Understanding DSLAM and BBRAS Access Devices
Understanding DSLAM and BBRAS Access Devices
Understanding DSLAM and BBRAS Access Devices
Understanding DSLAM
and BRAS Access
1. Windsor Oaks Group LLC. “Broadband Trends Report 1Q05: Global Broadband Subscribers Exceed 166 million”, June 2005
III. Symmetric and Asymmetric DSL – can transmit data Consequently DSL is the most popular and widespread
both symmetrically and asymmetrically and includes the broadband access technology to date, accounting for appr
following type: 66% of the worldwide 166.4 million subscriber base:
DSL Variant Max Up/ Max local loop
Downstream Rate wire length
VDSL – Very High 10Mbps/10Mbps 0.3km – 1.3km
bit rate Digital symmetric
Subscriber Line
VDSL 2 – Very 100Mbps/ .5 km
High bit rate 100Mbps
Digital Subscriber symmetric Future growth analysis by the same body forecasts the
Line worldwide subscriber volume to reach 422 million by 2010,
of which DSL is expected to account for 70%.
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) variants are by
far the most popular DSL implementations mostly due to its Competing for the enormous revenues in the broadband
suitability for Internet browsing applications that are heavily access market, DSL network operators are using bandwidth,
geared towards downstream data transmission (download): performance and reliability of their networks as well as
2 value added services such as VoIP, IPTV, VoD and online
games (often bundled in attractive Triple-Play service
packages) as key differentiating factors against their
respective competitors – DSL and otherwise. It is thus
critical for those operators to extensively test their network
infrastructure and Triple-Play services to ensure the
compliance with their marketing claims.
2&3. Windsor Oaks Group LLC. “Broadband Trends Report 1Q05: Global Broadband Subscribers Exceed 166 million”, June 2005
Ethernet or IP-DSLAMs
Further quest for more profitable value-added services such
as VoIP, IPTV, VoD and HDTV in addition to high-speed
6IB$m9HAh Internet access (combination known as Triple-Play) has
6IB placed new bandwidth, scalability and QoS requirements
7"G6H 6IB 9HA6B before the DSL network providers. While existing ATM
based networks had the required QoS capabilities, their
high deployment and maintenance cost (cost of ownership)
has caused the DSL network providers to look at Ethernet
and IP-based architectures as an alternative to ATM
backhaul. As Ethernet standards such as Metro Ethernet
have evolved to provide the resilience and quality required
Second Generation ATM DSLAMs for carrier network backbones, and with advent of Gigabit
The first generation ATM DSLAMs, were perfectly and 10-Gigabit Ethernet delivering the superior to ATM
adequate for aggregating “best effort” services – typically bandwidth, the Ethernet has become a transport of choice
Internet surfing, and used a single level of QoS over its for both carrier backbone and access network segments.
PVC connection – usually Unspecified Bit Rate or UBR. As
service providers expanded their DSL networks to business Following this trend the new generation of DSLAMs
customers and began offering SLA-based value-added has appeared that used Ethernet uplinks for DSL traffic
services such as FRoDSL (Frame Relay over DSL), VPN aggregation. These devices have become known as
(Virtual Private Networks) and VoDSL (Voice over DSL), Ethernet DSLAMs or IP-DSLAMs. In it’s simplest
the single “best effort” QoS level of first generation ATM implementation IP-DSLAMs function as Layer-2 switches
DSLAMs has become insufficient. that backhaul subscriber traffic to Metro B-RASs or
Broadband Network Gateways (BBNGs) using Ethernet
In response to this trend, the second generation ATM VLANs in combination with Ethernet Multicast capability.
