SMEDA Environmentally Controlled Dairy Farm (50 American Cows)

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Pre-Feasibility Study



Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority

Government of Pakistan
6th Floor LDA Plaza Egerton Road, Lahore
Tel 111 111 456, Fax 6304926-7



5TH Floor, Bahria Ground Floor Bungalow No. 15-A

8 th Floor, LDA Plaza, Complex II, M.T. Khan Road, State Life Building Chaman Housing Scheme
Lahore, Karachi. The Mall, Peshawar. Airport Road, Quetta.
Tel: (042) 111-111-456 Tel: (021) 111-111-456 Tel: (091) 9213046-47 Tel: (081) 831623, 831702
Fax: (042)6304926-7 Fax: (021) 5610572 Fax: (091) 286908 Fax: (081) 831922

June, 2010
Pre-Feasibility Stud Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... 4

2 INTRODUCTION TO SMEDA .............................................................................................................. 5

3 PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT......................................................................................................... 5


4.1 STRENGTHS ........................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 WEAKNESSES ........................................................................................................................................ 6
4.3 OPPORTUNITIES .................................................................................................................................... 6
4.4 THREATS ............................................................................................................................................... 7
5 MARKET POTENTIAL.......................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 WHITE REVOLUTION ............................................................................................................................. 9
5.2 HIGH DOMESTIC DEMAND ..................................................................................................................... 9
6 MARKET ENTRY TIMINGS................................................................................................................. 9
6.1 PROPOSED BUSINESS LEGAL STATUS .................................................................................................... 9
6.2 PROPOSED CAPACITY ............................................................................................................................ 9
6.3 PROJECT INVESTMENT ........................................................................................................................ 10
6.4 PROPOSED LOCATION ......................................................................................................................... 10
6.5 KEY SUCCESS FACTORS / PRACTICAL TIPS FOR SUCCESS ................................................................... 11
7 SECTOR & INDUSTRY ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. 11
7.1 MAJOR PLAYERS ................................................................................................................................. 11
8 MARKET INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 12
8.1 SECTOR CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................. 12
8.2 TARGET CUSTOMERS .......................................................................................................................... 12
8.3 PAKISTAN’S FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLLED DAIRY FARM........................................................ 13
9 LAND....................................................................................................................................................... 15
9.1 LAND REQUIREMENT .......................................................................................................................... 15
9.2 SUITABLE LOCATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 15
9.3 ANIMAL HOUSING............................................................................................................................... 15
10 FARM MACHINERY............................................................................................................................ 16

11 ANIMAL CHARACTERISTICS.......................................................................................................... 17
11.1 HERD MIX ...................................................................................................................................... 17
11.2 BREEDS OF CROSS BRED AND EXOTIC (BOS TAURUS) .................................................................... 17
11.3 ANIMAL MARKETS ......................................................................................................................... 17
11.4 FEED .............................................................................................................................................. 17
11.5 MINERAL MIXTURE ........................................................................................................................ 18
11.6 FODDER CROP ................................................................................................................................ 18
11.7 DAILY FODDER REQUIREMENT ...................................................................................................... 18
11.8 WHEAT STRAW (BHUSA OR TURI).................................................................................................. 18
11.9 MEDICATION .................................................................................................................................. 19
11.10 VACCINATION & MEDICINE ........................................................................................................... 19
11.11 ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION (AI) CHARGES ..................................................................................... 19
11.12 LABOR REQUIREMENT ................................................................................................................... 19
12 FARM OUTPUT .................................................................................................................................... 20
12.1 LACTATION PERIOD ....................................................................................................................... 20

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Pre-Feasibility Stud Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

12.2 MILK COMPOSITION ....................................................................................................................... 20

12.3 BREEDING STOCK DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................................. 20
12.4 INCREASE IN MILK YIELD .............................................................................................................. 20
12.5 SALE PRICE .................................................................................................................................... 20
12.6 EVENING MILK............................................................................................................................... 20
12.7 FARM REVENUES ........................................................................................................................... 21
12.8 MALE CALVES ............................................................................................................................... 21
11 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 22
11.1 INCOME STATEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 22
11.2 BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT ........................................................................................................ 23
11.3 CASH FLOW STATEMENT ............................................................................................................... 24
11.4 SELLING ASSUMPTIONS .................................................................................................................. 25
11.5 PRODUCTION ASSUMPTIONS .......................................................................................................... 26
12 KEY ASSUMPTIONS............................................................................................................................ 27

13 ANNEXURES ......................................................................................................................................... 28

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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

The purpose and scope of this information memorandum is to introduce the subject
matter and provide a general idea and information on the said area. All the material
included in this document is based on data/information gathered from various sources
and is based on certain assumptions. Although, due care and diligence has been taken to
compile this document, the contained information may vary due to any change in any of
the concerned factors, and the actual results may differ substantially from the presented
information. SMEDA does not assume any liability for any financial or other loss
resulting from this memorandum in consequence of undertaking this activity. The
prospective user of this memorandum is encouraged to carry out additional diligence
and gather any information he/she feels necessary for making an informed decision.

For more information on services offered by SMEDA, please contact our website:

Document No. PREF- 17
Revision 4
Prepared by SMEDA-Punjab
Issue Date June, 2010
Issued By Library Officer

PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)


The Environmental Controlled dairy Farm is a project of livestock sector, in which, the 50
American Holstein are raised on specific feed to produce milk on high efficiency in order to
serve the milk industry of Pakistan. The entire specific requirement will be met by operations
of temperature control through heavy duty ventilation fans, good feeding and animal milking
processes, which will be monitored by the concerned staff. Dairy farming in controlled
environment is a profitable business due to continuous increasing demand of milk in the

Dairy farming is not an organized sector in Pakistan. More than 90% of farming is done on
subsistence level. There are very few progressive farmers, which are running the business
of dairy farming in a professional manner. Milk processing was started in late 1970s,
which is still facing challenges due to competition with the unprocessed milk. The
processed milk has captured only 4% of the total milk market. Processed milk is not the
consumer's preference due to high price differential. There are 28 milk-processing plants in
the country, which were installed in mid 1980s to promote usage of processed milk. Most
of these milk plants are closed due to lack of professional management, inadequate milk
supply and poor marketing campaign of the processed milk.

Dairy farming is highly complex as it includes breeding, management, feeding, housing,

disease control and hygienic production of milk on farm. The judicial use of means and
resources to achieve clearly defined goals is the key success factor in modern dairy
farming i.e. the art of maximization and optimal utilization of resources and means for
maximizing productivity and profits.

An Environmentally Controlled dairy House with a population of 50 American Holsteins need

a total investment estimated at Rs. 24,436,042 out of which the capital cost of the project is
Rs. 23,128,267 for purchasing the animals and constructing the building and the rest is
used to meet the working capital requirement. Projected IRR and Payback of this project are
52% and 3.19 years respectively.

