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Angeles University Foundation Angeles City College of Nursing


Submitted by: Aliado, Kezhia L. Ayson, Regine O. Borja, Abigail A. Cabuso, Mellen Ysabella L. Castro, Kimberlee M. David, Lizel Joy S. Gonzales, Patricia Bettina L. Penalosa, Shayne Adams A. Sunga, Paolo Miguel Y. Tayao, Jazzella S. BSN IV-4 Submitted to: Adelina Santos, RN, MN

August 1, 2011

LEADERSHIP TRAINING PRINCIPLES AND PROCESSES Every year, companies devoted a huge amount of money, time, and effort to leadership training. Yet the people who receive the training often find in useless, boring, or irrelevant. Why? Most often, because the training is perceived to be too theoreticalits disconnected from peoples jobs- and the whole experience is poorly designed and executed. In order for leadership training to be effective, it must pass three tests. First, the people involved must be able to recognize that the leadership skills or practices being taught are important for them to learn. Second, the way the program is taught must exciting. It must grab peoples attention and motivate them to learn. Third, the classroom training must be closely connected to the issues and challenges that training satisfies that requirement, people have to be able to use what theyve learned immediately or the learning will quickly dissipate. Each of those elements is essential. In todays business environment, no company can afford to waste time or resources on training that doesnt work, especially training aimed at the leaders of the organization. Seven Principles of Leadership Training Our approach to high-impact leadership training rest upon seven important principles. The principleS arent meant to describe a comprehensive theory of executive education, but they do represent the best ideas on the subject.
1. The Expectation Principle

Leader who think they cen and should change are more likely to do so.

People expectations play a central role in their level of motivation. What people believe has a dramatic impact on what they learn and how they respond to training. Leaders- especially leaders at the top- must feel that learning new skills is important, and they must believe in their own capacity to change. These two beliefs are crucial to effective leadership training.

Convincing leadership leaders that change is possible usually depend on what psychologists call prestige influence. When leader are told by sources CEO, high- status trainers, recognized experts, or other convincing authority figure- that training could improve their performance and leading to constructive change, they are more inclined to take action. Change is coupled with a desire for change, the potential impact of training increases dramatically.

2. The Feedback Principle

Leaders who receive feedback on how well they perform the desired skills are more likely to change and internalize them.

Long ago, psychologists demonstrate the powerful role that concrete feedback play in stimulating behavior change. Feedback is an even more important stimulus for learning at the top, where senior executive are often remarkable unaware of their leadership strengths and weaknesses. Getting leaders to admit they are not perfect is half the battle in leadership training. To accelerate the rate of learning, feedback should be used as often as possible during training. Feedback from multiple source that focuses on leadership practice is a highly effective way to get the attention of leaders and help them identify areas for improvement during training, instructor, peer, and video feedback can all contribute to creating awareness of the need for change.

How feedback is delivered has a direct impact on how well the training will be received and applied. Those who receive feedbacks should understand how the information was gathered, and they need ample opportunity to analyze and digest the data. Most importantly, executives need skill facilitators and coaches to help them interpret the idea and develop realistic leadership improvement plans.

3. The Performance Principle Leaders will learn new skill and practices when they believe the skills are associated with high performance. This principle is all about creating the motivation to learn. Even if leaders are aware of the needs for change, they might not believe that training will have any impact on their performance. Senior leaders have achieved so much in their careers-all if it outside. of the classroomthat is often difficult for them to see the value of leadership training. Many times, they literally dont care about acquiring new skills. An analysis of training needs typically has little influence on them, and it is sometimes hard to develop and communicate a set of common business practices that everyone agrees will lead to high performance. Its essential to create a credible model of leadership excellenceone that is so closed tied to business success that senior leaders cant ignore its relevance or importance. The best ways to build such a model are to:

Tie the model directly to your business strategymake it immediately relevant and ensure that the practices that create value for the business are included.

Actively involve senior executives in the model-building process through interviews and meetings. This ensures that performance-related behaviors are included in the model, and anchors the description of effective leadership to language and values those senior leaders are comfortable with.

Prove that the model has historical validity by studying highperforming leaders. Compare their skills and best practices to a matched sample of moderate or low performers to illustrate how the model of leadership behaviors can influence performance.

