NTPC Tanda

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NTPC-Tanda : At a glance

NTPC – Tanda is Located on Faizabad – Akbarpur road via Maya junction at Tanda in
Ambedkar Nagar District. Nearest Railway station “Akbarpur” is at 22 KMs.

The foundation stone of Tanda Project was laid by Late Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi
on 30th Dec 1981. Project was sanctioned by UP Govt. in 1979 for 440 MW station having
4 units of 110 MW each. NTPC took over the project from erstwhile UPSEB on

 Requirement 3.00 Million MT
per annum
 Sources:
 i) Central Coalfield Ltd(CCL)
 ii) Bharat Coking Coal Ltd(BCCL)

 Requirement: 45 Cusecs.
 Source: Saryu River through Mahripur
pump house.

220KV Transmission lines
 Tanda-Sultanpur (2 Feeders)
 Tanda-Gorakhpur (1 Feeder)
 Tanda-Basti (1 Feeder)

NTPC – Tanda achieved turn around of its performance by improving its PLF from 14% to
91.65% since takeover within a short span of Eight years.


The total area is 1141.541 acres.

1. Main power plant : 327.648 acres
2. Township : 203.607 acres
3. Ash disposal : 519.279 acres
4. Railway siding + Railway colony : 91.007 acres

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M
This is a story about a small rural suburb called Tanda. Location wise it does not carry
any prestigious credentials. It is located in eastern UP on the southern bank of the holy
river Saryu. The nearest rail link is Akbarpur, 23 kilometers away. A road connects
Akbarpur to Tanda. Tanda is also connected to the better known town of Faizabad by
road. One would not imagine that much could happen in this sleepy little place which
would merit much attention, or that such a happening could be valuable enough to a group
of professionals, to whom it may bring lessons in management, and that too in an
important technological field.
Something important however did happen. In the initial description it may even appear to
be a sensational commando type of operation. For it was in the darkness of the night, and
with the Army present on the campus, that a group of executives from the NTPC took over
the Thermal Power Station at Tanda. The pre-take-over management of the power station,
the UPSEB, had already gone on strike. The atmosphere in the plant and township was
uncertain, threatening and hostile.
No, it was not an illegal “ Operation" ! Through a UP Government Gazette Notification
dated January 14th 2000 Tanda Thermal Power Station was to be handed over to the
NTPC on January 15, 2000. So the team from NTPC rightfully took it over. Apparently
there was a hold back and resentment on the part of the UPSEB. Possibly the incumbent
General Manager did not have proper and timely written instructions with regard to the
said Notification. Resentment on part of UPSEB management and employees at Tanda
was understandable. After all, there are as many perspectives to an issue of this nature as
there are stakeholders to it.
The strike continued for nearly 15 days. NTPC was left holding on to the plant, with a
prospect of getting it going in difficult circumstances, both technically and people wise.
With the takeover begins the story which follows. Now the story turns more factual. It is the
story of the situation, as it existed in the plant on January 15, 2000 and the situations as it
existed in various phases from that date until today. The narration must of necessity also
cover the "change" process over the said period of Six years, in terms of parameters of
productive and quality power generation, as also in terms of minds and attitudes of
workers and the management.
The plant inherited by NTPC had a fairly long history of its own. The Feasibility Report was
made by M/S Desein in 1973. The UP Government sanctioned the Power Plant in 1979.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

The plant was to have a generation capacity of 440 MW from 4 units of 110 MW each.
Provision was made in the design to augment the capacity to 840 MW. The foundation
stone of this project was laid by the then Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi on December
30, 1981.1t took 17 years to complete the plant. Unit I was synchronized on 21/03/1988
and became commercial on 01/01/1990. Unit 4 was the last, being synchronized on
20102/98 and becoming commercial on 01/07198. Units 2 & 3 became commercial in
April, 1991 and January, 1993 respectively.
Although full details of performance would not be available over the years the plant
functioned under the UPSEB, an idea of the state of affairs can well be gauged from the
fact that the average PLF of the plant from 1989 up to takeover was abysmally low at 31 %
and 14% at the time of takeover. The PLF figure after takeover, for 2004-05 was 86 %.
The former PLF was achieved with manpower of about 1200. The latter PLF was achieved
with just strength of about 600. This single one line comparison speaks volumes of what
happened at Tanda and in fact this story really tries to get to the bottom of the vital
question - How was it done? Obviously the situation was assessed, problems areas
marked and quantified, critical issues prioritized, and systematic action plans formulated
and categorized (short, medium, long term) and action plans executed with vigour in the
predetermined time frame. The short description of what was done is the Transformation
story which now unfolds.
The sequence of actions mentioned above, namely assessing, identifying, prioritizing,
planning and executing could be logically deduced by any reasonably experienced
manager in the field. The detailed "know how" for management and execution, however
does rest with NTPC. This expertise has come into the hands of NTPC due to its "ground
experience" in its area of core competence of power project management. This was not
the organization's first experience in takeover of a sub optimally performing plant and
bringing it back up to acceptable levels of performance, by its own standards. Badarpur
(only management of plant) in April, 1978, and takeovers of Unchahar in February, 1992
and Talcher Thermal in June, 1995. It would be obvious that each takeover had its own set
of problems, but broad power plant issues in such circumstances tend to be similar. Thus
a very good foundation of knowledge & skill existed when the Tanda Plant was taken over
and this expertise helped to revive the plant with greater speed and efficiency. Systematic
recording of learnings is bound to result in the consolidation of the
Transformationcompetence, and will continue to be a sound guide for the future, when the
personnel who were involved in these exercises are no longer available due to succession
changes in the cadre. The fact that previous takeovers contributed to a successful
execution at Tanda is clearly brought out by the fact of Corporate HQ nominating a

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

takeover core team of experienced personnel. The decision to constitute a survey team of
experienced personnel to carry out a detailed status analysis of the plant machinery to
form an excellent basis for developing the action plan is also a pointer to background
The status of the plant at takeover is an important issue, The Transformation and
achievements can only be visualized against this basic reference point. The term status
includes the physical plant condition, the productivity of personnel, and the management,
and the overall working environment, attitudes & motivation and quality of work life at the
plant. The status of the plant is best judged against standard operating parameters along
with the actual condition of the equipment. The personnel and management performance
is inseparably linked with the plant in what we may term as the man machine interface.
The situation at Tanda in "status" terms was much below par. Out of the four units, one
was totally non-functional, largely cannibalized to support remaining units. The physical
condition of the other units was also poor as the survey report reveals as also do the PLF
and other parameters at the time of takeover .Problems were identified by the survey
team. These in turn led to the formulation of Revival Schemes. Recommendations were
divided into short term, medium term and long term.
The motivation and productivity levels of the staff were very low and were in consonance
with the poor baseline parameters and condition of the plant The levels can also be judged
from the fact that about 1200 manpower was nearly halved, while the plant productivity
actually increased. The Man/MW ratio which was 2.73 at the time of takeover has come
down to 1.39 at present Add to this the fact that better performance was achieved by the
same UPSEB employees who were earlier functioning on a very low productivity as
indicated by standard power generating parameters viz. PLF, availability etc. The overall
housekeeping was not at all in order. The plant and township areas were unkempt.
Cleanliness and orderliness were apparently not on any priority list. The takeover team
members had strong images in their minds about what a good plant and well kept
surroundings look like. This was their cultural background from the many plants the team
members had served in. They brought to bear upon the Tanda plant and its surrounds the
impact of all they had seen and deliberately planned and executed environmental,
cleanliness and maintenance drives, to bring about a positive Transformation in these
The NTPC culture of "hands-on" executives provided personal leadership examples to the
newly absorbed staff, and aided the process of growth of their technical competence.
Overall there were strong interfaces between the experience of the NTPC executives', the
technological problems and solutions and the vitally important manpower and HR issues.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

The story for the sake of convenience has been described with in four parts titled People ,
The Technological Tasks, The Processes and Learning’s for The Future.

It is the functioning of the "people" that eventually decides the success or failure of a
system. The motivation level of the management and staff at all levels has always been a
critical issue. Organisations depend on "the people" to bind its resources into a dynamic
working system, and leadership decides whether its human resource performs this
function or not.
The principle outlined above was intensely true at Tanda. The organization for the task
was the core team and other NTPC executives, the 4XII0 MW UPSEB Plant, the UPSEB
employees and the supporting logistic assets. Of course in the background was the
support of the leading power generation set up in the country, financially sound, with
systems and procedures in place. It is with this as the backdrop, that the "people" issues
are highlighted in further narration.

The Core Team

The Core Team members were selected by NTPC at corporate level. The team members
were professionals and had good expertise in their individual fields through ample
experience at other Power Stations of NTPC. The team was constituted with due care and
with a desired mix of different disciplines. The selection of team also reflects that the
experience gained in previous takeovers was utilized.

The Initial Survey Team

On January 28, 2000 a team was constituted to go in detail about all technical facts of the
station and submit recommendations for earliest revival of all units. This was a critical area
for building up information for planning of actions for the turnaround. This team visited
Tanda and obtained first hand information of the complete plant in general, specific
concerned areas in particular, and held technical discussions with UPSEB executives
available at site. The team also did a detailed analysis of all technical aspects of each
equipment, system wise which aided in detailed planning.

Expertise of NTPC Executives

Expertise of an individual in any field, makes him a " added advantage” in the Human
Resource group & such people are vital to handling of turnovers in their professional fields.
The swiftness with which both the Core team and the The Initial Survey Team were
constituted speaks volumes for the expertise availability of this category. The depth of

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

expertise is amply demonstrated in the proactive Transformation by the Core Team and
other NTPC executives posted at Tanda,

Top Hierarchy Support

The top level hierarchical support to the takeover was available in abundance. The CMD
of NTPC addressed the workers at Tanda during his visit which was very effective in lifting
the morale of the ex UPSEB employees. The Directors of NTPC visited Tanda often, to
resolve issues, and provide direction and support. The continuous support by the CMD
and Directors of NTPC and their visits to Tanda sent the message to the personnel
working at Tanda that their contributions to the challenge of turning around of Tanda
project was being recognized at the highest level in NTPC. Any support required from the
top leadership of NTPC was quickly forthcoming.

Formulation of the Detailed HR Action Plan

The HR issues needing priority action were assessed and based on the findings in terms
of shortfalls in functions as also comparison with standard NTPC HR practices, an HR
Action Plan was formulated The HR action plan was a time bound action plan. The broad
categories under which detailed actions were laid down are as follows:
a) General
b) HR & Employee Development
c) Welfare
d) Administration
In the General category action covered joining formalities of absorbed employees in
NTPC, generating employee computerized data base, restructuring and forming
departments on NTPC lines, issuing of ID cards, introducing time punching at gates,
repatriating deputationists, issue of "leave/medical books etc., introducing employee
suggestion scheme & grievance handling procedure, constitution of participative forums,
establishment of communication channels through newsletter, house journals, notice
boards etc., simplifying procedures for expeditious disposal of routine establishment
matters, enforcing contract labour provisions, constituting committees for canteen, safety,
township etc. and other instruments of participative management, ascertaining
representative character of unions through verification process, conducting structured
interaction with unions / associations.
In the HR & Employee Development category activities covered conducting orientation
programmes for workmen for taken over absorbed employees, Conducting training
programmes for workmen on - Employees participation in management, quality circles,

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

skill development programmes, leadership development programmes, computer
applications, safety, productivity, on job training for operators, Promoting Quality Circles &
Professional Circles, introduction of employees development schemes, conducting
workers education programmes, retraining & redeployment.
Welfare covered formation of employees welfare associations, creating & equipping
Recreation Centres with facilities of recreation, indoor games, library, formation of sports
council, constituting committees to start executive club, constituting employees consumer
society and extend facility of fair price shop and LPG. Development of Children
park/playgrounds in township, organizing cultural programmes, improving hospital
services, organizing rural sports, lmdertaking tree plantation, horticulture, organizing
competitions (for family members), beautification of township, formation of ladies club, Bal
Bhawan, upgrading infrastructure in schools, environmental improvement in offices,
providing personal protective equipments for safety to employees working in plant area to
ensure safety, formation of village development committees and undertaking peripheral
development work in nearby villages.
Administration covered accommodation for NTPC executives, arrangement of office
furniture & stationery, finalization of security contract for township, eviction of unauthorized
occupation from township, removing cattle nuisance, upgrading VIP Guest House and
repair of quarters, re-allotment of quarters due to deputationists leaving.

Integration of the UPSEB Employees - A Major Challenge

In the Transformationat Tanda, the ideal would have been an NTPC management and an
NTPC staff However, the situation was that there were about 1200 employees at the time
of takeover out of which only 421 were to be retained. The UPSEB strength of 1200 at
takeover remained the same for nearly 3 months after take over. NTPC paid their salaries
in that period. Out of the 1200, about 400 were supervisors' and executives who were not
to be absorbed by NTPC. Out of the remaining nearly 800 workers, 421 were to be
absorbed in NTPC and balance was to remain with UPSEB and redeployed etc. These
421 workers were referred to as 'Specified Personnel' in the gazette notification. The
senior lot mostly came to NTPC. There were however 25-30 optees who were taken in
through mutual exchange.
Thus for a period of 3 months the management had on its hands two distinct groups. The
first group consisted of those being absorbed and the second group was of those who
were not getting absorbed. The larger number was that of those being repatriated to
UPSEB. That there was a difference in attitudes of the two groups is obvious. The willing

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

workers generally belonged to the first group, and the unwilling ones (not necessarily all)
generally belong to the second.