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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) was established
with the objective to provide fresh impetus to the economy through the launch of an
aggressive SME support program.
Since its inception in October 1998, SMEDA had adopted a sectoral SME development
approach. A few priority sectors were selected on the criterion of SME presence. In depth
research was conducted and comprehensive development plans were formulated after
identification of impediments and retardants. The all-encompassing sectoral development
strategy involved recommending changes in the regulatory environment by taking into
consideration other important aspects including finance, marketing, technology and human
resource development.
SMEDA has so far successfully formulated strategies for sectors including, horticulture,
marble and granite, gems and jewelry, marine fisheries, leather and footwear, textiles,
surgical instruments, transport, dairy, etc. Whereas the task of SME development at a
broader scale still requires more coverage and enhanced reach in terms of SMEDA’s areas
of operation.
Along with the sectoral focus a broad spectrum of business development services is also
offered to the SMEs by SMEDA. These services include identification of viable business
opportunities for potential SME investors. In order to facilitate these investors, SMEDA
provides business guidance through its help desk services as well as development of
project specific documents. These documents consist of information required to make
well-researched investment decisions. Pre-feasibility studies and business plan
development are some of the services provided to enhance the capacity of individual SMEs
to exploit viable business opportunities in a better way.
This document is in the continuation of this effort to enable potential investors to make
well-informed investment decisions.


The objective of the pre-feasibility study is primarily to facilitate potential entrepreneurs to
facilitate investment and provide an overview about dairy and livestock farming. The
project pre-feasibility may form the basis of an important investment decision and in order
to serve this objective, the document covers various aspects of dairy and livestock concept
development, start-up, production, finance and business management. The document also
provides sectoral information, brief on government policies and international scenario,
which have some bearing on the project itself.
This particular pre-feasibility is regarding “Dairy Farm” which comes under “Agriculture
and Livestock” sector. Before studying the whole document one must consider following
critical aspects, which form the basis of any investment decision.

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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)


Dairy production is all-inclusive activity, related to animal care, reproduction, feeding, and
management. It is defined as all those aspects and activities relating to rising of dairy
animals during their various phases of life to get wholesome milk. Before making the
decision, whether to invest in the dairy and livestock farming or not, one should carefully
analyze the associated risk factors. A SWOT analysis can help in analyzing these factors,
which can play important role in making the decision.

4.1 Strengths
• Back bone and main stay of economy. Provides raw material for food & Leather
• Major source of food, i.e. Milk & Meat
• Source of Farmyard Manure (FYM).
• Sizeable foreign exchanges earning through exports.
• Wide scope of Milk Production, ranking 5th in the world.
• Ample human resource employment sector.
• Stationed, Permanently located secured loaning sector.
• Huge demand and supply gap in dairy sector

4.2 Weaknesses
• Lack of appropriate knowledge, research extension
• Lack of commercially viable breeds of animal
• Lack of education and initiative in farmer, traditional approach due to lack of skills
and management.
• Unorganized sector, unaware of basic farm management practices.
• Remote area, lack of farm to market approach & transportation.
• Non-availability of communication services.
• Lack of farm/ market infrastructures & marketing information.
• Lack of record keeping on farm.
• No or low application of research work and pedigree record keeping.
• Management of dairy farm is a challenging job.
• Nutrition is still a problem hampering the livestock productivity in general and milk
production in particular
• Enormous production losses due to endemic diseases every year.
• Low yield of local cows.
• Non availability of international level dairy institute.

4.3 Opportunities
• Govt. of Pakistan & Sate Bank of Pakistan priority sector.
• Dairy products needs are 30% higher than supply.
• Commercially viable sector with great credit potential and absorption capacity.
• Vast range of area of operation, more needs and scope of development.

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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

• Value added dairy products are in demand.

• Massive migration of labor to cities can be checked / stopped.
• Corporate financing will become a niche in lending market.
• Cooperatives can play a big role for development in dairy sector like India, Australia
and United States

4.4 Threats
• Implementation of WTO will result in open & competitive commodity pricing.
• Due to fear of default, banker community has reluctance for lending loans.
• Defective and unorganized markets.
• Imbalance between prices of inputs & outputs.
• Rising trend of cost of production with higher rate of interest as compared to profit
• Lack of media projection, non-recognition of problems and monopoly of
• Lack of community organizations and out dated farm practices.
• Lack of coordination towards common causes & goals.
• Lack of awareness about economics, demand & supply in market.
• Low saving, low holding capacity. Increasing level of poverty.
• Non-availability of subsidy, tax holidays.

Livestock plays an important role in the economy of the country. Livestock sector
contributed approximately 51.8 percent of the agriculture value added and 11.3 percent to
national GDP during 2008-09.Gross value addition of livestock at current cost factor has
increased form Rs. 1,052 billion (2007-08) to Rs. 1,287 billion (2008-09) showing an
increase of 22.3 %. The value of livestock is 6.1% more than the combined value of major
and minor crops. Government gives high priority to its development and is focused on
private sector led development of livestock. Underpinning the importance of livestock, the
government has placed livestock on national development agenda. It has formulated
“Livestock Development Policy” and “Poultry Development Policy”. Both policies are
aimed at private sector led development of livestock with Government providing enabling
environment. The policies would provide a frame work for accelerated development of
To spearhead the development efforts through private sector, fully autonomous private
sector-led, “Livestock and Dairy Development Board” and “Pakistan Dairy Development
Company” have been established. These companies are serving as platform for investment
in livestock sector. Apart form provincial Government programs, the federal government
has substantially increased public sector investment in livestock sector and has initiated
mega projects to the tune of Rs. 7.1 billion for strengthening livestock services for
improved disease diagnosis & control; milk and meat production; breed improvement;

Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan 2008-09

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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

animal husbandry and management practices in the country. The livestock population for
the last three years is given below:2

In view of the importance of livestock in the economy as well as in the life of a common
man, the Government is trying by all means to fix priorities to increase production of milk,
meat and poultry to meet rising domestic demand of ever increasing population and
produce exportable surplus as well. The major products of livestock are milk and meat, the
production of which for last three years is given below:3

Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan 2008-09
Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan 2008-09

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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

5.1 White Revolution4

Under the White Revolution Scheme, two Strategic Partnership Agreements have been
executed between ZTBL and M/S Nestle Pakistan Limited and M/s Pakistan Dairy
Development Company. Under this participatory approach, dairy sector would be
modernized with a view to increase milk supply, mitigate poverty and improve the living
standard of the rural population. The Bank has earmarked funds to the tune of Rs. 5,000
million for financing of 50,000 animals (imported cows) during the five years period
M/s. Nestle Pakistan would help to select and identify good clients for the Bank to improve
quality breed of foreign and local dairy animals. Technical guidance would be provided to
the farmers through Nestle Veterinary Doctors. The Company would purchase milk
through its network and make weekly payment of milk sale to the Bank for the adjustment
of loan. M/s Pakistan Dairy Development Company will also help the Bank in the selection
of clients and processing of loan cases. Initially the scheme will be for modernization of
5,000 farms during 5 years period involving Rs 700 million. Under the scheme 1,000 farms
would be covered on yearly basis. There would be maximum loan limit of Rs 1.0 million
per borrower/party.

