Qos R99
Qos R99
Qos R99
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03 March 2005 26 May 2005
Brief Description
IREG Doc 48_039 approved as IR.68 Approved by General Assembly vote
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Table of Contents
1 2 3 4 5
GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................................... 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 5 SCOPE.................................................................................................................................. 6 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................... 7 QOS PARAMETER DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... 8 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 TRAFFIC CLASS............................................................................................................................ 8 DELIVERY ORDER ........................................................................................................................ 8 DELIVERY OF ERRONEOUS SDUS ............................................................................................... 8 MAXIMUM SDU SIZE .................................................................................................................... 9 MAXIMUM BIT RATE (DL/UL)........................................................................................................ 9 RESIDUAL BER...........................................................................................................................10 SDU ERROR RATIO .....................................................................................................................10 TRANSFER DELAY .......................................................................................................................10 GUARANTEED BIT RATE ..............................................................................................................10 TRAFFIC HANDLING PRIORITY (THP)......................................................................................10 ALLOCATION/RETENTION PRIORITY........................................................................................11 SDU FORMAT INFORMATION ..................................................................................................11
RECOMMENDED VALUES FOR R99 QOS TRAFFIC CLASSES ...................................... 12 6.1 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC CLASS ..................................................................................................12 6.1.1 Traffic class ...........................................................................................................................12 6.2 INTERACTIVE TRAFFIC CLASS .....................................................................................................12 6.2.1 Traffic class.........................................................................................................................12 6.3 STREAMING TRAFFIC CLASS .......................................................................................................13 6.4 CONVERSATIONAL TRAFFIC CLASS .............................................................................................13 6.5 THE RECOMMENDED QOS PARAMETERS MAPPED TO R97 QOS PARAMETERS .........................13
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 15
TERMS 3GPP APN ARP BER BSC BSS CN DL EGPRS FFS GGSN GPRS GTP HLR HPLMN IP LLC PDP PDU PFC PLMN PPP QoS R97 R99 RAB RAN RB RLC RNC SDU SGSN THP UE UL UMTS VPLMN DEFINITIONS 3rd Generation Partnership Project Access Point Name Allocation/Retention Priority Bit Error Ratio Base Station Controller Base Station Subsystem Core Network Downlink Enhanced General Radio Packet Service For Further Studies Gateway GPRS Support Node General Packet Radio Service GPRS Tunnelling Protocol Home Location Register Home Public Land Mobile Network Internet Protocol Logical Link Control Packet Data Protocol Protocol Data Unit Packet Flow Context Public Land Mobile Network Point-to-Point Protocol Quality of Service 3GPP release 97 3GPP release 99 Radio Access Bearer Radio Access Network Radio Bearer Radio Link Control Radio Network Controller Service Data Unit Serving GPRS Support Node Traffic Handling Priority User Equipment Uplink Universal Mobile Telecommunications System Visited Public Land Mobile Network
The 3GPP has from R99 onwards specified a QoS concept and QoS architecture. The concept includes the QoS profile, consisting of QoS parameters. It is up to the operator to configure the values for these parameters. Taking this as the starting point, the roaming situation naturally becomes challenging. Therefore, there has to be an agreement on a set of values for roaming between operators. Considering dual-mode networks (i.e. (E)GPRS and UMTS), also the relation between R97 and R99 QoS parameters has to be taken into account. This document will include the relevant roaming issues considering the 3GPP QoS profile. The approach is based on the four traffic classes. The current version of the document considers the background and interactive classes, but later on also the streaming and conversational classes will be included.
The purpose of this document is to provide principles for QoS roaming. The basic need is to agree on a QoS profile that enables roaming in any operators network. In plain text, it means that the QoS profile should work in multi-vendor and multi-operator environment. The first version of the document concentrates on background and interactive classes only. Coming versions of the document will also consider streaming and conversational traffic classes. The document gives a short description of the parameters and what kind of effect they have on the network. Then a suitable value to use is discussed and a recommendation is given. The current document considers only background and interactive classes. They have been specified by the 3GPP in order to offer bearers for non-real-time services. Streaming and conversational class bearers are specified for real-time services. This document should not be mixed with IR.34 and the specification of the QoS requirements for the inter-operator backbone network. The values proposed in this document only affect the 3GPP specified network elements, like SGSN, GGSN, RNC and BSC (i.e. not the inter-operator backbone network).