There were many rumours at the time of takeover. There were inherent fears and
apprehensions in the mind of UPSEB employees. There was fear of change. The UPSEB
employees were unwilling to change their mental make to the changed circumstances and
wanted continuation of Board times. There was also fear of future under NTPC
Management. There were apprehensions about pay and perks as they were not aware of
NTPC pay scale and were worried that they will be losing the emoluments and benefits
they were getting. The UPSEB employees were worried about their lack of knowledge of
latest technology, computer knowledge. There was no separate HR Department. There
was no training department nor was any structured training imparted except for some visits
to Obra Plant.
Earlier in UPSEB system, the functioning and department concept was different. There
were 21 circles/divisions each headed by an Executive Engineer. There was no separate
HR department. HR functions within a circle were handled by secretarial staff (popularly
known as 'babus'). Even the salary statements were prepared by them and then sent to
finance for payment. After takeover, the departments were restructured on NTPC lines by
May, 2000.
A proactive strategy was adopted to overcome these issues. Clear communication
channels were established. Apprehensions about fate of people who where to remain with
NTPC and those who were to be repatriated back to UPSEB were addressed. The NTPC
team was briefed properly. The NTPC executives were sensitized against the 'We and
They' syndrome. The message that went to all was that the NTPC personnel and UPSEB
employees were a part of NTPC family now and they have to work together to improve the
performance in all spheres at Tanda. Each HR intervention was devised, introduced and
communicated in such a manner so that it reflected non-discrimination, transparency and
integrity of NT PC and its personnel.
The strategic actions basically consisted of:
a) Conducting three day structured orientation programmes for workers being absorbed
b) Recognizing and appreciating the strong points of the UPSEB employees
c) Interaction of NTPC executives with the staff.
Orientation Programmes titled 'Positive NTPC Work Culture' were conducted for all
workers. The content of the programme laid stress on the structure and functioning of the
NTPC, core values, vision etc. Awareness about environment and safety was also
provided. Besides creating awareness amongst the UPSEB employees about the work

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

culture of the NTPC, a direct communication was established with the workers, where
rumours could be sorted out and quashed. Recognizing the strength of the UPSEB
employees was vitally important to restore their self confidence. These personnel knew the
plant and its moods and had long hands on experience. In fact at the non-executives
working level the Transformation was affected through the efforts of these employees only.
Of particular interest in the Transformation aspect is the especially strong "hands on"
culture of the NTPC executives. The Transformation at the "nuts and bolts" level could
only have been achieved by a strong interaction at the ground level between the workers
and the executives. Sound knowledge and deep involvement in the day to day routine
activities by the executives would have served as a fine example of leadership through

Earlier the salary in UPSEB was disbursed in cash and the procedure was lengthy. This
was changed to NTPC system of crediting the salary to the employee's bank account at
the end of every month. Earlier the salary payment was spread over a period of almost 15
days. Initially the new system faced resistance from all ex-UPSEB employees but once
implemented all affected employees appreciated the efficacy of the new system. The leave
procedure was simplified and leave book system was introduced. Annual salary
increments were taken care of automatically and the employees did not have to run from
pillar to post. These facilities which are taken for granted by NTPC employees, meant a lot
to the absorbed employees. Cultural events were organized and competitions like
quizzes, "Antakshri", etc. were held., and it reposed the faith of Specified personnel in
NTPC. Quality Circles were introduced as prevalent in other NTPC stations. There are 23
active quality circles in which employees are participating. NTPC Rewards and
Recognition System has also been introduced and a number of employees have won
rewards and appreciations.

UPSEB employees saw NTPC executives and even their Head of project putting in long
hours and working with them. It impressed and motivated them to emulate the same. It
was a fine example of leadership across all levels. The NTPC executives led from the
front. The GM followed an open door policy so that anyone could go and meet him without
fear or restriction. There was visible and significant improvement in the quality of work life.
In addition to the effect of opening communication through the open door policy, the fear of
communication was further removed by introduction of the standard NTPC Suggestion
Scheme. Suggestion Scheme gave the workers a sense of belongingness and a forum for
participation and contribution. There was all round development and improvement. New

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

schools came up and hospital facilities, security, infrastructure, township facilities
The developmental needs of UPSEB employees were taken care of. They were
encouraged to take higher education/qualification. Training was also provided. A feeling
came in these employees that NTPC cared for them and their future and wanted them to
grow with the organization. Interestingly, these were the employees who at initial phase of
takeover showed intense hostility. This hostility was not limited to the employees even
spread to the families at that time. Earlier the workers worked in water tight compartments,
with reference to area of work, but are now willing without objection to contribute in other
areas of work. The concept of learning has caught on. 24 personnel from different
departments, (out of which 16 were assisted in passing 8th class and 8 were already 8th
class) were given 3 months on the job training, and under job rotation are now working in
operation department. Presently 27 employees secured admission to Diploma in Power
Generation Engineering from Jamia Millia Islamia through distance learning mode. 30
personnel appeared in the 10th board examination . Training through NIIT , Lucknow at
Tanda was arranged for around 60 secretarial / steno typist staff in 3 modules of 10 days
each. Gradually, those people who were apprehensive about their lack of computer skills
initially started enjoying working on computer. Refresher courses are also held.

Rehabilitation of Persons With Disability (PWDs)

In and around the Tanda area, in the vicinity of Tanda TPS, there is a large no. of persons
with disability. The sad condition of these people touched the hearts of both the doctors &
management of NTPC. In view of this the Director, National Institute of Orthopaedically
Handicapped (NIOH), Calcutta was contacted who assured full help to NTPC in their
venture to help the handicapped. A first camp for the PWDs was held in October, 2003. In
this center PWDs are registered. Tricycles, wheelchairs, hearing aids, pairs of crutches
are distributed. Surgeries are also performed to reduce disability.
After its inception, DDRC has conducted regular programmes for the handicapped
persons and for the sensitization of the population with regard to attitude towards the
disabled, with special attention being paid of teachers and children. A training centre for
mentally handicapped and slow learner children was established. in Jan., 2005. The
facilities available at DDRC are making of ear moulds, a workshop for fabrication of those
and prostheses. A well equipped physiotherapy section is also available.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

The Unsung Heroes of Tanda
There was no proper township infrastructure at Tanda at the time of takeover with regards
to accommodation, good schools, hospital, market, recreation centre, club etc. as is found
in other established projects of NTPC. Even in Greenfield projects of NTPC, the planning
& setting up of township is done as per NTPC standards. So the families of NTPC
personnel who where posted at Tanda had to initially endure hardships. The families who
stayed away due to schooling of their children or those who came & stayed at Tanda, were
the unsung heroes of the Transformation of Tanda station. NTPC executives could not
meet their families for long periods of time due to the challenging nature of their job. The
families contribution, sacrifice, understanding & support to their loved ones working at
Tanda project ensured the high morale and motivation of NTPC personnel at Tanda often
working in difficult and stressful conditions. For the newly posted NTPC executives who
brought their children along, schooling was a major problem. These issues were resolved
over a period of time, with constant and proactive effort on the part of NTPC management.


Unit Date Of Date Of Running Hours No. No.of

No commissioning Commercial upto of Tripping/
Operation Dec,1999 Tripping 1000 Hrs.
1 21.03.1988 01.01.1990 37269 1957 52.51
2 11.03.1989 01.04.1991 38678 1670 43.18
3 28.03.1990 01.10.1993 30238 1359 44.95
4 20.02.1998 01.07.1998 9281 426 45.90
The Tanda Thermal Power Station has been designed by M/s Desein. The capacity of the
station is 4X 110 MW. The water requirement of the station is met from Saryu (Ghaghara)
river through Mehripur pumping station constructed for feeding Mehripur pump canal. The
coal linkage for the station has been provided from North Karnpura and BCCL, Dhanbad.
The power generated from the station is evacuated through 220 kV feeders connected to
Sultanpur (2 feeders), Basti (1 feeder) and Gorakhpur (1 feeder). The total area of power
house including colony is 235 hectares and land for ash disposal area is about 170
The main plant equipments (Boiler, Turbine and Generator) have been supplied by Mis.
BHEL whereas Generator Transformers have been supplied by M/S NGEF. Coal
Handling Plant has been supplied by M/S TRF, Cooling Towers by M/S Paharpur Cooling
Towers, Control & Instrumentation systems by M/S Instrumentation India Ltd., Kota and
De-mineralized water plant by M/S W ATCO, Hyderabad. The designed boiler efficiency ,

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

turbine heat rate and unit heat rate are 84.7%, 2172.8 Kcal/kW-hr and 2565.3 Kcal/kW-
hr respectively. The designed High Heating Value (HHV) of coal is 3850 Kcal/kg and
the boiler is designed to operate at worst coal quality of 3400 Kcal/kg.
There were problems all around Year PLF% Availab Sp.Oil Partial
ility (ml/kw- Loading
and these were very much (%) Hr) (%)
visible. Most of the problems 94-95 26.72 42.34 22.71 36.88
95-96 35.36 51.43 7.42 31.25
were because of bad operation 96-97 37.19 57.83 7.241 35.52
and maintenance practices. 97-98 31.21 48.25 15.67 35.32
98-99 33.49 51.38 24.286 34.71
Some of the problems were
99-2000 21.59 37.98 26.22 43.16
because of old design of the
plant and obsolescence. At the time of take over unit no. 3 was under shut down for capital
overhaul since 03.07.1999 and many equipments from this unit were cannibalized and
used for maintenance of other units. In unit no. 1, 2 and 3 condition of boiler tubes and
condenser tubes were very bad due to poor water chemistry. Not more than 2 mills were
available in any of the units and oil was being fired on continuous basis for flame stability.
Very poor vacuum was maintained in the units due to hard scales inside the condenser
tubes and heavy tube leakages. A large no. of condenser tubes were in plugged
condition. High pressure drains to condenser were heavily passing. Only 13 out of 28
Cooling Tower (CT) fans were available. Isolation of individual condensers was not
possible due to heavy passing of inlet and outlet butterfly valves. These isolations were
being done by blanking the pipes and it was taking a very long time. During the lean period
from October to April every year acute shortage of water was experienced as the Saryu
river changes its course during this period. Auxiliary steam header was leaking heavily and
there was heavy water ingress in unit control room. Boilers were tripping very frequently
on flame failure. This can be mainly attributed to low volatile matter in coal, inadequate
coal fineness and no secondary air control. Most of the Electro Static Precipitator (ESP)
fields were either not available or not performing well. Scrapper conveyor and clinker
grinders were not commissioned. Most of the oil coolers were choked. High Pressure
(HP)-Low Pressure (LP) bypass system was not in service in any of the unit. Hence,
during each start up enormous amount of steam was wasted to atmosphere. High
Pressure (HP) heaters were not commissioned in any of the unit leading to poor cycle
efficiency. No stand by working oil/lubrication oil cooler was provided for Boiler Feed
Pumps (BFP). Stand by BFPs were not available for auto operation and many times this
led to unit tripping. Condition of electrical switchgears was very bad due to poor upkeep.
Direct Current (DC) system and batteries were in very poor shape. Cable galleries are
located below ground level and these were full of water. No fire fighting arrangement was

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

provided in the cable galleries. Status of Control and Instrumentation was no better. Most
of the auto control loops were not working. Many of the instruments at control room and
locations were not working. All the secondary air dampers were not operable from remote.
They were mechanically locked at local. Compressed air pressure was low. Air driers were
not in service in compressors. Moisture content was very high in the instrument air. Status
of DM water plant was very poor. Status of Coal Handling Plant was also not good.
Housekeeping was non-existent. Mill area was filled with mill reject. Scrap was scattered
everywhere. Drains were choked and water logging was very common. Even unit control
room was full of dust.

The Revival Strategy

The team went into the depth of the status of plant at the time of takeover. On the basis of
visits of the team to the site, available documentation at site, interaction with UPSEB
officials and also based on experience that was gained during operation of the plant for a
short period of time after take over, a detailed report on area wise problems was prepared.
The first and foremost issue was running of all units. For this availability of major
auxiliaries was most important. Action plan for the revival and sustained operation of units
was prepared indicating short term, medium term and long term actions to be taken in
each area. The major R&M activities carried out are given below.
Boiler Area
• Complete replacement of Economizer in Units 1, 2 & 3. 100% inspection/repair in
Unit 4.
• Replacement of Water Wall panels from 12 meter elevation to 42 meter elevation in
Unit 1,2 & 3 and 12 meter to 24 meter in Unit 4.
• Renovation of Reheater (RH)\ Superheater (SH) & Ceiling SH in Units 1, 2&3.
• Renovation of Boiler Side Valves in all the Units.
• Replacement ofBumers & Coal Piping in all the Units.
• Renovation of all 24 mills in the four Units.
• Replacement of Air Pre Heater (APH) Baskets and Sector Plates and installation of
Support Bearing lubrication oil system.
• Revival of Scraper Conveyors and Clinker Grinders in all units.
• Revival of all ESP fields.
Turbine Area
• Complete replacement of Condenser Tubes in Units 1, 2&3.
• Installation of new Medium Pressure Turbine Rotor in Unit 3

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

• Renovation of Turbine & Auxiliaries in Unit 3.
• Renovation and commissioning of HP/LP bypass system in all the Units
• Renovation of BFP Cartridges and Condensate pumps
• Renovation of 11 & 6 ata Aux. Steam headers and associated valves
Offsite Area
• Commissioning of all CT fans.
• Commissioning of degasser blowers, degasser tanks and replacement of alkali/acid
• Installation of innovative ash water re-circulation system (AWRS) for harvesting of
ash water.
• All instrument and plant air compressors were made available along with the dryers
• Enhancement of capacity. of 02 nos. instrument air compressors
Electrical Area
• Installation and commissioning of Digital Voltage Regulator (DVR) in Units 1,2 &3
• Replacement of damaged 220V battery banks of switchyard and Units 1, 2 & 3
• Commissioning of manual battery chargers to fully automatic battery chargers for
improved battery bank health.
• Internal inspection and replacement of aged oil in all power transformers
• Restoration of all protection of6.6 kV systems, Generator Relay Panel (GRP) and
• Calibration of all electrical instruments.
• Installation of 0.2 class energy meters for all lines and generators.
• Testing and repair of all defective relays of GRPs, lines and switchgears through
• Renovation and commissioning of switchgear to make all 28 nos. CT fans available.
• Segregation of power supply in AC distribution boards resulting in reduction of no.
of unit trippings.
C&I Area
• Revival of Unit 3 C&I systems including new Distributed Digital Control (DDC)
controls, field and control room instrumentation.
• Commissioning of HP/LP bypass system in all units.
• Installation of Sequence of Events (SOE) recorder for proper analysis of tripping.
• Installation of chartless recorders with networking facility at EEMG and efficiency
room for proper analysis of performance parameters.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

• Re-commissioning of20 nos. of auto loops in all four units.
• Turbo supervisory instruments of all units have been replaced with new one. Earlier
were obsolete in nature.
• Silica and hardness analyzers commissioned in all four units
• pH and conductivity analyzers were commissioned in DM plant
CHP Area
• Installation of high strength magnet and metal detector at Conveyor 2A/2B.
• Incorporation of all conveyor protections.
• Restoration of completely damaged paddle feeders.
• Installation of vacuum contactor for L T conveyors in place of air circuit breakers.
• Phased replacement of old conveyor belt with new fire resistant conveyor belt.
• Procurement of new shunting locomotive.

