Mordheim Master Equipment List
Mordheim Master Equipment List
Mordheim Master Equipment List
Missile Weapons
• Blowpipe (RB 29); 25 gc; Availability: Rare 7 (Skaven, Lizardmen and Forest Goblins only)
The blowpipe is a short hollow tube which can be used to shoot poisoned darts. While the darts by
themselves are too small to cause significant damage, the poison used by the Skaven can cause
searing agony and eventual death. The other advantage of a blowpipe is that it is silent, and a well-
hidden shooter can fire the darts undetected. Range: 8"; Strength: 1; Special Rule:
● Save +1: Allows the victim +1 to their Save, or if they have no save roll, they may roll a 6+.
● Poison: The needles fired by a blowpipe are coated in a venom very similar in its effects to the
Black Lotus (if you roll a 6 on the To Hit roll, the victim is automatically wounded). A blowpipe
cannot cause critical hits. This weapon has a positive armor save modifier, so a model that
normally has a save of 5+ will get a save of 4+ against a blowpipe dart. Even models that normally
do not have an armor save will get a 6+ save to take into account protection offered by clothes, fur
or the like.
● Stealthy: A Skaven armed with a blowpipe can fire while hidden without revealing his position
to the enemy. The target model can take an Initiative test in order to try to spot the firing Skaven.
If the test is successful, the Skaven no longer counts as hidden.
• Bow (RB 28); 10 gc; Availability: Common
The bow is carried by most races and used extensively in warfare. It is a compact yet powerful
weapon, that is cheap to make and easy to maintain. Maximum Range: 24"; Strength: 3; Special
Rules: None
• Crossbow Pistol (RB 30); 35 gc; Availability: Rare 9
Crossbow pistols are masterpieces made by expert weapon-smiths. They are miniature crossbows
with all the power and accuracy of the real thing. As these weapons may be easily concealed, they
are the favored weapon of assassins. Maximum Range:10"; Strength: 4; Special Rule:
● Shoot In Hand-to-Hand Combat: A model armed with a crossbow pistol may shoot it in the first
round of a hand-to-hand combat and this shot is always resolved first, before any blows are struck.
This shot has an extra -2 to hit penalty. Use model’s Ballistic Skill to see whether it hits or not.
This bonus attack is in addition to any close combat weapon attacks.
• Crossbow (RB 29); 25 gc; Availability: Common
A crossbow consists of a short, strong bow-stave mounted on a wooden or steel stock. The
crossbows of the Empire are made of steel and often include a winding mechanism to draw back
the string. It takes a long time to prepare a crossbow, but a bolt fired from one has a tremendous
range and can penetrate armor easily. Crossbows take much longer than other bows to make, so
they are expensive and relatively rare weapons. Still, they are the preferred weapon of many in
Mordheim because of their power and long range. Maximum Range: 30"; Strength: 4; Special
● Move or Fire: You may not move and fire a crossbow on the same turn, other than to pivot on
the spot to face your target or to stand up.
• Elf Bow (RB 28); 35 +3D6 gc; Availability: Rare 12
Elven bows are the finest missile weapons of their kind. Constructed from Ithilmar or wood from
the Elf forests, with strings woven from the hair of Elf maidens, Elven bows are far superior to
any missile weapons made by other races. In the hands of an Elven archer, the Elf bow is a truly
potent weapon, its long range and penetrating power making it far superior to any bow made by
humans. Maximum Range: 36"; Strength: 3; Special Rules:
● -1 Save Modifier: An Elf bow has a -1 save modifier on armor saves against it.
• Javelins (TC 23); 5 gc; Availability: Common
Javelins are short throwing spears specially weighted to travel quite a distance. Although they
have a much reduced range when compared to an arrow they can cause quite considerable damage
when thrown by a person of great strength. Range: 8"; Strength: As User; Special
● Thrown Weapon: Javelins are thrown weapons and the warrior suffers no penalties for moving
and shooting.
• Long Bow (RB 28); 15 gc; Availability: Common
A long bow is made of alternating layers of either yew or elm. A skilled archer can hit a chosen
leaf on a tree from three hundred paces with this weapon. The long bow is favored by experienced
archers due to its great reach and accuracy. Maximum Range: 30"; Strength: 3; Special Rules:
• Repeater Crossbow (RB 30); 40 gc; Availability: Rare 8
Repeater crossbows are extremely complex devices, expensive to acquire and difficult to make.
While this makes them rare, they certainly have their uses: they can rain a deadly hail of bolts on
enemies, and a warrior using one may move quite fast and still fire his weapon. Maximum Range:
24"; Strength: 3; Special Rule:
● Fire Twice: A model armed with a repeater crossbow may choose to fire twice per turn with an
extra -1 to hit penalty on both shots.
• Short Bow (RB 28); 5 gc; Availability: Common
Short bows are small, short-ranged bows that are cheap and require little strength to use. Some
cavalry carry a shortened bow which is easier to shoot from horseback than a larger bow.
Halflings also use short bows, as they lack the strength and height required to use a long bow.
Maximum Range: 16"; Strength: 3; Special Rules: None
• Sling (RB 29); 2 gc; Availability: Common
Slings are rarely used, mainly because they are no more powerful than bows and have a shorter
range. A sling is little more than a looped strip of cloth or leather into which a stone is placed. The
sling is whirled about the slinger’s head and the sling stone is then released towards the target.
While this weapon is looked down upon by most archers, a skilled slinger can slay a man from a
considerable distance, and the ammunition is easy to find: rocks are everywhere and free!
Maximum Range: 18"; Strength: 3; Special Rule:
● Fire Twice at Half Range: A slinger may fire twice in the shooting phase if he does not move in
the movement phase. He cannot shoot over half range (9") though, if he fires twice. If the model
fires twice then each shot is at -1 to hit.
• Sunstaff (TC 23); 50 gc; Availability: Rare 12
The Sunstaff is a long tubular stick that is made from a strange multicolored metal with one end
hollow like a tube. Strange runes are carved along its length and a large gemstone is set into the
pommel. Despite being extremely ancient (Elf Lore Masters of the White Tower of Hoeth claim to
have found a similar device that they surmise is more than 20,000 years old – older than the Elven
race itself!), the wielder of the Sunstaff can discharge a beam of energy akin to the rays of the
sun. Range: 24"; Strength: 4; Special Rules:
● Accurate: The Sunstaff does not suffer the usual -1 modifier to hit for long
● No Save: The beam from a Sunstaff can literally cut through anything. A
warrior wounded by a Sunstaff receives no armor save whatsoever.
• Sun Gauntlet (TC 23); 40 gc; Availability: Rare 12
This, as with all strange arcane Amazon items, is made from an unknown multicolored metal that
is impervious to damage or corrosion. It is covered in strange runes and a bright gemstone is set
into the hilt. In many ways this weapon resembles a Blackpowder pistol. It can be held in one
hand and when pointed at an enemy unleashes a blinding beam of energy like the
Sunstaff. Range: 12"; Strength: 4; Special Rules:
● Accurate: The Sun Gauntlet does not suffer the usual -1 modifier to hit for
long range.
● No Save: he beam from a Sun Gauntlet can literally cut through anything. A
warrior wounded by a Sun Gauntlet receives no armor save whatsoever.
● Hand-to-Hand (HtH): The Sun Gauntlet can be used with another close
combat weapon in hand to hand combat with Strength 4 and no armor save.