4. The Skill-Building Principle Leaders are more likely to acquire new skills if they are encouraged to examine and let go of existing attitudes and practices. In order for leadership skill-building to work, people must have an open mind. They need to be receptive to new approaches, new ideas, and new ways of handling situations. Not only must they be aware of the need to learn and care deeply about acquiring new skills, but they also must be prepared to let go of old habits and practices. The importance of whats called the unfreezing process is well documented, but executive-leadership training poses two special challenges. Senior executives are generally sophisticated, opinionated, and difficult to teach. Its hard to establish a learning climate that encourages people to examine themselves, to admit weaknesses, to seek help, and to experiment with new leadership techniques. Pay careful attention to creating this type of environment during training. Judicious use of large group discussions, small group exercises, simulations, video feedback, and individual coaching all help establish an effective learning environment. Facilitators must be adept to change, and rewarding and reinforcing new behaviors. In addition, it can be a challenge to transfer leadership skills back to the job. Locking in the skills that are built during training requires changing the operating environment. Senior leadersmore than other employeesoften have a large personal stake in the existing policies, norms, and infrastructure of a

company. These must be adjusted if a new pattern of leadership is to be established. And leaders must be willing to let go of the old organizational reality and actively help create a new one. This often involves a careful and timeconsuming review of the performance management system. Training experiences that encourage a systems view of leadership development are more likely to lead to lasting behavior change. 1. The Practice Principle The more frequently leaders practice the desired behaviors during training; the more likely they are to learn and use them back on the job. Allowing leaders to observe and practice the behaviors you want them to learn is the most effective way of personalizing and helping leaders internalize training. Research shows that overt, public practice of the desired behaviors is an important part of any re-freezing or learning. The most effective training programs are those that provide multiple opportunities for leaders to try out new approaches, new techniques, and new behaviors. Practicing new leadership skills can take the form of role-plays, simulations, or video exercises. Because these practice sessions are meant to give leaders the opportunity to increase their flexibility and range of responses, it is best to include problems and interactions that leaders are likely to deal with on the job. Challenging executives to think and behave differently requires that they be put under some pressure, and it is important to couple each practice session with constructive feedback, coaching, and positive reinforcement. 6. The Goal-Setting Principle Specific goals and action plans are likely to motivate leaders to learn and use new skills. The role of goal setting in the psychology of motivation and personal change has been well documented. Effective goal setting and action planning contribute to successfully learning new behaviors. By setting goals and developing plans, people are able to see training in a more realistic light--less of one-time event and more as the first step in a serious effort of development and self improvement. The nature of executive leadership, however, requires a special kind of goal setting and planning. Just as in-class practice sessions should be built around realistic, critical incidents, so should leadership plans. Leadership should have the opportunity to anticipate obstacles, brainstorm action alternatives, and think through ways of behaving that will accomplish their objectivesnot in generalbut in very specific, high-payoff situations. Helping leaders do this is one of the most valuable roles a facilitator can play in leadership training programs.

Executives often resist writing out their personal leadership improvement plans, even though research shows that the act of clearly articulating goals helps everyone focus on concrete actions that will be needed to achieve goals. If written goals and plans cant be developed, program participants should be required to discuss their personal goals and intentions with trusted coaches or associates. 7. On-the-Job Support Principle Leaders who work in an environment that supports the new leadership practices are more likely to change and to continue to use their new skills. The single biggest barrier to effectively training leaders is the absence of organizational support for the new behaviors. Research and experience tell us that learning occurs when people receive positive reinforcement for demonstrating the desired skills. In complex organizations, this means that fit between work, processes, and people must support and be in agreement with the desired leadership practices. Given the reality of most training efforts, even those at the executive level, there will be an imperfect fit and many of the old leadership habits will be reinforced more often than the new ones. In addition to the recommendations about promptly modifying human resources systems, three other strategies can help provide the necessary on-the-job support. Individual follow-up activities should be an explicit part of the training experiences. They should be scheduled immediately in order to take full advantage of the momentum for change that was established during training. The activities could be as straightforward as requiring each executive to share his or her feedback with direct reports. Groups of leaders should be formed to engage in high-priority, action-learning projects. These projects can be aimed at making the organizations formal or informal environment more alignedor in agreement withthe new business strategy, or modifying various systems or processes to improve enterprise and/or business unit performance. Although these action-learning task forces will usually involve a number of lower level managers, the active participation of senior executives provides a valuable opportunity for executives to practice their newly acquired leadership skills. Finally, the highest impact on-the-job action that will support a new model for leadership is the way in which rewards and punishments are administered to those who receive the leadership training. Decisively and emphatically rewarding leaders who successfully demonstrate the desired behaviors is important. Even more important, however, is visibly withholding rewards from those who fail to live-up to the new standards and leadership expectations.

