Architect or designer can design a building with eftective noise control or assess acoustic problems. Sound is created by anything that will vibrate rapidlyhuman vocal cords. A pure tone (pitch) may be defined as a sound with only one frequency. The loudness of a sound is not directly proportional to its intensity.
Architect or designer can design a building with eftective noise control or assess acoustic problems. Sound is created by anything that will vibrate rapidlyhuman vocal cords. A pure tone (pitch) may be defined as a sound with only one frequency. The loudness of a sound is not directly proportional to its intensity.
Architect or designer can design a building with eftective noise control or assess acoustic problems. Sound is created by anything that will vibrate rapidlyhuman vocal cords. A pure tone (pitch) may be defined as a sound with only one frequency. The loudness of a sound is not directly proportional to its intensity.
Architect or designer can design a building with eftective noise control or assess acoustic problems. Sound is created by anything that will vibrate rapidlyhuman vocal cords. A pure tone (pitch) may be defined as a sound with only one frequency. The loudness of a sound is not directly proportional to its intensity.