The Comprehensive Analysis of Mcdowells No1
The Comprehensive Analysis of Mcdowells No1
The Comprehensive Analysis of Mcdowells No1
region was surveyed to attain certain results. The survey was conducted
to find out the brand effectiveness of United Spirit Ltd. The retailers and
The sample size for customer survey was – 500 and retailer survey was
-100. After the survey completion the data was first sorted and then
into forms of graphs such as pie charts, bar graphs etc, this was done to
This also made easy to draw conclusion based on research and provide a
Consumer Behavior
Buying behavior involves a complicated series of stimulus and
response reaction to many motives. This motive may be expressed or
unexpressed and upon deep seated needs or more often felt wants.
Consumers are the central points and all the marketing activities
revolve around him. Manufacturers, produces what the consumer
As the consumer behavior differ from person to person customer
purchase an article as consequences of certain metal and economic
forces, creating desires and wants which they understand can be
satisfied by the articles offered for purchase. Thus producer should
identify the motive which promotes him to purchase so that he can
offer a complete article which satisfy their needs.
The study of consumer behavior is the study of how individuals
makes decisions to spent their available resources i.e. money time and
efforts on the consumptions related items. It includes the study of
what they buy, why they buy, how they buy and when they buy.
Consumer behavior research takes place at every phase of the
competition process, before the purchase, during the purchase and
after the purchase.
This Model explain variable affecting consumer behavior which
We need to know about their related decisions, that what, how, why
and when they buy. Consumer behavior makes us aware of the sub
Company Profile
Angus McDowell, after whose name McDowell’s and company limited
came into being, was a squire of the Dougall ancestry.
In India, McDowell had its warehouse situated
about a mile to the north of Fort St. George in
Chennai, which on those days was a major
trading center of the British Empire
With many firsts to its credit, the company became known for its
innovativeness in the fields of product development and marketing
strategy. Also, through various acquisitions and mergers, the company
has seen exponential growth.
In 1958, Phipson & Co. Ltd. was acquired.
In 1961, Carew & Co. Ltd. became a part of the group.
In 1973, Herbertsons Ltd., a company established in 1936, was acquired
by the UB Group. Herbert sons Ltd. is India’s third largest spirits
company today.
Mr. Vijay Mallya, the current Chairman of the
UB Group took over in 1983. Since then, the Spirits
Division has earned a reputation for innovation in
product development, manufacturing and marketing
United Spirits Limited currently ranked the 2nd largest distiller in the
World by sales volume (FY 2005).
The second position is because the company has acquired the Whyte &
Mackey (Scotch whisky) outside India in may2007.
United Spirits Limited Has 13 millionaire brands in its portfolio
The World of Whiskies
Signature whisky
“Success is a good fun”
McDowell's Signature Rare Whisky is one of the finest
blended whiskies produced in the Asian sub-continent.
Packsize: Packsize:30ml,180ml,360ml,750ml
Royal Challenge is the biggest and the best selling
premium whisky in the country today.
of aged Indian malts with a subtle oaken hint, has captured
the fancy of some of the most discerning whisky drinkers.
“Khoob jamega rang…”
Bagpiper is 30 year old flagship brand of the USL. It is
popular, widely accepted and with the strong blend.
Romanov vodka
Romanov’s new triple distilled blend is in the line with
the international standards of vodka manufacturing.
Research Methodology
“Research methodology is the way to systematically solve the research
problems” it is understood as a science of studying how research is done
Every marketing research acts, as an aid of decision marking by
providing valuable information provided by the research should justify
the time and money, which the organization invests in the research
activity, research design plays an important role in collecting useful
information in cost effective manner.
The research conducted was exploratory in nature Aurangabad segment
was surveyed to obtain certain results. The survey was conducted to
study of customer potential and consumer buying behavior as well as to
find out the factors which would influence the buying decision of the
customers. With these objectives in mind a survey, was conducted in an
around Aurangabad region. Random sampling was the techniques use for
above survey, with all the regions being given equal wattage and the
sample size being suitable divided among various regions also. It was
assured that people of any kind and demographics were considered to
eliminate and biases. A sample size 500 was taken for this purpose the
research conducted was exploratory in nature for customers and 100
samples are taken in case of retailer’s survey responds chosen for the
survey belonged to diversified background.
Market Survey:
Planning a sample
Formulation of conclusion
Prepare and
present the report.