SPECIFIC PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS OF DOH Adolescent and Youth Health and Development Program (AYHDP) In line with the global policy changes on adolescents and youth, the DOH created the Adolescent and Youth Health and Development Program (AYHDP) which is lodged at the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control (NCDPC) specifically the Center for Family and Environmental Health (CFEH). The program is an expanded version of Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) element of Reproductive Health which aims to integrate adolescent and youth health services into the health delivery systems. The DOH, with the participation of other line agencies, partners from the medical discipline, NGOs and donor agencies have developed a policy on adolescent and youth health as well as complementary guidelines and service protocol to ensure young peoples health needs are given attention. The Program shall mainly focus on addressing the following health concerns regardless of their sex, race and socioeconomic background:

Growth and Development concerns Nutrition Physical, mental and emotional status Reproductive Health Sexuality Reproductive Tract Infection (STD, HIV/AIDS) Responsible Parenthood Maternal & Child Health Communicable Diseases Diarrhea, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Measles, Malaria, etc. Mental Health Substance use and abuse Intentional / non-intentional injuries Disability

Has no direct mandate or control, shall be coordinated closely with other concerned line agencies, and NGOs. Other issues and concerns such as vocational, education, social and employment needs where the DOH The Botika ng Barangay (BnB) refers to a drug outlet managed by a legitimate community organization (CO/non-government organization (NGO) and/or the Local Government Unit (LGU), with a trained operator and a supervising pharmacist specifically established in accordance with Administrative Order No. 144 s.2004. The BnB outlet should be initially identified, evaluated and selected by the concerned Center for Health Development (CHD), approved by the National Drug Policy-Pharmaceutical Management Unit (NDP-PMU 50), and specifically licensed by the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) to sell, distribute, offer for sale and/or make available low-priced generic home remedies, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and two (2) selected, publicly-known prescription antibiotic drugs (i.e. Amoxicillin and Cotrimoxazole). The BnB program aims to promote equity in health by ensuring the availability and accessibility of affordable, safe and effective, quality, essential drugs to all, with priority for marginalized, underserved, critical and hard to reach areas.

Promotion of Breastfeeding program / Mother and Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (MBFHI) Realizing optimal maternal and child health nutrition is the ultimate concern of the Promotion of Breastfeeding Program. Thus, exclusive breastfeeding in the first four (4) to six (6) months after birth is encouraged as well as enforcement of legal mandates. The Mother and Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (MBFHI) is the main strategy to transform all hospitals with maternity and newborn services into facilities which fully protect, promote and support breastfeeding and rooming-in practices. The legal mandate to this initiative are the RA 7600 (The Rooming-In and Breastfeeding Act of 1992) and the Executive Order 51 of 1986 (The Milk Code). National assistance in terms of financial support for this strategy ended year 2000, thus LGUs were advocated to promote and sustain this initiative. To sustain this initiative, the field health personnel has to provide antenatal assistance and breastfeeding counseling to pregnant and lactating mothers as well as to the breastfeeding support groups in the community; there should also be continuous orientation and re-orientation/ updates to newly hired and old personnel, respectively, in support of this initiative. Breastfeeding TSEK or Tama, Sapat at Eksklusibo means: Tama by immediate skin-to-skin contact between mother & baby after birth, & initiation of breastfeeding within the first hour of life. Sapat by encouraging and assuring mothers that little breastmilk is enough for the first week and that frequent breastfeeding ensures continuous breastmilk supply to respond to the increasing needs of the baby. EKsklusibo by giving only breastmilk and no other liquid to the baby for the first six months. Breastmilk has all the water and nutrients that the baby needs for the first six months after which the baby should be given appropriate complementary foods while continuing breastfeeding. Cancer Control Program Philippine Cancer Control Program The Philippine Cancer Control Program, begun in 1988, is an integrated approach utilizing primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in different regions of the country at both hospital and community levels. Six lead cancers (lung, breast, liver, cervix, oral cavity, colon and rectum) are discussed. Features peculiar to the Philippines are described; and their causation and prevention are discussed. A recent assessment revealed shortcomings in the Cancer Control Program and urgent recommendations were made to reverse the anticipated cancer epidemic. There is also today in place a Community-based Cancer Care Network which seeks to develop a network of selfsufficient communities sharing responsibility for cancer care and control in the country.

