FM 90-26 Airborne Operations
FM 90-26 Airborne Operations
FM 90-26 Airborne Operations
his manual discusses the employment of airborne brigades, battalions, and regiments
in airborne operations within the context of the AirLand Battle. It sets forth tactical and
administrative support doctrine for the employment of Army forces in joint airborne
operations. It discusses command and staff procedures, tactics, and techniques used
in the planning and execution of parachute operations at brigade and lower echelons.
The discussions are written in general terms so they apply to brigade or smaller units
taking part in joint airborne operations. For this reason, the term “airborne force” is used
to refer to the Army component in the operation.
The principal tactics and techniques peculiar to airborne operations are of primary
concern. Details of unit organization/capabilities, and guidance for employment of units
in other than airborne operations are in other field manuals.
The proponent of this publication is US Army Infantry School. Send comments and
recommendations on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank
Forms) directly to the Commandant, United States Army Infantry School, ATTN:
ATSH-ATD, Fort Benning, Georgia 31905-5410.
Unless this publication states otherwise, masculine nouns and pronouns do not refer
exclusively to men.
1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12
irborne forces of the US Army have often demonstrated their ability to
conduct decisive, short notice, forced entry operations deep into enemy
territory. They seize and maintain the initiative until follow-on forces are
committed to the fight and then move to hit the enemy where he is the most
vulnerable. The ability to rapidly deploy, land, and sustain a powerful
ground combat force is vital to US interests and worldwide commitments.
From their origins early in World War II, the US Army’s airborne forces
have dramatically demonstrated their responsiveness and flexibility many
times on DZs and battlefields all over the world. As the threat of regional
conflict has grown, the XVIII Airborne Corps, the 82d Airborne Division,
and the 75th Ranger Regiment have demonstrated that well-trained,
determined airborne soldiers armed with modern light weapons and led by
skilled officers and NCOs can dominate the close fight and impose their will
upon the enemy—wherever he is.
During Operation Just Cause in 1989, the actions of the 75th Ranger
Regiment and the 82d Airborne Division clearly demonstrated the
advantages of US airborne forces. The operation was well supported by
other US Army units, the US Air Force, and US Navy.
FM 90-26
Infantry leaders must be the most capable soldiers in their unit and be
tactically and technically proficient. The quality of the leadership determines
the unit's success or failure in battle. Leaders must be proficient in land
navigation and have an appreciation for terrain and parachute assault
techniques. For a foot soldier, the terrain is both protector and ally. When
properly exploited, it can increase the combat potential of the unit and
support the achievement of surprise. All leaders must also be resourceful,
tenacious, and decisive warriors. They are the combined arms integrators
closest to the fight. They must be highly skilled in the employment of all the
weapons and assets in the combined arms team. Leaders must be innovative
and flexible when employing their units. They must have the mental agility to
quickly grasp the situation and the initiative to take independent action,
based on the situation and the commander's intent. Above all, they must
personally lead their unit to success in close combat.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
(3) Tactical missions. Airborne forces assault in the rear or to the flank of the
enemy, preferably where few fixed defenses exist and where well-organized
enemy combat units are not initially present.
(a) Airborne units either assault their objectives and move to link up with
friendly forces, or seize an objective and hold for the arrival of other friendly
ground forces. They can also be used for rapid reinforcement of friendly
ground units.
(b) Airborne forces can vary in size from an airborne company team to a
division. Their size depends on the mission to be accomplished and the time,
soldiers, and aircraft available. In January 1945, Company C and elements of
Company F of the 6th Ranger Battalion executed a tactical operation to
liberate American PWs from the Japanese at Cabantuen, Philippines.
Usually only the assault echelon and its immediate follow-up are delivered
into the objective area by parachute. Tactical airhead operations often involve
the airlanding of heavy equipment, supplies, and supporting/reinforcing units
to consolidate and exploit the initial lodgment.
FM 90-26
c. The ground tactical plan must drive all other plans through the reverse
planning process.
a. Joint operations.
c. Complexity.
FM 90-26
b. Airborne forces are vulnerable to enemy attack while en route to the DZ.
Although the USAF can conduct limited airdrops without air superiority,
large operations require neutralization or suppression of enemy air defenses.
This may require SEAD, radar jamming, and fighter aircraft in addition to
transport and CAS sorties.
c. After the initial airdrop, the sustained combat power of airborne forces
depends on resupply by air. Any interruption in the flow of resupply aircraft
can cause a potential weakening of the airborne force. Enemy air defense
fires against resupply aircraft and long-range artillery and mortar fires on the
DZ can hamper the delivery, collection, or distribution of critical supplies.
d. Once on the ground, the airborne force has limited tactical mobility. That
mobility depends on the number and type of vehicles and helicopters that can
be brought into the objective area.
e. The airborne force has limited FA and ADA support until additional
assets can be introduced into the objective area. Additional target acquisition
assets are needed to provide accurate and timely targeting information.
a. Marshaling Phase. This phase begins with receipt of the warning order; it
ends when the transport aircraft departs. During this phase, leaders–
• Plan joint tactics and support.
• Rehearse and conduct briefbacks.
• Assemble and prepare paratroopers, equipment, and supplies.
• Conduct briefings and prejump training.
FM 90-26
c. Landing Phase. This phase begins when paratroopers and equipment exit
the aircraft by parachute or are airlanded. The phase ends when all elements
of the relevant echelon are delivered to the objective area.
d. Ground Tactical Phase. This phase begins with the landing of units and
extends through the seizure and consolidation of the initial objective(s). It
ends when the mission is completed or the airborne force is extracted or
relieved. Subsequent operations can include an offensive operation, defense
of key terrain, a linkup, a withdrawal, or any combination.
FM 90-26
(1) Airborne operations, more than any others, are affected by weather. The
more territory an airborne operation covers, the greater the need for a
long-range weather forecast system. Weather satellites may provide much of
the needed information. Some intelligence requirements can only be obtained
through HUMINT resources.
(2) The selection of DZs, assault objectives, and subsequent AOs depends
on a thorough analysis to capitalize on strengths of the airborne force.
(3) Target acquisition is a vital aspect of the intelligence battlefield operating
system. The search, detection, and location of targets are needed for
maneuver and CS forces to prepare plans for engaging and destroying the
enemy. These intelligence assets also assess target damage.
b. Maneuver. Forces must fit the task. The airborne brigade task force can be
part of an airborne assault by a larger unit, or it can constitute the initial
assault force, preparing the way for deployment of a follow-on force.
FM 90-26
(3) Rapid seizure of objectives is critical to success; speed and surprise are
often more critical than numbers. Often, decisive action with a small force
can succeed early where a fully assembled force cannot succeed later.
(4) Planning for a large-scale airborne operation should include preparation
for air movement of large ground units to permit prompt reinforcement of
paratroopers after their initial landing. To capture a suitable airhead for
airland elements, the unit conducting the airborne assault must be able to
capture airfields or terrain suitable for landing air transports. They must also
be able to prevent enemy direct fire and observed indirect fire on the LZ. The
suppression of enemy air defense assets along the aircraft approach and
departure routes can be critical to success. Airlanded elements can be
committed only when these conditions are met.
c. Fire Support. The primary source of fire support for airborne assaults is
the US Air Force. US Navy/Marine Corps air assets and NGF if available will
also be used. FA and mortars will provide fire support for the airborne force
within 15 minutes after the beginning of the assault.
(1) The USAF must maintain air superiority for the airborne force to
succeed in its mission. The more temporary the air superiority, the shorter the
time-distance factors and duration of the flight should be. To establish and
maintain air superiority, the USAF can neutralize nearby enemy airfields and
C z facilities.
(2) The commander must plan to neutralize or avoid all antiaircraft
installations along the route selected for the flight. This can be a joint
responsibility, depending on the availability and capability of fire support
assets. For example, when airborne operations are conducted near the sea,
NGF may provide much of the fire support to include JSEAD.
(3) The USAF must isolate the objective by attacking the enemy’s ground
and air forces. These attacks must begin late enough that the enemy does not
identify the objective until it is too late to react effectively. Immediately
before an operation, the USAF should consider incapacitating the enemy’s
fighter airfields and immobilizing enemy radar, communications facilities, and
reserves near the projected airhead. An air attack on any enemy reserves
moving toward the airhead can give the airborne unit extra time to seize the
assault objectives, to reorganize, and to prepare for the defense.
(4) Airborne units require CAS initially until division and corps artillery can
support them.
d. Mobility, Countermobility, and Survivability. Engineers provide–
General engineering.
Topographic support to airborne forces.
(1) The nature of airborne operations often requires engineers to fight as
infantry more often than in other operations. Engineers must be well trained
in this aspect of their mission.
(2) A primary mobility mission for engineers in support of airborne
operations is airfield runway clearance and repair. After the initial assault,
FM 90-26
airborne engineer units are prepared to improve or create landing areas for
follow-on units, equipment, and supplies.
(3) Countermobility efforts are vital to the survival and success of the
airborne force inside the airhead. Obstacles are created or reinforced to
secure the airhead and to isolate it from reinforcing enemy forces.
(4) Survivability and fighting positions prepared from local materials are
normal in airborne operations. Because airborne engineer units have limited
earthmoving equipment, priority in preparing protective positions is normally
given to key antiarmor and other weapon systems, C2- facilities, and vital
e. Air Defense. The force must provide its own air defense. This is achieved
by establishing an air defense umbrella that is closely integrated with the
USAF. Usually, the enemy can respond fastest by air, so rapid establishment
of air defense is critical. To reduce fratricide, airborne forces must closely
coordinate and train with the USAF.
2-4 Section I Section II
2-1 2-2 2-3 2-5
Airborne operations are characterized by their complexity and joint nature. A
successful airborne Operation requires–
• Specify missions.
• Outline the command structure.
• Identify participating ground and air forces.
• List forces in support.
• Provide a schedule of events.
• State conditions under which the operation will begin, be delayed, be
altered, or be terminated.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
a. Ground Tactical Plan. The ground tactical plan is the basis for the
development of all other plans. The airborne commander and his staff give
special consideration to the reassembly and reorganization of the assault
forces and to the decentralized nature of initial operations in the objective
area. The subordinate commander requires the ground tactical plan of his
higher headquarters before he can begin planning. He needs to know the
type, location, and size of objectives; the mission and intent of higher
headquarters two levels up; and his task and purpose. The ground tactical
plan is generated down the chain of command as a mutual effort and includes
the following:
• Assault objectives and airhead line.
• Reconnaissance and security forces to include OPs.
• Boundaries.
• Task organization.
• Designation of reserve.
• Supply (accompanying, follow-up, routine).
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
b. Landing Plan. The landing plan is the airborne commander’s plan that
links the air movement plan to the ground tactical plan. It is published at
brigade level and below. Before the airborne commander can prepare an
overall landing plan, he must know where the subordinate commander wants
to put his paratroopers. The landing plan is generated up the chain of
command as a mutual effort. The landing plan includes the following:
• DZ/LZ/EZ locations and descriptions.
• Sequence of delivery.
• Method of delivery.
• Place of delivery.
• Time of delivery.
• Assembly plan.
• Type landing plan worksheet.
c. Air Movement Plan. The air movement plan provides the information
required to move the airborne force from the departure airfields to the
objective area. This plan is the third step in the reverse planning process and
covers the period from when units load to when they exit the aircraft. The
airborne commander designates the subordinate units sequence of air flow
FM 90-26
and allocates aircraft. This allows the subordinate commanders to conduct air
movement planning. The air movement plan is generated up the chain of
command as a mutual effort and includes the following:
• Departure airfields.
• Aircraft by serial.
• Parking diagram.
• Aircraft mission (air movement tables and flight routes).
• Unit providing the aircraft.
(2) Large-scale photos of the landing area for selecting avenues of approach
and planning ground operations.
(3) Air photo and interpretation reports covering enemy activities and
ground and air installations within and adjacent to the projected airhead.
(4) Aerial reconnaissance reports.
(5) Overlays prepared with descriptions of obstacles and defensive works,
navigational hindrances, and landing areas.
(6) M a p s .
( 7 ) Information concerning enemy capabilities, methods, and tactics.
( 8 ) Special studies that apply to the airhead.
( 9 ) Accurate, large-scale terrain models of the landing area.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
(3) Rear Echelon. The rear echelon consists of administrative and service
elements that remain in the departure area. These elements may be brought
forward to support in the airhead, as required.
b. Concurrent Planning. Commanders plan for all phases of an airborne
operation at the same time since all phases are interrelated. This reduces the
total planning time. A subordinate unit must maintain plans in draft until the
next higher headquarters has finalized its plans.
(a) Army units supporting the operation from outside the objective area.
(b) Airlift elements.
(c) Linkup forces.
(d) Special operations forces, especially AC-130 assets.
(3) The specific duties of liaison officers include the following:
(a) Represent their unit headquarters at the headquarters to which they are
(b) Act as advisors to the headquarters on matters pertaining to their own
(c) Coordinate matters involving dual responsibility.
(d) Discuss the time, place, personnel required and material to be covered at
joint staff meetings.
(c) Hold joint staff briefings.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
(a) The SOCCE links up with the airborne commander through the SOF LO.
(b) The SOCCE coordinates with the S2/S3 sections and both elements
provide the current situation, commander’s intent, and future operations of
their respective forces (within OPSEC limits).
(c) The SOCCE provides SOF locations through personal coordination,
overlays, and other friendly order-of-battle data to the FSE and brigade
operation section.
(d) The SOCCE requests appropriate restrictive fire support coordination
measures and provides time windows when these measures are to be effective.
The SOCCE must also ensure that FSE dissemination of these measures does
not result in OPSEC violations.
(2) Rangers can be OPCON with terminating conditions. They normally
conduct a relief in place with conventional forces.
Section I 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 Section II 3-7 3-8 3-9
he ground tactical plan is the base from which commanders develop all
other plans. They must complete the ground tactical plan before finalizing
the landing plan, the air movement plan, and the marshaling plan. It
provides the commander’s intent, his concept of the operation, fire support
plan, and task organization of the units making the initial assault. Ground
combat in airborne operations is conducted along conventional lines but
under unusual conditions. Once these conditions are appreciated, the tactics
and techniques of ground combat can be applied to airborne operations.
(See FMs 7-20 and 7-30 for a detailed discussion of combat operations.)
Once the airborne force commander receives the initiating directive/WO, he
begins planning. This dircctivc/WO includes the following:
• Missions for subordinate units.
• The higher commander’s concept of the operation.
• Command structure for the operation.
• Time and duration of the operation.
• Intelligence and security requirements
• Allocation and distribution of airlift assets.
• Unit deployment list and sequence.
• Departure airfields, REMABs, and ISBs.
• Signal requirements and instructions.
• Linkup and withdrawal concept.
FM 90-26
him, or to repel his assault by fire, close combat, and countcrattack. These
missions usually require the seizure and defense of objectives and
surrounding terrain. Forces rely strongly on the element of surprise. (See
Appendix F for detailed information on the application of the IPB process as
it relates to airborne operations.)
(1) In early linkup operations, the unit defends only the airhead and the
required maneuver space.
(2) In linkup and independent operations, the tactical operation begins with
an initial assault; it then passes to the defense of the established airhead until
enough forces can be delivered to the objective area.
(3) On reinforcement or on linkup with other ground forces, the airborne
units resume the offensive within the commander’s concept of the operation
or withdraw to prepare for subsequent operations.
b. Enemy Forces. Commanders analyze all available information to
determine the enemy’s situation. The following factors are considered:
(1) The availability of DZs, LZs. and EZs (division or corps staff provides a
landing area study to subordinate elements before the preparation of the
landing plan). However, the availability and selection of DZs should not
influence the selection of assault objectives, the airhead line, or unit
(2) Obstacles within the airhead line and out to the maximum effective range
of direct- and indirect-fire weapons, with emphasis on those that can be
prepared or reinforced with minimal engineer effort.
(3) Enemy avenues of approach, since the enemy will try. to reach and
destroy the airborne force before it can assemble and reorganize. This
consideration weighs heavily in determining the location of assault objectives.
FM 90-26
(4) Key terrain that can determine how the airborne force can best defend
the area in depth.
(5) Friendly and enemy observation and fields of fire (particularly for
indirect fires and antiarmor weapons).
(6) Cover and concealment (especially for assembly and reorganization).
(7) The staff must also consider the effects of climate and weather on the
• Flight formations.
• Trafficability.
• Visibility.
• Close air support.
• Logistics.
• Personnel and equipment.
(2) Air Force. Close air support can often make up for the lack of armor and
heavy artillery. The airborne commander must consider the USAF ability to
sustain the force and must bring knowledgeable airlift and tactical air
planners together early.
(3) Navy. The airborne commander examines the availability and feasibility
of NGF support and naval or USMC air support. Early arrangements for
liaison and coordination must be made to support the operation.
FM 90-26
a. The ground tactical plan is developed as any other tactical plan using the
procedure as delineated in FM 7-20, Chapter 2. However, the initial goal of
airborne operations is the establishment of an airhead and its subsequent
a. This selection does not necessarily include those objectives that the force
must seize to secure the airhead line. An appropriate assault objective is one
which the force must control early in the assault to accomplish the mission, or
they must control to enhance the security of the airborne unit during the
establishment of the airhead.
(2) The airborne unit is vulnerable from the time it lands until follow-on
forces can be delivered to the airhead. A mobile enemy unit attacking the
airhead during these early moments can completely disrupt the operation.
Therefore, the commander selects as assault objectives terrain that dominates
places where high-speed enemy avenues of approach enter the airhead.
(3) Enemy positions that both threaten the mission and are located within
the airhead can also be selected as assault objectives. However, commanders
would not classify mobile forces as assault objectives.
(4) Assault objectives must be seized immediately to established the airhead
and to provide security for follow-on forces coming into the airhead.
FM 90-26
(2) Assault objectives are ranked in order. A unit SOP may predesignate a
numbering system for subordinate objectives. For example, all first brigade
objectives begin with a "Q", or for OPSEC purposes, they may be randomly
numbered or lettered. Priorities are chosen based on the most likely threat or
on the needs of the friendly force.
(3) Assault objectives are secured before the defense is setup in the airhead
line. The airhead is then cleared of organized enemy resistance and forces are
positioned to secure the airhead line.
c. At the same time commanders select assault objectives, they consider the
extent of the airhead. The airborne force seizes hostile or threatened
territory. The airhead includes the entire area under control of the airborne
force. It acts as a base for further operations and as a respite that allows the
FM 90-26
airborne force to build up its combat power. Once the force secures the
airhead, they must clear any enemy force within it; then, they must defend it.
The airhead line, which delineates the specific area to be seized, designates
the airhead. Several principle factors determine the location, extent, and form
of the airhead/airhead line.
(1) The actual trace of the airhead line reflects the control of key/critical
terrain essential to the mission. (Figure 3-2.)
(2) The airhead line anchors on obstacles, and the airhead itself takes
advantage of existing natural and man-made obstacles.
(3) The airhead contains enough DZs, LZs, and EZs to ensure interior
rather than exterior lines of communication and to permit mass rather than
piecemeal assault.
(4) The airhead must allow enough space for dispersion to reduce
vulnerability to NBC weapons.
(5) The airhead must be large enough to provide for defense in depth, vet
small enough for the unit to defend. Although this is largely METT-T
dependent, a battalion can defend an airhead 3 to 5 kilometers in diameter.
A brigade can occupy an airhead 5 to 8 kilometers in diameter.
FM 90-26
a. Security forces are landed early in the assault echelon. The reconnaissance
and security line is established immediately 4 to 6 kilometers from the airhead
line to afford security to the airborne force during its landing and
reorganization, In the early stages of an airborne operation, the security. force
acts as a screening force. In later stages (when assault missions have been
accomplished, when the airhead is relatively secure, and when more forces
are available), it acts as a guard or covering force. Security forces come under
brigade control except during short battalion missions such as raids, when
they come under battalion control. The mission of the security force is as
(1) Locate them within radio communications and fire support range.
However, this range can be extended, if necessary, with retransmission
stations; split section indirect-fire operations; and attachment of vehicles
mortars, or other assets to the security force.
(4) Locate them to deny enemy Iong-range observation and observed indirect
fire into the airhead.
FM 90-26
(1) Each unit should be able to clear its assigned sector; therefore,
commanders must consider boundaries concurrently with task organization.
To assign boundaries, commanders subdivide the area into sectors with fairly
equal tasks (not necessarily into equal sectors). This requires a careful
analysis of the enemy, the tasks to be accomplished, and the terrain within the
objective area.
(2) Commanders should avoid splitting (between two units) the responsibility
for the defense of an avenue of approach or key terrain.
(3) Commanders should ensure there is adequate maneuver space in the
sector, including key terrain features that control it.
(4) Commanders should avoid designating boundaries in such a way. that a
major terrain obstacle divides a unit sector; this presents problems for
maneuvering forces.
FM 90-26
(5) The boundaries should provide adequate room to permit the commander
to maneuver forces on both sides of the assault objectives.
(6) The commanders must choose boundaries that are recognizable both on
the map and on the ground. Roads should not be used as a boundary because
they represent a high-speed avenue of approach and need to be covered with
a clear understanding of responsibility. Instead, commanders can use rivers,
streams, railroad tracks, the edge of a town, woods, the edge of a swamp, and
so on.
(7) Ideally, each battalion sector should include at least one DZ and LZ to
enable the battalion and its attachments to land within the assigned sector
during the assault. This also facilitates resupply and evacuation of EPWs and
casualties. Having an LZ and DZ reduces the problem of coordination with
adjacent units. This does not mean that commanders must locate all battalion
DZs in the battalion sector. Regardless of boundaries, units should drop on
the DZs closest to their assault objectives.
(8) Commanders should establish boundaries that will serve during the
assault and during later operations. These should be readily recognizable
during limited visibility.
(9) Commanders should choose boundaries that do not require a unit to
defend in more than one direction at once. Also, they should not expect a unit
to secure objectives within the airhead at the same time they establish its
FM 90-26
(10) Boundaries should extend beyond the trace of the security force as far
as necessary to coordinate fires. This also allows subordinate units to operate
for-ward of the airhead with minimal coordination.
