PHD Readings

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PhD Readings

Quine, W.V., On What There Is Review of Metaphysics, vol. 2, #1., 1948. (MA) Carnap, R., Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology, Revue Internationale de Philosophie, vol. 4, 1950, pp. 20-40 (MA, MC) Russell, B., Existence and Description, Lectures 5 and 6 of The Philosophy of Logical Atomism (MA) Quine, W. V., Ontological Relativity, Ontological Relativity and other Essays, 1965 (MA)

Identity and Persistence

Black, M., The Identity of Indiscernibles, Problems of Analysis, 1954 (MA) Kripke, S., Identity and Necessity, Identity and Individuation, M. Muntz (ed.), 1971 (MA) Chisholm, R., Identity through Time, Person and Object, 1976 (MA) Quine, W. V., Identity, Ostension, and Hypothesis, From a Logical Point of View, 1953, (MA) Cartwright, R. Scattered Objects, Analysis and Metaphysics, K. Lehere (ed.) 1975 (MA) Thomson, J., Parthood and Identity across Time. Journal of Philosophy, 1983 (MA) Heller, M., Temporal Parts of Four-Dimensional Objects, The Ontology of Physical Objects, 1990 (MA)

Universals, Properties, and Events

Armstrong, D. M., Universals as Attributes, Universals: an Opinionated Introduction, Westview Press, 1989. (MA, MC) Lewis, D., New Work for a Theory of Universals, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 1983 (MA) Putnam, H., On Properties, Essays in Honor of Carl G., Hempel, N. Rescher (ed.), Dordrecht, 1969 (MA) Shoemaker, S., Causality and Properties, Time and Cause, P. van Inwagen (ed.) 1980 (MA) Davidson, D., The Individuation of Events., Essays in Honor of Carl G., Hempel, N. Rescher (ed.), Dordrecht, 1969, pp. 216-234 (MC) Kim, J., Events as Property Exemplifications, Action Theory, M. Brand and D. Walton, (eds.), Reidel, 1976 (MC) Lewis, D., Events, Philosophical Papers, vol.2, OUP, 1986.

Hume, D., relevant excerpts from Enquires Concerning Human Understanding. Mackie, J.L., Cement of the Universe: A Study of Causation, (Chapter 2&3), OUP, 1974. Davidson, D., Causal Relations, Journal of Philosophy, 64, 1967, pp. 691-703 (MA) Lewis, D., Causation, Journal of Philosophy, 70, 1973, pp. 556-567 (MA)

Salmon, W., Causal Connections, Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World, 1984 (MA) Tooley, M., The Nature of Causation: A Singularist Account, Journal of Philosophy 1990 (MA)

Possibility and Necessity

Lewis, D., On Necessity, in Loux, J., (ed.), The Possible and the Actual: Readings in the Metaphysics of Modality, Cornell University Press, 1991. Plantinga, A., Actualism and Possible Worlds, in Loux, J., (ed.), The Possible and the Actual: Readings in the Metaphysics of Modality, Cornell University Press, 1991. Kripke, S., Identity and Necessity, in Loux, J., (ed.), The Possible and the Actual: Readings in the Metaphysics of Modality, Cornell University Press, 1991. Chisholm, R. M., Identity Through Possible Worlds, in Loux, J., The Possible and the Actual: Readings in the Metaphysics of Modality, Cornell University Press, 1991. Quine, W.V., Worlds Away, Journal of Philosophy, 73, (1976), pp. 859 54 Armstong, D.M., The Nature of Possibility, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1986 (MA) MC means found in Hales, S. D. (ed.), Metaphysics, Contemporary Readings, Wadsworth, 1999. MA means found in J. Kim and R. Sosa (eds.) Metaphysics, An Anthology, Blackwell, 1999.

Types of Knowledge
A Posteriori Knowledge *James, W., (pragmatism) excerpt from The Will to Believe and Other Essays, Dover. *Russell, B., (acquaintance) excerpt from The Problems of Philosophy, Oxford. *Ayer, A.J., (verification) excerpt from, Language, Truth and Logic, Dover. *Quine, W.V., Two Dogmas of Empiricism, From A Logical Point of View, Harvard University Press. A Priori Knowledge *Lewis, C.I., A Pragmatic Conception of the A Priori, Journal of Philosophy, 20, 1923, pp. 169-177 *Chisholm, R.M., The Truths of Reason, Theory of Knowledge, 1977, Prentice Hall. *Kripke, S., A Priori Knowledge, Necessity and Contingency, Naming and Necessity, Harvard University Press, 1982. Field, H., Epistemological Nonfactualism and the A Prioricity of Logic, Philosophical Studies, 92, 1998, pp. 1-24.

