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Pancha-Pakshi Shastra is based on ancient literature in Tamil language. Pancha means five and Pakshi means Bird.

The Pancha-Pakshi system has some resemblance to the Pancha-Bhuta (Five elements) system of Vedic Astrology. It is believed that the Five Elements represented by five birds, influence and control all the actions of human beings. These five birds take their turns in a special sequence and radiate their powers during day and night. The power that takes effect first on a day or night and the sequence that follows depends on the day of the week and the Paksha (waxing half or waning half cycles) of the Moon. One of the five birds is assigned to every human being as the controlling power based on the Birth Star of the person and the Paksha of the Moon at the time of birth. The activity of this Main Bird at a given point of time and the activity of the Sub-Bird at that time and the relationship between them indicates whether the time will be beneficial and lucky for the person or not. Pacha-Pakshi Shasta is very popular in south India especially Tamil Nadu. It helps selection of auspicious time and also for answering queries (Prasna) The five birds in the Pancha-Pakshi Shastra are: * 1- Vulture * 2- Owl * 3- Crow * 4- Cock * 5- Peacock These birds engage in any one of the following five activities at any given time: * 1- Rule * 2- Eat * 3- Walk * 4- Sleep * 5- Die The birds are considered most powerful when they rule and least powerful when they die. To find out your Birth Pakshi (Nakshatra Pakshi) you have to know your birth star according to Vedic Astrology and the Paksha of the Moon at the time of your birth. The half of the Lunar Cycle when the Moon increases in size and reaches the Full Moon (Pournami) is called Sukla-Paksha and the other half of the cycle when the size decreases until the New Moon is called the Krishna-Paksha. Birth Stars are based on the longitude of Moon and are 27 in number from Aswini to Revati. Once you know the Birth Star (Nakshatra) and the Paksha you can find your Nakshatra Pakshi (Bird) from the following chart.

Pancha-Pakshi Sastram, Indian Custom

Pancha-Pakshi Sastram is one amongst the many unique scientific treatises of the Hindus.

Among the many unique scientific treatises of the Hindus there is one more named as Pancha-Pakshi Sastram. This forms a portion of the Hindu astronomical science. Twenty-seven forms of constellations are recognized by the Hindu astrologers in the moon`s path. Each is called a lunar mansion and in each of which the moon happens to be each day. These lunar mansions are considered to be of great practical consequence from their good or evil influence by the astrologers. And this is calculated not only at the time of birth of an individual but also during his lifetime. The situation of the moon in this or that Nakshatram at the moment is considered to regulate the occurring of an event affecting the individual concerned. Every person is born with his special star, mansion or Nakshatram. He or she can be called by whatever name in which the moon was at the moment of his or her birth. The Nakshatrams, are a source of infinite terror to the Hindus of all castes. They are consulted at births and marriages and in all times of difficulty, sickness and so on. Days and events become lucky or unlucky according to the decision of these mansions. It is not possible to say when these twenty-seven stars, which are in the moon`s path, were created. But they are Kalpam after Kalpam i.e. several great ages along with other objects of creation destroyed, recreated, maintained for the next Kalpam, and again destroyed. The objects of creation are not quite the same at the beginning of each Kalpam. This is because of the fact that the good and bad actions outstanding against each object of creation. But in the case of the permanent devatas who do not return to the earth after their stay in Swarga i.e. heaven as the result of the good deeds is over, the fresh creation is quite the same at the beginning of each Kalpam. Every constellation, whether it is a fixed star or a planet, is a spherical body and it has a deity, which looks after it. The spherical body or Mandalam as it is called, is inanimate. While the deity, which has charge of, it has a soul and is subject to the orders of the supreme deity. The orders of the minor deity are also important under whose command they are placed. All the spherical bodies including the earth attract each other, and move in harmony in perfect accordance with the rules laid down by the supreme deity in Vedas and also in astrology. It is this attraction that constitutes the influence, which the fixed stars and planets exercise over the living objects on the earth, and the nature of each influence is described in astrology. Astrology is part of Vedas and every person who has faith in the Vedas must place faith in astrology. The Vedas are intended to reveal truths, which human reason cannot discover, and which must therefore be accepted without questioning. No cross-examination should be directed against those truths. Implicit faith must be placed on Vedic revelations. These Nakshatrams or lunar mansions are grouped under five birds. And the names can be mentioned as the hawk, the owl, the crow, cock and the peacock. Hence each individual has not only his own Nakshatram but also his own bird out of these five. These

