased. my dram grie[ar"!! br k Ill, the nght f 1''3.1:1 hter ha awak, II • L Tbe b:tll p 0' many lives; flickering ever my earthllne ,! i :xting1!llihed forev r. My Tigbt has plunged mto Hi ' Ligh· and i pl:a.yit\g over the pleodor I .Eternity. 'l!Ie hadows of' fanciful fears have • U - P <I away and Ii - Ligllt has. pread over till dark n ok i my sell].

I am. making P epararion "\i'itb lallghter 2nd 5 ags, I have elothed all 11.1y th[lugh.t~ with llC'W .rebes, l11ave a k~d 11 'I·i!,·er fl. feelings to si;l:)g ,3. celestial .ehorus. and l. hav, roused all the f Ik~ Ih'lm,g in the villa of ·]rLsp,iration. to 11- .. e ve hi gala da.y for mc-the ray of my entry intn the Infinite Kidgt' a a sen of t11 .King of P "a e. I lut e asked tbe entries. ,o;f lny wiH 811d determinati n t bani h all sad inhabitan -ttOllB tny- Kin.gdl'l1 311t(l kin ttl,· ·'a.tnn of Fear, pain. sorrow, and attachmeu , a ight ),IJ' ad hraUon of I1Pr-ing til' BlLKingdom must; be anemfed. Qnly with lau rhter and I1g -n tjmidhy I rt dark sorrow rrili be aHOl'ed to join my fe-H"tt~·. .A. U the ubje V f my mortal KillgdQm are r' used today to COJltir1i.II"lI1~ unlea shed watchful me'l"rime--!lt. Thev are ij,1'I waiting t w 100m> h CIl~T:r -f 1 '

i-I·Ln .MJ .s' enger, DdjgbtluI [)'ath.

~"lhen he will eome I em 1:h- latch flf ftllil!'t.ll\de and 1et them iI,-oint -the free Kingd In . In.(ini .:.

All 11 e inm a fes ef m:y con e iou. n s . ilte'rejoici:ng to 1 'iii ve thi~ mortal .I? rison. where they have been lash d witl \ 1'ri ", U1U)WlI .inf the dun enns f MC r-

ain, jjiJ.!Iafe living, a: n -I ~. n ·t,anthpounded by accidents, :fa.ilure. di ea:e. an I 1IllnFlll.)in M:y iumatu - arc lad

fo dump the' 'foke" cage bri,tle h ne

a.'iH:~ throw th cage of flesh into th!!nl"" of In fin itl,· anti h~t the Bird of Parrrdi ',' nut to SO~I' in theskies Gl( BH- i1I m . ni,T' . ence. I'll inmate of mv lit ax' qui V'ering-iy. j ousiy waitini i r tb ~ • ]0,",," b ur t pass by in order ( welar'l,j,ol"ealh to come of His own

.:.W aceord and I . th ttl into Hi - K in~-

non'! at HI . 'l'enrign, cosnmand.

• Dlt. de:arones," the youtb. continued,

ejeice in my jo)' em Ule: eve of my freed m from the mortal pon'on--Iohg be~ f,ar - u, F r In no br aking of bon , no 'ac.cidents. no fear of Iailure, nor I nl'llilr1cial hJ S will e.VIU" exjst roo unpaid I -iUs wilt evtw ~e{'p saw~ng tbrottgh my liuiufll. n gre d for 1 o.s .~j n' .. ,·m . ,·ef


be gna~~g at my-quI. No dhicoUti:e,-

ies, or 1 aggiul' or l1Jllar~el I r pain or di ea e wm· ever da:rrf make a ·n.Qi e -..:vhen aU the doors ,of my eases are closed, 'nor I will be out !foaming witll ID}' 13elQ,red ~~'. the IX,aets cd. eli> mic ~~e.dom.

l"n do not. \Vi It me to be back in ]0 our 1 risoa jus 1!;> jqin yo_u belple~sly in 'O,llr ehneus of \ 'ails, ut if it is needed will g-lad:ly CQJl1.e a -miUicI)'D times, wearing tb-e J'oiles of Immortality, t~ ta,~e YOIU ut f YOUir l1.lQl·taJ 1 TlS III to my" home: ,Qli HIes ed Freedom, I

I am free 1 I will SOOL\ be out, and vill be indeed v~ry sad to look a,t YUill throu,gb YOtt-t' ptf:soln bar of mortal life, lock d 1.lI_ in )70l1r mi ry-_mai1-fig mundane. prison.

• 'Tis- now JI.~ tbrula dn-y /' as the

doctors ~y. I ~;ill be ,3Lway 0;0 my Iofin.i e way. No music is sweeter tha"f), lh ong' I \~U ~ing e ery DlG:tD 'ot : 'No'lhni thall a day. Less than a. day •. 'til my B~~o'lrlexi comes today. iIII the dazZHll chariot at Dafh to take me -away, t(} take me away to the Kingdom of

Deathle s to the Pa.lae of Eli -

D' ' f' e: U

r"eams. at: ~ i;LT I aCWaiY·

\fOlLl Wl'LeJ_) flJlr me-dark tear. w'e:.eping £ r your r s in me.~ut l ' .... eep 'for yon j you tears, ecau se I am going before you I for your lV\:te_lbre' s 'sake, to Ji,ght-c.m~el ot l\l'isdo,m a.I~ tby way, and will wait to wel ome you tb re, where I will be 'w'iffi 1tIyn]r "B'eloved and -y"GHlr'.S.

i 1 H A E "',0 lIP


A pontarreeus 'e. pre slon 'or aetion u ually reveal the ebara f1;!r of a per 9n best, ]n pro-a,rl'anged 01' pr,cd,etefmined circlll11s,tano III really vicious p rsen mil ht Ida an a.ct of "p':t;;ue; arr idiot m:iight '1 ,ak wor L of li j dern : (it mel-hearted beast bebi,e as 1I Lo\-.tng child of

, d : ,vher as, the v 'Ii' .. day, I.-J"pr rn 6i tared conduct of anjndivjrlual is a fairly d. p rtCl!,l1I)Ie~ :ine:ll X ,of b,i true character. lod - d, often urprised t-p find h '1;' pCirecU~ a ltasual espr SL ion r veals th inu r natur .

'This grea,t tn~th is very weB. pe:dUIIJ best proved in the lire Q& tht gTea,t Savi Jr. Jesus Christ, n afterneca, e--hulding a _ ti-red' and hun ry nm_!ltitud • the great Son of God aid- '1 have com-

_aslon om Them.1J Tills one, simple exre simn has revealed the wnole nature of J e Ll,S Ch.ris.t.

Je UB was' e ide th Sea .01 Galilee, Hi dist;iple 'I, ere l1V1 th Him land a hug 'multitude had followed after 1 .. im 1 T tl1n~e: days. On tIie Uri:rd tbl)i' tlh~'J" weer€; all l'lungry and wea.ry. The discip]es kl'lle\ tha S001'1 everyone must c.ry. aloud fer. £0 d. 50 they S p'R,ed J sus and aid,

• Ma tel' pl :1 C ten' tl~ se P CIIple to go 'a,C;.k t~ their b meso 'bccaihe' W,e Have no

food, to g:iv _h rn." r~d Jesus aid.

They have continued with me nrn - fOT _hI' ., a"j" 3J:JIcl have 1I ,thil'llg' to at ; and I v,.--in I'Diot send them away- fasting, ~ __ they faint ill -tile way, L b_:lve €Omp,~·~on on them," Can you reaJi:ze til tendernes J esus had within His he:~Tt for h ~ p ,pl? neHnT d ~ry to f el th

end eepress e r ju these

11 rds, . I will no~ ud them. (,\~a.v Iasf- 1ng le'"'t they faint in the"! ·ay. Now for rlrr -e days they have continu.ed with me and ha,r~ had nothin:gto eat. I w.ilI 11,01:

e"n(l them. a ':\ray :fastil'1,g. [est they ~aint ill th .. vay, r have cnrnpassion (In them."

These peoph~ were ubt tbte di ci_P~·s a[ J S'U"', Of whom he was ill! a eer-tain sense responsible' and, to wti,om He, \Va bQlU1d b}r the do, t hU:n;),an ti s, They were just a multitude of .ordinary lwmanit)\" I {oUQwiJ!]lg' Him to secure t.heir 0:\:11( illdhdduaf enid j seme to be healed of dea,dly ,lllise,ases, 8GUle aut of cb.:rill -ity tID see the Inirad. oif whi 'h he' had heard, some " ith. the- half-hearted ~be'1fef tha H wa ~h prol,llise I M;e ian. Yi t 1e' I)... d[c:1 It,at regard them as mer strangers. He reclei ed th m -a~ Eli wn.

tm l'tlOrre, lie 31c(epted tlh-em as HJ very :l:eH as part of His VC'fY OW'Ii'I beio-. Hox r~ Ib n, ¢QuJd He "send hCl'l1. ;l\"'I'3(Y

-L. ... :._ 1 'I. •• • tb ""-II

1<1.- ~i-g" est Hey am t m '. e wa-y r

1-1 e idenltifi d biTl1"e1f ".., ;itb tbem

tlU"Ol~g:ob Hl CO'l1llP3 S10n. .He id'cnt::i1iled Hims If with them to such an exterrt that He I cmllC alm-.. on.e, "ith them. Th~i'f uJI~ wa His :suff . ring. heir hunger \,j a. His htUl:g r, Their w arlnes Vo'as Ri,~ weariness, Their d;c;:ath. wonld have been the death IOf r·nmselt Therefore, J:-Ie CGulQr no} .( end tlteri1 away la,._ fing, t _ ell y Cai'n· in h way," In this in tance we hehold Jesus Cbri t a. a, true 1'1:13.n, '1 will'lg lQv,c. and tel~derness---hi -rea, [ a:ttituth::' t{)\\1,ard humanity. In th;i ~plc He ha'.ht us h n.... vie houlel livi with ne an ther iii this ,v·orld in ace rdane with the Go1l'fem


~ l'\CCept. "Thou shalt 10y,12 thy ne:igh~l}F a th)" lL'

The entire lite (!If l~us was a IHe of cempa ,SiOl1. Every actien wa an expre sioJ"Iof His cQ,mpassiollate hem. It j.- hnpo 'ib1.e for us to f' ·,,,fe,'\!' :ill 0 tl~e1n, but the selectien QF a fc:>o'>' :itleidents l1'la,r

uffi'cieutl)' re cal to us tb:!is pI:Cl'Vailing lnoti e wtdch prompt'cd Him to do His u' .rk.

