Ver 1.01
2.11. Promotion Promotion 2.12. Employee Details EmployeeDetails 2.13. Operators Operators 2.14. POS Settings POSDetails 2.14. 1. POS Settings POSSettings 2.14.2. Receipt Layout ReceiptLayout 2.14.3. Sales Area SalesArea 2.14.4. Menu Level MenuLevel 2.14.5. Tax Details TaxDetails 2.14.6. Others Others 2.14.6. 1. Sales Category SalesCategory 2.14.6. 2. Refund Type RefundType 2.14.6. 3. Shift Details ShiftDetails 2.14.6. 4. Printer Details PrinterDetails 2.14.6. 5. Kitchen Printer KitchenPrinter 2.14.6. 6. Assign KPs AssignKPs 2.14.6. 7. Kitchen Talk KitchenTalk 2.14.6. 8. Upload Database to Terminals UploadDatabse 2.14.6. 9. Database Backup DatabaseBackup 2.15. Clear & Store ClearAndStore 2.16. Cost Center CostCenter 2.17. Reports Reports 2.18. User Account UserAccount 2.18.4. Login History LoginHistory
Click on "Continue"
Swipe your Membership Card or Key in your Login PIN and click on "OP/SGN-IN". 1.2. Open Table Home
1.2.1. Open Table Key in the Table Number and click on "TABLE/HOLD". If "Force Cover" property is ON, the system will ask you to key the number of covers. Then key in the number of Covers and Click on "SELECT".
1.1.2. Open AutoTable Click on "o" then click on "TABLE/HOLD". ". If "Force Cover" property is ON, the system will ask you to key the number of covers. Then key in the number of Covers and Click on "SELECT". 1.1.3. Alphanumeric Table: Click on "TABLE/HOLD" you will get another screen to key in the TableName.
Now you can key in the Table Name. Use shift key to get small char. 1.2. Edit number of Covers Key in the number of Covers and then Click on "COVERS". 1.3. Item Sales Click on any Item. By default quantity is one. If quantity is more than one, key in the quantity and then click on the Item.
OR Key in the Quantity. Click on "Qty". Key in a PLU Number. Click on "PLU" Whenever you select an Open PLU system will prompt you to key in the Price
Key in the price and then click on "Select". To select a different Menu, just click on the Menu. You can see the Item page changes with the selected Menus Items. If the number if items is more than one page you can view the other pages by clicking on Menu/Item page selector button. If its caption is "MENU" then use the "Up Arrow" and "Down Arrow" to Page Up or Page Down Menu Pages. Just click on it then caption will change to "ITEM" and then use the "Up Arrow" and "Down Arrow" to Page Up or Page Down Item Pages. You can have any number of Menu Pages/Item Pages as you set in each Menu Levels setting. You can see the Menu/Item page number changing. 1.4. Void Home 1.4. 1. Void Item Select Item. Click on "VOID". When you VOID an item the Item Discount given to that Item also will be recorded as Void. 1.4.2. Void All Items on the Bill Click on "FUNCTIONS". Click on "ALL VOID"
Select an Item. Click on "DISC". Click on the desired Item Discount type followed by Discount Amount or Discount percentage if required as per the setting you had done for the selected Discount Type. 1.5.2. BillDiscount Click on "DISC". Click on the desired Bill Discount type followed by Discount Amount or Discount percentage if required as per the setting you had done for the selected Discount Type. System will not allow you to do any more transaction after a Bill Discount so make sure that you had key in all Items Before you give a Bill Discount. For a fixed Amount/Percentage type of discount you don't have to key in the Amount/Percentage. But for Open discount types you must key in the Amount/Percentage. If you want to do any transactions after a Bill Discount then you can Void the Bill Discount and then do the transactions. You are allowed to void any Item Discount before a Bill Discount. You can void a Bill Discount at any Time before you settle the Bill. 1.5.3. Open Discount Open Discount can be a Bill Discount or an Item Discount. It can be in Amount or in Percentage. The only difference is Amount or Percentage is not predefined so you must key in it before you click on the Discount.
1.6. Change Sales Type Home Click on the Default SalesType (e.g. DINE IN). System will popup another screen with existing Sales Type. Click and select one.
1.7. Check PLU Price or Default Price Shift Home Click on the Default Sales Type (e.g. DINE IN). System will popup another screen with existing Sales Type. Click on the first button "PRICE CHK ON". Now the Sales Type's button will be replaced by a caption "PRICE CHK ON". Click on any Item to get the Price and Default Price Shift. System will not allow you to do any transaction in this Mode. To continue with the sales change the Sales Type to the one which you want it to be (e.g. DINE IN).
Home 1.8. Recipe Check Click on the Default Sales Type (e.g. DINE IN). System will popup another screen with existing Sales Type. Click on the second button "RECIPE CHK ON". Now the Sales Type's button will be replaced by a caption "RECIPE CHK ON". Click on any Item to get its Recipe Details. System will not allow you to do any transaction in this Mode. To continue with the sales change the Sales Type to the one which you want it to be (e.g. DINE IN).