birds are said to be in any one of the five states, namely: Eating, Walking, Ruling, Sleeping and Dying during the five watches or divisions of twelve hours of both the night and day time of each day of the week. Further, these states vary in the dark fortnight from what they were during the week days of the bright fortnight. Most auspicious time for going on a voyage or a journey, for commencing, agricultural operations, for advancing against enemies, for going to ask favours of persons in power, for purchases and sales and so on can be declared as when his or her bird is either eating or ruling. The next best time is when the bird is walking which state is not very good either. The hour in which his or her bird is either asleep or dying is the worst hour that could be selected for any good attempt and is generally considered to be the most inauspicious for any undertaking. The arrangement of the state of the birds in the order of importance can be mentioned as ruling, eating, walking, sleeping and dying. Eating state is considered to be three-fourth important while walking has only half of the importance of the eating state. Sleeping state is considered to be half as important as walking state, while the dying bird is half of the sleeping one. The table furnishing the bird under which, he or she is placed from the Nakshatram or lunar mansion is given in all the Panchangam of Indian calendar. It is comprised of five limbs. These can be mentioned as the tithi, the varam, the nakshatram, the yogam and the karanam. A man desiring prosperity pays attention to the Tithi. One desirous of long life understands everything about Varam or the days of the week. The Nakshatrams are resorted to for being freed from sins. The Yogam is intended for obtaining immunity from diseases whereas the Karanam is said to secure for the observer success in all undertakings. Hence it was that the recital of the Panchangam was in vogue in olden days.

The mysterious " Panch-pakshi Shastram " is a unique system of Vedic astrology, propounded by ancient Tamil Siddha Saints thousands of years ago, which has been considered a golden key in the hands of man which can be used with advantage in any endeavour and in any walk of life. The system is said to be 'unfailing' as it is based on natural laws of five elements Pancha bhutas combined with Jothida kalasasana force of each individual. It's extra-ordinary the man precise knowledge of his strength and weakness for a particular hour of a particular day. In day to day life and by individuals in all walks of life, to lead a successful life with complete gratification, both in mental, physical and even in spiritual planes. This is based on comparative gradation of elemental vibrations of individuals functioning in life in different ebbs during different time gaps with a uniform successive time slots. The Jothida kalasasanam say about that, The Indian Astronomy sage also found that elemental vibrations differentially function in 5 ways during the periods of waxing and waning Moon cycles in 5 different gradations. The horoscope of an individual is the representation of the imprint of the cosmic vibrations emanating from the peculiar pattern

of the nine planets at the time of one's birth. This collective imprint remains in the sub-conscious always after one's birth. Being controlled/ directed by this imprint, the individual is helpless, but to live in a peculiar individual way accordingly. If we can identify the basic laws behind formation of this imprint and the functional pattern of our elemental vibrations, we can adjust ourselves and function in such a way so that our indulgence in any action during a time-situation, whenever elemental vibrations are at the highest ebb, we will be crowned with Greatest success. This is the called " Panchapakshi ". As per this system, 24 hours from one sunrise to next sunrise, consists of 10 Yama 5 yama during day time and 5 yama during night time. Thus Yama is a name given to a duration of 2..4 hours as per this system (Different systems assign different duration for a `Yama'. Actually Yama just means `Duration'). Actually it is the five elemental vibrations that are personified birds (Pakshis). The 5 birds that does some or the other activity in each of these 5 time slots are 1) Vulture 2) Owl 3) Crow 4) Hen 5) Peacock The five activities these birds participate in are 1) Eating 2) Walking 3) Ruling 4) Sleeping 5) Dying The functional patters of the birds and activities vary, during waxing and waning Moon cycles, and also during week days. Therefore to know the Yama bird and its activity, you should have a detailed table that lists the same. Meaning of each activity As per the book `Biorhythms of Natal Moon', the meaning of each activity is as follows Eating This activity is nothing but renewal of the body cells, and thereby renewal of functions is thus effected Walking To eat, bird has to be earning. For earnings movement is necessary. This movement is walking activity Ruling The process of earning itself is the activity of ruling. Sleeping After eating, walking and ruling, the system gets exhausted due to prolonged exertion resulting in the need to relax. This relaxing process is the sleeping activity. Dying By repeated process of these four activities frequently, the body in which the soul resides, completely degenerates and reaches an extreme point when functioning of these four activities is no more possible. At this stage, the soul departs from the old body to take rest and enter into another new suitable body by way of reincarnation. This is called the activity of dying and the cycle again begins.