Hi first p,ulllie ,,'ork t .. k i>la "e in a 11ttJe country "i,-il1lag,e called Cana at GaliI '., where. at a !.~tival TIe changed water _into wine. Tfl some er IJ. ae, merely performed a mitaele ,thrDL!g'h $OI!IHI supernatural pml\'cr; a power ),'et Ilnkno\vnto phy icalecieuce,

u we.!:1 known to the 1: ,ogis, the spiritual ~ clentists 0'[ aJi time and all lind. _ evertheless, £ralltin{ ·that it was a mjraele, wbat"' wa~ the real nome? ""':3, it to . 110' ~ his OW11 spirit'ual power? 1£ we are t.o believe that He di 1 it to how Hi

pll:q1.uil power tb :1 w .. han be ·d.z!·acliog Him to the I \~ of tbe black magiClaA ro;",ho pedQrn1S lti tri'c.ks a; the CQfner of the street Ior 'he 1 a er-by to see and praise. n. on the tlrer hand, we

ay th,at HI.:. did tht uliraci:e te gia'I'iry God, then certainly tbat"\ a very Pr:JOl" 'Ij ay fur a. ge-eat oul Uk . Je'u. tfl ma,uite:t the . lory o'f til • Almi. ,h .. " re~t!'I)" canna believe iliat He: wanted to glorify

Qd l)j.r 1.ll,is, a:C.h, 11, J) C~l1S an almo similar opportwl1i.yhad come to Him before., When J~s!;lS had fated 111 the W,ndel:~,:ress fC!l~· fo-rt)~ day and [otty u'i,ghts, the telnp~er tune to him saying. "Th re are the stones. l1rel~ the great

on or God can change- them into 1:e:ad

t ~aU Jy ',9 wn tum er." Bn: Jestl

rebuked him with those ln~mt'rtal w, rds, f Man hall no Iive bv bre:ad alone, but

y e err 'WOI'Q that proee deth O'-It l4"lf the mouth (ilf (Sod,," 'rhus, we may r ;,1- ize tht4t Jest~S di n t perform the mirad a Cana, to . 11m,' Mois \\'J:l SJllTitua.t pow', or to glorify His piritual Father.

'" butt. then, 'was the moti ve df thi acti 11? It wa Hi e mpns i,on, 1 u t pi ttrre the circum' fanee of the incident. 1 hpiiit1~all,. ~millded hous ebolder had in ited: his fri nds to tll· ma '1·i~ue fea .. It mao n ,er have aeeurred to you that thi ho was a spiri .ually-tni do d man, Perbaps yeu would like to knOt'< what

I'oof I ha ..... e that h. wa. Th {act ,that li~<on'!lm 1ike l\.falry and Il'l,e~' like Je::-ns and Hi ~lis(:iples ~'er' bl'lrited to r a~t i sufficient proof of the Iloline of that llUU:l. Now. a '110 t of tbis- nailttf'1il

lo,uud t_llat provisron for the eutertainment ot hi guests \ 'as insuff ient .. Wit]leut . '(lubt, everyihing withm tl'ie mean oftlt famil.y !lad be· D provided ra.r thi. great ClccasiCln, 'but stilt there was . Hot en,oug]l. The he pHablel'l'HW felt ljumiliated and miserable when he found there 'INa no more wme I!o serve hi gLU~stS. Mary em . to have n tked itJir t md ·she klle:w that Jesus had power t help

h i r l~o t. . 10 she approached h r on and said" ~heJi' have no ,-vi:ne.n The nply of Ie, u se 111- alrno t brusque, a" he ~ nta eOllsly rent. d t 1l.1 e His spir'itnal ppwel" in such a ea e. He. knew tl~,a:t ,uch ,an aetjon 'WOk! td "l~olli1tlece'rtatn fusrdamental spiritual 'Irf'i\"·-.. Then, of a udden, Ie u realiaed the humilistiqg Ituao nof rIi h st. I;l:e looked 'at the kind old man who was Hi ' b:iend. lie aw in hi faee the rigo ol humiliation and grief. .Hls Iov ing .heart was oucbd. He -ceuld n Jon r r efuse to help hirn out of his diffic_u1ty. His compas inn 10\1 erpowered RIm and rIc rchre. antly a~(;eded t€l his lEoth ear , request, 1 u changed water Ifl' 0 WhH!,. C()tm:!ipa .. si J1 was the Itrue motive of this ad. 'Vid eut (J04lD:t. Jesu- vi hated a law of

pirihtality in this net, He 'U1iliz d His tpiri~lla. power flU lllilt:erlal~. In a Iile of pidrua:li:ty dl:i s i a I'n heinous crime. Yet~ wben we oansider thfs actin of Joe u from aneth r I'uldpein, the stan dpoint ofcompa ion. ,vc cannot' but tlH)ort lJi C '0 Iuct. Tru l,t is; He -",i:olat d a pititual [a,w~ bllt He Q,bey'el a hi ber law'. perhaps tb.c highest law. "rhe law five and compa • itiltll. Lo e is the hi hesc law. Compassion i the, highest \ lrtu . Jesus cb yeo the 1:1,,\. of 1, ve, when in Hi! 5:rst 'public 'W fit ~n a~a 'nf

JaW I e reveal d Hi· compassionate

heart vhi ht g,ovcrnen all tl1,(!' day" of Ri . lif •

In the course o: His mill'lish"y amt::II1g IP n, ..T e ·lis fl erformed various 'kinds af miraeles. Among h 1-It healing ln~"~ a mo-t prom inent part, i111d t11 stories of

he c in Ilea e that H I 'err rrn dl 111 re physical hgaHng5 than an 'I her 'a\,;of'

r whom w hav historic record, The d ~lID t came to J l!1l1 and hu I" l ill to song in prai ~e of the glmy of od, The blind wer 1 le . d M·j [, ight C)r !, C' nrs tim" by biholdiMg the glGrr of (;0(1 in ma.tI al~d in lli!1iture, hecau ,I.: J e us had touched tbeir eye"i. The lame ~ egnn 'to dance with joy and prnie Qd .. becnn ] c.,cns t Id tpem to ·tarl(,~ u[1 IIIn walk. If i'" ,a :mal L at record [hut aU who to

JI sl,i _0 b k',ealed were healed. 'To wha

motive can we a eribe thi oc!:]y 'Woliik

,:f Je u? '\Na it to glori.fy Him ~jH CeTt.ainJy not, as it to glorify Ci~od. Perhap. 1311t ttl principal rea On for all Ris n-eaiing "Ii-ark was neithru-or these. The pr-incipa:J rea on 1\.'8 Hi cornpaS i~n for .uff_ering hu~;;mity. ,

':('11~_fe lS on~ inniderit whlch dearly shows ,"1S- the real mn rve hat I)T01'!1p'ted J e us '0, heal ,qu:m a.nlty 9f Its ph £ iati diseases, Tid incident occurred at Je· rusalern, near a P 0.] y the beep g:at' which was called TIet:h,e da. It .:\ta' he 'I, -Her or the people dint at a '(i,e,r1::aitlseasen an :a:ng~1 'c:;:a,~n~ d 'VfI'U role the pool and tronl)1,el th water, an 1111af: the on who ootild ftr,~t step imlo th~ water after 'i wa rou led vmultI 'h healed of an~,. disea e he !lli ;ht have. Uany mu ~ have I, en hea] -d in that \·1,";), ..... , and n~,a:_n, more 'wer~ 'waltTng, all.''C;olrl; wab: lingior the

211 rt III mOln nt. Al~l 111g 'h(~· wa an iJnp nt nlan.imp tent for tlliri'yeight ,~' ears, iVbft know,. ""0'1'1': I ~'I_g he mlgb' h'f,l' ... ,-ail; I ther 111 'b, horo~ I- 'cing' h,€f.,!ecl.? Probably it h~d bC!¢D: a, "'ery long time, for'~ had I~', p1ant h'clp hi n. Every titnc he cbserved that the water w <: trc(lub'l·d and ''I/I'01Lilcl lila stl,1:pped il1:1:1l } • sGlmeQne e who ~vas_ Ie ,afflicted te~,ped (1.0'\ 'n before him. He had le t 11i1111110/ ~ ,c;~ft" e. -Xct:, he wa w,a4ti:ng, peibaps only to be dis:q)pai:nted again. God alway b 'lp_ the man of f;aitth ttL ugh ithete lIlba1 l,e_ 'nn mortal to' eare for hili'll. _ 0 it \ a in the cas 6If thi po: T (jfipp]e~ Ofl~ da}' J 11.., baq:~f'ei1 d 'L pas ~ I?!. He. a w the lu~lple. s man and at on knew IMi conditi ,n and hpJ ' lOll;g' he ha b - ell wai ling. }e ~UL came 1.1"3.r him and asked. ~'"'W'ilt thou he whole." Til miln I,"(! liel\l. f" it, I hav 11 man l hlp, me; and wbeu th'e water is troubled .ullltnt'l'r al-

ep Q" n h (r~ 111." Then

Je u: llii'd fa hhn, ·'Ri-e-. take up tho hed and walk! .An~ iri'nr1 dj.eJciy the man was '1Inlillid~ \' ho' 31HI k up hi·, bed and walk d.

Mark, wha a ~ 111pa ssionate hart!

This man dld not a It to be 1,1 alec-! by Jew, b~t the,. m merrt III su bim

J had compassicn on lUlU and h al d him'. In ever}· other re.c@:rded 'ea c or [h)·sical hc,alin~ the peop • cam n 1~ u .. t be he,aled.. They pra,~"c(! "t() be ~,ea1 I :;tll\,d ,,,"'c're 11 aledo H Ip'l' • "' IOn. lOllY he:;:,ide til I'oad:in the bope lhat Te us ~6tlld pass ae'n] eJ')D gh fa_r th m to toLt~h the hetl~ of his g:'!rment and he h~'l'1J.0(J. ancl

they- 'WC;;!!."f! heah:d. But m t1llii instance, Jesus Himself 1: etrt to tbe! man an:cll asked,.' 'Yilt thOU. Q~ made '\l'ofh!?c1e?" This man d~d not e en. knowwho J esus was, for 11 aUdireS's'cl Him il_ "Sir." The poor 50'141 dJ:d OO~_ kl'I.o,\v tbat t~~, vGry incarnatl n of 6Qd wa. tanding befo e him DfE~ri1lg; to break hi bOt,f1iige, Indeed, \,C'ry!of en \vl'len mer :y cernes lironl

ad, it comes thu u.nexpec, edly upon Us. - dly o4lHil!ilJ)a sien ,'" the basiis of aU the physical he a Iill'-s of Jesl1 .. He healed the suHerer ,oecause FI'e had OOIl1iI as i 11 on '~hem.