5.2 High domestic demand

Pakistan: 169 million people, high milk consuming tradition
• Irrigable land in Pakistan –20 million hectares
• Fodder cultivated in 2.8 million hectares, i.e. only 14%
• Fodder yield very low -24 Tones/hectare (Australia approx 70 Tones/hectare)
• Largest irrigation network in the world
• Animal herd 47million heads, though average size 3 head
• Cheap farm labor, though unskilled


The demand of milk in summer is high as compared to winter. That’s why the animals in
summer are sold at a bit higher prices as compared to winter. So the proposed business can
be started before the onset of summer season.

6.1 Proposed Business Legal Status

The proposed legal structure of the business entity is either sole proprietorship or
partnership. Although selection totally depends upon the choice of the entrepreneur but this
financial feasibility is based on Sole Proprietorship.

6.2 Proposed Capacity

The feasibility study suggests an initial herd size of 50 American Cows, which is
economical to justify the overhead cost. The farm size will increase to approximately 250
cows within 10 years time. Herd mix of 100% cows is recommended to get the maximum
milk production round the year.
Source: Economic Survey 2008-09

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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

6.3 Project Investment

The total cost of the project is Rs. 24,436,042 out of which the capital cost of the project is
Rs. 23,128,267 for purchasing the animals and constructing the building and the rest is
used to meet the working capital requirement.

Table 6-1 Project Costs (Rs)

Account Head Total Cost (Rs)
Capital Cost
Land (4 acres) 4,000,000
Building/Infrastructure 2,640,267
Animals 15,000,000
Machinery & equipment 1,218,000
Pre-operating costs 270,000
Total Capital Cost 23,128,267
Working capital
Land lease for fodder 165,000
Raw material Inventory 992,775
Cash in hand 150,000
Total Working Capital 1,307,775
Total Project Cost 24,436,042
The proposed pre-feasibility is based on the assumption of 50:50 debt equity ratio.
However this composition of debt and equity can be changed as per the requirement of the
Table 6-2 Project Financing
Debt 50% 12,218,021
Equity 50% 12,218,021
Total project Investment 24,436,042

Table 6-3 Project Economics

Viability Equity Project
IRR (%) 60% 52%
NPV (Rs) 56,752,246 68,998,470
Pay Back Period (year) 3.33 3.19

6.4 Proposed Location

The development of urban or semi-urban commercial dairy farms is something new in
livestock production. Metropolitan cities like Lahore, Karachi, Multan, Rawalpindi, etc are
the major markets of milk. Hence, dairy farms established in semi-urban areas of these
cities fulfill the daily need of these cities.


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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

6.5 Key Success Factors / Practical Tips for Success

Commercial dairy farmers depend on land, labor and animals as the major resources. The
thrust in modern dairy farming is on the increased use of capital and management.
Successful dairy farming harnesses all available resources into productive and profitable
unit. Dairy farming is highly complex as it includes breeding, management, feeding,
housing, disease control and hygienic production of milk on farm. The judicial use of
means and resources to achieve clearly defined goals is the key success factor in modern
dairy farming i.e. the art of maximization and optimal utilization of resources and means
for maximizing productivity and profits.

The low yielder animals are uneconomical less then the annual average to keep, hence
these should be culled. The over all genetic improvement of all the dairy animals is
necessary for improved milk production. It involves milking records at equal intervals,
selection of bull from high producing mothers, progeny testing of breeding bull and then
making extensive use of these bulls by well-organized Artificial Insemination (AI)

Feeding dairy animals on nutritious and high yielding hybrid varieties of forages can be
adopted. The surplus forage should be preserved as silage or hay.

Other farm management practices include feeding for growth, lactation, pregnancy or
maintenance, hygienic milk production, comfortable and ventilated barns, spraying/
wallowing of animals in summer, timely detection of heated, mating, with selected bull or
AI service. If animals are bred within the 60-90 days of calving provided with clean
surroundings, drinking water and feed according to the requirements, the over all
performance of herd can be improved.

Timely vaccination against BVP, Black Quarter, Foot and Mouth Disease, Brucellosis
along with the prevention of mastitis and parasitic control will also improve the over all
performance of dairy herd.
Hygienic milk can be produced by the clean and healthy animals through milking parlor. .


7.1 Major Players

Dairy farming is not an organized sector in Pakistan. More than 90% of farming is done on
subsistence level. There are very few progressive farmers, which are running the business
of dairy farming in a professional manner. Milk processing was started in late 1970s,
which is still facing challenges due to competition with the unprocessed milk. The
processed milk has captured only 4% of the total milk market. Processed milk is not the
consumer's preference due to high price differential. There are 28 milk-processing plants in
the country, which were installed in mid 1980s to promote usage of processed milk. Most
of these milk plants are closed due to lack of professional management, inadequate milk
supply and poor marketing campaign of the processed milk.


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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Table 7-1 Milk Processing Plants currently in operation

Project Products Location
Noon Pakistan Milk powder/ butter Bhalwal-Sarghodha
Nestle Milkpak UHT milk /Ghee Sheikupura & Kabir Wala
Prime Dairies Pasteurized milk/yogurt Manga-Lahore
Idara-e-Kisan (Halla) Pasteurization milk/UHT Pattoki/ Lahore
Chaudhry Dairy UHT milk, milk powder Bhai Pheru
Millack foods Millack Lahore- Jhang
Dairy Lnad Pasteurization milk Karachi
Engro foods Limited Olper Milk Sukkar, Sahiuwal
ShakarGunj Foods Good Milk Jhang
Alturhem Milk Prema Milk Lahore
JK Dairies Fresh Farm milk Rahim yar khan
Doctor Dairies Anmol Milk Karachi
Gourmet Foods Fresh Milk Lahore


8.1 Sector Characteristics

The size of this sector is still growing. Commercial Dairy farms have been set up in peri
urban areas. Few of the commercial dairy farms are:
1. Sar Sabz Dairy Farm, Okara
2. Wahdath Dairies, Bhagtawal, Sargodha
3. Dairy Land, Dhab-e- Je- Karachi
4. Ever Fresh – Bhera, Motorway
5. Nestle, Dairy Farm, Skheki- Motorway
6. J.K Dairies, Rahim yar khan
7. Sweet water Dairy
8. CSK Dairies Kasur
9. Engro Dairies, Sukhur
10. Royal Dairies, Badian Road Lahore
11. Sapphire Dairies, Raiwaind , Lahore
12. Dr. Abul Hasan Dairy, Jhang
13. Mr. Babar Butt,, Orange Dairies, Sialkot

8.2 Target Customers

Following are some of the target clients for a dairy farmer:
1. Milk processors
2. Dairy Companies
3. Milk collection companies
4. Contractors


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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

8.3 Pakistan’s First environmental controlled dairy farm

It’s a new and remarkable revolution in dairy sector by creating a self sufficient
temperature and environmental controlled dairy farm house. Following are some of the
features which are quite different from the other traditional farm houses.

• Optimum Temperature of 26°C inside the shed

• Temperature can be reduced up to the level of 20°C at certain places if required
• Properly HVAC designed and planned by Engineers

• This type of structure is designed to utilize as less electricity as possible.