1.9. Hold Table Home Just click on the button "TABLE/HOLD" to hold the open Table. Key in a Table Number and then click on button "TABLE/HOLD" to Hold the open Table and open a new Table. 1.10. Transfer Table Home Open the Table to be transferred to another Table. Key in the Table Number to which the old Table is to be transferred and then click on Functions. Click on "TRANS TABLE". Only the Operators got "Transfer Table" permission is allowed to do this. (If you cannot find the function you must create the function from the BackOffice Module) 1.11. Transfer Operator Home Open the Table to be transferred to another Operator. Key in the Operator Number to which the Table is to be transferred and then click on Functions. Click on "TRANS OP". Only the Operators got "Transfer Operator" permission is allowed to do this. (If you cannot find the function you must create the function from the BackOffice Module) 1.12. Split Bill Home Click on "FUNCTIONS". Click on "SPLIT BILL". You will get another screen.
Just drag and drop the items, as you want to split. If you want to remove any Split, click on the split you want to remove and then click on "Remove Split". You are allowed to remove only empty splits. If you want to hold all splits in a Split Bill just click on "Hold". You can continue your sales with any of the split by just clicking on the button with the split name title just above the split. If you click on close the system will allow you to continue with the last split you had selected.
1.13. Membership
Swipe the MembershipCard or Keyin the membership number. If the Membership is valid System will popup a window with Members name.
Touch the window to continue. System will give Memberpoints for the Bill Amount plus extra items (if any). System will check for valid Member promotion allowed for the Member and update the Bill with promotions and refresh the Discount amount. Home 1.14. Presettlement Bill Click on "Print Bill) when a Table is opened. 1.15. Sent Items to Kitchen Printer Home Click on "TABLE/HOLD". System will send all Items, which are not sent to the predefined kitchen printers. If you Receipt printer are set as Dual Function printer everything will be printed in the kitchen printer itself. 1.16. Open a Table on Hold Home Key in the Table Number and click on "TABLE/HOLD" 1.17. Settle the Bill Home 1.17.1. Cash Payment Click on "Finalize Cash". System will settle the Bill for the Bill Amount and Print the Bill. 1.17.2. Other Tender Types
Click on "TENDER". System will popup a Window with all existing Tender Types. If the amount is predefined just click on the desired Tender Type else key in the amount and then click on the tender type. You can choose more than one tender type (e.g., Cash & Master Card) in one Bill. If the Amount is more than bill amount and it is set to over tender as TIP then system will consider balance amount as TIP else system will consider the balance amount as Change to be given back to the customer. To cancel a payment, select the payment and click on "Remove Payment". Once you finished click on "Back to Main" to get back the Main Screen.
1.17.3. FOC Click on "TENDER". System will popup a Window with all existing Tender Types. Click ON "FOC". System will popup a Window with all existing FOC Types.
Click on the desired FOC type to settle the Bill and Print the Bill. Once you finished click on "Back to Main". Once you finished click on "Back to Main" to get back the Main Screen.
Home 1.18. Reprint Bill Click on "PRINT BILL" when there is no Table opened. System will prompt you for the Receipt Number.
Key in the Receipt Number and click/touch on "ENTER" to continue. If the Receipt number is valid and operator got the permission to Reprint a Bill system will reprint the Bill. 1.19. Kitchen Talk Home Click on "FUNCTIONS". Click On "Kitchen Talk". System will Popup a screen with all existing Kitchen Messages.
Select a Message and Click on "Send Message". If your receipt printer is set as ""Dual Function"" printer the message will be printed on you Receipt printer otherwise you will get an option to choose a kitchen printer. Select a kitchen printer and then click on ""Sent Message"". 1.19. 1. New Kitchen Message If you want to create a New Kitchen message click on "New Message" in "Kitchen Talk"screen. System will Popup another screen to key in the Kitchen Message.
Key in the message and then click on "Enter". If your receipt printer is set as ""Dual Function"" printer the message will be printed on you Receipt printer otherwise system will popup a screen with existing Kitchen printers so that you can choose a printer and sent the Message. If you are using your Receipt printer as kitchen printer and you don't have any other kitchen printers then the Kitchen printer list will be empty. Just click on "Sent Message" to sent the Message.
To cancel the Kitchen message just click on "Cancel" before you sent the message to Kitchen.
1.20. Points Redemption Home Open a Table. Click on "FUNCTIONS". Click on "REDEEM POINTS". System will prompt you to swipe the Membership Card on Key in the Membership number. And click on "Select" to continue. If the Membership Number/Card is valid then system will display the Members Name. Click on to continue. System will popup a screen with all redemption Items, Members Name and Points balance. To redeem an Item select an item and click on "Select". If the quantity is more than one you must key in the quantity before you click on select.
1.20.1. Find Redemption Items Touch on the required Button (eg. Touch on "A" to list all PLU's starts with "A"). OR Key in the PLUNumber and click on "PLUNo". 1.21. Price Shift Home Click on "FUNCTIONS". Key in the price shifts (1-10). Click on "PRC SHIFT". 1.22. Tax Exempt Home This function is to exempt "Service Charge". Click on "FUNCTIONS". Click on "TAX EXEMPT". 1.23. Promotion Home 1.23.1. Promotion This is only for promotions which are not Members Only /Automatic. Click on "FUNCTIONS". Click on "PROMOTION". System will give you a choice of all promotions which are not Members Only /Automatic. Select one.
