Atkins, Solution, 7th Ed
Atkins, Solution, 7th Ed
Atkins, Solution, 7th Ed
Solutions to exercises
Discussion questions
Symmetry operations Symmetry elements
1. Identity, E 1. The entire object
2. n-fold rotation 2. n-fold axis of symmetry, Cn
3. Reflection 3. Mirror plane, σ
4. Inversion 4. Centre of symmetry, i
5. n-fold improper rotation 5. n-fold improper rotation axis, Sn
E15.2(b) A molecule may be chiral, and therefore optically active, only if it does not posses an axis of improper
rotation, Sn . An improper rotation is a rotation followed by a reflection and this combination of
operations always converts a right-handed object into a left-handed object and vice-versa; hence an
Sn axis guarantees that a molecule cannot exist in chiral forms.
E15.3(b) See Sections 15.4(a) and (b).
E15.4(b) The direct sum is the decomposition of the direct product. The procedure for the decomposition is
the set of steps outlined in Section 15.5(a) on p. 471 and demonstrated in Illustration 15.1.
Numerical exercises
E15.5(b) CCl4 has 4 C3 axes (each C–Cl axis), 3 C2 axes (bisecting Cl–C–Cl angles), 3 S4 axes (the same
as the C2 axes), and 6 dihedral mirror planes (each Cl–C–Cl plane).
E15.6(b) Only molecules belonging to Cs , Cn , and Cnv groups may be polar, so . . .
E15.7(b) The factors of the integrand have the following characters under the operations of D6h
E 2C6 2C3 C2 3C2 3C2 i 2S3 2S6 σh 3σd 3σv
px 2 1 −1 −2 0 0 −2 −1 1 2 0 0
z 1 1 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 1 1
pz 1 1 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 1 1
Integrand 2 1 −1 −2 0 0 −2 −1 1 2 0 0
The integrand has the same set of characters as species E1u , so it does not include A1g ; therefore the
integral vanishes
E15.8(b) We need to evaluate the character sets for the product A1g E2u q, where q = x, y, or z
To see whether the totally symmetric species A1g is present, we form the sum over classes of the
number of operations times the character of the integrand
Since the species A1g is absent, the transition is forbidden for x- or y-polarized light. A similar
analysis leads to the conclusion that A1g is absent from the product A1g E2u z; therefore the transition
is forbidden.
E15.9(b) The classes of operations for D2 are: E, C2 (x), C2 (y), and C2 (z). How does the function xyz behave
under each kind of operation? E leaves it unchanged. C2 (x) leaves x unchanged and takes y to −y
and z to −z, leaving the product xyz unchanged. C2 (y) and C2 (z) have similar effects, leaving one
axis unchanged and taking the other two into their negatives. These observations are summarized as
E C2 (x) C2 (y) C2 (z)
xyz 1 1 1 1
A look at the character table shows that this set of characters belong to symmetry species A1
E15.10(b) A molecule cannot be chiral if it has an axis of improper rotation. The point group Td has
S4 axes and mirror planes (= S1 ) , which preclude chirality. The Th group has, in addition, a
centre of inversion (= S2 ) .
E15.11(b) The group multiplication table of group C4v is
(c) Square table: E, C4 , 4σv ; therefore C4v ; Rectangular table: E, C2 , 2σv ; therefore C2v
E15.13(b) We follow the flow chart in the text (Fig. 15.14). The symmetry elements found in order as we proceed
down the chart and the point groups are
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 15.1
(c) Dichlorobenzenes:
(i) 1,2-dichlorobenzene: E, C2 , σv , σv ; C2v
(ii) 1,3-dichlorobenzene: E, C2 , σv , σv ; C2v
(iii) 1,4-dichlorobenzene: E, C2 , C2 , C2 , 3σh , i; D2h
E15.14(b) (a) H F
The following responses refer to the text flow chart (Fig. 15.14) for assigning point groups.
(c) XeO2 F2 : nonlinear, fewer than 2Cn with n > 2, C2 , no C2 perpendicular to C2 , no σh , 2σv ,
so C2v
(d) Fe2 (CO)9 : nonlinear, fewer than 2Cn with n > 2, C3 , 3C2 perpendicular to C3 , σh , so D3h
E15.15(b) (a) Only molecules belonging to Cs , Cn , and Cnv groups may be polar. In Exercise 15.13b
ortho-dichlorobenzene and meta-dichlorobenzene belong to C2v and so may be polar; in
Exercise 15.10b, HF and XeO2 F2 belong to Cnv groups, so they may be polar.