Analysis of Knowledge
Plato, Meno 96e-98c *Gettier, E., Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?, Analysis 23, #6, 1963, pp. 121-123 *Feldman, R., An Alleged Defect in Gettier Counter-Examples, Australasian Journal Of Philosophy, 52, #1, 1974, pp. 68-69

*Pollock, The Gettier Problem, Contemporary Theories of Knowledge, Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 180-193 Harman, G., The Inference to the Best Explanation, in Pojman, L., (ed.), The Theory of Knowledge: Classic and Contemporary Readings, Wadsworth, 1998.

Epistemic Justification
Davidson, D., A Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge *Alston, W.P., Concepts of Epistemic Justification, The Monist, 68, 1985, pp. 57-89 *Sosa, E., The Raft and the Pyramid, Coherence versus Foundations in the Theory of Knowledge, Midwest Studies in Philosophy, vol. 5., 1980. *Goldman, A.I., Strong and Weak Justification, Philosophical Perspectives, vol. 2, Epistemology, Ridgeview, 1988. Haack, Susan, excerpts from Evidence and Inquiry 1993.

*Moore, G.E., Proof of an External World, Human Knowledge: Classical and Contemporary Approaches, Moser, P.K., and vander Nat, A., Oxford, 1995, pp. 383-395 Wittgenstein, L., On Certainty, (1-317: 40 pages), Blackwell, 1969. Nozick, R., Knowledge and Skepticism, Philosophical Explanations, Chapter 3, 1981. *Strawson, P.F., excerpts from Skepticism and Naturalism: Some Varieties, Columbia University Press, 1985.

Naturalized Epistemology
*Quine, W.V., Epistemology Naturalized, Ontological Relativity and Other Essays, Columbia University Press, 1969, pp. 69-90. *Putnam, H., Why Reason Cant be Naturalized, Realism and Reason, vol. 3., Cambridge, 1983, pp. 229-47 *Goldman, A.I., Epistemic Folkways and Scientific Epistemology, Philosophy Meets the Cognitive and Social Sciences, MIT, 1992, pp. 155-75 Kitcher, Philip Contrasting Conceptions of Social Epistemology in Socializing Epistemology, F. Schmitt (ed.)

Supplementary Reading
Steup, M., An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology, Prentice Hall, 1996 Pojman, L., (ed.), The Theory of Knowledge: Classic and Contemporary Readings, Wadsworth, 1998. * Means found in Moser, P.K., and vander Nat, A., Human Knowledge Classical and Contemporary Approaches, Oxford University Press, 1995.

The MindBody Problem

Davidson, "Mental Events" (in PM) Fodor, "Special Sciences" (in PM) Kim Multiple Realisation and the metaphysics of Reduction (in PM)

Kripke, Naming and Necessity Block, "Troubles with Functionalism" (in PM) Searle Minds, Brains and Programs (in PM) Putnam The Meaning of Meaning (in PM) Burge, "Individualism and the Mental" (in PM) Kim The many problems of mental Causation (in PM) Horgan From Supervenience to Superdupervenience (in PM) Jackson Finding the Mind in the natural World (in PM) Nagel, "What Is It Like to Be a Bat?" (in PM) Jackson, "Epiphenomenal Qualia" (in PM) Dennett, "Quining Qualia" (in PM) Chalmers, The Conscious Mind Chapters 1-4

Davidson Actions Reasons and Causes in Essays on Actions and Events Watson Scepticism about Weakness of Will Philosophical Review 1977

Free Will
Ayer Freedom and Necessity (in PM) Frankfurt Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility in Pereboom ed. Free Will. P.F. Strawson Freedom and Resentment in Pereboom ed. Free Will.

Personal Identity
The essays and introduction in Personal Identity, John Perry, editor. PM stands for the anthology, Philosophy of Mind, ed., Chalmers.

Explanation, Laws and Causality

Carl Hempel and Paul Oppenheim (1948) Studies in the Logic of Explanation Philosophy of Science, Volume 15, pp. 135-175. Carl Hempel (1965) Aspects of Scientific Explanation in Carl Hempels Aspects of Scientific Explanation and other Essays in the Philosophy of Science. New York: Free Press, pp. 376-386. Wesley Salmon (1978) Why ask Why?? An Inquiry Concerning Scientific Explanation Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, Volume 51, no. 6, pp. 683-705. Nancy Cartwright (1980) The Truth Doesnt Explain Much American Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 17, no. 2.

Nancy Cartwright (1981) The Reality of Causes in a World of Instrumental Laws PSA 1980, volume 2, P. Asquiuth and R. Giere (eds.). Bas van Frasssen (1980) The Pragmatics of Explanation from Bas van Fraassens The Scientific Image, Chapter 5.

