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Answers to often asked Questions...

• Eye Care • Skin Care
• Stress • Lifestyle
• Overweight • Liver Care
• Biochemics • Cough relief
• Common health problems in Children

Note: The information given is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention
should consult a registered medical practitioner or a hospital.
Proven Science Just "Sugar Pills"?
Majority of the population has been using homoeopathic products
occasionally. Many more have heard about it.
Yet, only a very small percentage of the public is regularly seeing a
Homoeopath as the first doctor of choice or using homoeopathic
medicines as a first line therapy of choice.

Why is that so?

This communication addresses the myths
surrounding Homoeopathy and the facts behind


Myth 1. Homoeopathy is an unproven science. homoeopaths in the country.

Fact: Homoeopathy is based on experimental pharmacological and Myth 6. One has to follow strict dietary restrictions while on
clinical data. Over the years, homoeopathic medicines have been homoeopathic treatment.
extensively studied for their efficacy in a variety of indications. Clinical
studies have been conducted in India as well as other countries. In Fact: Some patients are asked to abstain from onions, garlic, coffee,
fact, the term ' Allopathy ' was coined by the founder of homoeopathy tea, tobacco, alcohol etc. as these substances interfere with the
whom the allopaths regard as the founder of experimental action of certain homoeopathic medicines. But then, restricting
pharmacology. Homoeopathy is a proven science. alcohol and tobacco is also safe and healthy.

Myth 2. Homoeopathic medicines are only sugar pills which act Myth 7. Homoeopathy is only useful in chronic cases.
more as placebos and have no medicinal value as such.
Fact: Very often it is - where everything else has failed! But the true
Fact: Yes, the white sugar pills, as such do not have any medicinal reason for this perception is because people turn to homoeopathy so
value. But these act as vehicles or carriers for the medicines, which late when everything else has failed! After years of allopathic
are alcohol based. Otherwise the medicine can be taken directly or treatment often an illness becomes chronic. The treatment will now
dissolved in water. Homoeopathic medicines have been scientifically naturally take longer than in case of using homoeopathy right from the
studied the world over and found to be effective in a wide range of beginning.
diseases. Thus they are not placebos.
Myth 8. Homoeopathy cannot be used in diabetic patients.
Myth 3. Homoeopathy is slow acting and cannot be used in acute
cases of fever, diarrhoea, cough, cold, etc. Fact: It can! The minute amount of sugar globuli (the little round pills)
taken daily does not matter. Sugar intake in the daily diet is
Fact: Homoeopathy is fast acting in acute cases and can be significantly higher than that taken by a few globuli. In very severe
effectively used in treating infections, fever, cold etc. Unfortunately, cases, the dilution may be taken as drops in water or over lactose.
people tend to a Unfortunately, people tend to go to a homoeopath
only when the acute problem has become chronic. Naturally, these Myth 9. The homoeopath gives the same white pills for all types
cases take longer to treat. Also, most people take recourse in of illnesses. How can they be really effective?
homoeopathy in cases of arthritis, allergic asthma or skin conditions
Fact: Depending on the illness, homoeopaths medicate the sugar
etc., which take a longer time to treat with any other medicines.
pills with different medicines. The sugar pills serve only as a vehicle
Myth 4. Homoeopathy is a 'magic remedy' that can treat any for transfer of the medicine. The selected medicine, out of a range of
disorder. more than 1100 different dilutions, is targeted to the individual's
Fact: Homoeopathy, like any other field of medicine, has its
limitations. For example, it cannot treat cases where surgery is Myth 10. Are there really no side effects of homoeopathic
unavoidable, dental cases, etc. medicines?

Myth 5. Homoeopathic doctors are quacks who do not have Fact: Generally there are no side effects of homoeopathic medicine
formal training in the field of medicine. if prescribed in potencies of 30CH and above. However, some
tinctures and triturates in very low potencies like 1x, 2x have some
Fact: Qualified doctors practice Homoeopathy, in most parts of the side effect of minor nature.
world. In India, there are over 178 medical colleges, which offer
degree and 33 colleges offer post - graduate studies in There are many more myths that people carry in their minds. We have
Homoeopathy. At present, there are over 2,17,000 trained tried to dispel some of the more common ones.

Visit us at www.schwabeindia.com 2 Please consult your Physician.

