Roundabout Design Standards
Roundabout Design Standards
Roundabout Design Standards
A. Introduction to Design Guide B. General Design Standards 1. Appropriate Roadways / Locations 2. Approach & Circulatory Speeds 3. Design Vehicle 4. Pedestrian / Bicycles 5. Design Software 6. Utilities 7. Landscaping 8. Other C. Specific / Geometric Design Elements 1. Approach Roadway Figure I Terminology Figure II Fastest Path Multilane Figure II-A Fastest Path Single Lane Figure III Sight Distance Figure IV Typical Signs Figure IV-A Signs & Markings Multilane Figure IV-B Signs & Markings Single Lane Figure V Construction Details Figure VI Bicycle Details 2. Circulating Roadway 3. Sight Distance 4. Splitter Island 5. Central Island 6. Signing & Marking 7. Landscaping D. Definitions 3
this criteria will create a difficult design, with the fastest path requiring artificial restrictions or difficult to traverse approaches. This can result in vehicles crossing lanes and/or failing to follow the lane lines on the approach or exit. Roundabouts may have three, four or five approaches. Approach roadways may be single lane, single lane with a flare out to provide an added lane at the circulating roadway (used to provide a left-only lane), single lane with a by-pass right turn lane, or two lanes without added lane. The configuration is based on the turning movement volumes. The approach roadway section includes the roadway from the point where traffic is traveling at the speed limit to the yield point where the entering vehicles enter the inscribed circle (see figure I for explanation of the roundabout elements). This section extends to the limits of the decision sight distance (Exhibit 3-3, Section 3 AASHTO Geometric Design of Highways & Streets, 2001, avoidance maneuver B Stop on urban roadway). The central island shall be visible from the intersection decision sight distance both day and night without the installation of any lighting that would distract or shine directly at any vehicle operators. The minimum distance varies with the roadway classification, but generally is the same as approaching any other intersection listed in the intersection standards. The distance where the driver should be able to tell they are approaching a roundabout ranges from 450 prior to the yield point for a local roadway to 750 for a higher speed arterial. Approach speeds calculated at 50 and 150 prior to the yield point or entrance to the circulating roadway are critical to the safe operation of the roundabout. The design should meet the maximum desirable approach speed of 20 MPH (single lane) or 25 MPH (multilane) at 50, and 5 MPH faster than entry speed at the 150 point. Actual operating speed maximums are controlled by the fastest path as noted in Figure II, which are the radii measured along the vehicle path, not along the curb flowlines. Reverse curves, landscaping, roadway narrowing, and other forms of psychological speed reduction may be required where approach speeds are high. Design speed limitations and their respective radii through the roundabout are shown on figures II & IIA, included in section C Specific / Geometric Design Elements, identified as R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5. The maximum radius and respective speeds at various locations on the travel path through the roundabout are critical to the safe operation of the roundabout. Curb & gutter, splitter islands and the central island placement control the fastest vehicle path, but are not the same radii. In addition to the overall speed limitation for operation, the maximum speed differential between any two parts of the traveled path is 12 MPH to reduce the potential for rearend accidents for vehicles turning left or exiting. All alignment parameters, including sight distance restrictions for landscaping shall be included in the preliminary design drawings. See figure III for sight distance restrictions.
3. Design Vehicle
All roundabouts shall be designed to allow single passenger cars, pickups, SU trucks and city bus operation without the use of a truck apron. Larger trucks will require the use of a truck apron, especially on single lane roundabouts. A moving van, fire truck and/or WB 50 truck shall be used to check for the ability to navigate the roundabout using truck aprons but without striking any of the outside curbs, signs, utility structures or splitter islands. Operation of all roundabouts shall be checked using the turning characteristics for the design vehicles in the following chart, except for state highways, or arterials near industrial areas, other areas of high truck usage, or along established truck routes, where a WB 67 truck shall apply. The turning trucks may be required to use a truck apron meeting these standards, but without causing any damage to any part of the roundabout. Generally, a multilane roundabout will not need a truck apron, as larger vehicles will use both lanes. Road Classification Local Collector Circulatory Lanes 1 1 Design Vehicle SU WB 40 Roundabout Type single lane single lane
Minor Arterial Minor Arterial Major Arterial Areas noted above, regardless of class
1 2 2 1-2
WB 50 WB 50 WB 50 WB 67
The use of either vehicle turning templates, or plot from Autoturn software is allowed. All preliminary design drawings must include this turning path.