Planning a sample:
Although the sampling plans included in the research design,
the actual sampling is as separate and important stages in the research
process. Sampling involving procedure that uses a small No. of items or
parts of the population to make conclusion regarding the whole
population. Sample was taken for both survey and data analysis – for
retailers 100 and customers 500.
Research design:
Research design is nothing but the master plan for the actual
research it is a framework for carrying out of series of prior decisions.
The research design for this project is exploratory research design.
Data collection:
The technique used for data collection was as follows :
Field survey
Personal interview
Data analysis was done by percentile methods and drafting the charts of
the results and further interpretation of the situations.
Sampling plan for project :- Random sampling
Geographical area :- Aurangabad city
Sampling unit :- Shop selling USL products
For retailers survey
Sample size :- Customer 200
Retailers 50
Primary data collection tool :- Questionnaire
Secondary data collection tool :- Books, magazines, website
Sampling Design:
In the particular research study considered the six region’s population of
the Aurangabad city – Paithangate road, Chelipura, Jalgoan Road, Cidco
N.6, and Hudko.
Sampling unit:
The sampling unit is Aurangabad city.
Sampling elements:
The consumers who replied were the normal customers varying in
age, sex, monthly income and buying attributes.
Primary Data:
For primary data collection two types of questionnaire was used first one
for the consumers and the other for the retailers. This questionnaire has
two types of question techniques.
1. Fixed Answer.
2. Open Ended Question.
In fixed answer the respondent has to give answer out of the given fixed
options and in open ended question respondent is free to give their views
and suggestions.
Secondary data:-
Books, magzines.web sites.
To study preference for different brands of United Spirit Limited and to
allocate comparative rating to each brand category.
• To study brand awareness amongst retailer and consumers.
• To measure the customer satisfaction for products of United Spirit
• To understand & identify difficulties faced by retailers of USL in
the context of distribution, product packaging and anytime
• To study promotional activities and schemes given in the market
by USL.
in testing hypothesis on the basis of available information and
Characteristics of hypothesis:
taken reliable.
• Null hypothesis.
• Alternative hypothesis.
If we are comparing method A with method B about its superiority and
if we proceed on the assumption that both methods are equally good, then
As against this, we may think that the method A is superior or the method
hypothesis as Ha
Hypothesis statements
to other brands.
Scope of Study
The project is based on the analysis the brand comparative analysis of
according to new trends of market for United Spirits Limited in
Aurangabad territory.
With the help of this project we were able to know the about FMCG’s-
Liquor market i.e. the sales, market share of brands and segments,
promotional activities performed in the market, distribution channel,
about transport pass which plays an important role for delivery of brands,
schemes rolled out in the market, role of executives, margins obtained by
the retailers and distributors, product differentiation, segmentation of the
brands with the quality and price, consumer tastes and preference for the
brands, way of sale of liquor in Aurangabad Territory and overall growth
of brands & growth of company’s in the market.
The project is helpful for the company also on many of the sides which
will give knowledge about the performance and development of brands in
the market.
The part of graphical representation will show the availability,
advertisement and mind share of brands in the consumers regarding the
With the help of observations and findings will show the status and
positioning of the brands in the market.
As everything is conducted on the basis of survey of Aurangabad
territory conclusion will give the total blue print of brands sales,
positioning, packaging, prices, distribution channel and grabbing the
market share.
On the basis of overall study few suggestions should be taken into
consideration from our study of two months.
“Marketing research is a systematic design, collection, analysis, reporting
of the data and finding relevant to the specific marketing situation facing
by the company.”
Limitations of Study
1. The geographical area of the study was very limited therefore the
accuracy of the results varies as per the area.
Data Analysis & Interpretation
The sample size for customer survey was – 500. After the survey
completion the data was first sorted and then analysed on chosen
parameters .This analyzed data was later converted into forms of graphs
such as pie charts, bar graphs etc, this was done to make results easily
comprehensible by anyone going through the report. Analysis of data was
done to study following factors for potential customer.
Consumer analysis:
• Age wise distribution of consumer
• Critical factor influencing brand preference of consumer
• Brand awareness to consumer
• Product preference to consumer
• Brand preference to consumers
• Source of product information to the consumer
• Most satisfactory brand to the consumer
• Opinion of consumer about USL brands
Interpretation:- From the above graph we came to know that the age
group of 31 - 40 yrs. i.e. consume more liquor as compare to Young i.e.