DSLAMs were built to incorporate the ATM switching HjWhXg^WZgh
fabric and fully utilize the Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs)
and all of the class of service, traffic shaping and traffic >EEEE$
prioritization capabilities inherent with ATM. The ATM 6IB$m9HAh
In recent times though, native IP (or IP over PPP) DiffServ Layer 3 IP QoS protocol that utilizes
over Ethernet over DSL - or Ethernet in the First Mile IP TOS packet field for carrying QoS
implementations are increasingly being adopted by DSL information
service providers. Without the ATM layer overhead, local
loop segments become more efficient and cost-effective. IGMP Technology that allows Layer 2 devices
Snooping to examine IGMP messages (Query,
:i]ZgcZidc;^ghiB^aZ:B;m9HAegdidXdahiVX` Report & Leave) exchanged by hosts
and multicast routers and configure
relevant multicast forwarding table
IGMP Issues IGMP host messages on behalf
Proxy of hosts that are not directly connected
to downstream multicast router
:I=:GC:I IGMP Protocol widely used in IPTV
protocol applications for establishing subscriber
m9HA connections to TV broadcasting
In some cases, advanced functionality ranging from
local PPP and RFC1483 session termination (B-RAS off- DSLAM architecture
load capability) to full IP routing, AAA, security, 802.1p From the high-level perspective ATM DSLAMs, Ethernet
prioritization and DiffServ QoS is incorporated into Ethernet DSLAMs and IP-DSLAMs architecture typically includes a
DSLAMs, resulting in truly IP-enabled IP-DSLAMs. number of xDSL line cards that terminate the subscriber
local loops and one or more ATM OC-3/12/48 or Ethernet/
However, as various industry surveys indicate (such as Gigabit Ethernet uplink cards for traffic backhaul. The
Heavy Reading 2005 Next-Generation DSL Equipment: line cards and uplink cards are interconnected by a high-
The Path to Profitability Report), those truly IP-enabled capacity aggregation backplane that can take form of an
IP-DSLAMs or IP-DSLAM/B-RAS hybrid devices are still a ATM or Ethernet bridge or switch. Majority of modern
minority and most of IP-DSLAMs being deployed today are DSLAMs are multiservice and support multiple DSL
really Ethernet DSLAMs with basic multicast and IGMP technologies – i.e. ADSL, ADSL2, ADSL2+, SDSL and VDSL,
Snooping or IGMP Proxy support. etc and therefore these devices accommodate for multiple
xDSL line card types.
The same surveys agree that the current killer configuration
for advanced DSL service deployment consists of Ethernet =^\]"aZkZa9HA6B6gX]^iZXijgZ9^V\gVb
DSLAMs with limited Layer-3 capability (i.e. mentioned
multicast and IGMP support) and high-capacity Metro B-
RASs. 7VX`eaVcZ
From the traffic processing perspective, two distinct As mentioned in the previous chapter, majority of high-end
architecture models have emerged – centralized and modern DSLAMs have distributed architecture.
By deployment location – CO (Central Office) deployed and
In the centralized model all complex traffic processing (e.g. OSP (Outside Plant) deployed. CO DSLAMs typically have
classification, filtering, QoS, etc) is performed on a single distributed shelf architecture and a much larger subscriber
central uplink card. The line cards in centralized model are capacity – of up to 10,000 lines, that is justified considering
“dumb” and cheap and contain only the basic components large number of served customers. They also tend to be
required for traffic hand-off to the uplink card. Centralized more functionally sophisticated providing Layer-3 and
architecture is considered best suited for high-density other advanced functionality. OSP DSLAMs are deployed
large-scale aggregation-centered DSLAMs with moderate in remote locations closer to subscribers largely in order to
complex traffic processing requirements. Example of shorten the local loop wire lengths and thus achieve higher
centralized DSLAM implementations are products based on bandwidths and service quality. OSP DSLAMs typically have
Intel IXP2400 NP design. smaller subscriber capacity (usually in dozens of lines),
smaller footprint and are hardened for protection against
In the distributed model some or all complex traffic elements. OSP DSLAMs can nevertheless have very high
processing is off-loaded to the smart line cards based performance characteristics due to the high bandwidth
on programmable network processors (Linecard Traffic xDSL technologies such as ADSL2++ that it may use on the
Processors or LTPs). The uplink card in such architecture local loop.
can be as simple as an Ethernet switch in case of Ethernet
backhaul, or still require a full-featured network processor By hardware model and form factor – DSLAMs hardware
for more complex scenarios such as IPoMPLS backhaul. implementations range from chassis based high-capacity
DSLAMs with pluggable line cards and uplink modules to
The distributed model is prevalent in DSLAMs with complex standalone pizza box devices with limited number of ports
traffic processing capabilities – such as IP-DSLAMs and a single T1 ATM or 10/100Base Ethernet uplinks.
with Layer-3 IP functionality, AAA, QoS and security
enforcement. DSLAM capacity, performance and
scalability metrics
The distributed DSLAM architecture model has a number
of important advantages over the centralized model – such Although performance characteristics and performance
as local traffic processing capability on the line cards (local analysis of DSLAMs are complex issues and a central topic
multicasting and local peer-to-peer traffic switching) and of a dedicated Agilent whitepaper, it is still worthwhile to
linear DSLAM shelf expansion costs (i.e. sparsely populated mention the key metrics that typically characterize DSLAM
DSLAM shelves with inexpensive uplinks can provide low devices from their performance and scalability standpoints:
entry cost and its capacity can be expanded in “pay as you
grow” fashion as additional line cards are installed). Subscriber capacity
As DSLAMs provide services for multiple subscribers via
DSLAM classification DSL ports the most basic DSLAM capacity metrics are
Although no established formal classification exists, line density, subscriber and session capacity. Depending
DSLAMs can be divided into distinct classes or types by a on the type of DSLAM and functionality provided, these
variety of criteria: metrics can have one-to-one or one-to-many ratios. As
mentioned in the architecture section, DSLAMs can have
By supported xDSL service type – single service DSLAMs line, subscriber and session capacities ranging from single
and multiservice DSLAMs. Majority of modern DSLAMs digits for standalone devices to tens of thousands for high-
are multiservice. Single service DSLAMs are typically small capacity CO DSLAMs.