• No need for the lights at the farm house in day light day time due to semi closed
• Self sufficient to produce coal free electricity from manure of the cows.
• The structure of the farm been designed in such a way as natural flow of water
takes places resulting less human effort for cleanliness.
• Concrete structure been placed which is more durable than the steel one.
• Low roof height used which required less maintenance and easy accessible.
• Proper insulation has been used in order to prevent heat coming from every where.


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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

• Electricity cost is much less than traditional fans barns as used only 4 fans of 1.5
HP whereas other farms
• Negative pressure fans utilizes 18~20 fans of the same capacity in the same size.
• Efficiency of imported cows do not suffer in hot weather resulting more
productivity in Summers.

• No gases no odour and no smell inside the barn due to proper ventilation system
• Animals are happy and satisfied in cool breeze passing through them from all the
sides made a pleasant effect.


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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)


9.1 Land Requirement

About 4 acres of land should be purchased for building a dairy farm project of animals
starting from 50 animals and at a target herd size of 250 animals in a period of 10 years.
Land cost per acre in the neighboring areas of Lahore, Multan & Faisalabad would be at
least Rs 1,000,000 per acre. Majority of this land would be used for building sheds for the
animals to protect them from severity of the weather. The area for fodder production can
be acquired on lease, however in this pre-feasibility it is assumed that the fodder will be
purchased and stored when it is available in abundance at low price. However, agriculture
land for fodder production can be acquired with an annual rent of Rs. 10,000 per acre in
the peri-urban areas of Lahore, Multan & Faisalabad. It is assumed that around 0.33 acres
of land would be required per animal for fodder production per annum.

Table 9-1 Land Requirements (for target size of around 250 animals)
Description Area (Acres)
Shed along with free stalls for Cows 0.498
Open paddock for cows 0.498
Calves shed (15 days – 6 months) 0.137
Open Paddock for calves (15 days – 6 months) 0.137
Stores for fodder, concentrate & machine room 0.002
Utensils & milk storage 0.002
Servant Room, Wash room 0.212
Bunker silage 2.126
Total Land Requirement 3.612

9.2 Suitable Locations

Peri-urban and rural areas in the neighboring areas of Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad,
Faisalabad & Multan etc. where water, electricity is available to irrigate the crops are
suitable locations for establishing a dairy farm.

9.3 Animal Housing

Sheds of the animals would be airy with protection of the animals from extreme
temperatures and strong winds. The animal housing should be facilitated with drinking
water for animals. There should be proper drainage system to keep hygiene at the farm. It
consists of a built up animal shed, a brick soling paddock for animals, calving pens in
which pregnant animals are kept separated from other animals before calving, one room for
milk storage, one room for storing farm equipment and one for compound feed storage.
The animals can be dehorned, as they are easier to handle in barns and cause less
accidental injury to neighboring animals, handlers, walls, and trees.


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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Table 9-2 Space Requirement per Animal

Description Sq. Ft.
Shed along with free stalls for Cows 80
Open Paddock for cows 80
Calves shed 20
Open paddock for calves 20
Stores for fodder, concentrate & machine room 100
Utensils & milk storage 100
Servant Room, Wash room 20
Silage bunker (C ft.) 122

Table 9-3 Total Infrastructure Cost

Description Sq.ft Rate/Sq.ft Total Cost
Shed along with free stalls for Cows 4,000 400 1,600,000
Open paddock for cows 4,000 10 40,000
Calves shed 840 200 168,000
Open paddock for calves 840 10 8,400
Stores for fodder, concentrate & machine 100 500 50,000
Utensils & milk storage 100 500 50,000
Servant Room, Wash room 1,000 500 500,000
Silage bunker (C ft.) 11,193 20 223,867
Total Infrastructure Cost 2,640,267

The pre-feasibility suggests only few farm equipments like cages, milk machines,
ventilation fans, water pumps, milk utensils and details are given as follows:
Table 10-1 Farm Equipment Cost
Description Unit Cost Animals per Total Cost
Rs. equipment Rs.
Calf feeder 1,200 5 12,000
Milking machine 200,000 50 200,000
Chiller - 400,000 50 400,000
Generator (15 KVA) 150,000 50 150,000
water pump 20,000 50 20,000
Fan pads 66,000 50 66,000
Heavy Duty Ventilation Fans 250,000 50 250,000
Calf cages 12,000 5 120,000
Total Cost (Rs.) 1,218,000


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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)


11.1 Herd Mix

The ideal mixed herd should consist of 100% cows for the viability of a farm. The cows
are comparatively high yielder as compared to buffaloes.
11.2 Breeds of Cross bred and Exotic (Bos taurus)

The Holstein cow originated in Europe. The major historical development of this breed
occurred in Netherland and more specifically in the two northern provinces of North
Holland and Friesland. Holsteins are most quickly recognized by their distinctive color
markings and outstanding milk production. Holsteins are large, stylish animals with color
patterns of black and white or red and white. Holstein heifers can be bred at 15 months of
age, when they weigh about 325-400 kgs body weight between 24 and 27 months of age.
Holstein gestation is approximately nine months. The normal productive life of a Holstein
is Nine years.
It has now been extensively tested in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of Australia. Milk
quality is good - protein level is 3.4 percent and butterfat is approximately four percent.
These animals are available at an average price of $3,400 per animal HOSTEIN. The
photos of different breeds are given in Annexure 4.

11.3 Animal Markets

Animal markets (mandies), Government and private livestock farms are the main sources
for purchasing milk animals. There are different contractors available in the markets that
help locating the proper animals. These contractors work on commission basis and the
commission rate charged may vary from 1-2% of the animal price. Preferably, the
Australia and U.S.A are the best international markets for the production of cows. For
cross herd and for imported animal Austrex, Elders, Wellard and Garsa Livestock
11.4 Feed
The ration is allowance of nutritionally balanced feed in 24 hours. It includes dry matter
and concentrate to increase animal productivity. Wheat straw5 is also used as dry roughage
along with green fodder. About 1 kg of Total mix ration on dry matter (TMR) is required
for the production of 2 liters of milk. These feed ingredients when mixed according to feed
formula will provide adequate energy according to energy and protein requirements of
animal in production.

Table 11-1 Dry matter for Cow Feed

Dry matter description % of Total Unit Cost Rs.
/ Kg
Silage 53% 5
Concentrate6 47% 20

A byproduct of wheat harvesting used as dry roughage for livestock and dairy animals
The concentrate feed price is Rs 20 per kg if purchased from market.