The 3GPP has specified a QoS concept and a QoS architecture [TS23.107]. The QoS parameters have a central role in the QoS concept. Perhaps the most important QoS parameter is the traffic class. The traffic class divides the traffic into four distinct traffic classes according to how delay sensitive typical services representing the particular traffic class are. The QoS parameters together form a QoS profile. One QoS profile is associated with each PDP context, thereby defining the characteristics of the connection through the mobile network. The QoS parameters, for example, affect the parameters in the radio network and policing and shaping functions in the core network. The QoS profile resides in the home PLMN HLR. Therefore, it also determines the QoS profile to be used in the visited PLMN. The QoS parameter values must work in a multi-operator environment. The QoS profile is defined per end-user and per APN, i.e. a single end-user may have a separate QoS profile for each APN. It is important to remember that 3GPP has only specified a model for the traffic classes and the other QoS parameters. However, the detailed implementation is not described in the specifications. The actual implementations will therefore vary from vendor to vendor. The QoS parameters also have to work in a multi-vendor environment. The QoS profile defined in the HLR should work in both (E)GPRS and UMTS networks, i.e. there is only one profile defined for both access networks. The main difference is the air interface technology used in (E)GPRS and UMTS. The effect of the QoS parameters can vary somewhat depending on the access network used. The effect of each parameter should therefore be taken into account for both (E)GPRS and UMTS.
Traffic class
The traffic class is also a QoS parameter. The idea behind the traffic class parameter is to map different services onto different bearers so that the service requirements can be met. The division into traffic classes are made according to how delay sensitive typical services representing a traffic class are. The conversational class is the most delay sensitive traffic class and the background class the least sensitive.
Delivery order
The delivery order parameter indicates whether the bearer should provide in-sequence delivery of SDUs or not. The specifications indicate a coupling to the reliability of the bearer; Whether out-of-sequence SDUs are dropped or re-ordered depends on the specified reliability. (E)GPRS: Delivery order has no corresponding parameter amongst the R97 QoS parameters. Delivery order is mapped to PDP context information reordering required in SGSN and GGSN. UMTS: The delivery order affects the operation of the RNC. Using the delivery order value yes is comparable to guaranteeing the packet order in IP networks. IP networks, in general, do not reorder packets or guarantee in-sequence delivery of packets. Therefore IP based applications do not assume that the underlying network does provide in-sequence delivery of the packets. It is also quite clear, that reordering of packets in any element does not lower the end-to-end delay, i.e. improve the performance. The reordering of packets in the RNC will also probably decrease the performance. Packets arriving late to the RNC will also delay other packets (i.e. they cannot be sent before the late packet is sent). This will most probably also trigger unnecessary RLC retransmissions (i.e. if RLC acknowledged mode is in use). The recommendation is therefore to use the delivery order value no.
This parameter indicates whether SDUs detected as erroneous should be delivered or discarded. No N means that error detection is used and erroneous SDUs are discarded. Yes Y means that error detection is used and erroneous SDUs are delivered with error indication. No Detect ND means that error detection is not in use and all SDUs are delivered. The mapping between R97 and R99 parameters is the limiting factor considering the value to use for delivery of erroneous SDUs. The reliability class used in (E)GPRS determines the protocol modes to be used for GTP, LLC, and RLC. In practice, reliability class = 3 has been found to be the only working value. The reliability class maps to delivery of erroneous SDUs, residual BER
and SDU error ratio in R99 parameters. The suitable value to use for delivery of erroneous SDUs is therefore no.
Describes the maximum allowed SDU size. The specifications state that it should be used for admission control and policing. The maximum allowed value to use is 1500 B (for PDP type = PPP 1502 is allowed). For background and interactive classes there is no reason to use a value lower than the maximum value. A smaller value only increases the overhead, which in turn decreases the throughput for user data. The recommended value for maximum SDU size is, in the case of PDP type = IP, 1500 B.