(11) Commanders should plan coordinating points at the intersection of the
airhead line and security force ground trace boundaries.
b. Task Organization. Once commanders have determined the principal
features of the ground assault plan (scheme of maneuver and fire support),
they organize units to execute their assigned missions and they determine
boundaries at the same time. To ensure unity of effort or to increase
readiness for combat, part or all of the subordinate units of any command can
be formed into one or more temporary tactical groupings (teams or task
forces), each under a designated commander. No standard team organization
can be prescribed in advance to meet all conditions. Infantry units usually
form the nucleus tactical groupings of the team; infantry unit commanders
lead the teams. These teams are tailored for initial assault by the attachment
of required combat, CS, and CSS units. They are attached as soon as possible
in the marshaling area. Many of the units detach as soon as centralized
control can be regained and the parent unit headquarters can be established
on the ground. Other units such as higher echelon assault CPs can be
attached for the movement only.
(1) Brigade. Attachments for airborne infantry brigades usually include the
(a) An FA battalion.
(b) A combat engineer company.
(c) An MP platoon.
(d) A light armor company/platoon.
(c) An IEW support element, usually from the MI battalion.
FM 90-26
a. The Battalion as the Division Reserve. The division reserve can be held in
the departure area ready to be committed by air when and where the situation
dictates A battalion can be the division reserve. This usually happens in
large-scale airborne operations when suitable airfields in the airhead are not
available; however, it can cause delays in commitment–
• If signal communications fail.
• If the air move is very long.
• If flying weather is unfavorable.
• If time is added for coordination of air cover.
With the reserve element at the departure airfield, the reserve commander
must continue planning for possible future commitment of his forces as far as
maps, photos, and information of the situation permit.
FM 90-26
b. Brigade and Battalion Reserves. These reserves enter the airhead as part
of the assault echelon. They provide depth to the airhead by blocking
penetrations, reinforcing committed units, and counterattacking. They consist
of not more than a company at brigade level or a platoon at battalion level;
however, their small size is dictated by tactical considerations and assigned
missions. Commanders should organize, task, and position the reserve,
ensuring that–
(3) The reserve is not assigned assault objectives or a sector of the airhead to
(4) The reserve is near areas of likely employment such as near the main
enemy avenues of approach to speed commitment.
(5) The reserve is mobile. (This can be achieved using organic
vehicles – antiarmor company, support platoon, light armor, and so on.)
a. Tactical surprise and detailed planning should enable units to seize their
assault objectives and to establish the airhead before the enemy has time to
react in force. Missions of units are changed as required by the enemy
defense of initial objectives. The enemy can be expected to quickly launch
uncoordinated attacks along major avenues of approach using local forces.
The degree of coordination and strength of these attacks increase
progressively; the airborne force must develop correspondingly greater
FM 90-26
b. Units assigned to perform R&S missions land in early serials so they can
establish roadblocks; locate enemy forces; disrupt enemy communication
facilities; and provide the commander with early warning, security, and
information. Since ground reconnaissance by unit commanders is seldom
possible before the airborne operation, it must begin as soon as the unit lands.
The flow of information must be continuous. Information requirements do
not vary from those employed by other ground units. However, the unit’s
method of arrival in the combat area makes immediate and thorough
reconnaissance and transmission of information to higher headquarters
c. If the initial objectives are heavily defended, the bulk of the force is
assigned the task of seizing these objectives. When initial objectives are lightly
defended, the bulk of the force can be employed in clearing assigned sectors
and preparing defensive positions in depth. Extensive patrolling is initiated
early between adjacent defensive positions within the airhead line, and
between the airhead and the R&S line. Army aircraft are well suited for
support of this patrolling effort. Contact with any friendly guerrilla forces in
the area is established as soon as possible.
d. Personnel are briefed on unit plans, adjacent and higher units’ plans, and
alternate plans. This helps units or personnel landing in unplanned areas to
direct their efforts to accomplishing the mission. Misdelivered units or
personnel establish contact with their respective headquarters as soon as
FM 90-26
a. Size. The airhead line extends far enough beyond the landing area to
ensure uninterrupted landings of personnel, equipment, and supplies. It
secures the requisite terrain features and maneuver space for such future
offensive or defensive operations as the mission calls for.
b. Occupation and Organization. Units occupy and organize the airhead line
to the extent demanded by the situation. Commanders adjust the disposition
of units and installations to fit the terrain and the situation. Units take
reconnaissance and security measures; this usually includes the reinforcement
of the R&S line. The degree to which the airhead line is actually occupied
and organized for defense is largely determined by the mission, enemy
capabilities, and the defensive characteristics of the terrain.
FM 90-26
(5) Defense against airborne attack, guerrilla action, and infiltration. The
defense must include plans for countering enemy airborne attacks, guerrilla
attacks, or infiltrated forces attacking the airhead area. The basic defense
FM 90-26
Section I 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 Section II 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11
he commander finalizes the landing plan after completing the ground
tactical plan. The landing plan phases forces into the objective area at the
correct time and place to execute the ground tactical plan. The execution of
the landing plan is vital to the swift massing of combat power, protection of
the force, and subsequent mission accomplishment. This was demonstrated
by the 503d Parachute Regimental Combat Team in the airborne assault in
support of the invasion of Corrigedor, Philippines on 16 February 1945.
February 16, 1945 was the beginning of one of the most unusual airborne
operations in the Southwest Pacific area during World War II. Because of
Corrigedor's fortifications, the joint commander was determined that more than
just an amphibious assault was necessary. The plan called for an intense air and
naval bombardment of the island, followed by an airborne assault to neutralize
the fortifications and facilitate the amphibious landing.
The planning for the operation was extensive. The regimental and battalion
commanders along with selected staff officers observed the island while riding as
passengers in planes making preparatory air strikes. After the aerial
reconnaissance, the Regimental Combat Team commander and his battalion
commanders studied aerial photographs of the island. Because the island was 1
square mile in area, only two areas were suitable for a drop zone. The largest was
only 150 by 275 yards and sloped down to an abrupt 500-foot drop to the sea.
Because the RCT commander had confidence in the capabilities of his soldiers
and a thorough knowledge of airborne techniques, he felt that the mission could
be accomplished successfully.
Because sufficient aircraft were not available to lift the RCT at one time, the
commander task-organized the regiment into battalion landing teams. There was
a total of 51 aircraft available for the drop and about 3,000 men to be
transported. This meant that the RCT had to be transported in three lifts. One
battalion landing team would be dropped on the morning of D plus 1, one in the
afternoon, and the third on the morning of D plus 2.
Because of the small DZs, the planes had to fly in trail formation (one behind
the other), divided into two columns, one over each DZ. The planes in the left
column would fly over DZA, drop eight paratroopers and an equipment bundle,
circle to the left, join the tail of the column and, in a round-robin fashion,
continue until all personnel and equipment had been dropped. The planes on
the right would do the same thing over DZB, except they would turn to the right.
An airborne command ship was used to control the drop and make corrections.
FM 90-26
It took a little over an hour for the first battalion to be dropped. The operation
was a success — the Japanese were totally surprised. The airborne force
suppressed the defending Japanese and destroyed many gun and mortar
emplacements, allowing the 3d Battalion, 34th Infantry to make the amphibious
landings with few casualties. Later events revealed that the Japanese commander
had been informed that he should devise a defensive plan to repulse an airborne
assault of the island. After he made a reconnaissance he decided that such an
attack was virtually impossible and did nothing.
The ability to rapidly assemle and conduct small-unit operations enabled the
503d RCT to accomplish its assigned mission. Extensive training, detailed
planning, and thorough rehearsals contributed to the success of this combat
operation. The regimental commander task-organized his force to accomplish
the ground tactical plan while devising the simplest landing plan possible under
the circumstances. He anticipated the development many years later of the
ABCCC by using an aerial command ship to observe and control the drop.
The landing plan is the airborne commander's plan that links air movement
into the ground tactical plan. The landing plan is published at the brigade
level and below, but is informal and not published at the joint level. T h e
landing plan is a tabulation of the sequence, method, and destination of
paratroopers and materiel into the objective area. The landing plan has five
• Sequence of delivery.
• Method of delivery.
• Place of delivery.
• Time of delivery.
• The assembly plan.
To develop the landing plan, commanders at each level need to know their
commander’s priorities the airlift tactics, the landing area study, the parent
and subunit task organization and ground tactical plans, and the subunit
landing plan. During the briefback of the ground tactical plan, the
commander establishes airlift/delivery priorities and airlift tactics. He
provides as much of this information as possible to subunits at the end of the
ground tactical plan briefback.
a. Commander's Priorities. The commander must set the priorities for each
assault objective to determine the delivery sequence for units that are to
secure these objectives. This dots not necessarily match the sequence in
which the units secure objectives. The commander must also know:
(1) The priorities for deliveries on each DZ (personnel drop, CDS, heavy
drops, and LAPES).
FM 90-26
(1) Jumping or landing on top of the objective. This method works best for
attacking a small objective that is specially fortified against ground attack.
However, an airborne landing into an area strongly defended against air
attack requires surprise to succeed.
(2) Jumping or landing near the objective. This method works best for the
capture of a lightly defended objective that must be seized intact such as a
bridge. If the enemy has strong defenses against air attack, only surprise can
enable the unit to achieve success with few casualties.
(3) Jumping or landing at a distance from the objective. This technique is the
least often used of the techniques available. Airborne forces use this method
for large complex objectives that must be seized by deliberate attack. The DZ
is selected to emphasize security and preservation of the force. The plan is
based on METT-T considerations and should capitalize on the principle of
FM 90-26
(1) Multiple drop zones. The use of multiple DZs creates a number of small
airheads in the objective area. This technique supports the principle of mass
by placing the maximum number of paratroopers in the objective area in the
minimum amount of time. Additionally, the commander can capitalize on the
principle of surprise because the main effort is not easily determined by the
enemy. This technique is normally used by division-size elements and larger.
(2) Single drop zone. Brigade and smaller-size airborne forces often establish
an airhead by conducting the airborne assault onto a single drop zone. This
technique allows the assaulting unit to assemble quickly and mass combat
power against the enemy.
c. Time-Space Factors. Commanders schedule the delivery sequence and the
time between serials to provide the least time and distance separation
between each aircraft and serial. The airborne force assembles maximum
combat power on the DZ as quickly as possible, using either of the following
(1) Land all elements in the same area. Aircraft approach the DZ in a deep,
narrow formation and all soldiers jump into a small area.
(2) Land all elements at the same time. Aircraft in a wide formation approach
various DZs situated close to each other and all soldiers jump at the same
time or as near to it as possible.
d. Landing Priorities. Airborne units are cross loaded to land close to their
assault objectives.
FM 90-26
(1) Advantages.
(a) Prerigging and storing emergency items for contingencies considerably
reduces shipping and handling time and increases responsiveness.
(b) Since the delivery aircraft does not land, there is no need for forward
airfields/LZs or materiel handling equipment for offloading.
(c) This reduces flight time and exposure to hostile fire and increases aircraft
survivability and availability.
(d) Ground forces can disperse more since they are not tied to an airfield or
(2) Disadvantages.
(g) Ground forces must secure the DZ to prevent items from falling into
enemy hands.
(h) Recovery of airdropped equipment is slow and manpower intensive.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
a. Ease of Identification. The DZ should be easy to spot from the air. Airlift
pilots and navigators prefer to rely on visual recognition of terrain features to
accurately deliver personnel and equipment.
c. Out of Range. The commander should choose a DZ that allows the units
to avoid enemy air defenses and strong ground defences and puts them
outside the range of enemy suppressive fires. To get to the DZ, aircraft
should not have to fly over or near enemy antiaircraft installations, which can
detect aircraft at drop altitudes. They should fly over hostile territory or
positions for the least possible time.
(2) Terrain. Flat or rolling terrain is desirable; it should be relatively free, but
not necessarily clear, of obstacles. Obstacles on a DZ will not prevent
paratroopers from landing but will increase jump casualties. Sites in
mountainous or hilly country with large valleys or level plateaus can be used
for security reasons. Small valleys or pockets completely surrounded by hills
FM 90-26
are difficult to locate and should be used only in rare cases. Commanders
must avoid man-made obstacles more than 150 feet (46 meters) above the
level of the DZ within a radius of 3 nautical miles. High ground or hills need
not be considered a hazard unless the hills pose an escape problem that is
beyond the aircraft’s capability. High ground or hills more than 1,000 feet
(305 meters) above the surface of the site should not be closer than 3 nautical
miles to the DZ for night operations. The perimeter of the DZ should have
one or more open approach sectors free of any obstacles that would prevent
the aircrew’s sighting of the DZ markings.
(a) Cover and concealment. Cover and concealment near the DZs/LZs area
distinct advantage when the airborne forces assemble and when airland forces
(b) Road net. Having a DZ near a good road net expedites moving
personnel, supplies, and equipment from that zone. If the landing area
contains terrain that is to be developed into an airlanding facility, a road net is
of particular value – not only for moving items from the facility but also for
evacuating personnel and equipment.
(c) Key terrain. The DZ site selected should aid in the success of the mission
by taking advantage of dominating terrain, covered routes of approach to the
objective, and terrain favorable for defense against armored attack.
(1) Shape. The most desirable shapes for DZs arc rectangular or round;
these permit a wider choice of aircraft approach directions. However, [hey
also require precise navigation and timing to avoid collisions or drop
(2) Size. The DZ should be large enough to accommodate the airborne force
employed; one DZ that allows the aircraft to drop all of its load in one pass is
desirable. Repeated passes are dangerous because the initial pass can alert
enemy antiaircraft and other emplacements, and they will be waiting for
subsequent drops.
(a) There are certain situations, however, when multiple passes can be used.
This occurs mainly when there is no significant air defense threat and orbits
can be made over areas where enemy antiaircraft systems are not positioned.
This applies especially to the seizure of islands where small DZs arc the rule.
If there are enough aircraft available to deliver the force with less personnel
FM 90-26
on each aircraft, there is no real problem. However, if there are only enough
aircraft to deliver the assault echelon in one lift with each aircraft carrying the
maximum number of personnel, then the aircraft will have to make multiple
passes over the DZ.
(1) Ideal DZs offset and parallel each serial. (Figures 4-4 and 4-5.) This
allows aircraft to share a flight route until they approach the objective area;
then they can split at an 1P (RP) for simultaneous delivery on several DZs.
FM 90-26
(2) Another technique that can be employed is to make two drops on two
DZs in line (thus eliminating a change of flight direction between the two
drops). The DZs must be far enough apart to permit the navigators to
compute the location of the second release point.
(3) Paratroopers are more likely to overshoot the DZ than to undershoot it.
Therefore, selection of the trailing edge of the DZ should be at the objective
to place personnel responsible for the primary assault objective at the front of
the aircraft so that they exit last.
(4) If a fighter aircraft escort or rendezvous is required for the drop, they
must be kept advised of the drop pattern, the direction of all turns to be flown
around the DZ, and the areas to look for possible enemy activity.
(5) Drop zones that require intersecting air traffic patterns should be
avoided whenever possible. They delay simultaneous delivery of the force
because of the safety requirements to stagger delivery times and clear the air
by at least a 5- or 10-minute formation separation time. They also require that
JSEAD be accomplished for multiple routes instead of one. This may result
in piecemeal delivery and an unnecessarily complicated plan, violating the
principles of mass and simplicity.
j. Alternate Drop Zones or Landing Zones. Commanders must select
alternate DZs/LZs to compensate for changes that may occur.
(1) Single brigade drop zone. The usc of a single brigade DZ on which
battalions land successively has these advantages:
FM 90-26
(a) It permits greater flexibility in the plan of maneuver and the plan of
supporting fires.
FM 90-26
committed during the main effort to neutralize specific areas or to block the
movement of enemy reserves. It can also be committed after the main effort
to assist a breakthrough or to block an enemy withdrawal.
(1) Night airborne operations offer the following advantages. They greatly
increase the chance of surprise and survivability, and reduce the chance of
attack by enemy aircraft during the air movement. They also reduce
vulnerability to antiaircraft fire, conceal preparations for takeoff from the
enemy, and reduce the effectiveness of the defender’s fires.
(3) Daylight operations provide better visibility both from the air and
ground, more accurate delivery, quicker assembly, and more effective friendly
fires than night operations.
(4) However, daylight operations increase vulnerability to enemy air defense,
ground fires, and air attack, and they result in loss of surprise.
c. Intervals. The time interval between delivery of the assault echelon
(P-hour) and the follow-on echelon depends on the availability of aircraft, the
capacity of departure airfields, the number of aircraft sorties that can be
flown on D-day, the availability of DZs/LZs within the objective area, and the
enemy situation. For example, if there are unlimited aircraft, ample departure
airfields, numerous DZs/LZs within the objective area, and little or no enemy
air defense, the commander could deliver the follow-on echelon immediately
after the assault echelon Thus, the time interval could be so brief that it
would be hard to determine which was the last aircraft of the assault echelon
and which was the first aircraft of the follow-on echelon. Regardless of the
timing selected, avoid setting a pattern.
FM 90-26
b. Heavy-Drop Loads. Always plan for the possibility that one or more
heavy-drop aircraft will abort before it gets to the DZ, or the equipment will
streamer in and become unserviceable.
(1) The CWIE and the DMJP can and should be jumped at any position in
the stick to support cross loading and assembly plans. The commander must
make a risk assessment when he determines the location of paratroopers in
the stick carrying this equipment.
(2) Risks to both the paratrooper and mission accomplishment are present.
If the paratrooper falls inside the aircraft, the remainder of the soldiers may
not be able to exit on that pass. Also, this equipment increases the risks of the
paratrooper being towed outside the aircraft.
b. Assembly on the DZ: This technique maybe used when the DZ will not be
used by follow-on forces, speed is not essential, and dismounted avenues of
approach from the DZ to the objective are available.
c. Assembly Adjacent to the DZ: This technique may be employed when the
DZ is to be used by follow-on forces or if the DZ is compromised during the
airborne assault.
FM 90-26
identify personnel, equipment, and points or areas on the ground. Units can
use visual, audible, electronic, natural, or individual aids; for reliability and
ease of recognition, units combine these. Operators of assembly aids land as
close as possible to their AA so they can mark the area. An Air Force CCT or
LRSU places assembly aids if the situation permits. Partisans, special forces
personnel, or high-performance aircraft can deliver assembly aids. Whenever
possible, regardless of the method chosen to emplace the aids, commanders
should provide backup operators, backup aids, and backup delivery means.
Figure 4-6. Control posts for brigade units landing on one DZ.
FM 90-26
b. Joint Airborne Advance Party. The JAAP has a variety of navigational and
assembly aids. They usually land on the DZ/LZ from 15 minutes to 1 hour
before the main elements arrive. The senior commander prescribes how the
JAAP helps units assemble after landing.
FM 90-26
(1) Visual aids. Visual aids include visible light sources, such as beacons,
flashlights, strobe lights, or signal mirrors; panels; flags; balloons; infrared
lights, such as metascopes, flashlights with filters, infrared weapons sights, or
starlight scopes; pyrotechnics; and chemical lights. These aids arc simple to
use and afford positive identification of AAs. However, the enemy can see
them as well as friendly personnel can. The Stiner aid has a cloth panel with a
colored letter; that is, HHC = White “H”. They arc the same color for night
use. (Figure 4-9, page 4-20.) It has pockets for 15-inch chemical lights; the
FM 90-26
(2) Audible aids. Audible aids especially help small units assemble at night.
They include tin crickets, sirens, cowbells, air horns, triangles, dinner bells,
ratchets, drums, gongs, whistles, bugles, and voice signals; they can be used to
identify individuals or AAs. Strong winds, gunfire, aircraft sounds, an
elevation high above sea level, and other factors can limit their effectiveness.
The normal sounds of the battlefield easily mask or confuse the sounds of
audible assembly aids.
(3) Electronic aids. Units can use organic radios to effectively direct small
units to AAs, using landmarks as references. They can also use radio homing
devices. A homing device is a lightweight attachment to a standard field
radio; it is an excellent aid for day or night assembly. With it, a RATELO can
FM 90-26
pick up a coded signal beam from a transmitter at the AA. By following the
beam, the RATELO homes in on the transmitter and leads the unit to the
AA. The unit uses the AT-784/PRC antenna with the AN/PRC-77 to home in
on the transmissions of another AN/PRC-77 or another FM radio on the
same frequency. Signal crews can make an equipment homing assembly aid
from a standard portable field radio or transmitter. The unit attaches the
radio to the equipment and turns it to a designated frequency. They encase it
in shock-absorbing material just before its extraction from the aircraft. This
technique is especially useful for assembling crews on heavy-drop loads.
(3) Assault aircraft markings. A simple code symbol (using various designs,
colors, and combinations of letters and numbers) can be painted on both
sides of the fuselage of assault aircraft to identify the contents. This symbol is
large enough to be readily seen, and it indicates not only the type of
equipment contained in the aircraft but also the unit to which the equipment
FM 90-26
tactically, and is prepared to fight as a combined arms team. The slower the
force assembles, the more they risk failure. An airborne unit’s assembly plan
consists mainly of the following techniques:
b. Place all organic and attached weapon systems into action as quickly as
(1) Establish an assembly control point located near the DZ centerline. The
assembly control point OIC or NCOIC accounts for all paratroopers as they
report to the control point. He then gives them an azimuth and distance and
sends them to the assembly area/assault objective. If the soldiers do not have
a compass, they wait until someone with a compass reports in and they move
out together.
(2) Locate the unit AA in a covered and concealed position off the DZ. The
first group to arrive in the unit AA should erect an assembly aid ASAP to
assist in directing the rest of the unit to the AA.
(3) Move out rapidly on the assigned mission once most of the unit has gone
through the assembly control point and arrived in the AA. Leave a small
element in the AA to handle stragglers.
b. Troop Briefings. Another key element of a good assembly is the
thoroughness of unit briefings and individual soldier briefbacks.
(1) BRIEF soldiers–and rebrief them–on the assembly plan of his unit and
on those of other units scheduled to share the same DZ.