1.23.2. Members Only Promotions When you swipe the membership card system will look for any promotions allowed for the Member on that day and time. If it found one it will be applied to the sales. 1.23.3. Automatic Promotions When you do sales system will look for any promotions allowed on that day and time. If it found one it will be applied to the sales. 1.24. Zero Sales Home It is useful to open the Cash Drawer without any transaction. Special permission to do "ZeroSales" required. 1.25. Table Reservation Home Click on "FUNCTIONS". Click on "TABLE RESERVATION". You will get current days reservations. You can refresh it for s selected date's reservation / TableNo / Name.
1.25.1. Add Click on "Add". Key in the details. Click on "Ok" to save the record and close the window. Click on "New" to save the record and add a new record.
1.25.2. Edit Select the record to be edited. Click on "Edit". Edit the details. Click on "Ok" to save the record and close the window. Click on "New" to save the record and add a new record. 1.25.3. Delete Select the record to be deleted. Click on "Delete". 1.25.4. Print Select the appropriate record section criteria. Click on "Print". 1.26. OP BILL Home To view the details of all finalized Bills on the Login Operator. Click on "FUNCTIONS". Click on "OP BILL".
You can filter the list for a selected Receipt Number / Table Number / only Finalized / Only not Finalized / Only Printed / Only not Printed Transactions. Select the criteria and click on "Refresh" to refresh the List. You are allowed to view a bill in detail or to print a bill from this Mode. To reprint a bill you must have special permission of "Re Print Bill". You can also do Bill Adjustments. 1.27. Bill Adjustments Home You must have the special permission for "Bill Adjustment". Click on "FUNCTIONS". Click on "OP BILL". Select the Bill, which you wanted to Edit. Click on "VIEW". You will get the Details of the Bill, which you had selected. Click on "BILL ADJ". Select a New Media. Click on Select.
Home 1.28. VIEW TRANS To view the details of Finalized/Not Finalized/All Transactions. Click on "FUNCTIONS". Click on " VIEW TRANS ".
You can filter it for only selected Operators Transactions or for only Finalized/Not Finalized/All Transactions. You can print any Bill from this mode. You are allowed to view or Open any table on this Mode. 1.29. Shift Reports Home Click on "FUNCTIONS". Click on "REPORTS".
Select a Report Select a Report(s). Select a report type (X-Shift Report, X-Day Report, Z-Shift Report, Z -Day Report). Click on "GO" to view the report. Home 1.30. Clear and Store Only Managers are allowed to do "Clear and Store". Click on "MANAGER".
There are two ways to go to Back Office Software. Managers can access "Back Office Software" from the POS Screen (controlled by special permission). Click on "MANAGER". Click on "System SetUp". You will get the login screen. Key in the login pin and proceed. OR Click on "RAPTOR Back Office" icon on the DeskTop.
Select maintenance Mode. Select a Menu Level (By default Menu level 1 is active). Key in your Login PIN (this login PIN is different from Operators Login PIN. It is controlled by User account) and click on "OK". You will get Back Office Main Screen.
Home 2.2. PLU List Click on "PLU" on the Main screen to get a list of existing PLUs.
By default you can see all PLU starts with "A". Click on other buttons to refresh the list for PLUs starts with other alphabets. Or click on the button labeled "*" to view all. If you want to look for a PLU by PLU Number / Name /Department click on the picture button. It will change the PLU refresh mode.
View PLU by Department: Click on "Dept". Select a Department. Click on "Find". View PLU by Number: Click on "PLUNo". Key in the PLU Number you are looking for. Click on "Find". View PLU by Name: Click on "PLUName". Key in the PLU Name you are looking for. Click on "Find". 2.2.1. Group Home Click on "Group" button on the PLU List Screen. You will get a list of existing Groups (if any). Add Group Click on "Add".
Key in the "Group Name" and click on "Ok" to save the record or click on "New" to save the record and add a New Group. Edit Group Select a group and click on "Edit". You will get the group details. Modify the details and click on "Ok" to save the modifications. Delete Group Select a group and click on "Delete". 2.2.2. Department Home Click on "Dept" button on the PLU List Screen. You will get a list of existing Departments (if any). By default you will see all Departments starts with "A". Click on any other button to refresh the department list as per your requirement. Click on the button labeled "*" view all existing departments.
30 Add Departments Click on "Add" .Key in the department details. Click on "Ok" to save the record or click on "New" to save and add a new Department. Edit Departments Select a Department. Click on "Edit". Edit the department details. Click on "Ok" to save. Delete Departments Select a Department. Click on "Delete". 2.2.3. PLU Home Click on "PLU" on the Main screen to get a list of existing PLUs (if any). Add PLU Click on "Add" button on the PLU List Screen.
Key in the PLU details and click on "Ok" to update the record and close the window or click on "New" to update the record and add a new PLU. 1. Price Level Any PLU can have max. 10 price levels. 2. Open PLU If the check box "Open" is checked it will be considered a an open PLU. When you sell an Open PLU the system will prompt you to key in the price. 3. Enable/Disable Discount If the check box "Discount" is checked it will be allowed to get a Discount other wise cannot give discount on the selected PLU. 4. Preparation Item If the check box "Prep Item" is checked it is considered as a preparation Item. Preparation items can be of zero prices. You can control whether a preparation item should be printed on the receipt or not (POS settings). 5. Link Recipe to the PLU If the check box "Recipe" is checked it will be allowed to link to a Recipe. You must create the Recipe from the stock Module. Key in the Recipe number or click on the Picture button to get a list of recipes.