Because it does not require prepared shot, this bonus attack may be used in
each turn of combat.
• Throwing Stars/Knives (RB 29); 15 gc; Availability: Rare 5
Throwing stars are used mainly by the assassins of the sinister House of Shadows, or by street
thugs who specialize in ambushing the unwary. A perfectly balanced knife thrown from behind
has ended the life of many a noble and merchant in Mordheim. Throwing knives are not suitable
for close combat, as their balance makes them unwieldy in close quarters. Range: 6"; Strength: As
user; Special Rule:
● Thrown Weapon: Models using throwing stars or knives do not suffer penalties for range or
moving as these weapons are perfectly balanced for throwing. They cannot be used in close
Blackpowder Weapons
• Blunderbuss (RB 32); 30 gc; Availability: Rare 9
A blunderbuss is a primitive Blackpowder weapon, which fires a hail of lead
balls, rusty bolts, bent nails, and other assorted scrap metal. It is a powerful,
if erratic, weapon and takes such a long time to load that most warriors
discard it after the first shot. Maximum Range: Special; Strength: 3; Special
● Shot: When your model fires the blunderbuss, draw a line 16" long and 1"
wide in any direction from the firer (the line must be absolutely straight). Any
and all models in its path are automatically hit by a Strength 3 hit.
● Fire Once: It takes a very long time to load a blunderbuss so it may only be
fired it once per battle.
• Double-barreled Hunting Rifle (A02 41); 250 gc; Availability: Rare 12
Double-barreled Pistol (A02 41); 30 gc/60 gc for a brace; Availability: Rare 10
Knowing Ostlanders’ penchant for impressive weaponry (and ready willingness to spend
excessive amounts of money) a Weaponsmith from Hochland decided to weld two barrels together
on a pistol and sell it for twice the price. The Warband was so impressed with their new weapon
that they asked him to do the same to their hunting rifle. Since then the Weaponsmith has been
flooded with orders from some of the most powerful Warbands in Mordheim. A double-barreled
gun (of any sort) is treated exactly like a normal version with one exception. Any enemy is hit by
two blasts rather than one (i.e. a pistol causes two S4 hits rather than one for each successful hit.)
However, each barrel takes a full turn to reload (although if you reload only one barrel you can
fire it like a normal pistol/rifle). If you own a brace of double-barreled pistols you may fire them
every other round (rather than every round like a normal brace).
• Dueling Pistol/brace (RB 32); 30 gc/60 gc; Availability: Rare 10
A dueling pistol is a work of art, and a gunsmith labors long and hard to
produce a single example. They are often carried by Imperial nobles to solve
disputes over love and honor, and many a noble has died at dawn in a duel
over some grievance. Dueling pistols are prohibitively expensive weapons and
common warriors rarely have them. Even if they do manage to steal or buy
one, the ammunition is prohibitively expensive. Some of the wealthiest
warriors in Mordheim carry dueling pistols as status symbols, commanding
great respect, admiration and envy. Maximum Range: 10"; Strength: 4;
Special Rules:
● Accuracy: A dueling pistol is built for accuracy as a skilled duelist is able to
hit a coin from twenty paces. All shots and close combat attacks from a
dueling pistol have a +1 bonus to hit.
● Prepare Shot: A dueling pistol takes a complete turn to reload, so your
model may only fire every other turn. If he has a brace of dueling pistols he
may fire every turn.
● Save Modifier: Dueling pistols are even better at penetrating armor than
their Strength 4 suggests. A warrior wounded by a dueling pistol must make
his armor save with a -2 modifier.
● Hand-to-Hand: Dueling pistols can be used in hand-to-hand combat as well
as for shooting. A model armed with a dueling pistol and another close
combat weapon gains +1 Attack, which is resolved at Strength 4 with a -2
save modifier. This bonus attack can be used only once per combat. If you
are firing a brace of dueling pistols, your model can fight with 2 Attacks in the
first turn of close combat. These attacks are resolved with a model’s Weapon
Skill like any normal close combat attack and likewise may be parried.
Successful hits are resolved at Strength 4 and with a -2 save modifier,
regardless of the firer’s Strength.
• Handgun (RB 33); 35 gc; Availability: Rare 8
A handgun is a simple firearm. The quality of construction varies ranging from
the crude wooden ‘hakbuts’ of the artillery school of Nuln, to the more
sophisticated Dwarf firearms that have levers and springs which hold the
burning match, and triggers which release the firing mechanism and fire the
gun. Handguns are not terribly reliable weapons: the gun barrel occasionally
tends to explode violently or the powder fails to ignite. But the weapon has a
great range and tremendous penetrating power, making a mockery of even
the thickest armor. In Mordheim, handguns are rare and expensive, but a
warband which can boast such a weapon will command respect from all its
rivals. Maximum Range: 24"; Strength: 4; Special Rules:
● Prepare Shot: A handgun takes a complete turn to reload, so you may only
fire it every other turn.
● Move or Fire: You may not move and fire a handgun in the same turn,
other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or stand up.
● Save Modifier: Handguns are even better at penetrating armor than their
Strength 4 suggests. A warrior wounded by a handgun must take its armor
save with a -2 modifier.
• Hochland Long Hunting Rifle (RB 33); 200 gc; Availability: Rare 11
Hochland is a province famed for its hunters, and the preferred weapon of its
nobility when they go hunting is a long-ranged rifle. They are extremely rare
and precious weapons, and only the most experienced weapon smiths are
capable of manufacturing them. Maximum Range: 48"; Strength: 4; Special
● Move or Fire: You may not move and fire a Hochland long rifle in the same
turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or stand up from
knocked down.
● Prepare Shot: A Hochland long rifle takes a complete turn to reload, so you
may only fire it every other turn.
● Pick Target: A model armed with a Hochland long rifle can target any
enemy model in sight, not just the closest one.
● Save Modifier: Hochland long rifles are even better at penetrating armor
than their Strength 4 suggests. A warrior wounded by a long rifle must make
his armor save with a -2 modifier.
• Pistol/brace (RB 31); 15 gc/30 gc; Availability: Rare 8
A pistol is a small, simple Blackpowder weapon fired by a spring mechanism.
Most pistols are expensive, unreliable, and poorly constructed. Maximum
Range: 6"; Strength: 4; Special Rules:
● Prepare Shot: A pistol takes a whole turn to reload, so you may only fire
every other turn. If you have a brace of pistols (i.e., two) you may fire every
● Save Modifier: Pistols are even better at penetrating armor than their
Strength value of 4 suggests. A model wounded by a pistol must take its
armor save with a -2 modifier.
● Hand-to-Hand: Pistols can be used in hand-to-hand combat as well as for
shooting. A model armed with a pistol and another close combat weapon
gains +1 Attack, which is resolved at Strength 4 with a -2 save modifier. This
bonus attack can be used only once per combat. If you are firing a brace of
pistols, your model can fight with 2 Attacks in the first turn of close combat.
These attacks are resolved with a model’s Weapon Skill like any normal close
combat attack and likewise may be parried. Successful hits are resolved at
Strength 4 and with a -2 save modifier, regardless of the firer’s Strength.
• Warplock Pistol/brace (RB 29); 35/70 gc; Availability: Rare 11 (Skaven
Warplock pistols are terrifying weapons, testimony to the mad genius of Clan
Skryre engineers. Warplock pistols shoot ammunition made of magically
treated warpstone and wounds caused by Warplock pistols are horrible to
behold and often cause infections. Range: 8"; Strength: 5; Special Rule:
● Save -3: Victim suffers -3 to their Save roll.