4. Pedestrian / Bicycles
All roundabouts shall be designed to allow pedestrian crossings whenever sidewalks are existing or planned at the intersection. Pedestrian crossings shall be marked and signed whenever 20 year projected pedestrian usage is equal to or exceeds 20 pedestrians per hour at any time of the day. Marked and signed crosswalks are also required for all roundabout crossings on a school route or bordering a park, shopping area or other area where pedestrian activity is expected. Lighting shall be designed to illuminate the pedestrian area without backlighting persons within the crosswalk. In areas of unusually high pedestrian usage, supplemental active warning devices may be required, such as flashing beacons or LED supplemented signage. The warning devices may be activated either manually by the user or automatically by any approved detection / actuation technology. Where blind pedestrians are expected, the flashing beacons must be activated manually by the use of a tactile or sound emitting push button. If the roundabout is on a street with bikelanes or a roadway with designated or planned bike lanes, the approach shall allow for the connection from the bike lane to the sidewalk, allowing the bicyclist the choice to either claim the lane and proceed through the roundabout as a vehicle, or exit the roadway prior to the roundabout onto the sidewalk and use the pedestrian facilities. The roadway should be reduced in width at the point where the bike lane exits from the roadway. See Figures IV, IV-A, IV-B & VI for details of construction, signing & marking for pedestrians and bicyclists. Details of marking and signing shall be included in the final design.
5. Design Software
The appropriate design software shall be used to ensure proper design and capacity. Local street or minor collector intersections, where the roundabout is used for aesthetics or speed control and volumes are low do not require a capacity analysis. Other classifications may require some analysis by either AASidra or Rodel to analyze the roundabout in comparison with other traffic control devices. For capacity analysis or design variables on major collectors, minor or principal arterials, the use of Rodel software is required. All preliminary designs shall be accompanied by AM and PM peak hour turning move counts for existing (or development opening) volumes and for a 20 year projection, including the electronic file from Rodel when required. Where the roundabout is near a school, shopping center or other major traffic generator, the peak hour for local traffic with the traffic generator fully developed shall be used.
follow CSU standards for pole, light fixture and type of lighting. Lighting shall be designed to illuminate any pedestrians within the crosswalks without causing a backlight effect. Lighting shall be situated to help the driver identify the general shape of the intersection and to highlight conflict points or areas of entry & exit from beyond the stopping sight distance as identified in figure III.
The following drainage standards apply to roundabouts: 1. Drainage shall comply with the City Drainage Criteria Manual. Roundabouts should be generally designed to slope away from the central island with drainage inlets located on the outer curb line. Placement of any inlets shall include consideration of the wheelpath traveling through the roundabout with the desirable location between the entrance and exit, not along the roundabout entrance, the central island, the exit or the splitter islands. Inlets within the roundabout shall be constructed with a 6-inch curb height and no extension of the gutter pan. An alternate to the standard City inlet design such as the CDOT Type R inlet is allowed to meet this criteria. If the 8-inch curb height is used with the standard City inlet design, the inlet must be located outside of the roundabout and approaches to limit influence on the drivers path through the roundabout. All inlet gutter sections will be limited in width to 24 inches from lip to flowline.
7. Landscaping
Landscaping is an important part of the design, especially in the center island to provide visual awareness of the roundabout. Landscaping designs must consider pedestrian and vehicle safety, providing year around amenities for the roundabout users without causing any sight distance problems, especially on approach to pedestrian crossings. All final designs shall include a landscaping design sheet identifying plant types, height from the top of the mature plant to the roadway surface, including the height of planter area, and minimum pruning height for the lower branches of any trees to be planted. See figure III for areas where height is restricted for sight distance reasons. Within the central island, outside of the required stopping sight distance line, the use of larger materials is encouraged to improve the drivers perception of the roundabout location and shape. Avoid distracting displays, such as signs, intricate sculptures or animated items or glare from lights that could increase the potential for accidents.