Child Health and Development Strategic Plan Year 2001-2004 The Philippine National Strategic Framework for Plan Development for Children or CHILD 21 is a strategic framework for planning programs and interventions that promote and safegurad the rights of Filipino children. Covering the period 2000-2005, it paints in borad strokes a vision for the quality of life of Filipino children in 2025 and a roadmap to achieve the vision. Children's Health 2025, a subdocument of CHILD 21, realizes that health is a critical and fundamental element in children's welfare. However, health programs cannot be implemented in isolation from the other component that determines the safety and well being of children in society. Children's Health 2025, therefore, should be able to integrate the strategies and interventions into the overall plan for children's development. Children's Health 2025 contains both mid-term strategies, which is targeted towards the year 2004, while long-term strategies are targeted by the year 2025. It utilizes a life cycle approach and weaves in the rights of children. The life cycle approach ensures that the issues, needs and gaps are addressed at the different stages of the child's growth and development. The period year 2002 to 2004 will put emphasis on timely diagnosis and management of common diseases of childhood as well as disease prevention and health promotion, particularly in the fields of immunization, nutrition and the acquisition of health lifestyles. Also critical for effective pallning and implementation would be addressing the components of the health infrastructure such as human resource development, quality assurance, monitoring and disease surveillance, and health information and education. The successful implementation of these strategies will require collaborative efforts with the other stakeholders and also implies integration with the other developmental plan of action for children. VISION: A healthy Filipino child is:

Wanted, planned and conceived by healthy parents Carried to term by healthy mother Born into a loving, caring. stable family capable of providing for his or her basic needs Delivered safely by a trained attendant Screened for congenital defects shortly after birth; if defects are found, interventions to corrrect these defects are implemented at the appropriate time

Exclusively breastfed for at least six months of age, and continued breastfeeding up to two years Introduced to complementary foods at about six months of age, and gradually to a balanced, nutritious diet Protected from the consequences of protein-calorie and micronutrient deficiencies through good nutrition and access to fortified foods and iodized salt Provided with safe, clean and hygienic surroundings and protected from accidents Properly cared for at home when sick and brought timely to a health facility for appropriate management when needed. Offered equal access to good quality curative, preventive and promotive health care services and health education as members of the Filipino society Regularly monitored for proper growth and development, and provided with adequate psychosocial and mental stimulation Screened for disabilities and developmental delays in early childhood; if disabilities are found, interventions are implemented to enabled the child to enjoy a life of dignity at the highest level of function attainable Protected from discrimination, exploitation and abuse Empowered and enabled to make decisions regarding healthy lifestyle and behaviors and included in the formulation health policies and programs Afforded the opportunity to reach his or her full potential as adult

Diabetes Mellitus Control Program 1. Diet Therapy Avoid simple sugars like cakes and chocolates. Instead have complex carbohydrates like rice, pasta, cereals and fresh fruits. Do not skip or delay meals. It causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Eat more fiber-rich foods like vegetables. Cut down on salt. Avoid alcohol. Dietary guidelines recommend no more than two drinks for men and no more than one drink per day for women. 2. Exercise Regular exercise is an important part of diabetes control. Daily exercise improves cardiovascular fitness, helps insulin to work better and lower blood sugar, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels and reduces body fat and controls body weight. Exercise at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes each session. Always carry quick sugar sources like candy or soft drink to avoid hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) during and after exercise. 3. Control your weight if you are overweight or obese, start weight reduction by diet and exercise. This improves your cardiovascular risk profile. It lowers your blood sugar and it improves your lipid profile. It improves your blood pressure control.

4. Quit smoking. Smoking is harmful to your health. 5. Maintain a normal blood pressure. Since having hypertension puts a person at high risk of cardiovascular disease, especially if it is associated with diabetes, reliable BP monitoring and control is recommended. See your doctor for advice and management. If there is no improvement in blood sugar what advice can I expect my doctor to give? There are drug therapies using oral hypoglycemic agents. Your doctor can prescribe one or two agents, depending on which is appropriate for you.
1. Sulfonylurea Glibenclamide, Gliclazide, Glipizide, Glimepiride, Repaglinide