Homoeopathy & Schwabe
The principle that “a remedy for poison is the poison” or “like can cure depended for the raw materials on B & T (USA), Dr. Willmar
like” dates back to Vedas and Hippocrates. Hippocrates is known Schwabe, Germany and a few others. Dr. Willmar Schwabe products
as father of medicines. A German physician Dr. C.F.S Hahnemann including its well-known Cineraria Maritima Eye Drops, Bio-chemic
(1755-1843) thought of a new system of medicine - Homoeopathy. medicines like Calcarea phosphorica were marketed since the end of
19th century. Over hundred years of trust
Homoeopathy, literally means “treatment by the same”. It is based and increasing demand helped Schwabe
on the key principle that a drug taken in small amounts will cure setting up a modern GMP compliant factory
the same symptoms it causes in large amounts. Hahnemann in India in 1997.
found that the symptoms that occured when a drug substance is
taken by a person, were removed by the minute doses of the same Today Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt.
drug. Ltd. is the only multi-national in the field of
homoeopathy in India. It brings to India their
The combination of symptoms made up a “drug picture” for each 140 years of experience in manufacture of
substance being tested. New system of medicine, in which a drug homoeopathic medicines. Schwabe's
and a disease that produce similar symptoms cancel each other in emphasis on the Quality and Efficacy of its
some way thereby restoring the patient to health. He described this products has made it one of the leading manufacturers of natural
phenomenon as “similia similar” or “like can cure like”, which is medicines in the world.
the first and foremost rule of homoeopathy.
The company follows stringent World Health Organization (WHO)
Some of the medicines administered by Hahnemann were standards of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and those of
poisonous, so he gave them to patients in very small, dilute doses. To Govt. of India. The quality control standards are stricter than the
Hahnemann's surprise, not only did the diluted medicines cease Government guidelines and extend all the way from the raw material
to produce such strong aggravations, but they also seemed to procurement, finished product and packing stage. Drug
act faster and more effectively than more concentrated potentization is done using the Hahnemannian method, which
solutions. Hahnemann called his new homoeopathic remedies was introduced by Dr. Hahnemann himself and followed by Dr.
“potentization”. Schwabe from the beginning. The whole process is under the
Homoeopathy was established in the US responsibility of qualified experts. A quality assurance laboratory
during 1820s and quickly gained a checks the quality of all the raw materials, packing materials and the
widespread following. Dr. Constantine finished products. Cutting edge technology is used to assure quality
Hering (1800-80) and Dr. James Tyler control. Schwabe India maintains a team of highly qualified technical
Kent (1849-1916) - two important staff including experts in homoeopathy to constantly guide and
American homoeopaths who continued advise on the various aspects of homoeopathic manufacture and
Hahnemann's work in proving remedies quality control.
and also introduced new ideas in
homoeopathy. In India, prior to Central One of the reasons why homoeopathy did not grow well in India prior
Govt. the State Governments of Bengal & to 1990 is lack of quality control of the medicines. Its acceptance
Bihar had recognized the system. level even to-day is just 10% as against 40% and above in other
countries. Another important factor is sale of bulk packing of
The profession & industry largely homoeopathic medicines.

Role of homoeopathic physician Can all diseases be cured homoeopathically?

Selecting the Most Effective Remedy needs physician's advice. There is no single drug, no single course of treatments, no
single school of medicine that can cure all of the diseases and
There are two elements that the physician takes into account
ailments that human beings are prey to. Many can be treated
when selecting a remedy:
safely and effectively with homoeopathy. Some require the
1. The clinical picture of the patient. This is a comprehensive synthetic drugs of allopathy or surgery. Still others do not
outline of the patient's symptoms as recorded during the respond to any treatment known today. Since many synthetic
homoeopathic examination. drugs can have unpleasant and dangerous side effects, a
good guideline to remember is :
2. The drug picture of the remedy. This is a comprehensive
review of the symptoms that a specific medicine produces when Homoeopathy as the general rule; allopathy as a last
given in large doses to healthy individuals. resort.

Visit us at www.schwabeindia.com 3 Please consult your Physician.