THE MANAGEMENT OF SPARES was one of the critical issues in revival of the units. Not
many spares were available in stores and most of the spares available in stores were not
usable. There were a number of spares which were immediately required for the revival of
the units. As NTPC has only few units of 110 MWs, the availability of spares from other
NTPC stations was difficult. All possible means were used to arrange for spares in the
shortest possible time. A large quantity of spares/material for which the orders were
placed by UPSEB was in transit, the copies of the purchase order were arranged, the
items were prioritized and their delivery was expedited with the supplier. As a policy as far
as possible Original Equipment Manufactures (OEM) were contacted for the supply of
spares. In this regard the support received from Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL) and
Instrumentation India Limited, Kota is commendable. Even the schemes and drawings
were provided by OEMs wherever required.
Spares were manufactured and supplied by OEMs on priority basis. Spares were also
arranged from other power stations including non-NTPC power stations. BHEL helped in
locating spares in non-NTPC power stations.

Scarcity of Raw water was the most critical problem being faced. Raw water from Saryu
river is supplied by Mehripur pump house of UP. Irrigation department. Saryu river
changes its course every year from September to April and virtually no water remains in
the intake of Mehripur pump house. To ensure the adequate supply of raw water during
this period dredging operation is carried out covering a distance of 7 Kms. with the help of
03 nos. mechanized dredgers.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

To avoid tripping of the boiler on flame failure, arrangements were made for high volatile
matter coal from North Karanpura. Depending upon the quality of coal received, the coal is
stacked in different piles in the coal handling plant and depending upon the
status/availability of coal mills in the unit quality of coal to be bunkered is decided.
Protection circuits in the main plant were made healthy and full proof
Along with implementation of this revival plan, following established O&M practices of
NTPC were introduced at the earliest so as to extract maximum effectiveness and
efficiency from the revived plant.
1. Anurakshan, a comprehensive software package for maintenance planning of the plant
was introduced. All maintenance works like raising of work orders, preventive maintenance
scheduling, overhauling scheduling, receipt of material and its consumption were
effectively maintained and monitored through this system.

2. System of Daily Plant Meeting, daily reporting of the equipment under maintenance,
Monthly Operation Review Team (ORT) meeting, Daily Overhaul Meeting when the units are
under maintenance, Predictive Maintenance Planning with effective implementation of Equipment
Maintenance schedule were established to ensure timely completion of the work as well as to
monitor the progress.

3. NTPC works on yearly MOU targets. The achievements of targets are monitored at macro
level for taking necessary corrective action at the appropriate level at the appropriate time, in
case of any requirement. Further, the targets are cascaded down to the individual level in the
form Key Performance Areas, so that the objectives of management and the efforts of the
individual employees are in the same direction

4. A system of forwarding daily reports to Regional Head Quarter (RHQ) and Operation
Services was established in order to ensure generation at optimum level and also to ensure
optimum utilization of material resources available. Further, Operation Performance Parameters
Monitoring System (OPPMS) enables displays of the generation and other important operation
parameters round the clock in the offices of the General Manager, AGM (O&M) and DGM (Opn.),
which ensures taking necessary action wherever needed.

The success of R&M is well reflected through different performance indicators. Plant Load
Factor steadily increased from average 14 % before take over to 86% . Number of unit
trippings reduced from around 400 in a year to a drastically low level. Heat Rate, Auxiliary
Power Consumption, Specific Oil Consumption and Forced Outage also reduced

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

considerably from abnormally high levels to the NTPC levels. Earlier unit load was
restricted due to very poor condenser vacuum. Now the vacuum being maintained is
between -0.89 Ksc to -0.93 Ksc at 24 deg CW water inlet temperature. This is better than
many of the other NTPC units. Housekeeping which was earlier nonexistent improved

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M
NTPC took over the Tanda plant in a hostile environment without prior contact. In spite of
this it is also a fact that it was a highly successful turnaround. The Tanda Transformation
presents a number of noteworthy learnings for future takeovers and turnarounds.
The basic lesson of course which comes out loud and clear is that it is only a dominant
power sector organisation, with established systems, procedures and resources that can
carry out such an activity with an assured degree of success. NTPC does meet these
Of course, every takeover is unique and throws up many new challenges and issues.
Tanda itself threw up a set of issues all of which may not be replicated again. However,
there are some issues, which could provide future managers in takeovers with a set of
lessons, which could help in planning and execution. These are discussed in the
paragraphs below.
1. Prior Planning and Study of the Plant
The Tanda Power Plant was taken over in exceptional and hostile circumstances. The
plant was taken over in midst of a major strike and it is known that there was no
administrative or technical liaison with the Tanda Plant before the actual takeover. This
resulted in almost blindly going into a system without much information or preparation.
Whereas the timing of takeover was decided at the appropriate level for. definitely very
good reasons, it ruled out prior planning. The particularly harsh conditions faced by the
core team in the initial phase of takeover could have been avoided through a preplanned
and coordinated takeover. Since different technologies are adopted for various projects by
various boards I agencies, it will be quite useful to have a prior-study of the system, &
equipment so as to formulate the R&M plan well in advance, and this will also reduce the
lead time required for obtaining the spares.

Interestingly, this issue of prior study & planning at Tanda gains importance when we
consider that the NTPC team which reached the station did not know till after takeover,
that one of the units was dysfunctional & heavily cannibalized for maintenance of other
From the above it can be seen that future takeovers should be done with prior planning,
study of the plant, coordination with the outgoing organization unless, there are extremely
compelling reasons to do otherwise. It was further felt that there could have been transition
period prior to takeover, in which executives of the two organisations could have worked
together and shared the know how to achieve a smoother takeover.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

2. Team Selection
The initial core team consisted of the Head of Project and 14 members. As the HOP is
ultimately responsible for the functioning of the plant, his involvement in team selection is
must. It is also very important that the initial team is totally well knit. In this respect,
positive attitude of team members is crucial to the achievement of the desired goals
speedily. It is desirable, that involvement of the HOP with regard to team composition in
future takeovers will yield even better results.
3. Dissemination of Information
Dissemination of information needs special attention. For the takeover on January
15,2000, the very first briefing took place on January 11,2000. Only two of the core team
members were present. The team thereafter met at Lucknow on the January 13, 2000. As
a result it took some time for the core team to achieve a proper mindset, to understand the
problems, systems, technology etc at Tanda and to go about the business of making the
system operational. Even the other executives who were deployed at Tanda in the initial
stages did not get time to prepare for the new assignment.
It is felt that information should be disseminated as early as possible to the concerned
employees. They would aid achieving an early proper mindset.
4. Manpower
The manpower required at the takeover stage should not be according to norms.
Depending on the condition of the plant and technology used, initially a much higher level
of manpower is required. Even after stabilization, manpower placement should not be
purely based on Man-MW ratio The technology, equipment used and the number of units
should also be taken into account for manpower deployment. As the plant stabilizes, this
can be reduced gradually.
Availability of expert manpower is critical from day one of the takeover so that the precise
status of the plant can be established and realistic plans made for the revival of the plant.
Some of the expertise may not be permanently required and could be made available on a
need based time frame on a temporary basis.
In the absorbing of the outgoing organisation's manpower, it is felt that the NTPC should
exercise selection of such manpower against a proper employee database and its own
needs. The number of non-executives to be absorbed can be decided at the time of
takeover. However, the actual selection should be done over a period of time after duly
watching the individuals performance, expertise, qualification and attitude. A proper age
mix should also be considered. This approach was not adopted at Tanda causing some

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

difficulties. There should be an option for absorbing a few willing executives of the
outgoing organization.
5. Communication
Clear communication channels were established at Tanda after takeover. Apprehensions
about fate of people who where to remain with NTPC and those who were to be
repatriated back to UPSEB were addressed. The NTPC executives were briefed properly
and were sensitized against the 'We and They' syndrome.
There were two group of employees, those to be absorbed in the NTPC and those who
were to be repatriated after a maximum period of three months. The establishment of a
strong and active communication channels with both group of employees helped in
quashing unnecessary rumors. Communications took the form of short meetings, conduct
of orientation programmes, adoption of "open door policy" by the GM and other NTPC
Structured meetings with employees and unions were also held. Communication was also
strengthened through conduct of cultural activities, introduction of Suggestion Schemes,
Quality Circles, and Professional Circles etc.
6. Employee Development
There was stress on employee development right from the beginning at Tanda. Employee
development was virtually missing at the time of takeover. Employee development is a
strong area of the NTPC. Pursuit of higher education I qualifications was actively
encouraged by NTPC which brought a lot of goodwill. It paid off rich dividends as it gave
the taken over employees a new perspective and hope about their future in NTPC.
7. Introducing Established Systems
Introduction of established systems in the taken over Plants is perhaps the most powerful
tool to bring about a smooth takeover and early stabilization of the plant..
8. The Top Management Support
The top management support to the takeover & Transformation was available in
abundance. The visits by the CMD and Directors of NTPC were very effective in lifting the
morale of the ex -UPSEB employees. The Directors of NTPC visited Tanda often, to
resolve issues, and provide direction and support. It also sent the message to the
personnel working at Tanda that their contributions to the challenge of turning around of
Tanda project was being recognized at the highest level in NTPC. Approvals at Board
level were speedily accorded.
9. Support from other NTPC Station/ Offices
Tanda received support from other stations of NTPC in terms of experienced manpower in
technical & other areas on time. Spares were provided by other stations. Knowledge and

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

expertise of other projects was available to Tanda for solving problems in running the
units. Corporate Engineering Group helped with Long Term, Medium Term and Short
Term R&M planning. Medical officers from other NTPC stations carne to Tanda for short
periods for providing better medical facilities.

10. Spares Management – Special Measures

Spares were locally arranged/repaired wherever possible. Some important spares were
provided by NTPC Talcher, as the machine is the same. Material ordered by other NTPC
stations was diverted to Tanda
Necessary spares and equipment were also obtained from some non-NTPC stations like
Bhatinda Power Station in Punjab, Kothagudem in Andhra Pradesh, and Renu Sagar in
11. Knowledge Management
Maintenance of records of process of change is vital, not only for posterity but for the
future actions in the plant itself. The records will enable one to study and understand the
future requirements also. Detailed recording of each and every activity along with the
rationale for the same, and archiving them properly for easy retrieval are essential. This
will also aid in knowledge management. The knowledge gained would also be of help
when NTPC plants starts ageing.
12. Some Special Takeover Issues
Continuous and Visible Improvement
There should be continual improvement in plant performance as it aids in raising the
morale of the employees. Such improvement whether in the plant or surroundings must be
visible, to be most effective. At Tanda the visible effects were in the plant performance,
working environment, cleanliness in the plant & colony, development of parks, conduct of
cultural activities, schools, hospitals etc. With this infrastructure the quality of life also
Quantity v/s Quality
Initially, at Tanda the strategy of achieving quantity over quality was followed. Many visible
changes, though of lesser quality are far superior to a limited no. of high quality ones.
Quantity of successes is more visible than the quality. When the plant becomes
operational, quality comes into play in order to enhance the performance parameters.

Make the Plant Operation First

In such takeovers, the primary focus should be first to make the plant operational. When a
satisfactory level has been achieved, other areas can start getting added attention.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

Risk Taking Ability
The executives in key positions during takeovers should possess risk taking ability. This
involves taking decisions in conditions of uncertainties or where new ground has to be
broken. This ability involves taking fast decisions with available information rather than
weighing all pros and cons and delaying a decision waiting for additional
inputs/information. This ability in executives is strengthened by support from the top in as
much certain failure is acceptable. Clearly, the very decision making ability of executives
improves when working in takeover plants.
OEM/ Vendor Support
It is preferable to deal with OEMs as far as possible. OEMs rendered full support to the
Tanda plant in terms of spares, drawings, operating manuals etc. This was crucial to the
Transformation due to extremely poor condition of the plant. BHEL, the OEM for units
provided the drawings, operating manuals and other important details as well as supplied
the necessary important spares. Instrumentation India Ltd. helped by providing the
necessary Instrumentation details and drawings and supplied the necessary man power
support. A good liaison with OEM Vendors is vital in the early phase of the takeover.
Open Door Policy
The Head of Project and the departmental heads followed an open door policy and were
accessible to all the employees. Their expertise, help and advice was available to the
employees at Tanda.

