Business+Communication 1,2
Business+Communication 1,2
Business+Communication 1,2
Flow of communication
At the workplace
* Upward
* Downward
From superiors to the employee
* Lateral
From one employee to another
What is Communication
Communication is an exchange of information from the sender to the receiver with the message being understood as intended by the sender
Speaks Writes Acts Draws
The receiver
Listens Reads Observes
Communication as INTERACTION: the exchange of information between two (or more) individuals through the symbols and their accompanying meaning. Communication as MEANING CONSTRUCTION: the process by which two or more individuals arrive at ostensibly shared (or common) meanings or understandings for symbolic actions.
Importance Of Communication
Organizational / Functional: greater information access and awareness Improves coordination: reduces logical gaps Encourages cooperation: helps bring everyone in the mainstream Gives a direction: to tasks and activities
.. Importance Of Communication
Decision making aid
Barriers to Communication
A barrier reduces or changes the quality of the message being transmitted
Types : 1. Physical
Poor health Sound / noise Unsuitable temperature Distractions
2. Psychological
Lack of Concentration Attitude and bias Lack of self discipline Low emotional state
Be clear about the message to be sent Be precise and to the point Do not be verbose Use a language understandable to the receiver Write the message if required Request a feedback to ensure receipt of message
Be attentive Concentrate on the message Ask for clarifications wherever required Listen objectively Listen for body language Make notes if required
Communication types Verbal Oral - the spoken language Non verbal Written Body language Expressions - facial, gestures, signs
Medium of Communication
Gateways to Communication
A barrier removed is a gateway created. We need to eradicate the miscommunication by practicing certain things. 1. Creating within one self the need and willingness to understand 2. Making the message appropriate to the receivers frame of reference ( speak the language of the listener)
.. Gateways to Communication
3. Ability to describe others behavior without evaluating or interpreting. 4. Ask for feedback from the receiver 5. Reinforce communication by using more than one channel to convey the message (Verbal, written, nonverbal)
1. Plan your communication maintain clarity of purpose why, maintain clarity of idea, what.
. Effective Communication
3. Remove barriers . build gateways DOs DONTs - seek first to understand - remove all prejudices and then to be understood - overcome any distractions - empathize with other people - reduce length of - values, beliefs, needs & sentiments communication channel - use a common language - clarify ideas before communicating
.. Effective Communication
4. Active Listening Listen with an open mind Make an effort to understand Empathize ..reflect understanding Be aware of what is said and what is not said Dont jump to conclusionsdraw conclusions 5. Feedback Check for accurate receipt of message Check action/outcome in relation with the intent of the message. Improve/alter message, if required.
Listening- Interpretation
What the receiver receives may be different from what the sender sends. What receiver receives depends on
His behavior Past experiences His values, motivation, need or his attitude His world
Ability to concentrate genuine desire to understand the other persons point of view Sensitivity to needs, emotions and body language Humility: You might have a point of view and I respect you A belief that other people are important and worth listening to.
Importance Of Feedback
Feedback is necessary to check the effectiveness of the communication. Feedback helps reflect upon how well the message has been encoded, transmitted and understood. Feedback helps make mid-course correction if found required. - in terms of action : changing strategy - in terms of communication : changing message
ask for it you are the sender or offer it if you are the receiver observe evaluate the results achieved as against the objectives set be objective while giving or receiving it focus on the task and performance aspects not the individuals personality
Official Communication
1. Flow : vertical/horizontal/cross 2. Content : top-down are in the form of orders or directives bottom-up are in the form of feedback or complaints 3. Through a proper channel : Who is the end audience? Who should know first ? What should the network be ?
4. Information is power. One who has the authority to communicate is considered powerful.
Communication Ethics
If intimation is power, and if we have information, then we must respect and handle our communication with restraint. Key Points: maintain confidentiality confidential information is trust reposed Confidential information is trust betrayed certain information is `need to know - the job demands it, certain information is `desire to know - it may help in my job, and certain information is `desirable to know, it may increase my power, fame and status. Gossiping is like `stabbing in the back
. Communication Ethics
Ownership of information - Permission of the owner is a must before using it. Knowledge of information vs. use of information - having information does not mean you can use it. Communication must flow through a proper channel - cutting across channels causes heartburns, hurt and misunderstandings Timing and place - be careful and sensitive to it.