2. Biguanide Metformin 3. Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitors Acarbose 4. Thiazolidindione Troglitazone, Rosiglitazone, Proglitazone. Remember Start dieting eat plenty of vegetables avoid sweets such as chocolates and cakes cut down on fatty foods Exercise regularly if you are obese, try to lose some weight. Avoid alcohol drinking and stop smoking. If you are hypertensive, consult your doctor for advice and management. Dengue Control Program One of the major health problems during rainy season is the incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. It occurs in all age groups. This disease (transmitted by Aedes, a day-biting mosquito) is preventable but is prevalent in urban centers where population density is high, water supply is inadequate (resulting to water storage and a good breeding place for the vector), and solid waste collection and storing are also inadequate. The thrust of the Dengue Control Program is directed towards community-based prevention and control in endemic areas. Major strategy is advocacy and promotion, particularly the Four Oclock Habit which was adopted by most LGUs. This is a nationwide, continuous and concerted effort to eliminate the breeding places of Aedes aegypti. Other initiatives are the dissemination of IEC materials and tri-media coverage. Dental Health Program Comprehensive Dental Health Program aims to improve the quality of life of the people through the attainment of the highest possible oral health. Its objective is to prevent and control dental diseases and conditions like dental caries and periodontal diseases thus reducing their prevalence.

Targeted priorities are vulnerable groups such as the 5-12 year old children and pregnant women. Strategies of the program include social mobilization through advocacy meetings, partnership with GOs and NGOs, orientation/updates and monitoring adherence to standards. To attain orally fit children, the program focuses on the following package of activities: oral examination and prophylaxis; sodium fluoride mouth rinsing; supervised tooth brushing drill; pit and fissure sealant application; a-traumatic restorative treatment and IEC. The Program also integrates its activities with the Maternal and Child Health Program, the Nutrition Program and the Garantisadong Pambata activities of the WHSMP. Doctors to the Barrios (DTTB) What is the objective of the program? a. To ensure quality health care service to depressed, marginalized and underserved areas through the deployment of competent and community-oriented doctors. b. To effect changes in the approach to health care delivery by the stakeholders in health What is the objective of the program? The general objective is to provide the country with competent Medical Human Resource who will render quality medical care to patients. The specific objectives are: a. To provide Medical Officer III replacements for provincial and district hospitals who are sending their service residents for training. b. To augment the Medical Specialist human resource needed in government/public hospitals. c. To provide items for residency training to identified physicians who have rendered government service. Emerging Disease Control Program Emerging infectious diseases are newly identified and previously unknown infections which cause public health problems either locally or internationally. These include diseases whose incidence in humans has increased within the past two decades or threatens to increase in the near future. Environmental Health Environmental Health is concerned with preventing illness through managing the environment and by changing people's behavior to reduce exposure to biological and

non-biological agents of disease and injury. It is concerned primarily with effects of the environment to the health of the people. Program strategies and activities are focused on environmental sanitation, environmental health impact assessment and occupational health through inter-agency collaboration. An Inter-Agency Committee on Environmental Health was created by virtue of E.O. 489 to facilitate and improve coordination among concerned agencies. It provides the venue for technical collaboration, effective monitoring and communication, resource mobilization, policy review and development. The Committee has five sectoral task forces on water, solid waste, air, toxic and chemical substances and occupational health. Strategic Objectives: 1. Development of evidence-based policies, guidelines, standards, programs and parameters for specific healthy settings. 2. Provision of technical assistance to implementers and other relevant partners 3. Strengthening inter-sectoral collaboration and broad based mass participation for the promotion and attainment of healthy settings Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) Children need not die young if they receive complete and timely immunization. Children who are not fully immunized are more susceptible to common childhood diseases. The Expanded Program on Immunization is one of the DOH Programs that has already been institutionalized and adopted by all LGUs in the region. Its objective is to reduce infant mortality and morbidity through decreasing the prevalence of six (6) immunizable diseases (TB, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio and measles). Special campaigns have been undertaken to improve further program implementation, notably the National Immunization Days (NID), Knock Out Polio (KOP) and Garantisadong Pambata (GP) since 1993 to 2000. This is being supported by increasing/sustaining the routine immunization and improved surveillance system. Family Planning A national mandated priority public health program to attain the country's national health development: a health intervention program and an important tool for the improvement of the health and welfare of mothers, children and other members of the family. It also provides information and services for the couples of reproductive age to plan their family according to their beliefs and circumstances through legally and medically acceptable family planning methods. The program is anchored on the following basic principles.

Responsible Parenthood which means that each family has the right and duty to determine the desired number of children they might have and when they might

have them. And beyond responsible parenthood is Responsible Parenting which is the proper ubringing and education of children so that they grow up to be upright, productive and civic-minded citizens.