Transparency and Non Discrimination

Each HR intervention was devised, introduced and communicated in such a manner that it
reflected non-discrimination, transparency and integrity of NTPC and its personnel. Such
HR interventions are essential when the NTPC culture and the culture of the absorbed
employees co-exist for some time after the takeover.
Redressal of grievances is always a matter of deep concern to the management. This
concern is accentuated when persons from different cultures are involved. Tanda
management made all efforts for speedy redressal of grievances.

Simplification of Procedures
Procedures were simplified and modified like crediting of salary in bank directly, issue of
leave / medical books etc. which had a favorable impact on the UPSEB employees. These

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

procedures are taken for granted within the NTPC, being a part of its established, system.
For the UPSEB employees it was something novel. Such system should be introduced at
the beginning, as it was done at Tanda

Introduction of Computers
There were no computers at Tanda prior to the takeover. Introduction of computers at
Tanda brought a major visual change. The employees who were initially reluctant and
feared for their job became willing converts to the computer age.

Non Copy Book Style

The nature of work at the initial stage of takeover does not always lend itself to the routine
rule book style of functioning. At this point there must be a relaxation of rules with broad
guidelines in place to manage the unexpected and the uncertain. This mode of functioning
will result in a speedier Transformation as was evident at Tanda.
Support from District Administration and Local Authorities
District administration was taken into confidence and regular interaction with them ensured
their full support for NTPC management. This support was highly visible during the actual
takeover and continued to be available due to good public relations.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


01-Involving school children for propagating use of crash helmet at township gate .
02-Safety oath before start of overhauling work by contractors workers.
03-Display of Framed safety posters all over the plant and township for propagating
various safety messages.
04-Matters related to Safety are displayed through intranet home page.
05-Regular competition on Emergency Handling of chlorine between CISF Fire Wing and
Maintenance contractors personnel.
06-Safety Quiz competition amongst house wives.
07-Class room training for contracting agencies.


01-Safety Suggestion Mela for employees

02. First Aid training for employees by Saint John’s Ambulance
03-Specialised safety training for senior executives through Directorate of Factories,
National safety Council and Regional labour Institute of Kanpur
05-Community Safety Training Programme for School Children and Housewives through
Loss Prevention Association, New Delhi.
06-Creating awareness through Fire Prevention training for Local villagers to minimize
outside fire calls.
07-Regular visit of Cable gallery since takeover as there is no fire extinguishing measure.
08-Regular checking and monitoring of Foam system at Fuel Oil area.
09-Regular checking and monitoring of Emulsifier system for Generator Transformer .
10-Testing and certification of Lifting Equipments and pressure vessels.
11-Introduction of Special Safety Audit by two Executives in each week on 24 x 7 Safety
concepts to look after the safety aspects in the plant.
12-Regular Medical Checking of the people working in Hazardous area.
13-Monthly Safety Review Meeting by Head of Station for all safety points raised in
different forums.
14-Special Task Force during Overhauling & R&M works to ensure safe practices in work.
15-Special drive for ensuring safety of the electrical appliances like welding machines etc
during overhauling. Joint protocol is made by Safety ,EMD and Users department after
clearance of the machine before use

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

16- Procurement and distribution of Safety Instruction card, Safety Pamphlets , Booklets
Sticker and other motivational items for employees, housewives & school children


1. Earlier no fire wing personnel was deployed at turbine area which resulted repeated
nos of fire calls in the area now a fire man is being permanently deployed who extinguish
the fire at their initial stage in each shifts in the turbine area. Due to which the nos of fire
calls have been come down In the year 2003 total nos of 69 fire calls was attended by the
standby duty person.
2. All the personnel of CISF fire wing posted at this unit are regularly being rotated for
prevention duties so that they can be well conversant about the plant topography and
various risks. In the year 2003 total nos of 645 plant employees and 551 contractor labors
were given first Aid fire fighting training.
3. Prevention team of CISF fire wing is regularly maintaining the first aid fire fighting
equipments as per schedule for better and effective functioning of these equipments.
4. Regular training program are being conducted for plant employees, contractor
labors, CISF Security Wing personnel to make them aware about the first aid fire fighting
and various fire risks

5. Fortnightly mock drills are being conducted at various locations of the plant area in
consultation with NTPC management.
6. Fire wing personnel are being deployed for various hot jobs area like welding
cutting and other similar tasks to prevent any accidents during the work as per

7. Regular checking of Hydrant pressure and their functioning are being checked by
CISF prevention team and if any defect found immediately being reported to concerned
area in charge for rectification.

8. On job training is being conducted for on duty personnel in each shifts as per

9. Regular checking of various fixed fire fighting installation are being conducted for
effective functioning.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

10. All major fire fighting and life saving equipments are being checked regularly for
effective functioning

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


With a view to bring more belongingness, punctuality, cohesiveness and actualize the
core values a innovative system of starting the day with NTPC Geet has been introduced.
In each department at 8:30 AM NTPC Geet is played. Departmental heads acts as
coordinator and employees participate in it voluntarily.


Department wise Communication & Review Meeting is arranged. During the meeting the
executives of the respective department use to make presentations on strategic
improvements, benchmarking and constraints in their areas. The meeting is chaired by
Head of The Station. During the meeting an in-house prepared CD, named “COIN”
(Company Information), was distributed to all Executives of the station. The CD covered all
relevant information regarding past performances, MOU, DISHA initiatives, DOP, Reward
Schemes, Corporate Plan etc. One round of this meeting has already completed. The
effort was appreciated by Director (HR).

All the review minutes of Site Management Committee Meetings, Departmental Review
Meetings and Site Visit of General Manager is released within 1st Half of next working day.

A system of Weekly Wednesday review meeting is introduced. The meeting is attended by

all HODs. During the meeting the problems related to O&M, Overhauling Preparedness,
PEM are reviewed. The meeting is arranged at service building & chaired by General

To avoid the confusion especially during a Disaster /emergencies all the important
buildings have been identified by a Unique Number. The numbers are painted on the
Building in such a way it can be viewed easily. The allotted numbers are kept with Fire
Station, Hospital, Safety Officer, Shift-in-Charge, office of the AGM(O&M) and General

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


With a view to enhance security “No Vehicle Zones” have been marked in plant premises.
Even the vehicles carrying goods from outside are being allowed to move on predefined
pathway and that too with driver only.
To enhance safety of the equipments and persons working inside the plant Pan Masala,
Biddi, Cigarette and match box entry inside the plant premises have been banned. It is
being ensured by CISF through frisking at the plant gate

NTPC-Tanda is ISO 9001-1996 & ISO 14001 certified station. The integration of both the
standards have been done with a view to bring effective monitoring, strengthening of the
system and minimizing the paper work. The integrated system has been put on Home
Page of the station so that it is easily assessable by one and all.

Business excellence Model based on European Foundation of Quality Management have

been successfully implemented at NTPC-Tanda which has resulted in Certification of
Commendation for Strong Commitment to Excel thus making Tanda only Takeover Station
to Achieve this Unique distinction.


All the formats/ reports/minutes/ MIS being generated by TS-TQM have been made fully
computerized. All these documents are being maintained in soft form only. No paper is
being consumed for these purposes.

As a role Model TS-TQM department has taken an unique initiative of facilitating the
Physically Challenged Employees to form a Quality Circle.

They were motivated, counseled and supported in forming the Circle. This circle
comprises of Two members being 100% Visually handicapped, two members 90% visually
blind and one member being deaf. The circle took the project of Utilization of Physically
challenged employees.
They have gone step by step in solving the problem of their sheer existence , Identity and
optimum utilization of their potential.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

Now as a result of their project they have been posted in Civil department for complaint
registration, in HR department in EDC and Establishment . They are working satisfactorily
to the satisfaction of their executives and enjoying the work.

With a view to strengthen the TQM initiatives a 30 minutes meeting of HODs is organized
on weekly basis where one QC or PC has to make presentation in front of HODs and
General Manager. A calendar is prepared in such a way that all QC and PC are covered.


Effective management evolves on the concepts of discussions, empathetic listening,

involvement and empowerment. Meetings have become an important tool for decision
making in management. The meetings have been judiciously scheduled . The agenda for
the meetings have been designed in such a fashion that the key issues are addressed at
uniform and desired intervals. It is a fact that virtually any one engaged in any organized
endeavor has an-internal customer and the interaction with customers is nothing but
meetings of minds. For defining customers’ need and expectations the concept of “Internal
Customers’ Meet” has been introduced. In these meetings host department invites all of its
internal-customers. In the meetings customers spell out their suggestions and
expectations from the host department. Various suggestions, improvements etc. are
discussed across the table for improving the efficiency and bring out synergy. The
expectations and improvement-measures agreed are discussed to make an action plan.
The review of action plan and new expectations are further discussed in next meeting of
the particular host. Apart from encouraging the horizontal resolution of problems the above
practice has brought in informality and has given many tangible and non-tangible benefits.
This is one of the good steps taken towards fulfillment of our core value customer focus &
it is a Win-Win Situation

To streamline the functioning of various functions of the station the system of “SYSTEM
CIRCULAR” have been introduced. The circular are being issued after careful scrutiny of
the activities, past experiences and learning. The TS department is custodian of all such


NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

All the cards like invitations, birthday greetings, official functions, workshops, sports event
are printed in-house. The application for CII Business Excellence Award was also printed
in-house. This has resulted saving on account of printing charges and enhanced the
creativity also.


In view of recent security threats obstruction is created after security gate by making “S”
entry. The zigzag entry is created through fabricated trolleys in such a way that it acts as
hurdle between main gate and pathway to plant.


As an unique initiative the information sharing session is being organized where

executives of Operation are sharing their learning to non executives of their department.
Thus a environment of learning and two way communication is created.

Rajbhasha is being used extensively in day to day working. All the outstation orders, note
sheet related to water payment charges, correspondences with state officers is being
made in Hindi . The Name plate of the Office of General Manager, its secretariat, visitors
room and Technical services have been put in Hindi only.


With a view to promote innovative ideas for overall growth of the station , whether it is
related to Plant, township, health, school or culture, a core group has been formed having
members from horticulture, Hospital, Operation, O&E, C&M, HR and Technical Services
as coordinator. The group meets once in a month and come forward with various
innovative ideas and submit it to General Manager


Building Culture is an important aspect of managing the human resources. Fostering

affinity with the company and amity among the employees is imperative to team building.
General Manager makes it a point to greet every employee on his / her birthday with an in-
house prepared greeting card and bouquet.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


The collection efficiency of ESPs at Tanda 99.37%. Dust Concentration at ESP Inlet is
-41838 mg/NM3. The design SPM –263 mg/Nm3 is whereas SPM as per present
Environment Norm is <150mg/NM3 .
To bring down the SPM with in norm, it has become essential to take some measure
As a pilot project dosing of Ammonia dosing has been started in ESPs for control of stack
emission. When ammonia is injected, it reacts with sulphur tri-oxide & moisture present in
the fuel gas to produce Amonium Bi-sulphate. The following chemical reaction takes
place- SO3+NH3+H2O→NH4HSO4

This materials stick to the ash particles and decreases the ash resistivity. Decrease in
Ash resistivity increases the Migration Velocity there by improving the collection


Partial recycling of ash water for water conservation is being done. For this a return line
parallel to ash discharge line has been laid. The clear water after settling the ash in pond
is taken back for the purpose of using it for making of ash slurry.


Adjacent to Unit#4 three interconnected chamber have been constructed. The oil mixed
with water is collected in first chamber. The water with oil flows to second chamber due to
gravity. In second chamber mechanical impurities and contents other than water and oil
are removed manually & water with oil id flown to third chamber where the oil is collected
in drums. Each drum has a tap in its bottom for draining the water from drum.


Disposal of Biomedical waste as per norms is being done. For this the wastes are
collected in predefined coloured buckets. These wastes are destroyed through autoclave
and buried into the pits.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

With a view to facilitate the employees frequent vehicular pollution checking camp are
being organized in colony campus through authorized agent of UP Transport department
or RTO . In the camp if emissions are beyond permissible limit then the tuning of vehicle is
also being arranged for bringing the emission to the specified limit and certificate of
conformance is issued to all such vehicles.


To create the awareness amongst the employees specially to new comers continuous
refresher training is imparted through in-house faculties wherein the permissible norms,
present condition and future plans are shared. On world environment day eminent
speakers are being called from universities to share breakthrough changes advancements
in this area as knowledge sharing.


