Log Frame Analysis
Log Frame Analysis
Log Frame Analysis
1. Introduce Logical Framework
Analysis/Approach (LFA) and its
2. Familiarize with the main steps
involved in conducting an LFA.
3. Give a concrete example.
4. Exercise on the Project Planning
Matrix (?).
7.Analysis of stakeholders
8.Analysis of problems
Stakeholders Analysis
In using the LFA approach, the stakeholder analysis is an
analysis of the problems, fears, interests, expectations,
restrictions and potentials of all:
• important groups
• organisations and institutions
• implementing agencies
• other projects and
• individuals
who may have an influence on a situation/(intended)
project or are themselves affected by it. Those analyzed
in detail should be limited to those who are perceived to:
• be able to contribute to questions to be answered .
•be important with regard to decisions to be taken.
They should constantly be referred to in developing the
Who are the stakeholders involved
in the project and how are they
Key questions to ask in preparation for
developing the logframe are:
If there is no agreement
between participants on the
statement of the problem, it
is unlikely there will be
agreement on the solution.
This stage therefore seeks
to get consensus on the
detailed aspects of the
Brainstorming techniques can be
used to identify the main problems.
All participants are invited to write
their problem ideas on small cards.
(approximately 8 in by 4 in.) The
participants may write as many
cards as they wish. The participants
then group the cards or look for
cause-effect relationship between
the themes on the cards by
After all of the problems are displayed
they should then be clustered into
groups of similar issues
Points to consider
• overall concepts, strategic plans,
• people, target groups, organizations,
Conducting a Strategy
1. ordering sequence of the
problem and objective trees
2. clustering objectives
3. feasibility of different
4. continuous task in project
Alternatives Analysis
The objective tree usually shows the large
number of possible strategies or means-end
links that could contribute to a solution to
the problem.
Since there will be a limit to the resources
that can be applied to the project, it is
necessary for the participants to examine
these alternatives and select the most
promising strategy.
After selection of the decision criteria, these
are applied in order to select one or more
means-end chains to become the set of
objectives that will form the project strategy.
Project Planning Matrix
(1) Matrix
(2) Assumptions
(3) Objective Indicators
(4) Verification
Objectively Verifiable
Means of Verification
External Factors
Narrative Summary
Indicators - OVIs -MOVs (Assumptions)
Development Objective
Immediate Objective
Outputs (Results)
Activities Inputs
1. 1.1
2. 1.2
3. 1.3
4. 1.4
Column headings -
definition of terms
Narrative Summary: This term
used to describe the text that
"narrates" the objectives. It
could have been given the title
"Hierarchy of Objectives", but
this might be misleading
because the bottom cell in the
column is a summary of the
Column headings -
definition of terms
Objectively Verifiable Indicators
(OVIs): These are the measures,
direct or indirect that will verify to
what extent the objectives have
been fulfilled. The term
"objectively" implies that if these
should be specified in a way that
is independent of possible bias of
the observer.
Column headings -
definition of terms
Means of Verification (MOVs):
These statements specify source
of the information for the
measurements or verification
specified in the indicators column.
For example, will statistics from an
external source be used for the
verification or will project
resources be used to gather the
Column headings -
definition of terms
External Factors (Assumptions): These
are important events, conditions, or
decisions which are necessarily outside
the control of the project, but which
must remain favorable for the project
objective to be attained. The
implication here is the design team
have an obligation to consider what
might derail their efforts and to plan
responsibly to reduce that risk of
Row headings -
definition of terms
Development Objective: The
higher level objective that the
project is expected to contribute
to. The addition of the word
"contribute' implies that this
project alone is not expected to
achieve the development
objective. Other project's
immediate objectives are
Row headings -
definition of terms
Immediate Objective: The effect
which is expected to be achieved
as the result of the project
delivering the planned outputs.
There is a tendency for this to be
expressed in terms of the "change
in behavior" of a group, or
institution and the project outputs
are expected to facilitate this
Row headings -
definition of terms
Outputs: These are the
"deliverables" the tangible
results that the project
management team should be
able to guarantee delivering.
The objective statements
should specify the group or
organization that will benefit.
Row headings -
definition of terms
Activities: These are the
activities that have to be
undertaken by the project
to produce the outputs. The
activities take time to
Row headings -
definition of terms
Inputs: These are the
resources that the project
"consumes" in the course of
undertaking the activities.
Typically they will be human
resources, money, materials,
equipment, and time.