- <The ,Gospels also.jrive th record 0-£

U'lora~ hea Un g in the J1'I; n i try of J esu

Chd' , lJ,ifering lmmani'tj; Hut they

ive u. tb.c record, of OD]}' Qllf ea e. Ac;ot,din~ t, the M,o.3.t<o Ja-v., a woman taken U1_ adulterv was to be t.olQed t

death. ueh a ""QU'HUi\ w~,,, Qliought before Je 'L13 P:'- $~ . ,m es and Pbaris€;cs. Je 1.-1_" 'k,ed lIt the aceu ed tl!lldb.f aeCll, er. IT I: did not an '.\\~e1f "iliem a ~Ie :vor , nut He to ped do\ < n and wrote w ith His 'fin er oil t11- ground. ,,-Vl1at could He, have v written that \ .... uld so

nfOLlnd I lrle~¥ man < whe toad ther

witl a stone: ready Co tag a.t thewoman? He wrot tb various sin which inte~t the human heart, Th n H ~,id. "He lila is wi Ii· tI! _h'i 311!1l0ng Y'OL1. let lrim JiLt east ill stone atl\t,er." .'\fter a Htt!. whl1~ all .tbe a_'ll er had turn fl a~ll A d. Je~u < 10 ked down at he woman at hi feet 8.J1d .said. 'IV en;um. 'I'o'b~;r,e a:re these thin ae us rs? I~ arh 9 Inan 00- demne thee?" And hean\W~Fed. I'N() man. Lord." 1'1'1 'n r u 'aid u11~ her,

• ei'thmi to I 'condemn thee' go and :in no more.'

};ifark. ::.gain. the com pas ion of Jesu • He coltld be. e Pllblidy ~enollrl'l;:ed the c UHUl h_' citilll{ (1 ir iJ1idivid~aJ in!" hef,[)Il"j.'~ the 11HII'lti,tm1e.. rTe ci1):UlCl have I])itt r~y 1:, [nlk the WOt:IJla!11 f r belmvlo,t whi' h h < emll mncd 'ch where in 'no uncertain terms, sayin. • ~'I'llltha~ I00'keth ~IP0'n, a w ,inan lin!';; after h' r hath alreadv commit etll adul er with IH~F ill

hi h~'~ rt, • ut He d~d l1eithc'I'" R

J..-n:e1 .. r Irerle-;tiy ,vel I that none f them ~ 'a. withol1 s~n. bu ' in teOl!d f act:LJ 41ft them H{' had compaSl11l'1- 011 them, _ estl. eenld not denouuce tfl{~ m 11 bt>cau. H had t~ml ~l~_i 11 m'tl ,lb, ifill, Ill' (', ul '( noll 4JDU leltltl th~ w man i1ecaLtS'e HI'! turd {"Ottll a 'ion 1'1 11 r. I:::I had, mp~ ':;:1011 not nly Qn the a u. :ed. bllt" alsn £111 th.aceu 'cr . Through His Otl1pa ~sion J :m. lH~a,_lerl tilt ,\yo"'ian (if mor1ijl :."1~1. It 5 "em

pr-o:habie that he healed the e. men 0 their bigotry. a \\ -II.. Thi. c mpassioD that. w tks botil WBY' is after aU the highest e:.,P'E'cssjon of . DO l1lljl CIi aion, "Thi. Divilll1le C-l1lpaS'~61:1 'WcQ, tine motlNe of His moral ae,aJ..ilngs.

Jlesus gave spiritnal bealitl\ . ,laO. H are, aph31 we have record of ene irtsltaucc. It ,~, a. in the. case' of Hi disciple. Peter, It was on that last sad nigbt IOf communion ~ld I ave-takhl,g b h\~e 111 - aster and di dples Jesu w.a alone with the t\ elve, Natuml1y their talk t~d t u-"o'C:ion and faithfnlll " Among the dis.ciple . Peter was, the: illGSitB:rC,ent and 2C~JJ,bU. , He was g;ivelll, to acting and

peaking 011 impulse l,,·-j hont forethought or r serva ion, Tl'1a night. fa sudden. Pet 1" protested hi to " f0~ hi ~laster. ~a. ing, "Lord, I will lay down my lif.e ir tby ake." Jesu an \ er tI qui - tly, -perhaps with justa note af sadness in Hi voice, t·v rilYj '\' ri~y. I a:y unt thee, tbe eock shall 0:,010 ICm\iV, till tholl ha t denied me thrice."

Later, that same lligbt. Jesus was ar~ted, Before He waa c('nnmitt:ed til') th high prie ts and Pil~ 'e:, He was taken int.o <ill ball where He w surrounded an tortur d by E'Bugholdkr and oth r m 11 and women who appeared to hate Him.

." w, P ter .and 111m. had botlt gQn, allo~g '\i·.rit'h Jesu .. the place. JOhn, who was known to the high pries to, wen t in ·'",·ilth je u . . ut Petre-ro cl outside at the donr_ Then the damsel 'that kept tn deer $ai' to Peter, "Art thp'u !'lot fine of 11ris man's disdpl If and. Peter repliled. I at'D nnt," John was Tcokin for Peter, but he eeuld uot find him -in the ball. '~'hen 11 1, arned that he wa

till 1L1 ide. John wen trt and br - ugllt P ter ill with him, .Peter did nat go to hi l1astt!r. Me stood near UDI," 'fire with the crowd. warming-tUmsrel!. -om eon ein the Ero~vd asked him m he \:vas no one of Jes:us~ disciples, but lie de:nierl again. By thi time !.it r wa.s verv much afraid. lIe wa I r cognized hcyc

o ,6: though it ""'ll he. t ( r him to leave he olace, He tarred l. mak hi" 'liCl3V steal hlbr toward the door, hut a ~ervm l f th· hOi h pde. t a kin nan oi the n

\ he e ear Peter had cut off. who would [O}' hls reas: n hav gpod ca..u t remember him. said, id I not see thee in 111f arden with him ?J' Pete:r again. angrily ntade hi· denial. Peter dC'-nir-tl. He denied again. BIZ denied fo-r the

bird ime. The mom lilt he had don' thi inuneliliately ·he. celt er w. Feter

topped and zemembered the werd 0 Je Iaster and weataut and, ept bitterly.

Thus brieRy: a very poi,g:n.a.nt scene of 'p!ritll,a] awake[l~l'I.g i de,cdbed, a scene Qf spb:ihtal awakenln:g wwch ne ~ortnl could ver forget, L t t't pause fur a. moment to; pjcture the detaiJ of 'tlult scene', Hearing tbe cock crow, P tier. wno bad been so persis Clint in 11ls eJl:ial that he forg().t every ether consideration,

uddenly remembered the ayillg of hi' Ma er: and instinctively lilGked toward the end of the room .. ~~h re jesus was. _T esu loQIted a:t ]:dnl, He just lo-oked at hhil. But what a l :k till.' was, a i ok (if love, a look of" sympathy~ a 100k ,m under .tat'ldiing, a • ok i eompasaio». That look pierced s,~ deep Into the heart of Peter nat he '''' nt a:wa)' out of the ~jl'h,t f the bele red Mater whom he had denied and wept 'wept bitterly. ne 1 k, th eempassionate - 10 k f - I!-Su awakened the sleeping con cienee within Pet r, That 'cons i nee b gall te prick Peter $0 shatp!.,>.' dlat 1",:: re.aHz d his (iowa weal!cJ'Iflss. So be went out and wept 1 i :terl~~ o. er his 1;1"\\"'11, 'l:i!i.orrtcfHtllng.

n J ved the fir t real tep ill piritual-

it) mu a1ways 'he a; ak.cning J

ur' Own. individual con ci nee. t.hle. OOtlCl' nee that show us OUT' defe ts, eur O'W'fi mii dee $ our Il"l·m nortcli)IInit;t'gs. That ecmpassienate 10 k of J~nHl F rhaps f r the first tiw·e H~ht d ~n Pc sr lll,e tQrch 01£ spintualit)' in 'the t[l(~ sanse, From the moment ef that tpiritualillulldnatiOIl he coUld never- be the arne a .aill, becau h wa 11 al d 1:1,\' that compa: innate look f his piri1r~lal rn!1t'

T'h,e mpassicm and l'I':)Ye I ( . e u n

His La t wm:ds to I i~1 di ciples rnus t t0U h th heart of eyerv man an. 1 \'rirOman who read . er hear, them. M:lrk the words !Dr J Sl1 s. cl;~most 1-1 i 1 III st to t1105- clJio en fe''''''. Jesus was g:!.'~ng the.1ll lli~ la t me sage. He told thet'T.~ ab ut 'His comin rucifi:citm. Th .. · ,"'-1irU comWdely dejed~d ~nd 4illl~ar,~e:Dedi. rllH~icr gri r vas unbearable, They could nor endur the thought f eparati n Q; em

1'1 . r b. 10 ed Master. Th -,. C31n el. e to Him. The« embraced Him. ' h. n -w hear rendilllg' ~was that C~ . ehol Hn_g the ~OIT(l)W of His disciple s, His loving heart wa.s moved with Ic()mp~g 1.0n and

Ie Slid. -'T will 11,ot leav Y U comfortless. I ':!lin come. to y u aiaim~ Belewed, 00. no w p, do 1l0lt gri (!'I."(!. I wil [ not leave :'tOU omfertles«. I :1.·m cnme to'

jOt :again.' uch w;;t th;e <;Qmpa lli very origin anrl ~ urce of their own

01 Jesus for J i disciples, :tlO, not exjsten~. Sel Je;t; was 11ft ved w~t~

them al ne, but for all. I i will cempas ion for all o[ th m equally, and

leav;t you com (ortlcss. I will com cod d aloud, "JiatlJer, 1Dlfghre them. for

vou a ain.'· hey know n' t "']1:1> lh:x do,"

• )r~t.' there i one- more lrurt;;u:\ce -which It was g,at ecau e th 'T CO~11ittea '"

prove m.e., than any othef. the ~o~:pa.s- ,ill ln the eal"thly sense of the rerrn lb3.t

·ona e bea:x:t of Jesus. Beho1d FI1Jn OIl J su h,ad (on,lpassio8 on- ttk!m. 'V(Hlt

the cr ss with pail pi,erd:ng I-lhi baqds drffer-me eould it make it) Him t\"'Ju:1!:JJer ami a crown of tborn upon Hi head. His physical body was destroyed In' p_re~ Up D OD,e ide a thl f wa :re\rillilg Him. SeEV_ed? They could not crud'ffy lli~ nl, .\.- th- I ot f th r s IH~ ra.h 1 R I-iOO eompas ion ,on tlJ III ra ber '~IfIllotkeciltim. A liW'e as-ide; a smell 'grmlp cause of their haro .... heatted cn1c~ty. their huddled tog til sr, w pillg t r "Pl. ugline-ss all, 19n ranee. He ha t:' mLooking down Ulllnn tb'eID -ITO'lrI the pas i()"TI on the,r::n because of du~i':r nrisltb~onle "oJE-l~ ~Clmpaa io~ til. Kiflgoi erable ~OD,rlJtiOJl, and f1t'Qll1' theel)" CQn~

.KJ~, 1ZI held them ,an, H!fS' fn nds ''''11 of Hi,scompa ,iona e heart He en, d

were aecu .:tug IIi 111. His friends who "Fah~l". fio'rg1N'e tbem.or they knew " ere tpoLlnliug fOf Him. Thee, Iif jng J1 1: \,~hat tile d ,"

up t~Iis e res to be3lV'en. He said Father, Forgi .. -eness jsqot a neg:a-tive:u,aJ:i.zy.

rorgi',e ,thern for they knQ,w not '\vl1at it is a po itive virtue. T [rgiv¢.~· t they .,0'" At this moment fhe c !llJ ~ - g1\' swee spee h for sour ITc\-iling. 1,o e

ion (If Jestt kn ·~v I'lll bound. .' [an for hat r,l[!d , ldndneoss, fot Oen,gm" a:ll<! alH1Iv,e

lta nat seen un the tLee of tl1'l eal:"tli a a't1. wi si'fom for j. 11 ranee. In dti sem

better manf,f ta,t.ion of Di"hJ Iljlpa,s- J~l,;l the CI;H:i f p.r-aredfo,r rOTgi~ll:n .~.