Cordial effective liaisoning with UPPCB, which resulted the dispute settled of water cess
payment methodology, hence saving in Water Cess Payment


Environment related play by School children on World Environment Day celebration for
mass awareness among children/ ladies and other resident of Township are being

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

The station took various initiatives for channelizing the potential and as a result of sincere
and dedicated efforts put in, there has been tremendous improvement in all parameters
that affect the environment. Initiative was also taken in the area of Eco-System
Reclamation by Extensive afforestation and developing green grass in Township. As a
result of this initiative, all around greenery has been developed in Township. Govt. of U.P.
has recognized our efforts for afforestation and environmental protection by presenting a

Commendation Award on World Forestry Day on 21st March’2003 by Hon’ able Governor
of U.P., Shri Vishnu Kant Shastri. Some the practices adopted in the area of afforestation
& Horticulture are as below


In the initial stage, in order to ensure generation of uninterrupted power, the process of
making available space in the existing Pond-A for discharge of ash slurry, was started by
evacuation of Pond Ash. Two-pronged strategy was adopted; one was to make available
space and another was utilization of ash in such a way that could be helpful in fugitive dust
control near ash dyke. There was low-lying area of NTPC available adjacent to Ash Pond.
About 1,50,000 MT of evacuated Pond Ash was filled in the low-lying area to develop it in
the form of Landscape with turfing on top and tree plantation all around in the periphery.
The area has been developed in such a way that it is serving both purposes-controlling
fugitive dust and being used as a PICNIC Spot

When NTPC took over the Station, the condition of Township was pathetic. There was no
park available for people to enjoy the pleasure of natural greenery essential from
environmental and human being’s point of view. Therefore, detailed planning was made to
develop all the low lying areas available in Township with Pond Ash for development of
lawns. Accordingly various lawns have been developed in front of Administrative Building,
Service building, Schools, VIP Guest House, Clubs, behind Hospital and strategic
locations of township etc.

As a result of concerted effort made, today, there are a 11 number of beautiful parks in
Township with children fun games & greenery all round. Residents of township have
started enjoying the beauty of nature.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

NTPC-Tanda has taken over extensive plantation of JATROPA the Bio fuel plant. This
year ten thousands Jatropa plants have been planted in waste Land .


Development of Nursery behind VIP Guest house after reclaiming entire area. Earlier it
was garbage dumping place since inception of plant. A beautiful nursery cum park in
Cooling tower area, Rose Garden, Vishwkarma park inside the plant & Rajat Jayanti park
in township.

As for ensuring 100% Fly Ash Utilization on sustained basis, utilization of fly ash in
manufacturing of Portland pozzolana cement was the only option available with the station
, the process of identification of interested Cement Manufacturing companies was
immediately started as lot of investment was required from the Cement Company’s side.
Discussion and deliberations were held with many companies in respect of setting-up a
Cement Plant near the station. After lot of discussion and persuasion, Jaypee Cement
Limited showed interest in utilizing entire quantity of Fly Ash generated from the station &
they came forward for setting-up a Cement grinding Cum Blending plant of capacity 1.0
million tones per annum near Tanda station. With the commissioning of JCL’s Cement
Plant the process of 100% Fly Ash utilization will start and the station will be the first coal
based Thermal Power Plant in the country that will ensure 100% Fly Ash Utilization.


Herbs are known as the wonder drugs centuries in Indian Sub-continent. Today, herbal
treatment has become important in global context also as this answers to the major
concerns being faced by mankind. Respecting the fact that environmentally, NTPC-Tanda
has taken up development of full fledged Medicinal value herbal park having Neem,
Askoka & other trees having promising potentials in the field of pest management,
environment protection, herbal medicines etc., a Vatika in the permanent township has
been developed as Arogya Vatika. The vatika has 2 Kms long pathway where people may
walk on pathways and get maximum advantage of serene & divine atmosphere. It is
relevant to mention here that this have been developed by filling and compaction of debris
and waste materials.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

With a view to enhance the overall quality of Spares, Consumables etc Quality Plans are
prepared for 100% purchase indents. All the indents are being routed to FQA department
by indenters and FQA provides the quality plan to each indent.


Critical purchases where Pre-Dispatch Inspection is being identified by Field Quality
Assurance department. For these purchase indents a list of routine, acceptance & type
tests, along with its acceptance standard is being prepared to form part of enquiry being
sent to bidders. Identification of tests minimizes post-award disputes in addition to
ensuring quality of the product.


Pre-Dispatch Inspection period, being taken by regional inspection offices, after receipt of
call is being reduced by regular follow up with RIO. Regular liaisoning & expediting is
being done. The inspection requests are being sent to concerned RIO at the earliest
through fax, email indicating approved Quality Plan references etc.

Civil testing of aggregate, stones, chips, cement blocks are being conducted at our FQA
Lab. The facility is extended to agencies also on chargeable basis thus making NTPC-
Tanda FQA a earning and profit making center.


All items being received at central stores against stock items request are being inspected
by FQA for their conformance to PO requirements.


At Tanda FQA department remains fully involved in unit overhauls. The de-metering
(thickness) survey is being conducted by FQA department during all boiler overhauls. All
critical checks are being conducted and protocol is signed and maintained..
The surveillance quality checks are being conducted for ongoing civil, electrical and R&M

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M




NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

TANDA has a Tadiron 1000 lines IDSN compatible EPABX intercom System for plant and
colony. The Satcom system consists of MCPC VSAT Terminal with 4 Data Channels and
4 Voice Channels along with a 48 Line EPABX (ENKYEE Make). We are upgrading
towards high speed and direct intra–project communication through our SATCOM link,
which have been upgraded to DAMA integration. This has provided us better inter-
connectivity among NTPC projects and this has resulted in reduction of our Landline cost
to a great extent. The Data channels cater to transmission of OPPMS/ABT data and
Internet / e-mail / WAN connectivity of Computers / Servers at CC / Region.


At NTPC-Tanda we have designed and developed Real Time On Line ABT software
application and the same has been implemented and in successful operation since
01.12.2005. This On Line Software has been developed on web enabled ASP(Active
Server Page) having server located at SCE Room and 4 No clients located at each
UCBs . The ABT application generates block wise DC, SG, AG , UI , Frequency along
with asking rate of generation for each of the 96 blocks. Accessibility has been extended
to Region and CC-OS for Real Time Data Transfer.


Photo gate pass system is operative at Main Plant Security gate for visitors and all
contract labours. Instant photo of person is captured through web camera and gate pass is
issued along with photographs and other related details like time of entry, name, age, sex,
purpose of visit, to whom to visit etc.


The Cable TV system at Tanda Township was designed to carry only 15 –20 channels.
Presently, the Head end equipment can receive 50 Channels. This cable TV network is
distributed on 4 Optical Nodes with OFC interlink with a view to having accessibility of
providing internet facilities in future .


On line Document / File Transfer System (DTS / FTS) has been implemented from 1 ST
August 2005 for tracking and monitoring movement of files, note sheets etc from executive
to executive within departments and intra departments. All executive have been provided a
user Id and password for its use. All the files, note sheets and documents are being

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

compulsorily routed through DTS. This has resulted in monitoring delays in file clearance,
if any, thereby resulting in faster clearing of the files and reduction in administrative lead


With a view to improve communication with out side world and ward off remoteness of the
site DID facility having 32 channels have been provided through our Intercom system
facilitating outside incoming calls.


We are in the process of implementation of on line complaint systems for Civil, Electrical,
PC & Telephone Maintenance activities on a ASP based server platform. This program
can be also used for departmental MIS and exception reports.


PCs have been provided to schools, Cooperative society, Coaching center and Tanda
Employees Welfare Association with requisite on line facilities with a view to create and
encourage Computer learning atmosphere.
Value additions in terms of software enhancement are being continuously affected on the
existing online applications based on company's requirement successfully.


E-Mail accounts have been provided to all executives and the facility has been extensively
used to exchange of information. This has resulted in multi user, multi location speedy
communication resulting in faster decision making.
The Tanda home page has almost all reports generated by various departments and more
and more dynamic content is being added progressively. This has resulted in huge
savings in terms of Paper consumption / Photocopying etc. and has enabled Line
Managers to view latest information on an anytime anywhere basis.


There was an overwhelming requirement of viewing Pay-slip, Tax-slip and status of
miscellaneous payments like TA Claims, Medical Claims etc. being processed by Finance.
All these statements have been made available on the Intranet with due password

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

protection, enabling individual employees to view their statements at the click of a mouse


The NTPC Tanda has kept pace with the time and provided the required technical support
to many business processes. The system is continuously growing upward in terms of
procuring latest technology & machines and expansion of existing facilities. We have a
state of art Fibre Optic Campus Networking backbone that connects all major locations /
offices of the station through workgroup network intelligent switches. Strategic locations of
township are connected through high speed 2 mbps HDSL (High Speed Data Subscriber
Link) Modems. Tanda also has an Intranet which hosts all types of static Departmental
Reports as well as some dynamic reports / queries which have become a necessity to all
executives for the latest up to date information. Users can download the common
software from the web page for easy and quick use of the software on the PC. Users are
provided with PC’s / Thin Clients / Terminals for accessing the online applications and
Intranet / Internet / Mail / WAN connectivity for Surplus Spares. Enterprise Servers are
installed for running the major Online Application like OLIMFAS, OPPMS, Anurakshan,
FTS (File Tracking System) ,EIS, PMS, e-Hospital Management System and other locally
developed applications.


On regular basis virus infection on the network is being tracked and removed with
injection of appropriate latest anti-virus kits to reduce down time of systems on the
network on account of virus infection


A comprehensive telephone directory having Nos of Office, Residence of Intercom and
BSNL, Mobile and E mail ID of all the executives, Departments and phones provided on
functional basis have been put on home page of the station.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M



We provide a guideline to our employees about the Do’s & Don’ts in respect of all
procedures to be adopted and decision to be taken thereon. It creates right direction to all

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

of our employees. Further, it helps in creating an atmosphere conducive to anti corruption


Regular Training is imparted to employees with a view to educate them about the
functioning of Vigilance and creating pro-vigilance environment & to avoid the mistakes
committed by them knowingly / unknowingly. It is felt that due to lack of awareness, most
of the employees are committing mistakes and that results harassment to them. To avoid
such an act if we educate them in all aspects of their day to day working, it will help them
keep performing the duty in a proper direction and they may prevent themselves from any
corrupt practices.
A yearly meet is organized of Working contactors with HODs and Head of station with a
view to create a atmosphere of trust and understanding. This forum provides contractors
to put their problem in front of General Manager so that the problems are sorted out
amicably and speedily.


With a view to obtain the suggestions so as to avoid misuse of any loopholes in the rules
of the company and further suggestion for the betterment of implementation of Company’s
rule and improvement in vigilance activities regular interaction is being with all the


This interaction is confined to the works awarded to the agencies, the quality of work they
are suppose to perform, proper material handling, proper observance of statutory laws etc.

Regular interaction with housewives is being organized through various Vigilance

awareness campaign program. The initiative is started with a view to create total
corruption free environment and to make housewives aware about Do’s & Don’ts as they
are the main motivating factor for removing the greed from the minds of the employee and
that creates a situation adverse to the ideal situation. If we are able to convince our
housewives about the right & wrong of our life, they will motivate their husbands not to do
any thing wrong. They will compel their husband to change their activities from the wrong
path. To avoid all the above situations, interaction with housewives is felt necessary.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

Employee engagement is one of the important aspects of running a business entity
because the human resources are more precious than any other resources the company
commands and to gain maximum benefit from the activities of the company. Keeping in
view the latest trends in the Human Resources Management, NTPC has redefined the role
of HR in the overall activities of the company, bestowing on it the responsibility of a
Strategic Partner.
Communication, Employee Satisfaction with regard to his needs in the company,
opportunity for self Development, Attending to the needs of the society, fulfilling the
aspirations of the stakeholders are the most important activities of the HR Department.


Prompt action in the matters regarding grievance / suggestion from employees / personal
requests results in satisfaction among the employees and greater understanding between
the management and employees. In order to establish continuous communication channel
with employees Open Door policy is adopted at Tanda. Any employee(s) having a genuine
grievance / suggestion to make / personal request, can meet the General Manager or
Heads of Departments at any time. More over on every Monday a slot in afternoon session
has been fixed by Head of Station where the employees are heard in person by General
Manager and actions are taken to address their grievance / suggestion / personal request


Attending to the needs of the employees in time results in greater employee engagement
and no grievances.
In order to provide faultless service to the employees, time frame has been fixed for
processing of employee benefits like advances & reimbursements and adhered to
• All the applications of employees like Applications for LTC are processed within the same
day. Applications for Advances are processed within two days.
• All applications related to reimbursements are processed on 15th of every month to avoid
inconvenience to the employees and F&A Department.
• No employee need pursue the mater with the officer concerned

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

• The timely processing of applications developed a positive attitude in the employees.


Employees retiring at the end of a long innings in the company will have a lot of
expectations and hassle free exit leaves a long lasting impression on the employee. All the
benefits accruing to an employee on superannuation like Post Retirement Medical Benefit,
PF, Leave Encashment etc., are handed over to the employee on the date of retirement.
This fulfills the aspirations of the employees in that they are spared from needless running
from pillar to post for settlement of their dues.

Journey in human life is a continuous learning process and progress is possible only
through continuous updation in this fiercely competitive world. In order to realize the HR
Vision “To enable our people to be a family of Committed World Class Professionals,
making NTPC a Learning Organisation”, various initiatives and employee friendly policies
have been introduced.
All round development of the manpower is an essential element in the progress of a
company in its pursuit of excellence. HR Website has been developed at Tanda by HR
Department to enable employees to access the latest information about HR as well as
share their knowledge and learnings.
Various Topics have been covered under different heads, are as follows.
1. Policy:
• NTPC Interactive Policy Manual to enable browsing of all the HR polices in NTPC
• PMS Interactive Policy Manual to enable browsing of all PMS polices in NTPC.