(21-30) & Old age group i.e.(50 and above)
Implication: - Since it is notice that in age group 31-40 i.e, 180
consumers there is maximum consumption of liquor. So the company
should provide brands which satisfy them efficiently
Implication:- Since 37% i.e, 185 consumer prefer quality which means
retain of taste. so the company pay attention to retain taste offered by
them and should maintain it to influence quality preferred consumer.
Brand Awareness
NO.OF 435 65
Interpre tat
ion:- From the
graph, we
come to
know that
percentage of
consumers are
aware about USL Brands. (i.e. 87%).
Implication:- Since 87% consumer are aware of USL group and it is
noticed that people who do not it are consuming USL products. So the
company focus on proper advertising media to enable and influence and
consumer who are not aware of it.
Product Whisky Rum Vodka Gin Total
No, of 215 70 135 25 500
percentage 43 14 27 05 100
PERCENTAGE 36 28 07 12 17 100
Note:-USL:United Spirit Limited BDA:Bharat Distilleries
Diageo: Diageo Distilleries Radico: Radico Distilleries
Seagrams:Seagram’s India limited.
Interpretation:- As from the above pie chart, we come to know that
maximum brand preference is acquired by USL i.e. 180 consumers(37%),
as compared to others.
Implication:- since most of the people purchase USL’s brand because of
different varities of liquor available in different products and their
segments such as whisky Vodka, Rum, Gin & Scotch. Segrams is also
one of the popular brand and giving healthy competition in different
segments and products followed by BDA Radico and Diageo. So the
company should try to introduced new flavour or segment to the
changing modernized population to maximise percentage of brand
preference and increase monopoly in market.
Source of Information
PERCENTAG 26 33 18 23 100
Interpretation:- From the above graph, we come to know that most of
the people are attracted from advertising through Hoardings. i.e.165
consumers ( 33%) followed by point of purchase i.e. 130 cosumers
(26%) and print media 115 consumers i.e, 23%, and Tv advertisement
Implication:- Since 33% of information is provided by Hoardings and as
direct advertisement of liquor is prohibited in India. The company should
concentrate and hoardings and P.O.P. and print media to provide
information and advertise it products.
PRENCENTAG 27 23 21 12 17 100
Note :- BP:Bagpiper McDno1: McDowell;s No 1
RS:Royal Stag
Interpretation:- As from the above figure, we come to know that
Bagpiper (BP), is the largest selling brand i.e.135 consumers (27%)
followed by Royal Stag (RS). i.e. 135 (23%), Mc Dowells No.1.i.e, 105
consumers (21%), and White Mischief i.e.60 consumers (12%), and other
brands i.e,85 consumers (17%)
Implication:- since the brand which satisfies the consumer in all
aspects i.e quality, taste, price, packing, availability is Bagpiper which is
the largest selling brand.Seagram’s Royal Stag is also providing
maximum satisfication followed by McDowell’s No1. Which all are
whiskies so the company should maintain its quality, taste, price,
packaging and availability and should concentrate on production of
whisky and all three largest selling brands are whiskies.
Opinion about USL Brand
No. of Consumers
Suitable Good Better Best
Quality 09 30 33 28
Price 32 30 22 26
Taste 12 28 29 31
Packing 06 28 28 38
Retailer Survey
The sample size for retailer survey was – 100. After the survey
completion the data was first sorted and then analyzed on chosen
parameters .This analyzed data was later converted into forms of graphs
such as pie charts, bar graphs etc, this was done to make results easily
comprehensible by anyone going through the report. Analysis of data was
done to study following factors for potential retailers.
Retailer’s analysis:
• Highest selling brand
• Satisfaction on schemes of USL
• Problems with packing in bottles faced by retailer
• Credit facility provided to retailer by USL
• Company services
• Profit margin with respect to discount and scheme
provided to retailer by USL
• Promotional activities provided by USL to retailers
Note :- BP:Bagpiper McDno1: McDowell;s No 1
RS:Royal Stag CLR Rum: Celebration Rum
Interpretation:- From the above graph we come to know that Bagpiper
is the largest selling brand (i.e. 31%) followed by Royal Stag 23%, Mc
Dowell’s No.1 21%, CLR Rum 14% and other brands 11%.