Double click on a Recipe or click on "Select" to select a Recipe. PLU's using the selected Recipe: Click on this button to view a list of PLUs using the same recipe.
Click on "Close" to close the Window. Once you link a recipe the Cost price will be set to the Recipes Avg. Cost else you must key in the Cost price. (Profit/Loss report will be calculated based on this Value.) Home 6. Link Menu If the check box "Lnk Menu" is checked it will be allowed to link to a Menu. Key in the Menu number or click on the Picture button to get a list of Menus.
Double click on a Menu or click on "Select" to select a Menu. 7. Kitchen Printer You can decide to which printer the PLU should be printed. Key in the kitchen printer number (1-9) in the boxes KP1/KP2/KP3. 8. Discontinue a PLU If the check box "Active" is checked the PLU is active. Uncheck the check box to discontinue the PLU. Edit PLU Select a PLU from the PLU list and click on "Edit". You will get the PLU details. Edit the PLU details and then click on "Ok" to save the modifications. Delete a PLU Select a PLU from the PLU list and click on "Delete".
2.3. Menu Home Click on "Menu" to get a list of existing Menus. By default you will see a list of menus starts with "A". Click on other buttons to refresh the Menu list, as you need. Click on the button labeled "*" to view all Menus.
Key in the Menu Name. Drag and drop the items to the Item Buttons. You can add PLU and also Menus to a Menu. You can get a list of PLU/Menu by just clicking on the PLU/Menu option buttons. A find option is given to look for a PLU/Menu, as you need. If the required PLU is not available you can add PLU from this screen. (Click on "AddPLU"). You can also edit the PLU (click on "Edit PLU"). Use the Up/Down arrow to view other Menu pages. 2.3.1. 1.Remove an item from the Menu Click on the Item button you want to remove. Click on "Delete Item". 2.3.1. 2. Change Back Ground Color Click on "Change BG Color".
Just drag and drop the colors to the selected buttons. If you want to get the colors of your choice, click on "Custom Colors".
You can make any color you can do it so. Once you finish click on "Ok". Drag and drop the selected color to the Item Buttons. Once you finish click on "Close" to close the window or click on "New Menu" to add a New Menu. 2.3.1. 3. Activate/Discontinue a Menu If the check box "Active" is checked the Menu is active. Uncheck the check box to discontinue a Menu. 2.3.2. Edit Menu Select the Menu from the menu list and click on "Edit" 2.3.3. Delete Menu Select the Menu from the menu list and click on "Delete" 2.4. Menu / Item Lay out Home You can drag and drop any Menu from the Menu list to the Menu Buttons or Item from the PLU list to the Item Button of any of the Menu. The "Drag & Drop" check box in the Menu / PLU list should be checked to enable the drag and drop mode. You can add items to the Menu from the menu module also. Click on "Menu" to get the Menu List. Click on PLU to get a list of PLUs. Click on any Menu to view the Items. Use the Up/Down arrow to view other menu pages when the button just above the arrows is labeled "MENU". Use the Up/Down arrow to view other Item pages when the button just above the arrows is labeled "ITEM". The selected Menus name will be displayed just above the menu section. 2.4. 1. Change BG Color You can change the background color of any Menu/Item. Just click on "Change BG Color". Drag and drop the colors to the selected Menu/Item Buttons. You can create the colors of your choice also. Click on "Custom Colors" Once you finish click on OK. Now you can drag and drop this newly created color to the desired buttons. (See "Change BG Color" in Menu Module) 2.4.2. Remove Menu/Item from the Menu/Item Layout
Select the Menu/Item to be removed from the Layout. Click on "Remove Menu/Item". 2.5. Table Management Home Click on "Table Management" on Main Screen.
2.5.1. Add Section Click on "Add". Key in the Section name. Click on "Ok" to save. 2.5.2. Edit Section Select the section to be edited. Click on "Edit". Modify the Section name. Click on "Ok" to save. 2.5.3. Delete Section Select the section to be edited. Click on "Delete". 2.5.4. Add/Modify Section Layout Click on "Section Layout".
2.6. Functions Home Click on "Functions" on the Main Screen. You will get a list of Functions/Media.
By default you will get Functions. If you want filter the list for Discounts/Functions/All. Just click on the appropriate option button. You can also key in the name and click on "Find" to find a Function. 2.6.1. Add Function Click on "Add"
Key in the Function. Select a Function Type. Click on "Ok" to Save the record and close the window. Or Click on "New" to Save the record and add a new function. 2.6.2. Edit Function Select a Function. Click on "Edit". Edit the function details. Click on "Ok" to save the modifications. 2.6.3. Delete Function Select a Function. Click on "Delete". 2.7. Discount Home Discount cant be Bill/Item discount and also Amount/Percentage /Open depending on the Parameters. To Add/Edit/Delete discount the procedure is same as above. Once you select a discount type function you must key in the Amount / Percentage if it is not open discount. For Bill discount the type should be "Bill Discount" and for Item discount the discount type should be "Item Discount".