Method of Application Find the bird corresponding to your birth star Check the activity in which the bird indulges in the desired period of time

This will give you an idea about your general state at that time and the trend of the result. For example, if ruling time then definitely expect positive result, if dying time then total negative results.

Know your bird Now You can identify your bird from the following table given blow. You can call it birth-bird or elemental-bird, similar to the word birth-star. Now check the day of the week as well as whether it is bright or dark half of Moon cycle. Based on this info check the activity in which your bird is indulging at that period of time. Similar to the Dasa-Antara system, you can check the bird of sub-activity as well. The current activity in which your bird is indulged in along with bird of sub-activity for that period of time will give you an idea about the trend of possible results for that period of time. [To have a detailed table on the same refer to the tables given in the book `Biorhythms of Natal Moon']. This is the system of Pancha Pakshi Sastra in nut shell.


Pancha Pakshi Bright Half Dark Half

Aswini Bharani Krithigai Rohini Mirugaseersam






Punarpoosam Poosam Ayilyam Maham Pooram Uthiram

Crow Hastham Chithirai Swati Visakam


Anusham Cock Kettai Moolam Pooradam Uthiradam Thiruvonam Avittam Sathayam Pooratathi Uthirattathi Revathi Owl

The five birds rule certain days of the week and the days when your bird rules are considered good for you. Also, the days on which your bird is least powerful (death days) will be least useful for you. It is best not to undertake important tasks or take decisions on such days. The ruling days and death days also depend on the Paksha of the day you are considering for an activity. While death days of a bird are same for day as well as night, the ruling days are different for day and night. The chart showing the ruling and death days are given below: During Sukla-Paksa(between fullmoon day and newmoon day)

Each day of 12 hours is divided into five equal portions and given to different activities of the birds. Within each portion, the time is further allocated to other birds called apahara birds and their activities. The duty cycles follow complex and intricate logic of Pancha-Pakshi Shastra. One can select the best suitable time during a day or night using detailed charts based on Pancha-Paskshi Shastra. Astro-Vision will soon bring these to you through the

website for the benefit of all the members. The Pancha-Pakshi Shastra is not to be confused with Pakshi Shastra practiced by nomads in India where they use a parrot to pick a card from a deck to predict the future.