2. Training & Development:

• Training Details of Employees for the last three years,
• Tanda Training Calendar for the calendar year,
• PMI Training Calendar,
• List of EDC Coordinators
3. Company Information:
• CMD’s Address to employees,
• Vision & Values Revisit,
• Disha Recommendations & Updates,
• Employee Perception / Employer Branding Surveys - BODH – I & II,
• e-Darpan, Best Employer,

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

• Man Power Details,
• Pension Details,
• Issue of Personal Entitlement Items to employees,
• Latest TA / DA Entitlements,
• Community Development Activities,
• List of Holidays at Tanda,
• HR News Letter,
• SA 8000 Manual,
• Promotions List,
• All HR formats on Intranet for easy accessibility
4. Human Resources Development:

Provides details of various HR Initiatives, and related information.

Details of HR Initiatives in NTPC,
• List of HR ambassadors,
• NTPC Reward System,
• List of Awardees,
• NOCET Compilations,
• PC Convention Presentations Compilations,
• Details of Skill Upgradation,
• Details of Employees acquired Higher Qualification.

5. Links:

Provides links to various sites for information of employees.

In our day to work, we require certain information, which we may not get easily, though
available on our desktop / in our storewell. For the convenience of the employees, the
following links have been provided on the website.

• NTPC Telephone Directory,

• PMI Website,
• Corporate Internal Placement Circulars
• Oxford English Dictionary
6. e-Learning / Knowledge Management::

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

Knowledge management is a tool adopted by the management to enable its executives
spread the knowledge. It contains the following:
• Technical CD ROMs – Self Study Courses from NPTI, Badarpur
• Topics on Management – Covering Different topics of general interest
• CDs on Management
• Overhauling Reports of Tanda
• Foreign Training Learnings of Senior officials of NTPC
• e-Books
• TQM concepts covering 5S, Quality Management, Health, Benchmarking, CII –
EXIM Bank Business Excellence Award, ISO 14001, ISO 18000 etc.
• Environment Management
• Various articles contributed by employees
Even a small needle many times saves lot of time and many stitches in the long run.
Knowledge shared is knowledge gained and results in greater productivity. Knowledge
acquired over the years if not shared remains unproductive and under utilised. In order to
enable the employees to share their experiences in their day to working and to gain from
the knowledge of others, Knowledge sharing is effected through HR Website.
This ensures effective sharing of the knowledge garnered over the years cross the station
uniformly. Employees working in O&M and Non-O&M are equally benefited from this

Contract Labour management is a very essential for any organization, especially keeping
in view the outsourcing of various jobs and timely accomplishment of tasks. In order to
ensure smooth functioning of the establishment and for the welfare of the contract labour
various initiatives have been taken at Tanda.
In order to enable employees to update themselves comfortably, learn the management
trends and technical details of Power Station, Self Learning Centre has been opened at
Tanda. This contains books on various topics of management, Self Development tools like
TQM concepts, Self Management, General Management etc. Apart form the above, the
SLC contains CDs on management, lectures delivered by eminent persons etc., to enable
the employees to appreciate the management techniques better and refresh their
learnings and hone their skills appropriately, so that maximum benefit is gained by the

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

• 19 CD-ROMs have been obtained form various technical aspects of Power Plants from
NPTI, Badarpur and made available in the Self Learning center. These are self learning
courses and are user friendly.
• Any executive doing the self learning course of these Technical CD-ROMs and obtaining A
or A+ grade will be awarded a certificate of merit by GM and a book of his / her choice
from among the 80 books specially procured for this purpose.
• 100% coverage of contract labour under the Workmen Compensation Act
• Computerized Photo Gate pass system for entry into the plant
• Issue of Gate Pass for the Contract Labour on the same day
• Issue of No Dues Certificate only after compliance with PF Act
• Continuous Monitoring of contractors & Flawless record keeping
• Gate Pass system for entry into the Township

NTPC acts as a Responsible Corporate Citizen when it comes to the issues concerning
the Community Development. It is a member of Global Compact, Corporate Roundtable
for development of Strategies for Environment and adopted the Social Code framed by
India Partnership Forum, promoted by Confederation of Indian Industries and UNDP. The
social responsibility of NTPC is incorporated in the Corporate Objectives. Thus NTPC
follows the practice of addressing the CSR issue in an integrated multi-stakeholder
approach and covering the environmental and social aspects.
As a part of its efforts to address the issues affecting the lives of the residents of the
nearby villages, NTPC – Tanda has taken a unique initiative opened a District Disability
Rehabilitation Centre under MOU with NIOH, Kolkata.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

Finance department of Tanda has been continuously making efforts in providing better
services to the employees, contractors, CISF & Schools. At Tanda F&A department is
running two Nos of trusts for Board Employees and NTPC employees.


Space has been provided in Station HOME PAGE where salary details, Medical Claim
payments, TA claims are up loaded regularly so that employees can view and take out the
prints. Employees can view their previous records.


A- A trust for GPF of specified employees is being run and all payments for GPF are being
paid by next day after receipt of approval order form HR department in comparison to
Electricity Boards system of more than one month

B- Investments are being done timely with Central Government, State Government, PSUs
and other securities.

C- A Pension trust for release of pension of retired specified personnel is being run by
Tanda and by 7th of the following month pension is credited to bank accounts of retired


A- All RA bills related to payments of contractors are being processed and payments are
being released within 2-3 days of receipt of verified bills form Engineer- In-charge.

B- All Final Payments are being processed and released within 15 Days of receipt of Bill in


All the Quarterly, and Finals accounts have been finalized within time schedule without
any adverse comments of statutory auditors.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


F&A has benchmarked the processing time of claims with a view to provide improved and
speedy services to its employees.

1-LPC is being released on the very next day of release of the employee.

2-PF advances are being released within Two days.

3-Medical claims are cleared within a day but the payments are released through salary.

4-The TA Claims are cleared within a day but payments are released through salary.

5-LTC claims are cleared within a day of receipt of claim.

6-All advances are cleared within a day of request.

7-All final settlement of employees, except PF, on superannuating /VRS is done on the
same day of superannuating.

8-Leave encashment is being released on the same day of receipt of order from Human
Resources department.

9-The annual PF slip is distributed to employees on 1st of April every year.

10- Final settlement of Provident Fund of employees on superannuating is done on the

very next day of superannuation.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


(1) Daily 24 hours average of parameters is calculated using review software in Tanda in the
absence of proper DAS system, and various performance parameters average, max, min
values is shown in daily morning meeting, the efficiency heat rate gap analysis is also
displayed on daily basis in daily planning meeting, the parameter deviation reports are
sent by mail to all the concerned people.

(2) In house development of efficiency calculation & data achieving software.

As Tanda is of 110 MW different from other plants daily heat rate deviation calculation
software was developed incorporating various performance wholly developed by EEMG
department. The software was developed to achieve test data and performance
calculation of various equipment.

(3) Daily report like condenser, APH, Turbine & Boiler

Testing of various equipments is dome as per the time schedule and test results are
discussed in daily planning meeting and corrective action taken as per the various

(4) Daily performance flashing

Daily plant performance report is generated and circulated to all the people through mail
for easy and prompt access earlier hard copy of report was circulated which was having
limited access, the hard copy circulation is totally stopped now. Also OPPMS data is
posted parallely by EEMG along with plant report generation to avoid any discrepancy in
both the reports.

(5) Daily UI gap analysis

UI gap analysis & maximization of profits through UI is done on daily basis before the
morning meeting, by using excel software developed by EEMG and the report developed
is discussed on daily basis in morning meeting to maximize the profits and analyze the
various reasons leading to Uloss.

(6) Daily excursion watch

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

On daily basis metal temperatures of boiler tubes on transferred form eurotherm recorders
form unit and metal temperature excursion if any of boiler tubes is calculated using excel
software developed by EEMG, and if excursion occurs the reasons one discussed in daily
meeting to avoid it in future.

(7) Energy audits are done as per schedule in various areas to explore the possibilities of
energy saving like boiler & turbine insulation, compressor house, Ash sherry P/P house,
cooling tower ESP etc. Recommendation of energy audit are discussed with concerned
deportment and implemented as and when possible.

(8) On line energy monitoring meters gas been installed in almost all the HT drives and
system commissioning is almost complete, the on line energy monitoring system will
provide software interface to various equipments energy consumption pattern and will be
used to optimize auxiliary power consumption of plant, and performance analysis of
various equipments based on energy consumption.

(9) Appreciable gains in cooling tower performance was observed by changing the blade
angles of cooling tower fan.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M



NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

1-Monitoring all the parameter within normal limits.
2-Walk down observation of equipment healthiness by Control engineer and desk
3-On line PTW system and job card raising
4-Reporting of defects and pursuance for prompt rectification.
5-Driven by ownership of equipments.
6-Logging of important parameters.
7-Record keeping of permits/ job cards.
8-Availability of oil guns ensured by scavenging.
9-Max generation with possible, safe operation of equipment.
10-Hit and trial experiment to ensure healthiness.
11-Cleanness of equipment and house keeping.


1. Monitoring unit startup and stabilization time.

2. No oil support during planed shutdown
3. By keeping LDO Header pressure= 6Ksc at the burner.
4. By optimizing total air flow during startup(<30%).
5. By ensuring speedy availability of coal mill after cancellation of PTW.
6. By checking of no oil gun passing.
7. By regulating atomizing air with respect to oil pressure.
8. Planning good coal feeding in the units for the P/M of lower mills.


1. Optimization of no. of CW pumps in winter season.

2. Optimization of CT fans in service based on CW inlet temp.
3. Monitoring the current of all HT drives along with BFP re-circulation valve passing
4. Optimizing service water consumption.
5. Checking control air and service air leakages.
6. Stopping of CW pumps and CT fans during shut down unit.
7. Reduction in PA fan loading by keeping PA header pressure<800 mmwc.
8. Ensuring CBP in operation.
9. Optimizing BCW system.
10. Optimization of running of Maharipur pumps for reservoir make up.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


1. Monitoring condenser performance

2. Monitoring condenser tubes free from scale.
3. Checking air ingress point and attending the same.
4. Monitoring high-energy drain passing.
5. Monitoring MS and HRH temp. Close to 535oC at turbine inlet.
6. Water wall soot blowing operation.
7. Air pre- heater washing during shut down.
8. Monitoring HP flash tank temp. and pressure.
9. Optimizing CBD opening.


1. Regular joint checking with EMD and BMD representative.

2. Daily observation& recording of each rapping motor frequency.
3. Checking air ingress points and attending the same.
4. Checking of short field problem during shut down and follow up to attend.
5. Regular checking of flushing apparatus nozzle choking.


1. Daily checking of SADC operation and position and adjusting as per the
2. Daily checking of PA header pressure WB pressure, unburnt carbon in bottom ash,
fly ash, mill fineness, oxygen in flue gas at eco outlet.
3. Daily monitoring of furnace temp. APH emit temp.


1. By regular MOT draining.

2. Running centrifuge 4 to 6hours in each shift.
3. Maintaining LP & HP gland steam pressure to avoid ingress with lube oil.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M



NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

Proximate analysis of coal of as received rakes immediately after arrival of rakes at site
and test results are communicated within 03 hours. This has been started from August
2003 onwards. This activity has helped in knowing the actual quality of received coal and
in turn in taking decision to control the coal feeding to the bunkers so that average VM
coal should be available for firing at all the times for stable flames. After this activity the
unit tripping due to flame failure has reduced appreciably.


a. Gravity Sand Filter no. 4 has been revived and made functional. Sand topping in the
rest 03 filter beds were carried out to maintain the sand at design level. Now all the GSF
are working satisfactorily leading to the enhanced availability of filter beds and quality of
filter water.
b. Chlorination of raw water input to the clarifier is being chlorinated to eliminate the
organic fouling and oxidation of Ferrous and Manganous salts to their respective higher
states, which ultimately precipitates and removed in the clarifier. This step helps in
preventing organic fouling as well as inorganic fouling of resin beds in DM Plant.

c. The activated carbon of all the ACF beds, cation and anion resins of cation, anion and
MB beds were replaced with new resins. This has improved the performance of DM plant
with respect to quality as well as quantity


a. Due to the regular Chemical treatment of cooling water system, the units are running at full
load with good condenser vacuum with respect to the previous year, and no generation
loss due to condenser vacuum observed.The cooling water treatment was operated
previously at relatively lower alkalinity.Due to lower alkalinity of cooling water sometimes -
higher corrosion rates of MS&Cu-Ni has been observed and to overcome this problem
higher quantities of treatment chemicals were dosed. To correct this problem we have
modified the treatment program and treatment was carried out at higher alkalinity.The
modified treatment program lead to the lowering of corrosion rates of MS & Cu-Ni to within
specified limits and the same is being achieved at lower dose rates of treatment
chemicals.This also lead to the saving of Sulphuric acid to the tune of 1.5 -2.0 tons per

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

day,which is equivalent to monthly saving of approx.1.5 lakhs.
b. The regular hydrogen purity of all the units is being carried out and maintained at proper
concentration level to avoid any untoward incidence.