(2) USE visual aids such as maps, aerial photos, terrain models, and sand
(3) WARN soldiers to resist guiding on what appears to be a prominent
terrain feature on a map. Once they are on the ground, the terrain feature
probably cannot be seen. This is especially true if soldiers land on the wrong
DZ or on the wrong part of a DZ.
(4) AVOID instructing soldiers to move out on a particular azimuth or to go
in a precise direction unless they each have a compass.
(5) USE the clock directional system. Instruct soldiers to orient themselves
and the general location of the AA by the direction of flight.
FM 90-26
(1) The speed at which airplanes carrying paratroopers cross the DZ affects
the length of the landing pattern. The greater the speed, the greater the
distance that is covered between the exit of each paratrooper, thus increasing
the length of the landing pattern. Planes cross the DZ as slowly as is safely
possible, and paratroopers exit rapidly to reduce dispersion.
(2) As paratroopers descend, they drift with the prevailing wind, but usually
not at a uniform rate for each soldier. They can pass through strata of varying
wind direction and velocity that causes some dispersion within the unit. The
higher the altitude, the greater the possibility of dispersion due to wind.
Therefore the aircraft cross the DZ at minimum altitudes that are consistent
with the safety of aircraft and paratroopers.
(3) In parachute landings, the width of the landing pattern of soldiers and
equipment is the approximate width of the aircraft formation at the time of
the drop. Therefore, the formation is kept as tight as possible to keep the
soldiers and equipment together. If possible, a company or battalion is placed
in the flight formation so that all plane loads of the unit land in a small
pattern as close as practicable to the AA. (See FM 100-27 for basic patterns
of aircraft formations.)
e. Drop Zone Visibility. Darkness, fog, haze, rain, brush, trees, and terrain
affect DZ visibility on the ground, and hence impact on assembly. Assembly
during darkness is complicated by poor visibility and difficulty in identifying
or recognizing AAs, control posts, personnel, and equipment. The darkness
contributes to confusion, to stragglers, and to the loss of equipment. An
assembly during darkness takes longer and requires more elaborate assembly
aids and larger control posts than a daylight assembly.
f. State of Training. One of the most important factors that affect rapid
assembly is training. The degree of proficiency of the individuals in a unit has
a much greater influence than the techniques they employ. Units must
continuously practice parachute assaults and assemble as they would in
combat. For specific missions, previous training is built on and tailored
through detailed briefings, including maps, photos, and terrain models. When
possible, rehearsals using assembly techniques planned for the assault are
used. Thorough orientation, rigorous training, aggressive leadership, and
individual initiative have the single greatest impact on assembly.
FM 90-26
g. Enemy. Enemy action can have both a direct and indirect effect on
assembly. Enemy action indirectly affects en route airlift capability to deliver
the force to the correct DZ. It directly affects friendly assembly once on the
(1) Every available device must be used to neutralize enemy air activity and
antiaircraft fire.
(2) Enemy opposition during or immediately after landing is a critical
consideration affecting assembly due to the unusual vulnerability of the
airborne force between landing and completion of assembly. Every possible
precaution is taken to ensure that the landing is unopposed or that provisions
are made to deal with expected enemy resistance. This requires accurate
intelligence, responsive (air alert) CAS, and effective OPSEC and deception.
a. The theory and techniques of cross loading apply as much to this method
of delivery as to any other. The Air Force drops the Army along a single track
(line of flight) down the center of the DZ and uses just one soldier and one
heavy-drop impact point. On special request, they fly multiple tracks across
the DZ and usc multiple impact points on the DZ. By efficient cross loading,
selection of AAs, and careful selection of personnel and equipment impact
points, soldiers, units, and equipment can be delivered closer to the AA than
the single-track, single-impact point method. (Figure 4-10.)
b. The DZ selected for multiple-lateral impact points must be wider than 700
meters. (Figure 4-11.) This is duc to the requirement for all impact points to
be at least 350 meters in from the surveyed edge of the DZ. Multiple, lateral
impact points apply to all types of loads.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
accomplish the mission. The time or conditions for assault units to move out
on their assigned missions are ordinarily established in the plans of higher
Because of the dispersion of personnel and equipment in landing, the
possibility of inaccurate landings, and the potential loss of aircraft during the
air movement, commanders at all levels must learn the status of personnel
and equipment in their units as soon as possible after landing. They need this
information to determine the combat potential of the units before executing
the ground tactical plan.
a. All units report their personnel and equipment status to the next higher
unit at predetermined times or intervals until reorganization is complete.
These status reports usually indicate the location of the unit; the number of
soldiers assembled and the number of known casualties; the number and type
of crew-served weapons, vehicles, radios, and other recovered key equipment;
and any information available on missing soldiers and equipment. Units make
abbreviated status reports on the DZ as soon they establish radio
b. The assault clement, after seizing assault objectives, has the mission of
gaining and maintaining the security of the DZ. The assault clement protects
the assembly of soldiers on the DZ; they accompany supplies and equipment
not recovered by assault units and, in some cases, the later landing of other
soldiers or unit air supply. The size of the security force for a DZ/LZ depends
on the expected enemy. The security force can usc a series of small OPs or
roadblocks and patrols. These security provisions arc usually quite simple
because of the short time the AA is to be occupied. However, the planning is
in minute detail, including mission, size, composition, and organization of
each security element; location of OPS or roadblocks; routes of patrols;
FM 90-26
The initial effort of all commanders and staff officers is the seizure of assault
objectives followed by reassembling and regaining command and control.
Smaller units with specific missions proceed without waiting for the parent
units to assemble. Reorganization is faster and more precise in the daytime
than at night.
FM 90-26
As with the ground tactical plan, each echelon (fire team through brigade)
must briefback his landing plan. The landing plan remains tentative until
commanders complete briefbacks and coordinate changes.
b. Assembly Plan. One of the most critical parts of the landing plan is the
assembly plan. Each leader must brief his soldiers, require a briefback,
rebrief his soldiers, and require another briefback. Each soldier should know
exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it to assemble quickly.
5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6
5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15
The air movement plan contains the information required to ensure the
efficient loading and delivery of units to the objective area in the proper
sequence, time, and place to support the ground tactical plan.
a. Elements of Air Movement Table. The air movement table forms the
principal part of the air movement plan, including the following essential
• Departure airfield for each serial.
• Number of aircraft for each serial.
• Chalk numbers for each aircraft, each serial, and each departure
airfield; aircraft tail numbers correspond to aircraft chalk numbers.
• Unit identity of the airlift element.
• Name/rank of each USAF serial commander.
• Number and type aircraft.
• Employment method for each aircraft (PP/HD/CDS/LAPES).
• Army unit identity.
• Name/rank of each Army commander.
FM 90-26
• Load times.
• Station times.
• Takeoff times.
• Designated primary and alternate DZs for each serial.
• P-hour for the lead aircraft of each serial (given in real time).
• Remarks such as special instructions, key equipment, and location of
key members of the chain of command.
b. Additional Elements. Besides the air movement tables, the air movement
plan contains the following information:
Flight route diagram.
Serial formation.
Air traffic control.
Concentration for movement.
Allowable cabin/cargo loads.
Airfield/FLS MOG (aircraft maneuver on ground space).
Aircraft parking diagram.
Army personnel and equipment rigging areas at the departure
Army control procedures during preparation for loading.
Emergency procedures including SERE/SAR planning.
Weather considerations.
JSEAD, counterair, and BAI considerations
FM 90-26
a. Weight Method. This method is based on the assumption that total weight,
not volume, is the determining factor. Since aircraft sometimes run out of
space before exceeding the ACL, this method is no longer widely used. It has
been replaced by the type-load method. However, during recent operations, it
was discovered that aircraft can actually exceed their ACL before running out
of space. The long distances involved in reaching an objective area, the
necessity of the aircraft to circle for extended periods before landing, and the
large amounts of fuel needed to sustain the aircraft can result in the aircraft
having to reduce its ACL. As a rule, the longer the deployment, the lower the
a. Tactical Integrity. The S3 Air keeps units intact as much as possible. For
parachute operations, this can mean placing units larger than squads on
separate aircraft so they exit their respective aircraft over the same portion of
the DZ. This facilitates rapid assembly by placing units close to their AAs on
(1) The S3 Air keeps squads together on the same aircraft if possible; fire
teams are never split.
(2) Fire support teams and their RATELOs should be on the same aircraft
with the commander they support; they should jump so as to land next to him.
(3) Platoon leaders (and PSGs on different aircraft) should have their FOs
and RATELOs and at least one machine gun crew and one Dragon gunner
on the same aircraft.
(4) Each aircraft must have at least one unit NCO or commissioned officer
for each unit with soldiers on board. Each aircraft has Army leadership
(5) Tactical integrity can be ensured by distributing the company
commander, unit 1SG, and XO in the lead, middle, and trail aircraft,
b. Cross Loading. Cross loading distributes leaders, key weapons, and key
equipment among the aircraft of the formation to preclude total loss of C2 or
unit effectiveness if an aircraft is lost. This is an important factor in rapid
FM 90-26
(1) Separate key personnel in case any aircraft aborts or fails to reach the
DZ. This prevents the loss of more than one key officer/NCO of any one unit.
Properly planned cross loading accomplishes the following:
(a) Soldiers from the same unit will land together in the same part of the DZ
for faster assembly.
(b) Equipment/vehicle operators and weapon system crews will land in the
same part of the DZ as their heavy-drop equipment so they can get to it, derig
it, and get ready to fight quickly.
(c) If one or more aircraft abort either on the ground or en route to the DZ,
some key leaders and equipment will still be delivered.
(2) When planning airborne force cross loading, remember – the fewer key
people on the same aircraft, the better. If possible, separate the following
(a) The brigade commander and his battalion commanders.
(b) The battalion commanders and their company commanders.
(c) The commander, his XO, and his S3.
(d) The primary brigade and battalion staff officers and their assistants.
(c) The company commanders, XOs, and 1SGs from the same company.
(f) The platoon leaders and PSGs from the same platoon.
(3) Always plan for the possibility that one or more heavy-drop aircraft will
abort before it gets to the DZ, or the equipment will streamer in and become
(a) Cross load heavy-drop equipment to have the least possible impact on
the mission if it does not arrive in the DZ. Separate critical loads so if any
aircraft aborts or fails to reach the DZ, no single unit loses more than one key
officer/NCO or a significant proportion of the same type of combat-essential
(b) Coordinate closely with the Air Force so heavy-drop loads are loaded in
the reverse order they should land.
(c) Do not include the same type of critical equipment from the same unit, or
like equipment from different units in the same aircraft loads. This applies
whether it is to be airdropped or airlanded.
(d) Cross load heavy-drop equipment in one of the following ways:
• Select HEPIs to support the ground tactical plan. Place loads so they
land close to the location where they will bx used. Cross load the
parachutists to first support the ground tactical plan; then coordinate
their landings with those of the heavy-drop platforms. When using
multiple HEPIs, coordinate the selected HEPI for each load with the
Air Force mission commander.
FM 90-26
• Do not load two or more like platforms from the same unit on the
same aircraft because the aircraft are moving too fast to drop more
than one platform in the same sector.
(e) Separate radios, mortars, antitank weapons, ammunition bundles, and
other critical equipment or supplies as much as possible. No like items of
combat-essential equipment from the same unit should be on the same
• A weapons system should be loaded on the same aircraft as its crew.
NOTE: Only one crew-served weapons squad/team should be on
each aircraft.
• A RATELO should jump the same aircraft as the leader he
supports, either just before or just after him. Another good
technique is for the leader to jump the radio himself. In this way, he
can still set up immediate communications even if he and his
RATELO are separated on the DZ.
• The CWIE and the DMJP can and should be jumped at any position
in the stick to support cross loading and assembly plans. The
commander must make a risk assessment when he determines the
location of parachutists in the stick carrying this equipment. Risks to
both the parachutist and mission accomplishment are present. If the
parachutist falls inside the aircraft, the remainder of the soldiers may
not be able to exit on that pass. Also, this equipment increases the
risks of the parachutist being towed outside the aircraft.
(1) A single (complete) weapons system should have the complete crew for
that system on the same aircraft along with enough ammunition to place the
weapon into operation.
(2) For airland or heavy-equipment drop operations, trailers and weapons
are manifested with their prime movers.
(3) Squads should stay together on the same aircraft; fire teams are never
split. Squads/fire teams should jump both aircraft doors to reduce the amount
of separation on the DZ.
FM 90-26
d. Establishing priorities for entry into the objective area by echelon: assault,
follow-on, and rear. Units establish priorities within each echelon to phase
personnel and equipment into subsequent echelons if aircraft are not
Units receive their missions and review previous plans. Then they–
a. Revise the plans based on the task organization dictated by the ground
tactical plan.
a. Heavy-drop vehicles are first loaded with as much unit equipment as they
will hold. The vehicle's load capacity should not be exceeded, and all cargo
must be secured in the vehicle's cargo compartment. Vehicles arc measured
and weighed after they have been loaded. (Guidance for weighing and
marking of airdrop vehicles is in FM 55-9 and AR 220-10.) Some items,
especially ammunition, cannot be rigged on the vehicle, but can be carried as
ballast on the platform. (See the appropriate FM for rigging different vehicles
for heavy-equipment drop.)
FM 90-26
b. Vehicle load cards are made for each vehicle to be loaded aboard an
aircraft. (Figure 5-l.) Each sketch includes such information as load data for
the vehicle; length and width of the vehicle; and, when the vehicle carries
cargo, the names and locations of the cargo in the vehicle.
FM 90-26
a. Preparation of the Form. The example basic planning guide form is first
prepared by commanders of lower units and consolidated by higher units that
control and plan the operation. Thus, the ground forces commander has
available for planning the exact status of the personnel and equipment of his
entire force.
FM 90-26
b. Explanation of the Form. The separate items of the form are completed as
FM 90-26
(4) Vehicles, equipment, and supplies. The columns under this heading are
used to show the distribution of materiel for the operation. The number of
each type of vehicle, as well as heavy or bulky equipment and supplies, are
listed herein.
(5) Remarks. In this item, additional information or notes concerning
personnel or equipment (such as the contents of air delivery containers) are
c. Collection of Forms. The S3 Air for the battalion collects the basic
planning guide forms from the subordinate companies and consolidates them
at battalion level. He submits them to US Army riggers, ALCE, and the
DACG, depending on the type of movement required.
a. Loading Table Layout. Using DD Form 2131 or MAC Forms 342 or 559,
depending on the type of aircraft employed, the placement of each vehicle
and item of equipment is planned. Using templates (which can be obtained
from ALCE) and the form for the appropriate aircraft, each type of load is
laid out and lines are drawn around the template. The load must be within the
aircraft’s safe center of gravity limits; the ACL must not be exceeded.
c. Loading Table Approval. When all data have been entered on the
appropriate form, the Air Force (the affiliated ALCE) approves the loads.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
a. Heading. When the air movement table is published as a part of the order,
the following elements are included:
• Classification.
• Annex and operations order number.
• Headquarters.
• Place of issue.
• Date and time.
• Map reference.
b. Serial Number. Serial numbers are arranged consecutively in the order of
flight. Factors to be considered in the assignment of units to serials arc the
mission of the airborne unit, the size of the DZ/LZ, and the distribution
(cross loading) of personnel, weapons, and equipment.
c. Chalk Number. The chalk number specifics the position of aircraft being
loaded in each serial. Loads are numbered sequentially IAW serial
numbering, such as Serial 1 contains Chalks 1 through 12; Serial 2 contains
Chalks 13 through 24.
d. Air Force Units. This section includes Air Force information that is
important to the ground force commander.
(1) Airlift unit. This is the designation of the airlift unit that is transporting or
furnishing the aircraft for each serial.
(2) Serial commander. This is the senior Air Force officer in the serial.
(3) Number and type of aircraft. The exact number and type of aircraft that
actually fly in the serial are shown in this column.
e. Army Forces. This section includes information directly related to the
ground forces.
(1) Aircraft required. The number of airplanes required to transport the unit.
(2) Employment. Type of movement such as parachute, heavy equipment,
CDS, LAPES, or airlanded.
(3) Unit loaded. The airborne unit being loaded.
FM 90-26
(9) Aircraft formations. The type formation the aircraft will fly.
(10) Objective. The name or designation of the DZ, LZ, EZ, or airfield.
(11) Time over target. TOT is the time of arrival at the objective area.
(12) Direction of flight over the objective area.
f. Other Items. Other items that can be included in the air movement table
(at the commander’s discretion) are as follows:
Number of personnel by serial/chalk.
Initial and final manifest call times.
Prejump training times.
Type parachute.
Weather decision.
Weather delay.
Time for movement to the departure airfield.
Air Force station time.
The flight manifest is an exact record of personnel by name, rank, SSAN, and
duty position in each aircraft . It is also a brief description of the equipment,
with the station number, as loaded in the aircraft. Load computations for
personnel and equipment are also listed. A separate form is made for each
aircraft. Copies are made for the DACG/DACO, pilot, ALCE, and AACG; a
copy is retained by the jumpmaster or senior Army representative on the
aircraft. The senior ground forces member or primary jumpmaster in each
aircraft finalizes the form. The Air Force authorizes it, and the ground force
representative signs it after verifying the personnel on the manifest.
FM 90-26
(1) Air Force aircraft characteristics. This file includes all data that affect the
placement of equipment on a particular aircraft; it contains data on the
C-130, C-141B, C-17, and C5A/B aircraft, which appropriate personnel
update as changes occur.
(2) Items and uniform. This file contains size data on all the equipment in the
unit that requires floor space. Commanders use the data for airland, airdrop,
or LAPES. The file contains information about the aircraft center of balance,
the psi of the tires, whether the item requires shoring or not, and whether the
item is turnable or not. The unique feature of this file is that it considers
inseparable items of equipment together; for example, a jeep and trailer or a
HMMWV and 105-millimeter howitzer. This permits the program to load an
item of equipment with its prime mover.
(3) Force package and options. This file contains 12 force packages and about
1,000 modular force package options.
b. Commander Input. The ALPS allows commanders to input force
packages, options, items, prime movers and the towed pieces of equipment,
and multiples of each. Once a force package or option is entered into the
program, the force package or option can be changed for the specific run of
the program to meet mission requirements.
6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 Section I Section II
After the air movement plan has been developed, briefed back refined (if
necessary), and approved, the next plan to be developed is the marshaling
plan; it supports the previous three plans. The tactical, landing, and air
movement plans are used to determine the number of personnel and vehicles
to be stationed at or moved through each airfield. The marshaling plan
provides the necessary information and procedures by which units of the
airborne force complete final preparations for combat, move to departure
airfields, and load the aircraft. It also provides detailed instructions for
facilities and services needed during marshaling. The procedures in this
chapter assist airborne commanders and staffs in planning for marshaling
and CSS.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
b. Assignment. In the marshaling plan, the S4 (in coordination with the S3)
assigns units to marshaling areas near the departure airfields the units will
use. Every effort should be made to locate the areas as closely as possible to
FM 90-26
(1) Operating detachments and necessary equipment are provided for each
camp. These detachments furnish signal communications, transportation,
medical, and postal services. They also operate mess facilities and utilities.
(2) Personnel from the units being marshaled or from follow-on units of the
airborne force can assist in the operation of the camps if it does not interfere
with their preparations for the airborne operation. Equipment from these
units cannot be used because it must be packed and loaded for movement to
the objective area.
(3) Small stocks of supplies and equipment of all services are maintained at
each camp to fill last-minute shortages of the units being marshaled. Service
maintenance support is furnished as required.
(4) The number of personnel required to support operation and
maintenance of marshaling areas varies. Based on past experience, about 10
percent of the number of personnel being marshaled is required for
supporting services.
FM 90-26
(1) Bivouac site. If billets are not available, a bivouac site can be prepared
with tents laid out in company streets. (See FM 101-10-1/2 and CTA 50-909.)
(2) Mess facilities. FM 101-10-1/2 provides the guidelines for determining
mess hall size.
FM 90-26
(3) Latrine areas. There should be enough latrines to serve at least 4 percent
of the male soldiers and 6 percent of the expected female soldiers. Latrines
should be built at least 100 yards downwind from food service facilities to
prevent contamination of food and water. They need to be 30 yards from the
end of the unit area, but within a reasonable distance for easy access.
(4) Shower facilities. Enough shower facilities should be provided to support
the size force in the marshaling area.
e. Rigging. The airborne force requires facilities for rigging heavy-drop
equipment, CDS, and LAPES platform loads. Although equipment can be
rigged outdoors, it should be rigged in a large building, such as a hangar,
where it is protected from weather. The following facilities are needed to
(1) Loading area control center. The LACC is provided for the initial
preparation of vehicles for heavy drop, LAPES, or airland. It should have a
10-foot by 20-foot area for each vehicle and a 20-foot-wide area between rows
for maintenance. A large area must be provided on either side of the LACC
for maneuverability within the LACC for maintenance or other vehicles.
Figure 6-2 shows an example LACC for heavy-drop rigging.
FM 90-26
(2) Rigging sites. The rigging site shown in Figure 6-3 accommodates the
rigging and outloading of about 50 platforms in a 24-hour period, depending
on the availability of trained personnel, equipment, and supplies. The rigging
site uses an assembly line rigging technique. Riggers can operate as many
lanes as required (with augmentation and as available space allows), although
four are provided in this example.
(a) Lanes. Each lane has five rigging stations, one for each of the following:
• Vehicle preparation.
• Platform preparation and load positioning.
• Lashing installation.
• Parachutes and extraction system.
• Joint Army/Air Force load inspection.
(b) Personnel. Each rigging site requires about 240 support personnel and 60
riggers (two shifts), Support personnel typically include:
• One OIC for each rigging site.
• Two warrant officers (MOS 921A) for each rigging site.
• Twenty-five support personnel for each rigging lane.
• Twenty support personnel for each platform outload at a rigging site.
• Each site requires 30 riggers, plus 1 for each rigging station, 2 for
each joint airlift inspection station, and 1 for each outload station.
• One ammunition specialist (MOS 55B) for each rigging site.