Homoeopathy has a name… SCHWABE

Merits of homoeopathy Combinations

Some questions are asked about combinations. Many physicians
• Close to nature's way of treatment, uses mostly natural prescribe OTC combination products and depend on it because of
products tried efficacy. Legally the Drugs Rule in India, the Pharmacopoeia
in USA, Germany & France permit such products. The trend today
• Treats not only the symptoms but the person also is to combine not more than 7 products at levels not higher than 3x,
(individualistic and holistic in approach) or 6x in case of toxic products, market them only after proper
• Medicines are cost effective clinical trials. However, this provision has been grossly misused
for commercial gains by selling products with no efficacy. Many of
• Administration of medicines in diluted (potentised) form is them are getting weeded out. With over 1100 dilutions, 500
harmless and do not produce any side effects mother tinctures, 100 LM potencies, full range of Bio-chemic &
• Costly laboratory investigations are not often needed Bio-combination & workable number of tried OTC products.
Schwabe India meets the need of diversified groups of

Sealed Packs Schwabe & Homoeopathy

Sale of loose medicines or re-packing of homoeopathic Schwabe India has a major responsibility in the progress and
medicines by the dispensers is harming the quality of development of homoeopathy in India. Schwabe combines
homoeopathic medicines. As per GMP the homoeopathic traditional medicines with modern technology. Success of
potentized preparations are to be manufactured under pollution- homoeopathic treatment on one hand depends on the skill of the
free atmosphere which should also be free from suspended physician and on the other hand the quality of the medicines used.
particles and bacteria. Such a situation does not exist on the Dr. Willmar Schwabe India's emphasis is always on
road-side dispensing counters. uncompromised quality and it will always be its endeavor to
Buying a sealed pack medicine the consumer is assured that he strengthen the hands of the homoeopaths by making available to
is getting a product of a quality manufactured by the them the best of homoeopathic medicines. The company has
manufacturer at a price which is mentioned on its product. He is achieved a tremendous growth in the last few years and is heading
also aware of the name of the drug which he is taking which towards No.1 in the Indian domestic homoeopathic market. With
legally he is entitled to know. If the physician and the consumer the complete German range now under Schwabe India's fold,
are conscious about the quality then they should go for small Schwabe India is all set to meet all the demands of homoeopathy.
sealed bottles.

Schwabe Germany products also now freely available in India through Schwabe India
In 2005, Schwabe India also was appointed by Schwabe Germany as their sole importer and distributor for the product range made in
Germany. These products have been sold in India as early as from the 1890s. Schwabe India is now importing and marketing Schwabe
Germany products, popular among which are Cineraria Maritima eye drops, Tonsiotren, Essentia Aurea, Alfalfa Tonic, Calcarea phos. 6X

absolutely free of side-effects which can not be said

Do not self-diagnose! about allopathic products. In more severe cases you
If you suffer from a minor ailment - such as cough or cold -
should never revert to self-medication or listen to well
you may use a ready-made homoeopathic product - ask meaning friends and relatives - you need a proper
your Homoeopathic Pharmacist! The products are diagnosis first! Consult a homoeopathic doctor.

Unfortunately, over the period of years, homoeopathy has acquired a number of misconceptions regarding its usage and efficacy. Quite a
few people equate the 'sugar pills' with placebos; consider homoeopathic practitioners to be quacks; homoeopathic medicines to be
laced with steroids; homoeopathy to be unscientific. Homoeopathy is scientific. Tests for detection of corticosteroids are available.
Nothing could be farther away from the truth.
Through this communication, we have tried to dispel the myths about homoeopathy, homoeopathic practitioners and homoeopathic
products. We are quite sure that after having read through this communication, you will now look at homoeopathy in a different light. Do
please pass on this communication to your family members and friends.

Visit us at www.schwabeindia.com 4 Please consult your Physician.