● Fire Every Other Turn: May be fired once every other turn. Braces may be
fired once every turn, or twice every other turn.
Barding (EiF 16); 30 gc; Availability: Rare 11
Barding is armor for a horse in the same way that light and heavy armor is for
a human. It covers the mount’s hide and in some cases the head. A model
mounted on barded horse receives an additional +1 Armor save (+2 instead of
+1 for being mounted). In addition, a mount wearing barding will only be killed
on a D6 roll of a 1 if the model is taken out of action. Warhorses only.
Buckler (RB 35); 5 gc; Availability: Common
Bucklers are small, round shields designed for parrying or deflecting blows.
They are usually made of steel for they need to be tremendously durable to
survive the brutal blows of hand-to-hand combat. Using a buckler requires
great skill, but a nimble warrior can protect himself from blows which would
otherwise cripple him. Special Rule:
● Parry: A model equipped with a buckler may parry the first blow in each
round of hand-to-hand combat. When his opponent scores a hit, a model with a
buckler may roll 1D6. If the score is greater than the highest to hit score of his
opponent, the model has parried the blow, and that attack is discarded. A
model may not parry attacks made with double or more its own Strength –
they are simply too powerful to be stopped.
Gromril Armor (RB 35); 150 gc; Availability: Rare 11
Gromril is the rarest and strongest metal known of in the Old World. Only a
very few Dwarf smiths know the secret of forging Gromril, and a suit of armor
made from it fetches a huge price. Gromril armor gives the wearer a 4+ basic
save, and does not slow him down if he is also armed with a shield.
Heavy Armor (RB 34); 50 gc; Availability: Common
Typical heavy armor is made from metal links and is called chain mail. Forging
chain mail is a laborious and time consuming process, as the blacksmith must
put together hundreds, sometimes thousands, of metal links. This makes chain
mail expensive, but this type of armor provides excellent protection for anyone
who can afford it. There are other types of heavy armor as well, of which the
best known are the steel breastplates and greaves worn by the foot knights of
the Templar orders. Special Rules:
● Save: A warrior that is wearing heavy armor has a basic D6 saving throw of
● Movement: A warrior that is armed with both heavy armor and a shield
suffers a -1 Movement penalty.
Helmet (RB 35); 10 gc; Availability: Common
From the shining steel helmets of Bretonnian knights to the leather caps of the
Skaven, all sensible warriors try to protect the most vulnerable part of their
body – their head. Even the most vain fighters still use a helmet, as it can be
festooned with plumes, horns and other decorations. Helmets come in varying
shapes and sizes, but their basic function remains the same. Special Rule:
● Avoid Stun: A model that is equipped with a helmet has a special 4+ save on
a D6 against being stunned. If the save is made, treat the stunned result as
knocked down instead. This save is not modified by the opponent’s Strength.
Ithilmar Armor (RB 35); 90 gc; Availability: Rare 11
Ithilmar is a silvery metal which is as light as silk and stronger than steel. Elves
are experts at fashioning weapons and armor from Ithilmar, and the Elven
kingdom of Caledor is the only place in the world where this metal can be
found. Ithilmar armor gives the wearer a 5+ basic save, and does not slow him
down if he is also armed with a shield.
Light Armor (RB 34); 20 gc; Availability: Common
Light armor encompasses a wide variety of materials from hardened leather
tunics to chain shirts forged from steel. It does not offer complete protection
against arrows or swords, but it is better than having nothing at all. Light
armor does not inhibit movement. Armor Saving Throw:
● Save: A warrior who is wearing light armor has a basic D6 saving throw of 6.
Pavise (A02 85); 25 gc; Availability: Rare 8
A pavise is a huge shield commonly used by regiments of warriors in a battle to
defend themselves from the arrows of their enemies. It is a weighty item and
little use in a long protracted combat but excellent against shooting. Special
● Cover/Save: A warrior using a pavise counts as if he is in cover against
missile attacks (-1 to hit). In close combat, the pavise counts as a shield (+1
armor save) but only if the warrior was charged to his front. Because the
pavise is so heavy and cumbersome, the bearer moves at half pace.
Shield (RB 35); 5 gc; Availability: Common
There are two types of shield common to the warriors of Mordheim: the first is
made of wood, occasionally reinforced with metal plates. This basic type of
shield, although strong, does tend to splinter, but this can sometimes save the
user’s life as his enemy’s weapon can get trapped allowing him to strike back
whilst his enemy struggles to free his weapon. Metal shields are heavy and
cumbersome, but last much longer and can take a battering. A typical Empire
shield is either round or triangular, and carries the emblem of the province or
city of its owner. Armor Saving Throw:
● Save: A model with a shield has a basic save of 6 on a D6.
Toughened Leathers (A02 16); 5 gc; Availability: Common
Expert leatherworkers are able to turn leather coats into armor (after a
fashion) and those with limited funds often favor these jackets and coats as
armor is very expensive. Covered with crusted salt, alcohol and other less
savory materials, toughened leather is hard to penetrate and offers some
protection in combat.
● Special Rule: Toughened leathers work exactly like light armor, giving the
wearer a 6+ Armor save, but cannot be combined with the effects of any other
armor except a helmet or buckler. Toughened leathers cannot be sold back at
the Trading Posts; the stench alone is enough to drive away even the most
desperate of buyers!
Wolfcloak (A02 16); 10 gc; Availability: Special
In Middenheim it is still considered to be the feat of a true man to slay a great
wolf single-handed. Warriors who accomplish such a deed will command the
respect of their peers, and their cloaks will be blessed by the High Priest of the
Cult of Ulric, the god of winter, war and wolves. Middenheimers only.
● Special Rules: To acquire a Wolfcloak, a Hero must pay 10 gc (to represent
the expense of traveling to Middenheim and taking part in a hunt). In addition,
the Hero must roll equal to or under his Strength on a D6. If successful, the
Hero finds and slays the wolf and can wear its cloak as a mark of his skill and
prowess. Note that Middenheimers may buy Wolfcloaks when starting their
warband without making a test for availability. A model wearing a Wolfcloak
will gain +1 to his armor saves against all shooting attacks.
• Amulet of the Moon (TC 23); 50 gc; Availability: Rare 12
Once activated, this ancient device creates a shimmering aura around the
wearer that makes it harder for enemies to see them. Any missile fire
directed at a model equipped with the amulet suffers a penalty of -1 to hit.
The amulet also confers a special save of 5+ against missile fire.
• Banner (A02 16); 10 gc; Availability: Rare 5
Many more established warbands carry a banner or flag, not only to announce
their presence but to also act as a rallying point for the warband during a
● Special Rule: A banner requires one hand to use and can be carried by any
Hero in the warband. Friendly warriors within 12" of the banner bearer may
re-roll any failed ‘All-Alone’ test; but remember you can’t re-roll a failed re-
• Bear-Claw Necklace (A02 77); 75+3D6 gc; Availability: Rare 9 (Kislevite
Heroes Only)
Bears are widely regarded as sacred in Kislev, and a necklace made of their
claws (or sometimes their teeth) is considered magical and reputed to have
magical powers. A warrior wearing a bear-claw necklace receives some of the
strength and wild ferocity of the bear it came from. A warrior wearing a bear-
claw necklace becomes subject to Frenzy.