(c) Equipment. The following items of equipment are usually required to
load equipment on platforms and to load platforms on vehicles for
transportation to the departure airfield:
• Four 14-ton air-transportable cranes.
• One 40-ton crane
• Two 5-ton wreckers
• Ten 10-ton M172 semitrailers and tractors.
• One 6,000-pound, rough-terrain forklift.
• One 10,000-pound rough- terrain forklift
• Five tractors and trailers for hauling air items
• Trailers with ammunition for ballast.
(d) Rigging areas. A 75- by 110-meter area (roughly) is required for the
rigging area itself. The ground surface should be clear, level, and compact.
Each assembly line is about 25 feet wide by 110 feet long; it has at least a
30-foot gap between lanes to allow for vehicular movement Each line
requires a foundation of 2-inch by 10- or 12-inch planks by 25-feet-long
planks; it is laid side by side every 5 feet to support the roller conveyors (if a
hardstand is not available). Space is reserved at the beginning of each lane to
pack ammunit ion and other supplies onto vehicles and at the end of each lane
to operate the loading equipment.
(c) Holding areas. Holding areas for rigging supplies are provided on either
side of the rigging site for delivering and unloading rigging supplies.
(Figure 6-4.) Enough space must be provided to drive through and park the
trucks delivering materials to this site.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
a. Staff Members and Duties. Staff members of the marshaling unit perform
specific duties as follows:
FM 90-26
b. Support Agencies. When the divisional airborne brigade deploys and the
marshaling areas close, the division support command acts as the provisional
logistical unit at the home station. The theater commander responsible for the
AO provides the provisional logistical support unit for the ISB. If a support
unit cannot pre-position at the ISB, a support unit from the home station
command is included in the advance party. Marshaling control agencies assist
the airborne and airlift force in the execution of the operation.
(1) Marshaling area control group. To enable the majority of the airborne
force to concentrate on preparing for planned operations, support agencies
are designated by division headquarters to provide most of the administrative
and logistical support. These nonorganic units and certain organic units not
participating in the airborne assault are organized into a provisional unit
known as the MACG. The MACG commander is the principal logistical
operator for the deploying force; he executes the logistical plan. Typical
assistance provided by this unit includes:
All classes of supply.
Campsite(s) construction, operation, and maintenance.
Recreation and other morale services.
Local security personnel to augment the Air Force, when required.
Health service support.
(2) Airlift control element. The ALCE coordinates and maintains operational
control of all airlift aircraft while they are on the ground at the designated
airfield. This includes aircraft and load-movement control and reporting,
communications, loading and off-loading teams, aeromedical activities, and
coordination with interested agencies, The ALCE's support function includes
activities that relate to the airfield. Typical tasks for this Air Force unit
(a) Support and control exercises and contingency operations, as defined in
MAC and TAC manuals and mission directives, on both a planned and a
no-notice basis.
(h) Ensure that appropriate and adequate briefings for Army and AF
personnel are conducted.
FM 90-26
(k) Schedule and coordinate proper AF coverage of assault LZs, DZs, and
(l) Schedule and publish air movement tables for supported units.
(m) Provide or arrange weather support for the mission.
(3) Departure airfield control group. The DACG ensures that Army units and
their supplies and equipment are moved from the marshaling area and loaded
IAW the air movement plan. Timing is critical at this point in the
operation – strict control of both air and ground traffic must be maintained
on and across active runways.
(4) Arrival airfield control group. The organization of the AACG is similar to
the DACG. When personnel, supplies, and equipment are arriving on aircraft
and need to be moved to marshaling camps or holding areas, the AACG is
responsible for offloading them. Like the DACG, the AACG works closely
with the ALCE unit at the arrival airfield.
FM 90-26
(c) Provides instructions for loading and unloading aircraft and for cargo
(d) Parks aircraft IAW the parking plan.
(e) Provides loading ramps, floor conveyors, tie-downs, load spreaders, and
other auxiliary equipment such as operation ejection equipment.
(f) Prepares aircraft for ejection of cargo and for the safe exit of parachutists
from aircraft in flight. Cargo to be ejected in flight is tied down by Air Force
(f) Delivers properly rigged supplies and equipment to the aircraft IAW the
loading plan.
(g) Loads, ties down, and unloads accompanying supplies and equipment
into and from the aircraft with technical assistance from a representative of
the Air Force. Cargo to be ejected in flight is tied down and ejected by AF
personnel. (Exception is made in the case of containers of supplies and
equipment that are pushed from the jump exits by paratroopers immediately
before their exit from the aircraft.)
FM 90-26
(h) Ensures that Army personnel are seated aboard aircraft, are properly
equipped, and have their safety belts fastened by station time.
(i) Briefs and supervises Army vehicle operators to ensure that the operators
thoroughly comprehend airfield vehicular traffic procedures and pertinent
safety precautions before they operate vehicles around aircraft.
(j) Provides vehicles and loading personnel to outload Army personnel and
cargo from aborting aircraft and reload them on spare aircraft if time permits.
FM 90-26
(4) Control personnel maintain a log listing the departure of each aircraft. It
contains the following information:
• Aircraft tail number.
• Summary of load or unit load number. (Manifests are correlated
with this entry.)
• Time aircraft was available for loading.
• Station time.
• Takeoff time.
• Remarks.
Section I 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8
Section II 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 Section III 7-13 7-14 7-15
7-1. RAIDS
The organization, equipment, and capabilities of airborne units give them the
ability to conduct airborne raids behind enemy lines. Dispersed and
fluid-type warfare provide many opportunities for the conduct of airborne
raids. Army, Air Force, or Navy aircraft can be used to transport the raiding
force. (See FMs 7-20 and 7-85 for information on the planning, preparation,
and execution of raids.)
FM 90-26
is a choice, the objective that most nearly fulfills the following conditions
probably gives the best chance for success:
• Detailed intelligence.
• Deception and CI plans.
• Detailed withdrawal plans, including contingency plans.
• Force composition.
FM 90-26
(1) The actions of the raiding parties are decentralized; each operates as
required by its own missions, but their actions are coordinated by the raid
commander. In the attack of objectives, speed should be stressed.
(2) The force entering the objective area must be strong enough to defeat the
enemy forces in the immediate AO and to accomplish the assigned mission.
Therefore, the key to the success of the overall mission is to isolate the
objective area; it prevents the enemy from moving strong tactical forces into it
to defeat the raiding force. Isolating the battle area can be accomplished by
stealth or force.
(a) Stealth. The raiding force can enter the objective area with such speed
and stealth that enemy forces do not have time to locate them or time to react
with sufficient combat power. Stealth operations are possible when the
objective area is in a remote part of the enemy area or when the unit can
quickly accomplish the mission.
(b) Force. If the mission cannot be accomplished before the enemy can
locate the raiding force and move tactical forces to the area to attack, then
force must be used. This requires extensive support from outside agencies to
isolate the objective area, to keep the enemy from moving forces to the area,
and to prevent the enemy from launching a major air attack into the area.
(2) The commander must designate the required landing areas early in the
planning phase. He should not change areas at the last minute.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
(1) All planning and execution takes place as described for the raid. The
emphasis must be on detailed, timely intelligence.
(2) Medical teams, to include a physician, must be available to care for the
detainees; they should accompany the search team.
(3) Guide teams and escort teams are planned. Escorts should be planned on
a 1:1 ratio for detainees.
e. Execution. The enemy must be assaulted when he least expects it. The
force must ensure that friendly detainees are not harmed during the
assault–either by friendly or enemy personnel. Evacuees can be categorized
as follows:
FM 90-26
(3) The operation is sensitive to weather, primarily in the objective area, but
also in the base area.
(4) Surprise and deception are essential to the operation’s success. An alert
and determined enemy can be expected to try maximum interference as soon
as he detects evidence of a withdrawal.
(5) The withdrawal of the DLIC is the most critical phase of the withdrawal.
(6) The decision to withdraw by air must be made early to permit adequate
planning and coordination.
(2) Ground force commander. The ground force commander determines the
priority of unit movement. He furnishes the airlift commander a list of units
broken down by priority into aircraft loads, indicating departure points and
destination. He establishes the DACG, which performs the following
(b) Calls prescribed paneloads forward from ready areas as aircraft arrive.
FM 90-26
When the commander anticipates that an airborne force will engage in
sustained combat after linking up with ground forces, planning should
provide for this. Preservation of the force is vital since the airborne force will
most likely be deployed behind enemy lines. (See FMs 7-20 and 7-30 for
information on linkup operations.)
FM 90-26
If an airborne force cannot link up with ground forces or cannot be extracted
by air, it must prepare to conduct an exfilttration by single companies,
platoons, or squads to reach friendly lines.
(4) The terrain provides cover and concealment (for movement on foot) and
limits enemy mobile units.
(a) Soldiers and units can use multiple exfiltration routes if the enemy
detects them. They can also use captured enemy vehicles and equipment to
assist in the exfiltration.
(b) The exfiltration force can exfiltrate in one body or in small groups.
Exfiltrating in small groups saves the time assembly can cost the unit.
(5) The exfiltrating force moves lightly equipped and unburdened with
captured personnel or materiel.
(6) The exfiltration route passes through an area occupied by friendly locals
or guerrilla forces who can assist the movement.
c. Size of Units. Units should be small to avoid detection but large enough
to protect themselves. Terrain (especially avenues of approach to friendly
lines), enemy strength, and friendly strength (including fire support)
determine the size of units. All elements should have communications
equipment. They should move at night or during limited visibility over close
FM 90-26
not mission capable or those to be left in the airhead, then join the main body
as it exfiltrates.
(1) Plans enhance survival of soldiers who can no longer accomplish their
assigned missions. The group’s senior combat arms officer must decide if any
missions remain that the group can accomplish. If not, then he must try to
evade and escape enemy capture if unable to link up and be extracted with
the rest of the force. Because of the depth of penetration behind enemy lines,
most successful plans can involve either air or water movement away from
enemy-held territory.
(2) Dismounted forces can move a great distance (especially at night) over
rugged terrain to reach an area where they can rendezvous with SAR aircraft
or boats. Escape and evasion plans for airborne elements should include
avoiding contact with the locals; however, the aid of friendly insurgent forces
can be enlisted. The plan can also include the use of E&E networks that arc
in place behind enemy lines; however, these nets must not be compromised by
the volume of evaders.
FM 90-26
Airborne personnel are capable of sustained action after their heavy
equipment has been introduced into the airhead. They can be used in any role
that might be assigned to an infantry unit. When ground or naval forces link
up with airborne personnel who may face employment in another airborne
operation, the controlling headquarters should relieve the airborne forces so
they can be withdrawn to a rear base, reorganized, and readied for the next
airborne operation. (Reliefs are discussed in FMs 7-20 and 7-30.)
Requirements for the seizure of an airfield, subsequent securing of the
airhead, and the introduction of follow-on forces depend heavily on the
factors of METT-T and the commander’s concept of the operation.
(1) The key element is surprise. Assault of the airfield should be conducted
at night to maximize surprise, security, and protection of the force. Timing is
critical; the assault should be executed so that the follow-on assault echelon
(airdrop or airland) can also be delivered under the cloak of darkness.
(2) Enemy air defenses near the airfield and along aircraft approach and
departure routes must be suppressed.
(3) The size of the airfield must be sufficient for landing and takeoff of
aircraft to be used after seizure. Minimum operating length determines how
much of the airfield must be cleared.
(4) The configuration and condition of the airfield, including taxiways and
parking, determines the maximum-on-ground capacity for aircraft at one
time. This, combined with offload/transload time estimates, impacts directly
on scheduling follow-on airflow into the airfield. Surface composition and
condition and predicted weather conditions must allow the airfield to accept
the required number of sorties without deteriorating the surface below
minimum acceptable safety standards.
FM 90-26
(6) The airfield must be defensible initially with assault forces against any
immediate threat and with planned follow-on forces against larger,
coordinated counterattacks.
(1) The future of the army is fighting joint combined-arms operations with a
mix of light and heavy forces. The original concept for the light division and
the restructure of the airborne and air assault divisions envisioned that the
needs for antiarmor and other CS would be provided by corps in the form of
plugs. The concept of fighting pure is contrary to the concept of
combined-arms warfare. Heavy units would be task-organized with light
infantry and other forces into TFs to gain the complementary effect of the
combined arms. The mix of the force would be determined by the threat. The
insertion of light armored assets in the assault echelon would provide, in the
early phases, an increased antiarmor capability.
(2) Reconnaissance and security teams can be deployed ahead of the main
body. They can be used to determine enemy dispositions on the airfield and
whether airfield runways are cleared or blocked. They can also look for
enemy air defense assets near the airfield. These teams maintain radio
contact with the airborne commander who is en route to the objective. They
can be used in the selective destruction of enemy facilities by directing air
strikes or by employing laser target designators to limit collateral damage to
the airfield. Reconnaissance and security teams can also be used to sever
land-line communications not vulnerable to friendly EW efforts or to provide
early warning of the approach of enemy reaction forces. Reconnaissance and
security teams can come from a LRSU, special operations forces, or battalion
scout platoons. However, the commander must weigh the risk of team
compromise and consequent loss of surprise against the value of intelligence
(3) Air Force CCTS are required to provide airspace management assistance
as well as control of aircraft after landing (for example, parking locations and
taxiing control). Combat control teams can be inserted ahead of the force as
part of a JAAP; it can jump with the airborne assault or can airland with the
first assault aircraft.
(5) If engineer units are to accompany the assault force, they should be
tasked to clear the runways of obstacles. Special consideration must be given
FM 90-26
to the type and quantity of obstacles on the runway. This has a major impact
on engineer assets required by the TF, the time for clearance, and the
planned time of arrival of airland sorties. To assist the engineers, bulldozers
and mine detectors (metallic and nonmetallic) can be dropped in the initial
assault. To reduce injuries, the commander should outfit runway clearing
elements with elbow and knee pads when they are parachuting onto a
hard-surface runway. Selected personnel can be tasked to jump-start disabled
vehicles or airfield support vehicles required to assist the offload. Engineer
personnel must understand the amount of space required to land specific
types of aircraft. (See Appendix C.)
(6) Civil affairs and PSYOP personnel help the commander control civilians
and PWs.
(c) AC-130. The availability of AC-130s allows for continuous fire support
from a mobile and accurate airborne platform. If air refueling is available, the
AC-130 can stay on station and provide overhead support for extended
periods. (For more information, see FM 7-20.)
(1) Quickly seize critical enemy facilities that will prevent the
reinforcement of the enemy force defending the airfield complex. At the same
time, the assaulting force must isolate the objective area to further reduce the
possibility of reinforcement.
(2) Deploy and employ enough ground combat forces to prevent enemy
penetration of the lodgment area (airhead, beachhead).
FM 90-26
(3) Establish a coherent defense against air attack to ensure that the
assaulting force is not interdicted or the airfield damaged or destroyed by
air-delivered munitions.
(4) Ensure enough combat power (ADA, maneuver, FA, and so on) is
employed to preserve the air and sea LOCs and to facilitate the delivery of
follow-on forces by air, land, or sea.
(5) Seize the airfield quickly enough to facilitate a rapid buildup of forces to
expand the airhead into a lodgment line. This ability is expressed in terms of
airframes to perform over-the-horizon insertion of forces.
(6) Quickly establish an AACG. This group can be under the control of the
battalion XO or S3 Air. It requires positive control to facilitate rapid
offloading of aircraft. Aircraft execute either combat offloading of pallets or
engine-running offloading of vehicles, equipment, and personnel. Personnel
should prepare all vehicles and equipment for immediate offloading as soon
as the aircraft stops. Dunnage and tie-downs remain on the aircraft to save
(7) Deny the enemy the use of airborne sensors and UAVs. All ADA
measures, air superiority, and effective camouflage operations measures must
be executed to contribute to this effort.
a. Insertion of the CCT/JAAP Into the Objective Area. Insertion can be overt
or covert based on the threat. Insertion of these teams depends on the ability
to get them into the area undetected. If surprise is paramount, the airborne
force may rely on other means to pinpoint the objective area and on other
sources of intelligence and navigation.
b. Preassault Fires. Preassault fires maybe used when collateral damage can
be controlled with no danger to the airfield. They are normally used to
suppress or neutralize enemy air defense systems and installations (SEAD).
Air Force assets may be used to jam enemy radar and communications during
this period and before the parachute insertion.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
force coordinates its operations with the country team or teams. Before
commitment, the chain of command should certify that the force understands
the national purpose, ROE, and inherent risks of the operation.
Noncombatant evacuation operations relocate threatened civilian
noncombatants from locations in a foreign or host nation. These operations
normally involve US citizens whose lives are in danger. They may also include
selected host nation natives and third country nationals.
c. If the chief of the US diplomatic corp expects trouble, hc should direct the
early withdrawal of dependents and nonessential personnel by ordinary
transport. If this has already occurred, only a minimum of personnel normally
require emergency military evacuation. Thorough planning ensures that US,
host nation, and international media understand the operation’s intent. This
enhances security and the dissemination of positive information.
FM 90-26
(1) Hostile forces can oppose rescue and recovery operations. On the other
hand, these operations may remain unopposed if the potentially hostile force
is unaware of them or unable or unwilling to interfere. Stealth, surprise,
speed, and the threat of overwhelming US force are some of the means
available to overcome opposition.
i. The US executes strikes and raids for specific purposes other than gaining
or holding terrain. Strikes and raids can support rescue or recovery
operations or destroy or seize equipment or facilities that demonstrate a
threat to national collective security interests. They can also support
counterdrug operations by destroying narcotics production or transshipment
facilities or support a host government’s actions in this regard, Strikes and
raids are the most conventional of peacetime contingency operations The
principles of combat operations apply directly. The unified CINC normally
plans and executes them.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
(3) Mess, billeting, latrine, and shower facilities for the force and its
supporting elements.
(6) Access to rehearsal areas where sites can be built and live-fire rehearsals
can be conducted.
(7) Access to the unit locations of major supporting elements such as naval
landing craft or Army aviation units.
(12) Covered areas for packing parachutes and rigging airdrop loads.
a. Facilities. The ISB is not occupied for long periods; however, some
facilities are needed to support the airborne force. These include the
FM 90-26
• Accountability procedures.
• Medical care and evacuation.
• Maintenance requirements.
• Resupply/refueling operations.
Section I 8-2 Section II 8-3 8-4 8-6 8-7 Section III 8-9 8-10 8-11 Section IV 8-12 8-13 8-14 8-15 8-16
Section V 8-18 Section VI 8-19 8-20 8-21 8-22 Section VIII 8-24 8-25 8-26 8-27 8-28 8-29 Section IX 8-30 8-31
8-17 Section VII 8-23
8-32 8-34 8-35 Section X 8-36 8-38 Section XI 8-39 Section XII 8-41 8-42 8-43 8-44 8-45 8-46
8-37 8-40
Combat support elements provide significant amounts of more combat
power. The leader of a CS element that is attached, OPCON, or DS serves as
special staff officer to the commander besides functioning as the CS leader.
During planning, preparation, and execution of the mission, the CS leader
advises the commander and staff on the employment of the CS unit, then he
follows the commander’s directions.
During the airborne assault, most CS units are initially attached to the
elements of the assault echelon (battalion/company). As more assets enter the
airhead, including the parent headquarters of these CS units, CS assets can be
returned to parent-unit control for more effective employment.
FM 90-26
a. The assault elements of the airborne force are quickly placed in direct
contact with the enemy deep in hostile territory. Initial operations are
decentralized and communications can be limited or nonexistent
FM 90-26
b. Airborne unit vulnerability increases during the time between landing and
assembly into a fighting force. This time varies based on unit size and
METT-T factors. During this vulnerable period, reliable communications are
essential to the coordination and execution of fire support missions.
c. Calls for fire are often sent under conditions where units are in critical
need of fire support. Units lack firm knowledge of the situation, especially the
location of friendly and enemy units. This can also come at a time when
reliable ground communications have not been firmly established.
d. Initially, artillery support in the airhead is limited. This situation occurs at
the same time as the arrival of the assault echelon, the main effort, or the
operation’s opening phase. Consequently, the bulk of fire support must come
from air support, organic mortars, or NGF. Support can also be provided by
long-range artillery of advancing friendly forces (if in range), long-range
rocket/missile fire, and strategic air force bombs or bombers.
e. During the initial airborne assault and periodically thereafter, airspace
over the DZ contains a high density of airdrop aircraft. This complicates fire
support aspects of airspace management.
Fire support assets can perform a variety of missions in support of the
airborne assault. The following are examples of standard missions arranged
by type of asset.
a. Tactical air support, mortars, and limited field artillery can be the only fire
support available to the airborne force until the lodgment is established. It
can provide any or all of the following types of support:
(1) Close air support.
(2) Column cover for the assault echelon, follow-up echelon, and resupply
(3) Suppression of enemy air defenses along the corridor selected for
penetration and near the objective.
(4) Reconnaissance both before and during the operation.
(5) Counterair operations to gain and maintain air superiority along the
corridor and in the objective area.
(6) Preassault fires of the airhead and other critical targets, and deception.
(7) Battlefield air interdiction of the objective area, including armed
reconnaissance missions targeted against enemy forces that react to the
airborne assault.
(8) Air defense of marshaling areas, resupply airfields, and the airhead.
b. Naval gun fire, when available and in range, is a reliable, accurate,
high-volume source of fire support. It can provide any or all of the following
types of support:
(1) Preassault fires of the objective and other critical targets.
(2) Suppression of enemy air defenses.
FM 90-26
d. Army aviation assets can augment other fire support when the ISB/FSB is
within range or when a secure airfield permits airland and buildup of Army
aviation transported in USAF airlift aircraft. They can support–
(1) R&S forces.
(2) Interdiction of enemy reaction forces, especially mechanized forces with
accurate, long-range antitank fires.
(3) Seizure of objectives with rocket fire and gunfire.
Fire support planning and execution relies on careful, thorough planning
based on fire support principles designed to support maneuver. (See FM
6-20-30 for a detailed discussion.)