Specifies the maximum allowed bit rate. There is a separate parameter for DL and UL. In practice, the maximum bit rate parameter defines the maximum bit rate for the mobile core network (CN). The maximum value that can be used is limited by the bit rate the network supports, although the maximum bit rate parameter is assigned a higher value. The SGNs can use shaping and policing functions to conform the traffic to the defined maximum bit rate. UMTS: Defines the maximum bit rate of the RAB and the RB to be used. It would be feasible to recommend only a short list of different values to use. Since, the maximum bit rate maps to a RAB in the RAN the values should conform to the reference RABs defined by 3GPP [TS34.108 R99]. It ensures that different vendors support RABs with the particular bit rate. Moreover, testing is made easier when there are fewer values to be tested. The following combinations of RABs are recommended for background and interactive classes (specified in TS34.108 R99):
UL (kbps)
8 16 32 32 64 64 64 128 128
DL (kbps)
8 16 32 64 64 128 384 128 384
The recommended maximum bit rate is 384 kbps for DL and 128 for UL. Any combination below these figures is also allowed.
Residual BER
Indicates the undetected bit error ratio in the delivered SDUs. If no error detection is requested, residual bit error ratio indicates the bit error ratio in the delivered SDUs. According to this, the meaning of the Residual BER parameter depends on the Delivery of Erroneous SDUs parameter. Generally speaking, the Residual BER parameter is used to configure radio interface protocols, algorithms and error detection coding. The reliability class in (E)GPRS determines the protocol modes for GTP, LLC and RLC protocols. Currently the only working value is reliability class = 3. The reliability class maps to residual BER, delivery of erroneous SDUs and SDU error ratio in R99 QoS parameters. The recommended value for residual BER is therefore 10-5 for background and interactive classes.
Indicates the fraction of SDUs lost or detected as erroneous. SDU error ratio is defined only for conforming traffic. For example, traffic that exceeds the maximum bit rate and is hence dropped is not included in the SDU error ratio. By reserving resources (i.e. conversational and streaming classes), SDU error ratio performance is independent of the loading conditions, whereas without reserved resources (i.e. interactive and background classes), SDU error ratio is used as target value. Generally speaking, the SDU error ratio is used to configure the radio interface protocols, algorithms and error detection schemes. The reliability class in (E)GPRS determines the protocol modes for GTP, LLC and RLC protocols. Currently the only working value is reliability class = 3. The reliability class maps to SDU error ratio, delivery of erroneous SDUs and residual BER in R99 QoS parameters. The recommended value for SDU error ratio is therefore 10-4 for background and interactive classes.
Transfer delay
The transfer delay parameter is only specified by 3GPP for streaming and conversational traffic classes. Is left out FFS.
The guaranteed bit rate is only specified by 3GPP for streaming and conversational traffic classes. Is left out FFS.
The THP parameter is only specified for the interactive class. The interactive class enables prioritisation between bearers, which in turn enables end-user or service prioritisation. THP specifies the relative importance for handling of traffic belonging to a RAB compared to traffic belonging to other RABs. (E)GPRS: THP maps to delay class in R97 QoS parameters. In R97 BSS the delay class is not visible to the BSS. It means that air interface prioritisation is not possible with THP in R97 BSS. R99 brings the Packet Flow Contexts (PFC) to the BSS and the traffic class and THP parameters become visible to the BSS. That is, prioritisation is possible with interactive class and THP over
the air interface. For this to work, it requires support in the terminal, the BSS and the SGSN. In R97 BSS air interface prioritisation is possible with the precedence class parameter. The precedence class parameter is mapped to/from allocation/retention priority (ARP) in R99 QoS parameters. UMTS: THP affects the relative priority between RABs within the interactive class. Relative priority means that it affects the allocation of the bearers and the retention of the bearer. In other words, it affects the operation of the packet scheduler located in the RNC. Consequently there are two different parameters that do the same prioritisation over the air interface, precedence class (i.e. ARP) in R97 networks and THP (requires interactive traffic class) in R99 networks. Since this is contradictory to some extent, the recommendation for priorities should be made in a consistent and logical way in dual-mode networks. Therefore, it is recommended to use the same value for the THP and ARP parameters for interactive class.