• Black Lotus (RB 36); 10+D6 gc; Availability: Rare 9 [Rare 7 for Skaven]
Not available to Witch Hunters, Warrior-Priests or Sisters of Sigmar.
The use of poison is almost universally abhorred, but in the ruthless and
brutal battles fought in Mordheim, desperate warbands often resort to the use
of envenomed blades. Poison may not be used with Blackpowder weapons.
When you buy a vial of poison, there is always only enough to last the
duration of one battle. You can only poison a single weapon with one vial of
In the deepest forests of the Southlands grows a plant that is extremely
poisonous. It is known as Black Lotus and is much sought after by alchemists,
assassins, wizards of the Western Coast and bored wives. A weapon coated
with the sap of the Black Lotus will wound its target automatically if you roll a
6 to hit. Note that you can still roll a dice for every wound inflicted in this
way. If you roll a 6, you will inflict a critical hit with that roll. If you do not roll
a 6, you will cause a normal wound. Take armor saves as normal.
• Blessed Water (RB 37); 10+3D6 gc; Availability: Rare 6 [Common for
Warrior-Priests & Sisters of Sigmar]
May not be bought by Undead.
The priests of Ulric, Sigmar, Morr and Manann hold great power over evil.
Pure water from a clear fountain, blessed by one of these priests, is said to
burn things of darkness and evil. A vial of blessed water contains enough
liquid for just one use, and has a thrown range of twice the thrower’s
Strength in inches. Roll to hit using the model’s BS. No modifiers for range or
moving apply. Blessed water causes 1 wound on Undead, Daemon or
Possessed models automatically. There is no armor save. Undead or
Possessed models may not use blessed water.
• Bota Bag (TC 18); 5 gc; Availability: Common
Like a wine skin it allows the owner to carry one more water unit than
normal. Each character may only take one Bota Bag.
• Bugman’s Ale (RB 37); 50+3D6 gc; Availability: Rare 9
Of all the Dwarf brewmasters, Josef Bugman is the most famous. His ale is
known throughout the Old World, and widely regarded as the best. A warband
that drinks a barrel of Bugman’s before a battle will be immune to fear for the
whole of the battle. Elves may not drink Bugman’s ale as they are far too
delicate to cope with its effects. There is only enough ale to supply the
warband for one battle.
• Caltrops (A02 86); 15+2D6 gc; Availability: Rare 6
Original used on the battlefield to impede cavalry charges, a caltrop is a small
spiked iron ball. In the City of the Damned, a pouch of these small items can
be enough to deter any attacker who risks serious injury should they try to
charge over them. There are enough caltrops to last for one use only. They
may be used when an opponent decides to charge. The defender simply
throws the caltrops into the path of his attacker and they reduce his charge
range by D6 inches. If this means that the attacker cannot reach his target
then it is a failed charge.
• Cathayan Silk Clothes (RB 39); 50+2D6; Availability: gc Rare 9
Some rich warband leaders like to flaunt their wealth and purchase clothes
made out of silk from distant Cathay. This silk is the most expensive fabric in
the known world, and wearing such clothes is a sure way to attract attention
– especially thieves and assassins! Any Mercenary warband whose leader is
wearing silk clothes may re-roll the first failed Rout test. However, after each
battle in which the leader is taken out of action, roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3 the
clothes are ruined and must be discarded.
• Crimson Shade (RB 36); 35+D6 gc; Availability: Rare 8
The use of poison is almost universally abhorred, but in the ruthless and
brutal battles fought in Mordheim, desperate warbands often resort to the use
of envenomed blades. Poison may not be used with Blackpowder weapons.
When you buy a vial of poison, there is always only enough to last the
duration of one battle. You can only poison a single weapon with one vial of
Crimson Shade is the name given by Old Worlders to the leaves of the blood
oak of Estalia. It is an extremely addictive drug, but grants its users inhuman
quickness and strength.
● Effect: A model using Crimson Shade has his Initiative increased by +D3
points, and Movement and Strength by +1 (this effect lasts for one game).
Crimson Shade has no effect on Undead such as Vampires and Zombies, or
the Possessed.
● Side Effects: After the battle, roll 2D6. On a roll of 2-3, the model becomes
addicted and you must try to buy him a new batch of Crimson Shade before
every battle from now on. If you fail to buy any, he will leave your warband.
On a roll of 12 the model’s Initiative is increased permanently by +1.
• Dark Venom (RB 36); 30+2D6 gc; Availability: Rare 8
Not available to Witch Hunters, Warrior-Priests, or Sisters of Sigmar
The use of poison is almost universally abhorred, but in the ruthless and
brutal battles fought in Mordheim, desperate warbands often resort to the use
of envenomed blades. Poison may not be used with Blackpowder weapons.
When you buy a vial of poison, there is always only enough to last the
duration of one battle. You can only poison a single weapon with one vial of
This is a poison extracted from Heldrakes, gigantic sea serpents that plague
the Western Ocean and the coast of Naggaroth. The slightest wound infected
by Dark Venom causes excruciating pain, incapacitating the bravest of men.
Any hit caused by a weapon coated with Dark Venom counts as having +1
Strength, so, for example, if a warrior with Strength 3 wielding a poisoned
sword hits an opponent, he will cause a Strength 4 hit instead. Armor saving
throws are modified to take into account the increased Strength of the attack.
• Elven Cloak (RB 37, A02 61); 100+D6x10 gc; Availability: Rare 12
Made from the hair of Elven maidens and interwoven with living tree leaves,
an Elven cloak is a wonder to behold. A warrior wearing such a cloak will
blend into the shadows, making it very difficult to shoot at them with missile
weapons. Elven cloaks rarely come up for sale, but are sometimes recovered
from dead warriors or offered by Elves as rewards to men who have served
them in some way. A warrior aiming a missile weapon at a warrior wearing an
Elven cloak suffers -1 on his to hit roll. Being from Ulthuan, Shadow Warriors
(A02 60) have access to items that are rarely seen by other races; 75 +
D6x10 gc; Availability: Rare 12
• Elven Runestones (A02 60); 50+2D6 gc; Availability: Rare 11 (Shadow
Weavers Only)
High Elven mages are well known as the masters of defensive magic. To aid
them, they have developed several mystic runes of power. They often inscribe
these runes on semiprecious stones, which can help strengthen an Elven
Mage’s magical defenses. A mage with Elven Runestones may use them to
attempt to dispel a spell that has been successfully cast against himself or
another member of his warband. To dispel such a spell, the mage must roll
against the spell’s Difficulty (Sorcery does not help here). If he succeeds, the
spell fails to work. If the roll fails, the spell works normally.
• Elven Wine (A02 60); 50+3D6 gc; Availability: Rare 10 (Shadow Warriors
Only, one use only)
High Elven wines are well known to be the best in the world, and some are
even rumored to have magical qualities. A fine Elven Wine can cast out doubt
and fear and leave a general feeling of well-being in a warrior. A Shadow
Warrior Warband that drinks Elven Wine before a battle will be immune to
Fear for the whole of the battle.
• Familiar (A02 61); 20+1D6 gc; Availability: Rare 8
Wizards are often solitary, usually shunned by those who can barely conceive
of, much less understand, the power these individuals wield. As such, they
often share their lives with animal companions, rather than more ‘sentient’
beings. Sometimes a magical link will develop between one of these animals
and the wizard, to the extent that the wizard begins to see through the
animal’s eyes, and hear its thoughts. Wizards in different lands favor different
types of familiars, depending on their environment: Shadow Weavers tend to
favor darkly-colored animals that can blend into the shadows with them
easily- ravens or darkly-colored cats are most common. Regardless of their
form, familiars are actually not normal members of their kind at all, but rather
creatures that have somehow become attuned to the Winds of Magic.
