ELiNO P. MONDRAGON is a former Assistant Provincial Accountant. He was the Head of the Resource Management Unit of the office of the governor of the Province of Palawan. While at the office of Gov. Mario Joel T. Reyes, Dr. Gerardo Ortega visited the said office. Dr. Ortega asked for Gov. Reyes' help in settling certain financial obligations.
ELiNO P. MONDRAGON is a former Assistant Provincial Accountant. He was the Head of the Resource Management Unit of the office of the governor of the Province of Palawan. While at the office of Gov. Mario Joel T. Reyes, Dr. Gerardo Ortega visited the said office. Dr. Ortega asked for Gov. Reyes' help in settling certain financial obligations.
ELiNO P. MONDRAGON is a former Assistant Provincial Accountant. He was the Head of the Resource Management Unit of the office of the governor of the Province of Palawan. While at the office of Gov. Mario Joel T. Reyes, Dr. Gerardo Ortega visited the said office. Dr. Ortega asked for Gov. Reyes' help in settling certain financial obligations.
ELiNO P. MONDRAGON is a former Assistant Provincial Accountant. He was the Head of the Resource Management Unit of the office of the governor of the Province of Palawan. While at the office of Gov. Mario Joel T. Reyes, Dr. Gerardo Ortega visited the said office. Dr. Ortega asked for Gov. Reyes' help in settling certain financial obligations.
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Republic of the Philippines)
Puerto Princesa City ) S.S.
I, ELiNO P. MONDRAGON, Filipino, of legal age, married, and a resident of Srgy. San Manuel, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, after having sworn in accordance with law hereby depose as follows:
1. I am the former Assistant Provincial Accountant and concurrently the Head of the Resource Management Unit (RMU) of the Office of the Governor of the Province of Palawan during the term of Gov. Mario Joel T. Reyes (hereinafter "Gov. Reyes"), particularly, from 2004 to 2007.
2. Sometime in July 2004, while I was at Reyes' office at the, Palawan Provincial Capitol, Dr. Gerardo Ortega (hereinafter "Dr. Ortega"), who ran and lost to Gov. Reyes in the gubernatorial race in the May 2004
local elections, visited the said office. .
3. In my presence, Dr. Ortega asked for Gov. Reyes' help in settling certain financial obligations incurred by Dr. Ortega during his incumbency
, '
as board member, which he said, he could not afford to pay anymore
because said obligations were not anymore covered by the budget allocated to him for his term, which ended on 30 June 2004.
4. Gov. Reyes, without any questions, cheered him up telling him not to worry as the governor will assume said obligations using the governor's own personal money. On that occasion, in front of Dr. Ortega, Gov. Reyes immediately instructed me and then Provincial Budget Officer, Luis Marcaida, to see how to go about extending the help he promised to Dr. Ortega.
5. Thereafter, following Gov. Reyes' instruction, I coordinated with Dr. Ortega's former secretary in the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Ms. Susan Veranda, and inquired as to the amount of the obligations Dr. Ortega was referring to. After some time thereafter, I received a report from Ms. Veranda, informing me that Dr. Ortega's outstanding liabilities, incurred while he was still a board member, amounted to P143,447.00.
6. Subsequently, I also tried to contact and verify from the supplierscreditors of Dr. Ortega, as, reported by Ms. Veranda, and confirmed the existence of the said obligations. These suppliers-creditors are New Hope Motors & Parts Supply, Botica Francisca, Red Eagle Trading and General Merchandise, Silvertown Sales, CSS Drugs and Mandals Injection Pump Services.
7. I, thus, coordinated with Dr, Ortega as to how payments will be made and he requested me to make the payments to the suppliers .. creditors, if posslble.
8. Thus, I reporting to Gov. Reyes such facts. Consequently, Gov.
Reyes, from time to time, starting from 16 August 2006 up 26 January 2007, gave me money in different amounts for the purpose of paying Dr. Ortega's aforcited obligations.
9. Upon receiving each of said amounts, I requested Ms Haide Soro, then Adminsitrative Assistant III in the Office of the Governor, to deliver the payments personally to the said suppliers-creditors of Dr. Ortega. Thus, as of 26 - January 2007, the aforecited obligations of Dr. Ortega were completely settled upon the instance of Gov. Reyes.
10. I execute this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing and for whatever legal purpose it may serve.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereby freely and voluntarily affixed my signature this 11 of March 2011 in the City of Puerto Princesa,· Palawan.
~~. «JIONDRAGON Affiant
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME lW's1\~ ItI~l@f March 2011 at Puerto Princesa City, Palawan.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have examined the Affiant and I am satisfied that he voluntarily executed and understood his foregoing Affidavit.
Republic of the Philippines).
Puerto Princesa City ) S.S.
I, HAIDE T. SORC, Filipino,of legal age, married, and a resident of No. 11 Mabini St., Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, after having been sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose as follows:
1. I am tile former Administrative Assistant III in the Office of the Governor of the Province of Palawan during the term of Gov. Mario Joel T. . Reyes (hereinafter "Gov. Reyes"), particularly, from January 2005 to October 2009 .
. 2. From August 2006 up to January 2007, then Assistant Provincial Accountant and concurrently the Head of the Resource Management Unit
. (RMU) of the Office of the Governor of the Province of Palawan, Mr. Ellno Mondragon, requested me to periodically deliver payments of certain outstanding liabilities of Dr. Gerardo Ortega, incurred while the later was still a board member of Palawan.
3. THe outstanding accounts in the name of Dr. Ortega with different suppliers, and the payments I made therefor, are the following:
a. Red Eagle Trading and Gen. Merchandise- P70,763.00 Aug. 16,2006
b. Silvertown Sales - P17,932.00 Sept. 1, 2(j06
c. Silvertown Sales P 2,216.00 Sept. 1, 2006
d. CSB Drugs P 4,655.00 Sept. 5, 2006
e. CSB Druqs P 7,642.00 Sept. 6,2006
f. Mandals Injection Pump Services P 7,300.00 Sept. 8, 2006
~ g. N~~ Hope Motors & Parts Supply P14,520.00 Jan 11,2007
h. New Hope Motors & Parts Supply P12,820.00 Jan 11, 2007
1. Botica Francesca P 5,599.00 Jan. 26, 2007 Copies of the receipts pertinent to the foregoing payments are hereto attached as Annexes "A" to "I" respectively.
4. I freely and voluntarily execute this affIdavit to attest to the truth of
the foregoing and for whatever leca: purpose it mav serve .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereby affixed my signature thls 11 of March 2011 in the City of Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have examined the Affiant and I am r satisfied that she voluntarily executed and understood her foregoing
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G.R. No. 96492.november 26, 1992. Romeo Reyes, Angel Parayao, and Emilio MANANGHAYA, Petitioners, vs. THE COURT OF Appeals, Eufrocina Dela Cruz and Violeta DELOS REYES, Respondents
G.R. No. 96492.november 26, 1992. Romeo Reyes, Angel Parayao, and Emilio MANANGHAYA, Petitioners, vs. THE COURT OF Appeals, Eufrocina Dela Cruz and Violeta DELOS REYES, Respondents