Oath of Office
Oath of Office
Oath of Office
I, ______(your name)_____, do solemnly swear that I shall faithfully serve as a ______(position)________ of _____(name of organization)____, and will do the best of my ability, serve as a living example of this organizations philosophy and beliefs and will uphold and enforce the constitution of this organization at all times. So help me God.
I, ______(your name)_____, do solemnly swear that I shall faithfully serve as a ______(position)________ of _____(name of organization)____, and will do the best of my ability, serve as a living example of this organizations philosophy and beliefs and will uphold and enforce the constitution of this organization at all times. So help me God.
I, ______(your name)_____, do solemnly swear that I shall faithfully serve as a ______(position)________ of _____(name of organization)____, and will do the best of my ability, serve as a living example of this organizations philosophy and beliefs and will uphold and enforce the constitution of this organization at all times. So help me God.