devices deployed in apartment complexes or university
campuses and serving relatively limited number of Along with maximal capacity metrics, scalability and
homogenous subscribers. performance parameters such as line or session ramp-up
and shutdown rates are extremely important for DSLAM
By architecture – centralized or driven by central sizing and performance assessment.
processing unit typically embedded in the uplink module
and distributed where some or all traffic processing is
done on the line cards each equipped with powerful NP.
4. Windsor Oaks Group LLC. “Market Share Snapshot: DSL Port Shipments Reach Record Levels in 1Q05”, May 2005
5. Infonetics. “Service Provider Routers and Switches: Quarterly Report”, August 2005
Service E8
Software-based B-RAS architecture, using general-purpose Distributed to COs, co-located with or within IP-DSLAMs.
hardware platforms was typical for early first-generation The distributed B-RAS deployment model has several
B-RASs. advantages: Uplinks from the COs, which become the IP
B-RAS uplinks, can benefit from IP DiffServ QoS as well the
Centralized hardware-based B-RAS architecture with early filtering of the unauthorized traffic. At the same time,
majority of intelligence placed in the central processing the distributed deployment model has significant drawbacks
unit. Centralized B-RASs were designed and optimized for including potential instability of the resulting large routing
High-Speed Internet (HSI) services, had high performance network and potential RADUIS server overload (since each
characteristics but did not scale well. B-RAS is typically a RADUIS authentication client).
6. Heavy-Reading. “Next Generation DSL Equipment: The Path to Profitability”, November 2003
Data plane performance – throughput Additionally, advanced services – such as IPSec VPN, VoIP
and IPTV - impose distinct and specific performance criteria
To accommodate modern bandwidth intensive Triple-Play on the B-RAS devices. These services require the B-RAS to
services, B-RAS devices are typically required to deliver perform complex traffic processing operations (such as data
wire-rate throughput on all aggregation ports with all traffic encryption, QoS and multicast forwarding). Consequently,
services (IP routing, Layer-2 switching, QoS, security, etc) the B-RAS performance characteristics specific to these
enabled on every port and for every session. Consequently, services – such as encrypted data throughput, voice call
throughput and throughput-under-load measurements a clarity scores and TV channel switching latencies need to
play critical role in B-RAS performance analysis and are be measured using specially designed test methodologies.
performed with different traffic types, using the full ranges
of supported interfaces and all supported traffic processing
B-RAS and Service Edge Router market -
major players
Real World Traffic performance The majority of modern B-RAS implementations have been
realized within Service Edge Routers, a single platform
Modern B-RASs are complex devices that perform protocol- that provides DSL traffic aggregation, session termination,
and transaction-dependent processing (user authentication, subscriber management, QoS, Internet routing, MPLS
QoS, security enforcement and URL filtering). Therefore, signaling and other advanced services. As with the DSLAM
the traffic structure or profile of traffic being handled by market, the B-RAS and Service Edge Router market is so
the B-RAS has a significant impact on device performance diverse and competitive that a complete list of vendors
watermarks (such as aggregate goodput, voice or video would likely require a separate volume. Like the DSLAM
quality and other application-layer metrics). In this context, market, the Service Edge Router market is dominated by a
in order to determine real B-RAS performance limits, Real very limited number of vendors – Juniper, Cisco, Redback
World performance tests must be performed using realistic and Nortel. Together, these vendors are responsible for over
traffic profiles containing various duration PPPoX sessions, 90% of the revenues and units shipped.
7. Gartner. “Market Share: Service Provider Routers, Worldwide, 3Q05”, December 2005
Triple Play service deployment has imposed a plethora of
new functional, performance and capacity requirements on
the key devices that make up DSL networks – IP-DSLAMs
and B-RASs. This has compelled us, as a test equipment
manufacturer, to develop state-of-the-art testing tools and
test methodologies allowing our customers to ensure that
their devices comply with requirements and deliver the
desired performance and quality of service. Understanding
the architecture and functionality of the DSL network
devices is the first and most critical step in recognizing the
test needs and comprehending the new test methodologies.
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