Respect for Life. The 1987 Constitution states that the government protects the sanctity of life. Abortion is NOT a FP method Birth Spacing refers to interval between pregnancies (which is ideally 3 years). It enables women to recover their health improves women's potential to be more productive and to realize their personal aspirations and allows more time to care for children and spouse/husband, and; Informed Choice that is upholding and ensuring the rights of couples to determin the number and spacing of their children according to their life's aspirations and reminding couples that planning size of their families have a direct bearing on the quality of their children's and their own lives.

Food and Waterborne Diseases Prevention and Control Program Food and Waterborne Diseases (FWBDs) are among the most common causes of diarrhea. In the Philippines, diarrheal diseases for the past 20 years is the number one cause of morbidity and mortality incidence rate is as high as 1,997 per 100,000 population while mortality rate is 6.7 per 100,000 population. From 1993 to 2002, FWBDs such as cholera, typhoid fever, hepatitis A and other food poisoning/foodborne diseases were the most common outbreaks investigated by the Department of Health. Also, outbreaks from FWBDs can be very passive and catastrophic. Since most of these diseases have no specific treatment modalities, the best approach to limit economic losses due to FWBDs is prevention through health education and strict food and water sanitation. The Food and Waterborne Disease Prevention and Control Program (FWBDPCP) established in 1997 but became fully operational in year 2000 with the provision of a budget amounting to PHP551,000.00. The program focuses on cholera, typhoid fever, hepatitis A and other food borne emerging diseases. Other diseases acquired through contaminated food and water not addressed by other services fall under the program. Human Resources for Health Network The Human Resources for Health Network (HRHN) is a multi-sectoral organization in the Philippines that is composed of government agencies and nongovernment organizations with the aim of addressing and responding to HRH issues and problems. The Department of Health (DOH) spearheaded the creation of this network which was formally established during its launching and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding among its member organizations last October 25, 2006.

Prior to the creation of the HRHN, the DOH together with the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the Human Resources for Health Master Plan (HRHMP). The HRHMP serves as a conceptual framework and road map that will support HRH development and management in the Philippines. Included in the HRHMP does the creation of a network of different organizations with stake on HRH that will facilitate the implementation of programs, projects and activities need multi-sectoral coordination. Hence the HRHN was conceived to achieve such purpose and to ensure that the HRHMP will be able to attain its goals. Knock Out Tigdas 2007 Knock-out Tigdas 2007 is a sequel to the 1998 and 2004 Ligtas Tigdas mass measles immunization campaign. All children 9 months to 48 months old ( born October 1, 2003 January 1,2007) should be vaccinated against measles from October 15 November 15, 2007 , door-to-door. All health centers, barangay health stations, hospitals and other temporary immunization sites such as basketball court, town plazas and other identified public places will also offer FREE vaccination services during the campaign period. Leprosy Control Program Leprosy Control Program envisions to eliminate Leprosy as a human disease by 2020 and is committed to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem by attaining a national prevalence rate (PR) of less than 1 per 10,000 population by year 2000. Its elimination goals are: reduce the national PR of <1 case per 10,000 population by year 1998 and reduce the sub-national PR to <1 case per 10,000 populations by year 2000. Kilatis Kutis Campaign. Program thrust is towards finding hidden cases of leprosy and put them on Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT), emphasizing the completion of treatment within the WHO prescribed duration. Strategies are case-finding, treatment, advocacy, rehabilitation, manpower development and evaluation. Malaria Awareness Month - November 2007 Malaria is a disease caused by protozoan parasites called Plasmodium. It is usually transmitted through the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. This campaign is made, for people to be aware of this disease condition. Ligtas Tigdas 2004 is a special nationwide vaccination month for children who are at high risk of getting measles. The Department of Health identified these children to be those between the ages of 9 months to less than 8 years old. During the Ligtas Tigdas 2004, 100% of the children in this age group will be vaccinated. Other children are not classified as high risk. The Philippine Measles Elimination Campaign of which the Ligtas Tigdas 2004 is only one component. PMEC includes continuing routine vaccination of infants at 9 months old after Ligtas Tigdas 2004; the catch-up mass vaccination done in 1998; continuing monitoring or disease surveillance and Follow-up campaign such as Ligtas Tigdas 2004 which may have to be repeated every 4 or 5