The prevalence of overweight & obesity is increasing Lose weight safely & surely.
worldwide at an alarming rate.
There is a clear association between obesity /overweight and the
Here's how:
risks for many diseases, like Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart Lose weight gradually.
diseases etc. Weight loss of about 10% of body weight, can improve some
How to know your right body weight obesity-related medical conditions including diabetes and
Body Mass Index (BMI) uses a mathematical formula and hypertension. For safe and healthy weight loss, try not to exceed a
calculates your weight according to your height. rate of 1 kg/week. Some time people with serious health problems
associated with obesity may have legitimate reasons for losing
BMI is calculated as weight in Kgs divided by square of height in mtrs
i.e. BMI = Kg/mtr2 weight rapidly. If so, a physician's supervision is required.
Set sensible and realistic targets to lose weight.
Normal Range 18.5-24.9 Over weight: 25-29.9
If you set sensible goals for yourself, chances are you'll be more
Obese 30-39.9 Morbidly Obese 40 and above likely to meet them and have a better chance of keeping the weight
off. In fact, losing even 5 to 10 percent of your weight is the kind of
People try various methods in order to reduce weight, goal that can help improve your health.
for example:
Have a long term commitment.
1-Weight reduction centres or health spas. Long term and healthy weight management generally requires a
These offer small packets of food supplements, the content of commitment to make realistic changes in your lifestyle and
which is unknown. Moreover they also 'promise' serious weight improve health. A lifestyle based on healthy eating and regular
loss in a very short time. Such treatments are very expensive and physically activity can be a real lifesaver.
may have side effects. Usually long term effects with these
treatments are doubtful. Exercise + Diet + Schwabe's Phytolacca Berry tablets.
2-Drugs suppressing appetite, and affecting digestion and A combination of cutting back on the number of calories you eat
absorption of food. and increasing exercise along with safe homoeopathic medication
After studying the side effect profile of many weight reduction like Schwabe's Phytolacca Berry is the best way to lose weight .
drugs, more and more awareness is being created by scientific
agencies, which advise not to use such drugs for weight Remember
reduction. Regular Exercise + Diet Control
3-Extreme diet restrictions. +
It is resorted by majority of the people. But it eventually leads to
Schwabe's Phytolacca Berry Tablets
weakness, fatigue, and inactivity. The person may become
unconscious and get hurt. Hence, it is not recommended. = Safe and sure weight loss

Worried about
those extra kilos?
Just say...

Discover the easier way to lose weight _ add Schwabe's Phytolacca Berry Tablets
to a balanced diet and general exercise. Losing weight is easier than you think.
• No side effects, completely safe
• Prepared from North America's specially imported pure and fresh Phytolacca Berry
• Controls hunger • Improves digestion
• Effective for mothers who want to lose weight after delivery
• Available at all leading homoeopathic & allopathic chemists Schwabe's Phytolacca Berry TABLETS

Visit us at www.schwabeindia.com 5 Please consult your Physician.

Eye Care
Human eye is the most precious organ among the sensory organs. It is equivalent to approximately 81-mega pixels camera. It works allowing
light to enter it and converting into electrical signals by a complex mechanism. Common eye problems include blepharitis, cataract, color
blindness, conjunctivitis, eye injuries, glaucoma, iritis, stye, refractive errors and retinal disorders. Now-a-days the chances for eye problems
are more. One’s vision can be affected due to various reasons like dust, pollution, strain while computing, etc. Homoeopathy has solution for
such problems. Apart from the internal medicines, which can be prescribed based on individual symptoms, homoeopathic eye drops cineraria
maritima has long been prescribed by homoeopaths and ophthalmic surgeons. It is reported that it increases the circulation in intraocular
tissues and stimulates collateral circulation. It also functions necessary for proper physiology and normal metabolism of the eye. Recently
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Govt. of India, has stated that the eye drops surely prevents the development of cataract. The
effectivity of this drug in prevention and treatment of cataract has also been confirmed by animal experimentation in Philadelphia, USA.

What you should know about cataract

How common is the prevalence?
Cataract is clouding of the lens of eye, where the clear lens loses its transparency and focusing quality. It is common in elderly people, who
are over the age 50. Approximately 50% of human population between the ages 60 and 74, and 70% over the age 75 have cataract.
What causes cataract?
There is no specific cause identified, but the following are considered as risk factors:
• Advancing age with improper care of eyes • Eye injury • Cigarette smoking
• Excessive exposure to sunlight • High cholesterol and triglycerides • Improper nutrition
• Diabetes mellitus
Signs and symptoms of cataract
In the very early stages of cataract no significant symptom may appear. As time passes, some of the following symptoms may appear:
• Hazy vision • Glaring of sun light
• Sharp edges are difficult to make out • Streaks or rays of light as if comes from light sources
• Circular ring surrounding the light • Rainbow like semi circle
• Difficult reading in dim light
How homoeopathy can give you relief?
Many scientific studies have proved the efficacy of Cineraria Maritima Succus eye drops on cataract. As stated above, the Govt. fo India's
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy has recommended Cineraria Maritima Succus eye drops for cataract.