FM 90-26
On receipt of the WO, the commander and his staff begin planning. They
develop four basic plans (regardless of the type mission, force size, or
duration of the operation) in a reverse planning sequence. The FSO
responsibilities for each plan are as follows:
FM 90-26
(4) Plan fires to eliminate enemy resistance (groups and series in the
objective area).
(5) Plan fires to defend key terrain needed to link up with friendly forces.
(6) Plan fires to support security/reconnaissance forces in the objective area.
(7) Plan fires on top of, to the flanks, and beyond assault objectives.
(8) Plan close air support.
(9) Plan final protective fires.
(10) Recommend priority of fires.
(11) Select initial FA and mortar positions that can be quickly occupied from
(12) Select subsequent FA and mortar positions to provide combat outposts
and security forces.
b. Landing Plan. Planning and coordination of fire support during the air
movement and preassault fires are the JTF’s responsibility; he plans SEAD
fires along the flight route and in the objective area. Once on the ground,
friendly positions are marked. The airborne FSO must ensure that preassault
air strikes are planned against other enemy positions in the objective area.
Preassault fires are planned as follows:
• On and around the LZ/DZ (alternate and false).
• On enemy air defense artillery.
• On enemy command, control, and communication.
• On enemy indirect-fire systems.
• Sequence and location of delivery for FA and mortars.
c. Air Movement Plan. Fire support during movement to the objective area
is the responsibility of the airlift commander and staff. However, the airborne
force commander must be closely involved because of the possibility of
downed aircraft or a mission being diverted. Planning considerations include
the following:
(1) Ensure fire support personnel and equipment are included on load plans
and manifests.
(2) Plan targets on enemy ADA along flight routes and alternate flight routes
(JTF level).
d. Marshaling Plan. The FSO starts planning on receipt of the mission and
assignment of assets. All leaders and fire support personnel must take part in
the planning process from the beginning. All fire support personnel and
equipment are prepared and rehearsals are conducted. Then, the fire support
plan is briefed to all other leaders and staff involved in the operation.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
b. Each brigade platoon is divided into a brigade team and two supporting
arms liaison teams, which support two forward battalions. Each SALT has
two firepower control teams, which support the forward companies of the
battalions. (Table 8-3.)
c. The ANGLICO assists the staff in matters concerning air and NGF. It
coordinates requests for air and NGF support from the battalions of the
brigade and represents the ABCCC, AC-130, and AWACS, if required.
d. The LO and FCTS operate in the ground spot net. They communicate with
the ship by HF radio to request and adjust NGF. The FCT communicates
with the LO, using VHF radios. The LO also can communicate with aircraft
using UHF radios.
FM 90-26
assign the fires of the ship to a battalion SALT for fire missions. On
completion of the mission, the ship reverts to GS.
a. Fire Support Area. The FSA is a sea area within which a ship can position
or cruise while firing in support. It is labeled with the letters "FSA" and a
Roman numeral–for example, FSA VII.
b. Fire Support Station. The FSS is a specified position at sea from which a
ship must fire; it is very restrictive positioning guidance. It is labeled with the
letters "FSS" and a Roman numeral-for example, FSS VII.
(1) Offensive. Offensive counterair operations are conducted to seek out and
neutralize or destroy enemy air forces at a chosen time and place. They are
essential to gain air supremacy and to provide a favorable situation for other
missions. Typical targets include the following:
• Enemy aircraft.
• Airfields.
• Tactical missile complexes.
• Command and control facilities.
• POL and munitions storage facilities.
• Aircraft support equipment and their control systems.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
a. The air support plan is based on the overall Air Force mission and the
amount of available strategic, tactical, and airlift effort. The effect of
forecasted weather en route and in the proposed AO must also be
b. Offensive and defensive air operations must be continuously planned in
support of an objective area. Immediate tactical air support must be
continuously available (on air alert) in spite of an apparent absence of targets.
With the beginning of air operations in the objective area, provision must be
made for command and air control of these operations and for integration of
the air and ground effort. A joint operations center, where the supporting
tactical air force and the airborne force is represented, performs the
planning, integration, direction, and supervision of the air effort IAW the
needs of the airborne force.
b. Assault Phase. Requirements during the assault phase are the same for
all airborne operations. During the dropping or airlanding and assembly of
assault elements, aircraft that are on air alert status over DZs/LZs defend
against hostile surface or aerial reaction to the assault.
c. Consolidation and Exploitation Phase. Air control net facilities in excess
of TACPS and ABCCC are meager until the airlanding of more supplies and
reinforcements during this phase. In an operation that does not involve an
immediate linkup after seizure of objectives, the airlanding of reinforcing or
supporting elements provides for the rapid expansion and improvement of
tactical air control nets to meet the needs of any anticipated emergency.
(1) Aircraft providing support subsequent to the assault phase can be based
within the objective area, outside the objective area, or both. In view of the
logistics demands of aircraft, air support is based within the objective area
only when it cannot be effectively provided from outside. Limitations in the
effective radius of aircraft are the determining factors. An existing airstrip or
sufficiently adaptable terrain is one of these factors in the selection of an
objective area.
FM 90-26
(2) A single commander in the objective area has command over both
ground and air elements. However, such command can be retained by an
officer charged with broader responsibilities whose headquarters is outside
the objective area.
b. Beacon and tower teams deploy with the aviation or infantry brigade
assault CP attached to the S3 section. These teams provide initial ATC in the
airhead. The beacon team provides terminal guidance for Army aircraft from
their ISB into the airfield. The tower team augments the CCT party and
controls helicopter movement. The amount of control given up by CCT to the
ATC teams depends on the size of the airflow.
FM 90-26
When possible, organic and attached Army aircraft self-deploy to the
objective area, arriving as soon as possible after the initial assault. Flights are
closely controlled and regulated to avoid interference with airlift aircraft
flights. Terminal guidance can be furnished by pathfinder teams, USAF
combat control teams, or Army ATC teams in the airhead.
a. When the distance from the departure area to the objective area is beyond
the range of Army aircraft, many deployment options exist. When the
distance from the forward battle area is within their range capabilities,
aircraft are serviced in the departure area and flown to forward areas within a
FM 90-26
planned schedule. They are reserviced in the forward area and depart over
planned routes to the objective area. Forward arming and refueling points
can be leapfrogged ahead if multiple legs are involved. A variation of this
technique is the employmnet of Naval carrier-type vessels as a refueling base
or for transport on one leg of the trip to the objective area. Selected utility
and cargo helicopters can employ extended-range fuel tanks to assist in
deployment. Also, USAF aircraft aircraft, such as the C-130, may refuel Army
helicopters at remote, unimproved airfields using the wet-wing technique.
b. When none of these methods can be used because of the distance to the
objective area, Army aircraft can be disassembled and transported in airlift
aircraft. For light Army aircraft, no or partial disassembly for transport and
reassembly for use in the objective area is possible. However, this can be
time-consuming depending on the aircraft–the impact on tactical plans must
be considered. For other aircraft, particularly large helicopters, the
complexity of the reassembly process in the objective area prohibits their
early employment.
NOTE: See FM 1-100 for a detailed discussion of combat aviation
• The phasing of units and air defense support into the airhead.
• Early warning procedures.
• Airspace control measures.
a. During the initial phase of the operation, one battalion from the brigade
will normally be inserted with one Stinger section, which will provide air
defense as the battalion develops the airhead. Stingers are not jumped with
the team members, but are palletized or door-bundled and dropped
b. Once the entire brigade is on the ground, a main CP is established. The
SHORAD battery commander normally locates his CP with the brigade CP.
He assumes control of all platoons, and he coordinates defense of the
FM 90-26
c. The SHORAD battery has three Vulcan platoons, a Stinger platoon, and,
normally, two forward area alerting radars. Vulcans and FAARs are usually
airlanded. FAARs should be moved into the airhead as soon as airframe
availability permits since they provide essential early warning to the air
defense and maneuver units.
d. The SHORAD battery commander ensures that early-warning
information is disseminated to his Vulcan platoons and Stinger sections. This
will normally be done over an early-warning net rather than the battery
command net.
e. The air defense liaison team at the brigade CP is the SHORAD battery
commander’s representative to the brigade commander. The liaison team
advises the brigade staff on the air defense status. They coordinate with the
Air Force LO, the Army aviation officer, and the FA officer on all matters
concerning airspace usage.
a. Early warning will initially be provided by the Air Force in the initial
assault or for short-term operations.
(1) An Air Force CRC will transmit early-warning information if the airhead
is within range, or will retransmit by ABCCC if necessary.
(2) An Air Force CRP may also be deployed to the ISB to provide early
warning. The CRP can employ the same communications as the CRC.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
(1) Division and corps engineer terrain analysis detachments can analyze the
terrain selected for DZs, LZs, and assault airfield sites.
(2) Army or corps topographic companies can produce quick response map
overprints, map revisions, and photo maps to provide the deploying units with
the most current information available.
(3) Engineer well-drilling detachments can be airlanded to provide water for
sustained operations.
(4) Engineer bridge companies can be airlanded to provide medium or heavy
bridging support.
The following are the capabilities of the combat engineer construction and
maintenance effort:
FM 90-26
The ground force commander is responsible for the construction, repair, and
maintenance of airlanding facilities in the airhead. The airlift commander
furnishes the ground force commander his requirements and the
recommended priorities in order of accomplishment. The ground force
commander establishes final priorities after joint consideration of the ground
force and airlift requirements. Any deviations are coordinated with the airlift
A large number of widely dispersed, low-activity, airlanding facilities are used
in preference to a few highly developed airfield complexes, both in the
departure and in the objective areas.
a. The number and location of airlanding facilities and airfields vary with
• Size of the force to be employed and supported.
• Planned buildup, including the number and type of aircraft to be
• Tactical and logistics plans.
• Terrain in the objective area with particular attention to airfields,
highways and roads, open areas, soil characteristics, relief, and
• Enemy capabilities.
• Engineer capabilities.
• Weather during the time of operations.
b. At least one assault airlanding facility is desirable in each
brigade/battalion area. This does not include facilities for employment of
organic and attached Army aviation, alternate facilities to offset losses from
enemy action, or desired additional facilities.
FM 90-26
a. Airstrips and EZs are constructed across long, gentle slopes for ease of
drainage. The bottoms of valleys or other depressed areas are avoided.
Locations that require extensive clearing of flightway obstructions to meet
glide angle requirements are also avoided.
b. Approaches are oriented IAW the prevailing winds in the area. The
orientation should ensure 80 percent wind coverage based on a maximum
allowable beam wind of 13 mph. If dust is a problem, the runway should be
located 10 degrees to the prevailing wind so that dust clouds blow diagonally
off the runway.
FM 90-26
(4) Heavy airfield repair team. This team repairs extensive damage to an
airfield. (Figure 8-2.) It can be provided by a construction platoon from the
airborne light engineer company.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
(1) Identify the hostile collection and rear operations threat to the brigade
and its subordinate maneuver battalions.
(2) Determine the EEFI that require protection.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
• Target detection.
• Rate of movement.
• Length of column.
• Approximate number of targets.
• Type of targets (wheeled vehicles, armored vehicles, or dismounted
(3) The REMBASS has transmission ranges of 15 kilometers, ground to
ground and 100 kilometers, ground to air. Because of its flexibility and wide
range of applications, various equipment combinations can be selected to suit
any given mission.
FM 90-26
Units can also use the AN/PPS-5 to search beyond engaged forces for
indications of reinforcement, withdrawal, and enemy movements to outflank
or bypass friendly forces in the engagement area.
c. The AN/PPS-15 radars provide the commander with highly mobile GSR
support in operations where the heavier, less portable AN/PPS-5 radar is
The airborne force commander attaches intelligence and EW assets from the
MI battalion to maneuver units for the airborne assault. The organization of
the IEW unit varies based on the situation. Some assets return to higher
echelon control as these levels of command establish CPs in the airhead.
Other assets can remain attached (GSR, CI/IPW, and so on) to the battalion
or brigade. (FM 34-80 provides a detailed discussion of employment, and
information flow for IEW assets.)
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
units can provide SATCOM support. There are several SATCOM radios in
the aircraft, but the main ones used are the URC-101 and AN/PSC-3, both of
which operate in the 225- to 400-MHz range.
d. Hatch-Mounted Antennas. Sattelite communications and HF systems,
which are employed on C-130, C-141, and C-5A aircraft, require
hatch-mounted antennas. T h e m o s t o f t e n u s e d a n t e n n a i s r o u n d ,
platter-shaped and, once mounted, sits parallel to the skin of the aircraft.
Both UHF antennas can be used for SATCOM communications. Their
radiation patterns slightly overlay. This provides useful information when the
operator compares the flight route and aircraft location in reference to the
satellite used. The operator can access both antennas, keeping one
operational and one on standby.
FM 90-26
(2) First-round accuracy. Radar beacons aid in the delivery of accurate NGF
under all ceiling and visibility conditions. Navigation errors can be minimized,
improving first-round accuracy.
f. Operational Considerations. When using radar beacons, units must
consider the following:
(1) Range. Radar beacon employment range for an aircraft mission is limited
by aircraft radar capability, offset data, and aircraft altitude. Targets should
be within 15 NMs of the radar beacon location when the aircraft can ingress
to the target at or above 10,000 feet AGL. When aircraft must ingress to the
target at a low altitude (below 1,000 feet AGL): targets should be within 5
NMs of the beacon. Shipborn radar has the ability to “see” a full 360 degrees
of horizon. However, because it sits lower than aircraft radar, target coverage
for an NGF mission is limited by radar beacon signal transmission range.
(2) Placement. Placement of radar beacons depends on the following:
(a) Terrain and foliage attenuation. Since transmission of radar energy to
and from the radar beacon is LOS limited, the beacon should be placed at the
highest elevation available, while still providing for security of operations.
Foliage attenuation greatly reduces acquisition ranges.
(b) Aircraft headings. Ideally, the axis of aircraft attack should be within 45
degrees of the beacon-to-target bearing, with the beacon placed beyond the
target. Heading directly toward the beacon can degrade the accuracy of the
system–some offset can be required. (Figure 8-3, see page 8-30.) Because of
typical aircraft radar sweep limits, a heading variance of over 45 degrees can
cause the beacon to disappear from the radar scope before delivery. If a
run-in heading in excess of 45 degrees offset is dictated by other factors,
degradation of delivery accuracy can occur. Overflight of friendly soldiers
should be avoided to the extent threat and airspace permit. Placement of the
beacon along the axis of the run-in heading is not a factor for gunship
operations since the gunship usually orbits its target. For airlift aircraft, the
beacon should be placed on the PI for airdrops, either side of the leading
edge of the LZ for airland, and between the right release panels for
(c) Aircraft position updates. For aircraft position updates, the radar
beacon should be located en route to the target and be within 10 NMs either
side of the proposed ingress flight route.
(3) Electromagnetic energy. Radar beacons are vulnerable to enemy DF
equipment. Operators should limit “on” times to prolong survivability. “On”
times must be firmly established during premission coordination between
supporting and supported units. Most beacons can be triggered by any
pulse-type signals of sufficient power transmitted in the beacon-receiving
frequency band. Like any radar system, the beacon is susceptible to radar
jamming and accidental interrogation.
(4) Weather. Areas of heavy precipitation between the aircraft or NGF
support ship and beacon can reduce the radar energy enough to prevent
triggering the beacon. The trigger range and beacon detection range can be
extended or reduced by atmospheric conditions, especially in the mid
latitudes and tropics. Cold weather adversely affects most batteries; more
time can be required for warming up the magnetron before use.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
(1) Before deployment, the Air Force TACC coordinates the allocation of
Air Force radar beacon assets as required by the JFC and ensures that
allocated aircraft are compatible with the deployed beacons. The JFC is
responsible for frequency management.
(2) During execution of airborne operations, the ABCCC in its role as
ASOC/TAC extension maintains operational control and a current status
list of TAF RBs in its tactical area of responsibility. This includes the type,
location, operational status, code, on/off status, and responsible ground unit
or TACP. The ABCCC directs the employment of radar beacons in its area of
responsibility and computes the required bombing data for planned and
immediate missions. TACP computations can be used for actual missions
when the ABCCC is unable to provide the data. The ABCCC can relay
beacon bombing data to the AWACS or FACP for air interdiction and CAS
missions. If AWACS is not available, the ABCCC controller can provide data
to the flight.
(3) The AWACS, as an extension of the CRC, provides vector assistance to
the beacon attack aircraft, as required. It passes radar beacon bombing data
received from the ABCCC to the attack aircraft.
(4) The TACP employs beacons for CAS. They determine beacon location,
target location, and bearing and range to the target. The TACP reports
beacon status to the ABCCC.
(5) The airlift control center maintains close coordination with appropriate
TACC for beacon use and directs the allocation of beacons for aerial delivery
operations. The ALCC resolves conflicts between CCT radar beacon activity
and associated ground or AF units before employment.
(6) The tactical airlift liaison officer coordinates the use of radar beacons for
aerial delivery operations with appropriate units and agencies. He assists the
airborne unit in forwarding specific aerial delivery mission beacon
requirements to higher echelons.
(7) The CCT employs radar beacons to support aerial delivery operations in
the airhead. They report beacon location, operational status, and code on/off
status to the AATCC, TALO, ABCCC, and ALCC.
(8) During airhead operations, the airborne force commander forwards
additional requirements for radar beacon coverage to the JFC and
coordinates relocation of beacons with the ABCCC.
h. Airdrop Procedures. Radar beacons provide a positive means to locate,
identify, and align on DZs, LZs, and EZs. While not a normal peacetime
delivery method, with some restrictions aircrews can successfully perform
airdrop missions using the beacon as a terminal reference. The navigator
receives the beacon on the aircraft radar and provides headings for the pilots
to fly to the release point. C-130 airdrops in IMC require either
AWADS-equipped aircraft or a radar beacon. A C-141 requires an
AN/TPN-27 (zone marker) or a radar beacon to perform IMC airdrops.
Special restrictions must be complied with anytime the beacon is used to
airdrop. All formation airdrops in IMC also require aircraft equipped with
station-keeping equipment.
i. AC-130 Gunship Procedures. The primary concern in any AC-130 gunship
operation with ground soldiers is the identification of friendly positions.
FM 90-26
Beacon operations are ideal for this purpose, especially during adverse
weather. Once in radio contact, ground personnel provide beacon offset
range in meters and specify whether the bearing is in reference to magnetic or
true north. When correcting fire, ground personnel call ordnance impacts in
meters long/short, and meters left/right from the ordnance impact area to the
target. They use bearing from the radar beacon to the target as the base line.
If ground personnel are not at or near the radar beacon, they can elect to call
the impacts in range and bearing from the target.
j. Naval Gunfire Procedures. Three fire control methods can be employed
using a radar beacon. The NGF support ship selects the best method,
considering ship position, target position, and whether the beacon position is
accurately known.
(1) Method Alpha. This method can be used when the exact location of the
radar beacon is known (OPORD or radar beacon team information). The
beacon is used as a navigation aid to determine the ship’s position.
(2) Method Alpha modified. This method can be used when the exact
location of the radar beacon is unknown, and when combat grid charts are
not available. The target location is given in polar coordinates from the
beacon. The ship plots the beacon, the ship’s relative positions, and target
relative position to engage the target.
(3) Method Bravo. This method can be used whether or not the radar
beacon location is known. Target location is expressed in polar coordinates
from the radar beacon. The beacon location is the point of aim, and offsets
are introduced into the NGF computer to lay the gun on target.
k. Authentication. Proper joint authentication procedures must be used
during radar beacon missions. Because intraservice authentication tables
differ, each air, land, and sea element must obtain the joint authenticator,
AKAC-1553, through unit COMSEC custodians. This joint authenticator,
which has been developed for crisis or contingency use only, is called the
Dryad Numeral/Authentication System. This system is used for joint
interoperability worldwide and is a portion of the intertheater COMSEC
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
(3) While dispersion decreases the risk of destruction from nuclear attack, it
may increase the possibility of defeat in detail and complicates the problem of
control. The degree to which units can be dispersed depends on the mission
of the brigade/battalion and on the risk the commander is willing to accept.
b. Monitoring. Radiological monitoring involves the use of radiac
instruments to detect and measure residual radiation. Monitoring is
performed while stationary. Its primary purposes are to allow warning of all
personnel of the arrival or presence of a radiological haired and to provide a
basis for prompt action by the commander to minimize the hazard.
Monitoring is included in normal reconnaissance and intelligence activities of
all units. Radiological monitoring at all levels is initiated on order of the
commander, on order of higher headquarters, or as required by SOP or other
standing instructions. Units discovering radiological contamination in an area
report according to their SOP and mark the area with a radiological
contamination marker. Company-size units ensure soldiers are trained to
operate unit dose-rate meters.
(1) Periodic monitoring. Periodic monitoring is routinely conducted when
operating on the integrated battlefield. It requires units to monitor a
designated point in their area a minimum of once each hour.
(2) Continuous monitoring. All units initiate continuous monitoring when a
fallout warning is received; when on an administrative or tactical move; when
a nuclear burst is reported, seen, or heard; when radiation above 1 centigray a
hour is detected by periodic monitoring; and on order of the commander.
c. Surveying. Surveying may be necessary if monitoring reports do not
provide the information needed to evaluate the contaminated area.
d. Operation Exposure Guide. Battalion operations in a nuclear
environment will be complicated by the necessity to control exposure of
personnel to nuclear radiation. An OEG provides a method of determining
the maximum radiation dose to which units maybe exposed. The OEG will be
received from higher headquarters and stated in terms of degree of risk. The
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
between the need for chemical protection and the work rate required by the
mission can be determined to minimize chemical and heat casualties.
b. All combat operations are conducted under the MOPP system. When
there is a continuing immediate threat of chemical attack, the unit may be
required to wear protective clothing and equipment for exxtended periods.
FM 90-26
(2) The chemical threat and the capability of the threat forces to employ
chemical agents, and the probability that they will do so.
(3) The expected number of heat casualties versus chemical casualties.
(4) The support required to minimize casualties from all causes, and the
estimated time to complete the mission.
(5) The effects of environmental factors such as temperature and windspeed.