years.Vitamin A capsules will also be given to children 9 months to below 6 years of age. The LIGTAS TIGDAS should be done to rapidly reduce the number of children at risk of getting measles infection which has accumulated in the past years. This nationwide campaign supports the routine vaccination given on a regular basis at the health centers. It is a Door-to-Door campaign. BakunaDOORS (Vaccination Teams) led by doctors, nurses and midwives will visit every home and school to vaccinate children against measles which will be done in the whole month of February 2004. Natural Family Planning A national mandated priority public health program to attain the country's national health development: a health intervention program and an important tool for the improvement of the health and welfare of mothers, children and other members of the family. It also provides information and services for the couples of reproductive age to plan their family according to their beliefs and circumstances through legally and medically acceptable family planning methods. The program is anchored on the following basic principles. * Responsible Parenthood which means that each family has the right and duty to determine the desired number of children they might have and when they might have them. And beyond responsible parenthood is Responsible Parenting which is the proper upbringing and education of children so that they grow up to be upright, productive and civic-minded citizens. Newborn Screening Newborn Screening (NBS) is a simple procedure to find out if your baby has a congenital metabolic disorder that may lead to mental retardation and even death if left untreated. Most babies with metabolic disorders look normal at birth. One will never know that the baby has the disorder until the onset of signs and symptoms and more often ill effects are already irreversible. Newborn screening is ideally done on the 48th hour or at least 24 hours from birth. Some disorders are not detected if the test is done earlier than 24 hours. The baby must be screened again after 2 weeks for more accurate results. Nutrition Vitamin A Supplementation Policy on Vitamin A Supplementation Program The Philippine government is committed to virtually eliminate VAD, ECCD Law: DOH role is to ensure Vitamin A supplementation, Administrative Order No. 3-A, s. 2000: Guidelines of Vitamin A and Iron Supplementation, Therapeutic supplementation: all cases of VAD Preventive supplementation: 1. Universal - children 6-59 months 2. Regular/routine Pregnant and Lactating women, High-risk children 3. Supplementation during emergencies

Food Fortification The Food Fortification program is the government's response to the growing micronutrient malnutrition, which is prevalent in the Philippines for the past several years. Food Fortification is the addition of Sangkap Pinoy or micronutrients such as Vitamin A, Iron and/or Iodine to food, whether or not they are normally contained in the food, for the purpose of preventing or correcting a demonstrated deficiency with one or more nutrients in the population or specific population groups. Sangkap Pinoy or micronutrients are vitamins and minerals required by the body in very small quantities. These are essential in maintaining a strong, healthy and active body; sharp mind; and for women to bear healthy children. Nutrition surveys since 1993 have been showing increasing prevalence of micronutrient malnutrition, particularly that of Vitamin A Deficiency Disorder (VADD) and Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) among children and women of reproductive age, are the most at-risk groups to micronutrient malnutrition are. Garantisadong Pambata Garantisadong Pambata (GP) is a campaign to support the various health programs to reduce childhood illnesses and deaths by promoting positive child care behaviours. GP is a program of the Department of Health in partnership with the Local Government Units (LGUs) and other government and non-government organizations. Occupational Health Program Health for all occupations in partnership with the workers, employers, local government authorities and other sectors in promoting self-sustaining programs and improvement of workers' health and working environment. To promote and protect the health and well being of the working population thru improved health, better working conditions and workers' environment. Health Development Program for Older Persons (Elderly Health) Cognizant of its mandate and crucial role, the Philippine Department of Heallth (DOH) formulated the Health Care Program for Older Persons (HCPOP) in 1998. The DOH HCPOP (presently renamed Health Development Program for Older Persons) sets the policies, standards and guidelines for local governments to implement the program in collaboration with other government agencies, non-government organizations and the private sector. The program intends to promote and improve the quality of life of older persons through the establishment and provision of basic health services for older persons, formulation of policies and guidelines pertaining to older persons, provision of information and health education to the public, provision of basic and essential training of manpower dedicated to older persons and, the conduct of basic and applied researches.