The mysterious " Panch-pakshi Shastram " is a unique system of Vedic astrology, propounded by ancient Tamil Siddha Saints thousands of years ago, which has been considered a golden key in the hands of man which can be used with advantage in any endeavour and in any walk of life. The system is said to be 'unfailing' as it is based on natural laws of five elements Pancha bhutas combined with Jothida kalasasana force of each individual. It's extra-ordinary the man precise knowledge of his strength and weakness for a particular hour of a particular day. In day to day life and by individuals in all walks of life, to lead a successful life with complete gratification, both in mental, physical and even in spiritual planes. This is based on comparative gradation of elemental vibrations of individuals functioning in life in different ebbs during different time gaps with a uniform successive time slots. The Jothida kalasasanam say about that, The Indian Astronomy sage also found that elemental vibrations differentially function in 5 ways during the periods of waxing and waning Moon cycles in 5 different gradations. The horoscope of an individual is the representation of the imprint of the cosmic vibrations emanating from the peculiar pattern of the nine planets at the time of one's birth. This collective imprint remains in the sub-conscious always after one's birth. Being controlled/ directed by this imprint, the individual is helpless, but to live in a peculiar individual way accordingly. If we can identify the basic laws behind formation of this imprint and the functional pattern of our elemental vibrations, we can adjust ourselves and function in such a way so that our indulgence in any action during a time-situation, whenever elemental vibrations are at the highest ebb, we will be crowned with Greatest success. This is the called " Panchapakshi ". As per this system, 24 hours from one sunrise to next sunrise, consists of 10 Yama 5 yama during day time and 5 yama during night time. Thus Yama is a name given to a duration of 2..4 hours as per this system (Different systems assign different duration for a `Yama'. Actually Yama just means `Duration'). Actually it is the five elemental vibrations that are personified birds (Pakshis). The 5 birds that does some or the other activity in each of these 5 time slots are 1) Vulture 2) Owl 3) Crow 4) Hen 5) Peacock The five activities these birds participate in are 1) Eating 2) Walking 3) Ruling 4) Sleeping 5) Dying The functional patters of the birds and activities vary, during waxing and waning Moon cycles, and also during week days. Therefore to know the Yama bird and its activity, you should have a detailed table that lists the same. Meaning of each activity As per the book `Biorhythms of Natal Moon', the meaning of each activity is as follows

Eating This activity is nothing but renewal of the body cells, and thereby renewal of functions is thus effected Walking To eat, bird has to be earning. For earnings movement is necessary. This movement is walking activity Ruling The process of earning itself is the activity of ruling. Sleeping After eating, walking and ruling, the system gets exhausted due to prolonged exertion resulting in the need to relax. This relaxing process is the sleeping activity. Dying By repeated process of these four activities frequently, the body in which the soul resides, completely degenerates and reaches an extreme point when functioning of these four activities is no more possible. At this stage, the soul departs from the old body to take rest and enter into another new suitable body by way of reincarnation. This is called the activity of dying and the cycle again begins.

Method of Application Find the bird corresponding to your birth star Check the activity in which the bird indulges in the desired period of time This will give you an idea about your general state at that time and the trend of the result. For example, if ruling time then definitely expect positive result, if dying time then total negative results.

Know your bird Now You can identify your bird from the following table given blow. You can call it birth-bird or elemental-bird, similar to the word birth-star. Now check the day of the week as well as whether it is bright or dark half of Moon cycle. Based on this info check the activity in which your bird is indulging at that period of time. Similar to the Dasa-Antara system, you can check the bird of sub-activity as well. The current activity in which your bird is indulged in along with bird of sub-activity for that period of time will give you an idea about the trend of possible results for that period of time. [To have a detailed table on the same refer to the tables given in the book `Biorhythms of Natal Moon']. This is the system of Pancha Pakshi Sastra in nut shell.


Pancha Pakshi Bright Dark Half Half

Aswini Bharani Krithigai

Vulture Peacock

Rohini Mirugaseersam




Punarpoosam Poosam Ayilyam Maham Pooram Uthiram

Crow Hastham Chithirai Swati Visakam


Anusham Cock Kettai Moolam Pooradam Uthiradam Thiruvonam Avittam Sathayam Pooratathi Owl

Uthirattathi Revathi

Pancha-Pakshi Shastra

Pancha-Pakshi Shastra is based on ancient literature in Tamil language. Pancha means five and Pakshi means Bird. The Pancha-Pakshi system has some resemblance to the Pancha-Bhuta (Five elements) system of Vedic Astrology. It is believed that the Five Elements represented by five birds, influence and control all the actions of human beings. These five birds take their turns in a special sequence and radiate their powers during day and night. The power that takes effect first on a day or night and the sequence that follows depends on the day of the week and the Paksha (waxing half or waning half cycles) of the Moon. One of the five birds is assigned to every human being as the controlling power based on the Birth Star of the person and the Paksha of the Moon at the time of birth. The activity of this Main Bird at a given point of time and the activity of the Sub-Bird at that time and the relationship between them indicates whether the time will be beneficial and lucky for the person or not. Pacha-Pakshi Shasta is very popular in south India especially Tamil Nadu. It helps selection of auspicious time and also for answering queries (Prasna) The five birds in the Pancha-Pakshi Shastra are: 12345Vulture Owl Crow Cock Peacock