The product should be made from the freshly expressed juice to obtain its entire range of efficacy. the active ingredients are practically
insoluble in water. Since its solubility and stability are more in an alcohol-water mixture, the Cineraria Maritima Succus Eye drops contains
the minimum required amount of alcohol, which does not cause any harmful effects on the eyes. The mild irritation felt while applying the
eye drops is not due to alcohol, but due to the active ingredient of the juice contained in the drops. This in fact is desirable according to "The
Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants" by Andrew Chevallier.

CMS - The Original Homoeopathic Eye Drops from Schwabe Germany

Cineraria Maritima Schwabe Eye Drops is prepared by means of a special process from the species Senecio Cineraria collected before it's
flowering. The preparation contains all the active principles of Cineraria in native and stabilized form, and guarantees therefore a constant and
reliable action.

For many decades, Cineraria Maritima has been used with considerable success in the treatment of eye diseases, but only some years ago has
the action of its active principles been really elucidated. Now we know that Cineraria Maritima intensifies the irrigation of the anterior ocular region.
A better nutrition of the cornea, lens, and vitreous body results from this treatment, leading to the regulation of the metabolic disorders in question.

The preparation is therefore very well suited for the treatment of corneal and lenticular opacities due to metabolic disorders caused for instance by
diabetes, gouty conditions, and old age.

Further more, the bacteriostatic action of this product, demonstrable in vitro, accounts for its efficiency also in case of inflammatory eye diseases.

Directions for the use of CMS

Unless otherwise prescribed instill 2 drops 3 times a day into the affected eye. Slight
massage of the eyeball shall distribute the medicine evenly.

Other indications for CMS eye drops C ineraria

• Corneal opacities
• Irritation of eye in two wheeler riders
(dust pollution may cause mild injury
• Injury to the eyes
• Eye strain due to prolonged use of
M aritima
to the conjunctiva)
• Blepharitis
• Conjunctivitis
• Senile (ageing) metabolic disorders
of lens and cornea
S chwabe
Eye Drops

Visit us at www.schwabeindia.com 6 Please consult your Physician.

"Lifestyle Ailments"
What you do + How you do

The change in present day lifestyle leads to lots of problems and symptoms suggestive of

Though many products are available in the market for these lifestyle ailments, advantages of homoeopathy has led many people to turn to
homoeopathic preparations for safer options. Homoeopaths have been frequently using medicines of non-toxic herbal source in the form
of liquid medicines called mother tincture. Use of modern technology, now helps provide many of these medicines in tablet form. One can
take these medicines along with possible modification in his lifestyle for better healthy life.
Tips to refrain from lifestyle ailments:
• Do simple regular exercises • Regularize your eating pattern • Sleep adequately

• Avoid unhygienic outside food • Meditation helps to get rid of stress and tension. It can be done along with these medicines.

Schwabe’s 1X Tablets
The goodness of Homoeopathy for Lifestyle Problems
Easy to carry • Ensures correct dosage • Avoids wastage

Ginseng 1X Bacopa monnieri 1X Azadirachta indica 1X Glycyrrhiza glabra 1X

(Brahmi) (Neem) (Mulethi)
Stress buster Brain tonic For treating skin disorders For irritating cough
& pimples

Other products in the 1X range

Echinacea angustifolia 1X Hypericum perforatum 1X Ginkgo biloba 1X

Immune booster Nerve healer Improves circulation

Visit us at www.schwabeindia.com 7 Please consult your Physician.

dr owsin
No on
a ddicti


• Irritating cough
• Dry cough
• Productive cough
• Spasmodic cough


Homoeopathic Liver Tonic
in alc
For slow liver functions, fatty liver, as the ic liver dam
alcoh age
ol con
toxic (alcohol) liver damage & jaundice per do
insign is
Reduces bilirubin and improves
Helps maintain functions of the liver
and prevents damage from the
compounds that are normally highly
Useful in liver disease in children with
loss of appetite, general debility with
or without prolonged fever
Acts on tender liver
Relieves nausea, vomiting and pain
around the naval
For prompt response in liver disorders

Visit us at www.schwabeindia.com 8 Please consult your Physician.