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

11.5 Mineral Mixture

This is used as a feed supplement. It includes a mix of minerals (magnesium, iron, sodium
and salts). Mineral mixtures are good source of energy and increase the animal
productivity to give milk.
11.6 Fodder Crop
Fodder is grown at the land, which is acquired on lease or owned by the entrepreneur. Due
to increased demand, improved forage crops such as multi-cut oats, berseem, lucerne,
Sorghum- Sudan grass hybrids, mott grass, sorghum, maize and millet have been
developed. These have become very popular in irrigated areas such as Kasur, Sheikhupura,
Gujranwala, Faisalabad, Sargodha, and Renala Khurd (Punjab), Nowshera, Charsada,
Mardan, and Peshawar (North West Frontier Province), and Hyderabad, Sukkur, Larkana
and Nawabshah in Sindh for peri-urban dairies. The fodder yield (except multi cut Mott
Grass which yield 100-150 tones/ acre in 4 to 6 cuttings per year) varies between 10 tons to
40 tons per acre depending upon the fertility of land, quality of seed and application of
Table 11-2 Types of Dry & Green roughage7
Dry Roughage Green Roughage
Summer Fodder Winter Fodder
Wheat Straw Maize Barseem
Rice Straw Sorghum Alfalfa (Lucerne)
Oat Straw Millet Oats
Maize/Sorghum Stubble Mott Grass Rye Grass
Sugarcane Baggass Sadabahar Sugarcane tops
Cotton Seed Hulls Guar
Corn Cobs

11.7 Daily Fodder Requirement

There is no fixed fodder requirement for the animals but a rule of thumb says that an
animal needs daily fodder equal to 9%-10% of its body weight (3% of live body weight on
Dry Matter Basis). According to estimates, consumes 50-55 kg fodder daily while cow
consumes about 40-45 kg.
11.8 Wheat Straw (Bhusa or Turi)
Wheat straw is major, typical, and very popular dry roughage. It is always chaffed, and is
the main or even only major dry roughage used on almost all the dairies. Traditional
threshing methods break the straw into short pieces, bhoosa, and modern mechanical
threshers have been designed to break the straw. In all urban dairies visited wheat straw
was bought at Rs. 2 per kilo (80 Rs per mond) or even more; in the harvest season,
however, in places where it is produced, it is available at Rs. 0.40 per kilo.

(Reference: Livestock & Dairy Development Department, Lahore) (Reference: FAO Statistical Databases)


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Table 11-3 Daily Feed Requirement of Cow & Calf

Animal Daily Requirement Cost/kg Amount
Dry 14.07 5 70.35
Concentrate 6.93 20 138.60
Total 208.95
Calf younger than 1 year
Dry 5.25 5 26.3
Concentrate 1.80 20 35
Total 61.3
11.9 Medication

11.10 Vaccination & Medicine

Vaccination & medicine is required to prevent any disease outbreak in the animal herd.
Each new animal will be vaccinated before entering the farm. It will cost Rs. 1,000 for
each cow per year. Vaccines are produced at Veterinary Research Institute, Ghazi Road,
Lahore. The vaccines are provided to the Government Farms and Hospitals on payment.
Farmers can also obtain these vaccines on payment according to prescribed schedule from
the Institute. Technical guidance is also provided to the farmers. Farmers can have their
animals vaccinated from the field Veterinary Hospitals and Centers.
11.11 Artificial Insemination (AI) Charges
Artificial Insemination (AI) charges will be Rs 5,000 per cow per year. On average each
cow will be requiring aprox. 2.5 doze of insemination. Some of the companies dealing in
imported semen are given in Annexure 3.

11.12 Labor Requirement

For a dairy enterprise, manpower is required for performing different animal husbandry
practices at the farm e.g. feeding, watering, milking and care of animals etc. One skilled
person can handle 15 milk animals easily. Four farm workers are recommended for
handling 50-animals. A supervisor cum farm manager can be hired to supervise all the
farm activities. The supervisor with B.Sc. (Honors) degree in Animal Husbandry (AH) and
an additional requirement of MBA may be hired as a farm manager so that he can handle
the farm practices, administration & account matters at the dairy farm.

Table 11-4 Labor Requirements

Description No. Salary/month/Person Annual Salary (Rs)
Farm Manager 1 25,000 300,000
Workers 4 8,000 384,000
Total Labor Cost 5 57,000 684,000


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)


12.1 Lactation Period

The lactation period is the period during which the animals yield milk. These animals are
called wet animals. Generally the lactation period of cows is 305 days. For calculation, the
feasibility has taken 100% of the total number of cows as wet cows. The calving interval in
cow has 13 months. The average milk yield of cow is estimated at 28 x 305 = 8,540 liters
per lactation.

12.2 Milk Composition

Buffalo milk contains less water, more total solids, more fat, slightly more lactose, and
more protein than cow's milk. Cow's milk contains 12-14% total solids and the butterfat
content is usually between 3% and 5%. Phospholipids are lower but cholesterol and
saturated fatty acids are lower in cow’s milk.
Normally the protein in cow’s milk contains less casein and slightly less albumin and
globulin. The mineral content of cow's milk is nearly the same as that of buffalo milk
except for phosphorus, which occurs in roughly twice the amount in buffalo milk.
Cow’s milk enriches the yellow pigment carotene, precursor for vitamin A, and its
yellowness is frequently used to differentiate it from buffalo’s milk in the market. Despite
the absence of carotene, the vitamin A content in buffalo milk is almost as high as that of
cow's milk. Apparently the buffalo converts the carotene in its diet directly to vitamin A.
The two milks are similar in B complex vitamins and vitamin C, but buffalo milk tends to
be lower in riboflavin.

12.3 Breeding Stock Development

The proposed farmer will raise breeding stock containing future dairy animals at his own
farm by selecting good off springs of high producers. Instead of breading bull the
Insemination will be done Artificial Insemination of imported Semen of breeding bulls.
The first generation (F1) will be capable of giving milk after 2 years in cows.

12.4 Increase in Milk Yield

The milk yield will be improved as a result of appropriate breeding systems discussed
earlier. Low yielding animals are sold in the market. On an average, cows are productive
for 9 to 10 years.

12.5 Sale Price

In this feasibility study, it is assumed that all the milk will be sold to milk processing
companies, house holds & milk shops etc. @ Rs. 35/liter.

12.6 Evening Milk

Milk can be stored in a milk chiller on 14.5% TS at the farm if milk collection is not
possible in the evening.


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

12.7 Farm Revenues

Farm revenue will increase with the passage of time, as the milk production will increase
with the growth in herd size as well as its quality.

12.8 Male Calves

Male calves will be sold at the farm sooner after birth for Rs 25,000 per animal. They can
also be reared in separately for beef production for getting good profit margins.