2.8. Media Home In the main screen click on "FUNCTIONS". You will get a screen with Functions/Media. Click on "Media". You will a get a list of "Media".
It can be FOC type media also. You can refresh the list for FOC/media/All. Just click on the desired options or can key in a Media name and Find. 2.8.1. Add Media Click on "Add".
Key in the details and click on "Ok" to save the record or click on "New" to save the record and close the window and close the window. 2.8.1. 1. FOC Type Media Select "FOC" as Type and the check box "FOC" should be checked also. 2.8.1. 2. Treat Over as Tip If the check box "Treat Over as Tip" is checked then the balance amount will be considered as Tip (not change). 2.8.1. 3. Calculate Change If the check box "Calculate Change " is checked then the balance amount will be considered as change (not Tip). 2.8.1. 4. Allow in split Tender If the check box "Allow in split Tender" is checked then only the Media type can be used in Split Tender. 2.8.1. 5. Open Cash Drawer If the check box "Open Cash Drawer" is checked then for cash payment the Cash Drawer will be opened automatically. 2.8.1. 6. Print Signature If the check box "Print Signature" is checked then signature will be printed on the receipt else no. 2.8.1. 7. Prompt for CustomerID If the check box "Prompt for CustomerID" is checked then for each payment the system will prompt you to key in the customer ID.
2.8.2. Edit Media Select a Media. Click on "Edit". Edit Media details. Click on "Ok" to save the modifications.
2.8.3. Delete Media Select a Media. Click on "Delete". 2.9. Membership Home Click on "Membership" on the main screen.
You can refresh the existing Members list with selected MembershipID / CardNo /FirstName / All. Select the Option and click on "Find". 2.9.1. Add Member Click on "Add". Key in the member ship details. Click on "Update" to update. Member Types There are 3 types of members. Normal: This type of members is not allowed for Credit/Cashless payments. Credit: This type of members is allowed for Credit payments. You can set the Max. Credit allowed for each Member. Cashless: Cashless: This type of members are allowed for Cashless payment. They can TopUp their membership card for a certain amount and after that they can use the Membership Card itself for payments. You can choose a promotion type for each Member. Once you set the points per dollar, all active members can get certain points for dollar spent. They must swipe their Membership Card. They can redeem the points also. You can set the expiry date for each member. Once the expiry date is over that membership will be terminated.
2.9.1. 1. Assign Membership Card You can key in the card number or Click on "Assign card" then you will get another screen.
Now you can swipe the Membership card or key in the Membership card Number. Then click on "Select". 2.9.3. Edit Member Select the record. Click on "Edit". Edit the details. Click on "Update" to save the modifications. 2.9.3. Delete Member Select the record. Click on "Delete". 2.10. Member Payments Click on "Member payments" on the Main screen or click on "payments" in the Membership screen. 2.10.1. Credit Payments Home
47 Add Credit Payments Click on "Add" to add a new record. Key in the Membership Number. Or click on the picture box then you will get a list of Credit type members details. Double click on the Members record or select the Member and click on "Select". You can refresh the member's list for certain criteria. Select the option set the criteria then click on "Refresh". Once you select a member if there is no credit system will popup an appropriate message otherwise it will refresh the credit details. Key in the payment details. Click on "Update" to update the Record. View Credit Details Click on "CrdtDtls"
You can refresh the credit details for the selected Members Name / MembershipID /All and also for Payment on due (for 1month/2 months/3 months/More than 3 months/All)/Paid/All. Select the option, set the criteria and then click on Refresh to refresh. Expected Payment Date To set the expected payment date key in the date then click on "Ok". Payment on due will be calculated based on this date. Print Just click on "print" to Print. System will print only selected records. View Payment Details Click on "Payments"
You can filter the payment details for the selected member's name/MembershipID/All and also for selected date period. Select the option, Key in the criteria and then click on "Refresh". Edit Select a Record and click on "Edit". Edit the records and then click on "Update" to Update. Delete Select a Record and click on "Delete". Only the last payment is allowed to delete. Other payments are only allowed to "Cancel". Cancel Select a Record and click on "Cancel". 2.10.2. Cash TopUp Home Click on "Cash TopUp" Tab. Click on "Add" to add a new record. Key in the details and click on "Update " to Update
50 View Cash TopUp Details Click on "CasTopUp" button to view Cash Topup details.
You can filter the Cash TopUp details for a selected member's name / MembershipID / Seleted Date period. Select an option. Key in the criteria then click on "Refresh". Edit Select a record. Click on "Edit". Edit the Cash TopUp details. Click on "Update" to Update. Delete Select a record. Click on "Delete". Only last record is allowed to delete. All records are allowed to Cancel. Cancel Select a record. Click on "Cancel". 2.10.3. Refunds Home Click on "Refunds" Tab.