8. Other
Other design criteria include but are not limited to: The exit of the roundabout should be no smaller than the entry and include transition to the full width crosssection, including any on-street parking. Transit stops should be located downstream of the roundabout clear of the exit area, and built with a pullout, or they may be combined with the on-street parking area. Prior to submitting the preliminary design, a pre-design meeting is recommended with City Traffic Engineering staff to identify any unusual or location-specific design criteria or design elements or other issues unique to the location.
R1 R2 R3 R4 R4 R5
*R4 has a minimum requirement to reduce rear end accidents caused by excessive speed differential Note radii are given as a range for various superelevation rates from 0% to 4%, positive for R1, R3 & R5, and negative for R2 and R4. Calculations for each specific roadway segment and corresponding cross slope should follow AASHTO Geometric Design of Highways & Streets, 2001 or later
2% for 200 on minor and principal arterials 4% for 100 on minor and major collectors 4% for 50 on local streets
375 for 25 MPH or less 450 for 30 MPH 525 for 35 MPH 600 for 40 MPH 675 for 45 MPH 750 for 50 MPH
Note Approach Decision Sight Distance, DSD, is the distance at which the driver is aware of the change in alignment caused specifically by the roundabout. If the required DSD is not available due to topographic limitations, advance warning signs will be required. Vertical alignment must be checked as well as horizontal alignment for restrictions to DSD.
300 on principal arterial 200 on minor arterial 100 on all collectors 50 on local access 600 on principal arterial 300 on minor arterial 100 on all collectors 30 on local access
2. Circulating Roadway
The circulating roadway, that portion of the roundabout between the central island and the inscribed circle is the portion of the roadway used by vehicular traffic. The inscribed circle of the roundabout, which encloses the circulating roadway, shall be large enough to accommodate all road users without exceeding the fastest path maximum radii. Generally, the design of the inscribed circle will be from 130 to 200 for multilane roundabouts, and from 80 to 130 for single lane roundabouts. The outside edge of the circulating roadway is within and generally the same size as the inscribed circle. The circulating roadway shall be from 1.0 to 1.2 times the approach roadway width at the entry to the roundabout. Super-elevation for the circulatory road should generally be no greater than -0.02 , although a super-elevation of up to -0.04 may be approved if conditions warrant. Adverse super elevation is preferred for the circulatory road as it provides a smoother transition for motorists, better drainage, and helps keep speeds to an acceptable level. Roundabouts may be designed and built in stages, with the initial size of the inscribed circle large enough for a multilane roundabout, with an oversized central island that restricts the circulating roadway to one lane. In this case, it is likely that a truck apron will be needed. Bypass lanes should be avoided if possible, due to the difficulty for pedestrians (especially sight impaired) to safely cross three roadways instead of the usual two in other roundabouts. If the capacity analysis with Rodel indicates that the existing and shorter range projected volumes will operate at level D or better, the roundabout should be built without a bypass. If the 20 year projected volumes show the need for a bypass, adequate right of way shall be included to accommodate the future expansion and the bypass will be built when the operating LOS exceeds level C.
3. Sight Distance
Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) is the distance between the hazard and the approaching driver, measured along the vehicle path. It is used to assess safety for vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to pedestrian or bicycle hazards. Every conflict point at the intersection must be checked, based on vehicle speed near the conflict area for obstructions of the required visibility area see figure III. SSD for the approach and yield at the roundabout are based on AASHTO standards for urban roadways, Section 9 of the 2001 geometric design manual, Case A for sight distance to the left, and Section 3, Ex 3-1 for SSD relating to pedestrians. Horizontal and vertical alignment must be checked.