Implication:- Since Bagpiper is the highest selling brand the company
should focus on better distribution network, efficient service, more credit
margins, launch of various schemes and concentration, launch of
advertisement in the target market. This activity will enable further
positive influence on sales.
Interpretation:- From the above figure, we come to know that most of
the retailer were satisfied by USL. i.e. 59%, and those who are not
satisfied, USL is trying to solve their problem to provide maximum
Implication:- Since maximum retailers are satisfied (i.e. 59%), and 38%
are partially satisfied. Company should focus to convert partially satisfied
and not satisfied into satisfied group by providing credit facility,
promotional activity, and discount scheme on cash, credit or bulk
PERCENTAGE 37 28 9 14 12 100
Note:-USL:United Spirit Limited BDA:Bharat Distilleries
Diageo: Diageo Distilleries Radico: Radico Distilleries
Seagrams:Seagram’s India limited.
Interpretation:- From the above analysis we come to know that most of
the retailer were satisfied by USL .i.e. 37% And those who are not
satisfied, USL is trying to solve their problem to provide maximum
No.1 . so the company should use proper and quality material for seal or
cap of bottles which will provide comfort while opening.
PERCENTAGE 69 28 3 100
Company Service
PERCENTAGE 36 24 9 17 14 100
Diageo: Diageo Distilleries Radico: Radico Distilleries
Seagrams:Seagram’s India limited.
Interpretation: - From the above analysis we come to know that
maximum i.e. 72% of retailer is satisfied with promotional activity of
4. Consumer are well aware of different brands because of advertisement
& promotional activities such as hoardings, pop, pen, pocket diary, etc.
5. The suggestion given by customer to USL is to provide gifts on
purchase of Brands such as pen, pocket diary, etc.
1. After comparison we came to know that USL has huge range of
in different products & their segments such as Whisky, Vodka, Rum, and
2. More aggressive marketing should be done to promote sales
3. USL is providing maximum satisfaction in all aspects such as price,
quality, quantity & availability.
4. Consumer are well aware of different brands because of advertisement
& promotional activities such as hoardings, pop, pen, pocket diary, etc.
5. The suggestion given by customer to USL is to provide gifts on
purchase of Brands such as pen, pocket diary, etc.
4. In largest selling brand Seagram’s Royal Stag is a slight ahead of
USL’s McDowell’s No.1 an giving tough competition in prestige
General conclusions
Customer Questionnaire
Q..1. In which age group do you exist?
1. 21 - 30 2. 31 - 40 3. 41 - 50
4. 50 & above
Q.2 Which factor influence you to purchase USL’s brand & others?
1. Quality 2. Price 3. Variety 4. Availability
Q.7 Does there is any need to change in the product of USL Brands?
1. Quality 2. Price 3. Taste 4. Packing
Q.8. Which Brand satisfies you in all aspects?
1. BP 2. RS 3. McD. No.1 4. White Mischief
5. Other
Q.9 Your opinion about USL Brand’s?
Suitable Good Better
1. Quality
2. Price
3. Taste
4. Packaging
Q.10. Are you satisfied with the quantity according to the price of USL
as compared to another?
1.Satisfied 2. Not Satisfied
Retailer Questionnaire
Q.1 Which is your running brand?
1. BP 2. RS 3. McD. No.1 4. CLR Rum
5. Other
Q.2 Are you satisfied with the schemes given by USL compared to
other ?
1. Satisfied 2. Partially Satisfied 3. Not Satisfied
5. BDA
Q.4 Do you face any problem with the packing of the bottles?
1. Mostly 2. Partly 3.Not at all
Q.5 Which is the first word comes in your mind when you think of the
Whisky ………………………………………
Vodka ………………………………………
Rum ………………………………………
Gin ………………………………………
Q.6 Are you satisfied with the credit facilities provided to you by USL
as compared to others?
1. Satisfied 2. Partially Satisfied 3. Not Satisfied
Q.8 Which company provide you more profit margin with respect to
discount & schemes?
1. USL 2. Seagrams 3. Diageo 4. Radico
5. BDA
Q9 Are you satisfied with promotional activityof USL compare to
1. Satisfied 2. Partially Satisfied 3. Not Satisfied
Q.10 Which is the largest selling brand of USL & other in the
segment of Whisky?
Scotch ………………………………………
Super Premium …………………………….
Premium ……………………………………
Prestige ……………………………………..
Regular Plus ………………………………..
Regular …………………………………….