(High winds decrease the probability that the enemy will use chemical
e. Before the start of a mission, the commander specifies the MOPP level to
be used. He may later direct that this level of protection be increased,
decreased, or varied among individuals or elements within the unit according
to his evaluation of the current situation and operational limitation. He must
consider that as the temperature and work rate increase, the level of
individual protection must be reduced and work-pacing options must be
taken, or he must accept the possibility of more heat casualties. One option is
to reduce the chemical protection according to the temperature and work
rate. Other options arc contingent on the hazards of contamination present.
(1) In a contaminated area, the commander may do one of the following:
(a) Rotate jobs requiring a heavy work rate among subordinate units,
elements, or individuals.
(b) Authorize longer and more frequent rest periods. Rest periods are
necessary to allow enough cooling time for the dissipation of built-up body
heat. Work/rest periods may be repeated as many times as necessary to
complete a job.
(c) Provide adequate water supply so that personnel can increase their water
intake by drinking small amounts frequently.
(d) Use vehicular transportation whenever possible.
(2) When there is no immediate hazard from chemical agents, a commander
may rotate personnel to various combinations of reduced chemical protection
to provide relief from buildup of body heat. The commander may also allow a
small percentage of his soldiers to be out of their chemical protective clothing
at one time. The number of personnel in reduced protection is determined
based on his evaluation of the local situation. Reduced protection is
permitted on a selective basis for personnel performing certain tasks that
require manual dexterity, visual acuity, and voice communication. It may also
be necessary after considering the long-term psychological effects on
personnel wearing full chemical protective clothing and equipment for
extended periods.
(3) When there is no danger from chemical contamination (verified by the
use of the unit’s chemical-agent detector kits) and soldiers are required to
operate at moderate to heavy work rates, the commander may authorize them
to progressively reduce their protection by–
• Opening the zipper of the hood (and possibly rolling it up) for
• Removing the protective gloves.
• Removing the protective mask and hood.
FM 90-26
Chemical decontamination involves removing, neutralizing, absorbing, or
weathering the chemical agent. Biological decontamination involves
destroying or exposing the biological agent to sunlight. Radiological
decontamination involves physically removing the radioactive material.
Section I 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6
9-13 9-17
9-14 9-15 9-16
FM 90-26
forward medical company, and a forward supply company. It can also include
a detachment from the quartermaster airdrop equipment support company
that can assist in the recovery and evacuation of airdrop equipment from the
DZ. The FAST may receive augmentation from corps based on mission
c. Rear Echelon. This echelon remains at the departure airhead or ISB and
consists of elements not immediately required in the airhead to support the
airborne force. These elements include the remaining portions of the
DISCOM MMC, maintenance battalion, quartermaster airdrop equipment
support, and the finance and personnel service companies (corps unit).
Depending on the duration and nature of the operation, the rear echelon may
be called forward and deployed into the AO after the lodgment is established.
(3) Recover airdropped supplies and equipment, and provide CSS units to
unload aircraft in the airhead.
(4) Move supplies from landing fields to airhead supply points by airhead
supply units.
(6) Conduct logistical operations within the perimeter of the airhead with
normal logistical agencies.
(7) Repair or construct the required airfields within the airhead until ground
FM 90-26
(1) Receive, procure, and deliver equipment and supplies to rear air bases
for transportation to the airhead.
(2) Move airborne forces to the marshaling camps, and provide for
accompanying equipment and supplies.
c. Air Force Units and Installations. These elements have the following
(2) Receive unload, and temporarily store supplies at rear air bases.
(4) Construct, rehabilitate, and maintain airfields in the airhead after ground
(5) Supervise loading and lashing operations at the rear air bases for flying
a. Basic Decisions. For the logistical plan to progress, planners make basic
decisions as early as possible. This allows all responsible agencies to prepare
FM 90-26
(1) What forces will be involved, how they will be organized, and what their
principal objectives will be.
(2) What the tentative strength and composition of logistical units in the
airborne force will be.
(6) What airfields will be used for the landing of soldiers and supplies.
(7) Where marshaling camps will be; what soldiers and materiel will be
marshaled at each camp.
(8) How long it should take to organize airheads in the landing areas.
(10) Where rear air bases to be used for supply purposes should be located.
(11) How available aircraft should be allocated for soldiers and supply.
(12) When (on what date) airborne forces should be ready for embarkation
by aircraft.
(13) What capacity of the ISB should be maintained at advance air bases to
facilitate supply.
(1) What facilities are required for staging soldiers at marshaling camps.
(2) How the desired quantities of supplies will be delivered to rear air bases
at the proper time.
(3) How many, what size, and what type aircraft are available, and what their
loading characteristics are.
FM 90-26
(5) What the distance is between rear air bases and landing areas.
(6) What the characteristics of the proposed airhead are, including road net,
storage, and other facilities.
(7) How long the follow-on supply phase will go on before normal supply
procedures are in effect, including time for construction, repair, or capture of
(8) How much or how many supplies, equipment, and materials will be
available within the proposed airhead for possible exploitation.
(10) If units will have to designate transportation assets for the medical unit
to transport casualties.
(1) Unit supplies. These supplies include each soldiers’ combat loads, basic
loads of ammunition and other supplies, and prescribed loads of other classes
of supply. Rigging, loading, recovery, issue, and control of unit supplies are
the responsibility of the airborne unit.
(2) Force supplies. These are bulk supplies retained at battalion or brigade
that the backup unit provides. They include all classes of supply. The S4 of
the deploying unit is responsible for controlling these supplies.
(3) Reserve supplies. These are additional supplies brought into the airhead
under DISCOM control; they consist of the airborne force reserve of Class
III, Class V, selected items of Classes II and IV, and Class IX.
FM 90-26
(2) On-call follow-on supplies. These are held in the departure area in
readiness for immediate delivery to units on specific request. They include
more of the items supplied by automatic follow-on, major items of equipment,
and supplies that arc not used at a predictable rate. The airborne force
determines the quantities and types of supplies to be included in on-call
supply. Depending on the situation, on-call supplies can be segregated and
prepackaged into loads by type, such as 105-millimeter artillery ammunition,
or can be maintained in bulk pending emergency requests for specific types
and amounts. Emergency supplies must be delivered within 24 hours. Routine
supplies arc delivered on a flexible schedule–24 to 72 hours after the request.
Whenever any of the on-call follow-on supplies are used, the expended
amounts are replaced.
a. Supplies are divided into 10 major categories so that items can be readily
identified to each particular class. Classes of supply are the same for all types
of combat operations.
(1) Class I. This class includes meal, ready-to-cat, tray pack, and A-type
meals. Airborne units use MREs as the basic load and for follow-on supply.
Tray packs and A-type meals may be used later as the airhead develops and
the lodgment becomes secure. Personnel strength reports determine Class I
requirements, thereby eliminating complicated unit ration requests.
FM 90-26
(2) Class II. This class includes clothing, individual equipment, tentage, hand
tools, administrative and housekeeping supplies and equipment, and chemical
decontaminants. It also includes supplies and some equipment (other than
principal items) prescribed in authorization or allowance tables; it does not
include repair parts. Accompanying supplies include some Class II items.
Follow-on and routine supply include small stocks of individual clothing and
equipment while on-call follow-on supply includes major items of equipment,
as the situation dictates.
(3) Class III. This class includes POLs. Unit vehicles and equipment are
usually delivered to the airhead with fuel tanks 3/4 full to allow for expansion
during airlift. Forecasts for POL are used by units to program delivery of
POL as part of the assault and follow-on supplies. Packaged POL and bulk
POL supplies are used. Care must be taken to ensure that bulk aviation fuel is
dispensed using fuel filters and separators. Plans for POL should include
retrograde of containers for refill.
(5) Class V. This class of supply includes all ammunition. Planners must
consider that, during the assault phase, ammunition tonnage is greater than
the combined weight of all other supplies. Units take a basic load only. The
amounts are expressed in number of rounds for each weapon each day.
Specified amounts of all types of ammunition for airborne forces weapons
(enough for continuity of the combat operation) comprise follow-on supply.
The amounts of ammunition needed depend on the type of operation and the
strength of enemy opposition. Follow-on resupply should be cross loaded to
offset loss of one type of item if aircraft are lost. Planners provide in advance
for possible additions or deletions of certain types of ammunition.
Expenditure rates are based only on staff estimates, which must take into
consideration the following factors:
(6) Class VI. This class includes personnel demand (Army and Air Force
Exchange Service) items that are usually unavailable in the airhead for sale or
issue to soldiers and other authorized individuals. It should not be confused
with the ration supplement and sundries pack. (The sundries pack has items
necessary to the health and comfort of soldiers such as essential toilet articles,
tobacco, and confections. It is available in theaters of operation for issue
through Class I channels, pending establishment of adequate service
FM 90-26
(7) Class VII. This class includes major end items. Certain items of this class
can be retained for use in on-call resupply to replace those lost in combat or
during airdrop. This is critical for certain items of equipment; especially,
engineer items whose loss could significantly affect the operation.
(8) Class VIII. This class includes medical materiel, which is discussed with
health services.
(9) Class IX. This includes repair parts such as kits, assemblies and
subassemblies, and repairable and nonrepairable parts required for
maintenance support of all equipment. Maintenance elements entering the
airhead carry PLL, shop stocklisting, and designated items from the ASL.
(10) Class X. This includes materiel to support civil affairs and nonmilitary
programs. Airborne operations usually require minimal Class X during the
assault phase.
c. Water. Airborne forces carry filled canteens and water purification tablets.
They carry enough full organic water containers for travel to the airhead and
consumption while they are there. Planners must plan for resupply in the air
flow to ensure soldiers have enough water in the airhead. Planners should
also determine the location of possible water supply points. Water
purification units are made available in the airhead as early as practicable.
FM 90-26
whenever possible to deliver supplies from the rear echelon to the using unit
in the airhead.
c. With supply point distribution, the receiving unit picks up supplies from a
distribution point and moves them in organic transportation. Distribution
points for essential combat supplies are positioned close to the soldiers being
served to benefit from the security provided by the combat elements. This
also prevents infiltrating hostile forces from cutting the supplies off from the
receiving unit, and shortens supply lines.
The problem of maintenance is usually magnified by the need for security for
maintenance personnel in the assault during the initial combat and by the
damage that may occur during the air delivery of equipment. (See FM 43-5
and AR 750-1 for detailed information on all maintenance resources found in
airborne units, and their employment.)
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
d. Expansion and Buildup of the Airhead. During this phase, the remaining
DS maintenance elements are deployed. Direct support is provided to the
brigade by the maintenance company in the BSA. Backup DS is provided by
the remainder of the maintenance battalion in the DSA. The maintenance
unit also provides backup DS to the forward maintenance elements. General
support is provided to the division by nondivisional maintenance assets from
the corps.
Transportation plans provide for the transport of soldiers and accompanying
supplies to the marshaling area, transportation needed during marshaling,
and the loading of unit transport with supplies and equipment for the assault.
FM 90-26
services are usually the only field service available in the airhead, although all
can exist in the marshaling area. Staging bases in the rear provide airdrop
support as a service.
(2) Burial. Units perform hasty or mass burials only when the tactical
situation prevents evacuation. The TF commander retains authority for mass
burials. The training of graves registration personnel should include the
procedures for marking and recording hasty burial sites.
FM 90-26
• Medical threat.
• Casualty estimates.
• Anticipated areas of patient density.
• Anticipated casualty mix.
• Lines of patient drift.
• Field hygiene, sanitation, and other preventive medical
• Preplanned patient treatment stations, patient collecting points, and
ambulance exchange points.
• Evacuation policy.
• Mode of evacuation.
• Augmentation for the provision of en route medical care on
nonmedical vehicles.
FM 90-26
(4) Most of the division medical battalion is introduced into the airhead
during the airland phase of the assault. One medical company is initially
attached to the FAST to simplify operational control. The rest of the battalion
is committed at a time and place that best supports the division as a whole
and provides the best possible medical care. Medical battalion headquarters
resumes control of subordinate companies supporting the brigade as early as
possible to ensure effective use of the limited medical resources available in
the airhead. Medical companies supporting brigades are scheduled for
deployment early in the assault phase. They provide prompt relief for
battalion aid stations temporarily performing an expanded treatment and
holding mission. Unless the brigade mission requires offensive action over
extended distances, the supporting medical company establishes a full-size
clearing station near an LZ that is centrally located in the brigade sector.
FM 90-26
(7) Medical elements of a division directed to link up with the airhead should
be prepared to immediately supplement airhead medical support, to accept
patient overloads, and to eliminate surgical backlogs in airhead clearing
stations. The linkup division may require reinforcement to perform this relief
(8) If corps medical resources are not readily available because of airframe
shortage or limited response time, the division forward support medical
company may have to assume some of the duties of the MASF. An
aeromedical evacuation liaison team can be deployed with the medical
company to interface with the AECC. The FSMC will assume the MASF
duties of staging, manifesting, and locating the casualties.
(1) Marshaling phase. Limited outload of divisional units from the CONUS
base is accomplished by CSS within the division. Medical support for the
outload of brigade-size or less airborne forces is accomplished with organic
divisional medical assets. Medical support to a force greater than brigade-size
must be provided by a fixed facility or corps-level medical units. Organic
medical platoons within maneuver battalions and the lead medical company
required during the deployment (assault) phase can provide only limited
tailgate medical support to organic elements because personnel and
equipment are preparing to deploy.
(2) Air movement and assault phase. Medical actions during this phase
depend on the size of the deploying force. Unit members are cross loaded on
multiple aircraft. This ensures that the loss of one aircraft does not keep other
members of the unit from performing the mission. The fact that airborne
operations usually occur at night to increase the elements of security and
surprise adds further confusion on the DZ. The paratrooper must be able to
perform independent actions (such as providing aid to himself and his buddy)
because he maybe separated from the aidman during the initial assault.
(a) The medical platoon organic to the combat battalion provides immediate
medical support on deployment. It has limited treatment capabilities and no
holding capacity. After the initial parachute assault is completed, unit aidmen
in the combat medic section link up with organic line companies and establish
FM 90-26
c. Air Force Health Service Support. The airborne unit collects and
transports regulated patients to the Air Force MASF when it is established. It
also provides patient staging in the airhead until the Air Force has facilities
available. The Air Force, using the tactical aeromedical evacuation system,
begins intratheater evacuation to supporting medical treatment units. The
TAES is a highly mobile system designed to deploy/redeploy on short notice
to any airfield, including the foremost assault airfields used to support combat
ground forces. As a complete aeromedical evacuation subsystem, the TAES
functions as a total system to provide interim medical care and expedite the
evacuation of the sick and injured. In its deployed form, the TAES comprises
three elements:
(1) The aeromedical evacuation liaison team coordinates with the MRO of
the forward medical treatment units, the aeromedical evacuation control
center, and the MASF to ensure a smooth and rapid flow of patients within
the system.
(2) The AECC is the element for the subsystem, coordinating activities
among the elements and ensuring tactical aircraft are made available to meet
aeromedical evacuation requirements.
(3) The MASF provides short-term holding and supportive treatment for
patients that are to be evacuated. The medical flight crews deployed in
support of the TAES provide in-flight nursing care aboard the aircraft. In an
emergency, personnel from the MASF can also provide in-flight nursing care.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
• Personnel actions.
• Personnel records.
• Administrative services.
• Chaplain activities.
• Legal services.
• Finance services.
• Morale support activities.
• Public affairs.
• Postal services.
FM 90-26
b. Civilian Labor. Civil affairs identifies and locates civilians to work within
the airhead. Civilian labor can handle supplies; construct airfields, field
fortifications, and obstacles; and clear fields of fire. (See AR 210-10 for
On 9 July 1943, the first of 226 planes loaded with 3,40.5 paratroopers and their
equipment began taking off from departure airfields in northeastern Tunisia to
take part in the invasion of Sicily. The force was composed of the 505th
Parachute Infantry Regiment and the 3d Battalion of the 504th Parachute
Infantry Regiment, along with other supporting units. The mission was to assist
the 1st Infantry Division landing in Sicily, to capture the Parte Olivio airfield
and to disrupt enemy communications and movement of reserves. This was the
first time in military history that an airborne unit of this size had been given such
a mission. It was also the largest night drop ever made.
Despite the scattered drop that forced drastic changes to the original plans, each
soldier knew his mission When paratroopers realized they were not on their
correct DZs, they immediately organzied into small groups led by whatever
FM 90-26
During an interview after the war, General Kurt Student, commander of the
German paratroops during the war, gave his assessment of the airborne
operation in Sicily. He described it as effective even though the paratroopers were
widely scattered. In his opinion, the amphibious landing could have been driven
back to the sea if the soldiers of the 82d Airborne Division had not blocked the
German reserves.
g. Essential signal personnel must move in the first air serials; all subsequent
signal units precede the echelon they serve.
FM 90-26
Airborne operations require communications between all elements, which is
not always easy. Communications inherent in airborne operations are
discussed herein,
a. The use of special navigational aids and horning devices to lead the aircraft
to the correct DZ,/LZ can cause communications problems. Highly
specialized airborne force personnel (CCT/LRSU) equipped with
navigational aids, homing devices, radar, and visual signals must be
airdropped into the objective area in advance. Personnel can then set up their
equipment to guide subsequent aircraft.
d. Close air support plays a more important role in airborne operations than
in normal operations. The airborne commander needs direct and positive
radio communication with supporting CAS until sufficient fire support assets
can be delivered to the airhead.
e. Key leaders jump with their tactical radios or use small handheld radios to
quickly establish control once on the ground. Also, small radios can be
carried in by soldiers or parachuted into the area in separate containers. The
method of delivery and the need for ground mobility impose limitations on
the size, weight, and amount of communications equipment for RATELOs.
Larger vehicular-mounted sets can be brought in by heavy-drop platforms or
airland aircraft.
FM 90-26
(2) Close air support initially provides the main means of fire support.
(3) The enemy might respond first by air, so Army air defense systems must
quickly distinguish friend from foe to prevent fratricide.
Airlift units.
US Naval, US Air Force, and artillery units that provide fire support.
The command that retains control until it makes contact with
advancing ground forces.
The commander of advancing ground forces.
Friendly advancing units with whom contact is expected in the
FM 90-26
(11) Signal unit elements that remain at the departure airfield to aid in the
movement of communications supplies and equipment.
(12) Location of the rear echelon in the airhead or at the departure
airfield/ISB and the communications personnel required.
(13) The installation and operation of communications channels used for air
support requests.
(14) In addition to provisions for the standard ground communications
system airborne communications plans must be provided for the following:
• JAAP units.
• Small-unit assembly in the forward area.
• Contact nets.
• Communication to and among base elements that remain in the
departure area.
FM 90-26
(1) An assault net to operate early during the operation in the objective area.
(2) A transition from the assault net operations to the normal nets.
Airlift forces.
Follow-on forces.
Higher headquarters.
Supporting tactical air elements.
Departure airfield (if possible).
Linkup forces (if applicable).
b. Outload Net. The deploying Army unit commander uses an outload net to
monitor and control unit outload. (Figure 10-2.) The unit uses either small
handheld radios or standard FM equipment, and should always use a secure
net. FM equipment comes from a support unit employed until load time, so
the deploying unit can load its own equipment. If the deploying unit uses
handheld radios, it must coordinate frequencies to prevent interference with
aviation operations.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
c. En Route (LOS) VHF SECOMP Net. The airborne commander uses this
net to relay instructions and updates to subordinates in other aircraft. (Figure
10-3.) Supporting communications personnel install, operate, and maintain it.
Although it is a secure net, the enemy may still detect transmissions
Therefore, either US Army or USAF commanders can impose listening
silence restrictions, mainly during penetration. The airborne commander’s
aircraft acts as the net control station.
FM 90-26
(1) Brigade command net. User stations install, operate, and maintain this
FM-secure net. (Figure 10-5.) The brigade TOC serves as the NCS. This net
can serve as the assault net for the initial phase of the airborne assault.
FM 90-26
(2) Brigade operations and intelligence net. Units use this FM-secure net to
pass routine and recurring intelligence reports. (Figure 10-6.)
(3) Brigade administrative and logistics FM net. The Brigade S4 in the BSA
serves as the NCS for this secure FM net. The net is used to coordinate CSS
during ground operations. (Figure 10-7.)
(4) Battalion task force command net. Users install, operate, and maintain
this FM-secure net, which serves as the assault net for the battalion.
(Figure 10-8.) The TF TOC serves as the NCS.
(5) Battalion task force operations and intelligence net. Scouts, combat and
reconnaissance patrols, and attached MI assets can use this FM-secure net as
a reporting net. (Figure 10-9, page 10-12.) Assets for this net may have to be
allocated from other noncommitted units to provide communications
equipment to units.
(6) Battalion task force administration and logistics net. The unit S4 in the
combat trains serves as the NCS for this secure FM voice net. (Figure 10-10,
page 10-12.) The S4 uses it to coordinate CSS during ground operations.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
(1) Airfield seizure net. This secure net requires standard FM voice
equipment normally handheld. (Figure 10-11.) Units use this net to command
and control the airfield seizure operations during the airborne assault.
(2) Airfield control net. The TOC uses this FM voice net to control and
coordinate airfield activities and airland sortie arrivals. (Figure 10-12, page
10-14.) The element includes at least the S3 air officer, FSO, ADA
officer, and TACP. Optional elements include aviation liaison personnel,
Army ATC personnel, and ANGLICO personnel. Need and communications
availability determine who participates in this net. When feasible, wire
communications should supplement radio communications.
FM 90-26
(3) Air traffic control net. This net actually includes two nets (UHF and
VHF) for control of fixed- and rotary-wing communications. (Figure 10-13.)
Collocated CCT/ATC elements act as the NCS for this net.
FM 90-26
(4) JTF TACSAT VHF voice net. This net interfaces TACSAT to FM. It
allows the ground commander to talk to the JTF commander, the ISB, R&S
forces, or other units via FM radio. (Figure 10-14.) This arrangement
provides the advantages of TACSAT range and FM radio mobility. The JTF
operations center serves as the NCS. Supporting communications units
install, operate, and maintain this system. Planning for employment must
include a TACSAT-to-FM interface frequency.