Scientific Realism
Grover Maxwell (1962) The Ontological Status of Theoretical Entities in H. Feigl and G. Maxwell (eds.) Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume III, Minnesota Press. Bas van Fraassen (1980) Arguments concerning Scientific Realism from Bas van Fraassens The Scientific Image, Chapter 2. Paul Churchland (1982) The Anti-Realist Epistemology of Van Fraassens The Scientific Image Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 63. Ian Hacking (1981) Experimentation and Scientific Realism Philosophical Topics, Volume 13. Arthur Fine (1984) And Not Anti-Realism Either Nous, Volume 18.

Progress, Values, and Objectivity

Karl Popper (1965) Science: Conjectures and Refutations from Karl Poppers Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge, pp. 33-58. Imre Lakatos (1970) Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes from I. Lakatos and A. Musgrave (eds.) Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, Cambridge University Press. Thomas Kuhn (1970) The Nature and Necessity of Scientific Revolutions from T. Kuhns The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chapter 9, University of Chicago Press. Thomas Kuhn (1977) Objectivity, Value Judgment, and Theory Choice from Kuhns The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change, University of Chicago Press. Larry Laudan (1984) Dissecting the Holist Picture of Scientific Change from Laudans Science and Values, Chapter 4, University of California Press. Helen Longino (1990) Values and Objectivity from Longinos Science as Social Knowledge, pp. 62-82, Princeton University Press.

The Structure of Scientific Theories

Rudolf Carnap (1966) The Nature of Theories in Martin Gardner (ed.) Philosophical Foundations of Physics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. Basic Books. Fredrick Suppe (1972) Whats Wrong with the Received View of the Structure of Scientific Theories Philosophy of Science, Volume 39. Bas van Fraassen (1980) To Save the Phenomena from Bas van Frasssens The Scientific Image, Chapter 3. Paul Oppenheim and Hilary Putnam (1958) Unity of Science as a Working Hypothesis in H. Feigl, M. Scriven, and G. Maxwell (eds.) Concepts, Theories, and the Mind-Body Problem, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume II, pp. 3-36. Patrick Suppes (1978) The Plurality of Science from P.D. Asquith and I. Hacking (eds.) PSA 1978, Volume II, Philosophy of Science Association, pp. 3-16.


David Hume (1748) The Problem of Induction, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Sections 4-7. Nelson Goodman (1955) Fact, Fiction, and Forecast, especially chapters 4 and 5. Carl Hempel (1965) Studies in the Logic of Confirmation in Carl Hempels Aspects of Scientific Explanation and other Essays in the Philosophy of Science. Karl Popper (1972) Conjectural Knowledge: My Solution of the Problem of Induction in Poppers Objective Knowledge. Wesley Salmon (1990) Rationality and Objectivity in Science or Tom Kuhn meets Tom Bayes, in C. Wade Savage (ed) Scientific Theories, volume 14, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics Bks. I-III.5, VII, X Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals Mill, Utilitarianism G. E. Moore, Principia Ethica chs.I-III, VI W. D. Ross, The Right and the Good ch. II J. Rawls, A Theory of Justice Part One plus ch. VII Consequentialism and Its Critics, S. Scheffler (ed.). Papers by Williams, Nozick, Railton. Virtue Ethics, Crisp and Slote (eds.). Papers by Anscombe, Williams, Louden.. Gary Watson On the Primacy of Character in Identity, Character, and Morality ed. Flanagan and Rorty Feminist Ethics, C. Card (ed.). Papers by Jaggar, Baier. Virginia Held, Feminist Transformations of Moral Theory Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 1990. Samantha Brennan, Recent Work in Feminist Ethics Ethics 1999. David Gauthier, Morality and Advantage Philosophical Review 1967. Philippa Foot, Morality as a System of Hypothetical Imperatives Philosophical Review 1978. Bernard Williams ,Internal and External Reasons. In Bernard Williams, Moral Luck. Thomas Nagel, The Possibility of Altruism, chs. II, V, VI. J. L. Mackie, Ethics, ch. 1 R. M. Hare, The Language of Morals chs. 1, 5, 7. D. Parfit What Makes Someones Life Go Best in Derek Parfit, Reasons and Persons Appendix I Hobbes, Leviathan, First Part chaps 1-16, Second Part chaps 17-21 Locke, 2nd Treatise on Civil Government Mill, On Liberty Rawls, Theory of Justice, Part One and chap VIII.