Click on "Add" to add a new record. Key in the refund details. Click on "Update" to update. View Refund Details Click on "Refunds" button
You can filter Refund details for the selected member's name / MembershipID / All and also for a selected date period. Edit Select a record. Click on "Edit". Edit Refund details. Click on "Update" to update. Delete Select a record. Click on "Delete". Only the last record is allowed to delete. All records are allowed to Cancel. Cancel Select a record. Click on "Cancel". 2.11. Promotion Home Click on "Promotion" on the Main Screen. You will get a list of existing Promotions. You can filter the Promotion list for a selected Promotion Name/Members Only/All. Select the option and then click on Refresh.
2.11.1. Add Promotion Click on "Add" key in the details. Click on "Update" to update Day factor: You can set the "Day Factor". If the check box is checked for a selected day then only the promotion is allowed on that day. If the promotion is only for members then it should be a "Members Only" type Promotion. Types of Promotion 1. Item Discount 2. Group Discount 3. Buy X Pay for Y 4. Buy X Free Y 5. Sell Band 2.11.1. 1. Item Discount: Can set different discount percentage for normal Hours and Happy Hours. If the checkbox "PLU" is checked item discount is selected else click on to select. Key in the Discount percentage then click on "Associate" to choose the discount Items.
Select the Item and click on "Add>" or click on "All>>" to choose all items in the list. You can use "<Remove" or "<<All" to remove selected items. 2.11.1. 2. Group Discount: Can set different discount percentage for Each Group. If the checkbox "Group" is checked Group discount is selected else click on to select. Click on "Associate" to choose the set the discount for each Group.
Select each group, key in the discount percentage and then click on "Ok" to save. 2.11.1. 3. Buy X Pay for Y: To set "Buy X Pay for Y" type promotion just key in the "Buy X" value and "Pay for Y" value. Click on "Associate" to choose the items for this promotion.
Select the Item and click on "Add>" or click on "All>>" to choose all items in the list. You can use "<Remove" or "<<All" to remove selected items. 2.11.1. 4. Buy X free Y: If the checkbox "Yes"in "Buy X free Y" is checked "Buy X free Y" is selected else click on to select. Click on "Associate" to choose the items.
Select the Item and click on "Add>" or click on "All>>" to choose all items in the list. You can use "<Remove" or "<<All" to remove selected items. 2.11.1. 4. 1. Add/Delete free Items Click on "Free Items Name" column thenYou will get a list of existing "free items" list. Select an Item in the "existing PLU" list and click on "Add" to add new free Items. Select a free item and click on "Delete" to delete a free Item. 2.11.1. 4. 2. Set free Items name and Qty Click on "Free Items Name" column then, you will get a list of existing "Free items". Select a free item, key in the Buy Qty, Offer Qty & Offer price then click on "Select". If the option button "for All" is selected the free item will be set to all selected items else only for the selected "X" Item.
2.11.1. 4. Sell Band If the checkbox "Yes" in "Sell Band" is checked "Sell Band" promotion is selected else click on to select. Click on any on the sell band to choose a sell band. 2.11.2. Edit Select the Record. Edit the Promotion details. Click on "Update" to update. 2.11.3. Delete Select the record. Click on "Delete" 2.11.4. Member Points Click on "Member Points". Home
You can set the redeem points for $ spent. Click on "Update" to update. If you want to grant extra points for selected PLU's then check the "Points for PLUs" check box and click on "Associate".
Select the Item and click on "Add>" or click on "All>>" to choose all items in the list. You can use "<Remove" or "<<All" to remove selected items. Select each item key in the number of extra points to be given for that Item and then click on "Ok" to update. 2.11.4. 1. Redemption Items Click on "Redeem Items"
Select the Item and click on "Add>" or click on "All>>" to choose all items in the list. You can use "<Remove" or "<<All" to remove selected items. Select each item, key in the number of points required to redeem that item. Then click on "Ok" to update. 2.12. Employee Details Home When you click on "Employee Dtls" on the Main Screen, you will get a list of existing Employee's. You can filter it for Employee Number / Card Number / Name. Select the Option and click on "Refresh".
2.12.1. Add Employee Dtls Click on "Add", key in the Employee details. Click on Update to update. 2.12.1. 1. Assign Swipe Card This is to assign a magnetic swipe card to an Employee. You can key in the swipe card number or Click on "Assign Card" and assign a Card Number. 2.12.2. Edit Employee Dtls Select the employee's record to be edited. Modify the Employee details. Click on Update to update 2.12.3. Delete Employee Dtls Select the employee's record to be deleted. Click on "Delete". 2.13. Operators Home When you click on "Operators" on the Main Screen, you will get a list of existing Operators. You can filter it for OpeartorNo/Name/Emp No/Login PIN/Swipe Card Number. Select the Option and click on "Refresh". You can set permissions for selected functions. Permission for "Clear & Store" and "System SetUp" is allowed for Managers. You can set Max voids and Max voids per sale for each operator.