4. Quality improvement in Main Plant:

a. Due to the improvement in make up water quality and correct maintenance of chemical
parameters of steam water cycle, the CBD has been reduced to <5% from average 15-
20% in the previous year. This lead to the appreciable saving of chemicals, make up water
and heat loss
b. Regular monitoring of flue gas oxygen in every shift is being carried out specially during
start up of units for combustion optimization leading to fuel saving.
c. The regular monitoring of stack emission of all the units and on the basis of the report of
SPM of individual units corrective action is being taken by the EMD And OMD for
improvement of ESP performance

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M



NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

1- Conducting morning meeting and other meetings with the help of PA system for
better audibility.
2- Paperless presentation in morning meeting with the help of DLP.
3- Centralized indenting and issue of high value consumables, bearings, electrodes
and special lubricants.
4- Review of contracts and material progress from initial to final stage.
5- Coordination of overhauling preparation of bar chart and other schedule.
6- Coordination of overhauling spares and contracts and their pursuance.
7- Planning, raising and closing PM and defect job cards.
8- Preparation and compilation of O&M budget and MBOA budget.
9- Condition monitoring, vibration measurement of all equipments, pre and post
overhauling vibration measurement and preparation of reports.
10- Reclamation of spares in central workshop.
1-Day by day monitoring of each activity in the evening and discussing constraints and
thereafter solution.
2-Day wise progress display in UCB to keep aware of every concern regarding the date of
final synchronization.
3-Collection and compiling overhauling data into book and releasing a CD.
4-Constitution of a safety committee for exclusively overhauling to ensure safe and
effective work.


MTP Website has been developed at Tanda MTP Department to enable O&M executives
to access the latest information about O&M activities as well as share their knowledge and
Various Topics have been covered under different heads. All minutes of meetings of O&M,
circulars, safety audit reports, overhauling schedules, MOU performances etc are readily
available on the web site.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M



NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

Daily checking of boiler for any abnormality in the system.
Availability of wall blowers ensured that benefits furnace r optimization
Ensured to maintain boiler chemistry, which is vital for boiler smooth operation.
Tube leakage identification and attending in shortest duration period, which help, reduce
generation loss.

Contract proposal are sent well in advance time and regular follow up for award of contract
within time.
Indenting & procurement of spares well in advance to help smooth work during
overhauling and shutdown period.


Effective monitoring of work during OH and shutdown that maintain quality of work and
job completion within/ahead of schedule.

Due to proper utilization of PPE and best practice of maintenance there is accident free
overhauling & shutdown.


1-Lowering down of all flushing apparatus to ground floor in ECO, APH, FG duct and ESP
hoppers to
-Increase water pressure,
-Better access of flushing apparatus
-to remove any chocking in Flushing system.
-To facilitate the maintenance activities e.g. nozzle cleaning, Welding works etc.
-To avoid any overflow of dry or wet ash in the surrounding.
-Multiple nozzles in flushing apparatus have been provided for water balancing according
to quantity of ash.
-Rerouting of LP header for better water pressure and flow distribution as per the field
- Modification of flushing apparatus inspection pocket for removal of any foreign material,
clinkers without cutting and welding.
- For the controlled flow of ash from flushing apparatus, a tunnel of the size 400X
150X 100 MM was designed & implemented which was found very effective.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

- Expansion space was provided for the collecting electrodes.
- Rapping frequency adjusted to suit the system.

With a view to solve the chronic problems faced in the mills since beginning, to maximize
the mill availability and to optimize the performance the in-depth study was carried out.
The size of the mill itself is a constraint for the maintenance. The bowl chamber is very
small and no maintenance is possible without removing the R.J. asslys. the scraper
chamber is so small that the mechanical face seal fitment is very difficult. This delicate mill
is also very sensitive to the foreign material. It is understood that right from the installation
of these mills there were the various problems along with the main vertical shaft failure.
The availability of these mills have been badly affected due to the repeated failures. The
problem was thoroughly understood only after Tanda takeover by NTPC. However there
was no scope for changing the mills at Tanda due to space constraints and other
various .It was very much essential to overcome the bottlenecks in the XRP -623 Variant
of Tanda Mills. Ultimately numerous modifications were decided in phased manner-


Modification of 16" Fabricated Piping with Stainless steel conical assembly (one end
840x840 mm square and other end 16"with provision of dresser coupling) with a view to
Preventing choking at feeder inlet especially during monsoon season & when coal is
having high surface moisture or of sticky nature.


M.S. Fabricated 13" pipe with multiple irregular joints to stainless steel fabricated with 16”
outlet for Preventing choking at feeder outlet especially during monsoon season & when
coal is having high surface moisture or of sticky nature

13"MS Pipe both ends welded 16" stainless steel pipe with flange on one end &
dresser coupling on other end for For ease of maintenance & to have center feed pipe
without any projection on inner surface to prevent building up of coal.
Bearing Type Journal Spring Assembly Journal opening modified to suit bearing less
modified journal spring assembly leading to saving on account of cost of bearings which
was very high with high failure rate too. The bearing less modified journal spring assembly

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

is almost maintenance free
Non –Tall Top Design modified to Tall Top design leading to enhancement in volume of
separator top increases the retention period to improve the fineness as the low volatile
coal being fired need higher fineness
24 no. Independent Deflector Blade type modified to 36 no. Integral deflector blade type.
Earlier the individual classifier blades were having the problem of shifting their themselves
due to turbulence /vertex of air inside the mills deteriorating mill's performance.
Funnel type Venturi was modified to outlet Venturi same as
XRP 803 solving the problem of non uniform flow of air + fuel in different P.F. pipe
Non-protected on outer side was protected with ni-hard inner cone spout as segments
Ceramic lined (on both side) inner cone gives much more life than simply M.S. fabricated
Separator body liner arrangement without rotary vane wheel assembly was modified to
Deflector liner arrangement with rotary vane wheel assembly. By providing deflector liner
arrangement with rotary vanes we are able to achieve the desired grade of fineness for the
type of coal using at Tanda
Bowl hub suitable to taper shaft and separator body liner arrangement was changed with
modified bowl suitable to accommodate rotary vane wheel and cylindrical shaft for
preventing shaft failure and to fix the rotary vane wheel for uniform distribution of primary
air entering through scraper chamber
Take over time design of 50 54" M.V. Shaft (both ends taper) was modified to Semi-
cylindrical M.V.Shaft. As both end taper shaft is susceptible of breaking on bowl neck
portion very frequently, to overcome this problem the Sabarmati design M. V. shafts were
The take over design of Flap type reject/tramp Iron gate was modified with Pneumatic
Operated Knife edge Valves. This has helped into preventing the passing of Primary Air
through reject hopper & in meeting environment norms


To isolate mill from the furnace as a safety measure & for ease of maintenance the Hand

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

operated knife edge gate valve was provided in each P.F. line near burner block earlier
there was no such provision
Gland type hot air gate was modified to Lip seal design hot air gate with a view to minimize
primary air leakage through the gland of hot air gate plate
Take over design of Louver type hot air dam per was Modified as Louver type DDI design
hot air damper for better primary air regulation
15- D-Spanner has been replaced with Pneumatic wrench with a view to shorten the
down time to its minimal and ease of maintenance.
16- Gear box oil centrifuging machine with auto scavenging arrangement was introduced
as earlier there were no any such provision to improve the oil quality in turn life of bearings
& gear.
17-Weekly testing of mill fineness
18-Ball valve provided for clean air flow & dirty air test
19-.Equal flow on all four P.F. discharge pipe being maintained by replacing ceramic
orifices during annual overhaul.
20-Strategically preventive maintenance and roller replacement of lower mills is being done
to minimize the furnace oil by feeding high V.M coal.
21-Preventative maintenance of all mills during forced shutdown.
22-Monthly sampling of gear box oil to determine the 0/0 mechanical impurities & moisture.
23-Down time for replacement of roller & bull ring segments stringent monitoring
1.Cup lock Scaffolding erection up to Boiler Top
2.100 % Radiography of welding Joint .
3.Thickness survey & Physical inspection of complete Boiler pressure part.
4.Cleaning of Boiler Pressure Part.
5.Shielding of Boiler tube of wear Prone are like Supply tube, WWS & SHS, LTSH Left &
Right Side one coil each, Eco Left & Right one coil each, SH Hanger.
6.Covering of front & rear coil bends with cassette baffles of ECO & LTSH.
7.Protection of SHH 8, SHH 4 & 5 by Refectory.
8.Boiler tube Sample analysis at R&D of different area such as Water Wall (HT zone), SH
& RH.
9.DPT checking all headers (stub Joint, Hand Hole Plate & Gamma Plug).
10.LTSH coil lifting from both side (12 Modules)
11.Alignment checking of RH, Platen & Final SH.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

12.Air tightness checking.
13.SADC & Burner tilt checking.
14.Economizer coil reclamation.
15. Burner reclamation.


1-Unit#1,2 & 3 WW from 12 M to 42 M & unit # 4 from 12 M to 24 M replaced.
2-All units LCT & burner corner bends & unit # 1,2 &3 UCT replaced.
1-In unit# 1,2,3 all Economizer module replaced.
2-In Unit # 4 100% inspection done.
3-Inspection & repair/replacement by removing 2 Eco module on both side during each
year OH.
4-Complete replacement of Eco module during Major OH with reclaimed modules.

1-U # 1 outlet top bend replaced.
2-U # 2 complete outlet top bend, inlet & outlet middle, rear all bottom bend replaced.
3-U # 3 complete outlet top bend, inlet, outlet middle & rear 25 set bend replaced.
4-U # 4 Nos replacement has been done.
5-Replacement of leakage prone bends & overheated portion of RH in phased manner.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M



NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

1. Regulars centrifuging of MOT in all the four unit to obtain minimum moisture below 100
PPM and mechanical imparity.
2. Preventive maintenance schedule followed in governing system on each available
opportunities, even short shut down of units.
3. Suction strainer cleaning of BFP and CEP and CEP to enhance system reliability.
4. Proactive maintenance of valves to minimize leakage and other possible defects.
5. Regular cleaning of MOT strainers.
6. Condition monitoring of all rotating equipments and proactive maintenance.
7. Keeping assembled rotary parts ready in CEP, BFP, CBP, CTP, SOP barring gear during
off time, to reduce maintenance and down time of the equipments.
8. Regular checking of all lube oil drains in turbine and other pipes.
9. Publication of turbine related information on internal website.
10. All the welding machines and other equipments are checked and certified by EMD before
taking into operation.
11. Hangers and supports inspection & setting during overhauls
12. Epoxy coating, cathode protection & conco cleaning of condenser tubes to improve
13. On line centrifuging of BFP working oil.
14. AC system duct cleaning by automatic process.
15. Internal customer satisfaction.


2. Chlorination of CW to reduce algae and other bacterial growth in the system.

3. Revival of CT- Cleaning & replacement of target nozzles. Cleaning of distribution and deck
and cold basin. Cutting and removal of shrubs and bushes surrounding the CT. Shell gate
revival to prevent any re-circulation of air, adjustment of blade angle.
4. The above resulted in enhancement of CT Approach = 6°C and Range = 10°C
5. Segregation of raw water, fire water and CW to reduce chemical consumption in CW as
well as in DM plant
6. Chemical dosing in CW for de-scaling, dispersant and hardness.
7. Sulphuric acid dosing in CW to reduce hardness and to increase the effectiveness of
chemical dozed.
8. Replacement of condenser tubes.
9. Glass flake lining has been done in water boxes to reduce any seepage.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

10. Hydro jet and conco cleaning of the condenser tubes.
11. Fume absorber installed in all acid storage and measuring tanks to prevent other
equipments and pipes in the vicinity from Chemical corrosion.
12. Neutralization pit: Compressed air was used for mixing of Dozed chemical with
effluent water, which was taking more time, & less effective method. Now agitating
water is taken from effluent disposal pump it-self and chemical dozed in effluent is
mixed and agitated with water jet. This is more effective, less time consuming and
self-sustaining process.
13. Degasser air blower suction filter replaced with AHU filter to improve air quality.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M



NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

1- Walk down exercise to assess the healthiness of equipment & system.
2- Optimization of natural resources and use of waste Ash water re-circulation.
3- Incorporation of Auto-moisture drains in compressors and air receiver tanks to
reduce air loss and elimination of oil and water leakages.
4- Installation of refrigerant type (A/C) drier in two compressors, improve the quality of
air and for efficient, economical and reliable operation of compressed air system.
5- Timely replacement of air drier silica gel in regenerative type air driers. Auto start
/change over of the system.
6- Strict adherence to maintenance schedule.
7- Separate pump is installed for supply of clear water for lubrication and bearing
cooling of makeup water pumps and reservoir water pumps. This results in
increased bearing life and reduced wear and tear.
8- In-corporation of inlet screens in ash trench to avoid any entry of foreign material in
pumps casings and carrying lines to prevent further break down.
9- CI bends replaced with MS bends to facilitate easy maintenance and welding.
10- Concentric pipes rotation of suction of ash slurry pumps
11- Butterfly valve in suctions and discharge line replaced with knife-edge valves to
prevent any passing.
12- Union joints have been replaced with flange joints to reduce frequent leakage in
seal water line.
13- Raising of ash disposal line to ground level to facilitate easy maintenance,
inspection accesses and reduce down time.
14- Parallel HP and LP connection for as disposal line flushing to improve system
flexibility and removal of any chocking.
15- The entire couplings in the ash disposal pipelines have been replaced with new one

to eliminate the leakages.

16- Water harvesting from Ash Pond-B.

20- Reclamation of damaged CW bowl.
21- Providing Seal water system to Makeup & Reservoir water pumps.
22- Restoration of CI Fire line with the help of MS line.
23- Enhancement of BCW pump capacity.
24- Stoppage of BCW CT fans.