(5) JTF TACSAT VHF data net. This net provides facsimile support to
elements of the JTF by rapidly transmitting plans, orders, and overlays.
(Figure 10-15, page 10-16.) Supporting communications units install, operate,
and maintain it. The JTF operations center functions as the NCS.
FM 90-26
(6) Brigade radio teletypewriter net. Units employ this RATT net to send
hard-copy messages for long distances without reliance on SATCOM assets.
(Figure 10-16.) Along with IHF radios, it serves as a SATCOM backup
FM 90-26
The C 2 communications techniques depend on the communications
equipment, which depends on the type, size, and mission of the unit.
(1) Units can use air-ground recognition panels extensively. Planned codes
should always provide for-
• Unit identification.
• Location of friendly soldiers and installations.
• Target designation.
• A simple method of requesting supplies.
FM 90-26
they occur or are executed; and they can schedule reporting (due to events)
to occur during the operation (enemy contact, mission abort, and so on).
Units can use this technique to preserve radio listening silence. Tailoring
execution checklists to unit requirements by certain elements aids
memorization and prevents compromising the information.
FM 90-26
(3) Tactical units, brigade and below, request information from, or forward
information directly to, subordinate tactical commands at the same time they
forward it to higher commands.
b. Support Requests. The S3 coordinates EW support for the land battle.
For conventional ground operations, he does this through the division G3.
The G3 sets the priority for requests and forwards them to the appropriate
agency based on the urgency of the request (planned or immediate) and on
the assets available.
This appendix implements STANAG 3570/ASCC 44/13G
Terminal guidance aids and control measures are used on the ground in
the objective area to assist and guide incoming airlift aircraft to the
designated DZs/LZs. Combat control teams comprised of Air Force
personnel are organized, trained, and equipped to provide aircraft terminal
guidance. Army teams from the LRSU, a divisional asset, are organized,
trained, and equipped to deploy into the objective area and conduct R&S
operations before the deployment of the airborne force. The combination of
the CCT and LRS teams is known as the JAAP.
The CCT’s mission is to locate, identify, and mark the DZ/LZ and to establish
and operate navigational aids and ATC communications. This assists and
guides airlift aircraft to the appropriate DZ/LZ. Long-range surveillance
teams place under surveillance one or two NAI in the objective area. They
observe and report to the ground force commander. One of the assigned NAI
are usually the main body DZ/FLS.
The ground force commander develops plans to deploy the CCT and LRS
teams during the planning stage of an airborne operation. Because of the risk
of compromise in deploying teams into the objective area before the assault
phase, the timing for employment and method of delivery is determined
jointly by the airborne and airlift commanders. They consider the
requirement for CCTs to be fully operational in minimum time after reaching
the DZ/LZ. This allows navigational, identification, and directional aids to be
FM 90-26
available for the maximum number of aircraft. Early deployment of the LRS
teams is also critical so that detailed and accurate information can be
assembled and passed to the ground force commander.
a. The CCT and LRS teams can be delivered to the objective area by the
following methods:
(1) Airdropped using static line or military free-fall parachuting techniques
(HALO, HAHO) in advance of the airborne assault.
(2) Airlanded using STOL or rotary-wing aircraft in advance of the airborne
(3) Airdropped or airlanded in the lead serial.
(4) Deployed over land by infiltration or other deceptive means.
FM 90-26
b. Establishes an airport traffic area around each assault zone and controls
all air traffic within this area under visual and instrument flight rules to
include conventional approach control functions.
c. Relays advice and information to inbound aircraft about conditions in
DZ/LZ/EZ areas that can have an impact on mission accomplishment. This
includes any information deemed necessary to assist in guiding the inbound
aircraft to the objective.
d. Develops terminal instrument procedures for assault zones.
e. Provides and operates navigational aids to support airlift operations that
are not supported by a combat communications group or other agency.
f. Marks the assault zone. Army/Navy unconventional warfare forces employ
a receiving unit on the ground to provide terminal guidance. A CCT is usually
not required. Unconventional warfare forces use only the ground mark
release system.
g. Removes obstacles and unexploded ordnance from assault zones.
h. Provides limited weather information and observation.
i. Establishes ground-to-air and point-to-point communications. For each
mission, the CCT can establish any or all of the following communications
(1) UHF/AM. Ground-to-air communications for the control of air traffic.
(2) VHF/AM. Ground-to-air communications for the control of air traffic.
(3) VHF/FM. Primary point-to-point communications with the CCT for
intrateam It is also used as point-to-point communications between CCTs
and other agencies within an objective area (such as LRS teams, FDC,
medical personnel) or as an alternate ground-to-air communications
capability with Army and allied aircraft.
(4) HF/SSB, ground-to-air long-range communications net. This net can be
used to control air traffic.
(5) HF/SSB, point-to-point. This communications net is used by CCTs,
ALCC, TALO, and ALCE for the of the airlift forces.
(6) SATCOM, point-to-point. This communications net is used for like
the HF/SSB point-to-point net.
j. Enters the objective area by the most feasible means in a combat situation.
k. Selects or assists in selecting sites for assault zones and recovery zones.
l. Gathers current ground intelligence data in the objective area, and
coordinates with intelligence representatives to ensure the timely exchange of
m. Coordinates with Army and Air Force medical personnel on casualty and
patient staging points.
n. In the absence of an ALCE, performs limited ALCE duties when directed
by the airlift commander.
FM 90-26
a. One or two days before the insertion, LRS teams to be deployed to isolate
with the CCT, receive an OPORD, and conduct mission planning.
b. Perform static line or HALO parachute operations to insert into the
objective area.
c. Conduct surveillance operations on assigned NAI-for example, road
intersections, bridges, main supply route in the objective area, enemy
nodes, helicopter LZs. The main assault force DZ will be treated as a named
area of interest.
d. Conduct surveillance of enemy high-value targets.
e. Conduct forward area limited observation program to provide limited
weather and terrain information to the commander.
f. Establish communications with friendly forces in the objective area with
the TF commander at the home station. For each mission, the LRS team can
establish any or all of the following communications nets:
(1) URC-101 tactical satellite communications. Used to report to the TF
commander en route to the objective area.
(2) PSC-3 data burst high-frequency transmission device. Used to send LRS
SPOTREPs to the home station from the objective area.
(3) PRC-104 long-range high frequency. Used by the teams to report back to
the base station in the objective area.
FM 90-26
(4) PRC-77/126 FM radios. Used for communications within the team and
with other agencies in the objective area.
g. Other potential missions as directed by the commander to include:
(1) Conduct radiological/chemical surveys of the objective area before the
main body deploys.
(2) Emplace remote sensors, guidance beacons, or jamming equipment.
(3) Direct-fire missions for artillery and NGF.
(4) Conduct pathfinder operations as necessary to support airborne/air
assault operations.
(5) Conduct damage assessment and NBC-1 report in the AO.
(6) Conduct linkup operations with conventional and unconventional friendly
forces in the objective area.
(7) Assess indigenous communications systems for possible future friendly
(8) Collect information through eavesdropping and wiretapping.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26.
a. Timing Points. For day VFR airdrop operations, the timing points are not
marked. The lead navigator selects the timing point, which is usually a
prominent terrain feature. In the absence of such a feature, two timing points
can be selected (before employment, if possible) and marked by the CCT. If
terrain allows, these points are an equal distance from the extended
centerline of the DZ; no more than 1,300 yards before the point of impact,
and between 300 and 350 yards on either side of the centerline (350 yards
minimum for C-141).
b. Point of Impact. For computed air release point drops, except AWADS,
the PI is marked with raised-angle markers or colored panels placed flat on
the surface. These panels form a block letter a minimum of 35 feet by 35 feet;
the only authorized letters are A, C, J, R, and S. (See MAC Regulation
55-130 for suggested circular/random approach DZ markings.) The letters H
FM 90-26
and O are authorized for circular DZs. Smoke (other than red) can be
displayed adjacent to and downwind of the letter identifier to assist in visual
acquisition of the DZ and to indicate the surface wind direction. For CDS
drops, smoke should be displayed 150 yards before the PI (six o’clock
position). The PI is not marked for AWADS drops nor will smoke be
displaced other than red smoke.
c. Trailing Edge. The trailing edge of the DZ is not marked for daylight
d. Red Smoke Flare Light. Red smoke flare lights on the DZ indicate a
FM 90-26
a. Timing Points. For night operations, timing points are marked (if the
tactical situation permits). If terrain allows, these points should be an equal
distance from the extended centerline of the DZ, but not further than 1,300
yards before the point of impact. The timing points should be between 300
yards and 350 yards (minimum 350 yards for C-141) from either side of the
centerline. Each timing point is marked with a green rotating beacon.
b. Point of Impact. The PI is not marked for AWADS drops. If the hostile
environment permits, the PI for VFR airdrops is marked with a minimum of
nine white omnidirectional lights placed to form a block letter that is a
minimum size of 35 feet by 35 feet. The only authorized letters are A, C, J, R,
and S. The letters H and O are authorized for circular DZs. When more than
one DZ is in the area, a different letter must be used on each. Besides the
block letter, white ATC lights or flares are displayed on the PI. For CDS
FM 90-26
airdrops, the white ATC lights or flares are displayed 150 yards from the PI at
the 6 o’clock position.
c. Trailing Edge. An amber rotating beacon is placed on the centerline axis
of the DZ at the trailing edge (if the tactical situation allows).
d. Emergency Signals. A no-drop condition is indicated by a red beam from
the ATC lights and flares. During unilateral training operations, the absence
of prebriefed DZ markings indicates a no-drop situation. A cancelled mission
is indicated by making the block letter into an X.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
a. Loading and Taxiing Areas. Loading and taxiing areas are marked as
determined during mission planning. Suitable lights with blue lenses are used;
they are placed 500 feet apart on straight parts of the areas. When possible,
reflectors are placed halfway between the blue lights. Light spacing can be
reduced to 75 feet on curves and at corners or intersections.
b. Visual Aids. Visual aids such as strobe lights, rotating beacons, or others
may be needed. When strobe lights are used, they are placed 100 feet apart
on the extended runway centerline. The light closest to the LZ should be
FM 90-26
placed at the outer edge of the overrun. The rotating beacon and other visual
aids are positioned as determined during mission planning.
FM 90-26
towplate on the aircraft ramp. At the release point, the parachute forces are
transferred from the twoplate to the ring slot main extraction parachute(s),
which then extracts single or tandem platforms from the aircraft. Ground
friction decelerates the load. The total distance from release to stopping
point of the load depends on ground speed, size, number of extractions
parachutes, weight of the load(s), and the type of terrain. Using LAPES with
tandem platforms, loads up to 37,175 pounds can be delivered into a small
EZ. Since proper site selection for the EZ depends on a variety of conditions,
specific criteria to ensure safety must be used in physically locating the EZ.
(Figure A-5.)
(2) The next 400-foot zone can be a graduated slope from a maximum of 12
feet at the inner edge to a maximum of 50 feet at the farthest end.
(3) The inner portion of the approach zone must be clear enough so the
impact panels are visible. Because of the steep aircraft approach, the
approach zone slope must not exceed a 15:1 ratio.
b. The clear area can be a maximum of 1 foot high adjacent to the
impact/slide-out zone, sloping upward to 2 feet at the outer edge.
c. The lateral safety zone can be a graduated slope with obstacles limited to a
maximum of 2 feet at the inner edge to 12 feet at the outer edge.
d. The climb-out zone should contain no obstructions that would prevent a
loaded aircraft from maintaining normal obstacle clearance climb rate after
an inadvertent touchdown, delivery abort, or extraction malfunction.
(1) The 600-foot zone nearest the impact/slide-out zone should be a level
FM 90-26
(2) The next 1,000-foot zone can be graduated from a maximum of 1 foot at
the inner edge to a maximum of 12 feet at the farthest end.
(3) The entire approach zone must be clear so approach zone and impact
area lights are visible to the aircraft.
b. The clear area and lateral safety zone are the same as for daylight
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
b. The DZSTL must also evaluate the condition of the DZ before the drop to
ensure that it is suitable for a safe personnel landing, as well as to ensure that
airdropped equipment can be recovered. The DZSTL places personnel,
vehicles, and support equipment so they are not endangered by the airdrop.
(Possible parachute malfunction should be considered when determining
placement.) He also ensures the DZ is clear of all personnel and equipment
not required to support the airdrop no later than 10 minutes before the
estimated time over target.
c. The DZSTL is responsible for the operation of all visual acquisition aids
and electronic equipment, such as smoke, flares, signal lights, and radios. He
ensures that this equipment is not used by untrained personnel.
FM 90-26
d. If conditions are not safe for a successful airdrop, the DZSTL uses
prebriefed visual signals or radio communications to ensure that the no-drop
condition is made known to the incoming aircraft.
(1) Add on missions (JA/ATT, special assignment airlift missions, and so on)
outside the normal planning cycle may generate additional taskings.
Requested add-on missions accepted by a MAC airlift unit must be
supported by the requesting unit if a CCT is not available. Add-on mission
requirements are fully documented by message traffic to all concerned units.
(2) After the mission is tasked, the receiving unit coordinates as required
IAW a checklist. (See Figure B-1 for an example.)
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
(a) Deploys with the Army airborne and light infantry divisions.
The following equipment is required to support DZ operations. It may come
with a CCT, but any unit must have–
FM 90-26
Drop zone support team leaders must allow enough time to locate the PI,
establish a DZ heading, locate the control point, and have the DZ operational
at least one hour before the drop. During rehearsals and exercises, the
DZSTL maybe required to evaluate the conditions of DZs that have not been
used for one year or longer. This should be done before a mission is
scheduled to that particular DZ. In such cases, the DZSTL compares data in
the DZ survey form with actual conditions in the DZ and surrounding area.
He ensures that significant changes are properly annotated and discussed
with the aircrew. He also notifies the appropriate MAC NAF of the
differences. The DZSTL must be sensitive to the safety requirements of both
paratroopers and aircraft.
b. Normally, the control point is set up at the PI because this location usually
offers the best view of the DZ and approaching aircraft. If the tactical
condition permits, the DZST may take advantage of this positioning, or he
may locate the control point elsewhere.
(1) For CDS operations, locate the control point 150 yards at 6 o’clock in
relation to the PI and DZ heading (tactical situation permitting).
(2) For all AWADS and station keeping equipment drops, the control point
is off the DZ when the ceiling is less than 600 feet. All personnel are also kept
off the DZ.
c. Drop zone markings for computed air release points are discussed in
Appendix A.
(1) Thirteen knots for personnel drops (including gusts within 10 minutes of
drop time).
FM 90-26
When radio communication is available to the DZST, it is important for
air-to-ground communications to be brief, concise, and clear to reduce
cockpit distraction. Aircrew members are extremely busy during run in from
the initial point to the DZ and throughout the escape flight path.
a. For a no-drop situation, the phrase “no drop, no drop, no drop” must be
transmitted. The reasons for the no drop should be cited at the first
opportunity and the aircraft commander asked what his intentions are. The
aircraft commander may elect to airland, or fly a race track and attempt
another drop. If the DZSTL notices a factor that could affect the safety of the
operation (such as a helicopter transiting low over the DZ while the drop
aircraft is on approach), he should notify the aircraft.
a. Forward Throw. Basically, this is the distance along the flight path that an
object or a paratrooper travels from the time of exit from the jump platform
until the parachute canopy fully opens. This allows other natural forces to act
on the load and parachute. Different loads have different forward throw
(2) Measure the wind and compute the wind drift using the D = KAV
FM 90-26
(3) From the PI, walk the required distance into the direction of the wind.
(4) From this spot, face the direction of the flight path and pace off the
distance for the forward throw. This establishes the actual release point
(5) Turn 90 degrees to the right and pace off 110 yards (100 meters) for the
offset. This is done so the aircraft pilot can look out his left cockpit window
while abeam the release point and see the panels. The corner panel is placed
here. It is best to elevate the panels at a 30- to 45-degree angle for greater
visibility from the air.
(7) Night inverted "L" drops are laid out the same way using
directional/omnidirectional white lights. Small fires, flares, or flashlights may
also be used; however, this should be precoordinated.
FM 90-26
(1) During training events, the airdrops will be within a military reservation
or on US government leased property.
(2) The supported service accepts responsibility for any damage that occurs
as a result of the airdrop activity.
FM 90-26
This airdrop option is not too difficult, especially after the DZST has the
experience of controlling even one drop this way. When executing this option,
the DZSTL could conceal himself in bushes, tall grass, or a fighting position
at the release point.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
a. Determine the block speed for each route segment at peacetime cruise
speeds. Average block speed can be calculated using this formula:
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
c. Determine the Average Payload for Each Aircraft Type. The longest route
segment is used to determine the average payload; however, operations into a
field with a short runway could severely limit the payload. Since over 90
percent of the movement requirement consists of oversize cargo, the
FM 90-26
(2) Determine the RTFT for each aircraft type using this formula:
(3) Determine the TGT for each aircraft type using this formula (Table C-5):
FM 90-26
(5) Determine the tons a day, an aircraft type (T/D/AC) using this formula:
(6) Determine the total tons delivered a day (TT/D) for the fleet using this
Movement Requirement
Closure =
15,000 tons
Closure = = 10.9 days
1,371 tons/day
e. Determine Revised Cycle Time. This example explains one situation when
the cycle time might have to be revised. It involves a large-scale operation
where most of the fleet of an aircraft type are scheduled to be used. In this
case, the cycle time might have to be adjusted to maintain an objective use
rate, The UTE rate is not a limiting factor unless most of the fleet is involved.
The example operation involves 210 C-141 aircraft (nearly all of the C-141s)
with a cycle time of 32 hours and an RTFT of 22 hours. The fleet must not
exceed a UTE rate of 10 hours a day. The planned UTE rate is computed
using the following formula:
Since the planned UTE rate of 16.5 hours per day exceeds the objective UTE
rate of 10 hours per day, a revised cycle time must be computed using this
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
b. Loading Characteristics.
Rear ramp, ground, or truck bed level, and 463L system.
d. Door Dimensions.
Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 inches.
Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 inches.
e. Performance. (H-model characteristics that are different are shown in
Maximum ferry range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,685 nautical miles.
(3,962 nautical miles).
Average cruise speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 knots (300 knots).
Takeoff gross weight (emergency or wartime). . . 173,700 pounds.
Takeoff gross weight (peacetime) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153,700 pounds.
Normal operating altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 feet/26,000 feet.
(23,500 feet/28,000 feet).
Minimum runway requirements:
FM 90-24
b. Cabin Capacity.
Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 feet.
Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 feet.
Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3 feet.
Floor area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,584 square feet.
Usable cube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,900 cubic feet.
c. Main Door Dimensions.
Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 feet.
Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 feet, 8 inches.
FM 90-26
d. Performance.
Maximum ferry range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,700 nautical miles.
Average cruise speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 knots.
Takeoff gross weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580,000 pounds.
Normal operating altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FL 30 to FL 41.
Minimum runway requirements:
Takeoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7,600 feet with
167,000-pound payload.
Landing (thrust reversal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 feet with
167,000-pound payload.
Maximum ACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172,200 pounds.
Maximum number of 463L pallets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18.
Maximum number of paratroopers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.
Minimum pavement fo 180-degree turn . . . . . . . . . . ...90 feet.
Minimum runway width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 feet.
d. Door Dimensions.
Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 inches wide,
162 inches high.
Drive in (ramp down) forward or
level kneel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 inches wide,
161 inches high.
Drive in (ramp down) aft kneel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 inches wide,
153 inches high.
Truck loading (ramp level) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 inches wide,
114 inches high.
FM 90-26
e. Performance.
Maximum ferry range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,238 nautical miles.
Takeoff to block-in speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 knots.
Average cruise speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 knots.
Maximum takeoff gross weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769,000 pounds.
Normal operating altitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FL310-410.
Minimum runway requirements:
Takeoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,150 feet.
Landing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,610 feet.
Maximum payload (floor loaded) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291,000 pounds
Maximum number of 463L pallets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.
Maximum number of soldiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 (Airbus configuration;
normally 73 soldiers will
ride in upstairs troop
Minimum pavement for 180-degreee turn . . . . . . . . . . 150 feet.
Minimum runway width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 feet.
FM 90-26
(3) Humanitarian. The E-3 radar can fly into a natural disaster area and can
provide an airborne CP to monitor the situation. It can also provide the
needed communications and control during large-scale disasters.
FM 90-26
a. Airborne Battle Staff Composition and Duties. The ABCCC battle staff
is divided into four functional areas: command, operations, intelligence, and
b. Communications Capability. The ABCCC was designed to support the
air-to-ground war. As such, each capsule has 20 radios for the battle staff to
use. They include four VHF/AM, four VHF/FM, four HF, and eight UHF.
Six of the eight UHF radios are equipped with HAVE QUICK (antijam).
This mix of radios allows the ABCCC to work with all elements of the TACS
and the forces employed.
c. Missions. The ABCCC has five missions:
(1) Airborne ASOC. The ABCCC can fulfill a limited ASOC role or can
ensure proper communications between the ASOC and TACPs or between
fighters and FACs. ABCCC is often the only agency that can fulfill the ASOC
role at the onset of hostilities.
(2) TACC combat operations. In the role of combat operations center, the
ABCCC maintains ground alert and airborne asset status. The real time
compilation of intelligence and operations information allows for flexibility in
performing current operations. In the first stages of conflict, ABCCC allows
appropriate TAF operations to be conducted in the absence of the traditional
ground-based TACS.
(3) Electronic combat. With its unique communications ability, the ABCCC
can maintain radio contact for coordination with all electronic combat assets
(ESM and ECM) available to the tactical commander. The combination of
intelligence and operations information within ABCCC allows the situational
awareness required to perform the function. Electronic combat coordination
is a growing role for the ABCCC.
(4) Joint rescue coordination center. As a JRCC, the ABCCC can track
aircraft; maintain the status of SAR forces; coordinate with other services’
SAR forces; scramble assets; and marshal, coordinate, and control SARs.