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)


11.1 Income Statement

Calculations SMEDA
Income Statement
Rs. In actuals
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Revenue from sale of milk 13,151,600 14,560,700 17,406,612 23,216,566 30,995,963 42,162,137 57,785,716 80,056,553 113,123,462 160,943,960
Other Income 525,000 550,000 1,668,288 2,211,789 2,904,774 3,804,105 5,023,704 6,728,823 8,678,426 51,526,462
Total 13,676,600 15,110,700 19,074,900 25,428,356 33,900,738 45,966,242 62,809,420 86,785,376 121,801,889 212,470,422
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Cost of sales
Cost of goods sold 1 3,971,100 3,345,812 3,442,840 4,574,059 5,732,329 7,401,677 9,736,051 12,823,405 17,136,732 23,233,453
Medicine, Vaccination & Insemination Charges 300,000 346,500 448,232 628,646 886,252 1,270,277 1,837,523 2,681,716 3,971,489 5,947,828
Operating costs 3 (direct electricity & feul charges) 120,000 132,000 145,200 159,720 175,692 193,261 212,587 233,846 257,231 282,954
Total cost of sales 4,391,100 3,824,312 4,036,273 5,362,425 6,794,273 8,865,215 11,786,162 15,738,966 21,365,452 29,464,235
Gross Profit 9,285,500 11,286,388 15,038,627 20,065,930 27,106,464 37,101,028 51,023,258 71,046,409 100,436,437 183,006,187

General administration & selling expenses

Administration expense 684,000 750,595 823,674 903,868 991,870 1,699,494 1,864,959 2,046,534 3,053,262 3,350,532
Fuel for generator 1,246,840 1,371,524 1,508,676 1,659,544 1,825,498 2,008,048 2,208,853 2,429,738 2,672,712 2,939,983
Office expenses (stationary, entertainment, janitorial services, etc.) 13,680 15,012 16,473 18,077 19,837 33,990 37,299 40,931 61,065 67,011
Professional fees (legal, audit, consultants, etc.) 65,758 72,804 87,033 116,083 154,980 210,811 288,929 400,283 565,617 804,720
Depreciation expense 253,813 345,385 390,336 438,635 620,736 858,758 1,132,992 1,539,671 2,181,747 2,989,893
Amortization of pre-operating costs 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000
Subtotal 2,291,091 2,582,320 2,853,193 3,163,207 3,639,922 4,838,101 5,560,032 6,484,157 8,561,404 10,179,139
Operating Income 6,994,409 8,704,069 12,185,434 16,902,723 23,466,543 32,262,927 45,463,226 64,562,252 91,875,033 172,827,048

Other income (interest on cash) 43,530 65,237 64,229 74,666 119,648 348,197 817,599 1,480,966 2,423,503 4,776,107
Earnings Before Interest & Taxes 7,037,939 8,769,305 12,249,663 16,977,388 23,586,190 32,611,124 46,280,825 66,043,218 94,298,536 177,603,155

Interest expense on long term debt (Debt facility : Bank 1) 1,831,367 1,532,640 1,182,451 771,935 290,698 - - - - -
Subtotal 1,831,367 1,532,640 1,182,451 771,935 290,698 - - - - -
Earnings Before Tax 5,206,572 7,236,665 11,067,212 16,205,454 23,295,492 32,611,124 46,280,825 66,043,218 94,298,536 177,603,155

Taxable earnings for the year 5,206,572 7,236,665 11,067,212 16,205,454 23,295,492 32,611,124 46,280,825 66,043,218 94,298,536 177,603,155
Tax 1,301,643 1,809,166 2,766,803 4,051,363 5,823,873 8,152,781 11,570,206 16,510,804 23,574,634 44,400,789
NET PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER TAX 3,904,929 5,427,499 8,300,409 12,154,090 17,471,619 24,458,343 34,710,618 49,532,413 70,723,902 133,202,366


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

11.2 Balance Sheet Statement

Calculations SMEDA
Balance Sheet
Rs. In actuals
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Current assets
Cash & Bank 315,000 928,722 935,185 899,934 1,233,370 2,185,134 7,763,343 15,596,632 26,716,686 42,526,247 93,933,952
Raw material inventory 992,775 878,276 948,933 1,323,761 1,741,921 2,361,656 3,261,810 4,510,955 6,329,689 9,010,678 -
Total Current Assets 1,307,775 1,806,998 1,884,117 2,223,695 2,975,290 4,546,790 11,025,153 20,107,586 33,046,375 51,536,925 93,933,952

Fixed assets
Land 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
Building/Infrastructure 2,640,267 2,764,487 3,002,729 3,699,323 4,921,785 6,410,771 8,757,879 12,304,401 17,104,696 24,030,756 22,655,169
Animals 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000
Revaluation Surplus/ (loss) 750,000 4,590,000 8,536,500 13,983,000 21,229,500 30,474,000 42,817,500 59,658,000 65,346,000 -
Net value of animals 15,000,000 15,750,000 19,590,000 23,536,500 28,983,000 36,229,500 45,474,000 57,817,500 74,658,000 80,346,000 15,000,000
Machinery & equipment 1,218,000 1,883,800 1,941,212 1,767,562 2,642,208 3,796,439 4,689,896 6,101,711 8,935,155 11,861,973 10,247,667
Total Fixed Assets 22,858,267 24,398,287 28,533,941 33,003,385 40,546,994 50,436,710 62,921,775 80,223,613 104,697,851 120,238,729 51,902,836

Intangible assets
Pre-operation costs 270,000 243,000 216,000 189,000 162,000 135,000 108,000 81,000 54,000 27,000 -
Total Intangible Assets 270,000 243,000 216,000 189,000 162,000 135,000 108,000 81,000 54,000 27,000 -
TOTAL ASSETS 24,436,042 26,448,284 30,634,059 35,416,081 43,684,284 55,118,500 74,054,928 100,412,199 137,798,226 171,802,655 145,836,788

Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity

Other liabilities
Long term debt (Debt facility : Bank 1) 12,218,021 10,483,966 8,451,183 6,068,212 3,274,724 - - - - - -
Total Long Term Liabilities 12,218,021 10,483,966 8,451,183 6,068,212 3,274,724 0 0 0 0 (0) 0

Shareholders' equity
Paid-up capital 12,218,021 13,261,854 13,902,894 14,816,173 17,351,917 20,615,869 24,715,191 30,806,521 39,979,930 52,014,556 52,014,556
Gain/ (Loss) on revaluation of animals 750,000 4,590,000 8,536,500 13,983,000 21,229,500 30,474,000 42,817,500 59,658,000 65,346,000 -
Retained earnings 1,952,464 3,689,982 5,995,195 9,074,643 13,273,131 18,865,737 26,788,178 38,160,296 54,442,099 93,822,232
Total Equity 12,218,021 15,964,319 22,182,876 29,347,869 40,409,559 55,118,500 74,054,928 100,412,199 137,798,226 171,802,655 145,836,788
TOTAL CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES 24,436,042 26,448,284 30,634,059 35,416,081 43,684,284 55,118,500 74,054,928 100,412,199 137,798,226 171,802,655 145,836,788


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

11.3 Cash Flow Statement

Calculations SMEDA
Cash Flow Statement
Rs. In actuals
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Operating activities
Net profit 3,904,929 5,427,499 8,300,409 12,154,090 17,471,619 24,458,343 34,710,618 49,532,413 70,723,902 133,202,366
Add: depreciation expense 253,813 345,385 390,336 438,635 620,736 858,758 1,132,992 1,539,671 2,181,747 2,989,893
amortization of pre-operating costs 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000
Raw material inventory (992,775) 114,499 (70,657) (374,828) (418,159) (619,735) (900,154) (1,249,144) (1,818,735) (2,680,989) 9,010,678
Cash provided by operations (992,775) 4,300,242 5,729,227 8,342,916 12,201,566 17,499,620 24,443,946 34,621,466 49,280,350 70,251,660 145,229,937