Skin Care
Skin protects the internal organs, recognizes heat, cold, touch, pressure, vibration and pain. It helps in body heat regulation, stores lipids
and water. Poorly maintained skin is prone to microbial and fungal infection. Skin needs care. Common skin problems include bacterial,
viral and fungal infections, allergies, pimples (acne), injuries and burns. Different conditions need different approach in treatment and
medication. Since homoeopathy has proven its strength in the treatment of skin diseases, people prefer homoeopathy as first line
treatment for these problems. External ointments are available for such problems and act faster.

Please refer page 11 for our products for skin care

Child Care
Healthy long life is also based on the health and milestones during childhood. Nutritive foods and safe medications for the childhood
ailments are the main factors for healthy later life. Common childhood ailments are common cold and rhinitis, indigestion, colic pain,
anaemia, bedwetting, teething problems, irritability and hyperactivity, sleep disorders and calcium metabolic disorders. Homoeopathic
medicines suit the children well. Beside its sweetish taste liked by children, it is known to act fast in children by enhancing their immunity.
They do not have any side effect. They are non-toxic.


Please refer page 11 for our products for child care

Natural Minerals
Dr. Schuessler, a German physician developed the Biochemic Therapy, based on the discovery that the natural activity of the cell
depends on a standard amount of (inorganic) natural minerals. According to Dr. Schuessler, any variation in normal amount of these
nutritive salts, especially a deficiency of these salts was the cause of a disease. Consequently his therapy consisted of compensating the
deficiency of these inorganic salts through their medicinal counterparts. In this regard it is not necessary to compensate the deficiency
with substitution, but to release a stimulus to release information which will help the cells to reabsorb the necessary inorganic salts from
the food, so that the inner balance is maintained. There are 12 basic salts and 28 well-eshtablished Bio-combinations for various

Please refer page 11 for our Biochemic & Bio-Combination products

Visit us at www.schwabeindia.com 9 Please consult your Physician.

Stressed? Tired?
Loss of appetite?
Just say...

Schwabe's Alfalfa Tonic is a rejuvenating homoeopathic preparation that

reduces fatigue as well as stress and improves digestion effectively.

• Prepared only from pure and fresh ingredients.

• For everyone in the family: Alfalfa general, for kids
and sugar-free Alfalfa for diabetics. ®
Schwabe's Alfalfa Tonic
• Available at all leading homoeopathic & allopathic chemists.

Worried about
your eyes' health
Just say…

Dust, pollution, computer and even watching TV can strain your eyes a
lot. Relax & refresh them with Cineraria Maritima Schwabe eye drops.
• Trust of more than 100 years
• Made only from pure and fresh ingredients
• Relieves from burning sensation, irritation and fatigue caused by heat, dust, pollution,
long usage of computer, etc.
• Available at all leading homoeopathic & allopathic chemists

Visit us at www.schwabeindia.com 10 Please consult your Physician.