Pinoy MD Program "Gusto kong Maging Doktor" A Medical Scholarship Grant for Indigenous People, Local Health Workers, Barangay Health Workers, Department of Health Employees or their children. This is a jJoint program of the Department of Health (DOH), Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO), and several State Universities and Medical Schools. Persons with Disabilities The Philippine Registry for Persons with Disabilities National Center for Disease Prevention and Control Degenerative Diseases Office Department of Health September 27, 2005. The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines recognizes every Filipino citizens right to health. Recognizing this basic constitutional right, the government has worked to ensure that the role and contributions of Filipinos with disabilities in nation building are given the appropriate attention by the international community. Last July 31, 2002, the Philippines issued a statement and assured the internatonal community that the country will recognize the protection and promotion of the Rights and Dignity of PWDs. The Philippines was the main sponsor of resolution 56/115 on the Implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons: Towards a society for all in the 21st Century. National TB Control Program The rising incidence of tuberculosis has economic repercussions not only for the patients family but also for the country. Eighty percent of people afflicted with tuberculosis are in the most economically productive years of their lives, and the disease sends many self-sustaining families into poverty. The rise in the incidence of tuberculosis has been due to the low priority accorded to anti-tuberculosis activities by many countries. The unavailability of anti-TB drugs, insufficient laboratory networking, poor health infrastructures, including a lack of trained health personnel, have also contributed to the rise in the incidence of the diseases. Unang Yakap Campaign The Unang Yakap campaign seeks to engage national and local sectors, public and private health sectors, individuals and organizations, mothers, fathers and families, to embrace the Essential Newborn Care Protocol to ensure a bright and healthy future for our newborns.

CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES OF NETWORKING AND LINKAGE-BUILDING Creation of networks and linkages are an essential component of any development program and provide synergies for the program to build upon from a point of advantage to a point of strength. Importance of Network and Linkages Networking and Linkages basically means forming formal and informal partnerships and ties with other organizations in different areas of mutual interest and/or benefits. Networking and linkages are important for the following reasons: The program outreach and visibility can be greatly increased. Technology transfer, share and dissemination can be facilitated between your organization and the networked organization and among the respective partners. Sharing of knowledge, skill, expertise and experiences helps in improving the effectiveness and efficiency. Co-financing links can be forged. Partnerships aid in replication and scaling-up of the organizations project ideas and concepts. Replication of funding can be avoided and the grants can be used in a better managed and meaningful fashion. Forged Partnerships The partnerships that are forged might be directly linked to the program, as Grantee partnerships Co-financing links Partnerships can be forged on technical grounds, as For providing technical know-how Skill sharing for monitoring & evaluation, proposal development, impact assessment etc Partnerships can be forged on general grounds, as Cross sharing of experiences Exchange of grass root level learnings, concepts and knowledge Sharing of trained manpower Taking forward and strengthening advocacy initiatives Organizational linkages Networks and Linkages can be formed with multifarious organizations that share the common vision and values for social development for any of the above-mentioned purposes. The organizations can be: Government at the National, State and Regional level

Various departments under the aegis of the government National and International donor agencies Non-government organizations (NGO) Community based organizations (CBO) Academic institutes Advocacy and knowledge sharing consortium and networks

Top 5 Principles for Networking Networking is now becoming an art, skill and ability that professionals, students and entrepreneurs alike are developing for success in every area of their lives. There are many definitions of networking and it can be used for several business practices. But, in order to make the most of your networking endeavors, it is extremely important to know the principles of networking. These principles are the foundation of a healthy and balanced networking lifestyle. Listed below are five essential points of networking that will create a great opportunity for any business professional, student or entrepreneur. 1. Network with Purpose. Before you sign up or RSVP for your next networking event, closely evaluate your purpose for attending or participating in the event. Make an outline of goals and what you hope to accomplish. Your goals may not be achieved at that particular event, but it could be a stepping stone or pathway to reach your networking success. 2. Network with Passion. Networking only works when you are serious about your mission and endeavors. Network with enthusiasm and excitement. Be professional and happy about your work, company, position, skills, interests, etc. An important part of networking with passion is being prepared for your networking events. You should attend events on time, properly dressed and with plenty of business cards. 3. Network with Commitment. The best results for networking is to stay consistent with your networking endeavors. Always show up to events and stay constant in your networking practices. Learn to develop a great 30 second speech and use etiquette to create a great first impression. Make the most of all your networking events or meeting and make sure to follow up with referrals and potential clients and customers. Your commitment will only add to your credibility. 4. Network with Sincerity. Use your soft skills to build lasting and strong business relationships. Networking with sincerity opens the doors for business. People are more like to trust and refer you if

you are sincere and have a good character or persona. Sincerity includes being genuine, honest, friendly and giving. It can also boost your professionalism and create a good image for you and your company. 5. Network with Understanding. When you are networking and meeting new people, understand that you are creating connections that can affect the way you do business. Being sensitive to the needs of others is extremely important for any business professional, student or entrepreneur. While networking, it is important to pay attention to detail, listen closely, share resources and make yourself available for business.

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