:on than 1:11i. It \CHlS tr11l11y the Di"Fill ' forg;ivt!.ll ' f r all rnahJkiI'ld. Fath rt I

CO'll1pa-,__Jan. He _qad. compa IoU! en all pray YQ;D. forg:~, them beeause I have

of them, His foe \ ho 'had deliver d Hm CORtpa,s ion on them. FQf'~Jve then,lIl. i'Ve to' ~,e ct-udtied. a '¥en as 1 1 friend.. them sweet speech, iv e heLt! love, ..-ilrc He had 'olupas i on b who l:I h-em JPnd:qe5. :_h~e them wis.dom. FOJ"~ 1::), tbeh ignorance were _mitfiil1_! their ~iYI 311 heiru1l's ti SI lu~d Jti\'e 1;[, III

:O;'Q lh~ . ill, l'lr~n as [f In levillg li -_ peace in their hearts, Father;. forg,ive ciplea, Hia motherand o her 1'0, ~ecr one'. th 1, f ,r r hav eompa ion 011 thasn. '\vho were meurn1n!lr For Hbn. Xl') the .\

~ """"men.

1110<1"1 t an very ene f d'l~ml wa In

mieil'y the profouud misery 01 a world (Th,is e r iitll~' wa ct~Hvt'f;'e.d lly Ihiilhurhi'ch could cr~u:ify on r the high: -t rnathariji b :forl! th Yogtldll lety of -expre ;;iODS upon earth of he- Godhead. Was:ltiil!rtOn, U. .



B ... Ai'1:lt C POl'tmr at

Tuda\'. r drove ~1:JIl'iOt"lltr'\" '-!Jioa'tls YOGOiDA. SAT'··:S,ANG.A HEAD~

Pnr "mile_ and miles, "I~'b r III QlJAR!I'ERS

caUetL· 38'1)0 San Rafael Avenue.

I sn baretr. and g1'a e dry, Los, Angeles. CalH .

• \.nd rt 'I ami i e the highway. I y. For the Ii t time, at ummer . hoo1

I saw God.' Iove in e\re-r:,.\rthh!'lg.-- is be Cl1tlueled dur-img July anI!:! Au-

Th .. heel' who. \\'Clol 'k, ps them all gust of 193_ in Qur outd ~)]:: auditoriuJJIi.,

"'Cl.rm \\9; h lass s in our '''Temple of Leave '.

The cow who doesn't £,e.e_L the cold. You ,viI] find herea m t u.RiqU setting

The birct ifI'h h lte:r from the for piritua] training U11d ra ie gui-d:'"

.:J:OE'!I!l1.. ance i su~mler :,w'-a_tl'mtb witl] cool night ;

Til . hilnillg I] It· - ec d l?ri -ht an jdeal lUll p Paradis adoruc' ,. 'itIl

The sinking sun' ~ -r~sp1endent light,_,,- $11D hiue; i:ntoxicating fragrance of flow-Pink. bill ~Hldgf)Jd, 0'£ It 81Vr:l:!I" 0\\·11 ers: mQun aln in 'the near di ~

hue tan Ie;, the moon and ~he rninklin;: Ii .1~t

Greol'lli: and purple, indigol, teo. ,.of. Beav,en _r~ece:d ,M the blue P~clfic.

~ )\\'. late at !t:I i Itt. Ii'll. 's duties o··r and miUion", f m:tn-macletar 'V r

[ sit me down ]-ehil'lo dp-e¢t d I r, tw;~'!arng on the <1arke_",t nighb hom the

The sense turmoi] UIilW noteJ ... is, Jight!!> cl'E the c't!C's f Bol,tywCI(;Id. Pa .. a,_r rev 1 ill God-Conscj,otl_ness. dna, and 'Gl,~mdale. R, re oj 'i~ a. y to

realize Gi?d and 'ev'~h!Jpl seH-rea!li~afioo, ea ier than it Is where city noises ae'Co,m pauy Sa tan ic dan 1,;:1e5. H re the. blessing of quietness l'ei,gns day and

n_gb"t_ ,

This Summer School is eS_])ledally for residential stud nts of erene, l armenioms disposition.. IGQad :food and lodging, f.r ed(')~u of the en1th· gr unds, cccasional eli.:! ur i ns hil' Mt \1\ ilson (th ,greatest obse.n·atory :in the world) and al 0 to the mea.rijy ocean beache -~n tAf=- e an be had, together with Yogoda HJglJe1" Traiaing, for a OJ minal sum per week.

Swa:,ttli YQgaJU1Qd~!l.; b.iJm, elf "vith. a 'Lew wondarful teach 1'5 and disciples; wUI conduct this training clreal tmtler the tr E!S. mOT1 ,rrati n~ of d Il i 1'C' telepaUry and brrrial under zrnund 'Will be

iven b}' Y gi H~miQ Bey. 0 easional I tur u~~ rahm aeharee N rd. R. K. DaIS, and other YogCtd,a Center['5, whe ean c me, 'I:\~Jt be adclitiolltal f,eatltre

f the Training School, Trainin in the nighest cons ion contact 0 ~'oc1 and tra,l'Iscende:tJ:tat conscius tranc !')vill begiven lily I wanri qga!nandil.. and t{. ining to coeae ne with h Infmite, and ~t the ",,-arne oae to be enseious oi tlu' body, 'Will be tau -ht y SWQlt11 Y g:ananda, Despite immen e diffi ulties, and wiith Ir,eat acrilice of tili1l1~ an splritual

rviee in lather cities, : '''i,-,a;lati YOgQliIanaa will 1J at the ]' gada at- anga Headquarters during uly an Al1~ t. e - ecially to endu tthe urnmer 'eh 01.

The any tudies in he Train~ng

eheol , .. ·ill be 0 arranged that they w~ll fit jn \ ith the desires a'r tudent WhQ come fer 'limh· ene' i;\'e k., or ene ITIQilth. al'~d thev wili a' .. be arne tirne suit the de ires and plan of these W~~O come f r tlJ:ee:ntir'e tIN mouths' b:ainiJ:ig. The e - _ ntial f atures f th· ~og da .• \d\-O'I.llC' d,

luper-Advam.:ed. ancl lTighe t AJ"t 01

If-R alisatian .lasse will be revised, as wei a, other dasSIl:' give.n by ~ ... ~a;mj Y gananua. A high, advaae d studv in metaphysi s, whi h ba ]1 ver y t been given ill. any cily~ will be gh' n for pTOfl're 'si e wot'k, Those tudent who 3. .... c over 21 'years f s:geJ ~I .hy in body.

<lUAU in mind. al1d ~tro~'g ill \ :ilt who wisb to die-dicate their li:vc. to he Yogoda Cau e will b on ider a I r aining ;IS y(Jgod'a teacher . n re identia 1 ·clld.ents muse be free from COI'1tag"10l.l di eases, ba.d ha it "an 1 fault-fin 1i1'g di -

positions, Thfry must be strictly harrnoni l,IS antI 111U, lll.Pl>,ly. l~t~ng nge. ~nd s:eiflditlg< pb.ol'ogl:..iLpll ':I\'iriith llrst lette'F.

" e strongly ,a;.dvise p~pl€ bi) sb}~ at y(lgQd~ II ad,' for at leas one mouth, In o1fde'l" to get at 0''000 idea 0f the sj) irH\1 a I and h al bful ina~enc~ of the BCiladquilf'te.r-s,. 'V'f.fe do 110t stt'iv~ 3S

much for ihe alrtiDg of diplor,na

as we do for more and U10re me Utation and seH-l'ealizat:ion.. Speeial methods ~f s ep-by- ·t p reaiill::ali,j,Pll. and aUa.il1m'el!l~ of difi1cref!t '"-ad{l I of; intuitional perception w:il1 be taught to tudents, How to cHmb th.rough the difFererl't sta;tt:: of C0n~ sciousne 5 ~mbc nsciousne s. semi-subcon iousn S, uper-ccnseiee ness, i!Uman,mt ChM. t- ~onsciO-lli1!le~s, transcenIental Cosmic. C(H1SC10USnes , and direc cOnSelOUS perception of . p$titc wil 1 be t.atlght. rca.t m -tbods of practical mediration, whieh. wIll produce (lefinlte spiritual seH-realil..ciitlOlli. will be taught to the tudcrrts. G-r at m thods f healin . the bod), Cl'f disease; the m.intl Q'tad habita, :hlcIhe cul ofigtioranc I)f scM and others will also- be taught.

'¥e dQ I~O want t ereat f, iritual

• CI."ilf:trGb 111 w'ho will dldivem- sermons that bave nl!l) telati';U,lship p tw 'fl he rmon aniJ the soul but fIl' want to train real servants of Gfld and Chr] t, wh win scientil1('~l1y con act Got! and cleli~'er rfi s~rmons from the sonl, Intuitive spiritual interpretation 0 the Christi n Bible, flhag21vacl, Ita, ruH'l V\ lti'9pers From Eternity. and dcvcl prnent ot will p. w r ana f lntuith· 111_-ight. Vl-iH bl ta,ugirt.

,irh.ualiza.tion 1 E rayers to brUl'" con-

:;C] us res p nse r 'om d will ~L be


On all applications please _ tate di '_ tin.ctly Viirhet'i\e:r you dcs;:l're: a remain tOI' one week. :\\\'0, \'6 ks, a 111 nth. two months, or lQIl' r.

• Ilappljeatiens for the : u mmu· ho 1 me, t be [1\ the. mail 1110t 'lder tlhan Jum.:

L L 'nl if accalll;lrQodati()l'Is are . til] a ail'ahl -, ,ill :Il, licari 11. I r eived later.

