Debt Sculpting Tutorial
Debt Sculpting Tutorial
Debt Sculpting Tutorial
Debt Sculpting Introduction Example of Debt Sculpting to Achieve
Debt Sculpting is a commonly used term in project finance. Target DSCR
It means that the principal repayment obligations have
An example below illustrates a project with irregular cashflow
been calculated to ensure that the principal and interest
and how to debt sculpts to achieve the target DSCR of 1.50x.
obligations are appropriately matched to the strength and
pattern of the cashflows in each period.
Step 1: Solve the Principal Repayment
Sculpting can be achieved in several ways, the most common
being To recap, the Principal Repayment is calculated as:
• Manually adjusting the principal repayment in each period; Principal = CFADS / DSCR (Target) – Interest
• Algebraically solving the principal repayment to achieve a
desired DSCR. Step 2: Adjust the Principal calculated in Step 1
The manual adjustment is often unnecessarily overcomplicated To ensure that the debt is fully repaid by the final maturity date
using a combination of Visual Basic and the Goal Seek (31-Dec-17 in this example), the Principal Repayment
functionality within Excel. The algebraic approach is simpler calculated using the formula above is further adjusted as:
than it sounds and generally should be the first attempted
Principal (Applied) = Minimum (Calculated Principal , Debt Balance B/f)
Period Start Jan-15 Jan-16 Jan-17 Jan-18
Period End Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18
The Algebraic Approach to Debt Sculpting Construction - - - -
We need to keep in mind that either of the following two Operations 1 1 1 1
relationships can be re-arranged
Hard-coded external links
DSCR = Cash Available / (Principal + Interest) CFADS 130.00 141.89 21.13 -
CFADS vs Sculpted Debt Service (USD M)
“If you would like to learn more about debt sculpting 200
mechanics then you should attend the Debt Modelling 180 CFADS Interest Principal
Masterclass, this course focuses on solving problems 160
with simplicity rather than brute strength as the main 140
instrument. 120
If you are interested in learning how to set up a fully 100
automated debt analysis tool the VBA Financiers may be 80
of interest to you” 60
Nick Crawley, Managing Director
Navigator Project Finance
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
STEP 3: The re-calculated Please refer to our Tutorial titled “Borrowing Base
DSCR = 1.50x (Target
Lending in Resource Projects” to learn about Debt
Sculpting to achieve Target LLCR. If you have any
feedback or suggestions for future developments we
Screenshot #2: Re-calculation of the DSCR would like to hear from you!
The team at Navigator Project Finance
Public Courses by Navigator Project Finance
• Project Finance Modelling (A)
• Project Finance Modelling (B)
• Debt Modelling Masterclass Summary
• VBA for Financiers Sculpting is often overcomplicated in many financial models,
however it can be handled quite simply using the straight forward
logic above.
Step 4 – Create Graphs as Checking Tool
Graphs are often useful during the debt sculpting process as a
checking tool. The graph below clearly demonstrates that the DSCR (Debt Service Cover Ratio) Definition : The ratio of the
project in this example has irregular cashflow, thus the sculpted Cash Available to service and repay debt obligations to the
debt repayment needs to be matched to the pattern of the Principal and Interest obligations themselves.
cashflow in each period.
LLCR (Loan Life Cover Ratio) Definition : The ratio of the Net
Present Value of Cash Available for Debt Service during the life of
the loan to the Debt Balance outstanding in any period.