25- Replacement of existing fan blade assembly with energy saving fan blade

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

26- Compressors house drains can be made by cutting pipe halves.
27- Procurement of spares from OEM to competitive bidding through development.
28- Reclamation of fast wearing parts.
29- Rotation of fast wearing wetted parts.
20- Part replacement instead of assembly.
21- Provision of canopy over clinker grinder bearings leading to reduction in bearing
22- Scrap AHU filter is used for degasser blower.
23- Application of Rubber solution coatings on Rubber lined surfaces.
24- Works cost reduced by switching over to limited tender in place of OEM/OES.
25- Replacement of lever type gate with horizontal slide gate site fabricated.
26- CW Bowl reclamation.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M



1) Round the clock call center for lighting and welding supply defect rectification &

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

2) Round the clock shift electrical Maint. For main plant & CHP.
3) Monitoring of all ESP field parameters on daily basis as well spontaneous corrective
4) Introduction of LED based lamps in switchgears and control panels.
5) Review and monitoring of DC earth fault status, station battery system daily.
6) Daily walk down checking of 220 KV lightening arresters and power transformers.
7) Walk down checking of CHP electrical equipments on daily basis.
8) Monthly joint inspection of cable gallery and rectification Of defects observed on
spot basis.
9) Replacement of 80 watt (Mercury Lamps) with 70-wattLamps at boiler to reduce
power consumption, With Better Illumination and reliability.
10)01 No Air drier heater has been fabricated at site for providing Dry warm air inside
The generator casing to avoid Condensation inside the generator during shut
Down and Overhauls.
11)Checking of LT motor resistance from module fuse end after every maintenance
activity to avoid failure of module and motors due to looseness of contacts.
12)Trial run of rewinded motors at electrical work shops before putting in service.
13)Introduction of line maintenance before winter and summer loads.
14)At the electrical isolation power fuses generally were placed in side the module or
near by unsafely. PTW boxes put in service to keep fuses with four keys
15)Regular balancing of current in the lighting panels to reduce complaints and for
improvement of durability and reliability of the system.
16)Cross checking of electrical isolation before starting of maintenance on motor.
17)100% testing of thermal overload relays of LT system.
18)Measurement of motor continuity after fuse during every insertion of modules in
19)Periodic thermo vision scanning of electrical equipments (switchyard equipments,
HT & LT equipments).
20)Purging of CO2 gas with hot dry instrument air and maintaining a flow of hot dry air
in the generator casing during shutdown.
21)Conduction monitoring of individual thyristor bridges of excitation system at control

27)Use of infrared lamps for heating of generator stator for fast and effective

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


28)Checking of Generators synchronizing circuit by switching on Generators CKT

breakers on empty dead bus after each Major shut down.
a. Replacement of AVR by
DVR in all units.

30)Shifting of supplies from Ash slurry switchgear to BMCC for scraper conveyor and
clinker grinder.
31)PLC based control system for compressor control.
32) Installation of refrigerant type H2 dryers in all units.
33)Change of connection of LT motors in many installations from DELTA to STAR to

reduce power consumption.


37)Installation of numerical relays for line protection.

38)Installation of disturbance recorders and event loggers at switchyard.
39)Installation of GPS Time synchronizing unit & its synchronism with numerical line
protection relays, SOE & event logger.
40)Erection and commissioning of GE make LT switchgear in place of Voltas make
41)Modification of SOP modules.
42)Modification in the barring gear motor control circuit.
43)Installation of double brush earthing system for generator rotor with silver graphite
44)Replacement of aged 220KV CTs (16Nos.)
45)Installation of strong MS at conveyors.
46)RLA of all the four-turbo generators.
47)Rewinding of LT motors at plant electrical repair shop.
48)Rewinding of HT motors with stringent repair specification and stage inspection.
49)Conversion of ash slurry pump control circuits from 110V AC supply to 220 V DC
50)10 yearly Overhauling of all 220KV ABCBs
51)Replacement of aged oil of 3 nos. GTs, one station transformer, 2 UATs,

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

52)Oil filtration of all service transformers and commissioning of all interlocks and
Protection with laying of new cables.
53)Commissioning of all stand by supplies of DC source for switchgears,which was not
54)Commissioning of all standby sources for ACDBs and DCDBs.
55)Installation of time totaliser in each motor feeder.
56)Implementation of dead bus auto change over scheme for USS and ESP
57)Provision of supply to BCW pumps from 6.6KV unit bus which was earlier
connected to station buses.
58)Modification of manual battery chargers of units & switchyard battery bank to fully
controlled automatic battery chargers.
59)Modification of seal air fan & Chimney exhaust fan foundations.

60) Supply extension to river pump house.

61)Installation of ACBs in place of knife edge isolating switch fuse unit in BMCC
Incomer and bus coupler.
62)Provision of emergency supply to switchyard compressor and online pressure
Parameters to UCB.
65) Installation of LT vacuum contactors in place of ACB's in conveyor drive.
66) Shifting of colony transformers from unit bus to station bus
67) Erection and commissioning of new 11 KV colony switchgear.
68) Installation of remote radio control in both the EOT cranes in TG hall.
69) Replacement of 600/1, class 1, 220 KV CTs of outgoing lines with 800/1, 0.2 class
70) Modification of transformer cooler control cubicles.
71) Inspection of UAT OLTC contacts at every annual shutdown and subsequent
72) All spare transformers and spare coils of GT and ST lying at store serviced back to

72) Retrofitting of ESP controllers in all units.

73) Renovation of 03 nos of Generator rotors.
74) Retrofitting of 32 nos of 6.6 KV VCB's in place of MOCB's.
75) On line testing of ABT energy meters.
76) On line proving of generator PT fuse failure protection and checking the blocking of
voltage dependent protections.
77) Installation of welding receptacles with 30mA RCCBs. (safety enhancement)

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

78) Restoration isolating transformers at plant lighting system.(Safety enhancement)


A Scheme for automatic restart of important LT Drives has been made.

The scheme is envisaged for automatic restarting of important LT Drives like oil pumps, air
pre heater motor etc. which some times trips due to sudden jerk in the system and
dropping - off of the contactor. It has been ensured that in case of tripping of the motor by
manual push button, EPB & over load the drive should not restart. The scheme uses two
additional timers, one for control supply supervision and another for building up of logic.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


1- All C&I executives visits unit control rooms in the morning to Observe defects in the
instruments and accordingly planning is done to rectify it.
2- All area engineers visit their respective field instrument area On weekly basis to
observe defects and plan to resolve it.
3- One to one contact with operation engineer daily in each shift to discuss defects in the
area for better communication & quick solution of the problems.
4- Even with shortage of manpower, round the clock availability of C&I engineer to attend
the defects.
5- Daily logging of defects, observation by all the area engineers for their respective fields
for history, planning and records.
6-Brainstroming is done before modification.
7- During-unit shutdown checking the operation of all-important drives, and preventive
maintenance is done in the equipments which are not available for maintenance during
normal time.
8- All the shutdown jobs and defects are recorded and are being attended in next
available opportunity.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

9- Regular checking of HP/LP bypass area to eliminate any Chance of wastage of high
precious oil and fire.
10- Regular checking of fireball scanners and cleaning to avoid spurious flame failure
11- Weekly checking of interlock protection; power supply system healthiness (visually) .
12- Daily monitoring of analyzers for water leakages and values of ph, conductivity, O2%,
silica etc. These values are compared with chemistry reports. we rectify the problem
immediately if there is any differences in the above two Values.

13- We monitor auto loops on daily basis if there is any defect

We rectify it.
14- Daily monitoring of at least twenty annunciation/SOE points for the healthiness.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M



1- Walk down checklist is verified in the beginning of each shift to check healthiness of
equipment and system.
2- NTPC, CISF and contractor’s representatives inspect empty racks jointly.
3- Interlocked movement of car puller and wagon Tippler to avoid any accident.
4- Local fabricated and devised mechanical shifting arrangement is used for shifting of
heavy size stones and boulders from wagon tippler grille. Which is disposed off by
departmental vehicle.
5- All the statutory documents regarding the vehicles supplied by the contracting
agencies are checked and verified before award of the contract.
6- Modified Crusher screen fabricated and erected at site to get the proper sized coal.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

7- Cage bars fabricated and erected at site in both the crushers for better coal size
and improved life.
8- Breaker plate fabricated at site and hard faced for strengthening.
9- Hold back system was modified by using old conveyers improvisation.
10- Departmental maintenance of dozers and other heavy equipments to ensure
maximum availability.
11- Strict adherence to PM schedule of all equipment.
12- Periodical and systematic overhauling of all pulley bearings has increased bearing
13- An unique system of stacking of coal bypassing conveyor -5 ( i.e. Shuttle Conveyor
used for stacking) has been designed, fabricated at site and working successful.
14- Regular checking of crusher cage bars, screen and bunker grills to ensure
appropriate size coal to mills.
15- Overhauling & reconditioning of gearboxes, fluid couplings carried out to ensure
cost reduction.
16- Crusher rotor disc plates build up & hard faced at site, which resulted in
reclamation of worn out disc plates there by reduction in cost.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M



1-Manufacturing of LP, IP & Turbine blade pin
2-Griding of LP, IP, Coupling bolts.
3-Reaming of fins, fittings of fins and machining of fins of HP Diaphragms
4-Machining of Air and Hydrogen of Generator.
5-Machining of Nozzle segments of Turbine
6-Grinding of HP , IP & LP Turbine blades
7-Reclaimimg of dredger pump casing of Ni-hard material
8-Fabrication of ejectors suitable for removal of sand from silt pit.

All these works are of those nature which are generally being taken up at manufacturers
work in other power stations.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

1- COLG (Customer Operated Lub Godown) has been opened at NTPC-
Tanda with a
view to reduce the inventory and assured availability of lubricating oils.
2- Annual Rate contract of Bulk Chemicals for getting smooth supply and to
continuous increased production pattern
3- Use of expertise developed by MSTC on e-auction for getting better prices
faster disposal
4- Switching over to 100% computerized system from raising of PI to PO
5- Clearing of file related to Technical Scrutiny at C&M itself to reduce the
Administrative lead time.
6- Structured visit of Area engineers to stores for smooth inspection of
Preservation and movement of spares.
7- A preservation committee is formed with a view to improve the preservation of the
stocked items in our central stores.

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M


NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

With a view to provide better services time frame for various activities of hospital have
been benchmarked
1.01 Registration and issuing of medical treatment books on 20-30 min
receipt of declaration form and photos
1.02 Registration and Issue of consultation slips for Non Entitled 3-4 min
1.03 Registration and Issue of consultation slips for Entitled 1-2 min
1.04 Issue of referral slips to patients 5-10 min
1.05 Attending emergency patients for serious medical illness 2-3 min
1.06 Issuing of medicines by pharmacists 1-3 min
1.07 Issuing of urgent investigation reports 1 hour
1.08 Issuing of routine investigation reports 4 hours
1.09 Verification and forwarding of medical bills of employees and 1 day
dependents to finance dept for payment
1.10 Verification and forwarding of medical bills of referred case 2 days
from empanelled hospitals to finance dept for payment
1.11 Bio-medical waste collection as per guide lines Daily
1.12 Bio-medical waste disposal after autoclaving Alt. day
1.13 Ambulance’s up keeping and up to date maintenance Daily
1.14 Feedback from patients/relatives in feedback forms On discharge
1.15 Review and action of feedback suggestions / complaints 1 day
1.16 Reporting of bed occupancy, the availability of equipment/ Daily
emergency medicines/ in-patients condition (morning)
1.17 Eye camp, Family Welfare camp, Physically challenged Yearly
(eye/ortho / hearing) rehabilitation camp
1.18 Rural health care checkup camp Monthly
1.19 Health check up of contract labour yearly
1.20 School health checkup yearly
1.21 Well baby show yearly
1.22 Diabetic & Hypertension camps yearly
1.23 Health awareness programs / lectures to CISF, Villagers, Monthly
ladies and children
1.24 Collaboration &Co-ordination with NIOH for DDRC activities Monthly
1.25 Professional circle activities; case presentations/discussions Fortnightly
1.26 5 s activities Monthly
1.27 Radiation monitoring in x-ray dept and technician (BARC) Monthly
1.28 Internal Medical audit of all departments of hospital as per Monthly
ISO 9001 –2000 procedures

2.1 Ensuring & Enabling communication by referred patients with CMO through
telephone /cell / Fax / e-mail
2.2 Follow up of Referred Patients from Empanelled hospitals by CMO

NTPC-Tanda - A Benchmark in R&M

Our hospital is the only hospital in District Ambedkarnagar authorized for Bio-Medical
Waste Management by U.P. Pollution Control Board. Bio-Medical Waste from different
sections of the hospital is being collected & segregated in the specific colored bags then
autoclaved & finally disposed off in the prescribed pit as per U.P. Pollution Control Board
norms. This is the major achievement of the hospital for environment & OHS management
OHSAS:18001:99 certifying body also proposed above activity & felicitated for effective
implementation of Bio-Medical Waste Management in the hospital.


Family Welfare Camps, Pulse Polio Camps & Rural health Camps through CSR are being
organized particularly for poor villagers of surrounding villages of station.
Eye camps are being organized every year. In the month of January a Eye Camp was
organized at NTPC-Tanda which is landmark in the history of NTPC. In the camp 438
people were operated by Lens implant method. The Eye camps organized at NTPC-Tanda
are getting huge appreciation among the people of nearby villages and districts.


In association with NIOH Kolkata NTPC-Tanda has set DDRC center in its campus where
support, services and corrective surgeries are provided to Physically challenged people.
This center is providing services to people with disabilities of nearby 7 Districts. Calipers,
wheel chairs, sticks, hearing aids , shoes and artificial legs etc are being provided to
PWDs. Speech therapy , training in Braille, hearing trainings are being imparted. More
over we are providing support to other NTPC stations also for starting such center or
organizing a camp.

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