Allocation/Retention priority
Specifies the relative importance compared to other RABs for allocation and retention of the RAB. The ARP parameter is a subscription parameter, which is not negotiated from the mobile terminal. The priority is used for differentiating between bearers when performing allocation and retention of a bearer. In situations where resources are scarce, the relevant network elements can use the ARP to prioritise bearers with a high ARP over bearers with a low ARP when performing admission control. (E)GPRS: Maps to/from precedence class in R97 parameters. The precedence class allows prioritisation over the air interface. Notable is that prioritisation is possible also when background class is in use. UMTS: Affects the allocation and retention of RABs/RBs. It is recommended to use the same value for ARP as for THP for interactive class (see description of THP for more detailed motivation). The background class is specified in such a way that it has lower priority than the interactive class. In order to maintain the consistency of the priorities it is therefore recommended to use ARP = 3 for background class.
The SDU format information is only specified by 3GPP for streaming and conversational traffic classes. Is left out FFS. Source statistics descriptor The source statistics descriptor is only specified by 3GPP for streaming and conversational traffic classes. Is left out FFS.
6.1.1 Traffic class The traffic class parameter is in this case assigned the value background class. The background traffic class is the least delay sensitive of the four traffic classes and has the lowest priority of all traffic. Traffic belonging to the background traffic class is best-effort traffic. (E)GPRS: The traffic class has no direct corresponding parameter in R97 parameter. The background class is mapped to delay class = 4. The recommended QoS parameter values for background class are summarized in Table 1.
Recommended value
Background N N 1500 384 128 10-5 10-4 3
6.2.1 Traffic class The traffic class parameter in this case assigns the value interactive class. The idea behind the interactive class is to enable prioritisation between end-users or services. Prioritisation does not offer any guarantees in form of bit rate or delay. Instead a higher priority offers a higher portion of the available resources in congestion situations. Noticeable is that also high-priority users run out of resources when there are enough end-users within the same cell. (E)GPRS: R97 capable (in QoS sense) networks supports only background and interactive classes. The interactive class support is not obvious, since it is hidden behind the precedence class parameter. The precedence parameter allows the operator to prioritise services and/or endusers over the air interface. The idea behind interactive class is also prioritisation, so precedence
class can be seen as a pre-R99 interactive class. In terms of R99 parameters, the ARP maps to precedence class in R97 parameters. R99 (E)GPRS networks improves the QoS support of the BSS. The traffic class parameter is visible to the BSS, enabling prioritisation over the air interface with interactive class. R99 QoS support requires support in terminal, BSS and 2G-SGSN. If support is lacking from one of them, R97 QoS will be used. In both R97 and R99 the prioritisation is done in the BSC. UMTS: Interactive class enables prioritisation over the air interface. The packet scheduler located in the RNC schedules the packets according to the given priority. The actual operation of the packet scheduler is implementation dependent. The traffic handling priority (THP) parameter indicates the priority of the interactive class bearer. See the THP description for more information. The recommended QoS parameter values for interactive class are summarized in Table 2.
Recommended value
Interactive N N 1500 384 128 10-5 10-4 Same as for ARP Same as for THP
Table 3 depicts the recommended QoS parameters for background traffic class mapped to R97 QoS parameters.
Table 3 - R97 QoS parameters mapped from the recommended R99 background QoS parameters.
Table 4 depicts the recommended QoS parameters for interactive traffic class mapped to R97 QoS parameters.
Table 4 - R97 QoS parameters mapped from the recommended R99 interactive QoS parameters
TS 03.60 General Packet Switched Service (GPRS); Service description; Stage 2 TS 23.107 Quality of Service (QoS) concept and architecture TS 34.108 Common test environments for User Equipment (UE) conformance testing