Familiars cannot actually be purchased as normal equipment. The cost to
‘purchase’ a familiar actually represents the cost of materials to cast the ritual
to summon a familiar and form a magical bond with it; the Rarity level
represents the chances of the ritual actually working. As such, the cost of the
familiar must always be paid if the rarity roll is attempted, regardless of the
success of the roll. Also, only spell-casters can attempt to ‘find’ a familiar. If a
familiar is found, it should be modeled on the Spellcaster as with any other
piece of equipment. A familiar may be placed on a separate base (in fact
many of the familiars that GW sells come this way, but if this is done the
familiar must always remain in base-to-base contact with the wizard, and it is
ignored for game purposes (so it may not attack enemy models or be
attacked itself, may not intercept attackers, does not increase the wizard’s
base size, etc.), other than the effect below. A wizard with a familiar is
allowed to re-roll one failed roll to cast a spell each turn. The result of this re-
roll must be accepted, even if it fails, and remember that you may never re-
roll a re-roll. Spell-users only (does not include users of Prayers). Note that
unlike many of the items above, this item is equipment that any warband with
a spell-user may use, if he can summon it successfully.
● Special Rules: The cost of the familiar must always be paid if the rarity role
is attempted, regardless of the success of the roll. Also, only spell-casters can
attempt to ‘find’ a familiar. A wizard with a familiar is allowed to re-roll one
failed roll to cast a spell each turn. The result of this re-roll must be accepted,
even if it fails.
• Fire Arrows (A02 87); 30+D6 gc; Availability: Rare 9
Fire arrows are tied with rags soaked in oil up in a tight pouch that explodes
bunched up in a tight pouch that explodes when hitting the target, setting
clothes and equipment alight. If you hit with a fire arrow roll a D6. If you
score a 4+ your opponent has been set on fire. If the warrior survives the
attack they must score a 4+ in the Recovery phase or suffer a Strength 4 hit
each turn they are on fire and will be unable to do anything other then move.
Other warriors from the same warband may help to put the flames out if they
wish. They must move into base-to-base contact and score a 4+ in the
Recovery phase.
• Fire Bomb (A02 86); 35+2D6 gc; Availability: Rare 9
Designed by the dwarf engineers of the Worlds Edge Mountains, fire bombs
are a rare and deadly weapon. A small batch of gunpowder is sealed within an
iron casting with a short fuse fed into it. When lit, the thrower has only
seconds before the gunpowder ignites and explodes. This can often prove to
be dangerous, as if the fire bomb is fused incorrectly it could be the thrower
who finds himself amidst the explosion... The fire bomb may be thrown in the
Shooting phase in the same way as blessed water (p53 Mordheim rulebook).
If the bomb lands on target, the warrior hit takes D3 Strength 4 hits with no
saves for armor and all warriors, friend or foe, within 1” of him take 1
Strength 3 hit with saves as normal. If the throwing warrior rolls 1 when
rolling to hit, the bomb misfires and explodes just as if the throwing warrior
had been hit by his own fire bomb.
• Flash Powder (A02 86); 25+2D6; Availability: Rare 8
An ancient Dwarf creation, flash powder is used in mines to illuminate
darkened fissures in the search for gold and other precious minerals. In
Mordheim, small bags of this substance can be used to blind enemies,
throwing them into disarray as you launch your attack. Flash Powder can be
thrown as and enemy charges the wielder (as an interrupt). The charger must
take and immediate Initiative test in order to cover their eyes. If he fails, he
is temporarily blinded and it counts as a failed charge. There is only enough
flash powder for one use during the battle.
• Forest Cloak (TC 29); 50 gc; Availability: Rare 10 (Outlaw Heroes only)
Some Outlaws use Forest Cloaks to camouflage themselves against being
seen by their enemies. Any wearer of such a cloak would appear to blend into
the surrounding forest making it almost impossible to be seen. So long as the
wearer is beside a tree, bush, hedge or vegetation, any enemy using any kind
of missile weapon at a warrior wearing a Forest Cloak is at an additional -1 BS
to hit (in addition to all other modifiers). Similarly, if any spellcaster wishes to
target a magical attack against an Outlaw camouflaged in this way, he can
only do so by successfully rolling a 4+ on a D6. The only exception to this is if
the shooting warrior or the spellcaster is already within their Initiative range
in inches. Forest Cloaks are available to Heroes at the time of their initial
recruitment without having to roll for Rarity. If you wish to subsequently
purchase this item during the Trading and Exploration stages of the game,
then you would have to roll for Rarity as normal.
• Garlic (RB 37); 1 gc; Availability: Common
May not be bought by Undead.
Garlic is a common herb grown in most gardens of the Empire. It is said to
ward off Vampires and other denizens of the dark. A Vampire must pass a
Leadership test or it will be unable to charge a model carrying a clove of
garlic. Garlic lasts for the duration of one battle only, whether it is used or
• Halfling Cookbook (RB 38); 30+3D6 gc; Availability: Rare 7
All Halfling chefs have their own secret recipes, and these are recorded in
tomes handwritten in Mootland, the home country of the Halflings. Food
prepared according to these recipes will attract warriors during these lean
times. The maximum number of warriors allowed in your warband is
increased by +1 (note that neither an Undead warband nor a Carnival of
Chaos warband can use this item).
• Hammer of Witches (A02 16); 100 gc; Availability: Rare 10
The pages in this tome describe the servants of Chaos, witches, heretics,
deviants, mutants, warlocks, blasphemers, necromancers, sinners and other
enemies of Sigmar in all their foulness. Witch Hunters only.
● Special Rule: A Hero with the Hammer of Witches will hate all Possessed,
Skaven, Beastmen, Chaos, Daemons, Dark Elf, Orc & Goblins and Sigmarite
• Healing Herbs (RB 38, TC 23); 20+2D6 gc; Availability: Rare 8
Certain plants that grow on the banks of the River Stir have curative
properties. Herbalists collect their roots and leaves and use them to treat the
sick and wounded. A Hero with healing herbs can use them at the beginning
of any of his recovery phases as long as he is not engaged in hand-to-hand
combat. This restores all wounds he has previously lost during the
game. Amazon Warriors are master herbalists and may buy Healing Herbs as
common items, instead of rare items, for 35 gc.
• Holy (Unholy) Relic (RB 38); 15+3D6 gc; Availability: Rare 8 [Rare 6 for
Warrior-Priests & Sisters of Sigmar]
In this age of superstition and religious fanaticism, holy objects are an
important part of life. Relics abound in the Old World: hairs of Sigmar, pieces
from Ulric’s hammer, teeth of Daemon Princes, all are sold to men needing
encouragement before battle and as charms against sorcery. A model with a
holy relic will automatically pass the first Leadership test he is required to
make in the game. If worn by the leader, it will allow him to automatically
pass the first Rout test if he has not taken any Leadership tests before. You
can only ignore the first Leadership test in any single game – owning two or
more holy relics will not allow you to ignore second and subsequent tests.
• Holy Tome (RB 38); 100+D6x10 gc; Availability: Rare 8
Only available to Warrior-Priests and Sisters of Sigmar.
