NCP 4C-1
NCP 4C-1
NCP 4C-1
ding behavior (+) hematuria Inflammatio n Swell ing Redn ess Heat
NURSING DIAGNOSIS Acute pain r/t tissue trauma in the urethra secondary to prostate biopsy
INFERENC E Insertion of tube Trauma to urethral tissue Inflammati on of the urethra Pain
GOAL SHORT TERM: After 30 minutes of nursing intervention pain will be lessened as evidenced by: EXPECTE OUTCOME: Pain scale of 3-4/10 from 6/10 Absence of grimacing Absence of guarding behavior Less swelling Less redness LONG TERM: After 2 days of nursing intervention pain will be absent as evidence by: EXPECTED OUTCOME: pain scale of 0/10 from 6/10 inflammatio
INTERVENTION INDEPENDENT: Encoura ged to perform deep breathin g exercise s Provide rest periods to facilitat e comfort, sleep a Maintain on bed rest. Maintain on bed rest. Apply cold compres s DEPENDENT Adminis ter Tramad ol as
RATIONALE This exercise subsequen tly alleviates pain by relaxation Periods of rest and sleep eliminates fatigue, and enables the patient to eliminate pain perception . This would facilitate numbness on the area This would promote early healing of tissue. Pain medicatio
EVALUATION SHORT TERM: After 30 minutes of nursing intervention goal is fully met as evidenced by: EXPECTED OUTCOME: Pain scale of 4/10 from 6/10 Smiling Having a conver sation with relative LONG TERM After 2 days of nursing intervention goal is partially met as evidenced by: EXPECTED OUTCOME: Patient
ns are absorbed and metaboliz e differently by patients, so their effectiven ess must be evaluated individuall y by the patient.
verbaliz ed that there is no pain felt Affecte d part appear s to be the same as its surroun ding area Presenc e of blood in urine