Financing activities
Debt facility : Bank 1 - principal repayment (1,734,055) (2,032,782) (2,382,971) (2,793,488) (3,274,724) - - - - -
Additions to Debt facility : Bank 1 12,218,021 - - - - - - - - - -
Issuance of shares 12,218,021 1,043,833 641,040 913,279 2,535,743 3,263,953 4,099,322 6,091,329 9,173,409 12,034,626 -
Purchase of (treasury) shares
Cash provided by / (used for) financing activities 24,436,042 (690,222) (1,391,743) (1,469,692) (257,744) (10,772) 4,099,322 6,091,329 9,173,409 12,034,626 -

Investing activities
Capital expenditure (23,128,267) (1,043,833) (641,040) (913,279) (2,535,743) (3,263,953) (4,099,322) (6,091,329) (9,173,409) (12,034,626) -
Cash (used for) / provided by investing activities (23,128,267) (1,043,833) (641,040) (913,279) (2,535,743) (3,263,953) (4,099,322) (6,091,329) (9,173,409) (12,034,626) -

NET CASH 315,000 2,566,186 3,696,444 5,959,945 9,408,078 14,224,895 24,443,946 34,621,466 49,280,350 70,251,660 145,229,937


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

11.4 Selling Assumptions

Selling Assumptions
Qty Unit
Milk/Cow/Day 28 Ltrs.
Wet Cows as % Total no. of Cows 100% %
No. of Days in Year 305 Days
Purchase Price of developed progeny
Cow 300,000 Rs.
Female calf(cow) older then one year 50,000
Sale Price/Culled cow 100,000 Rs.
Sale Price/Low yeilder cow 100,000 Rs.
Sale Price/Male calf 25,000 Rs.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Average # of cows 50 50 56 68 83 103 129 163 209 271
# of lactating cows 50 50 56 68 83 103 129 163 209 271
# of calve 42 40 55 68 85 108 139 179 227 299
Calve older than one year (Cows)/Heifer 0 21 20 27 34 41 51 64 83 107
Total animals older then one year 50 71 76 95 132 164 215 288 368 463
Total Animals 92 111 131 162 217 272 354 466 595 761

Animals Sold During the Year

# of Cow Progeny sold 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56
# of culled cows sold - - 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13
# of Male Calve sold 21 20 28 34 43 54 70 89 114 149
Total Animals Sold 21 20 34 42 52 64 102 136 175 270


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Environmental controlled Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

11.5 Production Assumptions

Production of milk (ltrs) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Cows 1,400 1,400 1,568 1,904 2,324 2,884 3,612 4,564 5,852 7,588
Milk for calve 168 160 220 270 341 432 556 716 908 1,194

Net Annual milk production 375,760 378,200 411,018 498,370 604,876 747,982 931,958 1,173,762 1,507,798 1,950,170

Revenue from Sale of Milk (Rs.)

Daily 43,120 43,400 47,166 57,190 69,412 85,834 106,946 134,694 173,026 223,790
Annual 13,151,600 13,237,000 14,385,630 17,442,950 21,170,660 26,179,370 32,618,530 41,081,670 52,772,930 68,255,950

Other Revenue (Rs.)

Sale of Developed Progeny - - - - - - - - - 16,800,000
Sale of Culled Cows - - 690,000 818,000 919,000 1,013,300 1,097,000 1,216,700 1,209,800 1,321,000
Sale of Low Yielder Cow - - - - - - - - - -
Sale of Calves 525,000 500,000 688,750 843,750 1,065,000 1,348,750 1,738,750 2,236,250 2,838,750 3,731,250
525,000 500,000 1,378,750 1,661,750 1,984,000 2,362,050 2,835,750 3,452,950 4,048,550 21,852,250

Total Annual Revenue 13,676,600 13,737,000 15,764,380 19,104,700 23,154,660 28,541,420 35,454,280 44,534,620 56,821,480 90,108,200


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Equity 50%

Debt (In case of loss S.T Loan will be taken) 50%

Interest rate Short Term 16%

Total No of Employees 5

Loan Repayment Period (yrs) 5

Payments in a year 12
Cows Mortality 1%

Calf Mortality 5%

Starting Herd Size 50

Target Herd Size 250

Milk sale price (Rs) 35

Purchase Price of Cow (Rs) 300,000

Price of Low yield Cow (Rs) 100,000

Milk yield of Cow per day (litre) 28

Sale Price of 6 month old calf (Rs) 25,000

Sales Price growth rate 10%

CGS growth rate 5%

Lactation Period (no. of milking days per year) 305

Artificial insemination charges per cow per year (Rs) 5,000

Vaccination & medication charges per cow per year (Rs) 1,000

Electricity Cost & Diesel charges for generator (Rs. per 100,000


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Annexure - 1
Table 13-1:Vital Statistics of Cattles
Rectal Temperature 101.5 degrees F (38.5 degree C)
Heart Rate 60-70 beats/minute
Respiratory Rate 30 breaths/minute

Table 13-2:Traits of Farm Animals

Parameters Cattle
Age at puberty 15-18 months
Estrous duration 17 hrs
Estrous cycle length 21 days
Gestation length 305+_5 days
Dry period 2-3 months
Service period 2-3 months
Age at first calving 2 to 2.5 yr.
Calving interval 13 months

Table 13-3:Common Diseases of Livestock

Infectious Diseases
Disease Symptoms Preventive measures Medication

Anthrax Fever, grinding of teeth, Vaccination in February. Antibiotic therapy

release of blackish blood from Dead animal should be
natural openings, which buried in 6 feet deep pit
doesn’t clot. without any postmortem.

Foot and mouth Excessive salivation, Pustules FMD vaccine after every FMD Serum, cleaning
Disease on lips, tongue and between 4 months especially of pustules by
the cleft of hooves, staggering before the onset of rainy potassium
gait weakness due to inability season. permanganate solution,
of ingestion. cleaning of hooves by
phenyl solution
Non Contagious Diseases
Indigestion Loss of appetite, watering 5 grams Stomach
from mouth, stiffening of powder (mixed in feed
rumen, bloating, severe pain in or dissolved in water)
stomach twice a day

Bloating Difficult breathing due to air Avoid grazing early in Mustard (Sarson) oil &
(air trapped in trapped in stomach, animal morning especially on turpentine oil mixed
stomach) may die due to suffocation fodder with dewdrops. with chloral hydrate
mixed in drinking


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Dysentery Diarrhea, smelling feces, Avoid excessive intake of Calcium carbonate,

weakness milk especially in magnesium carbonate
newborn kids. and bismuth carbonate
Avoid wheat straw or stiff dissolved in water OR
feed during dysentery entox tablets OR
nimkol with
sulfademadine (4-5 cc).
Offer rice groule to
affected animals
Internal Parasites
Liver flukes Weakness, off feed, jaundice No grazing around Zanil or Carbon tetra
in severe cases, swelling on stagnant water chloride OR nilzan
joints plus, oral
Round Worms Weakness, diarrhea, anemia, Fecal samples should be Systamax or rental, oral
hair fall from body coat examined for administration


Flies/ ticks/ Irritation on body coat, Cleanliness in sheds, Apply sulfur oil,
maggots sometimes holes in skin, loss Spray of DDT in shed tetmasol or ecoflax on
of hair from body coat wounds and dipping of
whole herd with a 0.15
% solution of negavan.