These birds engage in any one of the following five activities at any given time: 1- Rule 2- Eat

3- Walk 4- Sleep 5- Die The birds are considered most powerful when they rule and least powerful when they die. To find out your Birth Pakshi (Nakshatra Pakshi) you have to know your birth star according to Vedic Astrology and the Paksha of the Moon at the time of your birth. The half of the Lunar Cycle when the Moon increases in size and reaches the Full Moon (Pournami) is called Sukla-Paksha and the other half of the cycle when the size decreases until the New Moon is called the Krishna-Paksha. Birth Stars are based on the longitude of Moon and are 27 in number from Aswini to Revati. Once you know the Birth Star (Nakshatra) and the Paksha you can find your Nakshatra Pakshi (Bird) from the following chart. Star Birth in Suklapaksha Birth in Krishnapaksha 1 Aswini Vulture Peacock 2 Bharani Vulture Peacock 3 Krittika Vulture Peacock 4 Rohini Vulture Peacock 5 Mrigasira Vulture Peacock 6 Ardra Owl Cock 7 Punarvasu Owl Cock 8 Pushya Owl Cock 9 Ashlesha Owl Cock 10 Makha Owl Cock 11 Purvaphalguni Owl Cock 12 Uttaraphalguni Crow Crow 13 Hasta Crow Crow 14 Chitra Crow Crow 15 Swati Crow Crow 16 Vishakha Crow Crow 17 Anuradha Cock Owl 18 Jyeshta Cock Owl 19 Moola Cock Owl 20 Poorvashada Cock Owl 21 Uttarashada Cock Owl 22 Shravana Peacock Vulture 23 Dhanishta Peacock Vulture 24 Satabhisha Peacock Vulture 25 Poorvabhadra Peacock Vulture

26 Uttarabhadra Peacock Vulture 27 Revati Peacock Vulture The five birds rule certain days of the week and the days when your bird rules are considered good for you. Also, the days on which your bird is least powerful (death days) will be least useful for you. It is best not to undertake important tasks or take decisions on such days. The ruling days and death days also depend on the Paksha of the day you are considering for an activity. While death days of a bird are same for day as well as night, the ruling days are different for day and night. The chart showing the ruling and death days are given below: During Sukla-Paksa Bird Death Days Ruling days Day time Night time Vulture Thursday, Saturday Sunday, Tuesday Friday Owl Sunday, Friday Monday, Wednesday Saturday Crow Monday Thursday Sunday, Tuesday Cock Tuesday Friday Monday, Wednesday Peacock Wednesday Saturday Thursday During Krishna-Paksa Bird Death Days Ruling days Day time Night time Vulture Tuesday Friday Sunday, Tuesday Owl Monday Thursday Wednesday Crow Sunday Wednesday Thursday Cock Thursday, Saturday Sunday, Tuesday Monday, Saturday Peacock Wednesday, Friday Monday, Saturday Friday Each day of 12 hours is divided into five equal portions and given to different activities of the birds. Within each portion, the time is further allocated to other birds called apahara birds and their activities. The duty cycles follow complex and intricate logic of Pancha-Pakshi Shastra. One can select the best suitable time during a day or night using detailed charts based on Pancha-Paskshi Shastra. Astro-Vision will soon bring these to you through the website for the benefit of all the members. The Pancha-Pakshi Shastra is not to be confused with 'Pakshi Shastra' practiced by nomads in India where they use a parrot to pick a card from a deck to predict the future.

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