(b) A molecule cannot be chiral if it has an axis of improper rotation—including disguised or
degenerate axes such as an inversion centre (S2 ) or a mirror plane (S1 ). In Exercises 15.9b and
15.10b, all the molecules have mirror planes, so none can be chiral.
E15.16(b) In order to have nonzero overlap with a combination of orbitals that spans E, an orbital on the
central atom must itself have some E character, for only E can multiply E to give an overlap inte-
gral with a totally symmetric part. A glance at the character table shows that px and py orbitals
available to a bonding N atom have the proper symmetry. If d orbitals are available (as in SO3 ),
all d orbitals except dz2 could have nonzero overlap.
E15.17(b) The product f × (µ) × i must contain A1 (Example 15.7). Then, since i = B1 , (µ) = (y) =
B2 (C2v character table), we can draw up the following table of characters
E C2 σv σv
B2 1 −1 −1 1
B1 1 −1 1 −1
B 1 B2 1 1 −1 −1 = A2
E 2C3 3σv
A1 1 1 1
A2 1 1 −1
E 2 −1 0
sin θ 1 Linear combinations of 1
cos θ 1 sin θ and cos θ −1
Product 1 1 −1
Solutions to problems
P15.3 Consider Fig. 15.2. The effect of σh on a point P is to generate σh P , and the effect of C2 on σh P is
to generate the point C2 σh P . The same point is generated from P by the inversion i, so C2 σh P = iP
for all points P . Hence, C2 σh = i , and i must be a member of the group.
Figure 15.2
P15.6 Representation 1
and from the character table is either A1 or A2 . Hence, either D(σv ) = D(σd ) = +1 or −1
Representation 2
and from the character table is either B1 or B2 . Hence, either D(σv ) = −D(σd ) = 1 or D(σv ) =
−D(σd ) = −1 respectively.
P15.8 A quick rule for determining the character without first having to set up the matrix representation is
to count 1 each time a basis function is left unchanged by the operation, because only these functions
give a nonzero entry on the diagonal of the matrix representative. In some cases there is a sign change,
(. . . −f . . .) ← (. . . f . . .); then −1 occurs on the diagonal, and so count −1. The character of the
identity is always equal to the dimension of the basis since each function contributes 1 to the trace.
The character set 4, 1, 0, 0, 2 spans A1 + T2 . Inspection of the character table of the group Td shows
that s spans A1 and that the three p orbitals on the C atom span T2 . Hence, the s and p orbitals
of the C atom may form molecular orbitals with the four H1s orbitals. In Td , the d orbitals of the
central atom span E + T2 (character table, final column), and so only the T2 set (dxy , dyz , dzx ) may
contribute to molecular orbital formation with the H orbitals.
P15.9 (a) In C3v symmetry the H1s orbitals span the same irreducible representations as in NH3 , which is
A1 + A1 + E. There is an additional A1 orbital because a fourth H atom lies on the C3 axis. In
C3v , the d orbitals span A1 + E + E [see the final column of the C3v character table]. Therefore,
all five d orbitals may contribute to the bonding.
(b) In C2v symmetry the H1s orbitals span the same irreducible representations as in H2 O, but
one “H2 O” fragment is rotated by 90◦ with respect to the other. Therefore, whereas in H2 O
the H1s orbitals span A1 + B2 [H1 + H2 , H1 − H2 ], in the distorted CH4 molecule they span
A1 + B2 + A1 + B1 [H1 + H2 , H1 − H2 , H3 + H4 , H3 − H4 ]. In C2v the d orbitals span
2A1 + B1 + B2 + A2 [C2v character table]; therefore, all except A2 (dxy ) may participate in
P15.10 The most distinctive symmetry operation is the S4 axis through the central atom and aromatic
nitrogens on both ligands. That axis is also a C2 axis. The group is S4 .
P15.12 (a) Working through the flow diagram (Fig. 15.14) in the text, we note that there are no Cn axes
with n > 2 (for the C3 axes present in a tetrahedron are not symmetry axes any longer), but it
does have C2 axes; in fact it has 2C2 axes perpendicular to whichever C2 we call principal; it
has no σh , but it has 2σd . So the point group is D2d .