Vertical Logic
• Vertical Logic: The vertical logic is the
reasoning which "connects" the three levels
of objectives in the matrix; the outputs, the
purpose, and the goal. For example
achievement of all the output level
objectives should lead to achieving the
purpose. Each of these links between the
objectives is connected by a hypotheses.
• For example at the bottom level - the
implementation hypotheses the
implication is "we believe that in the
environment of this project the planned
outputs will produce the planned result. At
Horizontal Logic
• The horizontal logic has similar
features to the vertical logic. In this
case, the links between the levels of
objectives are the items in the
External Factors column.
• For example, if the project is
successful in implementing all of the
planned activities, we ask ourselves,
what circumstances or decisions
(outside the project's control) could
Operational phase of a project to
achieve the expected outputs/results
Plan of Operations
3.workplans / work schedules
4.project budget / resources plans
5.personnel plans
6.material and equipment plan /
procurement plan / staff
7.training plans
Plan of Operations
Implementation should have a plan of
operations i.e. the detailed plan for the
implementation of project. It is established by
the project team and will be documented as:
•workplans / work schedules
•project budget / resources plans
•personnel plans
•material and equipment plan / procurement
plan / staff
•training plans.
The work plan and the project budget
constitute the core of the Plan of Operations.
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesse
S-W s
Opportunitie S-O W-O
Sourcing of funds 1 Project funded Appropriate and July – CFI Project Proposal
on-time December
Lending of Initial 1,000 farmers Credible and Jan 2006 CFI Project Funds,
capital entered into MOA reliable onwards staff
through MILALITTRA partners
Monitoring 1,000 hectares Seasonal and Planting: CFI staff Transpo cost,
plantation monitored regular May-Dec of supplies
every year,
Buying and Trading At 80% target Medium term 2007 CFI Project Funds
volume attained
Target Output Time
Activities In-Charge Resources
Qty. Quality Frame
Planning 1 Action Plan Attainable August 2005 CFI BOD, Funds
Phasing-out of Pre-schools 2 pre-schools Acceptable terms July 2005 – CFI None
May 2006
Signing of MOA with St. 1 MOA signed Acceptable terms July 2005 – CFI & Therese None
Therese H/S May 2006 H/S
Review / Reformulation of 1 standard Appropriate, July 2005 – CFI staff, Supplies
Adult Education modules module attuned to May 2006 teachers,
developed indigenous DepEd
Adult Literacy Program 450 IPs Can read & write, 2006-2010 CFI staff and Rooms,
learned spiritual, teachers teachers,
cultural, and teaching
social values materials
Drafting of ADSDPP
IEC on Environmental 15-20 IP leaders Appropriate & July 2005 CFI, NCIP, Funds, resource
Management informed understandable MILALITTRA, & persons
Tribal Leaders’ 15-20 IP leaders participative Aug 2005 CFI, NCIP, & Funds, resource
Consultation consulted MILALITTRA persons
Narrative Verifiable Means of Assumptions
Summary Indicators Verification & Risks
Goal (OVI)
Poverty reduction of IPs 60% HH poverty NSO census of 2010;
reduction by year 2010 NEDA Report
•Enterprise Development 1,000 HH involved in CFI Annual Report ADSDPP completed
•Capability-Building livelihood activities and implemented
MILALITTRA LGU Annual Performance Funds accessed
representation in the Report Training conducted
MDC by 2007
Actual implementation CFI Report / MILALITTRA
Output: of ADSDPP by year Report to NCIP
•Enterprise Development 2008
• reduction of poverty 60% increased family Municipal Treasurer’s Funds are accessed
incidence income Report from funding agency
• increased Training conducted
• Capability-Building conceptualized by NCIP report
• conceptualization 2005; implemented by LGU annual performance
and implementation 2006 report
of ADSDPP 10% increase in LGU annual performance
• increased literacy literacy rate report
rate 10% reduction in crime
•improved peace and rate
Narrative Verifiable Means of Assumptions
Summary Indicators Verification & Risks
Activities (OVI)
Planning One (1) year plan CFI Plan of Action Funds are accessed
drafted by July 2005 from funding agency
6. HKI Willing to address the Maybe able to provide assistance Coordinate with the
problem to the program LGU and other
7. Other Willing to address the Maybe able to provide assistance Coordinate with the
donors problem to the program LGU and other
Expected effect of possible project interventions among stakeholders