Rawls, Kantian Constructivism in Moral Theory J. Phil. 77 (1980) and The Idea of Public Reason Revisited," University of Chicago Law Review 64:765-807 (1997). Both reprinted in Rawls, Collected Papers ed. S. Freeman, Harvard 1999 Nozick, Anarchy, State and Utopia 1974 Part II W. Kymlicka, Contemporary Political Philosophy J. Waldron, Theories of Rights OUP 1984. (Contains intro by Waldron, papers by MacDonald, Vlastos, Hart, Gewirth, Lyons, Scanlon, Dworkin, Mackie, Raz. Recommended papers: Waldron Intro, Vlastos, Hart, Lyons, Dworkin, Mackie, Raz) Susan Moller Okin, Justice, Gender, and the Family, New York: Basic Books, 1989 Chaps 1,2, and 5. Catharine MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, Harvard University Press, 1989. Part I. G. A. Cohen, "Self-Ownership, Communism, and Equality," Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supp. Vol. 64: 25-44 (1990) Isiah Berlin, Two Concepts of Liberty, Four Essays on Liberty (1969) Bernard Williams, The Idea of Equality, Philosophy , Politics and Society 2nd Series, ed Laslett and Runciman, 1979. Amartya Sen, Equality of What?, The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, ed. McMurrin, CUP 1980 Martha Minow, Justice Engendered, Harvard Law Review 101 (1987) Elizabeth Anderson, "What is the Point of Equality?," Ethics 99/2:287-337 (1999) Richard Arneson, "Luck Egalitarianism and Prioritarianism, " Ethics 110/2:339-49 (2000)

L = Peter Ludlow. Readings in the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997. M3 = A. P. Martinich. The Philosophy of Language. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. M4 = A. P. Martinich. The Philosophy of Language. 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. RT = Jay F. Rosenberg and Charles Travis. Readings in the Philosophy of Language. Prentice Hall, 1971.

General Surveys/Background Reading

Kenneth Taylor. Truth and Meaning. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. Bob Hale and Crispin Wright. A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. Oxford: Blackwell, 1997 Scott Soames. Understanding Truth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999

Truth and meaning Gottlob Frege. The thought (1925). L 9-30 Alfred Tarski. The semantic conception of truth (1944). M3 61-84, M4 69-91, L

H. P. Grice. Meaning (1957). M3 85-91, M4 92-97 Donald Davidson. Truth and meaning (1967). L 89-108, M3 92-103, M4 98-109 P. F. Strawson. Meaning and Truth (1970). M3 104-114, M4 110-119 The analytic/synthetic distinction W. V. O. Quine. Two dogmas of empiricism (1951). M3 39-52, M4 47-60, RT 63-80 H. P. Grice and P. F. Strawson. In defense of a dogma (1956) RT 81-93 Hilary Putnam. The analytic and the synthetic (1966) RT 94-125 Aaron Sloman, Necessary, a priori and analytic, Analysis 26, 1965-6, pp. 12-16. Saul Kripke. Naming and necessity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980. Lecture I. Reference, descriptions, proper names Gottlob Frege. On sense and reference/nominatum (1892). L 563-584, M3 186-198, M4 199-211 Bertrand Russell. On denoting (1905). M3 199-207, M4 212-220 Bertrand Russell. Descriptions (1919). L 323-335, M3 208-214, M4 221-227, RT 166-174 P. F. Strawson. On referring (1950). L 335-360, M3 215-230, M4 228-242, RT 175-194 John Searle. Proper names (1958). L 585-592, M3 249-254, RT 212-218 Keith Donnellan. Reference and definite descriptions (1966). L 361-382, M3 231-243, M4 247-258, RT 195-211 Gareth Evans. The causal theory of names (1973). L 635-656, M3 271-284, M4 296-307 Saul Kripke. Speaker's reference and semantic reference. L 383-414 Saul Kripke. Naming and necessity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980. Lecture I and II Hilary Putnam. Meaning and reference (1973). M3 284-291, M4 288-295 David Kaplan. Demonstratives. In: Joseph Almog and John Perry (eds.), Themes from Kaplan, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989, 481-563 Nathan Salmon, Reference and information content. In Handbook of Philosophical Logic IV Propositional attitudes W. V. O. Quine. Quantifiers and propositional attitudes (1956) Jac 285-291, M3 330-336, M4 355-360 Donald Davidson. On saying that (1968) L 817-832, M3 337-346, M4 361-370 David Kaplan. Quantifying In (1968) Jac 318-337, M3 347-368, M4 371-391 Saul Kripke. A puzzle about belief (1979) L 875-920, M3 382-409, M4 405-431

David Kaplan. Opacity. In: Lewis E. Hahn and Paul A. Schilpp. The Philosophy of W. V. Quine. La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1986, 229-289 Speech acts J. L. Austin. How to do things with words. 2nd Edition. Cambrigde: Harvard University Press, 1975. John Searle. Speech acts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. Part I. H. P. Grice. Logic and conversation. In: Studies in the Way of Words. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989

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