Tl,1e First Yogoda C.O rse Teacbe

H 1;\' to b F:1li t -I _-l-~, \\' t. Devl']Op M'Cf't:l0li"-[Jm.,<, to Heal Diseases -T11le Highe t Me:th d erE Concentra-

tion ~pd 1\! ([if a iCl)n~C iCon ci us

ne. ~lru:M!r . ignificam:e of '"lord, on, Fat liter. and Holy, Ghos '.,'

Adlvranoed Co,llrse Teaches:

Mental ITlQtiol' picture f Cosmc-Geaes i s-Reinca rnn tiol'l-D veloping T ntnilion__; ~pidtual IntOi'P etation,9i the '[_[cc of LHe=-Eadng- the Ap Ie-~ dam and E1j,.Te-Faradise Lo t .md Rega[.ne(b~Spir-



itua.l1\~an-jage-1'iIfe:I1' a l Clrerni try-Lifting the SJUp nl in the v ildemess-La\'1 of- Karma, The Five Prana . and oth r subjects,

Supe'r ... Ad,vanGe,d CO'l.!lrseT~a,ch~s:

'The Great Inner Intecpretatioa of R-evl;latiQ'n~C n;C'ioo I , C9t1t~C(itl'g G d at AflI_ Time, Any"\VIi,cre-Magnetic Di t. -EJ...l1eUing All Pot on fror-n the B0dtyRever ing th , car 'hligboi 'Ile S(m~ -Fil:1ding Fd nds of Fa t In arn"ation

-Destroyiqg Ge.rms o~ Fast Ki!-l"m!l

Feat and - ng;er-OrigL_l of ·"l1-JiiVhr "Eyji" Ger:tt).,s, Dis,e.a-e, an.4 Te:mpt-aQOM Xxi t in N,m;:ute \\ritbou' Mal'l~. lnst't'ttroentili-ty"--'VuQ, Made GOd-If God Is AI'ru5f:hty WJIY Do nit -Ie Free AU

Ian kinCl at Once? - 'onverling Two Hands into ~tagDetie la~t~e:ries---,aQP to Heal ' the La i~g onal Ra,D ~ a Jesu Dl-d -- up~~:Rda.'GI.tiDn - -antral of 1:n oluntery rga.:w -ana Consciou Contact oi(Sasm.i,e C01!l ciousaess.

The High~ :Art oj SeIJ-Beal:Lzatj,a.n

Course: Tieac:hrei,:

How 'iIlC) Qllit~ell H~al1 E elution ~Iy Increasing the Brain and Spinal _;lOW' r of Perceptian and How t I Liv Several Iundred, "ear abeal of you .. Hm~.

The See,ond Higbe:r Advanced Method ,of S,eU-Re.ali'ZadoD Co~se Teaches:

How to 19c;,lte Cmtoc in the, Spinal Stlbwa1~ and How to Reach. Cosmlc COI1'seiousness Thro,ugll tbe: : pinal SLibwit'}.

Please \\~rite ,~or h~t~h r in,f~rr:natiicm. and pamphlet.



The s mhol in the lotus outline on th frent toversig'flifie: be -ingle spiritual t! e of 1J1edit3!ltrnll. tb.epranic star d or th.rotlgh which w must enter to lind Cesmlc Conscicosne .' . taLLgl~t' by the Yogada method of meditation, '. Tlu~lI"elor • ,ben thine :eye 'be ;ngle~ th ~ bad.y shall be full of 1igh' .•. Tax hee t ti1Cr fore.. that the Ugh whiclt i' in thee' I'>e not darkfl .. i'~. Luk 11 :~4-.1-,.

MEANING OF YOGODA." AND i ,SA'T-SAWGA." Y goda means th:~. Syst m an(] Teth.niq1l1c f r p.r[ ct de-velopment of body, 11]:i1.."JIcl: and soul. Sat-S'angfl mea; us "Fcll()1.\·s,b:ip w itb Truth."

B:R.IE.F' HISTORY OF THE YOGODA'MOVEMENT. The fir tschool to teach tHe metho I Ol YOg'l1.lda ,,'a'S a Re ,tdentiaL School : 01" B 's founded bv


. 'law Yogananda in 1917 at Ra.ncbi India. It has as its patron the- 1\'iahar:ajab

f Ka:ifMl'>llzar. jr Manjl Ira 'Cpanqr-ll

iN ulf:ldy,. M0mb-er QI£' ~he hrq:lerial CCI'11Ile~lj GQve'I'~'Hne:n't off IndJa. In 1'9,20 S""·81:m:i Yo~a~da'l fCallnde-r 01 the 'YogIDda mo\'cment came- to, _. merlca as the delegate frOPl r~dia to til oternatiQnal. 'Qi1gfes o:f Religious Liberals in Bosmn, Since tbaot time he ha establi hed Y,ogoda Sa - illIg-a Centers in many Ameri.ean

iti ~. " with national head Illartcrs at 38&1 ail,cl Ave.., Las l\ngdes. Calif.

B ra-nch el1t rs at "'1/_. bin ; ton, D. • Boston Phn-ID!,ddl}l'1ia~ Cle~ land. Cincinnati; Pi tsbu rg!1. .BufEaio.[i i'll1,eapoU. ,~' t, I aul, .:t. L Ui1 ?\Ifih auke , Denver, and Salt LaJ,cec it. ~

DIVINE HEALING PRAYER SERVICE 'FOR ALL. Eveq morning at 'even Q'dQek 8WQ'1l1j iiganAnda. seIl;ds a 'Ohrine lteal1llg Prayer l,brntiGfI t hisstudents and all wbo hi h-eIp in heating and Hb' rn 'i'og hem 'I es 1'1'0]11 physical OJ UlEmtai disease Of the- spiritqna1 Su~r:, ·rh1.g (lif i~'ra11~e A~yon' who wishes 0 a,vail 1:111111 elf F ,tlli. he'ltl. "iivldch S~i Y OlTtUHl.tlda ls ~H1IIppy 10. e~

end to atl, IDa • write to t.he La 11-

geles H~.adqn3.rtffs briefly- tilting- lh~ mdHn~ f hi' r b r troul J. There L no cba,rgeae-e:pt what 1 giv n as a freewin offering to he'p spr-;:J1(t this CbrIstia:.1!l YQgoda E;ealll1[ work.,

MON'TRLY DONATIONS ANlJ LOYE-PF!FERINOS" Thes otlerin'gs by to.denis ajH'1 h"~-end~ 0:;[ Yog-oda form one of the c~Mef means of support of the

ol7k and ell~ble th mesa e tos,p-read for the benefit: of all Inunanity.. E09ks. and other giit for the' . goria hearlquarter in Am:~mcaa.lild for Swami Y ~~-' da's schools it] India ar al: 0 wek rn -.


Founded by Swami 'Y'o;g;al13'I]:da. A.B.


_]bah~dlar:ta_, . ~idenJial ;"h" Is fot Bo located at' R.andli and PlU1. . ]1- .g~ India, The \\ ;;a!baf';'!.jan at Ka.sim~,a,.. aar L the parr in of he 'Ran bi -obool.

Los, Angeles Calif.

Leil!der~,-in~Cha;r9"e, S:radha, D:e;vi. Natio'ma.'l IIeadql.laf'ter!'!. Yogoda Sat-Sal1gn ociety 01 America.:3 0 an Raf~l Avo - t1L ,La ng 1 . Calif. Phone: Ca.pi al

9~31. -

BC)S1:!6Il, Mass.

_ r. AI. ltV. wis, eader _ I Edlghi1l

Rd. Monday ,"ckly meet'ing 543 BlJyl- 5(1(111 t., Boston, Mass.

BuBalo, N. Y.

AJ]n~ Ktanr:L,.' C-. 15 uldina Ave,

Cincinnati, Ohio

R. K. Da . Leader, 2559 Ed n Ave.; Bertha "himler. Sec, .51S-t._ Dr mule _A~ • If.ionda· cla meetingS al'l~ SL'mday publie ~I(;ctiri,g~ hgld at 24 ixth St.

Cleveland" Ohio

Calviu A. Jtt.~O'n, Leader, 62 --.,,: cietr of avinrr Bldg. Fridny ",VI! kly me tlng.._ atHote1 \,Vinb::l~,.

·Denver,. Colorado

:M:rr-v 1. mon, I.eafler and ecre ary. ;;~tl - ~l. \,~ (l!~l)' Tktu'sda • e'··!1i~g:. tlDda~" 3:30 P]\f. meetings held. *Milwauke_e. Wis.,

E. '\,'. Basler, ec., 1211 ,1 th . t, Friday class meetmg:-s and SUtH:iay publie 111 -UD;g~ at' P.M. h ld a 721 fi~w,at11-.."'ee t.

MlnlleapoJis, Mlnlli.

F. rEo, s t. Leader, 717 Piymtlitltlm Ug.: Ectuah Ball. ie., 2317 Uar'ticl ve, "r 'rlni!sday weekly nu~etlngs n

'rtfr .. Elizabeth Backu . 2001 E. I ake of th Isles Blvd,

Pitt.sbm;gh, Fa ..

Mrs. n areld E. \~'iLntl, Leader. L40 Patton • L \~ Tn .. cinsburg ; Ami _ Rachel J. Logan, ec, \¥eekty- Thur. day m et:ing. h M in C0111mi'tt e Rnorn ur arnegie Library, For-be t.

·Salt Lake- City" Ut~h

\ h'''' I> '1Ihlj>1' J 1'lu1c-r ,t) 6th

Eilst ~ t., Mrs. hfinlli~ nyrne .. ec. \ d-

nesday an unday meeting. Iii ld a

Newhouse Hotei.

St. Louis, Mo'.

U. Punditji, L ader, Sunday t11 rning and ev rung rt-voILiOIila.l ervices : wCl'kJ~ classes, Tues .. W d. and Tb:lu .. hel.u at 208.-9 Hotel l\ifi o uri, ~ . Lout . Mo.

Washington, D.C.

Brahmaeharee Jot1n Lea,der.Se\·er:al D1.It,etil1!:i1 \l·eekl.v at 1.L· K ·t .. ~ .\V.

Washington, D~C.

Afro-American Yog da at- a~ A.-

. 'laUotl. 7 St .. K. 'IV .. Wa. hiilgiOIl,



Yug'Q In Center r Progre .. ; I meral Cal)' ~Ia.nlr, ill cha.r:J.r~;, E '~~. _ ve, C yoacan Y .. Taeul ay , C I fie alle, Mexi Q, D. F.


Yogn-da Cerrrer . r Progress. R. J. Ca]-

der in charge. 14, C'\' ,11 ·qt:la(e. Altoa. Sd land.