2.13.1. Add Operator Click on "Add", key in the Operators details. Click on Update to update. 2.13.1. 1. Assign Swipe Card This is to assign a magnetic swipe card to the Operator. You can key in the swipe card number or Click on "Assign Card"
Swipe the Operator card or select it and click on "Select". Then update the record. 2.13.1. 2. Operator's Login Mode B-Operator can use Operator card or Login PIN to login. C-Only Operator Card is allowed to login P-Only Login PIN is allowed for the Operator to login. 2.13.1. 3. Operator's Permissions Adjust Bill: Edit Media Type after Bill settlement Recall Bill: Recall Bill after settlement Pre-Settlement Bill: Print bill before settlement Price Shift: Change Price Level Exempt Tax: Exempt Service Charge Redeem Points: Redeem Member Points Open Any Table: Open other operator's tables Transfer Sale: Transfer sale to other operators Transfer Table: Transfer items in one table to another Refund: Refund Items Free Of Charge: Do FOC type Bill settlement or FOC Item sales Force Cash Declare: Must declare the cash amount for Cash settlement Zero Sales: Open Cash Drawer With out any sales Operator Sign Out after Sale: Sign Out after each Sale Operator Sign Out after TBL Hold: Sign out after Table Hold Edit Kitchen Message: Create new Kitchen messages and sent to kitchen. Void Last Item Void Last Item: Void Last Item Selectable Voids: Void selected items All Voids: Void all items in a bill and close the sale Void Payments: Remove Payments Item Disc (%): Item Discount in Percentage Bill Disc (%): Bill Discount in percentage Item Disc (Amnt): Item Discount as Amount
Bill Disc (Amnt): Bill Discount as Amount X-Report: X-Reports Z-Report: Z-Reports Clear & Store: Clear & Store. Only for Managers System SetUp: Access Back Office software from POS. Only for Managers 2.13.2. Edit Select the record. Edit the operator's details. Click on "Update". 2.13.3. Delete Select the record. Click on "Delete" 2.14. POS Details Home
2.14. 1. POS Settings Home Click on "POS Settings". By default you will get the list of existing POS. You can refresh the list for a selected POSID/Menu Level / SalesAreaID /All. Select the Option and click on "Refresh" Device Details Add POS Click on "Add" to add a new record. Key in the POS details and click on "Update" to save the record. 1. Receipt Printer To set receipt printer, click on icon near to printerID then select the printer.
65 2. Dual Function Printer If you select the Receipt printer as Dual function printer it will act as kitchen printer also. If the check box "Dual function Printer" is checked the receipt printer is set as dual function printer else click on to set so. Table Type: Numbers Only: If it is set to Numbers only you can have only numbers as Table name. Alphanumeric: If it is set to Alphanumeric then you can have Alphanumeric Table names. Menu Level: You can create more than one Menu levels also. Set the POS to one Menu Level. Menu will be different for different Menu Levels. Print Receipt: 1. Print Always: As soon as you selle a bill system will print the Bill also. 2. PrintOnPrompt: Once you settle a bill system will poup a window asking whether you want to print the receipt, If you want to print click on "YES" else "No". 3. DoNotPrint: When you settle a bill system will not print any receipt. Happy Hour: You can set max. 3 happy hours and can set Price band for each day. Table Range: You can set a range for numeric Table names. Screen Background/Foreground color: It will be reflected POS Screen and all related screen (not Back Office) Auto Table Start: You can set the starting number for Auto Table. Default Sales Category: You can set it to any category. Just click on the picture box near to Def Sales Category. You will get a list of existing categories. Select one. POS Type: If you are having only one POS set it to "Standalone". If you are having more than one POS and if it is a Server set it to "Server" else "WorkStation". Computer Name: Name of Computer. ServerName: Name of Server Bell: Bell On/Off Force Cover: If it is Checked, each time when you open a Table system will force you to key in the number of Covers. AutoTable Only: You cannot crate manual table names. Edit POS Details Select a record. Edit POS details. Click on "Update" to save Delete Select a record. Click on "Delete" 2.14.2. Receipt Layout Click on "Receipt Layout" Tab. Home
For each POS, you can set 3rd Title and 1 to 7 footers. Print Voids: Void items will be printed on the receipt Print Free Items: Free Items will be printed on the receipt Print free prep Items: Free prep Items will be printed on the receipt Print free prep Items with price: Free prep Items with price will be printed on the receipt. Print Promotion Dtls: Promotion Details will be printed on the receipt Print Promotion Summary: Promotion Summary will be printed on the receipt Once you finish click on "Update" to "Update" 2.14.3. Sales Area Home Click on "Sales Area" Tab.
By default you can see all existing Sales Areas 2.14.3. 1. Add Click on "Add". Key in the details. Click on "Ok" to save or click on "New" to save and create a New Sales Area. 2.14.3. 2. Edit Select the record to edit. Click on "Edit". Edit the details. Click on "Ok" to save or click on "New" to save and create a New Sales Area. 2.14.3. 3. Delete Select a record to delete. Click on "Delete". 2.14.4. Menu Level Home Click on "Menu Level" Tab.
By default you can see all existing Menu Levels. 2.14.4. 1. Add: Click on "Add". Key in the details. If you select the option "Create From" you can copy an existing menu level to the new one. Later you can modify. If you select the option "New" you must create a fresh menu level from scratch. You can set the number of Menu Pages and Items pages for each menu level. Once you finish click on Ok to save. 2.14.4. 2. Edit Select the menu level to edit. Click on "Edit". Edit the details. Click on Ok to save. 2.14.4. 3. Copy: To copy an existing menu level to the current menu level. 2.14.4. 4. Delete Select the menu level to delete. Click on "Delete". 2.14.5. Tax Details Home Click on "Tax Details" tab.