Books of prayers and descriptions of the holy deeds of religious heroes like
Sigmar Heldenhammer are copied by hand in the scriptoriums of Sigmar and
Ulric, and given or sold to the faithful. Of these tomes, the Deus Sigmar is the
most common and well known, but other texts such as the Scriptures of
Sigmar are also sold to those who follow the faith. A holy man can recite his
prayers from such a book, strengthening his faith and belief. A Warrior Priest
or Sister of Sigmar with a holy tome can add +1 to the score when
determining whether he (or she) can recite a spell successfully or not.
• Horse (RB 38); 40 gc; Availability: Rare 8
Only available to Humans.
You may mount one of your Heroes on a horse or warhorse in the coming
battles. Horses and warhorses can only be used if you are using the optional
rules for mounted models at the back of the book.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Horse 8 0 0 3 3 1 3 0 5
• Hunting Arrows (RB 37); 25+D6 gc; Availability: Rare 8
The best hunting arrows are made by the hunters of Drakwald forest. They
have sharp, barbed arrowheads which cause excruciating pain when they hit
their target. A skilled archer can severely injure his target with a single arrow.
A model using a short bow, bow, long bow or Elf bow may use these arrows.
They add +1 to all Injury rolls.These are available to Heroes at the time of
their initial recruitment without having to roll for Rarity. If you wish to
subsequently purchase this item during the Trading and Exploration stages of
the game, then you would have to roll for Rarity as normal.
• Lantern (RB 39); 10 gc; Availability: Common
A model that is in possession of a lantern may add +4" to the distance from
which he is able to spot hidden enemies.
• Lock Picks (EiF 16); 15 gc; Availability: Rare 8
A standard piece of kit for less scrupulous characters. A set of lock picks may
be used by those who rely more on skill-at-arms and speed of thought than
brute strength to open doors that others have secured. A model equipped
with a set of lock picks may make his test to open doors on his Initiative
rather than his Strength characteristic if he wishes. This is done at the end of
his Movement phase as if the model were ripping the door off its hinges,
though he uses his Initiative rather than Strength, there is no -1 modifier,
and there is no chance that the door is too damaged to be locked again later.
• Lucky Charm (RB 37); 10 gc; Availability: Rare 6
These take many shapes, but the most common are symbolic hammers that a
pious Sigmarite Priest has touched, or carved heads of ancient Dwarf gods.
The first time a model with a lucky charm is hit in a battle they roll a D6. On a
4+ the hit is discarded and no damage is suffered. Owning two or more
charms does not confer any extra benefits, the model may still only try to
discard the first hit.
• Mad Cap Mushrooms (RB 36, A02 12); 30+3D6 gc; Availability: Rare 9
The use of poison is almost universally abhorred, but in the ruthless and
brutal battles fought in Mordheim, desperate warbands often resort to the use
of envenomed blades. Poison may not be used with Blackpowder weapons.
When you buy a vial of poison, there is always only enough to last the
duration of one battle. You can only poison a single weapon with one vial of
The feared cult of Goblin Fanatics of the Worlds Edge Mountains use these
hallucinogenic mushrooms to drive themselves into a frenzied state.
● Effect: Any warrior who takes Mad Cap Mushrooms before a battle will be
subject to frenzy. The Mad Cap Mushroom has no effect on Undead such as
Vampires and Zombies, or the Possessed.
● Side Effect: After the battle, roll a D6. On a roll of a 1 the model becomes
permanently stupid.
● Orcs & Goblins Hordes: May consider them a common item that cost 25
gold crowns if it includes one or more Goblins, as they are a necessity for
someone wishing to wield a ball and chain. Fortunately for Orc warbands, Mad
Cap Mushrooms are cultivated by the Night Goblins of the Worlds Edge
Mountains, and they are much more willing to trade these to other Goblins. A
Goblin may take his mushrooms at the start of any turn.
• Magic Gourd (TC 18); 10; Availability: Rare 7
The power of the gourd may be used at the end of each battle. It will supply
1D3 units of water. Once the amount of water is determined, roll an
additional D6 – on a roll of 6, the gourd’s magic is exhausted and it shatters.
• Mandrake Root (RB 36); 25+D6 gc; Availability: Rare 8
The use of poison is almost universally abhorred, but in the ruthless and
brutal battles fought in Mordheim, desperate warbands often resort to the use
of envenomed blades. Poison may not be used with Blackpowder weapons.
When you buy a vial of poison, there is always only enough to last the
duration of one battle. You can only poison a single weapon with one vial of
The man-shaped Mandrake Root grows in the rotting swamps of Sylvania. It
is a noxious, deadly plant which is highly addictive and slowly kills its users,
but also allows them to shrug off almost any pain.
● Effect: Mandrake Root makes a man almost oblivious to pain. His
Toughness is increased by +1 for the duration of a battle and he treats all
stunned results as knocked down instead. Mandrake Root has no effect on
Undead, such as Vampires and Zombies, or on the Possessed.
● Side Effects: Mandrake Root is highly poisonous. At the end of the battle,
roll 2D6. On a roll of 2-3 the model loses 1 point of Toughness permanently.
• Mordheim Map (RB 39); 20+4D6 gc; Availability: Rare 9
Some survivors of the cataclysm still remain in the many settlements around
Mordheim, and make a living by preparing maps of the city from memory.
Many of these maps are faked, and even real ones are often crude and
inaccurate. A map can help a warband find their way through the confusing
maze of streets and into areas with rich buildings to loot. When you buy a
map, roll a D6:
D6 Effect
Fake: The map is a fake, and is completely worthless. It leads you on a fool’s errand. Your
opponent may automatically choose the next scenario you play.
Vague: Though crude, the map is generally accurate (well… parts of it are… perhaps!). You
2-3 may re-roll any one dice during the next exploration phase if you wish but you must accept the
result of the second roll.
Catacomb Map: The map shows a way through the catacombs into the city. You may
automatically choose the scenario next time you fight a battle.
Accurate: The map is recently made and very detailed. You may re-roll up to three dice during
the next exploration phase if you wish. You must accept the result of the second roll.
Master Map: This is one of the twelve master maps of Mordheim made for Count von
Steinhardt of Ostermark. From now on you may always re-roll one dice when rolling on the
Exploration chart as long as the Hero who possesses this map was not taken out of action in
the battle.
• Nehekharan Map (TC 18); 20+4D6; Availability: Rare 10
Maps of the Land of the Dead are rare. Accurate ones are even rarer. The
shifting sands and dry riverbeds can render a map obsolete in a season. Use
the rules for the Mordheim map in the rulebook.
• Net (RB 37); 5 gc; Availability: Common
Steel nets, such as those used by Pit Fighters, can be used in battles. Once
per game, the net may be thrown in the shooting phase instead of the model
shooting a missile weapon. Treat the net as a missile weapon in all respects
with a range of 8". Use the model’s BS to determine whether the net hits or
not – there are no movement or range penalties. If it hits, the target must
immediately roll a D6. If the result is equal to, or lower than his Strength, he
rips the net apart. If the result is higher, he may not move, shoot or cast
spells in his next turn, although he is not otherwise affected. In either case
the net is lost.