Table 13-4: Vaccination Schedule

Name of Disease Name of Qty Time for Duration of Preventive
Vaccine administe Vaccination Immunity Measures
red (ml)
Foot & Mouth Foot & 5 ml Start of spring 4 months Should be
Disease Mouth given 4
(FMD) Vaccine months prior
to the
symptoms of
Anthrax Anthrax 0.5 ml March-April or One year Every year
spore monsoon season vaccination
vaccine should be
done every
Rabies Anti rabies 10 ml According to need One year Vaccine
(Bowla Pun) vaccine should be
used right
Hemorrhagic HS vaccine 5-10 ml Start of Spring 4 months Should be
Septicemia (HS) given 4
months prior
to the
symptoms of


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Annexure - 2
Table 13-5: Calving Register
Sr. Dam No. Sire No. Date of calving Sex of calf Wt. of calf Remarks

Table 13-6: Disposal of Death

Sr. no Animal/Dam No. Date of birth Sex Mode Cost Remarks

Table 13-7: Reproduction/Insemination/Pregnancy Diagnosis / Follow up /

Sr. no Animal No. Date of last calving No. of services Last date of Sire No. Result Rema
service rks

Table 13-8: Daily Milk Production

Sr. no No. of Milk Milk sold Income from Day's wet Herd Rema
animals prod. sale average average rks
a. Morning
b. Evening

Table 13-9: Details of Purchase / Sale of product/byproduct (Feed and fodder's,

medicines, ingredients, animal, etc.)
Sr. no Particulars Quantity Per unit rate Total cost Remarks

Table 13-10: Calving & Calf Disposal

Sr. no Date of birth Dam No. Sire No. Sex of calf Wt. of calf at birth Disposal Date Remarks

Table 13-11: Reproduction Performa

Brand No.......................Date of birth.................Dam No...............Date of 1st heat...........................

History sheet--------------------

Sr. no Particulars 1st calving 2nd calving 3rd calving 4th calving 5th calving
1. Service
(Date/Sire No.)


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Table 13-12: Conception Record

Date of Pregnancy Diagnosis------------------Result------------------Date of conception---
Excepted date of calving------------------Actual date of calving------------------Sex of

Table 13-13: Reproductive Health

Table 13-14: Individual Milking Record
Sr. no Order of Cow Date of Weekly recording Date when Days in milk Total
calving No. calving Morning dried milk yield

Table 13-15: Herd Health Register

Date Animal History Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Detail of vaccination Cost of treatment
or hygiene

Table 13-16: Monthly Expenses & Income Report

Sr. no Particulars Quantity Rate (per unit) Total cost

Table 13-17: Periodical Weighing Register

Sr. no Tattoo No. Brand No. Date of Wt. at weeks Wt. at months Wt. at Remarks
(Dam's) (Animal) birth 0,1,2…11,12 3,6,9,12,18,24 Service/


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Table 13-18: Suppliers List
Feed Suppliers Scmen Suppliers
Organon Feeds Altaf & Co.
Office No. 12 Ross Residencia 1, Campus 169-A/1, Gulberg III, Lahore
Road, Lahore. Phone:042-35763411-4
Phone: +92-42-36112476 Fax:042-35764412

National Feeds Ltd. Snam Pharma

171 Shadman – II Lahore. 8/50 Awan Plaza, Shadman Market,
Phone: +92-42 37551405-8 Lahore.
Fax: +92-42- 37573045 Phone:042-37576954

Doctor’s Dairy Feeds Ghazi Brothers

203/7, UC-3, Cattle colony, Bin Qasim, B-35 KDA Scheme no 1, Mian
Karachi. Muhammad Shah Road, Karachi.
Phone: +92-21-5081923-27 Phone: +92-21-4543579
Fax: +92-21-4543763
Machinery Suppliers Animal Suppliers
Delaval Elders Internationals
316- Upper mall Lahore. 139-2 Khayaban Ameer Khusro Phase6-
Phone:042-35710070-77 DHA, Karachi.
Phone: 021-35201962

Dairy Master Wellard Group (Pro Farm Pakistan)

DEC Sikka Street 8km Raiwind Road, 69/7 Green Villas-FCC, Syed Maratab Ali
Lahore. Road, Gulberg IV, Lahore.
Phone:042-353231667 Phone: 042-35777846-7
Fax: 042-35777811

WestFalia Agri Fred, USA

Suite 623, Al Hafeez Shopping Mall, 210 Rewaz Garden, Lower Mall,
Gulberg III, Lahore. Lahore.
Phone:042-35884627-8 Phone:042-37225666


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Dr. Tariq
Office No.12 Ross Residencia 1, Campus Road Canal Bank, Lahore.
Dr. Khalid
D-35, KDA Scheme No.1 Miran Muhammad Shah Road, Karachi.
Dr. Rehan (Agrimasters)
210 Rewaaz Garden, Lower Mall,

Table 13-19: Vaccination program for dairy herds.

Animal Time for Vaccination Detail
Description Vaccination
Heifers Three to four Clostridial group vaccine at three to four
months of age months of age, or earlier depending on risk

Five to six months • IBR, BVD, PI-3, BRSV

of age • Haemophilus
• Clostridial group
• Leptospirosis (5 strain)
• Worm
• Grub and lice treatment in early fall, repeat
as needed

Pre-breeding • IBR, BVD, PI-3, BRSV

• Leptospirosis (5 strain)
Pre-calving • Rotavirus, Coronavirus, E. coli twice, at six
and three weeks prior to calving
Adult Cows Cows are generally vaccinated for leptospirosis
and the virus diseases during the early lactation
period, approximately five weeks prior to
breeding. Some veterinarians prefer to vaccinate
during the dry period, although modified
Live virus vaccines are not used at this time


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Different Breeds of Cows




PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Pictures of the Environmental controlled Dairy farm Model

Model Farm outside layout


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Model Farm inside layout


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Heavy Duty Ventilation Fans

Calf Cages


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

Pre-Feasibility Study Dairy Farm (50 Cows)

Animals that, through selection and breeding, have come to resemble one another and
pass those traits uniformly to their offspring.
Any substance of nutritive and biological value used in production of compound feed.
Compound feed
Any ground mixture of ingredients intended for feeding the animals. It includes a
concentrate mixture accordingly to formula.
The process of removal of horns (in adult animal) or horn buds (in young calves). The
process may be done by mechanical or chemical means.
The term refers to young female bovine that reaches puberty age and is ready to breed.
Home Mixed Feed
Feed prepared on farm.
Oil seed Cake
Mass resulting from the processing of seeds, which is rich in protein and is used as a
source of feed for livestock, e.g. cottonseed cake, maize oil cake etc.
Amount of balance feed in 24 hours


PREF-17/ June, 2010/4

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