By default you can see the default Tax settings. Max you can have 10 tax levels. Exemptable: Tax is exemptable. Discount Inclusive: Tax should be calculated ater discount. Tax Inclusive: Item price is tax inclusive so no extra tax. 2.14.5. 1. Edit Tax Details Select a record. Click on "Edit". Edit the details. Click on "Ok" to save. 2.14.6. Others Home Click on "Others" Tab.
You can Add/Edit/Delete sales categories. You must set a price band for each category. 2.14.6. 2. Refund Type Click on "Refund Types" Home
You can Add/Edit/Delete Refund Types. 2.14.6. 3. Shift Details Click on "Shift Details" Home
You must create the shift details to get the Shift report. 2.14.6. 4. Printer Details Click on "Printer Dtls" Home
You can Add/Edit/Delete Printers. You must have an entry for all existing Receipt Printers, including Network Printers. (See Font_List.INI for different receipt printer details) Printer Settings: To see the default Printer settings. 2.14.6. 5. Kitchen Printer Click on "Add KP's". Home
By default you will get a list of existing KPs. You can Add/Edit/Delete KPs. When you create KPs key in a related name as KPID (e.g. Kitchen1/Bar1/Coffee1), later it will be useful when you link KPs to POS. 2.14.6. 6. Assign KPs Click on "Assign KP's" Home
You can Add/Edit/Delete KP Assignments. Max. 10 KPs can be assigned to each POS. When you hold a table the items will be printed in the designated Kitchen printers. When you create a PLU you can decide to which printer it must be printed. Same item can be printed in 3 KPs at the same time (sometimes more than one copy may be needed for coordinating purpose). If your Receipt printer is set as a Dual function printer, there will not be any effect for these KP assignments (since the Receipt printer will act as Kitchen Printer also). 2.14.6. 7. Kitchen Talk Click on "Kitchen Talk" Home
By default you will get all existing Kitchen Messages. You can Add/Edit/Delete Kitchen messages. 2.14.6. 8. Upload Database to Terminals Click on "Upload Database to Terminals". Home
If you are working in a Client/Server mode, whenever you do some modifications in the BackOffice Software, you must upload the modifications to the Terminals. If you are working in a Client/Server mode, better restrict to do all Back Office modifications in the server and then upload to the terminals. 2.14.6. 9. Database BackUp Click on "BackUp Database" Home
2.15. Clear & Store Home When you click on "Clear & Store" system will create a new table to store each months sales information and transfer all closed sales information to it. You must not have any pending tables when you do "Clear & Store". Once you finished "Clear & Store" none of the sales details will be available for modifications. 2.16. Cost Center Home Click on "Cost Center" on the Main Screen
By default you will get the Cost Details of current month. You can refresh the Cost details for ItemCode/Name/Type/All and also for a selected Date/Month/All. Select the option. Set the criteria. Click on "Refresh" to refresh the Cost Details for the selected criteria. 2.16.1. Add Click on "Add". Key in the Cost details. Click on "Ok" to save or click on "New" to save and add a new record. If you want to add all fied cost details for a selected month, just select the month/Year and click on "Add" in the "CostDtls for the selected Month" section. Only Monthly/Daily type cost items will be included. Later you can edit it. Before adding the cost details you must create Cost Items. 2.16.1. 1. Cost Items: Click on "Add CostItems".
By default you can see existing Cost Items. You can Add/Edit/Delete Cost Items. Cost Items can be of 3 types: -Monthly / Daily / OnDate. It can be of fixed amount type or variable amount type. 2.16.2. Edit Select a record. Click on "Edit". Edit the details. Click on "Ok" to save or click on "New" to save and add a new record. 2.16.3. Delete Select a record. Click on "Delete". 2.16.4. Print Click on "Print". All selected cost Details will be printed. 2.17. Reports Home Click on "REPORT" on Main Screen 2.17.1. Sales Report By default you will get all Sales Reports screen
Select any report(s) and click on "GO" to create report. 2.17. 2. Member's Report: Click on "Members Report" tab.
Select the report click on "GO" to create the report. You can filter the reports for MemberID / CardNumber / Points / Spending / Expiry Date / Active Member / PromotionID / Member Type /Credit Value/ Max Credit/ Card Value/ Age/Birthday/Gender. Before creating the reports you must make sure that you had checked the necessary options to filter the records and also set the set criteria for all selected options. 2.17. 3. Other Reports: Reports, which are not Sales reports or Membership reports, are put under this title. Click on "Other Reports" Tab.
Select the report(s). Click on "GO". Home 2.18. User Account Click on "User Account" on the Main Screen.
By default you will get a list of existing users (if any). 2.18.1. Add Click on "Add". Key in the details. Select "User Type". Give Permissions for All or Selected modules. Access on each module of BackOffice software is controlled by these Permissions. Click on "Ok" to save the record or click on "New" to save and add a new record. 2.18.2. Edit Select a record. Click on "Edit". Edit the details. Click on "Ok" to save the record or click on "New" to save and add a new record. 2.18.3. Delete Select a record. Click on "Delete". 2.18.4. Login History Home Click on "Login History" on User Account's screen.
You can refresh the login History for selected UserID / Name / All and also for selected date period.