The 7 Steps of Earthquake Safety
The 7 Steps of Earthquake Safety
The 7 Steps of Earthquake Safety
Financiacin mayor para imprimir es proporcionado por: Major funding for printing provided by:
U.S. Department of the Interior DIRK KEMPTHORNE, Secretary U.S. Geological Survey Mark D. Myers, Director Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement of the U.S. Goverment. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, 2007 This report and any updates to it are available at: Manuscript approved for publication, December 21, 2006 This publication is adapted from U.S. Geological Survey General Information Product (GIP) 15 (Putting Down Roots in Earthquake CountryYour Handbook for the San Francisco Bay Region), first published in 2005 and available from the USGS or the Red Cross. See GIP 15 for fuller discussion of some of the topics covered here and for a complete list of sources and contributors. Disclaimer: The suggestions and illustrations included in this document are intended to improve earthquake awareness and preparedness; however, they do not guarantee the safety of an individual or a structure. The contributors and sponsors of this handbook do not assume liability for any injury, death, property damage, or other effects of an earthquake. CONTRIBUTORS: U.S. Geological Survey: Mary Lou Zoback, Thomas Brocher, Steve Walter, Roberto Anima, and Susan Garca; American Red Cross: Harold Brooks, Sandi Swiderski, Harris Bostic II, Jesus Verduzco, Amy Gaver, Michael Wong, and Kaile Neuschatz; Asian Pacific Fund: Gail Kong and Benita Tsao; California Earthquake Authority: Nancy Kincaid, Megan Brittain, and Rolf Erickson; California Geological Survey: Chris Wills; California Governors Office of Emergency Services: Kathleen Bailey; Pacific Gas and Electric Company: Larry Goldzband and Claudia Mendoza; Southern California Earthquake Center: Mark Benthien; U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency: Jeffrey Lusk. Text edited by Peter H. Stauffer and James W. Hendley II, USGS. Translated by Maria Hernndez, Susan Garca, and Roberto Anima, USGS; Gabriela Pierre and Claudia Alvarez, American Red Cross; Luis Rivasplata. Production and design by Susan Mayfield, USGS. Other illustrators: Jere Smith (front cover), Hans Bennewitz (FUEL Creative Group) (p. 8), Todd Connor (p. 10, 20), and Judy Weathers (USGS) (p. 14).
Get Prepared!
Why Do Earthquakes Occur in the Bay Area? How Will Earthquakes Affect My Family and Me? What Should I Do?Follow the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety Where Can I Learn More? 4 6 8 Back cover
he San Francisco Bay Area has had and will continue to have earthquakes because it has at least eight earthquake faults (black lines on map) that can cause serious damage.
101 1
Santa Rosa
probability for one or more magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquakes from 2003 to 2032.
Large damaging earthquakes happened here in 1868, 1906, and 1989; smaller damaging earthquakes occur more often. Scientific research shows that, more likely than not, a big quake will happen here in the next 30 years. Strong ground shaking will cause most of the damage. The map shows that most of the Bay Area will experience strong shaking. Areas of soft soil, mainly near the bay, shake harder than areas of hard rock. Unlike some earthquakes that occur beneath the ocean, Bay Area earthquakes are not expected to cause significant tsunamis. However, distant earthquakes around the Pacific Ocean can generate tsunamis capable of producing damage along our coast.
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San Francisco
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Santa Cruz
Sandy soils can shake so much that they liquefy, causing buildings to sink and buried pipes to break. In steep hilly terrain, landslides can also be triggered (USGS photo).
Big earthquakes will damage roads and bridges, causing accidents and traffic jams and making it harder for rescue workers to help injured people. Commutes will be affected for days, weeks, or even months (USGS photo).
Earthquakes can break electrical wires and gas pipes, which can cause fires. Broken water lines and blocked roadways will make it harder to fight these fires (photo courtesy of CBS 5).
(FEMA photo)
The first story of this apartment building collapsed, crushing cars below (FEMA photo).
Your family income and finances may be affected. Your employment may be temporarily or permanently affected. Payroll checks or direct deposits may be delayed. You may not have access to your financial records.
YOU CAN PREPARE BEFORE AN EARTHQUAKE STRIKES! Begin by taking the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety on pages 8-22. 6
Businesses and rental properties may suffer serious damage (USGS photo).
Remember, your family is still responsible for your existing debts, such as mortgage, lease or rental agreement, car, and creditcard payments.
When safe, continue to follow your disaster-preparedness plan. After the quake, check for injuries and damage. Protect yourself during earthquake shakingDROP, COVER AND HOLD ON.
STEP 1Identify Potential Hazards in Your Home and Begin to Fix Them
hen the earth shakes, everything inside your home moves. Items fall off shelves, hanging objects can fall from the wall, glass breaks, heavy furniture topples over, TVs and computers can go flying across the room. You can check your home for potential hazards by conducting a Home Hazard Hunt at The following are some simple low-cost things you can do to make your home safer:
In the kitchen
Secure all cabinet doors, especially those high up. Use latches designed for child proofing or earthquake safety. Secure refrigerators and other major appliances to walls using earthquake appliance straps.
Hanging objects
Do not hang heavy objects above beds and sofas, only soft objects, such as unframed posters or rugs. Hang mirrors, pictures, and other heavy objects on closed picture hooks.
Storage areas
Move flammable or hazardous materials to low areas that are secure. Ensure that items stored above or beside vehicles cannot fall, so that they cannot damage or block them.
Move on to STEP 2
For more information on making your home safer in earthquakes go to:
alk with your family about earthquakes and why you need to prepare for them. Make sure all family members know what to do before, during, and after an earthquake.
Stay informed:
Learn the disaster plan at your workplace, your childs school or daycare center, or other places where your family spends time. Give family members an Emergency Contact Card to carry with them. Be sure to include an out-of-town contact, important contact phone numbers, and your meeting locations. Practice your plan twice a year; conduct drills to practice DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON (see page 18) and how to evacuate your home. Drive your planned evacuation route. Update phone numbers and disaster supplies and review your plan with everyone twice a year. Identify where you could live after an earthquake if your home is damaged and is not safe to live in.
Move on to STEP 3
Where Can I Learn More? Online earthquake information and resources are located on back cover.
Move on to STEP 4
A Special Note About Children
Before the next earthquake, discuss with your kids what might occur. Involve them in developing your disaster plan, preparing disaster supplies kits (ask them what game or toy they want to include), and practicing DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON. Teach children how and when to call 9-1-1 (or your local Emergency Medical Services number) for help. Post emergency numbers by the telephone. In the days after an earthquake, children may be frightened and under great stress, and aftershocks wont let them forget the experience. Whenever possible, include your children in the recovery process. Resources for kids to learn about disaster preparedness: See the back cover for web sites for children.
NOTE: Replace perishable items like water, food, medications, and batteries on a yearly basis.
Keep a flashlight and a pair of sturdy shoes secured to or within reach of everyones bed. A good way to do this is to use a drawstring bag tied to a bedpost at the head of the bed for each occupant. 14
For more information on earthquake preparedness plans and disaster kits go to: Telephone book: The front section of your local phone book American Red Cross: Pacific Gas & Electric:
STEP 4Identify Your Buildings Potential Weaknesses and Begin to Fix Them
Buildings constructed or remodeled before about 1978 are more likely to suffer earthquake damage because they were not constructed according to modern building codes. Buildings with more than one story are more likely to suffer earthquake damage. Buildings with structurally weak ground floors may lean or collapse in an earthquake. Inadequately reinforced concrete walls, masonry walls, and chimneys may collapse and cause serious damage and injury60,000 chimneys fell in the 1994 magnitude 6.7 Northridge earthquake. Does your home have enough bolts connecting the wood frame to the foundation? If there is a basement or crawl space under your home, proper bracing of the walls between the foundation and the floor joists can help the structure survive strong shaking. If not properly secured, mobile homes can be knocked off their foundations and damaged. An engineered tie-down system or earthquake-resistant bracing system (ERBS) should be installed with a label that says, Complies with the California Administrative Code, Title 25, Chapter 2, Article 7.5. If you own your home, learn what you can do to make the house safer. If you rent, ask your landlord what measures have been taken to ensure the seismic safety of the building. The latest recommendations of structural engineers, contractors, and city building officials who are experts on retrofitting are available on the ABAG web site at
Metal bracket
This home in the Santa Cruz Mountains collapsed in the 1989 magnitude 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake (USGS photo). Soft story buildings, typically with parking on the ground floor, like the one pictured here, are common throughout the Bay Area and are particularly at risk when exposed to strong shaking (USGS photo).
Floor joist
Move on to STEP 5
Move on to STEP 6
DO NOT STAND IN THE DOORWAY In the early days of California, many homes were made of adobe bricks with wooden doorframes. After a powerful earthquake, doorframes were sometimes the only part of these houses still standing. From this came the myth that a doorway is the safest place to be during an earthquake. Today, few people in the Bay Area live in old, unreinforced adobe houses. In modern houses, doorways may be no stronger than any other part of the house and do little to protect you from falling debris. You are safer under a table, so DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON.
Collapsed roof in downtown Paso Robles following the San Simeon earthquake of December 22, 2003. Two people were killed by falling debris when they ran out of the building. (USGS photo)
Downed utility linesIf you see downed power lines, consider them energized and keep yourself and others well away from them. Never touch downed power lines or any objects in contact with them! Falling itemsBeware of items tumbling off shelves when you open closet and cupboard doors. SpillsUse extreme caution; when in doubt, leave your home! Spilled medicines, drugs, or other relatively nontoxic substance can be cleaned up. Damaged masonryStay away from brick chimneys and walls. They may be weakened and could topple during aftershocks. Dont use a fireplace with a damaged chimney, as this could start a fire in your home!
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Do not bring
Family pets are not allowed in shelters. Only service animals for people with disabilities are allowedbring food for them. If you temporarily leave pets at a safe place, make sure that you have provided them with food and water. Valuables that might be lost or stolen.
Move on to STEP 7
If you suspect a gas leak, use a manual gas shut off wrench. 20
TURN ON YOUR RADIO Listen for information about the earthquake and follow safety advisories.
Expect a ftershock s and tak action to e protect y ourself, DROP, CO VER, AND HOLD ON .
Stay Informed
Turn on your portable or car radio and listen for information and safety advisories. Call your out-of-town contact, tell them your status, and then stay off the phone. FEMA mobile homes were used to provide temporary housing after Hurricane Charley in 2004. Nearly a year later, these trailers were still being used. (FEMA photo)
First responders such as police and fire departments may be overwhelmed for the first 72 hours after a quake. Be prepared to take care of your own family during this time. 22
La versin electrnica de esta publicacin se encuentra en The online version of this publication can be found at
Protegiendo a su familia de los terremotosLos siete pasos a la seguridad para prepararse en caso de un terremotoU.S. Geological Survey Informacin General Producto 41 Protecting Your Family From EarthquakesThe Seven Steps to Earthquake SafetyU.S. Geological Survey General Information Product 41
Mapas de localidad y magnitud de terremotos recientes Maps of location and magnitude of recent earthquakes
Mapas de movimientos fuertes ShakeMap muestran una imagen rpida de la distribucin de movimiento por el Internet. ShakeMap provides a rapid picture of where the strongest shaking occurred.
Preparaciones financieras e informacin de planes de recuperacin Financial preparation and recovery planning information
Recursos para nios sobre la preparacin de desastres Disaster preparedness resources for kids
Para recibir ayuda durante la primera semana despus de un terremoto Comuniquese con: For help in the first week after an earthquakeGet in contact with:
Su oficna de servicios de emergencia del condado Your county office of emergency services American Red Cross, 1-866-GET-INFO (438-4636) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Para pginas electrnicas de inters en el Web visite a: For links to many useful Web sites go to:
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