*These center are lrel."Iir~y inaugurated and will 1 aekuowledg'd and ordained

after thre ear- ; trial

NEW CENTERS Denver, C~i0,r.,.dlo

jt goda 'in its l!:'ogr in merica is

attracting much at DUnn and meeting \\iit;h entltu. ll!!< m and eo-opesatien, In

hi great movem nt Yogoda has a n w temple in Denver, wbieh was dedicated! by S\\ra~i ): ogananda in Au,gtl. t 0 1 a , )"Car.

r is I)J'U:: of th In ~ l 1 ea ltif\ll place in Denver, and i ideall "I Ineated at 939 Gr.ant Strce jus] three · uth of tile tate House .

. 'The . en trance to. rhe Temple j_ very

im p'ress·j e with i ~ "'ide ,t(Jl~ete'P' denoting progress of Yogoda and bu e colLImn that f l'lI11l1d ne of 'Il v rlastin -tFength of Y'l.llgoda.

Thi~ home was uiude nn.-. ihle 'IJ~· TanT. Dillon wh e lo,,:"'e f t prl' n1p ~d n nly h giJt, hu the dedicatiun d her life tc J011 thr ugtl - goda,

Kansas City. Miss01!ui floul'ishing Yl)oda Cilter ltas been organized here under aMe leader: hip. The

warn i a ys, II Lecture c;ilnpaign work a Kansa City and meeting' orne nfth mo r sp'irHual-'Qg a stl!vU! 'nits there 1'1a." been one oi the ,grente. t happinesses nf

my life." -

Milwauk,ee" W'isoonsm

er a course of orne inspiTin Iect'tlrll!S -on YOI!O la "ad b 'C111 gh' ~l h~ Si\·a.n'_~ V gananda ill 111 city en 1\fiiNaukce in the sprin of 1931. a . up 'f hi. J.~-"w»tf'ti, el1thu tiastic stud nts org~ll.ized :th.f: 1\,IiJlIY3Ukee Center.

Tn - C nt r has sine giY'1i1 all iL~ tim ' te he 110iding of- public meeting~. and . 0 the F(!vi'tl:r..'ving- of the 'l:: ogoda class s, except that the Cllri tm I pu-i w:l" cele rated at the C n er with ~1 Tiurln Dlnner, 'Christmas Carnls, nCi 311 in piring .iII usieal p~().g_rani.,

. Salt Lake 'City. Utah

air Lake City Is our late t new' i.'l:cm. wher ~.\ ami re 'ei\"d a warm w 1C'(Jm~. Upon hi arri-val be wa very e'ordJa.lly ve ~,. d by the S cretary I tat a' .p ~ dal representati ee from the .iovC'rnor f Utah.

The Swami spoke to overf \ met' in );; each night" loud peake hcin(!F 10 tallerl on the mcu('I,njnc Roor and In th c rriders of the Newhot se Ho el. Only lor

POl i ,ri~at ga:t.h e;r in:gs have s m:l1 :tt91'ilrd $as'~ sem,Medin th.e history of Salt Lake City.

~l:rs. ,AJy,c It; ubb f;' i' leader oftbis g:rD'up lvbicll :balds its :meetings in t:lzte K'r:\' .. hQt~se Hote], '11 'j, lea.der of the meditation groupalsu.

SIt. Louis, Missouri

One of our o[dest ":new Centeno" is, the. 'S. [o-ttis Cc11 ter, -~·l1id'i. ur .. de1." the lot:~u:!t!t5hip~"f [li;tndilji. has Inatlc 11.~ St. Louis Center 11~ of the most d.evoted ~Ild_a~ti,ve in tlie country" Ilj; ,atLi \dD''e:$ I eUlg s:c;:.' tnill1yand ""nti 0; sF-ace p~'o,.. ']l~bits a cenlplete Ieport~ SiDce, its dedicatir;}t1 by U~ Pundit]] and R. K" Das many prominen! spe,akel";:i 'Il13\'GA!:PRearea lJeJQ"fC be g'I;Ql~p. In 1,((,3.,')", 19,311. fFiirt:y Y goil'atfs Wi'lb- ,their l,eatider, PUl1:cUtji. visited Swami YogamUl(\."lat Mlh'\r~lU-

kee, \\Tj ("iq'f'!si,n. Piioll ,i!,'6iE'C bappy ~o see S'oMamij,l again and tD visit the [lI~'W lVUtvnu'kee YOigoda class. IDee. it'll the first. anni,v'~rsary pf the <Cente'r was' odebrated with d'(ilVotio:n:aJi and died i(:,Atory '.!>er\'i'!le~ of .the Temph:; to S\\r~mi Srj~rliktes.war. whose picture \1raS presentdl'to the Cenf'"er5;y Ptmditji. SOcial ,cl.~V'er$jo.1'I.S are'.~lot £orlt-otten~. Picnics, H:indo-Americfifi banquets", 't:hfistnl'iiS, and Ne.~v Year's ,ac.u",ities a,reenjo1yed i,)r the Center and their friends.

!.B 8!Gditimn to- th,e f'e;g1lJar: ~un-da}f ser~ vice, d.n;, me,eti~Jgs:lll"e held TtI~d~YI 'VVed'l'l.esuay and Thursday, and a pnbfic das=> , n psychl'JJogy on lfriday.. Sp·ec~a,1 ins:h'uctlon:; :~Hrd ~tt1d~l'1Its! .spiF,itnal p'rg'btern del :a.'l"hJ1reut$l'~rl!: co:ndu~tcd by fhe Leader, The Ge-nter has a 11'h?taphysicaJ Libra.r,y open 170' the public ..

I AGE TG ALL YOGO]).. ST DENTS 13 J' 8rUJtI:ITJ;i Y QfI'm(l,t.~,da

Dear Ones:

\Vith tm new .f~b::r. 11:1lI,ke al'l l!J:O:-dylnc-g -reso]l1tiol1: "To beheld the SJ~h·it in' tl1' LigJ,i't of r~la_r p,ractite of the Yo.g()da Lessons, anq toe~talJl_isb n YClg"oua L~'~ -pre in e:v>ery hea rt," SOl daJI y, m cdr tate de;eply, ail: the saOlIjl tiwe spreading the :m.essage. Live Y og'oda, -talk V-ogo'(hl •. an:r1 spread itsg;ood :irl.e.w:; e\Terynrben~~ As 1 .rece~'tec1 the Lesson from hll' 1I.b:;ter-. and von received tI~cm iro:lill ll;,e'. sn 1t is )f:O~1"- duty to'. sp~en~l. y0~lr OWfl testirnnnials about Yagoda eV6T'vhen!., YOll lmlow that hidden in the _¥0~oda Lessens ~~ the ~gllw;",y to Sclf .... "R,·alit:«tinfl, tlu-ough wbichall bypaths of reHg:iou~ lJelid ml)st PQ1SS te reach the abede of :Infil1ite Bliss. In Yogoda lies the Sec= ond Corning of Chri t ,; that i '" tl1rou!;!h ~llesCl': ftv.e, once loOst bu._ ,11tJi1y feu,nciag, t.echniques of Self-Rea.fizaticH1 f:IiO~tl LIH~ Oitistian Bibte, ,tlu~ theology-Clogged .cup of ·cClnsciQUS1U!.~8 of th p"'ople will be clarified, and th,e O!'lm~prese1:ltChrh;t" COl1!SCiousDe~s. so 100m"" ~h'Ut aut. win g'ltt in rest forever. 'i\"t!£)~oev~r shall n .. large his ·co:w;ciou-.sne-s b-y medha.tlbu and eOI::llCen~ti~lt, -,\,fillhe - ni)lc to recei\t(' and perceive J-lrll!l.; and whosoever '!.'1'il1 !l;ooop'rehelld Spirit ,in his cnltl·gedc~n.sciousness \~in 'be a SOl;! of Go~1. Realiz·e that Christ-Censeiousness. vour Sa'l'ior. is already et,,1:1'IIe .~ secend tf-l.;le. klloekil~g ~t th-t;! doors of your consciousness, 'l'llreugh e:o.nstrult prac'lli're '0 F YOl'loda-. y-ou Grell the deers of ~~ilur 'comcMol1snts~

rind. 'let Him in. !Do not crucify Yogoda by in d.iflircl"encc'. I TIQl1my requiees it llive_ A hive \' .... ithout henev is useless. The East lo¥£s to 'collm: sPiritl1a:1, hOJ1iey, ''Dl!e W,e$t ~o'\'cs to hui,ld, b~g hives 01: s.~kituaI (rr~al1iza:dons_ To ,arqulr(! spiritual hOll]e.~T d~mU.g'h il'uli\'idtt 1 ul:erutaJ1Qll 'i~ just as hllFCirtant-a~ to hniJd [:.arge 'hiyc-<:;oi Qrg2nJz:atiol:l:sl>w~clere the honey o[ colleeth'e tnl,tblS l,11.ay be stgr ~, ·CClf the servic (If y,OIlT brothers and sisters iu fuhlre: gcn'e .. a tiQD S.

R.eolember tQ\ (IcStlire fl!ll' Y(lltt.rse.l'\·e in,dividual seH-:rc1\U.zatiof.l. Lntt: do nD n~gleet yout spirnJ)al o;rganiZatiol1\VOik. for that is i:n-te:msruy selfish and sireh neg1ec 1S. det:rirnent~l to yt'l'U'I"S,Ol,lJ..:p'rogres$. At 'ftte ~~e 'time, spir:ita.alorgantrzai;ilOn w(lrlo: \vithlllut in.dividual] or grntrp rnedit3:tlG'11l, 15 ""GaflmC'lc~ s, As C,b'rJstmH Y c»godans., your ambition sh@ulcl be to cstablisb Go,d wlUiia. on ,the aHar CJt 8'elfrea.liza:tion" aDd a:'lro to ,:st~l1:i 'b Him. in the '1miten 'h~a.rts oi an in yom ~fiijritlul~ or-g;miza ion. Spiri-tl,1:aJly 1~n:1 h~'\· to sw~i'l11 alone, and at the same time tca-r:h others- how te s,:o,"hn. Spread the n·or'k of' YO{gl)da by renewing l"otLi~ ha1ait ..,f 'ilI€': fll:"a(;ti~e of ¥ogoda Lessons every Iflornif!g and 'VCIil i I1g, and tra Ia y()ul'~,elf 'rp lead g1;'QUPS" '1,\·tll!,cby yO'L1 can 1reep your .5eU~t'ea.ti~atiolt renewe I al \'·a)1's. with th.~ g~lheti~~g.r; Irom 'SOt111-i1,ow-eif'l in the hives of Vogotla. ol"ganizatd.ol1s.