4. Splitter Islands
Splitter islands provide proper deflection of vehicular traffic for speed control and pedestrian refuge areas. They are required on all roundabouts, with paint only allowed as an option on mini-roundabouts and 6 high mountable curb on all other roundabouts. They shall be a minimum of 50 long (measured from the outside edge of the circulator
road) if there is a pedestrian crossing. The alignment of the splitter island should incorporate a tangent extension of the splitter island flowline meeting the outside flowline of the central island. See figure V Splitter islands where crosswalks exist or are projected shall have a minimum 6x6 pedestrian refuge (an 8x8 refuge is preferable). Crosswalks should be 25 from the yield line for single lane roundabouts, and 45 50 for multilane roundabouts. On multilane approaches, the crosswalks should be radial to the traveled way to improve visibility for pedestrians. The curb face along the circulating roadway should be offset from the traveled way a distance of 3 on the approach side next to the circulating roadway tapering to 1.5 at the intersection of the entry and the approach. Island nose radii shall meet the dimensions as shown in figure V
5. Central Island
Central islands are the most visible part of the roundabout for approaching vehicles and establish the shape and size of the roundabout. Their size is critical to the correct operation of the roundabout. Central island diameter for a multilane roundabout should be designed for each case to assure that the deflection for entering vehicles results in meeting the maximum fastest path requirements. Generally, the central island diameter will be between 65 and 135 for a multilane roundabout and between 50 and 100 for a single lane roundabout. Required truck aprons shall not exceed -0.08 superelevation. They shall be constructed with a 4 high mountable curb sloped back at a 60 degree angle and rounded at the top, with 12 spill gutter for new roundabouts. Key-in curb only, without gutter pan, will be allowed for retrofit of existing intersections for the central island with drainage away from the curb. Truck aprons should be constructed of concrete, contrasting in texture and color from the road, easy to maintain, and able to withstand loads of turning trucks (i.e. minimum 6 decorative, contrasting concrete, such as exposed aggregate, colored, and/or patterned concrete, etc.). Brick, cobblestone or other individually placed paving materials are not allowed. Elevation drawings of the central island shall be included with the preliminary plans for review. The central island not including any truck apron shall be a minimum of 2 above the surrounding roadway outside of the sight distance restricted areas, and shall be of contrasting texture and colors to the roadway and the background. They shall be designed for low maintenance (restrict the use of sod or other high maintenance surfaces).
Advance roundabout warning signs with advisory speed plaques are required whenever topography or driver distraction precludes adequate advance visibility of the roundabout see Approach Decision Sight Distance in paragraph C-1 for distances. They may also be used temporarily or permanently whenever a roundabout is modified or a new roundabout constructed as a retrofit to an existing intersection. Yield signs shall be placed on the right side of the road at the point where vehicles are to yield when entering the roundabout. Supplemental yield signing in the splitter island may be required due to alignment or sight distance problems where a single yield is not adequate. Supplemental signs noting To Traffic in
Circle may be required to be added to the yield signs on multilane roundabouts. YIELD pavement marking may be required where field observation warrants. Lane assignment signs depicting the lanes maneuvering around the roundabout are shown in Figure IV shall be provided on all multi-lane approaches, including single lane approaches with auxiliary turn lanes. Street name signs with a minimum of 6 lettering shall be placed on the splitter islands oriented toward traffic on the circulatory roadway. Flag type guide signs indicating the correct directional exit for service, recreational and cultural destinations are required for major destination routes. Advanced directional guidance signs (as depicted in the following figure) shall be used as required for the junction of numbered routes.
See paragraph B-4 for required pedestrian crossings. Pedestrian signage is required where pedestrian usage meets minimum requirements. All marking, signing and supplemental warning devices shall meet MUTCD standards as modified and shown in the detail drawings in this design guide.
