Transitive Tournament
Transitive Tournament
Transitive Tournament
1. T is transitive
2. T is acyclic
3. T does not contain a cycle of length 3
4. The score sequence (set of outdegrees) of T is {0,1,2,...,n − 1}.
5. T has exactly one Hamiltonian path.
Every tournament on n vertices has a transitive subtournament on log2n vertices. Reid and
Parker showed that this bound is not tight. Erdős and Moser have proved that there are
tournaments on n vertices without a transitive subtournament of size 2log2n.
A player who wins all games would naturally be the tournament's winner. However, as the
above example shows, there might not be such a player. A tournament for which every player
loses at least one game is called a 1-paradoxical tournament. More generally, a tournament
T=(V,E) is called k-paradoxical if for every k-element subset S of V there is a vertex v0 in
such that for all . By means of the probabilistic method, Paul Erdős
showed that for any fixed value of k, if |V| ≥ k22kln(2 + o(1)), then almost every tournament
on V is k-paradoxical.[3] On the other hand, an easy argument shows that any k-paradoxical
tournament must have at least 2k+1 − 1 players, which was improved to (k + 2)2k−1 − 1 by
Esther and George Szekeres.[4] There is an explicit construction of k-paradoxical tournaments
with k24k−1(1 + o(1)) players by Graham and Spencer,[5] namely the Paley tournament.
An oriented graph (cf. also Graph, oriented) without loops, each pair of vertices of which are
joined by an arc in exactly one direction. A tournament with vertices can be regarded as the
outcome of a competition with players, the rules of which forbid draws. The notion of a
tournament is used for ordering objects by the method of pairwise comparison. In this
connection it finds application in biology, sociology, etc.
A tournament is strong if and only if it has a spanning cycle (Hamiltonian circuit). Every
strong tournament with vertices has a circuit of length for . Every tournament
has a spanning path (Hamiltonian path).
The generating functions and for tournaments and strong tournaments, respectively,
are related by the formula:
Every tournament with vertices, , that is not strong is uniquely recoverable from the
family of its -vertex subtournaments.
[1] F. Harary, "Graph theory" , Addison-Wesley (1969) pp. Chapt. 9
[2] J.W. Moon, "Topics on tournaments" , Holt, Rinehart & Winston (1968)
A.A. Sapozhenko
[a1] F. Harary, L. Moser, "The theory of round robin tournaments" Amer. Math. Monthly , 73
(1966) pp. 231–246
[a2] L. Comtet, "Advanced combinatorics" , Reidel (1974) pp. 68ff (Translated from French)