Y ogeda.·s o.eednow is &lr l'Illi'Il'e insf.!i .... 'a-ti-ona:I apastIes. those who feel the



Christ~C£lnsdousn~-ss within, and who will become real apostles Q'f S U-R aiieation, ,From todlay, strive to become an a:.pll He of Cbrist~CotI cleu ness, al 0 try to be: One of' the worl d . - '-Fishers of SaW. II' with }'l!Iut: in piratiooal weeds and writiDg , and with yOUl" veice sat na:te l, with, the Holy " host Vibration f "Aum." Go on bringing o1.11e.r. in;tQ tb Yogod,a: path, wl1!jcb is th('! finding of God througb SeH-eHod and I:b_r(jlUgh meditat1,ou in til temple of intu'irion. Let Yo,froda el:~-.:Realizatic)1J and Sat-Sang-a nt-

versa] 'FeUowship be your watcb-worrl in your daily life.

TIjl hev many friends are 1'Ot'l. goi'llg, t write in order to ';hlterest them in the t'ea.Gfl;ing. ()~ Yogoda in the mellthly East-Wet t Magazil1t;?

A ways remember -hat go,ad ompany is a strong~r infh,1ence tlit311 your ".,11

pm er, Make vnur mightie ffcrt t

come to M~. '\IVashlrr,g'ttm ne;.rl su~me'i and join in the unf rgetta'ble YOg'oda studies in this, our first and rna t unique - umme • choot " r hid'll will 11 eon due d by a band of gre-a Yogis an each '1'5.

B) the rigi n al l r eth d of Heali ng a


dopted b_ Oriental hri tianit

'0 one is m.Of' \- jlIfmtg to' end to von vibratory healing' fa,r your health. y·our lfin~.ncia..l an ~ piritual coarli ion, than your own Father, Gad. I inc H has gr·rn . 01lil. ;tJl!iepend:ell!':.e vou hat c i.ailed to r eei v ,c 'God'. healing m s ages. Besid ~ u )fOU see. YOu ,hla ve heen O~ifr-'co'nijd nt i'l1. the Urnited man-made 13."' or healing er mae-made uws ol . rOs,pefit)'I' man-cnn ived, the log-i,ea,,{, i1nagiMn' 11'1 C!fPr tati 1'1:<1 of how t know God.

, Perhaps you are~ sufferinl from' tub .. beru tempor~ry, 'Qf citnmi,c dl ases. Perhaps, pro pe:rity docs no, (lome to y 11,. no matter what creati e a.bmt) yon have applied. P,~11ap th 11a. ,il~ wall wed beliefs of others, ullmsstk:,t1l!terl by iT, tI"litio.Q. or Dot sa unt d \\"ithtlle ~ali;va or spiritual assimilation, hav pro lueed in y:on th 0JogieaJL bewiMenmmt. or theologiicall:epruci 111, or pidt ",1 ind ci ion. or theological indigestmn.

Y01J ma v l\1le 'at a loss 'lo 'Unl.h~'r ,t:lI1d ",hi 11 pe: h "rill giVl' "l"lU di t r;nc1Jecntact. If !SO" go to tl1(~: .ourcc of CI rist~3nity. wbkl'l is tbe Ori nt, If. you ar in dO~lbt. writ-e to 11. lwVe willahow VOl! thathc-a,lth. pro perity. and wisdom ~can he ratisfa~torih' I tain.ed th"oug-h an unlimit d Divitlc- Iav withou fa'n. if v u get JOllY soul radio tuned to OUT Cl{ristirm 'fo(;rn(hL£enT I'~ at l,"ogoria HC;;Irl('ijua'rt ers, \;V'c hav sniritual tsachers, who in1i~ ibLy b_ their COliC ntration t,a'll help you to time your soul-radio to receiv tile: e er-present health, pro peri.". and wi dom vibratien of God in t~e ether.

Jt1S!t a s'0ag;~ seem silent a:ud cannot b heard in a Flle'ln wi 1, a b~'ok n radi . so through your mind radio, brok n b wnrri . fear, r tJe ness,' kep i'ci$TI~. or

stubborn erehronic i lckness, ,'li!'M] are unalbic tn eateh tlle bea'th and" tbepGwer and til. wisdom vibr.atlons . E Ged. If yOU' 'have devnti n and suffkient faith. they will {let as, an ether through \\..-l11ch Om' H aler will h able to tune your ,mind lnstrumeets to calmll€ '" an-d peace, Tune in ,'!fith us conseiou 'I}' any rune b tween the lUlU,: of 6 ' .M. ana 6 P.M. (YfHJ1i lin'! . \ ri to us t"lling u wbit:h y'ou dlesir, : YmJ - bady tun -d to reeeive God's, he:aUh vibratfon " your mind tuned tor ceive God's a l1Il'dall~ vibrations. 01' }"Our soul tuned to receive God's wisQom '\:'iiQratioll .

Thonsands ·0 - people have tuned in 'h(:lirr euls, and hav, ·awiJ,kcntttl in . URealiz'atio'l1 t'0 God firrdiBg that headaches. olds, rhenmntlsm, tuberculosis. and cancer were not] ing but nigb mare . Just a 'di ease, povc ny. and :i~aor-ance can s en and Ie t in a, dream. 5,1) the of ignoranee hows ill 311 itS reality hrou hnut the m"y of. munrlane troubles, J fHt a ill '\\",::"king, one lau~h~ at on,' own dream-vanities, so ,\j\fne:!'1 we aWOl en in f,aith and Gcd-Realiaatiorr, we ]a,ugh at Jloverty and ~n it accornP3'llI}dog ccureiers.

All that we .claim i tfult tQ{'! strtmg ..

Divinely-tuned will mf eur . a1ing Helpers can demand 'that nul tune your body. mind and soul ,~di0 , 0 that you can then tune hI! 011 His lit aling broadca Hug. You mu t th,U: g _ your bGdy. mind; and sou'l radio t paircl an ,aU it d u' ting static tendencies removed,

Pin e g t if. touch vyilh nur Y g da healers riebt awa .... ,. ]),0 not dtdaty for anv reason. Tit resent tlm i alv ... w.

a ~-et·y gO)Q time" beain ,any llling. No

matter what problem ma~' I e.

AAAlL, 1.,.r,92


l\\~hefher a.pvarentl.yunilnpo:rtamt, !01: whether OIf 1St ht1! ,ort;:mce, \,,~e ta'fl'l h Ip IDU wi:t::lm,Qat deulrt,

Kindly cut O\lt fill ill, and ~llaiJ 0 U ,tbe a,c,co'tliI:pa,nY~'Ilg coupon right away. Also please enclose H!tUFU po, tag1!' with ¥OU,f letter. and we~vwn app,reefat any IDve eftetirtg that -YUH may be. prompted

to seaa 'l1' fb Iru~p catgl')" ~n tbjs g1teat and p cia! Healing work.

:N ame '" .. 'I' ,Ii ' " '" " i !II i Ii

Print de,a:rIy.)

Address •• ' ' ' " ...

• i iii i ~ ,5 " • '0' " >II ii II .. " !I' .. j, '", !! 0; 1; ~



By wami Y ogtuunuJ',t

Fa lUiuld ' at~ 8iccorrung t. be-

rreditary. natilHlal individual habits, There: are .indi .idual or hereditary 11abit af eaij,ng fOQdS:j l;\·l1kb are bad £:mm the pomt of view of g.en eral dxetuy laws (;1:£ food combination or food cllie:mi'try. ueh s'Peetfie had. babit of eating food. ' nould be ' radually cvercom ,.

J3ad habits ealliD~ make tlW human ST tem demand wl'lon Icads, n _ LIen ca C!'S -the rjllJ:'11t loei:l. althoygh di agreeable to tbey sern should be talk: " in verv small quantiti s iir t. and then gradually increased untIl he 'Stein responds to normal food. One should feam to eat Nature's f d', uclt a 'fruits and gre,s.p vegetables, and ,drink :at lea t a glas _ul of good milk eaen day.

Milk is the o~!Il'ly food, ,ex~~p,ting egg. which alone can upport b tman life. Tbe ~tr~me "cooked-Iced 10' r' and the ('ra) -foed fad.di tl" both often o,mit from their s mauy elemen ts. neede,d. 'lor' the prover building 01 the bo Y. P t113. DO matter 'wh'at your "iews: may be coneerrrin . fOG prlllbi iT! , YO'IJ \ '~lll be a,E if y,ou drink plenty. f milk. 1t will bell> pr-v 'Ill old age and. the sudden deterioration Qf the l:m!;l\r, which resu lt frern Dot g:I _ring the bo'ly in the elements that ar c necessary f,or its h a1th), main nance, Never 4rifik'milk \yitb your meats. Milk

m!l witlt n, heavy din let prod?ces in.oi:. gesbon. Drmk milk "ala:n:e G,I With fr'l1nt's'.

Swami S,ala,d

TIm' it salad, :which' quali6ed 'l;Q sa:tifynU the chemical' d.eI1Ulnd of the body.

Chop fine one- heart of lartuce. Sf1Tearl wellwith two or tlhree tal lespooniul ~ of s,traincd houer, the11 mix \:, .. it.h tw tableSPOion-fU]S df tharOtlglll}f ground pecan . Add the juice of an crane pl~ R. ~igM tabl .spoonful of cream. on feaspe of 111 of n:aelted ani! browned. sws t butter. and one abl poonf,111 cIl~ toasted b an. ~fi' lightly.


n you are "'l.IfIerirol'g" from eatarrh .. make ,ollr night meal ery liglm.t. Ea mostly frtdts and very lirtioe co !ked '\,egetiibles" some b~iled peas nr b0il d pinach Just to s"atis:fy _he demands erE your naqlllired habit.

Eat youf heavi t meal at nO("I11. DQ iBot crlnk ""Mar nor ea before gorno- to bed at night. Eat l"c:ry little bread I '2. small p lee of tea t d ~'\'l'l()1:'e wheat br ad: at noon,

Do 11 t 1rll)k i' d , '3. r with your meals. espc~ially at night. leep 'well covered. op_ n wUtdo\1.' ' wid bot~l summer and winter. ReJra~n fr m eatin mear as: much as pas. ible. N~ver eat ~ h! meat, 'or gg at ni lilt. Drink milk In th~ af1t~noon. A huh diet and ground nuts at ni M ,itr be t. Take!ong \ alk in ithe mQrning', and espee:ially at night before g(}in . to ed, Inlul:le and e.:~bti~e afl ~he tjme when w,aUrlng.

Catacrh ig cause !Ilo_tly [r liD' Q\Ve,eatillg a 'nigh and f'r,om n'glectin;;r colds. By following the above 'rules eonscienti,oUsjl'j YO'Ill! willJ begin t dest.iO. Ute root of tlll- disease.

cl'~H.ow t H'eal Colli wi'th PrOt1!:

Diet' will a:pp ar i'n dl- next is ue f East-"iVest.

MY CHURCH B111it C o tl111r!'

1 ask

For I1Pthil1g' mere T~ long pea.c.e

1 [I, ,a, sbady place. O~ ilence.

My church is lhe "'IQ,t,ld. M,y altar -the tree. ...