• Nomad Robes (TC 18); 25; Availability: Rare 8
Woven by native desert dwellers these robes enable the wearer to suffer only
half penalties from Weather Conditions. The robes affect the following results
on the Weather table:
● It’s Raining: The robe protects the warrior’s equipment. When rolling a D6
each time that you fire a black powder weapon, the shot is only wasted on a
● Hot as Hades: A warrior wearing a Nomad Robe only suffers a penalty of -1
to WS and BS and he only requires the normal amount of water.
● Hot: A warrior wearing a Nomad Robe suffers no penalty to WS or BS. If at
least half of the warband are wearing Nomad Robes, they only require the
normal amount of water.
● Dust Storm: The robe has no effect – not even the Nomad Robes can
protect the warrior from the ferocity of the storm. Apply rules for a Dust
Storm as normal.
• Opulent Coach (A02 16); 250 gc; Availability: Rare 10
Truly successful warband leaders are quite willing to waste their money on
extravagant excesses such as rare wines, jewel-encrusted weapons and
armor and Cathayan spices. The height of such indulgence is an opulent
coach, which the warband leader can use for driving around the settlements
surrounding Mordheim. There are few things that will impress commoners, or
incur the wrath and envy of other, less successful leaders, as much as an
opulent coach.
● Special Rule: The opulent coach impresses even the most suspicious
merchant and they will flock to offer their most exotic wares to the obviously
rich warband leader. The warband leader gains+3 to any rolls to locate rare
• Rabbit's Foot (A02 87); 10 gc; Availability: Rare 5
The rabbit's foot is a symbol of good luck and often worn about the neck on a
thin cord of leather by superstitious warriors. A rabbit's foot allows the warrior
wearing it to re-roll one dice during the battle. If not used in the battle, it can
be used to re-roll one dice during the Exploration phase, providing the hero is
able to search through the ruins.
• Rope & Hook (RB 36); 5 gc; Availability: Common
A warrior using a rope & hook will find it much easier to move amongst the
ruins of Mordheim. A warrior equipped with a rope & hook may re-roll failed
Initiative tests when climbing up and down.
• Scorpion Ring (TC 18); 10+D6; Availability: Rare 11
At the beginning of the battle the warrior is able to call forth a single Tomb
Scorpion to fight for the warband if he can pass a Leadership test. The
summoned scorpion will fight for a single battle only (use Tomb Scorpion from
Tomb Guardians list).
• Snake Charmer’s Flute (TC 18); 10+D6; Availability: Rare 9
A warrior who possesses this item is able to transfix and control serpents. If
the warrior does nothing for a whole turn, he may play the flute. If this
happens, any serpent within 6" may not move or attack in their subsequent
• Standard of Nagarythe (A02 60); 75 + 3D6 gc; Availability: Rare 9
(Shadow Warriors Only)
May only be purchased when the warband is created. While many Shadow
Warrior Warbands are simply wandering, some represent groups that have
been sent from Ulthuan on some special mission for the Phoenix King. Such
bands are really closer to military units than loose bands of warriors. As such,
they tend to retain their unit insignia and other trappings. Chief among these
is the unit standard. A unit’s colors can hold a lot of meaning, particularly
when the warriors in that unit lack a true home. A Shadow Warrior band
normally makes their standard by hand; cost and rarity represent the
difficulty of finding the proper materials (fine silks and thread of gold, for
example). A Standard of Nagarythe can serve as a second rallying point (the
Shadow Master is the first, represented by his Leader skill) for the unit. Any
members of the Shadow Warrior Warband within 6" of their standard take all
Leadership tests against a Leadership value of 10. In addition, should the
standard be captured by the enemy (model holding the standard is Taken Out
of Action), all members of the Warband will be subject to Frenzy for the
remainder of the game, and may not voluntarily Rout. Note that these effects
(Leadership 10 and Frenzy) do not affect any Hired Swords in the Warband,
only actual Shadow Warriors (including Shadow Warrior heroes) are affected.
A model carrying a standard requires one hand free to do so, so no weapons,
shields, etc. may be carried in this hand, and no double-handed weapons may
be used while the standard is carried. A standard may be used in close
combat as a makeshift spear (use the rules for a spear but with -1 on the to
hit rolls.)
• Superior Blackpowder (RB 39); 30 gc; Availability: Rare 11
The model has acquired a better quality of blackpowder than is normally
available. This new batch adds +1 Strength to all blackpowder weapons that
the model has. There is enough superior blackpowder to last for one game.
• Tarot Cards (A02 16); 50 gc; Availability: Rare 7
Though declared blasphemous and illegal by the Grand Theogonist, the Tarot
of Stars is said to foretell the future for those who dare to consult it. Not
available to Witch Hunters or Sisters of Sigmar.
● Special Rule: A Hero with a deck of tarot cards may consult them before
each game. Make a Leadership test. If successful, the Hero gains a favorable
insight into the future and you may modify the result of any one dice in the
Exploration phase by -1/+1 (even if the Hero with the cards is taken Out Of
Action). If the Leadership test is failed by three or more (i.e., a Hero with Ld
of 8 rolls 11 or 12) the cards show a portent of doom and despair and the
Hero refuses to fight in the following battle and must miss the next game.
• Tears of Shallaya (RB 39); 10+2D6 gc; Availability: Rare 7
Not available to Possessed or Undead.
Tears of Shallaya are vials of water from the holy spring in Couronne.
Shallaya is the goddess of healing and mercy and it is said that this water has
curative properties and is proof against any poison. A model who drinks a vial
of the Tears of Shallaya at the beginning of a battle will be completely
immune to all poisons for the duration of combat. Undead and Possessed
warriors may not use the Tears of Shallaya. There is enough liquid in a vial of
the Tears of Shallaya to last for the duration of one battle.
• Telescope (A02 86); 75+3D6 gc; Availability: Rare 10
Common to the great astronomers in the observatories at Nuln, telescopes
are a useful, if highly rare, item to have in the City of the Damned. The keen
view offered by these instruments makes shooting easier and gives an
unparalleled awareness of a warrior's surroundings. Any Hero using a
telescope may increase the range of any missile weapon he is using by D6”
each turn. Furthermore, he triples the distance at which he can spot hidden
• Tome of Magic (RB 38); 200+D6x25 gc; Availability: Rare 12
Not available to Witch Hunters or Sisters of Sigmar.
tome of magic
Sometimes books of forbidden lore are offered for sale in the markets and
dark alleys of the settlements around Mordheim. If a warband includes a
wizard, he will gain an extra spell from the tome, permanently. He may
randomly generate this new spell from his own list or the Lesser Magic list.
See the Magic section for details. The benefits from each Tome of Magic apply
to only one model.
• Torch (EiF 16); 2 gc; Availability: Common
Warriors lacking the funds for a lantern may have to make do with torches.
Torches act exactly as lanterns, adding +4" to the range the model may spot
hidden enemies, but has a few other special rules as well. A torch will only
last one game. A model armed with a torch counts as causing fear in animals
(Hunting Dogs, all riding steeds, Bears, Wolves, etc), and may use a torch as
a makeshift club. When used in combat, a torch is treated as a normal club,
though with a -1 to hit modifier. Any models that have a Regeneration special
rule (like Trolls) will not be able to regenerate wounds caused by a torch
during the battle. (Torches may also cause buildings to catch fire – see ‘Let
the Damned Burn’, from Town Cryer 8).
• Venom Ring (TC 18); 20+2D6; Availability: Rare 10
The Venom Ring renders the wearer immune to the effects of all poisons.