(b) Within this point group, the distortion belongs to the fully symmetric species A1 , for its motion
is unchanged by the S4 operation, either class of C2 , or σd .
(c) The resulting structure is a square bipyramid, but with one pyramid’s apex farther from the base
than the other’s. Working through the flow diagram in Fig. 15.14, we note that there is only one
Cn axis with n > 2, namely a C4 axis; it has no C2 axes perpendicular to the C4 , and it has no
σh , but it has 4σv . So the point group is C4v .
(d) Within this point group, the distortion belongs to the fully symmetric species A1 . The translation
of atoms along the given axis is unchanged by any symmetry operation for the motion is contained
within each of the group’s symmetry elements.
P15.14 (a) xyz changes sign under the inversion operation (one of the symmetry elements of a cube); hence
it does not span A1g and its integral must be zero
(b) xyz spans A1 in Td [Problem 15.13] and so its integral need not be zero
(c) xyz → −xyz under z → −z (the σh operation in D6h ), and so its integral must be zero
P15.16 We shall adapt the simpler subgroup C6v of the full D6h point group. The six π -orbitals span
A1 + B1 + E1 + E2 , and are
a1 = √ (π1 + π2 + π3 + π4 + π5 + π6 )
b1 = √ (π1 − π2 + π3 − π4 + π5 − π6 )
√ (2π1 − π2 − π3 + 2π4 − π5 − π6 )
e2 = 12
2 (π2 − π3 + π5 − π6 )
√ (2π1 + π2 − π3 − 2π4 − π5 + π6 )
e1 = 12
2 (π2 + π3 − π5 − π6 )
The hamiltonian transforms as A1 ; therefore all integrals of the form ψ H ψ dτ vanish unless ψ
and ψ belong to the same symmetry species. It follows that the secular determinant factorizes into
four determinants
A1 : Ha1 a1 = 6 (π1 + · · · + π6 )H (π1 + · · · + π6 ) dτ = α + 2β
B1 : Hb1 b1 = 6 (π1 − π2 + · · ·)H (π1 − π2 + · · ·) dτ = α − 2β
(a) The 2p orbitals involved in the π system are the basis we are interested in. To find the irrepro-
ducible representations spanned by this basis, consider how each basis is transformed under the
symmetry operations of the C2v group. To find the character of an operation in this basis, sum
the coefficients of the basis terms that are unchanged by the operation.
a a b b c c d d e e f f g g χ
E a a b b c c d d e e f f g g 14
C2 −a −a −b −b −c −c −d −d −e −e −f −f −g −g 0
σv a a b b c c d d e e f f g g 0
σv −a −a −b −b −c −c −d −d −e −e −f −f −g −g −14
To find the irreproducible representations that these orbitals span, multiply the characters in the
representation of the orbitals by the characters of the irreproducible representations, sum those
products, and divide the sum by the order h of the group (as in Section 15.5(a)). The table below
illustrates the procedure, beginning at left with the C2v character table.
(c) The ground state of the molecule has A1 symmetry by virtue of the fact that its wavefunction is
the product of doubly occupied orbitals, and the product of any two orbitals of the same symmetry
has A1 character. If a transition is to be allowed, the transition dipole must be non-zero, which in
turn can only happen if the representation of the product /f∗ µ/i includes the totally symmetric
species A1 . Consider first transitions to another A1 wavefunction, in which case we need the
product A1 µA1 . Now A1 A1 = A1 , and the only character that returns A1 when multiplied by
A1 is A1 itself. The z component of the dipole operator belongs to species A1 , so z-polarized
A1 ← A1 transitions are allowed. (Note: transitions from the A1 ground state to an A1 excited
state are transitions from an orbital occupied in the ground state to an excited-state orbital of the
same symmetry.) The other possibility is a transition from an orbital of one symmetry (A2 or
B1 ) to the other; in that case, the excited-state wavefunction will have symmetry of A1 B1 = B2
from the two singly occupied orbitals in the excited state. The symmetry of the transition dipole,
then, is A1 µB2 = µB2 , and the only species that yields A1 when multiplied by B2 is B2 itself.