Written Communication
Written communication as compared to oral communication is at a disadvantage because of the absence of non-verbal gestures, voice variation and physical expressions. This as a result increases the importance of clarity and accuracy of the content of our written message. To have effective written communication, certain steps and guidelines may help.
The steps
(Your communication)
Write it
(Commit it on paper)
Step -1 Plan Like nearly any activity, written communication too requires a plan and a structure. Certain things must be clearly ascertained, like, Sender : From whom is the communication starting ? Receiver : Who is the end receiver/audience of the written communication? Purpose : Why are we making the communication ? What is the expected outcome ? What do expect the receiver to do ?
These questions when answered and related will help us understand and design the path, requirements and the construction of the message.
Step 2. Keep it Short & Simple (K.I.S.S.) The Structure of the content of the message must be, Brief: Brevity and simplicity avoids any confusion in understanding the message. Specific : Only the issue or matter in question must be addressed. Other unrelated matters must not be included as it might decrease the significance of the main topic. Sequence:The flow of or written communication must follow a logical and stepwise format.
Step 2. Keep it Short & Simple (K.I.S.S.) The Structure of the content of the message must be, Short Sentences : They facilitate easy and correct understanding of the message. Simple usable words : Everyday used words maintain the harmony and expression of our communication. Facts and Figures ; They help to give our communication objectivity. Relying on unclear, subjective assumptions and expectations blurs the message.
Meaning of the facts Supporting data and clarification of the facts would help in the clarity of our communication. Suit it to the audience One message may need different degrees of explanations. This depends on the context, frame of reference and understanding capability of the receiver in question. We must explain and elaborate our message depending on the receiver.
Call for action Our written communication should look for expected action to be taken based on it. Request feedback Our written communication must call for acknowledgment of receipt of information.Supporting the acknowledgment must be specific feedback on how the communication has been understood.
Step 3. Write It Once we have done the above, we could proceed to actually writing our communication on paper, bearing a few things in mind.
Step 4. Edit your writing Effective editing is another step towards good writing. The key points to remember during editing are, Edit your draft as brutally as if it was someone elses copy. Edit your draft from the readers point of view Be specially critical of the first few paragraphs
Step 4. Edit your writing (cont.) Look out for problems in any section you wrote when you were bored or tired. Carefully study the content of your draft details, flow, forgotten points, unrelated issues etc. Edit for brevity and clarity Read aloud for style and tone Edit again
LET ME SPEAK finger tapping foot tapping staring AGGRESSIVE leaning forwards finger pointing fists clenched DEFIANT (standing) hands on hips frown LYING touches face hand over mouth pulls ear eyes down glances at you shifts in seat looks down and to left
LISTENING BORED ENGAGED head tilted staring into space leaning forward lots of eye slumped posture open body contact doodling open arms nodding foot tapping open hands high blink rate LET ME GO EAGER EVALUATING feet towards door (sprint position) sucks glasses/ looking around open legs pencil buttoning jacket feet under chair strokes chin REJECTION on toes looks up and right sitting/moving back leaning forward legs crossed in arms folded READY TO 4 pos. legs crossed 11 pos AGREE (ankle on knee) (thigh on knee) head closes papers ATTENTIVE down frown pen down (standing) DEFENSIVE hands flat on table arms behind back (standing) smile open feet feet pointing in hands clenched
What is a presentation
A method of communicating with an audience by explaining or discussing on particular subject(s) aided by different tools
Tools for effective presentations Transparencies Overhead projector Audio Visual facilities Handouts Computer aided presentation - Power Point, CD ROM Role plays, case studies, quizzes
An effective method of putting ideas across in a comprehensive manner
Values Moods Emotions
Concepts, importance, barriers and ways to overcome them Types, medium, gateways to communication Effective Communication how to achieve Listening importance, effective listening Feedback importance, how to receive Organizational communication, memos Communication Ethics Written Communication steps Body Language - Types Presentation Skills how to deliver effective presentations