• Vodka (A02 77); 35+2D6 gc; Availability: Rare 8 (Kislevite Heroes Only)
Kislevites live in a harsh land under constant threat of invasion. While this has
instilled a seriousness in these people, it has not diluted their love of
celebration one bit. If anything their love of revelry has increased with the
hardships they have had to endure, as they have learned that life is fleeting,
and any excuse to enjoy what they have been given is not to be squandered.
One of the products of this love of life and celebration is a strong alcoholic
spirit called vodka. It is also one of the country’s most famous exports,
though most inhabitants of the Old World find it too harsh for their palates.
Kislevites take such enjoyment in this drink and regard it as something
almost magical. Mothers give vodka to their families to ward off sickness and
to keep them warm in the long winter months and warriors indulge both for
luck and courage. Outsiders often scoff at the reputed properties of this
liquor, but it must be said that a Kislevite army that is well supplied with
vodka certainly fights better and in higher spirits than one without. In game
terms, vodka is a one-use item of equipment that a Kislevite Hero may give
to the warband before the start of the game. Every warrior in the warband
receives +1 Leadership (up to a maximum of 10) for that game. In addition
because of its nullifying alcoholic effects every warband member must test
against their Toughness before the start of the game – a failure resulting in -1
Initiative for the duration of the game.
• War Horn (A02 87); 30+2D6 gc; Availability: Rare 8
The blaring sound of a war horn can be enough to stir the hearts of any
warband which it is attempting to bolster. It grants men courage and gives
them the will to fight on defiantly. A war horn may be sounded once per
battle at the beginning of any of the player's turn. It allows the warband to
increase its Leadership by +1. The effect will last until the start of the next
turn. The war horn can be used just before a warband is about to take a Rout
• War Horn of Nagarythe (A02 61); 25+1D6 gc; Availability: Rare 6 (Shadow
Warriors Only)
Similar to the Standard of Nagarythe, units of Shadow Warriors sent into
Mordheim often bring with them a war horn to rally around. The rules for the
War Horn of Nagarythe are the same as for a normal War Horn from Town
Cryer issue 7 (see above.)
• Warhorse (RB 38); 80 gc; Availability: Rare 11
Only available to Humans.
You may mount one of your Heroes on a horse or warhorse in the coming
battles. Horses and warhorses can only be used if you are using the optional
rules for mounted models at the back of the book.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5
• Wardog (RB 38); 25+2D6 gc; Availability: Rare 10
Not available to Skaven.
The men of the Empire have always been experts at raising ferocious
bloodhounds to guard their cattle and holdings against roaming Goblins and
Beastmen. A highly trained Wardog is a dangerous opponent and worth its
weight in gold in Mordheim. If you purchase a Wardog, it will fight exactly like
a member of your warband, though it is treated as part of the equipment of
the Hero who bought it. You will need a model to represent it on a battlefield.
Wardogs never gain experience, and if they are put out of action they have
exactly the same chance of recovering as Henchmen (i.e., 1-2: Dead; 3-6:
Alive). Wardogs count towards the maximum number of warriors allowed in
your warband. You could also use the profile above to represent one of the
more exotic animals used by the warbands of Mordheim, such as trained
bears, Chaos familiars or even fighting monkeys from the far-off Southlands!
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Wardog 6 4 0 4 3 1 4 1 5
• Wyrdstone Pendulum (A02 16); 25+3D6 gc; Availability: Rare 9
Pendulums made of wyrdstone can reputedly be used to find even more of
the magical stone.
● Special Rule: If he was not taken out, the Hero using the Wyrdstone
Pendulum may make a Leadership test after the battle. If he is successful,
you may re-roll any one dice in the Exploration phase.
Magical Artifacts
The Boots and Rope of Pieter (RB 100); Artifact; Availability: Unique
Pieter, the master thief of the Guild of Shadows, was the most famous of all
the cat burglars of Mordheim. He earned the nickname ‘Spider’ for his daring
robberies. The secret of his success was a pair of enchanted boots and a
magical rope which he had acquired from far-off Araby. A model wearing these
boots may move normally (including running, charging, etc) on any kind of
terrain, including vertical surfaces. When moving the model, simply adds the
distances moved horizontally to that moved vertically, with no Initiative test
needed (except to jump across gaps).
The Count of Ventimiglia’s Misericordia (RB 100); Artifact; Availability: Unique
This dagger was used by the notorious Tilean gentleman-pirate known as the
‘Black Corsair’. It is claimed that he found it in ancient Elven ruins and legend
also has it that the dagger’s blade cannot be damaged in any way. The dagger
is treated as a sword. Opponents wounded by it are Stunned on a result of 1-3
(Undead are Knocked Downas normal) and put Out Of Action on a 4-6.
Att’la’s Plate Mail (RB 100); Artifact; Availability: Unique
This armor was given as a present by the Dwarf Lord Kurgan to the warlord
Att’la in the time of Sigmar Heldenhammer. Att’la’s Plate Mail is a suit of
Gromril armor with the following three runes inscribed on it:
● Rune of Spell Eating: The Hero wearing this armor is immune to all spells.
● Rune of Passage: The Hero can move through solid objects, like walls (this
does not mean that he can see through them).
● Rune of Fortitude: The Hero has an extra wound. Note that this may take his
total Wounds above his race’s maximum.
Bow of Seeking (RB 100); Artifact; Availability: Unique
This bow was a gift to Count Steinhardt from the Elf lords of the Forest of
Shadows. Any arrow shot using this magic bow will pursue the target and hit it
even if the target is behind cover. Treat this as an Elven bow that always hits
on a 2+, regardless of any to hit modifier. Such is its deadly precision that all
the arrows shot with this weapon count as Hunting Arrows (+1 on all Injury
rolls). Pick any enemy model in range, not just the closest, but the shooter
must be able to see the target (even the tip of a target’s weapon is enough –
as long as the shooter is aware of the presence and position of the target, he
can shoot). In addition, if any Dwarf is an eligible target, the arrows will always
deviate from their intended target and try to hit the Dwarf instead. For obvious
reasons this bow cannot be used to shoot at Elves.
Executioner’s Hood (RB 100); Artifact; Availability: Unique
Recovered from a shipwrecked Dark Elf vessel, this hood carries evil glowing
runes which fill the wearer with unreasoning rage. A warrior wearing this
becomes subject to and always will be frenzied even if he is knocked down or
stunned. He also adds +1 to his Strength in close combat, such is the power of
his fury. The wearer never leaves combat under any circumstances, and will
always attack opponents in base contact until they are taken out of action. If
there are any stunned or knocked down models within the wearer’s charge
range at the beginning of his turn, he will charge and attack the closest one,
even if they are members of his own warband! Fight the hand-to-hand combat
until one of the warriors is taken out of action.
All-Seeing Eye of Numas (RB 100); Artifact; Availability: Unique
This jewel was recovered from the ruins of Numas far in the south. It gives its
wielder horrific nightmares that predict his future. The bearer of the All-Seeing
Eye can see all models on the table top, even if they are hidden or out of sight.
He can guide his fellow warband members through the ruins (this allows you to
roll two dice for the bearer after battle when rolling on the Exploration chart).
The bearer also has an additional 6+ save (which is not modified by Strength
or weapon modifiers) against all shooting attacks and strikes in close combat,
as he can sense the attacks before they are made. All animals (such as
Wardogs, horses, etc) will be affected by frenzy when fighting against the
bearer of the All-Seeing Eye.