Now the y component of the dipole operator belongs to species B2 , so these transitions are also
allowed (y-polarized).
P15.21 (a) Following the flow chart in Fig. 15.14, not that the molecule is not linear (at least not in the
mathematical sense); there is only one Cn axis (a C2 ), and there is a σh . The point group, then,
is C2h .
b d f h j k⬘ i⬘ g⬘ e⬘ c⬘ a⬘
a c e g i k j⬘ h⬘ f⬘ d⬘ b⬘
(b) The 2pz orbitals are transformed under the symmetry operations of the C2h group as follows.
a a b b c c ... j j k k χ
E a a b b c c ... j j k k 22
C2 a a b b c c ... j j k k 0
i −a −a −b −b −c −c ... −j −j −k −k 0
σh −a −a −b −b −c −c ... −j −j −k −k −22
To find the irreproducible representations that these orbitals span, we multiply the characters of
orbitals by the characters of the irreproducible representations, sum those products, and divide
the sum by the order h of the group (as in Section 15.5(a)). The table below illustrates the
procedure, beginning at left with the C2h character table.
E C2 i σh product E C2 i σh sum/h
Ag 1 1 1 1 22 0 0 −22 0
Au 1 1 −1 −1 22 0 0 22 11
Bg 1 −1 1 −1 22 0 0 22 11
Bu 1 −1 −1 1 22 0 0 −22 0
columns to be summed are identical to the columns in the table above. Each column sums to
zero, so we conclude that there are no SALCs of Ag symmetry. (No surprise: the orbitals span
only Au and Bg ). An Au SALC is obtained by multiplying the characters 1, 1, −1, −1 by the
first column:
4 (a + a + a + a) = 21 (a + a ).
The Au combination from the second column is the same. There are 11 distinct Au combinations
in all: 1/2(a + a ), 1/2(b + b ), . . . 1/2(k + k ) . The Bg combination from the first column is:
4 (a − a − a + a) = 21 (a − a ).
The Bg combination from the second column is the same. There are 11 distinct Bg combinations
in all: 1/2(a − a ), 1/2(b − b ), . . . 1/2(k − k ) . There are no Bu combinations, as the columns
sum to zero.
(c) The structure is labeled to match the row and column numbers shown in the determinant. The
Hückel secular determinant is:
a b c ... i j k k j i ... c b a
a α−E β 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0
b β α−E β ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0
c 0 β α−E ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
i 0 0 0 ... α−E β 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0
j 0 0 0 ... β α−E β 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0
k 0 0 0 ... 0 β α−E β 0 0 ... 0 0 0
k 0 0 0 ... 0 0 β α−E β 0 ... 0 0 0
j 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 β α−E β ... 0 0 0
i 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 β α−E ... 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
c 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... α−E β 0
b 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... β α−E β
a 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 β α−E
The energies of the filled orbitals are α +1.98137β, α +1.92583β, α +1.83442β, α +1.70884β,
α + 1.55142β, α + 1.36511β, α + 1.15336β, α + 0.92013β, α + 0.66976β, α + 0.40691β, and
α + 0.13648β. The π energy is 27.30729β.
(d) The ground state of the molecule has Ag symmetry by virtue of the fact that its wavefunction
is the product of doubly occupied orbitals, and the product of any two orbitals of the same
symmetry has Ag character. If a transition is to be allowed, the transition dipole must be non-
zero, which in turn can only happen if the representation of the product /f ∗ µ/i includes the
totally symmetric species Ag . Consider first transitions to another Ag wavefunction, in which
case we need the product Ag µAg . Now Ag Ag = Ag , and the only character that returns Ag
when multiplied by Ag is Ag itself. No component of the dipole operator belongs to species
Ag , so no Ag ← Ag transitions are allowed. (Note: such transitions are transitions from an
orbital occupied in the ground state to an excited-state orbital of the same symmetry.) The other
possibility is a transition from an orbital of one symmetry (Au or Bg ) to the other; in that case,
the excited-state wavefunction will have symmetry of Au Bg = Bu from the two singly occupied
orbitals in the excited state. The symmetry of the transition dipole, then, is Ag µBu = µBu , and
the only species that yields Ag when multiplied by Bu is Bu itself. The x and y components of
the dipole operator belongs to species Bu , so these transitions are allowed.