My holy water=-rhe taeams y G.ods ,axe an _ 'a.g;:!Jl Gr;>d •.. - The 1 fotm ... the, :tar5i ... LO'\le .. . . and jlence...



Whenever you: are visiting' Los Ang lesJ be sure to visit the: Yogod;a headquarter' at 3': o· an Rafael Avenue, LoS' ADgel,cs .. Telepl ne Capital 95tH fat" any 'infl';ion yo:u may desire,

E,-rery SundAy at .3 P.M. t:IJe residential leader gives 5:0111- litri'ng lectures. and Thill;' day nights special Hindu and Cluistiru"i B:ib~e d~. 'e'; \vi-th inner in'terpneta tions af'€F held.,

Only ,p@acdttl,: harmjoniQuS' souls 3I'e welc:om.e tos,tar. Reservatlens for .a week or IIUll'ecan be PIa e by telephone

if rooms ar unoccupied, -

The pulMk. as we1l1 as Yogoda. stu-' dents. are welcome to use the g.IEollnd :, Tern] le F Leav s. pen air Of indo!')}" al1- ditorium, Cor meditation and rest. UOD)' s,uurise to. sundo"lvn. Pass i.he day on th..isJilll-(op Para ruse ~o Gad"" great outdoors in meditation and silence at Yegm:Ja, Headqnarters, Y lim are cordwl:ywelccme,


DI:I' to th g{ffieril depression oOll:ld rhe difficulti,es attendant, the rllJy-A'Ugn~t. 193Q it'sde f East- \V t V as tb In t is LIe published b Fore till p:re en 'i II

of April, 1932. _

B gimling p'ril1. 1932 the Ejnl- lVe magazine will be published ma.nrthl:r inst,ead of >'1. ry tW('l mOnth as her t fOor!.!. • early subs, :f"ipt:ions $2'.50: "inglc copy t'\\t'en:ty-five cent. However, ur st~b-

eribers will reeei v e a mall)' ~itlg1 coples as nrc; still due them nn their I:Jb.:. scripti til • a in 'le 'In uthly eap)' bciu th -amll, rice a the c py covering a two, months' period.


To S'tl,!dents and "Friends of Yogoda

,\iV ,h",H be glad to cOllside:r manu- ·tfutt; emb dying the hiRhc~1: quali 'Y oi !lpi.ritmIJ thouglTlt. ~ • a p:tytl"ielU will be ttmde far prillt 'd e ,ntr'iburitll1 .

l,illdll~, p 1'1 1)ri.t"bOl~ to (1)1 o[ )"i!"lUr mahn l:Tipt" ' ., we- liiann~t be res~rl!'1'll~,1 for !!II, ... nl:ribu i 1I. ottl .-3- com-p;u;lied by ;( hili,. 'latri}l~d sel'f- :d~ lin::"'e~ flve1opt:' 'ioT' returll.

/1, n I.a eal In tzn"ti'on-,A'wi1:k,fml'" tJ G if I uWhispers From Eternity" B)r'iim''''l~' y.Qg.antmd(J

HI fRST EW BOOK 1 sv RAL y. \B:' With Q Eore« ard by 4mcl£M Gt1l1i-Cto' -i

This- 1~ ~~ook~ lot, soel- t;i:rring book {O!': making ~'OLtl' prayers work i.s som~tbi~ \ hi h' Jrou C'UlI dail}'ttldy imd usc (or your nJJ..roIDJd progre . 1'his book will d:ul yield ne.w inspirta,tio,ns as some plants yield ne'V' ru (;S. TIlliiloank teU you l1oTi,vo resuri;'e(;t d'£!l'Id pm)"trs. in order so find lQllgibl·e _ rl:'~QflSoe irOin God., ~hrouB'h tbis book, '(llil Learn how to I1IH'g a heaft-lo-h~1I.fL talk with God, 'Who L otherwi e ofttm ire.nL

TIle w. Ilkl-ramd~ l'>rim;a- D ~ma. Madame A~JU!lita G lI,i~Curci. 011 her r urn frern

Ii(!r:r eml 1lcilll11p~al1 C{ltuet' ur oi the IQrieul ilas wriU'eJJ a DJ -t m p,iring, FQ.rg'i QI't1

t· this b0Qk. in wflieb ~ 'says:

. "'This book give~ B )'ariet , pf!r sq he'lpflil uti ~llHfid I. - 'Oiler VaUOU5 llce.clis ••• U brifWK God closer ••• Ias e<!ld (II panlllbng !lead ]lira. rers, we- 1 aria te 3:rumt.e Them with IGod-inv,okmg to\' ... F llewer g,[ all reii,giofils ean dm-il1k from ~lllis fountain 01 U'mVfitsa! l'1I! Pass not by the tl1ine of- reaJjzation hidden beneath the san of words, by il'\liIlmed. hrt Hoeural r adiBii : tnllt IIh 1IlIildita't1{)11 c1ail)' dig "ing into the worn, find ~h'C ·hmntaln of r,ealiz_aOllD.'

. Ana b'er p I -an l, 'riter", :-'. GrRl)', \Vl'il s:

'Thls ~nL'\ite' book con1mfliS thl!. llho~Ges'l: lfIoqg-h1 d,ucOr~led br-fl ~IC$ of rhyth.'llic Oriental st)'l':/' The well~KnlJlO'1i il SOl!th~rll (H:) t. Et1il Wal1ace MilTe't. writes 1I!.1uhu ias-

"ioaiJy as ioUo'lj\':: .

" Imprisoll~d in ords.. th Spirit of PfilYU' liu t rs bri ht ",jng~ in the' i'iUn (if r alizat-ion. Lirtle, CJ;l'l1lid:il1g t;alks w~tli the OIl1i: E'ilI:ther. uuiversal In Ian lage, nut kal. tl1rtA . exqulsrte. A reve latiol1 at son-and-dul;Ig;htcr relationship i'JE'tw-eeft 11'1:imauity an,d il'!; Creater."

ClotL Siodin., large 'type, 284 p'age., exquisitely glotten up. $:2.50 PMtpaid.

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S,CIE.NTlFIC HEALING AFFIRMATIONS. 'l~his book bas becom a worldwide in piration. wami h3. - u d the aA1l'm3llt!iof) at T-J 'aJing Meting ill .nun, 0'£ U1.e large Alii er-ican cities, and thot1SC31'l.¢1s: liun"e een liberated and healed of disen e ui the bud.". mind, ami sou]. Thi hUIJk: gives not only many beautiful and in,. -ph-ing .·:f}inna ions use r r awnkenjn y U1' inner power. l\111 hus fr e ycursel! frosn the eonsclousness of ~i!;:k4.'lle s; JlO errv. 'bad habits: and mental sloth, but it also EXJ?L INS the scientific 1'4:01 IOn fo,r;~ r: Lln'i,u~h thl: rhn ... et uf tlwugll:L. w ill, Ieeling, and I rayer, Uniqne uleth tis or 11 a,ling I r di-ff>f' nt it)t»e::, f nrind, How

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refac I,)Y th EllfJ~ h poet :\11 rl 'V'hH ., op her, .lJuugla. GratH Duff Ains! ie, whc writes: "Thl mall bo k i~,the clue to t.ut!b.ttlfver-e., Its value L be 'I- nd -ti,m<1- tjqu in w rds. ince 1 ,tw en these narrow 0'- sr i· t be found the ft wer of the Veda> and panishads, the e. sence of Pat.LT1jali~ f rem st e."pon'11 1)( Lli'li !O,ga, lilctit(J$.t.lI by '~I (1 meth rl~al1u lIlt>: fhl'iught of SIUlItlbra - gl'l,!alCC::l 111iml Illal ever

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nn:~. ee ad" 'rtis"mf.."llt O-f1IIf'p site page, $C.: postpaid.


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,3 80 San Rafael Avenue


Sell-Realization Fellowship of B.eligi~ms Establlshed! by ,swami 'Y(llga,napda in 192:;

}"O(;:ODA "I~l'(m,r "lml'mtmir)lls dtrrJel()tl'tne~ltof btJrJ_v, lIi;urf., rHllI, sm,tl throritjl, .';clf-8l'IIIr::m-

bo,n,"-, T·, _1 G lJH!a11'S ',~ lim ;ship with 11'1/111,"

Y ) J ' DA Headquarter- pi tured above is a beautiful rat tnr 'c n <lining more thQI1 fer ~r r om- an 1 hVQ lar"', halls <::eatil1b ab ut, a thous and p(!_, _plc. The. groUJJ'dar nine and ahaU acr of city land, and are. planted wi h camphor. dat . palm. pepp it' anrl other h-aptifqJ trees, aswell a - p ants, shrub .HId vondcrlu] tlow '~' , rli1~king it one i the most beautiful prrt in ou theru alifornia. 'her e are two tennis eourtswjth a tadiurn, The property has ne tb, nsand feet fr - nt,age on

,k.lI!l ~ \Va -hiugtOII ,o-uk~'anll Dri e. an,d a ~\' . tr minut dr!,'C frum the hart i

hu y La. Angeles wi 11 brH'iO: you to this quiet hill-top Par::..rh:e.

The Eenrer c mmands an unsurpas e d view of tl1~ city below, as well as 01 ather nc~wbr ci ie , 'in luding Pasadena, the • City ef Rose .. " The Pacific Ocean ·par-Ide, jn he di tance, and at: night t11'e million twinkling liaht ' of Los Ange] and distanf cities may b ~ 'en b low, a v !·ita-bl Iair land.

'Ve,ek~daJ' and Sun,ciay .<:111:\ e and lecture nrc glVIC'IJ. incltulli..g a non-sectarian Sunday ell el for children, Yogoda Sat- a_l'ga 'enter i open [01' meditalion and vi it· f all Yogoda tudents, their tT; nds ami the "-ell "raj puhBic,he work i the internationally knewn Yagoda Ccrrespu deuce COLli. f' IS a1. Q carried 01'1

a this nter.

Persorn ahle to supper- themselves, and of rrictly !HL1'mollii'n'~ tli$IJ,H.itioli. who are .planning 0 retire BInd pas; life in ser vice '[,0 all and ill eul h"ld.iller cosmic con", sciou sncs ~hn. ugh t,lw ~lwi t:ian Yug 'la Le"chil1g'_ r 31'1-1"0 l11d {1 HIt ~l inent. rtlla:r ;'11 pl:-- lJ the YoO'oda _H carlt.ju<U"te-I";'-k'ltill,"" their intention'. Such people will

nm! 'I runt \\·a",hinghlO a h 'I"Inita t' of h jr lr am •• a 11 a ,\rC1 I r' enlc 11' utv

arnl qu ietness, \1.IH'I a seientifir residenrial CniYCNity uf ~ 'If-r'!cali~~I-tilJil. l-nd-r

ide'H! G nditious. this training is offeree! HI' the fir ime in .vmcrica.

Por ill rther in fonna 1 i on, please addres 50




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