Homoeopathy has a name… SCHWABE

Schwabe's Range of Products for Different Medical Problems

Product Indication Product Indication Product Indication
AlphaTM- Coff Cough syrup Hepar Sulphuris Acne & Pimples Bio-Combination 1 Anaemia
AlphaTM- HA Headache Pentarkan® Bio-Combination 2 Asthma
AlphaTM- RC Respiratory Congestion Silicea Pentarkan® Stretch Marks Bio-Combination 3 Colic
AlphaTM- NC Nasal Congestion Berberis Pentarkan® Gout & Kidney Stone Bio-Combination 4 Constipation
AlphaTM- CF Cold & Flu Graphites Pentarkan® Dermatitis Bio-Combination 5 Coryza
Alpha - SH Sinus Headache Viscum Pentarkan ®
High Blood Pressure Bio-Combination 6 Cough, Cold & Catarrh
Alpha - Acid Hyperacidity Crataegus Pentarkan ®
Senile Heart/Cardiac Bio-Combination 7 Diabetes
Weakness Bio-Combination 8 Diarrhoea
Alpha - DP Digestive Problems
TM Bio-Combination 9 Dysentery
Alpha - MS Motion Sickness Carduus Marianus Chronic Liver Diseases
TM ® Bio-Combination 10 Enlarged Tonsils
Alpha - CC Chronic Cough Pentarkan
TM ® Bio-Combination 11 Fever
Alpha - WD Weak Defence Aesculus Pentarkan Piles & Varicose Veins
TM ®
Bio-Combination 12 Headache
Alpha - MP Muscular Pain Sabal Pentarkan Prostate Enlargement /
Bio-Combination 13 Leucorrhoea
AlphaTM- TS Tension & Stress Urinary Tract Infections
Bio-Combination 14 Measles
AlphaTM- Tons Tonsillitis Millefolium Pentarkan® Excessive Uterine
Bio-Combination 15 Menstruation Troubles
AlphaTM- Liv Liver Tonic Bleeding
Bio-Combination 16 Nervous Exhaustion
Agnus Castus Pentarkan® Irregular Menstruation
PRODUCTS FOR CHILD CARE Bio-Combination 17 Piles
Magneium Phosphoricum Painful Menstruation
Anekind TM
Anaemia Bio-Combination 18 Pyorrhoea
TM Bio-Combination 19 Rheumatism
Calciokind Calcium Assimilation Aconitum Pentarkan® Common Cold/Acute
TM Bio-Combination 20 Skin Diseases
Chamodent Teething Problems otitis
TM Bio-Combination 21 Teething Troubles
Colikind Colic Pain Senega Pentarkan ®
Chronic Bronchitis
Bio-Combination 22 Scrofula
EnukindTM Bedwetting
Bio-Combination 23 Toothache
KindigestTM Indigestion
Bio-Combination 24 Tonic: Nerves & Brain
KindivalTM Sleeping Disorder/Irritability BIOCHEMICS RANGE (NATURAL MINERALS)
Bio-Combination 25 Acidity, Flatulence &
LuffakindTM Allergic Rhinitis Calcarea Phosphorica Bone Problems, Teething
MunostimTM Immune System Activator complaints in infants
Ferrum Phosphoricum Anaemia. Mild fever Bio-Combination 26 Easy Parturation
NisikindTM Cold & Flu
Kalium Phosphoricum Weakness of muscles & Bio-Combination 27 Lack of Vitality
RinikindTM Rhinitis
nerves Bio-Combination 28 General Tonic
TussikindTM Cough
Magnesium Phosphoricum Spasms, cramps.
Natrum Phosphoricum Indigestion and Schwabe's Alfalfa Tonic® General Health Tonic
Topi Arnica Muscular Ache
Hyperacidity Alfalfa Tonic® Sugar Free General
Topi Berberis Acne and Dermatitis
Silicea Acne and boils (Diabetics) Health Tonic
Topi Heal Antiseptic/Wound Healing
Calcarea fluorica Suppurated glands and Alfalfa Tonic®(Paediatrics) Children's Health Tonic
Topi Cantharis Burns
enlarged veins Phytolacca Berry Tablets Obesity
Topi Sulphur Antimicrobial, Antifungal
Calcarea sulphurica Eczema and skin Essentia aurea Cardiac Tonic
Topi MP Rheumatic & Sciatic Pains
eruptions (Gold Drops)
PRODUCTS FOR LIFESTYLE AILMENTS Kalium muriaticum Stuffy nose with white Essentia Infantia Children's Growth Tonic
Azadirachta indica 1X Skin Detoxifier thick phlegm KlimaktolanTM Menopause
Bacopa monnieri 1X Brain Tonic Kalium sulphuricum Cold & cough with yellow Angioton® Low Blood Pressure
Echinacea angustifolia 1X Immune Booster expectoration
Ginkgo biloba 1X Cerebral Circulation Natrum muriaticum Dropsy, loss of vital fluids
Ginseng 1X Stress Buster & weakness
Glycyrrhiza glabra 1X Irritating Cough Natrum sulphuricum Cough & dyspnoea in
Hypericum perforatum 1X Nerve Healer children

For more information on Schwabe products log on to www.schwabeindia.com

or write to:
Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd.
A - 36, Sector 60, Phase 3, NOIDA - 201304, (U.P.) India. Telephone: 91-120-2580109 (9 lines),
Fax:. 91-120-2580254, E-mail: schwabe@ndc.vsnl.net.in

Visit us at www.schwabeindia.com 11 Please consult your Physician.

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Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy