Unclassified: Proposed Experiment For Caleb Test Vehicle

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-\-v J. E. Kasper
, and
L. H. Josephson
Weapons Development Department
Copy II
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u. s. rNA V A LOR DNA N C E
China Lake, California
21 October 1960'
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A simple, scientifically useful is proposed for the
CALEB vehicle to investigate electron densities in the nearly unexplored
region beyond the F layer out to altitudes of 1,000 miles or more by
purely radio techniques.
The work has been carried out under the Bureau of Naval Weapons
WEPTASK No. RTSV and is reported for
informational purposes only. I t is felt that the information may be of
sufficient general interest to warrant publication in this. form.
Head, Surface Weapons Division
Released under
the authority of: .
Head, Weapons Development Department
Published by. Weapons Development Department
Manuscript. . 40/MS 60-42
Collation. . . 13 leaves
First Printing. . . . . . . ... . . . . . '.' ; . " . . copies
Security Classification. . . . . . .'. . . . UNCLASSIFIED
I DP 1166
This report presents a proposal for a simple and scientifically
useful experiment which could be carried out with the CALEB vehicle.
The experiment is an investigation by purely radio techniques of the
nearly unexplored region beyond the F layer, out to altitudes of 1,000
miles or more.
The method would use emission of two radio waves from the probe
during vertical (or near vertical) flight. Ground observation of phase
differences can be simply related to the integrated electron content of
the column between transmitters and receiver, and if the rocket altitude
is concurrently recorded, the electron density as a function of altitude
can be obtained easily.
Some of the striking advantages of this proposal are:
1. The region of space to be investigated is virtually unexplored
as far as its electron content is concerned, and the results are certain
to be of widespread intense interest.
2. The probability of success for the experiment appears to be
very high.
3. The apparatus is relatively simple, inexpensive, and could be
assembled in a short time.
4. The ground station apparatus also is simple and can be assem:"
bled quickly.
5. The experiment seems well suited to CALEB, especially for a
two- or three-stage vertical probe.
6. Few personnel are needed for the program. Other than those
involved in instrumentation, the program would .require only one person
who thoroughly understands the theory and who would be responsible
for extraction of information from the raw recorded data.
7. A continuing program of the same sort to refine and extend the
measurements could be planned on the basis of possibly one successful
8. There is an interesting element of competition with related
Russian work.
I DP 1166
For many years a variety of observational techniques have been
used which have led to a fair knowledge of the ionized layers in the
upper atmosphere. Figure 1 shows the general situation with respect
to these layers. The electron densities and the heights of the layers
vary strongly with position about the earth and with time. The subject
is an extensive one and need not be discussed in any detail here.
o .1 2 3 4
FIG. 1. Sketch Show ing the Electron Densities in
the D, E, and F Layers.
At altitudes much above that of the F layer, data are sparse. The
next region for which adequate quantitative data exists is that which
begins at about 1000 km altitude at the geomagnetic equator, or at 'some-
what lower altitudes at higher latitudes. At such heights occur the
sharp charged-particle density gradients which mark the onset of the
Van Allen trapped-radiation zones. At the altitudes mentioned, the par-
ticle fluxes rise sharply. This can be judged by Fig. 2 ~ ~ h i c h indi-
cates relative particle fluxes as functions of radial distances in the
geomagnetic equator.
Dessler, A. J. and R. Karplus, PHYS REV, Letters, Vol. 4
(1960), p. 271.
Proton Flux .
t I
Height in Earth Radii
IDP 1166
FIG, 2. Radiation Belt Flux Versus Radial
Distance in Geomagnetic Equatorial Plane.
At higher altitudes, the Van Allen belts proper appear. Figure 3
shows a typical spatial distribution of the radiations, and contours of
constant relative particle intensities in a geomagnetic meridian. These
contours are functions of time and particle detector characteristics,
and change their forms accordingly. 3
8 9
3. Contours of Constant Relative Intensity of
Trapped Radiation in a Geomagnetic Meridian.
2 Van Allen, J. A., J GEOPHYS RES, Vol. 64 (1959). p. 1684.
3 d . .
Arnol y, R. L., R. A. Hoffman, and J. R. Wmckler, J
GEOPHYS RES, Vol. 65 (1960), p. 1361. P. Rothwell and C E.
McIlwain, J GEOPHYS RES, Vol. 65 (1960), p. 799.
I DP 1166
I t is important to note that the electron content referred toin the
discussion of the ionized atmospheric layers and that referred to in
connection with the Van Allen belts are inherently different. The former
involves low-energy electrons; whereas, the latter involves'electrons
of energies greater than 20 kev, many having much higher energies.
It appears that the energetic particle content of the space between the
F layer and the inner Van Allen belt is consistent with that expected
because of cosmic radiation alone: this means high-energy positively
charged primary particles and some neutral and other albedo particles
with essentially no electrons. It also appears that the quiescent elec-
tron content of the same region is unknown,' except for heights just
above the F layer. Estimates (and a dubious measurement
) have been
made to the effect that in the space between the earth ,and sun. but far
from either body. the electron density is of the order of 10
to 1()2
electrons / cm3; however, this figure is disputed.
Thus, there exists a vast and important region about the earth
which is probably rich in electrons. but which is of little known con-
tent, structure, and time dependence.
The following summarizes investigations which have been made in
the regiem in question. Electron densities in' and above the ,atmosphere
are measured by radio methods, of which there are three varieties:
(1) reflection of waves by the ionosphere, the waves originating at
transmitters on the ground; (2) study of effects of the ionosphere on
radio waves traveling through from extra-terrestrial sources above.,
which include the moon (reflecting radar), the stin, and radio stars;
and (3) study of of the ionosphere on tr,aveling through
from rockets and satellites moving above.
The first method does not work when the Ionization density de-
creases with altitude or does not exceed the ionization density in lower
regions. The second method yields only integral electron concentra-
tions in the entire 'space column traversed ,and can give only space-
averaged data. The third method also gives integral ',electron
concentrations, but if the radio source varies in altitude in a known way.
the electron distribution as a function of altitude can be found in an
obvious way.
4 "
Alpert, Dobriakova et al., DOKLADY AKAD NAUK. USSR,
Vol. 120, No. 4: (1958). p. 743.
. .
IDP 1166
Experiments along the lines of the third method have been carried
out, but the total number is not large. Four of these
. 6, 7,8 covered
regions only below or just to the F layer. one
gave measurements to
380 km; and the rest consisted of a few Russian experiments 10, 11, 12
which did not reach beyond about 600 km altitude and of one 13 recent ex-
periment using signals from satellites rather than rockets.
A summary of present knowledge of electron density profiles beyond
the F layer is given by Garriott. 13 This is shown in Fig. 4, where the
vertical axis is the electron density relative to that at the F lay"er maxi-
mum, and the horizontal axis is the altitude in km measured from the
F layer maximum.
(The work of Gringauz 11 is the only one related to the proposal
being suggested here and, fortunately, this exists in translation. 14
In summary. only a few measurements to small heights above the
F layer exist, and these are only in semi-quantitative agreement with
each other. Not only should this region be investigated further, but
time variations. which may be responsible for the state of affairs in
Fig. 4, need examination. At higher altitudes, there exists eSl?entially
no data on electron distributions. Only the space-averaged figure of
about 10
is available. The most interesting questions would be
5 Seddon, J. C., JGEOPHYSRES, Vol. 58(1953), P., 323: and
Vol. 59 (1954), p. 513, and Rocket Exploration of the Upper Atmos-
phere, London, 1954.
6 . . '
Jackson, J. E., J GEOPHYS RES, Vol. 59 (1954). p. 377.
7 Seddon, J. C., A. D. Pickar, and J. E. Jackson, J GEOPHYS
RES, Vol. 59 (1954), p. 513.
8 L i ~ n , J. R . R. J. Marcou et al., Rocket Exploration of the
Upper Atmosphere, London, 1954.
9 Berning. W. W., J METEOROL. Vol. 8 (1951). p. 175.
10 AI'pert, Dobriakova et al., DOKLADY AKAD NAUK, USSR,
Vol. 120, No.4 (1958), p. 743.
11 Gringauz, DOKLADY AKAD NAUK, USSR, Vol. 120, No.6
(1958), p. 1234.
12 Kazantsev, J PLAN AND SPACE SCI, Vol. 1, No. 2 (1959),
p. 130.
13 Garriott, O. K., J GEOPHYS RES, Vol. 65 (1960), pp, 1139
and 1151.
14 Soviet Physics. Doklady, Vol. 3, No.3, p. 620.
lOP 1166
whether the curves of Fir' 4 run smoothly down and out to approach
some such number as 10 cm-3 ultimately, and how the extended curves
behave in the vicinity' of the Van Allen belts, and the questions of time
variations and correlations with solar phenomena, geomagnetic storms,
and other phenomena.
.. O-_...L...__I-_........._-
01-0--.....~ - 4 - 0 L - 0 - -......,
FIG. 4 .. Measurements Made by Various Experimenters of
Electron Density Profiles Beyond the F Layer Maximum.
Two. radio signals will be transmitted from a ground station to re-
ceivers in the rocket. One will transmit at about 40 mc I sec and the
other will transmit a harmonic of this frequency. Any harmonic from
the third on up will give satisfactory results. 'Fhe two transmitters will
be phase linked. The lower frequency signal will be dispersed by the
electrons it encounters. This will cause the signal to "slow down" and
arrive at the receiver out-of-phase with the high-frequency signaL The
high-frequency signal will not be noticeably dispersed by the electrons.
The amount of phase shift of the low-frequency signal is a function of
the number of electrons in its path. Therefore, by comparing the phase
of the two signals received, the number of electrons between the rocket
and the ground station can be determined.
IDP 1166
The phase- shift suffered by the low-frequency signal in passing
through the ionosphere is dependent on the complex refractive index of
the ionosphere. The phase shift and the' refractive index are related as
The phase of a wave of frequency, f, at point z =Z ina medium is
given by:
( 1)
where z is the axis along which the measurement is made, and ~ (f) is
the real part of the complex refractive index of the medium. After
frequency division by a factor of n, the phase is
LW.= ~ 1 Z ,M- (f) dz (2)
n cn
The phase of a harmonically related frequency, n' at the same point
z == Z, is:
The phase difference between the divided high-frequency and the low-
frequency waves is:
I : "Jfl - " (%) : Zt,,! I rtf) - p. ( ~ ) ] dz (4)
If it is assumed that the refractive index for the high-frequency signal
is very near unity, the phase difference is given by
1 211' I
~ = C'ii"" 0 (1 -,M) dz
where.fA- is the real part of the refractive index for low frequency. ,
15 Quinn, T. P. "A Coherent Detection System for a Rocket-
Borne Ionospheric Sounder." Penn. State Univ., '15 Dec. 1955,
Sci. Report No. 113, pp. 2-5'.
In differentiaJ form, the equation for phase differe,nce is
d j{ = 211'f (1 -,..e...) dz
! cn '
and the rate of change of phase is
The quantity ~ is equal to V in our application where V is the vertical
velocity of thgtrocket. It is convenient to define the rate of change of
phase as a beat frequency. given by
. Combining Eq. 7 and 8,
= - ~ (1 -,4)
Since ~ is the probe frequency let k= F p' then
Fb =c F P (l -...(A.)
From Mechtly16 I
N = electron density lTr!3
m :: electron mass in kilograms
e = electron charge in coulombs
Eo= Permittivity of free space
(11 )
Thus, by knowing the beat frequency given in Eq. 10 and trajectory
data for the rocket, it is possible to calculate the electron density along
the rocket's path.
16 .
Mechtly, E. A. Scientific Report No. 107. Penn. State Urtiv. ,
25 July 1958, p. 17.
IDP 1166
The equipment to go into the probe would c,onsist of two receivers.
a frequency divider. and a phase comparator. The information out of
the phase comparator would be transmitted back to the ground stati011
by any available telemetry channel. The ground station would consist
of two transmitters that are phase linked. A block diagram of the in-
strumentation is shown in Fig. 5.
Signal Strength
Phase Relation
High-Freq. I--_....
Receiver ,.
,. Comparator

Rocket- borne Instruments
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .-f- _.-
-_.- --------------------
Ground Station Instruments
Phase Link Low-Freq.
FIG. 5. Instrumentation Block Diagram.
Although the critical frequency for the F
layer is around 7 Me, it
is recommended that the low frequency be between 30 mc and 40 mc.
This is to assure one of transmission through the ionosphere under all
conditions, and it reduces interference from reflected waves.
The details of carrying out the experiment are not entirely as simple
as the foregoing discussion would suggest. Complications no doubt
exist, of which the Doppler shift may be one. However. it is certainly
possible to identify. understand, and correct for such complications.
The flight of Gringauz . serves as empirical evide'nce that the method -is
very workable.
I DP 1166
There is strong reason to regard this proposal as very practicable,
and one which is especially suited to CALEB. While this report has
been limited to outlining only the general nature6f the proposal and its
significance, there appears to be no reason to anticipate any unsur-
mquntable problems in carrying out the proposed experiment.
The chief merits of the concept have been listed in the Introduction.
That list seems a reasonable and conservative one.
4 Chief, Bureau of Naval Weapons
RT (1)
RT-l (1)
RTPA (1)
RTPA-4 (1)
1 Code 12 (L. Josephson)
1 Code 40
1 Code 4013
1 Code 402
3 Code 4023
1 Code 4052
1 Code 4061
1 Code 45
1 Code 4511
1 Code 502
1 Code 5021
(Overage - Code 402)
IDP 1166

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