These SAR operations can be conducted in peacetime or war.
(5) Crisis management. The ABCCC can provide on-the-scene C 2 during
crisis situations. Tasks are much the same as for TACC/ASOC missions but
are accomplished on a time-compressed schedule. (See TAC Regulation
55-130 for more information about employment of ABCCC.)
All commanders must closely supervise briefings. Soldiers should receive
enough information about the weather, terrain, and enemy in the objective
area to perform their duties intelligently. To allow for contingencies, each
person should also know the overall plan.
a. Each of the higher units prepares a briefing plan that includes the
b. The briefing schedule is coordinated with airlift units so that the crews of
assault aircraft and other selected airlift personnel can attend briefings with
the soldiers they transport.
c. The briefing schedule must allow for briefback of all aspects of the plan at
each level. This requires flexibility in the plan.
FM 90-26
and squad briefings take place outside regular briefing rooms with simple
aids like maps, photos, and sketches.
a. Each brigade and battalion establishes at least one briefing room. When
possible, each company establishes its own. Otherwise, the battalion provides
one or more briefing rooms for its companies to use. Platoons (or aircraft
loads) are rotated through the assigned briefing rooms according to the
briefing schedule. Individual squads can also be rotated through briefing
c. The briefing facilities used by the assault units are kept for use by buildup
units. Advanced landing fields, AAs, and routes in the airhead can be shown
to interested personnel, and the current situation reviewed on the basis of
situation reports.
FM 90-26
plans, especially air movement plans. Although airlift units are responsible for
the air movement, airborne units are interested in–
(8) Anticipated weather, including the direction and velocity of the wind at
the object ive.
c. Final Briefing. All aircraft commanders attend the final aircrew briefing, if
possible, It is conducted by the airlift commander or representative just
before takeoff. It includes all last-minute information and instructions for the
air movement.
a. Scope. Since the scope of the mission briefing varies with the nature and
complexity of the mission to be performed, it is not possible to outline all
detailed matters to be covered. Handouts can be used for certain subjects
such as navigation, operations, and others at the discretion of the
commander. The briefing order is as follows (although the briefing includes
only the items that fit the mission):
FM 90-26
b. Content. The following items are discussed in the mission briefing. Special
briefings for more detail are the option of the commander.
(g) Security.
(h) Reports.
FM 90-26
(j) Takeoff.
(d) Coverage of DZ/LZ and salvo area(s) with photos, maps, or other aids.
(This should be covered in a separate briefing after the mission briefing.)
(a) Existing and forecast weather at departure time, on the airfield, en route,
and in the objective area.
FM 90-26
(b) Winds at the departure airfield, en route, and at the objective area
(including drop altitude where applicable).
(c) Weather outlook, if the operation is to take place more than 24 hours
after the general mission briefing.
(d) Time and location of the final weather briefing (if applicable).
(b) Frequencies.
• Check-in.
• Taxi.
• Takeoff.
• En route (including special reporting procedures).
• Objective area.
• Landing.
• Emergency.
• Rescue.
(a) Health service support missions and type of units involved in the
(b) Critique.
FM 90-26
(b) Designation of time and place for final briefings on topics such as
weather decisions.
Briefbacks and rehearsals are not the same. Briefbacks are related to the
planning process; rehearsals are related to execution. Briefbacks to the
commander of operational concepts should be required from all subordinate
commanders and leaders for missions tasked in OPLANs, OPORDs, or
FRAGOs. Briefback times and locations are normally specified in the
coordinating instructions paragraph of the OPORD/OPLAN. The scope and
detail required depends on the mission and time available. It may range from
an oral review using operational graphics to an in-depth explanation using
terrain models, visual aids, and other devices. The commander should
conduct at least two briefbacks with subordinate commanders. When
possible, briefbacks should be conducted collectively at a meeting of the
order group. The first briefback occurs immediately after the OPORD has
been issued to ensure subordinates understand their mission. The second
briefback occurs after subordinates have prepared their own concepts of the
operation. However, before subordinates issue their OPORDs, the
commander may recommend changes. In quickly developing situations, an
abbreviated version may be required. The format of the briefback is a matter
of unit SOP but should include the following information:
FM 90-26
(2) Navigators (for the purpose of studying DZ overlays and timing points,
and for comparing routes, checkpoints, and so on).
(3) Names of assistant jumpmasters and safeties; time and place to brief
them (if they are not present).
FM 90-26
(4) Time and location for initial and final manifest call, prejump training, and
uniform and equipment inspections.
(6) Time and place for parachute issue and the type of main parachute to be
(14) Flight plan (formation, route, checkpoints, direction of flight over the
DZ, emergency radio frequencies, and call signs).
FM 90-26
(4) Exit procedures (including the location in the stick where the jumpmaster
exits and the name of the person who assumes his responsibilities after he
(5) Briefing on serials, the CDS, heavy drop, and type of aircraft, if part of a
larger airborne operation.
(7) Type of individual and separate equipment that soldiers will jump with.
FM 90-26
• Takeoff time.
• Air Force CCT or DZSO contact time (when the jumpmaster will be
informed by radio of DZ conditions).
• Drop time.
(3) Approach to the DZ. Items discussed concerning procedures during the
approach to the DZ include the following
• Checkpoint warning.
• Time warning.
• Visual and oral signals.
• “No drop” signal.
• Jump door restrictions.
• Drop zone identification (jumpmaster must be briefed on what
marking features, or both to look for).
• Drop altitude.
• Drop speed.
• Drop heading.
FM 90-26
Number of passes.
Turnoff direction.
(4) Emergency procedures. I t e m s d i s c u s s e d c o n c e r n i n g e m e r g e n c y
procedures include the following:
Jettisoning of load.
Fuselage fire.
Abandonment of aircraft.
Emergency bailout.
Crash landing.
Rapid depressurization.
Towed parachutist.
Teatment of casualties in the aircraft before the drop.
(a) State which jump door affords the best view of the DZ for a safety check.
(b) Name the key people on board who must be advised of a ground abort.
(c) Inform the loadmaster who will command the soldiers on board in an
emergency if the jumpmaster is not the last parachutist.
(f) Ensure the loadmaster understands that the soldiers should raise and
fasten seats.
FM 90-26
a. All units arrange for briefing aids before entering the marshaling area.
Divisional units survey the marshaling camp to find what briefing facilities are
provided. Other facilities and aids are procured by divisional units, as needed.
(1) Briefing aids (such as maps, air photos, slide projectors, kits for making
terrain models, movie projectors, and screens) can be obtained from higher
(2) Briefing aids such as charts, sketches, diagrams, terrain models, and sand
tables are made.
(3) Low-altitude air photos of the landing area (from intelligence channels),
on which photo interpreters mark terrain features and the size and shape of
the landing area, are also useful.
b. Requirements for briefing aids vary with the operation, the construction
facilities available, and supply of materials and equipment. No standard set of
briefings aids is prescribed.
FM 90-26
c. The pilot and the airborne representative jointly inspect after the
equipment and supplies are loaded. The aerial delivery system on parachute
aircraft is checked for proper rigging. Weight and balance figures are
rechecked for safety. The cargo tie-down system and the ACL are also
d. Just before the soldiers enplane, a final joint check is made to ensure that
the aircraft is properly loaded and ready for takeoff.
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
(3) Parachute drops and assault transport landings under the expected
combat conditions.
• Airlift aircraft.
• Suitable training areas.
FM 90-26
(5) Landing and unloading procedures for airland assault aircraft, including
actions of the AACG.
The IPB process is that portion of the intelligence cycle that integrates
enemy doctrine with the weather and terrain and relates these factors to the
mission and specific battlefield situation. It provides a basis for determining
and evaluating enemy capabilities, vulnerabilities, and probable courses of
action. It also serves as the planning basis for the formulation of the unit’s
concept of the operation and for the allocation of combat power as reflected
in the unit’s organization for combat. The process is especially critical to the
commander, the intelligence officer, the operations officer, the battlefield
deception element, and the field artillery intelligence officer. The brigade or
battalion S2 relies on the higher staff headquarters to provide detailed
information to conduct the informal IPB at their level. The formal IPB
process is performed at division, corps, and higher levels.
FM 90-26
(1) The area of operations is the geographical area where the commander
has been assigned the responsibility and authority to conduct military
operations. The assigned AO is based on METT-T factors and planning
considerations beyond the FLOT.
(2) The air area of operation is similar to the ground AO in that air bases,
refueling points, LZs, DZs, and air defense weapons and radars operate
within the commander’s boundaries. The major difference between air and
ground operations is the height or operating ceiling within which fixed- and
rotary-wing aircraft operate and air defense weapons can fire.
(3) The area of interest is based on METT-T and the commander’s concept
of the operation. It includes all enemy activities which might affect the
friendly force during the operation. The G2 or S2 recommends the AI to the
commander based on IPB. The commander approves the AI, and it is
forwarded to the next higher echelon by the intelligence officer where it
serves as a base for supporting intelligence requirements.
(4) The air AI is normally much larger than the ground AI because of the
vast distances they can cover and the speed with which they can influence
operations. The air AI extends upward to the maximum ceiling of enemy
aircraft and to the maximum effective altitudes of friendly and enemy air
defense systems. (Figure F-2 shows the relationship between these elements.)
b. The intelligence officer must fully understand these relationships to assist
the commander in planning a successful airborne operation. (See FM 34-130
for a complete and detailed discussion of all aspects of the preparation and
use of the IPB.)
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
FM 90-26
AA assembly area
AAA air avenues of approach
AACG arrival airfield control group
AB air base
ABCCC airborne battlefield command and control center
abn airborne
ACC air control center
ACL allowable cargo load
ACP assembly control post
ADA air defense artillery
ADACG arrival/departure airfield control group
ADP automatic data processing
ADSO assistant division signal officer
AF Air Force
AG Adjutant General
AH attack helicopter
AI air interdiction
FM 90-26
ALFT airlift
AM amplitude modulation
AMB air mission brief
ammo ammunition
AMO air movement officer
AT antitank
ATO aircraft transfer order
avg average
FM 90-26
CI counterintelligence
clas classified
cmd command
co commanding officer
COMALF Commander of Airlift Forces
COMDTINST commandant’s instruction
comf comfort
commo communications
FM 90-26
CP command post
CS combat support
CSF casualty staging facility
DF direction finding
div division
FM 90-26
ech echelon
ECM electronic countermeasures
EDRE emergency deployment readiness exercise
EEFI essential elements of friendly information
elev elevation
enl enlisted
EOC Emergency Operations Center
EPW enemy prisoner of war
equip equipment
ESIP equipment supply issue point
ESM electronic warfare support measures
etc. et cetera
EW electronic warfare
EZ extraction zones
F Fahrenheit
FA field artillery
FAAR forward area alerting radar
FAC forward air controller
FM 90-26
fl flight
fld field
FO forward observer
frag fragmentary
gal gallon
FM 90-26
HD heavy drop
HE heavy equipment
HF high frequency
hwy highway
IP initial point
IPB intelligence preparation of the battlefield
IR infrared
JA joint airborne
FM 90-26
JM jumpmaster
lbs pounds
LC line of contact
LD line of departure
ldr leader
FM 90-26
LZ landing zone
m meters
MAC Military Airlift Command
MACG marshaling area control group
min minute
mm millimeter
MMC Materiel Management Center
MMEE minimum mission-essential equipment
mission-oriented command and control
MOG maximum-on-ground
MOPP mission-oriented protective posture
mort mortar
MOS military occupational speciality
MOUT military operations on urbanized terrain
MP military police
mph miles per hour
MRE meal–ready to eat
FM 90-26
msn mission
obj objective
OEG operational exposure guide
off officer
OIC officer in charge
OP observation post
opns operations
OPORD operation order
OPSEC operations security
opt optional
ORF operational readiness float
OVM on-vehicle materiel
FM 90-26
pax passenger(s)
PDF Panamanian Defense Force
PE priority equipment
PI point of impact
PIBAL pilot balloon (observation)
PIR priority intelligence requirements
PLL prescribed load list
plt platoon
PP passage point
PPI personnel point of impact
PT (aircraft)
PVL priority vehicle list
PW prisoner of war
FM 90-26
S1 Adjutant
S2 Intelligence Officer
S4 Supply Officer
S5 Civil Affairs Officer
SACR Strategic Air Command regulation
SALT supporting arms liaison team
S&T supply and transport (unit)
SAR search and rescue
Scty security
SD special duty
SDO staff duty officer
SEAD suppression of enemy air defense
SECOMP secure en route communications package
SERE survival, evasion, resistance and escape
SCM sergeant major
SGT sergeant
SHF super high frequency
FM 90-26
SO safety officer
spt support
sq square
sta station
STANAG Standardization Agreement
syn synthetic
sys system
t ton
TAACOM Theater Army Area Command
FM 90-26
TB technical bulletin
TBP to be published
T/D/AC tons per day per aircraft
TDAR tactical defense alert radar
tech technician
tm team
TM technical manual
TO takeoff
TOC tactical operations center
TOE table(s) of organization and equipment
TOT time over target
TOW tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided (missile)
TPL time phase line
TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command
trns trains
TSR tactical surveillance and reconnaissance
US United States
FM 90-26
vert vertical
VFR visual flight rules
VHF very high frequency
w with
w/o without
WO warning order
WOC wing operations center
wpns weapons
wt weight
xmtr transmitter
XO executive officer
yds yards
*FM 1-100. Doctrinal Principles for Army Aviation in Combat Operations. 28 February 1989.
*FM 100-27. US Army/US Air Force Doctrine for Joint Airborne and Tactical Airlift Operations
(AFM 2-50). 31 January 1985.
*FM 100-28. Doctrine and Procedures for Airspace Control in the Combat Zone
(AF Manual 1 -3; NWP 17, LMF 04). 1 December 1975.
*FM 100-103. Army Airspace Command and Control in a Combat Zone. 7 October 1987.
*TM 38-250. Packaging of Materials Handling: Preparing of Hazardous Material for Military
Air Shipments. 15 January 1988.
AR 59-4. Joint Airdrop Inspection Records, Malfunction Investigation and Activity Reporting
(AFR 55-40; OPNAVINST 4630.24B; MCO 13480.1B). 27 November 1984.
FM 90-26
FM 6-20-30. Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for Corps and Division
Operations. 18 October 1989.
FM 7-8 (HTF). The Infantry Platoon and Squad (Infantry, Airborne, Air Assault, Ranger),
HOW to Fight. 31 December 1980.
FM 7-20. The Infantry Battalion (Infantry, Airborne and Air Assault). 28 December 1984.
FM 7-30(HTF). Infantry, Airborne and Air Assault Brigade Operations, How to Fight.
24 April 1981.
FM 20-150. National Search and Rescue Manual. (NWP-19; AFM 64-2; COMDTINST
M16130.2). 1 November 1986.
FM 90-26
FM 90-10-1 (HTF). An Infantryman’s Guide to Urban Combat (How to Fight). 30 September 1982.
MAC Regulation Combat Control Team Operations and Procedures. 12 April 1983.
STANAG 3466/ Responsibilities of Air Transport Units and User Units in the Loading and
ASCC 44/18C. Unloading of Transport Aircraft in Tactical Air Transport Operations,
Edition 2. 5 June 1975.
STANAG 3570/ Drop Zones and Extraction Zones–Criteria and Markings, Edition 3.
ASCC 44/13G. 26 March 1975.
TM 5-330. Planning and Design of Roads, Airbases, and Heliports in the Theater of
Operations. 6 September 1968.
FM 90-26
TRADOC Pam 34-4. AWACS–Army Contingency Voice Operating Procedures: (ATDO). 4 March 1986.
air defense
early warning, 8-15
elements, 8-14 to 8-15
assault objective, 3-4 to 3-6
early warning capability, 8-15
line, 3-4 to 3-6
occupation, 3-14
organization, 3-14
size, 3-14
advantages, 4-9
disadvantages, 4-9
organization, 4-9 to 4-10
aeromedical, C-2, C-5
civil reserves, C-2
airborne, 2-2
airlift, 2-2
joint responsibilities, 2-2
cycle time, C-6 to C-7
factors, C-1
operational support, C-2
resources, C-1
strategic, C-1
support requirements, C-5
tanks and cargo, C-2
theater, C-2
Army aviation
deployment, 8-13 to 8-14
helicopter, 8-12 to 8-13
buildup, 3-14 to 3-16
combat power, 3-14 to 3-16
conduct of, 3-12 to 3-14
development, 3-14
echelon 2-8, 3-11
follow-on echelon, 2-8, 3-11
objectives, 3-4 to 3-6
assault echelon, 2-8, 3-11
rear echelon, 2-8, 3-11
reorganization, 4-27
equipment, 4-19
security, 4-26 to 4-27
FM 90-26
aids, E-12 to E-13
command and staff, E-7
facilities, E-1 to E-2
joint, E-2 to E-3
jumpmaster, E-8 to E-1 2
mission, E-3
responsibilities, E-2
scope, E-3 to E-7
specialized, E-8
troop, 4-22
combat support
aspects, 8-2 to 8-3
elements, 8-1
execution, 8-4 to 8-5
liaison, 8-4
planning, 8-5 to 8-6
aircraft, 8-26 to 8-28
command and control nets, 10-6 to 10-16
considerations, 10-3 to 10-4
controlling airspace, 10-18
electronic warfare assets, 10-18 to 10-19
plans, 10-4 to 10-6
signal facilities, 10-2 to 10-3
techniques, 10-17 to 10-18
FM 90-26
drop zones
assembly aids, 4-19
aircraft, 4-21
audible, 4-20
clock system, 4-18
electronic, 4-20 to 4-21
equipment, 4-19 to 4-21
field expedient, 4-21
line-of-flight, 4-18
Stiner, 4-19 to 4-20 (illus)
visual, 4-19
assembly and reorganization
cross loading, 4-15 to 4-16
heavy-drop loads, 4-16
individual equipment and weapons, 4-16
personnel, 4-16
assessments, B-8
capacity, 4-12
shape, 4-11
size, 4-11 to 4-12
construction, 4-11
cover and concealment, 4-11
criteria/selection, A-5 to A-7
day markings, A-7 to A-8
factors affecting assembly
dispersion, 4-23
state of training, 4-23
visibility, 4-23
identification, 4-10
key terrain, 4-11
natural, 4-19
night markings, A-9 to A-10
operations, B-5
orientation, 4-12 to 4-13
out of range, 4-10
selection of, 4-10
straight-line approach, 4-10
support team leader
duties, B-1 to B-2
qualifications, B-2
responsibilities, B-2, B-4
unit assembly, 4-22 to 4-24
visibility, 4-23
weather and terrain, 4-10 to 4-11
FM 90-26
echelonment, 2-8
equipment delivery
airland 4-9 to 4-10
container delivery system, 4-6
door bundles, 4-7
free drop, 4-6
heavy drop, 4-7
high altitude, low opening (HALO), 4-7
high velocity, 4-6
low-altitude parachute extraction system (LAPES), 4-8
low velocity, 4-7
sequence of delivery, 4-4
supply airdrop
advantages, 4-5
disadvantages, 4-5
wedges, 4-7
countermobility, 1-9 to 1-10
FACE missions, 8-17 to 8-18
mobility, 1-9 to 1-10
survivability, 1-9 to 1-10
forms (examples)
air movement planning worksheet, 5-8 (illus)
basic planning guide, 5-8 to 5-9 (illus), 5-10
drop zone support team/aircrew mission briefing checklist, B-3 (illus)
vehicle load card, 5-6 to 5-7 (illus)
FM 90-26
identification markings
assault aircraft, 4-21
equipment, 4-21, B-4
personnel, 4-21
landing plan
area study, 4-3
commander’s priorities, 4-2 to 4-3
considerations, 4-3 to 4-4
methods of landing, 4-4
priorities, 4-4
requirements, 4-2 to 4-3
FM 90-26
landing zone
assault zone, A-10
construction, 4-11
day and night operations, A-11 to A-13
expeditionary zone, A-10
markings, A-11
visual aids, A-12 to A-13
flight, 5-13
camps, 6-4 to 6-5
dispersal, 6-3
movement, 6-2 to 6-3
N-hour, 6-1
passive defense during, 6-3
plans, 2-6, 6-1
preparation before, 6-1 to 6-2
rehearsals, 6-1
requirements, 6-5 to 6-9
responsibilities, 6-10 to 6-12
operational, 1-4
strategic, 1-4
tactical, 1-4 to 1-5
FM 90-26
MOPP levels, 8-36 to 8-39
planning, 8-33
protective measures, 8-34 to 8-36
responsibilities, 8-33 to 8-34
example brigade checklist, G-2 to G-9
sequence, G-1
standing operating procedure, G-1
outload, 6-12
areas, 6-8 to 6-9
issue, 6-2 to 6-3
rigging, 6-7 to 6-9
average, C-2
maximum, C-2
restrictions, C-2 to C-3
casualty reports, 9-14
replacement, 9-13 to 9-14
responsibilities, 2-2
strength accounting, 9-13
FM 90-26
assets, 2-6 to 2-7
considerations, 2-7 to 2-11
responsibilities, 2-1
rapid assembly
activities, 4-25
reserves, 3-11
battalion, 3-12
brigade, 3-12
division, 3-11
reverse planning
air movement plan, 2-5 to 2-6
assets, 2-6
considerations, 2-7 to 2-11
ground tactical plan, 2-3
landing plan 2-5
marshaling plan, 2-6
force operations, 7-14
measures, 4-26 to 4-27
specific missions
operational, 1-4
strategic, 1-4
tactical, 1-4 to 1-5
survivabiilty, 1-9 to 1-10
FM 90-26
premission, E-15 to E-16
program, 1-3
specialized, E-16
unit, 1-3
use of aircraft, E-16
unit withdrawal/evacuation
factors, 7-6
responsibilities, 7-6 to 7-7
sequence, 7-6
FM 90-26
18 DECEMBER 1990
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Colonel, United States Army
Acting The Adjutant General
Active Army, USAR, and ARNG: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-11E, requirements
for FM 90-26, Airborne Operations (Qty rqr block no. 4655)