Marking - All pavement markings shall conform to Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as modified by the latest recommended roundabout guidelines and these design standards. Lane use pavement markings, including arrows and solid or dashed lines shall be used on all multilane roundabouts. See figure IV for their correct placement. Yield triangles shall be used to mark the location at which drivers must yield to circulating traffic. The yield markings shall be curved along the outline of the circulatory road and shall have triangles oriented toward approaching drivers as depicted in the following figure. Supplemental YIELD pavement marking may be required where field observations indicate a significant number of vehicles do not yield. Yellow edge lines shall be placed along the left edge of the approach roadway along the edge of the splitter islands if the splitter island is installed within a painted median. For multilane roundabouts only, yellow edge lines are required around the central island, and white edge lines are required along the right side of the splitter island outlining the circulating roadway. Pedestrian crossings should be marked with ladder style markings consisting of 2 x 8 markings placed to accommodate the wheel path. Retroreflective raised pavement markers (RRPM) may be required on the central island and splitter islands where sight distance and/or lighting indicates improved warning is needed for nighttime operation.
D. Definitions
Central Islandthe raised area in the center of a roundabout around which traffic circulates. Fastest Path Radiusthe minimum radius on the fastest through path around the central island measured 5 from any flowline. Circulating Volumethe total volume in a given period of time on the circulatory roadway immediately prior to an exit. Circulatory Roadway Widththe width between the outer flowline of the circulatory roadway and the central island, not including the width of any apron. Deflectionthe change in trajectory of a vehicle imposed by geometric features of the roadway. Departure Widththe width of the roadway used by departing traffic downstream of the roundabout. The departure width is typically no more than the total roadway width. Decision Sight Distance from AASHTO Geometric Design manual, section 3. , the distance from the intersection where the driver recognizes that they are approaching an obstacle that will require a maneuver or stop. Design Vehiclethe largest vehicle that can reasonably be anticipated to use a facility. Entry Flarethe widening of an approach to provide additional capacity at the yield line and storage. Entry Path Radiusthe minimum radius on the fastest through path prior to the yield line, measured 5 from any flowline, noted as R1 Entry Radiusthe minimum radius of curvature of the outside or right curb at the entry. Entry Speedthe speed a vehicle is traveling at as it crosses the yield line. Entry Widththe width of the entry where it meets the inscribed circle, measured perpendicularly from the right edge of the entry to the intersection point of the left edge line and the inscribed circle. Exit Path Radiusthe minimum radius on the fastest through path into the exit, measured 5 from any flowline, noted as R3 Exit Radiusthe minimum radius of curvature of the outside right curb at the exit. Exit Widththe width of the exit where it meets the inscribed circle, measured perpendicularly from the right edge of the exit to the intersection point of the left edge line and the inscribed circle. Inscribed Circle - the circle forming the outer edge of the circulatory roadway used to define the size of a roundabout, measured between the outer edges of the circulating roadway. It is the diameter of the largest circle that can be inscribed within the outline of the intersection. Multilane Roundabouta roundabout that has at least one entry with two or more lanes, and a circulatory roadway that can accommodate more than one vehicle traveling side-by-side. Right-Turn Bypass Lanea lane provided adjacent to, but separated from, the circulatory roadway, that allows right-turning movements to bypass the roundabout. Also known as a right-turn slip lane.
Roundabout an intersection with 3 or more approach legs, generally circular in shape where continuos flow of traffic is allowed through the use of the yield and merge maneuvers. Sight Trianglean area required to be free of obstructions to enable visibility between conflicting movements. Single-Lane Roundabouta roundabout that has single lanes on all entries and one circulatory lane. Splitter Islanda raised or painted area on an approach used to separate entering from exiting traffic, deflect and slow entering traffic, and provide storage space for pedestrians crossing that intersection approach in two stages. Stopping Sight Distancethe distance measured along the centerline of travel on a roadway required for a driver using the sight triangle or sight line to perceive and react to an object in the roadway and to brake to a complete stop before reaching that object. Truck Apron a raised, colored and/or textured concrete surface next to the outside curb of the central island designed to allow large trucks to turn with their rear wheels leaving the roadway and riding up onto the apron area. Two-Stage Crossinga process in which pedestrians cross a roadway by crossing one direction of traffic at a time, waiting in a pedestrian refuge between the two traffic streams if necessary before completing the crossing.